File - Murringo Village
File - Murringo Village
OU R Murringo Matters April 2014 Issue 55 Dates for your Diary Lambing Flat Festival will be held in Young on Saturday, 12th April. Come along! Happy Easter to everyone and remember to please drive safely if you heading off for the long weekend. Alex heads off to the National Titles Local lad, Alex Rotzler has just recently took out the Ulysses Club Motorcycle Appren ce of the Year award in the ACT / NSW zone. At just 22 years of age, Alex is now up against three other zone winners from around the country to take out the na onal tle. "It's a good win. All my efforts paid off," Alex said. We all know that his love of motorbikes is an inherited trait. His father, Rolf raced road bikes and from a very young age Rolf always had Alex on bikes. Ever since then it's been Alex’s passion. He's now got four or five bikes of his own and loves seeing his hard work pay off in the workshop. "I enjoy the finished product when it's fixed, just seeing what I've done," Alex said. Alex has now finished his appren ceship at Adam Besedic Motorcycle and Small Motor Repairs in Cowra and says he looks forward to con nue his career in the industry. Murringo Community Anzac March will start at the school at 8.45am on Anzac Day, 25th April followed by the service at the Memorial Hall. A wonderful community event so please join us all. The Motorcycle Appren ce of the Year award recognises the knowledge and skills those in the last year of their appren ceships have gained to perform the delicate and o en complicated repairs and diagnos c tasks necessary in the service sector. The Na onal Winner will be announced at the Ulysses Club AGM in May, held this year in Alice Springs. Murringo is behind you all the way and everyone knows how much you put into everything you do. Well done Alex and we wish you the best of luck in Alice Springs next month. Tuesday Ladies Tennis is on every Tuesday at 9.30am Church Services Anglican Church - 2nd Sunday of the month starting at 8am. Easter Sunday Service at 8am. Catholic Church - 4th Sunday of every month at 7.30am. Peter Hollier, Iain McDermid, Chris Parris, Alex Rotzler, Rodney Buchan and Adam Besedic. Page 1 Murringo remembers at our Anzac Service The Murringo Community will be commemora ng Anzac Day on Friday, 25th April. We will again be joined in the march by HMAS Albatross and the Young/ Boorowa Cadets which make it that so much more special. The March will start at the school at 8.45am, marching up to the Murringo Memorial Hall in me for the service at 9am. Anyone who wishes to join the Anzac March is asked to be down at the school by 8.30am ready to assemble in me for the 8.45am start. Any school students who wish to march are asked to march in their school uniform. The Anzac service will begin once the Anzac Parade arrives and assembles at the Memorial Hall. This will be followed by a morning tea for the community and visi ng personnel. We are asking for your generosity in bringing along a plate of morning tea to share amongst our wonderful community members who have joined together to remember this very important day. The Patterson War Days Whilst Murringo was small in numbers during the war days, the popula on was fiercely loyal and many families, like the Pa erson Family, went to war in service of the na on. Albert Charles Pa erson, be er known as “Bu y”, was the father of six boys and five girls and in that order too. Bu y was married to a wonderful wife by the name of Harriet, also affec onately known as “Mrs Bu y” to many. Harriet waved goodbye to four of her sons and her husband during different mes between 1937 and 1945 as they went off to war, not knowing if she would ever see them again. Bert Pa erson is now the only surviving son and is happy to share some of his memories with us over the next few pages to commemorate Anzac Day. Thanks to Susie Green (Bert’s daughter) and Jan Pa erson (Will’s daughter) for sending us these wonderful documents and le ers that give us a bit more insight. Page 2 A few war memories of the Patterson Brothers…………. Bert Pa erson shares with us a few memories of his me in the army…………….. My brothers Jack and Will had both been in the Navy since 1937 and 1939 respec vely and in 1942, my father, Bu y Pa erson joined the army as a driver. Les and I were the latecomers joining in 1942 and 1943. My brother Gordon was not accepted for service due to a medical condi on and Rex was too young. It was compulsory to join the forces when you turned 18, but I was burning charcoal at West Wyalong for the war so I was exempt. The weather turned and there was a lot of rain, wood was too wet to burn which meant no work for me, so I then joined the Army. A er ini al training in Bathurst, I went into the transport sec on as a seasoned truck driver as my dad “Bu y” owned trucks. I then went on to do specialised driving training in Melbourne. A pos ng to Mount Grava followed. Driving through Brisbane on a day off I saw a chap walking down the street, I turned to my mate and said “That’s my old man!” and my mate said that I was joking. I told him again “No, it’s him, when Dad walks he always wears his hat to the side just like that bloke”. I told my mate “Listen to this!”, and I yell out dad’s name “Bu y Pa erson!". My dad stopped and looked around and then kept walking. I was now out of the truck by this me and I kept yelling out his name several mes before revealing himself to me and it was such a wonderful reunion. Moratai was the next pos ng and one day I saw a fellow looking at me several mes from the next ship over. I asked him if he knew me and he said he wasn’t too sure and that he hailed from Sydney but before that lived in a small village near Young. I clicked straight away that it was Jimmy Lowe who had been a school mate of mine at Murringo Public School. Going to the post office one day I ran into another Murringoite, Freddy Bruce and that very same day I gives two sailors a li to the wharf and I asked them if they knew my brother Will, (be er known as Bill) Pa erson on HMAS Hawkesbury, they say “No”. On arriving at the wharf, the sailors said to me "See that ship out there, that’s the Hawkesbury and we do know your brother very