NEMCC Compliance Certification Document
NEMCC Compliance Certification Document
Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Table of Contents 2.1 Degree-granting Authority .................................................................................... 4 2.2 Governing Board.................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Chief Executive Officer ....................................................................................... 10 2.4 Institutional Mission ............................................................................................ 12 2.5 Institutional Effectiveness ................................................................................... 18 2.6 Continuous Operation ......................................................................................... 28 2.7.1 Program Length ............................................................................................... 29 2.7.2 Program Content .............................................................................................. 34 2.7.3 General Education ........................................................................................... 37 2.7.4 Coursework for Degrees .................................................................................. 42 2.8 Faculty................................................................................................................... 44 2.9 Learning Resources and Services ....................................................................... 49 2.10 Student Support Services .................................................................................... 59 2.11.1 Financial Resources.......................................................................................... 79 2.11.2 Physical Resources ........................................................................................... 88 3.1.1 Institutional Mission ........................................................................................ 91 3.2.1 CEO evaluation/selection................................................................................. 96 3.2.2 Governing Board Control................................................................................ 99 3.2.3 Board Conflict of Interest .............................................................................. 109 3.2.4 External Influence .......................................................................................... 111 3.2.5 Board Dismissal .............................................................................................. 113 3.2.6 Board/Administration Distinction ................................................................ 114 3.2.7 Organizational Structure............................................................................... 118 3.2.8 Qualified Administrative/Academic Officers .............................................. 121 3.2.9 Faculty/Staff Appointment ............................................................................ 125 3.2.10 Administrative Staff Evaluations.................................................................. 129 3.2.11 Control of Intercollegiate Athletics .............................................................. 131 3.2.12 Fund-raising Activities................................................................................... 133 3.2.13 Institution-related Foundations .................................................................... 135 3.2.14 Intellectual Property Rights .......................................................................... 138 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.3.1 Institutional Effectiveness.............................................................................. 141 3.4.1 Academic Program Approval ....................................................................... 164 3.4.2 Continuing Education/Service Programs .................................................... 169 3.4.3 Admissions Policies ........................................................................................ 179 3.4.4 Acceptance of Academic Credit .................................................................... 184 3.4.5 Academic Policies ........................................................................................... 187 3.4.6 Practices for Awarding Credit ...................................................................... 195 3.4.7 Consortial and Contractual Educational Programs ................................... 197 3.4.8 Noncredit to Credit ........................................................................................ 201 3.4.9 Academic Support Services ........................................................................... 204 3.4.10 Responsibility for Curriculum ...................................................................... 217 3.4.11 Academic Program Coordination ................................................................. 223 3.4.12 Technology Use ............................................................................................... 230 3.5.1 College-level Competencies ........................................................................... 237 3.5.2 Institutional Credits for a Degree ................................................................. 241 3.5.3 Undergraduate Program Requirements ...................................................... 243 3.7.2 Faculty Evaluation ......................................................................................... 248 3.7.3 Faculty Development...................................................................................... 251 3.7.4 Academic Freedom ......................................................................................... 255 3.7.5 Faculty Role in Governance .......................................................................... 257 3.8.1 Learning/Information Resources .................................................................. 262 3.8.2 Instruction of Library Use............................................................................. 270 3.8.3 Qualified Staff................................................................................................. 281 3.9.1 Student Rights ................................................................................................ 286 3.9.2 Student Records ............................................................................................. 288 3.9.3 Qualified Staff................................................................................................. 290 3.10.2 Submission of Financial Statements ............................................................. 302 3.10.3 Financial Aid Audits ...................................................................................... 303 3.10.4 Control of Finances ........................................................................................ 305 3.10.5 Control of Sponsored Research/External Funds ......................................... 309 3.11.1 Control of Physical Resources....................................................................... 311 3.11.2 Institutional Environment ............................................................................. 315 3.11.3 Physical Facilities ........................................................................................... 321 3.12.1 Substantive change ......................................................................................... 325 Core Requirements 2 2.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.14.1 Publication of Accreditation Status .............................................................. 327 4.1 Student Achievement ......................................................................................... 328 4.2 Program Curriculum ........................................................................................ 336 4.3 Publication of Policies ........................................................................................ 340 4.4 Program Length ................................................................................................. 341 4.5 Student Complaints ........................................................................................... 344 4.6 Recruitment Materials....................................................................................... 346 4.7 Title IV Program Responsibilities .................................................................... 349 Core Requirements 3 2.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.1 Degree-granting Authority The institution has degree-granting authority from the appropriate government agency or agencies. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The community/junior colleges in Mississippi were created by an act of the Mississippi Legislature as authorized in §37-29-1 of the Mississippi Code of 1972 (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-1). In section §37-4-1 the legislature declared its policy and justifications for establishing a system of public community/junior colleges. Item “i” of this section states that “The Associate Degree should be a definitive and accepted higher educational degree, recognized for transfer to four-year institutions and for employment and promotion in business and industry” (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-4-1). This policy was further defined in §37-29-233 and authorizes accredited “junior” colleges to award the Associate of Arts to students who have successfully completed the freshman and sophomore years of study (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-233). Northeast Mississippi Community College was founded in 1948 by legislative authority found in §37-29-31 (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-31). Hereafter, in this document the College will be described simply as Northeast. Since 1948, Northeast has offered the Associate of Arts degree to completers who have finished all requirements for majors to transfer to baccalaureate degree programs and professional schools. Beginning in 1965, the College offered the Associate of Applied Science Degree to students who completed two (2) years of study in technical programs designed to prepare workers to enter skilled professions at the technician level (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 8-9). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-1 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-4-1 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-233 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-31 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 8-9 Core Requirements Location Media/Mscode37291 Media/Mscode3741 Media/Mscode3729233 Media/Mscode372931 Media/StdCat0809, 8 9 4 2.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.2 Governing Board The institution has a governing board of at least five members that is the legal body with specific authority over the institution. The board is an active policy-making body for the institution and is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the financial resources of the institution are adequate to provide a sound educational program. The board is not controlled by a minority of board members or by organizations or interests separate from it. Both the presiding officer of the board and a majority of other voting members of the board are free of any contractual, employment, or personal or familial financial interest in the institution. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Membership and Appointment Northeast Mississippi Community College – a public, comprehensive, open-door institution – is governed by a Board of Trustees as provided for in §37-29-65 of the Mississippi Code (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9; Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-65). The Trustees are drawn from the five (5) counties which are defined by §3729-31 as the service district of the College, thus ensuring interconnectivity between Northeast and the public schools in the district it serves (Mississippi Code of 1972 §3729-31). Prentiss County is the host county for the College and as such is represented by six (6) Trustees. Of these Trustees, five (5) are appointed by the Prentiss County Board of Supervisors for five-year staggered terms. The elected Superintendent of Education serves for a term that coincides with his/her term of office. Each of the other counties in the service district is represented by two (2) Trustees each. Alcorn and Union counties each have elected Superintendents of Education who serve four-year-terms coinciding with their term of office. If a superintendent elects not to serve for any reason, the Board of Supervisors of that county is authorized to appoint a person to serve in lieu of the elected superintendent. The other Trustees in Alcorn and Prentiss County and both Trustees in Tishomingo and Tippah counties are appointed by the respective Board of Supervisors to five-year staggered terms. One (1) Trustee “at large” is elected by the Board itself to a five-year term on a rotating basis between Alcorn, Tippah, Tishomingo and Union Counties. This brings the total representation on the Northeast Board of Trustees to fifteen (15). The following list of Trustees identifies the current Trustee, his/her county of residence, type of appointment and tenure (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 9; Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5). Core Requirements 5 2.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Name County Type Tenure (Since) Matt Smith Prentiss Elected (4 yrs) 2008 Bill Breedlove Prentiss Appointed (5 yrs) 1999 John Cunningham Prentiss Appointed (5 yrs) 1995 Tracie Langston Sam McCoy Luzene Triplett Wayne Butler Prentiss Prentiss Prentiss Alcorn Appointed (5 yrs) Appointed (5 yrs) Appointed (5 yrs) Appointed (5 yrs) 2004 1988 2002 2007 Danny Dilworth Alcorn At-Large (5 yrs) 2006 Stacy Suggs Alcorn Elected (4 yrs) 2007 Douglas Jackson Troy Holliday Malcolm Kuykendall Tippah Tippah Appointed (5 yrs) Appointed (5 yrs) 1995 1964 Tishomingo Appointed (5 yrs) 2007 T. Jack Ramsey Tishomingo Appointed (5 yrs) 1983 Ken Basil Union Elected (4 yrs) 2007 Vance Witt Union Appointed (5 yrs) 2007 Occupation Superintendent of Education Businessman Businessman (Retired) Businesswoman Businessman Educator (Retired) Educator (Retired) Businessman (Retired) Superintendent of Education Educator (Retired) Educator (Retired) Superintendent of Education Businessman (Retired) Superintendent of Education Businessman The Board of Trustees holds regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. The meeting is held at the Booneville campus of the College (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 20). The Board of Trustees shall elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary. The election shall be placed on the Board of Trustees’ agenda and once an officer is elected he/she shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until a time when the current term of his/her appointment has expired (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 19). The President of the College prepares all agendas for the Board of Trustees’ meetings and, if necessary, consults the Chairman of the Board. Minutes are recorded at all Board of Trustees’ meetings. The minutes are signed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and are attested by the Secretary of the Board. The President or a designee will keep the minutes. The minutes shall include: • Record of all actions taken by the Board • Resolutions and motions in full, and the names of members making and seconding them; motions recorded as passing or failing; reports and documents relating to a formal motion may be omitted if they are referred to and identified by title and date • Roll call vote and recording of individual member’s vote, if requested Core Requirements 6 2.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • Board members present (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 24). The Board of Trustees is required by state law to appoint a President, the executive head of the College (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31; Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2003). Policy Making and Governance The Board of Trustees is the policy-making body of the College with specific powers and duties assigned by Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-67 (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-67). These duties establish the Board as the “general government” of the College and “directive of the administration.” The Board is empowered to “do all things necessary to the successful operation of the district.” These powers and duties are fully described in the Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 under sections which define “Board Authority” and “Board Powers and Duties” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 14). Board Policy also defines Policy and Procedure, Formal Board Actions specifically reserved for the board, Purpose of Board Policy, and all other aspects of policy development, adoption, and dissemination (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 26-29). Adequate Resources The Board of Trustees takes seriously its duty to adequately provide for a sound educational program. Board policy directs “the President of the College to implement procedures for the development of the budget that are consistent with the College’s purpose statement and incorporate input from all college employees” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 72). The administration begins this task by annually preparing a needs assessment in which the current program needs are identified and prioritized. From the needs assessment and projected revenues, an annual budget proposal is developed (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 90). The Board of Trustees considers the budget proposal before adopting its Annual Budget in June prior to beginning a new fiscal year (FY 2009 Budget Summary, 10 June 2008; FY 2008 Budget Summary, 12 June 2007; FY 2007 Budget Summary, 20 June 2006). During the fiscal year, the President of the College provides the Board with a regular report of revenues and expenditures on at least a quarterly basis. After the end of the fiscal year, the budget plan is resolved with actual revenues and expenditures by approving an Amended Budget. The Amended Budget then serves as the basis of an audit of the year’s accounts (Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2007). Minority Control The Board of Trustees for Northeast Mississippi Community College is not controlled by a minority of its members or by any outside organization. Board Policy requires that all college business be considered at formal, public meetings of the Board (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 22). The public nature of these meetings is intended to Core Requirements 7 2.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 discourage attempts to prejudice individual decisions. In addition, Board Policy establishes a quorum of eight (8) members to constitute a legal meeting of the Board. This policy requires the Board to conduct their meetings in compliance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised in order to ensure that decisions are made by the majority of the Board while protecting the rights of the minority of the members (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 23). Conflict of Interest Each member of the Board of Trustees is expected to remain free of contractual employment and personal or familial interests in the College. This is established in Board Policy under “Board Statement of Ethics” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 9; 12). In addition to these, Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-101 prohibits public officials from realizing personal gain as a result of holding a public trust (Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-101). To protect against such abuses, Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-25 and §25-4-27 require each official to submit an annual Statement of Economic Interest (Statement of Economic Interest). Specific penalties are established for failing to comply with these statutes (Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-25; Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-427). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-65 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-31 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 20 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 19 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 24 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31 Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2003 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-67 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26-29 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 72 Core Requirements Location Media/MSCode372965 Media/MSCode372931 Media/BOTPol0809_9 Media/StdCat0809 5 Media/BOTPol0809_20 Media/BOTPol0809_19 Media/BOTPol0809_24 Media/BOTPol0809_31 Media/BOTMin11Dec03 Media/MSCode372967 Media/BOTPol0809_14 Media/BOTPol0809_26-29 Media/BOTPol0809_72 8 2.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 90 FY 2009 Budget Summary, 10 June 2008 FY 2008 Budget Summary, 12 June 2007 FY 2007 Budget Summary, 20 June 2006 Media/ProcMan0809_90 Media/BudgetSummaryFY09 Media/BudgetSummaryFY08 Media/BudgetSummary FY07 Media/BudgetsFY0708 Media/BudgetsFY07 Media/AmendedBudgetsFY08 Media/AmendedBudgetsFY07 Media/BOTPol0809_22 Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 22 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 23 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 9; 12 Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-101 Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-25 Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-27 Core Requirements Media/BOTPol0809_23 Media/BOT0809_9_12 Media/MSCode254101 Media/MSCode25425 Media/MSCode25427 9 2.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.3 Chief Executive Officer The institution has a chief executive officer whose primary responsibility is to the institution and who is not the presiding officer of the board. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The President of Northeast Mississippi Community College is Dr. Johnny L. Allen who has served since July 1, 2004 (Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2003). Since 1982, Dr. Allen has held the following positions at Northeast: instructor of Agriculture and Natural Science, Dean of Instruction and Vocational-Technical Director, and VicePresident of Instruction and Student Services. Dr. Allen’s relevant educational experiences and professional associations include curriculum development team member, certified leadership trainer, and education advisory council member (Johnny Allen, Vita). The President is responsible for the daily management of the affairs of the College by implementing and enforcing the policies of the Board of Trustees. The President serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the College by providing direction and oversight to the faculty and staff of the College (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31-32). He is not the presiding officer of the Board of Trustees. Board Policy provides for the election of a trustee to serve as Chairman of the Board. Policy further defines the duties and responsibilities of the Board Chairman (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 19). Mr. T. Jack Ramsey has served as Board Chairman since his election to this position on May 8, 2007 (Board of Trustees Minutes-8 May 2007). Authority of the President The authority for the President to function as chief executive officer is derived from two (2) sources: 1) Mississippi Law and 2) duties and responsibilities delegated by the Board of Trustees through Board Policy. Mississippi Code §37-29-61 requires the Board of Trustees to appoint a President who serves as executive head of the College (Mississippi Code §37-29-61). Mississippi Code §37-29-63 provides for the general powers and duties of the President of a community college (Mississippi Code §37-29-63). Presidential duties are expanded and defined by Board Policy in “Duties of the President of the College” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31-32). The President reports directly to the Board of Trustees for the general management and administration of the College. These duties require a full-time commitment of the President’s effort and energy. Consequently, the President has neither duty nor contractual relationship to any other entity. Core Requirements 10 2.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2003 Johnny Allen Vita Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31-32 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 19 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 May 2007 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-61 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-63 Core Requirements 11 Location Media/BOTMin11Dec03 Media/Johnny_Allen_Vitae Media/BOTPol0809_31-32 Media/BOTPol0809_19 Media/BOTMin8May07 Media/MsCode372961 Media/MsCode372963 2.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.4 Institutional Mission The institution has a clearly defined, comprehensive, and published mission statement that is specific to the institution and appropriate for higher education. The mission addresses teaching and learning and, where applicable, research and public service. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College has a clearly defined, comprehensive, and published Purpose Statement (Mission) that reflects the official posture and practice of the College. Clearly Defined and Comprehensive The Purpose Statement, along with the institutional goals, responds to the educational and career needs and interests of the students and communities the College serves. Through long-range strategic planning, institutional assessment, and the use of results, Northeast demonstrates that its planning and evaluation processes, educational programs, educational support services, financial and physical resources, and administrative processes are adequate and appropriate to its stated purpose. Developed, Reviewed and Approved The Purpose Statement is developed by a Purpose Committee through a process of planning with the input of staff, administration, faculty, students, and Board of Trustees members. The Purpose Statement was revised by the Purpose Committee on February 29, 2000. The revised Purpose Statement was presented to and approved by the Board of Trustees on March 21, 2000. During the December 4, 2002, Administrative Council meeting, the Purpose Statement was reviewed with no recommendations for revision. During the December 1, 2004, Administrative Council meeting, a motion was approved for the President to appoint a Purpose Statement Committee to review the Purpose Statement (Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004; Purpose Statement Memorandum-6 December 2004). At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College on Tuesday, February 8, 2005, the Board approved revisions to the Purpose Statement. In the revised statement, the term “career” was substituted for “vocational” and item four (4) was revised to detail the specific purposes for the Continuing Education Program. Dr. Allen recommended the approval of the revised Purpose Statement. Board Member Moore moved to approve the revised Purpose Statement; the motion was Core Requirements 12 2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 seconded by Board Member Chism. Motion carried (Board of Trustees Minutes-8 February 2005). At the November 2008 Administrative Council meeting, the President appointed a Purpose Committee to review the Purpose Statement. Recommendations were made to substitute “of” for “in” in the titles of degrees awarded, and the addition of “adult basic education” to goal four (4) (Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008; Administrative Council Minutes-4 February 2009; Purpose Committee Minutes-14 January 2009). These revisions were submitted by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 17, 2009 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-17 February 2009). Purpose Statement Northeast Mississippi Community College is a public, comprehensive community college that exists to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves – Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo and Union Counties by awarding the Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Applied Science Degree, and Certificates. Beyond this original scope, however, Northeast responds to the needs of all who seek a college education. To accomplish the intended role and scope of the College, the following institutional goals were established: 1. To provide degree and certificate programs that prepare students for continued studies or immediate employment. 2. To provide a program of student services that will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students. 3. To provide developmental studies within the curriculum to strengthen the basic skills of students. 4. To offer continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment. 5. To provide employer-driven, industry-specific workforce education and training to business, industry, and individuals. 6. To provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Published The purpose statement is accurately cited in the following official publications and web pages: • Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 7) • Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, which functions as the College’s faculty/staff handbook (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 2) Core Requirements 13 2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • • • • Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2006-2007 Annual Institutional Effectiveness /Assessment Plans (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 8) Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9) Course Schedule Booklet, Intersession, Summer, Fall 2009 (Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2009, 2) Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008 (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators 2007-2008, 4) NEMCC Website (Northeast Purpose Statement Webpage) Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008 (Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 2) Specific to Institution The Purpose Statement serves as the foundation for all institutional operations, programs, and activities. Northeast Mississippi Community College exists to meet the “educational and career needs of individual students and the community” within the five-county district it serves, while responding to “the needs of all those who seek a college education.” The College, described as a “public, comprehensive community college,” offers university parallel, technical and career courses, continuing education, and community services for those seeking personal and professional growth, as well as developmental studies within the curriculum to assist under-prepared students in strengthening their basic skills. Appropriate for Higher Education The Purpose Statement is reviewed periodically to adequately address and provide for changes that are forthcoming in higher education. Planning begins with the institution’s Purpose Statement. The College’s Planning Process includes an evaluation of programs and activities and annually reports its progress through a series of documents. These reports help decision-makers determine if the College is meeting the needs of its constituents as defined in the Purpose Statement. An overview of the planning process at Northeast Mississippi Community College is appended (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix E). The Purpose Statement’s institutional goals which specifically address issues appropriate for higher education include providing degree and certificate programs, student services, workforce and industry education and training, human and financial resources, qualified instructors, and physical facilities and resources necessary for offering quality instruction. The Survey of Student Opinions, which is completed annually by sophomore students at the end of the spring semester, assesses students’ satisfaction of programs and services, their perception of the importance of these programs and services, as well as students’ perception of how their college experience contributed to their growth and preparation. Core Requirements 14 2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Student assessments for the past three (3) years of items addressing the appropriateness of the college’s Purpose Statement for higher education include the following table. The mean scaled score of the items are ranked on a 5-point Likert scale of “Very Great,” “Great,” “Moderate,” “Little,” or “None” (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Preparation for a career Intellectual growth (acquiring knowledge, skills, ideas, concepts, analytical thinking) Preparation for further study Spring 2008 4.34 4.31 Spring 2007 4.24 4.22 Spring 2006 4.29 4.29 4.23 4.15 4.23 This College helped me meet the goals I came here to achieve My experiences here have equipped me to deal with possible career changes Quality of instruction in your major area of study 4.47 4.43 4.41 4.33 4.22 4.25 4.42 4.36 4.32 The Campus Climate Survey, January 2008, is administered annually to full-time college employees, including administrators, faculty, and support staff. The survey results for the past three (3) years include the following table. The mean scaled score of the items are ranked on a 5-point Likert scale of “Strongly Agree,” “Agree,” “No Opinion,” “Disagree,” or “Strongly Disagree” (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 NEMCC’s Purpose Statement is available for all faculty, staff, and students Northeast students receive a high quality education NEMCC’s Purpose Statement clearly defines collegiate education The purpose of NEMCC is appropriate to a comprehensive community college The Purpose Statement adequately describes those served by NEMCC F’07 F’06 F’05 4.59 4.47 4.50 4.47 4.47 4.57 4.40 4.30 4.47 4.40 4.20 4.37 4.31 4.21 4.42 Institutional Effectiveness Indicator #6 which states, “70% of the employers surveyed will indicate “satisfaction” with NEMCC vocational/career and technical completers overall job performance” offers the following ranking of employer satisfaction (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 14). Year Reported 2007 (for 2006-2007 completers) 2006 (for 2005-2006 completers) 2005 (for 2004-2005 completers) Core Requirements Overall Rating 89.1% 82.1% 80.4% 15 2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Additionally, Institutional Effectiveness Indicator #1 states, “Academic Transfer majors who graduate from NEMCC and/or transfer to four-year senior colleges will have cumulative grade point averages equal to or exceeding the cumulative grade point averages of the native university students (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6). Fall Semester NEMCC Transfers to University of Mississippi Native University of Mississippi students 3.09 3.05 3.18 2.95 2.94 2.96 2007 2006 2005 NEMCC Transfers to Mississippi State University 2.95 3.12 3.00 Native Mississippi State University students 2.78 2.78 2.75 Teaching and Learning The Purpose Statement is founded on the College’s commitment to teaching and learning. The six (6) institutional goals of the Purpose Statement specifically address and enumerate this commitment to meeting the educational and career needs of the individual student and the community. The goals also direct the College’s dedication to offering continuing education and community services. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004 Purpose Statement Memorandum-6 December 2004 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 February 2005 Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008 Administrative Council Minutes-4 February 2009 Purpose Committee Minutes-14 January 2009 Board of Trustees Minutes-17 February 2009 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 7 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 2 Location Media/AdmMin4Dec04 Core Requirements 16 Media/PurStateMemo6Dec04 Media/BOTMin8Feb05 Media/AdmMin12Nov08 Media/AdmMin4Feb09 Media/PurposeMin14Jan09 Media/BOTMin17Feb09 Media/BOTPol0809_7 Media/ProcMan0809_2 2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2007-2013, 8 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2009, 2 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 4 Northeast Purpose Statement Webpage 2008 Adjunct Faculty Handbook, 2 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix E Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 14 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 6 Media/Plan0813_8 Core Requirements 17 Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/SchBkFl09 Media/IE0809_4 Media/NEHomePgPurpose Media/AdjHbk08 2 Media/Plan0813_E Media/SSOJuly08 Media/CCSJan08 Media/IE0708_14 Media/IE0708_6 2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.5 Institutional Effectiveness The institution engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that(1) incorporate a systematic review of institutional mission, goals, and outcomes; (2) result in continuing improvement in institutional quality; and (3) demonstrate the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College is committed to providing the highest quality educational experience for its students. This commitment is realized in its processes of continuous planning and institutional effectiveness. Ongoing, Integrated and Institution-Wide Research-Based Planning and Evaluation Northeast incorporates a systematic review of programs and services which includes the main campus, the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site and the Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, a long term educational facility offering between 25 percent (25%) and 49 percent (49%) of degree programs. This systematic review of programs and services is aimed at both short- and long-term planning and focuses on continuing improvements in instruction, student learning and support services. Planning begins with the institution’s Purpose Statement. The Purpose of the College defines those whom the College serves and the needs of those people which the College desires to address (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). The College, through coordination with the Strategic Planning Council (described below), has devised and adopted strategic long-range goals to provide a clear concept of the overall direction of the institution. These goals are identified and reviewed by the College’s Strategic Planning Council on a biennial basis (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 20082013, 9; Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007). Northeast has established objectives called Institutional Effectiveness Indicators to demonstrate the College’s effectiveness towards meeting its uniquely defined goals. The indicators set specific targets for student performance, satisfaction, and levels of instructional support necessary for the educational programs offered. The examination and evaluation of the data compiled for the Institutional Effectiveness Indicators helps to determine the extent to which the College is fulfilling its purpose (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-23). The College and the Strategic Planning Council use the strategic long-range goals as the basis for determining college-wide short-term (biennial) goals. These goals focus on areas of improvement that should be included in the planning cycle. Team leaders and work groups are assigned to each goal. These individuals develop and implement Core Requirement 18 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 strategies to accomplish the short-term goals. The work of these groups is documented by status reports published annually (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 24-29). To assist the College in achieving its purpose and goals, each division and service unit links its operations and expectations (expected outcomes) to the College Purpose Statement and strategic long-range goals through Divisional Purpose Statements and the Institutional Effectiveness Plans (IE plans). The IE plans use a four-column matrix format and allow each division, service area, and off-campus site to indicate its role in relating to the institutional purpose. Moreover, the IE plan documents each area’s acceptance of responsibility for contributing to the achievement of one or more of the purpose goals (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 98-257). The Planning Process involves all of the College’s personnel and includes consideration of input from students, outside agencies, the Board of Trustees, the public, and from the formal evaluation of programs (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix E). The end products of ongoing planning and assessment are presented in document form, annually. The Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans is a result of strategic longrange planning, short-term goal planning and institutional effectiveness/assessments. The process of planning involves the following committees: Administrative Council is composed of the President, various level administrators, academic division heads, and the director of Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. Each fall at the beginning of the academic school year, a chairperson of the Administrative Council is elected. This committee meets the first Wednesday of the month. The Council serves as the guide for the institution in the planning process, assists in making administrative decisions, keeps the institution abreast of operational planning activities, facilitates institutional/divisional needs assessments, and implements the planning cycle calendar to assist the institution in achieving its purpose and goals. The responsibility for reviewing the institutional purpose statement and goals was assigned to the Administrative Council beginning with the 2001-2002 school year. The most recent periodic review occurred in 2005 with recommendations being submitted and approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 8, 2005, meeting. During the November 12, 2008, meeting of the Administrative Council, Dr. Allen appointed a Purpose Committee composed of members of the faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees to examine the Purpose Statement for currency (Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004; Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-8 February 2005; Northeast Committee List 2008-2009). As evidence of the institution’s dedication to broad-based planning, proposals for changes and/or improvements may originate from students, individual employees, or from divisions and departments. A planning proposal, submitted on the Core Requirement 19 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 appropriate form, is presented to the division head who forwards it to the respective Vice-President before proceeding to the Administrative Council. The Administrative Council reviews proposals and submits a recommendation for implementation or rejection to the President’s Cabinet (described below). The President’s Cabinet reviews, accepts, or rejects the proposals. Accepted proposals may be implemented or recommended to the Board of Trustees for implementation or rejection. The following are examples of specific actions taken to improve institutional effectiveness during the 2007-2008 school year: required a “Sponsor’s Declaration Form” be added to the admission criteria for International students; established the Northeast email address as the sole email account supported by the College and used for all information sent to students; permitted the stacking of ACT and Valedictorian/Salutatorian scholarships; devised a Substantive Change Policy; revised the Intellectual Property Rights Policy to include students; and revised the Procedure for a Grade Correction (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 4-5; 99-100; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C; Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council-NEMCC Email addresses; Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council -Grade Correction; Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council - Substantive Change; Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council -Intellectual Property Rights). Strategic Planning Council is composed of representatives from the Board of Trustees, administration, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and the community. This committee was appointed beginning with the 1997-98 school year. It reviews the College’s internal strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities that exist in the external environment. On a biennial basis, the Strategic Planning Council establishes and re-examines strategic long-range planning goals, Institutional Effectiveness Indicators, and short-term goals. The Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research serves as the chairperson of the Strategic Planning Council and is responsible for conducting both internal and external environmental research and disseminating the data to this Council (Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007). The Institutional Effectiveness (TIE) Committee is composed of faculty and staff liaisons from each academic division and the educational support areas. This committee meets once or twice per semester to determine that the established objectives (expected outcomes) are consistent with the institutional purpose. The TIE committee determines if the research conducted is adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of the institution and assists the institution in suggesting and implementing various means of evaluations for assessment. The liaisons work with members of their division or area to complete their Institutional Effectiveness Plans (IE plans). In order to continually improve IE plans, the TIE committee annually reviews all of the previous year’s plans using a rubric. The results of the rubric are shared with the division or support area before the current year’s IE plan is begun. The Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research serves as chairperson of the TIE Committee (TIE Committee Minutes- 30 Core Requirement 20 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 September 2008; Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units -Heating and Air Conditioning Tech; Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units -Bookstore; Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units -Administrative Leadership; Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units - Computer Programming Technology). President’s Cabinet is composed of the President, Executive Vice-President, Vice-President of Finance and Operations, Vice-President of Workforce Training and Economic Development, Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research, Associate Vice-President of Public Information, Executive Director of Northeast Development Foundation, and the Administrative Assistant to the President. The Cabinet, through such means as evaluating planning proposals arising from the Administrative Council or reports from the Strategic Planning Council, serves as an aid to the President in reaching decisions that are best for the institution (President’s Cabinet Minutes-2 September 2008). Planning and the Budget As with the planning process, the creation of the College’s budget has broad-based involvement beginning with the individual employee. Employees participate in the budget process by providing information regarding needed resources and by completing the Needs Assessment Survey. The suggested budgets along with the Needs Assessment Survey are processed through the division level to the institution’s Budget Committee. Budget proposals are presented on budget request forms (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix D). The President recommends the budget to the Board of Trustees who grants final approval for the College’s budget. All activities and equipment for which monies are requested within the budget must be identified in the Needs Assessment Survey (Five-year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 Appendix A; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Administrative Leadership; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Math Science; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-New Albany). Research Based Planning Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to Northeast’s ongoing, integrated, institution-wide, and research-based planning and evaluation processes are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Core Requirement 21 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Rating Item Fall 2007 NEMCC has an effective Institutional Research 4.42 process which collects and analyzes data. The Office of Planning & Research plays a significant 4.41 role in NEMCC’s process of evaluating the college’s Planning and evaluation method and procedures. NEMCC has an effective Institutional Research 4.37 process which disseminates the results of its research to support planning and evaluation. The Office of Planning & Research/Effectiveness 4.30 uses the results to improve the over-all college’s planning and evaluation process. Staff and faculty know what the institution’s strategic 3.68 long-range goals are. Rating Fall 2006 4.39 Rating Fall 2005 4.24 4.37 4.24 4.35 4.25 4.24 4.12 3.70 4.06 Systematic Review of Programs and Services The Planning Process includes a review component. The College annually reports its progress through a series of processes and documents. These reports help decisionmakers determine if the College is meeting the needs of its constituents as defined in the Purpose Statement. The evaluation of programs and activities includes the following: Services Review: All service units establish annual expected outcomes and review their purpose statement, making changes as needed. Staff members from each service unit have the opportunity to participate in the adoption of approximately three (3) to five (5) outcomes that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s Purpose Statement, its longrange goals and short-term goals. Assessments of these units are evaluated through such measures as: • Student Satisfaction ratings • Campus Climate ratings • Sales and inventory records • Suggestion Box Comments Expected outcomes are a natural extension or fulfillment of the purpose of the College. Extensive evaluation and planning processes are incorporated in this review of the service unit’s performance in assessing achievements of outcomes. In the event a unit fails to meet an outcome, the unit uses its results to make necessary changes to continuously improve. Examples of continuous improvements due to the service review include devising a new marketing slogan, offering financial aid workshops at district high schools, designating a dormitory as co-educational, increasing the Student Government Association budget by $3,000, and establishing an annual schedule for inventory Core Requirement 22 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 verifications. Annual expected outcomes are published yearly in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document with Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans. Annual review to assess the attainment of these expected outcomes occurs through the TIE committee. Staff members participate in institutional planning by completion and submission of an Institutional Planning Proposal (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 199; 202; 208; 212; 228; Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units, Bookstore, Business Office; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix B). Program Review The foundation of the planning and evaluation process for Northeast’s educational programs is the institutional effectiveness plans published in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document. Each division annually re-evaluates its purpose statement and makes necessary changes. In the fall, all faculty/staff involved in each educational unit have the opportunity to participate in the adoption of approximately three (3) to five (5) expected outcomes (goals) that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s Purpose Statement, including the strategic long-range goals and short-term goals. The faculty/staff then develop assessment criteria and procedures for assessment. Throughout the year faculty/staff, with assistance from the TIE Committee liaisons and the Planning and Research office, collect assessment data and analyze the information to determine ways to improve the educational process. The Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research compiles the information from the divisions and publishes it in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document. Educational programs benefit as well from other aspects of the planning and evaluation process. The Strategic Planning Council, which includes representatives from each educational division, develops institutional effectiveness indicators, strategic long-range goals, and short-term goals to help document the effectiveness of programs within the institution (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-21; 23). The Planning and Research office publishes the indicators and research results. Faculty/staff also use the Institutional Planning Proposal form to suggest changes in educational programs (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 20082013, Appendix B). The curriculum review process provides an internal and external audit of educational programs on a five-year rotating schedule. The College uses a standardized review process throughout the academic, technical, and career programs. A Curriculum Review Committee, composed of college and non-college personnel, reviews academic programs throughout the curriculum. During the evaluation, each curriculum will be reviewed in the following areas: • Past successes of major/grades • Relevance of courses within curriculum • Documented need for the curriculum • Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose Core Requirement 23 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • Credentials of faculty to adequately teach curriculum • Financial support for the curriculum All curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee will be forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council will be forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final action (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62; Curriculum Review Instrument- Culinary Arts Technology Certificate; Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008; “Program Evaluation”- Business & Business Technology). Continuous Improvement and Documentation of Accomplishment of Mission Northeast’s planning and evaluation processes have resulted in continued improvements in the programs and services offered. Specific examples of improvements are described in the “Accomplishment Section” of the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document and the “Use of Results” column within the Institutional Effectiveness Plans. The following examples detail improvements made in response to needs discovered during the review processes or changes resulting from successes indicating the College is effectively accomplishing its mission (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 22; 28; 31; 34; 38; 41; 43; 46; 49; 58; 61; 115; 146; 162; 186). Administrative Leadership • Upgraded Banner application servers to Oracle 10G • Implemented generated identification numbers for all students and employees • Administered the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) • Converted established campus surveys from scannable forms to Blackboard surveys • Redesigned the College’s athletic website Student Development Services • Revised Athletic Handbook • Hosted ACT workshop for area counselors • Installed infrared day/night cameras and DVR recorder in dormitory • Revised institutional scholarship program • Developed and conducted recruiting workshops for high school seniors in area schools. Curriculum and Instruction • Increased the number of NEMCC hosted distance learning courses from 68 (fall 2006) to 93 (fall 2007) • Added Computer Information Systems Technology Program • Changed the textbook required for Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1233) to support the MyMathLab assignments Core Requirement 24 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • • Added software for Auto Body Repair to needs assessment Revised curriculum and course requirements in welding Added a Clinical Review Course to the Medical Laboratory Technology Curriculum Developed uniform questions for test administration in history classes. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 9 Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-23 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 24-29 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 98-257 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix E Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004 Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 February 2005 Northeast Committee List 2008-2009 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 4-5; 99-100; Appendix A; B; C Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council-NEMCC Email addresses Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council-Grade Correction Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council-Substantive Change Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council-Intellectual Property Rights Core Requirement Location Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/Plan0813_9 Media/StrategicPlanCouncilMin12April07 Media/IE0708_6-23 Media/IE0708_24-29 Media/Plan0813_98-257 Media/Plan0813_E Media/AdmMin1Dec04 Media/AdmMin12Nov08 Media/BOTMin8Feb05 Media/CommiteeList0809 Media/Plan0813_4-5_99-100_A_B_C Media/InstPlanProposalNEMCCEmailAddr esses Media/InstPlanProposalGradeCorrection Media/InstPlanProposalSubstantiveChg Media/InstProposalIntellectPropertyRights 25 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 TIE Committee Minutes-30 September 2008 Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units-Heating and Air Conditioning Tech Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units-Bookstore Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units-Administrative Leadership Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units-Computer Programming Technology President’s Cabinet Minutes-2 September 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix D Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix A Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Administrative Leadership Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Math Science Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708New Albany Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 199; 202; 208; 212; 228 Evaluation Rubric for Administrative and Educational Support Units-Bookstore, Business Office Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix B Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 6-21; 23 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62 Curriculum Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008 “Program Evaluation”- Business & Core Requirement Media/TIEMin30Sept08 Media/EvalRubicHeatAir Media/EvalRubicBookstore Media/EvalRubicAdmLeadership Media/EvalRubicCompProg Media/PresCabMin2Sept08 Media/Plan0813_D Media/Plan0813_A Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708_AdmLead Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708_MathScien ce Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708_NewAlban y Media/CCSJan08 Media/Plan0813_199_202_208_212_228 Media/EvalRubicAdmEdSupportUnits Media/Plan0813_B Media/IE0708_6-21_23 Media/ProcMan0809_61-62 Media/CurRevInstCulinaryCert Media/CurRevAgenda29April08 Media/ProgramEvalBus 26 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Business Technology Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 22; 28; 31; 34; 38; 41; 43; 46; 49; 58; 61; 115; 146; 162; 186 Core Requirement Media/Plan0813_22_28_31_34_38_41_43_ 46_49_58_61_115_146_162_186 27 2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.6 Continuous Operation The institution is in operation and has students enrolled in degree programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College was founded in 1948 by legislative authority found in §37-29-31 (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-31). The Mississippi Code of 1972 authorizes accredited “junior” colleges to award the Associate of Arts degree to students who have successfully completed the freshman and sophomore years of study (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-233). A department of career and technical education was developed in the fall of 1965 to provide educational opportunities for persons to qualify for employment in various career and technical areas. Beginning in 1978, the College offered the Associate of Applied Science degree to students who completed two (2) years of study in technical programs designed to prepare workers to enter skilled professions at the technician level (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 8-9). Since its inception, the College has been in continuous operation with students enrolled in associate degree and/or career certificate programs. In the fall semester of 2008, Northeast listed eighty-four (84) associate degree areas of study and eight (8) career certificate programs. Student enrollment in the fall of 2008 was 2,892 full-time and 405 part-time students on the main campus, Northeast at New Albany off-campus site, and Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, a long-term educational facility offering between twenty-five and forty-nine percent of a degree program. The number of students enrolled in each degree program/certificate is detailed below (Beginning Enrollment Fact Sheet Fall 2008). • Academic – 2273 students • Technical – 868 students • Vocational (career) – 156 students Supporting Documentation and Link Source Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-31 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-233 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 8-9 Beginning Enrollment Fact Sheet Fall 2008 Core Requirements Location Media/MsCode372931 Media/MsCode3729233 Media/StdCat0809_8-9 Media/NEFactFl08 28 2.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.7.1 Program Length The institution offers one or more degree programs based on at least 60 semester credit hours or the equivalent at the associate level; at least 120 semester credit hours or the equivalent at the baccalaureate level; or at least 30 semester credit hours or the equivalent at the post baccalaureate, graduate, or professional level. If an institution uses a unit other than semester credit hours, it provides an explanation for the equivalency. The institution also provides a justification for all degrees that include fewer than the required number of credit hours or its equivalent, unit. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Northeast Mississippi Community College Board of Trustees empowered the College to grant the Associate of Arts degree in 1948. During subsequent years, certificates were authorized for vocational education. In 1978, the College began awarding the Associate of Applied Science degree. Northeast offers two (2) associate degree programs: the Associate of Arts degree is awarded to students completing university parallel programs of study, and the Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded to students completing requirements in technical programs of study. Northeast uses a semester credit hour basis for awarding credit for all courses. Based on regulations set by the Commission on Colleges, the Associate of Arts degree or Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded when a student has earned a minimum of sixtythree (63) semester hours, of which three (3) hours may be non-academic credits. Northeast meets the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ standard requiring a minimum of sixty (60) semester credit hours for the associate degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59-60). Northeast defines an educational “program of study” as a coherent sequence of courses that may lead to the student’s transferring coursework to a senior institution or gaining employment in a technical field. The College offers fifty-seven (57) different university parallel programs of study leading to the Associate of Arts degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76). Architecture is a university parallel area of study in which students can transfer only thirty-two (32) hours and is not eligible for an Associate of Arts degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 80). There are twenty-seven (27) technical programs of study leading to the Associate of Applied Science degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 138). Following a compliance audit of curricula, it was discovered that the sequence of courses leading to an Associate of Arts degree in Library Science listed sixty-two (62) hours. Upon investigation, it was discovered that a typographical error had been introduced into the 2008-2009 catalog and the sequence of courses actually contains sixty-five (65) hours. This error has been corrected in the 2009- Core Requirements 29 2.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2010 edition. An addendum to the 2008-2009 catalog with the correction was approved in January 2009 (Barnett Memorandum-20 January 2009; Nabors Memorandum-23 January 2009; President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009). A technical program of studyAutomotive Mechanics and Automotive Service Technology- was omitted from the list of Career and Technical programs of study on page 138 of the Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009; this was corrected for the Northeast Student Catalog 2009-2010. Northeast also offers eight (8) career certificate programs of study leading to a certificate of completion (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 139). All eight (8) certificate programs of study are awarded in compliance with the standards prescribed by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges and the State Department of Education Office of Vocational and Technical Education (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007, 3-6). The following table lists the programs of study and the total number of semester hours required for each (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77-175): University Parallel Programs of Study Associate of Arts Title Accounting Agriculture Agriculture Education Art Art Education Athletic Training Biology Business Administration Business Education Business Information Systems Chemistry Commercial Music Communications Communicative Disorders Computer Science Criminal Justice Dentistry Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Engineering English English Education Family & Consumer Science Family & Consumer Science Education Fashion Merchandising Core Requirements 30 Hours 65 68 67 69 69 65 67 65 70 64 76 73 63 66 65 63 68 66 67 65 66 66 63 65 67 2.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Forestry Health Information Management History Interior Design Liberal Arts Library Science Mathematics Mathematics Education Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science Medicine Modern Foreign Languages Modern Foreign Languages Education Music Music Education Nursing Occupational Therapy Optometry Pharmacy Photography Physical Education Physical Therapy Physics Political Science Psychology Religious Studies Science Education Social Studies Education Social Work Sociology Special Education Theatre Veterinary Medicine 69 64 66 68 69 65 65 64 63-69 68 66 69 74 71 63 66 76 68 66 64 68 67 65 65 65 65 68 63 63 65 66 73 Technical Programs of Study Associate of Applied Science Accounting Technology Automotive Mechanics and Automotive Service Technology Business and Marketing Management Technology Civil Engineering Technology Computer Aided Design and Drafting Technology Computer Information Systems Technology Core Requirements 31 69 82 70 64 65 73 2.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Web and Programming Technology Construction Engineering Technology Country Western Music Culinary Arts Technology Dental Hygiene Technology Diesel Power Technology Early Childhood Education Technology Electrical Technology Forestry Technology Heating and Air Conditioning Technology Hotel and Restaurant Management Technology Industrial Maintenance Technology Landscape Management Technology Machine Tool and Die Technology Medical Assisting Technology Medical Laboratory Technology Microcomputer Technology Nursing (Associate Degree) Office Systems Technology Paralegal Technology Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Technology 68 68 74 86 81 72 67 67 71 67 68 68 66 69 84 71 72 69 69 94 87 Career Programs of Study Certificate Auto Body Repair Automotive Mechanics and Automotive Service Technician Culinary Arts Diesel Power Technology Heating and Air Conditioning Machine Tool and Die Office Systems Practical Nursing Education 50 64 55 72 53 63 36 48 To establish a new program of study, a proposal form must be presented by a faculty member or a group of faculty members to the appropriate division head. The division head then submits the proposal to the division’s faculty for review and evaluation. If the proposal is found acceptable by a simple majority vote, it is forwarded to the Instruction Council (Curriculum Committee), which is composed of the division heads of various divisions and the Distance Learning Coordinator. The Dean of Instruction chairs this committee. If the proposal is approved by the Instruction Council, it is forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final approval (The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61; “Curriculum Proposal Form Culinary Arts,” 17 Core Requirements 32 2.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 October 2006; Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006; Board of Trustees-Agenda14 December 2006; Board of Trustees-Minutes-14 December 2006). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5960 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 78 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 138 Barnett Memorandum-20 January 2009 Nabors Memorandum-23 January 2009 President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 139 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007, 3-6 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77175 The Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 60-61 “Curriculum Proposal Form Culinary Arts”, 17 October 2006 Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006 Board of Trustees-Agenda-14 December 2006 Board of Trustees-Minutes-14 December 2006 Core Requirements Location Media/StdCat0809_59-60 Media/StdCat0809 76 Media/StdCat0809 78 Media/StdCat0809138 Media/BarnettMemo20Jan09 Media/NaborsMemo23Jan09 Media/ PresCabMin23Jan09 Media/StdCat0809_139 Media/CurFramWorks07_3-6 Media/StdCat0809_77-175 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Media/CulinaryArtsProposalOct06 Media/InsMin17Oct06 Media/BOTAgenda14Dec06 Media/BOTMin14Dec06 33 2.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.7.2 Program Content The institution offers degree programs that embody a coherent course of study that is compatible with its stated mission and is based upon fields of study appropriate to higher education. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The degree programs offered by Northeast Mississippi Community College are selected to meet the educational and career needs of individual students within the district it serves. The Purpose, within the original scope of the College, is to award the Associate of Arts degree, the Associate of Applied Science degree, and Certificates. Beyond this original scope, however, Northeast responds to the needs of all who seek a college education (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Since 1991, Institutions of Higher Learning in Mississippi have identified and published a listing of courses they accept as meeting the requirements for collegiate appropriateness in higher education. The publication entitled Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board of Community and Junior Colleges, hereafter called the Articulation Agreement, provides the rationale for Northeast’s determination of coherence in selection and sequencing of courses in each program of study. The Articulation Agreement strengthens the course transferability between state universities and community colleges (Articulation Agreement 2007). The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi State Board of Community/Junior Colleges approve the updated articulation agreement annually (Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii). For university parallel curricula, IHL sub-committee representatives and representatives of each academic department/dean’s office which offers the program involved discuss articulation agreement changes between February 15 and March 15. Proposed changes are shared by IHL with the community/junior college representatives who have until March 30 to review and comment on the proposed changes. The IHL Articulation Committee and community college representatives meet between April 1 and 10 to discuss articulation changes. The Chief Academic Officers consider the proposed changes at the April meeting. Articulation changes are communicated to the universities and community/junior colleges by June 1 for changes to be made in the fall semester of that year (Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii). All Mississippi Public Community/Junior Colleges utilize a uniform course numbering system which was adopted and published in 1971 by the State Board of Community/Junior Colleges. This publication is reviewed annually and facilitates uniform course transfer to state institutions of higher learning. A general revision of the Core Requirement 34 2.7.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 numbering system is prepared every five (5) years; however, new courses are constantly reviewed by a screening committee of the Mississippi Community and Junior College Deans' Association. When a new course is added, the name of the course, a complete course description and the course number is furnished to all universities and colleges in the form of an addendum in October and in March each year. The first number in the sequence (e.g. MAT 1313) denotes whether the course is a freshman or sophomore level course. The second denotes the grouping, with the third number denoting the sequence within the grouping. The last number denotes the number of semester credit hours (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008). The State of Mississippi has adopted a standardized curriculum for each career and technical program (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for VocationalTechnical Programs 2007). The Research and Curriculum Unit (RCU) for Workforce Development Vocational and Technical Education at Mississippi State University has the responsibility for developing the standardized curriculum for each career/technical program. Career and technical curricula are developed and revised based on guidelines set forth by No Child Left Behind and the Carl Perkins Act. Instructional Design Specialists (IDS) from the RCU work with a revision team to conduct research related to trends in the fields, locate new reference materials, and locate industry-specific standards. This team also collects and reviews surveys regarding industry changes and suggestions from instructors regarding curricula change. Together IDS and revision team members revise the curriculum document, develop or revise Mississippi Career Planning and Assessment System (CPAS), and review materials provided to teachers during pre-service training (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007, 3-6). Northeast’s Instruction Council has the responsibility for approving all institutional courses and programs of study in order to ensure coherence and appropriateness to higher education (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61). The only transfer courses considered for approval by the Instruction Council are academic courses offered by one of the state universities in Mississippi (Articulation Agreement 2007, i). Course additions and deletions for career/technical programs are also approved by the Instruction Council (Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007). Northeast uses information such as GPA transfer data and the results of the Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical Completers surveys to validate program content. Results for the past three (3) years are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6; 14-15). Core Requirement 35 2.7.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 University The University of Mississippi Mississippi State University GPA Transfer Data Fall 2007 Fall 2006 NEMCC Native NEMCC Native 3.09 2.95 3.05 2.94 2.95 2.78 3.12 Fall 2005 NEMCC Native 3.18 2.96 2.78 3.00 2.75 Employer Satisfaction Year Surveyed Percent indicating Satisfaction 2007 (2006-2007 completers) 89.1% 2006 (2005-2006 completers) 82.1% 2005 (2004-2005 completers) 80.4% Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Articulation Agreement 2007 Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007, 3-6 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61 Articulation Agreement 2007, i Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6; 14-15 Core Requirement Location Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/Unicrsnumbering08 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/ArtAgree07 i-ii Media/CurFrameWorks07 Media/CurFrameWorks07_3-6 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Media/ArtAgree07 i Media/InsMin2Oct07 Media/IE0708_6_14-15 36 2.7.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.7.3 General Education In each undergraduate degree program, the institution requires the successful completion of a general education component at the collegiate level that (1) is a substantial component of each undergraduate degree, (2) ensures breadth of knowledge, and (3) is based on a coherent rationale. For degree completion in associate programs, the component constitutes a minimum of 15 semester hours or the equivalent; for baccalaureate programs, a minimum of 30 semester hours or the equivalent. These credit hours are to be drawn from and include at least one course from each of the following areas: humanities/fine arts; social/behavioral sciences; and natural science/mathematics. The courses do not narrowly focus on those skills, techniques, and procedures specific to a particular occupation or profession. If an institution uses a unit other than semester credit hours, it provides an explanation for the equivalency. The institution also provides a justification if it allows for fewer than the required number of semester credit hours or its equivalent unit of general education courses. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance All university parallel associate degree programs contain a general education core component composed of a minimum of thirty-two (32) semester hours that consists of the following competencies: English composition, social or behavioral science, laboratory science, fine arts, mathematics, computer or computer related, and public speaking. All career and technical associate degree programs contain a general education core component composed of a minimum of eighteen (18) semester hours that consist of the following competencies: English composition, social or behavioral science, fine arts, computer or computer related, public speaking, and college algebra or above, or mathematics/science combination consisting of intermediate algebra and a four-hour science course (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60). Northeast has established five competency areas that it has determined to be essential components of collegiate study which ensure breadth of knowledge and constitute a substantial component of each undergraduate degree. These competencies and the rational for their inclusion in the general education core curricula are described below. Reading- Students who complete an Associate Degree must demonstrate the ability to read and comprehend at a level commensurate with the reading level of a textbook and other reading assignments. The general education core courses used to assess attainment of this competency are selected from the social and/or behavioral sciences and the general sciences. Writing-Students who complete an Associate Degree must demonstrate proficiency in written communications by composing effective sentences and paragraphs; applying correctly the rules of grammar, punctuation, spelling, word Core Requirement 37 2.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 division, and word choice; and developing in written form clear, concise thoughts and ideas. The general education core courses used to assess attainment of this competency are selected from English composition and literature, social and/or behavioral sciences and general sciences. Mathematics- Students who complete an Associates of Arts Degree must earn credits in College Algebra (MAT 1313), an equal course, or a higher-level course. Students who complete an Associate of Applied Sciences Degree must successfully earn credit in College Algebra (MAT 1313) or a lower level math course. The general education core courses used to assess attainment of this competency are selected from mathematics. Oral Communications- Students who complete an Associate Degree must be able to communicate his/her thoughts orally and intelligently through conversation, group discussion, and public presentations of ideas. The general education core course used to assess attainment of this competency is public speaking. Basic use of computer skills- Each Associate of Arts candidate must complete three (3) academic hours of credit in Computer Science (CSC). Each Associate of Applied Science candidate must earn three (3) academic hours of credit in CSC, IST, or selected BOT, DDT, MET, MLT, MST, NUR, EET, ELT computer courses (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59). Courses that compose the general education core are broad in scope and fulfill the purpose of the College. The College established goals to “provide degree and certificate programs that prepare students for continued studies or immediate employment” and to “facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). The Instruction Council has the responsibility of approving all institutional courses and programs of study in order to ensure coherence and appropriateness to higher education (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61). The only transfer courses considered for approval by the Instruction Council are academic courses offered by one of the state universities in Mississippi and listed in the Uniform Course Numbering System (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008). Course additions and deletions for career/technical programs are also approved by the Instruction Council (Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007). The institution ensures that general education courses address the goals of the general education component, using several measures: Grade point average (GPA) transfer data, Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) Results, ACT WorkKeys Results, and the Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical Completers. Employer Satisfaction survey results are evaluated to ensure coherence and appropriateness of the College’s curriculum to workplace skills. Results of the assessments of the past three (3) years are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Core Requirement 38 2.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6; Five Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 112-116; ACT WorkKeys Scores Spring 2008; ACT WorkKeys, Charts). University The University of Mississippi Mississippi State University GPA Transfer Data Fall 2007 Fall 2006 NEMCC Native NEMCC Native 3.09 2.95 3.05 2.94 2.95 2.78 3.12 2.78 CAAP Test Results 2008 2007 NEMCC National NEMCC National 59.3 59.2 59.6 59.1 Fall 2005 NEMCC Native 3.18 2.96 3.00 2.75 2006 NEMCC National 61.4 59.0 Reading Competency* Math 56.6 56.2 58.4 56.1 58.6 56.1 Competency Writing 63.9 62.1 65.1 62.2 65.3 62.3 Competency *Reading competency is assessed by the Scientific Reasoning Section of the CAAP examination. General Education Assessments for Career/Technical Students Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 Completers Survey % Satisfaction with communication skills 80.4 82.1 72.1 WorkKeys NEMCC National (Average level Score out of 7) Spring 2008 Percentile Applied Mathematics 6.0 94th Locating Information 5.0 99th Reading for Information 6.0 95th In order to assure students that the curricula offered by Northeast are current, appropriate, and complete, evaluation of the degree programs of study are completed regularly. Each curriculum is assigned a full-time faculty member who has experience advising in the field of study and who has been assigned responsibilities for curriculum coordination. The curriculum coordinator is listed first on the advisor list for each program of study in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77-175). Each fall, curriculum coordinators, along with faculty advisors, review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth and ensure that the General Education Core is included in the curriculum. Core Requirement 39 2.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Upon completion of the curriculum evaluation, the faculty member(s) forwards any recommendations for change to the appropriate division head for discussion at the monthly division meeting (Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Agenda, 14 August 2007). The recommendations of the faculty are the basis of curriculum recommendations and are presented by the appropriate division head to the Instruction Council (Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007; Curriculum Proposal Form English 2153, October 2007). The Instruction Council brings the proposed curriculum changes to a vote and submits approved changes through the President to the Board of Trustees for final approval (Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61). Additionally, a Curriculum Review Committee composed of Northeast and non-college personnel evaluates curricula annually. Each division has its curricula reviewed on a rotating basis (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62). All curricula recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee are forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council are forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final action. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 60-61 A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6 Five Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 112-116 ACT WorkKeys Scores Spring 2008 ACT WorkKeys, Charts Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77-175 Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Agenda, 14 August Core Requirement Location Media/StdCat0809 60 Media/StdCat0809_59 Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Media/Unicrsnumbering08 Media/InsMin2Oct07 Media/IE0708_6 Media/Plan0813_112-116 Media/ WorkKeysScoresSp08 Media/ Workkeyscharts Media/StdCat0809_77-175 Media/HumanitiesMins14Aug07 40 2.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2007 Curriculum Proposal Form English 2153, October 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 60-62 Core Requirement Media/CurRevFormENG2153Oct07 Media/BOTMin13Dec07 Media/Plan0813_13-14 Media/ProcMan0809_60-62 41 2.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.7.4 Coursework for Degrees The institution provides instruction for all course work required for at least one degree program at each level at which it awards degrees. If the institution does not provide instruction for all such course work and (1) makes arrangements for some instruction to be provided by other accredited institutions or entities through contracts or consortia, or (2) uses some other alternative approach to meeting this requirement, the alternative approach must be approved by the Commission on Colleges. In both cases, the institution demonstrates that it controls all aspects of its educational program. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast offers two (2) associate degree programs: the Associate of Arts degree is awarded to students completing university parallel programs of study, and the Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded to students completing requirements in technical programs of study. Northeast defines an educational “program of study” as a coherent sequence of courses that may lead to the student’s transferring coursework to a senior institution or gaining employment in a technical field. Northeast offers fifty-eight (58) different university parallel programs of study, fiftyseven (57) of which lead to the Associate of Arts degree and twenty-seven (27) technical programs of study leading to the Associate of Applied Science degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76; 138) The coursework for these programs of study is offered via a comprehensive scheduling of classes, including both day and evening classes that encompass the main campus in Booneville, Northeast at New Albany off-campus site, and Northeast at Corinth off-campus site (Course Schedule Booklet, Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008). The course offerings at the Northeast at Corinth off-campus site are limited to less than fifty percent (50%) of work toward any degree program. Northeast at New Albany offcampus site is fully accredited, and its course offerings are being expanded each semester. Northeast Mississippi Community College is an active participant in the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC), a consortium between the fifteen (15) community colleges within the State of Mississippi and the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges. This partnership increases the number of internet-based courses that are available to Northeast students. Northeast was one of fourteen (14) community colleges included in the substantive change reviewed by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in February 2003 (MSVCC Memorandum of Agreement). Northeast Mississippi Community College Core Requirements 42 2.7.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 received written notification in July 2004, from Dr. James T. Rogers, Executive Director of the Commission on Colleges, stating, “The Commission reviewed the institution’s First Monitoring Report following review of the Mississippi Virtual Community College. No additional report was requested” (Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004). Through the course offerings on the main campus, the two (2) off-campus sites, and MSVCC, Northeast Mississippi Community College demonstrates control of all aspects of its educational programs and provides instruction for all coursework required for its degrees. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76; 138 Course Schedule Booklet, Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008 MSVCC Memorandum of Agreement Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004 Core Requirements Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/StdCat0809_76_138 Media/SchBkFl08 Media/MOAMSVCCParticipation Media/RogersLetter9July04 43 2.7.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.8 Faculty The number of full-time faculty members is adequate to support the mission of the institution and to ensure the quality and integrity of its academic programs. Upon application for candidacy, an applicant institution demonstrates that it meets the comprehensive standard for faculty qualifications. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The College employs an adequate number of full-time faculty members to support the mission of the institution and to ensure the quality and integrity of its academic programs. The academic credentials and qualifications of all full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty, as well as faculty weekly work schedules that include teaching, office hours, college-related activities, and student support activities, directly support Purpose Statement, Goal 6 which states that the institution’s role and scope is “to provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 2). Definition of Terms • • • Full-time Teaching Faculty: Employed by annual contracts. The length of the contract (9 – 12 month) depends on the subject matter taught and the source of funding for the salaries. Salaries are based on academic preparation and teaching experience. Part-time Faculty: Employed by salary agreements. The agreements are issued for each semester and normally are limited to six (6) to eight (8) credit hours. The agreement is conditional on the student number (students enrolled in class) being sufficient to “make” the class (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10). Adjunct Faculty: An instructor hired to work one (1) semester or less and assigned less than half the normal teaching load. Adjunct faculty are appointed each semester subject to overall class enrollments. Adjunct faculty are not covered by insurance benefits (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009,12). Qualifications of Faculty One hundred percent of all faculty (full- and part-time) teaching general education university parallel courses at Northeast Mississippi Community College have completed a minimum of a master’s degree and have a minimum of eighteen (18) graduate hours within their teaching disciplines. In addition, 20.3% of the university parallel faculty have earned doctoral degrees. Core Requirements 44 2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 In the career/technical areas, 58.2% of the technical faculty hold at least a master’s degree. Of the technical faculty, 10.9% have earned doctorates and 23.6% hold bachelor’s degrees. Of the career faculty, 57.2% (four out of seven) hold an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree. Additionally, all career/technical faculty are licensed to practice (if applicable), professionally trained, and skilled in their respective teaching disciplines (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 7). Number and Type of Faculty Employed The College designs its faculty procedures to provide highly qualified faculty members who are committed to fulfilling the mission of the institution. These procedures include selection, academic preparation and qualifications, academic freedom, professional development, committee assignments, faculty load, and evaluation processes. These procedures govern the conduct of all aspects of instruction for faculty teaching on the main campus, off-campus sites, or online. Part-time faculty members are not subject to certain policies pertaining to full-time employment such as faculty load, compensation, personal leave, and committee assignments. Spreadsheets detailing the courses taught by each faculty, staff and adjunct for the spring 2008 and fall 2008 semesters are appended (Faculty and Courses by Payroll Class Spring 2008; Faculty and Courses by Payroll Class Fall 2008). The following table summarizes the total number of full-time faculty, part-time faculty and staff (with faculty credentials in the discipline) who taught courses during the past two (2) semesters, the total number of credit hours, and the number of credit hours taught per instructor. The average number of full-time faculty was 126 and the average number of part-time faculty was 27, illustrating that Northeast does not utilize adjunct faculty to teach the majority of course offerings. Faculty, Credit Hours and Credit Hours Per Instructor Semester Spring 2008 Fall 2008 Number of FullTime Faculty 127 125 Semester Credit Hours for Courses Taught 2549 2036 Credit Hours/Full -Time Faculty Number of PartTime Faculty 20.1 16.3 25 29 Semester Credit Hours for Courses Taught 97 132 Credit Hours/Part -Time Faculty Number of Staff 3.9 4.6 19 17 (w/ faculty credential) Semester Credit Hours for Courses Taught 194 99 The number of full-time faculty per instructional division for the spring 2008 and fall 2008 are shown below: Instructional Division Business and Business Technology Core Requirements Spring 2008 Number of Full-Time Faculty 14 45 Fall 2008 Number of Full-Time Faculty 14 2.8 Credit Hour/ Staff 10.2 5.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Engineering Technology and Occupational Education Fine Arts Health Sciences Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Mathematics and Sciences 17 17 10 35 27 10 33 27 24 24 Responsibility of Full-time Faculty The faculty instructional load is comprised of three (3) major elements – Teaching Load, Office Hours, and College-Related Activities. Full-time faculty are expected to be accountable for thirty-five (35) hours per week which is a combination of the following: • Teaching (15-20 hours) • Office hours (minimum of 5 hours) • College-Related Activities (flexible 10-15 hours) • Other duties related to instruction/student services (flexible 10-15 hours) Teaching Load The teaching load for academic faculty is based on a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours of academic instruction for the spring and fall semesters. These fifteen (15) semester hours may be assigned per semester in either day, evening, or online instruction at any location within the Northeast Mississippi Community College district. The teaching load for technical faculty is based on twenty (20) contact hours per regular semester or the number of hours required to teach the program curriculum. The teaching load for career faculty is based on the number of contact hours required to teach the program curriculum. Office Hours All faculty members will schedule at least one (1) hour per weekday for office hours. The faculty member will post the office hours and is expected to meet those hours. All faculty members must schedule time for student conferences and academic advising. Related Instructional/Student Services Activities This time is designed to provide the flexibility that is inherent in the faculty role. It is in the interest of the College to acknowledge this need/reality and to recognize the appropriateness of not establishing a monitoring system for these hours. Included in this time may be class preparation, grading, advising, professional development or sponsoring student activities (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 51-52). Core Requirements 46 2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Student-Faculty Ratio The faculty and staff that provided instruction for the spring 2008 and fall 2008 semesters are listed with the courses they taught (Faculty and Courses by Payroll Class Spring 2008; Faculty and Courses by Payroll Class Fall 2008). As indicated in the table below, the College met its goal that the overall average class size at Northeast Mississippi Community College will be equal to or less than twenty (20) students (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 19-20). Semester Overall for 2007-2008 Academic Year Overall for 2006-2007 Academic Year Overall for 2005-2006 Academic Year Average Class Size 19.46 17.62 17.09 Student Success Evidence that the number of full-time faculty members is adequate to ensure the quality and integrity of Northeast’s academic programs is found in the success of transfer students and career-technical graduates. To compare Northeast graduates with students at state universities, Northeast tracks graduating students to analyze their success. Evidence from these reports shows that the cumulative GPA’s of Northeast students are consistently at or above those of native university students. Transfer grade point averages for the past three (3) years for two (2) state universities are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6). University The University of Mississippi Mississippi State University Fall 2007 NEMCC Native 3.09 2.95 2.95 Fall 2006 NEMCC Native 3.05 2.94 2.78 3.12 2.78 Fall 2005 NEMCC Native 3.18 2.96 3.00 2.75 Employers of Northeast graduates also feel confident with the skills of their employees. Employers were asked to rate their satisfaction of technical completers’ overall job performance. Results of Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical Completers Survey for the past three (3) years are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 14). Year Surveyed 2007 (2006-2007 completers) 2006 (2005-2006 completers) 2005 (2004-2005 completers) Core Requirements Percent indicating Satisfaction 89.1% 82.1% 80.4% 47 2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 2 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 11-12 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 7 Faculty and Courses by Payroll Class Spring 2008 Faculty and Courses by Payroll Class Fall 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 51-52 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 19-20 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 6 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 14 Core Requirements Location Media/ProcMan0809_2 Media/ProcMan0809_11-12 Media/ProcMan0809_10 Media/IE0708_7 Media/FacStdNumSp08 Media/FacStdNumFl08 Media/ProcMan0809_51-52 Media/IE0708_19-20 Media/IE0708_6 Media/IE0708_14 48 2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.9 Learning Resources and Services The institution, through ownership or formal arrangements or agreements, provides and supports student and faculty access and user privileges to adequate library collections and services and to other learning/information resources consistent with the degrees offered. Collections, resources, and services are sufficient to support all its educational, research, and public service programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Through libraries at both the main campus in Booneville and the off-campus site in New Albany, Northeast provides and supports student, faculty, staff, and community patrons’ access and user privileges to adequate library collections and other learning/information resources consistent with the Purpose Statement which states that the College “exists to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves…by awarding the Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Applied Science Degree, and Certificates” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). To support the College’s purpose, the following Division of Learning Resources and Library’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan details how Northeast provides learning resources and services: “The purpose of the Learning Resources/Library is to serve as a catalyst by providing information in various formats to support the instructional programs of the community college; to provide instruction in literacy by providing instruction in the skills needed to seek, evaluate, and use information effectively; and to provide assistance to the community beyond the confines of the College.” Furthermore, the Division of Learning Resources and Library supports the following institutional goals: • To provide a program of student services that will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students. • To offer continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment. • To provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 209-211). Access to Adequate Learning Resources To ensure that all Northeast library users have adequate access to library services and learning materials at the main campus, at off-campus sites, and through distance learning courses, the College employs a staff of one (1) part-time and four (4) full-time librarians with Master’s of Library Science degrees and one paraprofessional library assistant who work sufficient hours. The College also provides adequate materials which are selected by the faculty and librarians. The following library hours ensure adequate service: Core Requirements 49 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • Eula Dees Memorial Library hours are 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday, and 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday. • Northeast at New Albany Library hours are set at thirteen and one-half hours per week with the schedule of days and hours varying each semester based on the courses offered at the New Albany campus. During the fall 2008 semester, the Northeast at New Albany Library hours were 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, and 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Thursday. When the library is open, a librarian is present. • Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, a long-term educational facility offering between twenty-five and forty-nine percent of a degree program, does not presently provide an on-site library. The Corinth site is served by the main campus library through the transfer of library materials and through the use of electronic library services. The recently completed phase II construction at the Corinth off-campus site includes space for library facilities, which will be operational by the fall 2009 semester. In addition, students and faculty have access from the library’s homepage to live, online reference assistance from a librarian through QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian link, twenty-four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week (QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian). Northeast ensures that the library/learning resources are consistent with degree and certificate programs by obtaining faculty input. As stated in Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, “Faculty are responsible for seeing that the main library contains appropriate holdings relating to the courses they teach. Periodic inspection should be made to determine student utilization” (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 54). The library director and the librarians who serve as liaisons for the various departments contact full-time and adjunct faculty members through emails and phone calls concerning the purchase of materials for their respective subject areas. In addition, students and other patrons are encouraged to suggest library items for purchase. Furthermore, the Library Committee, composed of faculty from every division, assists the library in meeting the learning resource needs of the College (Library Committee Minutes 2008 and 2007). A total of 708 items, representing all divisions of the college, were ordered during the 2007-2008 school year, as indicated by the order list (Library Orders 2007-2008). The collection and circulation of library materials for the 2007-2008 school year is detailed below. Core Requirements 50 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 NORTHEAST LIBRARY COLLECTION AND CIRCULATION STATISTICS Holdings 6/30/2008 Items Books Audio Visual Materials Magazines and Vertical Files Computer Software Patron Computers TOTALS Circulation Students 2007-2008 Circulation Faculty 2007-2008 Circulation Community 2007-2008 43,110 2,734 894 190 2,103 303 472 1 1,821 351 54 71,849 437 69 43,897 47,440 0 8 15 1,389 0 0 140 331 ONLINE COLLECTION AND CIRCULATION STATISTICS Items Holdings Circulation Online Books 25,678 1,784 Online Databases 62 107,757 TOTALS 25,740 109,541 As detailed in the table above, online databases, available through the library’s webpage, are the most used library materials. Titles held by Northeast include Choices, Literature Resource Center, Texas Information Literacy Tutorial, LitFinder, MS Code, netLibrary, and New User Tutorial for Computers. Other databases are provided through the Mississippi Alliance for Gaining New Opportunities through Library Information Access (MAGNOLIA), which has been funded by the Mississippi Legislature since 1997 for publicly-funded K-12 schools, public libraries, community college libraries, and university libraries in Mississippi. Forty-five (45) databases are included (List of Available MAGNOLIA Databases). Another source for databases is Mississippi Electronic Libraries Online (MELO). Funded by the Mississippi State Board of Community and Junior Colleges since 2000, MELO is a virtual library developed to meet the academic resource needs of off-campus students. MELO provides links to many educational websites, as well as several online products, including QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian, a twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week access from the library’s homepage to live, online reference librarians (QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian). MELO also subscribes to the following online databases: Anatomy TV, CQ Researcher, Issues & Controversies, Opposing ViewPoints, SIRS Researcher, and StatRef through the MELO website (MELO Website). Students learn to use the online databases and other materials through English Composition I (ENG 1113), Public Speaking (SPT 1113) classes, and the online orientation which is provided for each database. At the main campus, at the Northeast at New Albany off campus site and the Northeast at Corinth off campus site, users may search for books (print and electronic) through the Core Requirements 51 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 online card catalog, use electronic resources and databases, request an interlibrary loan, check the library blog, and ask for assistance with their research twenty-four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week with QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian (Eula Dees Memorial Library Home Page; Northeast at New Albany Library Home Page Northeast at Corinth Homepage;). Database use by off-campus users is password protected. Students can obtain passwords in one of the following ways: • The online database page provides an email link to all library staff requesting passwords be forwarded (Online Database Page). • The library distributes bookmarks, containing password information, to all classes receiving instruction in either library. Bookmarks are available on request in the libraries (Eula Dees Memorial Library Bookmark; Northeast at New Albany Library Bookmark). • The “NEMCC Downloadable Resources” tab, found in all Blackboard courses, provides a link “Click here to find electronic articles and other information” which carries the students to the Online Databases with Passwords Link (Online Databases with Passwords Link). • The distance learning coordinator sends online students an email every semester detailing library services and instructions for obtaining passwords (MelvinEmail-25 January 2008). Northeast students, faculty, staff, and community members eighteen (18) years of age or older may register as library users and check out materials. Circulating materials are checked out for two (2) weeks with renewal possible. No overdue fines are charged for late return of materials. Students must return all materials before receiving their final grades for the semester. Faculty members are encouraged to return or renew their materials at the end of each semester (Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries Fall 2008, 26-30). Materials requested by individuals at an off-campus site are delivered to the campus requesting the materials within approximately twenty-four (24) hours. Northeast has several special collections for library users. The Mississippi Collection contains books about the state and books by Mississippi authors. The Children’s Collection contains books and magazines for early/elementary education majors and professors. Books in the Children’s Collection may also be checked out by parents in the community. The Professional Collection contains professional literature that assists faculty in research. The McNaughton Collection contains fiction and nonfiction bestsellers that are library leases through McNaughton/Brodart. Students and faculty are informed when new materials arrive through postings on the library’s blog which is available on the library’s webpage (Eula Dees Library Blog). They may also request books by contacting the librarians or by commenting on the blog. In addition to materials purchased by the library, many learning resources are held by divisions throughout the college. Subject-specific materials, computers, and other equipment are in technical and academic areas (Northeast Technical Programs Inventory; Northeast Academic Programs Inventory). Every academic building and dormitory offers wireless connectivity to the Internet. Core Requirements 52 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Library Services Northeast libraries provide the following services: • Inter-library loans for faculty and students are available through online requests or from both libraries. During 2007-2008, Northeast received seventy-six (76) interlibrary loans and sent thirty-eight (38) books to other colleges (Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 2007-2008). The majority of interlibrary loans are handled through the College’s associate membership in Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET). In addition, Northeast participates in the Mississippi Community College Libraries Reciprocal Lending Agreement for the Mississippi Virtual Community College Consortium with fourteen of Mississippi’s community and junior colleges with the following purpose: “To increase access to library resources within the member libraries. To maximize use of all the combined collections of the member libraries. To support the Mississippi Virtual Community College distance learning program.” The library directors and deans evaluate the agreement annually (Mississippi Community College Libraries Reciprocal Lending Agreement and Evaluation for the Mississippi Virtual Community College Consortium). Furthermore, Northeast participates in Mississippi Community College Library Information Partnership (MCCLIP), an agreement between Mississippi community colleges’ libraries and the Mississippi State University Library. The agreement, which is evaluated regularly, focuses on “sharing of resources, including physical, technical, and human, between its members” (Mississippi Community Colleges Library Information Partnership (MCCLIP) Letter of Agreement and Evaluations). In addition, Northeast maintains contracts, which are reviewed annually, with the Union County Library and Northeast Regional Library to supply supplemental resources and services (Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Northeast Regional Library; Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Union County Library). • Fifty-four (54) public access computers at the Eula Dees Memorial Library and four (4) wired and twenty (20) wireless computers at Northeast at New Albany provide access to the Internet, online library catalog, online databases, and electronic resources. Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007, MyMathLab, PLATO, and SAM are installed on all computers. Other software programs installed on selected computers include Visual Basic, Visual Studio, WordPerfect, and Works. The Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, which offers twenty-five to forty-nine percent of a degree program, has a mobile tower with 25 laptop computers. There are two (2) computer laboratories, each with twenty (20) desktop computers, and two (2) additional classrooms containing teleconferencing equipment. • Reference assistance is available in the library, by telephone and email, and through the QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian online chat reference service. In addition to the daily in-person and email reference questions, the Northeast library Core Requirements 53 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 staff responded to 459 telephone reference questions during 2007-2008 (Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 2007-2008). • Three (3) small-group study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The stacks area of the main library is designated as a quiet study area with conversation and cell phones prohibited. • A fee-based photocopier for student use is located in the lobby of the Eula Dees Memorial Library on the main campus. • Library users may also fax documents for a nominal fee. • Mail service is available for distance learning students who do not have classes on campus. This service allows students to request materials and receive them by mail. • A computer tutor is available in the library at scheduled hours throughout the week (Tutoring Schedule Spring 2008). Evaluations of Sufficiency of Learning Resources Annually, Northeast uses multiple surveys to evaluate the libraries. To compare the facilities, services, materials, and staff with other Mississippi public community and junior college libraries, the College participates in a survey based on standards of the Association of College and Research Libraries (MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007). Each year during the fall semester, the Office of Planning and Research conducts the Campus Climate Survey, a survey of faculty and staff to evaluate the effectiveness of various areas of the College. The Campus Climate Survey shows the weighted average results of responses based on a Likert scale of one (1) through five (5) with five (5) being the highest response (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Each spring the faculty are asked to evaluate Library Resources (Results of Spring 2008 Faculty Evaluation of Library). Tables containing the results of various faculty surveys can be found below. 1. Campus Climate Survey (5-point Likert scale) Learning Resources/Library 2. Faculty Evaluation of Library (% I agree/I strongly agree) Current hours are satisfactory for students Budget permitting, the library obtains materials I request Core Requirements Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 4.43 4.40 4.26 Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 94.0% 94.5% 93.0% 91.6% 89.7% 96.4% 54 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The library provides appropriate learning/information resources that support my teaching & research 88.0% 90.7% 86.0% Prior to 2008, when the survey began to be administered through Blackboard, faculty at Northeast at New Albany, an off-campus site approved by a Substantive Change in spring 2007, evaluated the libraries in a separate survey which showed the following “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” responses : • 85.7 % stated that “current hours are satisfactory for students.” • 100% stated that “budget permitting, the library obtains materials I request.” • 85.6% stated that “the library provides appropriate learning/information resources that support my teaching” (Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006). Surveys of students provided similar results. Each spring semester, students participating in graduation complete the Survey of Student Opinions which shows the weighted average results of responses based on a Likert scale of one (1) through five (5) with five (5) being the highest response (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2007). Each fall semester, students completing all English Composition I (ENG 1113) classes are asked to complete the Library Student Survey (Results of the Fall 2007 Library Student Survey). Off-campus students are asked to respond to the “Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students” (Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007, Library Resources Survey of New Albany Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2006). The MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey is given in the spring to the distance learning students (Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008). Tables containing the results of various student surveys can be found below. Survey of Student Opinions Library/Learning Resources Center Facilities & Services Library Student Survey (%I agree /I strongly agree) Northeast ensures that Library and Learning Resources are available to all students The library and learning resources meet the needs of the students and support the programs and purpose of the college Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students (%I agree/I strongly agree) Corinth Northeast library ensures that necessary library and learning resources are available to me Core Requirements Spring 2007 Spring 2006 Spring 2005 4.37 4.38 4.39 Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 92.3% 93.0% 92.0% 90.9% 90% 90.2% Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 100% Not Applicable Not Applicable 55 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 New Albany Northeast library ensures that necessary library and learning resources are available to me Corinth The NEMCC library meets my needs as a student New Albany The NEMCC library meets my needs as a student Corinth The library supports the program in which I am enrolled New Albany The library supports the program in which I am enrolled Institutional Research ReviewDistance Learning, June 2008 If I needed resource books or magazines that were not online, the resources were delivered within a reasonable time 100% 97% Not Applicable 100% Not Applicable Not Applicable 89% 91% Not Applicable 100% Not Applicable Not Applicable 96% 88% Not Applicable Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 (% I Agree/I strongly agree) (% I Agree/I strongly agree) (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 55% 52% 48% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 4% 9% (%I Agree/I strongly agree) (%I Agree/I strongly agree) (%I Agree/I strongly agree) 86% 74% 78% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 7% 6% 5% Instruction for using library resources has been made available to me 6% Core Requirements 56 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 IR Review, Distance Learning, June 2008 Check the following electronic resources that you have used: MAGNOLIA Products MELO Online Library Catalogs Others Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 (%I Agree/I strongly agree) 31% 37% 25% 7% (%I Agree/I strongly agree) (%I Agree/I strongly agree) 33% 36% 26% 4% 32% 36% 23% 9% Twenty-one (21) responses to the “MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey Comments Spring 2008” noted that the library was the most effective student service provided (MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey Comments Spring 2008). In addition to the evaluations included above, all programs in the Division of Health Sciences have met sufficient library resources requirements for accrediting agencies outside the College (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 10). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 209-211 Question Point: Ask a Librarian Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 54 Library Committee Minutes-2008 and 2007 Library Orders 2007-2008 List of Available MAGNOLIA Databases MELO website Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage Northeast at New Albany Homepage Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage Online Database Page Online Databases with Passwords Link Eula Dees Memorial Library Bookmark Northeast at New Albany Library Bookmark Melvin-Email-25 January 2008 Core Requirements Location Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/Plan0813_209-211 Media/Lib247AskRef Media/ProcMan0809_54 Media/LibMinCom0807 Media/LibOrders0708 Media/LibTleOnlineData Media/LibMELO Media/LibEulaMemHomePg Media/NENAHomePg Media/LibNENAHomePg Media/LibOnlinePg Media/LibOnlinePasswdLink Media/LibBkMark Media/LibNABkMark Media/MelvinEmail14May08 57 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries Fall 2008, 26-30 Eula Dees Library Blog Northeast Technical Programs Inventory Northeast Academic Programs Inventory Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 2007-2008 Mississippi Community College Libraries Reciprocal Lending Agreement and Evaluation for the Mississippi Virtual Community College Consortium Mississippi Community Colleges Library Information Partnership (MCCLIP) Letter of Agreement and Evaluations Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Northeast Regional Library Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Union County Library Tutoring Schedule Spring 2008 MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Results of Spring 2008 Faculty Evaluation of Library Media/LibProcMan08_26-30 Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2007 Results of the Fall 2007 Library Student Survey Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007 Library Resources Survey of New Albany Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2006 Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008 MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey Comments Spring 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 10 Media/LibNAFacEvalFl06 Core Requirements Media/LibBlog Media/LibTechInv Media/LibAcdInv Media/LibAnRpt0708 Media/LibMSCCReciprocal Media/LibMCCLIP Media/LibContEvalServ0708 Media/LibUCConEval0708 Media/LibTutorSp08 Media/LibMPCJCSur0607 Media/CCSJan08 Media/LibFacEvalSp08 Media/SSOJuly07 Media/LibStdEvalFl07 Media/LibOffStdFl07 Media/LibOffStdFl06 Media/IRRJune08 Media/LibMSVCCStdComSp08 Media/StdCat0809 10 58 2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.10 Student Support Services The institution provides student support programs, services and activities consistent with its mission that promote student learning and enhance the development of its students. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast provides a program of student services that “will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Northeast provides support services for students through a variety of services and programs on the main campus. These services include the following: Enrollment Services (including Recruiting, Admissions, Placement, Advising, Registration, and Graduation), Financial Aid, Guidance Services, Bookstore Services, Records/Transcripts/Grades, Student Life, and Security. A variety of appropriate student services is offered at Northeast at New Albany off-campus site and Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, which is a long-term, educational facility offering twenty-five (25%) to forty-nine (49%) percent of degree programs. The overall responsibility for the student services program at all locations of Northeast Mississippi Community College is under the direction of the Dean of Student Services (Kenneth Pounders). Mr. Pounders has thirteen (13) years of experience at Northeast and served as Division Head of Allied Health prior to becoming Dean of Student Services (Kenneth Pounders, Vita). ENROLLMENT SERVICES (Admissions/Records) The department of Enrollment Services is led by the Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services (Robert L. Gibson) who also serves as the Registrar for the College, including the off-campus sites. Mr. Gibson has six (6) years experience at Northeast for a total of twenty-two (22) years experience in higher education (Robert L. Gibson, Vita). Admissions The College recruits students from a five-county district that includes Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union counties, by advertising through the College website, in state and local media, by direct mail, and by onsite visits at local high schools. Students that wish to learn more about the institution may access the College website and online documents including the student catalog, the student handbook, and course schedules. Students may also request a print copy of these publications by contacting personnel in the office of Enrollment Services on the main campus or the directors of Northeast at New Albany off-campus site and Northeast at Corinth off-campus site (Northeast Core Requirements 59 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Publication Webpage). The Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services is assisted in the admissions process by three (3) full-time staff members. Students applying for admission to the institution must submit an application by downloading the application from the College website, submitting a paper application, or by applying in person at one of the campus sites. Prospective students may also request forms via email at [email protected]. Admission standards are identical for students entering programs delivered at the off-campus sites and for students entering programs taught at the main campus. Admission policies of the institution are found in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19-28). Northeast has an open-door policy for admission. During the spring 2008 and fall 2008 semesters, the institution received 4,171 applications; 2,982 individuals completed the application process and were accepted for enrollment. Of these applicants, 2,183 matriculated at the institution (Pounders-Email-Applicants-23 February 2009). After meeting the admissions requirements, students are mailed an acceptance letter. This letter lists the student’s major, advisor’s name and advisor’s office number and email address. The role of the faculty advisor is to assist in planning the class schedule, provide up-to-date information about careers, refer students to proper sources for assistance, encourage students in their efforts to be successful, and approve academic programs for graduation. Students are encouraged to contact their advisors any time they need assistance. The advisor is available to conference with the student during each semester via email, telephone, or in person (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 33; Advisors Handbook 2008-2009). Students who apply for admission are invited by mail to an orientation on the main campus (Student Orientation, Advising & Registration Brochure, July 2008). The dates of the orientation are posted on the College website. The students at Northeast at New Albany off-campus site and Northeast at Corinth off-campus site may attend orientation on the main campus or utilize a virtual orientation available through the “Counseling Center” webpage on the Northeast website (Northeast Distance Learning Webpage). In the summer of 2008, 916 entering freshmen attended an orientation session (PoundersEmail-Orientation-23 February 2009). When students are admitted to the College, their ACT scores are reviewed to determine if specific academic skills need to be improved. Students with ACT sub-scores below a scale set by the institution are required to participate in diagnostic testing and placement. Accuplacer is the diagnostic testing tool used to determine appropriate class placement. Accuplacer testing is offered on both the main campus and at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. Because of Northeast’s commitment to under-prepared students, those with academic deficiencies are enrolled in developmental classes or referred to the Counseling Center to complete the Accuplacer testing (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 22). Core Requirements 60 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 During the fiscal year 2007-2008, the Residual ACT was given to approximately 550 students. The Accuplacer was administered to 696 duplicated students to determine if they should take developmental classes. The following table details course placement determined by the Accuplacer results (Residual ACT Report 2008; Residual ACT Report 2007; Residual ACT Report 2006; Accuplacer Course Roster Report August 2007-July 2008): Course ENG 1103 (Introduction to Composition) ENG 1113 (English Composition I) MAT 1203 (Beginning Algebra) MAT 1233 (Intermediate Algebra) MAT1313 (College Algebra) Total Number of Students 165 25 359 129 18 696 The office of Planning and Research annually assesses the success of the Developmental Studies Program by compiling a report which examines passage rates and ACT scores for students who took the Accuplacer placement examination and those who did not. This report is prepared for math and English developmental studies courses. The results for MAT 1103, MAT 1203 and MAT 1233 in the Fall 2007 semester are shown below with another semester of mathematics and two semesters of English appended (Developmental Studies Report Math Fall 2007; Developmental Studies Report Math Spring 2008; Developmental Studies Report English Fall2007; Developmental Studies Report English Spring 2008): MATH 1203, 1233, 1313 Fall 2007 Passage Rates OVERALL MAT 1203 Total Students: 514 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 357 Passage Rate: 69.5% Average ACT: 15.68 WITH ACCUPLACER MAT 1203 Total Students: 293 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 205 Passage Rate: 70.0% Average ACT: 15.84 Average Accuplacer: 37.98 WITHOUT ACCUPLACER MAT 1203 Total Students: 221 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 152 Passage Rate: 68.8% Average ACT: 15.48 OVERALL MAT 1233 Total Students: 355 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 224 Passage Rate: 63.1% Average ACT: 16.80 WITH ACCUPLACER MAT 1233 Total Students: 213 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 128 Passage Rate: 60.1% Average ACT: 16.59 Average Accuplacer: 56.46 WITHOUT ACCUPLACER MAT 1233 Total Students: 142 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 96 Passage Rate: 67.6% Average ACT: 17.06 WITH ACCUPLACER WITHOUT ACCUPLACER OVERALL Core Requirements 61 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 MAT 1313 Total Students: 482 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 324 Passage Rate: 67.2% Average ACT: 19.47 MAT 1313 Total Students: 165 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 98 Passage Rate: 59.4% Average ACT: 16.62 Average Accuplacer: 56.24 MAT 1313 Total Students: 317 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 226 Passage Rate: 71.3% Average ACT: 20.67 Assessment data support that students who successfully complete the developmental studies sequence have an overall success rate comparable to those students who enter without academic deficiencies. As a continuing follow-up to the admissions process and to ensure successful integration to the College, during the fall and spring semesters, a day is set aside exclusively for advising. This “Advising Day” is offered to allow currently-enrolled students a convenient time to see their advisor, register for the next semester, and ask questions or express concerns they may have. Advising Day is offered at the three (3) Northeast sites and the dates are published in the college calendar (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 3; Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, and Fall 2008, 5; Northeast Class Lookup Webpage). Registration for classes may be completed at the main campus or at the off-campus sites. The Office of Enrollment Services offers onsite registration at the Northeast at New Albany and the Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites before the beginning of each semester. The directors of the off-campus sites and counselors are also available to assist students with the onsite registration (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3). Fees are payable before the beginning of each semester. Fee payment may be made by cash, check, money order, credit card via the “Tigerline” link on the Northeast webpage, or by calling the Northeast Business Office. Fee payment may be accomplished at the Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites during scheduled registration days. Tuition and fees may also be charged to completed, authorized financial aid by visiting or calling the Business Office (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 69). Records The Records Office is charged with maintaining the confidentiality and security of student academic records, including both hard copy and electronic versions. Documents are scanned utilizing a digital imaging system before being placed in the file and secured in a vault. Student records are created in the Admissions Office. Completed files for enrolled students are permanently maintained in the Records Office. Active student records are maintained in a location in the vault separate from inactive records. Permanent records are maintained and stored at the main campus, only. Northeast houses 3,108 (Spring 2009) active student records and has 58,383 inactive student records dating back to the College’s founding in 1948 (Pounders-Email-Records-23 February 2009). The institution has an official policy on the release of student records. This policy is located in the Northeast Student Catalog and on the Northeast website. Official Core Requirements 62 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 transcripts are released upon receipt of a written and signed request from the student provided that all College obligations have been met. Transcript request forms are available online or in the Records Office. Students may request transcripts via fax; however, telephone and email requests are not accepted (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 61; Admissions & Records Homepage). Current students, both on the main campus and the off-campus sites, may access unofficial transcripts through the secure website Tigerline (Northeast Tigerline Transcript Webpage). Students may print a copy of their transcripts, view and print class schedules and grades, as well as use the Curriculum and Advising Program Planning (CAPP) software. CAPP enables students to see degree requirements completed in association with their declared major. CAPP offers a “What if” analysis for those students undecided about a major. Additionally, students may pay tuition, view any holds on their records, verify current mailing addresses, and find contact information for their advisor on Tigerline. Students can apply for graduation on dates specified in the College Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3). Students are required to complete a graduation application and pay a graduation fee. Applications are available in the Record’s Office and may be mailed upon request. The Records Office is open daily from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services is assisted in the records process by two (2) fulltime staff members. Financial Aid The Financial Aid Department administers assistance programs from the following categories: academic scholarships, performance scholarships, athletic scholarships, foundation scholarships, and governmental assistance programs. The department provides governmental financial aid to all students according to their eligibility and administers the programs in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. During fall 2007, spring 2008, and summer 2008, $8,134,093 in governmental aid was distributed to 5,376 students (duplicated) (Financial Aid Awarded 2007-2008). Northeast participates in the following federal financial aid programs for student assistance with the disbursement amounts for each program indicated: Federal Pell Grant ($4,715,877), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) ($79,311), Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership program (LEAP) ($13,565), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) ($136,092), Federal Work Study ($155,197), and Federal Family Education Loan Program ($2,620,995) (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 45-58; Financial Aid Awarded 2007-2008). Core Requirements 63 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Students may also apply for state, institutional, privately-funded, and foundation programs. State programs include the Mississippi Resident Tuition Assistance Grant Program (MTAG) and Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG). MTAG was awarded to 830 students in the amount of $341,475 and MESG was awarded to 12 students in the amount of $21,960 in 2007-2008. Institutional scholarships based on participation and/or competition were awarded to 1,304 students in the amount of $1,368,199 for 2007-2008. Agency and Foundation scholarships were awarded to 724 students in the amount of $1,221,443 (Financial Aid Awarded 2007-2008). For fiscal year 2008, 3,012 students representing 72% of the student body received some form of financial aid. The total dollar distribution was $10,723,735 (Prather-EmailFinancial Aid-23 February 2009; Financial Aid Awarded 2007-2008). Financial aid/scholarship information and applications are available to students at the main campus and the off-campus sites through the College website; by mail at 101 Cunningham Boulevard, Booneville, MS 38829; by phone; by email at [email protected] or in person by visiting Estes Hall on the main campus (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 45-58). The Financial Aid Department consists of a director (Janice Prather) and four (4) fulltime employees. Mrs. Prather has twenty-nine (29) years experience in student services with twenty-eight (28) in financial aid. The Financial Aid Office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. During the fall and spring registration weeks, the director or a member of the financial aid staff is available at the New Albany location. A financial aid representative from the main campus is available at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site every third Tuesday of the month. Financial aid representatives also accompany recruiting staff on high school visits to assist with completing financial aid applications. Financial aid workshops are offered at the main campus, Northeast at New Albany, and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites during the summer months (Janice Prather, Vita). Guidance and Counseling Services The Department of Guidance and Counseling offers educational and career guidance counseling, personal and social counseling, tutorial services (individual and group), assistance for special needs students, and job placement services. Testing services are provided including ACT (national and residual), Accuplacer (student placement test), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Career Report, MVTI Career Report, Learning Style Inventory, Holland Self-Directed Search, and Choices (career selection). Focused workshops include time management, study and test-taking skills, resume building, interview skills, as well as, GPA calculation (The Counseling Center Brochure). During the fiscal year 2007-2008, approximately 1,600 students were assisted through counseling services. The Residual ACT was given to approximately 550 students. The Accuplacer was administered to 696 duplicated students to determine if they should take developmental classes. The following table details course placement determined by the Core Requirements 64 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Accuplacer results (Residual ACT Report 2008; Residual ACT Report 2007; Residual ACT Report 2006; Accuplacer Course Roster Report August 2007-July 2008): Course ENG 1103 (Introduction to Composition) ENG 1113 (English Composition I) MAT 1203 (Beginning Algebra) MAT 1233 (Intermediate Algebra) MAT1313 (College Algebra) Total Number of Students 165 25 359 129 18 696 The student can find information describing the various guidance services in the Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, the Student Handbook 2008-2009, and the Counseling Center link located under “Departments” on the Northeast website (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 42-44; Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 38-42; Northeast Counseling Center Webpage). The department is under the direction of a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist (LCMHT) (Joey Williford), who is assisted by five (5) full-time counselors, one (1) part-time counselor, and one (1) administrative assistant. Mr. Williford has two (2) years of experience at Northeast and twelve (12) years experience in mental health counseling (Joey Williford, Vita). Counselors are available on the main campus Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and are available for crisis intervention on call. During the fall and spring registration week, a counselor is available each night at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. During the regular semester, a counselor is available two (2) nights per week at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. A counselor is also available at the Northeast at Corinth off-campus site one (1) day per week. Counselors can be contacted by email at [email protected], online through the Northeast website, by telephone, or in person in the Counseling Center located in Waller Hall on the main campus. Guidance and counseling services information is posted on bulletin boards at all campus locations. The Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009 includes the telephone number and email addresses of the Director of Guidance and Counseling Services and lists all of the services of the division (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 38-42). From the Northeast homepage there are links for the off-campus sites. The Northeast at New Albany and the Northeast at Corinth off-campus site webpages contain information on advising, career services, access to career planning and college planning websites, a college orientation presentation, information on how to choose a major, access to tutoring, disabilities application, job placement information, and testing services (Northeast Homepage; Northeast at New Albany Homepage; Northeast at Corinth Homepage). Tutorial services are available at no cost for students at the main campus and both offcampus sites. Tutorial applications are available from counselors at the main campus and both off-campus sites. Computer laboratories at the main campus and Northeast at New Core Requirements 65 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Albany off-campus site utilize computer-aided tutorials and basic skills development software. Tutorial links are available on the Counseling Center Webpage (Northeast Counseling Center Webpage; Student Support Services Application /Contract). Assistance for students with disabilities is available by contacting counselors at the main campus or the counselor at the off-campus sites. The webpages for both off-campus sites contain contact information and a Disabilities Resource Guide. Students may also contact the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Officer (Dean of Student Services) in person, by telephone or by email. Self-identification is initiated by accessing a copy of the online “NEMCC Disabilities Application” on the College website or a copy may be obtained from the information stand at the Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites, from the ADA Compliance Officer in Estes Hall, or from the Counseling Center in Waller Hall on the main campus. Students with verified disabilities are assigned to a disabilities counselor for development of a reasonable accommodation plan (Disabilities Resource Guide; NEMCC Disabilities Application for Services, Example, NEMCC Disabilities Accommodation Plan, Example). Students at the main campus and the off-campus sites are assisted in job placement services while enrolled and at graduation. Fifty-five (55) enrolled students requested information about part- and full-time employment during the 2007-2008 academic year (Students Requesting Job Information 2007-2008). Applications for employment consideration are placed in display racks in the Counseling Center and at the off-campus sites with instructions either to mail or to fax applications to the Office of Student Placement. Students at the off-campus sites are also made aware of job announcements through email announcements. A Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Center provides convenient, one-stop employment information and classroom presentations on personal assessment, career, and employability skills within the Northeast at New Albany and the Northeast at Corinth offcampus sites. These centers work together to provide services needed by the unemployed, underemployed and dislocated workers. These services include labor market information, job referrals, training assistance, assistance with job applications and resumes, and career counseling. Students Rights and Responsibilities Northeast complies with the federal equal opportunity and civil rights requirements. Students at the main campus and the off-campus sites are subject to the same college regulations and have the same rights. These rights and regulations are published in the Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009 and are available to all students in hard copy or on the College website. This handbook is reviewed and revised annually. Suggested changes are submitted to the Executive Vice-President for approval. The last update occurred in the summer of 2008 (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 72-73; Northeast Publications Webpage). Core Requirements 66 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Student complaints and grievances are handled in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Northeast Student Handbook. This handbook is distributed at orientation sessions, is given to dormitory residents, and is available online and by request in the Office of Dean of Student Services. Annually, faculty and staff receive copies of the Northeast Student Handbook at the opening of school faculty and staff meeting (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 52-54). Library and Learning Resources The purpose of the Library/Learning Resources Center is “to provide resources in various formats to support the instructional programs of the community college; to give instruction on the use of reference books, computer programs, and other library resources; and to provide assistance to the community beyond the confines of the College” (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 52). Students enrolled in English Composition I (ENG 1113) are required to complete library orientation units. The librarian demonstrates the use of the online catalog and online databases for library orientation units in ENG 1113. Students have hands-on experience using computers to do research during the orientation sessions. Public Speaking (SPT 1113) students also receive formal instruction in securing information for informative and persuasive speeches. Other classes may request library instruction as needed. In addition to the formal instruction, the librarians assist students and faculty with personalized bibliographic instruction and research. The library on the main campus is staffed by a head librarian (Glenice Stone) and three (3) full-time librarians all of whom hold a Master’s in Library Science and one (1) library assistant with an associate’s degree. Mrs. Stone has 14 years experience at Northeast as a staff librarian and one year as director of the library (Glenice Stone, Vita). There is a parttime librarian at Northeast at New Albany off-campus site who also holds a Master’s in Library Science. Currently, library services assistance at Northeast at Corinth off-campus site is offered online. Bookstore Services Northeast’s Bookstore stocks all textbooks required by instructors for their courses. Books may be ordered from the Bookstore by phone, purchased online from the Northeast Bookstore at, or purchased at the Booneville main campus Bookstore (Northeast Bookstore Webpage). The Bookstore is open daily from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Bookstore offers extended hours of operation during the first week of each semester. The Bookstore is staffed by a manager (Mitchell McBride) and two (2) permanent staff, along with seasonal employees. Mr. McBride has served as manager of the Northeast Bookstore for twenty-five (25) years. Core Requirements 67 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 STUDENT LIFE Student Publications The BEACON is the authorized weekly electronic newspaper of the College. It is prepared and edited by students with a staff advisor. The paper follows standards set by the Mississippi Community/Junior College Press Association. Students may access the publication via the Northeast Homepage (Northeast Publications Webpage). Athletics In 2008-2009, Northeast offered intercollegiate athletics in the following sports with the indicated number of participants: football (52), men’s basketball (15), women’s basketball (14), baseball (26), women’s fast-pitch softball (14), men’s and women’s tennis (14) and men’s golf (11). Of the total student body, 4.7% participated in intercollegiate athletics during fall 2008 and spring 2009 (Team Roster 2008-2009). All sports are governed by membership in the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges and the National Junior College Athletic Association. During FY08, Northeast awarded $303,426 in athletic scholarships from institutional funds (Athletics and Fine Arts Scholarships FY08). Northeast’s athletic program is under the supervision of the Athletic Director (Ricky Ford) who is assisted by nine (9) full-time employees with coaching and non-coaching responsibilities, three (3) part-time employees with coaching and non-coaching duties, and one (1) full-time athletic trainer. Mr. Ford has twenty-eight years experience at Northeast working in admissions, records, financial aid, counseling and athletics. He has served as the athletic director since 2006 (Ricky Ford, Vita). The FY09 annual operating budget of this program is $1,239,825 (Budgets FY 09, 25-27). Northeast’s co-educational cheerleading squad, composed of twelve (12) students, is also under the direction of the athletic department and the members are chosen by a panel of judges during tryouts in the spring of each year (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 3; 56-58). The intramural sports program at Northeast, under the direction of the Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities (Angie Langley), provides opportunities for participation in the following sports: basketball, tennis, flag football, softball, volleyball, and 3-on-3 basketball. During the 2007-2008 academic year, 341 students participated in these activities (Pounders-Email-Intramurals-23 February 2009). The Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities is assisted by four (4) individuals who are full-time to the institution but part-time to the intramural program. Mrs. Langley has eight (8) years experience at Northeast working as Tech Prep Coordinator and Dean of Continuing Education (Angie Langley, Vita). The intramural program is funded through the general student services budget. Northeast operates a fitness facility in the Burgess Activity Center which houses strengthtraining (15) and cardiovascular (10) equipment for men and women. The fitness center is Core Requirements 68 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 under the direction of the Dean of Student Services and is funded through the student services budget. Frank and Audrey Haney Union The Frank and Audrey Haney Union was designed to provide a place for recreational, social, cultural, and educational programs for Northeast students. The Haney Union is designed for student enjoyment and relaxation. The Haney Union houses the bookstore, game room, cafeteria, ballroom, student newspaper office, student government offices and several conference rooms. The game room contains pool tables, ping-pong tables, video games and aerobic-fitness equipment for men and women (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 8). Gaye Roden Carr Aquatic Center The aquatic center features an outdoor, olympic-size swimming pool and a shower/dressing room area. Programmatic activities include both student and community use. The aquatic center is staffed by certified lifeguards and is open June through August (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 8). Musical Groups The Tiger Marching Band is a 200-plus-member marching band that performs at football games, parades and other events throughout the Southeast. An indoor Drumline performs at area competitions, local high schools, and other events. The Tiger Dancers are a 48member dance squad that performs with the Tiger Marching Band. A twelve-member Tiger Pom Squad performs for home basketball games, high school exhibitions and other events on and off the Northeast campus. The band is an academic activity offered for credit under the direction of a band master (Bryan Mitchell) who is a member of the faculty of the Division of Fine Arts and is assisted by one (1) full-time and one (1) parttime staff member. Mr. Mitchell has two years experience at Northeast and assisted with the marching band prior to becoming the band master. During FY08, Northeast awarded $288,492 in band scholarships from institutional funds. Northeast has invested in approximately 146 musical instruments totaling more than $160,310, and $74,600 in uniforms (Athletic and Fine Arts Scholarships FY08). Northeast offers a country music group, “Campus Country,” a complete country band with singers, instrumentalists, and sound technicians. Campus Country entertains at festivals, high schools, and other events (Campus Country Showtime Schedule). An average of twelve (12) students are involved in “Campus Country” annually. The College awarded $26,917 in scholarships from institutional funds in 2007-2008 (Athletic and Fine Arts Scholarships FY08; Rains-Email-22 February 2009). The Jazz Band consists of students who perform a variety of pop and jazz styles of music throughout the year for various school and community functions. The Jazz band performs Core Requirements 69 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 at an annual Jazz Band dinner. There is an average of twenty-five (25) students involved in the Jazz Band (Raines-Email-22 February 2009; Jazz Band Program) Membership in the following two (2) musical ensembles is offered to students: The Northeast Chorus and the Northeast Chamber Choir (Chamber Choir and Chorus Fall Concert, 6 October 2008). Participation in the Northeast Chorus averages 80 to 100 students with 25 to 30 of these students also participating in the Northeast Chamber Choir. The College awarded $29,126 in scholarships from institutional funds in FY 2008 (Athletic and Fine Arts Scholarships FY08; Raines-Email-22 February 2009). These musical groups are supported by a line item budget allocation in the general budget of the Fine Arts Division and are under the direction of a member of the Fine Arts faculty. Cultural Activities The Art Gallery located in Anderson Hall exhibits art work from current and former Northeast students as well as area artists. Exhibits are free and open to the public from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. during the school year. Northeast’s theatre department is an inclusive production ensemble emphasizing several diverse aspects of theatre – besides that of acting. Students are given the chance to express their creativity in a nurturing and constructive environment. Each year, Northeast theatre produces either full-length or one-act plays during the fall semester and a fulllength play or musical during the spring semester. Both theatre scholarships and classes are open to all who show the desire to participate. The chosen plays are suitable and relevant to the college student and the surrounding community. These productions are supported by a line item budget allocation in the general budget of the Fine Arts Division and are under the direction of a member of the Fine Arts faculty (Northeast Theatre “Working” Poster; One Act Plays 2008; Northeast Theatre Webpage). The following special events in which students can participate are held annually: Beauty Pageant, Homecoming, and Spring Fling Week (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 58-61). The Cultural Arts Committee is composed of Northeast faculty and staff interested in the arts. This committee has partnered with the Iota Zeta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society to coordinate some cultural arts offerings. The committee chooses topics appropriate to collegiate education which will provide enrichment opportunities for Northeast students, faculty, staff, and the local community. The following are examples of the cultural arts offerings for the past three (3) years: • Man’s Relationship to Nature. The Cultural Arts Committee presented a series of three (3) lectures focused on this topic: “High Water Everywhere! The Great Flood of 1927,” “The Delights and Dilemmas of Nature: The Challenge of Core Requirements 70 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • Environmental Ethics”and“A Brief History of Wetland Restoration in Mississippi and Opportunities for the Future” Gold, Gods, and Glory: The Global Dynamics of Power. Phi Theta Kappa presented the following four satellite seminars on campus in the fall semester of 2006: “Gender and Power in Relationships,” “Money Talks: Lobbyists and the Power of Money in Washington,” “The Iraq War and its Consequences in the Middle East,” and “Lessons Learned from My Grandfather” Racial Reconciliation. The Cultural Arts Committee presented a series of exhibits and lectures focused on this topic: “Emmett Till Exhibit,” “Emmett Till Case: The Murder That Changed America,” “Building Beloved Communities: How Faith Shapes Social Justice, From the Civil Rights Movement to Today,” “Building Bridges of Reconciliation,” and Race Relations Today and Possible Changes for Tomorrow” (Cultural Arts Summary 2006-2008). Student Organizations Northeast is associated with twenty-two (22) student organizations that provide opportunities for students to enrich their academic experience. The purpose of the organizations includes recreation, occupation-specific interests, politics, religious affiliation, scholarship, and community service. Each student organization has a charter and a faculty/staff advisor (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 55-67). The Student Government Association (SGA) plans activities for students, holds student discussions, presents student suggestions to the faculty advisors and/or members of administration, and acts in an advisory capacity to students. Upon enrolling in Northeast, each student becomes a member of the Student Government Association and a participant in the obligations, benefits, and privileges conferred thereby (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 67). The SGA is responsible for elections as outlined in the Student Government Association Constitution Article IV (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 68-70). Students are informed of upcoming elections by flyers and by postings on the website. Ballots are available online the day of the elections for all students. Students are encouraged to participate in school-sponsored activities. Cultural and social information is provided to students by several means. Announcement flyers are posted in buildings on the three (3) campus sites, information is sent by email, and information is posted to the website and/or Blackboard. Student life information is published in the Northeast Student Handbook, which is available in print and online (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 55-73). SGA and student life activities are planned and supervised by the Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities with the assistance of the Director of Event Planning and Housing. Core Requirements 71 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Housing Northeast provides comfortable and safe residence halls for students who wish to live on campus. The College has five (5) multi-level residence halls for men and women students: Murphy Hall and Mississippi Hall (women’s residence), Wood Hall (co-ed), and White Hall and Yarber Hall (men’s residence). Each facility is equipped with furniture and offers phone and wireless internet access. White Hall and Murphy Hall have two bedroom suites with connecting baths that accommodate four (4) students. Yarber Hall, Wood Hall, and Mississippi Hall have single units with a bath accommodating two (2) students. Students should be enrolled full-time to reside in a residence hall. All residents are required to purchase either a fifteen (15) meals per week or a nineteen (19) meals per week meal ticket (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 62). Each residence hall is staffed by a full-time proctor. The proctor or a substitute is available on call twenty-four (24) hours a day. In the fall semester of 2008, 732 students were housed in the Northeast residence halls which is an 89% occupancy rate (Coggin-Email-20 February 2009). Student identification cards and pictures are made both on campus and at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. Students are required to display their identification card while on campus. This identification card admits students to athletic events, the Burgess Activity Center and other campus-sponsored events (Northeast Student Handbook 20082009, 9; 46). Security The purpose of the Northeast Mississippi Community College Campus Law Enforcement department is to provide a safe and secure environment for the learning and extracurricular experiences for students, faculty, staff, and visitors while upholding state and federal laws and the rules and regulations of Northeast Mississippi Community College. Northeast employs two (2) categories of law enforcement personnel: police officers, who have graduated from the Mississippi Law Enforcement Academy, and security officers, who are trained but non-ceritified. The Campus Law Enforcement staff for the main campus consists of four (4) full-time police officers; three (3) full-time security officers; three (3) part-time police officers; and three (3) part-time security officers. The Campus Law Enforcement staff for Northeast at New Albany off-campus site consists of two (2) part-time security officers. Northeast at Corinth off-campus site is staffed by four (4) part-time security officers. Security personnel at the off-campus sites are present when faculty, staff, and students are present. Selected buildings on the main campus and the two (2) off-campus sites are equipped with video security systems. Campus Law Enforcement is under the supervision of a Chief of Police (Harold D. Bearden). Chief Bearden has seventeen (17) years of experience in law enforcement, with three (3) years at Northeast. Campus Law Enforcement is funded as a department within the student services division (Harold Bearden, Vita; Harold D. Bearden, Professional Certificate). Core Requirements 72 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Evaluation and Assessment of Student Support Services Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents are also asked to rate each program or service ranging from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported based on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to Student Support Services activities are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Item Northeast students are provided with high quality student services. I am aware of the student peer tutorial services available in the Counseling Center Northeast students are provided with high quality instructional support services I have referred students to the student peer tutorial services Northeast students are provided with high quality student services Records Office (Enrollment Services) Admissions Office (Enrollment Services) Recruiting Financial Aid Office Orientation Student Peer Tutorial Program Counseling Center Services Job Placement Services Learning Resources/Library Bookstore Student Government and Student Activities Housing/Dorms Campus Security Rating Fall 2007 4.10 Rating Fall 2006 4.09 Rating Fall 2005 4.20 4.28 4.19 4.26 4.25 4.17 4.18 4.11 3.88 4.01 4.10 4.09 4.20 4.32 4.21 4.00 3.76 3.99 3.95 3.94 3.62 4.43 3.80 3.68 3.50 4.11 4.30 4.17 3.90 3.77 4.13 3.92 3.89 3.54 4.40 3.97 3.45 3.09 4.13 4.18 4.11 4.00 3.82 4.10 3.97 4.00 3.82 4.26 3.93 3.70 3.35 3.99 During the spring semester, students who have taken classes at Northeast at New Albany or Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites are asked to complete the Northeast at New Albany Student Survey or the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey. The purpose of these surveys is to evaluate course content, materials, instructors and services. The instruments use a 5-point Likert scale with opportunity for open-ended comments. The results are analyzed by the Office of Planning and Research and disseminated in newsletter format. Items related to Student Support Services activities are shown below with results for the past two (2) years (Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008). Core Requirements 73 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 New Albany Corinth Rating Rating Item Spring Spring Spring Spring 2008 2007 2008 2007 Admissions/Entry Procedure 3.89 4.06 3.88 4.20 Course Registration Process 3.70 3.90 3.78 4.01 Business Office (Billing and Fee Payment) 3.75 3.62 3.72 3.99 Advising 3.54 3.58 3.48 3.79 Financial Aid Information and Services 3.38 3.75 3.42 3.77 Counseling Services 3.58 3.62 3.51 3.80 Library Services 3.74 3.71 3.60 3.84 Bookstore Services 3.67 3.31 3.53 3.73 Safety and Security 3.71 3.88 3.75 4.15 Sophomore students are asked to evaluate educational support services by completing the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered during graduation practice held in May of each year. This survey assesses the student’s level of satisfaction with programs and services and the student’s perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the student’s impressions of the college experience. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to Student Support Services activities are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). Item Academic Advising/Course Planning Services College Orientation Program Availability of your advisor Value of the information provided by your advisor Accuracy of college information you received before enrolling General Admissions General Registration Procedures Billing and Fee Payment Procedures Financial Aid Services Availability of Financial aid information prior to enrolling College Sponsored Tutorial Services Personal Counseling Services Job Placement Services Core Requirements 74 Rating Spring 2008 4.30 4.11 4.34 4.35 Rating Spring 2007 4.28 4.05 4.32 4.29 Rating Spring 2006 4.27 4.06 4.38 4.30 4.25 4.05 4.21 4.22 4.19 4.05 4.11 3.97 4.06 4.05 3.92 4.13 3.87 4.19 4.15 4.07 3.95 3.96 4.05 3.93 3.72 3.92 3.94 3.85 3.95 4.05 3.84 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Career Planning Services/Vocational Guidance Opportunities for Student Employment Library/Learning Resources Center Facilities & Services Study Areas College Bookstore Cultural Programs and Activities College Sponsored Social Activities Opportunity for personal involvement in college activities Student Government Personal Security/Safety at this college 3.86 3.94 4.44 4.01 3.93 4.37 3.97 3.99 4.38 4.22 4.05 4.06 3.86 4.05 4.06 3.86 3.69 3.70 3.86 4.19 4.14 3.93 3.85 4.12 3.89 4.23 3.85 3.93 3.98 4.08 Audits of service area performance provide quantitative evidence of the Student Support Service’s achievement of its primary goals and functions. Each student support service area formulates goals which support the purpose of each unit, then develops and implements procedures to evaluate the extent to which goals are achieved. Performance audits completed for student support services areas include such measurements as tutorial services provided, recruitment activities, response times for financial aid requests, job placement rates, library and learning resource collections and intramural activities offered (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 194-213). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Kenneth Pounders, Vita Robert L. Gibson, Vita Northeast Publication Webpage Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19-28 Pounders-Email-Applicants-23 February 2009 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 33 Advisors Handbook 2008-2009 Student Orientation, Advising & Registration Brochure, July 2008 Northeast Distance Learning Webpage Pounders-Email-Orientation-23 February 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22 Residual ACT Report 2008 Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/Kenneth_Pounders_Vitae Media/Lynn Gibson Vitae Media/NEPublicationPg Media/StdCat0809_19-28 Core Requirements 75 Media/PoundersEmailApplicants23Feb09 Media/StdHand0809_33 Media/AdvHbk0809 Media/OrientationBrochure08 Media/DLWebpage Media/PoundersEmailOrientation23Feb09 Media/StdCat0809_22 Media/ResidualACT08 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Residual ACT Report 2007 Residual ACT Report 2006 Accuplacer Course Roster Report August 2007-July 2008 Developmental Studies Report Math Fall 2007 Developmental Studies Report Math Spring 2008 Developmental Studies Report English Fall 2007 Developmental Studies Report English Spring 2008 Media/ResidualACT07 Media/ResidualACT06 Media/AccuplacerRpt0708 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3 Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, and Fall 2008, 5 Northeast Class Lookup Webpage Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 69 Pounders-Email-Records-23 February 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 61 Admissions and Records Homepage Northeast Tigerline Transcript Webpage Financial Aid Awarded 2007-2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 45-58 Prather-Email-Financial Aid-23 February 2009 Janice Prather, Vita The Counseling Center Brochure Residual ACT Report 2008 Media/StdCat0809_3 Media/SchBkFl08_5 Residual ACT Report 2007 Residual ACT Report 2006 Accuplacer Course Roster Report August 2007-July 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 42-44 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 38-42 Northeast Counseling Center Webpage Joey Williford, Vita Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, Media/ResidualACT07 Media/ResidualACT06 Media/AccuplacerRpt0708 Core Requirements 76 Media/MATHPassFailRatesFl07 Media/MATHPassFailRatesSP08 Media/ENGPassFailRatesFl07 Media/ENGPassFailRatesSP08 Media/TigerlineClassLookupPg Media/StdCat0809_69 Media/PoundersEmailRecords23Feb09 Media/StdCat0809_61 Media/AdmissionsRecordsHomePg Media/TigerlineTranscriptWebpage Media/AIDPaid0708 Media/StdCat0809_45-58 Media/PratherEmail23Feb09 Media/Janice_Prather_Vita Media/CounselingBrochure Media/ResidualACT08 Media/StdCat0809_42-44 Media/StdHand0809_38-42 Media/CounselingCtrWebpage Media/Joey Williford Vita Media/StdCat0809 38-42 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 38-42 Northeast Publications Webpage Northeast at New Albany Homepage Northeast at Corinth Homepage Student Support Services Application /Contract Disabilities Resource Guide NEMCC Disabilities Application for Services, Example NEMCC Disabilities Accommodation Plan, Example Students Requesting Job Information 2007-2008 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 72-73 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 52-54 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 52 Glenice Stone Vita Northeast Bookstore Webpage Team Roster 2008-2009 Budgets FY 09, 25-27 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 3; 56-58 Angie Langley Vita Pounders-Email-Intramurals-23 February 2009 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 8 Athletic and Fine Arts Scholarships FY08 Campus Country Showtime Schedule Rains-Email-22 February 2009 Jazz Band Program Chamber Choir and Chorus Fall Concert, 6 October 2008 Northeast Theatre “Working” Poster One Act Plays 2008 Northeast Theatre Webpage Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 58-61 Cultural Arts Summary 2006-2007 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 55-67 Core Requirements Media/ NEPublicationsPg Media/NENAHomePg Media/NECorinthHomePg Media/TutorApplication Media/ DisablitiesGuide Media/NEMCCDisabilitiesApplication Media/NEMCCDisabilitiesAccomodationPlan Media/StdJobInfoRquest0708 Media/StdHand0809_72-73 Media/StdHand0809_52-54 Media/Plan0813_52 Media/Glenice Stone Vita Media/NeBookstorePg Media/TeamRoster0809 Media/BudgetsFY09 25-27 Media/StdHand0809_3_56-58 Media/Angie Langley Vita Media/PoundersEmailIntramurals23Feb09 Media/StdHand0809_8 Media/AthleticsFineArtsScholarshipsFY08 Media/CampusCountrySchedule Media/RainsEmail22Feb09 Media/JazzBandProgram Media/ChamberChoirConcert6Oct08 Media/TheatreWorkingPoster Media/ OneActPlays08 Media/NETheatrePg Media/StdHand0809_58-61 Media/CulturalArtsSummary0607 Media/StdHand0809_55-67 77 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 67 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 68-70 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 55-73 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 62 Coggin-Email-20 February 2009 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 9; 46 Harold Bearden, Vita Harold D. Bearden, Professional Certificate Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Institutional Research Review-OffCampus, June 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 194-213 Media/StdHand0809_67 Core Requirements 78 Media/StdCat0809_68-70 Media/StdHand0809_55-73 Media/StdCat0809_62 Media/CogginEmail20Feb09 Media/StdHand0809_9_46 Media/Dean Bearden Vita Media/DeanBeardenProCert Media/CCSJan08 Media/IRROffcampusJune08 Media/SSOJuly08 Media/Plan0813_194-213 2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.11.1 Financial Resources The institution has a sound financial base and demonstrated financial stability to support the mission of the institution and the scope of its programs and services. The member institution provides the following financial statements: (1) an institutional audit (or Standard Review Report issued in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the AICPA for those institutions audited as part of a system wide or statewide audit) and written institutional management letter for the most recent fiscal year prepared by an independent certified public accountant and/or an appropriate governmental auditing agency employing the appropriate audit (or Standard Review Report) guide; (2) a statement of financial position of unrestricted net assets, exclusive of plant assets and plant-related debt, which represents the change in unrestricted net assets attributable to operations for the most recent year; and, (3) an annual budget that is preceded by sound planning, is subject to sound fiscal procedures, and is approved by the governing board. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Financial Base Northeast Mississippi Community College (Northeast) has a sound financial base and has demonstrated it has financial stability to support the institution’s mission and scope of programs. The financial revenues of Northeast consist of both restricted and unrestricted funds. Restricted funds may only be used to support activities established by their source. Restricted funds include state and federal contracts and grants, private gifts, and other restricted sources. Unrestricted funds are those over which the College maintains complete control. Sources of unrestricted funds include state appropriation, local county support, and tuition and fees paid by students. Appropriations from the State of Mississippi comprise the major source of Northeast funding. The College, along with the other community and junior colleges within the state, submits an annual budget request entitled Managerial Budget Request (MBR) to the Mississippi Legislature through the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC). The SBCJC submits a total funding request for all community and junior colleges to the legislature (Managerial Budget Request FY 2009). Based on a funding formula approved by the legislature, the SBCJC allocates appropriated state funds to the community and junior colleges. Northeast revenues are fairly consistent and are derived from state appropriations (54.3%), local funds composed of local tax millage and student Core Requirement 79 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 tuition and fees (34.4%), state reimbursement contracts (5.7%), federal contracts (1.7%), and other sources such as sales of educational services (3.9%). Northeast Mississippi Community College Unrestricted Fund Revenue by Source FY09 1,327,000 410,000 925,200 8,092,000 12,747,081 State Appropriations Federal Contracts Local Funds Other Sources State Reimbursement Northeast is supported locally by a five-county district composed of Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union counties. The County Boards of Supervisors from each of these counties allocate a portion of their county property taxes for support of Northeast. The counties may select the proportion of their tax support that is allocated to support physical plant expenditures and/or general fund operations. Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-141 mandates procedures used by counties in the allocation of funds for support of Mississippi’s community and junior colleges (Mississippi Code of 1972 §3729-141). Northeast Mississippi Community College Local District Tax Millage Support FY08 Maintenance Enlargement and Total Improvement County Millage Revenue Millage Revenue Millage Revenue Rate Received Rate Received Rate Received Alcorn 1.61 $ 359,968 3.39 $ 598,868 5.00 $ 958,836 Prentiss 2.75 $ 301,548 2.75 $ 301,548 5.50 $ 603,096 Tippah 1.37 $ 146,738 1.84 $ 196,902 3.21 $ 343,640 Tishomingo 2.00 $ 234,772 1.00 $ 117,136 3.00 $ 351,908 Union 2.63 $ 358,437 2.92 $ 437,666 5.55 $ 796,103 Demonstrated Financial Stability Northeast Mississippi Community College is audited annually by a CPA firm approved by the Mississippi Office of State Auditor. Brawner, Vanstory and Company, licensed certified public accountants in the state of Mississippi, is the independent audit firm approved to conduct the annual audit for Northeast. The annual audit is submitted to the Core Requirement 80 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Mississippi Office of State Auditor for review and approval before being made public. Audits are performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and in compliance with all Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), including GASB Statements 34 and 35. All college funds, federal grants, other state and private grants, and federal and state financial aid funds are audited as part of the Colleges annual aidit and are contained in the College’s audited financial statements. The audits present all required statements including a Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Statements of Net Assets, and Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets. Additionally, the audited financial statements include relative management letters; explanatory notes; and schedules of Long-Term Debt, Federal Financial Assistance, and Findings and Questioned Costs as verified by the audit reports for FY 2007, FY 2006, and FY 2005. The audit report for FY 2008 should be available on or about March 31, 2009. Northeast continually receives unqualified opinions on its audits (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2004). The annual audited financial statements show that the College’s cash and short-term investments are sufficient to cover approximately three (3) months of the expenditures and could be used to cover any unexpected budgetary shortfalls. Northeast cash on deposit is indemnified by the state of Mississippi Treasury Department. The Mississippi Treasury Department ensures that cash on deposit is collateralized at 105% in accordance with Mississippi Code of 1972 §27-105-5 (Mississippi Code of 1972 §27-105-5). In addition to the audited financial statements, Northeast’s Statement of Net Assets, Exclusive of Plant Assets and Plant Related Debt reflect a stable financial position. Northeast’s Net Assets, Exclusive of Plant Assets and Plant Related Debt for FY07 was $6,811,389, and for FY06 was $6,722,330 (State of Net Assets Exclusive of Plant Assets and Plant Related Debt, 30 June 2007, 30 June 2006). Four (4) core financial ratios can be used to further verify the financial stability of higher education institutions. These ratios are Primary Reserve, Viability, Return on Net Asset, and Net Operating Revenue and are presented below. • Primary Reserve Ratio measures the financial strength of an institution by comparing expendable net assets to total expenses. This ratio as defined in the Strategic Financial Analysis for Higher Education, “provides a snapshot of financial strength and flexibility by indicating how long the institution could function using its expendable reserves without relying on additional net assets generated by operations.” The Primary Reserve Ratios for Northeast for the past three (3) years are FY07 at .21, FY06 at .21, and FY05 at .32. A ratio at this level indicates that Northeast has the financial ability to cover over two (2) months of expenses from current reserves if the College made no adjustments to on-going activities and received no additional revenue. As with all institutions, if Northeast’s revenue stream were discontinued, the College would be forced to make significant reductions to all on-going activities. Northeast is able to pay all Core Requirement 81 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • expenses from expendable net assets. The College’s funds on reserve are sufficient to cover five (5) months of payroll costs. The College does not use debt to finance on-going activities. The Primary Reserve Ratio provides a similar measure of financial strength as the Current Ratio. Viability Ratio, as quoted from the Strategic Financial Analysis for Higher Education, “measures the availability of expendable net assets to cover debt should the institution need to settle its obligations as of the balance sheet date.” The Viability Ratio is the comparison of expendable assets to long-term debt. For fiscal years FY07, FY06, and FY05, the Viability Ratio for Northeast equals 2.06, 1.73, and 2.26 respectively. Northeast has outstanding long-term financing for expansion of one (1) dormitory on campus and campus-wide facility improvements made under a lease purchase for energy management improvement and services. The College has not entered into any other debt. The Viability ratios reflect that Northeast is able to meet cash flow needs without obtaining short-term loans. Return on Net Assets Ratio, as defined in the Strategic Financial Analysis for Higher Education, “determines whether the institution is financially better off than in previous years by measuring total economic return.” Northeast has achieved a Return on Net Assets of .04 for FY07, .016 for FY06, and -.02 for FY05. While these ratios are low, the ratios do indicate that Northeast has been able to maintain economic growth during the reductions in state appropriations experienced from FY00 through FY07. Northeast ratios reflect an ability to succeed even when major revenue streams are significantly reduced. From FY00 through FY07 Northeast suffered unprecedented reductions in state appropriations. Net Operating Revenues Ratio, according to the Strategic Financial Analysis for Higher Education, “is a primary indicator, explaining how the surplus from operating activities affects the behavior of the other three core ratios.” A positive ratio indicates that the institution experienced an operating surplus for the year; a negative ratio indicates a loss for the year. Due to the recent history of reductions in state appropriations, Northeast did not score well on this ratio. Northeast’s Net Operating Revenues Ratio is FY07 of .04, FY06 of .02, and FY05 of -.03. However, the College has made improvement in the ratio even while recovering from the significant reductions in state appropriations experienced in recent years. The College could have easily improved these ratio values by reducing faculty salaries, reducing the number of faculty, increasing class sizes, or reducing institutional scholarships. Because of the College’s Board of Trustees’ and Administration’s strong commitment to the faculty and students, the College has been able to maintain average faculty salaries without reducing faculty positions or increasing faculty class load. Tuition at the College, while increasing, has stayed within the average for the state and scholarships for students were not reduced during the extended period of reduced state appropriations. In conclusion, it is important to note that Northeast Mississippi Community College has maintained its focus of providing quality education and support services throughout the 2000’s while experiencing reductions in state appropriation support. The College has not Core Requirement 82 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 reduced its scope or focus during these times. In fact, Northeast has maintained and expanded its academic services. The College did use some of its funds on reserve to help maintain the academic and student support activities during the early 2000’s. Fiscal year 2005 was the last year that Northeast utilized funds on reserve during its budget year. In fact in FY08, Northeast ended the year with a surplus. At the conclusion of FY07 and FY08, Northeast had cash and cash equivalents on deposit of $6,811,389 and $6,737,641 respectively. Annual Budget Process Northeast’s annual budget process begins in early spring and involves all departments and divisions on campus. Revenue projections are based on previous years’ actual revenues as well as state appropriation notifications received from the SBCJC. Expenditure needs and projections are received from the College’s planning units; instructional divisions, and administrative departments. Each year in February and early March, division and department heads submit their department’s Needs Assessment Survey which describes additional initiatives and activities along with associated budget needs for the upcoming year. Each unit of the College is given the opportunity to submit requests for new, expanded, or renovated facilities, new positions, expanded programs funds, or new equipment via the Needs Assessment Survey. The Needs Assessment Survey is a link between the College’s annual budgeting process and the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document (Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Administrative Leadership; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Math Science; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-New Albany). Division and department heads review the current year’s budget to ensure the new fiscal year’s budget request meets department goals and objectives and strategic plans for the upcoming year. In March and early April, the departmental supervisors submit budget request forms for their respective departments to the Budget Committee for review (Budget Proposal Summary FY08, Math; Library; FY07, Math; Library). Budget requests are submitted for each department and managing unit of the College. The Budget Committee reviews the divisional/departmental budgets and the Vice-President of Finance and Operations compiles the operational budget for the College and prepares the budget for the President’s review. After the President’s review, the annual budget proposal is mailed to the Board of Trustees for review. A summary of the Budget Proposal with a comparison to the past year’s budgets is presented at the next Board of Trustees meeting (FY 2009 Budget Summary, 10 June 2008; FY 2008 Budget Summary, 12 June 2007; FY 2007 Budget Summary, 20 June 2006). Budgets are adopted at the June Board of Trustees meeting (Budgets Fiscal Year 2009; Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Budgets Fiscal Year 2006; Board of Trustees Minutes-10 June 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-12 June 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes- 20 June 2006; Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 72). Throughout the fiscal year, departmental supervisors monitor the budgets for their respective departments and make budget revisions within the budgeted line items of the specific department and/or between departments under the supervisor’s authority. All Core Requirement 83 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 budget revisions are forwarded to the Vice-President of Finance and Operations for review and for posting within the College’s administrative software (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 73; Budget Revision Request Form, Examples; Budget Proposal Summary FY08, Math; Library; Budget Proposal Summary FY07, Math; Library). Departmental supervisors may not make revisions to salary and fringe benefit costs. The Vice-President of Finance and Operations prepares quarterly financial monitoring reports comparing approved budget for revenue and expenditures to actual revenue and expenditures for the fiscal year as of the end of the quarter being reported. The quarterly monitoring reports are submitted to the President and the Board of Trustees for review for the quarters ending in September, December, and March (Quarterly Monitoring Reports, December 2008; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2008; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, March 2008; Quarterly Monitoring Report, December 2007; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2007; Board of Trustees Agenda-11 December 2008; Board of Trustees Agenda-9 September 2008; Board of Trustees Agenda-18 March 2008; Board of Trustees Agenda-13 December 2007; Board of Trustees Agenda-11 September 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-9 September 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-18 March 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes13 December 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007). The fourth quarter’s financial report is presented as the Amended Budget for the fiscal year. At the end of the fiscal year, the Vice-President of Finance and Operations and the Business Office staff compile an amended budget for the year which is submitted to the President for his review. The Amended Budget provides details of revenues and expenditures for all budgets for the fiscal year just ended. The President submits the amended budget to the Board of Trustees for approval in August following the fiscal year just ended (Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2006; Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-14 August 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes-8 August 2006). Monthly, the President presents a Status of Funds report to the Board of Trustees which reflects the status of cash on hand at the end of the prior month (Status of Funds, July 2008; Status of Funds, August 2008; Status of Funds, September 2008; Board of Trustees Agenda-8 July 2008; Board of Trustees Agenda-12 August 2008; Board of Trustees Agenda-9 September 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-9 September 2008). Expenditures are monitored and controlled through the departmental administrators with assistance from the Business Office and the Purchasing Office staff. Purchases are made through an electronic requisition system and require supervisor approval prior to a purchase order being issued. Requisitions must be approved by the appropriate campus authority prior to being electronically forwarded to the Purchasing Office. The Director of Purchasing verifies that the request to expend funds is in accordance with Mississippi Purchasing Law and College procedures before issuing an approved purchase order. Purchase orders are signed by the Director of Purchasing. The Director of Purchasing and appointed staff monitor purchases made by the College. All purchases must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and are reviewed by the Director of Purchasing. Core Requirement 84 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Departmental supervisors are trained in the purchasing procedures of the College (Purchasing Manual 2008). Actual expenditure payments are made through bank checks that may be signed only by Vice-President of Finance and Operations and the President as authorized in the Board Policy Book (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 75). Department administrators and division heads have the primary responsibility for control of expenditures within their respective areas of operation. These administrators ensure that expenditures do not exceed budget by monitoring their budgets via the College’s administrative software package. This software provides real-time financial information for each budgetary unit and allows the departmental supervisors, deans, or vicepresidents to monitor the budgets closely (Departmental Online Budget Information, Example). The Business Office has overall responsibility for budget control with the responsibility to call attention to major departures from budgeted allocations and to recommend and/or take corrective action. The results of Northeast’s annual audit process, budgeting process, and administrative control of financial processes and activities, ensure that the College has sound financial support and demonstrated financial stability to maintain the mission of the institution and the scope of its programs and service. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Managerial Budget Request FY 2009 Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-141 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2004 State of Net Assets Exclusive of Plant Assets and Plant Related Debt, 30 June 2007, 30 June 2006 Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Administrative Leadership Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Math Science Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708New Albany FY 2009 Budget Summary, 10 June 2008 FY 2008 Budget Summary, 12 June 2007 FY 2007 Budget Summary, 20 June 2006 Budgets Fiscal Year 2009 Core Requirement Location Media/ManagerialBudgetRequest09 Media/MSCode3729141 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Media/AuditedFinState30June04 Media/ NetAssetsFY06FY07 Media/ NeedsAssessSurvey0708Admin Lead Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708MathScience Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708NewAlbany Media/BudgetSummaryFY09 Media/BudgetSummaryFY08 Media/BudgetSummaryFY07 Media/BudgetsFY09 85 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-10 June 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-12 June 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-20 June 2006 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 72 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 73 Budget Revision Request Form, Examples Budget Request Forms FY08, Math; Library Budget Request Forms FY07, Math; Library Quarterly Monitoring Reports, December 2008 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2008 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, March 2008 Quarterly Monitoring Report, December 2007 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2007 Board of Trustees Agenda-11 December 2008 Board of Trustees Agenda-9 September 2008 Board of Trustees Agenda-18 March 2008 Board of Trustees Agenda-13 December 2007 Board of Trustees Agenda-11 September 2007 Board of Trustees-Minutes-11 December 2008 Board of Trustees-Minutes-9 September 2008 Board of Trustees-Minutes-18March 2008 Board of Trustees-Minutes-13 December 2007 Board of Trustees-Minutes-11 September 2007 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Core Requirement Media/BudgetsFY0708 Media/BudgetsFY07 Media/BudgetsFY06 Media/BOTMin10June08 Media/BOTMin12June07 Media/BOTMin20June06 Media/BotPol0809_72 Media/BotPol0809_73 Media/BudgetRevForm Media/ BudgetRequestFormFY08MathLibrary Media/ BudgetRequestFormFY07MathLibrary Media/QRTMonitorRptDec08 Media/QRTMonitorRptSept08 Media/QRTMonitorRptMarch08 Media/QRTMonitorRPTDec07 Media/QRTMonitorRptSept07 Media/BOTAgenda11Dec08 Media/BOTAgenda9Sept08 Media/BOTAgenda18March08 Media/BOTAgenda13Dec07 Media/BOTAgenda11Sept07 Media/BOTMin11Dec08 Media/BOTMin9Sept08 Media/BOTMin18March08 Media/BOTMin13Dec07 Media/BOTMin11Sept07 Media/AmendedBudgetsFY08 Media/AmendedBudgetsFY07 86 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 August 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 August 2006 Status of Funds, July 2008 Status of Funds, August 2008 Status of Funds, September 2008 Board of Trustees Agenda-8 July 2008 Board of Trustees Agenda-12 August 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008 Purchasing Manual 2008 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 75 Core Requirement Media/AmendedBudgetsFY06 Media/BOTMin12Aug08 Media/BOTMin14Aug07 Media/BOTMin8Aug06 Media/StatusFundsJuly08 Media/StatusFundsAug08 Media/StatusFundsSept08 Media/BOTAgenda8July08 Media/BOTAgenda12Aug08 Media/BOTMin8July08 Media/PurchasingMan08 Media/BOTPol0809_75 87 2.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2.11.2 Physical Resources The institution has adequate physical resources to support the mission of the institution and the scope of its programs and services Judgment of Compliance __X__Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College has adequate physical resources to support its institutional mission and program offerings. Northeast’s physical facilities include those on the main campus as well as those at its Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites. All of these facilities are designed to support the educational programs and support services of the College as provided in the College’s Purpose Statement which establishes the goal of providing “human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). The main campus in Booneville contains 144 acres and is the central administrative site of the college. The main campus contains 776,311 square feet of total building space. Instruction and student services activities occupy 692,819 square feet, or 89% of the total building space. Since 2003 Northeast has expended $18,483,665 in new construction and renovation of college facilities, and the college currently has $2.96 million in major construction/renovation projects in progress. These capital improvements include roof repairs, HVAC repairs, complete building renovations, and new construction. Funds for these improvements were provided by a combination of state bond funds, state appropriations, and local tax revenue. In accordance with state law, Northeast receives local funding from the counties of Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union to operate and maintain the physical plant. The millage rates and funds generated by each of the counties in FY 2008 are detailed in the following table. County Alcorn Prentiss Tippah Tishomingo Union Northeast Mississippi Community College Local District Tax Millage Support FY08 Maintenance Enlargement and Total Improvement Millage Revenue Millage Revenue Millage Revenue Rate Received Rate Received Rate Received 1.61 $ 359,968 3.39 $ 598,868 5.00 $ 958,836 2.75 $ 301,548 2.75 $ 301,548 5.50 $ 603,096 1.37 $ 146,738 1.84 $ 196,902 3.21 $ 343,640 2.00 $ 234,772 1.00 $ 117,136 3.00 $ 351,908 2.63 $ 358,437 2.92 $ 437,666 5.55 $ 796,103 Core Requirement 88 2.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Examples of major building and renovation projects that have been completed since 1999 include the following: • Construction of Childers Hall, a $4.34 million, 60,000 square foot health sciences complex which contains the Associate Degree Nursing program and the Dental Hygiene program, in addition to administrative and faculty offices • Construction of a $2.2 million, fifty (50) room addition to Mississippi Hall, which is one of Northeast’s female student residence halls • Renovation of Patterson Hall ($2.01 million), which houses the social/behavioral science programs, including a new pitched roof, new mechanical/HVAC systems, a new elevator, and ADA compliant restrooms • Completion of Phase I and Phase II construction at the Northeast at Corinth offcampus site • Completion of a new 6,740 square foot classroom building at Northeast at New Albany off-campus site • Renovation of Bonner Arnold Coliseum including brick restoration, roofing, HVAC improvements, new seats and other interior improvements (in progress) • Pre-planning for a new student services/administration building Master Plan In 1999 Northeast developed a Master Plan which detailed the physical facility needs of the college and plans for future construction and renovation projects (Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999). In 2007 a select committee of faculty and staff appointed by the president reviewed the Master Plan and recommended changes to the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees (Allen-Memo11 September 2007). In September 2007 the Buildings and Ground Committee of the Northeast Board of Trustees recommended that the building priorities in the Master Plan be modified and that renovation of Bonner Arnold Coliseum and pre-planning for a new Student Services/Administration building be given top priority. This motion was approved by the Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007). The college has recently hired an architectural firm to re-evaluate and update the Master Plan to reflect current college needs and projected growth and revenue. Off-Campus Sites In addition to the main campus, Northeast owns and operates two (2) off-campus sites at New Albany and Corinth. The Northeast at New Albany off-campus site consists of 3.68 acres containing two (2) buildings with a total of 12,200 square feet. These facilities include a Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Job Center, classrooms, computer laboratories, a science laboratory, a Licensed Practical Nursing classroom/laboratory, office space, and a library. The second building was completed in December 2007 and has greatly relieved a shortage of space at the center. The Northeast at Corinth offcampus site, long-term educational facility offering between twenty-five and forty-nine percent of a degree program, consists of 5.5 acres containing one building with a total of 75,000 square feet. In 2005, Northeast completed the 24,125 square foot Phase I construction at Corinth which included facilities for a WIN Job Center, classrooms, Core Requirement 89 2.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 offices, and meeting rooms. In January 2009, Northeast completed Phase II construction at Corinth, which expanded the usable space in the facility by 17, 846 square feet and which included additional classrooms, office space, a science laboratory, a student lounge area, and a library. Facility Maintenance Northeast employs qualified maintenance, groundskeeping, and custodial staff who are responsible for routine maintenance on all Northeast facilities, including the Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites. Any Northeast employee can submit a facilities/maintenance work order through the college website to request repairs or maintenance on college facilities. The facilities and maintenance staff report to the Director of Facilities and Maintenance, who reports to the Executive Vice-President (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3). The efforts of the facilities and maintenance staff are evaluated annually in the annual Campus Climate Survey. In the Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 the statement that “the overall appearance of the campus is pleasing” was rated 4.02 on a 5-point Likert scale. Also, the buildings and grounds/maintenance department received a rating of 4.08 on a 5-point Likert scale (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999 Allen-Memo-11 September 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Core Requirement Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/MasterPlan99 Media/AllenMemo11Sept07 Media/BOTMin11Sept07 Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/CCSJan08 90 2.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.1.1 Institutional Mission The mission statement is current and comprehensive, accurately guides the institution’s operations, is periodically reviewed and updated, is approved by the governing board, and is communicated to the institution’s constituencies. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College has a current, comprehensive Purpose Statement (Mission) which guides all of the institution’s operations. The Purpose Statement is a public acknowledgement of the College’s commitment to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves, as well as to respond to the needs of all who seek a college education. The six (6) specific institutional goals within the Purpose Statement address how the College accomplishes its intended role and scope (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Purpose Statement Northeast Mississippi Community College is a public, comprehensive community college that exists to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves – Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo and Union counties by awarding the Associate in Arts degree, Associate in Applied Science degree and certificates. Beyond this original scope, however, Northeast responds to the needs of all who seek a college education. To accomplish the intended role and scope of the college, the following institutional goals were established: 1. To provide degree and certificate programs that prepare students for continued studies or immediate employment 2. To provide a program of student services that will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students 3. To provide developmental studies within the curriculum to strengthen the basic skills of students 4. To offer continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment 5. To provide employer-driven, industry-specific workforce education and training to business, industry, and individuals 6. To provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9) Comprehensive Standards 91 3.1.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Guides Institution The College defines planning as the set of actions and decisions which lead to the development of strategies and the implementation of the activities designed to help the College accomplish its adopted purpose. Planning helps the institution with allocating resources, adopting changes in the environment, and coordinating activities leading to fulfilling the commonly accepted purpose. Planning begins with the institution’s Purpose Statement. The Purpose of the College defines those whom the College serves and the needs of those people which the College desires to address. Next, the College adopts strategic long-range goals which provide a clearer conception of the overall direction of the institution and which encourage a heightened level of consensus regarding its purposes and the means of achieving them. These goals are identified and established by the College’s Strategic Planning Council. The adoption of these strategic long-range goals is accomplished by the establishment of measurable objectives. Northeast Mississippi Community College has established these objectives in the form of statements called Institutional Effectiveness Indicators. The indicators set specific targets for student performance and satisfaction as well as specific targets which describe the levels of instructional support necessary for the educational programs which serve students. Examination of the data collected about each of the indicators communicates the extent to which the College is fulfilling its purpose, as stated in the Purpose Statement (Report of Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & CollegeWide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-23). In addition, the strategic long-range goals serve as the basis for determining college-wide, short-term goals, developed through the Strategic Planning Council, which focus on areas of improvement that need to be included in the planning cycle (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 4-7). Link to Major Institutional Functions To assist the College in achieving its purpose and goals, each division at the institution links its operations and expectations (expected outcomes) to the College Purpose and strategic long-range goals through Divisional Purpose Statements and Institutional Effectiveness Plans. With these statements, each division has indicated its role in relating to the institutional Purpose and accepting responsibility for contributing to the achievement of one or more of the Purpose goals. The Planning Process involves all of the college personnel and includes, as well, consideration of input from students, outside agencies, the public and formal evaluation programs (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix E). The process of planning involves the following committees: Administrative Council, Strategic Planning Council, The Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Purpose Committee, and President’s Cabinet. The evaluation of programs and activities is given Comprehensive Standards 92 3.1.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 great importance, and the College annually reports its progress through a series of documents. These reports help decision-makers determine if the College is meeting the needs of its constituents as defined in the Purpose Statement (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 4-7). Approved and Reviewed The Purpose Committee is composed of administrators, faculty, and staff representatives who review the institutional Purpose Statement and goals periodically and report findings to the Administrative Council and the Strategic Planning Council. During the Spring Semester of 1997, the committee considered internal changes as well as the changing responsibilities of the institution. The committee analyzed the ten (10) institutional goals to determine if linkage of the divisional units was occurring. From the analysis, six (6) institutional goals were formulated to become part of the Purpose Statement. The new Purpose Statement was reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees at the August 1997 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 1997). On July 7, 1998, the Purpose Committee met to again review the Purpose Statement and Goals. After review, the Purpose Committee agreed that Goal Four needed to be reworded to state, “To offer continuing education and community services by providing classes, workshops, seminars, and/or facilities.” This revision was presented to the Board of Trustees and approved at the July 14, 1998 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-14 July 1998). On February 29, 2000, the Purpose Committee met to review the Purpose Statement and goals based upon recommendation received by the SACS Reaffirmation team. The Purpose Statement was revised to include the level of its degree and certificate programs. The revision was presented and approved by the Board of Trustees at the March 21, 2000 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-21 March 2000). With monthly meetings already established for the Administrative Council, the responsibility to review the institutional Purpose Statement and goals was directly assigned to the Administrative Council, beginning with the 2001-2002 school year. At the December 2001 Administrative Council meeting, the members reviewed the institutional Purpose Statement and goals with no changes being recommended (Administrative Council Minutes-5 December 2001). At the December 2004 Administrative Council meeting, the President appointed a Purpose Statement Committee to review the Purpose Statement. Recommendations were made to change the word “vocational” to “career” throughout the institutional Purpose Statement, and to reword Goal Four as “To offer continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment” (Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004; Purpose Statement Memorandum-6 December 2004). Comprehensive Standards 93 3.1.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 These revisions were submitted and approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 8, 2005 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-8 February 2005). At the November 2008 Administrative Council meeting, the President appointed a Purpose Committee to review the Purpose Statement. Recommendations were made to substitute “of” for “in” in the titles of degrees awarded, and the addition of “adult basic education” to Goal Four (Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008; Administrative Council Minutes-4 February 2009; Purpose Committee Minutes-14 January 2009). These revisions were submitted and approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 17, 2009 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-17 February 2009). Communicated to Constituencies The College Purpose Statement is communicated to the institution’s constituencies through its citation in the following official publications and webpages: Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9; Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 2; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 8; Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 4; Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 2; Northeast Purpose Statement Webpage. The Campus Climate Survey is administered annually to full-time college employees including administrators, faculty, and support staff. Survey results for the past three (3) years include the following table. The mean scaled score of the items are ranked on a 5point Likert scale of “Strongly Agree,” “Agree,” “No Opinion,” “Disagree,” or “Strongly Disagree” (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Campus Climate Survey, January2008 NEMCC’s Purpose Statement is available for all faculty, staff, and students NEMCC’s Purpose Statement clearly defines collegiate education The purpose of NEMCC is appropriate to a comprehensive community college. The Purpose Statement adequately describes those served by NEMCC. Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 4.59 4.47 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.47 4.40 4.20 4.37 4.31 4.21 4.42 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Report of Institutional Effectiveness Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/IE0708 6-23 94 3.1.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-23 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 4-7 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, Appendix E Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 1997 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 July 1998 Board of Trustees Minutes-21 March 2000 Administrative Council Minutes-5 December 2001 Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004 Purpose Statement Memorandum-6 December 2004 Board of Trustees Minute-8 February 2005 Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008 Administrative Council Minutes-4 February 2009 Purpose Committee Minutes-14 January 2009 Board of Trustees Minutes-17 February 2009 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 2 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 8 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008,4 Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 2 Northeast Purpose Statement Webpage Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/Plan0813_4-7 Media/Plan0813_E Media/BOTMin12Aug97 Media/BOTMin14July98 Media/BOTMin21March00 Media/AdmMin5Dec01 Media/AdmMin1Dec04 Media/PurStateMemo6Dec04 Media/BOTMin8Feb05 Media/AdmMin12Nov08 Media/AdmMin4Feb09 Media/PurposeStatementMin14Jan09 Media/BOTMin17Feb09 Media/BOTPol0809_7 Media/ProcMan0809_2 Media/Plan0813_8 Media/IE0708_4 Media/AdjHbk08 2 Media/NEPurposeStatePg Media/CCSJan08 95 3.1.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2 Governance and Administration 3.2.1 CEO evaluation/selection The governing board of the institution is responsible for the selection and the periodic evaluation of the chief executive officer. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College accepts its responsibility under state law to select the chief executive officer (President) of the College. Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-61 establishes that “the executive head of a junior college shall be the president of the college who shall be selected by the board of trustees for a term not to exceed four years” (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-61). This statute is recognized in the Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 which states the Board of Trustees appoints a President, who will be executive head of the College (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31). The Board of Trustees Policy Book stipulates the process for employing the President when a vacancy occurs. The process is a) Upon vacancy of the President’s office a special meeting of the Board of Trustees will be called within 48 hours. b) An interim President who will not be an applicant for the position of President will be appointed by the Board. c) The Board of Trustees will take the necessary steps to publicize the vacancy and commence receiving applications without any limitations being placed on the residency of the applicant. The policy stipulates that the election or rejection of the President requires no less than two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 33). The current President is Dr. Johnny L. Allen who was selected by a unanimous vote of the Board on December 11, 2003. Dr. Allen assumed the duties on July 1, 2004, following the retirement of Dr. Charles Chance (Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2003). Board policy requires an annual evaluation of the President. This evaluation is coordinated by a committee of five (5) trustees appointed by the chairman of the board. This committee is chaired by the vice-chairman of the board with each county having one representative. The current process of the evaluation was established at a board retreat in April 2005. The evaluation involves the following steps (Process for the Evaluation of the President of Northeast Mississippi Community College; Presidential Evaluation by the Board of Trustees Spring 2008): Comprehensive Standards 96 3.2.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 1. The Chairman of the Board appoints the Board of Trustees’ Evaluation Committee. 2. A self-evaluation is completed by the President, using the same instrument as the Evaluation Committee. 3. The full Board evaluates the President using the same evaluation instrument as the Evaluation Committee. 4. The Evaluation Committee will review and summarize the President’s selfevaluation and the evaluation by the full Board, along with other materials it deems pertinent, to formulate the components of the interview. 5. The Evaluation Committee conducts an interview with the President. 6. The Evaluation Committee recommends action to the Board of Trustees. The recommendation will be presented in an executive session. 7. Board action, if appropriate, will be taken in open session of the Board of Trustees. Following the evaluation process, the President develops presidential goals for the next school year. The four (4) presidential goals developed for the 2008-2009 school year are as follows: 1. Generate more credit hours by Northeast students by revising the admissions, financial aid and registration programs of the College to improve convenience and access experienced by students 2. Use innovative schedules, flexible courses to make campus and off-campus courses more accessible to dual enrollment and non-traditional students 3. Increase the marketing efforts of the College to promote campus housing and campus life to students 4. Seek additional funding from county government to enhance capital developments on the College campus (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98). The President has been evaluated by the Board of Trustees in 2008, 2007 and 2006 (Board of Trustees Minutes- 10 May 2005; Board of Trustees Minutes-14 February 2006; Board of Trustees Minutes-20 March 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes-8 April 2008). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-61 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2007-2008, 31 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2007-2008, 33 Board of Trustees Minutes-11 December 2003 Process for the Evaluation of the President of Northeast Mississippi Community Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Mscode372961 Media/BOTPol0809_31 Media/BOTPol0809_33 Media/BOTMin11Dec03 Media/PresEvalProcMarch08 97 3.2.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 College Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98 Presidential Evaluation by the Board of Trustees Spring 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-10 May 2005 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 February 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-20 March 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 April 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/Plan0813_98 Media/PresEvalBOTSp08 Media/BOTMin10May05 Media/BOTMin14Feb06 Media/BOTMin20March07 BOTMin8April08 98 3.2.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.2 Governing Board Control The legal authority and operating control of the institution are clearly defined for the following areas within the institution’s governance structure: Institution’s mission Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Purpose (mission) Statement of Northeast Mississippi Community College is approved and published by the Board of Trustees in its annual Board of Trustees Policy Book (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7). The Purpose Statement is developed through a process of planning with the input of staff, administration, faculty, students, and Board of Trustees’ members. Biennially, the Purpose of the College is reviewed in Strategic Planning sessions (Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007). The Purpose Statement was revised by the Purpose Committee on February 29, 2000. The Revised Purpose Statement was presented and approved by the Board of Trustees on March 21, 2000 (Board of Trustees Minutes-21 March 2000). During the December 4, 2002, Administrative Council meeting, the Purpose Statement was reviewed with no recommendations for revision (Administrative Council Minutes-4 December 2002). During the December 1, 2004, Administrative Council meeting, a motion was approved for the President to appoint a Purpose Statement Committee to review the Purpose Statement (Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004; Purpose Statement Memorandum-6 December 2004). At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College on Tuesday, February 8, 2005, the Board approved revisions to the Purpose Statement. In the revised statement, the term “career” was substituted for “vocational” and item four was revised to detail the specific purposes for the Continuing Education Program. Dr. Allen recommended the approval of the revised Purpose Statement. Board Member Moore moved to approve the revised Purpose Statement; the motion was seconded by Board Member Chism. Motion carried (Board of Trustees Minutes-8 February 2005). At the November 2008 Administrative Council meeting, the President appointed a Purpose Committee to review the Purpose Statement. Recommendations were made to substitute “of” for “in” in the titles of degrees awarded, and the addition of “adult basic education” to Goal Four (Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008; Administrative Council Minutes-4 February 2009; Purpose Committee Minutes-14 January 2009). Comprehensive Standards 99 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 These revisions were submitted by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees at the February 17, 2009 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-17 February 2009). The authority to perform these functions is derived from State Statute §37-29-1, which states that the Board “shall have full power to do all things necessary to the successful operation of the district and the college or colleges or attendance centers located therein to insure educational advantages and opportunities to all the enrollees within the district” (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-1). Board Policy requires that the Board “appraise the effectiveness with which the campus is achieving the educational purpose of the Board and shall keep itself informed of the working conditions of the campus” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26-27). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7 Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-21 March 2000 Administrative Council Minutes-4 December 2002 Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004 Purpose Statement Memorandum-6 December 2004 Board of Trustees Minutes- 8 February 2005 Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008 Administrative Council Minutes-4 February 2009 Purpose Committee Minutes-14 January 2009 Board of Trustees Minutes-17 February 2009 Mississippi Code of 1972 § 37-29-1 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26-27 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_7 Media/SPCMin12Apr07 Media/BOTMin21March00 Media/AdmMin4Dec02 Media/AdmMin1Dec04 Media/PurStateMemo6Dec04 Media/BOTMin8Feb05 Media/AdmMin12Nov08 Media/AdmMin4Feb09 Media/PurposeStatementMin14Jan09 Media/BOTMin17Feb09 Media/MsCode37291 Media/BOTPol0809_26-27 100 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.2 Governing Board Control The legal authority and operating control of the institution are clearly defined for the following areas within the institution’s governance structure: fiscal stability of the institution Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Mississippi Code of 1972 Statute §37-29-71 requires that the board of trustees of each community college “shall annually prepare a budget which shall contain a detailed estimate of the revenues and expenses anticipated for the ensuing year for general operation and maintenance” (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-71). In compliance with this statute, Board policy requires that the Board “prepare annually a budget which shall contain a detailed estimate of the revenues and expenses anticipated for the ensuing year…” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26). In addition, Board Policy requires that the President “prepare an annual budget for the approval and adoption by the Board of Trustees” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32). The President, on a quarterly basis, provides the Board of Trustees with a summary of revenues and expenditures that monitor the financial condition of the College. This report is submitted in the category “Monitoring Reports.” The fourth quarter’s financial information is presented as the Amended Budget for the fiscal year just ended and is presented in August following the end of the fiscal year. Monthly, the President provides the Board of Trustees a summary of cash on deposit entitled “Status of Funds” (Quarterly Monitoring Reports, December 2008; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2008; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, March 2008; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, December 2007; Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2007; Status of Funds, July 2008; Status of Funds, August 2008; Status of Funds, September 2008; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2006; Budgets Fiscal Year 2009; Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007). The College’s Board of Trustees is authorized and empowered to recommend a fair and acceptable tax rate for district general support and maintenance from each of the member counties within the College’s district (Board Policy Book 2008-2009, 70). In conjunction with the President, the Board of Trustee members appointed from each county meet annually with the respective Board of Supervisors to emphasize the benefits the College provides to the county and to emphasize the needs of the College for the upcoming budget year. Comprehensive Standards 101 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Annual Audit Northeast Mississippi Community College is audited annually by a CPA firm approved by the Mississippi Office of State Auditor. Brawner, Vanstory and Company, licensed certified public accountants in the state of Mississippi, is the independent audit firm approved to conduct the annual audit for Northeast. The annual audit is submitted to the Mississippi Office of State Auditor for review and approval before being made public. Audits are performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and in compliance with all Governmental Accounting Standards Board, including GASB Statements 34 and 35. The audits present all required statements including a Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Statements of Net Assets, and Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets. Additionally, the audited financial statements include relative management letters; explanatory notes; and schedules of Long-Term Debt, Federal Financial Assistance, and Findings and Questioned Costs as verified by the audit reports for FY2008, FY 2007, FY 2006, and FY 2005. Northeast continually receives unqualified opinions on its audits (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2004). The results of Northeast’s annual audit process, budgeting process, and administrative control of financial processes and activities ensure the fiscal stability of the institution. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972, § 37-29-71 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 25 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, December 2008 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2008 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, March 2008 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, December 2007 Quarterly Monitoring Reports, September 2007 Status of Funds, July 2008 Status of Funds, August 2008 Status of Funds, September 2008 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/MSCode372971 Media/BOTPol0809_25 Media/BOTPol0809_31 Media/QRTMonitorRptDec08 Media/QRTMonitorRptSept08 Media/QRTMonitorRptMarch08 Media/QRTMonitorRptDec07 Media/QRTMonitorRptSept07 Media/StatusFundsJuly08 Media/StatusFundsAug08 Media/StatusFundsSept08 Media/AmendedBudgetsFY08 Media/AmendedBudgetsFY07 102 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Amended Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 Budgets FY 2009 Budgets FY 2008 Budgets FY 2007 Board Policy Book 2008-2009, 70 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004 Comprehensive Standards Media/AmendedBudgetsFY06 Media/BOTPol0809 70 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Media/AuditedFinState30June04 103 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.2 Governing Board Control The legal authority and operating control of the institution are clearly defined for the following areas within the institution’s governance structure: Institutional policy, including policies concerning related and affiliated corporate entities and all auxiliary services. . Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Institutional Policy The Board of Trustees for Northeast Mississippi Community College accepts its responsibility to establish policies intended to guide the actions of college staff. In addition, the Board of Trustees defines and respects the authority of the President and administrative staff to implement those policies. The Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 contains several sections that deal specifically with this subject. Item B – Board Statement of Ethics states that the trustees will “work with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the College to the Chief Executive Officer (President)” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 12). The Board authority lies “in its action as a body by resolution only” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14). The Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 defines “policy” and “procedure” as follows: Policy – “A written statement endorsed by the Board of Trustees that establishes a direction or standard that the administration is expected to support by developing appropriate procedures.” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26) Procedure – “A written process or method that reflects a direct policy of the Board of Trustees or the established mission of the college.” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26) The Board’s distinct function of establishing policy is emphasized in the “Purpose Section” of the Board Policy Book, which states • the Board “shall initiate and vote on questions of policy…” • the “intent of the Board to develop policies…” • the Board “considers policy development its chief function…” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26). Comprehensive Standards 104 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 These policies serve as “guides for the discretionary action of those to whom it delegates authority” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 27). Once approved, the “administration and faculty are to implement the policies within the broad framework established by the Board” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 28). Related and Affiliated Entities Northeast Mississippi Community College has a policy concerning related and affiliated corporate entities. The Board of Trustees Policy Book, under the section Approval of Contractual Agreements, states the following actions are authorized and required: a. The College may engage in contractual agreements with outside agencies to provide services to the institution. b. All professional contractual services must be approved by the Board of Trustees by a simple majority vote and reviewed annually in June. c. Documented financial reports should show that the services rendered by such agencies are fiscally productive for the college (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 15). Northeast Mississippi Community College has on-going agreements with the Ronald D. Michael, P.A. law firm to provide legal services to the College and with the Northeast Development Foundation to provide financial support services. The contract for legal services was last reviewed and approved for renewal by the Board of Trustees at the June 2008 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-10 June 2008). The agreement with the Development Foundation was approved by the Board of Trustees at their May 2008 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-13 May 2008). The only existing affiliated corporate entity is Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation which is addressed in The Northeast Development Foundation is a separate 501(c)3 non-profit entity which exists to strengthen the College through private fund-raising. This foundation is audited annually by Brawner, Vanstory and Company, P.A., certified public accountants licensed by the state of Mississippi. Auxiliary Enterprises Northeast’s auxiliary enterprises are established and maintained under the operational and fiscal controls of the College and are included in the planning and budgeting process of the College. The Board of Trustees exercises control of auxiliary enterprises through the College’s governing policies published in the Board Policy Book, through the President of the College, and through the College operating procedures published in the Northeast Procedures Manual. There are five (5) auxiliary enterprises which include the bookstore, food services, student dormitories, Crow’s Neck Environmental Educational Center (Crow’s Neck), and Other (student union, game room, pool, vending). These auxiliary services are substantially self-supporting entities with fees assessed based on costs. All auxiliary services, except for food services, are managed in-house by Northeast staff. Northeast has elected to contract with a professional food service management contractor to operate the food service entity. The financial operation of the Other category and Comprehensive Standards 105 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Crow’s Neck are subsidized by the remaining auxiliary activities. Auxiliary revenue and expenditures are maintained in distinct fund categories within the College’s administrative software to allow for monitoring of the financial activity by each enterprise. The FY 2008, FY 2007, and FY 2006 total revenue and expenditures for Northeast’s auxiliary enterprises are reflected below. Auxiliary Operations Revenue Expenditures Total FY 2008 $4,564,536 $3,767,675 $796,861 FY 2007 $4,305,109 $3,500,329 $804,814 FY 2006 $3,933,730 $3,336,927 $596,803 Northeast’s auxiliary enterprises are audited annually as part of the College’s annual audit performed by Brawner, Vanstory and Company, certified public accountants licensed in the state of Mississippi (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 12 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 27 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 28 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 15 Board of Trustees Minutes-10 June 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-13 May 2008 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_12 Media/BOTPol0809_14 Media/BOTPol0809_26 Media/BOTPol0809_27 Media/BOTPol0809_28 Media/BOTPol0809_15 Media/BOTMinJune08 Media/BOTMin13May08 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 106 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.2 Governing Board Control The legal authority and operating control of the institution are clearly defined for the following areas within the institution’s governance structure: Related foundations (athletic, research, etc.) and other corporate entities whose primary purpose is to support the institution and/or its programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College is affiliated with only one related foundation whose primary purpose is to support the institution and its programs. The Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation is a non-profit corporation which works to strengthen the College through private fundraising efforts. The Development Foundation works to solicit and receive gifts to support students, faculty and administration at Northeast (Northeast Development Foundation Webpage). The Development Foundation was chartered in November 1969 with the specific purpose of operating “exclusively for educational and scientific purposes…and assist all forms of education and research at The Northeast Mississippi Junior College [Northeast]; to receive, solicit, accept, hold, administer, invest, and disburse for such educational and scientific purposes…” (Charter of Incorporation, Northeast Development Foundation Board Minute Book, 7). The Development Foundation is recognized as a 501(c)3 corporation and meets all legal requirements related to that status. The Northeast Development Foundation is governed by “a twenty-member Board of Directors composed of five members of the Board of Trustees of the Northeast Mississippi Community College, the college faculty/staff development officer, the Student Government Association President, the Alumni Association President, five county directors, and seven members at large” (By-Laws of the Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, Inc.). The relationship between the College and the Development Foundation is outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement (Memorandum of Agreement Between Northeast Mississippi Community College and Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, Inc.). The Development Foundation operates under its own budget, and the financial condition of the Foundation does not affect the financial position of the College. Northeast Development Foundation provides funds to support Northeast through student scholarships, faculty and staff development, support of academic and other programs, and facility and equipment upgrades. During the past five (5) years the Development Foundation has provided the following funds in direct support of Northeast Mississippi Community College. Comprehensive Standards 107 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Direct Support Northeast by Development Foundation FY08 FY07 FY06 FY05 FY04 Student Scholarships $177,230 $88,775 $83,935 $66,053 $63,143 Direct Support Northeast Personnel 187,863 170,810 182,702 137,256 205.605 Construction Northeast at New Albany 5,000 14,000 0 0 0 Equipment Northeast 42,750 1,000 14,708 22,405 47,118 Athletics 31,217 30,885 46,370 55,724 64,738 Fine Arts 10,223 7,291 5,018 7,350 8,470 Total 454,283 312,762 332,734 288,788 389,074 (Direct Support of Northeast by Northeast Development Foundation FY08-FY04) Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Development Foundation Webpage Charter of Incorporation, Northeast Development Foundation Board Minute Book, 7 By-Laws of the Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, Inc. Memorandum of Agreement Between Northeast Mississippi Community College and Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, Inc. Direct Support of Northeast by Northeast Development Foundation FY08-FY04 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/NDFWebpage Media/NDFCharterIncorp Media/ NDFByLaws Media/MOADevFound Media/ DirectSupportNEMCCFoundationFY08FY04 108 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.3 Board Conflict of Interest The board has a policy addressing conflict of interest for its members. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College acknowledges its responsibility to refrain from conflicts of interest. The basic principles upon which these conflicts are defined reside in Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-101 through §25-4-119 (Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-101 through §25-4-119). These sections of state statute describe conflict of interest and improper use of office by public officials, elected and appointed. Board policy establishes a “Statement of Ethics” to which individual members of the Board are expected to adhere (Board of Trustees Policy 2008-2009, 12-13; Statement of Economic Interest). Specifically, item “i” states, “Avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest and refrain from using my Board position for personal gain.” Other references require decisions to be based upon “available facts and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups.” Further, the Board is expected to take no “private action that will compromise the Board or administration” (Board of Trustees Policy 2008-2009, 12). These provisions of law and policy guide the Board in its self-imposed effort to avoid conflicts of interest. The Board of Trustees strives to provide consistent and effective review of its policies. This is accomplished by an annual review process. The Chairman of the Board appoints a Board subcommittee, composed of the College President, the College Attorney, and other college staff members as appropriate, to conduct an annual review of Board policy. Once the annual review is completed, the full membership of the Board of Trustees will be asked to approve the resulting document (Board of Trustees Minutes- 8 July 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008). A Trustee Orientation Program was offered in February 2008 to the membership of the Board of Trustees. Covered during the two-hour session were the following topics: Legal Authority and Organization, Board Policy Manual, Budgeting, and Questions and Answers (Trustee Orientation Program Agenda-19 February 2008). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-4-101 through §25-4-119 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 12-13 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Mscode254101-254119 Media/BOTPol0809_12-13 109 3.2.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Statement of Economic Interest Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 12 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008 Trustee Orientation Program Agenda-19 February 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/StatementEconInterest Media/BOTPol0809_12 Media/BOTMin8July02 Media/BOTMin12Aug08 Media/BOTOrientAgenda19Feb08 110 3.2.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.4 External Influence The governing board is free from undue influence from political, religious, or other external bodies, and protects the institution from such influence. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Board of Trustees for Northeast Mississippi Community College is a legally recognized body consisting of fifteen (15) members appointed from various sources and representing five (5) counties. Three (3) members of the Board are elected to four-year terms as Superintendent of Education in their respective counties. These members must be offered a position on the Board for the length of their term of office. They may refuse the appointment. Another eleven (11) members of the Board are selected for five-year staggered terms to represent specific counties. These trustees, plus any trustee appointed to replace a superintendent who has declined to serve, are appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the respective counties. An additional trustee is selected by the Board as a whole to serve a five-year term to represent one of the four non-host counties (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 9). The diverse nature of the method of selection and specific Board policy serves to insulate the Board from outside influences that would prevent objective and unbiased action by the Board. All powers of the Board lie in its action as a body by resolution only. Board members acting as individuals have no authority over personnel or school affairs. In addition, section “c” of Individual Member Legal Status prohibits action by the Board except when in formal session (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14). These principles are accepted and followed by each individual member of the Board. Northeast Mississippi Community College is a state-supported, public institution and as such is free from religious influence. The Board of Trustees strives to provide consistent and effective review of its policies. This is accomplished by an annual review process. The Chairman of the Board appoints a Board subcommittee, composed of the College President, the College Attorney and other college staff members as appropriate, to conduct an annual review of Board policy. Once the annual review is completed the full membership of the Board of Trustees will be asked to approve the resulting document (Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008). A Trustee Orientation Program was offered in February 2008 to the membership of the Board of Trustees. Topics covered during the two-hour session included: Legal Authority and Organization; Board Policy Manual; Budgeting; and Questions and Answers (Trustee Orientation Program Agenda-19 February 2008). Comprehensive Standards 111 3.2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 9 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008 Trustee Orientation Program Agenda-19 February 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_9 Media/BOTPol0809_14 Media/BOTMin8July08 Media/BOTMin12Aug08 Media/BOTOrientAgenda19Feb08 112 3.2.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.5 Board Dismissal The governing board has a policy whereby members can be dismissed only for appropriate reasons and by a fair process. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-5-1 through §25-5-37 identifies the reasons and procedures for removing an official from office, either elected or appointed, in Mississippi (Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-5-1 through §25-5-37). While state law does not specifically address community college trustees, it does give guidance for developing a policy for local use. Northeast Mississippi Community College has a Board approved policy entitled “Removal of Board Members” designed to comply with state statute. This policy states a Board member may be recommended for dismissal for any of the following reasons: willful neglect of duty, conviction of a felony as prescribed in Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated §25-5-1, or adjudicated by proper authorities to be mentally incompetent. The policy is intended to protect the College from trustees who fail to meet their obligations as public servants, while protecting the trustees from unsubstantiated and frivolous accusations. The due process provisions in the policy state that proceedings to consider a trustee for dismissal commence when a written complaint is filed with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and/or any officer of the Board. The Board Chairman or designated officer will notify the subject trustee of the charges within ten (10) days of receipt of the complaint. The Board Chairman, or designated officer, will appoint and convene a Hearing Committee composed of five to seven trustees to hear evidence from the complainant and from the trustee within five (5) days of filing notice with the trustee. The Hearing Committee will file a report of its findings, along with its recommendation of action, with the full board at the next regular meeting. The Board may recommend the removal of a trustee upon a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board recommending removal. The Chairman of the Board or designated officer will communicate the recommendation of the Board to the authority who placed the trustee on the Board. The final action to remove a member of the Board of Trustees is vested with the Board of authority who placed the trustee upon the Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 10-11). The latter is necessary because of the multiple methods by which trustees are named to the Board. The intent of the policy is to have the proper authority responsible for the original appointment remove the trustee, but only after appropriate due process. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972 §25-5-1 through §255-37 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 1011 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Mscode2551-25537 Media/BOTPol0809_10-11 113 3.2.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.6 Board/Administration Distinction There is a clear and appropriate distinction, in writing and practice, between the policymaking functions of the governing board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Board of Trustees for Northeast Mississippi Community College accepts its responsibility to establish policies intended to guide the actions of college staff. In addition, the Board of Trustees defines and respects the authority of the President and administrative staff to implement those policies. The Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 contains several sections that deal specifically with this subject. Item B – Board Statement of Ethics states that the trustees will “work with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the College to the Chief Executive Officer (President)” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 12). The Board authority lies “in its action as a body by resolution only” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14). The Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 defines “policy” and “procedure” as follows: Policy – “A written statement endorsed by the Board of Trustees that establishes a direction or standard that the administration is expected to support by developing appropriate procedures” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26). Procedure – “A written process or method that reflects a direct policy of the Board of Trustees or the established mission of the college” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26). The Board’s distinct function of establishing policy is emphasized in the “Purpose Section” of the Board Policy Book, which states • the Board “shall initiate and vote on questions of policy…” • the “intent of the Board to develop policies…” • the Board “considers policy development its chief function…” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26). These policies serve as “guides for the discretionary action of those to whom it delegates authority” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 27). Once approved, the Comprehensive Standards 114 3.2.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 “administration and faculty are to implement the policies within the broad framework established by the Board” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 28). The President is assigned responsibility “to manage and direct all affairs of the college under policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31-32). In addition, the President “shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of all adopted policies and regulations relating to the operation of the college” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31). In an effort to comply with these policy directives, the administrative staff of the College annually publishes the Northeast Mississippi Community College Procedures Manual to guide the faculty and staff in the methods to be used to implement all policies of the Board of Trustees. There are several examples of the Board of Trustees distinction between the policymaking functions of the governing board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy: 1. Approval of Institutional Planning Proposals- (Institutional Planning ProposalSalary Paid over Twelve Months); (Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007) 2. Approval of new procedures- (Institutional Planning Proposal-Radiology Film Badge Fees); (Board of Trustees Minutes-14 December 2006) 3. Approval of Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009-(Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008) The following table illustrates examples of Board policy and the corresponding procedures developed by the administration to implement that policy: Policy Emergency Closing (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 56) Intellectual Property Rights (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 57) Placement Testing (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009,60) Hiring of Faculty (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 39;17) Budget (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7273) Comprehensive Standards Procedures Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 87-88; Emergency Response Plan, 8-9 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 58-60 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10-15 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009,90; Five-Year Planning Document 2008-2013, 7 115 3.2.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 12 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 14 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, iii Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 27 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 28 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31-32 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 August 2007 Institutional Planning Proposal-Salary Paid over Twelve Months Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007 Institutional Planning Proposal- Radiology Film Badge Fees Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 56 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 57 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009,60 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 39;17 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 72-73 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 87-88 Emergency Response Plan, 8-9 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 58-60 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_12 Media/BOTPol0809_14 Media/BOTPol0809_26 Media/ProcMan0809_iii Media/BOTPol0809_27 Media/BOTPol0809_28 Media/BOTPol0809_31-32 Media/BOTPol0809_31 Media/BOTMin14Aug07 Media/PlanProposalSalary Media/BOTMin13Dec07 Media/PlanProposalRadFilmBadge Media/BOTPol0809_56 Media/BOTPol0809_57 Media/BOTPol0809_60 Media/BOTPol0809_39_17 Media/BOTPol0809_72-73 Media/ProcMan0809_87-88 Media/EmergencyResponsePlan 8-9 Media/ProcMan0809_58-60 Media/StdCat0809_22 116 3.2.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10-15 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009,90 Media/ProcMan0809_10-15 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 7 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 December 2006 of Radiology Film Badge Fees Board of Trustees Minutes-12 August 2008 Media/Plan0813_7 Comprehensive Standards Media/ProcMan0809_90 Media/BOTMin14Dec06 Media/BOTMin12Aug08 117 3.2.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.7 Organizational Structure The institution has a clearly defined and published organizational structure that delineates responsibility for the administration of policies. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 defines policy as “a written statement endorsed by the Board of Trustees that establishes a direction or standard that the administration is expected to support by developing appropriate procedures” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26). Several passages found in “Duties of the President of the College” address the specific actions that are authorized for the administration of these policies. Specifically included are the following: Item a. “The President shall be the chief executive officer of the college under policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees…” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 31). Item b. “The President shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of all adopted policies and regulations and regulations relating to the operation of the college” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32). Item l. “The President may delegate authority for directing specific areas of operations of the college to other employees of the college…” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32). Item s. “The President shall furnish the board with a comprehensive organizational chart for administration… (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32). These duties create specific direction for the President to follow as he assigns members of the staff authority for the various functions of the College. The organizational chart for the College is published in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendices P1- P5). The revised organizational chart was approved by the Board of Trustees at their September 2008 meeting (Board of Trustees Minutes-9 September 2008). The administrative structure beyond the President’s Office includes the President’s Cabinet which is composed of the President, Executive Vice-President, Vice-President of Comprehensive Standards 118 3.2.