Math - Bellevue School District
Math - Bellevue School District
Curriculum Night 2015 Welcome to Dusty Steere – Principal Tina Bogucharova – Assistant Principal Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Tonight’s Goals • Time in classroom with teachers • Invitation from PTSA and BSF to get Involved • Share BSD and Cherry Crest Mission & Instructional Initiatives • Illustrate collaborative Partnership Between Home and School Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Cherry Crest PTSA We are fortunate to have an incredible partnership between the Cherry Crest Parent Teacher Student Association and school. Melissa Young and Gina Davis, Co-Presidents Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Cherry Crest PTSA Budget Budget Line Item PTSA Budget Curriculum Enhancement $ 50,000.00 Classroom Aides $ 120,000.00 Family Enrichment Activities $ 25,000.00 Staff Allowance/Development $ 40,000.00 Technology fund $ 20,000.00 Grants & Scholarships $ 60,000.00 4 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. How can I join the PTSA? Tonight in the lobby or online What does my PTSA membership fee go to? State and National PTSA Who can join the PTSA? Everyone Why should I join the PTSA? Impact, Voice, Connect When should I join the PTSA? How about Now? Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Please welcome Marianne Heywood Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Cherry Crest Administrative Team Dusty Steere, Principal • 16 years in BSD as MS, HS Math teacher • 5th year as a Administrator • Product of BSD, graduated from Bellevue High School • BSD parent: 3 children Tina Bogucharova, Asst Principal • ELL teaching background • Taught in Japan, New York and 9 years in BSD • 1st year as Administrator • Proud parent of 2 children • 4 months & 4 years • Puesta del Sol & Tillicum EXCITED and HONORED to serve the CHERRY CREST Comm(UNITY)! Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Cherry Crest Comm(UNITY) • 581 AWESOME students, 25 classrooms (Average class size 23) • We provide Gifted services, Special Education services, English Language Learner services, LAP Reading Instruction services Grade # classrooms Teacher Names K 2 Cody, Lawlor 1 3 Applegate, Hayfield, Alcorn 2 5 Hanson, Elms (Ruff), Waddell, Gibbs, Jessa 3 5 Tamayo, Tatterson/Therriault, Cordell, Ward, Repass 4 5 Titus, Stevens, Chariton, Cordell, Bronson 5 5 Stover, Regala, Haney, Sakaue, Snow Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. You met the classroom teachers. Now let’s introduce the rest of the amazing Charger Support Staff Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. BSD Mission and Initiatives Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. BSD Pride Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. International Comparisons (PISA) Reading 1. Shanghai-China Bellevue School District 2. South Korea 3. Finland 4. Hong Kong 5. Singapore 6. Canada 7. New Zealand 8. Japan 9. Australia 10.Netherlands United States: #19 Math 1. Shanghai-China Bellevue School District 2. Singapore 3. Hong Kong 4. South Korea 5. Taipei 6. Finland 7. Liechtenstein 8. Switzerland 9. Japan 10. Canada United States: #34 Science 1. Shanghai-China Bellevue School District 2. Finland 3. Hong Kong 4. Singapore 5. Japan 6. South Korea 7. New Zealand 8. Canada 9. Estonia 10. Australia United States: #25 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. What is contributing to our success? Common articulated curriculum Strong staff and leaders Instructional support (e.g., curriculum department, ITCLs, and more) College and Career Readiness: Rigor for all mindset A strong network of partner organizations A community that strongly values education and supports schools through volunteering, levies, fundraising, voting, showing up The Bellevue Schools Foundation Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. CHERRY CREST LITERACY: TEXT, READING, & COMPREHENSION (TRC) GRADES K-2 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Grades K-2 End of Year TRC READING Scores K-2 TRC Data, Spring 2015 60 50 40 30 41 40 43 20 13 14 4 3 5 6 Kindergarten (50) First Grade (58) Second Grade (61) 10 0 Below/Far Below Proficient Proficient Above Proficient Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. CHERRY CREST READING & MATH: STAR ASSESSMENT GRADES 1-5 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Grades 2-5 End of Year STAR READING Performance 2015 111 99 97 100 75 80 60 40 20 5 7 17 11 2 3 6 10 1 2 4 6 0 2nd Grade (98) 3rd Grade (108 4th Grade (124) Intensive Intervention Strategic Intervention On Target 5th Grade (126) Advanced Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Grades 3-5 End of Year STAR MATH Performance 2015 120 118 109 94 100 80 60 40 20 11 10 1 2 3 2 2 3 5 0 3rd Grade (107) 4th Grade (125) Below Basic Basic Proficient 5th Grade (128) Advanced Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Common Core State Standards Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) Pass Rates for 2014-15 • PRELIMINARY SBA PASS RATES, per EDS Query 8.13.15 STATE DISTRICT Cherry Crest GRADE 3 ELA 52% 72.9% 98.1% MATH 57% 78.9% 97.2% GRADE 4 ELA 56% 77.3% 97.6% MATH 54% 80.0% 96.0% GRADE 5 ELA 58% 79.4% 96.0% MATH 49% 73.5% 96.1% GRADES 3-5 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Elementary STEM Giving Students an Early Start College and Career Ready Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. 21st Century Skills • Critical thinking • Collaboration • Problem solving • Creativity Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Next Generation Science Standards Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Interest in science often begins in the elementary years Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Engineering in Action • Design challenges at each grade level. • These complement the traditional FOSS science instructional materials. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Critical Thinking Professional development to support students: • Making Claims • Argument from Evidence • Reasoning with scientific explanations Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. It’s Not Just During the School Day… • Family engineering night • Robotics clubs: BeeBots, Lego WeDo, and Lego Mindstorms Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Cherry Crest’s Instructional Initiatives: Positive and Productive Life Preparing students for a positive and productive life through the development of interpersonal skills and a commitment to the community. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Social Emotional Learning @ CC “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” –Aristotle *Social Emotional Skills are the best predictor of academic and life success.* Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. CASEL: Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. BSD SEL Standards: 3 Goal Areas 33 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. K-5 SEL Progress Report Criteria 34 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. BSD K-5 SEL Curriculum Resources Target Audience Curriculum/Resource P-2 Second Step & Child Protection Unit 3-5 RULER P-12 Virtues Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Resource: Parent Toolkit • Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Collaborative Partnership Between Home and School Get Involved PTSA Meetings and Activities Volunteer at the School Site or on a committee Attend Parent Learning Nights (STEM, RULER, PTSA Guest Speakers) Support Your Student Make sure they are at school each day, on time! Be informed of the BSD Attendance Policy. School Bell rings at 8:00 (be in your seat, ready to learn) Check in with your student regarding their needs academically and social/emotionally Ongoing communication between home and school Help set routines at home for success Help your student learn necessary skills Independence and Comm(UNITY) Empower, not enable Every experience is a learning opportunity! Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life. Thank you for coming tonight. 38 Our mission is to provide all students with an exemplary college preparatory education so they can succeed in college, career, and life.