well ". I hopped into the boat with them and we were piped aboard the Hawkesbury and taken down for a surprise visit to see Bill in the boiler room (Bill was a stoker). It was wonderful to see him. They then piped me off again, I went back to camp only to find everyone packing up to move to Borneo and low and behold, there was my brother Snow (Les Pa erson) looking for me, we had a very quick catch up, me and Snow caught up with Bill the next day and this was the first me we had been together for three years. Unfortunately we didn’t bump into Jack. I used to buy beer and cigare es off the soldiers who did not smoke Bill, Snow & Bert then sell them to the Yanks. I did not have to draw a pay for twelve months. A pos ng to Rabaul followed where I contracted malaria and was sent home on the hospital ship “Manunda”. Arriving at Young Railway Sta on, I collapsed and had to send a fellow around the corner to get my mother’s cousin Edna Brown (nee Hall) to give me a li . Going to Sydney a er recupera ng to get discharged I was asked to go to the Prisoner of War Camp at Cowra for six weeks to clean up. Whilst there the malaria returned and I spent 10 days in the hospital. I con nued to have a acks of Malaria for five years a er that, breaking out in rashes around the mouth and face with excessive perspiring. A er many pos ngs for us all we returned home to our ever special Murringo safe and sound. Page 3 A few war memories of the Patterson Brothers…………. Harriet received main le ers from her sons at war and here is one that Bill wrote to her in 1939 from HMAS Hobart………………….. It reads…. H.M.A.S. Hobart Mess 36 c/o GPO Sydney 2/10/39 Dear Mum, I got your le er on Tuesday and was glad to hear from you and to know everyone is well and every thing is OK. I’m alright except for a bit of a cold but I’ve had it ever since I came to this bloody ship. It’s the only ship that ever goes out for any length of me all the others go out one day an come back in the next day. I haven’t heard from Jack and I don’t know where he is but these was a draught from depot went to the Perth from here the other day. What is the name you picked for the baby you haven’t old me yet and when do I get the photo. I was out at aunts the other day, she s ll has the same boarders and Jack’s motor bike wont go so he wants to sell it and buy another one he’s got his eye on but aunt or Clarie wont listen to him and he don’t give a buggar what happened to it now. I am going ashore this evening when we get. I think we get in about 10 o’clock and get a make a mend or leave from 12 o’clock. I am wri ng this le er at sea. I’ve just come off watch and we are doing a bit of four inch gun prac ce this morning so every where you see bad wri ng blame the guns, they jar the ship all over. I s ll don’t know weather we will get any Christmas leave or not. But I hope we get a few days off for it is only about two and a half months to Christmas now. I suppose you are all guns at tennis now so I will have to wash my white trousers and clean my tennis shoes up for leave. Did Bert get a job in any shed or didn’t he try, there ought to be plenty about now. I might leave the navy when the wars over I suppose they will give a man his cket so I might even happen to put in for it if there is plenty of work out side, this life's not healthy enough for me. I might go out to Bondi today if I can borrow a pair of costumes. It is a lovely day an’ hot just nice for the beach. I got a le er from Madeleine Ryan the other day. I don’t know what possessed her to write. Tell Bert I might sell him some brand new civilian clothes I brought as we are not allowed to wear them as it is worth 14 days in the cells if caught in them, even officers have to wear their own uniform. Nearly a fiver worth lying in my locker. Well Mum, No More News, So Cherrio, From Your Loving Son, Bill. Page 4 A few war memories of the Patterson Brothers…………. Butty, Les (Snow), Jack, Bill and Bert Patterson ALBERT CHARLES PATTERSON (BUTTY) ‐ N435173 ‐ Army Trades Training Depot (served within Australia). JACK PATTERSON ‐ 21625 ‐ Discharge HMAS Rushcu er (served on HMAS Perth, other Australian vessels). WILL PATTERSON (BILL) ‐ 22712 ‐ Discharged HMAS Penguin (served on HMAS Hawkesbury and HMAS Hobart amongst others). LESLIE PATTERSON (SNOW) ‐ NX126274 (N198593) ‐ 2/1 Aust PN BN (served in Moratai and Balipapon in Borneo). BERT PATTERSON ‐ NX178143 (N454683) ‐ 2 INF TPS ORD VEH PARK (served in Moratai, Brunei and Labuan in Borneo and Rabaul). Joining the forces runs in Bert’s family as his daughter Susie joined the Navy just before she turned 18 and was living in Murringo at the me, working in Roy May’s store. Bert’s son, Mark also joined later. So as you can imagine how big a day Anzac Day is for them. Susie also sent us a photo of her father, Bert at his 90 birthday which was on the 16th March. He is pictured here with wife Norma, granddaughter Natalie and great grandchildren ‐ Taine, Paige and Jenson. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BERT from the Murringo Mob. Page 5 Murringo bids farewell to Appo……. He drove the Murringo bus for many, many years and taught us kids a few lessons in life. Like, if you played up on the bus, you got to fill in potholes, you got to sit up the front or you got a phone call to your parents. Appo could smell an orange from a mile away and if we got caught ea ng on the bus ‐ Look Out! I recently visited Appo late last year at Mount Saint Joseph’s Home and I reminded him that the worst kids on the bus were the Maloney kids and he agreed. Appo is now driving that big bus in the sky and his son, Roger would like to share a small part of their father’s life with us. Keith Quince McDonald was born on the 14th of March 1930, and was the 8th child of Elsie and Donald McDonald… Elsie probably breathed a sigh of relief that li le Apples, as he was to become known, was the last of her expanding brood. It wasn’t an easy life in the 1930’s in down town Murringo, but for the McDonald family it was home. Whilst the family did not have much in the way of material things there was a whole lot of love and a whole lot of neighbours to share it with. In fact, within 4 houses belonging to the Bushes, the McDonald’s, the Cummings’s and the Pa erson’s…. 