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IINVESTING NVESTING IN COMMUNITY 22014 014 AANNUAL NNUAL RREPORT EPORT United Way Romania EDUCATION. */$0.&)&"-5) 6/*5&%8":30."/*")&-14%*4"%7"/5"(&%$)*-%3&/"/%:06/("%6-5446$$&&%*/4$)00-"/% -*'& */ t DIJMESFOGSPNQPPSDPNNVOJUJFTDPOUJOVFEUPHPUPTDIPPMPSLJOEFSHBSUFO t UFBDIFSTMFBSOFEUPCFUUFSFNQBUIJ[FXJUIEJTBEWBOUBHFEDIJMESFOBOEBEBQUUIFJSUFBDIJOHNFUIPET t IPTQJUBMJ[FEDIJMESFOQBSUJDJQBUFEJOFEVDBUJPOBMBDUJWJUJFT t DIJMESFOXJUIEJTBCJMJUJFTTFOTPSZJNQBJSNFOUTPS54"SFDFJWFEUIFSBQZBOEXFSFIFMQFEUPJOUFHSBUF JOQVCMJDTDIPPMT “LEARN TO SUCCEED”, UWRo’s dropout SUCCESS STORY: The Ionescu family was prevention program dedicated to children and youth from low-income families, started to show the first results after one year of implementation. Working with children, their parents, their teachers and community volunteers, we managed to ensure that 97% of children in the program have passed the class living in an adobe house when it was included in the project supported by United Way. Mother, father and their 6 year old daughter, Cristina, were all sleeping in the single bedfurnishing the with better results, and over 80% of middle-school school graduates entered high school or vocational schools. The “Teachers’ Academy” sessions continued to provide support for teachers to work better with disadvantaged children, while the “Parents’ Academy” facilitateEcommunication withthe families in the program and helped parents understand their children’s needs. Also in 2014, the first group of mentors and tutors,employees from partner companies, worked with children, youth and single mothers from the program and their successful experiences motivated more windowless room of the house. Cristina’s parents never went to schoolthemselves, so they weren't consideringenrolling their daughter. The social assistantmanaged to convince them that schoolrepresents a chance for a better life for Cristinaand that she will receive all the thingsnecessary for going to school: books, pencils, abackpack and adequate clothes. Though excited about learning, Cristina was shy, withdrawn and avoided looking her peers in the eyes. However, once she started participating in the activities organized by the Counselling Centre, she discovered her talent for painting, learned how to communicate with children her age and with the teacher and soon volunteers to enrol in the next sessions. became a happy and helpful student. UNITED WAY ALSO CONTINUED to support Cristina and her parents are still part of the programs for children with special needs, with disabilities or serious health problems, through special counselling and therapy, developing their skills for an independent life, creative and educational workshops or clinic animation activities. program supported by United Way, along with hundreds of other families in need, and are striving to improve their home and their living conditions. 2014 | 7 &%6$"5*0/INCOME. )&"-5) 6/*5&%8":4611035476-/&3"#-&"%6-54500#5"*/"+0#"/%45&"%:*/$0.& */ t BEVMUTGSPNEJTBEWBOUBHFEGBNJMJFTSFDFJWFETPDJBMQTZDIPMPHJDBMBOEMFHBMDPVOTFMMJOH t TJOHMFNPUIFSTSFDFJWFETIFMUFSBOETPDJBMBTTJTUBODF t QFPQMFXJUIQIZTJDBMPSNFOUBMEJTBCJMJUJFTUPPLUIFJSGJSTUTUFQUPXBSETGJOEJOHBKPC t QFPQMFSFDFJWFEWPDBUJPOBMDPVOTFMMJOHBOEXFSFIFMQFEJOGJOEJOHBKPC t QFPQMFHPUBKPC t IPNFMFTTQFPQMFXFSFIFMQFEUPSFJOUFHSBUFJOUIFTPDJFUZBOEHBJOBOJODPNF t EJTBEWBOUBHFEQFPQMFSFDFJWFEGJOBODJBMTVQQPSUUPJNQSPWFUIFJSMJWJOHTQBDFPSPWFSDPNFEJGGFSFOUDSJUJDBMTJUVBUJPOT Beyond education, any teenager or SUCCESS STORY: Ioana and her 9 year old son young adult needs the financial means to have been part of the “Agar House” maternal be able to support, in turn, a family. care centre supported by United Way for two But, for young people who come from children’s homes or who have lived on the street for a long period of time, it becomes almost impossible to find a job and support themselves. years. While receiving help with raising her son and having a place to live, Ioana also chose to participate in a course to become a professional hair stylist and got an internship at a beauty salon. Perseverant, honest and hard working, For single mothers the situation is even harsher: Ioana was hired soon after and the flexible without their family’s support, and sometimes schedule allows her to continue her high-school no source of income and no shelter, they are studies, which she plans on graduating. unable to tend to their children’s needs. Therefore, the programs supported by UWRo ensure their gradual transition to a "normal" life. In a first stage, the youths, the mothers and their children receive emergency accommodation; then, they attend counselling sessions and career development meetings and they participate in workshops to develop new skills (tailoring, jewellery making, gardening, carpentry etc.). Although she has to manage both school and work, Ioana is determined to spend part of her day together with her son and help him with his homework. Ioana and her son are now living in the organization’s transitional apartment and are on their way to becoming an independent family, just as thousands of other young adults supported by United Way. Finally, they receive all the support needed to get a job and a steady income. 