FY12 Annual Report
FY12 Annual Report
St. Mary’s County Division of Tourism Fiscal Year 2012 Report September 2012 Carolyn Laray, Tourism Manager Division of Tourism Department of Economic and Community Development St. Mary’s County, Maryland CONTENTS I St. Mary’s County Division of Tourism Overview ……………………….. 2 Mission Summary of Accomplishments Staffing Program Budget II Programs ………………………………….……………………………….. 3 Advertising Group and Packaged Travel Public Relations Special Programs and Campaigns Website E-marketing and Social Media Publications aand Products Visitor Information Center III Destination Resource Development ……………………………………… 11 Local Industry-Related Activities Regional Activities Industry Associations IV Opportunities and Challenges Upcoming ………………………………… 14 V Data and Measurements …………………………….…………………….. 15 Publication Distribution Visitor Center Sites and Attractions Visitation Events Attendance Website Social Media Local Tax Revenue Tourism Tax Factor Fulfillments By Month Fulfillments By Lead Source Fulfillments By State, Ranking Order Advertising Roster Print Media Schedules Electronic Media Schedules 1 I ST. MARY’S COUNTY DIVISION OF TOURISM OVERVIEW DIVISION MISSION The St. Mary’s County Department of Economic & Community Development Division of Tourism (SMCT) is charged with increasing the economic impact of travel and tourism activities through resident and non-resident spending. To accomplish this mission, SMCT executes a full range of marketing, public relations, and industry-related programs. While striving to achieve an increase in tourism activity, SMCT is guided by two objectives. First, preserve our heritage and enhance our natural, cultural and recreational resources through conservation, education, revitalization, preservation and tourism development. Second, provide for the increase of tourism-related revenue to the public and private sector through the development, marketing and promotion of our local sites, businesses, events and attractions. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS • • • • • • • Created and implemented new Travel and Tourism Website Developed new Destination brand Increase in Travel Writer visits with 200% increase in articles generated Implemented War of 1812 and Civil War enhancements at local sites Produced online sweepstakes generating 17.4% increase in newsletter subscribers and increased awareness of and traffic to the new Travel and Tourism Website Realized a 6.6% increase in local Accommodations Tax Realized a 14.5% increase in the state Tourism Tax Factor (unofficial) Collaborative Southern Maryland regional accomplishments • Hosted major travel writers’ conference • Produced regional War of 1812 map and guide and added War of 1812 section to the regional website • Received the Maryland Tourism Council Impact Award for regional marketing activities STAFFING Two full-time employees implement and ensure the effectiveness of SMCT programs. FY 12 staffing: Tourism Manager: Carolyn Laray; Tourism Coordinator: Rebecca Deprey (though October 2011) and Tourism Coordinator: Rebecca Lira (starting January 2012) 2 PROGRAM BUDGET Advertising* Conferences Printing Materials & Supplies Membership Operations ** Contract Services*** APPROVED BUDGET $145,000 $12,000 $20,000 $6,500 $2,000 $10,000 $97,359 EXPENDITURES $138,617 $9,023 $18,920 $6,288 $1,575 $10,000 $97,359 *Advertising is comprised of $85,000 in county funds and $60,000 for co-op reimbursements. **Operations is funding for regional marketing via the Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium. ***Contract Services includes Welcome Center Contract with St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce and Electronic Marketing Program/Website Development Contract. II PROGRAMS ADVERTISING Marketing messages are developed and advertising is placed in accordance with an annual marketing plan designed to reach multiple target markets including the daytrip market, the weekend getaway market, the heritage traveler, recreational and outdoors markets and the group travel market. State Co-operative Opportunities The Maryland Office of Tourism Development’s (OTD) annual co-operative ad program is an important component of each year’s marketing plan. Under the program, the state leverages rates for print and electronic advertising in selected target markets. This enables counties to advertise under the state umbrella thus achieving greater impact. SMCT participated in the following offerings in FY 12: Madden Online travel sites: Trip Advisor , Travel Ad Network, and USA Today; Oprah Magazine; Washpost.com; Washington Post Travel; Civil War Times; Meredith Publications: Better Homes and Gardens, Ladies Home Journal, Family Circle, and More Magazine. State Marketing Grant OTD provides monetary assistance for marketing through its grant program. Allocations to counties are based on a formula calculated from a $2.5 million pool, with each county starting with a base allocation of $15,000 with the remainder based on allowable expenditures, tourism tax revenues collected and growth in tourism tax revenues collected. In FY 12, SMCT received $64,125 in grant funding of which, $62,925 was dedicated to advertising. See V DATA AND MEASURMENTS: TOURISM TAX FACTOR. 