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Finance and Operations, Vice-President of Workforce Training and Economic Development, Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research, Associate VicePresident of Public Information, Executive Director of Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, and the Administrative Assistant to the President. The Executive Vice-President is chief academic officer of the College. The Cabinet, through such means as planning proposals arising from the Administrative Council or reports from the Strategic Planning Council, serves as an aid to the President in reaching decisions that benefit the institution (President’s Cabinet Minutes- 2 September 2008). The Administrative Council is composed of the President, various levels of administrators, academic division heads, and the director of Northeast at New Albany. Each fall at the beginning of the academic school year, a chairperson of the Administrative Council is elected. This committee meets the first Wednesday of the month. The Council serves as the guide for the institution in the planning process, assists in making administrative decisions, keeps the institution abreast of operational planning activities, as well as facilitates institutional/divisional needs assessments and implements the planning cycle calendar to assist the institution in achieving its purpose and goals. The responsibility for reviewing the institutional Purpose Statement and Goals was assigned to the Administrative Council beginning with the 2001-2002 school year (Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004; Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008; Northeast Committee List 2008-2009). The names and titles of all administrative officers are published annually in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 242-248). Selected officers are identified in the Master Schedule of the College which is published two (2) times per year (Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, and Fall 2008, 39; Course Schedule Booklet, Spring 2009, 39). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 26 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendices P1- P5 Board of Trustees Minutes-12 June 2007 President’s Cabinet Minutes- 2 September 2008 Administrative Council Minutes-1 December 2004 Administrative Council Minutes-12 November 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_26 Media/BOTPol0809_31 Media/BOTPol0809_32 Media/ProcMan0809_P1-P5 Media/BOTMin12June07 Media/PresCabMin2Sept08 Media/AdmMin1Dec04 Media/AdmMin1Dec04 119 3.2.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Committee List 2008-2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 242-248 Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, and Fall 2008, 39 Course Schedule Booklet, Spring 2009, 39 Comprehensive Standards Media/ CommitteeList0809 Media/StdCat0809_242-248 Media/ SchBkFl08_39 Media/SchBkSp09 39 120 3.2.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.8 Qualified Administrative/Academic Officers The institution has qualified administrative and academic officers with the experience, competence, and capacity to lead the institution. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Board of Trustees for Northeast Mississippi Community College selects and employs the President of the College who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the College. The Board of Trustees, through its policies, assigns to the President specific duties to select and employ the non-instructional staff of the College. The “Duties of the President of the College” items “l” and “q” specifically address these duties as follows: l. The President may delegate authority and responsibility for directing specific areas of operations of the college to other employees of the college, but the final authority and responsibility is to be retained by him/her. q. In accordance with the state law, the President shall be responsible for employing, terminating, and working schedules of all non-instructional college personnel, and for using sound judgment in their selection. Such employment shall be in accordance with budget allocations (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32). The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 includes the organizational charts that define the reporting responsibilities of those to whom the President has delegated noninstructional duties (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P). These positions include: Executive Vice-President Vice-President of Finance & Operations Vice-President of Workforce Training & Economic Development Associate Vice-President of Planning & Research Associate Vice-President of Public Information Executive Director of Northeast Development Foundation Dean of Instruction Dean of Student Services Dr. Larry Nabors Cheryl Ragan Nadara Cole Rilla Jones Tony Finch Patrick Eaton Dr. Charles Barnett Kenneth Pounders The President of the College is Dr. Johnny L. Allen. He has served as President since July 2004. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Allen served as Vice-President of Instruction Comprehensive Standards 121 3.2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 and Student Services (1 year), Dean of Instruction (14 years), Division Head Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 years), Instructor of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (8 years), and high school instructor (4 years). Dr. Allen earned the Doctor of Education from Mississippi State University in 1990 (Johnny Allen, Vitae). Each of the other officers’ education and experience in their current position is summarized in the following chart: Name Larry Nabors Cheryl Ragan Nadara Cole Rilla Jones Tony Finch Patrick Eaton Charles Barnett Kenneth Pounders Position Year of Appointment Executive Vice-President Vice-President of Finance & Operations Vice-President of Workforce Training & Economic Development Associate Vice-President of Planning & Research Associate Vice-President of Public Information Executive Director Northeast Development Foundation Dean of Instruction Dean of Student Services 2007 2000 2003 2007 2006 Highest Degree Ph.D M.B.A. M.S M.Ed B.A. 2000 B.B.A. 2007 2005 Ph.D Ed.Sp Northeast’s academic officers are qualified by their formal education, work experience, professional competency, and personal skills. Academic officers are detailed in the following paragraphs: The Executive Vice-President (Larry Nabors) is responsible for the day to day operation of the College and supervises the divisions of instruction, student services, facilities and maintenance, workforce development, public information, and planning and research. Dr. Nabors has four (4) years of experience at Northeast as the Dean of Instruction and fifteen years (15) experience as an instructor in the Mathematics and Sciences Division (Larry Nabors, Vita). The Vice-President of Finance and Operations (Cheryl Ragan) is responsible for the business operations of the college, long range planning for the division and budget coordination for College-wide operations and activities. Ms. Ragan has ten (10) years experience as an internal auditor and five (5) years experience as the Director of Finance at Northeast (Cheryl Ragan, Vita). The Vice-President of Workforce Training and Economic Development (Nadara Cole) coordinates all workforce training and economic development activities at Northeast. Ms. Cole has eleven years experience as a workforce specialist at Northeast and six years experience in a Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) program (Nadara Cole, Vita). Comprehensive Standards 122 3.2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research (Rilla Jones) is responsible for the coordination of strategic planning, faculty-staff development and institutional research. She serves as the Southern Association of College’s and School’s (SACS) Liaison for accreditation. Ms. Jones has twenty (20) years experience as a program director/instructor in the Division of Health Sciences and three years experience as an Assistant Division Head. She has served as an off-site paper reviewer and chaired review teams for the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences and the College of American Pathologists (Rilla Jones, Vita). The Associate Vice-President of Public Information (Tony Finch) serves as the liaison between the college and regional media outlets; releases information to the media, oversees advertising and commercial printing budgets, and advises student publication staff. Mr. Finch has eighteen years (18) experience as Assistant Public Information Officer and Sports Information Director at Northeast (Tony Finch, Vita). The Executive Director of Northeast Development Foundation (Patrick Eaton) serves as the spokesperson for the Foundation, works with business organizations, groups and individuals that are interested in investing in or supporting Northeast projects. Mr. Eaton has four (4) years experience directing economic and community development activities and writing community project award grants (Patrick Eaton, Vita). The Dean of Instruction (Charles Barnett) provides leadership and administrative oversight of the College’s efforts related to all instructional programs. The Dean is responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures related to the College’s credit classes. The Dean provides day-to-day supervision of Northeast’s instructional operations, including the academic, career, and technical programs offered through the day, evening, virtual, and off-campus site programs. This supervision is provided in collaboration with the Division Heads and the Distance Learning Coordinator. Dr. Barnett has two (2) years of experience at Northeast as Dean of Instruction. Dr. Barnett also has two (2) years experience as a community college Tech Prep Coordinator and sixteen (16) years experience as a community college instructor (Charles Barnett, Vita). The Dean of Student Services (Kenneth Pounders) is responsible for the student services program at all locations of Northeast Mississippi Community College. Mr. Pounders has thirteen (13) years of experience at Northeast and served as Division Head of Allied Health prior to becoming Dean of Students in 2005 (Kenneth Pounders, Vita). Evaluation Administrative/Non-teaching personnel are evaluated annually. The employee completes a self-evaluation. The immediate supervisor completes the Performance Evaluation of Administrative & Non-Teaching Personnel form and has a conference with the employee to discuss both evaluation instruments (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47; Appendix D1; D3). Completed evaluations are housed in the office of the Executive Vice-President (Charles Barnett, “Performance Evaluation” 2008; Nadara Cole, “Performance Evaluation” 2008). Comprehensive Standards 123 3.2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P Johnny Allen, Vita Larry Nabors, Vita Cheryl Ragan, Vita Nadara Cole, Vita Rilla Jones, Vita Tony Finch, Vita Patrick Eaton, Vita Charles Barnett Vita Kenneth Pounders, Vita Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47; Appendix D1; D3 Charles Barnett, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Nadara Cole, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_32 Media/ProcMan0809_P Media/Johnny Allen Vitae Media/Larry_Nabors_Vitae Media/Cheryl Ragan Vitae Media/Nadara Cole Vitae Media/Rilla_Jones_Vitae Media/Tony Finch Vitae Media/Patrick Eaton Vitae Media/Charles_Barnett_Vitae Media/Kenneth Pounders Vitae Media/ProcMan0809_47_D1_D3 Media/Charles_Barnett_Eval08 Media/Nadara_Cole_Eval08 124 3.2.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.9 Faculty/Staff Appointment The institution defines and publishes policies regarding appointment and employment of faculty and staff. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College defines and publishes policies regarding the appointment and employment of faculty and staff in the Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 and Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 36-39; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10-15). Each of these documents is available on the Northeast website (Northeast Publications Webpage). Hardcopies of the Northeast Procedures Manual are given to all employees. The relationship of the Board of Trustees to the faculty is defined and published in Section 200 of the Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009. The Board of Trustees shall consider and pass upon recommendations of the President in all matters of policy concerning appointment or dismissal of faculty, salary schedules, faculty or student personnel regulations and curricula (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17-18). Section 300 of the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 defines the General Policy of Employment – Contract, Credentials Required, Employee Status Definitions and Conditions of Employment for faculty (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 1013). Northeast personnel described in the Contracts and Salaries section include administration, professional, and other staff employed in non-teaching, full-time positions; full-time and part-time faculty; and individuals employed through funded grants. In the Credentials Required section, college procedure describes requirements for transfer faculty, technical faculty, and career faculty. The conditions of employment procedure enumerates expectations of faculty and defines nine-, ten-, and twelve-month faculty. Northeast personnel are employed on an annual contract or salary agreement (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10; 13). Employment requirements and restrictions and employee selection process are defined and published in Section 300 of the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 14-15). New or vacant job positions are posted on the Northeast Employment webpage and with the local media (Northeast Employment Job Posting Webpage; Published Position Announcement). The employment selection process for faculty is as follows: Comprehensive Standards 125 3.2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 1. A centralized applicant file is maintained by Northeast. 2. When a vacancy occurs, the applications in the active file are reviewed. The active file contains applications that are no more than one year old. 3. The position is advertised through contact with Mississippi regional universities and community colleges for possible candidates, and openings are announced on the College webpage. 4. The Selection Committee (consisting of the Executive Vice-President, Dean of Instruction, the Division Head and selected faculty) determines the applicants to be interviewed. 5. The Executive Vice-President recommends finalists to the President of the College. 6. The President of the College recommends the candidate to the Board of Trustees. 7. The Board of Trustees’ vote determines the employment of the candidate (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 14). The employment selection process for administration and staff is as follows: 1. A centralized applicant file is maintained by Northeast. 2. When a vacancy occurs, the applications in the active file are reviewed. The active file contains applications that have been submitted within the past twelve months. 3. The position is advertised through contact with Mississippi regional universities and community colleges for possible candidates, and openings are announced on the College webpage. 4. The Selection Committee (consisting of the divisional Vice-President, and other selected personnel) determines the applicants to be interviewed. 5. The Selection Committee Chair recommends finalists to the President of the College. 6. The President of the College determines the final selection and employs the individual (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 15). The chart below defines the process of positions filled for 2008: PROCESS OF POSITIONS FILLED 2008 Positions Advertised in Media/Website Filled from Current Pool of Applicant Files Transferred from Existing Position 15 11 4 TOTAL 30 A complete list of faculty and staff hires for 2008 is further documented in a spreadsheet and a profile chart prepared by the Director of Human Resources (Spreadsheet of 2008 Hires; Profile of Positions Filled 2008). Comprehensive Standards 126 3.2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The success of Northeast’s employment process is reflected in the length of service of its faculty and staff. The average length of employment for current Northeast employees is 10.5 years (Smith-Email-24 February 2009). The following table details the number of employees by their length of service (Smith-Memo-24 February 2009): Length of Service in Years 0-5 93 6-10 64 11-15 40 16-20 37 21-25 25 26-30 14 >30 6 The Director of Human Resources completes a checklist for each vacancy. The checklist ensures that procedures are practiced and policies followed (Checklist Job Posting). The Human Resource Officer coordinates and conducts New Employee Orientation with all new faculty and staff at the beginning of each semester (New Employee Orientation Agenda, 5 January 2007; New Employee Orientation Agenda, 15 August 2007; New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008). New Employee Orientation information is also posted on the website (New Employee Orientation Webpage). The College adopted and consistently publishes the following statement as relating to equal opportunity under employment objectives and conditions as documented in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009: In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Educational Amendments of 1972 of the Higher Education Act; and, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College has adopted this policy assuring that no one shall, on the grounds of race, color, age, national origin, or sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the College. Northeast Mississippi Community College adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity with regard to race, sex, age, color, creed, or national origin. This policy includes the qualified handicapped and extends to all programs and activities supported by the College. (Board Policy – 301.02) The Section 504 and Title IX Coordinator is Kenneth Pounders, Dean of Students [Services], Estes Hall (662) 720-7207 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 8). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 36-39 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10-15 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_36-39 Media/ProcMan0809_10-15 127 3.2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Publications Webpage Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17-18 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10-13 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10; 13 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 14-15 Northeast Employment Job Posting Website Published Position Announcement Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 14 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 15 Spreadsheet of 2008 Hires Profile of Positions Filled-2008 Smith-Email-24 February 2009 Smith-Memo-24 February 2009 Checklist Job Posting New Employee Orientation Agenda, 5 January 2007 New Employee Orientation Agenda, 15 August 2007 New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008 New Employee Orientation Webpage Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 8 Comprehensive Standards Media/NEPublicationsPg Media/BOTPol0809_17-18 Media/ProcMan0809_10-13 Media/ProcMan0809_10_13 Media/ProcMan0809_14-15 Media/NEEmpJobPostingPg Media/PositionAnnouncement Media/ProcMan0809_14 Media/ProcMan0809_15 Media/Spreadsheet08Hires Media/ ProfilePositionsfilled08 Media/Smith Email 24Feb07 Media/LengthService09 Media/ChecklistJobPosting Media/NewEmpOrient5Jan07 Media/NewEmpOrient15Aug08 Media/NewEmpOrientAg13Aug08 Media/ NENewEmpOrientPg Media/ProcMan0809_8 128 3.2.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.10 Administrative Staff Evaluations The institution evaluates the effectiveness of its administrators on a periodic basis. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Evaluation of Chief Executive Officer The Northeast Mississippi Community College Board of Trustees completes an evaluation of the President annually (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 33). In July of 2008, Dr. Johnny Allen was evaluated by the Board of Trustees according to policy outlined in the Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 (Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008; President Evaluation Procedure, March 2008; President Evaluation by the Board of Trustees, Spring 2008; President Evaluation by the Board of Trustees, Spring 2007; President Evaluation by the Board of Trustees, Spring 2006; President Evaluation Portfolio, 2008). Evaluation of Institutional Administrators College administrators are evaluated annually by immediate supervisors as demonstrated in the institution’s organizational charts (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendices P1; P2; P3; P4; P5). A self-evaluation is completed by each administrator (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix D3). After a discussion between the employee and the supervisor, the employee and supervisor agrees upon a development plan for improving the performance level, if such a plan is appropriate (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47). Completed evaluations are kept on file in the office of the Executive Vice-President. “Employee Performance Evaluation Verification Form” is completed by the evaluator and forwarded to the Human Resource Office. Evaluations for the following people, representing every level of administrative staff on Northeast’s organization chart, are appended: Charles Barnett, Dean of Instruction; Nadara Cole, Vice-President Workforce Training and Economic Development; Susan Cristo, Secretary to the Executive Vice-President; Kathy Green, Division Head Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences; Angie Langley, Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities; Wade Oaks, Industrial Services Specialist (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F5; Charles Barnett, “Performance Evaluation” 2008; Nadara Cole, “Performance Evaluation” 2008; Susan Cristo, “Performance Evaluation” 2008; Kathy Green, “Performance Evaluation” 2008; Angie Langley, “Performance Evaluation” 2008; Wade Oaks, “Performance Evaluation” 2008). Annual evaluations are linked to institutional effectiveness measures to ensure the continued development of the outcomes and goals of the College. Expected outcomes, assessment results, and use of results are reflected in the Administrative Leadership Comprehensive Standards 129 3.2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Institutional Effectiveness Plan, Expected Outcome 1a (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-99). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 33 Board of Trustees Minutes-8 July 2008 President Evaluation Procedure, March 2008 President Evaluation by the Board of Trustees, Spring 2008 President Evaluation by the Board of Trustees, Spring 2007 President Evaluation by the Board of Trustees, Spring 2006 President Evaluation Portfolio, 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Administrative Organizational ChartsAppendices P1; P2; P3; P4; P5 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix D3 Northeast Procedures Manual2008-2009, 47 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F5 Charles Barnett, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Nadara Cole, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Susan Cristo, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Kathy Green, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Angie Langley, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Wade Oaks, “Performance Evaluation” 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-99 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_33 Media/BOTMin8July08 Media/PresEvalProcMarch08 Media/PresEvalBOTSp08 Media/PresEvalBOTSp07 Media/PresEvalBOTSp06 Media/PresEvalPortfolio08 Media/ProcMan0809_P1-P5 Media/ProcMan0809_D3 Media/ProcMan0809_47 Media/ProcMan0809_F5 Media/Charles_Barnett_Eval08 Media/Nadara_Cole_Eval08 Media/Susan_Cristo_Eval08 Media/Kathy_Green_Eval08 Media/Angie_Langley_Eval08 Media/Wade_Oaks_Eval08 Media/Plan0813_98-99 130 3.2.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.11 Control of Intercollegiate Athletics The institution’s chief executive officer has ultimate responsibility for, and exercises appropriate administrative and fiscal control over, the institution’s intercollegiate athletics program. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast’s Chief Executive Officer (President) has ultimate responsibility for and exercises appropriate administrative and fiscal control over the institution’s intercollegiate athletics program. Northeast is in full compliance with this comprehensive standard. The Northeast Mississippi Community College Handbook for the Department of Athletics clearly shows the organizational structure of Northeast athletics and the line of command of the President, Executive Vice-President, Dean of Student Services, and Athletic Director. This line of command is also evidenced in the Northeast Procedures Manual. The specific duties of the President related to intercollegiate athletics are to be responsible for the athletic program, to develop a balanced program in athletics, and to provide for the needs of all students who attend Northeast (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32; The Northeast Mississippi Community College Handbook for the Department of Athletics- Revised April 2008, 3; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3). The President’s office has ultimate oversight of intercollegiate athletics. The President delegates authority over athletics to the Executive Vice-President, Dean of Student Services, Athletic Director, and the coaching staff for implementation of each sport’s recruiting efforts, scholarship program, operational budgets, fundraising efforts, purchasing of equipment and supplies, student eligibility requirements, and the academic success of students (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7; 31-32; 72-73). The coaching staffs, under the supervision of the Athletic Director, are responsible for the daily coaching responsibilities and recruiting efforts in their individual sports. The Athletic Director has oversight of the operational budgets for the various intercollegiate athletic programs and the purchasing of equipment and supplies. The Athletic Director is also responsible for approving athletic travel, certifying student eligibility, and ensuring that the coaching staff follows all local, state, and national regulations concerning athletics. The Dean of Students assists the Athletic Director and the coaching staff in monitoring the academic progress and eligibility of student athletes and the athletic scholarship program. The Executive Vice-President provides additional oversight of the athletic program and the athletic facilities of the College. The Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges’ (MACJC) Athletic Council is composed of four (4) college presidents, one (1) athletic director, one (1) chief academic officer, and one (1) dean of students divided between the north and south Comprehensive Standards 131 3.2.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 regions of the state. The Athletic Council ensures that the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) rules are met and sets policy and procedures for Mississippi (Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges Handbook, 21 June 2008, 4-6). The President of Northeast and the Athletic Director ensure the college is in compliance with MACJC and NJCAA. Compliance with these associations requires Northeast to file several reports with MACJC and NJCAA. The NJCAA Letter of Intent, MACJC Financial Aid Report and the Eligibility Form report document compliance with all MACJC and NJCAA rules and regulations (National Letter of Intent, Example; MACJC Financial Aid Report, Example; Eligibility Form, Example). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 32 The Northeast Mississippi Community College Handbook for the Department of Athletics, Revised April 2008, 3 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 7; 31-32; 72-73 Mississippi Association of Community and Junior Colleges Handbook, 21 June 2008, 4-6 National Letter of Intent, Example MACJC Financial Aid Report, Example Eligibility Form, Example Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_32 Media/AthleticHandbookRevApril08 Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/BOTPol0809_7_31-32_72-73 Media/MACJCHandbook08_4-6 Media/NationalLetterIntentExample Media/MACJCAthFinRpt Media/EligibilityRpt 132 3.2.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.12 Fund-raising Activities The institution’s chief executive officer controls the institution’s fund-raising activities exclusive of institution-related foundations that are independent and separately incorporated. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The President of Northeast Mississippi Community College has the authority to manage and direct all affairs of the College under policies and regulations established by the Board of Trustees. The President controls the institution’s fund-raising activities as described in the duties of the President (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 31). Northeast does not participate in any fund-raising activities exclusive of the Northeast Development Foundation except for student organization accounts. The President of the College delegates oversight of fund-raising activities to the Dean of Student Services. All college-approved organizations and/or clubs submit formal requests on Fund Raising Project Request forms (Fund Raising Project Request). The forms are submitted and signed by the club president, club faculty/staff advisor and submitted to the Dean of Student Services. The Dean of Student Services approves the fund-raising activity, notifies the club advisor, and keeps the completed form on file. All funds raised by a club are accounted for through deposit in a local bank with the club advisor’s signature being required. Club advisors are responsible for this process. Accounting records are maintained by the club. The Purpose Statement of Northeast Mississippi Community College has established a goal of providing, “a program of Student Services that will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students” (Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 2). Northeast student organizations are formed to compliment a student’s academic experience and to enhance student life. Approval for all fund raising activities must be secured through the Dean of Student Services prior to initiating any activity (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 78; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3). All college-approved student organizations are listed in the Student Handbook (Northeast Student Handbook 20082009, 61-73). All active clubs are approved by the Dean of Student Services. Comprehensive Standards 133 3.2.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008 – 2009, 31 Fund Raising Project Request Northeast Procedures Manual 2008 -2009, 2 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008 -2009, 78 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008 -2009, Appendix P 3 Northeast Student Handbook 2008 -2009, 61-73 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTPol0809_31 Media/FundRaisingRequest Media/ProcMan0809_2 Media/ProcMan0809_78 Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/StdHand0809_61-73 134 3.2.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.13 Institution-related Foundations Any institution-related foundation not controlled by the institution has a contractual or other formal agreement that (1) accurately describes the relationship between the institution and the foundation, and (2) describes any liability associated with that relationship. In all cases, the institution ensures that the relationship is consistent with its mission. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation was reorganized in February 2000 (Board of Trustees Minutes- 21 March 2000). The “Policies and Procedures Manual” for the Foundation describes the entity as “a nonprofit corporation…working to strengthen the College through its private fundraising efforts” and fulfilling the College goal of “providing human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual 2008, 2; Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). The Foundation has a self-sustaining Board of Directors charged with the responsibility of managing and directing the activities of the Foundation through their Executive Director. The Board of Directors is composed of twenty (20) individuals, which include five (5) trustees from the Northeast Mississippi Community College Board of Trustees, the chairman of the Employee Enhancement Fund Committee, the Student Government Association President, the Alumni Association President, five county directors and seven members selected by the Board at large. This diversity gives the Board of Directors separate and independent decision-making authority (Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual 2008, 3). The relationship between the College and the Foundation is defined in a written agreement finalized by the respective boards on May 13, 2008. The agreement specifies how each will cooperate in a separate and independent environment. The agreement calls upon the Foundation to “plan all fundraising activities in a manner consistent with the mission and goals of the college and in close cooperation with the President of the College.” The Foundation keeps a set of records that accurately details the receipts and expenditures of the organization. These records are independently audited annually (Memorandum of Agreement between Northeast Mississippi Community College and Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, Inc., 13 May 2008). The methods and procedures detailed in the “Policies and Procedures Manual” of the Northeast Development Foundation accurately describe the relationship between the College and the Foundation and protects the College from liability that might result from the activities conducted by the Foundation. The manual also details procedures for Comprehensive Standards 135 3.2.13 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 solicitation of funds, designation of endowments, and booster club donations. (Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual 2008, 8-10; 12; 26; 37-40). Northeast Development Foundation provides funds to support Northeast through student scholarships, faculty and staff development, support of academic and other programs, and facility and equipment upgrades. During the past five (5) years the Development Foundation has provided the following funds in direct support of Northeast Mississippi Community College. Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Direct Support Northeast by Development Foundation FY08 $177,230 FY07 $88,775 FY06 $83,935 FY05 FY04 $66,053 $63,143 Student Scholarships Direct Support Northeast Personnel 187,863 170,810 182,702 137,256 205.605 Construction Northeast at New Albany 5,000 14,000 0 0 0 Equipment Northeast 42,750 1,000 14,708 22,405 47,118 Athletics 31,217 30,885 46,370 55,724 64,738 Fine Arts 10,223 7,291 5,018 7,350 8,470 Total 454,283 312,762 332,734 288,788 389,074 (Direct Support of Northeast by Northeast Development Foundation FY08-FY04) Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Minutes-21 March 2000 Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual 2008, 2 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual 2008, 3 Memorandum of Agreement between Northeast Mississippi Community College and Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation, Inc., 13 May 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTMin21Mar0000 Media/NDFProcMan08_2 Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/NDFProcMan08_3 Media/MOADevFound13May08 136 3.2.13 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation Policies and Procedures Manual 2008, 8-10;12; 26; 37-40 Direct Support of Northeast by Northeast Development Foundation FY08-FY04 Comprehensive Standards Media/NDFProcMan08_8-10_12_26_37-40 Media/DirectSupportNEMCCFoundationFY08FY04 137 3.2.13 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.2.14 Intellectual Property Rights The institution’s policies are clear concerning ownership of materials, compensation, copyright issues, and the use of revenue derived from the creation and production of all intellectual property. These policies apply to students, faculty, and staff. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Faculty and Staff Northeast Mississippi Community College’s policy governing intellectual property rights of faculty and staff applies to all persons employed full-time by Northeast and to anyone using college facilities either with or without supervision by college personnel. The policy applies to all classes of intellectual property including the following: written work, scientific and technological developments, and materials or objects created or produced by the faculty or staff member. The Intellectual Property Rights policy for faculty and staff includes the following sections: Reason for Policy - While encouraging faculty and staff to publish, copyright, invent, and patent materials and objects of their own creation, the College must protect its and the employee’s interest in regard to publications, inventions, discoveries, trade secrets disclosures, and other work that has potential monetary value. General guidelines - The policy shall apply to intellectual property creation of all types, regardless of whether it can be patented, except written work that is not part of the regular work responsibilities of the author. Disclosure - Any faculty or staff member who plans to create materials or objects developed wholly or partially using Northeast time, equipment, materials, or facilities, and who intends to copyright, patent, or otherwise merchandise those materials or objects shall inform the President of that intent through the Executive Vice-President. Ownership - The following guidelines shall apply to ownership: 1. All classes of intellectual property, scientific and technological developments, materials or objects created or produced by a faculty or staff member on personal time without the assistance of Northeast resources, personnel, equipment, materials, or facilities, shall be the exclusive property of the individual. 2. All classes of intellectual property, as defined above, created or produced by a faculty or staff member using Northeast resources, time, personnel, equipment, materials, and/or facilities, shall be the property of the College. Comprehensive Standards 138 3.2.14 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3. Northeast, in return for unrestricted license to use and reproduce original work without royalty payment, shall transfer to the creator of that work full ownership of any present or subsequent copyright/patent in accordance with the following paragraph: In the event that materials or objects are sold to entities outside the College, all income will go to the College until all developmental expenditures incurred by Northeast for that project, including stipends paid to the developer (over and above contract salary), prorated support staff salaries, supplies, and other expenses related to the creation of the materials or objects are recovered. Thereafter, all remuneration as a result of copyright, publication or patented sale, will go to the creator(s) of the materials or objects. 4. Copyright ownership or patents on all material, including inventions, disclosures, trade secrets, and computer software, that is developed through a “sponsored research agreement” (grant) shall be determined by the terms of the grant. Equity - In the event that the ownership of the intellectual property is shared by the College and the employee/creator (partnership), the employee/creator will share in the equity (right, claim or interest) resulting from an invention or copyright. Further, the employee/creator will be entitled to participate in the management of a business related to development of his/her intellectual property. Finally, the employee/creator may share in the equity of a company designed to market for profit the created product. Licensing - License agreements made with third parties under this policy should contain all provisions as determined to be in the best interests of both Northeast Mississippi Community College and the employee/creator. Royalty Participation - It is the intention of the Board of Trustees of Northeast Mississippi Community College that any faculty or staff member developing materials under the terms of this section will be permitted to participate in any royalties received. The Intellectual Property Rights Policy for faculty and staff is published in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 and the Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 58-60; Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 57-59). Disputes/Grievances Any disputes or disagreements regarding the guidelines and/or administration of the Intellectual Property Rights policy will be addressed through the College’s “Grievance Appeal Procedures for Faculty and Staff.” The purpose of this procedure is to provide a systematic method for resolving issues that may arise for an employee. If a resolution cannot be reached, an employee may file a grievance, a claim that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of an established practice, policy, or procedure. Comprehensive Standards 139 3.2.14 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The steps involved in the appeal procedure as well as the membership, duties and responsibilities of the grievance committee are published in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 43-44). Students Northeast Mississippi Community College’s policy governing the intellectual property rights of students defines students as “all persons enrolled as students” of the College. The Intellectual Property Rights policy for students establishes the following procedures: 1. Students will retain full ownership of all classes of intellectual property, including, but not limited to, scientific and technological developments, art work, written and oral compositions, music compositions and/or arrangements, and all other objects, items, or content that may be deemed “intellectual property” that they create or produce, both individually and collaboratively. 2. The College will retain an unrestricted license to use and reproduce the students’ intellectual property for educational and nonprofit purposes, including, but not limited to, publicity, promotion, and marketing. The Intellectual Property Rights Policy for students is published in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, The Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, and the Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 77; Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 67; Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 55). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 58-60 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 57-59 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 43-44 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 77 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 67 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 55 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ProMan0809_58-60 Media/BOTPol0809_57-60 Media/ProMan0809_43-44 Media/ProMan0809_77 Media/BOTPol0809_67 Media/StdHand0809_55 140 3.2.14 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.3.1 Institutional Effectiveness 3.3.1 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas: Educational programs, to include student learning outcomes Administrative support services Educational support services Research within its educational mission, if appropriate Community/public service within its educational mission, if appropriate Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Educational programs, to include student learning outcomes Identification of expected outcomes The foundation of the evaluation and assessment process for Northeast’s educational programs is the Institutional Effectiveness Plans published in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document. There are six (6) instructional divisions at Northeast: Business and Business Technology; Engineering Technology and Occupational Education; Health Sciences; Fine Arts; Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences; and Mathematics and Sciences. Annually, each division completes the following institutional effectiveness procedures: 1. Reviews and re-evaluate its purpose statement and makes necessary changes. 2. In the fall, faculty/staff involved in each educational unit participate in the adoption of three (3) to five (5) expected outcomes (goals) that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s purpose, long-range goals and short-term goals. 3. Faculty members of the educational programs of study devise Student Learning Outcomes that explicitly state what a student should be able to know, think or perform by the completion of the program of study. 4. The faculty/staff develop assessment criteria and procedures for assessment. Expected outcomes are reported using a four-column matrix. The four columns contain Expected Outcomes, Assessment Criteria/Procedures, Assessment Results, and Use of Results. Throughout the year faculty/staff, with assistance from The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (TIE) liaisons and the Planning and Research Office, collect assessment data and analyze the information to determine ways to improve the educational process. The evaluations contain both qualitative and quantitative measures, Comprehensive Standards 141 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 such as student evaluations of faculty, satisfaction surveys, rubrics, and proficiency assessments. Documenting evidence of the unit’s use of assessment results for improvement is the final step in the annual effectiveness process (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 110-193; 249-257). Evaluations and Assessments Northeast values quality teaching and the importance of a shared commitment by the faculty and institution to create a positive learning environment. Northeast has developed a comprehensive faculty evaluation process designed to continually assess this shared commitment and uses the results to continuously improve instruction and the learning environment. This system has five components: Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement, Classroom Observation Form, Student Evaluation of Faculty, Administrative Evaluation of Teaching Personnel, and the Faculty Member/Division Head Final Conference Form. The purpose of this process is to improve teaching and ensure the quality of academic instruction. The division head of each respective faculty member conducts the evaluation process. Faculty members use the results of the evaluations and data analysis reports to improve their courses (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47-48; Appendices E; F1-F4; Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Coleman, R. 0708; Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Blansett, L. 0708; Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Wright, J. 0708; Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Padgett, B. 0708; Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement -Alexander, N. 0708). Northeast students enrolled in courses both on the main campus and the off-campus sites evaluate the educational programs of study by several means. The Student Evaluation of Faculty is administered annually and results are tabulated by the Office of the Dean of Instruction. Results are disseminated to the appropriate faculty member and division head as part of the annual Faculty Evaluation Process (Student Evaluation of Faculty-Schager, C., CRN 11401-0506; Student Evaluation of Faculty-Melson, J., CRN 11156-0708; Student Evaluation of Faculty-Roby, M., CRN 10645-0708; Student Evaluation of Faculty-Scott, W., CRN 10724-0708). Students also participate in the institution-wide Strategic Planning Council. The Strategic Planning Council includes representatives from the Board of Trustees, administration, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and the community. This council develops institutional effectiveness indicators, strategic long-range goals, and short-term goals to help document the effectiveness of programs of study and services within the institution (Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007; Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-23; Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 24-29). During the spring semester, students who have taken classes at Northeast at New Albany or Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites are asked to complete the Northeast at New Albany Student Survey or the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey. The purpose of these Comprehensive Standards 142 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 surveys is to evaluate course content, materials, instructors, and services. The instruments use a Likert scale with opportunity for open-ended comments. The results are analyzed by the Northeast Office of Planning and Research and disseminated in newsletter format (Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008). Distance Learning students are asked to assess the effectiveness of their on-line classes by completing the Mississippi Virtual Community College/Northeast Mississippi Community College (MSVCC/NEMCC) Course Evaluation. This survey is administered through the Mississippi Virtual Community College. The table below reports aspects of the college curriculum with “Agrees/Strongly Agrees” responses in percentage formats as well as “Disagree/Strongly Disagree” (Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008). Institutional Research ReviewDistance Learning, June 2008 Question The course is what you expected Course information was available to me Integrity of the off-campus course compares to main campus Quality of course compares equivalent to traditional course format I had adequate interaction with the instructor I felt like a part of the learning community The instructor responded to requests for Corinth Spring 2008 New Albany Spring 2008 Northeast Virtual Spring 08 % Strongly Agree or Agree % Strongly Disagree or Disagree % Strongly Agree or Agree % Strongly Disagree or Disagree % Strongly Agree or Agree % Strongly Disagree or Disagree 93.1 6.9 100.0 0.0 92.0 7.0 97.1 2.9 100.0 0.0 97.0 2.0 90.2 3.9 92.9 0.0 91 (same or better) Not Applicable 93.1 3.9 92.9 0.0 85 (same or better) Not Applicable 94.1 3.9 97.6 0.0 92 7 96.1 3.9 97.6 0.0 83 11 95.1 2.0 95.2 2.4 93 6 Comprehensive Standards 143 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 assistance in a reasonable amount of time Received high quality of instruction 96.1 2.9 97.6 0.0 Not Not Available Applicable Curriculum/Program Review An integral part of the educational program of study assessment is the curriculum/program review process. In order to assure students that the curricula offered by Northeast are current, appropriate, and complete, evaluation of the degree programs of study are completed regularly. Each curriculum is assigned a full-time faculty member who has some experience and/or knowledge advising in the field of study and who has been assigned responsibilities for curriculum coordination. The curriculum coordinator is listed first on the advisor list for each program of study in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77-175). Each fall, curriculum coordinators, along with faculty advisors, review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth and assure that the General Education Core is included in the curriculum. Upon completion of the curriculum evaluation, the faculty member(s) forwards any recommendations for change to the appropriate division head for discussion at the monthly division meeting (Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Agenda, 14 August 2007). The recommendations of the faculty will be the basis of curriculum recommendations and will be presented by the appropriate division head at the Instruction Council (Instruction Council Minutes, 2 October 2007; Curriculum Proposal Form English 2153, October 2007). The Instruction Council brings the proposed curriculum changes to a vote and submits approved changes to the Board of Trustees through the President for final approval (Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61). A Curriculum Review Committee composed of college and non-college personnel evaluates pre-determined curricula annually. During the evaluation, the following areas of each curriculum are reviewed: • Past successes of major/grades • Relevance of courses within curriculum • Documented need for the curriculum • Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose • Credentials of faculty to adequately teach curriculum • Financial support for the curriculum Each division has its curricula reviewed on a pre-determined rotating basis (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14; Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 60-62). All curricula recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee are forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council are forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final action (Curriculum Comprehensive Standards 144 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate; Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008; “Program Evaluation”-Business & Business Technology). The career/technical curricula are evaluated on a pre-determined rotating basis by the State Board of Community and Junior Colleges (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007). These curricula are also reviewed annually by the local advisory committee (Advisory Committee Minutes-23 October 2007 PNE; Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CAD; Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CET). Retention/Success Rates The College continually evaluates the educational effectiveness of its main campus and off-campus courses. The off-campus sites offer different courses each semester and only the corresponding main campus classes are used in the tabulation of retention and success rates; therefore, retention and success rates listed for the main campus are affected by the course offerings that are unique to each off-campus site and will differ for the same semester. An analysis of retention and success rates for the Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus classes and the corresponding main campus classes (Traditional) is shown below (New Albany vs. Traditional Retention and Success Rates Study Spring 2008; Corinth vs. Traditional Retention and Success Rates Study Spring 2008): Retention and Success Rates Northeast at New Albany and Main Campus SP’08 FL’07 SP’07 FL’06 SP’06 FL’05 New Albany Retention 89.6% 89.4% 86.0% 92.0% 85.2% 78.7% Main Campus Retention Rates New Albany Success Rate Main Campus Success Rate 85.4% 89.1% 86.9% 88.2% 73.1% 76.6% 76.1% 72.5% 78.7% 76.1% 83.7% 75.3% 70.5% 73.9% 72.2% 74.1% 66.3% 70.4% Retention and Success Rates Northeast at Corinth and Main Campus SP’08 FL’07 SP’07 FL’06 Corinth Retention Rates Main Campus Retention Rates Corinth Success Rate 91.2% 87.6% 88.3% 93.8% 86.8% 90.9% 84.7% 89.0% 79.4% 76.8% 80.4% 86.7% Main Campus Success Rate 71.9% 72.6% 68.3% 74.8% Comprehensive Standards 145 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 For all analyses, the comparison to main campus classes includes only the main campus classes that are also offered through off-campus sites. Retention rate is determined by the number of students who actually completed the course compared to the number of students who began the course. Success rate is determined by students achieving a grade of “D” or above compared to the total number of students enrolled. The success rates and retention rates for each course are tabulated by the Office of Planning and Research and disseminated to the academic division heads and Dean of Instruction. Northeast continues to improve the quality of its off-campus sites through ongoing qualitative and quantitative assessments. Evidence of Improvement Northeast’s planning and evaluation processes have resulted in continued improvements in the educational programs offered. Specific examples of improvements are described in the “Accomplishment Section” of the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document and the “Use of Results” column within the Institutional Effectiveness Plans. The following examples detail improvements made in response to needs discovered during the review processes. Other examples illustrate improvements resulting from successes indicating the College is effectively accomplishing its mission (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 58; 61; 64; 73; 77; 111; 112; 113; 114; 122; 127; 128; 148; 151; 160; 171; 178; 184; 187; 190; 192). Curriculum and Instruction (Educational Programs) 1. Increased the number of Northeast distance learning provided courses from 68 sections in Fall 2006/Spring 2007 to 93 in the Fall 2007/Spring 2008 2. Tested an online training program for online instructors in the state of Mississippi 3. Required Developmental Mathematics (MAT 1203) students to remediate using Plato software before testing on new material 4. Eliminated locally developed review assessment and implemented an online homework assessment together with a new textbook for Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1233) 5. Scheduled more time between the Key Train pre-assessment and the Career Readiness examination 6. Certified as online instructors through the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges; twenty-one (21) out of thirty-five ( 35) Northeast virtual instructors who participated and completed Blackboard training 7. Purchased twenty-one (21) new computers with wireless capability for Northeast at New Albany Division of Business and Business Technology 1. Gained approval to add Computer Information Systems Technology from the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges 2. Attended articulation conferences with representatives from Mississippi State University and the University of Mississippi Comprehensive Standards 146 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3. Upgraded to new version of SAM software training component for Office 2007 4. Reviewed the applied business math curriculum and researched new textbooks and practice tests for Accounting Technology Division of Engineering Technology and Occupational Education 1. Revised Auto Body Technology curriculum to include changes in the Revised Curriculum Framework 2. Reviewed software systems on fuel systems and computer engine controls for Automotive Mechanics and Automotive Service Technician. Added cost of the software to the needs assessment 3. Added MAT 1313 and MAT 1323 to the Civil Engineering Technology curriculum based on input from the Advisory Committee 4. Added a mathematics course to program of study for Heating and Air Conditioning Technology Division of Health Sciences 1. Reviewed the Practical Nursing (PN) curriculum and the Associate Degree Nursing (A.D.N.) curriculum and established a process for alternate placement of A.D.N. students in the PN program (NEON track) 2. Added a Certification Review course to the Medical Laboratory Technology curriculum 3. Utilized an affective evaluation instrument for Respiratory Care Technology in response to information from the Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical Completers Survey 4. Utilized competency coach from NEON grant to provide academic support and tutoring Division of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences 1. Held additional grading workshops to establish and revise standards as laid out in grading rubrics in English Composition I and II 2. Incorporated an additional drafting stage to enhance instruction in writing research essays in English Composition II 3. Upgraded two computer writing laboratories housed in Anderson Hall to accommodate students enrolled in ENG 1103 4. Modified grading rubric used for history courses Division of Mathematics and Sciences 1. Changed instructional modules in Developmental Mathematics courses to provide remediation and explanation on specific topics 2. Enhanced the Computer Concepts comprehensive final examination with performance-based questions 3. Wrote a Physical Science customized laboratory manual to specifically align with the PHY 2244 course 4. Changed the calculus sequence to four three-hour semesters to align with the mathematics uniform numbering system Division of Fine Arts 1. Evaluated and changed locally-developed rubric used for assessment in music courses 2. Reviewed recital requirement for freshmen students Comprehensive Standards 147 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3. Updated textbooks in art appreciation Supporting Documentation and Links Source Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 110-193; 249-257 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47-48; Appendices E; F1-F4 Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Coleman, R. 0708 Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Blansett, L. 0708 Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Wright, J. 0708 Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Padgett, B. 0708 Faculty Member/Division Head Formative Evaluation Agreement-Alexander, N. 0708 Student Evaluation of Faculty-Schager, C., CRN 11401- 0506 Student Evaluation of Faculty-Melson, J., CRN 11156-0708 Student Evaluation of Faculty-Roby, M., CRN 10645-0708 Student Evaluation of Faculty-Scott, W., CRN 10724-0708 Strategic Planning Council Minutes-12 April 2007 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6-23 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 24-29 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77175 Institutional Research Review-OffCampus, June 2008 Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008 Humanities and Social/Behavioral Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Plan0813_110-193_249-257 Media/ProcMan0809_47-48_E_F1-F4 Media/RColemanFacEvalFl07 Media/LBlansettFacEvalFl07 Media/JWrightFacEvalFl07 Media/BPadgettFacEvalFl07 Media/NAlexanderFacEvalFl07 Media/CSchagerStdEvalFl06 Media/ JMelsonStdEvalFl07 Media/ MRobyStdEvalFl07 Media/WScottStdEvalFall07 Media/StrategicPlanCouncilMin12April07 Media/IE0708_6-23 Media/IE0708_24-29 Media/StdCat0809_77-175 Media/IRROffCampusJune08 Media/IRRDLJune08 Media/HumanitiesMins14Aug07 148 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Sciences Division Agenda, 14 August 2007 Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007 Curriculum Proposal Form English 2153, October 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62 Curriculum Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008 “Program Evaluation”-Business & Business Technology Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007 Advisory Committee Minutes-23 October 2007 PNE Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CAD Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CET New Albany vs. Traditional Retention and Success Rates Study Spring 2008 Corinth vs. Traditional Retention and Success Rates Study Spring 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 58; 61; 64; 73; 77; 111; 112; 113; 114; 122; 127; 128; 148; 151; 160; 171; 178; 184; 187; 190; 192 Comprehensive Standards Media/InsMin2Oct07 Media/CurProFormENG2153Oct07 Media/BOTMin13Dec07 Media/Proc0809_60-61 Media/Plan0813_13-14 Media/ProcMan0809_60-62 Media/CurRevInstCulinaryCert Media/CurRevAgenda29April08 Media/ProgramEvalBus Media/CurFrameWorks07 Media/AdvComMin23Oct07 Media/AdvComMin26Oct0423Oct07CAD Media/ AdvComMin26Oct0423Oct07CET Media/NATRADSp08 Media/ COTRADSp08 Media/Plan0813_58_61_64_73_77_111_11 2_113_114_122_128_148_151_160_171_1 78_184_187_190_192 149 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.3 Institutional Effectiveness 3.3.1 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas: Administrative support services Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Identification of Expected Outcomes The Institutional Effectiveness Plans found in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 provide the foundation for the evaluation and assessment process of Northeast’s administrative support services. The administrative support services area includes the following: Administrative Leadership; Alumni Affairs; Computer/Telecommunications Services; Crow’s Neck Environmental Education Center; Division of Finance and Operations; Planning and Research; and Public Information. Annually, each administrative support service area completes the following institutional effectiveness procedures: 1. Reviews and re-evaluates its purpose statement and makes necessary changes. 2. In the fall, staff members involved in each unit participate in the adoption of three (3) to five (5) expected outcomes (goals) that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s purpose, its long-range goals and short-term goals. 3. Administrative support service areas devise outcomes that support the purpose and goals of the unit. 4. The staff will then develop assessment criteria and procedures for assessment. Expected outcomes are reported using a four-column matrix. The four (4) columns contain Expected Outcomes, Assessment Criteria/Procedures, Assessment Results, and Use of Results. Throughout the year, staff, with assistance from The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (TIE) liaisons and the Office of Planning and Research, collect assessment data and analyze the information to determine ways to improve the administrative support areas. The evaluations contain both qualitative and quantitative measures such as Campus Climate Survey results, Survey of Student Opinion results, and audits of area performance. Documenting evidence of the unit’s use of assessment results for improvement is the final step in the annual effectiveness process (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-108; 214-236). Comprehensive Standards 150 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Evaluations and Assessments Northeast employees are asked to evaluate the administrative support services areas annually. Each fall, full-time faculty and staff are asked to complete the Campus Climate Survey. This survey consists of three (3) parts with a total of eighty-four (84) items that range from demographic data to satisfaction ratings of college programs and services. The opinion statements found on the survey cover such areas as communication, leadership, employee morale, planning, professional development, technology, and teamwork. Employees mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The statements that deal with level of satisfaction with college services and programs survey thirty-six (36) different services or programs. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The purpose of the Campus Climate Survey is to document quality and effectiveness by employing a comprehensive system of planning and assessment in all aspects of the institution. It serves as an assessment tool in assisting the administrative support services with their Institutional Effectiveness plan (IE plan) (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Sophomore students are asked to evaluate administrative support services by completing the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered during graduation practice held in May of each year. This survey assesses the student’s level of satisfaction with programs and services and the student’s perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the student’s impressions of the college experience. The Survey of Student Opinions consists of six (6) parts: Background Information, College Services, College Environment, College Impressions, College Experiences and Additional Questions. Survey results are compared against national norms compiled from over 20,000 students at thirty-nine (39) colleges that administer the survey. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5point Likert scale. This survey serves as an assessment tool for institutional effectiveness plans in various areas of the College (Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008). Audits of area performance provide quantitative evidence of the administrative support services achievement of its primary goals and functions. Each administrative service area formulates goals which support the purpose of each unit, then develops and implements procedures to evaluate the extent to which goals are achieved. Performance audits completed for administrative services areas include such measurements as enrollment, retention, funding, planning, allocation of resources, downtime for computer services, and online request work orders (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-108). Evidence of improvement Northeast’s planning and evaluation processes have resulted in continued improvements in administrative support services. Specific examples of improvements are described in Comprehensive Standards 151 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 the “Accomplishment Section” of the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document and the “Use of Results” column within the Institutional Effectiveness Plans. The following examples detail improvements made in response to needs discovered during the review processes. Other examples illustrate improvements resulting from successes indicating the College is effectively accomplishing its mission (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 15-17; 20; 22; 99; 100; 103; 109). Administrative Leadership/Services 1. Employed replacement faculty for social science, music, English, art, nursing and related health sciences who meet the institutional requirements 2. Increased enrollment in the Fall 2007 semester by 4.4% and 0.4% for the Spring 2008 semester 3. Offered 25 faculty/staff development workshops for 2007-2008 4. Completed construction of a new classroom building for Northeast at New Albany off-campus site 5. Devised a tracking system for completion of non-teaching personnel evaluations to allow for timely reminders to be issued 6. Approved seven planning proposals through the Administrative Council 7. Offered two “Advising Day” sessions to assist with retention Alumni Affairs 1. Held a reunion for nursing students enrolled from 1961-1963 2. Established a website for Alumni Computer/Telecommunications Services 1. Upgraded Banner application servers to Oracle 10g 2. Upgraded instructional labs to Microsoft Office 2007 Crow’s Neck 1. Launched website for Crow’s Neck 2. Developed and implemented a strategic plan for Crow’s Neck 3. Purchased and installed five-ton heat pump and two water heaters at Crow’s Neck Supporting Documentation and Links Source Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-108; 214-236 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-108 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Plan0813_98-108_214-236 Media/CCSJan08 Media/SSOJuly08 Media/Plan0813_98-108 Media/Plan0813 15- 152 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 15-17; 20; 22; 99; 100; 103; 109 Comprehensive Standards 17_20_22_99_100_103_109 153 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.3 Institutional Effectiveness 3.3.1 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas: Educational support services Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Identification of Expected Outcomes The Institutional Effectiveness Plans found in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 provide the foundation for the evaluation and assessment process of Northeast’s educational support services. Educational support services include the following: Athletics, Campus Security, Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, Guidance Services, Housing, Division of Learning Resources and Library, and Student Government/Intramurals. Annually, each educational support service area completes the following institutional effectiveness procedures: 1. Reviews and re-evaluates its purpose statement and makes necessary changes. 2. In the fall, staff members involved in each unit participate in the adoption of three (3) to five (5) expected outcomes (goals) that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s Purpose Statement, its long-range goals, and short-term goals. 3. Educational support service areas devise outcomes that support the purpose and goals of the unit. 4. The staff will then develop assessment criteria and procedures for assessment. Expected outcomes are reported using a four-column matrix. The four (4) columns contain Expected Outcomes, Assessment Criteria/Procedures, Assessment Results, and Use of Results. Throughout the year staff, with assistance from The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (TIE) liaisons and the Office of Planning and Research, collect assessment data and analyze the information to determine ways to improve the educational support area. Evaluations, such as Campus Climate Survey, Survey of Student Opinion, Suggestion Box Comment Cards and audits of area performance, contain both qualitative and quantitative measures. Documenting evidence of the unit’s use of assessment results for improvement is the final step in the annual effectiveness process (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 194-212). Comprehensive Standards 154 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Evaluations and Assessments Northeast employees are asked to evaluate the educational support services areas annually. Each fall, full-time faculty and staff are asked to complete the Campus Climate Survey. This survey consists of three (3) parts with a total of eighty-four (84) items that range from demographic data to satisfaction ratings of college programs and services. The opinion statements found on the survey cover such areas as communication, leadership, employee morale, planning, professional development, technology, and teamwork. Employees mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The statements that deal with the level of satisfaction with college services and programs survey thirty-six (36) different services or programs. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The purpose of the Campus Climate Survey is to document quality and effectiveness by employing a comprehensive system of planning and assessment in all aspects of the institution. It serves as an assessment tool in assisting the educational support services with their Institutional Effectiveness plan (IE plan) (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Sophomore students are asked to evaluate educational support services by completing the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered during the graduation practice held in May of each year. This survey assesses the student’s level of satisfaction with programs and services and the student’s perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the student’s impressions of the college experience. The Survey of Student Opinions consists of six (6) parts: Background Information, College Services, College Environment, College Impressions, College Experiences and Additional Questions. Survey results are compared against national norms compiled from over 20,000 students at thirty-nine (39) colleges that administer the survey. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5point Likert scale. This survey serves as an assessment tool for institutional effectiveness plans in various areas of the college (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). During the spring semester, students who have taken classes at Northeast at New Albany or Northeast at Corinth off-campus (long-term educational facility) sites are asked to complete the Northeast at New Albany Student Survey or the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey. The purpose of these surveys is to evaluate course content, materials, instructors, and services. Respondents are instructed to mark responses ranging from “Very Satisfied” to “Very Dissatisfied” regarding services or programs provided at the off-campus sites. The results are analyzed by the Northeast Office of Planning and Research and disseminated in newsletter format (Institutional Research Review-OffCampus, June 2008). These surveys serve as an assessment tool for the institutional effectiveness plans for the off-campus sites (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 249257). Comprehensive Standards 155 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Distance Learning students are asked to assess their satisfaction with student services by completing the Mississippi Virtual Community College/Northeast Mississippi Community College (MSVCC/NEMCC) Student Services Survey. This survey is administered through the Mississippi Virtual Community College. The Distance Learning Coordinator uses the results of this survey as an assessment tool for the institutional effectiveness plan for Distance Learning (Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008; FiveYear Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 117-122). Students of any classification or campus location, Northeast personnel, and the general public can evaluate educational support services and provide feedback regarding their experiences at Northeast by completing a Suggestion Box Comment Card. Suggestion boxes and the Suggestion Box Comment Cards are placed in areas of campus most often used by students and the general public. The survey instrument consists of fifteen (15) items being evaluated with an additional “Other” field being specified to evaluate any additional service not listed. The rating scale for these items range from five (5) for “Excellent” to one (1) for “Poor.” A field entitled “Here’s What I Think” was designed to allow several blank lines for comments on services received. Educational support services can use the comment cards as a second assessment/criteria measurement for customer satisfaction and delivery of services within each department’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan (Suggestion Boxes Results Fall 2007 & Spring 2008). Audits of area performance provide quantitative evidence of the educational support service’s achievement of its primary goals and functions. Each educational support service area formulates goals which support the purpose of each unit, then develops and implements procedures to evaluate the extent to which goals are achieved. Performance audits completed for educational support services areas include such measurements as tutorial services provided, athletic eligibility audits, number of criminal offenses, recruitment activities, response times for financial aid requests, job placement rates, residence hall occupancy rates, library and learning resource collections, and intramural activities offered (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 194-213). Evidence of Improvement Northeast’s planning and evaluation processes have resulted in continued improvements in educational support services. Specific examples of improvements are described in the “Accomplishment Section” of the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document and the “Use of Results” column within the Institutional Effectiveness Plans. The following examples detail improvements made in response to needs discovered during the review processes. Other examples illustrate improvements resulting from successes, indicating the College is effectively accomplishing its mission (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 20082013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 38; 41; 43; 44; 46; 50; 52; 53; 199; 203; 209; 212; 213; 214). Comprehensive Standards 156 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Athletics 1. Revised the Athletic Handbook 2. Implemented new sanitization procedures for athletic training clothing and equipment Enrollment Services 1. Hosted an ACT conference for area high school counselors 2. Revised the Application for admission 3. Developed a new marketing slogan: Northeast: Big Decision/Smart Choice! 4. Teamed guidance services with the admission office to provide a counselor at every area high school career day Event Planning, Housing, Security and Student Activities 1. Installed infrared day/night cameras and DVR recorder for Yarber Hall 2. Opened an additional game room in the activity center 3. Revised the Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Response Team Committee 4. Requested an increased SGA budget to offer more student activities 5. Created marketing packets for each intramural activity and distributed in the student union Financial Aid 1. Hired a part-time employee in financial aid 2. Conducted financial aid workshops at area high schools Guidance Services 1. Upgraded software and career information in the Career Center 2. Redesigned the Employer’s Guide to Recruiting and distributed it as a CD Learning Resources and Library 1. Developed an online Faculty Book Selection Guide 2. Conducted over 140 orientation and library instruction sessions for English and speech classes 3. Added a blog to the library webpage for book suggestions and added McNaughton leisure books and reviews to inform patrons of up-to-date books Bookstore 1. Reviewed product lines in the bookstore to provide a wider range of products and services Supporting Documentation and Links Source Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 194-213 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008 Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Plan0813_194-213 Media/CCSJan08 Media/SSOJuly08 Media/IRROffCampusJune08 Media/Plan0813_249-257 157 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 249-257 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 117-122 Suggestion Boxes Results Fall 2007 & Spring 2008 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 38; 41; 43; 44; 46; 50; 52; 53; 199; 203; 209; 212; 213; 214 Comprehensive Standards Media/Plan0813_117-122 Media/SuggestionBoxesResults0708 Media/Plan0813_38_41_43_44_46_50_52 _53_199_203_209_212_213_214 158 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.3 Institutional Effectiveness 3.3.1 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas: Research within its educational mission, if appropriate Judgment of Compliance __X__Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College does not include research as part of its educational mission (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809 9 159 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.3 Institutional Effectiveness 3.3.1 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the results in each of the following areas: Community/ public service within its education mission, if appropriate Judgment of Compliance __X__Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Identification of Expected Outcomes The Institutional Effectiveness Plans found in the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 provide the foundation for the evaluation and assessment process of Northeast’s community/public service areas. The division of Workforce Training and Economic Development contains the following community/public service areas: Adult Basic Education/Basic Skills Improvement, Continuing Education, Customized Training, Tech Prep, and Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Annually, each community/public service area completes the following institutional effectiveness procedures: 1. Reviews and re-evaluates its purpose statement and makes necessary changes. 2. In the fall, staff members involved in each area participate in the adoption of three (3) to five (5) expected outcomes (goals) that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s Purpose, its long-range goals and short-term goals. 3. Community/public service areas devise outcomes that support the purpose and goals of the unit. 4. The staff will then develop assessment criteria and procedures for assessment. Expected outcomes are reported using a four-column matrix. The four (4) columns contain Expected Outcomes, Assessment Criteria/Procedures, Assessment Results, and Use of Results. Throughout the year staff, with assistance from The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (TIE) liaisons and the Office of Planning and Research, collect assessment data and analyze the information to determine ways to improve the community/public service area. The evaluations and assessments contain both qualitative and quantitative measures such as Campus Climate Survey results, trainee evaluation forms, and audits of area performance. Documenting evidence of the unit’s use of assessment results for improvement is the final step in the annual effectiveness process (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 238-248). Comprehensive Standards 160 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Evaluations and Assessments Northeast employees are asked to evaluate the community/public service areas annually. Each fall, full-time faculty and staff are asked to complete the Campus Climate Survey. This survey consists of three parts with a total of eighty-four (84) items that range from demographic data to satisfaction ratings of college programs and services. The opinion statements found on the survey cover such areas as communication, leadership, employee morale, planning, professional development, technology, and teamwork. Employees mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The statements that deal with level of satisfaction with college services and programs survey thirty-six (36) different services or programs. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The purpose of the Campus Climate Survey is to document quality and effectiveness by employing a comprehensive system of planning and assessment in all aspects of the institution. It serves as an assessment tool in assisting the community/public services with their Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IE plan) (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Training projects, continuing education classes and adult basic education classes offered by the Workforce Training and Economic Development Division are evaluated by the trainee once the project/class is completed. These evaluations are monitored and used to make decisions regarding additional training sessions and trainer selection (Northeast Mississippi Community College Adult Basic Education Program Evaluation, Examples). These evaluations are used as assessment tools for the Workforce Training and Economic Development Division. Audits of area performance provide quantitative evidence of the community/public services area’s achievement of its primary goals and functions. Each public service area formulates goals which support the purpose of each unit, then develops and implements procedures to evaluate the extent to which goals are achieved. Performance audits completed for community/public service areas include such measurements as number of participants, GED attainment, number entering employment, number entering post secondary education, number leaving public assistance, number advancing in basic skills levels, enrollment in continuing education classes, number of camp attendees, number of projects written, number of training hours provided, new business participation and amount of salary increase following training (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 238248). Evidence of improvement Northeast’s planning and evaluation processes have resulted in continued improvements in community/public services. Specific examples of improvements are described in the “Accomplishment Section” of the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document and the “Use of Results” column within the Institutional Effectiveness Plans. The following examples Comprehensive Standards 161 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 detail improvements made in response to needs discovered during the review processes. Other examples illustrate improvements resulting from successes indicating the College is effectively accomplishing its mission (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 20082013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 87; 88; 238; 240; 244; 246; 247; 248). Workforce Training and Economic Development 1. Assisted with the recruitment of six (6) new industries into the district 2. Hosted the Governor’s Job Fair Network/Job Fair Adult Basic Education 1. Increased GED testing capacity to thirty-one (31) per session 2. Offered 146 continuing education workshops, seminars, and or classes in 07/08 3. Tracked student goal attainment using the statewide AEMS data base system 4. Administered the TABE test as a pre- and post-test to document improvements in skill levels Continuing Education 1. Added initial offerings of pottery, ballroom dancing, and water aerobics 2. Formed a committee to evaluate procedures and review all programs in continuing education 3. Devised a camp booklet to provide consistency with camp definitions, management and documentation 4. Contacted area school district curriculum coordinators and/or superintendents to encourage participation in workshops and professional development opportunities Customized Training 1. Presented work ethics training and new resource materials to area high school students Workforce Investment Act 1. Surveyed employers for ways to increase job retention of Workforce Investment Act customers Tech Prep 1. Provided professional development opportunities throughout the school year and during the summer on the Northeast campus and within the Tech Prep consortium of schools Supporting Documentation and Links Source Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 238-248 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Northeast Mississippi Community College Adult Basic Education Program Evaluation, Examples Five-Year Strategic Planning Document Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Plan0813_238-248 Media/CCSJan08 Media/ABEProgEvalExamples Media/Plan0813_87_88_238_240_244_246 162 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 87; 88; 238; 240; 244; 246; 247; 248 Comprehensive Standards _247_248 163 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4 Educational Programs: All Educational Programs (includes all on-campus, off-campus, and distance learning programs and course work) 3.4.1 Academic Program Approval The institution demonstrates that each educational program for which academic credit is awarded is (a) is approved by the faculty and the administration. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Each educational program is approved by the faculty and administration. Northeast offers two (2) associate degree programs: the Associate of Arts degree is awarded to students completing university parallel programs of study, and the Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded to students completing requirements in technical programs of study. Northeast defines an educational “program of study” as a coherent sequence of courses that may lead to the student’s transferring coursework to a senior institution or gaining employment in a technical field. Northeast offers fifty-seven (57) different university parallel programs of study leading to the Associate of Arts degree and twenty-seven (27) technical programs of study leading to the Associate of Applied Science degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76; 138). When students apply for college admission, they also apply for a program of study leading to a degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19). Northeast also offers eight (8) career certificate programs leading to a certificate of completion (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 139). All eight (8) certificate programs are awarded in compliance with the standards prescribed by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges and the State Department of Education Office of Vocational and Technical Education (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007). In order to assure students that the curricula offered by Northeast are current, appropriate, and complete, evaluation of the degree programs of study are completed regularly. Each curriculum is assigned a full-time faculty member who has knowledge of the field and who has assigned responsibilities for curriculum coordination. The curriculum coordinator is listed first on the advisor list for each program of study in the college catalog. Each fall, curriculum coordinators, along with faculty advisors, review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth. Comprehensive Standards 164 3.4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Upon completion of the curriculum evaluation, the Advisory Committee forwards any recommendations for change to the appropriate faculty division head for discussion at the monthly faculty division meeting. The recommendations of the faculty and the Advisory Committee will be the basis of curriculum recommendations and will be presented by the appropriate faculty division head at the annual curriculum meeting of the Instruction Council. The Instruction Council brings the proposed curriculum changes to a vote and submits approved changes to the Board of Trustees through the president for final approval. Each division has its curricula reviewed on a rotating basis. A Curriculum Review Committee composed of Northeast and non-college personnel evaluates curricula annually. Non-college personnel involved in this process include representatives from secondary education, other post-secondary institutions, and, when appropriate, members of business and industry. This allows linkage between the community college and its constituencies. During this evaluation, each curriculum will be reviewed in the following areas (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Past success rates by major/grades Relevance of courses within curriculum Documented need for the curriculum Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose Credentials of faculty to adequately teach curriculum Financial Support for curriculum. Faculty within each division completes a curriculum review instrument for each program of study. Faculty rate the curriculum of the programs of study as acceptable or unacceptable in the following areas (Curriculum Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate): 1. 2. 3. 4. Coherent sequence Satisfaction of general education core Sufficient and appropriate number and types of electives Appropriateness of transfer and/or immediate employment in the field Curriculum found unacceptable in any area requires written recommendations for improvement. Curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee or from faculty members within the division are forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council are forwarded to the Board of Trustees through the President for final action. To establish a new program or alter an existing program, a proposal form must be presented by a faculty member or a group of faculty members to the appropriate division head. The division head then submits the proposal to the division’s faculty for review and evaluation. If the proposal is found acceptable by a simple majority vote, it is forwarded to the Instruction Council, which is composed of the division heads of various Comprehensive Standards 165 3.4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 divisions and the Distance Learning Coordinator. The Dean of Instruction chairs this committee. If the proposal is approved by the Instruction Council, it is forwarded to the Board of Trustees through the President for final approval (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61; Curriculum Proposal Form-Culinary Arts, 17 October 2006; Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006; Board of Trustees-Agenda-14 December 2006; Board of Trustees-Minutes-14 December 2006). In summary, requests for curriculum course changes must be submitted according to the following procedure: • • • The initial request must be referred to the appropriate division head. The request must be approved by the Instruction Council. The request is then submitted to the President for consideration by the Board of Trustees. Each educational program evaluates its program and learning outcomes. The evaluation process is both qualitative and quantitative as evidenced by the use of data from institutional sources such as surveys, interviews, graduation rates, transfer rates, job placement rates, and licensure examination passage rates. Educational programs of the college are reviewed on a five-year cycle. The following table shows the previous review cycle and the next scheduled review: Program Review Calendar Program Last Review Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences 2004/2005 Health Sciences 2004 Engineering Technology & Occupational 2004 Education Mathematics/Science 2005 Fine Arts 2007 Business & Business Technology 2008 Scheduled Review 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 The purpose of the evaluation is to provide a procedure for continuous improvement in all instructional programs. Review and evaluation procedures acknowledge program accomplishments, as well as identify areas needing improvement (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14). Goals of the process are as follows: • • • To ensure effectiveness of all instructional programs To provide data that can be used for identifying needs, admission requirements, and curricular revisions To determine how specific programs align with the purpose and respond to student and community needs Comprehensive Standards 166 3.4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Learning outcomes are established by division, department, and course. Student outcome competencies are established in each course by the faculty and are included in the syllabus provided to the students (English Composition I-ENG 1113 Syllabus; College Algebra-MAT 1313 Syllabus; Public Speaking-SPT 1113 Syllabus; Computer Applications-CSC 1123 Syllabus; Clinical Practice II-MLT 2926 Syllabus). Evidence of continuous improvement is based on the analysis of student learning outcomes as reflected in curriculum changes, teaching methodology, and curriculum delivery. The following examples detail specific changes based on analysis of student learning outcomes (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 111; 122; 151): • • • Instructors in Developmental Mathematics courses changed instructional software modules to provide remediation and explanation on specific topics. 21 out of 35 Northeast virtual course instructors have participated and completed Blackboard training and have been certified as online instructors through the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges. Civil Engineering Technology added MAT 1313 and MAT 1323 to the curriculum based on input from the advisory committee. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76; 138 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 139 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 61-62 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 60-61 Curriculum Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate Curriculum Proposal Form-Culinary Arts, 17 October 2006 Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 Location Media/StdCat0809_76_138 Comprehensive Standards 167 Media/StdCat0809_19 Media/StdCat0809_139 Media/CurFrameWorks07 Media/Plan0813_13 Media/ProcMan0809_61-62 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Media/CurRevInstCulinaryCert Media/CulinaryArtsproposalOct06 Media/ InsMin17Oct06 Media/ BOTMin14Nov06 3.4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 November 2006 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14 English Composition I-ENG 1113 Syllabus College Algebra-MAT 1313 Syllabus Public Speaking-SPT 1113 Syllabus Computer Applications-CSC 1123 Syllabus Clinical Practice II-MLT 2926 Syllabus Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 111; 122; 151 Comprehensive Standards Media/Plan0813_13-14 Media/ENG1113Syl Media/MAT1313Syl Media/SPT1113Syl Media/CSC1123Syl Media/MLT2926Syl Media/Plan0813_111_122_151 168 3.4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.2 Continuing Education/Service Programs The institution’s continuing education, outreach and service programs are consistent with the institution’s mission. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College’s Purpose Statement charges the College with meeting “the educational and career needs of individual students and the community” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). The Division of Workforce Training and Economic Development meets these needs through the following programs: Adult Basic Education (ABE), Continuing Education and Community Services, Workforce Training, and the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The services provided by the division support the following institutional goals listed in the Purpose Statement: Goal 4-To offer continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment. Goal 5-To provide employer-driven, industry-specific workforce education and training to business, industry, and individuals (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 9). The Division of Workforce Training and Economic Development has a District Workforce Council composed of area business and industry leaders. This council meets quarterly to execute advisory duties established in the Role of the District Workforce Council by the state legislature (Role of the District Workforce Council). Adult Basic Education The Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program provides lifelong learning opportunities for the educationally disadvantaged in order to promote personal growth and enrichment. The ABE program provides free, non-credit classes in all counties served by Northeast. These classes assist individuals in improving their basic skills in order to earn a General Equivalency Diploma (GED), obtain employment, retain employment, or enter postsecondary education. Individuals enrolled in ABE classes are provided self-paced, competency-mastery instruction. Instructors assist adults in learning to read; developing skills necessary to pass the GED Examination; and increasing their basic skills in reading, English, mathematics, social studies, science, and computer literacy. Employability skills such as job search, resume preparation, and interviewing are taught in these classes. Classes focus on problem solving skills, communications, work ethics, motivational skills, and post secondary training opportunities (Student’s Progress Record; Student’s Instructional Objectives and Assignments (SIOA), Example; ABE/GED Learner Contract, Example). Comprehensive Standards 169 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Results of the ABE program are demonstrated in the following tables (Adult Education Management System (AEMS) 2007-2008, Year End Report Main Menu Screen; AEMS Year End Report 2007-2008 Tables 1, Table 4, Table 5; AEMS Year End Report 20062007 Main Menu Screen; AEMS Year End Report 2006-2007 Table 1, Table 4, Table 5; AEMS Year End Report 2005-2006 Main Menu Screen; AEMS Year End Report 20052006 Tables 1, Tables, 4, Table 5): ABE Annual Participation Report AEMS Year End Reports Total Number Served in Program (AEMS Main Menu Screen) Total Number hitting Tables (students with 12 class hours or more and TABE Scores) (Table 1) Completed GED (Table 5)* Entered Postsecondary Education (Table 5) Gained Employment (Table 5) Retained Employment (Table 5) Advanced Educational Functioning Level (Table 4) 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 1,720 1,506 1,372 1,540 1,221 1,158 413 133 43 17 58% 256 106 22 4 42% 227 224 35 20 48% *There is no direct correlation between the number of ABE participants and the number of GED completers. ABE students may take the test at other testing centers within the area and provide a copy of completion to the instructor for goal obtainment. GED Testing GED testing is a distinct program within the Division of Workforce Training and Economic Development, which is supervised by the Director of Adult Basic Education. GED testing provides opportunities for individuals to take the GED test on-campus and off-campus. In addition to the general public, the Northeast GED testing program provides GED testing for high school students who are enrolled in the GED Option Program. The State of Mississippi approved an alternative education route called GED Option. High school students enrolled in GED Option Programs are tested four times per year on specific dates. GED Option students may not be tested with adult GED students. GED testing does not require individuals to attend classes before they attempt the test. Therefore, the GED examinees appearing in the following tables are not necessarily the same people reported in the previous table. The GED testing data is provided by the Oklahoma Scoring Service, the private agency that scores all tests in Mississippi (Oklahoma Scoring Service Statistical Report). Comprehensive Standards 170 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Total GED Examinees County Alcorn Prentiss Tippah Tishomingo Union Totals 2007-2008 133 123 141 58 68 523 2006-2007 117 106 119 35 66 443 2005-2006 100 91 85 41 73 390 TOTAL 350 320 345 134 207 1,356 Total GED Completers County Alcorn Prentiss Tippah Tishomingo Union Totals 2007-2008 88 74 91 46 48 347 2006-2007 70 61 73 26 35 265 2005-2006 66 59 58 34 41 258 TOTAL 224 194 222 106 124 870 Evaluation and Assessment of ABE The ABE/GED program is required to meet federally-mandated performance standards on a yearly basis. These performance measures are updated annually by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC) and are disseminated to the Northeast ABE Director for inclusion in the budget extension application (ABE Performance Targets and Current Status 2007-2008; Performance Measures Worksheet PY 2008, PY 2007; MS ABE Performance Targets 2006-2007; MS Performance Measures 2005-2006 and 20062007). The required performance measures are then disseminated to the ABE instructors at staff meetings (Adult Basic Education Staff Development Agenda, 7 January 2008; Adult Basic Education Staff Development Agenda 30-31 July 2007; Adult Education Staff Development Agenda, 8 January 2007; Adult Education Staff Development Agenda 20 July 2006; Adult Education Staff Development Agenda 5 January 2006; ABE Instructor Handbook 2008-2009, 63). The Northeast ABE Director utilizes the required performance measures to develop goals as published in the five-year planning document (Northeast Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 238-243). The ABE Director and ABE Instructors evaluate each class on a monthly basis to determine if program performance measures are being met (AEMS Table 4, Table 5; AEMS Table 4 Educational Gains & Attendance; AEMS Table 5 Core Follow-up Outcome Achievement; ABE Performance Targets and Current Status 2008-2009, Example; AEMS Participants Needing to be Post-Tested). Instructors assess personal academic progress and student achievement by administering a Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) post-test after fifty (50) hours of instruction. The Student’s Instructional Objectives and Assignments (SIOA) form is updated based on these results. Comprehensive Standards 171 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 End of the year reports are also evaluated for program improvement (ABE Instructor Handbook 2008-2009, 42-45; Student’s Instructional Objectives and Assignments (SIOA), Example; Adult Education Management System (AEMS) 2007-2008, Year End Report Tables 1-12; Adult Education Management System (AEMS) 2006-2007, Year End Report Tables 1-12; Adult Education Management System (AEMS) 2005-2006, Year End Report Tables 1-12). Continuing Education and Community Services The Department of Continuing Education provides a wide variety of learning experiences based on requests and/or demands of the community for the Northeast Mississippi Community College district. The Department of Continuing Education helps Northeast Mississippi Community College accomplish its mission through offerings in the following areas: • • • • Professional Development – Certificate preparatory programs are offered with classes such as Certified Nurse Assistant Programs, Radiology Workshops (dental hygienists x-ray certification), Medical Billing, CPR Certification, Part-time Reserve Law Enforcement Officers Training, ServSafe Certification, K-12 Teacher Workshops and Sign Language. Personal Enrichment – Classes such as scrapbooking, water aerobics, stained glass, photography, and cake decorating are offered. Personal Growth – Workshops are offered to help prepare students for taking the American College Test and the Praxis I. Basic computer classes are also offered. Online Classes – ed2go – The online classes are available through the department’s “ed2go” program. A wide range of classes are available to individuals who want to pursue professional growth and/or personal enrichment. Through the use of the computer, these online classes are not restricted by time and location. The Department of Continuing Education develops courses, assigns instructors, advertises offerings (calendars, website, local newspapers, and fliers), registers participants, makes equipment available, prepares teacher and class evaluations, and transcripts Continuing Education Units for the classes. Continuing education credit is awarded based on hours of participation. One CEU is defined as ten (10) contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience. Fractions of units can also be awarded (5 hours = 0.5 units) (Northeast Mississippi Community College Spring 2008 Continuing Education Classes Calendar; Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2007 Continuing Education Classes Calendar; Northeast Mississippi Community College Spring 2007 Continuing Education Classes Calendar; Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2006 Continuing Education Classes Calendar; Northeast Mississippi Community College Spring 2006 Continuing Education Classes Calendar; Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2005 Continuing Education Classes Calendar; Medical Billing and Coding Flyer; Cake Decorating Flyer; Pottery Flyer; Water Aerobics Flyer; Continuing Education Transcript, Example). Class offerings are determined by previous success and public demand. Instructors’ Comprehensive Standards 172 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 supplemental salary agreements are approved by the Board of Trustees following approval by the President (Board of Trustees-Minutes-12 August 2008). A summary of the number of Continuing Education Courses offered for the last five (5) semesters is shown below (Continuing Education Summary Fall 2008; Continuing Education Summary 2007-2008; Continuing Education Summary 2006-2007). Continuing Education Offerings Summary Professional Development Personal Enrichment Personal Growth Online Classes – Ed 2 go Fall 2008 2007/2008 2006/2007 42 92 69 2 12 30 11 31 48 On-line Ed 2 Go classes are administered by NEMCC but are not hosted Through the Continuing Education Department, Northeast offers summer camps for children and youth in softball, basketball, baseball, band, and week-long day camp. In addition, swimming lessons are offered for children and adults. Evaluation and Assessment Participants in continuing education classes complete a Continuing Education Evaluation at the conclusion of the class. These evaluations are used to determine customer satisfaction and interest of the community. The evaluations are kept on file in the Department of Continuing Education Office (Continuing Education Class Evaluation, 2008; Continuing Education Class Evaluation, 2007; Continuing Education Class Evaluation, 2006). Workforce Training The Workforce Training Department provides customized training and education to business, industry, and individuals. The funding for the services is provided by Mississippi’s Workforce Education Program and disbursed by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC). The SBCJC sets policies and procedures to be followed in preparing and submitting workforce training projects. Annual monitoring reports reflect Northeast’s compliance with these procedures (Annual Monitoring ReportLetter-14 April 2008; Annual Monitoring Report-Letter-19 April 2007; Annual Monitoring Report-Letter-3 May 2006). The following table summarizes the number of trainees and total contact hours for Workforce Projects over the past three (3) years (Status Report 2008; Status Report 2007; Status Report 2006): Comprehensive Standards 173 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Workforce Projects 2008 Total Trainees Total Contact Hours Total Projects 2007 14,696 296,014 126 32,354 460,277 117 2006 44,170 530,722 91 Evaluation and Assessments The SBCJC requires all training to be evaluated at the end of each course. The Workforce Division utilizes the Trainee Evaluation of Class and Instructor form to meet this requirement (Trainee Evaluation of Class & Instructor, 2008, Example; Project Monitoring Form, Example). Training participation is tracked through a state-wide Performance Measurement System (PMS). Each trainee must complete a Trainee Application to receive services (Workforce Trainee Application, Example). Information from this application is entered into PMS. The database matches individuals to companies to ensure project accountability (Performance and Accountability System Memorandum of Understanding; Allen-Letter13 October 2005). Workforce Investment Act Services Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services are designed to provide assistance to adults entering employment, upgrading skills to retain employment, or seeking to gain a higher wage. This program targets the unemployed, dislocated workers and the underemployed. Northeast Mississippi Community College serves as the One-Stop Center for the Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Job Centers in the Northeast district. Northeast’s comprehensive site is located in Corinth and affiliated sites are located in Iuka, Ripley, and New Albany. These centers work together to provide services needed by the unemployed, underemployed and dislocated workers. These services include labor market information, job referrals, training assistance, assistance with job applications and resumes, and career counseling. The following table summarizes the earnings and employment rates success and retention rates for individuals who completed WIA Training (Common Measures Performance PY 2008 WIN Job Center 4th Quarter, 26 January 2009; Common Measures Performance PY 2007 WIN Job Center 4th Quarter, 17 July 2008; Common Measures Performance PY 2006 WIN Job Center 4th Quarter): Entered Employment Average Earnings Comprehensive Standards WIA Training ADULTS 2009 77% $11,870 174 2008 68% $10,074 2007 63% $9,769 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Retention Rate Entered Employment Average Earnings Retention Rate 80% 79% DISLOCATED WORKERS 2009 2008 81% 69% $12,346 $10,377 91% 85% 73% 2007 63% $9,342 78% Evaluation and Assessment The granting agent for the WIA program is Three Rivers Planning and Development District (TRPDD). The program is monitored by TRPDD yearly to determine programmatic outcomes and fiscal compliance. If a monitor discovers an issue, it is reported to Northeast for correction. Following the correction of the issue, a report is submitted to TRPDD. The WIA staff work to ensure this process is effectively completed. The TRPDD conducted a fiscal and programmatic monitoring review on January 16, 2008. The review focused on administrative procedures, financial records, services and programmatic operations of our agency as required by WIA regulations and state policies. The review resulted in one programmatic finding that required corrective action. Corrective action was taken immediately. There were no fiscal findings in this monitoring report (TRPDD Monitoring Report #07-07). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Role of the District Workforce Council Student’s Instructional Progress Record Student’s Instructional Objectives and Assignments (SIOA), Example ABE/GED Learner Contract, Example Adult Education Management System (AEMS) 2007-2008 Year End Report Main Menu Screen AEMS Year End Report 2007-2008 Tables 1, Table 4, Table AEMS Year End Report 2006-2007 Main Menu Screen AEMS Year End Report 2006-2007 Table 1, Table 4, Table 5 AEMS Year End Report 2005-2006 Main Menu Screen AEMS Year End Report 2005-2006 Tables 1, Tables, 4, Table 5 Oklahoma Scoring Service Statistical Report Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/RoleDistrictWFCouncil Media/StdInstructProgressRecord Media/StdInstructObjAssignments Media/ABEGEDLearnerContract Media/AEMS0708MainScreen Media/AEMSYrEndRpt0708Tables1_4_5 Media/AEMS0607MainScreen Media/AEMSYrEndRpt0607Tables1_4_5 Media/AEMS0506MainScreen Media/AEMSYrEndRpt0506Tables1_4_5 Media/OKScoringStatRpt 175 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 ABE Performance Targets and Current Status 2007-2008 Performance Measure Worksheet PY 2008, PY 2007 MS ABE Performance Targets 20062007 MS Performance Measures 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 Adult Basic Education Staff Development Agenda, 7 January 2008 Adult Basic Education Staff Development Agenda 30-31 July 2007 Adult Education Staff Development Agenda, 8 January 2007 Adult Education Staff Development Agenda 20 July 2006 Adult Education Staff Development Agenda 5 January 2006 Adult Education Staff Development Agenda 1 September 2005 ABE Instructor Handbook 2008-2009, 63 Northeast Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 238-243 AEMS Table 4, Table 5 AEMS Table 4 Educational Gains & Attendance AEMS Table 5 Core Follow-up Outcome Achievement ABE Performance Targets and Current Status 2008-2009, Example AEMS Participants Needing to be PostTested ABE Instructor Handbook 2008-2009, 42-45 AEMS Year End Report 2007-2008 Tables 1-12 AEMS Year End Report 2006-2007 Tables 1-12 AEMS Year End Report 2005-2006 Tables 1-12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Spring 2008 Continuing Education Classes Calendar Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2007 Continuing Education Classes Calendar Comprehensive Standards Media/ABEPerTargets0708 Media/PerMeasureWorkPY0807 Media/MSABEPerTargets0607 Media/MSPerMeasure0506_0607 Media/ABEStaffDevAgenda7Jan08 Media/ABEStaffDevAgenda30July31July07 Media/ABEStaffDevAgenda8Jan07 Media/ABEStaffDevAgenda20July06 Media/ABEStaffDevAgenda5Jan06 Media/ABEStaffDevAgenda1Sept05 Media/ABEHand0809_63 Media/Plan0813_238-243 Media/AEMSTable4 5 Media/AEMSTable4EdGainsAttendance Media/AEMSTable5CoreFollowup Media/ABEPerTarget0809Ex Media/AEMSParticipantsPostTest Media/ABEHand0809_42-45 Media/AEMSYrEndRpt0708Tables_1-12 Media/AEMSYrEndRpt0607Tables_1-12 Media/AEMSYrEndRpt0506Tables_1-12 Media/ CESpring08Calendar Media/ CEFall07Calendar 176 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Mississippi Community College Spring 2007 Continuing Education Classes Calendar Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2006 Continuing Education Classes Calendar Northeast Mississippi Community College Spring 2006 Continuing Education Classes Calendar Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2005 Continuing Education Classes Calendar Medical Billing and Coding Flyer Cake Decorating Flyer Pottery Flyer Water Aerobics Flyer Continuing Education Transcript, Example Board of Trustees-Minutes-12 August 2008 Continuing Education Summary Fall 2008 Continuing Education Summary 20072008 Continuing Education Summary 20062007 Continuing Education Class Evaluation, 2008 Continuing Education Class Evaluation, 2007 Continuing Education Class Evaluation, 2006 Annual Monitoring Report-Letter-14 April 2008 Annual Monitoring Report-Letter-19 April 2007 Annual Monitoring Report-Letter-3 May 2006 Trainee Evaluation of Class & Instructor, 2008, Example Project Monitoring Form, Example Status Report 2008 Status Report 2007 Status Report 2006 Workforce Trainee Application, Example Comprehensive Standards Media/CESpring07Calendar Media/CEFall06Calendar Media/CESpring06Calendar Media/CEFall05Calendar Media/CEMedBillingFlyer Media/CECakeDecorFlyer Media/CEPotteryFlyer Media/CEWaterAerobicsFlyer Media/ContinuingEdTranscript Media/BOTMin12Aug08 Media/ContinuingEdSummaryFall08 Media/ContinuingEdSummary0708 Media/ContinuingEdSummary0607 Media/CEClassEval08 Media/CEClassEval07 Media/CEClassEval06 Media/WFMonitorRptLetter14Apr08 Media/WFMonitorRptLetter19Apr07 Media/WFMonitorRptLetter3May06 Media/WFTraineeEval08 Media/ProjectMonitorForm Media/StatusRpt08 Media/StatusRpt07 Media/Status Rpt06 Media/WFTraineeApplication 177 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Performance and Accountability System Memorandum of Understanding Allen-Letter-12 October 2005 Common Measures Performance PY 2008 WIN Job Center 4th Quarter, 26 January 2009 Common Measures Performance PY 2007 WIN Job Center 4th Quarter, 17 July 2008 Common Measures Performance PY 2006 WIN Job Center 4th Quarter TRPDD Monitoring Report #07-07 Comprehensive Standards Media/MOUPerAccountSys Media/AllenLetter12Oct05 Media/CommonMeasuresPerPY08 Media/CommonMeasuresPerPY07 Media/CommonMeasuresPerPY06 Media/TRPDDMonitorRpt0707 178 3.4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.3 Admissions Policies The institution publishes admission policies consistent with its mission. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College, an open-door institution, has clearly defined admission policies which are disseminated to the public by the Northeast Student Catalog, the College website, departmental brochures and promotional materials. These policies are uniform in all publications (Northeast Webpage). The purpose of Northeast Mississippi Community College is to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves – Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union Counties – by awarding the Associate of Arts Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree, and Certificates (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9; Northeast Purpose Statement Webpage) The Admissions Office policies are based on mandates set by the Mississippi State Board for Community and Junior Colleges for the purpose of allocating state appropriations. These standards are consistent with the College’s Purpose Statement (Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-1). Types of Admission Regular Admission is granted to academic, technical, and career students who seek the Associate of Arts degree, the Associate of Applied Science degree, or the Vocational/Career certificate. For regular admission, the applicant must submit the following: 1. A completed Northeast Mississippi Community College application for admission 2. A transcript proving graduation from an approved and/or accredited high school or private academy, completion of an approved home school program, or documentation of a passing score on the General Education Development test (GED) 3. Scores on the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) • Vocational/Career certificate students who are eighteen (18) years of age or older may be admitted with a high school transcript. Some career certificate programs may require ACT/SAT. Some vocational/career certificate students may be given the ACCUPLACER test prior to the completion of the enrollment process. • Adult students (over age 21) who have never attended college (or have earned less than 12 hours at another college) may enroll by submitting the following: o Official Transcripts/GED scores Comprehensive Standards 179 3.4.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 o A driver’s license or other official document proving age of twenty-one (21) years or older ACT scores are not required for non-traditional students for acceptance into Northeast; however, the test may be required for entry into specific programs. A placement test may also be required (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19-20). Transfer Admission is granted to students who have attended other accredited institutions of higher learning by submitting the following: 1. A Northeast Mississippi Community College application for admission 2. Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended 3. A transcript proving graduation from an approved and/or accredited high school or private academy, completion of an approved home school program or documentation of a passing score on the General Education Development (GED) test • Students who have completed at least twelve (12) semester hours with a 2.0 or higher grade point average (measured on a 4.0 scale) are exempt from this requirement. 4. Scores on the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) • If the student has earned twelve (12) or more hours at a previous institution, this may not apply. The College may require scores on the Accuplacer exam for placement purposes. Specific programs may require ACT/SAT scores for admission to that particular program. A maximum of forty-five (45) semester hours of transfer credit may be applied toward a degree program (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 20). Visiting Admission is granted to those students who attend Northeast during a summer session and intend to re-enter the College last attended during the next regular session. These students must present: 1. Northeast application for admission 2. An official letter of good standing or an official transcript from the last college attended (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 20) Dual Admission is granted to high school students who wish to enroll in Northeast while maintaining their status as a high school student. Students must submit: 1. Northeast application 2. A high school transcript which documents a minimum of fourteen (14) high school units with a grade point average of a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale • High School students with a thirty (30) or higher on the ACT may be granted dual admission without completing the fourteen (14) units. • A home school student must submit a transcript with a signed, sworn affidavit to meet this requirement. Comprehensive Standards 180 3.4.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3. An unconditional letter of recommendation from the high school principal and/or guidance counselor or a written recommendation from the parent, legal guardian or legal custodian of a home-schooled student (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 20-21) Early Admission is granted to qualified high school students who desire to attend college instead of completing the high school requirements. The student must provide the following to qualify: 1. A completed Northeast application for admission. 2. An official high school transcript with a minimum of fourteen (14) units completed and a GPA of at least a 3.0. • Home-schooled students must submit a transcript with a sworn affidavit prepared by the parent, legal guardian or custodian. 3. An unconditional letter of recommendation from the high school principal/guidance counselor. The letter must state: • College enrollment is in the best educational interest of the student and the student’s age will not prevent the student from being a successful full-time college student. • A home-schooled student must submit a letter from a parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian. 4. A composite score on the ACT of twenty-six (26) or higher or equivalent SAT scores (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 21) International Students must be degree-seeking and, in addition to the regular admission criteria, must submit the following: 1. Documentation of a minimum score of 525 paper-based, 197 computer-based, or 72 internet-based on the “Test of English as a Foreign Language” (TOEFL) 2. A sponsor declaration form which demonstrates evidence of sufficient funds to cover college and personal expenses while in attendance 3. Translated proof of comprehensive medical health insurance coverage 4. Translated proof of high school and/or college transcripts 5. Translated records of two vaccinations for measles, mumps, and rubella; as well as evidence of vaccination of hepatitis B and Tuberculosis screening (within the last year) 6. Verification of appropriate VISA status The College reserves the right to determine the number of international students admitted and to change policies stated herein as deemed necessary (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 21). Senior Citizen Admission is granted to those students aged sixty-two (62) years and older. A completed Northeast Mississippi Community College application for admission is required. Tuition is free to classes on a space-available basis (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 21). Comprehensive Standards 181 3.4.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Admissions Committee The Admissions Committee, comprised of members of the faculty and staff, meets on a regular basis. The purpose of this committee is to accept or deny admission to students who have not met minimum requirements for admittance to Northeast or who may have been suspended for academic/disciplinary reasons. The committee also meets to admit the classes for the A.D.N. Nursing and Allied Health programs. These students apply to each program using a separate admissions application and rating sheets for each respective program. The programs that have special admission are A.D.N. Nursing, Medical Assisting Technology, Respiratory Care Technology, Radiological (Medical) Technology, Dental Hygiene Technology, Practical Nursing Education and Medical Laboratory Technology. The Admissions Committee reviews admission policies on an annual basis. Minutes of these meetings are on file in the Admissions Office. Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. The Campus Climate Survey consists of three (3) parts with a total of eighty-four (84) items that range from demographic data to satisfaction ratings of college programs and services. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents are also asked to rate each program or service ranging from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported based on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to Student Support Services activities are shown below with results for the past three years (Campus Climate Survey January 2008). On the Student Satisfaction Survey, sophomore students were asked to rate the Admissions Office. The spring 2008 results rated each college service (in rank order) on a 5-point scale satisfaction average with 5 for “Very Satisfied” to 1 for “Very Dissatisfied.” Out of 323 Sophomore Students, 305 completed the Survey of Student Opinions during the spring 2008 graduation practice which represented a response rate of 94.4% (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). The results of the Campus Climate Survey and the Survey of Student Opinions are found below: Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Item Rating Rating Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Admissions Office (Enrollment Services) 4.21 4.17 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Item Rating Rating Spring Spring 2008 2007 General Admissions 4.22 4.06 Comprehensive Standards 182 Rating Fall 2005 4.11 Rating Spring 2006 4.19 3.4.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Webpage Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Purpose Statement Webpage Mississippi Code of 1972 §37-29-1 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 1920 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 20 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 2021 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 21 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/NEHomePg Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/NEPurposeStatePg Media/MSCode37291 Media/StdCat0809_19-20 Media/StdCat0809_20 Media/StdCat0809_20-21 Media/StdCat0809 21 Media/CCSJan08 Media/SSOJuly08 183 3.4.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.4 Acceptance of Academic Credit The institution has a defined and published policy for evaluating, awarding and accepting credit for transfer, experiential learning, advanced placement, and professional certificates that is consistent with its mission and ensures that course work and learning outcomes are at the collegiate level and comparable to the institution’s own degree programs. The institution assumes responsibility for the academic quality of any course work or credit recorded on the institution’s transcript. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast has a defined and published policy for evaluating, awarding, and accepting credit for transfer and advanced placement coursework. This policy is consistent with Northeast’s Purpose Statement and ensures that the coursework is at the collegiate level and comparable to Northeast’s own degree programs. A transfer student is defined as one who has satisfactorily completed any college transfer credit at another regionally accredited college or university. Students transferring to Northeast must complete and submit an application for admission. Official transcripts from all previously-attended colleges/universities are required. In addition, the transfer student must meet the same admission criteria as incoming freshmen. Northeast accepts transfer credit for coursework earned at regionally accredited institutions (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 20). Transfer of credits is somewhat seamless between the fifteen (15) community and junior colleges and the eight (8) state-supported colleges/universities due to A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 and the articulation agreement with the eight (8) institutions of higher learning. This articulation agreement contains programs of courses appropriate for transfer for community/junior college students who attend Mississippi's eight (8) public universities (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008; Articulation Agreement 2007). Academic credit is awarded for coursework that applies to the degree but is not class focused such as, Advanced Placement (AP) credit, credit by examination as in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and credit based on a student’s Armed Forces experiences. A “Z” grade is assigned for this coursework but does not affect the student’s grade point average and is not used in computing academic honors (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 37). Students enrolling at Northeast Mississippi Community College may be awarded advanced college credit if they present satisfactory scores on the advanced placement Comprehensive Standards 184 3.4.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 examination administered through the College Entrance Examination Board and if they participated in and received credit for an AP course(s) offered through their high schools. Students may receive up to twelve (12) hours credit with no more than eight (8) hours or two courses in one subject area. The following table details the awarding of AP credit at Northeast (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 33): AP Exam Biology Biology English Lit/Comp English Lit/Comp Calculus AB Score 4 5 3 4 4 Hrs Credit 4 8 3 6 3 Calculus AB U.S. History U.S. History 5 3 4 6 3 6 NE Course BIO 1114 BIO 1114/1124 ENG 2323 ENG 2323/2333 MAT 1513 or MAT 1613 MAT 1513/1613 HIS 2213 HIS 2213/2223 The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers students an opportunity to earn college credit by examination for prior learning. Northeast will award credit on the CLEP subject area examination only to matriculated Northeast students. CLEP credit is awarded at Northeast Mississippi Community College under the following conditions: • All courses excluding English 1113 and 1123, listed in the Northeast Catalog are eligible for credit if CLEP has an examination in that subject. • No credit is given for CLEP general examinations. • Credit on the CLEP subject examinations will be awarded to a student who received a scaled score of 50 or more. • Credit earned by CLEP subject examination is limited to 18 semester hours. The student will be required to earn 12 semester hours of credit in a regular fall or spring semester at Northeast before CLEP credit earned at Northeast will be recorded or transfer CLEP credit recognized and recorded on the student’s transcript. • No grade points will be awarded for CLEP credit and a grade of “Z” will be recorded on the student’s transcript for all CLEP credit earned. • CLEP credit may not be used to satisfy the minimum residence requirement for graduation at Northeast (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 35). Licensed Practical Nurses desiring to achieve advanced placement in the Associate Degree Nursing Program, and who hold an unencumbered current license, may sit for “Challenge Examinations.” Two courses in the Associate Degree Program may be challenged and the examinations are given four times a year. Students are notified by mail of their scores and those who are successful will be notified in writing by the Division Head of Health Sciences. The Dean of Instruction will then instruct the Records Office to record the Challenge Credit as a grade of “Z” on the transcript for the appropriate course (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 34). Comprehensive Standards 185 3.4.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 When a student requests that military credits be evaluated for transfer credit, the student will provide the original Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) form to the College. This form/transcript lists the military education and experiences with the course descriptions along with recommendation for college course credit. Upon review of the AARTS by the registrar, Northeast credit may or may not be awarded. The AARTS will be placed in the student’s file and remain part of his/her permanent record (Barnett-Memorandum 2 December 2008; President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009; Z Grade Summary 2007-2008; Z Grade Summary 2006-2007). “Z” Credit CLEP Challenge Advanced Placement Military 2007-2008 1 14 1 3 2006-2007 0 9 1 2 The College does not award credit for experiential learning or professional certificates. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 20 A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Articulation Agreement 2007 Barnett-Memorandum 2 December 2008 President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009 Z Grade Summary 2007-2008 Z Grade Summary 2006-2007 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 33 Comprehensive Standards 186 Location Media/StdCat0809 20 Media/unicrsnumbering08 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/BarnettMemo2Dec08 Media/PresCabMin23Jan09 Media/ZGradeSum0708 Media/ ZGradeSum0607 Media/StdCat0809_33 3.4.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.5 Academic Policies The institution publishes academic policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice. These are disseminated to students, faculty, and other interested parties through publications that accurately represent the programs and services of the institution. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College publishes academic policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice. These policies are published and disseminated through the Northeast Student Catalog, the Northeast Student Handbook, and the College website. Information concerning academic standing, determination of GPA, absenteeism, probation and suspension criteria, graduation requirements, student services, physical plant, and academic calendars are available in these publications. To assure that these publications accurately reflect the programs and services of the College, they are reviewed and updated annually by the faculty, division heads, or members of administration. The Executive Vice-President approves college publications before printing and dissemination (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59-61; Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 33). Admissions In an effort to serve the diverse needs of its student body, the College will admit students in one of the following categories; Regular, Transfer, Visiting, Dual, Early and International admission. Admission standards are the same for all students. Upon admission to the college, an acceptance letter with the student’s major and advisor’s name and contact information is mailed to the student. All students must contact their advisor to plan their schedule and receive a personal identification number (PIN) (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19-28; Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 32-33) When new students are admitted to the College, their ACT scores are reviewed to determine if specific academic skills need to be improved. The College has a mandatory placement policy for the following academic competencies: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Anatomy and Physiology I. Students who wish to challenge their mathematics placement according to the Accuplacer test should see the Division Head of Mathematics and Sciences. Students who wish to challenge their English placement according to the Accuplacer test should see the Division Head of Humanities/Social and Behavioral Science. In addition, course Pre/Corequisites are listed in the course description section of the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22, 177-240). Comprehensive Standards 187 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Retention The Purpose Statement of Northeast Mississippi Community College states it will respond to the needs of all who seek a college education. Student retention is a vital part of this response and is linked directly to student success. Through various policies and practices, Northeast strives to continuously improve the College’s retention efforts. Class Attendance Students are required to attend all classes. Absences from class should be the result of extenuating circumstances such as sickness, family deaths, hazardous road conditions, etc. Students who are absent from class more than fourteen percent (14%) of the scheduled class meetings will be reported to the Records Office for excessive absences. The instructor will inform the student of the excessive absences upon the student’s return to class. Students who are removed from class for non-attendance will have a status of CO (cut-out) and a grade of F recorded for the courses. A student who has been cut out of class may appeal to be readmitted in the Dean of Instruction’s Office. There were 145 requests for reinstatement to class from January through December 2008. The requests are on file in the Dean of Instruction’s Office (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 30; Requests for Reinstatement 2008). Class/College Withdrawal Northeast Mississippi Community College strongly supports activities that promote student success in classes and degree programs. Students are encouraged to maintain their enrollment in all courses for the full semester. However, in cases where the academic load proves to be too great to maintain for unforeseen reasons, the student may reduce his/her load by withdrawing from one or more classes. The College provides a means for students to withdraw from individual classes or withdraw from college if the student can no longer attend any classes. The class withdrawal period begins with the ninth (9) week of class (or equivalent period in summer or intersession) and continues up to one (1) week prior to the beginning of final exams. College withdrawal may be accomplished at any time up to one (1) week prior to the beginning of final exams. Students who do not complete the withdrawal process correctly in the Business Office receive a grade of F (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 30-32). Course Repeat Policy Beginning in fall 2005, a student will be permitted to retake up to two (2) different courses (limited to Northeast courses only), not to exceed eight (8) semester hours, in which he/she made a “D” or “F”, with the original grade remaining on the transcript but not counted toward the student’s GPA. Only the higher grade will be computed in the GPA. This Repeat Course Policy is only in effect for Northeast and may not apply at other institutions. Students must secure signatures from their advisor and the Dean of Instruction before being allowed to repeat a course (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 37). Comprehensive Standards 188 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Academic Standing A student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale to remain in “Good Standing” with the college. Students who fail to maintain this status are considered “academically deficient.” A student may be academically deficient (probation 1) for one term. If he/she does not meet the cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 by the end of his/her second consecutive semester in residence, he/she will be suspended for one semester. A student who has been suspended may request readmission from the Dean of Instruction (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 38). Grade Appeal A student has the right to appeal a grade. The request must be signed and dated. The appeal does not give the student the right to question the appropriateness of a grade (grades earned by taking the final exam), but instead does allow for the examination of the correctness of the recording of the grade which has been given by the instructor. Results of the hearing will be given in writing to the eligible student according to procedures as outlined in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 37-38; Student Appeals-Letter-19 January 2009; Barnett-Letter-23 January 2009). Student Support The Northeast Counseling Center offers a variety of services to students, prospective students and graduates. The counseling staff is available to help students select a major, improve study skills, or resolve personal, social or educational difficulties. Counselors are available to help students make decisions about colleges, occupations, and personalsocial matters. The Counseling Center offers, but is not limited to the following services: Freshman Orientation, Career and Academic Counseling, Individual or Group Counseling, Disability Support Services, Student Success Center, Testing Services, Tutoring, and College Planning (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 42; Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 38-42). Graduation All students completing programs of study at Northeast Mississippi Community College are encouraged to participate in graduation. Students desiring to graduate must apply for their degree/diploma in the Records office before the posted deadline. Applications dates for applying for graduation are posted each semester. To earn a degree or certificate, a student must demonstrate through periodic examinations and through other requirements, as stated in the course syllabi, that he/she is competent in all courses within a particular curriculum. In addition, completion requirements for associate degrees include being competent in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and computer literacy (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59). Comprehensive Standards 189 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Curriculum Under the direct supervision of the division heads, the quality and quantity of the instructional program resides with the faculty. Programs of study are regularly reviewed by the faculty and the Instruction Council. Programs of study considered for adoption must support the purpose and philosophy of the College. Articulation Agreement Since 1991, Institutions of Higher Learning in Mississippi have identified and published a listing of courses they accept as meeting the requirements for collegiate appropriateness in higher education. The publication entitled Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board of Community and Junior Colleges, hereafter called the Articulation Agreement, provides the rationale for Northeast’s determination of coherence in selection and sequencing of courses in each program of study. The Articulation Agreement strengthens the course transferability between state universities and community colleges (Articulation Agreement 2007). The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi State Board of Community/Junior Colleges approve the updated articulation agreement annually (Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii). Uniform Course Numbering System The system of identifying courses in all college parallel curricula was adopted in 1971 to become implemented in the fifteen (15) public junior college districts during the 1972-73 school years. The leadership and efforts provided by the Mississippi Community and Junior College Academic Deans' Association make this course numbering system possible. A general revision of the numbering system is prepared every five (5) years; however, new courses are constantly reviewed by a screening committee of the Mississippi Community and Junior College Deans' Association. When a new course is added, the name of the course, a complete course description and the course number is furnished to all universities and colleges in the form of an addendum in October and in March each year. The first number in the sequence (e.g. MAT 1313) denotes whether the course is a freshman or sophomore level course. The second denotes the grouping, with the third number denoting the sequence within the grouping. The last number denotes the number of semester credit hours (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008). Curriculum Establishment and Revision The curriculum is established and administered by the faculty and its committees. To establish a curriculum or to alter a curriculum within a division, a curriculum proposal form (submitted by a faculty member or a group of faculty members) must be presented to the division head. Upon receipt of the proposal, the division head submits the proposal Comprehensive Standards 190 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 to the division’s faculty for review and evaluation. If the proposal is found acceptable by the division’s faculty by a simple majority vote, the proposal is forwarded to the Instruction Council that is composed of the division heads of the various academic divisions, and the Distance Learning Coordinator. The Dean of Instruction chairs the committee. The proposal, if approved by the Instruction Council, is forwarded to the Board of Trustees through the President for final approval. University-parallel programs are designed for transfer students. Courses within a program or curriculum are determined by the universities’ requirements, state uniform curriculum, and local needs. To ensure that curriculum and courses are equated to those of the universities, a state-wide articulation agreement has been established (Articulation Agreement 2007). On a rotating basis, the division heads and faculty review the program of study and recommend curriculum changes to the Instruction Council. The Dean of Instruction serves as the liaison to the senior colleges and universities and links Northeast with these institutions. Career and technical programs are in keeping with the demands of local enterprises. These curricula are under regular review and evaluation by local advisory committees and the faculty. Although seventy-five (75) percent of the content of career-technical curricula is established by the Bureau of Career-Technical Education and State Department of Education, the remaining twenty-five (25) percent is under local control. Therefore, as changes occur in local and regional enterprises, compatible changes are made in the locally controlled portion of the career-technical curricula. The careertechnical curricula are reviewed annually by the Advisory Committee. Additionally, various accrediting agencies may influence the course content of various programs of study. Curriculum Review and Evaluation In order to assure students that the curricula offered by Northeast are current, appropriate and complete, evaluations of the degree programs of study are completed regularly. On a scheduled rotating basis, faculties review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth and complete a Curriculum Review Instrument (Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, Appendix J). This instrument is part of the evidence used in the curriculum review process. A Curriculum Review Committee that is composed of Northeast and non-college personnel will evaluate curricula yearly. Each division will have its curricula reviewed on a pre-determined rotating basis. During the evaluation, each curriculum will be reviewed in the following areas: 1. Past successes of major/grades 2. Relevance of courses within curriculum 3. Documented need for the curriculum 4. Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose 5. Credentials of faculty to adequately teach curriculum 6. Financial support for the curriculum Comprehensive Standards 191 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 All curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee will be forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees through the President for final action (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62; Curriculum Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate; Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008; Program Evaluation-Business & Business Technology). Curriculum Changes Forms to add or delete a course or a program of study are available in the office of the Dean of Instruction and the Northeast Procedures Manual. To make any curriculum change, the correct form must be completed and submitted to the appropriate division head and the Dean of Instruction five (5) days prior to the announced curriculum committee meeting. Curriculum changes must be approved by the Instruction Council (Curriculum Committee), forwarded to the Board of Trustees through the President for approval (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 62; Curriculum Proposal FormCulinary Arts, 17 October 2006; Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006; Board of Trustees Minutes-14 December 2006; Board of Trustees Agenda-14 December 2006). Curriculum Termination Each program of study must maintain an adequate number of student majors to justify the continuation of the program as a degree offering. A university-parallel program of study in which the major courses do not serve as general education courses must maintain a minimum of fifteen (15) students who are majoring in the program. A career or technical program must maintain a minimum of ten (10) students who are majoring in the program.* If the student enrollment drops below the minimum level, the following steps will be taken: 1. At the conclusion of two (2) consecutive years with below minimum student enrollment, the curriculum coordinator for the program of study must submit and execute a plan for recruiting students. 2. If the student enrollment in the program of study in question continues below the acceptable level for a third consecutive year, a review committee consisting of the Executive Vice-President, Dean of Instruction and division head of the program in question, will review the program and will determine the program’s status. 3. If the review committee reinstates the program of study, the student enrollment during the reinstated year must exceed the minimum. Should the student enrollment decrease below the acceptable level, the program will be terminated at the conclusion of the reinstated year (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 62). *Career or technical programs will be cancelled if funding from the State Board for Community & Junior Colleges or Mississippi Department of Education is terminated. Comprehensive Standards 192 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5961 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 33 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 1928 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 32-33 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22; 177-240 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 30 Requests for Reinstatement 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3032 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 37 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 38 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3738 Student Appeals-Letter-19 January 2009 Barnett-Letter-23 January 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 42 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 38-42 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5961 Articulation Agreement 2007 Articulation Agreement 2007,i-ii A Uniformed Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix J Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62 Curriculum Review Instrument- Culinary Arts Technology Certificate Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008 Program Evaluation-Business & Business Technology Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 62 Curriculum Proposal Form-Culinary Arts, 17 October 2006 Comprehensive Standards 193 Location Media/StdCat0809_59-61 Media/StdHand0809_33 Media/StdCat0809_19-28 Media/StdHand0809_32-33 Media/StdCat0809_22_177-240 Media/StdCat0809 30 Media/ReinstatementRequest08 Media/StdCat0809_30-32 Media/StdCat0809 37 Media/StdCat0809 38 Media/StdCat0809_37-38 Media/AppealsLetter19Jan09 Media/BarnettLetter23Jan09 Media/StdCat0809 42 Media/StdHand0809_38-42 Media/StdCat0809_59-61 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/ArtAgree07 i-ii Media/Unicrsnumbering08 Media/ProcMan0809_J Media/ProcMan0809_61-62 Media/CurRevInstCulinaryCert Media/CurRevAgenda29April08 Media/ProgramEvalBus Media/ProcMan0809_62 Media/CulinaryArtsproposalOct06 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 December 2006 Board of Trustees Agenda-14 December 2006 Comprehensive Standards Media/InsMin17Oct06 Media/BOTMin14Dec06 Media/BOTAgenda14Dec06 194 3.4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.6 Practices for Awarding Credit The institution employs sound and acceptable practices for determining the amount and level of credit awarded for courses, regardless of format or mode of delivery. Judgment of Compliance _X_Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance All public community and junior colleges in the state of Mississippi utilize a uniform course numbering system which ensures commonality in course levels and facilitates uniform course transfer to bachelor-degree-level institutions in the state (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008). Northeast Mississippi Community College abides by the policies of the Mississippi State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC) which dictates that one semester credit hour for traditional format academic courses requires a minimum student-teacher contact of 750 minutes for lecture and 1500 minutes for laboratory (MS SBCJC Policy and Procedure Manual, May 2007). The Career and Technical programs use the Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs published by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC) and abide by the polices of the SBCJC which mandate that one semester credit hour generated requires a minimum student-teacher contact of 750 minutes for lecture credit, 1500 minutes for laboratory credit, and 2250 minutes for clinical credit (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007). In addition to traditionally-formatted classes, Northeast Mississippi Community College offers a variety of distance learning opportunities through the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC), which was accredited by the SACS-COC in July 2004 (Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004). MSVCC operations are monitored by the SBCJC and participants in the MSVCC in accordance with the Uniform Course Numbering System, the MS SBCJC Policies and Procedures Manual, May 2007, and the MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual, thus ensuring quality and consistency of courses offered (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008; MS SBCJC Policies and Procedures Manual, May 2007; MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual, May 2005). Online courses carry the same amount and level of credit awarded for the course presented in a traditional format. Northeast Mississippi Community College’s Instruction Council reviews all new course and course change proposals. In addition to ensuring a course’s appropriateness to the curriculum, the committee gives careful consideration to the appropriateness of level and amount of credit awarded. Northeast offers courses at freshmen and sophomore levels. Comprehensive Standards 195 3.4.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The President presents curriculum proposals to the Board of Trustees for final approval (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62). Supporting Documentation and Links Source MS SBCJC Policies and Procedures Manual, May 2007 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004 A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual, May 2005 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/SBCJCPolicyMay07 Media/CurFrameWorks07 Media/RogersLetter9July04 Media/Unicrsnumbering08 Media/MSVCCPolManualMay2005 Media/ProcMan0809_60-62 196 3.4.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.7 Consortial and Contractual Educational Programs (includes all oncampus, off-campus, and distance learning programs and course work) The institution ensures the quality of educational programs/courses offered through consortia relationships or contractual agreements, ensures ongoing compliance with the comprehensive requirements, and evaluates the consortial relationship and/or agreement against the purpose of the institution. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College offers educational courses through several consortia relationships or contractual agreements. These agreements ensure compliance with the comprehensive requirements and are evaluated against the Purpose of the College. Distance Learning Northeast delivers online distance learning courses through the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC). MSVCC is a consortium composed of all fifteen (15) of the Mississippi public two-year colleges and the Mississippi State Board for Community and Junior Colleges. Northeast filed a substantive change notice concerning distance learning as a part of the statewide MSVCC initiative and was reviewed by the Commission on Colleges in February 2003. On July 9, 2004, Northeast received notice that the Commission on Colleges had approved the First Monitoring Report and that no additional action was required (Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004). Northeast monitors the quality of the educational courses offered through the MSVCC. The Distance Learning Coordinator and the division heads at Northeast verify the credentials of all faculty teaching courses through the MSVCC. The Distance Learning Coordinator and the Dean of Instruction review the evaluations of all instructors and courses offered by Northeast through MSVCC. MSVCC defines a “provided” course as a course that is taught by a faculty member employed at the institution which originates the course and it defines a “hosted” course as a course that is offered by an institution which did not originate the course. All courses and instructors of “provided” courses are evaluated through the regular Northeast evaluation process. In April 2003, the Mississippi Association of Community and Junior College Dean’s Association approved a statewide policy concerning evaluations of “hosted” courses which was implemented beginning with the Fall 2004 semester. This policy requires “hosted” course evaluations to be uniformly applied at all participating schools. The college must provide evidence that it has reviewed the evaluations of MSVCC instructors and that the instructors have sufficient credentials to teach the courses. The College must also verify that the course content coincides with that stated in A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Comprehensive Standards 197 3.4.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Public Community and Junior Colleges (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008). A sample letter from the Dean of Instruction which documents compliance with this policy is attached (BarnettLetter-25 April 2008). Through this policy Northeast maintains control of the quality of its distance learning course offerings and uses evaluation results to improve the quality of its course offerings. The administration of the College has the sole authority to decide which courses or instructors it chooses to “host” through MSVCC. If a course or instructor receives unsatisfactory evaluations, the administration closely monitors future evaluations. If future evaluations fail to show satisfactory improvement in the indicated areas, Northeast will remove the “hosted” course from the approved list of courses available to Northeast students. The Northeast distance learning program is an integral part of the instructional activities of the College and is in compliance with all of the comprehensive requirements. All distance learning courses that are “hosted” or “provided” by Northeast are courses which are approved through published procedures at the College. These courses have been approved through the Instruction Council of the College and are aligned with A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges. The division heads and the director of distance learning review the course content and the instructor’s credentials for distance learning classes prior to enrolling students in the class. The College Purpose Statement asserts that Northeast “is a public, comprehensive community college that exists to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves.” It further states that “Northeast responds to the needs of all who seek a college education (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Distance learning courses offer Northeast the opportunity to provide a quality education to those students who are unable or unwilling to attend traditional college courses. The flexibility of online courses appeals to many students and assists Northeast in accomplishing its Purpose. Each of the colleges in the MSVCC signed the updated Memorandum of Agreement for Mississippi Virtual Community College Participation in July 2005. This agreement clearly delineates the responsibilities of all parties involved (Memorandum of Agreement for Mississippi Virtual Community College Participation-July 2005). Corridor Consortium Northeast is a member of the Mississippi Corridor Consortium which was established in August 2005 to raise the economic competitiveness level of the region. The membership of the consortium includes Northeast Mississippi Community College, East Mississippi Community College, Itawamba Community College, and Northwest Mississippi Community College. The consortium is designed to strengthen the institutions’ ability to provide services in the areas of workforce, community, and economic development through cooperative efforts and sharing of resources (Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Mississippi Corridor Consortium-4 November 2005). Programs offered through this consortial relationship speak directly to the College’s Purpose Statement by Comprehensive Standards 198 3.4.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 providing continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment. (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). In 2006, the Mississippi Corridor Consortium applied for and received a 1.9 million dollar U. S. Department of Labor Community-Based Job Training grant to develop and maintain a skilled workforce to meet the health care needs of northeast Mississippi. The grant titled Navigating Educational Opportunities in Nursing (NEON) has the stated purpose of increasing the supply of nurses (LPNs and RNs) available to meet the health care needs of residents of rural northeastern Mississippi and to increase the number of Master’s of Science in Nursing (MSN) prepared nursing faculty members at community colleges. The Executive Committee for the NEON grant consists of the presidents and senior administrative leaders from Northeast, Itawamba, and East Mississippi community colleges. Through the decisions of this Executive Committee, Northeast ensures the quality of the educational services offered through the NEON grant (NEON Executive Committee Meeting Minutes-19 August 2008). Dual Enrollment Licensed Practical Nursing Northeast offers a dual enrollment Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program of study through memoranda of agreement with six (6) local school districts. In 2008, the Mississippi legislature appropriated funds for five (5) community colleges, including Northeast, to establish dual enrollment LPN programs of study with local schools. Northeast surveyed rising seniors from high schools within its five-county district to determine interest in the program of study. The College received fourteen (14) applications and selected eleven (11) qualified applicants from six (6) districts to participate. Each of the districts signed a Memorandum of Agreement which outlines the responsibilities of the College and the school district (Memorandum of Agreement Between Northeast Mississippi Community College and Booneville Separate School District). These students are expected to follow the standardized state practical nursing curriculum. These students are taught by full-time Northeast instructors to ensure the quality of the educational program of study. Northeast assumes primary responsibility for the educational quality of this program of study. This program of study helps fulfill the College’s goal of providing “degree and certificate programs that prepare students for continued studies or immediate employment” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Clinical Agreements Northeast Mississippi Community College health-related programs of study provide clinical experiences for their students through contractual agreements with Mississippi community health care institutions, both public and private (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 260). The contractual agreements are reviewed on an annual basis to ensure the quality of the clinical experience for the College’s programs of study and to guarantee that they are fulfilling the Purpose of the College. The contractual agreements outline the responsibilities of the College and of the clinical sites (Clinical Agreement-North Mississippi Medical Center; Clinical Agreement-Mississippi Care Center of Alcorn Comprehensive Standards 199 3.4.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 County; Clinical Agreement-Baptist Memorial Hospital-Booneville). The agreements also include “sunset” clauses to ensure that all admitted students in a program of study will be allowed to complete their clinical experiences in the event of termination of the agreement. These contractual clinical agreements support Northeast in its efforts to ensure the quality of its health care programs of study and assist Northeast in achieving its institutional purpose. These various consortia relationships/contractual agreements allow Northeast to expand the educational offerings for its students. Northeast continuously monitors the quality of these programs of study and courses and ensures compliance with the comprehensive requirements. Supporting Documents and Links Source Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004 A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Barnett-Letter-25 April 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Memorandum of Agreement for Mississippi Virtual Community College ParticipationJuly 2005 NEON Executive Committee Meeting Minutes-19 August 2008 Memorandum of Agreement Between Northeast Mississippi Community College and Booneville Separate School District Memorandum of Understanding Relating to the Mississippi Corridor Consortium-4 November 2005 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 260 Clinical Agreement-North Mississippi Medical Center Clinical Agreement-Mississippi Care Center of Alcorn County Clinical Agreement-Baptist Memorial Hospital-Booneville Comprehensive Standards Location Media/RogersLetter9July04 Media/ Unicrsnumbering08 Media/BarnettLetter25April08 Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/MOAMSVCCParticipation Media/NEONExMin19Aug08 Media/ MOANEMCCandBoonevilleSchool Media/MOAMSCorridorConsortium Media/StdCat0809_260 Media/ClinicalAgreeNMMC Media/ClinicalAgreeMSCareCenter Media/ClinicalAgreeBMHBnv 200 3.4.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.8 Noncredit to Credit The institution awards academic credit for course work taken on a noncredit basis only when there is documentation that the noncredit course work is equivalent to a designated credit experience. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Academic credit is awarded for coursework that applies to the degree but is not class focused such as, Advanced Placement (AP) credit, credit by examination as in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and credit based on a student’s Armed Forces experiences. A “Z” grade is assigned for this coursework but does not affect the student’s grade point average and is not used in computing academic honors (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 37). Students enrolling at Northeast Mississippi Community College may be awarded advanced college credit if they present satisfactory scores on the advanced placement examination administered through the College Entrance Examination Board and if they participated in and received credit for an AP course(s) offered through their high schools. Students may receive up to twelve (12) hours credit with no more than eight (8) hours or two courses in one subject area. The following table details the awarding of AP credit at Northeast (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 33): AP Exam Biology Biology English Lit/Comp English Lit/Comp Calculus AB Score 4 5 3 4 4 Hrs Credit 4 8 3 6 3 Calculus AB U.S. History U.S. History 5 3 4 6 3 6 NE Course BIO 1114 BIO 1114/1124 ENG 2323 ENG 2323/2333 MAT 1513 or MAT 1613 MAT 1513/1613 HIS 2213 HIS 2213/2223 The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers students an opportunity to earn college credit by examination for prior learning. Northeast will award credit on the CLEP subject area examination only to matriculated Northeast students. CLEP credit is awarded at Northeast Mississippi Community College under the following conditions: • All courses excluding English 1113 and 1123, listed in the Northeast Catalog are eligible for credit if CLEP has an examination in that subject. Comprehensive Standards 201 3.4.