5-17-2011 LCPC minutes


5-17-2011 LCPC minutes
The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. in the Courthouse Annex
Call to Order----------------------------------------------Donald L. Hartley, Sr., Chairman
Approval of Minutes-------------------------------------Donald L. Hartley, Sr., Chairman
Final Agenda ---------------------------------------------"Sonny" Timmerman, Secretary
1.1 Old Business Items
Consent Agenda Item (None)
Ordinances (None)
2. 3
Rezoning Petition
Rezoning Petition 2011-009-H. Request submitted by Thomas J. Ratcliffe,
applicant, on behalf of the Michael E. Bryant Life Trust, to rezone 7.82 acres of land,
more or less, from RA-l (Multi-family District) to C-2 (General Commercial District) for
the purpose of mixed use commercial area for office and restaurant use. This propeliy is
located at 730 South Main Street in Hinesville and fUliher described as LCTM-Parcel
OS8A 033.
Liberty County
Rezoning Petition 2011-11-LC and Conditional Use Petition 2011-012-LC- Request
submitted Clyde Usher, owner, to rezone 6.74 acres of land , more or less, from A-I
(Agricultural District) and AR-l (Agricultural Residential District) to AR-l (Agricultural
Residential District). Concurrently with this request is conditional use petition requesting
a small retail commercial business (small craft business).This property is fUliher described
as LCTM-Parcel 236 010.
2.4 Site Plans, Preliminary and Final Plats
Site Plans
b) Preliminary Plats
Independence Settlement Phase B2
Page 1 of 1
c) Final Plats
• Griffin Park Phase 3 d) Other: General Development Plan 3.0
Executive Director' s Report
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Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission CHAIR
Donald L. Hartley, Sr.
Sarah Baker
Don Emmons
Marshall Kennemer
Lynn Pace
Josep h Pittman
Durand Standard
Jack Shuman
AI Padrick
Sonny Timmerman
The Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission met on May 17,2011 at 4:30 PM in the Liberty County
Annex Building. The Meeting was called to ordcr by Chairman Hartley. The agenda was approved as
published. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved; Chairman Hartley abstained.
Don Hartley
Don Emmons
Durand Standard
Marshall Kennemer
Lynn Pace
Sarah Baker
Joseph Pittman
Jack Shuman
AI Padrick
H.E. "Sonny" Timmerman, Executive Director
Rachel Hatcher, Transportation and Land Use Planner
Gabriel Hartage, Zoning Administrator
Alissa Davis, Planning Assistant
Abe Nadji, Director of Engineering
Curies Butler, Engineering Inspector
Jeff Ricketson, FSGMP Director
Donna Shives, Recording Secretary
Rezoning Petition
Rezoning Petition 2011-014-H. Request submitted by Thomas J. Ratcliffe, applicant, on behalf of the
Michael . Br yant Life Trust, to rezone 7.82 acres ofland, more or less, from RA- l (Multi-family
District) to C-2 (General Commercial District) for the purpose of mixed use commercial area for office
and restaurant use. This property is located at 730 South Main Street in Hinesville and further described
as LCTM-Parcel OSSA 033.
Gabriele Hartage gave the presentation. This is the very conceptual plan. Traffic issues are discussed.
This use conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. Traffic will increase and design of traffic movements and
number of access points will be very crucial. Staff recommendation is approval with standard LCPC
conditions and special conditions:
• Site layout plan needs to be approved by LCPC Commissioners and Hinesville Mayor and
Council to ensure the most advantageous traffic circulation, movements and access point(s)
especially in regards to traffic on South Main Street.
• Preliminary LCPC reviews find a singular access point off of South Main Street and off Frank
Cochran Drive to be the most sensible approach; in addition restriction to "right in and right out
only" movements onto Main Street also appears to be the most logical and appropriate solution
from a traffic standpoint.
• Site Plan shall also seriously consider the preference on having commercial buildings closer to
the road and parking to the rear as it is emphasized throughout Liberty County Consolidated
Comprehensive Plan Agenda.
Access to this parcel from Wal-Mart was discussed. This project could warrant a signal. Tom Ratcliffe,
trustee for the Michael Bryant Life Trust, stated there is a written agreement with Lowes for access. The
ditched right-of-way on Frank Cochran is approximately 200 feet. Marcus Sack, PC Simonton, stated
the city is looking at the traffic situation. No one spoke in opposition. After discussion, Chairman
Hartley asked for recommendation .