2014 | &%6$"5*0/*/$0.&HEALTH. 6/*5&%8":1307*%&440$*"-"/%.&%*$"-$"3&"48&--"413&7&/5*7&4&37*$&4 501&01-&*//&&% */ t MPXJODPNFFMEFSMZDPOGJOFEUPCFESFDFJWFENFEJDBMBOETPDJBMDBSFBUIPNF t BEVMUTTVGGFSJOHGSPNDBODFSSFDFJWFEQBMMJBUJWFDBSF t MPXJODPNFQFPQMFSFDFJWFEGSFFNFEJDBMDBSFBOENFEJDBUJPO Health is a prerequisite for a better life at any age. In 2014, UWRo provided medical services to the most vulnerable people in critical states and supported, at the same time, services for prevention, identification and treatment for low-income groups. Through UWRo’s health programs, the sick and elderly who cannot afford treatment and are often confined to bed, without someone to take care of them, received medical and social care, rehabilitation therapy and regular health assessments. SUCCESS STORY: Mrs. Elena Mogoi, age 99, was pinned down to her bed by age and suffering, in a small room of the house, surrounded only by framed memories. Her daughter, age 74, was striving to care for her, but their financial situation allowed only for basic food and hygiene. Through the support provided by United Way, Mrs. Mogoi was included in the “Better life for our elders” program. The first medical check-up was a challenge for the doctor and revealed an advanced state of anemia that needed urgent care. The doctor showed Mrs. Mogoi's daughter how to care for her and explained what food and medicine her mother needFE. In the cases where it is too late to intervene, UWRo supports palliative care in special residential centers and psychological and emotional support for the patient’s family. Along with the medical care received, a social worker helped the two ladies keep their spirits up and have an easier life. Also, low-income families participated in Mrs. Mogoi and hundreds of other elders from health education sessions (proper nutrition – especially for children, personal hygiene, dental care etc.) and received consultations and/or free medical care when needed. the programs supported by UWRo wish to have a USBORVJMold age. With the help received, Mrs. Mogoi was able to celebrate her 100th anniversary together with her daughter and the team that cares for her. 2014 | 11 VOLUNTEERING EVENTS __________________________________________________ We constantly try to keep our partner companies and donors engaged in their communities and aware that their valuable support can come not only from financial contributions, but also through their time, expertise and willingness to share their knowledge with others. • In 2014, Citi Group celebrated their annual Global Community Day in one of UWRo’s supported programs, theAmurt centre, a transitional house for disadvantaged youth. The centre aimed to set up an organic garden to secure their fresh vegetables and help the young beneficiaries acquire new skills for their professional __________________________________________________ Our largest volunteering event remains Day of Action, United Way’s traditional event celebrated all over the world on June 21st. From 90 volunteers in our first Day of Action event in 2012, integration. Citi Group covered all the set-up costs for the gardening project and over 35 volunteers worked hand-in-hand with the team and the youth to prepare the field and cultivate the first crops. • Toro, a new UWRo partner in 2014, offered its employees the opportunity to plant an orchard of 100 we managed to bring together more and more people, reaching a record number of over 800 participants in fruit trees together with the children and youth from 2014, when we also attempted to break a world record. Concordia, a social housing project aiming to integrate abandoned kids in foster families. To help them further, In 2014, the year when UWRo celebrated 10 years of Toro also built a greenhouse, where the youth would existence, we wanted to prepare a special event to promote education in low-income communities. learn useful agricultural skills and, at the same time, Through the game of Scrabble, we wanted to bring together disadvantaged children and volunteers, in order to promote education outside of the classroom as well. While CFJOHan attempt to break a world record, the 2014 Day ofAction managed to set up the largest game of Scrabblethat ever took place in Romania, in three different cities atthe same time, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca secure healthy meals for all the kids in the program. • On Orange Day, GlaxoSmithKline’s worldwide community volunteering day, the Romanian GSK employees together with United Way organized different activities for children coming from disadvantaged families from Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara. The company’s volunteers spent half a and Timisoara. day outdoors playing with the children and offeredthem Our aim is to continue the Day of Action event so that, in the following years, it can become a tradition not only for UWRo, but also within the communities where we activate. presents