3 Local Co-ops SMCT manages a local co-op advertising program wherein SMCT dollars match dollars of local industry stakeholders. This enables partners to extend their advertising dollars and reach a larger market to the mutual benefit of the partner and the county. Co-op partners included the Leonardtown Business Association, Town of Leonardtown, The Leonardtown Lions Club for the Crab Festival, 7th District Optimists for the Blessing of the Fleet, 7th District Rescue Squad for the Lawnmower Races, the Lexington Park Rotary for the Oyster Festival, the Unified Committee for Afro-American Contributions for Juneteenth, Lil’ Margaret’s Bluegrass Festival, Historic St. Mary’s City, Slack Winery, the Port of Leonardtown Winery and Maryland International Raceway. Combined Expenditures County Local Co-op State Co-op Total spent $83,254 $55,363 $62,925 $201,542 Advertising Schedules See V DATA AND MEASUREMENTS: ADVERTISING ROSTER Targeted Spending 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General Regional Market Sites and Attractions Events Spring/Summer Campaign Annual Publications $5,940.00 6. Farm and Wineries 7. Groups 8. Recreation 9. Niche Markets 10. Misc./Adjustments $45,449 $41,319 $32,181 $30,258 $26,109 $9,683 $7,560 $5,940 $2,180 $863 $2,180.00 $862.95 $7,559.50 $9,683.20 1 $45,449.00 2 3 4 $26,109.00 5 6 $41,319.00 $30,258.45 7 8 9 10 $32,181.03 4 Print and Electronic Media Spending Digital and Electronic Print GROUP AND PACKAGED TRAVEL Group travel kits were mailed to 48 tour operators and group leaders drawn from show and meeting contacts and from expressions of interest gathered from leads via phone, email and written inquiry. The destination profile and tour itineraries were also downloadable from the Travel & Tourism Website. Through Destination Southern Maryland, the regional marketing arm of the Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium, SMCT participated in the Pennsylvania Bus Association Marketplace in March. SMCT also participated in the American Bus Association Marketplace held in January in Grapevine, Texas. The six-day Marketplace provided opportunities to meet tour operators from throughout the country. Pre-scheduled appointments allowed SMCT staff to meet with selected operators. Letters and group tour kits were sent to all in follow-up. SMCT also attended the Maryland Motorcoach Marketplace in March and took part in the MiniMaryland on the Road sales blitz sponsored by OTD in September. Travel and Trade Shows Attended GROUP TRAVEL AND CONSUMER SHOWS SHOW NAME LOCATION DATE Pennsylvania Bus Harrisburg, 3/20/2012 Association (PBA) PA Maryland Motorcoach Ellicot City, 3/21/2012 Association (MMA) MD CONFERENCES, SALES ACTIVITIES NAME LOCATION DATE Mini-Maryland on the Western 9/26/11 Road (Mini-MORE) Pennsylvania 9/28/11 American Bus Association (ABA) Conference & Marketplace Grapevine, TX 1/6/12 1/10/12 NUMBER OF ATTENDEES MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION 27 Companies apx. 1200 attendees 17 Companies appx. 300 attendees 200 150 APPOINTMENTS DISTRIBUTION 13 17 25 30 5 PUBLIC RELATIONS Media Section, Travel and Tourism Website The Media Center of the newly redesigned website (see Electronic Marketing Program) is designed to help travel writers formulate stories on St. Mary’s County. Resources through the Media Center include: Story Starters (ever-greens and backgrounders), tourism related Press Releases from SMCT and tourism partners, Fact Sheets and Industry News Bulletins. The Media Center also features Press Tour Request forms and Media Inquiry email links. High resolution images for media download will be available in early FY13 via the Media Center. The section of the website will help to grow relationships with travel writers and serves to keep the media updated and connected with St. Mary’s. Mid Atlantic Travel Public Relations Association (MATPRA) Media Marketplace SMCT joined Calvert County and Charles County Departments of Tourism in hosting this event in September 2011. Approximately seventy travel writers attended. The conference headquarters was at the Holiday Inn in Solomons; however, a conference lunch at Sotterley Plantation, a dinner event at Historic St. Mary’s City and six writers’ tours encompassing sites and attractions throughout the county ensured exposure to SMC offerings. Travel Writer Press Trips SMCT participated in two War of 1812 travel writer press tours organized by the Maryland Office of Tourism and co-hosted a multi-day writers’ tour of the Religious Freedom National Scenic Byway with Charles County. SMCT hosted five travel writers and worked with additional writers on stories. Articles Generated Southern Maryland, A Short Escape from the City or the Prefect Area for a Destination Wedding, Downtown Diane, Wedding 411 Magazine, January 25, 2012 Cast and Blast Trip, Great Way to Enjoy the Chesapeake Bay, Doyle Dietz, Republican Hearald.com January 22, 2012 Heaven in St. Mary’s County, Old Town Crier, Charles Oppman, January 2012 The Boys (and Girls) Club, Maryland Life Magazine,, Jason Tinney, February 2012, article on Buzzy’s Country Store Between Two Rivers, The Epoch Times, Life and Leisure Section, John Christopher Fine, February 24, 2012 article on St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties Waterman Country Offers Old World Beauty and Charm, Good Life Destinations, Carol Martino, February 14, 2012 Top 15 Haunted Lighthouses, Coastal Living.com, March 2012 6 Fresh Crab at Island Bar and Grill House, EpochTimes.com, John C. Fine, March 2012 Blue Wind Gourmet, Maryland Life Magazine, Mike Unger, April 2012 5 Must-Sees in St Mary’s County, Maryland Life.com, Carly Smith, March 26, 2012 Living History, Dig into the State’s Past, Baltimore Magazine, Stephanie Citron, April 2012 200 Years Later, visit the Scenes of the Second War or Independence, TakingtheKids.com, Meghan McCloskey, April 1, 2012 Fishermen’s Eating Paradise: Scheibles in Ridge, Maryland, Examinier.com, Tamar Fleishman, April 2, 2012 Leonardtown’s Café des Artistes: Casual setting, romantic French Fare, Examiner.com, Tamar Fleishman, April 2, 2012 St. Mary’s County, Where Maryland Got its Start, Washingtontimes.com, Tamar Fleishman, April 24, 2012 Visiting St. Mary’s County, Where Maryland