Annoucement Sheet MTF 2014


Annoucement Sheet MTF 2014
the Biggest Tourism Fair
in Ea5tern Indonesia
The 15'n
Message from the Governor of East Java
EastJavais proud to host the I 5th MajapahitTravel Fair (MTF)in 2014.
O n b e h a l fo f t h e G o v e r n m e nat n d t h e p e o p l eo f E a s tJ a v a ,I w o u l d l i k e t o e x t e n da
very warm invitation to the travel professionalsand tourism industries to
p a r t i c i p a t ei n t h e a n n u a lM T Fh e l d o n M a y 8 - t t , 2 o L 4 i n s u r a b a y aT. h e M T Fi s
a n e x c e l l e n tp l a t f o r m t o b u i l d n e t w o r k i n ga n d e s t a b l i s hb u s i n e s sc o n t a c t s .I t
has been attendedby both internationaland domesticbuyers,a wide variety of .;*-s e l l e r s o f E a s t J a v a t o u r i s t d e s t i n a t i o n s ,h o t e l s , r e s o r t s a n d t r a v e l r e l a t e d
s e r v i c e sa s w e l l a s i n d u s t r y p o l i c y m a k e r s ,a c a d e m i c i a n st,o u r i s m o b s e r v e r s
andthe media.
While in EastJava,do take the opportunity to discover and experienpe,.{rolionly
the spectacular
natural tourist attractions but also the unique blend of offers - from ethrlfgculiures, exotic fruit and
c u i s i n e ,c o l o r f u l d a n c e st o n i g h t l i f e ,a n d y o u c a n m e e tt h e d i f f e r e n tk i n d s o f e t h n i c ss p r e a da c r o s st h e 3 g
r e g e n c i e sT. h e ya r e p o t e n t i a l l yp r o m o t e da n d o f f e r e dt o o t h e rn a t i o n s .
To comfort the visitors, EastJavaboastsits rapid developmentof tourism infrastructuressuch as
t h e g r o w i n g o f n e w h o t e l s i n S u r a b a y an, e w t o u r i s t a t t r a c t i o n s ,s h o p p i n gb l o c k s a n d m a l l s , a n d m o r e
d i r e c t f l i g h t s . T h e J u a n d ai n t e r n a t i o n a a
l i r p o r t h a s a l a r g e ra r e aa n d a c c o m m o d a t e sm o r e a i r l i n e st h a n
ever before' It also has direct flights from and to other countriessuch as Malaysia(KualaLumpur, penang
and Johor Bahru),Singapore,Hong Kong,BruneiDarussalam,Thailand(Bangkok)and Taiwan(Taipei).
I a m c o n f i d e n ty o u w i l l f i n d t h a t t h e p r o v i n c eo f E a s tJ a v ai s r e a d ya n d c o m m i t t e dt o t h e c o n t i n u i n g
d e v e l o p m e n to f t h e t r a v e l a n d t o u r i s m i n d u s t r y . I w i s h y o u r a c t i v e p a r t i c i p a t i o ni n M T F 2 0 1 4 w o u l d
g r e a t l yd e v e l o py o u r b u s i n e s so p p o r t u n i t i e sh, a v em a n y b u s i n e s sc l i e n t sa n d n e w f r i e n d sf r o m I n d o n e s i a ,
a c h i e v ee v e r y s u c c e s si n y o u r b u s i n e s sm e e t i n g sa n d h a v e t h e m o s t e n j o y a b l ea n d f u n s t a y h e r e i n E a s t
Therefore,once again on behalf of the governmentand the people of EastJava,I look forward to
personallyseeingyou in the MTF2014in EastJava.
of EastJava
A Warm Invitation from The Executive
Director of East Java Government Culture
and Tourism Service
I cordially welcome delegatesfrom around the world to the l5'" MTF
(MajapahitTravel Fair)2014 at the Grand City Convex,Surabayaon May 8 - I l,
To maintain the closerelationshipwith the buyers,sellersand corporate
travel execufi$bSbFtHe,U++,EastJavaGovernmentCulture and Tourism Servicein coordinationwith the
tourism industrief"Ufftl+ tif5tinctive experiencesin dealing tourism business transaction as MTF is a
must-attendedevent iif fndonesia.For I4 years consecutively,MTF has gained a world wide recognition
for its successfultourism businessmeeting.MTF continuesto play a major role in promoting travel and
tourism industry and as the leading tourism markets in Indonesiacontributing towards the growth and
successof our countrv.