38 kids played and ran amuck….dare I say not a TV in sight. Being the baby of the family, Appo missed the call up for service, but it could never be said he was lazy, in fact he was a seriously hard worker. Having said that he always found me for a li le relaxa on and the me to walk into a certain ladies frock shop to spy a very young Marie Burke to ask her out on a date (there was some discussion, there was a wager on this that cannot be substan ated but let’s just say he won the bet) so Marie and Keith married on the 16th of March 1957 with Marie making the trek to Murringo where she and Appo quickly began their own brood. First there was Suzanne followed by Rosie and Roger (the twins)…I always hated that term, and finally li le Margret. My parents travelled WIDELY, firstly Marie to Murringo and then both back to Young 42 years later, a grand total of 28 miles. There was not much me for holidays nor money, and in fact the first real planned holiday, a long weekend in Mollymook on the south coast ended before it began, with mum’s mother tragically passing the morning we were due to leave. The same holiday actually took place a year later with the result of five members of the extended family almost drowning, so holidays a er that didn’t seem all they were cut out to be. We did however manage to get mum and dad on a weekend away to Sydney. Their first plane flight and a beau ful stay in what was the Sebel Hotel, which was very posh in it’s day. On the flight, mum got sick on the plane, dad thought the clouds looked like co on wool and in the hotel dad could not work out reason why there was a phone in the bathroom whilst mum made the bed in case housekeeping called. Page 6 Murringo bids farewell to Appo……. Back on the work front dad applied for and dually carried out and filled the following roles over his working life: Removalist and Labourer Sheerer, crutcher, land marker and general rouseabout Woodcu er and Carter Serious fencer ‐ he could sink the best strainer post in the district Ca le droving Hay bailing Truck driving with Peter Smith including many a trip up and down the Bulli Pass one truck piggybacking the other. Then, of course, there was the Murringo bus coupled with being the Ag Plot assistant at the Young High School. Or should we say agricultural technician, student counsellor, general handy man and part me security officer watching for early exits at the school gate. I think it is fair to say in each of these later roles he was o en feared by some but loved by all. In 2002, a er much debate, the 14 mile trek was made back to Young. With Marie not having a driver’s licence, my father had the foresight to see that while 14 miles is a short distance, it was also a very, very long way to walk. So their new home in Nasmyth Street fi ed the bill, close to the shops and a garden for Marie to play in, he had re red from the bus but con nued un l 2009 with the school. At this stage he had already been diagnosed with prostate cancer and somewhere along the line the dreaded Parkinson’s took over. Those last few years, as most of you know, were not easy for Appo & Don Hector Keith nor was it easy for his family and those close around him. Meanwhile every day of life is important as those we choose to remember over others, that being said, Keith was a defined man who never complained of anything, be it work or illness. He always said that there is always someone worse off than he, whilst this was possibly true it is hard to imagine in his last few weeks. In wri ng this eulogy about our father I was trying to think of something that would summarise his character. He would say “It does not ma er if it’s the Queen of England, the Prime Minister or the town drunk ‐ everyone has the same strengths and weaknesses and all deserve the same respect” and I think he certainly achieved this for himself. Page 7 Our last goodbye to Alma Alma Farroway (nee Taylor) had a long history with Murringo, a resident for many years and a pupil at Murringo Public School. Murringo always held a very special place in Alma’s heart and would talk of our li le village with fond memories. She was widely renowned for her cooking and sewing skills and she always loved the simple things in her life, especially her friends and family. She had four children: Samuel Taylor, Joan Farroway, Linda Farroway (deceased) and Keith Farroway. She also had many grandchildren and great grandchildren children and was loved by them all. Alma loved playing bingo and a ending the Friday meat raffles at the S&C Club in Young. Another favourite was always family get togethers. Alma passed away on Friday, 21st of March 2014 at the very “young” age of 90 and was laid to rest at Murringo Cemetery on the 27th of March on a very wet day. We said that Alma sent down the rain on this day so that we wouldn't stand around and mope and plus she knew that Murringo needed the Four generations of the Taylor Family - Darren, rain. So “Thanks, Alma”. You will be sadly missed. Justin, Sam, Alma and Brett. Trandari Wines are now in Murringo Visitors Welcome to the Trandari Wines Cellar Door Regular Wine Tastings at the Taubman and Webb Trading Post Premium Quality Affordable Prices Page 8 Murringo swimmers do well at Boorowa Swimming Club Boorowa Swimming Club Presenta on Night Congratula ons to all of the Murringo swimmers who came away from the annual Presenta on Night with a swag of trophies and ribbons. The Dowling, Summerfield and Neville kids have been flying through the water all season and are hoping to have more of their Murringo friends consider joining this fantas c club next year. Award winners for the night included: Archie Dowling – Silver in the 9 yr boys championship Abbie Grant – Bronze in the 10 yr girls championship Jack Grant – Gold in the 12 yr boys championship Bridget Summerfield – Silver in the 12 yr girls championship Tennyson Neville – The junior boys encouragement award Sofala Neville, Declan Summerfield and Tristan Summerfield, Anna and Toby Dowling, also came away with ribbons on the night. Congratula ons everybody and hopefully we will see even more Murringo faces at Boorowa Swimming Club next summer. Something for the