MOTION: Joseph Pittman made the Motion to Approve with staff recommended LCPC Standard
Conditions (see attached addendum) and Special Conditions.
SECOND: Jack Shuman
Liberty County
Rezoning Petition 2011-11-LC and Conditional Use Petition 2011-012-LC- Request submitted Clyde
Usher, owner, to rezone 6.74 acres ofland, more or less, from A-I (Agricultural District) and AR-I
(Agricultural Residential District) to AR-l (Agricultural Residential District). Concurrently with this
request is Conditional Use petition requesting a small retail commercial business (small craft
business).This property is further described as LCTM-Parcel 236 010.
Alissa Davis gave the presentation . There are two actions and should be considered separately. The
parcel has two zonings; this will clean up the zoning. The business will only be open I to 2 days per
week. Liberty County Zoning Ordinance allows small retail commercial establishments as a Conditional
Use upon the approval of the governing authority. Due to the large amount of acreage included with this
parcel and the low intensity commercial use, a buffer will not be necessary. Staff recommendation is
approval for the Rezoning petition 2011-011 - LC with Standard Conditions. Staff recommendation is
approval for the Conditional Use Petition 2011-012 - LC with Standard Conditions. Clyde Usher,
Petitioner, stated she currently does crafts in her barn and wants to use the barn to sell her crafts. No one
spoke in opposition. After discussion, Chairman Hartley asked for recommendation.
MOTION: Jack Shuman made the Motion to Approve Rezoning Petition 2011-011-LC with staff
recommended LCPC Standard Conditions (see attached addendum).
SECOND: Lynn Pace
MOTION: Jack Shuman made the Motion to Approve Conditional Use Petition 2011-012-LC with
Staff recommended LCPC Standard Conditions (see attached addendum).
SECOND: Durand Standard
Site Plans, Preliminary and Final Plats
Site Plans
Vaden Nissan. Flemington
Commissioner Standard recused himself; he is representing an affected property owner. Alissa Davis
gave the presentation. The proposal is for Vaden Nissan Dealership site and other future commercial
development. This proposal is for two parcels of land adjacent to Patriots Trail and US Hwy 84 in the
City of Flemington. The Developer is Vaden Automotive Group; Engineer is Thomas-Hutton
Engineering. The total Acreage is 4.58. Parcell (Vaden Nissan) is 2.60 acres. Parcel 2 (Future
Commercial) is l.98 acres. The disturbed acreage is 4.58. The existing 60 feet access easement along
south portion of property will be used by Century Link and Vaden Nissan dealershi p. A large portion of
this site is located inside the 100 year flood hazard area. The developer is proposing to mitigate a portion
of the site area to compensate for the filling inside flood hazard area. The mitigation area combined
with detention will be located on parcel 2. The following approvals are pending:
• Drainage
Sonny Timmerman stated this has already been submitted to FEMA to remove this site fro m the flood
hazard area. Two ways to mitigate the easement were discussed. Bill Daniel, who prepared site plan for
Vaden Nissan, stated they are on a tight time line; there intent is to work out an acceptable change to
meet the access concerns. Durand Standard, representing Century Link, stated they did not want to hold
the project up. Another option is this was approved contingent on FEMA flood miti gation. The volume
of water the pond could handle was discussed. Staff Recommendation is Approval with Standard and
Special Conditions:
• Flow easement agreement documents between the two properties are required.
• The existing access road width should be negotiated with the CenturyLink to be reduced to 40
feet in order to allow portion of the detention/mitigation pond and landscaping remain as
• The access easement shared by Nissan and CenturyLink should be recorded.
No one spoke in opposition. After discussion, Chairman Hartley asked for recommendation.
MOTION: Jack Shuman made the Motion to Approve with staff recommended LCPC Standard
Conditions (see attached addendum) and the following Special Conditions:
• Flow easement agreement documents between the two properties are required.
• The existing access road width should be negotiated with the Century Link to be reduced
to 40 feet in order to allow portion of the detention/mitigation pond and landscaping
rema in as designed or as agreed to by both parties and LCPC.
