ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES BUCHAREST FACULTY OF ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMME 2nd International Conference Accounting and Management Information Systems „Value creation and globalization” June 21-22, 2007 Bucharest, Romania AMIS 2007 Organizing Committee Pavel NĂSTASE Raluca DIMITRIU Cătălin ALBU Nadia ALBU Ofelia ALECA Daniela CALU Camelia LUNGU Florin MIHAI Camelia VASILESCU International Scientific Committee President Pavel NĂSTASE ASE Bucharest RO INTEC Paris INTEC Paris University College Dublin University of the West of Timişoara ASE Bucharest INTEC Paris University Marmara University of Amsterdam University Transilvania University Bowling Green University Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj University of the West of Timişoara INTEC Paris University of Orleans University „A.I.Cuza” Iaşi ASE Bucharest University of Geneva University of Dayton ASE Bucharest University of the West of Timişoara ASE Bucharest University Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj University „A.I.Cuza” Iaşi ASE Bucharest FR FR IE RO RO FR TR NL RO US RO RO FR FR RO RO CH US RO RO RO RO RO RO Members Alain BURLAUD Patrick DALION Peter CLARKE Nicoleta FARCANE Niculae FELEAGĂ Philippe GERMAK Oktay GÜVEMLI Allan HODGSON Dorin LIXĂNDROIU Alan LORD Dumitru MATIŞ Mihaela MUNTEAN Jean-Michel NICOLLE Marc NIKITIN Dumitru OPREA Mihai RISTEA Bernard RAFFOURNIER Donna STREET Brânduşa ŞTEFĂNESCU Petru ŞTEFEA Ilie TAMAŞ Adriana TIRON TUDOR Alexandru ŢUGUI Gheorghe VÂLCEANU CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Thursday, June 21st 2007 08:30 – 09:30 Registration – Aula Magna hall OPENING CEREMONY - Aula Magna Messages: Ion Gh. ROŞCA Rector of the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Pavel NĂSTASE Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems Donna STREET President of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER) 09:30 – 10:00 Ion MIHĂILESCU President of the Chamber of Financial of Auditors of Romania (CAFR ) Marin TOMA President of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR) Ronnie SMITH Director ATC International Dan DAMIAN General Manager of CIEL Romania Ion ANGHEL President of the National Association of Romanian Valuers (ANEVAR) 6 Conference programme Thursday, June 21st 2007 Plenary Session – Aula Magna Bernard RAFFOURNIER University of Geneva, Switzerland Is publishing a fair game? Donna STREET University of Dayton, USA IFRS Application in Europe and Beyond 10:00 – 13:00 Allan HODGSON University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Corporate Governance and Directors Trading Roger ACTON Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Accountants adding value to business 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 16:30 Concurrent Sessions 16:00 – 17:00 Coffee break 17:00 – 18:30 Concurrent Sessions 19:00 – 22:00 Gala Dinner Conference programme 7 Friday, June 22nd 2007 Plenary Session – hall 2013 Alain BURLAUD INTEC Paris, France Quel droit comptable pour les PME? Marc NIKITIN 08:30 – 10:30 University of Orléans, France A quoi cela sert-il de calculer des coûts ? Produire des informations, de la discipline ou de la confiance? Alan LORD University Bowling Green, USA IT governance: global issues Oktay GÜVEMLI Marmara University, Turkey 12th World Congress of Accounting Historians 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 – 13:00 Concurrent Sessions 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 8 Conference programme Concurrent Sessions Education Panel: Harmonizing curriculum with International Education Standards – Conference hall “Robert Schuman” (floor 2) Chairpersons: Clare MINCHINGTON ACCA Director of Education, Learning and Development Alain BURLAUD Director INTEC Paris, France Panellists: Recep PEKDEMIR Member of the IAAER Executive Committee 14:00 – 16:00 Jean Michel NICOLLE INTEC Paris, France Bernard RAFFOURNIER University of Geneva, Switzerland Marin TOMA, CECCAR Ion MIHĂILESCU, CAFR Dumitru MATIŞ Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca Petru ŞTEFEA West University of Timişoara Pavel NĂSTASE Mihai RISTEA Niculae FELEAGĂ Ilie TAMAŞ Gheorghe VÂLCEANU Brânduşa ŞTEFĂNESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest 16:00 – 17:00 Closing ceremony - Aula Magna CONCURRENT SESSIONS PROGRAMME Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 Section number Section Chairperson Hall I Management accounting and globalization Marc NIKITIN Niculae FELEAGĂ 0319 II Comparative accounting Donna STREET Adriana TIRON TUDOR Conference hall “Robert Schuman” (floor 2) III Accounting information Allan HODGSON Mihai RISTEA 0321 Issues in performance measurement Management information systems I Bernard RAFFOURNIER Gheorghe VÂLCEANU 0320 Philippe GERMAK Ilie TAMAŞ 0317 Alan LORD Pavel NĂSTASE 0420 IV V VI IT security 10 Concurrent sessions programme Thursday, June 21st 2007, 17:00 - 18:30 Section number Section Chairperson Hall VII Costing Jiri STROUHAL 0317 VIII Accounting and environment Nicoleta FARCANE 0321 IX Intangibles Adriana TIRON TUDOR 0319 X Business Intelligence Dorin LIXĂNDROIU 0420 XI Issues in financial accounting Dumitru MATIŞ 0320 11 Concurrent sessions programme Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 Section number Section Chairperson Hall XII Valeur, globalisation et compatibilité Jean-Michel NICOLLE 0421 XIII Law I Brânduşa ŞTEFĂNESCU 2514 XIV Law II Raluca DIMITRIU 2516 XV Issues in management accounting Alain BURLAUD Conference hall “Robert Schuman” (floor 2) XVI XVII Audit and corporate governance Taxes and public accounting Recep PEKDEMIR 0320 Ümit GÖKDENİZ 0321 XVIII Financial analysis Petru ŞTEFEA 0319 XIX E-business Mihaela MUNTEAN 0317 XX Management information systems II Alexandru ŢUGUI 0420 12 Concurrent sessions programme Friday, June 22nd 2007, 14:00 - 16:00 Section number XXI XXII XXIII Section Capital market and corporate governance research in Eastern Europe PhD Students Management Information Systems PhD Students Accounting Chairperson Hall Allan HODGSON 0320 Alan LORD 0321 Marc NIKITIN 0319 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND GLOBALIZATION Chairpersons: Marc NIKITIN University of Orléans, France Niculae FELEAGĂ Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 0319 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 14 Management accounting and globalization Value engineering value management innovation in automotive and construction companies: a Malaysian multiple case scenario Aliza RAMLI Suzana SULAIMAN Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA SAAS Building, Malaysia Falconer MITCHELL Management School and Economics, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ABSTRACT Value Engineering Value Management (VEVM) is a value creation tool that focuses on maximizing value of products, processes, projects, or services within a total system. While the literature on VEVM covers various issues, however it lacks comprehensive studies on VEVM adopting variables and its adoption by automotive and construction companies. This paper describes and explains the nature, extent of adoption, and effects of VEVM innovation in the context of a Malaysian automotive component manufacturing and construction companies. Multiple-case study method was undertaken and data was collected from multiple sources of evidence. Data from each case study was analyzed separately and are then, compared, and contrast using constant comparative analysis method. The findings provide evidence as to why and how companies adopts VEVM, the influential adopting variables and the effect and extent of adoption to gain competitive advantage and create value for companies which is vital for its continued success. KEYWORDS Value engineering, value management, value creation, innovation, multiple-case study Management accounting and globalization 15 Typical and atypical in competitors accounting Mihai RISTEA Corina Graziella DUMITRU Alina Mihaela CURPĂN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The paper proposes to present the precious value of the competitors accounting in the globalization context. One of the paradoxes of our days is that the only constancy seems to be the inconstancy. It is quite difficult to manage a business while the globalization produces enormous opportunities and risks and the technology goes faster. In the new economic environment, every entity should have a data base with financial and commercial information concerning the present and the potential competitors. The competitors accounting come conferring to the economic entity the competitor’s advantage they need, which represents the key of the success in business. In the specialized Romanian literature we found very vague traces of the competitors accounting. That’s why our propose is to highlight the advantage of this type of accounting by the review of the international known aspects of the problem. This should be concluding in the elaboration of a competitors’ managerial informational model. This subject provokes to reflections and also, it presents interest to a various series of users, which implies a redoubtable advantage against the disloyal concurrence. KEYWORDS Competitor accounting, competitor analysis, competitive advantage, creating value, cost, price 16 Management accounting and globalization Strategic financial management and managerial accounting of the firms in the Czech Republic Milan HRDÝ Michaela HOROVÁ University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic ABSTRACT Strategic financial management and managerial accounting represents a very important part of the management of the firm. It is necessary for the going-concern principle and for the survival of the companies under very complicated economic conditions. Strategic financial management includes putting forth the firm’s goals to motivate the organization and provide benchmarks. The organization structure of the firm must be well organized and also support the strategic financial management. The failures in strategic financial management or its missing could lead to the bankruptcy of the firm. For that reason we have organized the questionnaire to find out the real situation of the strategic financial management in the Czech Republic. The questionnaire had four parts and was sent to 400 medium firms in the Czech Republic and 290 questionnaires returned. The first part of questionnaire is about the strategic management principles, the second about investment decisions and capital structure. The third part solves the system of financial plans and budgets and the fourth the information system. The last part of questionnaire tax policy and strategic financial management. The results were relatively surprising, because a large amount of companies consider the strategic financial management and understand its basic principles. On the other hand there is a few specific areas where are application problems and it is necessary to inform companies about them and help with their solutions. KEYWORDS Finance, strategic management, questionnaire research, companies Management accounting and globalization 17 Does the line between financial and management accounting really blur? An exploratory study on the Romanian accounting profession Cătălin-Nicolae ALBU Nadia ALBU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Today’s accounting profession faces a number of challenges as raised by the current business environment, primarily due to the globalization process and the development of information technologies. Romania is currently using a two-cycle accounting system, with management accounting circuit being separate from the financial accounting circuit. Consequently, our study aims to explore within the Romanian accounting profession the reality of a specialization of accounting positions according to the circuit to which they presumably belong to (either financial or management accounting), in a competency-based approach. The research method employed is job-offer analysis, as job offers reflect organizational practices stating the required competencies for the specific positions. We conclude that the state of the accounting profession in Romania is one of transformation and hybridization. KEYWORDS Accounting profession, Romania, job offers, hybridization 18 Management accounting and globalization Reconsideration of cost-value couple in management accounting Corina GROSU Alina ALMĂŞAN West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to emphasize, from a conceptual point of view, the impact regarding the value reasoning in management accounting. Given that it is the result of a literature review, the paper marks out that the present difficulties of management accounting can be charged to her incapacity of taking into consideration the evolution of value concept. The value chain must be recognised as the foundation of value interpretation. This is a strategic interpretation that represents the basis of the performance interpretation ensemble, of value creation, in totally dissonance with value added concept which is the basis of actual management accounting. KEYWORDS Cost, value, utility, value chain Management accounting and globalization 19 The concept of total quality management in accounting Irina PROTOPOPESCU Corina IOANĂŞ Iulia JIANU Adriana Florina POPA Gabriel RADU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT While most executives rely on their reasoning and on the idea promoted by the modern management concepts, it is generally accepted that the possibility of assessing the economic benefits either in advance or even retrospectively is almost impossible. This paper intends to present a model for explaining and predicting the management decisions using the accounting information. For serving this purpose, we bring to attention the concept of the Total Quality Management, analyzing it from an organizational perspective. The developments, the application and the assessment of Total Quality Management techniques inside the enterprise result in a more effective utilization of specific knowledge in decision making leading to an increased efficiency an in the same time the improvement of quality and performance. The concept proposed to analysis is not new, what is new is its connection to accounting as a relevant provider of information. KEYWORDS TQM, accounting information, green accounting, product cost, sale price 20 Management accounting and globalization COMPARATIVE ACCOUNTING Chairpersons: Donna STREET University of Dayton, USA Adriana TIRON TUDOR Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Hall “Robert Schuman” Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 Comparative accounting 22 IFRS 2005 in Turkey; Can We See the Evidences on the Financial Reports of the Companies Listed? Recep PEKDEMIR Asli Gunduzay TUREL School of Business, Istanbul University, Turkey ABSTRACT The Turkish economy has been emerging one during the last decades. So, has been the Turkish Capital Market. This study focuses on the IFRS applications in 2005 in Turkey. Particularly has dealt with the following research questions: First, what has been the position statement of the goodwill and the deferred taxes on the financial statements investigated? Second, what has been the importance of the amounts of the goodwill and the deferred taxes on financial statements investigated? In order to find out the reasonable answers to the questions above, the financial reports IFRS applied of the top 100 companies listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange have been analyzed. Data available on the web pages were obtained from financial reports of those. The empirical research was conducted through a statistical software package. The financial statements as of December 31, 2003, 2004, and 2005 have been covered by the study. The results have shown the impacts of the items covered in the study on the financial positions of the companies investigated. KEYWORDS IFRS, Emerging Economies, Goodwill, Deferred Taxes Comparative accounting 23 Recent changes in the structure of accounting regulation in Romania and Hungary Szilveszter FEKETE P.P. Dumitru MATIŞ Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania János LUKÁCS Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary ABSTRACT Although from political-economic point of view both countries seem to be similar (communist regime, reform period, EU integration), from the standpoint of accounting regulation they clearly differ, since Hungary adopted the German model and Romania the French one. The target is similar again: implementing IAS/IFRS in the national accounting rules. This paper explores the latest changes in the accounting thought and regulation in both countries taking in consideration the pressure of globalization (adoption of IFRS), the specificity and competitiveness of national economy. Since we draw our conclusions primarily from Romanian point of view and also have in mind our experiences, we show possible scenarios for future development learning from the successes and failures of the Hungarian accounting regulation. KEYWORDS Accounting regulation, accounting system, accounting theories, IFRS, European Directives 24 Comparative accounting Are the companies managed by values? a research on the large scale companies in Turkey Ferit ÖLÇER Mehmet ÖZBIRECIKLI Mustafa Kemal University, Department of Business, Hatay, Turkey ABSTRACT Management by values (MBV) is a way to gauge whether or not a company is generating value for its shareholders and to measure the difference between a return on equity and the cost of capital. MBV is seen as a process of striving to achieve this target by managing the elements that create a company’s economic value, whether the elements are tangible or intangible. The purposes of the research are: (1) to determine whether or not the large-scale Turkish companies implement MBV, (2) to determine to what extent these companies employ financial accounting performance metrics of MBV, (3) to determine whether or not they collect the information for assessing the long-term financial impacts of upholding values, (4) to present suggestions concerning the successfully implementation of MBV, based on the research findings obtained. Data were collected via questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS program for the purposes of the present research. The main finding of the research shows that the values are seen by the companies as a critical component of establishing its license to operate. KEYWORDS Value creation, management by value, financial performance measurement Comparative accounting 25 Comparative study between 7th European Directive and IFRS concerning the treatment of goodwill Adriana TIRON TUDOR Victor MULLER Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT Romanian groups of companies have to publish consolidated financial statements in accordance with the 7th European Directive, or if they are listed, in accordance with IFRS, thus complying with the EU Regulation 1606/2002. A highly actual, and far-reaching issue regarding consolidated accounts is goodwill, whose recognition and measurement can significantly influence the value of the reporting group. Goodwill is a long been debate subject in accounting. Thus we intend to continue the debate by a comparative study regarding the treatment of goodwill according to both sets of regulations. We planed for our research to study the appropriate technical literature, the relevant legislation in the field of business combinations and the studies on this topic published by the major consultancy companies. The objective of our study is to reveal the differences and similarities between the two approaches of goodwill, highlighting the influences of these treatments on the consolidated accounts. The conclusion will consist in analyzing the impact of the changes related to the goodwill treatment which have to be made by first-time adopters of IFRS, which previously prepared consolidated accounts in accordance with OMFP 1752/2005. KEYWORDS IFRS, goodwill, 7th European Directive, Romania Comparative accounting 26 Strategies and accounting policies regarding the assurance contracts for employee benefits Daniela Artemisa CALU Camelia Iuliana LUNGU Elena Mariana GLĂVAN Raluca Gina GUŞE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT We begin our research from the accounting convergence process induced by globalization. The theme of assurance using pension benefits plans needs to establish reconciliations determined by the differences in accounting and reporting standards. We review the requirements of IFRS and US GAAP. Using positive research we verify six sets of hypotheses referring to termination benefits and sensitivity in correlation to the reporting basis, the industry and the residence country of the companies. To verify these hypotheses we use statistical processing of data extracted form the financial statements of companies from Fortune Global 500 classification. In order to find any correlation between independent and dependent variables Chi-square test (χ2) was used. We used chi-square to test the independence and we computed χ2 using the Statistica soft. We present our results in the conclusion of this paper and we outline the framework for future research. KEYWORDS Employee benefits, pension accounting policies, disclosure plans, accounting convergence, ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Chairpersons: Allan HODGSON University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Mihai RISTEA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 0321 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 Accounting information 28 The role of accounting information systems for the creating value in the companies and effects of globalization. A case study in selected big Turkish companies Ümit GÖKDENİZ Marmara University, Turkey Ümmühan ASLAN Anadolu University Vocational School, Turkey ABSTRACT The Accounting Information Systems provides the knowledge and with which to meet the challenges and opportunites.It has been one of the major subject in the accounting systems within the todays globalization.Information technology plays significant key role companies daily activities.Data-base and information are among a company’s important assets that concern about data reliability and securitiy are relevant not only to accountants but it is also to all information systems professionals.Accounting information Systems are a kind of subsystem within the organizations Management Information Systems.Information technology plays various significiant role in business which getting to be more effective.Therefore we examined AIS as an important development.The aim of this case study seeks answer :The role of AIS on creating value in companies and also is to observe using Accounting Information Systems for creating value in Selected Big Turkish Companies. KEYWORDS Information Technology, Accounting Information Systems (Ais), Management Information Systems (Mis),Creating Value,Data-Base Accounting information 29 The accounting information in Romania of nowadays between financial accounting and taxation accounting Ovidiu MEGAN Nicoleta FARCANE Leonora CACIUC West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT In Romania of our days financial accounting and taxation accounting are not the same. They have different objectives, are subject to different rules and serve different purposes. Financial accounting involves the preparation of information for the purpose of decision-makers while the taxation accounting’s main purpose is to raise revenue, being an excellent instrument of government economic and social policy. The aim of our study is to research accounting literature and practical experience of Timiş county companies to gain an inside into the basis and form of this divergence and to the main creative accounting techniques, as results of this divergence. For the achievement of the proposed objectives the authors based their opinion on a research study by questionnaire realized at county level. KEYWORDS Financial accounting, tax accounting, creative accounting, EU Directives, IFRS Accounting information 30 On the communicative function of financial accounting reporting: evidence from Romania Mihaela IONAŞCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT It has been argued (Crowther, 2002a) that the purpose for the publication of annual reports, especially by publicly quoted companies, is not merely to satisfy the statutory requirements. Annual reports are actually thought of as communicating vehicles employed as discursive practices between managers and the company’s stakeholders. After 40 years of communism, it is, however, questionable that the managers of Romanian quoted companies have fully acknowledged the communicative function of financial accounting reporting. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to perform an empirical investigation of the quality of accounting disclosure provided by Romanian companies listed at Bucharest Stock Exchange. To gather data we have surveyed the web sites of listed Romanian companies. The results showed that, overall, Romanian businesses incurred mediocre scores for quality of accounting disclosure. The results also showed that companies with better financial information disclosure policies had been more appealing to investors, incurring higher values of transactions. KEYWORDS Accounting disclosure, disclosure policies, communicative function of financial accounting, voluntary accounting disclosure Accounting information 31 Reporting of Commercial Insurance Companies: Evidence from the Czech Republic Jiřina BOKŠOVÁ University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic ABSTRACT The subject of insurance companies is to provide insurance protection based on commercial principles. All changes in the society are directly reflected in the insurance activity. New risks appear and therefore new insurance products appear as well. The insurance business intervenes into all areas of the economic and social life in the Czech Republic. Insurance companies cannot be treated only as companies offering insurance protection, but also as important investors who, as a result of their activity, dispose with temporary available resources of their customers. As situations and existence of time discordance between provisions creation and their usage are occasional, insurance companies carry business with these provisions resources. This paper also deals with the problem of insurance and reinsurance in the insurance industry. KEYWORDS Insurance, financial placement, premium, technical reserves, reinsurance Accounting information 32 The relevance and quality of the accounting information in the managerial decisions Mariana GLĂVAN Mădălina BRĂESCU Valentin DUMITRU Gabriel JINGA Ramona LAPTEŞ Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The successful process of managerial decision-making can be as complex as it is critical to your company’s future. The decisionmaking process must generate in the end sustainable competitive advantages so you can dominate old and new markets. Done correctly, the process includes extensive competitive analysis, internal and external. And only using relevant and qualitative accounting information can you plan and execute corporate initiatives that lead to higher returns, higher growth, and, ultimately, increased market value. Without this information, you may overlook key ingredients to successful managerial decision-making and end up struggling to compete without differentiation. The hypothesis of our research is that you cannot make successful decision without beneficiating of significant accounting information. In this article we aim to establish a questionnaire to interview some company managers and analyze the type of accounting information used in the decision-making process. KEYWORDS Accounting, information, quality, decision-making, control Accounting information 33 The standardized financial reporting and the impact upon the credibility of the information used in the investment decisions Miruna-Lucia NACHESCU West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT In the global financial world, the multitude of different information sources makes it difficult for the investors to choose the right information source. The credibility of the source alone does not obligatory transform the information communicated in a credible one. We try to identify the impact that differences in the financial reporting have upon the credibility of the source. We also try to explain why many times, investors do not fully use the information in the financial statements, in the notes to the financial statements or in the auditors’ report. We consider that in designing the format of the output documents of the information financial system of the company what is most important is to adapt this format to the needs of the final users and by using international financial standards, to exclude the possible misinterpreting. In order to avoid financial risk and contagion risk, on the more and more global financial markets we need to have strict standards that apply to all participants in what concerns the financial reporting rules. Still, we consider that the applying of financial reporting standards remains the “Achilles heal” of the global financial market. KEYWORDS Credibility of the financial systems source, financial reporting, information 34 Accounting information ISSUES IN PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Chairpersons: Bernard RAFFOURNIER University of Geneva, Switzerland Gheorghe VÂLCEANU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 0320 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 Issues in performance measurement 36 Reporting and report sustainable development indicators Mihaela DUMITRANA Chiraţa CARAIANI Cornelia DASCĂLU Florentina BERBEC Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Sustainable development is a new and important concept for all countries of this world. For European Union sustainable development’s main objective is to safeguard the earth’s capacity to support life in all its diversity and is based on the principles of democracy, gender equality, solidarity, the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights. A Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) was adopted by the European Council in Göteborg (2001) that was completed in 2002 in Barcelona. As a support for this strategy, the European Council in June 2005 approved a Declaration on Guiding Principles for Sustainable Development where objectives and principles were presented. For the evaluation of EU SDS a set of indicators was selected. The purposes of this communication are: - to present the pyramids of indicators; to reveal possibilities for indicators calculation; to assess accounting information for indicators reporting; to prepare micro and macro reports. KEYWORDS Sustainable development, information, communication reporting, indicators, accounting Issues in performance measurement 37 Sensitivity analysis for forecasting the cost and performance of the enterprises in the construction industry Vasile ROBU Adrian ANICA-POPA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The focus of the current research is the forecasting of the cost in uncertain condition and the implications on the profit of the firms in the construction materials field. The type of the research is a study which aims to identify critical variables which influence the cost, and the calculation of the probability to attain a value, and identification the thrusting interval for the evolution of the cost, using stochastic models developed by Monte Carlo simulation. In the same way has been achieved a sensitivity analysis over the profit’s evolution of the organization in conditions of variables modification: demand, market share, price etc. All these elements are conditioned by a large number of economic, political and social criteria. The result of the research shows the existence of certain components which significant influence the cost, and another category of components with an insignificant influence. In conclusion, the modeling performances, costs and stochastic simulations may offer a high potential for prediction and optimization of costs and also for increasing organization’s performances. KEYWORDS Sensitivity, cost, performance, stochastic model, forecasting Issues in performance measurement 38 Financial performance indicators between utility, selfishness and manipulation technique Flavius Andrei GUINEA Cristina Maria STANCIU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Capital may have alternative uses so managers should be preoccupied if its return exceeds its cost. The necessity to determine the return on the capital employed is generated by the need to promote the control of the capital budgeting process. Without measurement of the effective return on capital, there is little incentive for managers to estimate future cash flows. Those measures drive the attention of the managers to the reduction of inventories and receivables. The objective of this study is to show, through study cases, how companies by using different financial performance indicators, can mislead the users of the financial statements. Performance measurement of managers is used in decisions about their salaries, bonuses, future assignments, and career advancement. Moreover, the very act of measuring their performance can motivate managers to strive for the goals used in their evaluation. Companies are benchmarking their financial and non-financial measures against other companies that are regarded as the best performers. To compete effectively in the global market, companies need to perform at near the best of the breed. Our conclusion is that a company should modify its financial reporting practices in order to obtain values that are more relevant for indicators such as ROI and EVA. KEYWORDS Financial and no financial measures of performance return on investment, residual income, and economic value added, multinational companies, performance of divisions Issues in performance measurement 39 Business information engineering - an approach in integrating business & information technologies Felicia ALBESCU Irina Bogdana PUGNA Dorel Mihai PARASCHIV Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Business Information Technologies are seen as cutting edge Information Technologies made on purpose to support business information engineering. Management methods, techniques and support tools could be seamless integrated with Business Intelligence components providing for pyramidal structures of integrated measuring systems. From raw quantitative and qualitative measures up to key performance indicators displayed in Balanced Scorecards, the engineering process of business information could be fully supported and enhanced by OLAP technologies. The paper presents an approach in designing a Balanced Scorecards system based on OLAP cubes and Data Analysis and needs for upgrading existing technologies. KEYWORDS Business performances management, integrated measures system, business intelligence, balanced scorecards, OLAP hypercubes Issues in performance measurement 40 How powerful credit-scoring models can be in context of the financial globalization? Petre BREZEANU Cristina Maria TRIANDAFIL Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Since Altman and Conan, standardized credit scoring models have been an important tool in order to quantify and control the credit risk. In context of the financial globalization, capitals have been directed especially towards the emerging countries owing to the advantages in terms of higher yield which implies also higher risks. This is why newly adapted credit scoring models were built by the rating agencies, different from the standard ones, as now the corporate credit rating incorporates also the dimension of the sovereign and industry rating too. The paper aims at analyzing the evolution of the credit-scoring models, from the standardized to the adapted ones, underlying the efficiency of the contemporary creditscoring models implemented by Moody’s in reflecting the corporate default probability in the Eastern Europe countries. The database which will be valorized as case study belongs to the Credit Division of Hewlett Packard which focuses the credit rating activity on the Moody’s methodology. KEYWORDS Credit-scoring models, sovereign/industry rating, Estimated Default Frequency (EDF) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS I Chairpersons: Philippe GERMAK INTEC, Paris, France Ilie TAMAŞ Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 0317 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 Management information systems 42 Solutions informatiques offertes par les tableurs pour la création, l’agrégation et l’optimisation de l’information comptable, contenue dans les états financiers Bogdan IONESCU Iuliana IONESCU Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Cette communication scientifique propose d’utiliser quelques facilitées offertes par les tableurs qui doivent permettre la création d’une solution informatique pour l’agrégation de l’information contenue dans la balance aux comptes en connexion avec les principaux documents comptables de synthèse, sans tenant compte de la structure et du contenu informationnel du bilan et du compte de profit et perdre. Pour attendre ces objectifs, on a proposé la création d’un bilan retraité, en conformité avec les normes européennes, en partant d’un bilan normalisé. Ainsi, on veut présenter une démarche qui représente deux des solutions informatiques élaborées, qui prélèvent des informations comptables de la balance aux comptes et construisent automatiquement un bilan retraité. Cette démarche informatique de généralisation de l’agrégation de l’information comptable, dans un document financier de synthèse, a comme avantage le fait qu’il est possible de construire, n’importe quelle agrégation des comptes qui définissent une structure particulière de bilan, en partant d’une structure bien structurée et normalisée (la balance aux comptes). MOTS CLÉS Balance aux comptes, états financiers, fonction personnalisée d’agrégation des soldes, analyseur syntactique des formules mathématiques, calculs des indicateurs Management information systems 43 L’impact des technologies de l’ information sur les structures des entreprises Valerica MAREŞ Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Marius Daniel MAREŞ Spiru Haret Université, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Comme tout organisme vivant, l’entreprise vit des échanges avec son environnement. Sa capacité de suivie dépend de la manière dont elle les contrôle. La technologie utilisée dans les processus dans l’entreprise influe sa structure et en plus l’informatique permet des modifications de structure, accroît la flexibilité opérationnelle. Le traitement de l’information lui-même est flexible quantitativement et on peut mobiliser rapidement des ressources banalisées (ordinateurs, réseaux, portable etc.). L’informatique individuelle offre une liberté des utilisateurs de décider comment travailler et elle s’accompagne d’une possibilité de multiplication de normes techniques dans même entreprise. La mondialisation actuelle de l’économie renforce la nécessité de tels systèmes et le gain est mesurable par la différence entre les conséquences économiques de la faillite et la continuation de l’activité. MOTS CLES Technologies de l’information, informatique individuelle, réseaux, environnement mondialisation Management information systems 44 Audit sampler – an audit support software tool Victoria STANCIU Dragoş MANGIUC Veronica IVANCENCO Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Even if financial audit has already defined its role and responsibilities, this activity is quite new in Romania and internal audit is at the beginning of its way. Financial and internal audit need IT tools in order to fulfil their role. Romanian audit software offer is pretty poor, so the authors started a project consisting in the design and development of a specialized software application for audit missions, also able to sustain analysis not directly related to the audit activity. This paper focuses on the most important functions of the designed audit tool – planning, sampling and analysis of data. For the sampling function the application provides several ways of approach. The authors focused on this function taking into account that the accuracy of the auditor’s opinion is directly linked to the exactness of sampling. Analysis is also an important function, and data analysis process is quite time-consuming for the auditors. This module provides multiple and dynamic criteria for records selection and analysis so that the auditors can develop their research according to the objectives and activities started in the audit plan. This module can also be used for monitoring needed in the fraud detection process. The new approach of continuous audit can be sustained by this module. KEYWORDS Audit, continuous audit, audit tool, sampling, analysis, fraud prevention Management information systems 45 Information systems management and brand visibility Marius Daniel MAREŞ Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania Valerica MAREŞ Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Under the present circumstances brands are faced with new possibilities to achieve increased visibility for the enhancement of their performance. Information Technologies facilitate the expansion of the companies on the international market and their massive dispersion presents brands with new opportunities which could lead to economic, financial and social development, in time also increasing cognitive abilities. Information Systems and the internet enable connection with potential competitors, suppliers, customers on various continents, the market being perceived at global level. Present Information Technologies are able to make psycho-social and cultural analyses which take into account many dimensions of direction on various terms, with diverse degrees of risk and productivity. KEYWORDS Information technologies, visibility, globalization, performance, information systems Management information systems 46 Group collaboration in business and information systems Anca MEHEDINŢU Cerasela PÎRVU University of Craiova, Romania ABSTRACT Individuals in a business usually do not work entirely alone, but instead in teams, committees, departments, and other types of workgroups. To collaborate on common tasks, workgroup members can have meetings, talk on the telephone, send faxes, and distribute memos. Group members can also use workgroup information systems to help them collaborate. This type of system is also called a group support system because it supports the work of people in a group. This article looks at applications used in workgroup information systems, and shows how these applications affect group collaboration in businesses. First, we explain how workgroup information systems encourage group collaboration. Then we examine the characteristics of group collaboration and describe common workgroup applications and the software used for these applications, and finally we discuss about office automation and the virtual