Started, Hearld-Dispatch.com, Tamar Fleishman, April 30,2012 Religious Freedom Trail Features Catholic Sites, Catholic Review, Mary C. Truman, May 22, 2012 Maryland and the War of 1812, Philadelphia Sun.com. Renee Gordon, May 21, 2012 Go Colonial in St. Mary’s City, Maryland, San Diego Reader, Tamar Fleishman, May 31, 2012 Slow Times, Tides and Treasures, Recreation News, Martha Steger, June 2012 Lighting a Path through History, Amy Orndorff, The Washington Post Weekend, Friday, June 22, 2012 Enjoying Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs in Southern Maryland, Old Town Crier, June, 2012 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND CAMPAIGNS Get Real this Weekend Campaign SMCT produced an online promotion and sweepstakes which ran in the Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Annapolis markets in conjunction with the debut of its new website. The promotion was designed to attract weekend visitors and drive online traffic to the new Travel and Tourism Website. The sweepstakes included components from Woodlawn Farm, three restaurants, Wicomico Shores Golf Course, wineries and local sites and attractions. Three hundred and sixty-five individuals entered via the website and were added to our newsletter list. US Colored Troops Monument Interpretive Marker SMCT combined budgeted funds with mini-grant funds from the Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium and worked with the Unified Committee for AfroAmerican Contributions to develop the marker that tells of contributions made by black residents of St. Mary’s County during the Civil War. The marker provides context to the monument installed at Lancaster Park thus enhancing the visitor experience. 7 Point Lookout State Park Civil War Museum Exhibit Enhancements SMCT combined budgeted funds with mini-grant funds from the Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium and worked with the staff at Point Lookout State Park to update panels and provide an introduction to the museum story thus enhancing the visitor experience. War of 1812 Panel Exhibits at Tudor Hall and the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum SMCT created “hub” exhibits for Tudor Hall and PRNAM to serve as first stops for visitors exploring St. Mary’s War of 1812 stories. The exhibits provide an introduction, map and literature so that visitors may move out into the county for further exploration. The exhibits were funded with budgeted funds combined with mini-grant funds from the Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium. Star-Spangled National Trail and Scenic Byway SMCT worked with the War of 1812 Committee comprised of local stakeholders to ensure St. Mary’s County was included on the state and national trail. These efforts resulted in Sotterley Plantation’s inclusion on the byway. In addition, a trail kiosk was installed at the St. Mary’s County Welcome Center in Charlotte Hall, and one is planned for Tudor Hall in Leonardtown, with interpretive markers installed at four other locations in the county. ELECTRONIC MARKETING PROGRAM New Travel and Tourism Website 8 In FY 12, SMCT achieved a major milestone with development and debut of the new and mobile-enabled website, as well as related stylistic templates for its social media accounts. The website features interactive maps, a trip planner feature and search features for topics, listings and calendar events. The project serves as the foundation for further development of an online marketing program and moves the county to a more competitive position in the leisure travel marketplace. It provides SMCT with flexibility to continually adjust its marketing message and provides local tourism and hospitality industry partners a powerful means to manage their own marketing assets (see Partner Section below). SMCT worked with SMC Information Technology Department and with a contract team of CDF Web Solutions, Enten Marketing and Spectrum Interactive Media. The initial contract ran from May 2011 through May 2012 and SMCT exercised option year 1 which extends through May 2013.The site is hosted by SMC Information Technology Department with a content management system managed by SMCT. See V DATA AND MEASUREMENTS: WEBSITE SATISTICS Partner Section: Industry Partner Empowerment SMCT’s core economic development strategy is to leverage the power of business partnerships to increase visitation. Toward this end, the new website features a content management system that enables industry partners to register, create and manage their business listings, events listings and deals and package listings. This is an especially important feature for small businesses such as charter boats or restaurants that may not have individual websites or marketing dollars to promote themselves. Related Messaging: New Brand SMCT developed a new tag line based on a marketing analysis conducted in association with the development of the website. “Real People. Real Places. Real Close.” conveys the authenticity of the experience that characterizes the county’s tourism resources and emphasizes its proximity to major mid Atlantic markets. The messaging is carried throughout the website. See below. Video Program In conjunction with Enten Marketing, SMCT produced a series of six “Real People” videos featuring residents of St. Mary’s whom visitors might encounter as they travel through the county. The residents share what they love about the county as well as what they do. The videos are featured on the travel and tourism website. The series will be expanded in FY 13. 