Weekly Calendar/ Calendario Semanal
Weekly Calendar/ Calendario Semanal
Weekly Calendar/ Calendario Semanal Sunday September 4th Special Collection for Catholic University of America at all masses this weekend Welcome Reception for Sister Rafaela Landeros after all masses in the great hall Saturday September 10th Saturday morning Bible Study 8:00 am in the church Four Evangelists Hall ACTS de mujeres en español 9:00 am en el centro parroquial salones 1,3,11, y 13 ACTS Team Meeting Women 9:00 am in the Monday September 5th Labor Day Office Closed no other events scheduled NO 8:30 am Mass Tuesday September 6th ESL Registration 8:30 am & 5:00 pm in the great hall Sew Blessed Ministry 11:00 am in the church Four Evangelists Hall Talleres de Oración y Vida 7:00 pm en el centro parroquial salón 7 Ensayo del coro de misa de las 3 pm 7:00 pm en el templo ACTS de Hombres en español 7:00 pm en el centro parroquial salones 1 y 3 Wednesday September 7th Men’s morning prayer group 6:00 am in the church, doors open at 5:30 am Prayer Group 9:30 am in the church chapel ESL Registration 8:30 am in the great hall Coro del Grupo de Oración 7:00 pm en el templo salón 23 Usher’s Meeting 7:00 pm in the church Four Evangelists Hall Music Rehearsal 7:15 pm in the church Thursday September 8th ESL Registration 8:30 am & 5:00 pm in the great hall Talleres de Oración y Vida 10:00 am en el centro parroquial salón 7 Baptism Class in English 7:00 pm in the church Four Evangelists Hall, call office to register Ensayo del coro de español 7:00 pm en el templo Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 pm in the church room 23 Friday September 9th Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 8:30 am mass until 2:00 pm Grupo de Oración San Miguel Arcángel 7:00 pm en el templo salón Cuatro Evangelistas parish life center rooms 4,7,15 & 17 Stewardship Reflections 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33 When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is making an unrealistic demand upon us. How can we renounce all of our possessions? We need them to live. However, what we must renounce is the belief that they belong to us. Everything that we have belongs to God alone. All of our resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others. Once we renounce the idea that we possess or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us. Then we truly are His Disciples. Reflexiones de la Corresponsabilidad 230 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario "Cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todos sus bienes, no puede ser mi discípulo." Lucas 14:33 La primera vez que oímos decir esta afirmación, pareciera que Jesús nos está pidiendo algo irreal. ¿Cómo podemos renunciar a todas nuestras posesiones? Las necesitamos para vivir. Sin embargo, a lo que tenemos que renunciar es a la creencia de que nos pertenecen. Todo lo que tenemos pertenece sólo a Dios. Todos los recursos se nos confían, no sólo para nuestro propio uso, sino también para que podamos ayudar a los demás. Una vez que renunciamos a la idea de que poseemos o tenemos derecho a algo, es mucho más fácil compartir los numerosos dones que Dios nos ha dado. Es entonces que realmente somos Sus discípulos. Pro-Life Quote of the Week "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." ~ Saint Mother Teresa ~ Reflections by Father Karl 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time This week the Gospel of Luke speaks of the great cost of discipleship. Using powerful images, Jesus challenges his followers to be fully committed to the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus says that we must hate our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and even our children in order to be a follower many people would naturally walk away. Is Jesus asking us to actually hate our families or hate our lives? Of course not! Our families, especially children are a gift from God. God is the author and giver of life—we could never hate a gift that comes from our creator. Jesus is actually asking us to get our priorities in right order. Our relationship with God must come before ALL things. We cannot have a proper relationship with our parents or children without placing God first. It is because of a proper relationship with God that we can properly love our parents, brothers, sisters, or children. Jesus also states that we cannot be disciples without first taking up our cross. Many people would like to have an easy and convenient relationship with God—one that doesn’t make too many demands. With God’s help we would like to feel good and enjoy life. Some people turn to God when they are in miserable life situations—they want an end to their pain. Is this the right way to follow Christ? Or is this simply turning our faith into a narcotic that numbs the emptiness of life? We are called to be bearers of the Good News—Heralds of the Gospel. We are baptized in the wholeness of Christ and are invited to fully participate in the whole of his life. At times that does involve suffering and death—but the final reward is resurrection. So what are we looking for? A simple way to end our pain or to feel good; or are we searching for a relationship with God that transforms us into the image of Christ? 