Sacred Heart Church - Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart Church - Sacred Heart Parish
Sacred Heart Church 9460 N.E. 14TH STREET • BELLEVUE, WA 98004 (425) 454-9536 • Fax- 450-3909 PARISH OFFICE 425-454-9536 Rev. Steve Sallis, Pastor 425-454-9536 Carol Guenther, Pastoral Associate 425-454-9536 Mary Dickins, Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care & Social Concerns 425-450-3908 Jeffrey Kress, Pastoral Assistant for Youth & Young Adult Ministry 425-454-9536 Patti Callaway, Pastoral Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation 425-454-9536 March 13, 2016 Sunday Masses 9:00 and 11:00 A.M., 5:00 P.M. Saturday Vigil Mass, 5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturdays, 3:00-4:30pm Wednesdays, 8:00 - 8:45am Administration Staff John Meyer, Pastoral Assistant for Administration425-454-9536 Robert Eubanks, Facilities Supervisor 425-454-9536 Patty Oscar, Administrative Assistant 425-454-9536 Val Bromfield, Administrative Assistant 425-454-9536 Jeanine Kasprick, Bookkeeper 425-454-9536 Music Ministry Diane Figaro, Sacred Heart Chorale Director 206-271-5117 Andrey Spichak, Children’s Choir Director 425-269-2669 INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Carol Guenther 425-454-9536 INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Carol Guenther 425-454-9536 PARISH LEADERSHIP • Finance Council: John Meyer [email protected] • Pastoral Council Chairperson: Chuck Barnes [email protected] • School Commission Chairperson: Patti Cook [email protected] • Stewardship Commission Co-Chairpersons: Tom Bartell [email protected] Sarah Webster [email protected] • Worship Commission Chairperson: Judy Hartford [email protected] CONFIRMATION PREPARATION Jeffrey Kress 425-454-9536 OUR MISSION STATEMENT PARISH SCHOOL 425-451-1773 David Burroughs, Principal Bridget Lawler, Vice-Principal Amy Davis, Dean of Students Theresa Daigle, Development Director Susana Knapp, Admissions Director Kerry Wyman, Office Manager MARRIAGE PREPARATION Six months as registered parishioner required prior to setting wedding date. 425-454-9536 SUNDAY NURSERY (during 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Masses) Lucy Paulsen, Coordinator 425-454-9536 OFFICE HOURS Parish 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday School 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday Sacred Heart Parish is a welcoming Catholic community which inspires faith in God through prayer, sacraments and service while living Gospel values as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Weekly Calendar & Liturgies Saturday, March 12th, 2016 Lenten Weekday Jeremiah 11:18-20 John 7:40-53 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel Fifth Sunday of Lent Ezekiel 37:12-14 Romans 8:8-11 John 11:1-45 5:00 PM Mass (RIP Robert Smith by Marian Middleton) 6:00 PM Hospitality Hour ~ Narthex 6:00 PM Information Session on the Pilgrimage to Italy ~ Parish Hall Sunday, March 13th, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Lent Ezekiel 37:12-14 Romans 8:8-11 John 11:1-45 8:00 AM Chorale Warm-up ~ Saints Room 9:00 AM Individual First Communion Photos ~ Parish Hall 9:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 9:00 AM Mass (RIP ) ~ Church 10:00 AM Hospitality Hour ~ Narthex 10:05 AM Faith Formation Classes ~ School 11:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 11:00 AM Mass w/Third Scrutiny (RIP ) 12:00 PM First Communion Group/Individual Photos ~ Church 12:00 PM Hospitality Hour ~ Narthex 12:15 PM Baptism Preparation ~ Conference Room 1 5:00 PM Mass (RIP ) Church 6:00 PM Hospitality Hour ~ Narthex 6:30 PM High School Youth Group Meeting ~ Parish Hall 6:30 PM Middle School Youth Group Meeting ~ Youth Room Monday, March 14th, 2016 Lenten Weekday Daniel 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62 John 8:1-11 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Betty Mantagna by Nancy Nelson) 10:00 AM Carpe Diem Bridge ~ Parish Hall 7:30 PM Rosary & Prayer Hour ~ Church Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 Lenten Weekday Ezra 47:1-9,12 John 5:1-16 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church 5:00 PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal ~ Church