or school supplies. Additionally, GSK employees from Bucharest renovated the ASIS Centre, a place where poor families receive guidance and support. Many of the companies that organized medium and large-scale volunteering activities with UWRo in the past years have continued to ask for our support and expertise in 2014 to develop better engagement opportunities for their employees. Through this growing reputation, we also managed to attract new companies that wanted to give back to the community. • Freescale Romania chose to offer 25 low-income children the opportunity to learn chess from professionals and discover their talent. The program lasted for two and Bhalf months and ended with a chess tournament among the children, 10 of whom proved out to have outstanding abilities to become chess masters. 12 | United Way Romania UNITED WAY EVENTS The Bucharest International Marathon and Half Marathon continue to be a notable success for UWRo. Our team grew every year, reuniting over 250 people in 2014, who joined our common goal of improving the access and quality of education for disadvantaged children. To strengthen our message, in 2014, UWRo’s running team benefited from the support of public figure Andreea Raicu, who joined our efforts in raising money The United Way Gala In 2014, the traditional UnitedWay Gala that acknowledges the generosity of our partnersand supporters had a special meaning. For the 10th anniversary of UWRo as an organization, we prepared aO unique evening dedicated to all our friends, thanking them for their generosity. The theme of the evening was “10 years of straight A’s” because we wanted our guests to feel top of their class for all their contribution in the community, and also because we wanted to highlight how important education is for Also, UWRo’s tent in the Marathon area attracted many visitors through its photo stand, offered pro-bono by our partner, Wave Division. The Viennese Ball in Bucharest and Timisoara Ourtraditional partnership with the annual Viennese Ball inBucharest continued for the eighth year in a row. In Bucharest, the Viennese Ball is organized by JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, one of UWRo’s long-term partners and supporters. UWRo. In a school-like setting, the guests were able to learn about our community results, take special souvenir photos and enjoy a special category of awards dedicated to our most dedicated supporters throughout the years. The event was hosted by Melania Medeleanu (Prima TV) and was honoured by the presence of Ambassadors and Pther public figures. Thanks to the event’s success, UWRo was also chosen as the exclusive charity partner of the Viennese Ball in Timisoara, starting with 2012. The funds raised are directed to support local beneficiaries of the UWRo Timisoara social programs. In 2014, the Viennese Ball in Timisoara received plenty of media attention, also thanks to new, creative PR ideas, such as an impressive classical waltz flash-mob at the Timisoara airport. Donate your birthday In 2014 we also explored newfundraising ideas, one of the most successful being the invitation to donate one’s birthday to the benefit of our TPDJBM DBVTFT 8F EFWFMPQFE B QFSTPOBMJ[FE NFTTBHF FODPVSBHJOH PVS TVQQPSUFST UP FYQFSJFODF UIJT OFX XBZ PG DFMFCSBUJOH B MJGFFWFOUCZTIBSJOHJUXJUIPUIFSTJOOFFE Three of our Board members pioneered this fundraising idea and mobilized their family, friends and business partners to make a donation to UWRo instead of the regular birthday gift. They all had a great impact and raised over 11.000$, funds that were invested in UWRo’s educational programs. 2014 | 13 '*/"/$*"-*/'03."5*0/ 16 | United Way Romania 4*/$& 53"/41"3&/$: *4 063 13&4&/5"5*0/ $"3% 5)& "6%*5 3&1035 *4 "7"*-"#-& 50 5)& 16#-*$ 1-&"4&'*/%#&-085)&$0/$-64*0/0'063"6%*50313*$&8"5&3)064&$001&343&103583*55&/*/ '035)&:&"3 2014 | 17 BOARD United Way Romania BOARD MEMBERS Radu Florescu –CEO, Centrade PRESIDENT Andrei Caramitru –Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company erban Toader –Senior Partner, KPMG Romania and Moldova VICE-PRESIDENT Mariana Gheorghe –CEO, OMV Petrom Steven van Groningen –President and CEO, Raiffeisen Bank Marian Dinu –Country Managing Partner, DLA Piper Remi Vrignaud –CEO, Allianz-iriac Asigurri Andrei Pogonaru –Partner, Central European Financial Services Mihai Tudor –CEO, EnergoBit Group Nicoleta Gavril –News Departament Director, Prima TV Clin Avram –CFO, Genpact Europe Peter Weiss –Independent consultant Lidia Fai –CEO, Dacris Group 2014 | 19 United Way Romania Dimitrie Pompei Boulevard 9-9A, Raiffeisen Learning Campus Bucharest, Sector 2, 020335 CONTACT BUCHAREST Bank accounts: RON: RO67 RZBR 0000 0600 0510 0708 USD: RO97 RZBR 0000 0600 05204928 EURO: RO72 RZBR 0000 0600 0805 8342 [email protected] / Tel: +40 21 306 2014 CLUJ-NAPOCA United Business Center Tower, Al Vaida Voievod street, no. 51400462 RON: RO58 RZBR 0000 0600 1113 8538 [email protected] / +40 732 008 009 TIMIOARA XXVII streetloc. ag, Judetul Timi, 307395 RON: RO65 RZBR 0000 0600 1119 8261 [email protected] / +40 730 068 413 © 2015 United Way România