March 2010 Newsletter


March 2010 Newsletter
March 2010 Newsletter
305 15th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: (515) 243-6929 • Fax: (515) 243-1747
E-Mail: [email protected] • Web Site:
Hours: Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Table of Contents
Cover Page ..................................................................................i
Contributor’s Page ....................................................................ii
Social Activities Calendar ....................................................... 1
Lunch Menu .............................................................................2
Articles, Poems, Stories, etc. ................................................ 3-7
Comic Page.............................................................................8-9
Back Page ............................................................................... 10
Employment Newsletter ....................................................... E-1
Social Activity Highlights This Month
Out of Club:
ƒ Tues., Mar. 2nd – Go to the Arcade
ƒ Tues., Mar. 9th– Out to Eat
ƒ Tues., Mar. 16th - Go Bowling
ƒ Tues., Mar. 23rd – Movies Out
ƒ Tues., Mar. 30th – Mini Golf @ GlowGolf Jordan Creek
Mon. & Wed., 3 - 4 – Attend YMCA FREE!!! (min. 3 ppl. on
Mon., now no minimum on Wednesdays!)
In Club:
ƒ Mon., Mar 1st – Make/Eat Banana Splits
ƒ Wed., Mar. 3rd – Bingo
ƒ Sun., Mar. 7th – Healthy Cooking Class
ƒ Mon., Mar. 8th – Movies In
ƒ Mon., Mar. 15th – Cards
ƒ Wed, Mar. 17th – St. Paddy’s Day Parade & Irish Sing-ALong w/John M.
ƒ Mon Mar. 29nd – Exercise Class w/ Lucy G.
ƒ Wed. Mar. 31th – Craft Night (bring your favorite craft!)
ƒ Every Fri., 9:30 – 10:00 – Coffee & Conversation
Inside the March Newsletter
Cover (i)
An update on his fight with cancer by Jesse Murphy.
An introduction by new member Tyler Jurgensen.
Some history of Ireland and Saint Patrick, the
patron saint of Ireland, by resident member historian
John Madden.
Don Carstensen looks forward to Spring and tells us
about what many college kids will be doing to
celebrate their Spring Break.
Member Gano Whetstone talks about some of the
goals she has set for herself, and accomplished, while
she’s been a Passageway member.
We have poetry and creative writing by Passageway
members Doug Booth, Julie Bird and Brenda Lett.
Susan Strike shares some interesting health news
about vitamin B3 and its role in mental health, and
also writes about an interesting parasitic plant.
We repeat a short article from last month by Tony
Padgett on Ozzy Osborne, and this time include the
drawing that Tony made (which was omitted last
Our Valentine’s Dance was a hit, and member Curtis
Cochrun shares his thoughts about it.
Rhonda Woodley tells us about a recent bowling
Julie Bird shares some tips for workers in a first job,
or in any job, in our Employment Newsletter.
Newsletter – March, 2010
Contributors to the March Newsletter
Executive Director
Linda Oleson-King
Passageway Staff
Gary Acklin
Ron Gilbert
Wendy Lindsey
John Morrow
Lucy Grask, AmeriCorps VISTA
Tim Scott, AmeriCorps VISTA
Ron Gilbert
Wendy Lindsey
Doug Booth
Don Carstensen
Curtis Cochrun
Sheila Higdon
Tyler Jurgensen
Brenda Lett
John Madden
Tony Padgett
Susan Strike
Gano Whetstone
Lucy Grask
Andora Miller Guillory
Sheila Higdon
Tyler Jurgenson
John Madden
Andora Miller
Steve Ramirez
David Rothfus
Rhonda Woodley
Proofreaders, Collators, Copiers