work environment. KEYWORDS Group collaboration, virtual environment workgroups, office automation, Management information systems 47 Some considerations about it outsourcing process Ioan BOLDEA Claudiu BRANDAS West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT IT outsourcing is the practice of contracting out the running of a part of an organization computer department. It is not a new phenomenon, but the scale and scope of its occurrence has greatly increased over the last decade. Due to the fact that IT outsourcing has no obviously and quantifiable benefits, most of the business entities choose not to do outsource their IT. The paper is based on the idea of incapability of exact determination of IT services costs. The purpose of this research regards the layout of the current approaches to outsourcing, description of different types of IT outsourcing and their advantages and the analysis of some models which might be used in order to facilitate the IT decision making process. KEYWORDS Outsourcing, information technology, application services provider, IT risks information systems, Management information systems 48 A model of a fuzzy data base for managing the relationships with suppliers Dorin LIXĂNDROIU Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania ABSTRACT A large field of applications is opened by introducing incomplete, vague or indefinite facts in data models. The fuzzy logic was applied to models and data bases. Extensions of relational interrogation languages to fuzzy logic were realized. When analyzing and assessing the commercial partners of an enterprise, an important aspect is grouping them in function of their common features. This regrouping in classes contributes to reducing complexity and allows an improved analysis of commercial relationships with partners. In a fuzzy classification, each partner could belong, upon the attributes values, to one or more classes. For example, a partner could simultaneously belong to the class of “partners with doubtful quality” (with an affiliation value of 0.3) and to the class of “partners with increasing perspectives of commercial cooperation” (with a value of 0.7). Fuzzy classification thus allows a differentiated interpretation of the affiliation to various classes. This paper proposes a model of a fuzzy relational data base for managing the relationship with suppliers. The advantages of a fuzzy classification are thus emphasized. Classification requests in FCQL (fuzzy Classification Query Language) language use linguistic variables in a fuzzy context. KEYWORDS Relational fuzzy database, fuzzy classification, managing the relationships with suppliers IT SECURITY Chairpersons: Alan LORD University Bowling Green, USA Pavel NĂSTASE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 0420 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 14:00 - 16:30 IT security 50 Modern techniques regarding the information systems’ architecture Gabriel COZGAREA Adrian COZGAREA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The unprecedented development of information technology imposes an increase in the role that the architecture plays in the design and implementation of information systems. Various architectural models, dedicated to information systems, have been developed over time, on a logical as well as a physical level. Through this article we make a presentation of several advanced models of information systems logical architecture, as well as a presentation of an n-tire architectural model based on a Framework and a Repository component. Even if most information systems use standard architectural models (on 3 or 4 levels), it is our opinion that through the use of a Framework and a Repository based architecture, a high level of abstraction and reuse of an application’s modules can be achieved. In this article we will specify the roles of the two components, Framework and Repository, and we will present models of design for their implementation and utilization. KEYWORDS Information systems’ architecture, n-tire architectural models, models of design, framework, repository IT security 51 Connection between business architecture and software architecture Laurenţiu Cătălin FRĂŢILĂ Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT A business model can be build as the support of developing software application designed to business purposes. Some problems may appear because modelling the intricacies of the business context and modelling the software supposes the appeal to the different concepts and techniques, programming languages that make their integration difficult. The goal of the paper is to create the software system that fits the best the business software; the paper presents various related topics. We are focused on the principles that a software application must take into account, to make a connection between business architecture and software architecture. KEYWORDS Business modelling, software modelling, principles of modelling, management information systems, stages in analysis and modelling IT security 52 Methods and assessment tools for it security risks Ofelia ALECA Mirela GHEORGHE Dana Maria BOLDEANU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Analysis and assessment of the IT security risks represent a request for every organization. Generally, these risks cannot be eliminated, they will always be present, but organization management will be accountable for mitigate them to an acceptable level. The research proposes the analysis of the most important methods and tools such as CRAMM, MARION, MEHARI, PRINCE, etc. There aren’t sound applications in this field in Romanian environment and from this point the research proposes a case study using association rules in order to identify security risks. KEYWORDS IT security risks, association rules, CRAMM, MARION, MEHARI IT security 53 The security of information systems through business continuity management Cristina Venera ŢARŢAVULEA Dan Ştefan MARIA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Assuring the business continuity is very important for all organizations, no matter the size or their area of activity. A recent study shows that nearly 1 of 5 businesses suffers a major disruption every year, so the business continuity management has become a vital component of corporate governance. Business continuity management is a process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework to ensure the resilience of the business in the case of a disruption, to help ensure continuity of service to the key customers and the protection of the brand, reputation and value-creating activities. Business continuity management is an integrated approach to business continuity planning, emergency response, and crisis management. The paper presents the importance of understanding the vulnerabilities of a business, and the necessity of assuring the information systems security in order to maintain the business continuity. KEYWORDS Business continuity management, information systems security, risks assessment, business continuity IT security 54 Electronic attack risks in IT systems Maria BOLDEA Costin-Radu BOLDEA West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT Risk always involves unknown. The failure price is sometimes translated through loosing certain advantages, neglecting deadlines or reaching unpleasant situations. Experience tells us that we can not protect ourselves against all existing risks. On the other hand, logistics shows that we have to know our own risks, to measure and apply the adequate rules. IT security offers some instruments which imply analysis and measurement of risk factors: security standards and training, analysis and pointing out vulnerabilities, penetration analysis, evaluating the risks one can define the initial security Baseline. IT brokers have the possibility of doing fast attacks without limits. IT attacks involving the informatics systems may have negative results: financial, operational, and legal or strategically on individual or even national level. The paper summarizes the main attack risks for a firm’s IT system. KEYWORDS Risk, security baseline, vulnerability, IT attack IT security 55 Implementing a security strategy for wireless networks in auditing applications Alexandru Adrian GAVRILĂ Delia BĂBEANU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Continuous audit is a development of internal audit that is meant to assure that reports provided by the IS tools are correct and concluding. Continuous audit is realized much more often than traditional audit, due to the fact that generated reports are needed in real-time, perhaps even before the transaction sign-off. This environment implies that auditors use modern technologies and tools to monitor applications and provide reports in a timely fashion, that including working in untraditional places and connected with the company with wired or wireless networks. Wireless technologies enable one or several devices to communicate in the absence of physical connections, without requiring network or peripheral cabling. Due to numerous advantages provided, wireless technology has known unprecedented development and rapid propagation, starting with Wireless Wide Area Network – WWAN, Wireless Local Area Network – WLAN, cell phones and continuing with infrared devices such as remote controls, wireless HI-Fi stereo handsets and microphones, cordless keyboards and mice. Enabling communication between devices without wires has many advantages in convenience, but at the same time it increases the utilization risks, because monitoring wireless networks and intrusion prevention has become much more difficult. This article presents the necessity of developing and implementing a security strategy for Wireless Networks in auditing applications. KEYWORDS Audit tools, continuous audit, security strategy, wireless networks IT security 56 Some considerations about portal-based collaborative enterprises Mihaela I. MUNTEAN West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT Collaboration involves a different approach to business - focused on managing business relationships between people, within or without groups, and within and between organizations. Collaborative enterprises differ from other businesses in a number of ways and collaborative working needs to be simultaneously a business philosophy, strategy and operational working. At the core of true collaboration is the ability to share and catalog knowledge, ideas, standards, best practices, and lessons learned and to be able to retrieve that knowledge from anywhere at any time. The benefit of collaboration within a portal is clear. It will continually facilitate and enrich the knowledge management process. On the other hand, if done right, knowledge management is supposed to create a collaborative environment. Integrating all kind of collaboration capabilities into an enterprise portal, we can build a powerful IT infrastructure for the collaborative enterprise. KEYWORDS Collaborative enterprise, knowledge management, enterprise portal COSTING Chairperson: Jiří STROUHAL Czech University of Life Sciences, Department of Trade and Finance Hall 0317 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 17:00 - 18:30 Costing 58 Building of the Activity-Based Cost management system in practice Boris POPESKO Petr NOVAK Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic ABSTRACT Article describes the history and philosophy of the Activity-Based Costing systems and its effective utilization for the industrial companies cost management. Authors had participated on several ABC/M implementation projects, which led them to creation of implementation methodology of process cost management systems. Important part of the article is also devoted to the implementation characteristics within the company information system. KEYWORDS Cost, costing, activity-based costing, process management Costing 59 ABC & ABM – The couple which prevails cost calculation and modern administration for performance Ildikó Réka VOLKÁN Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT Recent technological and organizational mutations, evolutions and the automation of the production processes generated the reduction of direct expenses and lead to the increase of indirect ones. Therefore companies are facing a new challenge: they need to adapt their managerial accounting instruments and cost calculation methods to the new requirements of production. The couple ABC/ABM represents a complete instrument for management, the first being a cost calculation system, while the second relies on added value and represents a whole philosophy regarding the performance based management. After covering the available literature in this field, based on a qualitative analysis, we want to demonstrate that the reminded couple continues to gain field in the area of cost calculation and measuring performances, and tends to become an indispensable instrument for each manager by offering information regarding the profitability of one’s clients, administrating the portfolio of products and setting their prices. KEYWORDS Cost calculation, cost management, performance administration, Activity Based Costing, Activity Based Management Costing 60 Multicriterial model for costs analysis and optimization at societies’ group level Cerasela PÎRVU Ion BULIGIU University of Craiova, Romania ABSTRACT In our opinion, the performances at group level must be analyzed differently, depending on the adopted strategy. Thus, we consider that a major problem of the accounting and cost control is their compatibility with the strategy. This is justified by the fact that a certain system, that can be an efficient instrument for assessing the performances of a group whose strategy is cost dominated, could cause malfunctions in a company that adopts a differentiation strategy. Because groups’ management currently faces a specific problem – adopting decisions when several objectives are followed simultaneously or the same objective common for more branches – we consider that, in such cases, the decisions cannot be based on a classic model of optimization of a single objective function. We consider that an optimization model with several objective functions, which aims at optimizing the costs for the branches and choosing a satisfactory solution for the company, is necessary. KEYWORDS Costs, the optimization linear programming of the costs, decision process, Costing 61 Implications of the production strategies based on the opportunity costs upon the breakeven point Nela ŞTELIAC Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT Any producer must choose production strategies in order to have maximum profit. Producers that are dealing different compulsions are forced to choose an alternative from a numbers of alternatives. Each alternative implies a certain opportunity cost. Production strategies based on a certain opportunity cost represent the strategies that the producers are using in order to establish the products that are to be made during a certain period of time according to some of the compulsions that producers deal in order to have maximum profit. Considering the case of a restrictive sector that register a physical production capacity because of the production hours/month .The combination of products is determined reporting the gross margin/hour of every product. This strategy leads to a maximum profit (minimized opportunity cost). Producers are often tempted to establish their strategies according to the unitary gross margin thus leading to a profit loss. This article presents both possible strategies analyzing comparatively the levels of the breakeven point that are determined by the two strategies. KEYWORDS Production strategy, opportunity cost, restrictive sector, breakeven point, time required in order to reach the breakeven point 62 Costing ACCOUNTING AND ENVIRONMENT Chairperson: Nicoleta FARCANE West University of Timişoara, Romania Hall 0321 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 17:00 - 18:30 Accounting and environment 64 Sustainable development: effects on financial statements analysis Petru ŞTEFEA Cristina CIRCA West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT So far, the main declared target of each company, its reason for living, has been the increase of the financial performance, given by various indicators - turnover, net profit of the year, comprehensive income, cash flow etc. However, today trends seem to change. We are living in a world facing more and more social and environmental problems, that need to be taken into account in the process of economic development. We are living in a country that performed an important step at the beginning of the year: the entry in the European Union. From this moment on, Romanian companies won’t choose to do their business and protect environment at the same time, but will have to, given the European restrictions in this field. Both production costs and selling prices will carry in a certain extent a component of environment protection. In this context, the present paper will attempt to discuss several effects of the sustainable development on the financial performance of the company. Moreover, as performance indicators are altered by environmental restrictions, we will have to consider additional judgment criteria in the financial statements analysis. KEYWORDS Sustainable development, structural instruments, performance, externalities Accounting and environment 65 Actualités et perspectives dans la comptabilité environnementale Neculai TABǍRǍ Florian NUŢǍ Université „Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ La notion de l’environnement représente: l’ensemble des ressources naturelles, l’interaction entre les ressources naturelles et les activités humaines, l’ensemble de toutes les ressources disponibles. La comptabilité environnementale correspond à la tentative d’utiliser pour la gestion dans le domaine des instruments de contrôle et de suivi analogues à ceux qui sont employés dans la gestion économique d’une entreprise ou d’un organisme public. On estime que le contrôle de tous les flux de dépenses, de profits et la vérification des variations patrimoniales constituent le moyen le plus efficace de contrôler toutes les actions effectuées, leurs impacts, efficacité, et équité. MOTS CLÉS Environnement, comptabilité environnementale, gestion environnementale, ressources naturelles Accounting and environment 66 L’évaluation des performances de l’audit de l’environnement Mioara BORZA Université „Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, Romania RÉSUMÉ La protection de l’environnement est l’une des plus importantes préoccupations des spécialistes de différents domaines d’intérêt. Ainsi, la comptabilité acquiert une nouvelle dimension qui réunit les méthodes, très modernes, utilisées pour reconnaître les valeurs. À présent, on comprend mieux que les problèmes d’environnement ont un impact fort et direct sur les situations des entreprises. En conséquence, les mesures pour protéger l’environnement seront soutenues par l’audit d’environnement. On peut associer les performances enregistrées au niveau de l’environnement avec les performances générées par l’application de l’audit d’environnement. En plus, le dernier joue un rôle vital pour corriger les carences des étapes passées. La compétitivité est l’élément essentiel qui fait la liaison entre l’audit, le management et la comptabilité. Si en comptabilité on met en évidence les dépenses, les coûts et les bénéfices enregistrés, il apparaît opportun de "comptabiliser" aussi leur source, c’est-à-dire la nature. Après cette démarche, une nouvelle étape surgit – l’audit – qui a le rôle de sensibiliser en ce qui concerne la reconnaissance des valeurs de l’environnement. La soutenance des efforts en vue d’enregistrer des performances par l’audit d’environnement a conduit à de nombreux bénéfices. MOTS CLÉS Audit, bénéfices, compétitivité, environnement, impact, spécialistes auditeurs Accounting and environment 67 The reflection of environmental investments on the market value of Romanian companies Carmen BONACI Alin IENCIU Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT The paper tries to provide insight into the way environmental information and especially environmental investments influence the market value of Romanian companies. In order to quantify this influence we expressed market value of equity as a function of book value equity, accounting earning and environmental performance, as main variables. This recommendation assumes that environmental information has value relevance since it is likely to affect the expected future earnings of companies. Currently we could consider two main categories of opinions regarding this matter: one arguing that environmental investments represent only increased costs, resulting in decreased earnings and lower market value, and the other saying that environmental efforts play a value creation function. The value relevance of environmental performance ratings for the market value of companies will be reflected by analyzing financial statements from some Romanian companies which apply environmental policies, this article having the role of grounding our framework. Our study finds support for the cost-concerned category, the main reason for this conclusion being the company’s attitude regarding environmental concerns in general. KEYWORDS Environmental investments, equity, accounting earnings, function Accounting and environment 68 GAIA theory – model and metaphor for global green performance Florian COLCEAG IRSCA Gifted Education Chiraţa CARAIANI Mihaela DUMITRANA Cornelia DASCĂLU Camelia Iuliana