Thursday, March 17th, 2016 Saint Patrick Exodus 32:7-14 John 5:31-47 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Richard Loman by Paul Curran) 11:00 AM Carpe Diem St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon ~ Narthex 1:00 PM SHS Stations of the Cross ~ (Parish/School Campus) 7:00 PM Chrism Mass ~ St. James Cathedral Friday, March 18th, 2016 Lenten Weekday Jeremiah 20:10-13 John 10:31-42 8:45 AM Mass (INT Bev Thomas by Mildred Douthit) 1:00 PM Planting of Flowers by Girl Scouts ~ Parish Grounds Saturday, March 19th, 2016 Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Samuel 7:4-5a,12-14a,16 Romans 4:13,16-18,22 Matthew 1:16,18-21,24a 10:00 AM Funeral Mass (RIP Dolores McDonnell) ~ Church 11:00 AM Funeral Reception ~ Narthex 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Luke 19:28-40 (Procession) Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Luke 23:1-49 5:00 PM Mass (INT For the People) ~ Church 6:00 PM Parish Lenten Fish Fry ~ Gym Sunday, March 20th, 2016 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Luke 19:28-40 (Procession) Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Luke 23:1-49 8:00 AM Chorale Warm-up ~ Saints Room 9:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 9:00 AM Mass w/Children’s Choir (INT Mary Kay Dykeman by Kathie Kunath) ~ Church 9:30 AM K of C Pancake Breakfast ~ Gym 10:05 AM Faith Formation Classes ~ School 11:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 11:00 AM Mass w/Procession (RIP Jim Rogers by Clair Jenkins) 2:00 PM Rehearsal for Holy Thursday ~ Church 5:00 PM Mass (INT Jordan by Heidi & Brad Adam) Church 6:00 PM Hospitality Hour ~ Narthex 6:30 PM High School Youth Group Meeting ~ Parish Hall 6:30 PM Middle School Youth Group Meeting ~ Youth Room Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 Lenten Weekday Daniel 3:1-20,91-92,95 John 8:31-42 8:00 AM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Vincent Schiraldi by Annette Jones) 9:30 AM Community of Mothers Meeting ~ Parish Hall 1:00 PM SHS Stations of the Cross ~ School & Parish Campus 3:30 PM RCIA Adapted for Children ~ Youth Room 5:00 PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal ~ Church 6:00 PM Chorale Rehearsal ~ Church 7:00 PM Social Concerns Commission ~ Conference Room 1 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Tiffany Larson, Maureen George, Molly Ruddy (sister of Heidi Adam), Shawn Fitzpatrick, Jane Ross (sister of Joan MacLean & Sally Sue Coleman), Cavan Wagner, Jordan Marie, Joanne Taube, Fr. Pat Ritter (recovering from surgery, John Kucher (husband of Tina Jacobsen). THE DECEASED Jay Torres, Enrique Zunic (uncle of Lucy Paulsen), Lou Chirillo, Linda Kosminske, Tom Callero, Dolores McDonnell (mother of Lynn Hedges). From the Pastor & Liturgy FROM THE PASTOR SUNDAY YOUTH MASS – There have been 7 Youth Masses since we began the 5 PM Youth Mass on January 24. We have had an average attendance of 145 people at these 7 Masses with middle school and high school youth making up about 10-15 % of the assembly on any given Sunday. When we started the Youth Mass, our parish made a commitment to do the Mass for 6 months and evaluate the experience to see what we would do after July 1. So the time is approaching for us to begin that evaluation. In order for the 5 PM Youth Mass to continue we need to have stable attendance at about 250 with both youth and adults committed to serving regularly as liturgical ministers. The Youth Band is doing a great job of leading the assembly in song and prayer, but we need that kind of commitment from other liturgical ministers. If you or a member of your family is a middle school or high school youth and have not attended a Youth Mass yet, I encourage to attend one soon. Also since our middle school and high school youth groups meet after the Youth Mass, I encourage the youth of our parish to participate in the Mass and youth group which follows. We will need to make a decision about our parish weekend Mass schedule for July 1 and beyond no later than May 15. If you have any suggestions for the Youth Mass, please contact me or Jeff Kress our Pastoral Assistant for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. We will be glad to