9 Newsletter and Social Media SMCT continued to increase its electronic presence and grow relationships with visitors and residents via social media outlets. Users can connect to SMCT via Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Google+ and Blogger. See V DATA AND MEASUREMENTS: SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook and Twitter: Emphasis was placed on creating conversations, promoting sharing of content and advertising events, sites and attractions and other tourism amenities through these networks. SMCT used Facebook and Twitter to broadcast information about events, tourism-related specials and activities happening in the county. To keep the look and branding consistent with the new website, CDF Web Solutions provided new templates for the SMCT Facebook page and Twitter profile. Flickr, YouTube and Blogger: SMCT integrated its social media into the new www.VisitStMarysMd.com. Flickr is now integrated into a virtual photo gallery on the website and is employed to showcase photogenic aspects of the county. Visitors can view the new “Real People” videos on YouTube and through an imbedded YouTube player on the homepage of the site. Using Blogger and the new feature boxes on the website, SMCT can provide visitors with more detailed information about events and other tourism-related news. Google+ and AddThis: In FY12, SMCT joined Google+ and AddThis. Google+ is a social media site with an over 100 million user-base that grows by 625,000 users daily. SMCT has expanded its social media reach to include this growing internet community. AddThis, an internet widget, allows viewers to share content from www.visitstmarys.com via their own social media channels, and it tracks the sharing rates. Electronic Newsletter Subscriptions to the monthly eNewsletter have grown by 392 in FY12. SMCT redesigned the eNewsletter, which features deals and up-coming events, to match the look of the new website. ENewsletter links drive traffic back to the website and connect with other social media. In FY13, SMCT, working with CDF Web Solutions, will update the eNewsletter to better reflect the new messaging/branding. 10 DIVISION PUBLICATIONS AND PRODUCTS Destination Guide and Events Calendar SMCT re-designed its visitor guide to a smaller format to decrease mailing costs. It produced 60,000 copies for distribution. The guide was also made available in digital format on the tourism website via Nxtbook. For the period for which data was provided (November 2011 to August 2012), a total of 2,314 visits and a total of 41,166 page views were recorded. SMCT published its annual events calendar, printing 30,000 units for distribution. See V DATA AND MEASUREMENTS: PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER SMCT administers the contract with the St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce to operate the St. Mary’s County Welcome Center at Charlotte Hall. The staff assists visitors to SMCT and also assists with processing of fulfillment requests. They also respond to the 800 number which SMCT publishes in its print guides and advertising. Throughout FY 12, operations at the center continued at reduced hours with cost savings utilized to fund website development. The center returned to near fully operational schedule in FY 13. See V DATA AND MEASUREMENTS: VISITOR CENTER FIGURES III DESTINATION RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT LOCAL INDUSTRY DEVLOPMENT AND RELATED ACTIVITIES SMCT maintains robust relationships with stakeholder and industry groups and local sites and attractions, providing advice and assistance related to industry development. FY 12 activities included the following. Industry Bulletin SMCT continued to produce a quarterly industry bulletin to inform local industry stakeholders and regional and state officials and others about industry-related events and activities and upcoming opportunities in St. Mary’s. The objective is to strengthen communications within the industry and build industry cohesion. 11 New Patuxent River Naval Air Museum and Visitor Center SMCT met several times with the PRNAM board and board of directors, as they simultaneously addressed the change in relationship with the US Navy and challenges of finalizing plans for construction of a new museum. SMCT offered guidance on exhibition and visitor-related planning and available grants. SMCT will increase involvement in FY 13, as PRNAM moves more intensely into program planning. War of 1812 Committee Activities SMCT, in conjunction with SMC preservation planner Grace Mary Brady, formed a county War of 1812 stakeholders committee in FY 10 which remained active through FY 12. SMCT participated in federal and state-wide War of 1812 planning initiatives for the StarSpangled Banner National Trail and the Maryland Star Spangled Banner By-way and an associated water trail. See Programs. Assisting our Wineries SMCT submitted applications for winery signage under the terms of the Maryland Tourism and Corridor Sign program. Signs to both wineries were installed in spring of 2012. SMCT provided marketing assistance to both SMC wineries via its cooperative advertising program and promoted the wineries to travel writers. Hotel Group Meetings SMCT continued to meet on a monthly basis with St. Mary’s county hotels. All hotels are invited to attend. The meetings serve as a forum for industry concerns and for discussion of industry strategies and SMCT marketing with resulting impact on SMCT’s programs. St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce Tourism Council (TAC) Involvement TAC reorganized in FY 12 and produced formal by-laws and nomination procedures as steps toward providing a more effective advisory voice to the chamber on issues and trends that affect the tourism industry. The tourism manager serves as a council member and provides information on SMCT activities and regional and state activities. Town of Leonardtown / Leonardtown Business Association (LBA) Involvement Recognizing the critical link between the growth of county tourism and the growth of Leonardtown, SMCT continued its deep involvement with the town and LBA ensuring integration of town activities with county efforts. SMCT continued as a member of the Leonardtown Business Association (LBA) providing reports as a standing item at LBA’s monthly meetings. SMCT also continued to serve on LBA’s Marketing Committee. FY 12 projects included phase 1 development of map and information kiosks and phase 2 of a street banner campaign. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND ACTIVITIES Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium (SMHAC) The Southern Maryland Heritage Area Consortium continued regional administration of the Maryland Heritage Area Authorities grant program as well as its successful mini-grant program. SMHAC is funded by the three Southern Maryland Counties and the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority. 12 SMHAC’s Marketing Committee: Destination Southern Maryland The three regional tourism directors continue to serve as the SMHAC’s s technical advisory committee as well as its marketing committee which operates under the rubric: Destination Southern Maryland. The committee participated in the Pennsylvania Bus Association Marketplace, and reprinted its regional map and guide. The committee took an active role in War of 1812 products, see below. The three counties received the Maryland Tourism Council 2011 Impact Award for regional marketing efforts. Regional War of 1812 Map and Guide and War of 1812 Website SMCT participated in the development of the Southern Maryland War of 1812 Map and Guide. 85,000 were printed and distributed to regional and state welcome centers, at group shows and at the Star-Spangled Banner Sailabration in Baltimore in June 2012. Destination Southern Maryland also added a War of 1812 section to the regional website with content developed by a St. Mary’s College of Maryland history class. INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS In FY 12, SMCT continued its active participation in the following industry and professional associations and organizations. • Maryland Tourism Council • Maryland Association of Destination Marketing Organizations • Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association • American Bus Association • Maryland Motorcoach Association • Virginia Motorcoach Association • Mid Atlantic Travel Public Relations Association • Maryland Office of Tourism Development • Public Relations Individuals of Southern Maryland • Travel Relocation Assistance Committee 13 IV OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES UPCOMING Below is a summary of some of the “bigger picture” opportunities and challenges that are facing SMCT and the local tourism industry as we move into FY 13. Further Development of the Electronic Marketing Program Creation of the new website is the foundation for further development of an online marketing program. In FY 13, SMCT must build-out its electronic marketing program to capitalize on this investment in terms of economic returns to the county. Continuing Efforts to Engage and Empower the Local Tourism Industry SMCT’s core economic development strategy is to leverage the power of business partnerships—this is especially important given constraints of budget and manpower. SMCT will continue to increase industry engagement via its online partner’s program. Ensuring the Patuxent Naval Air Museum and Visitor Center Meets its Tourism Potential The new PRNAM will appeal to a broad general market and has the potential to increase weekend occupancy at hotels located along Route 235 and build the county’s group tour and military reunion markets. It may also serve as an anchor for further development of the Lexington Park area. SMCT will continue active engagement with museum and community stakeholders to help realize the museums full tourism potential. Meeting Hotel Occupancy Challenges by Developing New Markets A potential decrease in business travel coupled by continuing increases in room inventory for hotels along Route 235 could result in a decrease in the amount of revenue generated by the local accommodations tax. Therefore, the challenge to fill rooms during the weekend with leisure travelers will become ever more critical. Occupancy from outside-ofthe-region sports tournaments is identified as a promising market. Its development depends on creating a robust partnership with the Department of Recreation and Parks. Garnering Economic Benefits from State Parks As the county and stakeholders work to define an acceptable vision for Newtown Neck State Park, the powerful economic impact of state parks on their gateway communities, in this case, on Leonardtown, should be considered. SMCT must work with Leonardtown and the local tourism community as they engage in this process. The addition of Welcome signs in Spanish at businesses along South County Route 235 to Point Lookout should also be considered as a measure to increase traffic into these establishments. Supporting Leonardtown Leonardtown remains the hub destination for the county. Expansion of retail and restaurants downtown, tapping into state programs such as Arts and Entertainment District and Main Street programs, and development of its waterfront and Tudor Hall properties all will have profound effects on tourism in St. Mary’s County. SMCT will continue to make collaborative efforts with the town and its business association among its top priorities. Organizing Tourism Efforts within Community Sectors Several communities have initiated efforts to promote themselves as distinct entities. These include Lexington Park, the Seventh District and “South County.” SMCT has embraced 14 this approach and