LUNGU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The GAIA Theory is the scientific explanation of how our planet functions as a single living and self-regulating system. It can be considered that GAIA is challenging a new functional stage of world development, including the economic performance dimension. It was first scientifically formulated by James Lovelock (1960) and has inspired many leading figures of the past years. The recent researches are referring to a multitude of motivations regarding the socio-economic and environmental reporting of so-called global performance (Margulis, 2006; Hassel et al., 2005). The research methodology of this paper is based on a multidisciplinary approach, which has worked out an advanced techniques set of educational, economic, social and environmental dimensions. We use the fundamental research that is related to inductive accounting theory and scientific methods for identification of theoretical and practical difficulties. The paper allows new approaches regarding global green performance, ensuring premises for future research. KEYWORDS GAIA theory, global green performance, socio-genesis, value – based management, performance metrics INTANGIBLES Chairperson: Adriana TIRON TUDOR Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Hall 0319 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 17:00 - 18:30 70 Intangibles Intangible assets and value creation Nicoleta RADNEANTU American-Romanian University, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The success of companies no longer depends upon production facilities, financial capital, and ownership, but more and more upon immaterial values, known as intangible assets. Such assets include not only relationships with business partners, brand awareness and new business ideas, but also know-how, corporate culture, and the ability to innovate. One of the major problems with today’s accounting systems is that they are still based on transactions, such as sales. The successful development of a drug creates considerable value, but actual transactions, such as sales, may take years to materialize. Until then, the accounting system does not register any value created in contrast to the investments made into research and development, which are fully expensed. This difference, between how the accounting system is handling value created and is handling investments into value creation, is the major reason for the growing disconnect between market values and financial information. KEYWORDS Intangible assets, value creation, globalization, knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital, evaluation Intangibles 71 Capitaliser et valoriser les connaissances: une approche fondée sur la mémoire d’entreprise Vasile FLORESCU Liana ANICA-POPA Ionuţ ANICA-POPA Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Le développement dans une économie de la connaissance détermine les entreprises à trouver les moyens organisationnels et méthodologiques pour transformer l’information et les acquis intellectuels en valeur durable pour les employés et les clients. La capitalisation des connaissances est devenue un enjeu stratégique pour les entreprises. Une approche possible pour le management des connaissances (en anglais, Knowledge Management) dans une organisation est la construction d'une mémoire d'entreprise Les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication (NTIC) et surtout les technologies du .NET assure l’infrastructure pour matérialiser cette mémoire dans une diversité de formes: une base de données, une base documentaire, une base de connaissance, une base de cas, un forum de discutions ou un collecticiel. MOTS CLÉS Connaissances explicites, connaissances tacites, capitalisation des connaissances, mémoire d’entreprise, base documentaire, base de connaissances, base de cas, Internet, Web, Web sémantique 72 Intangibles Les rapports narratifs du management, sont-ils équilibres? Etude de cas sur la reconnaissance du capital intellectuel dans les rapports annuels Anca BOGDAN Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Ioana IOAN Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Métiers de Paris, France Raluca SANDU Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Université d’Orléans, France RÉSUMÉ La création de valeur en entreprise s’appuie de plus en plus sur des éléments immatériels, difficiles à mesurer, à gérer et surtout à communiquer aux actionnaires et aux parties prenantes de l’entreprise. Les pratiques de communication financière de certaines entreprises intégrant déjà des éléments du capital intellectuel (exemple l’entreprise Skandia, au Suède) et les normalisateurs commencent à s’interroger sur l’opportunité de normaliser ce genre de reporting financier (le rapport de la FASB de 2001). Nous nous proposons ainsi d’étudier, par une analyse de contenu, les éléments du capital intellectuel présents dans les rapports annuels de PETROM SA. Notre choix d’entreprise s’explique par le processus de réorganisation commencé après sa privatisation, un contexte qui rend critique le problème de la création de valeur. L’intérêt de notre recherche réside également dans la présentation des résultats sous la forme d’un tableau de bord équilibré. MOTS CLÉS Rapports narratifs, création de valeur, capital intellectuel, tableau de bord équilibré, analyse de contenu Intangibles 73 The Accounting of the New Economy Carmen IMBRESCU Ion IMBRESCU University of the West Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT One of the effects of the New Economy is represented by the fact that the science of accounting must be better adapted to the new realities. In the near past manifested an interesting transformation: intangible goods rapidly replace the tangible goods, because the first ones can create added value in a more intensive way. We are at a beginning period of a new “New Economy”, and this New Economy is founded on a model which tries to optimize the combination between tangible goods and knowledge/intangible goods, where the managers counts on the long-run creation of added value and also on the short-run obtaining of the profit. This paper try to reveal the need to recognize the existence of the limits of the accounting and to identify some ways to improve it, because the processes of decision-making and decision taking must not be invaded by the limited or distortional information. KEYWORDS Accounting, New Economy, intangible goods, management 74 Intangibles BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Chairperson: Dorin LIXĂNDROIU Transilvania University, Braşov, Romania Presentation: "Best Practices in Information Systems audit and governance" Adrian LOCUSTEANU S&T Romania Hall 0420 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 17:00 - 18:30 76 Business Intelligence Modèles de formations virtuels: une démarche qui ajoute de la valeur a l’enseignement économique et comptable, dans le contexte de la globalisation Bogdan IONESCU Florin MIHAI Iuliana IONESCU Andrei STANCIU Cătălin TUDOR Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ En partant du contexte globalisé, on a proposé dans cette communication scientifique d’analyser les possibilités d’intégration des composants de l’enseignement économique avec des modèles et des outils pédagogiques de la formation virtuelle, par Internet, de surprendre les point forts et faibles de l’implémentation des plateformes d’enseignement électronique dans l’offre de la formation économique. En commencent par l’analyse de l’enseignement économique vue dans un contexte mondial, européen et national, il est possible d’établir un modèle d’une formation généralement acceptée, qui se décrit par plusieurs composants de l’enseignement économique, transposés pédagogiquement sur une plateforme intégrée de « e-learning ». Au niveau européen, le sujet d’utilisation des technologies numériques dans le processus de la formation, a fait l’objectif des plusieurs démarches, qui ont parti de l’adaptation des outils pédagogiques, des technologies communicationnelles, vers le développement des ressources de formation par Internet et ont eu comme but l’intégration de la formation économique parmi les plateformes de « e-learning ». MOTS CLÉS E-learning, formation virtuelle, globalisation modèles d’apprentissage, enseignement comptable Business Intelligence 77 GIS and BI or a location-based business intelligence solution for higher education management Dinu AIRINEI Daniel HOMOCIANU “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania ABSTRACT Historically speaking, BI and GIS have followed different demands as development and also as implementation. But today, when a customer requests integrated applications expanding throughout the organization, BI and GIS application must work together. In order to facilitate this, standards and other ways of data interaction – desktop integration, server integration, web services were adopted by various IT providers and client organizations. After finding out what it is that spatial information brings to business, we must speak about the Location-Based Business Intelligence. This paper is meant to put this integration issue into the specific context of the Higher Education Management. KEYWORDS Business intelligence, geographical information systems, locationbased bi, higher education management 78 Business Intelligence Knowledge integration for management use Irina Bogdana PUGNA Felicia ALBESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In this paper we discuss some of the currently issues on the agenda of knowledge management. In particular, we focus on knowledge integration - as a synthesis of best available evidence with expertise of individuals and customer values- pointing out the importance of knowledge management integration with business processes. Also, we discuss about the integration of knowledge management technologies with business intelligence technologies. Knowledge management technologies, while less mature than business intelligence technologies, are now capable of combining today’s content management systems and Web with vastly improved searching and text mining capabilities to derive more value from the explosion of textual information. As a result of that technological integration (BI and KM) there are new approaches that can analyze data and text together, seamlessly. Text integrated with business data can provide valuable insights for improving the quality of business decisions. Finally, we focus on ontologies, as artefacts to represent human knowledge and on their role in knowledge integration. KEYWORDS Knowledge management, knowledge discovery, ontologies, semantic metadata integration, knowledge Business Intelligence 79 Value creation through business intelligence Ana-Maria PREDA Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania Alina ARDELEANU Novensys Business Solutions, Bucharest, Romania Olga CRIHAN Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The paper presents the role of Business Intelligence (BI) as a strategic asset in any successful organization. It also emphasis the business value of BI. After a short presentation of the state-of-the-art of the current available BI solutions, the paper focuses on Microsoft BI suite of products. The authors present their experience in implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Business Analytics (BA) both for enterprise management and for corporate management. The conclusion is that BI represents one of the most efficient, effective and easy-to-use solutions to improve information management and to grow the overall performance of an organization. KEYWORDS Business intelligence, business analytics, dashboard, management information system, accounting, dashboards 80 Business Intelligence Develop a knowledge management system - with application in financial – accounting domain Olivia CARSTOCEA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Knowledge Management System is a tool for managing knowledge in companies and has the scope of acquiring business knowledge, expertise and best practices throughtout all their existence. The scope of this study is to develop a knowledge management system based on REX method (Retour d'Experiences) identified as the adequate method for management of explicit knowledge in financial-accounting domain, using the features of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003. The solution proposed is a knowledge management portal will integrate information, collaboration, processes, expertise and generates useable reports of individual and aggregate data, combine multiple forms into one online system, promote standardized datacollection methodology, facilitates timely feedback and approval. KEYWORDS Knowledge management systems, explicit knowledge, portal, REX method, financial-accounting knowledge ISSUES IN FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Chairperson: Dumitru MATIŞ Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania Hall 0320 Thursday, June 21st 2007, 17:00 - 18:30 82 Issues in financial accounting Absolute hypostases regarding actuarial accounting Mihai RISTEA Corina DUMITRU Lidia Cristina MANEA Mirela Elena NICHITA Daniela Nicoleta SAHLIAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The paper presents a segment of the actuarial accounting related to pensions and employees benefits. The selected domains in this context are as follows: the actuarial value of the promised pensions (distinguish between vested benefits and non-vested benefits); credit factor in actuarial measurement of the relation between beneficiaries and cost of the entity; unbiased and mutually compatible actuarial assumption (employee turnover and mortality; discounted rate, salaries, state benefits and medical cost) that are used as estimation for variables that determine the final cost of the granted post – employment benefits; recognition of the net cumulative actuarial gains and losses. The whole research is focused on the continuous finding of the most adequate methods of recognition and actuarial measurement treatments capable to propound a new branch for accounting culture: the actuarial accounting. KEYWORDS Actuarial accounting, pensions, employees’ benefits, actuarial gains and losses 83 Issues in financial accounting Carbon Allowances – Various Approaches to financial reporting Jiřina BOKŠOVÁ University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic ABSTRACT The topic which is being discussed a lot among the companies, which let the carbon dioxide out, are the carbon allowances which allow you to produce a particular amount of greenhouse gases. EFRAG did not accept the interpretation of IFRIG 3 concerning the carbon allowances as intangible assets accounted according to IAS 38 and cost-free allocation of carbon allowances for grant according to IAS 20. IFRS does not deal with the credits itself. The aim of this article is to present the various approaches how to solve the problem of financial reporting of the carbon allowances according to the valid standards of IFRS or perhaps according to others standards as well. KEYWORDS Allowance, net liability method liability approach method, modified net 84 Issues in financial accounting A research on the accounting options choices within listed companies Daniela Artemisa CALU Cosmina PITULICE Mădălina BRĂESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Listed companies must prepare and present their financial statements according to IFRS/IAS. These standards are characterized by a certain convergence trend demonstrated by the acceptance of a small number of choices for the same accounting issue. However, companies are able to choose among several accounting treatments. Our research aims to demonstrate that there are correlations between certain particularities of the group (e.g. net turnover, industry type, the number of the group’s companies) and the accounting policies it chooses. In this regard, we want to research the accounting policies published in 2005 financial statements by companies included in Fortune Global 500 top, to establish through statistical methods correlations among dependent and independent variables and to explain the option for a certain accounting treatment. KEYWORDS Financial statements, IFRS/IAS, accounting issue, accounting treatments, accounting policies, statistical methods Issues in financial accounting 85 Fair value accounting for financial instruments Vasile RĂILEANU Cristina Lidia MANEA Cristian RAPCENCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In today's dynamic and volatile markets, whether it is to buy or sell, investors need to know what an asset is currently worth, rather than what it was worth when it was acquired. As a result, with today’s unpredictable market conditions, it seems like the fair value to be the answer. Being the subject of the latest reviews of international standards, we consider the fair value accounting, in general and fair value accounting of financial instruments in particular, to be the most important ones. In this context, the paper provides answers to questions such as: Is the fair value the absolute solution for the financial instruments measurement? How can the fair value be measured? How fair is the fair value? All answers and solutions are supported by case studies regarding the fair value measurement of the financial instruments, including models of valuation techniques. KEYWORDS Fair value, measurement, financial instruments, valuation techniques 86 Issues in financial accounting The integration of the Romanian professional accounting education in the general accepted international learning curricula Paul DIACONU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The globalization phenomena are penetrating deeply the accounting profession. The standardization of the accounting need to be evaluated both through the need of the standardization of the accounting methods (see IFRS) but also through the creation of a uniform base of knowledge’s which need to be undertake by the accountants in the developing of their profession. Since almost 20 years the international organizations like UN raised the problem o an international accountancy learning curricula, as a benchmark for the developing world and as a model for the entire accountancy world. In this purpose IFAC has created in International Education Standards, which allowed the national accounting professions to adjust their learning curricula in relation with a general accepted reference. CECCAR, the Romanian accounting body will need to use in the next period the related standards and to implement them in its own national system. In this purpose the Romanian accounting profession will be able to become general recognized in the accounting world in general and in the European accounting world especially. KEYWORDS International Education Standards, cultural capital, educational curricula, harmonization VALEUR, GLOBALISATION ET COMPTABILITE Chairperson: Jean Michel NICOLLE INTEC, Paris, France Hall 0421 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 88 Valeur, globalisation et comptabilité L’adoption par l’Europe des normes IFRS : vecteur d’intégration mondiale ? Mais perte de légitimité des états ? L’exemple français Christian SIMON Université Paris 12 Val de Marne, France RÉSUMÉ Le règlement européen visant à rendre obligatoire les normes comptables internationales IFRS pour les sociétés cotées européennes pour l’établissement de leurs comptes consolidés au plus tard à partir de 2005, a été publié le 11 septembre 2002. Ce règlement s’inscrit dans le cadre plus général du plan d’action européen pour parvenir à un marché financier des services pleinement intégré dès 2005. Pour ce faire, l’Europe doit disposer notamment d’un langage comptable commun à toutes les sociétés cotées, ce qu’elle avait déjà entrepris en publiant notamment dans les années 1970 les 4ème et 7ème Directives. Déjà les états membres, par ces directives, avaient du parvenir à une certaine harmonisation de leurs règles comptables, et par là même avaient renoncé à une certaine part de leur souveraineté en la matière. Or depuis le règlement du 11 septembre 2002, l’Europe a dévolu son avenir comptable à un organisme privé de normalisation, l’ IASB, et a décidé que les normes comptables produites s’appliqueraient, pour l’instant limitées aux groupes européens cotés, dans les états membres. Au niveau européen, l’ ARC (Comité de réglementation comptable qui donne son avis sur l’adoption ou non des IFRS en Europe) et l’ EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group qui a un rôle consultatif en la matière) essaient d’organiser l’applicabilité de ces règles dans les états membres. Valeur, globalisation et comptabilité 89 La France pour sa part dispose du Conseil National de la Comptabilité (CNC), doté d’un Comité d’urgence, et du Comité de la Réglementation comptable (CRC), tous deux étant des organismes dépendant du Ministère de l’économie, le premier donnant son avis sur les dispositions comptables , le second les adoptant. Dan un horizon plus lointain, 2010/2015, on peut imaginer que toutes les sociétés françaises seront tenues à l’application des normes internationales, voire les PME. Quelle sera alors la légitimité de l’état français en la matière ? On peut donc penser que ces deux organes nationaux ne seront plus que des « organismes d’enregistrement et de contrôle ». La normalisation comptable nationale s’est déplacée du niveau national au niveau européen (1er stade), puis du niveau européen au niveau mondial (2nd stade). MOTS CLÉS Directive, harmonisation, IAS / IFRS, intégration, mondialisation, normes 90 Valeur, globalisation et comptabilité La « réception » des normes IFRS dans le monde comptable: une analyse comparative Roumanie - France Ion IONAŞCU Académie d’ Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ La globalisation des affaires a imposée les normes IAS/IFRS comme référentiel comptable global. Dans l’Union Européenne ces normes sont obligatoires pour les comptes consolidés de toutes les sociétés cotées. Mais la comptabilité n’est pas neutre par rapport à son milieu culturel est la réception des normes IFRS est différente, en fonction de chaque contexte national. Pour certains pays, comme ceux de l’Europe continentale, l’application des normes IFRS peut être considérée un changement radical de paradigme comptable. Cette étude présente une analyse comparative sur la réception des normes IFRS dans le milieu comptable (les normalisateurs, la profession comptable, les universitaires, les facteurs politiques etc.) en Roumanie et en France. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de l’étude montrent qu’en France on a une approche plus critique des normes IFRS qu’en Roumanie, où on peut remarquer un mimétisme comptable plus accentué. Les conclussions sont fondées sur une étude critique et comparative de la littérature professionnelle significative (revues, ouvrages, journaux etc.) publiée entre 20002006. MOTS CLÉS Normes comptables internationales IAS/IFRS, analyse comparative Roumanie – France, mimétisme comptable, réception critique des IAS/IFRS Valeur, globalisation et comptabilité 91 La création de valeur pour les actionnaires. Une étude de cas pour les sociétés roumaines cotées à la Bourse de Valeurs de Bucarest (BVB) Marian SĂCĂRIN Académie d'Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Pour les sociétés cotées, la maximisation de la richesse des actionnaires représente l'objectif principal. Aujourd'hui, il existe de nombreux modèles ou méthodes de calcul de la création de valeur pour les actionnaires, le modèle développé par le cabinet américain Stern et Stewart étant le plus connu. Ainsi, les vocables EVA (Economic Value Added - Valeur Economique Ajoutée) et MVA (Market Value Added Valeur de Marché Ajoutée), marques déposées par ce cabinet, sont utilisées par plusieurs entreprises pour mesurer la création de la valeur. À cause de la difficulté de la détermination du coût des capitaux investis, nécessaire pour calculer l'EVA et la MVA, on a choisi le ratio de Marris pour mettre en valeur la capacité des sociétés roumaines, cotées à la Bourse de Valeurs de Bucarest (BVB), de créer de la valeur pour actionnaires propres. Les deux variables de ce ratio sont: -VM: la valeur de marché représentée par la capitalisation boursière à la fin d'année; -CP: la valeur comptable des capitaux propres à la fin d'année; La comparaison de ces variables permet d'apprécier si la société va dans l'avenir se maintenir, créer de la valeur pour actionnaires ou au contraire en détruire. MOTS CLÉS Création de valeur, destruction de valeur, EVA, MVA, ratio de Marris, sociétés cotées, Bourse de Valeurs de Bucarest (BVB) 92 Valeur, globalisation et comptabilité L'analyse de la cohérence des théories concernant la création de valeur avec le modèle comptable de la valeur imposé par l'IASB Ştefan BUNEA Académie d'Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Il y a des modèles de création de valeurs orientées vers les actionnaires et bien aussi des modèles qui servent les autres partis prenantes. L'unes d'elles sont simples et repos sur les valeur comptables traditionnelles et les autres plus complexes utilisent la juste valeur et la valeur actualisée des flux de trésorerie. L'objectif de cette recherche est de réaliser une analyse de la cohérence des théories concernant la création de valeur avec le modèle comptable de valeur imposée par l'IASB et avec les modèles de gouvernement d'entreprise. Méthodologie de recherche : -revue de la littérature concernant les théories de création de valeur et de la gouvernance d'entrepris pour pouvoir identifier les leviers de création de valeur et leurs utilité dans les différents modèles de gouvernement ; - analyse de la cohérence des concepts et des politiques comptables de l'IASB avec les raisonnements utilisés dans les théories de création de valeur et avec les principes de la gouvernance d'entrepris. Les résultats de la recherche amènent vers la conclusion que le modèle comptable de l'IASB privilège les modèles de création de valeur pour les actionnaires et un modèle de gouvernement shareholders. MOTS CLÉS Création de valeur, valeur comptable, cohérence, gouvernement de l'entreprise LAW I Chairperson: Brânduşa ŞTEFĂNESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 2514 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 94 Law I The employees’ grievances and the possibility to go on strike in comparative labour law Raluca DIMITRIU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The right to strike may be exerted in a different way depending on the law system. More often than not, the strike is the result of the employer’s refuse to perform one or another of the employees’ grievances. The present study proposes to make a configuration of these grievances, in comparative law. Which are the employees’ demands whose refusal may lead, legally, to strike, in different law systems, which are the legitimate demands and which appear as illegitimate, which demands are generally considered as reasonable and whether their qualification as reasonable or unreasonable is relevant for the strike’s legitimacy – here are some of the questions which the present study proposes to answer. Using the comparative method, but also the empirical one, practical cases of strike triggered in different European systems are analysed, with a special accent on the political demands and on the type of strike they might generate. KEYWORDS Labour law, strike, comparative law, employees’ demands Law I 95 Considerations concerning the regulation of credit institutions within the context of the recent legislative modifications in the Romanian law Brânduşa Oana VARTOLOMEI Ana-Maria LUPULESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The accession of Romania to the European Union has imposed the harmonization of Romanian legislation with the Community law, including in the banking field. In order to align the national provisions with the existing regulations at community level, the Romanian legislator has abrogated the Law no. 58/1998 concerning the banking activity and it has adopted new provisions related to this field, namely the Government Urgent Ordinance no. 99/2006 concerning credit institutions and the adequacy of capital. This ordinance represents a veritable reform of banking activity and it has the vocation to be considered as a major step in the process of creation of essential legal rules in order to regulate the commercial and business environment in Romania. For this purpose the present paper aims to analyze the major innovations provided by the new regulation in relation with the credit institutions and the conditions they must fulfill in order to be allowed to perform their activities in Romania (regardless of their nationality). The present analysis intends to accentuate the main useful aspects of the new provisions in order to help the theoreticians of law as well as the professionals to deal with the legislative instability Romania is facing. KEYWORDS Banking law, credit institution, authorization, competent authority 96 Law I Analysis of the international commercial standard form contracts Charlotte ENE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The terms of many contracts are set out in printed standard forms which are used for all transactions of the same kind. Usually, standard form contracts are settled by trade associations in order to be used by their members in their international commercial activity. The main purpose of these standard forms is to save time. The activity of businessmen would become almost impossible if all the terms of every contract had to be settled for each transaction. Also, standard form contracts are an instrument for allocating contractual risks; they can be used to determine in advance who is to bear the expense of insuring against those risks. Nevertheless, the standard form contracts could be used in an unfair way, mainly in relation with private consumers (e.g. to exclude or limit the supplier`s liability for defective performance; to deprive the other party of some protection which the law would normally give him). KEYWORDS Law, contract, standard form, business liability, consumer Law I 97 Economic organizations and the free circulation of capital Laurenţiu SORESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT One of the fundamental principles of the Union is free movement of capital. Capital represents resources used for investment or capable of being invested able to generate income. The concept of capital includes securities, direct investment, financial loans and credits, shares, bonds and other debt instruments. Free movement of capital is governed by Articles 56 para 1 and Articles 57 up to 60 EC. The internal market project has lead to the enactment of secondary legislation regarding free movement of capital and to the inclusion of provisions related to free movement of capital into the EC Treaty as part of the Maastricht amendments. This paper examines EU law concerning credit institutions, companies and the categories of operations performed by those economic organizations concerning circulation of capital in the EU. KEYWORDS Free circulation, capital, banking, companies 98 Law I Principle of cooperative governing in the trade company law no. 31/1990 Camelia STOICA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In amending the Law no. 31/1990 the transparency increasing in fulfilling the position and responsibility of managing executive offices of trading companies (especially the administrators is being regulated. Thus the following amendments have been brought: 1. Separation of supervision position towards the decision making ones. 2. Elaborating the administrator legal responsibility frame to the company with “non-executive” position. 3. Introducing the definition of independent administrator. Amending the law, we leave the “Monist” conception for the “Dualist” system for the joint-stock company coming from German legislation. Introducing the supervision council is done under the main purpose as to control the modality under which the directors manage the company, as they effectively manage the company. The independence of the directors to the supervision council is provided as their revocation can be incident only for severe reasons and under legal verification. Introducing the “dualist” system has practical implications, as under the circumstance of European Union adherence from the 1st of January 2007, the new system has provided its compatibility to the provisions of Regulation regarding the European Company no. 2157/2001 and Directive 2001/86/CE. KEYWORDS Principles, administrators, monist, dualist LAW II Chairperson: Raluca DIMITRIU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Hall 2516 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 100 Law I Le critère du contrôle. Connotations de l’association des entreprises dans des différents embranchements de droit la solution communautaire communication Silvia CRISTEA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania RÉSUMÉ En quelle mesure le contrôle, défini comme la possibilité d’exercer une influence déterminante sur une autre entreprise, reste dans le territoire d’une concurrence licite (loyale) et, en quelle mesure il conduit vers une concurrence illicite (déloyale)? C’est le problème principal que cette étude propose comme thème de recherche, ayant comme point de départ l’analyse des dispositions en ce qui concerne le contrôle dans la législation roumaine, respectivement La loi no. 297/2004, concernant le marché de capital, La loi no. 58/1998 concernant l’activité bancaire, La loi no. 217/2005 en ce qui concerne l’organisation et le fonctionnement du comité européen d’entreprise et La loi no. 371/2003 concernant le Code fiscal. Le but de la systématisation des dispositions si hétérogènes est de découvrir quel est le pourcentage minimal qu’une entreprise peut détenir dans l’activité d’une autre entreprise soit direct, soit indirect par une tierce personne, pour que cette possession doit être cataloguée comme contrôle. On peut découvrir aussi quels sont les effets juridiques du contrôle ( par exemple, en matière fiscale, le contrôle conduit à établir la relation d’affiliation et ainsi à la solidarité, au payement des obligations envers le budget général consolidé) . MOTS CLÉS Droit, contrôle, pourcentage, effets, juridique Law I 101 Financial services in the European Union Laurenţiu SORESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT This study relates to a particular type of services provided in the EU, financial services. The legislation regarding financial services in the European Union will be analyzed briefly in this paper. The EU legislation has changed and will change the financial markets of the Member States. Member States have to enact proper legislation compliant to the rules established for the integration of the financial market of Member States. Even if it seems that at this moment the integration task has been completed, a single financial market is still an objective to the European Union. The EU Commission has built a special framework for action in the field of financial services. The Commission wants to eliminate the remaining barriers to the free provision of financial services and aims to improve legislation and controls on the financial market for the period 2005-2010. This article will try also to make a short presentation of EU rules regarding banking, insurance, transaction in securities, financial conglomerates and institutions for occupational retirement. KEYWORDS Financial services, single market, EU law, banking, insurance 102 Law I Considerations regarding the single member companies. De lege ferenda proposal Ileana VOICA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The paper contains two parts: 1. Comments on the legal regime of the single member private limited company. Focus on the Article 196^1 paragraph (3) of the Law no. 31/1990 on companies (the Company Law), as it was introduced by the Law no. 441/2006 for the amending of the Company Law; 2. Proposal for the regulation of the single shareholder simplified public company (SSSPC) into the national legislation according to the French model (Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle SASU). KEYWORDS Law, SSSPC (the single shareholder simplified public company), EURL – Entreprise Unipersonnelle con Responsabilite Limitee, Associate/shareholder, employee, chair of the board Law I 103 Considérations théoriques relatives à la société européenne – étape importante dans le processus d’uniformisation du droit des sociétés dans l’Union Européenne Iona Nelly MILITARU Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Le présent essai est structuré comme il suit: Dans le cadre de la section intitulée « Précisions préalables » on a présenté brièvement l’évolution historique de la réglementation de la société européenne. Dans la première section, intitulée « La nécessité de la réglementation de la société européenne », on a démontré que la réalisation du marché intérieur et les conséquences positives qu’il détermine, à l’intérieur de la Communauté, sur la situation économique et sociale impliquent non seulement l’élimination des obstacles de commerce, mais encore l’adaptation des structures de production à la dimension communautaire. La deuxième section contient une analyse synthétique des principaux aspects relatifs au domaine d’application du Règlement du Conseil (CE) no. 2157/2001 du 8 octobre 2001 concernant le statut de la Société européenne (SE) et de la Directive no. 2001/86 CE du 8 octobre 2001 sur la complétion du statut de la Société européenne en ce qui concerne l’implication des salariés. La troisième section se réfère à l’obligation des Etats Membres de s’assurer que les dispositions applicables aux sociétés européennes en vertu du règlement sont respectées. MOTS CLÉS Uniformisation, droit des sociétés, société européenne, règlement, directive, marché intérieur 104 Law I ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Chairperson: Alain BURLAUD INTEC, Paris, France Hall “Robert Schuman” Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 106 Issues in management accounting How to measure the business performance: on the sport clubs Jiří STROUHAL Czech University of Life Sciences, Department of Trade and Finance ABSTRACT Text deals with the problem how to measure the business performance of the sport clubs on regular basis. Performance indicators can look at the internal performance of the club, including a focus on controllable costs and overheads, general financial management and also the way in which it generates revenues from its market and exploits its commercial potential. Indicators also can look at the external performance of the club, as it interfaces with fans, commercial partners and other groups. These indicators can be also used for comparisons against other clubs in the football (or another sport) industry. KEYWORDS Business performance, sport industry, indicator, measurement Issues in management accounting 107 L’évolution du contrôle de gestion dans le contexte de la mondialisation Florinel Marian SGÂRDEA Loredana DǍUŞ Académie d'Études Économiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Liviu MATAC Ministère de l’Éducation et de la Recherche, Roumanie Cleopatra ŞENDROIU Académie d'Études Économiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Aujourd’hui, après plus d’un siècle d’existence, les méthodes classiques du contrôle de gestion sont fréquemment remises en question pour leur incapacité à répondre aux évolutions récentes de l’environnement. L’évolution des outils de gestion pour pallier aux effets (traitement des charges indirectes plus complexe, évincement de certains coûts, complexification du système décisionnel, etc.) induits par la dissonance entre instrument de gestion et modification de l’environnement est à l’heure actuelle indispensable. Le contrôle de gestion ne doit plus uniquement mesurer des objectifs de quantité et de productivité, mais aussi des objectifs de délai, de qualité, de flexibilité et de coût global qui contribuent au pilotage de la valeur. Les nouvelles données de la concurrence ont pris une part importante, voir même prédominante, dans le pilotage de l’entreprise. La compréhension de l’entreprise est donc une étape indispensable afin de fournir un contrôle de gestion efficient. MOTS CLÉS Contrôle, méthodes traditionnelles, ventilation des charges, pilotage, valeur, transversalité 108 Issues in management accounting Cultural causes and effects in managerial accounting Flavius Andrei GUINEA Cristina Maria STANCIU Cătălina GORGAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT From the theoretical point of view, it has been stated that there is a considerable probability that some cultural aspects could affect the managerial accounting. While this statement has a certain suppositional degree, we will try, through a literature review, to put to the test the importance of culture within the managerial accounting. Several empirical approaches underline the existence of a powerful impact of the national culture on the managerial accounting systems. It is clear that the companies’ strategic objectives are often expressed in numerical terms, but they are chosen according to the culture. Because of the obvious pressures aimed to converge to international standardization, trying to understand different cultural bases of managerial accounting may be considered a paradox. All over the world, it seems that there are common interests to increase the use of similar practices of financial accounting. But, by taking a closer look, two tendencies may be pointed out: the acknowledgement of the importance of cultural influence and the threat of the globalization. At the end of this paper we conclude that every company must be aware of the cultural impact over managerial accounting and they should not accept the globalization tendency by all means. KEYWORDS Managerial accounting; culture; setting objectives; multinationals; management control Issues in management accounting 109 Transfer pricing and responsibility accounting Georgeta VINTILĂ Eugen BRĂDEAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The paperwork „Transfer pricing and responsibility accounting intends to underlying the relevance and utility of one key element in the accounting domain, respectively „transfer pricing”, but also the implications of it in an accounting environment related to this aspect. In this purpose we will depict the following main problems/aspects: methods of transfer pricing including their advantages and limitations aiming to distinguish between the differences of different concepts of full costing and variable costing as well as showing a cost income statement in CVP analysis. In addition, we aims to in-depth explains the distinction that should be made between the concept of cost center, profit center and investment center. In the same time is arguing the contribution of responsibility margin and the need of a responsibility center information as well as explaining the usefulness of the contribution margin and responsibility margin in taking short and long term decisions. KEYWORDS Transfer prices, investment center, profit center, responsibility accounting system, common fixed assets 110 Issues in