Kay Allbee
Susan Costa
Sue Driscoll
Paul Guillory
Andora Miller Guillory
Kim Holmes
Serena Iutzeler
Tracy Lampley
Kathy Neeson
Marla Ozinga
Steve Ramirez
David Rothfus
Amy Schreck
Connie Schweitzer
Tim Scott, AmeriCorps VISTA
Chris Simpson
Patricia Sims
Donna Weesner
Allan Willwerth
Rhonda Woodley
March Anniversaries
(Years as Passageway member in
Bonita Sheets (21)
Dale Roberts (20)
Charlotte Clevland (18)
Melvin Flying-Nice (17)
Mark Van Atta (17)
Julie Joyce (16)
Marilyn Rae (16)
Carolyn Smith (16)
Joanne Hayner (15)
Terry Hochmuth (15)
Marsha Myers (15)
Steve Ramirez (15)
Allan Schuetz (15)
Paula Robbins (14)
Duane Wallace (14)
James Chaplik (12)
Sherry Jones (12)
John Madden (12)
Tina Spagnolo (12)
Tonia Kalinich (11)
Joe Power (11)
Gini Newton (10)
Anastasia Phillips (10)
Patricia Thompson (10)
Charles Loy (9)
Ajit Acharya (8)
Pamela Clark (8)
Jeff Daley (8)
Chad Garrett (6)
David Nodsle (6)
James "Jeff" Patch (6)
Todd Reinders (6)
Paula Willey (6)
Rose Neighbors (5)
Barbara Buzzard (4)
Dwight Evans (4)
Ontina Carter (3)
Eric Livingston (3)
Mynette Logan (3)
Raymond Perry (3)
Michael Tomlinson (3)
Kirk Williams (3)
Theda Wilson (3)
Clarissa Wisneski (3)
Carl Brush (2)
Contributors Page (ii)
Jodi Driesen (2)
Allan McCrary (2)
Kevin Novak (2)
Tim Reffet (2)
Maurice English (1)
Kelly Gee (1)
Linda Johnson (1)
Heather McClarey (1)
March Birthdays
James Adams
Larry Bagley
Katrina Beeston
Teresa Bennett
Cal Bish
Jassen Cummings
Christina East
Daniel Feeney
Karl Felner-Calkins
Jacqueline Ferguson
Nancy Gates
Rita Glenn
Phillis Gue
Mark Hall
Paula Hanke
DeRonn Harris
Judy Jensen
Robin Larson
Richard Lessenger
Charles Loy
John Madden
Allan McCrary
Gene McKinnis
Iver Mohler
Harold Moraine
Jennifer Mundell
Felix Naranjo
Todd Nutt
Pedro Phrasany
Mark Pieper
Jim Randolph
Dale Roberts
Vicki Schutt
Paul St. John
Judy Storer
Naomi Tennyson
Patricia Thompson
Rebecca White
Rhonda Wood
Newsletter – March, 2010
March 2010 Social
Activity Calendar
Wellness Group
with Lucy G.
Go to an Arcade
House Plng. Mtg. for
Apr.—1 p.m.
Coffee &
9:30–10 am
YMCA 3-4
Bring $$ for
games. Be here by
3 p.m.
YMCA 3-4
Employment Mtg.
1:15 pm
Make/Eat Banana
Wellness Group
with Lucy G
Out to Eat
YMCA 3-4
Healthy Cooking
$8-10 depending
on location, which
is decided on the
day. Be here by 3
“Gateway to
Clubhouse” open
Coffee &
9:30–10 am
House Mtg.—1 p.m.
Employment Mtg.
1:15 pm
YMCA 3-4
Movies In
Wellness Group
with Lucy G
Go Bowling
Passageway Board
Mtg. 12 pm
$1.25 per game,
shoes FREE.
Bring extra $$$ for
snacks, be here by
2:30 pm
Irish Sing-Along with
John M.
Wellness Group
with Lucy G.
See Movies Out
House Mtg.—1 p.m.
Be here by 2:45.
Bring $4 plus $1
for popcorn and
$1 drinks (small
sizes) or extra $
for regular snacks.
“Gateway to
Clubhouse” open
YMCA 3-4
YMCA 3-4
Play Monopoly
Play Mini Golf at
GlowGolf Jordan
Coffee &
9:30–10 am
YMCA 3-4
Employment Mtg.
1:15 pm
YMCA 3-4
Board Games
Wellness Group
with Lucy G.
Coffee &
9:30–10 am
Employment Mtg.
1:15 pm
hours, details
to be
House Mtg.—1 p.m.
YMCA 3-4
Bring $5 per
person, be here by
Exercise Class with
Lucy G.
YMCA 3-4
Craft Night
Newsletter – March, 2010
March 2010
Food and Nutrition
March Lunch Menu
Passageway Monthly Food and Nutrition Fact:
Hot Beef
Baked Fish
Burgers and Fries
Lentil Soup
Baked Chicken
Grilled Cheese
Sandwich and
Tomato Soup
Liver and Onions
and Macaroni
and Cheese
Salad Bar
Breakfast Bar
Corned Beef and
(Board Mtg.)