listen. ANNIVERSARY OF ELECTION OF POPE FRANCIS—Sunday, March 13, is the third anniversary of the election of Pope Francis. Please remember Pope Francis in your prayers and ask God to continue to bless him and his ministry as the Bishop of Rome. (By the way, the anniversary of Pope Francis/ election is a national holiday in Vatican City.) FISH FRY—Fish Fry is happening on Saturday, March 19, at 6 PM in the school gym. There were 300 at last year’s fish fry, so we are hoping to have another great turnout this year. We have extended a special invitation to parishioners who have joined our parish in the past few months. So you will have a chance to welcome these new parishioners to Sacred Heart. There will be great food and fun for everyone. Hope to see you there. Let us continue to work together to build up the Kingdom of God here at Sacred Heart. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Next Sunday is Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. We will have the Procession with Palms before the 11 AM Mass next Sunday; we will gather outside near the Moore Theater. At the 5 PM Mass on Saturday, we will have the solemn entrance; at the 9 AM Mass on Sunday, children will be invited to be in the procession and then have Liturgy of the Word to follow for them; and at the 5 PM on Sunday, we will gather in the narthex for the blessing of palms and then process into church. “Branches of palm, olive, or sometimes even budding willow, are ancient symbols of victory and hope, as well as new life. The procession celebrating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem overflowed with praise and excitement, as onlookers waved these triumphant branches and proclaimed their blessings. Yet, in a few days, they will cry ‘Crucify him!’ The crowd’s change of heart illustrates the problem of holding God to our expectations. The crowd expected a liberating leader, the Messiah, to free them from Roman oppression. Jesus instead takes up his Cross and invites us to do the same. Through his Death and Resurrection he is indeed a liberator, but from death and sin, not from Rome. But unable to see past their need, the crowd’s disappointment turns into anger and a death order. As we enter Holy Week, Palm Sunday teaches us to let God be God, and to trust in God’s wisdom not only to meet but shatter and exceed our expectations.” (2016 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays, 113) FUNERAL MASS FOR DOLORES MCDONNELL There will be a Funeral Mass for Dolores McDonnell on Saturday, March 19, at 10 AM followed by a reception. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Seventh graders from our parish school will lead Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, March 16 and Thursday, March 17, 1:00-2:10 PM outside on the upper and lower lots. In case of rain, Stations will take place in the church. COMMUNAL CELEBRATION OF PENANCE AND RECONCILIATION This coming week there will be a Communal Celebration of Penance and Reconciliation with the opportunity for individual confession and absolution on March 15 at 7:00 PM at St. John Vianney (Kirkland), on March 16 at 7 PM at St. Madeleine Sophie (Bellevue), and on March 17 at 10:30 AM @ St. Louise (Bellevue). HOLY THURSDAY FOOT WASHING At the liturgy planning session for Holy Week, the decision was made to have 12 parishioners chosen to have their feet washed on Holy Thursday at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, March 24, at 7 pm. There will be a rehearsal for those who will have their feet washed on Sunday, March 20, at 2 PM. So if you would like to have your feet washed during the Holy Thursday liturgy, please contact the Parish Office with your name, phone number and email address if you have one. Pastoral Care & Social Concerns FIFTH WEEK OF LENT Announcing Sacred Heart’s 55+ Hungering to grow a new tomorrow... This week’s CRS Rice Bowl country is the island nation of Madagascar, where we’re reminded of the important role farmers play in caring for God’s creation. As we prepare our meals throughout the week, let us reflect on where our food comes from—and what role we can play in caring for our environment. St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Visit for more. Stay Connected with Catholic Relief Services Rice bowl by visiting their website. Click on the QR code or visit http;// Corned Beef & Cabbage! 