Ladies Page 9 News from Murringo Public School Murringo Public School has certainly been in the news lately, with ar cles in both the Young Witness and Boorowa News. Our name keeps coming up on the radio as well and we are very proud of the kids and all of their fine efforts. It has been a very busy month since we last updated you about the school. Here are some of the many highlights that we have been involved in: World’s Greatest Shave – we had a host of kids and parents line up to get their heads shaved or sprayed to raise money for cancer and to support a member of our school community currently going through chemotherapy. Well done to everybody! Regional Swimming – we sent a team of four students off to the Regional Swimming Carnival in Albury this year, compe ng in a range of events. All of the kids did their very best and we are super proud of them. Well done to Abbie, Anna, Archie and Tennyson. Market Day – we have been telling you for a while about our amazing Upper Division students, who have been working on a unit about products and businesses this term. As part of their work, they had to create their own business, including all of their adver sing, logo’s, financial reports and market research. The unit culminated in a massive Market Day, where the businesses almost all sold out! The kids made a massive profit and are currently working out how best to spend their hard earned cash. Thanks to everybody who came along and supported the event. Page 10 Murringo Public School News Harmony Day – This is a fantas c chance for our students to learn more about diversity in Australia. All students came to school with a dish from another culture, to share in a massive mul cultural feast. They learnt a li le about the country that their food came from and tried lots of new things. Our feast included food from Russia, Portugal, The Netherlands, Japan, Italy, China, Turkey, India, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Austria – yummo! I Want To Be Day – this was a fundraiser for the Kids Cancer Project, where students got to come to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. The students all wrote about their chosen profession and had a great me finding out more about different careers. Thanks Telstra – we were very kindly given a grant from Telstra this year, courtesy of their employee grants program (thanks Jus n Rice!). The money was used to buy 5 i‐Pads for the Lower Division classroom, which are used for literacy and numeracy work each day. Thanks again! Chutney Challenge – students in Upper Division took on the first Cooking Challenge for this year, the Chutney Challenge! Each of the students prac ced making Tomato Chutney at school during Kitchen Garden lessons, took the recipe home and prac sed there as well. They then had to come to school and cook a full jar of chutney each, completely on their own with no assistance. We had 7 students take on the challenge and they will each earn a badge for their cooking aprons. Well done. Pictured le is Lily Rice slicing up her tomatos ready for her chutney. Page 11 Murringo Community Association News Well, it has certainly been a busy month since we last saw Murringo Ma ers, with lots happening on the Community Associa on front. We have our next mee ng on Tuesday night, and would love to see some more faces at the table. Even if you can’t a end a mee ng, though, you are most welcome to get involved in different ac vi es happening around the village. We can always use a hand. Here is a snapshot of what’s happening in each of our focus areas: Village Maintenance With all the rain that we have had through March, Marty has cer‐ tainly been busy on the mower. Thanks to everybody else who works hard to keep their nature strips and other areas of the village well maintained. Your efforts never go un‐no ced. We are on to YSC about the ‘cat head’ weeds on the side of the roads. Heather has been a emp ng to get updates throughout the month on various issues related to council, but there is no progress at this stage. Relationship with Council We are pleased to report that there is more progress being made with the village footpath, from the hall to the Footpath school. Representa ves from YSC came out and walked along the pro‐ posed path site last week with Heather Ritchie, Gina Galvin and Jeff McQuillan, plo ng its trajectory and discussing issues. Look out for more progress next month. Tricia, Leah, Des and Kae met with a local heritage consultant this month about the Murringo Hall and what is needed to maintain this heritage building. The report is being taken to YSC to approve and then we can look at ge ng quotes and priori sing jobs. Page 12 Hall Maintenance Murringo Community Association News Well Paddock Again, no progress on this project at this stage. We con nue to pursue it though. There is a lot happening in this area, as always, with Tricia and Heritage Leah ge ng together regularly to work on our heritage projects. The Post Office is in the process of being listed as a heritage building with Young Shire Council, with lots of historical documents being gathered to support this. The ladies are also s ll finalising a local history Walking Map, with updated details. We are ge ng closer to star ng our Oral History project, where we hope to interview many of our past and present village elders to get their histories recorded and published on our website. We have launched our Murringo facebook page, which is being updated with informa on all the me and already has over 150 followers. If you would like to follow us, post stories or photos or ask ques ons follow this link ‐ h ps:// . We also have a new Murringo Ma ers website up and running, with new items being added all of the me. On the site you can find a wealth of informa on already, including: MCA minutes and agendas, copies of Murringo Ma ers newsle er, links to local businesses and houses for sale, informa on about our local history (soooo much more to add to this sec on), photo galleries of events and people from Murringo, informa on about the school, its 150th celebra ons and historic school photos. We are planning to add a lot more to this site and would love you to check it out and then let us know