Chef’s Choice
Vegetable Stir
Pork Stir Fry
Creamed Tuna
Over Noodles
Ham and Beans
Passageway Food Facts:
Lunch served Monday — Friday at noon, $2.00
Dinner served during our Monday and Wednesday “Late Night” evenings
at about 5:00 p.m., $1.50
Snack Bar is open whenever we are not serving meals, provided that we have a
member volunteer to run it.
Members may purchase pre-paid $5.00/ $10.00 meal cards to be used for meals
and/or snacks. The cards can either be kept on file at Passageway, or carried by the
Passageway Recipe of the Month:
S'More Brownies Recipe
by Julie Bird
This is delicious and easy to make!
• One package of brownie mix
• Six (6) graham crackers
• One (1) cups of miniature marshmallows
• Eight (8) milk chocolate bars, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions. Spread into a greased 9 x 13 pan.
2. In a medium bowl, break graham crackers into one inch pieces and toss with
miniature marshmallows and milk chocolate. Set s'more mixture aside.
3. Bake brownies for 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Remove, and sprinkle with
s'more mixture evenly over the top. Bake for an additional 1 to 20 minutes or
until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow brownies to cool
before cutting into squares.
National Nutrition Month: How Does
Your Diet Stack Up?
by Monica Reinagel, M.S., LD/N
March is National Nutrition Month, an
observance sponsored by the American Dietetic
Association to increase awareness about the
importance of good nutrition. How healthy is
your diet? Just for fun, here's a little quiz to rate
how your nutrition habits stack up in several
important areas. Note: You may need to
analyze a typical day's food intake to answer
some of these questions. Our tracking tools can
Answer True or False for each statement:
1. I eat at least five servings of vegetables
every day. (A serving is a half cup of
cooked vegetables or a whole cup of
uncooked greens.)
2. At least two of my vegetable servings each
day are eaten raw.
3. Over the course of the week, I eat at least
ten different kinds of vegetables.
4. I get at least 1000 mg of calcium a day.
5. I get at least half of my daily calcium from
6. I avoid cooking un-marinated meats over
direct flame or at high temperatures.
7. I keep sodium to 2500mg per day or less.
8. I keep trans fats to an absolute minimum
(less than 2% of daily calories).
9. I eat at least 25 grams of fiber a day.
10. I keep added sugars to less than 10% of
daily calories.
If you answered "true" for 8 or more statements,
you're doing a great job. If you answered "true"
for 5 to 7 statements, you're on the right track
but there's room for improvement. If you
answered "true" for fewer than 5 statements,
why not use National Nutrition Month as your
excuse to upgrade your nutrition?
Newsletter – March, 2010
Still Fighting It
by Jesse Murphy
I wanted to give the clubhouse an
update on the status of my
current fight with stomach
cancer. I am still taking chemo
once a week on Thursdays for 3
hours. I had a CAT scan a couple
weeks ago and the doctor liked
the results. I am working really
hard on trying to keep my weight
up. I went off my feeding tube a
few months
back and
am still
doing well
without it.
I was
last January
and have
since had my one year
anniversary battling this disease.
I want to thank everyone for their
support and prayers. It is my
hope to go back to work parttime this spring. Wish me luck!
Introducing Myself:
New Member Tyler
by Tyler Jurgensen
In ending of this article, if you
haven’t become a member to
Passageway, yet you should
definitely do it!
A few facts about Ireland:
Algebra Teacher
by Julie Bird
(Note: This poem was
written when Julie was
16 years old.)
So Skinny, he is falling
out of his clothes,
He is a clown, everybody
His black glasses always
slipping on his nose,
He is always wrong,
everybody knows.
Steel-gray hair, always
working like mad,
Locomotion, that is his
He even goes to the
picture shows,
But he is not with it,
everybody knows.
Where he comes from,
nobody knows,
Maybe he's the wind
whistling in the sky,
A piece of dirt in your
Everybody knows.
Some History of Saint
Patrick and of Ireland
by John Madden
My name is Tyler Jurgensen.
This is my first article for the
monthly newsletter at
Passageway. I have made
many new friends within just a
few weeks of being a
member, and it is very
exciting for me.