is adjusting its marketing strategy to promote the county as a series of distinct areas to visit (see the “towns and communities’ concept integrated into the new Travel and Tourism Website). SMCT will work to identify and implement programs and promotions that support these local efforts. V DATA AND MEASUREMENTS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION SMCT provides guides, calendars and other brochures to hotels, state and regional visitor centers, convention and visitors’ bureaus, area sites and attractions, businesses and events. Guides are distributed regionally by Toth Distribution Services and Getaways on Display. SMCT also fulfills leads generated through online requests, through publications and via an 800# and mail. In FY11, SMCT distributed 83,563 pieces; in FY12, SMCT distributed 110,617 pieces. This is an increase of 32.4%. FY12 Publication Distribution Visitors' Events Calendar Other* Guides Brochure Distribution 1,500 950 St. Mary's Co. Welcome Center 3,850 Welcome Centers/CVBs 7,500 5,300 450 Regional Sites & Museums 6,600 2,800 800 Misc./Special Requests 1,070 270 500 Hotels, B&Bs, Camping 12,375 3,700 1,100 Travel & Trade Shows 397 200 200 Events 1,200 800 1,000 Regional Agencies & Orgs. 6,360 3,600 525 Distribution Services 23,100 0 0 Other Retail locations 3,250 1,450 0 Lead Fulfillments 10,626 220 374 Totals 76,328 28,040 6,249 Grand Total 110,617 * Group Tour Profile, Charter Boat Fishing brochure, Historic Churches brochure, African American Heritage brochure, Southern Maryland Map and Guide, Southern Maryland War of 1812 Map & Guide, Southern Maryland Bicycle Route brochure. 15 VISITOR CENTER FIGURES The St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce operates the St. Mary’s County Welcome Center at Charlotte Hall under contract. In FY 11 and FY 12, the center was open for limited hours. In FY 12, the Welcome Center was open 175 days, and 1,705 visitors were served. In FY11, the Welcome Center was open 179 days, and served 1,619 visitors. This is an increase of 86 visitors and is a 7.74% increase of visitors per day. Of the 1,705 visitors served in FY12, 68% were from Maryland and 32% were from outside of Maryland. Of the 1,157 visitors who were from Maryland, 39.5% were from St. Mary’s County and 60.5% were from other counties in Maryland. Year 20092010 20102011 20112012 Jul Welcome Center Visitation Figures Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total 728 541 361 306 102 28 67 75 220 312 304 311 3355 271 147 149 163 113 25 38 78 136 147 186 166 1619 273 162 153 109 115 66 60 67 140 108 281 171 1705 The center was open on a limited basis in FY 11 and FY 12. Welcome Center Total Days Open Year Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total 31 31 30 31 13 12 15 7 16 29 31 30 276 FY10 19 17 17 15 12 13 14 12 12 14 17 17 179 FY11 19 14 18 14 12 13 12 12 14 12 17 18 175 FY12 FY12 Monthly Visitation Compaired with FY11 300 Monthly Visitation FY 12 250 V is it o rs 200 150 100 Monthly Visitation FY11 50 0 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June Month The significant increase in visitors in May 2012 is due to the Welcome Center being a stop on the 75th Maryland House and Garden Pilgrimage, which came to twelve sites in St. Mary’s on May 5. 16 SITES AND ATTRACTIONS VISITATION Major sites and attractions provide the Division with visitation counts every six months. In FY 12, visitation to local sites and attractions was 800,968 as reported. This represents decrease of 154,994 visitors over FY 11’s reported numbers. The largest increase was at Piney Point Lighthouse, Museum and Historic Park with a 103% increase in FY12 over FY11. The largest decrease was the Old Jail and Tudor Hall with a 67% decrease in FY12 compared to FY11. Tudor Hall and the Old Jail were closed from Dec. 15 through midFebruary and experienced unusually high visitation in FY11. Visitation in FY12 was affected by the hurricane in August 2011, which caused some sites to close for repairs. Heavy rains in spring and extreme heat in the summer also affected the outdoor sites and attractions. Total FY2010 Sites and Attractions Visitation St. Clement's Island Museum Piney Point Museum Historic St. Mary's City Sotterley Plantation Old Jail/Tudor Hall Patuxent Naval Air Museum Point Lookout State Park Greenwell State Park Newtowne Neck State Park St. Mary's River State Park St. Clement's Is. State Park MD International Raceway Total FY2011 Total FY2012 15,272 14,423 10,087 22,502 9,580 19,408 41,081 45,973 36,919 25,570 23,524 23,334 934 2,535 832 46,227 55,784 67,232 332,992 342,331 263,528 207,332 212,187 133,911 Not open to Public 148,351 105,786 101,905 3,726 4,623 4,045 124,955 125,288 121,112 Closed for Skipjack 4,230 Renovations 5,296 7,410 6,710 1,333 1,743 2,430 2,372 4,775 7,400 982,173 955,962 800,968 Chesapeake Bay Field Lab Historic Cecil's Old Mill Summerseat Port of Leonardtown Winery TOTALS EVENT ATTENDANCE Based on figures provided by the events producers, in FY 12, 186,863 individuals attended special events in St. Mary’s County, which is a decrease of less that 0.2%. Events showing a substantial increase included the St. Mary’s Crab Festival, due to its move from a Sunday to a Saturday and increased hours in FY12. Beerfest at Historic St. Mary’s City showed a large decrease, likely due to this new event adjusting its programs and strategies. Event Attendance in FY12 was affected by storms in August 2011, heavy rains in spring and unusually hot weather through late spring and summer. Special Events Attendance Location Month St. Mary's Crab Festival St. Mary's County Fair Fairgrounds Fairgrounds June September St. Mary's County Oyster Festival Fairgrounds Juneteenth Celebration Freedom Park Attendance FY 10 Attendance FY 