The 15th MTFwill be the most fruitful transactionthan ever.To show the great awarenessand well
concernedof healthand environment,the theme of this year'sMTFis Sportand Recreation,as the effort to
encouragethe young generationto careabout the healthand environmentfor socialwelfaredevelopment.
This year,MTF stagesa businessmeetingas the major activity to provide the chancefor the international
and domesticbuyers to meet with the sellersfrom EastJavaand other regionsthroughout Indonesia,and
tourism exhibition to showcaseand market tourism potentials directly to the consumers.We have also
organizeda half-day seminar featuring qualified speakerson the health and tourism. After the seminar,
the participants can see and witness the attractivetraditional culture from each region in EastJavaand
join familiarization trip to severalpopular tourist destinations.With this format, we wish each delegate
would have the opportunity not only to meet with the sellersfaceto face,but also to enjoy some exciting
cultural programsand beautiful tourist attractionsin EastJava.
I wish your active participation in the MajapahitTravel Fair 20I4 would create a successfuland
fruitful businessand make better partnershipsfor you to expand into our dynamic market. In this good
opportunity, I would like to expressmy deep gratitude to ASITA,PHRI,CasaGrande Surabaya,Garuda
Indonesia,other airlinesfor providing their greatsupport to MTF.
My best wishesare to all delegatesfor achievinggreatsuccessin MTF2014 in Surabaya.
Sincerely ours,
About the Majapahit Travel Fair (MTF) 2Ol4
The Governmentof EastJavaholds againMajapahitTravelFair (MTF),the internationalculture and
tourism event. It is an appropriate event to promote culture and tourism potential of East Java in
particular and in Indonesiain general.This annual event which has been held for fourteen times has
always shown a great successand it has been attended by a lot of participants from EastJava, other
provincesand overseas.
M a j a p a h i tT r a v e lF a i r 2 0 I 4 w i l l b e h e l d o n M a y 8 - t l , 2 O I 4 a t G r a n dC i t y C o n v e x ,S u r a b a y aT. h e
theme of the l5th MTFis Sport and Recreation.It is one of the efforts of EastJavaGovernmentto develop
the diversity of eventsand tourist attractions.It is also expectedthat MTFcan enhancethe contribution of
t o u r i s m s e c t o ra n d o p e nb u s i n e s so p p o r t u n i t yf o r p e o p l e .
MTF which is the most considerabletourism event for promotion, entertainmentand knowledge
combines the programs of Travel exchange(Travex),culture and tourism exhibition, and regional art
performances.In addition, this year will be speciallyhighlightedby sport community and recreation.
MTF Programs include Travex, a business meeting set in Table Top format between East Java
t o u r i s m i n d u s t r i e sa s s e l l e r sm e e t i n g w i t h d o m e s t i ca n d o v e r s e a st o u r i s m i n d u s t r i e sa s b u y e r s . I t i s
p o t e n t i a l t o h e l p d o m e s t i c , r e g i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a lt o u r i s m b u s i n e s sp r o m o t e a n d m a r k e t t h e i r
products also build networking. Tourism Exhibition participated by domestic and foreign exhibitors
display it's special high quality products, facilities and services.A half-day Seminarinviting reputable
tourism professionals from Indonesia will share their experience and expertise with interactive
audiences.The sellers,exhibitors, managersof tourist attractions,government tourist officials, dance
c o m p a n i e s ,c o n s e r v a t o r su, n i v e r s i t y s t u d e n t sa n d t h e p u b l i c w i l l a t t e n d t h e s e m i n a rc o n v e n e da t t h e
MeetingRoom,GrandCity Convex,Jl. GubengPojok,Surabaya.
Aims and Objectives
MajapahitTravel Fair 2014 consistantlypositions EastJavaon the world tourism map or as national and
internationaltourist destination.
I . Creatingbusinessopportunity betweenEastJavatourism industry and other provincialand
overseastourism industry.