Saint Patrick was born in
Every club member at
Passageway is unique in their
very own way. Before
becoming a member, I was
very afraid to be a part of the
club, but now I would have to
say it was worth it.
captured Patrick, then 16 years
convert pagan Ireland to
England either March 8 or 9, 384
AD. When he became the
Catholic Saint of Ireland, it was
unknown which date was right. So
they combined the 2 days and set
it on March 17. Irish raiders
old, in 400 AD. Then they sold
him into slavery. Patrick escaped 6
years later. He studied
Christianity, and later returned to
Ireland is about the same size as
the state of Maine.
Dublin is Ireland’s capitol.
Ireland is mostly Catholic.
Many Irish came to the “New
County” (the United States)
during the Potato Famine.
Ireland is divided into 4 regions:
Ulster, Munster, Lister, &
The Shannon River is the longest
river in Ireland.
The Irish flag has 3 colors: Green
to represent the Protestants,
Orange to represent the
Catholics, and White to represent
the Unity between them.
The first Irish language was called
Ogham, after the Celtic God of
writing, Ogmis.
Leprechauns are the little people
of Ireland.
A scary woman with a high pitched
voice is called a Banshee.
Horse racing is the Irish Kings’
favorite sport.
Christ Church
is the oldest
church in
Looking Forward to Spring,
by Don Cartensen
Spring is when it starts warming
up and the flowers start blooming.
Newsletter – March, 2010
Robins start singing and it is also
the start of major league baseball.
Daylight Savings Time begins on
March 14th this year, which means
we will jump ahead an hour. St.
Patrick’s Day is on March 17th,
and in Downtown Des Moines
there will be a parade and
Passageway will be on their route.
In various bars around town they
will be serving green beer to
celebrate the holiday.
I hope everyone is happy when
spring gets here and winter is over.
Setting Goals
by Gano Whetstone
I have been a member of
Passageway for 15 years. During
that time, I
have set
many goals. I
started out
setting goals
obtaining food, finding better
housing, and keeping in MEPD.
Later on, I became involved in
Transitional Employment
program, and then Supported
Employment, and my list of goals
kept growing.
I am now more independent and
have a better quality of life. My
health has improved also, both
physically and mentally. The staff
at Passageway helped me improve
my life.
She’s Walking Through The
by Doug Booth
B3’s Mental Health Claim
to Fame
by Susan A. Strike
Vitamin B3, also known as
niacinamide, has a history of
She cried out loud to all the crowd
She cried out loud for wars to cease
general brain anti-aging and
Alzheimer’s disease):
She cried out loud someday for peace
She cried out loud for solders to come home schizophrenia.
Rock’n and roll’n like a roll’n stone
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
(considered to be the “father”
Monday afternoon they do their thing
of orthomolecular psychiatry)
They play guitar on silver strings
started using niacinamide to
treat schizophrenia in 1950.
And she is a rock’n roll queen
According to Dr. Hoffer’s
Rock’n and roll’n on the rock’n roll
figures, schizophrenic
individuals who started taking
They take her riding on the wind
niacinamide along with
To Florida now and then
Vitamin C, within five years of
Take her down to L.A. too
being diagnosed, have a 66
As they fly her right on through
percent, or higher, chance of
recovery (although they also
need to continue their
Moon beams at midnight
niacinamide indefinitely).
Sunrise in the sky
Well she’s walking through the clouds
With a psychedelic mind
Running wild rainbows and
Sunshine shining down and on through
Shining on down from the sky of blue
Shining on down on me and on you
Fiery sun horizon lip in the clouds
And you can see it for a mile
They walk along the watchtower
Every moment, every hour
A seabird flies across the morning sky
You can see the silver bird fly
Thursday afternoon in the month of
They know how to do their thing
They know how to dance and sing
Play guitar on silver strings.
This information is from Dr.
Jonathan V. Wright’s
“Nutrition and Healing
Newsletter,” Copyright 2009 for
February of 2010.
Ozzy Osbourne
by Tony Padgett
(Editor’s Note: We forgot to
include the drawing Tony P.
made of Ozzy when we
published this article in the Feb.
newsletter, so we are repeating
Newsletter – March, 2010
the article with the picture this
With so much happening today,
we forget about our Prince of
Darkness and Rock and Roll,
Osbourne. He
is now about to
release his
will detail his
time as a rock
and roll legend
where he lived his life on the
road, a place where dreams are
made or broken. This epic book
will be on shelves on January
25th, 2010, and Ozzy will be
doing an eighteen month book
singing tour. Above all, we
know that it is better to respond
to fans then to react, so keep it
cool Ozzy.
