Fall 2015 - The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.
Fall 2015 - The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.
Azalea Trumpet Fall—Early Winter 2015 HAPPY FALL YA'll ! It is hard to believe that it's fall already and that six months of my term has flown by so quickly. What a whirlwind of travel and fun I have had over the summer and into fall. After the Club Officers Workshop in July at the State Botanical Gardens in August, 33 Amazing Azaleas met in Union Point where we learned from several State Board Chairmen how to apply for the many GCG awards. So I am planning on ringing bells and blowing whistles when Azalea Clubs receive their awards at State Convention in April 2016. As usual the lunch provided by Union Point Garden Club was wonderful. On August 25th the first Board Meeting of the 2015-17 term was held in Norwood, attended by 50 members. The Warrenton Club went all out with beautiful table settings, centerpieces and favors. It was a time to meet the executive officers and many returning and some new committee chairmen. Attendees were given a booklet explaining the Districts opportunities to work on projects presented by State, Deep South and National Garden Clubs. Two days later Sue Edenfield, Cherokee Garden Library Chairman and I traveled to Atlanta where we toured the Library and learned of the vast resources available to club members. The library staff is doing a wonderful service of archiving and preserving the histroy of Garden Clubs. On September 12th, my hubby and I went to Warrenton to join the Warrenton Garden Club for their 50th Anniversary celebration. Over 100 people enjoyed the artistic displays depicting the town of Warrenton's history. Azalea Director’s Message “Fun with Beautification, Conservation & Education to make a Better World". Fall-Early Winter 2015 Later in September I joined other State Board members at Unicoi State Park in Helen where we spent three days learning, planning and approving plans for the Garden Clubs of Georgia over the next two years. The following week-end, Marilyn McDonnell and I joined other volunteers at Mistletoe State Park for the statewide Parks clean-up day. Then on October 1st, the two of us traveled to Macon where we were joined by Peggy Tucker, Azalea State Parks & Public Lands chairman for orientation. Director’s Message Continued: Five other District Directors, their Parks chairmen and GCG President, Martha Price attended and we heard from two DNR representatives and the Director of Friends of GA State Parks on how we can all combine funds and efforts to assist and improve our State Parks. On October 5th I was off to the first of the seven Fall District Meetings held over the next three weeks throughout the state. I attended all six other District meetings that were all very nice and well done, but I must say the 7th and last was the very best one. The fabulous, fun “Frolicking with Frogs” Azalea District Meeting was enjoyed by 145 attendees. Pat Hathaway & her team of eight Augusta Gardens Clubs joined together to put on a meeting that will be remembered for years to come. One more trip is planned for November 12-13 to Lake Blackshear for the State Presidents Workshop and Tri-Refresher, “ACTION in the Environment” This is going to be a fun, hands on event featuring eleven speakers from all over the state to enlighten us on improving our environment to save endangered species and the good earth. Next will be the beginning of FUN, FOOD & FELLOWSHIP with family and friends for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. So I wish all of you a blessed Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to all we will accomplish together in the New Year ! As you now know, Amazing Azaleas have FUN beautifying, conserving and educating to make a better world. Betty Davis Azalea District Director 2015-2017 Azalea District members have been supporting the Frightened Frog Project and donating books to local schools and libraries. Many donors also included a copy of the lesson plans that can be downloaded for free from the NGC website. The books also make great Christmas gifts. The Augusta Council has purchased 124 copies, sold 49 at the District meeting, and sold 67 at Council events. 2 Azalea District Board Meeting in Norcross, GA Each table was designed by individuals to show their projects. It was a beautiful display of members’ talents. Wesley & Thomas Wilkerson with Youth Group co-sponsor Beth Hinson and their table showing the importance of education. Mary Byrd, Chaplain, presenting one of her inspirations. We can always count on Mary to uplift our spirits at our meetings. Director Betty Davis goes over last minute details to make this a very interesting District Board Meeting. 3 Highlights from Azalea District Happenings Azaleas Director, Betty Davis with her six District “Sisters”. Marilyn McDonnell and Betty Davis presenting Scholarship report at Laurel District Meeting. Katherine Allen receiving the Outstanding Garden Club Member Award from District Director, Betty Davis. 