what else you would like to see. We now have a Murringo netball and cricket team and plans are s ll underway for our Masters Footy Team. If you are interested in any of these teams, just ask around. There are some people interested in forming a Murringo team for barefoot lawn bowls. If you are interested in forming a lawn bowls team, come along to the next MCA mee ng or get in contact with a commi ee member. Community Involvement Murringo Ma ers con nues to be delivered electronically this year, but if you would like to s ll receive a paper copy, that is fine – just get in contact with us at [email protected] and for only $25 a year you can have your Murringo Ma ers delivered directly to your door. The Murringo Markets were a great hit in February, and planning is al‐ ready underway for our next Markets on the 25th May. If you have any s Event ideas for this 3 monthly event, please come along or get in contact with Ken Virgo. We are s ll looking for some hosts for this year’s Progressive Dinner. We have entrée taken care of, but are looking for two more people willing to invite us into their home for mains and dessert. Let us know! Anzac Day prepara ons are well underway and there will be more about that elsewhere in this issue. The MCA and P&C are proud to host Young Theatre Company’s produc on of Dimboola in May this year. Look out in this issue for more details and thanks to the commi ee who are organising this fantas c event. As you can see, there is plenty going on … come along to an MCA meeting and see what you can do to help out in our wonderful village. Page 13 Wombat Weevils verse Mighty Murringo Marauders On Sunday, 31st of March ‐ the undefeated Murringo Marauders First Eleven Cricket Team once again laid their tle on the line against Wombat at the Bill Wagenbah Oval at Wombat under bright and sunny skies. Most of the Murringo squad where using this game as a last mi‐ nute fine tune of their skill set before they head off to the IPL for their various franchises whilst most of the Womba ons used this games as their last day off before si ng on tractors. A er a huge lunch prepared by well known catering couple Darrel (Big D) Galvin and his child bride, Gina of Dick and Gretch Mobile Tucker Truck fame and carefully supervised by head chef Shaun O’Sullivan. The Murringo Marauders where sent into bat the first of quite a few costly errors by rookie Wombat Captain, Chris Brennan. Murringo’s openers of Steve Woolford and Mark Powderly got the Marauders off to a promising start of 14 before Woolford lost his wicket, Powderly was then joined by Garry Hartwig and the pair added a further 30 runs before Powderly was out to a great catch in the out field by Mick Minehan for a well com‐ piled 29. Hartwig was joined at the crease by his brother in law and Murringo cricket legend Chris Maloney. Wom‐ bat sensing the threat that Maloney provided brought on their main two strike bowlers in former O’Farrell Cup players for Cootamundra and Temora respec vely in Thomas O’Brien and Mark Brennan. Hartwigg was out soon a er not used to being out in the sun for any great me due to his bakery commitments in Temora, West Wyalong and Forbes. Maloney was then joined at the crease by his older brother, Bernard. These two saw off the gun bowl‐ ing pair from Wombat to get the mighty Marauders to drinks at 3 for 65 from 12 overs. Murringo Cricket Team Back: Jesse Corcoran, Woody Norton, Mark Powderly, Darren Corcoran, Steve Woolford, Gina Galvin & Dick Galvin Front: Tim Maloney, Stuey Norton, Fin Martin, Chrissy Maloney, John Coulter & Bernard Maloney. Absent: Nick Maloney cause he was too buggered! Page 14 Wombat Weevils verse Mighty Murringo Marauders At the resump on a er drinks Bundy began to firmly shut his eyes and swing the bat hear ly and the runs began to flow. Chris was out to what some of the older supporters present said was the greatest catch ever taken in bush cricket; again to Wombat’s designated fielder in Minehan for a great 22. Bundy was joined by local real estate guru in Stuey Norton, with Stuey having to re re 9 balls later for an explosive 30. Fin Mar n managed 12 runs and took 2 wickets. Darren Corcoran came and went for 6 before Bundy went for 25 leaving the Wiley veteran and Young’s man of steel in John Coulter of MA Steel fame to be the cool head for up and coming young gun cricketers in Jesse Corcoran(4), Sam (Woody) Norton(4), Tim Maloney (2) and Nicholas Maloney(2 not out) to get the Marauders to a respectable score of 137 off their 22 overs. Murringo was in deep trouble when opening bowlers of Steve Woolford and Stuey Norton went for 40 off the first two overs from the strike power of O’Brien and Brennan. The ICC stewards are looking into these two players and possible salary cap breaches from Wombat. Great comeback overs ensued from both bowlers to get the Marauders back in the hunt. A change in the bowling saw Garry Hartwig and Jesse Corcoran take two wickets each and a wicket each to Darren Corcoran and Woody Norton saw the drinks score seeing Wombat in deep trouble at 6 for 60 but with a couple of very good cricketers and one very good DJ s ll in the sheds. A er drinks a new found energy had been found had been found by the Womba ons and a very dangerous partnership between Mick Minehan and Ma Bolger was thriving. When Coulter had Minehan caught on the boundary Murringo could nearly taste victory. Some great rear guard ba ng from Homo and Bolger was se ng the scene for a great finish so the known death bowlers of Chris Maloney and Mark Powderly were brought on with Maloney capturing Bolger for 25 and Powderly gathering the scalp of Homo for 26 and Sam Gordon for 2. This is where the game got very serious, the batsmen knowing it was ght asked for a score and the official scorer who shall remain nameless because (GINA) used all her years of cunning learning and trickery from Darrel to say Wombat had won but to bowl out the last over anyway. The ball was thrown to up and coming speedster Nicholas Maloney who ripped in for a great final over that only went for 2. Upon shaking hands thinking that the Marauders unbeaten run of 46 games had come to an end, a final and more detailed tally of the scorebook and with the