Windy Days
by Brenda Lett
March can come in like a Lion, or
sometimes a Lamb, with brisk or strong
winds for flying Kites as high as we
can. When the month comes in one way,
it leaves the opposite at the end, we
also have St. Patrick’s Day parties we
celebrate a lot with our friends. Many
places have green beer and expect us
to wear green, or we can be taken by
surprise when we’re pinched in fun not
It is not meant to be mean. Celebrating
is supposed to be fun for everyone,
enjoying times no matter what until
our night is done.
by Julie Bird
(Note: This poem was written when she
was 19 years old.)
I met this wild troubadour,
Who was going to heaven
And places far between.
He told me that the Grand Canyon
Was Mother's Earth's Womb.
I brought him from a
Cold stone to sit by my fire,
He played his guitar for me.
I want to take his sweet music,
Artesian Spring eyes,
And put them; guitar pick, wood,
and man in the ball of my hand.
At the rim of Mother Earth's Womb,
Or down,
Below in Indian Springs Garden,
I'll open my hand
And let him fly away.
by Sheila Higdon
Every person has feelings. Some
people can easily get their feelings
So if you are a person who does
not get your feelings hurt by other
people easily, or you don’t feel
sensitive easily, and you can take it
when other people hurt your
feelings badly, it’s just wise for you
to not put other people down to
hurt their feelings.
No matter how another person
looks, like different race, color, or
what size they are, tall, short,
skinny, or fat, if you cannot say
anything nice to people, then
don’t say anything to them at all.
Remember, what goes around
comes around.
The Valentine’s Dance, 2010 by Curtis Cochrun We had a good turn out at our annual Valentine’s Dance. We 5
had all staff and lots of members here. There were some members out on the dance floor. We had like 40 members and 5 staff members here. We all had a good time. We had chili and lots of snacks to eat. At the end of the dance, a few members got taken home by Linda O.‐K., and others were taken home by other staff members. I Can See You
by Doug Booth
I see you walking downtown
Up and down and all around
Walking down every mile
Down below all the clouds
I can see you like I do
I can see you right on through
I see you walking everywhere
I see you walking here and there
Walking down the countryside
Take me on another ride
I can see you like I do
I can see you right on through
You know how to do your thing
Play guitar on silver strings
and you know how to sing
right on through the microphone
roll’n like a roll’n stone
I can see you like I do
I can see you right on through
Newsletter – March, 2010
And you’re riding on the wind
In your jet plane now and then
I can see you in the sky
And you know how to fly
Walking by the ocean bay
I can see you every day
I can see you like I do
I can see you right on through
Strictly solo like you do
I can see you like I do
I can see you right on through
Sunshine on the water to
Water looks so crystal blue
I can see you like I do
I can see you right on through
by Rhonda Woodley
When Passageway went
bowling on February 2nd, 2010,
we had 10 members & 1 staff
go bowling with us and we
enjoyed it very much. As usual
the competition was at a high
pitch. Noteworthy was the high
game of 251 by Tyler
Jurgensen. It was an eye
There were both comical and
hysterical moments, like when
Steve R.
his ball
down the
lane and
fell over
the ball return. And a major
highlight was having Chantez
S. bowl for the first time and
get a spare. We all cheered
loud enough to disrupt the
league bowlers, and they too
joined in with the cheering.
Overall it was one enjoyable
outing. And we couldn’t believe
the scores – they were higher
than usual.
Spring Break, 2010
by Don Carstensen
In March, all the colleges in the
United States will be going on
the last
week in
Some students go to Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida or Miami
Beach, Florida, while others will
go to San Padre Island, Texas.
It is a good vacation because you
get to take a break from college
work. During their vacation,
they will swim and lay on the
warm, sunny beach. Hopefully
the temperature will be
around 75 or 80 degrees
instead of 42 degrees, which
was how cold it was for the
Orange Bowl. San Padre
Island, Texas will have about
the same temperature as
Southern California.
Mycorrhizae: Positive
Parasitic Plants in a
Steven King Creep Show
by Susan A. Strike
Of the many relationships of
nature that have been discovered
in Iowa’s natural woodlands, few
are more intriguing or important
than the botanical symbiotic
relationship that occurs
underground (as the reverse
process of the negative parasitic
relationship which mistletoe has
with evergreens, or like Steven
King’s vegetating acting scene in
“Creep Show,” the movie, in
which Mr. King, in
cameo, slowly turns
into a swiftlyproliferating
meteor–sent fungus,
scientifically called
a xenobiological
saprophyte: a
foreign- planetaryhostile parasitic
spoor: a MULCHT-which cannot
be mulched!)