4 More Interesting Items from Azalea District GCG President, Martha Price is surrounded by Attendees at State Parks and public Lands Orientation Betty Davis (Second from right) and Marilyn McDonnell (far right ) with volunteers at Mistletoe Park Cleanup Day. 5 Pine Tree Garden Club, Hartwell stays busy. Azalea District Fall Meeting: L-R: Linda Harris, Janet Massey, Sandra Brown, Kathy Pfaender, Peggy Tucker (President) and Laura Rider. President Peggy Tucker, Janet Massey and Adelaide Rowland had fun building Scarecrow youth for the Hartwell Competition. PTGC President Peggy tucker and Azalea District Director touring Dunaway Gardens at Newnan, GA. Sandra Brown, Peggy Tucker and Linda Harris presented Brooks Mewborn, Pricipal at North Hart Elementary School the Frightened Frog book. Mr. Mewborn said he wanted to take and read it to the classes himself. Using the Frightened Frog Theme for a Trunk or Treat are club members Linda Harris, Sandra Brown and Peggy Tucker. 6 “Dollars Educate Scholars” Scholarship Fundraiser The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. has named January as “Scholarship Month”. As you know, one of GCG’s missions is Education. One of the ways this mission is fulfilled is through the scholarship program. Last year we were able to award 30 deserving students $62,600.00 in scholarships. An additional $4,000.00 each for two students from Georgia was received from NGC. In order for us to reach our scholarship goal this year, we ask all clubs to support the scholarship program by contributing $1.00 per member. This is the way it works. All club members are asked to contribute $1.00 each before January 2016. Club treasurer should collect monies and then write one check from the club payable to GCG and send it to Assistant Treasurer, Susan Turner with the information below NLT January 30. Upon receipt of check, Susan will email an electronic thank you note. Clubs with 100% participation will receive additional points for “Club Standard of Excellence” on the President’s Report. Questions? Contact Dot Williams, Scholarship Chairman at 478-477-1742; email [email protected] or Pat Hathaway, Co-Chairman at 706-722-3018 cell: 706-564-4315; email [email protected] Thank you for helping the Scholarship Committee to reach its educational goals. You can be proud that you have thrown out a lifeline to deserving students to obtain their education. The Scholarship Committee will meet in February to award scholarships to scholarship applicants. Please submit the information below along with your club’s check to be received before the end of January to be counted in this years giving. Thank you! “Dollars Educate Scholars” TRANSMITTAL FORM MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE GARDEN CLUB OF GEORGIA, INC. OR GCG Please complete the following information and mail with your club’s check to Susan Turner P.O. Box 810 Conyers, Georgia 30012. Name of Garden Club Club President/Representative Email Number of Members in club District 100% Participation Yes __________ No ___________ Amount Enclosed $ 7 Pull Tabs October Breast Cancer Awareness Month The Augusta Ronald McDonald House thanks you for contributing 57 lbs. 2 oz. of pull tabs during October 2015. These count towards next year’s totals. Twenty seven Azalea District clubs contributed tabs during the past year. Four clubs collected over 25 lbs. between our 2014 District Meeting and October 15, 2015. They are Pine Needle Lincolnton with 82 lb 10 oz; Nancy Hart, Hartwell with 52 lb 15 oz ; Pine Tree, Hartwell with 35 lb 12 oz; and Pine Needle Augusta with 26 lb. 7 oz. The total amount of tabs collected by District clubs was 290 lbs 3 oz. Please remember to include a slip with the name of your club in each bag, so that your club can get credit. We had many bags turned in with no club identification. Ginny Allen, District Pull Tab Chairman ([email protected]) Remember that all tabs for toward a Ronald McDonald Hospice House suite for those who have children with serious illnesses. 8 Sponsored by: North Georgia Council of Flower Show Judges In Memory of Suzanne Wheeler Course II: March 14-17, 2016 Course III: September 27-29, 2016 Course IV: March 28-30, 2017 Venue: Bellmere Garden House 10777 Bell Road Johns Creek, GA 30097 Registration Deadline: March 1, 2016 In memory of former GCG President Suzanne Wheeler, North Georgia Council of Flower Show Judges is sponsoring a Flower Show School to be held at Bellmere Garden House in Johns Creek. Come and join us March 14-17, 2016 for Course II. Learn the “ins and outs” of flower shows and how to judge floral designs and horticulture. Trece Chancellor, NGC Flower Show School Design Instructor, will exhibit and discuss Creative Designs with minor and moderate abstraction, as well as Creative Mass Designs. If your focus is on horticulture, then you’ll want to come and hear our very own Carolyn Hawkins, NGC Flower Show School