2. Increasingdomesticand foreign tourist arrival to EastJava
3 . A s a p r o m o t i o n a le v e n tf o r t o u r i s td e s t i n a t i o ni n E a s tJ a v aa n d o t h e r p r o v i n c e si n I n d o n e s i a
4. Developingthe cooperationbetweengovernmentand private sectors
5. Improving the capabilityof tourism operatorsespeciallyon promotion, marketingand negotiation
6 . I n c r e a s i n gt h e p e o p l e ' sa p p r e c i a t i o no n t i m p o r t a n tr o l e o f t o u r i s mi n d u s t r yi n s u p p o r t i n gr e g i o n a l
and nationaleconomy
7. Diggingand growing up the sport basedtourist attraction
B.Conservingthe valuesof regionalculture
In line with the people'sneed of health and sport basedrecreation,the Governmentof EastJavaProvince
supportsand facilitatesthe people through tourism event.Therefore,the theme of MajapahitTravel Fair
The 15"'
Travet Fair
MTF Programs
S o m ea c t i v i t i e st o b e p e r f o r m e da t t h e M T F2 0 I 4 :
Table Top
Table Top is a closed businessmeeting betweenbuyers and sellers.The sellers are from travel
agent, Hotel, tourist destinationand exhibition center of EastJava,while buyers are from domestic and
foreign countries who want to buy East Java packagetour (inbound). There is a slight difference the
o u t c o m e o f T a b l e T o p b e t w e e nt o u r i s m s e c t o ra n d i n d u s t r y s e c t o r .I n i n d u s t r y s e c t o r ,b u y e r s a r e t h e
i m p o r t e r so f I n d o n e s i a np r o d u c tw h o s et h e i r t r a n s a c t i o nc a nb e d i r e c t l ys e e ni n t h e o r d e r c o n t r a c to n t h e
m e e t i n g .W h i l e o n t o u r i s m s e c t o r ,b u y e r sa r e t h e t o u r o p e r a t o r sw h o g e n e r a t ev i s i t o r s t o o u r c o u n t r y i n
w h i c h t h e o u t c o m ec a nb e s e e ni n t o t h r e ef o r m s :
a. Beingmore recognizablethe EastJavatourism products(packagetour, hotel facility and room rate)and
t h e r e g i o n a lt o u r i s mp o t e n t i a l s .
b . I n t e r t w i n i n gt h e b u s i n e s sp a r t n e r sb e t w e e nd o m e s t i ca n d o v e r s e a st o u r o p e r a t o r sw i t h E a s tJ a v a ' s .
c . D i r e c ts e l l i n go f p a c k a g et o u r b e t w e e nb u y e r sa n d s e l l e r s C
. o n t r a c tr e a l i z a t i o ng r e a t l yd e p e n d so n
political situationand safetyof the country.
Tourism Fair
Exhibitionand Travel Exchangewill be participatedby GovernmentTourism Services,Trade
A n d I n d u s t r y ,C o o p e r a t i o nS e r v i c eS
, m a l la n d M e d i u mE n t e r p r i s e sc o m i n g f r o m p r o v i n c e s ,d i s t r i c t s ,
m u n i c i p a l i t i e so
, t h e r r e l a t e dt o u r i s m i n s t i t u t i o n s ,M i t r a P r a j aU t a m a( R e g i o n aC
l o o r d i n a t i o nF o r u m
h a v i n g t e n p r o v i n c e si n I n d o n e s i a )o, t h e r p r o v i n c e si n I n d o n e s i a p, r i v a t e s e c t o r ,t o u r i s m i n d u s t r y
( H o t e l ,R e s t a u r a n tt,o u r i s t a t t r a c t i o na n d a i r l i n e s ) ,t o u r i s m e d u c a t i o ni n s t i t u t i o n ,s p o r t c o m m u n i t y a n d
d a n c ec l u b .
Fam Trip
Fam Trip is speciallydesignedfor buyers and exhibitorsforsto directly visit and witness the
sport oriented touirst attractionsin EastJava.
Cultural Evening
To welcome delegatesfrom foreign countriesand participants,MajapahitTravel Fair holds
Cultural Eveningstaging EastJavacultural performanceand dinner party hosted by EastJavaGovernor
with specialmenus of EastJavaserved by hotels and restaurants.