management accounting Le budget des systémes d’information Maria BOLDEA Bogdan Ion BOLDEA West University of Timişoara, Romania RESUMÉ Toutes les grandes et les moyennes entrepprises, laplupart des administrations sont dotées d’un budget informatique. Cependant les pratiques constatéessont assez différentes d’une entreprise à l’autre. Malheureusement les coût ainsi évalués sont plus ou moins complets. Ils permettent d’avoir une appréciation plus ou moins exacte des dépenses informatiques faites par l’entreprise. L’observation des pratiques budgétaires des entreprises en matiére informatique fait apparaître des tendances qu’on retrouve, sous une forme ou sous une autre, dans la plupart des entreprises. Le contrôle de gestion des services informatiques se fait selon les méthodes générales, en s’adaptant aux deux aspects du métier: l’exploitation et la conduite de projets. Ces méthodes standard ont du mal à bien fonctionner. Les raisons sont multiples: l’innovation, la baisse des prix, la complexité croissante, la dissémination des responsabilités, les effets synergétiques, l’irréversibilité des projets. MOTS CLÉS Budget, dépense, coût, service informatique, contrôle de gestion 111 Issues in management accounting La valorisation des coûts cachés dans l’organisation Loredana DǍUŞ Académie d’Études Économiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Florinel Marian SGÂRDEA Académie d’Études Économiques, Bucarest, Roumanie Liviu MATAC Ministère de l’Éducation et de la Recherche, Roumanie Cleopatra ŞENDROIU Académie d’Études Économiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ Les coûts cachés sont des coûts visibles et invisibles dans le système comptable dus à l’organisation et aux comportements humains. Les outils traditionnels de comptabilité analytique et générale s’avèrent inadaptés pour éclairer les coûts cachés et cèdent la place à des techniques spécifiques. L’existence des coûts cachés repose pour partie de la relation entre l’organisation et les hommes. De cette relation complexe vont naître des dysfonctionnements à l’origine de coûts cachés. Identifier les coûts cachés va permettre d’évaluer les surcoûts et manque à gagner et donc d’indiquer les axes de travail. Aussi, même si on ne peut espérer raisonnablement les réduire à zéro, les coûts cachés constituent un enjeu économique énorme pour les organisations qui savent les identifier. De cette identification des coûts cachés doit naître un processus de recherche des causes et de solutions. MOTS CLÉS Coûts cachés, coûts dysfonctionnement visibles, évaluation, absentéisme, 112 Issues in management accounting AUDIT AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Chairperson: Recep PEKDEMIR School of Business, Istanbul University Hall 0320 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 114 Audit and corporate governance Corporate governanace and internal audit Victoria STANCIU Eden ALI Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The present paper is an action research having the objective to underline the management expectation regarding the internal audit and the role of internal audit function in the organisation. The paper is the result of the investigation made by the authors, their practical experience and solid documentation in the field. The management performance is given by the success in accomplishing the established objectives. The internal audit has the atribution to examine the efficiency of the management in implementing the policies, to assess the operations’ efficiency, to assess the results in achieving the established objectives. IA has the role to examine the conformity of the internal systems with the applicable legislation and regulation helping the management to observe the legislation and internal regulations. The management role is to identify the signifiant risks and to implement adequate controls. The IA evaluates the quality of the risks’ management and suggests means to improvement. The IA assesses the eficiency of the internal control systems. IA helps organisation to accomplish its objectives and improve the risk management, control and governance processes. KEYWORDS Internal audit, governance principles, risk assessment, control assessment Audit and corporate governance 115 An evaluation on narrative disclosures of corporate risks Normah AHMAD MARA University of Technology, Malaysia Stephen WARD University of Southampton, United Kingdom ABSTRACT This paper reviews the methodological issues of evaluating risk disclosure in annual reports. One of the issues is the dimensions through which the quality of narrative risk disclosure can be assessed. Evaluations of risk disclosure have been based upon mere counts and also, attempts to quantify the quality of risk information disclosed. But disclosure quality is inherently immeasurable. There is no accepted notion of disclosure quality. Quantifying disclosure quality such as transparency is also difficult. Thus, this paper makes suggestions for improving evaluation methodology based on analysing narrative sections of selected Malaysian corporate annual reports for the year 2001 to 2004. All risk information in accounting narratives was identified using content analysis. The analysis provides evidences as to significant differences in terms of both the quantity and quality of risk information disclosed. This analysis highlights the complexity of risk disclosure issues. The implications of this complexity are briefly explored. KEYWORDS Evaluation, narratives, corporate risk, disclosure quality 116 Audit and corporate governance Auditing economic substance of transactions with related parties: auditor’s position to influence direction of cross-border investments Marina SERAFIMOSKA Atanasko ATANASOVSKI University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje, Macedonia, TFYR ABSTRACT Globalization of world economy in 21st century, spreading interests of multinational companies has released economic borders and obstacles worldwide. Foundation and acquisition of almost every economic cell that creates value by few leaders of modern business, questions, conditions and terms of economic transactions between group members, their recording and presentation in front of the public worldwide. Economic substance of transactions with related parties can’t be considered only as precondition for accurate and objective determination of local corporate tax liability, but prerequisite for true and fair view on financial performance and position of each reporting entity. Auditors considering policies and procedures for identification, proper recording and disclosure of related party transactions increasing credibility in standalone financial statements, influence economic decisions of investors and lead investments towards greater global growth and welfare. KEYWORDS Auditing, economic substance, related parties, financial statements, disclosure Audit and corporate governance 117 The corporate governance and the process of regulation and implementation Maria MANOLESCU Aureliana Geta ROMAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The changes of the Law regarding trading companies, made through the Law no. 441/2006, published in the Official Paper no.955/28.11.2006, had as objective adapting its provisions to the principles of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development concerning the governance of trading companies. In our opinion, the following aspects should be pointed out in this context: the new provisions of the law concerning the management of companies either in a unitary system or in a dual system and the explicit requirements concerning the forming of the consultative committees (the Audit board, the Remuneration Committee etc.). Taking into consideration the fact that in practice there are still confusions concerning the role of the audit committee, the internal audit, as well as concerning the governance and its role in the companies’ management, the present research paper has as purpose the analysis of the content of the legal regulations in this area, in order to establish to what extent the regulation system contributes to this situation. The analysis pointed out the main provisions of the reference normative papers that, in the opinion of the authors, can generate confusions. There were also formulated solutions, in order to avoid starting an “original” process of implementation of the corporate governance. KEYWORDS Audit board, internal audit, financial audit, financial auditor, governance, company management 118 Audit and corporate governance Globalization - a challenge for internal control and audit in banking system Cristina PALFI Babeş-Bolyai University , Cluj-Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT The recent evolution of Romanian banking system, profoundly marked by globalization, has increased the need of a prudential supervision in order to maintain stability and confidence in the financial system. Considering Romania's adherence to the European Union, the framework for both internal control system in credit institutions and their internal audit function needed to be revised taking into account all the requirements settled by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision. Therefore, banks' internal control system had to be built on essential elements in order to ensure that the bank will comply with laws and regulations, will achieve long-term profitability, will maintain reliable financial and managerial reporting and will decrease the risk of unexpected losses or damage to the bank's reputation. In addition, the internal audit function, to assure its finality - the most effective co-operation between the supervisor, the internal auditor and the external auditor - had to be organised among certain principles. KEYWORDS Globalization, risks, internal control system, internal audit, banking supervision TAXES AND PUBLIC ACCOUNTING Chairperson: Ümit GÖKDENİZ Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey Hall 0321 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 120 Taxes and public accounting The development of governmental accounting in Turkey during the republican era Fatih Coşkun ERTAŞ Pelin GÜVEN Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey ABSTRACT When the development process of Turkish Accounting System is examined, it can be seen that governmental accounting which is applied in non-profit organizations hasn’t developed as much as the public accounting which is for profit-oriented businesses. However, the efforts to change the Governmental Accounting System have resulted in a significant improvement through the Public Financial Management and Control Law No 5018, which went into practice in 2003, and then Governmental Accounting General Regulation which was put into effect in 2005. In line with these improvements, the application of the accrual basis of accounting has begun in all the units of the general government as of 2006. In this framework, this study discusses the changes in the governmental accounting system and examines the accrual basis of accounting within the framework of the legal arrangements. KEYWORDS Governmental Accounting, Turkey, The General Accounting Law No 1050, The Public Financial Management and Control Law No 5018 Taxes and public accounting 121 Designing an evaluation grid to assess a water tax system – a practical approach based on facts Alexandra MUŢIU Dumitru MATIŞ Adriana Tiron TUDOR Carmen BONACI Adrian INCEU Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT The research developed in the paper is made on the ongoing project LOGO East Program of VNG International no. 05.13 Equilibrium: restore the balance between expenses and income, financed by the Social Transformation Program Central and Eastern Europe (Matra) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The aim of the project is to elaborate a proper tax system for financing the maintenance costs against flooding. The objective of the paper is to describe the way the first stage of the project was accomplished by designing an evaluation grid and a questionnaire considered to evaluate the tax system in the project partners’ countries. The research is carrying out using scientific research, literature review and benchmarking as the proper instrument to accomplish the goal of the project. The contribution of the paper consists in presenting the relevant aspects and elements took into consideration in the evaluation grid and questionnaire’s design. As a part of a challenging project, the results of the research presented will be use to implement an appropriate tax system in the project beneficiary’s country. KEYWORDS Benchmarking, evaluation, tax system, evaluation grid, blueprint 122 Taxes and public accounting Events and troubles along with the accession to the European Union; accounting information regarding the intra-community VAT Nicoleta FARCANE Leonora CACIUC Ovidiu MEGAN West University of Timişoara, Romania ABSTRACT Along with the Romanian accession to the European Union, the regulations regarding the value added tax were changed. These new regulations regarding VAT, with a simplifying role, are necessary for the intra – community transactions. The place of the delivery is considered to be the place where the goods are at the moment the transportation begins. In the case of an intra-community acquisition of goods, the place of the operation is considered to be the place where the acquisition ends. Thereby, two new operations which are included in the applications sphere of the tax have been implemented – intra-community delivery of goods, and intra-community acquisition of goods. Also, new aspects related to the booking of the VAT are interfering according to the assessment of the place where the services are performed. Nowadays, these changes are a challenge for the professional accountant, who is put in the difficult position to think hard before booking an entry, and this is the main reason for the analysis of the powerful impact of these changes and the reaction to these changes. KEYWORDS Taxation, VAT, European Union, community transactions Taxes and public accounting 123 La globalisation de l’information comptable la publique en Roumanie par SICP Aurelia ŞTEFĂNESCU Eugeniu ŢURLEA Ileana NIŞULESCU Monica DUDIAN Rodica GHERGHINA Académie d’Etudes Economique, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ La globalisation et l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne constituent les prémisses d’une circulation des flux informationnels à des niveaux supérieurs. Dans ce contexte, démarre une nouvelle étape pour la comptabilité des institutions publiques roumaines. Notre travail étudie la possibilité d’appliquer les Normes comptables internationales pour le secteur public (IPSAS) dans les conditions du système de financement actuel des institutions publiques. Nous recherche identifiera les failles des pratiques comptables actuelles et proposera des solutions aux besoins informationnels réels des institutions publiques qui intègrent parfaitement les réalités de la vie économique et sociale du continent et d’ailleurs. Notre démarche propose une synthèse des articles publiés par les normalisateurs comptables roumains et internationaux, les organismes de la profession comptable, des travaux proposés aux débats sur ce thème, mais aussi des données fournies par les institutions publiques. Notre recherche se donne pour but constructif de structurer la problématique de la mise en pratique des IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) dans les institutions publiques, tout en mettant l’accent sur la nécessité d’offrir aux utilisateurs des informations pertinentes, crédibles et comparables. MOTS CLES Comptabilités de caisse, comptabilité d’engagements, comptabilité en espèce, capitaux propres, états financiers, résultat patrimonial 124 Taxes and public accounting FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Chairperson: Petru ŞTEFEA West University of Timişoara, Romania Hall 0319 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 126 Financial analysis Analysis of sugar industry’s perspectives in Romania Vasile ROBU Ştefania-Cristina CUREA Teodora SERBAN-OPRESCU Grigore Ioan PIROSCA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT For Romania, the sugar industry is the most eloquent example of the decline of a food industry sub-branch. Romania has become in a few years a sugar importer country, although it owns a natural potential for producing the entire quantity necessary for the domestic consumption from its own production. Firstly, we are aiming to present hereby a retrospective of the sugar industry for the period 1989-present, period when the agricultural surface cultivated with sugar beet has dramatically decreased, the inland sugar production collapsing during the same short time. Secondly, the work focuses on the impact of Romania’s accession to the European Union, the result of the negotiations with UE being extremely good, if we are to look at the industry’s performances during the last years. The last part of the work presents perspectives related to the domestic production and setting up possible variants of producing the sugar quantity necessary to the consumption from inland production. Consequently, we bring into view three scenarios when the selfacquisition of sugar is performed in proportion of 50%, 75% and 100%. KEYWORDS Analysis, sugar industry, accession to UE, sugar production, previsions, scenarios Financial analysis 127 Accuracy of symbolic modeling used in the economic-financial analysis practice. Risks generated in the business environment Elena Claudia ŞERBAN Daniela ŢUŢUI Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In a competitive economy, the economic – financial activity of the firm imposes an accurate consideration and dimensioning of the useful indicators for the business’s performances evaluation. The objective of the undertaken research is the enunciation of principles and rules for the elaboration of symbolic models of the economic phenomenon. The qualitative analysis and the operational research used during the undertaken study have led to the conclusion that some approaches of the specialists in the domain are inappropriate, but they still circulate among users, becoming “customs”. This attitude in the practice of the economic – financial analysis can generate major risks in the business environment. The investigation of this problem has been materialized in the elaboration of instruments that are within reach of users, capable to evaluate the economic phenomenon in a relevant way, which will allow the optimization of the methodologies specific to the identification and prevention of risks in the economic – financial activity of the company. KEYWORDS Analysis, business environment, symbolic modeling, indicators, risks 128 Financial analysis Capital allocation – variable within the strategic intercession to determine the value Monica PETCU Iulia DAVID-SOBOLEVSCHI Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Company’s viability is secured when it generates enough value for its owners, so that the risk undertaking should be justified as compared to other investment opportunities. The definition of the enterprise value as market value of economic assets, in counter-part with the market value of the won capitals and of the financial debts, allows identifying and directing the analysis towards the two managerial actions: investment projects selection, depending on their capacity of giving out value, and the choice of financial structure, based on the same view, generating value. The enterprise perception on the market is based on the return and risk requirements of investors secured by the performances of the actual assets, any insufficiency materializing in a financial sanctioning represented by the decrease of the enterprise’s value. The financing structure aims at reaching an optimum balance between various financing sources, the decisions in this field playing a determinate role in relation with the average weighted cost of the capital and of the value of an enterprise. The correlation between the enterprise’s ability of generating value and the enterprise’s capacity of sustaining its growth are variables of the financial strategic action. KEYWORDS Capital allotment, assets return rate, financial structure, capital average weighted cost, value indicators Financial analysis 129 Implementation of particle swarm optimization in construction of optimal risky portfolios Yaghob FARJAMI Tehran University, Iran Mohammad Ali DASHTI Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT Since Markowitz’s substantial work, the mean-variance model has revolutionized the way people think about portfolio of assets. According to the modern portfolio theory, the fundamental principle of financial investments is a diversification where investors diversify their investments into different types of assets. Constructing an optimal risky portfolio is a high-dimensional constrained optimization problem where financial investors look for an optimal combination of their investments among different financial assets with the aim of achieving a maximum reward-to-variability ratio. Among the various methodologies suggested, the most popular one is based on maximizing the well-known Sharpe ratio. In this study, we apply particle swarm optimization (PSO) for constructing optimal risky portfolios based on Sharpe ratio for financial investments. A particle swarm solver is developed and tested on a risky investment portfolio. The method is applied to a sample of stocks in Tehran Stock Exchange. Experimental results reveal that the proposed PSO algorithm provides a very feasible