aid of her calculator app on the trusty iphone the true score line revealed Marauders 137 up against the stunned Weevils on 132, some of the tears and wailing from some of the huge crowd showed just how much the game meant to both teams Thanks to all who contributed for a great day of cricket and who came to watch this fantas c cricket side at the peak of their powers. Thanks to Dick and Gina and Shaun for the barbie, Gaza for the bread from Round‐a‐bout Bakery in Temora and to the Wombat players and support‐ ers who had the ground in p top shape. It nearly came up to the lo y heights of the mighty M.C.G where the next encounter will be held. But the biggest cheer goes to Dougy for his disco machine keeping everyone entertained with some fantas c tunes. Reported by Chrissy Maloney Page 15 Murringo Footy Tipping Comp…….. After Round 5 Michelle Prindable - 46 John Mills - 46 Anthony Hill - 46 Glenda Bray - 46 Ben Wurth - 46 John Thomas - 46 Maddi Smithers - 46 Grace Galvin - 44 It’s been an exci ng first five rounds and Gaye Osborne - 44 we already have had someone who Dean Bedford - 44 picked the whole round correctly. Young Building Supplies - 44 Congratula ons to Carly Turton who in Garry McManus - 44 Round 3 scored herself 19 points for the Nev Gnomealott - 44 round. That 3 bonus points for correctly Michael Meyer - 44 picking a full round certainly comes in Jack Barnes - 44 handy. Gina Galvin - 42 Kevin Gruber - 42 We have also had some shockers with a Maureen Virgo - 42 few picking zero winners and I wasn’t Justin Rice - 42 going to name them but what the heck ‐ Sue Rice - 42 Ryan Mugridge in Round 1, Jack Grant in Pam Wilson - 42 Round 5 and The Mitchell Family also in John Hobson - 42 Round 5. Be er luck next me! Freda Galvin - 42 Joanne Foster - 42 Round 5 was a very difficult round to Glen Seward - 42 gain many points at all but that’s the luck Ben Smithers - 42 of the game. Dick Forde - 42 Let’s see how we go over Easter and we Steve Brill - 42 Mick Barrett - 42 wish everyone a very Happy Easter. Nick Galvin - 40 Well to keep with the Easter theme, we Fay Gruber - 40 will have the say “Go the Bunnies!” Lexie Cleary - 40 The Murringo Footy Tipping Ladder looks like this: Cabbage McDonald - 40 Frank Baker - 40 Ken Virgo - 58 Jamie Baker - 40 Carley Turton - 55 Marie Gaul - 40 Kevin Prindable - 54 Danielle Maloney - 40 Zac Smith - 50 Mary Fogg - 40 Madie Smith - 50 Des & Julie Downs - 40 Paddy Maloney - 50 Rhonda Hobson - 40 Johnny Bedford - 50 Max Wall - 40 David Taylor - 50 Dale Prindable - 40 Pete & Leanne Parkman - 48 Dirk Wymer - 40 Dom Parkman - 48 Matt Johnson - 40 Kris & Wally Gardner - 48 Shawn Brown - 40 Alf Bedford - 48 Peter Bray - 40 John Baldwin - 48 Wayne Robinson - 40 Slip Smithers - 48 Craig Foster - 40 Stuart James - 46 Michael Johnson - 40 Kerri McDonald - 46 Pauline Cottrell - 40 Charlie Parkman - 46 Fr Tom Thornton - 40 James Carter - 46 Geoff Jenner - 38 Jimbo Parkman - 38 Kae & Paul Neville - 38 Kersti Dean - 38 Bronwyn Parker - 38 James Maloney - 38 Sue Mullany - 38 Marion Wilson - 38 Ashley Wilson - 38 Michael Chapman - 38 Simon Hardy - 38 Roy Holmes - 38 Courtney Foster - 38 Garry Lucas - 38 Dick Donges - 38 Dick Galvin - 36 Meg Galvin - 36 The Mitchell Family - 36 Owen Parker - 36 Graham English - 36 Declan Telfer - 36 The Jones Family - 36 The Cockburn Family - 36 Jason Jones - 36 Ryan Mugridge - 36 Lee Murray - 36 Braigon Forde - 36 Mark McRaye - 36 Steve McDonald - 34 Fleur LeMesurier - 34 Bill Maloney - 34 Oz Osborne - 34 Shane Wilson - 34 Joe Braham - 34 S H Barnes - 34 Samantha Barnes - 34 Darcy Whinam - 34 Abbie & Kellie Grant - 32 Narelle Maloney - 32 Thomas Telfer - 32 The Spring Family - 32 Shayne Taylor - 32 Brian Mullany - 30 Ainsley Telfer - 30 Ged Anderson - 30 James Foster - 30 Michael Cleary - 28 Tony & Mitzie Young - 28 Paul Flynn - 28 Jack Donges - 28 Jack Grant - 26 Doug Grant - 24 Sheryl Smith - 22 Page 16 SLOW DOWN Movement This year, instead of ge ng caught up in yet another commercialised holiday, spend some me slowing down over Easter. Whatever your belief system, Easter is a chance to spend me with loved ones and take back some peace and serenity in your life. Here’s an idea for making some tradi onal Ba k‐etched Easter eggs. Page 17 Young Theatre Company will host at Murringo Memorial Hall Friday 30th May 7pm $35 a ticket Tickets available from Taubman & Webb Trading Post phone Leah on 6384-6224 Limited tickets - Get In Early! Dinner, Theatre Show, Dance—all in one night! Wedding Band—The Revamps!! Proudly presented by the MCA and Murringo P&C BYOG Page 18 18 yrs and over only What’s on at the Hub………………... What’s on at the Young and District Community Hub? April/May 2014 Seasons for Growth: Young: For adults experiencing significant loss and/or change in their lives. Commencing soon. Please phone for more details/bookings. Cake Decorating: Harden: Continuing due to popular demand! Runs each Wednesday morning until April 23rd. All welcome – beginners to experienced. 3hr sessions $15 per person includes morning tea. Art Classes: Young: 2hr sessions on fortnightly Thursdays using Acrylics. Experienced tutor, all materials supplied. $10 per person with tea/coffee provided – phone to book. Music and Movement: Young: For parents/carers and little people aged 15mths to 4yrs. At the Hub each Wednesday morning from 10.15am11.15am during school terms. Gold coin donation. 