11:30 AM ~ Thursday ~ March 17th In the Narthex $10/person with Irish fiddler Dennis Kahane SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMISSION Tickets: Sat/Sun March 5-6 & 12-13 Questions? Contact Mary Dickins, 425-450-3908 or [email protected] Hosted by Carpe Diem At the Hearts on Fire meetings that we held in the parish last year, many of you voiced with enthusiasm, that we needed to have a Social Concerns Commission, to explore the needs of our local community and the community of our wider world. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 16th at 7 PM in Conference Room 1 of the Parish Office building to begin this process. During our parish mission we explored the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Are you ready to take the next step to come and discern if joining the Social Concerns group is for you? Please either just show up or contact Mary Dickins at 425450-3908 or [email protected]. RICE BOWLS are to be returned at Mass on Holy Thursday. Please write a check for the amount of your donation and place in a CRS envelope that can be found in the narthex and put in the collection basket. Thank you for your generosity. SACRED HEART PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY A Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, and Siena! October 19th—28th, 2016 Especially designed for Sacred Heart Church Fr. Steve Sallis, Spiritual Director . NEED MORE INFORMATION? INFORMATION MEETING Saturday, March 12th after 5:00 PM Mass in the Parish Hall. All are welcome! Space is limited. Reserve your space TODAY! For more information please call: Faith Journeys at 1-877-732-4845 Option 1 For a full brochure contact Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 or [email protected]. Youth & Young Adult Ministry March 13 – “Do Your Thing” Are you more like Martha or Mary? Either way, that’s what makes you unique! Come and discuss your Personal Passion Projects! March 19 – Service—Jubilee REACH Easter Egg Hunt Volunteers still accepted! March 20 – “The Passion of the Christ” Come walk with Christ on His road to Calvary in this moving film. Movie, food, and discussion questions provided! *permission slips will be available March 29th – Service—Eastside Baby Corner Our Youth Mass concludes close to 6 PM. From now on, the school gym will be open beginning at 6 PM, where both Middle and High School Youth Groups will be able to join in games such as ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, soccer bowling, pillow polo, etc. Scripture study and fellowship will follow, meeting in the Youth Room (Middle School) and Parish Hall (High School) until 8 PM, when the youth will be dismissed. Doesn’t our worship band sound great? You want to join, don’t you? No problem! Come to rehearsal Sunday at 4 PM. Remember, a voice is an instrument too! YOUTH MASS Youth and Adult Liturgical Ministers needed. Anyone can serve as an usher, presenter of gifts, altar server, or back up lector. Anyone who has been Confirmed can serve as a Eucharistic Minister. Jeff Kress, Pastoral Assistant for Youth and Young Adult Ministry [email protected] 425.450.3911. Sacred Heart School New Afternoon Session of Pre-K for fall of 2016 Our morning Pre-K for next fall 2016 is already fully enrolled, but we are really excited to now offer the same great program in the afternoon. Just like the morning session, we will have up to 16-18 students and it will run for 3 hours a day, every day of the week. The afternoon program will start at 12:10 and end at 3:10 PM. Please contact Susana right away if you are interested in this opportunity. New Pre-K-8 Families for 2016-2017 school year We are now enrolling new Pre-K to 8th grade students into Sacred Heart School. Please do not hesitate to contact Susana Knapp if you have any interest in the school as we are blessed with availability in several grade levels for 20162017. She will be happy to go over the application process and our admissions program which includes personal tours for interested families. Call Susana, 425-451-1775. Distinguished Teacher and Staff Awards 