S e m i n a ri s p a r t i c i p a t e db y e x h i b i t o r s ,s e l l e r s ,t o u r i s m e d u c a t i o ni n s t i t u t i o n s ,t o u r i s t a t t r a c t i o n s ,
c u l t u r a lh e r i t a g ec o n s e r v a t o r st,o u r i s m s e r v i c e si n E a s tJ a v a ,s p o r t a s s o c i a t i o na n d c o m m u n i t y . S e m i n a r
p r o v i d e s p e r s p e c t i v ea n d i n s i g h t i n t o t h e p a r t i c i p a n t sa b o u t t h e g r o w i n g d i v e r s i t y o f s p o r t s - b a s e d
t o u r i s mi n l i n e w i t h t h e t h e m eo f M T F2 0 1 4 .
East Java Traditional Dance Festival and contests
To develop the cultural values, to conserveEastJava traditional art and to accommodatethe
activity of young generation,MTF 2014 stagesEastJavatraditional dancefestival participatedby dance
clubs throughout the regenciesand cities in EastJava.The danceswill be performedon the common stage
a n d t h e c o n t e s t so n e x h i b i t i o nh a l l .
Date and Place
M T F2 0 1 4w i l l b e h e l d o n B - I I M a y 2 0 1 4 , a t G r a n dC i t y C o n v e xJ, l .G u b e n gP o j o k , S u r a b a y a .
MTFis held by The Governmentof EastJavac.q.EastJavaGovernmentCultureand Tourism Service
in coordinationwith PT.DebindoMitra Tamaand Associationof the IndonesianToursTravelAgencies-East
Java Chapter (DPDASITA)supported by PT.Garuda Indonesiaas the airline partner. IndonesiaHotel &
JavaChapter,CasaGrande,EastJavaTourism PromotionBoardand EastJava
Tourism ProfessionalAssociation(APPSI).
MTF 2OlAPrograms
I . T u e s d a y ,6 M a y
2.Wednesday,7 May
3.Thursday,8 May
4. Friday, 9 May
5 . S a t u r d a y ,I 0 M a y
6 . S u n d a y ,1 I M a y
- B o o t hS e t - u p
- Arrival (buyer,seller and exhibitor)
- Registration
- B o o t hd e c o r a t i o nb y p a r t i c i p a n t
- O p e n i n gC e r e m o n yo f M T F 2 0 1 4
- Exhibition and Travex
- TableTop Meeting(sesi 1)
- Cultural Evening
- Exhibition and Travex
- TableTop Meeting(sesi2)
- T o u r i s mS e m i n a r
- Fam Tour (Buyer)
- Cultural Performanceand Contest
- Exhibitionand Travex
- Fam Tour (Exhibitor)
- Cultural Performanceand Contest
- Exhibitionand Travex
- EastJavaTraditional DanceFestival
- C l o s i n gC e r e m o n yo f M T F 2 0 1 4
Familiarization Trip
The fam Trip of MTF2014 (ForBuyersand internationalTravelWriters)
For MTF delegates,to meet your demand and explore the real beauty of EastJavatourism potentialsyou
can participatein the following programs:
I . B r o m oT o u r
B r o m oi s a n a c t i v ev o l c a n o ,l o c a t e d7 , 8 I 0 f e e t a b o v es e al e v e l .T h i s w i l l b e a v e r y u n i q u ea n d e x c i t i n gt o u r
that will surely be one of the most memorableexperiencesof your visit to EastJava.
This remarkabletrip takes 3 hour drive from Surabayato the peacefulvillage of Ngadisariin Sukapura,
where you can stop over and have a hot cup of Javanesecoffee.From here you will be transferredto Jeeps
that will take you up to the top of Mt. Penanjakanto seea breathtakingpanoramicview of the rising sun
over the whole volcanic.There you can see Mt. Bromo and the very active Mt. Semeruthat erupts about
every 30 minutes,spewingsteamand ash upwardsto more than 2,500meters.
Then you will be transported down the mountain, acrossthe Seaof Sandvalley, to the base of the Mt.
Bromo volcano. You can either walk or take a short horse-rideup to the steps leading to the rim of the
v o l c a n o ' sc r a t e r .I t i s r e c o m m e n d e dt o b r i n g w a r m c l o t h o r j a c k e t ,a s i t c a nb e c o l d o n t h e m o u n t a i n s .
East Java is the paradise for international golfers. Many golf courses are designed by world-class
designers.They are locatedin Surabaya,Malang,and Pasuruanwith tranquilling mountainousview, best
suited for internationalchampionship,family club and relax.All golf coursesare facilitated with hotels
and restaurants.