11 Attendance FY 12 1,600 50,900 1,344 55,000 2,400 55,300 October 7,500 20,000 18,000 June 3,000 3,000 2,500 17 Monster Rockfish Festival October n/a 2,500 1000 July 326 249 155 June 424 531 304 March 500 657 400 May n/a 1,500 631 November 610 463 571 October n/a 255 522 September 517 1,277 472 RiverFest Greenwell Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City Historic St. Mary's City 800 800 850 Earth Day on the Square Leonardtown April 2,500 2,220 rained out Tidewater Archaeology Days Maritime Heritage Fest / MidSummer Faire Maryland Day Beerfest Hearth & Home in Early Maryland Grand Militia Muster Woodland Indian Discovery Days September Beach Party on the Square Leonardtown August 5,000 6,000 4,500 "LiL" Margaret Blue Grass Fest. Veteran's Day Parade Christmas on the Square Taste of St. Mary's Fall Follies First Fridays Leonardtown Leonardtown Leonardtown Leonardtown Leonardtown Leonardtown August November November September September Jan.-Dec. 845 3,500 4,000 1,000 800 800 7,000 7,000 4,000 1,000 1,300 835 5,000 7,000 2,400 1,000 2,100 Forrest Hall Farm Corn Maze Bowles Farm Corn Maze Mechanicsville Mechanicsville Aug-Nov. Sept.-Nov. 8,250 6,000 8,250 8,000 8,500 8,350 President's Cup Nationals World Cup MIR, Budds Creek MIR, Budds Creek Parlett Farm, Mechanicsville September November 19,000 N/A 5,298 N/A N/A 10,340 October 12,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A So. Maryland Farm Life Fest. Waterfront Celebration & Mothers Day Open House Piney Point May Piney Point Lighthouse Festival Spirits of Point Lookout Piney Point Point Lookout Light May October Family Plantation Christmas Candlelight Tours of Sotterley Sotterley Plantation Sotterley Plantation December December Independence Day Concert Garden Fair at Sotterley Riverside Winefest Ghosts of Sotterley Sotterley Plantation Sotterley Plantation Sotterley Plantation Sotterley Plantation July May October October Christmas Doll & Train Exhibit St. Clement's Island December Potomac Jazz & Seafood Festival Maryland Day Blessing of the Fleet River Concert Series St. Clement's Island St. Clement's Island St. Clement's Island St. Mary's College July March October June-July Monster Rockfish Tournament Gates of Summerseat St. Mary's County Summerseat Farm October October Total 402 Cancelled n/a 286 1,600 N/A 1,600 n/a n/a 1,030 485 1,005 573 n/a 992 6,627 n/a 325 293 5,005 1,055 325 130 3,967 1,490 547 280 890 1,200 101 8,200 40,000 850 105 4,500 32,000 920 150 1,704 35,000 n/a n/a 500 400 n/a 810 186,739 187,158 182,096 Miscellaneous Events Total Attendance as Reported by Sites to SMCT Total 4,740 186,836 18 WEBSITE STATISTICS The new website and Get Real campaign launched June 2012. There is a notable increase in the number of site visits and pages viewed per visit after the launch. June saw an increase of 5,985 site visits and a 335% increase in pages compared to May. Month Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Total Returnin Site Page Average g Visitors Visits/ Views/ Pages/ New Month Month Visit Visitors 6,124 16,539 2.70 73.04% 26.96% 5,860 14,419 2.46 69.78% 30.22% 4,927 12,235 2.48 68.34% 31.66% 4,792 10,632 2.22 67.51% 32.49% 3,336 7,343 2.20 66.43% 33.57% 2,412 5,309 2.20 68.41% 31.59% 2,702 6,802 2.52 78.20% 21.80% 2,760 7,187 2.60 77.64% 22.36% 3,833 10,183 2.66 75.61% 24.39% 4,974 12,229 2.46 68.07% 31.93% 5,994 16,715 2.79 69.60% 30.40% 11,979 50,965 4.25 73.70% 26.30% 59,693 170,558 2.86 71.36% 28.64% New vs. Returning Visitors 29% New Visitors 71% Site Visits/ Month 14,000 11,979 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 6,124 5,860 5,994 4,927 4,792 3,336 4,000 3,833 4,974 2,412 2,702 2,760 2,000 0 Jul-11 Aug- Sep- Oct11 11 11 Nov- Dec- Jan11 11 12 Feb12 Mar12 Apr12 May- Jun12 12 19 Returning Visitors SOCIAL MEDIA The data here reflects the second half of FY12 only. Data from July 2011 - December 2011 is not available due to technical changeovers in the sites and tracking programs. At the end of FY12, SMCT had a total of 1,237 likes on Facebook. According to etourism.org, the average number of likes for a travel and tourism site is 808. SMCT’s social media engagement was lower than average in May due to fewer postings by SMCT. Facebook Statistics January February March April May June* Total 13 16 14 14 10 20 87 Number of Posts Users Talking About SMCT1 Total Likes 2 Engaged Users 3 Total Reach4 Total Impressions5 57 1130 118 2273 10385 67 1152 157 3093 13309 69 1181 121 3144 11504 70 1197 127 3690 13649 78 1214 122 3565 15295 128 1237 257 9635 50177 469 1237 902 25400 114319 1. The number of people sharing stories about the SMCT Facebook page. These stories include liking the page, posting to the page, liking, commenting on or sharing one of SMCT’s posts. 2. Total number of people who have liked the SMCT Facebook page. 3. The number of unique users who engaged with the SMCT Facebook page. Engagement includes any click or story created. 