and useful tool to assist the investors in planning their investment strategy and constructing their portfolio. KEYWORDS Modern portfolio theory, Sharpe ratio, optimal risky portfolio, PSO 130 Financial analysis The prediction of bankruptcy using back propagation algorithm for “Altman” model analysis Ciprian-Nicuşor DRAGOTĂ Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj – Napoca, Romania ABSTRACT The basic question which every bank it puts when a client or a future client whishes to take a bank loan is “The future debtor it’s capable to refund the loan at maturity? (Installments plus the interest) “. To answer at this question the bank makes an assessment in which assets and liabilities are analyze. There is also assessed the credit rating, the cash flow, the securities and, very important, bankrupt risk analysis. For the last one, to calculate bankrupt risk analysis, banks use some models (knows as “Z” score). Few of them are financials methods (like Altman, Canon & Holder, Yves Colonques etc). Without pretending to be able to penetrate over the complexity of the phenomenon, this study is trying to do a practical and experimental analysis of bankruptcy using back propagation algorithm applied to the ”Altman” model. KEYWORDS Bank, credit, model, “z” score model. back propagation, financial analysis, Financial analysis 131 The analyse and the modelling in insurance decisions Adrian Victor BADESCU Adriana Elena SIMION (ISTRATE) Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of potential financial loss. Insurance domain has a very important status in the globalization context and social transformation. Starting this year, Romania has a mandatory house insurance policy. This type of insurance covers the risk of earthquake, floors and earth flow. To determine the impact of this type of insurance over the financial status of the insurance companies, complex financial analysis is needed. For this analyse we must taking consideration the houses and the possibilities of insurance companies factors. In this paper we would like to present and analyze the impact of mandatory house insurance from the financial point of view of insurance companies. To do this we will make a rentability analyse and we will study the specific indicators. KEYWORDS Decision, insurance, profit, loss, portfolio 132 Financial analysis E-BUSINESS Chairperson: Mihaela I. MUNTEAN West University of Timişoara, Romania Hall 0317 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 134 E-Business Managing e-business applications in the globalization context Pavel NĂSTASE Floarea NĂSTASE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Electronic business are different than other business because it involves any commercial or business activity that takes place by means of electronic facilities(buy and selling online), including on the Internet, proprietary networks and home banking, instead of through direct physical exchange or contact. This system creates an environment that operates at a much greater speed than traditional methods and involves much less paper–based evidence of activities. A typical e-business application depends not only on the hardware and networking, but also on software ranging from the operating system to middleware such as databases, web servers and messaging, to the applications themselves. Service Level Management is a means for the lines of business and an IT organization to explicitly set their mutual expectations for the content and extent of IT services. It also allows them to determine, in advance, the steps that will be taken if these conditions are not met. This paper tries to present an analysis of managing components for e-business applications in globalization context in order to establish the straights and weaknesses points. The most common concerns associated with the use of e-business systems include fraud, privacy, theft of confidential information, customer impersonation, virus or other denial of service attacks and loss of consumer confidence as a result of any of these occurrences. KEYWORDS E-business, global electronic marketplace, COBIT, IT Governance E-Business 135 Efficiency and risks in e-business management Ilie TAMAŞ Delia BĂBEANU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In Information Technologies and Communications era, many enterprises search for new ways to improve relationships with customers and suppliers, with other enterprises, following to reduce the business processes risks, optimize the stocks, adopting some essential decisions. Investments in information technologies became priority for enterprises, which are used for systems of e-business management, currently. Using this system must reduce: spore of productivity, reducing production costs, remove negative effects from that enterprise activity, profit spore, advanced protection, safe information content, availability, permanent control, and others. These indicators can be estimated (we have some proposals) to obtain a quantification of the usage efficiency of systems of ebusiness management. In this paper work, it is presented a lot of idea regarding the economic efficiency assessment by using a system of e-business management, the calculation of some indicators, assessment of information systems risks and proposing of some measures to counteract them to assure data security. KEYWORDS E-business management, e-business efficiency, information system risks, security measures, information technologies 136 E-Business Cadre général de la gouvernance de l’Internet Vasile FLORESCU Ionuţ ANICA-POPA Liana ANICA-POPA Académie d’Etudes Economiques, Bucarest, Roumanie RÉSUMÉ L’Internet passe d’une simple infrastructure de communication à l’infrastructure de la société de l’information. Son évolution a très vite fait apparaître la nécessité de mettre en œuvre une coordination mondiale. Le terme de gouvernance porte en lui le statut complexes de l’Internet, et soulève de nombreuses questions. Les publications font état de divergences de vues sur les concepts de base, les champs d’application, les mécanismes et les modèles qui convient à la gouvernance de l’Internet. S’appuyant sur une exploration de la littérature, notre recherche apporte à la compréhension du cadre général de la gouvernance de l’Internet: (a) régulation de l’Internet, (b) définition de la gouvernance de l’Internet et (c) le système de gouvernance de l’Internet. MOTS CLÉS Internet, régulation de l’Internet, autorégulation, co-régulation, gouvernance de l’Internet, système de gouvernance, mécanismes de gouvernance MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS II Chairperson: Alexandru ŢUGUI „Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi, Romania Hall 0420 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 11:00 - 13:00 138 Management information systems II Persistence management or how to add value to the object model Florin MIHAI Cristina Venera ŢARŢAVULEA Ofelia ALECA Andrei STANCIU Vasile GORGAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT This paper discusses a problem that most of programmers fascinated by the object oriented paradigm had to face: how to save objects? Almost all programming languages that support this paradigm solve the problem mainly by using data files. This type of support is not entirely satisfying especially when large amount of data is involved. As object oriented platforms evolved, it has come out the possibility of saving objects, most of the cases, into a relational database. This solution requires the conversion of the object model into a relational model in order to allow the saving of objects. It still remains the problem regarding the interface between the language and the database management system and moreover the lack of a language for data manipulation. The answers to these problems consist of: • Defining intermediate classes between the programming language and the database used; • Using software packages that act as an interface between programming language and a database management system. In the second part of the paper we present, from both theoretical and practical point of view, the advantages of the two previously mentioned methods in what concerns the elegant alternatives for the implementation of the persistence concept, from the object oriented paradigm. KEYWORDS UML, object model, object persistence, Microsoft .NET 139 Management information systems II The OLAP concepts and object-relational databases Mihaela MUNTEAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT A key to survival in the business world is being able to analyze, plan and react to changing business conditions as fast as possible. With multidimensional models the managers can explore information at different levels of granularity and the decision makers at all levels can quickly respond to changes in the business climate–the ultimate goal of business intelligence. Multidimensional modeling and the multidimensional models use concepts like: facts, dimensions, hierarchies, measures. This paper focuses on the implementation of the multidimensional concepts into object-relational databases. The multidimensional model can be transformed into a UML class diagram. Next I translate a UML class diagram into an object-relational database schema using an ORDBMS. Because the Star schema is widely accepted as the most viable data representation for multidimensional analysis in special in relational databases, I presents also a comparison between UML class diagram and star schema regarding the multidimensional modeling concepts. KEYWORDS Multidimensional ORDBMS, UML models, fact, dimension, hierarchies, 140 Management information systems II Modern software technologies used for budgeting, planning and financial consolidation Mirela OANCEA Vasile GORGAN Valentin DUMITRU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Spreadsheets have been for many years at the forefront of the technologies used in budgeting, forecasting and reporting. While this seems to be a convenient solution for small companies, problems arise for midsize or large ones. There are studies showing that an important percent of the spreadsheets that exceed 150 lines contain errors. So, why are the spreadsheets being used? Especially because they are easy to understand, have a low cost and a simple user interface. The need for more robust, meaningful and accurate financial information has lead to the use of new technologies like OLAP, which can assure fast data processing while preserving data integrity and accuracy. This paper attempts through a literature review and practical case studies to analyze the most used IT solutions for budgeting, planning and financial consolidation, to identify the problems and to determine how new technologies can be used to overcome them. KEYWORDS Decision making, spreadsheet, OLAP, TCO, budgeting, planning Management information systems II 141 Text-to-Speech solution based on MBROLA Engine for developing input data forms Traian SURCEL Cristian PETRE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The TTS technologies transform a sequence of words in sounds by the synthesis of the human voice. We considered that the TTS technologies are useful to improve the quality the computer - human interface in management information systems. We developed a software solution based on MBROLA Synthesizer and VB programs for building of the input data forms. MBROLA- Multilingual Speech Synthesizer, is a free software with a Romanian language phonetic units data base. MBROLA use units’ selection concatenation as the method of generate and playing sounds. First it must to find and extract the diphon units from the MBROLA data base using the phonetic description of the text. After this, using also the prosody information linked to the diphone, such as duration of the phonemes and linear description of the intonation of sounds, the MBROLA Engine plays the words. The VB–MBROLA interface performs in the first stage the front-end processing of the text, the text normalization and generating of the text-to-diphone representation. In the second stage, the back-end processing, VB program uses the MBRALA functions and a phoneme-player to generate vocal messages. The user answer to vocal messages by entering input data required by the form designed with VB. KEYWORDS Text-to-speech, Mbrola - engine, computer-human interface, information system 142 Management information systems II Performance indicators in multidimensional analysis Dana Maria BOLDEANU Mirela GHEORGHE Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In the context of helping any company to move from the desire to obtain performance to action through better and faster decisions, facilities like data warehouse, business intelligence systems and decisions support systems are available now to make it possible. The performance is an abstract concept, an extremely important one, which has to be put into a proper perspective from the point of view of the organization, of the performance indicators taken into consideration, of the models proposed for establishing performance and of the chosen software. The study case has as objectives the analysis of the most important financial and economic indicators at the level of some organizations from the same sector of activity, the selection of performance ratios and determining a particular model of analysis, a “score” type of function for which we will use modern techniques of multidimensional analysis, like Data Mining techniques. In our case, the data used to calculate the economic and financial ratios were collected from companies’ annual reports, using the Internet as the primary source. Also, a comparative multidimensional analysis of the organizations, of products types, sales area and customers can offer a panoramic view over the performance in that sector of activity. KEYWORDS Performance indicators, data mining, multidimensional analysis CAPITAL MARKET AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RESEARCH IN EASTERN EUROPE Chairperson: Allan HODGSON University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Hall 0320 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 14:00 - 16:00 144 Capital market and corporate gov. research in Eastern Europe The value relevance of earnings and a puzzling negative earnings change coefficient in an emerging market context: a possible explanation Andrei FILIP Bernard RAFFOURNIER University of Geneva, Switzerland ABSTRACT Little value relevance studies have been conducted on small or emerging markets. Among a recent exception, Hellstrom (2006) investigates the usefulness of accounting information in the Czech Republic. A puzzling result is a negative coefficient of earnings changes. The author claims that "the market can see whether the change is transitory and that the earnings will revert to a normal level in the next accounting period." However, this explanation is not satisfactory. We argue that the negative earnings change coefficient may be due to the inefficiency of the market. Using a sample of companies listed at the BSE, we first confirm the puzzling result. Next, we report evidence that the negative earnings change coefficient may be explained by the particularities of an emerging market, i.e. low transparency and lack of other information sources. KEYWORDS Value relevance, emerging market, negative earnings change coefficient Capital market and corporate gov. research in Eastern Europe 145 The relation of the market ratios to the financial ratios in the Romanian companies Camelia VASILESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Financial statement ratios analysis is considered to be a very powerful analytical technique in assessing the performance of the business enterprise. In literature it has been demonstrated that fundamentals determine the multiples, as well as the changes in these fundamentals translate into changes in the multiples. The results of our empirical study conducted over a 200 listed Romanian firmsample, reveal that there is only a weak relation between financial ratios and market-based ratios and it can be regressed by nonlinear regression models. The low value-relevance of financial-accounting information over the market performance of the Romanian companies was mainly due to the high volatility of financial data in the context of an unfriendly business environment. The accounting reform in Romania has made a relative progress, but the investors on the capital market prefer to use especially non-financial statements information for making their portfolio investment decisions, being concerned with the accuracy and readability of the companies’ accounting reports, transparency of information regarding capital flows and the application of familiar (standard) accounting principles based on recognized and applied IFRS framework. KEYWORDS Financial statement analysis, financial ratios, market ratios, valuerelevance of fundamentals, accounting system reform 146 Capital market and corporate gov. research in Eastern Europe PhD STUDENTS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Chairperson: Alan LORD University Bowling Green, USA Presentation: “CIEL Professional: The Efficient Tool for Managers and Accounting Professionals” Dan MORARU CIEL Romania Hall 0321 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 14:00 - 16:00 148 PhD Students Management Information Systems Enterprise application integration Lenuţa ILEANA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Under the pressure of a competitive business environment and due to increasing dependence on technology, the need of integrating disparate applications into a unified set of business processes has been appeared as a priority. The solution is offered by EAI, providing a flexible and robust integration framework, with a minimum impact on the applications and the way an organization does business. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a set of technologies that focuses on the business issues that allows the exchange of information between different applications and business processes existing either inside or outside an organization. EAI provide the integration of various applications so that they may share information and processes, answering for requirements of a business environment oriented to more mobility and the need of getting information from various location. The aim of this work is to survey the EAI components, EAI architectures, technologies used to connect enterprise applications and benefits of EAI versus traditional middleware. Results are presented for a work study:”the banking front-office and back-office integration”. KEYWORDS EAI, components, architectures, technologies PhD Students Management Information Systems 149 New capabilities and features for managing schema objects in 10g Oracle database Maria-Carmen PÂNGĂLEANU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT It is very important for a database management system to offer many tools that help databases administrators work more efficiently, freeing them for more strategic and creative tasks. Oracle Database 10g really is that big of a deal for databases administrators. In this paper, I will provide brief, focused analyses of these interesting new tools and techniques for managing schema objects. The goal is to outline the functions and benefits of the feature so that you can put it into action in your environment as quickly as possible. The paper is a case study for determine appropriate table types for our requirements: heap, partition, IOT or cluster. In addition, the paper contents a description of four databases administrator’s tasks for schema management KEYWORDS Partition, schema objects, cluster, database management 150 PhD Students Management Information Systems Managing change – XML’s evolution and impact on modern computing Dragoş MANGIUC Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Among the many Internet-based technologies which emerged in the last ten years, the Extended Markup Language (widely known as XML) was the only one able to change the face of distributed computing, e-commerce and web services forever and in a radical manner. Using XML nowadays has important consequences on all kinds of business processes, as financial, accounting and business XML applications become more and more popular. Web 2.0, the latest “wave” of Internet based services (expected to replace most desktop applications in the near future) is XML-centered and so the evolution of XML reached a new level, far from being over. This literature review and action research follows the evolution of XML and its objective is to assess this technology’s impact on modern computing and business world during the nine years since its first version was adopted as a standard by the World Wide Web Consortium. KEYWORDS XML, web applications, web services, computing, business process, WEB 2.0 PhD Students Management Information Systems 151 ERP Implementation methodologies Iuliana SCORŢA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Methodology refers to a systematic approach to conducting a business process reengineering project. ERP methodology builds on the theory that an enterprise can maximize its returns by maximizing the utilization of its fixed supply of resources. Information technology with its increasing computer power and the ability to correlate pieces of information has proven to be the best tool to do so. In this paper I present key elements of implementation methodologies that have been developed based on industry experience gained over many years in business and an analysis of the Romanian ERP implementation methodologies and their actual level of applicability. KEYWORDS