3. Rafting
EastJavaoffers many white water rafting placeswhich are readyto provide a variety of attractivepackages
with a variety of challengingrafting attractions.The visitors are guaranteedto feel satisfiedand enjoy all
facilitiesprovided. It takes2 - 3 hours to go rafting in the river as far as 9 kilometers.The packageincludes
meal and snack.
4. BatuCity
Batu City locatedat the slope of Pandermanhill with I000 m above sea level offers beautiful panorama,
cool temperatureand best plantation.Batu is popular for its plantation such as apple, strawberry,guava,
orange, dragon fruit and hydroponic vegetablesthat are free from pesticide. You can enjoy guided
plantation tour to seehow to grow and pick up the fruit in harvestseason.You can taste some speciesof
appleslike Anna, RomeBeautyand Manalagior buy someother fruit productswhich are locally processed
like strawberryjam, applejam, applejuice, and apple chip.
5 .O u t b o u n d
For adventuring, trekking, camping and outbound activity, Pasuruan Regency offers a thrilling
a d v e n t u r o u sp l a c e .T h e a r e a i s d e s i g n e dt o b u i l d e c o - t o u r i s mr e s o r t a n d e m p o w e rt h e c o m m u n i t y b y
equippingthem with new skills and expertise.Trainingsprovided to local peopleare organicfarming, chip
making (snack),livestock wasp, mix crop-plantationand conservingthe natural environment.Facilities
a v a i l a b l ea r eg u e s th o u s e ,c a m p i n g ,o u t b o u n da n d e x p e r tg u i d e .
Travel Fair
Majapahit Travel Fair (MTF) ZOLA
Programsfor Buyersand Sellers
I . T u e s d a y ,6 M a y
2 . W e d n e s d a y , 7M a y
3 . T h u r s d a y 8, M a y
4. Friday, 9 May
5 . S a t u r d a y ,l 0 M a y
6 . S u n d a y ,l l M a y
- B o o t hS e t - u p
- Arrival (buyer,seller and exhibitor)
- Registration
- B o o t hd e c o r a t i o nb y p a r t i c i p a n t
- O p e n i n gC e r e m o n yo f T R A V E X
- Exhibition and Travex
- T a b l eT o p M e e t i n g( s e s it )
- O p e n i n g& C u l t u r a lE v e n i n go f M T F 2 0 1 4
- Exhibition and Travex
- T a b l eT o p M e e t i n g( s e s i2 )
- Tourism Seminar
- Fam Tour (Buyer)
- C u l t u r a lP e r f o r m a n c e
and Contest
- Exhibition and Travex
- Fam Tour (Exhibitor)
- Cultural Performanceand Contest
- Exhibition and Travex
- EastJavaTraditionalDanceFestival
- C l o s i n gC e r e m o n yo f M T F 2 0 I 4
- B u y e r sb a c k t o t h e i r c o u n t r i e s
l . T o u r r e g i s t r a t i o ni s r e q u i r e da t t h e r e g i s t r a t i o nc o u n t e r( M e e t i n gR o o m e n t r a n c e )
2. We require your flight ticket copy for reconfirmationand internal filling purpose.
K i n d l y s u b m i t y o u r t i c k e t u p o n r e g i s t r a t i o no n 9 M a y 2 0 I 4 a t t h e e n t r a n c eo f M e e t i n g
Room Grand City Convex(RegistrationDesk).
Majapahit Travel Fair (MTF) 2Ol4
PemerintahProvinsiJawaTimur menyelenggarakan
kembali MajapahitTravel Fair (MTF),sebuah
event budaya dan pariwisatayang berskalainternasional.Event ini merupakanwadah yang tepat untuk
mempromosikanpotensi budaya dan pariwisataJawaTimur khususnyadan Indonesiapada umumnya.
Eventtahunanyang telah diselenggarakan
lima belaskali ini selalumenunjukkankesuksesanpada setiap
dengandiikuti oleh pesertadari dalamdan luar ProvinsiJawaTimur sertamancanegara.