23° domingo del tiempo ordinario Esta semana, el Evangelio de Lucas habla del gran costo del discipulado. Usando imágenes poderosas, Jesús reta a sus seguidores a comprometerse plenamente en la búsqueda del Reino de Dios. Cuando Jesús dice que debemos odiar a nuestras madres, padres, hermanos y hermanas, incluso a nuestros hijos con el fin de ser un seguidor, muchas personas naturalmente, se retiran. ¿Nos está pidiendo Jesús odiar realmente nuestras familias? u ¿odiar nuestras vidas? ¡Por supuesto que no! Nuestras familias, especialmente los niños son un regalo de Dios. Dios es el autor y dador de vida, nunca podríamos odiar un don que viene de nuestro creador. Lo que Jesús nos pide en realidad es que pongamos nuestras prioridades en el orden correcto. Nuestra relación con Dios debe venir antes que todas las cosas. No podemos tener una relación adecuada con nuestros padres o hijos sin poner a Dios en primer lugar. Es por tener una relación apropiada con Dios que podemos amar adecuadamente a nuestros padres, hermanos, hermanas o hijos. Jesús también afirma que no podemos ser discípulos sin antes tomar nuestra cruz. A muchas personas les gustaría tener una relación fácil y conveniente con Dios y una relación que no tenga demasiadas exigencias. Con la ayuda de Dios nos gustaría sentirnos bien y disfrutar de la vida. Algunas personas se vuelven a Dios cuando en la vida se encuentran en situaciones miserables, desean ponerle fin a su dolor. ¿Es esta la forma correcta de seguir a Cristo? ¿O estamos simplemente transformando nuestra fe en un narcótico que adormece el vacío de la vida? Estamos llamados a ser portadores de la Buena Nueva-Heraldos del Evangelio. Estamos bautizados en la plenitud de Cristo y estamos invitados a participar plenamente en la integridad de su vida. A veces esto implica sufrimiento y muerte, pero la recompensa final es la resurrección. Entonces, ¿Qué estamos buscando? Una forma sencilla de poner fin a nuestro dolor o sentirnos bien; o ¿estamos buscando una relación con Dios que nos transforme en la imagen de Cristo? In and around our parish... 2nd Collection today/ Segunda Colecta hoy The Catholic University of America is unique among universities in the United States Your support will enable Catholic University to expand its impact in preparing the next generation of leadership for our Church and nation. We appreciate your generosity. You can learn more at: collection.cua.edu. La Universidad Católica de América es única entre las universidades de los Estados Unidos - incluso entre las universidades católicas. Su apoyo permitirá a la Universidad Católica ampliar la preparación de la próxima generación de líderes en nuestra Iglesia y de la nación. Apreciamos su generosidad. Se puede obtener más información en: collection.cua.edu Feast Day Dinner Thank you to Mary Alice Ward and the Hospitality Committee for their service at the Parish Feast Day dinner. Cena de día de San Bartolomé Gracias a Mary Alice Ward y el comité de hospitalidad por su servicio durante nuestra cena parroquial. RCIA - Calling All Par ishioner s – as Christians, we are called to evangelize. Many of you know of someone who is open to accepting growth in their faith walk - a spouse, a relative, a friend, or an acquaintance. Please invite them to investigate our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. We welcome Non-Christians, Non-Catholics, Catholics desiring to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, plus anyone desiring to learn more about Catholic Christian beliefs. Sessions start September 11, 10:30AM - Noon, in the church Four Evangelists Hall. Nursery is available. For information, call Paul Park at 817-980-6292. Help bring Jesus more deeply into someone’s life! The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth will be hosting a Discernment Weekend for women 18+ and a Come & See day for young women 14-18 the weekend of September 23-25. Call 682-203-9675 for info. Bible Studies/ Estudio de Biblia Women's Bible Study starts Wednesday, Sept 14 9:30 a.m. Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Call Ginny Warburton 817-205-2716 for information and to order a book (approximately $25). Sunday Night Bible Study starts Sunday, September 11, 7:00 PM in the Church. Letter of James. Study led by Joe Winterling. Martes 6 de septiembre de 7 a 8:30 comienza el estudio bíblico dirigido por John Contreras. En el salón Cuatro Evangelistas. Youth Ministry News Registration If anyone missed the open registration dates for all youth ministry programs for the 2016-17 school year of religious education classes, you can register on the first day of classes. This is for new and returning students wishing to register for Discovery (7 th-8th), YSN (9th-12th) and Youth RCIA & 1st Communion. *Special Note for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Those wishing to prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are expected to be in religious education for one year before registering for Confirmation. Registration packets were given out for this Sacrament class to those who were eligible this past April. If there are any questions, please contact Eric Hernandez (Youth Minister) or Eben Fernandez (Assistant Youth Minister) at (817) 292-7703. YSN High school 9th-12th grade religious education program begins Sunday September 11 from 7pm to 9pm. Discovery Junior high 7th-8th grade religious education program begins Wednesday September 14th from 6:45p to 8:30p. Volunteers We are in need of Adult volunteers for Discovery (junior high 7th-8th religious education program). Please contact Eric Hernandez or Eben Fernandez (817-292-7703) if you would like to help. Youth Ministry could use snack donations for the YSN high school religious ed program. For more info or if you would like to donate, contact Eric Hernandez (817-292-7703) Reminder The Daniel Jones Retreat-Assistance Memorial Fund is open for donations. The money in this fund will be used to help pay for youth who cannot afford to pay for retreats and/or various other youth events. Donations are taken throughout the year. Anyone may donate to this fund. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR YOUTH AND THEIR TEACHERS AS THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS CCD Information Elementary CCD grades K-4th will begin on September 11th for both the 10:30 and 11:45 a.m. Sunday sessions. 5th and 6th grades will begin on Wednesday, September 14th at 7:00 p.m. Información sobre el Catecismo Catecismo para niños de kínder al 4o grado empieza el domingo 11 de septiembre con las dos sesiones 10:30 am y 11:45 am. Grados 5o y 6o empieza el miércoles, 14 de septiembre a las 7:00 pm NORTH TEXAS GIVING DAY---Thursday, September 22 North Texas Giving Day is an online giving event for people across North Texas to support all of their favorite nonprofit organizations on one day. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Fort Worth District Council (of which St. Bart’s is a member) is again participating in this year’s event. Funds raised will directly support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Fort Worth District Council with their Mini Loan Conversion Program, a poverty intervention initiative launched this year to combat predatory loan practices. To donate - on Thursday, September 22 between 6 AM Central and 12 Midnight go to www.NorthTexasGivingDay.org and select Society of St. Vincent de Paul Fort Worth Council. Every gift of $25 or more allows us to tap the bonus funds that Communities Foundation gives for each unique donor. Your consideration and help is greatly appreciated. LOOKING FOR WALKERS FOR 9th ANNUAL ST. VINCENT de PAUL FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK/RUN Time is running out. Plan to lace up your favorite walking shoes and bring the family Saturday, September 17 to Wimbledon Park in Arlington. Registration check-in and mass is at nearby St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Just 13 more days to register as a walker at http://www.svdpusa.net/ walk/1515 or support your favorite walker. Click on Show Walkers, and select a walker to donate. Alternately, personally contact your favorite walker. Remember that all donations are tax deductible and remain in our parish to help us in our mission to serve the poor and needy living in our community. For information call Linda Niedbalski @817.253.5115 or Tilie Kitowski @817.292.7544. Dr. Bernard Nathanson on Why He Stopped Doing Abortions ”I ran the largest abortion clinic in the world for 2 years. I had no conflicts whatsoever at the time I was doing the abortions. I changed my mind because the new scientific data which we were getting from advanced technology persuaded me that we could not indiscriminately continue to slaughter what was demonstrably a human being.” Interview with Bernard Nathanson, M.D., 1986 (the most famous abortionist in history) “In its seventh week [the unborn baby] bears the familiar external features and all the internal organs of the adult….The brain in configuration is already like the adult brain and sends out impulses that coordinate the functions of other organs….The heart beats sturdily. The stomach produces digestive juices. The liver manufactures blood cells and the kidneys begin to function by extracting uric acid from the child’s blood….The muscles of the arms and body can already be set in motion. After the eighth week….everything is already present that will be found in the full-term baby.” Porqué el Dr. Bernard Nathanson dejó de Hacer Abortos ”Yo dirigí la mayor clínica de abortos del mundo por 2 años. En