ERP, methodology, implementation, project management, business process reengineering 152 PhD Students Management Information Systems Future trends in the executive information systems of an organization in the banking sector Mioara POPESCU Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT In a competitive banking environment as the actual one, the managers not only should take the best decisions, but they also should implement them in the shortest period of time. The challenges related to reporting and analysis is continuously developing, especially as a result of the Basel II Agreement's stipulations. The paper's objective is to show future trends in the Executive Information Systems of an Organization in the Banking Sector, namely: to incorporate the Artificial Intelligence (AI), integrating Multimedia Characteristics and ISDN technology, all these being part of EIS, an efficient and effective tools, both at the senior and middle management level. The abstract introduces the objective and intended contribution of the research. KEYWORDS Executive Information Systems, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia Characteristics , ISDN technology, top and middle management PhD STUDENTS ACCOUNTING Chairperson: Marc NIKITIN University of Orléans, France Hall 0319 Friday, June 22nd 2007, 14:00 - 16:00 PhD Students Accounting 154 Steps to convergence - the Romanian governance codes and the companies’ degree of compliance Voicu-Dan DRAGOMIR Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT This study seeks to estimate the degree of convergence between the Romanian and the European regulatory framework concerning corporate governance, up to the 1st of March 2007. Lately, the national Company Law has been modernized in order to meet the companies’ needs for extended governance choice and the investors’ requests for full disclosure. Romanian joint-stock companies are regulated mainly through the Company Law 31/1990, which is a comprehensive regulatory framework governing the creation, organization, functioning, modification and liquidation of all types of companies. We devise a critique of the main aspects concerning investor protection through the Company Law, starting with the definition of corporate governance and the description of compliance mechanisms. We then compare the 2004 form of the Law and two other so-called corporate governance codes, bearing only archaic and inefficient traits of corporate governance, with its modernized form (as amended in 2006), benchmarked against the European Council’s Recommendations and several Expert Reports. KEYWORDS Company Law, corporate governance, emerging markets, European regulations, legal convergence PhD Students Accounting 155 Customer account profitability in the globalization context Alina Mihaela CURPĂN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT The main objective of any bussines is represented by the profit maximization. The making decisions process should concentrate on creating value for enterprises, this can not obtained only by production, it is not sufficient to obtain a quality good and with reduced costs if you don’t find clients to whom you sell it. This way the client satisfaction appears in the scene as a secondary objective of wich the principal one results. The client profitability influences in a decisive manner the strategic decisions, with a direct impact on the future results of the business, This concept can be defined s being the part of the accounting informational system which split the performance obtained by the economic entity in cahtegories of clients or groups of clients, building a ierarchy of these. It starts from the premises that there are not profitable products, only profitable clients. Manufacturing a products generates only a costs while its selling determines the profit. We intend to reveal the benefits of this informational system for the profit analysis by clients through a literature review which will have as result a management model of the clients in order to ensure the entity competitivity on the market in the globalisation context. KEYWORDS Strategic planning, customer account profitability, value creation, value for the client, total cost for the client PhD Students Accounting 156 The economic efficiency indicators of the investments – comparative study Daniela CIOLPAN Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT Investments have a complex rule in the economy, in general, and especially of the entity level. They are a real support of the economic and social development. In order that the investments realized within entity to reach their goal it is necessary to evaluate the economic efficiency of each investment project and to choose the most efficient one. In evaluating the economic efficiency of the investments is necessary an indicators system, because each of them surprises a certain criterion of economic efficiency. In this study we will present the main economic efficiency indicators of the investments, identify the advantages and limits of every indicator in the selection of the investment projects. The indicators analyzed are in accordance with the concept of economic efficiency, they realize a comparison of the obtain results with the consumption resources: net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, profitability index. KEYWORDS Investment, efficiency, net present value, internal rate of return PhD Students Accounting 157 Optimizing capital structure - the agency costs perspective Diana MANEA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT For the last few decades, researchers have tried to explain the way companies choose their capital structure and, even more challenging, to find the optimal financial structure, the one which minimizes capital cost and maximizes firm’s value. One of the theories proposed to explain the financing choice of companies is based on the agency costs. This theory suggests that financing decisions are influenced by the companies’ efforts to mitigate the conflicts of interest that exist between the different stakeholders of the company (the conflict between managers and shareholders and the conflict between shareholders and debtholders). According to this theory, one way of mitigating the conflict between managers and shareholders is by increasing debt, but this emphasizes the conflict between shareholders and debtholders, leading to the increase of capital cost. In this context, we seek to analyze the impact of corporate governance provisions on capital structure. The recent financial scandals led to attempts to strengthen the corporate governance. This clearly interferes in the managersshareholders conflict. But how does this affect capital structure? KEYWORDS Capital structure, agency governance, leverage costs, capital cost, corporate PhD Students Accounting 158 Models in accounting Mirela Elena NICHITA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania ABSTRACT A primary goal of financial reporting is aiding investors in making economic decisions. A primary economic decision investors make is assessing the value of firms in which they are invested or consider investing. The role of accounting numbers in valuation has been of fundamental interest to analysts, investors and researchers alike. Much of the empirical research in accounting based valuation has revolved around analyzing historical and forecasted accounting numbers. There is a large literature examining how accounting amounts, including earnings, and earnings disaggregated into cash flow and accruals, relate to contemporaneous equity values. In my paper I will present few accounting model used in evaluation and the implications of choosing one of those models: historical cost model, fair value model, residual income model, linear information model. The research will focus on its main challenges of determining the value drivers and forecasting earnings. KEYWORDS Accounting models, conservatism, earnings, evaluation LIST OF PARTICIPANTS AND CONTACT ADDRESS No Author Institution 1 AHMAD Normah 2 AIRINEI Dinu 3 ALBESCU Felicia 4 ALBU Cătălin-Nicolae 5 ALBU Nadia 6 ALECA Ofelia 7 ALMASAN Alina 8 ANICA-POPA Adrian 9 ANICA-POPA Ionuţ 10 ANICA-POPA Liana 11 ARDELEANU Alina University of Southampton "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest West University of Timisoara Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest NOVENSYS 12 ASLAN Ümmühan 13 ATANASOVSKI Atanasko 14 BADEA Bogdan Ion Anadolu University University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Faculty of Economics - Skopje West University of Timişoara E-mail Pages index UK [email protected] 115 RO [email protected] 77 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 17 RO [email protected] 17 RO [email protected] 52, 138 RO [email protected] 18 RO [email protected] 37 RO [email protected] 71, 136 RO [email protected] 71, 136 39, 78 RO [email protected] 79 TR [email protected] 28 MK [email protected] 116 RO 110 No Author Institution 15 BADESCU Adrian Victor 16 BĂBEANU Delia 17 BERBEC Florentina 18 BOGDAN Anca 19 BOKSOVA Jirina 20 BOLDEA Costin-Radu 21 BOLDEA Ioan 22 BOLDEA Maria 23 BOLDEANU Dana Maria 24 BONACI Carmen 25 BONACI Carmen Giorgiana 26 BORZA Mioara 27 BRADEAN Eugen Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest University of Economics in Prague West University of Timisoara West University of Timisoara West University of Timisoara Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] 131 RO [email protected] 55, 135 RO [email protected] 36 RO [email protected] 72 CZ [email protected] 31, 83 RO [email protected] 54 RO [email protected] 47 RO [email protected] 54, 119 RO [email protected] 52, 142 RO [email protected] 67 RO [email protected] 121 RO [email protected] 66 RO [email protected] 109 No Author Institution 28 BRANDAŞ Claudiu 29 BRĂESCU Mădălina 30 BREZEANU Petre 31 BULIGIU Ion 32 BUNEA Ştefan 33 BURLAUD Alain 34 CACIUC Leonora 35 CALU Daniela Artemisa 36 CARAIANI Chiraţa 37 CARSTOCEA Olivia 38 CIOLPAN Daniela 39 CIRCA Cristina 40 COLCEAG Florian 41 COZGAREA Adrian West University of Timisoara Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest University of Craiova Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest INTEC, Paris West University of Timisoara Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest West University of Timisoara IRSCA Gifted Education Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] 47 RO [email protected] 32, 84 RO [email protected] 40 RO [email protected] 60 RO [email protected] 92 FR [email protected] 105 RO [email protected] 29, 122 RO [email protected] 26, 84 RO [email protected] 36, 68 RO [email protected] 80 RO [email protected] 156 RO [email protected] 64 RO [email protected] 68 RO [email protected] 50 No Author Institution 42 COZGAREA Gabriel 43 CRIHAN Olga 44 CRISTEA Silvia Lucia 45 CUREA Cristina Ştefania 46 CURPĂN Alina Mihaela 47 DASCĂLU Cornelia 48 DASHTI Mohammadali 49 DĂUŞ Loredana 50 DAVID SOBOLEVSCHI Iulia Maria 51 DIACONU Paul 52 DIMITRIU Raluca 53 DRAGOMIR Voicu-Dan 54 DRAGOTĂ CiprianNicuşor Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Romanian-American University Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Tehran University Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] 50 RO [email protected] 79 RO [email protected] 100 RO [email protected] 126 RO [email protected] 15,155 RO [email protected] 36, 68 IR [email protected] RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 128 RO [email protected] 86 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 154 RO [email protected] 130 129 107, 111 93, 94 No Pages index Author Institution 55 DUDIAN Monica RO [email protected] 56 DUMITRANA Mihaela RO [email protected] 36, 68 57 DUMITRU Corina Graziella RO [email protected] 15, 82 58 DUMITRU Valentin RO [email protected] 32, 140 59 EDEN Ali RO [email protected] 114 60 ENE Charlotte RO [email protected] 96 61 ERTAŞ Fatih Coşkun TR [email protected] 120 62 FARCANE Nicoleta Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Gaziosmanpaşa University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences West University of Timisoara RO [email protected] 63 FARJAMI Yaghob IR [email protected] 64 FEKETE P.P. Szilveszter RO [email protected] 23 65 FELEAGĂ Niculae RO [email protected] 13 66 FILIP Andrei CH [email protected] 144 67 FLORESCU Vasile Tehran University "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Université de Genève Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest RO [email protected] 71, 136 E-mail 123 29, 63, 122 129 No 68 Institution FRĂŢILĂ Laurenţiu Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest RO [email protected] 51 RO [email protected] 55 FR [email protected] 41 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 123 RO [email protected] 26, 32 TR [email protected] 28, 119 RO [email protected] 108 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] RO [email protected] RO [email protected] TR [email protected] TR [email protected] 70 GAVRILA Alexandru Adrian GERMAK Philippe 71 GHEORGHE Mirela 72 GHERGHINA Rodica 73 GLĂVAN Mariana Elena 74 GÖKDENIZ Ümit 75 GORGAN Cătălina 76 GORGAN Vasile 77 GROSU Corina 78 GUINEA Flavius-Andrei 79 GUŞE Raluca Gina 80 GÜVEMLI Oktay INTEC, Paris Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Marmara University Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest West University of Timisoara Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Marmara University 81 GÜVEN Pelin Gaziosmanpaşa University 69 Pages index Author E-mail 52, 142 138, 140 17 38, 108 26 7 120 No Author Institution 82 HODGSON Allan 83 HOMOCIANU Daniel 84 HOROVÁ Michaela University of Amsterdam "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi University of WestBohemia 85 HRDÝ Milan 86 IENCIU Alin Ionel 87 ILEANA Lenuţa 88 IMBRESCU Carmen 89 IMBRESCU Ion 90 INCEU Adrian 91 IOAN Ioana 92 IOANĂŞ Corina 93 IONAŞCU Ion 94 IONAŞCU Mihaela 95 IONESCU Bogdan University of WestBohemia "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest West University of Timisoara West University of Timisoara "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest E-mail Pages index NL [email protected] 27, 143 RO [email protected] 77 CZ [email protected] 16 CZ [email protected] 16 RO [email protected] 67 RO [email protected] 148 RO [email protected] 73 RO [email protected] 73 RO [email protected] 121 RO [email protected] 72 RO [email protected] 19 RO [email protected] 90 RO [email protected] 30 RO [email protected] 42, 76 No Author Institution 96 IONESCU Iuliana 97 IVANCENCO Veronica 98 JIANU Iulia 99 JINGA Gabriel 100 LAPTEŞ Ramona 101 LIXĂNDROIU Dorin Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Transilvania University 102 LORD Alan 103 LUKÁCS János 104 LUNGU Camelia Iuliana 105 LUPULESCU Ana-Maria 106 MANEA Cristina Lidia 107 MANEA Diana 108 MANGIUC Dragoş 109 MANOLESCU Maria University Bowling Green Corvinus University of Budapest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] 42, 76 RO [email protected] 44 RO [email protected] 19 RO [email protected] 32 RO [email protected] 32 RO [email protected] 48, 75 US [email protected] 49, 147 HU [email protected] RO [email protected] RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 82, 85 RO [email protected] 157 RO [email protected] 44, 150 RO [email protected] 23 26, 68 95 117 No Author Institution 110 MAREŞ Marius Daniel 111 MAREŞ Valerica 112 MARIA Ştefan 113 MATAC Liviu 114 MATIŞ Dumitru 115 MEGAN Ovidiu 116 MEHEDINŢU Anca 117 MIHAI Florin 118 MILITARU Ioana Nelly 119 MITCHELL Falconer 120 MULLER Victor 121 MUNTEAN Mihaela 122 MUNTEAN I. Mihaela 123 MUŢIU Alexandra University "Spiru Haret", Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca West University of Timisoara University of Craiova Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest University of Edinburgh "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest West University of Timişoara "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] 43, 45 RO [email protected] 43, 45 RO [email protected] 53 RO [email protected] 107, 111 RO [email protected] 23, 81, 181 RO [email protected] 29, 122 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 103 UK [email protected] 14 RO [email protected] 25 RO [email protected] 139 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 46 76, 138 56, 133 121 Pages index No Author Institution 124 NĂCHESCU Miruna-Lucia RO [email protected] 125 NĂSTASE Pavel RO [email protected] 49, 134 126 NĂSTASE Floarea RO [email protected] 134 127 NICHITA Mirela RO [email protected] 82, 158 128 NICOLLE Jean Michel West University of Timisoara Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest INTEC, Paris FR [email protected] 129 NIKITIN Marc FR [email protected] 13, 153 130 NIŞULESCU Ileana RO [email protected] 123 131 NOVAK Petr CZ [email protected] 58 132 NUŢĂ Florian Marcel RO [email protected] 65 133 OANCEA Mirela RO [email protected] 140 134 ÖLÇER Ferit University of Orleans Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Tomas Bata University in Zlin "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Mustafa Kemal University TR [email protected] 24 135 ÖZBIRECIKLI Mehmet PALFI Cristina Alexandrina Mustafa Kemal University TR [email protected] 24 "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest RO [email protected] 118 RO [email protected] 149 136 137 PANGĂLEANU Carmen E-mail 33 87 No Author Institution 138 PARASCHIV Dorel Mihai 139 PEKDEMIR Recep 140 PETCU Monica Aureliana 141 PETRE Cristian 142 PIROŞCA Grigore Ioan 143 PIRVU Cerasela 144 PITULICE Cosmina 145 POPA Adriana Florina 146 POPESCU Mioara 147 POPESKO Boris 148 PREDA Ana Maria 149 PROTOPOPESCU Irina 150 PUGNA Irina Bogdana 151 RĂDNEANŢU Nicoleta Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Istanbul University Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest University of Craiova Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Tomas Bata University in Zlin Romanian-American University Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest American-ROn University E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] TR [email protected] RO [email protected] 128 RO [email protected] 141 RO [email protected] 126 RO [email protected] 46, 60 RO [email protected] 84 RO [email protected], 19 RO [email protected] 152 CZ [email protected] 58 RO [email protected] 79 RO [email protected] 19 RO [email protected] 39, 78 RO [email protected] 70 39 22, 113 No Author Institution 152 RADU Gabriel 153 RAFFOURNIER Bernard 154 RĂILEANU Vasile 155 RAMLI Aliza 156 RAPCENCU Cristian 157 RISTEA Mihai 158 ROBU Vasile 159 ROGER Acton 160 ROMAN Aureliana Geta 161 SĂCĂRIN Marian 162 SAHLIAN Daniela Nicoleta 163 SANDU Raluca 164 SCORŢA Iuliana 165 ŞENDROIU Cleopatra Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Université de Genève Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Universiti Teknologi MARA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] CH [email protected] 35, 144 RO [email protected] 85 MY [email protected] 14 RO [email protected] 85 RO [email protected] 15, 27, 82 RO [email protected] 37, 126 IE [email protected] RO [email protected] 117 RO [email protected] 91 RO [email protected] 82 RO [email protected] 72 RO [email protected] 151 RO [email protected] 107, 111 19 6 No Author 166 SERAFIMOSKA Marina 167 ŞERBAN Elena Claudia 168 ŞERBAN-OPRESCU Teodora 169 SGARDEA Florinel Marian 171 SIMION (ISTRATE) Adriana Elena SIMON Christian 172 SORESCU Laurenţiu 173 STANCIU Andrei 174 STANCIU Cristina Maria 175 STANCIU Victoria 176 ŞTEFĂNESCU Aurelia 170 177 178 STOICA Camelia Florentina STREET Donna Institution University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius", Faculty of Economics - Skopje Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest PARIS 12 Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest University of Dayton E-mail Pages index MK [email protected] 116 RO [email protected] 127 RO [email protected] 126 RO [email protected] 107, 111 RO [email protected] 131 FR [email protected] 88 RO [email protected] 97, 101 RO [email protected] 76, 138 RO [email protected] 38, 108 RO [email protected] 44, 114 RO [email protected] 123 RO [email protected] 98 US [email protected] 21 No Author Institution 179 STROUHAL Jiri 180 SULAIMAN Suzana 181 SURCEL Traian 182 ŞTEFĂNESCU Brânduşa 183 ŞTEFEA Petru 184 ŞTELIAC Nela 185 TABĂRĂ Neculai 186 TAMAŞ Ilie 187 TIRON TUDOR Adriana 188 TRIANDAFIL Cristina Maria 189 TUDOR Cătălin 190 TUREL Asli 191 ŢURLEA Eugeniu 192 ŢUŢUI Daniela Czech University of Life Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest West University of Timisoara "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Istanbul University Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest E-mail Pages index CZ [email protected] 57, 106 MK [email protected] 14 RO [email protected] 141 RO [email protected] 99 RO [email protected] RO [email protected] 61 RO [email protected] 65 RO [email protected] 41, 135 RO [email protected] 21, 25, 69, 121 RO [email protected] 40 RO [email protected] 76 TR [email protected] 22 RO [email protected] 123 RO [email protected] 127 64, 125 No Author Institution 193 ŢARŢAVULEA Cristina Venera 194 ŢUGUI Alexandru 195 VÂLCEANU Gheorghe 196 VARTOLOMEI Brinduşa Oana 197 VASILESCU Camelia 198 VINTILĂ Georgeta 199 VOICA Ileana 200 VOLKAN Ildiko Reka 201 WARD Stephen Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca University of Southampton E-mail Pages index RO [email protected] 53, 138 RO [email protected] RO 137 35 RO [email protected] 95 RO [email protected] 145 RO [email protected] 109 RO [email protected] 102 RO [email protected] 59 UK [email protected] 115