MajapahitTravelFair 2014 diselenggarakan
di GrandCity Convex,Jl. GubengPojok,Surabayapada
Mei 2014. Pada
ke - I5 tahun ini tema yang diambil adalah"sport and
Recreation", yang merupakan upaya
Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk menumbuhkan
keanekaragamanevent dan daya tarik wisata. Dengan diselenggarakannyaMTF, diharapkan terjadi
peningkatankontribusi sektorpariwisatadan tumbuhnya peluangusahabagi masyarakat.
MTF merupakan ajang promosi, tontonan dan penambahanwawasan bagi masyarakat,yang
memadukanjual beli paket wisata (travex),pameran budaya dan pariwisata,serta penampilankesenian
daerah. Disamping itu pada tahun ini pameran akan dimeriahkan oleh komunitas sport dan rekreasi.
Travelexchange(travex)merupakanpertemuanbisnis antaraindustri pariwisataJawaTimur selakuseller
dengan industri pariwisata dari dalam dan luar negeri selaku buyer, dalam bentuk Table Top Business
Meeting.Kegiatanini sangatpotensialuntuk membantu para pelaku bisnis pariwisatadomestik,regional
bahkan internasional dalam mempromosikan dan menjual produknya serta memperluas jalinan
Maksud dan Tujuan
MTF 2014 dimaksudkanuntuk secarakonsisten menempatkanJawa Timur pada peta
pariwisatadunia atau sebagaidaerahtujuan wisatanasionaldan internasional.
Adapun tujuan diselenggarakannya
. Menciptakanpeluangbisnis (dalambentuk transaksi)antarapenjualdan pembeli.
. Meningkatkankunjunganwisatawanmancanegaradan nusantarake JawaTimur.
. Sebagaiajangpromosi bagi daerahtujuan wisatadi JawaTimur maupun Indonesia.
. Meningkatkankerjasamapemerintahdan swasta.
. Meningkatkankemampuan pemain industri pariwisata,khususnya dalam bidang promosi, penjualan
dan negosiasi.
. Meningkatkanapresiasimasyarakatatas pentingnya peran industri pariwisata dalam menggerakkan
perekonomiandaerahdan perekonomiannasional.
. Menggali,menumbuhkembangkandayatarik wisataberbasissport
. Melestarikannilai-nilaibudavadaerah.
Travel Fair
Seiringdenganmeningkatnyakebutuhanmasyarakatakan kebugarantubuh dan rekreasiberbasis
olah raga, pemerintah provinsi Jawa Timur mendorong dan memfasilitasikebutuhan tersebut melalui
event pariwisata.Oleh karenaitu tema MajapahitTravelFair 2014 adalah"sport and Recreation",melalui
eventdan dayatarik wisataberbasissport di JawaTimur.
MTFkita tumbuhkan keanekaragaman
Rencana Kegiatan
B e r b a g aki e g i a t a ny a n ga k a nd i s e l e n g g a r a k apna d aM T F2 0 1 4a n t a r al a i n :
Travel Exchange (Travex)
Bursa pariwisata dalam bentuk Table Top Meeting yang merupakan pertemuan bisnis antara
di meja pertemuan(bukan
buyer/pembeli dan seller/penjualyang bersifat tertutup dan diselenggarakan
di stand).Sellerberasaldari Biro PerjalananWisata,Hotel, DayaTarik Wisatadan GedungPameran.Buyer
berasaldari Biro perjalanandari dalam dan Iuar negeriyang akan membeli paket wisataJawaTimur dan
membawamasuk (inbound)wisatawanke JawaTimur. Terdapatsedikit perbedaanantarahasil TableTop
di bidang industri perdagangandengan pariwisata.Padaindustri perdagangan,buyer adalah importir
produk Indonesiaying trasittransaksinyadapatdilihat secaralangsungpadakontrak pesananpadawaktu
pertemuan. Sedangkanpada industri pariwisata,buyer adalah BPWpemasokwisatawanke negarakita
yang hasilnyadapat dilihat dalamtiga bentuk:
. Semakin dikenalnya produk wisata Jawa Timur (paket wisata, fasilitas hotel dan harga kamar),
sedangkanbagi pengeloladaya tarik wisata dan Dinas Kebudayaandan PariwisataKabupaten/ Kota
. Terjalinnya mitra usaha (business partner) antara BPW luar negeri dan atau luar provinsi dengan
. teriidinya kontrak langsung penjualan paket wisata antara buyer dan seller.Realisasikontrak akan
sangattergantungpada situasisosialpolitik dan keamanandalamnegeri.