Horticulture and Flower Show Procedure Instructor, talk about Daffodils and woody perennials, with an emphasis on Aucuba, and how to grow, show and judge them. She will also present Flower Show Procedure and the rules associated with holding a flower show. Flower Show School is not only for prospective flower show exhibitors and judges, but also for all garden club members and all persons interested in flower design and horticulture. While the primary purpose of these courses is to train those aspiring to become flower show judges, many people attend for information only. Each of the four courses, offered approximately six months apart, includes Horticulture curriculum, Flower Show Procedure and Design instruction. The cost for each course is $130.00 for full-time students and a judge’s special of $90 for the two-day course. Courses need not be taken sequentially, so if you missed Course I, you can begin with Course II and pick up Course I later. For further information, contact Joy Zaidan, GCG Flower Show Schools Chairman at [email protected] or 770-493-8475. 9 (Registration form for Flower Show School) The Suzanne Wheeler FLOWER SHOW SCHOOL Course II Registration Deadline: March 1, 2016 NO REFUNDS AFTER FEBRUARY 14, 2016 Course II: March 14-17, 2016 (The 2007 Handbook is required for credit) Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________ Phone #_____________________________________ Garden Club________________________________ Make Checks Payable to NGCFSJ Flower Show School Mail to: Cookie Roland, Registrar & Co-Chairman 2771 Anscot Court, Snellville, GA 30078-3005 [email protected] (Check one) Students, Full Course (with exam) $130_____ Students, Full Course (no exam) $115_____ Student, One Day Auditing $ 65_____ Judge’s Auditing Special, Full Course $ 90_____ Judge’s Auditing, One Day, Tue., Horticulture $ 55_____ Judge’s Auditing, One Day, Wed., Design Total Enclosed $ 55_____ $_________ Fees include lunch and snacks on Tuesday & Wednesday 10 E For our meeting in O Wild & Wonderful Experience 2015 Camp Update Another three day Wild & Wonderful Experience was enjoyed at our GCG Environmental Education Camp held at the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center in Mansfield. All 17 campers had a great time participating in the many classes held for them July 12-14, 2015. The W&WE camp continues with the dedication and support of you, The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and the allegiance of the staff at the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. Plans are underway for July 10-12, 2016. Please consider a child who will be entering 5th & 6th grades that you, your club, council or district would like to sponsor. Registration will open March 1, 2016. Our recovery is assured and we will start making plans for next year! Molly Kimler, W&WE Chairman [email protected] & Susan Turner, Co-Chairman [email protected] Don’t miss out on the fun. Just ask any camper who has been part of the Wild & Wonderful adventure and they will tell you how much they LOVED it. Make plans to send your children or grandchildren in 2016. 11 THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN For children young and old everywhere, the State Botanical Garden in Athens is building a 21st century Children’s Garden. Operating under the realization that today’s children are better connected to a virtual world of technology than to the natural world, this garden reaches out to hundreds of children and teachers with the message of environmental stewardship. One enters the garden through the Georgia Discovery Plaza, an arc-like amphitheater which features a giant colorful map of Georgia introducing families and school groups to the geography, culture, ecology, and natural history of our state. There will be a wonderful underground den of roots and soils, a multi-level tree house village, forest adventure, bogs and a wetland water ferry, outdoor galleries, work spaces and theaters, and a two-part Garden of Wonder with programmed zones for the really young. The Busy Bees zone is for 1 and 2-year-olds to explore nature in a safe, age-appropriate way. Sweet Peas zone for 3 and 4year-olds features a bee-dance pavement design, a green maze, and a flowery meadow which provides the opportunity for children to learn about our pollinators’ behavior as they trace the flight of a bumble bee. The Dig and Grow zone will introduce children to the lifelong love of planting and gardening. A canopy walk high up in the trees will give a bird’s eye view of the garden’s ecosystem. It is only in our helping children acquire a love of nature and a deep intuitive understanding of our natural world that we can assure that the future of our earth will follow a course of sustainable development. 12 THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN FULFILLED Inspecting and Investigating Nature Digging a hole to plant some veggies! Climbing to a Magical tree house. 