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • • • No credit is given for CLEP general examinations. Credit on the CLEP subject examinations will be awarded to a student who received a scaled score of 50 or more. Credit earned by CLEP subject examination is limited to 18 semester hours. The student will be required to earn 12 semester hours of credit in a regular fall or spring semester at Northeast before CLEP credit earned at Northeast will be recorded or transfer CLEP credit recognized and recorded on the student’s transcript. No grade points will be awarded for CLEP credit and a grade of “Z” will be recorded on the student’s transcript for all CLEP credit earned. CLEP credit may not be used to satisfy the minimum residence requirement for graduation at Northeast (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 35). Licensed Practical Nurses desiring to achieve advanced placement in the Associate Degree Nursing Program, and who hold an unencumbered current license, may sit for “Challenge Examinations.” Two courses in the Associate Degree Program may be challenged and the examinations are given four times a year. Students are notified by mail of their scores and those who are successful will be notified in writing by the Division Head of Health Sciences. The Dean of Instruction will then instruct the Records Office to record the Challenge Credit as a grade of “Z” on the transcript for the appropriate course (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 34). When a student requests that military credits be evaluated for transfer credit, the student will provide the original Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) form to the College. This form/transcript lists the military education and experiences with the course descriptions along with recommendation for college course credit. Upon review of the AARTS by the registrar, Northeast credit may or may not be awarded. The AARTS will be placed in the student’s file and remain part of his/her permanent record (Barnett-Memorandum-2 December 2008; President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009; Z Grade Summary 2007-2008; Z Grade Summary 2006-2007). “Z” Credit CLEP Challenge Advanced Placement Military 2007-2008 1 14 1 3 2006-2007 0 9 1 2 Northeast does not award academic credit for Continuing Education courses (CEUs). Supporting Documentation Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 37 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 33 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat08009_37 Media/StdCat0809 33 202 3.4.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 35 Barnett-Memorandum-2 December 2008 President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009 Z Grade Summary 2007-2008 Z Grade Summary 2006-2007 Comprehensive Standards Media/StdCat0809 35 Media/BarnettMemo2Dec08 Media/ PresCabMin23Jan09 Media/ZGradeSum0708 Media/ZGradeSum0607 203 3.4.8 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.9 Academic Support Services The institution provides appropriate academic support services. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College “exists to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Northeast provides academic support for students and faculty through a variety of services and programs offered on the main campus, Northeast at New Albany off campus site and Northeast at Corinth off campus site, a long term educational facility offering between twenty-five and forty-nine percent of degree programs. The academic support services of the College are vital components for meeting the institution’s goal of providing a program that will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students. The academic support services accessible to students and faculty include the following: • Student Orientation • Admissions Counseling and Placement Testing • Developmental Studies • Academic Advising • Testing • Counseling Services • Special Services • Student Success Center • Disability Support Services • Job Placement • Northeast Learning Resources/Library • Educational Learning System-Blackboard • Computer Laboratories and Technical Assistance • Faculty Orientations • Professional Development Student Orientation The counseling staff provides orientation sessions which assist incoming freshmen in acclimating to the college environment. Orientation is held at the main campus in July. Students are informed about orientation through the Northeast website, local newspaper announcements, and personal mail. Orientation provides students with information about student services, educational requirements and programs, safety, and other topics of student interest. Students meet with an advisor to register for courses appropriate to their educational goals. Placement testing is available in the Counseling Center for students Comprehensive Standards 204 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 that may need developmental classes. Students may also pay fees and obtain their student identification cards and their parking decals during the orientation sessions (Student Orientation, Advising & Registration Brochure, July 2008). An online orientation is required for all virtual students on the College website (Northeast Distance Learning Webpage). In the summer of 2008, 916 entering freshmen attended an orientation session (Pounders-Email-Orientation-23 February 2009). Admissions Counseling and Placement Testing Students declare a program of study on the College application and are mailed advisor information in their acceptance letters. During registration, students meet with their faculty advisors to plan their courses of study. Students are also informed of admission requirements and offered placement testing opportunities during registration. Students who are undecided about their majors are assisted in schedule development and registration by the Counseling Center. In addition to assisting with admission and academic advising, faculty advisors and the Counseling Center personnel assist students with academic placement testing. Counselors and faculty members examine ACT scores to determine if specific academic skills need to be improved. Students with ACT sub-scores below a scale set by the institution are required to participate in diagnostic testing and placement. Accuplacer is the diagnostic testing tool used to determine appropriate class placement. Accuplacer testing is offered on both the main campus and at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. Because of Northeast’s commitment to under-prepared students, those with academic deficiencies are enrolled in developmental classes or referred to the Counseling Center to complete the Accuplacer testing. Students are required to take the Accuplacer test if they have an ACT math score of 18 or below. Students with ACT English sub-scores of 14 or below are required to complete the “WritePlacer” test provided by Accuplacer (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22). Developmental Studies The purpose of the developmental studies program is to prepare students for successful collegiate-level study through additional coursework in English, reading, mathematics, and the sciences. Placement testing in English and mathematics determines which developmental courses a student is required to take. If a student’s curriculum requires Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 2514), an ACT composite score of 19 or above is necessary for enrollment in the course. Students with a composite of 18 or below will be required to enroll in Principles of Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 1514). Entering freshmen with ACT Reading scores of 14 and below will be required to enroll in Improvement of Reading (REA 1103). This course is designed to improve reading comprehension and increase the probability of academic success (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22). Comprehensive Standards 205 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Academic Advising Northeast Mississippi Community College uses both counselors and faculty members in the advising role. Northeast assigns students to faculty advisors who have experience with the declared program of study. Faculty advisors meet with students each semester to assist advisees in determining educational goals, planning a course of study, and scheduling classes. Northeast’s commitment to academic advising is evident by its scheduling of “Advising Day.” This day is set aside each semester solely for the purpose of advising. Faculty advisors monitor students’ educational achievement, provide assistance in seeking tutorial or counseling services, provide career and/or transfer information, approve schedule changes, and approve students for graduation. Accurate and appropriate faculty advising is supported through the College’s published Advisor Handbook and Northeast Student Catalog. Academic advisors utilize the Northeast Student Catalog to ensure all course requirements are met for each program of study and graduation (Advisor Handbook 2008-2009; Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3; 22; 59-61). Testing The national and residual ACT is administered periodically during the year. Advisors examine ACT scores to assist in placement of students in appropriate courses. Placement tests in mathematics and English are administered according to course placement policies. Testing services also include the Accuplacer, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Career Report, MVTI Career Report, Learning Style Inventory, Holland Self-Directed Search, and Choices (career selection). The Test of Adult Basic Education is available for students in career-technical areas (The Counseling Center Brochure). Counseling Services Northeast’s Counseling Center offers educational and career guidance counseling, personal and social counseling, tutorial services (individual and group), assistance for special needs students and job placement services. The Counseling Center provides a brochure to students to encourage them to take advantage of the counseling services. The academic support services of the Counseling Center include the following (The Counseling Center Brochure): • Academic, career, and individual counseling and crisis intervention – Referrals to counseling services outside the college are facilitated by the counselors. • Outreach and consultation – These are provided through presentations to students and faculty regarding personal and educational topics. • Intervention through an Early Alert system that works to improve student retention – Faculty members concerned about student progress, particularly in terms of excessive student absenteeism, notify the Counseling Center with contact information. The counselors then call or send a letter to the student. Counselors work with these students regarding their attendance and academic progress. • Assistance to students with identification of career goals and the development and implementation of career plans – Counselors also provide assessments of Comprehensive Standards 206 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • personality type, interest inventories, and a career exploration program. Counselors notify students about research opportunities in undergraduate degree programs around the nation. Presentations are offered on employment topics such as resume writing and interview skills. College planning information available for all students through links on the Northeast website – Mississippi Mentors is an online planning tool for higher education information and online applications for Mississippi institutions of higher education (Mississippi Mentors Webpage). Additional online information is available through the Education Services Foundation (ESF) (Education Services Foundation Webpage). Assistance to students in finding employment – This is provided through the Job Placement Office. Academic support services provided for students enrolled at Northeast at Corinth off campus site and Northeast at New Albany off campus site – A counselor is available at Northeast at Corinth on Tuesdays from 3:00 to 8:30 p.m. and at Northeast at New Albany on Mondays from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. During the fiscal year 2007-2008, approximately 1,600 students were assisted through counseling services. Of the 1,600 students, fifty-five (55) total students requested information about part- and full-time employment (Students Requesting Job Information 2007-2008). The Residual ACT was given to approximately 550 students. The Accuplacer was administered to 696 duplicated students to determine if they should take remedial classes. The following table details course placement determined by the Accuplacer results (Residual ACT Report 2008; Residual ACT Report 2007; Residual ACT Report 2006; Accuplacer Course Roster Report August 2007-July 2008): Course ENG 1103 (Introduction to Composition) ENG 1113 (English Composition I) MAT 1203 (Beginning Algebra) MAT 1233 (Intermediate Algebra) MAT1313 (College Algebra) Total Number of Students 165 25 359 129 18 696 Special Services The purpose of the Special Services Grant, administered by the Counseling Center, is to provide academic guidance and resources to students encountering difficulty in college coursework. Special Services personnel oversee the peer tutorial program. This federally funded grant provides extensive tutoring services along with academic, personal, and career counseling for students who meet certain qualifications. These include being a first generation college student, low income student, or disabled student. Students who qualify are provided tutors at no charge. Tutors are recommended by faculty and are Comprehensive Standards 207 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 supervised by counselors. This program served 149 students for the 2007-2008 year (Student Support Services Annual Progress Report 2007-2008, Memo; 1; 7-12). Student Success Center The Student Success Center is comprised of several computer laboratories which serve students as resource areas for tutorial assistance and supplemental learning enhancement. These areas offer learning opportunities through individual assistance and computerbased instruction and are housed in proximity to the respective academic discipline. The main objective is to enhance and improve students’ academic abilities by offering assistance in reading, mathematics, and English. Disability Support Services Northeast provides disability support services to ensure educational opportunity and success to all students regardless of disability. The College is in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Assistance for students with disabilities is available by contacting counselors at the main campus or the counselor at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. The webpages for both off-campus sites contain contact information and a Disabilities Resource Guide. Students may also contact the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Officer (Dean of Student Services) via email or by telephone. Selfidentification may occur through accessing a copy of the online “NEMCC Disabilities Application” on the College website or a copy may be obtained from the information stand at the Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites, from the ADA Compliance Officer in Estes Hall, or from the Counseling Center in Waller Hall on the main campus. Identified students are assigned to a disabilities counselor for development of a reasonable accommodation plan (NEMCC Disabilities Application for Services, Example, NEMCC Disabilities Accommodation Plan, Example). Job Placement Job placement services are available to assist students in assessing their interests and skills and determining realistic careers compatible with their educational goals. Students can obtain guidance and information on the current job market and seek employment opportunities. Services and resources related to job placement include individual and group workshops on resume' writing, mock interviews, and the hosting of an annual career fair. Fifty-five total (55) students requested information about part- and full-time employment (Students Requesting Job Information 2007-2008; Northeast Student Employment Webpage; Northeast Resume Webpage; Employment Job Fair Flyer, 3 April 2008; Employment Job Fair 2009 Webpage). Northeast Learning Resources/Library Through libraries at both the main campus in Booneville and the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site, Northeast provides and supports student, faculty, and staff access Comprehensive Standards 208 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 to adequate library collections and other learning/information resources. Library services and schedules offered on the Booneville campus and Northeast at New Albany offcampus site are adequate to meet student needs. Library resources and services are available on the Booneville campus from 7:30 a.m. through 10:00 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. on Fridays, and 6:30 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. On the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site, library services were available during the fall 2008 semester from 4:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. through 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, and 6:00 p.m. through 8:30 p.m. on Thursdays. Library hours at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site are subject to change each semester in order to accommodate course offerings. Library staff members are available to assist and instruct students and faculty individually, as well as in small groups and entire classes. The Northeast website has a library link that publishes comprehensive information on hours, contact information, and resources. The Library publishes a handbook which is available at the circulation desk and which gives both policies and information on using the library. The College Library offers services in a variety of formats including over 43,110 books, 2,103 audiovisuals, 25,678 online books, 264 computer software, and 62 online databases. The College online card catalog is accessed from the library’s homepage link on the Northeast website, as well as from the Northeast at New Albany and Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites’ homepages (Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage; Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage; Northeast at Corinth Homepage). The card catalog is also available to all users of Blackboard and can be accessed on the “NEMCC Downloadable Resources” tab. Computers are accessible for student and faculty use at each of the sites. Additionally, the library staff members seek recommendations from faculty to determine new holdings to be purchased to best serve its users. Educational Learning System-Blackboard Blackboard is a web-based, course-management system that allows students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to support face-to-face teaching. Faculty use Blackboard to enhance student learning by posting announcements, posting a syllabus for each class, and giving staff information, such as contact information, class schedule, and office hours (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness Plans, 123). Blackboard enables instructors to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, virtual chat, online quizzes, and other resources. Instructors assign a Student Orientation Quiz in every class. During the first weeks of the fall 2007 semester, 14,579 duplicated students completed the Blackboard Student Orientation Quiz. Students are able to navigate Blackboard to find materials related to their courses, the library, residential life, email, and other student-related topics. The Blackboard Student Orientation Quiz, the Student Library Evaluation Survey, and the Residential Life Survey were offered in Blackboard for students beginning in fall 2007 (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness Plans, 123). Comprehensive Standards 209 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Computer Laboratories and Technical Assistance The College ensures appropriate academic support of students and faculty by making computers and other electronic technologies widely available in laboratory settings. In addition to the computers available in the counseling center and the library, the five (5) residential dormitories have wireless access and available computer laboratories. Northeast has thirty-four (34) computer laboratories and 612 computers (Ragan-Email-20 February 2009). Most classrooms are networked and offer internet, software, and printer access for students and faculty. Open computer laboratories are available for general student use in Patterson Hall and at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. Personnel within the Instructional Technology Department provide students and faculty access to online learning and teaching resources through Blackboard. The College website shares key information on program requirements, resource availability, contacts, the Northeast Student Catalog, schedule of classes, announcements, and the Northeast Student Handbook. The College provides an email system for students, faculty, and staff as a means of electronic communication (Northeast Homepage). Faculty Orientations Northeast provides an orientation program for new full-time faculty. This daylong session covers information on employee benefits, policies and procedures, telephone instructions, computer network information, registration and record keeping procedures, library orientation and training for Blackboard (New Employee Orientation Agenda-13 August 2008; New Employee Orientation Agenda-15 August 2007). There is a separate orientation program for adjunct faculty. This is a half-day session that covers a review of policies and procedures, TigerLine Training, Audit Rolls and Records, Bookstore Information, Library Orientation, and a question-and-answer period (Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda-16 August 2008; Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda-18 August 2007). Professional Development The College values and supports professional development to meet the academic needs of its faculty and staff. The Northeast Board of Trustees and administration encourage professional growth for all Northeast employees. In-service training is offered each academic year to help faculty and staff remain current on technology and/or educational methodology. Northeast employees and guest speakers present faculty/staff workshops, covering a variety of topics. The workshops are coordinated by a committee of College employees and are designed for professional and personal growth. The College encourages the faculty to participate in relevant professional development. Limited financial support for travel to professional meetings is included in the College operational budget (Professional Development Workshops Summary Report FY 2008). Comprehensive Standards 210 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Assessment of Academic Support Services To ensure that the needs of students and faculty are met, the College regularly assesses its academic support programs and services through the following institutional surveys: • Campus Climate Survey-Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services. • Survey of Student Opinion-Sophomore students assess the level of satisfaction with programs and services and their perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the student’s impressions of the college experience. • Northeast at New Albany Student Survey and Northeast at Corinth Student Survey-students who have taken classes at the off-campus sites are asked to evaluate course content, materials, instructors and services at those sites. Results are disseminated in a newsletter format. Employees and students are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents are also asked to rate each program or service ranging from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported based on a 5-point scale. Items from the Campus Climate Survey and the Survey of Student Opinion related to Academic Support Services activities are shown below with results for the past three years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008; Campus Climate Survey, March 2007; Campus Climate Survey, February 2006; Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008; Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008). Campus Climate Survey Positive Opinion Statements Item I am aware of the student peer tutorial services available in the Counseling Center Northeast students are provided with high quality instructional support services I have referred students to the student peer tutorial services I use electronic forms of communication like email often I have access to connect with the mainframe (Administrative software-BANNER) and/or Internet My supervisor encourages my professional development I review the NEMCC website to get information often Computer software is adequate on campus for my use Computer hardware is adequate on campus for my use Classes, seminars, or workshops for learning how to use software are available Professional development is valued at Northeast Classroom equipment is adequate for my use Comprehensive Standards 211 Fall 2007 4.28 Fall 2006 4.19 Fall 2005 4.26 4.25 4.17 4.18 4.11 4.58 4.30 3.88 4.54 4.39 4.01 4.47 4.36 4.09 4.08 3.96 3.90 3.90 4.13 4.09 4.06 4.03 3.97 4.04 4.02 4.08 3.99 4.12 3.89 3.55 3.91 3.56 3.98 3.44 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Campus Climate Survey Level of Satisfaction with Programs and Services Item Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 Rating Percent Rating Percent Rating Percent Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied 3.99 78.4 4.13 88.7 4.10 87.2 3.95 73.7 3.92 83.5 3.97 86.4 Orientation Student Peer Tutorial Program Counseling Center 3.94 76.6 Services Job Placement Services 3.62 56.7 Learning 4.43 88.3 Resources/Library Student Success Center 3.94 69.0 Computer Center Services 3.92 79.5 Admissions (Enrollment 4.21 87.1 Services) (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008;) 3.89 78.0 4.00 83.7 3.54 4.40 72.8 93.5 3.82 4.26 81.5 89.2 3.77 3.90 4.17 78.2 79.9 88.6 3.78 4.05 4.11 79.7 81.7 88.5 Survey of Student Opinion Level of Satisfaction with Programs and Services Item College Orientation Program General Admissions Academic Advising/Course Planning Availability of your advisor Value of the information provided by your advisor Testing Personal Counseling Services Career Planning Services/Vocational Guidance Job Placement Services College Sponsored Tutorial Services Library/Learning Resources Center Facilities & Services Computer Labs Computer Services Availability of computers when you need them Study Areas Classroom facilities Comprehensive Standards 212 Rating Spring 2008 4.11 4.22 4.30 4.34 4.35 Rating Spring 2007 4.05 4.06 4.28 4.32 4.29 Rating Spring 2006 4.06 4.19 4.27 4.38 4.30 4.22 3.93 3.86 3.72 4.05 4.44 4.17 3.94 4.01 3.85 3.92 4.37 4.24 4.05 3.97 3.84 3.95 4.38 4.27 4.20 4.33 4.22 4.17 4.19 4.24 4.26 4.06 4.05 4.20 4.13 4.18 4.19 4.18 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Opportunities for student employment 3.94 3.93 3.99 Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus Sites Level of Satisfaction with Programs and Services Item Admissions/Entry Procedure Course Registration Process Advising Counseling Services Library Services Computer Lab availability NE at New Albany NE at Corinth Rating Rating 2008 2007 2008 2007 3.89 4.06 3.88 4.20 3.70 3.90 3.78 4.01 3.54 3.58 3.48 3.79 3.58 3.62 3.51 3.80 3.74 3.71 3.60 3.84 3.74 3.73 3.52 3.78 The office of Planning and Research annually assesses the success of the Developmental Studies Program by compiling a report which examines passage rates and ACT scores for students who took the Accuplacer placement examination and those who did not. This report is prepared for math and English developmental studies courses. The results for MAT 1103, MAT 1203 and MAT 1233 in the Fall 2007 semester are shown below: MATH 1203, 1233, 1313 Fall 2007 Passage Rates OVERALL MAT 1203 Total Students: 514 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 357 Passage Rate: 69.5% Average ACT: 15.68 WITH ACCUPLACER MAT 1203 Total Students: 293 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 205 Passage Rate: 70.0% Average ACT: 15.84 Average Accuplacer: 37.98 WITHOUT ACCUPLACER MAT 1203 Total Students: 221 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 152 Passage Rate: 68.8% Average ACT: 15.48 OVERALL MAT 1233 Total Students: 355 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 224 Passage Rate: 63.1% Average ACT: 16.80 WITH ACCUPLACER MAT 1233 Total Students: 213 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 128 Passage Rate: 60.1% Average ACT: 16.59 Average Accuplacer: 56.46 WITHOUT ACCUPLACER MAT 1233 Total Students: 142 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 96 Passage Rate: 67.6% Average ACT: 17.06 OVERALL MAT 1313 Total Students: 482 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 324 Passage Rate: 67.2% Average ACT: 19.47 WITH ACCUPLACER MAT 1313 Total Students: 165 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 98 Passage Rate: 59.4% Average ACT: 16.62 Average Accuplacer: 56.24 WITHOUT ACCUPLACER MAT 1313 Total Students: 317 Total Students with A/B/C/D: 226 Passage Rate: 71.3% Average ACT: 20.67 Comprehensive Standards 213 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast assesses professional development as an academic support to faculty. Participants are asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the training by completing an evaluation following the August In-Service and any workshop offerings. Respondents answer questions using a 5-point Likert scale regarding the quality and usefulness of the workshop, the adequacy of presentation aids and facilities, and an overall rating of the training. The evaluations are compiled and an average is reported for every question. These evaluations are shared with the Faculty/Staff Development Committee and used to make decisions about future events and offerings (Faculty/Staff In-Service General Session Fall 2001-Fall 2008; Faculty/Staff Development Committee-Minutes-30 October 2008). Summary Northeast Mississippi Community College provides students and faculty appropriate academic support to promote quality teaching and meaningful learning. Students benefit from access to student orientation, admissions counseling and placement testing, developmental studies, academic advising, testing, counseling services, special services, Student Success Center, disabilities support services, job placement, Northeast Learning Resources/Library, educational learning system-Blackboard, computer labs and technical assistance. Services specifically supporting the academic needs of faculty and staff include faculty orientations and professional development. Supporting Documentation and Links: Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Student Orientation, Advising & Registration Brochure, July 2008 Distance Learning Webpage Pounders-Email-Orientation-23 February 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 22 Advisor Handbook 2008-2009 Northeast Student Catalog 20082009,3;22; 59-61 The Counseling Center Brochure Mississippi Mentors Webpage Education Services Foundation Webpage Students Requesting Job Information 2007-2008 Residual ACT Report 2008 Residual ACT Report 2007 Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/OrientationBrouchure08 Comprehensive Standards 214 Media/DLWebpage Media/PoundersEmailOrientation23Feb09 Media/StdCat0809_22 Media/AdvHbk0809 Media/StdCat0809_3_22_59-61 Media/CounselingBrochure Media/MSMentorsWebpage Media/ESFWebpage Media/StdJobInfoRequest0708 Media/ ResidualACT08 Media/ResidualACT07 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Residual ACT Report 2006 Accuplacer Course Roster Report August 2007-July 2008 Student Support Services Annual Progress Report 2007-2008,Memo;1; 712 NEMCC Disabilities Application for Services, Example, NEMCC Disabilities Accommodation Plan, Example Disabilities Application Section 504 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Example Northeast Student Employment Webpage Northeast Resume Webpage Employment Job Fair Flyer, 3 April 2008 Employment Job Fair 2009 Webpage Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage Northeast at Corinth Homepage Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness Plans, 123 Ragan-Email-20 February 2009 Northeast Homepage New Employee Orientation Agenda-13 August 2008 New Employee Orientation Agenda-15 August 2007 Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda-16 August 2008 Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda-18 August 2007 Professional Development Workshops Summary Report FY 2008 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Campus Climate Survey, March 2007 Campus Climate Survey, February 2006 Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008 Institutional Research Review-OffCampus, June 2008 Faculty/Staff In-Service Summary Report Fall 2001-Fall 2008 Professional Development WS-FY08 Media/ResidualACT06 Media/AccuplacerRpt0708 Comprehensive Standards 215 Media/StdSupportServicesRptMemo_1_7-12 Media/NEMCCDisabilitiesApplication Media/NEMCCDisabilitiesAccomodationPlan Media/ Rehabilition504Form Media/StdEmpPg Media/ResumePg Media/JobFair3April2008 Medis/JobFair09Pg Media/LibHomePg Media/LibNENAHomePg Media/NECorinthHomePg Media/Plan0813_123 Media/RaganEmailComputers20Feb09 Media/NEHomePg Media/NewEmpOrientAg13Aug08 Media/NewEmpOrientAg15Aug07 Media/AdjFacAg16Aug08 Media/AdjFacAg18Aug07 Media/ProfDevWSFY08SummaryRpt Media/CCSJan08 Media/CCSMarch07 Media/CCS Media/SSOJuly08 Media/IRROffCampusJune08 Media/FacultyStaffInServiceSummaryReport Fl01Fl08 Media/ProfDevWSFY08SummaryRpt 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Summary Report Faculty/Staff Development CommitteeMinutes -30 October2008 Media/FacultyStaffDevMin30Oct08 Comprehensive Standards 216 3.4.9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.10 Responsibility for Curriculum The institution places primary responsibility for the content, quality, and effectiveness of the curriculum with its faculty. . Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The primary responsibility for the content, quality, and effectiveness of Northeast’s curriculum resides with its faculty. As stated in the Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009 and the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, the faculty is to teach the subject matter of the assigned course as outlined in the official syllabus for that course. The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 details non-teaching assignments of faculty to be advising, committee assignments, and institutional decision making with regard to determining the breadth, depth, scope, and nature of the curricula and the course content within the curricula (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17-18; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 58-60; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 1314). Content and Quality of Curriculum The curriculum is established and administered by the faculty and its committees. Each division regularly reviews its curricula (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61; Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Meeting Minutes-14 August 2007). Curricula are established or altered within a division by submission of a curriculum proposal form by a faculty member or members to the respective division head (Curriculum Revision Form ENG 2153, October 2007). Upon receipt of the proposal, the division head submits the proposal to the division’s faculty for review and evaluation. If the proposal is found acceptable by the division’s faculty by a simple majority vote, the proposal is forwarded to the Instruction Council that serves as the curriculum committee. The Instruction Council is composed of the division heads of the various academic divisions and the Distance Learning Coordinator. The Dean of Instruction chairs the committee. The proposal, if approved by the Instruction Council, is forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final approval (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61; Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007; Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes-13 December 2007, Allen-Memo-13 December 2007). The content of each curriculum at the College is outlined in a program of study that details the required courses to earn an associate’s degree or certificate. All programs of study conform to the Northeast requirements for graduation as described in the Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59-61). Comprehensive Standards 217 3.4.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 covers the following procedures related to faculty responsibility for the content and quality of the curriculum: Teaching Responsibilities-Teaching responsibilities are comprised of three (3) major elements: Teaching Load, Office Hours, and College-Related Activity (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 51-52). The quality and quantity of the instructional program reside with the faculty and under the direct supervision of the division heads (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60). Textbook Selection-Textbook selection is left to the discretion of the faculty members who teach the course. The selected textbook is then submitted to the appropriate division head for review and approval (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60). Grading and Examinations-Faculty determines evaluation methods and standards to be met for each course. At the beginning of each semester, each student will be given a clear and detailed explanation of how grades are determined and what standards must be met for each course. This information is distributed to the students on the course syllabus (Northeast Procedures Manual, 2008-2009, 62-64; English Composition I-ENG 1113 Syllabus; College AlgebraMAT 1313 Syllabus; Public Speaking-SPT 1113 Syllabus; Computer Applications-CSC 1123 Syllabus; Clinical Practice II-MLT 2926 Syllabus). Grade Changes-Grade changes are requested in the Office of Admission and Records by the faculty member through submitting a grade correction form. There is a one-year time limit on a grade change; thereafter, requests are filed through the Dean of Instruction’s office (Northeast Procedures Manual, 20082009, 64-65). Campus Committees-The College recognizes the faculty’s role in institutional decision making through the committee process. Northeast establishes campus committees to aid the faculty in their efforts to improve the institution’s educational program. The thirty-eight (38) campus committees and their purposes are published annually. The committees are comprised of administration, faculty, staff, and students (Northeast Committee List 2008-2009). The faculty and administration make every effort to meet the educational needs of students by serving on the following committees: The Institutional Effectiveness (TIE) Committee-This committee determines that established objectives (expected outcomes) are consistent with the institutional purpose, that the research conducted is adequate to ensure the effectiveness of the institution, and that each liaison works with his/her division chair to review respective institutional effectiveness plans. Comprehensive Standards 218 3.4.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Instruction Council-This committee assists and advises the Dean of Instruction concerning all phases of the academic, technical, and vocational programs, including course offerings, programs of study, instructional procedures, relationships with other institutions of higher learning, and academic standards. The committee reviews proposals for course or program of study changes, recommends improvements in instruction, and helps coordinate the curriculum and instruction program. Academic Discipline Committee-This committee reviews college policies and recommends action to the Dean of Instruction regarding discipline matters of an academic nature. Effectiveness of Curriculum The faculty is principally responsible for the effectiveness of the curriculum. Several criteria are used to assess the effectiveness of the curriculum. These criteria involve student learning outcomes, performance on licensure and certification exams, retention and graduation rates, and professional growth and development. Student Learning Outcomes-The faculty is engaged in the supervision of student learning outcomes for each course taught. Instructors develop expected outcomes, assessment criteria, and evaluation methods for each course. Once an outcome has been evaluated, instructors implement changes that result from the evaluation. An example from the Automotive Mechanics and Automotive Service Technician program is Expected Outcome #1 that “students will use electronic equipment to diagnose engine performance.” As a result of the assessment results, software relating to engine performance was updated (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 148). Another example is from the Division of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences. Expected Outcome # 4 is that “students will deliver speeches that communicate effectively and are appropriate to a certain audience and purpose.” To meet this outcome, speech instructors required presentation aids for a minimum of three speeches and created a podcast demonstrating the use of presentational aids (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 185-188). Performance on Licensure and Certification Exams-According to the Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, eighty percent (80%) of Northeast students who complete instructional programs designed to prepare them for licensure examinations will pass licensure examinations on the first sitting of registry examination upon graduating from the program. In 2007, six (6) of the seven (7) programs met and surpassed this goal (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 18). Retention and Success Rates-Retention rate is based upon the number of students who actually completed the course compared to the number of students who began the course. Success rate is based upon students achieving a grade of “D” or above compared to the Comprehensive Standards 219 3.4.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 total number of students enrolled. The success rates and retention rates for selected courses are tabulated by the Office of Planning and Research and disseminated to the respective division head and Dean of Instruction (Distance Learning versus Traditional Success Rates Fall 2007; Distance Learning versus Traditional Spring 2008). Northeast continues to improve the quality of its curriculum through ongoing qualitative and quantitative assessment at all levels of the institution. According to the 2007-2008 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators and College-Wide Short-Term Goals, the overall college credit success rate will be seventy percent (70%) or above with student success being defined as achieving a grade of “C” or better. In fall 2007 and spring 2008, the overall success rate surpassed this goal (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 8-11). Professional Growth and Development-Northeast provides full support for both directed and self-selected professional development activities. Faculty, administration, and staff comprise the Faculty/Staff Development Committee that meets once per semester to evaluate previous staff development activities and plan upcoming activities (Northeast Committee List 2008). Each faculty member plans and implements his/her own professional growth and development by filling out a formative evaluation at the beginning of each fall semester, working on these goals during the fall and spring semester, and then having a conference with the division head to discuss progress and completion of professional development activities (Formative Evaluation, Examples). Curriculum Review A Curriculum Review Committee composed of Northeast and non-college personnel will evaluate curricula yearly. Each division will have its curricula reviewed on a predeterminged rotating basis. During the evaluation, each curriculum will be reviewed in the following areas: • Past successes of major/grades • Relevance of courses within curriculum • Documented need for the curriculum • Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose • Credentials of faculty to adequately teach curriculum • Financial support for the curriculum All curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee are forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council are forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final action (Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 61-62). The career/technical curricula are evaluated, on a pre-determined rotating basis, by the State Board of Community and Junior Colleges (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007). These curricula are also reviewed annually by the local advisory committee (Advisory Committee Minutes-23 October 2007 PNE; Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 Comprehensive Standards 220 3.4.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 CAD; Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CET). Additionally, programs that are externally accredited will have their curriculum reviewed as part of the accreditation process (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 13). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Location Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17-18 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-63 Media/BOT0809_17-18 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 13-14 Media/ProcMan0809_13-14 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61 Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Meeting Minutes-14 August 2007 Curriculum Revision Form ENG 2153 August 2007 Instruction Council Minutes-2 Oct. 2007 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes-13 December 2007 Allen-Memo-13 December 2007 Media/BOTMin13Dec07 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5961 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 51-52 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60 Northeast Procedures Manual, 2008-2009, 62-64 English Composition I-ENG 1113 Syllabus Media/StdCat0809_59-61 College Algebra-MAT 1313 Syllabus Media/MAT1313Syl Public Speaking-SPT 1113 Syllabus Media/SPT1113Syl Computer Applications-CSC 1123 Syllabus Media/CSC1123Syl Clinical Practice II-MLT 2926 Syllabus Media/MLT2926Syl Comprehensive Standards Media/ProcMan0809_60-63 Media/HumanitiesMins14Aug07 Media/CurRevFormENG2153Aug07 Media/InsMin2Oct07 Media/Allen_Memo_13Dec07 Media/ProcMan0809_51-52 Media/ProcMan0809_60 Media/ProcMan0809_62-64 Media/ENG1113Syl 221 3.4.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 64-65 Northeast Committee List 2008-2009 Media/ProcMan0809_64-65 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 148 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 185-188 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 18 Distance Learning versus Traditional Success Rates Fall 2007 Distance Learning versus Traditional Success Rates Spring 2008 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008,8-11 Formative Evaluation, Examples Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs Advisory Committee Minutes-23 October 2007 PNE Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004; 23 October 2007 CAD Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004; 23 October 2007 CET Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 13 Media/Plan0813_148 Comprehensive Standards Media/CommitteeList0809 Media/Plan0813_185-188 Media/IE0708_18 Media/DLTradFl07 Media/DLTradSp08 Media/IE0708_8-11 Media/FormEvalExamples Media/ProcMan0809_61-62 Media/CurFrameWorks07 Media/AdvComMin23Oct07 Media/ AdvComMin26Oct0423Oct07CAD Media/ AdvComMin26Oct0423Oct07CET Media/IE0708_13 222 3.4.10 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.11 Academic Program Coordination For each major in a degree program, the institution assigns responsibility for program coordination, as well as for curriculum development and review, to persons academically qualified in the field. In those degree programs for which the institution does not identify a major, this requirement applies to a curricular area or concentration. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Under the direct supervision of the instructional division heads, the quality and quantity of the instructional programs of study reside with the faculty. Programs of study must continually be reviewed by the faculty and the Instruction Council. Any program of study considered for adoption must support the purpose and philosophy of the College. College Major and Program Coordination A major, defined as a concentration of coursework within a particular discipline, is designed to produce entry-level competencies for specific career fields. Each program of study listed in the Northeast Student Catalog is assigned major advisors who have experience and/or knowledge in the field and who have assigned responsibilities for curriculum coordination. The following table lists the programs of study with the assigned primary faculty advisors (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 44-45, 77-175; Advisor Handbook 2008-2009, 5; Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 4): University Parallel Programs of Study Primary Faculty Advisor Robbie Coleman Rocky Hughes* Rocky Hughes Helen Thompson* Steve Donaldson Judy Tucci* Ricky Ford Rocky Hughes John Yarber Pam Needham* Vicki Ramsey Nathan Crawford* Accounting Agriculture Agriculture Education Architecture Art Art Education Athletic Training Biology Business Administration Business Education Business Information Systems Chemistry Comprehensive Standards 223 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Commercial Music Communications Communicative Disorders Computer Science Criminal Justice Dentistry Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Engineering English English Education Family and Consumer Sciences Family and Consumer Science Education Fashion Merchandising Forestry Health Information Management History Interior Design Liberal Arts Library Science Mathematics Mathematics Education Medical Technology Medicine Modern Foreign Languages Modern Foreign Languages Education Music Music Education Nursing (BSN) Occupational Therapy Optometry Pharmacy Photography Physical Education Physical Therapy Physics Political Sciences Psychology Religious Studies Comprehensive Standards Jerry Rains* Belinda Russell Tara Blansett Tom Hill Bill Odom Nick Alexander* Cathy Higgins Laura Gillham Rebekah Donahue Deborah Kehoe Amanda Garvin Sandra Ford* Sandra Ford Sandra Ford Don Thompson* Michelle Baragona* Tom Cockrell Judy Tucci Lynn Burns Carol Killough Helen Thompson Helen Thompson Beverly Kirk* Beverly Kirk Jeff Tuttle* Jeff Tuttle Ray Harris Jerry Rains Angela James Michelle Baragona Nathan Crawford Ray Cozort Terry Anderson Ray Scott Stephanie Freese Allen Nock Joe Miller Collin Billingsley Bill Stone 224 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Science Education Social Studies Education Social Work Sociology Special Education Theatre Veterinary Medicine Career and Technical Programs of Study Accounting Technology Business and Marketing Management Technology Civil Engineering Technology Computer Aided Design and Drafting Technology Computer Information Systems Technology Construction Engineering Technology Country/Western Music Culinary Arts Dental Hygiene Technology Diesel Power Technology Early Childhood Education Technology Electrical Technology Forestry Technology Heating and Air Conditioning Technology Hotel and Resturant Management Technology Industrial Maintenance Technology Landscape Management Technology Machine Tool and Die Technology Medical Assisting Technology Medical Laboratory Technology Microcomputer Technology Nursing (A.D.N.) Office Systems Technology Paralegal Technology Radiologic (Medical) Technology Respiratory Care Technology Certificate Programs of Study Auto Body Repair Comprehensive Standards 225 Wilda Pounds Carla Falkner Pamela Floyd* Pamela Floyd Wendy Scott Chris Schager Rocky Hughes Angela Mott Vickie Huggins Robert (Bobby) Scott Susan Scott Nick Newell Ray Gaillard Jerry Rains Tim Gilmore* Nick Alexander Ben Pratt* Sandra Ford Jimmy Whitehead* Don Thompson Johnny Wright* Tim Gilmore Jimmy Whitehead Jim Tidwell Mike Snowden Kaye Roberson Shannon Goolsby Kathy Wallace Rebecca West Pam Needham Janet Cox Jennifer Davis Beverly Prince E. G. Lindsey 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Automotive Mechanics and Service Technology Greg Hardin Culinary Arts Tim Gilmore Diesel Power Technology Ben Pratt Heating and Air Conditioning Johnny Wright Machine Tool and Die Technology Stevie Loveless Office Systems Pam Needham Practical Nursing Education Jane Williams *Because of interconnectivity and low numbers of advisees, the institution has determined these faculty members can fulfill the advising responsibilities of more than one program of study. Based upon the 2007-2008 class schedules and a review of individual instructor records, the following has been noted: • One hundred percent of all faculty (full- and part-time) teaching general education university parallel courses at Northeast have completed a minimum of a masters degree and have a minimum of eighteen (18) graduate hours within their teaching disciplines. In addition, 20.3% of the university parallel faculty have earned doctoral degrees (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 7, Indicator #2). • In the career-technical areas, 58.2% of the technical faculty hold at least a masters degree. Of the technical faculty 10.9% have earned doctorates. Of the technical faculty, 23.6% hold bachelor’s degrees. Of the career faculty, 57.2% hold associates degrees. Additionally, all career-technical faculty are professionally trained and skilled in the respective teaching disciplines (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 7, Indicator #2). The courses offered within the various curricula are determined by the faculty (subject to the mandates set forth in the Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board for Community and Junior Colleges) and are approved by the Instruction Council and forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final approval (Articulation Agreement 2007). Additions to and deletions from the curriculum originate with the faculty. In career-technical programs of study, an advisory committee, in compliance with the Mississippi State Board of Community and Junior Colleges’ Reviews, assists faculty in career-technical curriculum matters (Advisory Committee Minutes-23 October 2007 PNE). Curriculum Establishment and Revision The curriculum is established and administered by the faculty and its committees (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62). To establish a curriculum or to alter a curriculum within a division, a curriculum proposal form (submitted by a faculty Comprehensive Standards 226 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 member or a group of faculty members) must be presented to the division head. Upon receipt of the proposal, the division head submits the proposal to the division’s faculty for review and evaluation. If the proposal is found acceptable by the division’s faculty by a simple majority vote, the proposal is forwarded to the Instruction Council that is comprised of the division heads of the various instructional divisions and the Distance Learning Coordinator. The Dean of Instruction chairs the committee. The proposal, if approved by the Instruction Council, is forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final approval ( Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61; Curriculum Proposal Form Culinary Arts, 17 October 2006; Instruction Council Minutes17 October 2006; Board of Trustees-Agenda-14 December 2006; Board of TrusteesMinutes-14 December 2006; Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007; Curriculum Proposal Form English 2153, October 2007). University-parallel programs are designed for transfer students. Courses within a program or curriculum are determined by the universities’ requirements and state uniform curriculum and local needs (Articulation Agreement 2007). To ensure that curriculum and courses are equated to those of the universities, articulation conferences are held regularly with university deans and Northeast division heads. Periodically, the division heads and faculty must review the program of study and recommend curriculum changes to the Instruction Council (Instruction Council Meeting Minutes-2 October 2007). The Dean of Instruction serves as the liaison to the senior colleges and universities and links Northeast with these institutions. Career and technical programs are in keeping with the demands of local enterprises. These curricula are under constant review and evaluation by local advisory committees and the faculty. Although seventy-five percent (75%) of each career-technical curriculum is established by the Bureau of Career-Technical Education and State Department of Education, the remaining twenty-five percent (25%) is under local control. Therefore, as changes occur in local and regional enterprises, compatible changes are made in the locally-controlled portion of the career-technical curriculum (Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CAD). Curriculum Review and Evaluation In order to assure students that the curricula offered by Northeast are current, appropriate and complete, evaluations of the degree programs of study are completed regularly. On a scheduled rotating basis, faculties review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth and complete a Curriculum Review Instrument (Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, Appendix I). This instrument is part of the evidence used in the Curriculum Review Process. A Curriculum Review Committee composed of college and non-college personnel will evaluate curricula yearly. During the evaluation, each curriculum will be reviewed in the following areas: • Past successes of major/grades • Relevance of courses within curriculum Comprehensive Standards 227 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • • Documented need for the curriculum Compatibility of curriculum and institutional purpose Credentials of faculty to adequately teach curriculum Financial support for the curriculum All curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee will be forwarded to the Instruction Council. Actions by the Instruction Council will be forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final action (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62; Curriculum Review Instrument-Culinary Arts Technology Certificate; Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008; Program Evaluation-Business & Business Technology). The career/technical curricula are evaluated, on a pre-determined rotating basis, by the State Board of Community and Junior Colleges (Curriculum Revision Plan, May 2008). These curricula are also reviewed annually by the local advisory committee. Additionally, various accrediting agencies may exert some influence as to the course content of various programs of study (Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CET). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 4445, 77-175 Advisor Handbook 2008-2009, 5 Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 4 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 7 Articulation Agreement 2007 Advisory Committee Minutes-23 October 2007 PNE Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61 Curriculum Proposal Form-Culinary Arts, 17 October 2006 Instruction Council Minutes-17 October 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-14 November 2006 Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809_44-45_77-175 Media/AdvHbk0809 5 Media/AdjHbk08 4 Media/IE0708_7 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/AdvComMin23Oct07PNE Media/ProcMan0809_60-62 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Media/CulinaryArtsproposalOct06 Media/InsMin17Oct06 Media/BOTMin14Nov06 Media/InsMin2Oct07 228 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Curriculum Proposal Form-English 2153, October 2007 Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CAD Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix J Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62 Curriculum Review Instrument- Culinary Arts Technology Certificate Curriculum Review Agenda, 29 April 2008 Program Evaluation-Business & Business Technology Curriculum Revision Plan, May 2008 Advisory Committee Minutes-26 October 2004, 23 October 2007 CET Comprehensive Standards Media/CurRevFormENG2153Oct07 Media/AdvComMin26Oct0423Oct07CAD Media/ProcMan0809_J Media/ProcMan0809_61-62 Media/CurRevInstCulinaryCert Media/CurRevAgenda29April08 Media/ProgramEvalBus Media/CurrRevPlan Media/AdvComMin26Oct0423Oct07CET 229 3.4.11 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.4.12 Technology Use The institution’s use of technology enhances student learning and is appropriate for meeting the objectives of its programs. Students have access to and training in the use of technology. Judgment of Compliance Narrative of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College promotes student engagement in the learning process through meeting objectives of its programs and ensuring that students and faculty have access to and training in the use of technology. The institution uses technology to enhance student learning in each of its six (6) instructional divisions. Use of Technology to Enhance Student Learning Northeast is dedicated to preparing graduates who are capable and confident in their use of technology. The College integrates technological innovations into instructional practices to promote student engagement in the learning process. The College ensures that all students have access to training in the use of technology by incorporating technology throughout the curricula (Technology Plan 0809, 1-3). Northeast ensures that all students have access to and training in the use of technology by several methods, including a mandated computer literacy component in the general education core curriculum. The Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 reflects the College’s commitment to infuse basic competencies in the use of computers and related information technology into the curriculum by requiring students to earn three (3) academic hours of credit from one of the following computer-related course areas: CSC, CPT, or selected BOT, DDT, MET, MLT, MST, NUR, EET, or ELT Computer Courses (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 57). The Computer Services Department maintains a campus-wide fiber optic network to all academic, administrative, and residential facilities and provides internet connectivity campus-wide. The office is responsible for web services, email, telecommunications, and hardware services. Presently they maintain over 600 computers, data projectors, SmartBoards, and projection systems. The Computer Services Department provides technology support for academic classes, career technical classes, and student support programs. There are thirty-four (34) computer laboratories located in instructional buildings with a total of 612 computers for student use. The Computer Services Department supports an email account for every student enrolled at Northeast. Official information originating from Northeast offices and Comprehensive Standards 230 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 information from Northeast faculty to students is sent via this email account (RaganEmail-20 February 2009).. The College demonstrates its commitment to technology by offering curriculum programs of study targeting training in current technology skills. The computer science faculty consists of four (4) full-time instructors who are responsible for instruction in Computer Applications (CSC 1123) which is a required course in the general education core. There are two (2) Associate of Arts degrees offered in the divison – Computer Science and Business Information Systems. The Division of Business and Business Technology offers eight (8) Associate of Applied Science degree programs of study, four (4) university-parallel programs of study and two (2) certificate programs. The Division of Engineering Technology and Occupational Education offers ten (10) Associate of Applied Science degree programs of study and eight (8) certificate programs. All divisions strive to remain current in the latest technology in a hands-on learning environment, such as MyMathLab, the Student Success Center, English writing laboratories, Career-Technical Education (CTE) laboratories, the graphics course for engineering, Autocad, and the Health Sciences computer laboratories. Student Access and Training in the Use of Technology Fifty-three (53) public access computers at the Eula Dees Memorial Library provide access to the internet, online library catalog, online databases, and electronic resources. Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007, MyMathLab, PLATO, and SAM are installed on all computers. Other software which is installed on selected computers is Visual Basic, Visual Studio, WordPerfect, and Works. The library at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site has twenty (20) laptops in a mobile tower and four (4) desktop computers. Additionally, two (2) computer laboratories, each containing twenty (20) desktop computers, are available for classroom instruction and student use. The Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, a long-term educational facility that offers twenty-five to forty-nine percent of degree programs, has a mobile tower with 25 laptop computers. There are two (2) computer laboratories, each with twenty (20) desktop computers, and two (2) additional classrooms containing teleconferencing equipment. Another vital way that the College enhances student learning through the use of technology is with its distance learning program. Distance learning provides an additional avenue to deliver college courses to meet the needs of residents of northeast Mississippi who seek a college education. The two (2) primary methods to deliver distance learning courses are online courses taught by Northeast instructors (provided) and online courses taught by faculty from member colleges of the Mississippi Virtual Community College (MSVCC) consortium (hosted). MSVCC was accredited by the Commissions on Colleges in 2004 (Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004). The Distance Learning section of the College website provides specific steps students need to follow to enroll in distance education classes and detailed answers to frequently Comprehensive Standards 231 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 asked questions about distance education (Northeast Distance Learning Webpage). An online quiz is available on the College website to help students determine if distance education is suitable for their needs (READI Assessment Webpage). The Distance Learning staff is available to students by phone, email, or personal conferences for questions about technical issues. In fall 2007 and spring 2008, the College provided ninety-three (93) sections of distance education classes. In fall 2008, podcasting modules were introduced in selected courses in Public Speaking, English Composition I – Technical, and U.S. History I and II. Four (4) computer laboratories with ninety (90) computers are located in the Mathematics and Sciences Division. These laboratories support courses in mathematics, science and computer science. Online components allow developmental mathematics, college algebra, and trigonometry students to work at their own pace, under the supervision of mathematics instructors, to complete course work. Subject-specific materials, computers, and other equipment are in technical and academic areas (Northeast Technical Programs Inventory; Northeast Academic Programs Inventory). Every academic building and dormitory offers wireless connectivity to the internet. Faculty use Blackboard to enhance student learning by posting announcements, posting a syllabus for each class, and providing staff information, such as contact information, class schedule, and office hours (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness Plans,123). Blackboard is a web-based course-management system that allows students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online or use online materials and activities to support face-to-face teaching. Blackboard enables instructors to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, virtual chat, online quizzes, and other resources. Faculty received training during the fall 2007 Inservice in uploading a syllabus, adding announcements and contact information, and developing assignments in Blackboard. Over the next two (2) semesters, nineteen (19) workshops were offered to train faculty in customizing Blackboard, Blackboard capabilities, and other advanced topics. Students were oriented to Blackboard beginning in the fall of 2007. Instructors assigned a Student Orientation Quiz in every class. During the first weeks of the fall 2007 semester, 14,579 duplicated students completed the Blackboard Student Orientation Quiz. Students are able to navigate Blackboard to find materials related to their courses, the library, residential life, email, and other student-related topics. The Blackboard Student Orientation Quiz, the Student Library Evaluation Survey, and the Residential Life Survey were offered in Blackboard for students in fall 2007 (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness Plans, 123). Use of Technology is Appropriate for Meeting the Objectives of its Programs of Study Individual programs of study have precise technology needs according to the nature of the curriculum and the communication of those needs by the program faculty. The College is committed to providing the necessary technology for meeting program Comprehensive Standards 232 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 objectives through its planning process and Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP). As part of the IEP process, all programs may determine specific technology needs appropriate to meeting program objectives. This technology is added to the Needs Assessment Survey for consideration of funding. Technology may come in diverse forms including, but not limited to, capital improvements, software and hardware purchases and installations, and specialty equipment. The Division of Health Sciences strives to prepare students to meet the needs of the public and various health-related fields by acquiring new technology. Examples include the following: • • • The A.D.N. and P.N.E. programs purchased computer software, an obstetrical mannequin, a pediatric mannequin, an IV simulator module, a set of skills videos, IV arms and hand, a CD skills instructional series, and an adult mannequin. The Dental Hygiene Program purchased an autoclave monitoring system and a Gendx Digital X-Ray Machine. The Respiratory Care Technology Program purchased a Tidal Monitoring System and a computer program for registry board preparation. Employees of the College are encouraged to participate in professional development workshops (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 45). Each year, a variety of workshops are conducted which are designed to address technology topics. Examples of this are Blackboard training for faculty during the 2007-2008 school year and Microsoft Office 2007 training for faculty/staff during summer 2008 (Professional Development Workshops Summary Report FY 2008). At the beginning of each academic year, the Computer Services staff provides orientation training to new faculty and staff in the use of the administrative software, Blackboard, email and the internet (New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008). The College offers continuing education classes that are available to faculty and staff (Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Continuing Education Classes). Policies governing computer services and resources are clearly stated in the Northeast Procedures Manual (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 83-85). These policies define procedures to ensure that academic and administrative needs are adequately met and are consistent with the Purpose Statement, which states that Northeast seeks “to provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Procedures Manual, 20082009, 2). The College has in place a data security system to protect the confidentiality and integrity of academic systems, administrative systems, and institutional networks. The system is based on user identifications and passwords assigned to administrative users. Student accounts for accessing grades and student information also require user identifications and passwords. Comprehensive Standards 233 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Evaluation and Assessment of the Use of Technology Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents are also asked to rate each program or service ranging from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported based on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to technology are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Item I use electronic forms of communication like email often. I have access to connect with the mainframe(Administative Software-BANNER) and/or Internet. Computer software is adequate on campus for my use. Computer hardware is adequate on campus for my use. Classes, seminars, or workshops for learning how to use software are available. The amount of help available from Computer Center Services to answer questions is sufficient. Classroom equipment is adequate for my use. Computer Center Services Rating Fall 2007 4.58 Rating Fall 2006 4.54 Rating Fall 2005 4.47 4.30 4.39 4.36 3.96 4.06 4.08 3.90 4.03 3.99 3.90 3.97 4.12 3.68 3.92 4.04 3.55 3.92 3.56 3.90 3.44 4.05 During the spring semester, students who have taken classes at Northeast at New Albany or Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites are asked to complete the Northeast at New Albany Student Survey or the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey. The purpose of these surveys is to evaluate course content, materials, instructors, and services. The instruments use a Likert scale with opportunity for open-ended comments. The results are analyzed by the Northeast Office of Planning and Research and disseminated in newsletter format. Items related to technology are shown below with results for the past two (2) years (Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008). Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008 New Albany Corinth Rating Rating Item 2008 2007 2008 2007 Computer Lab Availability 3.74 3.73 3.52 3.78 Availability of computers when you need them 3.79 3.90 3.65 3.77 Comprehensive Standards 234 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Sophomore students are asked to evaluate educational support services by completing the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered during graduation practice each May. This survey assesses the student’s level of satisfaction with programs and services and the student’s perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the student’s impressions of the college experience. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to technology are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). Item Computer Services (In the classroom) Availability of computers when you need them Computer labs Laboratory facilities Rating 2008 4.20 4.33 Rating 2007 4.24 4.26 Rating 2006 4.13 4.18 4.27 4.22 4.19 4.06 4.20 4.19 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Technology Plan 0809 1-3 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 57 Ragan- Email-20 February 2009 Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004 READI Assessment WebPage Northeast Distance Learning Webpage Northeast Technical Programs Inventory Northeast Academic Programs Inventory Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness Plans, 123 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 45 Professional Development Workshops Summary Report FY 2008 New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008 Northeast Mississippi Community College Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Continuing Education Classes Webpage Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 83-85 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/TechPlan0809 1-3 Media/StdCat0809 60 Media/Plan0813_57 Media/RaganEmail20Feb09 Media/RogersLetter9July04 MediaREADIAssessmentPage Media/DLWebPage Media/ LibTechInv Media/ LibAcdInv Media/Plan0813_123 Media/ProcMan0809_45 Media/ProfDevWSFY08SummaryRpt Media/ NewEmpOrientAg13Aug08 Media/ ContinuingEdClassesFl08Sp09 Media/ProcMan0809_83-85 235 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Procedures Manual, 2008-2009, 2 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Institutional Research Review, June 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/ProcMan0809_2 Media/CCSJan08 Media/IRRDLJune08 Media/SSOJuly08 236 3.4.12 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.5.1 Educational Programs: Undergraduate Programs 3.5.1 College-level Competencies The institution identifies college-level general education competencies and the extent to which graduates have attained them. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Within the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, the College identifies five (5) competencies that all graduation candidates are expected to exhibit as a part of the general education core (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 57). This list also appears in the Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59). Reading competency-Each student who completes an associate degree must demonstrate the ability to read and comprehend at a level commensurate with the reading level of the textbook and other reading assignments. Writing competency-Each student who completes an associate degree must demonstrate proficiency in written communication. Writing competencies are developed in English Composition. Mathematics Competency-Each student who completes an Associate of Arts degree must earn credit in College Algebra (MAT 1313), or an equal or higherlevel mathematics course. Oral Communication Competency-Each student who completes an associate degree must be able to communicate his/her thoughts orally and intelligently. This competency must be shown through completion of Public Speaking (SPT 1113). Basic Use of Computers- Each Associate of Arts candidate must complete three (3) academic hours of credit in Computer Science (CSC). Each Associate of Applied Science candidate must earn three (3) academic hours of credit in CSC, IST, or selected BOT, DDT, MET, MLT, MST, NUR, EET, ELT computer courses. The Associate of Arts degree is awarded to all students completing a university parallel curriculum. This general education core contains thirty-two (32) hours including: English Composition (ENG 1113 and ENG 1123), social or behavioral science (6 hours), fine arts Comprehensive Standards 237 3.5.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 (3 hours), mathematics (MAT 1313 equivalent or higher), computer or computer-related (3 hours), and public speaking (SPT 1113). The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is awarded to all students completing a technological degree program. The general education core for the AAS degree contains eighteen (18) hours including: English Composition (ENG 1113), social or behavioral science (3 hours), fine arts (3 hours), mathematics or science (if mathematics is below MAT 1313, then 3 semester hours of related mathematics above 1203 and 4 hours of science), computer or computer-related (3 semester hours), and public speaking (SPT 1113) (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60). Evidence of Attainment All candidates for associate degrees must complete a general education core (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60). Within these core courses, students’ ability to demonstrate the five (5) competencies is required. Each specific course syllabus within the core explains expected outcome objectives and assessment methods within the course (English Composition I-ENG 1113 Syllabus; Intermediate Algebra-MAT 1233 Syllabus; College Algebra-MAT 1313 Syllabus; Public Speaking-SPT 1113 Syllabus; Computer Applications-CSC 1123 Syllabus). Evidence of attainment of these competencies also appears in the College’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan for General Education. The expected results and assessment criteria are clearly outlined, along with the assessment results and the use of those results (FiveYear Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 112-116). Assessments are made internally (Basic Use of the Computer and Public Speaking Competency) and externally using the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) test and ACT WorkKeys to compare students nationally. Results from the CAAP test for the past three (3) years are shown below (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2006-2011, 14-16; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2007-2012, 34-36; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 20082013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 112-116). CAAP Test 2008 NEMCC National 59.3 59.2 Reading Competency* Math 56.6 56.2 Competency Writing 63.9 62.1 Competency *Evaluated by science reasoning 2007 NEMCC National 59.6 59.1 2006 NEMCC National 61.4 59.0 58.4 56.1 58.6 56.1 65.1 62.2 65.3 62.3 Evidence of attainment of the General Education competencies for Career/Technical students is provided through indirect and direct measurement. Employers evaluate their Comprehensive Standards 238 3.5.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 satisfaction with graduate’s communication skills on the Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical Completers Survey. Career/Technical students take the ACT WorkKeys assessment to provide evidence of attainment of General Education competencies. The results of these assessments are shown below (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2006-2011, 14-16; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2007-2012, 34-36; Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-08 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 112-116; ACT WorkKeys Scores Spring 2008; ACT WorkKeys, Charts). General Education Assessments for Career/Technical Students Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 Completers Survey % Satisfaction with communication skills 80.4 82.1 72.1 WorkKeys NEMCC National (Average level Score out of 7) Spring 2008 Percentile Applied Mathematics 6.0 94th Locating Information 5.0 99th Reading for Information 6.0 95th To compare Northeast graduates with students at state universities, Northeast tracks graduating students to analyze their success. Evidence from these reports shows that the cumulative GPA’s of Northeast students are consistently at or above those of native university students. Transfer grade point averages for the past three (3) years for two (2) state universities are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6). University The University of Mississippi Mississippi State University Fall 2007 NEMCC Native 3.09 2.95 2.95 Fall 2006 NEMCC Native 3.05 2.94 2.78 3.12 2.78 Fall 2005 NEMCC Native 3.18 2.96 3.00 2.75 Employers of Northeast graduates also feel confident with the skills of their employees. Employers were asked to rate their satisfaction of technical completers’ overall job performance. Results of Employer Evaluation of Career/Technical Completers Survey for the past three (3) years are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 14). Year Surveyed 2007 (2006-2007 completers) 2006 (2005-2006 completers) 2005 (2004-2005 completers) Comprehensive Standards Percent indicating Satisfaction 89.1% 82.1% 80.4% 239 3.5.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Students also have a positive perception of their competency when they leave Northeast. When students were asked if they were proud of their accomplishments at this College, the average mean response was 4.65 on a 5-point Likert scale. The students also rated the College in general, with an average mean response of 4.27 compared to the national average of 3.87 (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). Northeast has provided evidence both internally and externally that its students have achieved the five (5) outlined competencies. Using standardized tests, such as the CAAP and WorkKeys, Northeast compares itself with other colleges to show it is proficient in these areas. The College has also assessed students transferring to senior-level institutions and community employers and has found that its graduates are successful in their chosen pursuits. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 57 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 112-116 English Composition I-ENG 1113 Syllabus Intermediate Algebra-MAT 1233 Syllabus College Algebra-MAT 1313 Syllabus Public Speaking-SPT 1113 Syllabus Computer Applications-CSC 1123 Syllabus Five-Year Strategic Planning Document2007-2012, 34-36 ACT WorkKeys Scores Spring 2008 ACT WorkKeys,Charts Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 6 Report on Institutional Effectiveness & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 14 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/Plan0813_57 Media/StdCat0809 59 Media/StdCat0809 60 Media/Plan0813_112-116 Media/ENG1113Syl Media/MAT1313Syl Media/MAT1313Syl Media/SPT1113Syl Media/CSC1123Syl Media/Plan0712_34-36 Media/WorkkeysScoresSp08 Media/Workkeyscharts Media/IE0708_6 Media/IE0708_14 Media/SSOJuly08 240 3.5.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.5.2 Institutional Credits for a Degree At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree are earned through instruction offered by the institution awarding the degree. In the case of undergraduate degree programs offered through joint, cooperative, or consortia arrangements, the student earns 25 percent of the credits required for the degree through instruction offered by the participating institutions. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College requires the completion of a minimum of sixty-three (63) semester hours for an associate degree. Northeast requires students complete a minimum of sixteen (16) semester hours (25% of credit hours required for the degree) at the College before graduation. The Registrar and the student’s advisor verify compliance when evaluating records for graduation (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 59; Transfer Graduates with T Credit, Spring 2008; Transfer Graduates with T Credit, Spring 2007; Transfer Graduates with T Credit, Spring 2006; Transfer Hours Allowed Per Degree). Procedures for Applying for Graduation When a student applies for graduation, a Curriculum Advising and Program Planning (CAPP) report is printed and sent to the student’s advisor. The advisor reviews the document to ensure the student has completed the necessary coursework for graduation. The advisor approves or disapproves the application for graduation, citing needed coursework. The document is then forwarded to the Registrar’s office for review. The Registrar verifies that the student has met all of the requirements for the respective degree. The student is sent a letter detailing the results of the findings of both the advisor and Registrar. This letter serves as official notification regarding graduation. The Records Office staff verifies that graduates comply with Northeast requirements. If a student does not meet graduation requirements, he/she is notified by the Registrar (Official Notification-Graduation Letter; Graduation Ceremony Information Sheet-A.A.S; Graduation Ceremony Information Sheet-A.A.; CAPP Reports, Examples). Distance Learning Consortium The institution is a part of a consortium of Mississippi’s fifteen (15) community colleges offering a large variety of distance learning (online) courses. This consortium was independently approved by the Commission on Colleges in July of 2004 (Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004). Northeast strengthens the relationship with the consortium by its Dean of Instruction and division heads verifying faculty credentials of distance learning faculty. Courses offered through this delivery system are considered “home” courses on each college campus. These courses are listed on the Northeast website each semester under Comprehensive Standards 241 3.5.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 distance learning. Northeast does not distinguish between class credits issued for online or traditional classes. Policies regarding institutional credits for a degree are disseminated to students by the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59). These requirements are also noted on Northeast’s website. Transfer credit is noted on the student transcript along with the name of the school attended by the student. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59 Transfer Graduates with T Credit, Spring 2008 Transfer Graduates with T Credit, Spring 2007 Transfer Graduates with T Credit, Spring 2006 Transfer Hours Allowed Per Degree Official Notification-Graduation Letter Graduation Ceremony Information SheetA.A.S Graduation Ceremony Information SheetA.A. CAPP Reports, Examples Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809 59 Media/TransferGradsSp08 Media/TransferGradsSp07 Media/TransferGradsSp06 Media/TransferHrsDegree Media/OfficialNotificationGradLetter Media/GradInfoSheetAAS Media/GradInfoSheetAA Media/CAPPExamples Media/RogersLetter9July04 242 3.5.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.5.3 Undergraduate Program Requirements The institution defines and publishes requirements for its undergraduate programs, including its general education components. These requirements conform to commonly accepted standards and practices for degree programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College defines and publishes its graduation and degree requirements for its undergraduate programs in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 59-60; 76-175). The information is also available on the Northeast website at These publications include the general education core requirements for the Associate of Arts degree and the Associate of Applied Science degree. The general education core requirements are also published in the Northeast Course Schedule Booklet (Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008, 10). Since 1991, Institutions of Higher Learning in Mississippi have identified and published a listing of courses they accept as meeting the requirements for collegiate appropriateness in higher education. The publication entitled Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board of Community and Junior Colleges (Articulation Agreement2007), provides the rationale for Northeast’s determination of coherence in selection and sequencing of courses in each program of study. The Articulation Agreement strengthens the course transferability between state universities and community colleges (Articulation Agreement 2007). The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi State Board of Community/Junior Colleges approve the updated articulation agreement annually (Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii). Northeast also utilizes the uniform course numbering system and articulation agreements with individual institutions (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community & Junior Colleges 2008). The College reviews all of its degree programs of study on a predetermined rotating basis with an external Curriculum Review Committee, which includes members from business, industry, and other educational institutions. Faculty advisors also review the curricula annually to ensure compliance with the Articulation Agreement, local needs, and sound educational practice. Recommendations for curriculum changes are reviewed by the Instruction Council, which consists of the Dean of Instruction and academic division heads. Curriculum changes that are approved by the Instruction Council are forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final approval. All university parallel programs include thirty-two (32) semester hours of general education core requirements (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60). Comprehensive Standards 243 3.5.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast conforms to commonly accepted standards and practices for career-technical degree programs of study through the use of the Mississippi Postsecondary Curriculum Framework. These standardized curriculum programs of study are developed by the Research and Curriculum Unit for Workforce Development at Mississippi State University. These programs of study are developed by appointed committees which include members from program-related business, industry, and community college faculty. Each curriculum is then approved by the State Department of Education. Career-technical degree programs of study are also reviewed by the Curriculum Review Committee on a rotating basis. All career-technical degree programs of study include at least eighteen (18) semester hours of general education core requirements (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 5960; 76-175 Northeast website Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008, 10 Articulation Agreement2007 Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007 Comprehensive Standards 244 Location Media/StdCat0809_59-60_76-175 Media/NEHomePg Media/SchBkFl08_10 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/ArtAgree07 i-ii Media/UniCrsNumbering08 Media/StdCat0809 60 Media/CurFrameWorks07 3.5.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.7 Faculty 3.7.1 Faculty Competence The institution employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the mission and goals of the institution. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, an institution gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. The institution also considers competence, effectiveness, and capacity, including, as appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. For all cases, the institution is responsible for justifying and documenting the qualifications of its faculty. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast employs competent faculty members qualified to accomplish the purpose and goals of the institution by offering quality instruction (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 9; 249-257). Personnel files for all full-time and part-time instructional faculty members are located in the office of Human Resources ( The institution defines competence according to the qualities set forth in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools definition. Factors considered in the employment of faculty include the candidate’s highest degree earned in the teaching discipline, professional competence, effectiveness, related work experiences, professional licensure and/or certifications, honors and awards, and documentation of excellence in teaching. A listing of faculty credentials, with the courses taught for the spring of 2008 and the fall of 2008 is provided in the faculty roster. As appropriate, the faculty roster includes the following: • Name of the faculty member • Full- or part-time status • List of courses taught and whether course is transfer, non-transfer, or developmental • List of academic credentials (highest degree earned as relevant to teaching assignment) • Other qualifications or experience • Links to additional qualification documents as needed Comprehensive Standards 245 3.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 In order to assure that appropriate credentials and experience are considered in the selection and hiring of future faculty and staff, the Board of Trustees charges Northeast’s President to develop procedures for verifying credentials, verifying experience and performing other background checks on future employees as necessary to assure qualified faculty and staff (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 39). Credentials Required by Northeast Community College Transfer Faculty • All full-time and part-time faculty teaching transfer courses must, at a minimum, have a master’s degree which includes a minimum of eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in their teaching discipline. Northeast’s goal is to employ at least one-third of the faculty with thirty (30) graduate semester hours in their teaching discipline. Technical Faculty • • • All full-time and part-time technical faculty must possess academic preparation and demonstrate/document technical competence. The minimum academic preparation is an associate’s degree (master’s degree preferred) in the teaching field. All technical faculty must stay current in field of study and maintain a state competency plan in conjunction with division head (Professional Competency Plan, Examples). Career Faculty All career faculty must stay current in field of study and maintain a state competency plan in conjunction with division head (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 10; Professional Competency Plan, Examples; Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17). • College work and/or specialized training are preferred. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Location Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, Media/StdCat0809_249-257 9; 249-257 Faculty Roster Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008Media/BOT0809_39 2009, 39 Professional Competency Plan, Media/CompetencyPlanExamples Examples Northeast Procedures Manual 2008Media/ProcMan0809_10 2009, 10 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008Media/BOT0809 17 • Comprehensive Standards 246 3.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2009, 17 Comprehensive Standards 247 3.7.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.7.2 Faculty Evaluation The institution regularly evaluates the effectiveness of each faculty member in accord with published criteria, regardless of contractual or tenured status. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College values quality teaching and the importance of a shared commitment by the faculty and institution to create a positive learning environment. The College does not grant tenure for any faculty member. A comprehensive faculty evaluation process is designed to assess this shared commitment and the results are used to continuously improve instruction and the learning environment. The primary goal of the evaluation system is to enhance the contributions of all faculty to the institution and promote and recognize excellence. To accomplish this goal, Northeast’s evaluation process has the following objectives: 1. Promote communication between the faculty and administration 2. Ensure that instruction is meeting the institution’s adopted purpose statement 3. Identify the means for the institution to support quality instruction 4. Evaluate accountability and performance (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47) It is from this perspective that Northeast embraces a formative/summative, developmental and continuous improvement approach toward faculty evaluation. Northeast’s faculty evaluation process has been designed and implemented in consultation with faculty, administrators, and instructional staff. The process will continually evolve and has a built-in procedure for ongoing evaluation of its effectiveness. Multiple means are used to evaluate faculty annually. Information collected about faculty is used to improve teaching techniques and instructors’ relationships with students. The methods used to evaluate faculty include the following: 1. Annual Evaluation of Faculty by Students - Both full- and part-time faculty are evaluated using an approved instrument. A minimum of two (2) classes per faculty are chosen by the division head for student evaluations. The results of student evaluations are summarized on an analysis sheet for each faculty member (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix E). 2. Annual Evaluation of Faculty by Division Heads - The division heads annually evaluate the teaching performance of all part- and full-time faculty Comprehensive Standards 248 3.7.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 within their division using the approved instrument (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F2-F4). 3. Self [Formative] Evaluation by Faculty - Each part- and full-time faculty member annually conducts a self-evaluation of his/her instructional, professional development, advising objectives and goals (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F1). 4. Faculty Improvement Conference - In concert, the division head and each part- or full-time faculty member, using all collected information from evaluation instruments (students, division head, and self-evaluation), establish an improvement program for the particular faculty member. Jointly the division head and faculty member choose three (3) areas for improvement and develop goals for improvement to be accomplished during the following year (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47-48). Using the above criteria to evaluate individual faculty members, the institution conducts evaluations to determine the success of faculty in obtaining their individual improvement goals. As stated, each faculty member meets with his/her division head to discuss the results of all evaluations. Should a faculty member’s performance be unacceptable, the respective division head notifies the Dean of Instruction. Together, the Dean of Instruction and the respective division head outline a written plan of improvement for the faculty member. The Dean of Instruction and the respective division head meet with the faculty member to discuss and implement the improvement plan. When the evaluation process is complete and plans of improvement are in place, the Dean of Instruction makes a recommendation to the Executive Vice-President for termination, renewal, or nonrenewal of the faculty member’s contract (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 4748; Wendy Scott, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences; Melanie Roby, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Mathematics and Sciences; Jeff Melson, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Engineering and Engineering Technology; Christopher Schager, Student Evaluation Fall 2006, Division of Fine Arts; Rita Jones, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Health Sciences; John Yarber, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Business and Business Technology; Robbie Coleman, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Business and Business Technology; Nick Alexander, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Health Sciences; Becky Padgett, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Mathematics and Sciences; Johnny Wright, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Engineering and Engineering Technology; LaShay Blansett, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences). The division head forwards a completed “Employee Performance Evaluation Verification Form” to the Human Resource Office. Faculty evaluations are filed in the Dean of Instruction’s Office (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F5). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ProcMan0809 47 249 3.7.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 47 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix E Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F2-F4 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F1 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47-48 Wendy Scott, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Melanie Roby, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Mathematics and Sciences Jeff Melson, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Engineering and Engineering Technology Christopher Schager, Student Evaluation Fall 2006, Division of Fine Arts Rita Jones, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Health Sciences John Yarber, Student Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Business and Business Technology Robbie Coleman, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Business and Business Technology Nick Alexander, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Health Sciences Becky Padgett, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Mathematics and Sciences Johnny Wright, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Engineering and Engineering Technology LaShay Blansett, Faculty Evaluation Fall 2007, Division of Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix F5 Comprehensive Standards Media/ProcMan0809_E Media/ProcMan0809_F2-F4 Media/ProcMan0809_F1 Media/ProcMan0809_47-48 Media/WScottStdEvalFl07 Media/MRobyStdEvalFl07 Media/JMelsonStdEvalFl07 Media/CSchagerStdEvalFl06 Media/RJonesStdEvalFl07 Media/JYarberStdEvalFl07 Media/RColemanFacEvalFl07 Media/NAlexanderFacEvalFl07 Media/BPadgettFacEvalFl07 Media/JWrightFacEvalFl07 Media/LBlansettFacEvalFl07 Media/ProcMan0809_F5 250 3.7.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.7.3 Faculty Development The institution provides ongoing professional development of faculty as teachers, scholars, and practitioners. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance: Procedures on Professional Development The Northeast Board of Trustees and administration encourage professional growth for all Northeast employees. In addition to in-service training, limited financial support for travel to professional meetings is included in the College operational budget (Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Budgets Fiscal Year 2006; Faculty Development Travel FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2008; Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 45) As evidence of the College’s commitment toward professional growth, an employee may be granted permission to enroll in a class during the normal working hours. Prior approval and an alternate work schedule are required. Courses must be within the faculty member’s discipline or a related discipline. Faculty who complete a course in an approved program of study are given a salary supplement. Regular full-time employees of Northeast may enroll, at no cost, in classes offered by Northeast (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 26; 46). Employees of the College are encouraged to attend professional meetings that enhance professional growth. The division head and the Executive Vice-President determine the value of the meeting to the institution and grant or deny permission to attend. The Executive Vice-President determines reimbursement for expenses to attend the meeting (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 46-47). Evidence of participation in professional development activities is submitted annually in the “Accomplishments” section of the Five-Year Strategic Planning Document (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2009, 31; 41; 43; 61; 62; 64; 65; 66; 73; 74; 78; 79). Northeast Mississippi Community College Development Foundation operates an Employee Enhancement Fund that uses contributions from faculty, staff, and administrators for the purpose of funding professional development activities and needs. The intent of this funding is to improve the quality of the education and student services provided to those who attend Northeast. To be eligible to receive funds, the individual must have a memorandum from the division head granting permission to participate if funded, provide letters and documentation describing the event, and complete a grant application form. A steering committee, composed of faculty, staff, and administration, reviews the grant proposals and approves or rejects the proposals based on the procedural Comprehensive Standards 251 3.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 guidelines (Northeast Development Foundation Procedures Manual, 27-31; Summary of Employee Enhancement Grants 2005-2007). Opportunities for Professional Development Northeast schedules a Faculty/Staff Development In-Service every August prior to the beginning of the fall semester. This mandatory, daylong in-service session provides faculty and staff an opportunity to be updated on administrative and instructional activities. The in-service day includes speakers and/or workshops that provide professional development opportunities (Faculty/Staff Development In-Service Agenda, 11 August 2008; Faculty/Staff Development In-Service Agenda, 13 August 2007; Faculty/Staff Development In-Service Agenda, 14 August 2006). College employees and individuals from the public present faculty/staff development workshops during the year. The workshops are coordinated by the Faculty/Staff Development Committee and are designed for professional and personal growth of the employee. The Faculty/Staff Development Committee meets once per semester to develop programs that will enhance the professional development of the faculty and staff. The committee is chaired by the Associate Vice-President of Planning and Research (Northeast Committee List 2008-2009; Faculty Staff Development Committee Agenda, Fall 08; Faculty Staff Development Committee Agenda, Spring 08; Faculty Staff Development Committee Minutes-22 April 2008; Faculty Staff Development Committee Minutes-30 October 2008; Professional Development WS-FY08 Summary Report; Professional Development WS-FY07 Summary Report; Professional Development WSFY06 Summary Report). Northeast provides an orientation program for new full-time faculty and staff in August and January. This daylong session covers information on employee benefits, policies and procedures, telephone instructions, computer network information, registration and record keeping procedures, library orientation and training for Blackboard (New Employee Orientation Agenda-13 August 2008; New Employee Orientation Agenda-15 August 2007; New Employee Orientation Agenda-5 January 2007). There is a separate orientation program for adjunct faculty. This is a half-day session that covers a review of policies and procedures, TigerLine training, audit rolls and records, bookstore information, library orientation and a question-and-answer period (Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda, 16 August 2008; Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda, 18 August 2007). Evaluation and Assessment of Professional Development Activities Employees are asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the training by completing an evaluation following the August In-Service and any other workshop offerings. Respondents answer questions using a 5-point Likert scale regarding the quality and usefulness of the workshop, the adequacy of presentation aids and facilities, and an overall rating of the training. The evaluations are compiled and an average is reported for every question. These evaluations are shared with the Faculty/Staff Development Committee and used to make decisions about future events and offerings (Faculty/Staff Comprehensive Standards 252 3.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 In-Service General Session Fall 2001-Fall 2008; Professional Development WS-FY08 Summary Report; Faculty Staff Development Committee Minutes-30 October2008). Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to professional development activities are shown below with results for the past three years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Item Rating Fall Rating Fall Rating Fall 2007 2006 2005 My supervisor/director encourages my 4.09 4.13 4.04 professional development. Classes, seminars, or workshops for learning 3.90 3.97 4.12 how to use software are available Professional Development is valued at 3.89 3.91 3.98 NEMCC Supporting Documentation and Links Source Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 Faculty Development Travel FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 45 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 26, 46 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2009, 31; 41; 43; 61; 62; 64; 65; 66; 73; 74; 78; 79 Northeast Development Foundation Procedures Manual 2008, 27-31 Summary of Employee Enhancement Grants 2005-2007 Faculty/Staff Development In-Service Agenda, 11 August 2008 Faculty/Staff Development In-Service Agenda, 13 August 2007 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BudgetsFY0708 Media/BudgetsFY07 Media/BudgetsFY06 Media/FacultyDevTravel060708 Media/ProcMan0809_45 Media/ProcMan0809_26_46 Media/ProcMan0809_47 Media/Plan0809_31_41_43_61_62_64_65_ 66_73_74_78_79 Media/NDFProcMan08_27-31 Media/EmpEnhancementGrants0507 Media/FacultyInServiceAgendaAug08 Media/FacultyInServiceAgenda13Aug07 253 3.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Faculty/Staff Development In-Service Agenda, 14 August 2006 Northeast Committee List 2008-2009 Faculty Staff Development Committee Agenda, Fall 2008 Faculty Staff Development Committee Agenda, Spring 2008 Faculty Staff Development Committee Minutes -22 April 2008 Faculty Staff Development Committee Minutes -30 October 2008 Professional Development WS-FY08 Summary Report Professional Development WS-FY07 Summary Report Professional Development WS-FY06 Summary Report New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008 New Employee Orientation Agenda, 15 August 2007 New Employee Orientation Agenda, 5 January 2007 Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda, 16 August 2008 Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda, 18 August 2007 Faculty/Staff In-Service General Session Fall 2001-Fall 2008 Professional Development WS-FY08 Summary Report as of December 2008 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/FacultyInService14Aug06 Media/CommitteeList0809 Media/FacultyStaffDevAgenda30Oct08 Media/FacultyStaffDevAgenda22April08 Media/FacultyStaffDevMin22April08 Media/ FacultyStaffDevMin3Oct08 Media/ProfDevWS FY08SummaryRpt Media/ProfDevWSFy07SummaryRpt Media/ProfDevWS FY06SummaryRpt Media/ NewEmpOrientAg13Aug08 Media/ NewEmpOrientAg15Aug07 Media/ NewEmpOrientAg5Jan07 Media/ AdjFacAg16Aug08 Media/AdjFacAg18Aug07 Media/FacultyStaffInServiceSummaryRepo rtFl01Fl08 Media/ProfDevWSFY09SummaryRptDec0 8 Media/CCSJan08 254 3.7.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.7.4 Academic Freedom The institution ensures adequate procedures for safeguarding and protecting academic freedom. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance In the section entitled “Academic Freedom and Responsibility” of “Section 300: Human Resources/Personnel” of the Northeast Procedures Manual, the College’s policy on academic freedom is stated as follows: Academic freedom for faculty members is defined as • the right to select and emphasize subject content • the right to determine the degree of difficulty of content and of evaluation methods • the right to choose methods of delivery Corresponding responsibilities of faculty members are • the responsibility to disseminate up-to-date information based on scholarly research that is pertinent to students’ potential for success in academia and the world of work • the responsibility to conform to professionally endorsed principles and practices by teaching and evaluating material outlined in the course syllabi (based on consensus of faculty members within the same discipline as well as contacts with instructors at two-year and four-year institutions) • the responsibility to provide a variety of methods of delivery that lead students to develop their own skills (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42). Faculty members are constrained by ethical behavior conforming to professionally endorsed principles and practices relative to subject area discipline (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42). The “Complaint Process” is outlined in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009. This process ensures that “[a]ny member of the college community who feels that any one of the above rights [to academic freedom] has been violated” will be able to “file a written complaint with the Executive Vice-President.” A committee of inquiry consisting of the Executive Vice-President as “non-voting standing chair,” the Dean of Instruction, one other mid-level or above administrator, three (3) faculty members from the discipline represented in the complaint or from the most closely associated discipline possible, and one faculty member from another discipline will be appointed to address the complaint. Comprehensive Standards 255 3.7.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 In the case of the Executive Vice-President being a party to the complaint, “the President of the college or his designee will assume the duties outlined . . . for the Executive VicePresident.” According to the “Complaint Process,” any “complaints will fall into one of two categories: (1) violation of an instructor’s academic freedom or (2) an instructor’s failure to comply with the corresponding responsibilities” (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 43). In addition to the “Complaint Process,” Northeast has an established policy of “Curriculum Review And Evaluation” which is detailed in the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62). During this process, which occurs on a five-year predetermined rotating basis, faculty members participate in evaluating the current curriculum using a five (5) item checklist (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix I). During the review, any faculty member may provide written recommendations which he or she feels will improve the curriculum. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42-43 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 43 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 61-62 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix I Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ProcMan0809_42 Media/ProcMan0809_42-43 Media/ProcMan0809_43 Media/ProcMan0809_61-62 Media/ProcMan0809_I 256 3.7.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.7.5 Faculty Role in Governance The institution publishes policies on the responsibility and authority of faculty in academic and governance matters. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The responsibility and authority of Northeast Mississippi Community College faculty members in the academic matters of the College are outlined the Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 under the heading “Academic Freedom and Responsibility.” The responsibilities of the institution’s faculty are defined as follows: • the responsibility to disseminate up-to-date information based on scholarly research that is pertinent to students’ potential for success in academia and the world of work • the responsibility to conform to professionally endorsed principles and practices • the responsibility of teaching and evaluating material outlined in the course syllabi (based on consensus of faculty members within the same discipline as well as contacts with instructors at two-year and four-year institutions) • the responsibility to provide a variety of methods of delivery that lead students to develop their own skills (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42-43) In addition, faculty members “are constrained by ethical behavior conforming to professionally endorsed principles and practices relative to subject area discipline” (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42). The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 details instructors’ responsibilities in the following areas: Teaching Responsibilities, Library Weeding Policy, and Curriculum (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 51-52; 55; 60-62). The involvement of the Northeast Mississippi Community College faculty in the governance of the institution is outlined in “Section 200: Local Governance” of the Board of Trustees Policy Book in the section labeled “Relationship of the Board of Trustees to the Faculty” and item b. “Responsibility of the Faculty” (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17). This section states that faculty and employees will receive directions and instructions through administrative channels and be provided with a copy of the Northeast Procedures Manual, and, upon request, a copy of the Board of Trustees Policy Book. Special assignments may be given to faculty members at any time by the President of the College or his/her designated representative. The following responsibilities of the faculty members to the institution are also listed: 1. Instructor agrees to support and attend college-sponsored student and faculty activities. 2. Instructor agrees to adhere to all policies, terms, and conditions as set forth in the Northeast Procedures Manual, a copy of which is furnished to instructors. Comprehensive Standards 257 3.7.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3. For academic faculty, the contract is based on fifteen (15) semester hours of academic instruction during the fall and spring semesters. These fifteen (15) semester hours may be assigned per semester in either the day or evening programs at any location within the Northeast Mississippi Community College District. 4. For technical faculty, the contract is based on twenty (20) contact hours per week per regular school semester or the number of hours required to teach the program curriculum. Contract is valid provided it qualifies for reimbursement from the Mississippi Board for Community and Junior Colleges. 5. For career faculty, the contract is based on the number of contact hours required to teach the program curriculum. Contract is valid provided it qualifies for reimbursement from the Mississippi Board for Community and Junior Colleges (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17-18). The Northeast Procedures Manual further defines the role of faculty members in the governance of the institution. “Recommendations for Change in Procedure” in the introduction of the manual states “In order for this document and these procedures to function effectively, the College depends on each of you to offer recommendations for changes through your appropriate supervisor.” In addition, “Section 300: Human Resources/Personnel—Item 306 Conditions of Employment” lists the following responsibilities for faculty members: 1. Each faculty member must adhere to the course syllabus developed by the division and approved by the division head and Dean of Instruction. 2. Each faculty member should plan to meet the full class period/ semester and provide instruction that is commensurate with collegiate standards. 3. Each faculty member is expected to begin class on time. 4. Each faculty member will advise a limited number of students and participate in planned advising activities, including summer orientation. 5. Each faculty member must arrange a daily out-of-class office conference period. 6. Each faculty member is expected to provide the flexibility of class schedule described in the faculty contract. 7. Each faculty member must attend all divisional and general faculty meetings. 8. Graduation participation is required. 9. Each faculty member is expected to remain abreast of current changes in his or her discipline. 10. Each faculty member is expected to use appropriate language to communicate thoughts and ideas; however, he or she is also expected to avoid the use of vulgar and inappropriate language (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 13). In the Northeast Procedures Manual, “Section 600: Educational Support—Item 620 College Committees” notes that “each faculty member at Northeast is assigned, annually, to serve on a maximum of three (3) standing committees. . . . The direction and operation of the college, to a degree, are determined by committee suggestions. As the primary function of the College is to provide quality instruction, the majority of the standing Comprehensive Standards 258 3.7.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 committee membership, in most cases, is assigned to faculty.” Committees, in which faculty participate, that support the College’s direction and operations include the following: Athletics, Commencement, Cultural Arts, Discipline, Faculty/Staff Development, Grievance (Staff and Student), Institutional Effectiveness, Insurance, Leave Transfer, Library, Orientation, Public Relations, Retention, Safety, Scholarship, Social, Sports Information, and the Strategic Planning Council (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 85-86; Northeast Committee List 2008). The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P-3, Executive Vice-President Organization [chart] provides a snapshot of the College’s administrative chain of command including faculty members. The Northeast Mississippi Community College Institutional Planning Proposal to Administrative Council provides a means for faculty members to make proposals to the Administrative Council (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P-3; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix J). Annually, as part of the institution’s overall planning process, faculty are asked to review and re-evaluate their division’s purpose statement and make necessary changes. Each fall, faculty involved in each educational unit participate in the adoption of three (3) to five (5) expected outcomes (goals) that link directly to and are consistent with the appropriate goal in Northeast’s Purpose, long-range goals and short-term goals. Faculty members devise Student Learning Outcomes and develop assessment criteria and procedures for assessment. Throughout the year faculty collect assessment data and analyze the information to determine ways to improve the educational process. The evaluations contain both qualitative and quantitative measures, such as student evaluations of faculty, satisfaction surveys, rubrics, and proficiency assessments. Faculty use the results of the assessments to plan and budget for improvements in instruction. If the results of assessments indicate a need, faculty may add the item to the annual Needs Assessment Survey. The Needs Assessment Survey is processed through the division level to the institution’s Budget Committee. All activities and equipment for which monies are requested within the budget must be identified in the Needs Assessment Survey (FiveYear Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 110-193; 249-257; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Math Science). Faculty members demonstrated responsibility and authority in academic and governance matters in the process of selecting and planning the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Faculty members serve as the QEP co-chairs and the subcommittees that have been formed to support the plan are largely composed of faculty. Faculty’s input into the QEP process is evidenced through the QEP Project Activities log. (QEP Project Activities January 2009; QEP Subcommittee List) The Office of Planning and Research issues a Campus Climate Survey to faculty, staff, and administration each year and uses the results of this survey as an assessment tool and to help with the Institutional Effectiveness Plans (IEP) of various areas of the institution. The following table contains the results of the Campus Climate Survey pertinent to Comprehensive Standards 259 3.7.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 faculty’s role in governance for the past three (3) years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Item 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 Percent Percent Percent Strongly Strongly Strongly Agree/Agree Agree/Agree Agree/Agree The Office of Planning and Research/Effectiveness uses the results to improve the over-all college’s planning and evaluation process. Everyone in my division tries to work together. I am satisfied with the extent to which information is shared within my division. Staff and faculty know what the institution’s strategic long-range goals are. The College’s policies and procedures are fairly and uniformly followed. The administration promotes teamwork and cooperation among employees. I am satisfied with the amount of information I receive. The campus organization promotes good communication. I am satisfied with the extent to which information is shared between College Divisions. 87.1 85.5 84.2 78.4 74.5 81.0 73.1 71.5 78.4 71.9 70.6 83.7 75.5 73.5 72.6 67.8 60.8 75.2 65.5 58.2 71.7 64.3 53.3 71.2 57.9 49.7 66.4 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42-43 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 42 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 51-52; 55; 60-62 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17 Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009, 17-18 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 13 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ProcMan0809_42-43 Media/ProcMan0809_42 Media/ProcMan0809_51-52_55_60-62 Media/BOTPol0809_17 Media/BOTPol0809_17-18 Media/ProcMan0809_13 Media/ProcMan0809 85-86 260 3.7.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 85-86 Northeast Committee List 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix J Five-Year Strategic Planning Document, 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 110-193; 249-257 Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Math Science QEP Project Activities January 2009 QEP Subcommittee List Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/CommitteeList0809 Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/ProcMan0809_J Media/Plan0813_110-193_249-257 Media/NeedsAssessSurvey 0708MathScience Media/QEPProjectActivitiesJan 09 Media/QEPSubcommitteeList Media/CCSJan08 261 3.7.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.8 Library and Other Learning Resources 3.8.1 Learning/Information Resources The institution provides facilities and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast provides facilities and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission. The College Purpose Statement affirms that the community college “exists to meet the educational and career needs of individual students and the community within the district it serves.” One of the College’s goals expands that purpose as follows: “To provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). To support the College’s purpose, the division of Learning Resources/Library’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan states as follows: “The purpose of the Learning Resources/Library is to serve as a catalyst by providing information in various formats to support the instructional programs of the College, to provide instruction in literacy by providing instruction in the skills needed to seek, evaluate, and use information effectively, and to provide assistance to the community beyond the confines of the College” (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 52). Northeast provides libraries at the main campus in Booneville and at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. The learning resources are shared by both libraries and are accessible through the SIRSI online catalog from the homepages for each library and through the College homepage on the Northeast website (Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage; Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage; Northeast Website). All items are classified and cataloged with the Dewey Decimal System, and the print collection is arranged on open shelves for easy access. In addition to library resources, many academic divisions maintain subject-specific items within their buildings (Northeast Academic Programs Inventory). Similarly, the Division of Engineering Technology and Occupational Education retains materials specific to its programs (Northeast Technical Programs Inventory). To help determine if facilities and learning/information resources are appropriate, the College gets input from the Library Committee which is composed of faculty representatives from every division, from instructors who request items needed for their courses, and from students' requests through the Suggestion Box and comments on surveys (Library Committee Minutes-1 April 2008; Library Committee Minutes-19 March 2007). Also both faculty and students complete library surveys annually. Comprehensive Standards 262 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Facilities The main campus (Eula Dees Memorial) library was constructed in 1962 and contains 14,853 square feet with seating for more than 300 library users. The library includes thirty-nine (39) student computers with internet access located in the reference room; an area with two (2) additional online computers; a laboratory/classroom with fifteen (15) computers and a smartboard; four (4) printers for students’ use; three (3) group study rooms with TV/VCR/DVD units; microform machines; opaque and overhead projectors; audio tape/CD players, and a photocopier. The leisure area contains six (6) tables with chairs, sofa, and two additional upholstered chairs. Tables and individual study carrels for quiet study are also provided in the stacks (circulating books) room, and wireless access is available throughout the library for students who have their own laptops. The library is open sixty-nine (69) hours per week, from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, and from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday evening. Summer and holiday hours are reduced to forty (40) hours per week, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. Northeast librarians may be reached by phone or email during the library hours of operation. In addition, QuestionPoint:Ask a Librarian 24/7 Reference, with online access to librarians, is available at all times. The Northeast at New Albany Library, which opened in spring 2006, contains 717 square feet with seating for twenty-one (21) library users; four (4) student desktop computers; twenty (20) laptop computers on a portable cart; and a TV/VCR/DVD unit. Northeast at New Albany Library hours are set at thirteen and one-half hours per week with the schedule of days and hours varying each semester based on the courses offered at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. During the fall 2008 semester, the Northeast at New Albany Library hours were 4:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.7:30 p.m. Wednesday, and 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Thursday. Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, a long-term educational facility offering between twenty-five and forty-nine percent of a degree program, does not presently provide an onsite library. The Corinth site is served by the main campus library through the transfer of library materials and through the use of electronic library services. The recently completed phase II construction at the Corinth off-campus site includes space for library facilities, which will be operational by the fall 2009 semester. To ensure their appropriateness, the College assesses the library/learning resource facilities annually. Several years results are listed on one survey. Each spring, the Faculty Evaluation of Library is conducted (Results of Spring 2008 Faculty Evaluation of Library). In the fall of 2006, the faculty at Northeast at New Albany off-campus site were surveyed (Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006). Students are surveyed at various times during the year to assess Student Services (Results of Fall 2007 Library Student Survey; Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students Results Fall 2007; Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008). Facility assessments for the past three (3) years include the following: Comprehensive Standards 263 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Faculty Surveys Faculty Evaluation of Library(% I agree/I strongly agree) Library space is sufficient for my students Current hours are satisfactory for students Library computers meet the needs of my students Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 Fall 2006 ( Off-Campus Instructors) 67.5% 77.6% 70.1% 100% 94.0% 94.5% 93.0% NA 80.7% 78.7% 86.0% 99.9% Student Surveys Library Student Survey (% I agree/I strongly agree) Library computer equipment works as expected to serve my needs Library hours are convenient and sufficient Small group study space is available and adequate Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students Results (% I agree/I strongly agree) Accessibility is adequate Adequacy of availability of library resources Institutional Research ReviewDistance Learning, June 2008 If I needed resource books or magazines that were not online, the resources were delivered within a reasonable time Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 88.3% 87.9% 82.3% 87.6% 86.6% 82.5% 85.8% 81.0% NA Fall 2007 New Albany Fall 2007 Corinth NA 96% 89.5% NA 89% 89.5% NA Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 55% (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 52% (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 48% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 5% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 4% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 9% Learning/Information Resources Appropriate learning/information resources are provided to students, faculty and other patrons through a combination of online resources and physical facilities. Northeast ensures that the library/learning resources are consistent with degree and certificate programs by obtaining faculty input. As stated in Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, “Faculty are responsible for seeing that the main library contains appropriate holdings relating to the courses they teach. Periodic inspection should be made to determine student utilization” (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 54). The 2008 Comprehensive Standards 264 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 library budget for the two (2) libraries totaled $351,476. Beginning in 2008, a designated gift of $5,000 per year for five (5) years was received to enhance the Northeast at New Albany Library (Amended Budget FY 2008). In addition to materials purchased by the library, many learning resources are held by divisions throughout the college. Subjectspecific materials, computers, and other equipment are in technical and academic areas (Northeast Technical Programs Inventory; Northeast Academic Programs Inventory). Every academic building and dormitory offers wireless connectivity to the internet. When instructors need research assistance, the library supports instructors’ research needs by locating articles and books through online databases and interlibrary loans. To support the service mission of the College, the libraries allow adults from the community to use the computers and to checkout circulating materials. In addition, each year the library hosts the Area Librarians’ Workshop. A total number of items of the College's cataloged learning/information holdings in each section of the Dewey Decimal System shows a balanced collection to adequately meet the needs of the programs. DEWEY AREA 000 (Generalities) 100 (Philosophy and Related Disciplines) 200 (Religion) 300 (Social Sciences) 400 (Language) 500 (Pure Sciences) 600 (Technology – Applied Sciences) 700 (The Arts) 800 (Literature) 900 (General Geography and History NUMBER OF ITEMS 3,545 2,514 1,917 16,135 967 3,896 9,389 5,303 12,312 17,226 In addition to cataloged materials mentioned above, the Northeast library also provides access to sixty-two (62) databases and many other online books. The library circulation statistics document the availability to services and the number of materials accessed. Out of the total 194,637 circulation and use statistics, the total of searches on the online databases was 107,757 (Titles of Online Databases; Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 2007-2008). To ensure that all students taking classes offered at any location have access to necessary learning resources, the Northeast library has established cooperative agreements with public libraries throughout the district to supplement services to students and faculty. Cooperative agreements, which are evaluated annually, exist with Northeast Regional Library System and the Union County Library System. These two (2) systems include all of the public libraries in the Northeast five-county area. The public libraries enhance resources by providing additional reference books, online databases, and computers for the public. The library director reviews these materials for appropriateness to courses offered (Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Northeast Regional Library; Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Union County Library). Comprehensive Standards 265 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Audiovisual resources may be checked out by instructors. The library has 2,103 audiovisual items. To coordinate with their subjects, instructors may order any type of electronic or audiovisual item to ensure that the library collections support the College's teaching, research, and services mission (Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 20072008). To address the needs of all the programs, library liaisons work with each division by attending division meetings as requested, by contacting instructors by phone or email to detail new materials and to get suggestions for purchases, and by presenting professional development as needed. Northeast uses multiple surveys to evaluate the libraries annually. To compare the facilities, resources, services, and usage with Mississippi Public Community and Junior College Libraries (MPCJC), the College participates in a survey based on standards of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007 revealed that Northeast compared favorably with other Mississippi community/junior colleges in facilities, resources, library loans provided and received, circulation, group information service, gate count, and references. In fact, Northeast is open more hours than any of the other community/junior colleges (MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007). Each year during the fall semester, the Office of Planning and Research conducts the Campus Climate Survey, a survey of faculty and staff to evaluate the effectiveness of various areas of the College. The Campus Climate Survey shows the weighted average results of responses based on a Likert scale of one through five, with five being the highest response (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Each spring the faculty is asked to evaluate library resources (Results of Spring 2008 Faculty Evaluation of Library). Tables containing the results of various faculty surveys can be found below. 1. Campus Climate Survey (Likert scale of 5) Learning Resources/Library 2. Faculty Evaluation of Library (% I agree/I strongly agree) The library has materials I need for preparing class lectures Budget permitting, the library obtains materials I request The library provides appropriate learning/information resources that support my teaching & research Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 4.43 Spring 2008 4.40 Spring 2007 4.26 Spring 2006 85.5% 82.2% 82.2% 91.6% 89.7% 96.4% 88% 90.7% 86% Prior to 2008 when the survey began to be administered through Blackboard, faculty at Northeast at New Albany, an off-campus site approved by a Substantive Change in spring 2007, evaluated the libraries in a separate survey (Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006). Comprehensive Standards 266 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library (% I agree/I strongly agree) Current hours are satisfactory for students Budget permitting, the library obtains materials I request The library provides appropriate learning/information resources that support my teaching Fall 2006 85.7 % 100% 85.6% Surveys of students provided similar results. The Survey of Student Opinions, July 2007, completed by students participating in graduation, showed that students gave the Learning Resources/Library Facilities and Services the highest ranking of all College services for 2007, 2006, and 2005 (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2007). Each fall semester, students completing all English Composition I (ENG 1113) classes are asked to complete the Library Student Survey (Results of the Fall 2007 Library Student Survey). Off-campus students are asked to respond to the “Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students (Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007). The MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey is offered in the spring to distance learning students (Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008). Tables containing the results of various student surveys can be found below. Library Student Survey (I agree /I strongly agree) Northeast ensures that Library and Learning Resources are available to all students The library and learning resources meet the needs of the students and support the programs and purpose of the college Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students (I agree/I strongly agree) Corinth Northeast library ensures that necessary library and learning resources are available to me New Albany Northeast library ensures that necessary library and learning resources are available to me Corinth The NEMCC library meets my needs as a student New Albany The NEMCC library meets my needs as a student Corinth The library supports the program in which I am enrolled Comprehensive Standards Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 92.3% 93.0% 92.0% 90.9% 90.0% 90.2% Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Not Applicable 100% Not Applicable Not Applicable 100% 97% Not Applicable 100% Not Applicable Not Applicable 89% 91% Not Applicable 100% Not Applicable Not Applicable 267 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 New Albany The library supports the program in which I am enrolled Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008 (% I agree/ I strongly agree) Instruction for using library resources has been made available to me Check the following electronic resources that you have used: MAGNOLIA Products MELO Online Library Catalogs Others Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008 (% I agree/ I strongly agree) Instruction for using library resources has been made available to me Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008 (% I agree/ I strongly agree) Check the following electronic resources that you have used: MAGNOLIA Products MELO Online Library Catalogs Others 96% 88% Not Applicable Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 86% 74% 78% 31% 37% 25% 7% 32% 36% 23% 9% 33% 36% 26% 4% Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 (% I agree/I strongly agree) (% I agree/I strongly agree) (% I agree/I strongly agree) 71% 74% 73% (% Disagree/ Strongly Disagree) (% Disagree/ Strongly Disagree) (% Disagree/ Strongly Disagree) 6% 2% 4% Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 32% 38% 24% 6% 33% 31% 26% 10% 34% 38% 20% 8% Twenty-one (21) responses to the MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey Comments Spring 2008 noted that the library was the most effective student service provided (MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey Comments Spring 2008). Of the students responding to the orientation survey, 99.4% agreed that the “library staff will help me use the library if I have questions” (Library Orientation Survey 2007-2008). In addition to the evaluations included above, all programs in the Division of Health Sciences have met sufficient library resources requirements for outside accrediting agencies (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 10). Comprehensive Standards 268 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 52 Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage Location media/stdcat0809_9 media/Plan0813_52 media/LibHomePg media/NAHomePg Northeast Website Northeast Academic Programs Inventory Northeast Technical Programs Inventory Library Committee Minutes 2008 Library Committee Minutes 2007 Results of Spring 2008 Faculty Evaluation of Library Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006 Results of Fall 2007 Library Student Survey media/NEHomePg media/LibAcdInv media/LibTechInv media/LibMin040108 media/LibMin031907 media/LibFacEvalSp08 Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007 Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, 6 June 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2007-2008, 54 Amended Budget FY08 Titles of Online Databases Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 20072008 Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Northeast Regional Library Contract for Library Service 2007 and 2008 and Evaluation of Services for Union County Library MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2007 Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2006 MS Virtual Community College NEMCC Student Services Survey Spring 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 10 Library Orientation Survey 2007-2008 media/LibOffStdFl07 Comprehensive Standards 269 media/LibFacEvalSp06 media/LibStdEvalFl07 media/IRRDLJune08 media/ProcMan0809_54 media/LibAmBgt08 media/LibTleOnlineData media/LibAnRpt0708 media/LibConEvalServ0708 media/LibUCConEval0708 media/LibMPCJCSur0607 media/CCSJan08 media/SSOJuly07 media/LibOffStdFl06 media/MSVCCStdComSp08 media/stdcat0809_10 media/LibOrienSur0708 3.8.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.8.2 Instruction of Library Use The institution ensures that users have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast’s library staff is committed to providing access to ongoing, quality instruction to meet the needs of students, faculty and staff, and members of the community. The library’s Purpose Statement, as stated in the Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries, is “to serve as a catalyst by providing information in various formats to support the instructional programs of the community college; to provide instruction in literacy by providing instruction in the skills needed to seek, evaluate, and use information effectively; and to provide assistance to the community beyond the confines of the College” (Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries Fall 2007, 7). Students are made aware of the availability of instructional assistance through the Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 and through the Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009 which states, “The library staff is eager to give personal or group instruction to users of the library” (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 6). Students at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site are made aware of the availability of library services and resources through a special brochure developed for that campus (Northeast at New Albany: Let the Journey Begin). In order to accomplish the goal of providing ongoing, quality instruction to all users, the library staff uses a variety of delivery methods to instruct users in accessing needed information through basic library resources as well as through library computerized resources. In order to ensure successful use of library resources, the library’s homepage provides orientation for all users regarding the range of services available (Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage). In addition, instruction is provided through • group orientation geared toward specific classes • one-on-one assistance offered in response to individual patron’s request • tutorial services provided in the library • new teacher orientation • liaison services offered by librarians to all College divisions In addition, instruction is also delivered to virtual students via • emails sent to all students • tutorials for all databases available on the library’s webpage • 24/7 reference service • Blackboard’s provision of links to library materials Comprehensive Standards 270 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Assistance through Library Homepage The library homepage can be accessed through the College webpage and is designed to include orientation to library services and resources (Northeast Webpage; Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage). Included on the library’s homepage is a Staff/Hours link providing the hours the library is open as well as the names and titles of all staff members, their telephone numbers and email links (Library Staff Hours Webpage). The General Information link includes access to a description of library services, access to the library’s circulation policy and computer use policy, as well as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) site and search tips for using the internet (General Information Webpage). The Library Orientation link provides an email address for contacting staff members, another link to FAQ, a library quiz, and animated PowerPoint orientations providing descriptive information on how to use the library’s online databases and the card catalog (Library Orientation Webpage). The same PowerPoint presentations are also available on the Online Databases page adjacent to each database link. A link for contacting library staff by email is provided, which will prompt a return email with password information (Online Database Webpage). Additional links on the library homepage include an interlibrary loan request, guidelines for correct works cited compilation, access to the library’s card catalog and blog. Northeast at New Albany has its own library homepage. The Staff/Hours link on its site includes the hours it is open as well as contact information for the New Albany librarian and the librarians on the main campus (Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage; Northeast at New Albany Library Staff Hours). Students at the Northeast at Corinth off campus site can access the library homepage from a link on the Northeast at Corinth homepage (Northeast at Corinth Homepage). Student Instruction in Use of the Library The library provides group orientation through two (2) different courses on campus: English Composition I (ENG 1113) and Public Speaking (SPT 1113). Students are introduced to the library’s services and resources through an orientation offered in each of the ENG 1113 classes, generally during their freshman year. The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 indicates that all English composition students receive orientation in the use of the library. These classes are taught by a librarian and are developed in collaboration with the English instructors. In these orientation sessions, students are given the opportunity to have hands-on access to computers with internet access while demonstrations are being given by the librarian (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 54-55). Handouts are developed for each class that include step-by-step instructions on database use, as well as correct works cited information. All orientation sessions include introductory information regarding services offered by the library, instruction in searching techniques, guidelines for using the various online databases, and information regarding general and specialized materials available on site. English 1113 instructors require their students to complete a library project using research retrieved during the library orientation sessions (Hints for Mrs. Moore’s Library Project). Comprehensive Standards 271 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Library orientation is also provided for Public Speaking (SPT 1113). All public speaking students are required to have research materials to support their informative and persuasive speeches. Classes taught by a librarian emphasize the best resources to use for the various categories of speeches commonly given by students. During these classes, students are provided with a bookmark developed for use by students in accessing the databases outside the library (Eula Dees Memorial Library Bookmark). A similar bookmark has been developed for use at the New Albany off-campus site, providing email and telephone information for that campus (Northeast at New Albany Library Bookmark). In each class, upon completion of the librarian’s presentation, the librarian and the speech instructor work the remainder of the class time to assist students individually in finding the needed resources. The “Classes Meeting in the Library” portion of the Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 2007-2008 shows statistics as to the number of classes scheduled and number of students taught in the ENG 1113, SPT 1113, and other classes (Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 2007-2008). At the conclusion of class instruction, the librarian provides students with an evaluation form to assist the library in determining the effectiveness of instruction. On the Library Orientation Student Survey, the percentage of students responding “yes” to “I found this orientation helpful” and “I now feel more familiar with the library and library webpage” are found in the table below(Library Orientation Student Survey Results Spring 2007; Library Orientation Student Survey Results Summer 2 Term 2008; Library Orientation Student Survey Results Fall 2008) : Library Orientation Student Survey Results Fall 2008 Summer 2, 2008 Spring 2007 99% 100% 99% 98% 100% 99% I found this orientation helpful. I now feel more familiar with the library and library webpage. An additional survey, which measures overall student satisfaction with the library, its services, and resources, is administered in fall semesters to students in English Composition I. The survey also includes questions regarding effectiveness of instruction. Results of the Fall 2007 Library Student Survey show that student satisfaction with library instruction has increased over a six-year period to over ninety percent (90%) student satisfaction (Results of Library Student Survey Fall 2007). Comprehensive Standards 272 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Results of Library Student Survey Library orientation and instruction enabled me to use the online databases. Instruction in using library resources is helpful. Fall 2007 Fall 2006 Fall 2005 Fall 2004 Fall 2003 Fall 2002 93.4% 88.2% 84.9% 83.2% 83.4% 79.2% 90.8% 89.8% 88.9% 87.6% 84.8% 80.8% In fall 2007, an additional survey, Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students, was given to ENG 1113 students at Northeast at Corinth and to ENG 1113 as well as SPT 1113 students at Northeast at New Albany. On the Library Resources Survey of OffCampus Students Results Fall 2007, the percentage of students responding “yes” to “The library provides regular and timely library instruction” is recorded in the chart below (Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007). Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007 Northeast at New Albany Northeast at Corinth 89.0% 94.7% In addition to the instruction provided through ENG 1113 and SPT 1113, library staff offer daily individualized, one-on-one instruction in response to requests posed by users either in person, by telephone, or through email requests. Frequent requests include • assisting students with computer use • helping students access specific online resources—providing passwords for online resources • assisting students with compilation of correct bibliographic citations for papers or speeches • using the library’s MLA List of Works Cited Examples (MLA List of Works Cited Examples, Revised 9/2008) • providing guidance in the information retrieval process • providing orientation assistance in helping students become knowledgeable users of college-wide technology (i.e. Blackboard, email set up, Tigerline). The library staff, in response to specific student needs, has made arrangements for tutoring services in the library. Computer Applications I (CSC 1123) is a part of Northeast’s core curriculum. Many students do not own computers and must use the library’s computers to complete their assignments for this course. Because of the number of students requesting assistance with completing the assignments, the library director made arrangements to have a tutor available in the library multiple times throughout the week to assist students with completing assignments. A tutoring schedule designating days and times that tutors are in the library and in other buildings on campus is posted for students (Tutoring Schedule Fall 2008). Comprehensive Standards 273 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Assessment of Overall Student Satisfaction In order to measure the overall success of the library’s instruction, resources, and services to student users, the library uses results from the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered in the spring to sophomore students and is structured to measure the “satisfaction of programs and services” as well as to assess the “student’s perception of the importance of these programs.” In the six (6) years presented in the Survey of Student Opinions, the library received the highest “satisfaction” scores of all twenty (20) areas surveyed (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). As an additional means of assessing the overall success of library instruction, services, and resources, the library uses information from the Library Student Survey which is administered in the fall semesters to ENG 1113 students. The results of the Library Student Survey, which shows survey results for six (6) fall semesters, provide student satisfaction responses to twenty-two (22) questions. For fall 2007, the question ranked first—receiving 93.4% satisfaction rating from students—was “Library orientation and instruction enable me to use the online databases.” Ranked sixth, receiving 90.8% satisfaction was “Instruction in using library resources is helpful” (Results of Library Student Survey Fall 2007). Faculty Instruction in the Use of the Library Ensuring faculty has access to regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources is also a priority for the library staff. The library staff endeavors to meet these needs through new teacher orientation and through liaison services. The New Employee Orientation Agenda shows that the library director is included as a participant in the orientation of new employees (New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008). Adjunct faculty members are also included in training by the library director (Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda, August 16, 2008). In addition, the Adjunct Faculty Handbook provides information for adjuncts regarding library usage by students and instructional staff (Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 8-9). The New Employee Orientation webpage can be accessed on the Northeast website under the “Employment” link (Northeast Employment Webpage). The New Employee Orientation webpage states, “The New Employee Orientation website is designed to make your first few days as enjoyable as possible and to help you get started on a path to success.” One of the sites provided in that orientation effort is a library link (New Employee Orientation Webpage). In 2003, in order to better serve Northeast faculty, all librarians were assigned as liaisons to one or two divisions on campus. At that time, librarians met with their divisions to introduce the liaison concept and the services to be provided to them as divisions and as individual faculty members (Glenice Stone, Liaison for Division of Fine Arts and Division of Social and Behavioral Science, 15 August 2003). Throughout each school year, librarians contact their assigned division members to remind them to make orders for library material purchases for their subject areas. The library liaison contacts all faculty in each division, including full-time, adjunct, and online instructors. When new Comprehensive Standards 274 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 databases are purchased, liaisons advise their faculty and give instructions on access and use (Stone-Email-15 August 2007). As librarians discover new resources or new websites, suggestions are made to their divisions (Stone-Email-3 April 2008). Additional liaison services, provided by librarians upon request by their divisions, include preparation of bibliographies of library holdings in subject areas and instruction geared toward particular classes or subject areas (Radiologic Technology Library Resources, 15 February 2008; How to Find Nursing Library Materials). The library staff uses the Campus Climate Survey to determine the effectiveness of provision of instruction and services to the faculty and staff. The Campus Climate Survey January 2008 shows that the library finished third out of thirty-six college services and programs rated for both fall 2007 and fall 2006 with ratings of 4.43 and 4.40 out of a total of 5.0 (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). The first New Albany faculty evaluation for fall 2006 shows success as well with 89.9% of faculty agreeing to the same statement (Northeast at New Albany Results of the Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006). The library staff also uses the Faculty Evaluation of Library as an additional measurement of effectiveness, regardless of faculty location. The percentage of faculty agreeing with the effectiveness of the library is reflected in the chart below (Results of Faculty Evaluation of Library Spring 2008). Faculty Evaluation of Library The library ensures that students and faculty have access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources Spring 2008 Spring 2007 Spring 2006 91.6% 91.6% 96.5% Library Instruction for Distance Learning Regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information resources for the College’s distance learning students and faculty is ensured through the following multiple technology-driven delivery methods: • Email Assistance: Correspondence sent to distance learning students by the Distance Learning Coordinator includes a letter from the Library Director focused on library resources and services (Melvin-Email-25 January 2008). In addition to providing instructions for accessing the library’s homepage, it identifies how to find links for the following: library orientation, QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian 24/7 Reference Service, email to the staff, interlibrary loan form, and telephone numbers (both local and 800). The letter further details links for locating Comprehensive Standards 275 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • books, magazines and newspapers, recommended websites, and MLA and APA style manuals. Included in the letter are the passwords needed to access all online databases. Database Page Assistance: The Library’s Online Databases page provides easily accessed descriptive instructions (Online Databases Page). Links for these instructions are provided beneath the title of each database. The descriptive links are animated PowerPoint guides detailing how to use each of the databases. To assist distance learners further, there is a link at the top of the databases page that provides a subject guide to all databases. In addition, there is a link so users can request the needed passwords. One of the databases included on the Online Databases page is Texas Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT). As explained in its description, it “assists Northeast students in becoming more knowledgeable users of library materials.” “24/7” Assistance: Extra instructional support in providing answers to reference questions is accessible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week at the QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian link on the library’s homepage (QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian). This link, found on the Library’s homepage, provides users with access to professional librarians in a chat-room setting (Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage). Librarians who staff this service use their expertise to help guide users through the search process. At the completion of the chat session, links are emailed to patrons to assist them in completing their assignments. This service is available and valuable to all patrons accessing the library’s website. Blackboard Assistance: Every effort is made to provide instruction in the use of the library’s resources for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. The College includes a NEMCC Library Resources section on the NEMCC Downloadable Resources tab in Blackboard which places library resources at the fingertips of all Northeast employees and students regardless of location. Once logged into Blackboard, users have access to a variety of information sources including how to look for books in the library, online databases, recommended websites, 24/7 reference assistance, and sources for developing correct bibliographic citations. A library telephone number and an email link to the library staff are also provided (NEMCC Library Downloadable Resources). In order to further meet the needs of distance learning students, in the summer of 2008, the library purchased a digital camcorder with microphone to be used in private study rooms in the library. This service, which requires initial one-on-one instructional assistance, was provided Comprehensive Standards 276 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 to assist students taking SPT 1113. Online speech students are required to record their speeches and forward them to their instructors. Students can use the library to help meet the requirements of SPT 1113. The library staff determines the effectiveness of instruction for its distance learning students by means of the Distance Learning Student Services Survey. The results of this survey are compiled in the Institutional Research Review Newsletter which reports multiple semesters and includes survey results for the entire state for fall 2007 and spring 2008. The percentage of students agreeing with the effectiveness of the library instruction is reflected in the chart below (Institutional Research Review-Distance Learning, June 2008). Comprehensive Standards 277 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Institutional Research Review Distance Learning Course Evaluation Results June 2008 Agree/Strongly Agree NEMCC MSVCC NEMCC SP ‘08 SP ‘08 FL’07 Instruction for using library 86.0% 71.0% 71.0% resources has been made available to me MSVCC FL’07 67.0% Community Assistance Northeast library staff strives to provide ongoing, quality instructional assistance to the community. Community members are allowed to use available computers any time the library is open. They have access to the instructional assistance incorporated into the library’s homepage. Community members who visit or call the library receive one-onone assistance from the library staff. Members from the local community have the same two-week book check-out privilege as Northeast students and staff. The Eula Dees Memorial Library has served the community’s instructional needs in other ways as well. For more than thirty (30) years the library has hosted an annual Area Librarians’ Workshop. This one-day workshop offers morning sessions in which librarians interact with each other, sharing ideas for successful librarianship. Librarians from all types of libraries in the College’s five-county area are invited to participate. Included in the morning sessions are information professionals, story tellers, or other speakers of special interest to librarians. Afternoon sessions include a speaker on a special professional development topic (31st Annual Area Librarians’ Workshop, 28 September 2007). The library staff request participants to complete an evaluation of the workshop each year to determine if librarians’ educational needs are being met and to solicit suggestions for future workshops (Area Librarians’ Workshop Participant Evaluation 2007). All statements on the 2007 evaluations were ranked with 92% to 100% responses of “strongly agree” or “agree” as to participant satisfaction. Several participants wrote positive comments or suggestions for future programs (Area Librarians’ Workshop 2007, Participant Evaluation Statistics). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries Fall 2008, 7 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 6 Northeast at New Albany: Let the Journey Begin… Eula Dees Memorial Library Homepage Northeast Webpage Library Staff Hours Webpage Comprehensive Standards Location Media/LibProcMan08_7 Media/StdHand0809 6 Media/LibLetJourney Media/LibEulaMemHomePg Media/NEHomePg Media/LibStaffHrs 278 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 General Information Webpage Library Orientation Webpage Online Database Webpage Online Databases with Passwords Link Northeast at New Albany Library Homepage Northeast at New Albany Library Staff Hours Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 54-55 Hints for Mrs. Moore’s Library Project Eula Dees Memorial Library Bookmark Northeast at New Albany Library Bookmark Annual Report of Northeast Libraries 20072008 Library Orientation Student Survey Results Spring 2007 Library Orientation Student Survey Results Summer 2 Term 2008 Library Orientation Student Survey Results Fall 2008 Results of Library Student Survey Fall 2007 Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007 MLA List of Works Cited Examples (Revised 9/2008) Tutoring Schedule Fall 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 New Employee Orientation Agenda, 13 August 2008 Adjunct Faculty Training Agenda, 16 August 2008 Adjunct Faculty Handbook 2008, 8-9 Northeast Employment Webpage New Employee Orientation Webpage Glenice Stone, Liaison for Division of Fine Arts and Division of Social and Behavioral Science, 15 August 2003 Stone-Email-15 August 2007 Stone-Email-3 April 2008 Radiologic Technology Library Resources, 15 February 2008 How to Find Nursing Library Materials Campus Climate Survey January 2008 Northeast at New Albany Results of the Comprehensive Standards 279 Media/LibGenInfo Media/LibOrientPg Media/LibOnlinePg Media/LibOnlinePasswdLink Media/LibNENAHomePg Media/LibNAStaffHrs Media/ProcMan0809_54-55 Media/LibMooreHints Media/LibBkMark Media/LibNABkMark Media/LibAnRpt0708 Media/LibOrientSurSp07 Media/LibOrientSurSum208 Media/LibOrientSurFl08 Media/LibStdEvalFl07 Media/LibOffStdFl07 Media/LibMLAWrksCtd Media/LibTutorFl08 Media/SSOJuly08 Media/NewEmpOrientAg13Aug08 Media/AdjFacAg16Aug08 Media/AdjHbk08 8-9 Media/NEEmpLinkPg Media/NENewEmpOrientPg Media/LibStoneLia15Aug03 Media/StoneEmail15Aug07 Media/StoneEmail3April08 Media/LibRadTecRes15Feb08 Media/LibNursingMat Media/CCSJan08 Media/LibNAFacEvalFl06 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Faculty Evaluation of Library Fall 2006 Results of Faculty Evaluation of Library Spring 2008 Melvin-Email-25 January 2008 T.I.L.T. QuestionPoint: Ask a Librarian NEMCC Library Downloadable Resources Institutional Research Review-Distant Learning, June 2008 31st Annual Area Librarians’ Workshop, 28 September 2007 Area Librarians’ Workshop, Participant Evaluation 2007 Area Librarians’ Workshop Participant Evaluation Statistics 2007 Comprehensive Standards 280 Media/LibFacEvalSp08 Media/MelvinEmail25Jan08 Media/LibTILT Media/LibQuestionPt Media/LibDwnLdRes Media/IRRDLJune08 Media/LibALW28Sept07 Media/LibALWEval07 Media/LibALWStats07 3.8.