1-2-3 Magic Parenting Course: Harden, Boorowa and Young Sessions An end to arguing! Resolve conflicts positively and quietly, develop your child’s tolerance for frustration, set clear expectations for your child and learn simple strategies to keep you sane! No cost. Play Power Workshops: Harden, Boorowa and Young: Talk over the benefits of play, learn how infants grow and develop, use everyday moments to connect to your child and brain storm ideas for safe, fun playtime. No cost-little ones welcome. Computer Classes: Young: Join us each Friday afternoon for computer basics. For people aged 50yrs and over. Gold coin donation. Young Carers Group: Young: Fun, No Cost group for young people caring for a loved one with a disability, chronic illness, mental illness or drug/ alcohol problem. Fortnightly Thursday meetings. Toy/Book Libraries: Young: $5 yearly membership fee per family. Keep the kids interested by changing up play time or treat yourself to a good read! *Also looking for interested persons to be part of our upcoming planning day on May 14th – have a say in how your Community Hub works and where it’s headed! Please call in and see us at 2c Campbell Street Young or phone 63826328 to book for all activities (catering and space limitations) or for information Page 19 Something for everyone………………... Dear Music Lovers, Details of the concert are as follows: An Evening of Three Tenors’ Favourites ‐ Opera and....more! In the Marina Homestead Ballroom 3270 Moppity Rd Young NSW 2594 (Mud Map provided on the cket) 12th April 2014 6.00 p.m Refreshments will be served 7.30 p.m Concert Tickets: $65 Friends of the Opera $50 Purchase online from or from M&M’s Music Studio 50/66 Boorowa St Young 02 6382 2836 Tickets are limited to 90 seats. FREE School Holiday Entertainment at Young Library For all Primary Students 5 – 12 years YOUNG TENNIS CENTRE Tuesday 15 April, 11am and 2pm Andy Jones, bestselling children’s author and entertainer presents an hilarious literacy and musical show with guitar and drums, Thank you for suppor ng Down to Earth Opera jokes and humour. in sharing the Magic of Music! Then on Wednesday 23 April, 11am and 2pm Michael Salmon, author and illustrator presents an entertaining session to inspire students to draw on their own creativity, with lightning fast sketches and caricatures. Page 20 TENNIS COACHING CAMP Monday 14 – Thursday 17 April 2014 From 8.30am – 1.00pm daily Morning tea provided All school aged children welcome Bookings: Colin Maher 0438 228364 What have you been up to……. The Murringo Netball Team: Kae Neville, Tahlia Johnson, Kellie Grant, Kersti Dean with her daughter, Jasmyne, Tracey Johnson, Jill Ferry, Leanne & Bridget Parkman. Absent: Angela Summerfield and the super coach, Ken Virgo. They may not have won a game this season but they certainly had fun. Murringo residents Adam Harvey and the Wheeler Family Sienna (4), Georgia (2), Nichole and Brendan Wheeler were spotted at the Young Showground for the Carnival of Cups Harness Racing Night. Mrs Mitchell certainly got a big surprise when she walked into the classroom to the tune of “Happy Birthday” from her students this week. It was a very early birthday celebration since her special day falls in the school holidays. Have a well earned break, Mrs Mitchell! Alex Tout was spotted in the Coolmore Marquee at the Australian Inglis Easter Yearling Sales in Sydney. Wonder how many horses Alex will bring home for his place of work at Success Stud. Have fun, Alex! MUD, MUD, GLORIOUS MUD was one of the many attractions at The Man from Snowy River Stockman’s Challenge at Corryong, Victoria last weekend for Pete, Leanne, Bridget & Dom Parkman along with Dick and Gina Galvin. Page 21 What have you been up to……. Tim Dowling is having a wonderful time pushbike riding and enjoying the very friendly hospitality in Belgium. He also got to catch up with his daughter, Niki. Madie Smith and her fellow colleague Kirby Lestrange attended the Australian Hair Fashion Awards at the Ivy Grand Ballroom in Sydney. Their place of business, Gusollios were awarded the runners-up trophy at this special event. Archie Dowling recently competed at the Little Athletics State Track and Field Championships at Homebush in Sydney. He put in an outstanding effort and was very pleased with his time. Well Done, Archie! Page 22 Letters to the Editor…….. I received a lovely email from Katie Boon (nee Arber) who sent me a photo of her beautiful daughter, Isabel who is turning one year old on the 9th of April. Isabel wants to blow a big kiss to her Murringo grandmother, Maree. Thanks for the email, Katie and Jamie Carter sent me this photo of himself and his son, Thomas who was selected to be a Student Leader at his school in QLD. James is a very proud dad. for sharing your photo of Isabel with us. . Page 23 Letters to the Editor…….. Young Theatre Company would like you to know that if you are unable to make it to their produc on of “Dimboola” in Murringo on Friday, 30th May. Then you may like to catch it earlier in May over two weekends, Friday, 9th and Saturday 10th May and Friday, 16th and Saturday 17th May at the Young Golf Club. Tickets are available from Terry Bros. Carpets. ROYAL EASTER SHOW Cowra Community Transport will be running a coach to Sydney for the Royal Easter Show on Tuesday 15th April. The coach will be going via Boorowa and Yass and anyone in the outlying areas are most welcome to meet it at either town and join in. The coach will be leaving Cowra at approximately 6.15am and travelling to Boorowa (7.15am) with a morning tea at Mundoonan.(8.15am) for ½ hr. It will then continue on to Sydney arriving at the Show at approximately 11.30am. The coach will then depart from the show at 4.00pm travelling on to Goulburn where it will stop for dinner at the Goulburn Ex Services Club (approx. 1 hr). Continuing on to Cowra to arrive at approximately 10.30pm at the Cowra Bus Depot. The only cost incurred by the passenger will be admittance to the Show and any subsequent purchases made by them. Costs for admittance to the Show are: Adult: $38.50 Concession: $25.60 Child: $23.50 Family: $99.20 Numbers and names will be needed by no later than 11th April please. Please phone Barbara or Kiara on 6342 4900 or reply to this email. If anyone wishes to join our trip at either Boorowa or Yass we will determine a pick up point on request. Page 24 Village Churches News…….. Christ Church, Murringo The parishioners wish to remind the community that they are holding a working bee at 9am on Saturday, 12th April and they would love and welcome a helping hand. The Murringo Anglican Church hold their monthly services is the second Sunday of the month at 8am. A special Easter Service will be held on Easter Sunday, 20th April starting at 8am. The Anglican Rector, Rev. Pauline Dare Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Murringo The Sacred Heart Catholic Church parishioners would like to warmly welcome back their sweet and much older parish priest, Fr Tom Thornton. After more than three decades as a priest, Fr Tom has returned to this very special place where he first donned the cloth from 1980 to 1985. 