13 Warrenton Garden Club Celebrated 50th Anniversary Warrenton Garden Club Celebrated 50th Anniversary The Warrenton Garden Club celebrated their 50th Anniversary by hosting a reception honoring their founding members on September 12, 2015. The club used as its theme “The Wonders of Warren”. Members created arrangements to depict some of the lovely historical places that are and have been wonders to our county. Celebrated in flowers were the Barnett Angel created by Charlotte White, the Warrenton Clipper arranged by Carolyn Martin, the Railroad of Camak designed by Toby Peebles, Martin Marietta depicted by Babs Davis, the Old Schools of Warrenton created by Louise Hadden, Wiley Motor Company and Mayfield Mill designed by Bunny Wiley, Rural Free Delivery of Norwood arranged by Becky Tucker, the Jewell House of Jewell was depicted by Suzanne Barnes and the Knox Theater was arranged by Jane Edmunds. Diane Raley designed the large centerpiece which graced the main reception table. The Youth Garden Club of Warrenton was represented by an eclectic display of pictures and a lovely basket of flowers planted by the youth for the Warren County Library. Beth Bean created this display along with a slide presentation of the many activities the Youth Garden Club and the Warrenton Garden Club have done in the past few years. Everyone enjoyed looking through the large collection of memorabilia from the Warrenton Garden Club’s long history. This collection was compiled and displayed by Beth Hinman, Linda Barron, Diane Rickli and Carolyn Langford. This collection will be on display in the Museum at the Chamber of Commerce. The reception began with proclamations presented by Mr. Chris McCorkle, Mayor Pro-Tem of City of Warrenton and Mr. John Graham, Chairman of the Warren County Board of Commissioners. Mrs. Martha Price, President of the Garden Club of Georgia Inc., was also in attendance and presented the club with a lovely certificate. More than 80 attendees enjoyed cake and iced tea including Ms. Betty Davis, Azalea District Director, and Mrs. Jane Hersey, First Vice President of the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. Our very special guests for the day were four of our founding members, Mrs. Babs Davis, Mrs. Helen Hall, Mrs. Ginny Kitchens and Mrs. Charlene Crumpton. A special thanks to all of you who made this day possible including the City of Warrenton, Augusta Linens, K-West Cheesies, and all of you who came out to enjoy the fellowship. See following page for pictures: 14 Celebrating the 50th Anniversary at Warrenton L-R: Carolyn Langford, Bunny Wiley, GCG President Martha Price, Jane Edmunds, Babs Davis, Becky Tucker, Beth Hinman and Carolyn Martin. L to R : Diane Raley, Bunny Wiley, Charlotte White, Carolyn Langford, Suzanne Barnes, Carolyn Martin, Chris McCorkle, Martha Price¸ Jane Edmunds, John Graham, Becky Tucker, Beth Hinman¸ Beth Bean, Toby Peebles, Babs Davis and Ginny Kitchens. 15 NGC Conservation Pledge I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of the planet Earth and promise to promote education so we may become better caretakers of our air, water, forest, land and wildlife. If you haven’t been repeating this pledge at each club meeting, please consider this as part of your monthly meeting. It was issued by the National Garden Club as a reminder of who we are and what we need to be doing to insure a better world in which we live. TIDBITS Interested in NGC’s website? Our latest information is: User name - member and Password - flight. If you go to http://gardenclub.uga.edu/links.html You will find a wealth of information. Look at the fantastic WWW links for our Districts, Councils, Individual Clubs and GCG Affiliates. There are many other organizations such as : American Audubon Society, American Daffodil Society, Cherokee Garden Library, Georgia Wildlife Federation, LaConte-Woodmanston and State Botanical Garden of Georgia. Look at Pinterest .com for hundreds of ideas for recycling and utilizing scrap lumber, material, etc. 16 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER (Conventions and Board Meetings) 2016 January 13-14 - GCG State Board Mtg - Milledgeville February 11 - Azalea District Board Mtg, Waynesboro March 7-8 - Deep South Convention—Mississippi These get-togethers are so important to the success of the Garden Club Of Georgia and all the individual garden clubs in our great state. Please try to attend as many as you can. Attention All Azalea District Clubs: Please have pictures and information to be included in the April Trumpet to me on or before April 15, 2015. It would even be better if you email items to me as soon as you have your event, that way I can avoid the last minute panic! Newsletters Deadlines are : Winter/Early Spring January 15 Spring/Early Summer April 15 Summer/Early Fall July 15 Fall/Early Winter October 15 Suggestions and feedback about Newsletter are always welcomed. Janet Massey, Newsletter Editor 17 [email protected]
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