4. The number of unique users who have seen any content associated with SMCT Facebook page. 5. The total number of times any content associated with the SMCT Facebook page was seen by any user or visitor. * SMCT ran Facebook ads as part of the Get Real the Weekend Sweepstakes. These ads bolstered the Reach and Impressions counts. Total Likes 1260 1240 1220 1200 Total Likes 1180 1160 1140 1120 1100 1080 1060 January February March April May June Face book Re ach and Im pr e s s ions 60000 Total Reach 50000 40000 30000 20000 Total Impressions 10000 0 January February March A pril May June m onths 20 Twitter Statistics January February March April May June Totals Number of Tweets 22 35 31 28 8 33 157 New Followers 20 11 19 20 13 16 99 Total Number of Followers 325 336 349 365 368 385 385 Number of Interactions* 14 9 18 9 5 12 67 * Number of times followers mention (@SMCTourism), re-tweet or favorite St. Mary’s County Tourism tweet. Tw itter Statistics 40 35 Number of Tweets 30 25 New Followers 20 15 10 Number of Interactions 5 0 January February March April May June LOCAL TAX REVENUE Accommodations Tax and Hotel and Admission/Amusement Tax Revenue FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12* Accommodations Tax $570,441 $634,659 $730,992 $788,689 $840,638 AA Tax $112,802 $104,344 $ 84,636 $72,649 $121,047* *As of mid-August, 2012. Final figures to be provided by Finance upon audit completion. The Accommodations Tax represents revenue from the county’s fifteen hotels with a room inventory of 1,142 rooms. This includes two hotels added in 2012: Comfort Inn (55 rooms) and Home2 Suites (100 rooms). The tax rate is 5% and applies only to hotels. B&Bs are excluded. 21 TOURISM TAX CALCULATION Total Sales Tax Code Collections 108 111 112 306 407 706 901 925 Sales Tax Category Restaurants, Lunchrooms, Delicatessens WO/BWL Hotels, Motels selling food W/BWL Restaruants, Nightclubs W/BWL FY 2012 Collections FY 2011 collections % Change 3,533,321 3,335,130 5.9 72,722 42,859 69.7 3,527,627 3,188,323 10.6 General Merchandise Automobile, Bus, Truck Rentals 2,120,041 2,271,832 (6.7) 1,293,625 856,566 51.0 Airlines Hotels, Motels, Apartments, Cottages Recreation and Amusement Places Tourism Tax Catgories Subtotal - - - 847,582 867,204 (2.3) 17,516 18,206 (3.8) 11,412,434 10,580,120 7.9 920,304 910,063 1.1 7,060,948 6,523,453 8.2 1,100,592 5.9 42,589 69.7 1,052,146 10.6 Lodging Subtotal Restaruant Subtotal TOURISM TAX FACTOR 108 111 112 306 407 706 901 925 Tax Category Restaurants, Lunchrooms, Delicatessens WO/BWL Hotels, Motels selling food W/BWL Restaruants, Nightclubs W/BWL General Merchandise Automobile, Bus, Truck Rentals Airlines Hotels, Motels, Apartments, Cottages Recreation and Amusement Places Total 33% 100% 33% 5% 1,165,995 72,722 1,164,116 106,002 113,591 (6.7) 90% 1,164,262 770,909 51.0 50% - - - 100% 50% 847,582 8,758 4,529,437 867,204 (2.3) 9,103 (3.8) 3,956,134 14.5 22 FULFILLMENTS BY MONTH Brochure Visitors Guides Calendar of Events Historic Churches Bike Map Chamber Road Map Fishing Fulfillments by Month Nov Dec Jan Feb Jul Aug Sep Oct Mar Apr May Jun 1618 1174 39 17 44 16 113 15 25 15 2 5 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 7 7 6 4 1 1 40 36 1348 3590 1997 10032 27 20 24 28 18 30 220 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 11 0 3 0 2 2 3 8 3 3 4 12 7 5 10 removed 48 47 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 2 1 2 2 6 8 2 8 38 6 14 8 1 4 6 5 4 9 11 9 23 100 4 4 20 20 13 13 SoMD Map 29 29 SoMD Trails Guide 20 20 19 2183 19 10626 Driving Tour AfricanAmerican Heritage Water Trails Group Planner Pax Wine Trail Religious Freedom National Scenic Byway SoMD 1812 Total These brochures began being offered via the Brochure Request Form on the new website in June. Out-dated and out-of-print brochures were removed from the new order form. 1649 Grand Total 1230 75 22 58 38 154 87 82 1414 3634 Total 5 10626 23 FULFILLMENTS BY LEAD SOURCE SMCT distributed 10,626 pieces of literature to fulfill leads in FY12. In FY11, SMCT distributed 12,532 pieces. The drop of 1,906 is due to movement toward electronic information available online and bulk leads coming from publications in May-August 2012, whereas they arrived in April - July in 2011. Source Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2 0 0 0 34 0 58 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 15 11 10 37 5 0 1289 0 0 0 1085 0 0 32 Maryland.com 4 Travelmeredith.com visitstmarysmd.com Publications AAA Better Homes & Gardens Family Circle Magaizne Group Tour Kits Ladies Home Journal Madden Media MD Co-op Ad Madden Media Spring 2012 MidWest Living More Reader Services Oprah Magazine USA Today USA Weekend Rec News Jul Apr Total May Jun 0 165 117 376 0 96 701 606 1418 0 1 0 0 0 18 930 1 0 1 932 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 108 0 195 196 0 0 0 0 0 0 249 249 0 2 0 0 0 4 235 164 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 126 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 972 0 213 0 1120 40 159 0 693 0 0 0 5159 40 372 32 1 1 1 1 3 20 10 2 16 5 4 68 3 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 24 14 5 9 12 9 19 27 21 18 42 220 2 14 7 1 0 0 21 6 4 4 3 13 75 0 31 1649 1 48 1230 0 40 75 0 5 22 0 14 58 0 21 38 4 41 154 4 47 87 3 46 82 2 66 1414 0 44 3634 0 186 2183 14 589 10626 Oprah Magazine Websites Other Sources Phone & 800# Schools/ mail Other* Total Grand Total 10626 * Other includes requests from hotels and businesses, sites and organizations. 24 FULFILLMENTS BY STATE, RANKING ORDER PA NY MD FL NJ OH TX VA IL 10 11 State Pennsylvania New York Maryland Florida New Jersey Ohio Texas Virginia Illinois North Carolina California Number of Leads 953 924 606 601 481 409 364 362 349 NC CA 323 299 36 37 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Georgia Michigan Massachusetts Indiana Connecticut Missouri South Carolina Tennessee West Virginia Minnesota Delaware Kentucky Oklahoma Colorado Wisconsin GA MI MA IN CT MO SC TN WV MN DE KY OK CO WI 252 212 187 176 172 169 147 137 134 99 97 88 87 81 81 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rank 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 State Iowa Arizona Kansas Alabama Louisiana Washington Arkansas Mississippi Oregon New Hampshire Maine Washington, D.C. Rhode Island Nebraska New Mexico Nevada Utah Vermont Idaho Montana North Dakota Hawaii Alaska South Dakota Wyoming Puerto Rico IA AZ KS AL LA WA AR MS OR Number of Leads 77 70 69 68 63 62 54 51 51 NH ME 48 44 DC RI NE NM NV UT VT ID MT ND HI AK SD WY PR 41 36 34 31 29 29 27 17 10 10 9 6 6 6 1 OUT-OF-COUNTRY LEADS Canada 159 UK 2 25