2015-2016 Each year Sacred Heart School recognizes one teacher and one staff member for exemplary performance and professionalism. The recipients win $1000 and receive special recognition on a plaque displayed in the school entry. Anyone in our community can submit a nomination. Please take time to nominate a teacher and staff member who deserves to be honored for his/her dedication to our children. Fill out your form online ( by March 25, 2016. Forms will also be available at the front office of the school and parish. Administration & Stewardship SAVE THE DATE Wills and Estate Planning Seminar Sacred Heart Parish Thursday, April 28, 2016 3:00-4:30 PM and 7:00-8:30 PM (two sessions) RSVP to parish at 425-454-9536 This seminar is for everyone! Adults of all ages, with estates of all sizes, will benefit from the information presented. Join us for 90 minutes and learn more about the following: How to prepare a will How to distribute your estate Information on guardianship issues Estate gifting techniques and tax-saving options Methods of increasing your retirement income How to leave a legacy to your parish community A local, on-site attorney, available to answer your questions Assurance that “putting your affairs in order” is easier than you may think Presented by: The Archdiocese of Seattle, Planned Giving Office STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND TALENT Thank you to our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society who serve the needy within our parish boundaries by providing assistance with food, shelter, transportation, utilities, etc. Our active members include: Sally Sue Coleman, Therese Greenheck, Dan Huberty, Chuck Johnston, Evelyn Loh, Colleen Meehan, Jacqui Orgovan, Sam Parent, Frank Powers, Bebe Rademaker and Diana Schiro. Give STEWARDSHIP DURING LENT generously (time, money, items) to a worthy cause; someone who needs help around their house; Be generous with praise and cheerfulness; Spend extra time in family activities; Eat more meals together as a family; Forgive someone who has hurt you; Ask forgiveness from someone who you may have hurt; Be Grateful—Everyday! Attend weekly Mass; Attend daily Mass; Read the Sunday Gospel; Intentionally pray throughout the day; Fast from electronics one day a week (instead listen to music, read a book, work on a hobby, etc.); Visit someone you know is homebound; Assist WELCOME TO SACRED HEART! CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) Sacred Heart is excited to welcome new members to our Christian community. Whether you are a Catholic looking for a new parish or someone searching to belong to a Catholic parish for the first time, we hope that you will consider becoming part of our faith community. If you would like to join Sacred Heart, please contact Val Bromfield at the parish office, (425) 454-9536 or [email protected], for more information. We look forward to having you with us and know that the gifts and talents you share will enrich our community. Time, Talent & Treasure – Prayer, Service & Money Stewardship of Treasure Summary Projected Giving Goal July-February Contributions Received July-February Amount Under Budgeted Goal Actual Contributions Increased Increase Needed to Make Goal 2014-2015 $1,043,975 $927,188 ($116,787) Please remember the Church in your will! 2015-2016 $988,000 $947,189 ($40,811) 2% 7% Faith Formation Peace Days for Women March 16, 2016 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM “From Emptiness to Fullness... From Brokenness to Blessing led by Dale Kelley, CSJP-A To register: 425-635-3603 Bring sack lunch St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace & Spirituality Center 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, Washington 98004 NURSERY Childcare is available Sundays during the 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Masses for toddlers through 4 years olds. Follow the south hallway off the Narthex, past the bathrooms to our wonderful playroom where Ms. Lucy gives loving care each week. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered during the 9:00 AM mass for children pre-K-2nd grade. No registration is needed. All children are welcome to join us. MARRIED COUPLES: Spend a weekend focused on your relationship without outside distractions of work, TV, sports, chores or children. Apply for the next worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend—it’s the best gift you will ever give to each other and your marriage!. Enjoy a marriage encounter weekend at the Sheraton Bellevue Hotel on May 20-22, 2016. For more information call 206 -7722344 or apply on-line at Parish Life Second Annual Parish Lenten Fish Fry Saturday, March 19th starting at 6 PM in the School Gym. Menu includes: Grilled fish tacos; rice & beans; coleslaw; house salad; macaroni & cheese and desserts! (Vegetarian options available) Plus a Beer Garden hosted by our Knights of Columbus. $7/pp or $25/family Reservations online or after mass. JOIN US! SACRED HEART BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP In March we will be discussing Astoria by Peter Stark (nonfiction). We will meet in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, March 29, 7 PM. All readers welcome. Please enter the hall from the 14th Street entrance. Questions: Betsy Komarnitsky, 425-453-9106 or [email protected] Sacred Heart Parish Community of Mothers meets on the third Wednesday morning of the month 9:30-11:00 AM in the Parish Hall. [Because we all need a little support for this enormous job!] Our next gathering will be Wednesday, March 16th. Mothers of children of all ages are welcome to join us and children are welcome too! Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Need an Electrician? Mention this ad, get $10 off! Celebrating 56 Years as a Family Tradition M-F 6-2:30, Sat 6-3 pm • Sun 6:30 - 3 pm Old Bellevue Chevron 425-460-4965 � “Seattle’s solution to all your plumbing needs.” 1606 Bellevue Way SE (425)454-8888 10011 Main St • Bellevue � Gilbert’s � on Snack Shop, Auto Repair, & Propane � � Serving Bellevue 46 years “The Plumber People Recommend” � � � PADDY COYNE’S IRISH PUB 30 Years of Integrity and Skill � Come join us for breakfast every Saturday and Sunday 10am - 2pm MENTION THIS AD and TAKE 10% OFF YOUR MEAL 700 Bellevue Way on the 1st floor of Lincoln Square 425-453-8080 Offices: (206) 783-4129 (425) 455-1310 High School Options Program: Non-Traditional, Special Education Congratulations to Holy Rosary on this 100 year anniversary! � � � Learn more at � Bothell Store Has Moved! BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices Northwest Real Estate Rhonda Benedict 11400 SE 6th Street, Bellevue, WA Kathy Harris • Parishioner Broker Broker “Your experienced Real Estate Team” (425)985-4356 (425)610-8264 Call us for your Buying & Selling needs. NOW OPEN TOTEM LAKE WEST KIRKLAND 405 EXIT 20 –124th RIGHT ON FIRST LIGHT 12545 - 116 th AVE NE New Phone: 425.825.8222 Store Hours: Mon thru Sat 10 AM to 6 PM Check in online at 133 106th Ave Bellevue 425-455-1003 Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Downtown Kirkland 425-828-7800 WWW.KRUEGERBECKLAW.COM Complimentary TOTEM LAKE WEST KIRKLAND __________ Investment Review 8222 New Phone: 425.825. Store Hours: Mon thru Sat 10 AM to 6 PM Joe Bilsborough Financial Advisor, .Parishioner 425-394-0396 Grid 75 [email protected] 2 Space Vertical 9107 Fortuna Drive • Mercer Island WA 98040-3143 Assisted Living Apartments Memory Care Unit Five Star Skilled Nursing Center 206.268.3052 Fax: 206.268.3260 Email: [email protected] Single Moms Cleaning Houses ROOFING CONTRACTOR 5 Cleanings and the 6th is on us! [email protected] WWW.CHASENW.COM 253.445.8950 (425) 948-3502 Premier Retirement Living 933 111th Ave. NE Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 688-1900 CatholicMatch Washington Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call: Nick Serving West Bellevue's Elite for 40 Years 10133 Main Street in Bellevue 425-777-4451 Est. 1978 425-466-1378 Serving the community for 38 years with Catholic values for all of life’s special occasions The Michael Family thanks you. 425.643.2610 • 3500 Factoria Blvd SE. Bellevue, WA 98006 A I R VA N MOV I NG Moving Made Easy Since 1958 (425)629-4112 Parishioner Owned 093 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Nick Thoennes 425-466-1378 Main *100,000 Satisfied Customers 206-783-4129 425-455-4773 � ©CPI 425-454-1400 “10% off shop labor”