At any rate, the symbiotic
botanic (mutually-beneficial)
plant relationship (the reverse of
Stephen King’s movie love-hate
relationship with his plants) is
called a “mycorrhizae.” The
“mycorrhizae” plant-process
begins when the slender threadlike structure of certain soil fungi
creepingly enter the roots and the
bodies of forest trees and plants,
making them smell noticeably
like fertile gourds. Instead of
harming the plants by choking
their root- systems as expected
(because of the fungus’
resemblance to Indian strangling
Newsletter – March, 2010
figs, which turn large, healthy
trees into dead giants), the
fungus absorbs nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium and other
beneficial’ soil nutrients directly
into the host plant’s roots. This
protects the roots from the
harmful parasites fungi, while
the tree seeds, which actually
lack the mycorrhizae fungus, can
not grow into normal and healthy
seedlings as they are besieged by
any parasitic fungi. Like other
soil fungi, mycorrhizae produce
above–ground fruits, similar to
morel mushrooms and other
common Iowa woodland
mushrooms of many edible
The research for this article is
from “Forest and Shade Trees of
Iowa” by Peter J. Van Der
Linden of Iowa State
University’s Department of
Botany, from the Iowa State
University Press, Ames, 1953.
Rock It to Me
by Doug Booth
Rock it to me baby
Rock me all night long
Rock it to me baby you
Really turn me on
Rock and Roll me baby
Rock me in a song
Rock and Roll me baby
Take it as it comes
Rock it to me baby
Rock it ten to one
Rock to me baby
Like the setting sun
Shake it baby
Shake it baby
Do it, right on
Shake it baby
Shake it baby
Do it, right on
Listen to your music
Listen to the sound
Rock it to me baby
Up and down around
Rock it to me baby
City and the town
Got it going baby
3 miles downtown
Travel up and down
Around and around
And round and round
Travel up and down
Around and around
And round and round
A Wish for a Friend
(An Irish Blessing for
St. Patrick’s Day)
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that
never ends
Each day your whole life
Newsletter – March, 2010
Continued on next page…
Newsletter – March, 2010
Continued next
Newsletter – March, 2010
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Above, Jeffrey T. and David B. prepare Corned Beef and Cabbage for Saint Patrick’s Day in 2009. Will you join us this year?
Has your contact information changed? If so, you can call us (515-2436929), e-mail us ([email protected]) or send us this form.
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: _______ Zip Code: __________
Home Phone: _________________ Title 19 #: _____________________
Cell Phone: ___________________ E-mail Address: _________________
Back Page
Newsletter – March, 2010
Passageway Employment Newsletter
March, 2010
Tips for your first Job: What
Employers Expect
by Julie Bird
and wait for a summons from the boss.
Confront the situation professionally.
Ask for an evaluation of your work, and
for help in pinpointing where you need
improvement. It's up to you to find out
both how your doing and how to do it
better. It's easier to start looking for
another job while you still have one.
You have got the job – Now how do you
keep it? Surprisingly, many more people
are fired because of poor work habits
than because of inability to do the work
that's expected of them.
From the beginning, treat your work life
seriously. In general, your success will
be related to your willingness to do
more than is actually required, to your
continuing improvement to your
assigned tasks, and to your good
judgment. Remember to:
1. Do your job competently.
2. Develop interest in your job and
show it.
3. Be prompt and attend regularly.
4. Dress for the job.
5. Accept criticism and suggestions
gratefully, even if they're not given
very tactfully.
6. Be cheerful, but know the time and
the place for humor.
Serena I.'s first IFA paycheck.
Getting along with your fellows is
important, not to make your workday
pleasant, but to ensure that you'll all
work together effectively. They'll expect
you to like them, and to be loyal to
If you for some reason feel as if you
might be up for a firing, don't just sit
Connie M. competes her IFA T.E.
Employment Newsletter – March, 2010
Passageway Employment Newsletter
Gano W. celebrates employment success!
Serena I. and Jeffrey T. on the job at IFA.
Beverly A. and Amy S. successfully complete their T.E.s at IFA.
Employment Newsletter – March, 2010