2014 "I am familiar with, and love, the area“ Fr Tom said. "After leaving, I have been parish priest in many parishes including Batemans Bay, Moruya, South Woden, Kambah and Bombala. I was also hospital chaplain in Canberra Hospital and on the Tribunal of the Catholic Church. Fr Tom said his first mass at Murringo, since his return, in February where he made sure that he put his footy tips in before the end of the service. Fr Tom replaced Fr Richard who we will miss dearly and who also worked alongside Fr Tom back in the eighties. "Fr Richard has left behind a well-established community of 1985 involved and committed members of the Catholic faith community," Fr Tom said. Our next church mass will be held on Sunday, 27th April The Murringo parishioners bid farewell starting at 7.30am. to Fr Richard at his last service in our church. Page 25 Murringo’s March Rainfall………………. Total for March............... 150.4 mm Rain recorded on ............. 14 days Highest daily total............. 50.8 mm on 28th March Average for March......... 55.6 mm Year so far..................... 189 mm The 8th highest March rainfall on record (140 years). The outlook for the April to June period indicates an average autumn early winter is likely. Southern Oscilla on Index – 18 Southern Oscilla on Index for last 30 days: ‐12.3 for last MUD 90 days ‐0.8. MUD Kindly reported by Ray Dowling GLORIOUS MUD Murringo Fire Brigade Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Murringo Brigade will on Monday 5 May, starting at 7 pm. This will include the election of office bearers for the next year, along with the Captain, Treasurer and President Reports. The AGM will be followed by a General Meeting. All are welcome to attend. It’s not too late to get your Murringo Matters by Subscription….. Do you s ll want to be able to read your “Murringo Ma ers” whilst on the toilet. It’s not too late! We understand the some people don’t like to read their papers or informa on on the computer, tablet or phone, so you can subscribe to us and have a hard copy sent to your home address. The subscrip on will only cost you $25.00 for the year, that just over $2.00 per monthly issue. If that sounds good to you, please complete the form below and either post it to Murringo Public School, 91 Murringo Gap Road, Murringo NSW 2586 or drop it in. We would hate for you to miss out! The Murringo Ma ers Team ************************************************************************************** Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive a hard copy of “Our Murringo Ma ers” Enclosed is $ _______ for 2014. Page 26 Murringo Celebrations …………………... Penny Patterson Happy b’day for the 2nd April. Only 55 years old and feelin’ every bit of it after each marathon! to Grace Taylor who has reached the age of 9 on the 2nd of April. Hope Happy 84th Birthday, Hope your 45th birthday on the 12th April is one to put in the memory bank. Love the high shorts, I hear they are back in fashion. Cheers to you Mickey Price for your 77th Birthday on the 14th April. Happy Belated Birthday to Fr Tom who partied hard on the 24th March when he turned 60 something ??? Hope Carmel will cook up a storm for your big day. Time to crack open a bottle. into anything. Pete xxxx Tracey Patterson Hope you had fun in the snow. The Blonde Bombshell Sheryl Smith is celebrating her 58th Birthday on the 14th April for the 4th April. Well Done on getting your P’s and not reversing is so excited to be turning 6 years old on the 2nd of April. Happy B’day, Happy Birthday Happy 57th Birthday, Dean Sneddon for the 10th April. Nancy Tomlin for the 11th April. Lots of Love from all the family xxx Peter Edwardes Happy 23rd Birthday to Luke Hennock who will be celebrating big on the 9th April as only Luke knows how! Cheers mate! Happy Birthday Happy 17th Birthday, Gretel Cleary 54 years old is Robyn Smith on the 2nd April. Hope Brian takes you out somewhere very special for your big day. Cheers! Nice Scarf, Happy Belated B’day Bert Patterson for the 16th March. Still a spring chicken at 90 years of age. HOLD THE PHONE! Marty Hewson is turning 69 on the 15th April. Doesn’t he look like Maxwell Smart? Gail Mitchell will be celebrating her 55th Birthday on the 16th April. We are certain that you will enjoy your big day in the holidays. Page 27 Murringo Celebrations …………………... Happy 62nd Birthday to Annette Parkman for the 18th April. Lots of love from old John, the kids and all your grandsons. Dougie Grant turns 47 yrs old on the 18th of April and here’s hoping that not one sheep will be in sight to help him celebrate his big day. Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary Mitzie & Tony Young ‐ 19‐4‐65 This little princess will be 6 years old on the 22nd April. Happy B’day Sofala Neville. Little Jody Patterson will be partying on the 19th April to celebrate her 42nd Birthday. Happy Birthday Jody and have heaps of fun! Happy B’day Kae Neville who will be celebrating her 39th B’day on the 25th April. B’day Sandy! Sue Patterson will be cracking open a bottle or two to celebrate her 53rd birthday on the 27th April. This is a reminder, Brian! Happy Birthday to Happy Birthday Christopher Sneddon Sarah Miller Hope you enjoy your big 6th Birthday on the 27th April. Have lots of fun! Sweet Sandy Scrivener will be enjoying a nice glass of wine for his 63rd Birthday on the 20th April. Happy Annelise Arber is no longer a teenager when she turns 20 years old on the 22nd April. Happy B’day Annelise. 23 yrs of Wedded Bliss to Dick & Gina Galvin on the 27th April. Happy Anniversary, Dickie! My name is Lily Caldwell and I am 9 years old. I am getting my head shaved to help raise money for CanAssist to help support local families in need of assistance. If you would like to support me and CanAssist, please give your donation to my Aunty Kersti who works at Murringo Public School. who turned 25 years old on the 5th April. Cheers to you Wigs! CASUAL GARDENER REQUIRED Local family is seeking to employ a casual gardener. Hours can be flexible and all enquires can be answered by calling Angus or Sonya on 0427 846 384. Page 28