• The access easement shared by Nissan and Century Link should be recorded.
SECOND: Don Emmons YOTE:
Unanimous; Durand Standard recused himself from this action item. Preliminary Plats Independence Settlement Phase B2 Gabriele Hartage gave the presentation. The developer is Horse Creek partners, Clay Sikes, Hinesville, Georgia. The engineer is PC Simonton & Associates, Hinesville, Georgia. This Phase B2 is for single family detached homes on 40 lots. The Total Acreage: is 42.17, Disturbed Acreage is 25.50, and Wetland Acreage is 14.38. This is an extension of Marne Boulevard Past existing Pump station at Independence Settlement. There are no utilities in the ground. Access is by turning at the Columns to get to this project. The following approvals have been received for Phase B-2 : ~ NRCS approval on April 06, 2011.
• EPD approval on sanitary sewer and NPRL May 10,2011.
• EPD approvals on potable water system is still pending.
• Storm water drainage approval has not been issued until all required approvals are received .
Staff Recommendation is Approval with Standard LCPC Conditions and Special Conditions:
• The proposed utilities shall not be installed until all approvals have been obtained.
• The developer has agreed to correct the sewer line sags in Marne Boulevard while they install the
proposed sewer system.
After discussion, Chairman Hartley asked for recommendation.
MOTION: Don Emmons made the Motion to Approve with staff recommended LCPC Standard
Conditions (see attached addendum) and Special Conditions.
SECOND: Joseph Pittman
Don Emmons, Joseph Pittman, Durand Standard, Sarah Baker, Lynn Pace, and Jack Shuman
voted to approve; Marshall Kennemer voted against.
Final Plats
Griffin Park Phase 3
Gabriele Hartage gave the presentation. The preliminary plat was approved by the City of
Hinesville March, 2011. This proposed final plat contains 40 lots. The developer is Dryden Enterprises,
Hinesville, GA. The engineer is PC Simonton and Associates. The Total Acreage is 7.65; Total Wetland
Acreage is 1.61 . It is located on the North side of Grandview Drive and Wyckfield Way in Griffin Park
Subdivision. The developer is requesting approval of a final plat for 40 lots in the Griffin Park Planned
Unit Development. The minimum infrastructure; drainage, sewer, water, NPRL has been completed.
Prior to final plat approval by the City of Hinesville, all curb & gutter and road base have to be
completed and pass final inspection. Staff Recommendation is Approval with Standard LCPC
Conditions and Special Conditions:
• Prior to consideration by the Governing Authority, the maintenance Bond for an amount of
$49,972.50 to be su bmitted .
• Prior to consideration by the Governing Authority, a performance Bond for an amount of
$46,590.00 to be submitted for Sidewalks, Signage, lighting, and HIC ramps.
• Prior to consideration by the Governing Authority, a performance bond for an amount of
$15 ,600.00 to be submitted for Street Trees.
Items 2 and 3 must be completed within two (2) years after final approval by the Governing
Chairman Hartley stated the banks are not able to carry some developers bonds. They approve small lot
developments and not burden developer with the large amount for bonds. After discussion, Chairman
Hartley asked for recommendation.
MOTION: Jack Shuman made the Motion to Approve with staff recommended LCPC Standard
Conditions (see attached addendum) and Special Conditions.
SECOND: Durand Standard
Other: General Development Plan. None
Executive Director's Report
Alissa Davis presented the Commissioners with a possible solution to the dO\\TJ110ading of meeting materials. Staff will work to see if there is a better way to get this information to the Commissioners. Street name changes for Guyett Estates at Griffin Park Sonny Timmerman stated one of the street names was changed to Guyett Avenue . Several staff members will be in Superior Court next week for a civil suit with issues at Sunbury. They are not party to the suit; they wi ll present information only. ADJOURN There being no other business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn. 2£<:r:
' Attest: H.E . " Sonny" Ti mmerman , Secretary to the Board
Standard LCPC Conditions:
1. The applicant must obtain all required local, state and federal licenses and permits prior to
commencement of any construction
2. All plans, documents, materials, and statements contained or implied in this application are
considered to be a condition of this action
3. No change or deviation from the conditions of approval are allowed without prior notification
and approval of the Director of the LCPC or the Planning Commission, and the approving
governmental authority