Pameran dan Bursa Pariwisata
pameran dan bursa pariwisata akan diikuti oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata,Dinas
perindustriandan perdagangan,Dinas Koperasidan UMKM,baik di tingkat Provinsi maupun Kab./Kota
(MPU)'Provinsi serta dinas lain yang terkait dengan pariwisata,Provinsi anggota Mitra Praja Utama
provinsi lain di Indonesia,perusahaanswasta/ industri pariwisata(Hotel,Restoran,PengelolaDayaTarik
Wisata,Airlines)di JawaTimur dan provinsi Iain di Indonesia,LembagaPendidikanPariwisata,komunitas
olah raga, sanggartari dan lain-lain.
Fam Tour / Wisata Pengenalan
Fam Tour ditawarkan kepada para buyer dan exhibitor untuk menyaksikandan mengenaldari
dekat daya tarik wisata JawaTimur denganmengunjungi beberapadaya tarik wisata berorientasi pada
olah ragadi JawaTimur.
Cultural Evening
Untuk menyambut delegasibaik dari dalam maupun luar negeri,MajapahitTravelFair menyajikan
jamuan makan malam "dinner" oleh Gubernur Jawa Timur dengan sajian menu khas dari Hotel dan
Restorandi JawaTimur sertamenampilkankeseniantradisional.lawaTimur.
Seminardiikuti oleh exhibitor,seller,lembagapendidikanpariwisata,pengelolaDayaTarik Wisata
dan cagarbudaya,DinasPariwisataKabupaten/Kota seJawaTimur sertaasosiasimaupun komunitasolah
raga' Seminarini untuk memberikan wawasankepada para pesertatentang pemahamandan wawasan
dalam menumbuhkankeanekaragaman
wisataberbasisolah ragasesuaidengantema MTF 20I4.
Festival Tari Tradisional Jawa Timur dan Serbaneka Lomba
Dalam rangka mengembangkannilai-nilai budaya sekaligusmelestarikanseni tradisional Jawa
Timur serta memberi wadah kegiatanbagi generasimuda, maka pada MTF 2014 diselenggarakanFestival
Tari TradisionalJawaTimur yang diikuti oleh sanggartari di Kabupaten/ Kota di JawaTimur.
FestivalTari TradisionalJawaTimur ditampilkandi panggungutamayang terletakdi arenapameran.
Disamping FestivalTari TradisionalJawa Timur, juga diselenggarakananeka lomba di arena pameran
untuk memeriahkanevent MTF.
Waktu danTempat
K e g i a t a nM T F2 0 1 4 d i l a k s a n a k a n
p a d at a n g g a l8 - t I M e i 2 0 1 4 , d i G r a n dC i t y C o n v e x J, l . G u b e n g
Pojok, Surabaya.
Rencana Promosi dan Publikasi
Untuk mensosialisasikanMTF 2014 kepada masyarakatluas, akan dilakukan publikasi melalui
media cetak dan elektronik, website s e r t a p e m a s a n g a np o s t e r ,s p a n d u k ,u m b u l - u m b u l d a n b a l i h o d i
l-he 15
Travet Fair
4 (selama pameran berlangsung)
Rangkaian Acara MTF zOf
- S e t - u PB o o t h
l . S e l a s a6, M e i :
- Kedatangan peserta (buyer,seller dan
2 . R a b u ,7 M e i :
- Registrasi
- De*korasistand oleh pesertapameran
Up"."tu PembukaanTRAVEX
3 . K a m i s ,8 M e i :
- r i b t e T o P M e e t i n g( s e s i1 )
- Pamerandan BursaPariwisata
- Pembukaandan Cultural Eveningof MTF
- Pamerandan BursaPariwisata
4 . J u m ' a t ,9 M e i :
- TableToP Meeting(sesi 2)
- SeminarPariwisata
- Fam Tour (Buyer)
- PenamPilanKeseniandan Lomba
- Pamerandan BursaPariwisata
5 . S a b t u ,1 0 M e i :
- Fam Tour (Exhibitor)
- PenampilanI(eseniandan Lomba-Lomba
- Pamerandan BursaPariwisata
6 . M i n g g u ,l 1 M e i :
- iestival Tari TradisionalJawaTimur
- PenutuPanMTF
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