esa época yo no tenía ningún conflicto haciendo los abortos. Cambié de opinión pues los nuevos datos científicos que recibíamos de las tecnologías avanzadas me persuadieron de que no podíamos continuar indiscriminadamente la carnicería de lo que demostrablemente eran seres humanos ” Entrevista con el Dr. Bernard Nathanson, M.D., 1986 (el más famoso abortista de la historia) “En la séptima semana el feto muestra las características externas familiares y todos los órganos internos de un adulto….La configuración del cerebro ya es como la del adulto y envía impulsos que coordinan las funciones de los otros órganos….El corazón late tenazmente. El estómago produce los jugos gástricos. El hígado genera células de sangre y los riñones comienzan a funcionar extrayendo el ácido úrico de la sangre de la criatura….Los músculos de los brazos y el cuerpo pueden ya ser puestos en movimiento, Después de la octava semana….está presente ya todo lo que se va a encontrar en un bebé en término normal.” Sacrament Information Sacrament of Baptism (newborns - age 6): Come by the office to sign up for the class and obtain a list of requirements. The next class will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 8th in the church Four Evangelists Hall. All requirements must be met at least 30 days prior to date of baptism. Once everything has been reviewed will receive a confirmation from the office. Sacramento del Bautismo (Recién nacidos hasta 6 años): Pase a la oficina parroquial para obtener la información y formas necesarias. La próxima clase de bautismo será en el salón 4 evangelistas, el jueves 15 de septiembre a las 7 p.m. Todos los requisitos deben ser entregados a la oficina 30 días antes de apartar la fecha del bautismo. Sacrament of Confirmation: For students, contact Eric Hernandez for more information. Students wishing to prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are required to be in religious education (i.e. YSN, bible study or religion class at school) for one year before registering for Confirmation. For adults, contact the parish office for more information. Para jóvenes comuníquese con Eric Hernandez, los estudiantes deben asistir a la educación religiosa por un año antes de inscribirse para el programa de confirmación. Para adultos llame a la oficina parroquial. Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Julissa Chubbs at the office, 817-292-7703 at least 9-12 months before you wish to marry. Sacramento de Matrimonio: Favor de comunicarse con Julissa Chubbs en la oficina al 817-292-7703 de 9 a 12 meses antes de la fecha que desea casarse. O por coreo electrónico [email protected] Readings for the Week of September 4, 2016 Sunday Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 9:13-18b; Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17; Phlm 9-10, 12-17; Lk 14:25-33 Monday 1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12; Lk 6:6-11 Tuesday 1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a, & 9b; Lk 6:12-19 Wednesday 1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17; Lk 6:20-26 Thursday The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6ab, 6c; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 Friday Saint Peter Claver, Priest 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6, 12; Lk 6:39-42 Saturday 1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Lk 6:43-49 Sunday Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19; 1 Tm 1:12-17; Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10 Staff Fr. Karl Schilken, JCL, Pastor Reyes Tello Jr, Deacon Sister Rafaela Landeros, MCSH Parish Office: 817-292-7703 FAX Number: 817-292-2568 Office Staff: Olivia DeLeon, Business Manager Lenora Thompson, Administrative Assistant Bertha Olmos, Secretary (Bilingual) Angela Carrillo, Receptionist (Bilingual) Delisa Rosborough, Safe Environment Coordinator Liturgical Coordinator & Bulletin Editor Julissa Chubbs 817-292-7703 Email: [email protected] Director of Religious Education Charlie Gappa: 817-966-2378 CCD Office: 817-288-4005 CCD E-mail: [email protected] Maintenance Management & Facilities Coordinator Dan Patterson: 817-292-7703 [email protected] Newcomers Guadalupe Higadera Ramiro & Petra Alfaro José Luis & Iveth Ochoa Minister of Music Michael Sawey: 817-292-7703 e-mail: [email protected] Nursery Director Teri Kolodechik: 817-292-8748 Youth Minister Eric Hernandez: 817-480-5471 e-mail: [email protected] Other Ministries Annulments Prison Ministry Julissa Chubbs Ed Brady 817-292-7703 817-309-3302 [email protected] Ministerio Hispano Sacramental Abel & Bertha Olmos 817-201-6336 Bulletin deadline for September 18th is Friday September 9th at 2:00 pm St. Augustine Men’s Purity Group www.catholicmenspurity.com
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Fr. Karl Schilken, JCL, Pastor
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Parish Office: 817-292-7703
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