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.8.3 Qualified Staff The institution provides a sufficient number of qualified staff—with appropriate education or experiences in library and/or other learning/information resources—to accomplish the mission of the institution. Judgment of Compliance __X__Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast ensures that adequate library staff is provided to accomplish the mission of the College as detailed in Goal Six (6) of the College’s Purpose Statement: “to provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Student Catalog 20082009, 9). Northeast Libraries include the Eula Dees Memorial Library on the main campus in Booneville and the Northeast at New Albany Library. The libraries have a sufficient number of qualified staff to fulfill the library and information functions of the College, and support its teaching, research, and service mission. The professional staff of the libraries consists of five librarians: one twelve-month, full-time position which is the Director of Learning Resources/Library; three nine-month, full-time positions at the main library; and one nine-month, part-time position at the Northeast at New Albany Library. The Director of the Library and all librarians have faculty contracts and are considered non-teaching faculty. In addition, one twelve-month, full-time library assistant is employed at the main campus library. Northeast at Corinth off-campus site, a long-term educational facility offering between twenty-five and forty-nine percent of a degree program, does not presently provide an on-site library. The Corinth site is served by the main campus library through the transfer of library materials and through the use of electronic library services. The recently completed phase II construction at the Corinth off-campus site includes space for library facilities, which will be operational by the fall 2009 semester. Sufficient Number of Qualified Staff The College uses the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) to establish the qualifications of the library staff. These standards dictate the following: The staff should be sufficient in size and quality to meet the programmatic and service needs of its primary users. Librarians should have a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program. In addition, there may be other professional staff who will have appropriate combinations of training, experience, and/or degrees. All library professionals should be responsible for and participate in professional activities. The support staff and student assistants should be assigned responsibilities appropriate to their Comprehensive Standards 281 3.8.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 qualifications, training, experience, and capabilities. The further development of professional and support staff should be promoted through an on-going commitment to continuing education, including training on security, emergencies, and the preservation of materials (Standards for Libraries in Higher Education of the Association of College & Research Libraries; Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries Fall 2008, 10). The Library Director works with the Dean of Instruction, Executive Vice-President, and President of the College to determine appropriate staffing for the Northeast libraries. Following is a roster of Northeast library staff, their scheduled hours, and their years of experience at Northeast. LIBRARY STAFF INFORMATION FOR NORTHEAST LIBRARIES Staff Member Degrees Held Years Experience Glenice Stone MLIS 14 Laura Gilham MLIS 8 Susan Brackeen AAS 5 Karen Robuck MLIS 3 Sherita Howell MLIS 2 Debra Wade MLIS 1 Hours Worked Hours Per Week MTWTh Fri Sun 8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 37.5 MTWTh Fri MTWTh Fri Sun MT W Th MT WTh Fri Sun MT WTh Fri 2:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. 37.5 7:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. *6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.** 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.** 6:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.** 2:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. *6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. 37.5 13.5 37.5 37.5 *These two (2) staff members alternate Sunday evenings. They work until 3:30 p.m. on Fridays when they are not scheduled to work the following Sunday evening. **Hours remain at 13.5 for this staff member, but the schedule of hours varies based on courses offered each semester. To ensure that library needs are met, library staff members have specific job descriptions and are evaluated annually (Library Staff Job Descriptions). Individual evaluations of library staff members are on file in the office of the Executive Vice-President. Professional journals are routed to library staff to help them remain current on library Comprehensive Standards 282 3.8.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 issues. Library staff members are encouraged to keep their computer skills current for most efficient operation and to assist students. Several staff members have completed classes and computer training sessions to update their skills. Professional opportunities and staff development activities are available to all library staff members (Library Staff Professional Development Activities Fall 2006-Spring 2008). The directors of the libraries in all Mississippi public junior and community colleges complete an annual survey based on ACRL standards. The survey is submitted to the Mississippi State Board for Community/Junior Colleges (MPCJC) to serve as a benchmark. Survey results demonstrate that the College provides a sufficient number of qualified library staff. In fact, Northeast ranks second with the number of librarians and fifth with the total number of staff (MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007, 1). Faculty evaluate the library annually. Items from the survey regarding library staff include the following: Results of Faculty Evaluation of Library Spring 2008 (%Agree/Strongly Agree) Library staff members have adequate knowledge of materials The number of library staff members is sufficient (Results of Faculty Evaluation of Library Spring 2008) Spring Spring Spring 2008 2007 2006 95.2% 97.2% 100% 65.1% 76.9% 73.6% Fall 2006 82.6% 81.3% Fall 2005 81.2% 84.8% Student responses included the following results: Results of Library Student Survey Fall 2007 (%Agree/Strongly Agree) Number and availability of staff is sufficient Attitude of the staff is friendly and helpful (Results of Library Student Survey Fall 2007) Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Student Results Fall 2007 (%Agree/Strongly Agree) NEMCC library meets my needs as a student Delivery of resources and services responses Fall 2007 88.3% 86.7% New Albany Corinth 89% 100% 100% 100% Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus New Student Results Fall 2006 Corinth Albany (%Agree/Strongly Agree) NEMCC library meets my needs as a student 91% NA Delivery of resources and services responses 94% NA (Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Student Results Fall 2007; Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Student Results Fall 2006) Comprehensive Standards 283 3.8.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Institutional Research ReviewOff-Campus, June 2008 If I needed resource books or magazines that were not online, the resources were delivered within a reasonable time Corinth Spring 2008 New Albany Spring 2008 NE Virtual Spring 2008 (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 48% (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 50% (% I Agree/I strongly agree) 55% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 2.9% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 9.5% (% Disagree/ Strongly disagree) 5% (Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008) Library Orientation Survey 2007-2008 (%Agree/Strongly Agree) Library staff will help me use the library if I 99.4% have questions The library staff person who spoke to our class 98.8% was easy to understand (Library Orientation Survey 2007-2008) Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Standards for Libraries in Higher Education of the Association of College & Research Libraries Procedures Manual of Northeast Mississippi Community College Libraries Fall 2008, 10 Library Staff Job Descriptions Library Staff Professional Development Activities Fall 2006-Spring 2008 MPCJC Learning Resources Survey FY 2006/2007, 2 Results of Faculty Evaluation of Library Spring 2008 Results of Library Student Survey Fall 2007 Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Students Results Fall 2007 Library Resources Survey of Off-Campus Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/LibStandards Media/LibProcMan08_10 Media/LibJobDesc Media/LibStaffDev0608 Media/MPCJCSur0607 Media/LibFacEvalSp08 Media/LibStdEvalFl07 Media/LibOffStdFl07 Media/LibOffStdFl06 284 3.8.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Students Results Fall 2006 Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, Media/IRROffCampusJune08 June 2008 Library Orientation Survey 2007-2008 Media/LibOrienSur0708 Comprehensive Standards 285 3.8.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.9 Student Affairs and Services 3.9.1 Student Rights The institution publishes a clear and appropriate statement of student rights and responsibilities and disseminates the statement to the campus community. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College publishes a clear and appropriate statement of student’s rights and responsibilities in the form of the Northeast Student Handbook (Northeast Student Handbook 2008–2009). This is a comprehensive document that provides students with information concerning student services, contact information for services, rules and regulations, and the student code of conduct. The student handbook also explains the disciplinary process and all complaint/grievance procedures for students (Northeast Student Handbook 2008–2009, 42-55). The Dean of Student Services is responsible for the publication, dissemination, and enforcement of student services policies of the College and compliance with related federal and state laws. The Dean of Student Services is assisted in this process by the Director of Event Planning and Residential Housing, Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services, Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities, Financial Aid Director, Director of Guidance and Counseling, and Chief of Campus Law Enforcement (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008–2009, Appendix P3). Student Services personnel disseminates the student handbook to incoming freshmen during orientation each year. A copy is provided to each resident hall student every year and is available on the Northeast website (Northeast Publications Webpage). Additional copies are available to students upon request in the Dean of Student Services’ office. Disability support is addressed in the student handbook along with the Equal Opportunity Compliance Policy (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 39; 72). Faculty members are informed of students’ rights through the Northeast Procedures Manual, which contains a section addressing students’ academic rights and responsibilities. Topics covered include management of student records, student privacy, student intellectual property rights, class attendance, student conduct and discipline in the classroom (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 73-81). Faculty and staff members are given a Northeast Student Handbook at the beginning of each school year. Northeast’s student catalog is distributed to high schools, parents, and students. It is available in hard copy, electronically, and online. The student catalog addresses privacy rights, civil rights, admission policies, academic regulations, student services, financial aid responsibilities, graduation requirements, financial responsibilities, and the Family Comprehensive Standards 286 3.9.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 11-70). Northeast publishes a brochure, Campus Law Enforcement 2008-2009, which is distributed to students, faculty and staff each year in compliance with the Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Law Enforcement Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990. The brochure provides information to the Northeast community about campus law enforcement, safety tips, and procedures for reporting crimes or emergencies on campus. Statistical data on campus crime is provided for a three-year period. These statistics and the Northeast documents referenced are available on the Northeast website (Campus Law Enforcement 2008-2009; Campus Law Enforcement Webpage). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Handbook 2008–2009 Northeast Student Handbook 2008–2009, 42-55 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008–2009, Appendix P3 Northeast Publications Webpage Northeast Student Handbook 2008–2009, 39; 72 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008–2009, 73-81 Northeast Student Catalog 2008–2009, 1170 Campus Law Enforcement 2008–2009 Campus Law Enforcement Webpage Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdHand0809 Media/StdHand0809_42-55 Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/NEPublicationsPg Media/ProcMan0809_39_72 Media/ProcMan0809_73-81 Media/StdCat0809_11-70 Media/CampusLawEnforcement0809 Media/CampusLawEnforcePg 287 3.9.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.9.2 Student Records The institution protects the security, confidentiality, and integrity of student records and maintains special security measures to protect and back up data. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Following standards set forth by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), the College works hard to ensure the integrity of student records (AACRAO). Student records are created in the Admissions Office. Completed files are permanently maintained in the Records Office. Documents are scanned utilizing a digital imaging system before being placed in the file and secured in a vault. Active student records are maintained in a location in the vault separate from inactive records. The College’s administrative software system (BANNER) has many levels of security to protect access to administrative data and student records. Once a faculty or staff member has been employed and is granted access to the data-processing system, a User ID and two passwords must be activated by Computer Services staff before an employee is granted access to the computer system. Employees who require access to BANNER must complete a BANNER Access Request that is approved by the appropriate Vice-President. Employees must also complete a BANNER Statement of Accountability which details their responsibilities related to the college administrative software system. Form-level security within the BANNER system controls access to individual forms, and either “maintenance” or “query only” access is granted, depending on the job responsibilities of the employee. The system also records any form-level security violations in a log file. Confidentiality of User ID and passwords is the responsibility of the employee, and each user is held responsible for all transactions occurring during the use of his/her login and password (Banner Access Request Form, Example; NEMCC Computer Information Systems Statement of Accountability, Example). Students may access unofficial copies of their academic work via Tigerline; however, official copies are available only in the Records Office (Tigerline Webpage-Academic Transcript). An official transcript is released only with the signature of the student. Digital images of transcript requests are saved. In order to release a transcript, students must fill out a Transcript Request Form and affix their signature. Photograph identification is also required. Faxed requests are honored with the proper information and student signature; however, email or telephone requests are not honored (Transcript Request Form, Example). During freshman orientation, a parents’ information session is held. This session provides parents with information regarding the release of student records. Parents are introduced Comprehensive Standards 288 3.9.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations. At this session, waiver forms are given out for students to sign allowing their parents to gain access to their academic information. The parent must have picture identification and must be noted on the signed waiver form from the student as an individual who can access his or her private information (Agenda for Parent’s Meeting; Record Release Form). Student information may be released in response to a court-ordered subpoena. In such cases, the student is notified by mail of the legal request and is given a date that the information will be disseminated pending action on his/her part (Subpoena Duces Tecum, Example; Student Subpoena-Letter-14 November 2008). The Northeast records vault is located in the Records Office in Estes Hall. The vault is unlocked and accessible to approved staff during working hours and is locked during non-office hours. The vault is fire-resistant. The Northeast Computer Services Department performs daily backups of the BANNER administrative software system. A copy of this backup is stored on servers located in Stringer Hall, Gordon Hall, and Holliday Hall. A copy is stored off-site and, weekly, a copy is placed in an area bank vault (Computer Services Backup and Recovery). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) Banner Access Request Form, Example NEMCC Computer Information Systems Statement of Accountability, Example Tigerline Webpage-Academic Transcript Transcript Request Form, Example Agenda for Parent’s Meeting Record Release Form Subpoena Duces Tecum, Example Student Subpoena-Letter-14 November 2008 Computer Services Backup and Recovery Comprehensive Standards Location Media/AACRAO Media/BannerAccessRequestForm Media/StatementAccountability Media/TigerlineTranscriptWebpage Media/TranscriptRequestForm Media/AgendaParentsMeeting Media/RecordReleaseForm Media/SubpoenaEx Media/SubpoenaStdLetter14Nov08 Media/ComputerBackupRecovery 289 3.9.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.9.3 Qualified Staff The institution employs qualified personnel to ensure the quality and effectiveness of its student affairs programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Student Services Northeast Mississippi Community College provides a wide variety of programs and services designed to carry out the Purpose Statement and goals of the institution. Northeast refers to its student affairs programs under the title Student Services. These services include recruitment, admissions, registration, retention, financial aid, records, guidance, counseling, testing, tutoring, career information, placement, housing, law enforcement, learning resources/library, event planning, student activities, and intercollegiate athletics. Student Services Staff Northeast is committed to employing qualified student services personnel. Northeast’s student services personnel are qualified by their formal education, work experience, professional competency, and personal skills. Policies and procedures for recruitment and appointment of all personnel are published in the Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009 (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 14-15). The College employs student services staff members with appropriate educational and work experiences that meet or exceed the requirements for their positions. Personnel records documenting job descriptions and vitae are located in the Human Resources Office (Executive VicePresident Job Description; Dean of Student Services Job Description; Director of Event Planning and Residential Housing Job Description; Director of Financial Aid Job Description; Director of Guidance and Counseling Job Description; Student Support Services Counselor Job Description; Career Technical Counselor Job Description; Special Populations Counselor Job Description; Chief of Northeast Police/Security Job Description). The student services division is organized to meet the needs of all students (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, P3). Student services staff are detailed in the following paragraphs and table (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 242-248): The overall responsibility for the student services program at all locations of Northeast Mississippi Community College is under the direction of the Dean of Student Services (Kenneth Pounders). Mr. Pounders has thirteen (13) years of experience at Northeast and served as Division Head of Allied Health prior to becoming Dean of Students in 2005. Comprehensive Standards 290 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Mr. Pounders in aided in the administration of the student service program by two (2) associate deans, five (5) directors, and one (1) administrative assistant (Kenneth Pounders, Vita). The Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services (Robert L. Gibson) also serves as the Registrar of the College including the two off-campus sites. Mr. Gibson has six (6) years of experience at Northeast for a total of twenty-two (22) years experience in higher education (Robert L. Gibson, Vita). Mr. Gibson is assisted by two full-time staff members in the admissions office and two full-time staff members in the records office. The Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities (Angie Langley) has oversight of student activities, student government, and residential student housing. Mrs. Langley has eight (8) years experience at Northeast, having served in several administrative roles, including Tech Prep Director and Dean of Continuing Education, prior to assuming her present role in 2008 (Angie Langley, Vita). Mrs. Langley is assisted in the student activities area by the Director of Event Planning and Housing (Rod Coggin), two fulltime staff members, and four part-time staff members. Mr. Coggin has fifteen (15) years experience in student services at Northeast (Rod Coggin, Vita). The Director of Financial Aid (Janice Prather) assists the Dean of Student Services in the administration of the financial aid program of the College. Mrs. Prather has twenty-nine (29) years of experience at Northeast, including twenty-eight (28) years in the financial aid office. Mrs. Prather is assisted by four full-time staff members in the financial aid office (Janice Prather, Vita). The Department of Guidance and Counseling offers education and personal counseling, tutorial services, special needs assistance, testing, and job placement services. The department is under the leadership of the Director of Guidance and Counseling (Joey Williford), who is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist (LCMHT). Mr. Williford is assisted by five (5) full-time counselors, one (1) part-time counselor, and one (1) administrative assistant. Mr. Williford has two (2) years of experience at Northeast and twelve (12) years experience in mental health counseling (Joey Williford, Vita). Northeast Campus Law Enforcement provides a safe and secure environment for the learning and extracurricular experiences for students, faculty, staff, and visitors while upholding state and federal laws and the rules and regulations of Northeast Mississippi Community College. Northeast employs two (2) categories of law enforcement personnel: police officers, who have graduated from the Mississippi Law Enforcement Academy, and security officers, who are trained but non-certified. The Campus Law Enforcement is under the supervision of the Chief of Police (Harold D. Bearden). Chief Bearden is assisted by four (4) full-time police officers, three (3) full-time security officers, three (3) part-time police officers, and three (3) part-time security officers on the main campus. The Campus Law Enforcement staff for the Northeast at New Albany offcampus site consists of two (2) part-time security officers. The Northeast at Corinth offcampus site is staffed by four (4) part-time security officers, three of whom are provided through “Experience Works,” an external federally funded grant. Chief Bearden has Comprehensive Standards 291 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 seventeen (17) years of experience in law enforcement, with three (3) years at Northeast (Harold Bearden, Vita). The Dean of Student Services administers Northeast’s intercollegiate athletic programs with the assistance of the Athletic Director (Ricky Ford). Mr. Ford has twenty-eight (28) years of experience at Northeast as head women’s basketball coach and has also served as Athletic Director for the past three (3) years (Ricky Ford, Vita). Mr. Ford is assisted in the operation of the athletic program by three (3) full-time head coaches, four (4) fulltime assistant coaches, three (3) part-time head coaches, one (1) part-time assistance coach, and one (1) full-time athletic trainer. STUDENT SERVICES PROFESSIONAL STAFF ROSTER Staff Name/Title Year Academic Hired Credentials Kenneth Pounders, Dean of Student Services 1995 Ed.Sp. Full-time (FT) Part-time (PT) FT Latricia Holland, Secretary , Dean of Student Services Lynn Gibson, Associate Dean of Student Services/ Enrollment Services (Registrar) Shelia Gann, Enrollment Services Assistant Shannon Tucker, Admissions and Records Associate Jan Taylor, Admissions and Records Associate Chassie Kelly, Admissions/Records Secretary Angie Langley, Associate Dean of Student Services/ Student Activities Rod Coggin, Director of Event Planning and Residential Housing Brenda Green, Residential Student Services Associate 2001 2003 A.A.S. M.S. FT FT 2005 1997 2002 2002 2001 B.A. M.M. B.A. M.Ed. FT FT FT FT FT 1994 B.B.A FT 1992 FT Charlotte Tennison, Student Services/Student Activities Assistant Janice Prather, Director of Financial Aid Liz Jackson, Financial Aid Associate Mary Miller, Financial Aid Associate/Loan Specialist Debbie Ozbirn, Financial Aid Associate 1997 Credit from NEMCC A.A.S FT FT FT FT Joey Williford, Director of Guidance and Counseling 2007 B.B.A A.A.S. A.A.S. Credit from NEMCC & UM M.Ed. Emily Green, Special Populations Counselor Dan Rupert, Career/Technical Counselor Amy Adams, Student Support Service Director Curt Langley, Student Support Service Counselor Raina Michael Secretary, Director of Guidance/Student 2008 2006 2005 2008 2007 M. Ed. M. Ed. M. Ed. M. Ed. Credit from FT FT FT FT FT Comprehensive Standards 292 1978 2008 2003 2003 FT FT 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Support Services Tommye Walker, Counselor at Northeast at New Albany Ricky Ford, Athletic Director/ Head Women’s Basketball Coach Richard Smither, Head Football Coach David Wilkerson, Football Offensive Coordinator Brad Boyette, Assistant Football Coach Chris Shelling, Assistant Football Coach David Robbins, Head Men’s Basketball Coach Maurice Stafford, Assistant Men & Women’s Basketball Coach Kent Farris, Head Baseball Coach Clint McAuley, Assistant Baseball Coach Jody Long, Head Softball Coach and Assistant Director, Residential Student Services Jenna Dixon, Athletic Training Craig Lauderdale, Men’s Golf Coach Jeff Melson, Tennis Coach Jennifer Johnson, Coed Cheerleaders H. Dean Bearden, Chief of Campus Law Enforcement 1993 NEMCC M. Ed. PT 1981 M.Ed. FT 2007 2003 2003 2008 2005 2003 M. Ed. B.S. B.S. B.A. M. Ed. B.S. FT FT FT FT FT FT 2006 2008 1997 M.A. M.S. M. Ed. FT FT FT 2008 2004 2008 2008 2006 B.S M. Ed. B.B.A. FT PT PT PT FT Credit from NEMCC Certified MS Law Enforcement Officer Professional Development The Northeast Board of Trustees and administration encourage professional growth for all Northeast employees. In addition to in-service training, limited financial support for travel to professional meetings is included in the college operational budget (Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Budgets Fiscal Year 2006; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 45). Members of the Student Services staff have opportunities for training and professional growth. The following table supplies a sample of conferences and workshops attended by Student Services personnel: Professional Development Training/Professional Growth Community College Summit Community College Summit NSLP Student Loan Workshop NSLP Student Loan Workshop Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Comprehensive Standards Name Title Janice Prather Mary Miller Janice Prather Mary Miller Janice Prather Mary Miller Director of Financial Aid Financial Aid Associate Director of Financial Aid Financial Aid Associate Director of Financial Aid 293 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Administrators Conference Mississippi Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Training Mississippi Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Training SCT Sungard Summit USA Funds Training Mississippi BANNER Users’ Group Safety on Campus; Cleary Act Training SACS Annual Meeting 2007 SACS Annual Meeting 2008 American Association of Community Colleges Mississippi Association of Colleges and Universities Conference National SREB Conference AMTECH Meetings Mississippi Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Meeting Janice Prather Director of Financial Aid Mary Miller Financial Aid Associate Janice Prather Janice Prather Janice Prather Director of Financial Aid Director of Financial Aid Director of Financial Aid Kenneth Pounders Dean of Student Services Kenneth Pounders Kenneth Pounders Kenneth Pounders Dean of Student Services Dean of Student Services Dean of Student Services Angie Langley Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities Angie Langley Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities Associate Dean of Student Services/Student Activities Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services Angie Langley Lynn Gibson Performance Evaluations The administrators of the Student Services Department evaluate each staff member annually. The evaluation consists of a self-evaluation by the employee and a formal evaluation completed by the immediate supervisor. This allows the administrators to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual employee’s work efforts in each specialized area. These evaluations provide appropriate feedback for strengths and weaknesses for the past working year. Completed evaluations are maintained in the Executive VicePresident’s office (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47; Appendix D1; Appendix P3; Amy Adams, Performance Evaluation; Rod Coggin, Performance Evaluation; Robert Gibson, Performance Evaluation; Latricia Holland, Performance Evaluation). Comprehensive Standards 294 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Assessment of the Student Services Department’s Staff Functions by Students and Faculty Institutional surveys are collected by the Office of Planning and Research from current students, graduates, and faculty/staff. Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. Respondents are also asked to rate each program or service ranging from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” These results are reported based on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to Student Services activities with the results for the past three (3) years are shown below (Campus Climate Survey, January2008). Campus Climate Survey Item Rating Fall 2007 4.32 4.21 4.00 3.76 3.99 3.95 3.94 3.62 4.43 3.80 4.32 3.68 3.50 4.11 3.69 3.94 3.89 Records Office (Enrollment Services) Admissions Office (Enrollment Services) Recruiting Financial Aid Office Orientation Student Peer Tutorial Program Counseling Center Services Job Placement Services Learning Resources/Library Bookstore Records Office Student Government and student activities Housing/Dorms Campus Security Athletics Student Success Center Events Planning Rating Fall 2006 4.30 4.17 3.90 3.77 4.13 3.92 3.89 3.54 4.40 3.97 4.30 3.45 3.09 4.13 3.53 3.77 3.64 Rating Fall 2005 4.18 4.11 4.00 3.82 4.10 3.97 4.00 3.82 4.26 3.93 4.18 3.70 3.35 3.99 3.92 3.78 3.73 During the spring semester, students enrolled in classes at Northeast at New Albany or Northeast at Corinth off-campus sites are asked to complete the Northeast at New Albany Student Survey or the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey. The purpose of these surveys is to evaluate course content, materials, instructors, and services. The instruments use a 5-point Likert scale with opportunity for open-ended comments. The results are analyzed by the Office of Planning and Research and disseminated in newsletter format. Items related to Student Services activities are shown below with results for the past two years along with a comparison to the same services on the main campus. The average ratings of college services and programs are recorded in the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey Comprehensive Standards 295 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Results and Northeast at New Albany Student Survey Results (Institutional Research Review Off-Campus Sites, June 2008): Corinth Off-Campus Site Items Ranked by Satisfaction Mean 2008 Corinth Mean 2007 Corinth Mean 2007 Main Campus Mean 2007 National Admissions/Entry Procedure Course Registration Process Safety & Security Library Services Counseling Services Advising Financial Aid Information & Services 3.88 4.20 4.06 3.69 3.78 4.01 4.05 3.65 3.75 3.60 3.51 3.48 3.42 4.15 3.84 3.80 3.79 3.77 3.93 4.37 3.94 4.28 4.13 3.72 4.00 3.61 3.79 3.78 New Albany Off-Campus Site Items Ranked by Satisfaction Mean 2008 New Albany Mean 2007 New Albany Mean 2007 Main Campus Mean 2007 National Admissions/Entry Procedure Library Services Safety & Security Course Registration Process Counseling Services Advising Financial Aid Information & Services 3.89 4.06 4.06 3.69 3.74 3.71 3.70 3.71 3.88 3.90 4.37 3.93 4.05 4.00 3.72 3.65 3.58 3.54 3.38 3.62 3.58 3.75 3.94 4.28 4.13 3.61 3.79 3.78 Sophomore students are asked to evaluate educational support services by completing the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered during graduation practice held in May of each year. This survey assesses the students’ level of satisfaction with programs and services and the students’ perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the students’ impressions of the college experience. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to Student Services activities are shown below with results for the past three (3) years. The average ratings of college services and Comprehensive Standards 296 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 programs are recorded in the Survey of Student Opinions for the past three (3) years (Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008). Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008 2008 Mean 2007 Mean 2006 Mean 4.44 4.30 4.11 4.11 4.05 3.93 3.86 3.86 3.74 4.23 4.22 3.99 3.99 3.97 4.37 4.28 4.13 4.05 3.92 3.94 4.01 3.70 3.77 3.93 4.06 3.85 3.89 3.87 4.38 4.27 3.95 4.06 3.95 4.05 3.97 3.85 3.86 4.08 4.19 4.16 4.07 3.96 3.89 3.85 3.98 Learning Resources and Library Academic Advising/Course Planning Financial Aid Services College Orientation Program Tutorial Services Personal Counseling Services Career Planning/Vocational Guidance College Sponsored Social Activities Resident Hall Programs and Services Security General Admissions Availability of Student Housing Athletic facilities Availability of financial aid information prior to enrolling Student Government Supporting Documentation and Links: Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 14-15 Executive Vice-President Job Description Dean of Student Services Job Description Director of Event Planning and Residential Housing Job Description Director of Financial Aid Job Description Director of Guidance and Counseling Job Description Student Support Services Counselor Job Description Career Technical Counselor Job Description Special Populations Counselor Job Description Chief of Northeast Police/Security Job Description Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 242-248 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ProcMan0809_14-15 Media/EVPJobDesc Media/DeanStdServJobDesc Media/DirEventPlannResidentJobDesc Media/DirFinancialAidJobDesc Media/DirGuidanceJobDesc Media/StdSupportCounselorJobDesc Media/CareerTechCounselorJobDesc Media/SpecialPopsJobDesc Media/ChiefSecurityJobDesc Media/StdCat0809_242-248 297 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 45 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 47; Appendix D1; Appendix P3 Amy Adams, Performance Evaluation Rod Coggin, Performance Evaluation Robert Gibson, Performance Evaluation Latricia Holland, Performance Evaluation Campus Climate Survey, January2008 Institutional Research Review Off-Campus Sites, June 2008 Survey of Student Opinion, July 2008 Comprehensive Standards Media/BudgetsFY0708 Media/BudgetsFY07 Media/BudgetsFY06 Media/ProcMan0809_45 Media/ProcMan0809_47_D1_P3 Media/Amy_Adams_Eval Media/Rod Coggin Eval Media/Robert Gibson Eval Media/Latricia_Holland_Eval Media/CCSJan08 Media/IRROff-CampusJune08 Media/SSOJuly08 298 3.9.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.10 Financial Resources 3.10.1 Financial Stability The institution’s recent financial history demonstrates financial stability. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The recent financial history of Northeast Mississippi Community College (Northeast) demonstrates that the College is financially stable. A review of Northeast’s audited financial statement reports for FY07, FY06, and FY05 demonstrates that the College has sufficient resources to fund its operations. The audit for FY08 should be available on or about March 31, 2009. The audits include relative management letters, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of the financial statements, Statement of Net Assets, Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets, Statement of Cash Flows and Explanatory Notes to Financial Statements. These annual statements provide evidence of the College’s financial stability (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004). Northeast is audited annually by a CPA firm approved by the Mississippi Office of State Auditor and licensed within the state of Mississippi. As part of the annual audit process, the financial statements listed above are submitted to the Mississippi Office of State Auditor for review and approval. The annual audited financial statements show that the College is financially stable. Northeast’s revenue consists primarily of state appropriations, local tax appropriations, and student tuition and fees. During FY08 budget year, approximately fifty-nine percent (59%) of unrestricted revenue came from state and local tax appropriations with an additional twenty-nine percent (29%) being generated from student tuition and fees. The local five-county district provides additional tax millage support for capital expenditures and debt service as evidenced in the College’s annual budgets as the Unexpended Plant Fund budget. During the FY09 budget year, state and local tax appropriations are approximately sixty percent (60%) of the unrestricted revenue, and student generated tuition and fees are approximately twenty-nine percent (29%) (Budgets Fiscal Year 2009; Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Budgets Fiscal Year 2006; FY 2009 Budget Summary, 10 June 2008; FY 2008 Budget Summary, 12 June 2007; FY 2007 Budget Summary, 20 June 2006). During the period of FY00 through FY07 the State of Mississippi experienced difficult financial times. State appropriations for the community and junior colleges within Mississippi were reduced significantly. State appropriations for Northeast dropped from $11.39 million in FY00 to $8.05 million in FY06. State appropriations began to rebound in FY07 with an increase in appropriations to $9.60 million, $11.51 million in FY08, and Comprehensive Standards 299 3.10.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 $12.75 million in the FY09 budget year. During the same period, the tuition and fees revenue increased from $3.20 million to $6.77 million (Budgets Fiscal Year 2009; Budgets Fiscal Year 2008; Budgets Fiscal Year 2007; Budgets Fiscal Year 2006). Beginning in FY07 and continuing through FY09, state appropriations for Northeast have increased. FY09 state appropriations are approximately $3.16 million or approximately thirty-three percent (33%) more than the FY07 appropriation. To offset the appropriation cuts received between FY00 and FY07, Northeast was forced to raise tuition, reduce operating budgets, and utilize a portion of cash held on reserve. The College maintained financial stability during this period by reducing equipment purchases, reducing travel, and deferring repairs when possible. The College did not reduce faculty or staff salaries and did not eliminate positions. Northeast continued to focus on instruction and instructional support services as the College’s top priorities. Instruction and instruction support services account for more than fifty-five percent (55%) of the FY08 and FY09 expenditure budget for Northeast. State appropriations increased for the FY07, FY08, and FY09 budget years. Local tax appropriations increased slightly, and revenue generated by tuition and fees increased due to a slight increase in enrollment. Northeast budgets for FY08 and FY09 did not utilize funds from cash held on reserve (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004). The audited financial statements referenced above include the annual audit for the Northeast Development Foundation as an affiliated entity. The Development Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization and operates to support and enhance the College. The Vice-President of Finance and Operations (Cheryl Ragan) has a Bachelors of Accountancy, a Masters of Business Administration, and additional hours at the doctoral level in Community College Leadership. The Vice-President has twenty-four (24) years experience at Northeast as internal auditor, Director of Fiscal Operations, and VicePresident of Finance and Operations. College accountants include three (3) accountants with Bachelors of Accountancy or Bachelors of Business degrees and each accountant has twenty (20) to twenty-five (25) years college experience (Cheryl Ragan, Vita). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Media/ AuditedFinState30June04 300 3.10.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Budgets Fiscal Year 2009 Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Budgets Fiscal Year 2007 Budgets Fiscal Year 2006 FY 2009 Budget Summary, 10 June 2008 FY 2008 Budget Summary, 12 June 2007 FY 2007 Budget Summary, 20 June 2006 Cheryl Ragan, Vita Comprehensive Standards Media/BudgetsFY09 Media/BudgetsFY0708 Media/BudgetsFY07 Media/BudgetsFY06 Media/BudgetSummaryFY09 Media/BudgetSummaryFY08 Media/BudgetSummaryFY07 Media/Cheryl_Ragan_Vitae 301 3.10.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.10.2 Submission of Financial Statements The institution provides financial profile information on an annual basis and other measures of financial health as requested by the Commission. All information is presented accurately and appropriately and represents the total operation of the institution. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College submits the Institutional Profile for Financial Information annually to the Commission on Colleges of The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The financial information is submitted as requested by the Commission on Colleges and is based on the annual Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS). Northeast is audited annually by an independent auditing firm, licensed within the state of Mississippi, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in order to determine compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. Results of the audit are submitted to the State Auditor’s office for review before issuance. The annual audits are submitted to the Board of Trustees for review (Board of Trustees Minutes-12 June 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes-7 March 2006; Board of Trustees Minutes-16 June 2005). The FY07, FY06, and FY05 audits have contained one finding of material non-compliance. The finding addressed an internal control weakness which was identified and corrected by the College in September 2007 or Fiscal Year 2008 (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004). No additional financial statements have been requested by the Commission. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustees Minutes-12 June 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-7 March 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-16 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2004 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BOTMin12June07 Media/BOTMin7Mar06 Media/BOTMin16June05 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Media/AuditedFinState30June04 302 3.10.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.10.3 Financial Aid Audits The institution audits financial aid programs as required by federal and state regulations. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College is audited annually by an approved Certified Public Accountant, licensed within the state of Mississippi, in accordance with state and federal regulations. These audits reflect no findings or violations in administering financial aid funds, and an unqualified opinion was issued. The audits are filed electronically with the Department of Education in accordance with federal regulations. The audit reports for the last three (3) years may be viewed in the supporting documentation (Eligibility and Certification Approval Report; United States Department of Education Approval Notice 2007; United States Department of Education OPE ID Number 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004). Northeast Mississippi Community College is approved to participate in Title IV programs as indicated in the Program Participation Agreement and Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR) issued by The United States Department of Education (Program Participation Agreement 2007; Eligibility and Certification Approval Report 2007). All of the College’s state and local funds, federal grants, other state and private grants, and federal and state financial aid are audited as part of the College’s annual audit and are contained in the College’s annual audited financial statements. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Eligibility and Certification Approval Report United States Department of Education Approval Notice 2007 United States Department of Education OPE ID Number 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ECAR07 Media/USDEApprNotice07 Media/USDEOPEIdNum07 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 303 3.10.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004 Program Participation Agreement 2007 Comprehensive Standards Media/AuditedFinState30June04 Media/ProgPartAgree07 304 3.10.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.10.4 Control of Finances The institution exercises appropriate control over all its financial resources. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College exercises appropriate control over its financial resources through a variety of measures. Mississippi Code of 1972, §37-29-71 defines the authority for financial control of Mississippi community colleges as a responsibility of the Board of Trustees (Mississippi Code of 1972, §37-29-71). The Board designates primary authority for the control of College finances to the President of the College and the Vice-President of Finance and Operations. Primary financial control is established by the completion of an annual budget. The budget contains projections for both revenue and expenditures. Northeast’s annual budgeting process begins in early spring and involves all departments on campus. Expenditure needs and projections are submitted by each of the College’s instructional divisions and administrative departments. In February and March, each department identifies new activities and initiatives, along with associated budget needs, for the upcoming year via the Needs Assessment Survey. Later in March and April, the departments submit budget request forms for their respective departments to the Budget Committee for review. The budget requests are reviewed by the Budget Committee. The overall budget request for the upcoming year is compiled by the Vice-President of Finance and Operations and submitted to the President for review and approval. The President submits the budget to the Board of Trustees for approval before the start of the new fiscal year (Budgets Fiscal Year 2008, Budgets for Fiscal Year 2007; Budgets for Fiscal Year 2006; Board of Trustees Minutes-10 June 2008; Board of Trustees Minutes12 June 2007; Board of Trustees Minutes-20 June 2006; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Administrative Leadership; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-Math Science; Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708-New Albany; Budget Proposal Summary FY08, Math; Library; Budget Proposal Summary FY07, Math; Library; Budget Revision Request, Example; Departmental Online Budget Information, Example ). Expenditures are monitored and controlled through departmental administrators with assistance from the business office and the purchasing office staff. Purchases are made through an electronic requisition system and require approval of the departmental supervisor prior to a purchase order being issued. Requisitions must be approved by the appropriate campus authority prior to being electronically forwarded to the purchasing office. The Director of Purchasing verifies that the request to expend funds is in accordance with Mississippi Purchasing Law and College procedures before issuing an approved purchase order. Purchase orders are signed by the Director of Purchasing. The Director of Purchasing and appointed staff monitor purchases made by the College. Comprehensive Standards 305 3.10.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Departmental supervisors are trained in the purchasing procedures of the College (Purchasing Manual 2008). Actual expenditure payments are made through bank checks that may be signed only by the Vice-President of Finance and Operations and the President as authorized in the Board Policy Book (Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 73). Department administrators and division heads have the primary responsibility for control of expenditures within their respective areas of operation. These administrators ensure that expenditures do not exceed budget by monitoring their budgets via the College’s administrative software package. This software provides real-time financial information for each budgetary unit and allows the departmental supervisors, deans, or vicepresidents to monitor the budgets closely. The Business Office accepts overall responsibility for budget control with the responsibility to call attention to major departures from budgeted allocations and to recommend and/or take corrective action. Northeast is audited annually by a CPA firm approved by the Mississippi Office of State Auditor. The independent auditing firm of Brawner, Vanstory and Company, licensed certified public accountants in the state of Mississippi, is the firm approved to conduct the annual audit for Northeast. The annual audit is submitted to the Mississippi Office of State Auditor for review and approval before being made public. Audits are performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as defined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and in compliance with Governmental Accounting Standards. All of the College’s state and local funds, federal grants, other state and private grants, and federal and state financial aid are audited as part of the College’s annual audit and are contained in the College’s annual audited financial statements. The audits present all required statements including a Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Statements of Net Assets, and Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets. Additionally, the audited statements include relative management letters, explanatory notes, and required schedules, including a description of Findings and Questioned Costs. The audits ensure the College is following all internal procedures and state and federal regulations regarding revenue and expenditure control. Completed audits are forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review. Additionally, audit findings are shared by letter with the Board of Trustees by the Mississippi Office of State Auditor. Northeast continually receives unqualified opinions on its audits. All College revenues are receipted through the Business Office. Revenues are receipted at the time of payment and are deposited in the College’s bank depository daily. Notification of the funds receipted is returned to the payee or to the department submitting the funds for receipt. The only finding received by the College in many years addresses one instance of internal control. In September 2006, Northeast self-identified and self-reported to the Mississippi Office of State Auditor an instance in which an employee had misappropriated funds from cash receipts. The employee was terminated immediately and the College requested an investigation by both the College’s independent CPA firm, and the Mississippi Office of State Auditor. Criminal charges have been filed against the former employee by the District Attorney’s office. Comprehensive Standards 306 3.10.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Corrections have been made to eliminate the possibility of the internal control issue arising in the future. Practices have been instituted to ensure that follow-up receipts are returned to departments when funds are submitted to the Business Office for receipt. The College’s independent auditors and the Mississippi Office of State Auditor are satisfied with the internal controls that Northeast has in place (Audited Financial Statements-30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements-30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements-30 June 2005). Northeast has sufficient internal controls in place and in practice to ensure control over all financial resources. Northeast’s independent audit annually reviews the internal controls of the College. The audits ensure that the College is following all internal procedures and state and federal regulations regarding revenue and expenditure control. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Mississippi Code of 1972, § 37-29-71 Budgets Fiscal Year 2008 Budgets for Fiscal Year 2007 Budgets for Fiscal Year 2006 Board of Trustees Minutes-10 June 2008 Board of Trustees Minutes-12 June 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes- 20 June 2006 Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Administrative Leadership Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708Math Science Needs Assessment Survey Spring 0708New Albany Budget Proposal Summary FY08, Math; Library Budget Proposal Summary FY07, Math; Library Budget Revision Request Form, Examples Departmental Online Budget Information, Example Purchasing Manual 2008 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009, 73 Audited Financial Statements-30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements-30 June Location Media/MSCode372971 Media/BudgetsFY0708 Media/BudgetsFY07 Media/BudgetsFY06 Media/BOTMin10June08 Media/BOTMin12June07 Media/BOTMin20June06 Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708Adm Lead Comprehensive Standards 307 Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708MathScience Media/NeedsAssessSurvey0708NewAlbany Media/BudgetRequestFormFY08MathLibrary Media/BudgetRequestFormFY07MathLibrary Media/BudgetRevForm Media/DepartOnlineBudgetInfo Media/PurchasingMan08 Media/BOTPol0809_73 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 3.10.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 2006 Audited Financial Statements-30 June 2005 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Comprehensive Standards 308 3.10.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.10.5 Control of Sponsored Research/External Funds The institution maintains financial control over externally funded or sponsored research and programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College does not conduct research. Northeast does seek funding from externally-sponsored programs when those funds enhance the educational mission of the institution. The same institutional policies and procedures are applied to all funds received by the College regardless of source of revenue (Board of Trustee Policy Book 2008-2009, 76). Upon permission of the President, College faculty and staff may initiate a proposal for an externally-funded program. Once an externally-funded program is approved and awarded, the fiscal management and financial control of the funds follows the same procedures for purchasing, travel, employment, inventory control, receipt of funds, and other financial control measures as are required for all general operating funds of the College. The College also adheres to any requirements that may be specific to the sponsored programs. Grants and contracts awards received by Northeast in FY09 and FY08 vary in amounts from $700 for a Mississippi Humanities Grant to $360,560 for the Department of Labor Navigating Educational Opportunities in Nursing (NEON) grant. Below is a listing of grants and contracts for which awards were $5,000 or more for these fiscal years. Northeast Mississippi Community College Grants & Contracts Awards in Excess of $5,000 Fiscal Years 2009 and 2008 Grant Name Workforce Investment Act (W.I.A.) Youth STEP Program Drop-Out Recovery Special Services U.S. Department of Labor - NEON Grant UMMC Dental Hygiene Grant MyBiz Entrepreneur Network ARC MS-15911-08 Technology Tech Prep State Board of Contractors Comprehensive Standards Funding Source Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal State 309 FY 2009 Grant Amount $1,015,662 141,757 100,000 231,550 355,733 100,000 121,129 8,000 FY 2008 Grant Amount $1,050,257 220,000 360,560 13,600 30,778 99,165 8,000 3.10.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Pilot Project Vo-Tech Summer Mini Conference National Student Nurses Foundation State State Private Total of Grant Awards in excess of $5,000 9,000 10,200 10,519 $ 1 058 169 00 9,000 10,200 $ 732 103 00 These externally-sponsored programs or grants are accounted for through the College’s Restricted Fund. Each grant is assigned a distinct fund number in order to ensure the accurate reporting and review of all externally-sponsored programs. Externallysponsored programs are audited as a part of Northeast’s annual external audit. The audit is conducted in accordance with governmental auditing standards. The external auditor tests separately and reports accordingly on any sponsored program or grant from which $300,000 or more is received by the College in any one (1) year. No audit findings or recommendations have been received related to the administration and control of externally-sponsored programs (Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004; Purchasing Manual 2009). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Board of Trustee Policy Book 2008-2009, 76 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004 Purchasing Manual 2009 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/ BOTPol0809_76 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Media/AuditedFinState30June04 Media/PurchasingMan08 310 3.10.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.11 Physical Resources 3.11.1 Control of Physical Resources The institution exercises appropriate control over all its physical resources. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College (Northeast) exercises appropriate control over all physical resources through a variety of methods. The Vice-President of Finance and Operations, with assistance from the Director of Purchasing, submits an annual report to the state recording the number and types of buildings maintained by the College, along with its primary use, available square footage, current status, repair needs, and cost of acquisition. This report is filed with Mississippi Bureau of Buildings, Grounds and Real Property Management. The Vice-President of Finance and Operations ensures that appropriate property and liability insurance coverage is maintained on all assets (Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2008; Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2007; Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2006). Building projects, whether new construction or major renovation, are recommended to the Board of Trustees by the President. Building projects are within the scope of the long-range plans of the College and the priorities set by the Board of Trustees. Construction needs and plans for major repairs and renovation projects are reported annually to the State Board of Community and Junior Colleges (SBCJC) and the Mississippi Bureau of Buildings and Real Property Management. The SBCJC and the Bureau of Buildings use this financial information to request construction bonding funds from the Mississippi Legislature (State Board Statistical Management System FY08; State Board Statistical Management System FY07; State Board Statistical Management System FY06; Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2008; Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2007; Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2006). Examples of major building and renovation projects that have been completed since 1999 include the following: • Construction of Childers Hall, a $4.34 million, 60,000 sq. ft. health sciences complex which contains the Associate Degree Nursing program and the Dental Hygiene program, in addition to administrative and faculty offices • Construction of a $2.2 million, 50-room addition to Mississippi Hall, which is one of Northeast’s female student residence halls • Renovation of Patterson Hall ($2.01 million), which houses the social/behavioral science programs, including a new pitched roof, new mechanical/HVAC systems, a new elevator, and ADA compliant restrooms Comprehensive Standards 311 3.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 • • • • Completion of Phase I and Phase II construction at the Northeast at Corinth offcampus site Completion of a new 6,740 sq. ft. classroom building at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site Renovation of Bonner Arnold Coliseum including brick restoration, roofing, HVAC improvements, new seats and other interior improvements (in progress) Pre-planning for a new student services/administration building Master Plan In 1999, Northeast developed a Master Plan which detailed the physical facility needs of the College and plans for future construction and renovation projects (Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999). In 2007, a select committee of faculty and staff appointed by the President reviewed the Master Plan and recommended changes to the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees (Allen-Memo11 September 2007). In September 2007, the Buildings and Ground Committee of the Northeast Board of Trustees recommended that the building priorities in the Master Plan be modified and that renovation of Bonner Arnold Coliseum and pre-planning for a new Student Services/Administration building be given top priority. This motion was approved by the Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007). The College has recently hired an architectural firm to re-evaluate and update the Master Plan to reflect current college needs and projected growth and revenue. Off-Campus Sites In addition to the main campus, Northeast owns and operates two (2) off-campus sites at New Albany and Corinth. The New Albany off-campus site consists of 3.68 acres containing two (2) buildings with a total of 12,200 sq. ft. These facilities include a Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Job Center, classrooms, computer laboratories, a science laboratory, a Practical Nursing Education classroom/laboratory, office space, and a library. The second building was completed in December 2007 and has greatly relieved a shortage of space at the center. The Corinth off-campus site consists of 5.5 acres containing one building with a total of 75,000 sq. ft. In 2005 Northeast completed the 24,125 sq. ft. Phase I construction at Corinth which included facilities for a WIN Job Center, classrooms, offices, and meeting rooms. In January 2009, Northeast completed Phase II construction at Corinth, which expanded the usable space in the facility by 17, 846 sq. ft. and included additional classrooms, office space, a science lab, a student lounge area, and a library. Equipment Inventory In accordance with the Mississippi Office of Audit requirements, the furniture and equipment inventory system is used to ensure accountability of all equipment items with a cost of $500 or more and a useful life of more than one (1) year. Northeast’s Inventory Specialist, who reports to the Director of Purchasing, reviews purchases and identifies inventory items. The Inventory Specialist assigns the equipment an inventory tag Comprehensive Standards 312 3.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 number, records the equipment in the inventory tracking system, and installs the inventory tag on the equipment. To ensure all inventory items are identified and recorded, a Business Office staff member reviews the accounting records and invoices for furniture and equipment purchases. The Inventory Specialist and the Business Office staff member periodically reconcile the listings and resolve discrepancies. An annual inventory of assets is conducted. Any missing items are reported to the Director of Purchasing and the Vice-President of Finance and Operations for resolution. Items to be deleted from the inventory are recommended to the Board of Trustees for review and for approval in accordance with Mississippi Office of Audit requirements (Board of Trustees Policy Book 2008-2009,78; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3; Purchasing Manual 2008, Fixed Assets Accountability Policy and Procedures, January 2009; Board of Trustees Minutes-9 September 2008). The Facilities and Maintenance Department is responsible for the routine and preventative maintenance of all campus buildings, as well as the maintenance of the grounds and the College’s transportation fleet. Work requests are generated using the College’s online work order system. Pertinent information is entered into the system, and a complete history of the work order may be viewed by the assigned maintenance staff member, the Director of Facilities and Maintenance and the Executive Vice-President (Work Order Example; Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999; Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007). Northeast employees are asked to evaluate the Facilities and Maintenance Department area annually. Each fall full-time faculty and staff are asked to complete the Campus Climate Survey. This survey consists of three (3) parts with a total of eighty-four (84) items that range from demographic data to satisfaction ratings of college programs and services. The opinion statements found on the survey cover such areas as communication, leadership, employee morale, planning, professional development, technology, and teamwork. Employees mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The statements that deal with level of satisfaction with college services and programs survey thirty-six (36) different services or programs. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. The purpose of the Campus Climate Survey is to document quality and effectiveness by employing a comprehensive system of planning and assessment in all aspects of the institution. It serves as an assessment tool in assisting the administrative support services with their Institutional Effectiveness plan (IE plan) (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Items Ranked By Average Rating 2007 Column The overall appearance of the campus is pleasing Building and Grounds Maintenance Comprehensive Standards 313 Rating F’07 Rating F’06 Rating F’05 4.02 4.14 4.24 4.08 4.24 4.34 3.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2008 Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2007 Bureau of Buildings Annual Capital Facilities Study 2006 State Board Statistical Management System FY08 State Board Statistical Management System FY07 State Board Statistical Management System FY06 Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999 Allen-Memo-11 September 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007 Board of Trustees Policy Book 20082009,78 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, Appendix P3 Purchasing Manual 2008 Fixed Assets Accountability Policy and Procedures, January 2009 Board of Trustees Minutes-9 September 2008 Work Order Example Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/BureauBuildStudy08 Media/BureauBuildStudy07 Media/BureauBuildStudy06 Media/StateBoardManSystem08 Media/StateBoardManSystem07 Media/StateBoardManSystem06 Media/ MasterPlan99 Media/AllenMemo11Sept07 MediaBOTMin11Sept07 Media/BOTPol0809_78 Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/PurchasingMan08 Media/FixedAssetAccountPoliciesProcedures Media/BOTMin9Sept08 Media/WorkOrderExample Media/CCSJan08 314 3.11.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.11.2 Institutional Environment The institution takes reasonable steps to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of the campus community. Judgment of Compliance __X__Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast has established policies and procedures which provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of the campus community. In December 2006, Northeast revised and expanded its emergency response plan. This comprehensive document contains policies and procedures for responding to various emergencies or disasters that could occur on any of the Northeast campuses (Emergency Response Plan). The Emergency Response Plan lists those members of the college staff who comprise the emergency response team and notes that they “provide overall direction and management for the response to the emergency” (Emergency Response Plan, 4). Beginning in the fall of 2008, Northeast implemented the “Tiger Alert” notification system. This system allows Northeast to rapidly notify faculty, staff, and students of emergency events by phone message, text message, or email. Students, faculty, and staff are provided instructions at the beginning of the semester on how to enter their preferred method of contact into the system in order to initiate the emergency alerts (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 29). This system is used solely for emergency situations and is not used for general announcements or messages. Northeast also provides each building supervisor with an emergency radio. These radios are tuned to the emergency frequency of the Northeast police department. The Chief of Campus Police/Security contacts the building supervisors by email when weather emergencies are approaching and advises them to turn on their emergency radios. These radios allow key college personnel to maintain contact with the police department in the event of power/communications outages caused by severe weather or other emergency situations. Northeast’s Emergency Response Plan includes general responses and priorities to possible emergencies or disasters. Examples of response plans for specific emergencies are summarized below. Emergency Closing Procedures The College’s emergency closing procedures allow the President or his designee to suspend operation of any or all units of the institution in the event of an emergency situation which could affect the health, well-being, or safety of the students, faculty, and staff of the College. These procedures also allow each vice-president to recommend Comprehensive Standards 315 3.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 which employees under his/her supervision are to be considered “essential personnel” who need to remain on duty to provide essential services during a closure. These procedures also indicate methods and responsibilities for notifying various college constituencies in the event of a closure of the college (Emergency Response Plan, 8-9; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 87). Fire Procedures When a fire is detected in a building, the first action is to pull the nearest fire alarm and notify the building supervisor/instructors and/or campus police/security. Employees are then instructed to call 911 and report the building and room number for the location of the fire. The building supervisor is responsible for directing all individuals to the predesignated assembly area and maintaining a safe distance from the building. The Fire Department assumes command of the area upon arrival, and Northeast personnel assist the Fire Department as needed (Emergency Response Plan, 11). Tornado/Severe Weather Northeast Mississippi is susceptible to tornadoes and other types of severe weather. When the National Weather Service forecasts a moderate risk of severe weather, the Chief of Campus Police/Security emails an advisory to all building supervisors and continuously monitors the weather forecasts. Whenever the risk level rises to “high,” campus law enforcement maintains contact with the appropriate members of the emergency response team and monitors decisions about possibly discontinuing operations or cancelling classes. In the event of a tornado warning, the tornado siren will sound. Building supervisors are instructed to move all students, faculty, and staff to the lowest floor of the building in a central hallway or a room without windows (Emergency Response Plan, 13-15; Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 29). In addition to the previously described emergency situations, the plan also includes procedures for dealing with earthquakes, bomb threats, explosions/transportation accidents, epidemics, winter weather, weapons of mass destruction, civil disturbances, incidents of violence, suspicious packages or substances, behavioral disturbances/psychological crises, and Homeland Security Advisory Responses. The Emergency Response Plan includes an emergency alert list, a list of building supervisors, a list of resource personnel, and a map of evacuation plan assembly areas (Emergency Response Plan, 12-32). Northeast periodically reviews its Emergency Response Plan to keep all emergency procedures and personnel listings up to date. This is part of Northeast’s commitment to providing a healthy, safe, and secure environment for all members of the campus community. Campus Law Enforcement (Police/Security) Northeast maintains a full-time police/security force in order to ensure the safety and security of all members of the college community. Northeast employs four full-time police officers, three full-time security officers, three part-time police officers, and three Comprehensive Standards 316 3.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 part-time security officers on the main campus. In addition, Northeast provides six parttime security officers at its Northeast at Corinth off-campus site and two part-time security officers at its Northeast at New Albany off-campus site. All full-time and parttime police officers have been certified by the Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Academy. Newly-hired police officers are required to graduate from the academy within one year of employment. Northeast police/security officers patrol the main campus in Booneville twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The officers patrol the campus and investigate violations of College regulations and/or Mississippi law. At the Northeast at New Albany and Corinth off-campus sites, security is provided by part-time security guards who are on duty when students are present. Northeast has also established working relationships with the New Albany and Corinth City Police Departments to provide frequent monitoring of these sites when Northeast security officers are not present (Campus Police Schedule). General Safety and Health The Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009 contains a list of safety tips which students should practice while they are on the Northeast campus. It also explains the purpose of the “Tiger Alert” emergency notification system and advises students to register for the system. The handbook lists procedures for students to follow in the event of a weather emergency (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 29-30). The handbook also includes contact information for campus law enforcement and college officials (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 3). Additionally, this safety information is disseminated through Campus Law Enforcement brochures and links on the Northeast website (Campus Law Enforcement 2008-2009 Brochure; Campus Law Enforcement Webpage). The handbook includes the code of student conduct which outlines the individual responsibilities of students and the standards of conduct that have been established to ensure the safety of all students. This includes a description of the disciplinary process of the College and the complaint/grievance procedures for students (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 42-55). Northeast’s maintenance, grounds keeping, and custodial staff respond to issues that affect the health and safety of all members of the College community. Fire safety systems and fire extinguishers are inspected on a regular basis. Emergency evacuation plans are posted in all facilities in which they are required. Tests of the tornado siren and the “Tiger Alert” emergency notification system are carried out on a regular basis. Campus food services are located in the Haney Union. The food service facilities are regularly inspected by the Mississippi Department of Health. The latest inspection found one violation which was corrected onsite within the day (Food Establishment Inspection Report-Haney Union). Northeast operates a childcare facility as a component of its Early Childhood Education Technology program. The childcare facilities are regularly inspected by the Mississippi Department of Health. The latest inspection found no violations of regulations (Food Establishment Inspection Report-Child Care; Child Care Facility License). Comprehensive Standards 317 3.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast instructors follow safety standards and precautions to ensure the safety of students in the classroom and laboratory environment. All laboratory classes have developed and implemented safety rules relative to their particular class (Safety ManualPrinciples of Biology I; Safety Manual-Anatomy and Physiology). All students must wear appropriate safety attire at all times. All laboratories are equipped with safety containers for the disposal of biologically hazardous waste and/or sharp objects. All laboratories are also equipped with eye wash stations, safety showers, and ventilation fans and chemical fume hoods where appropriate. All chemicals are properly labeled and stored in safe locations. Chemical waste is separated and properly stored in approved containers until it is disposed of by a contracted waste disposal company. All highvoltage devices and power sources are properly labeled. All career-technical programs which include laboratory experiences have developed safety rules and training activities for their laboratories. These rules are given to the students and/or posted in the laboratory (Medical Laboratory Technology Safety Rules; Radiologic Technology Safety Rules). Students in the Division of Engineering Technology and Occupational Education must score 100% on a safety test prior to the last day to change classes at the beginning of each semester (Machine Tool and Die Safety Test). Northeast promotes a healthy work environment by providing health insurance benefits and sick leave, vacation, and holiday time for its full-time employees. These policies allow employees time for recreation and family activities and also allow them to recuperate from illness without loss of pay or benefits. The College also makes exercise equipment and facilities available to its students and employees in the Burgess Activity Center. Evaluation and Assessment of Institutional Environment Full-time employees are surveyed annually regarding the College’s programs and services by the Campus Climate Survey. Employees are asked to mark responses ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” to “No Opinion” on forty-three (43) positive opinion statements. The results are reported on a 5-point Likert scale. Respondents are also asked to rate each program or service ranging from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported based on a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to institutional environment are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008). Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Rating Fall Rating Fall 2007 2006 The overall appearance of the campus 4.02 4.14 is pleasing. Campus Security 4.11 4.13 Building and Grounds Maintenance 4.08 4.24 Campus Safety 4.01 4.02 Item Rating Fall 2005 4.24 3.99 4.34 3.96 Sophomore students are asked to evaluate their college experience by completing the Survey of Student Opinions. This survey is administered during graduation practice held in May of each year. This survey assesses the student’s level of satisfaction with Comprehensive Standards 318 3.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 programs and services and the student’s perception of the importance of these programs and services. Students also rate environmental factors along with the student’s impressions of the college experience. Respondents are asked to rate each program from “Strongly Satisfied” to “Strongly Dissatisfied” to “No Opinion.” The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. Items related to institutional environment are shown below with results for the past three (3) years (Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Item Rating Rating 2008 2007 Laboratory facilities 4.22 4.06 Classroom facilities 4.17 4.05 General Condition of the Building and 4.15 4.01 Grounds Personal security/safety at this college 4.23 3.93 Rating 2006 4.19 4.18 4.20 4.08 During the spring semester, students who have taken classes at Northeast at New Albany or Northeast at Corinth are asked to complete the Northeast at New Albany Student Survey or the Northeast at Corinth Student Survey. The purpose of these surveys is to evaluate course content, materials, instructors, and college services. The instruments use a 5-point Likert scale with opportunity for open-ended comments. The results are analyzed by the Office of Planning and Research and disseminated in newsletter format. Items related to institutional environment are shown below with results for the past two (2) years (Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008). Institutional Research Review-Off-Campus, June 2008 Item Safety and Security Classroom facilities General Condition of the Building and Grounds New Albany Rating 2008 2007 3.71 3.88 3.83 3.85 3.80 3.60 Corinth Rating 2008 2007 3.75 4.15 3.74 4.19 3.71 4.42 Supporting Documentation and Links Source Emergency Response Plan Emergency Response Plan, 4 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 29 Emergency Response Plan, 8-9 Northeast Procedures Manual 20082009, 87 Emergency Response Plan, 11 Emergency Response Plan, 13-15 Emergency Response Plan, 12-32 Location Media/EmergencyResponsePlan Media/EmergencyResponsePlan_4 Media/StdHand0809_29 Comprehensive Standards 319 Media/EmergencyResponsePlan 8-9 Media/EmergencyResponsePlan_11 Media/EmergencyResponsePlan 13-15 Media/EmergencyResponsePlan 12-32 3.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Campus Police Schedule Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 29-30 Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 3 Campus Law Enforcement Brochure Campus Law Enforcement Webpage Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 42-55 Food Establishment Inspection ReportHaney Union Food Establishment Inspection ReportChild Care Child Care Facility License Safety Manual-Principles of Biology I Safety Manual-Anatomy and Physiology Medical Laboratory Technology Safety Rules Radiologic Technology Safety Rules Machine Tool and Die Safety Test Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Institutional Research Review-OffCampus, June 2008 Media/CampusPoliceSchedule Media/StdHand0809_29-30 Comprehensive Standards 320 Media/StdHand0809_3 Media/CampusLawEnforcement0809 Media/CampusLawEnforcePg Media/StdHand0809_42-55 Media/UnionFoodInspectionRpt Media/ChildCareFoodInspectionRpt08 Media/ChildCareLicenseMSStateBoardHealth Media/PrinciplesBioILabSafety Media/APSafetyManual Media/MLTSafetyRules Media/RadTechSafetyRules Media/MachineToolDieSafetyTest Media/CCSJan08 Media/SSOJuly08 Media/IRROffcampusJune08 3.11.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.11.3 Physical Facilities The institution operates and maintains physical facilities, both on and off campus, that appropriately serve the needs of the institution’s educational programs, support services, and other mission-related activities. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College operates and maintains physical facilities which are adequate to serve the needs of the College. Northeast’s physical facilities include those on the main campus as well as those at its New Albany and Corinth offcampus sites. All of these facilities are designed to support the educational programs and support services of the College as provided in the College’s Purpose Statement which establishes the goal of providing “human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction” (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). The main campus in Booneville contains 144 acres and is the central administrative site of the College. The main campus contains 776, 311 sq. ft. of total building space. Instruction and student services activities occupy 692,819 sq. ft., or 89% of the total building space. Since 2003, Northeast has expended $18,483,665 in new construction and renovation of college facilities and the College currently has $2.96 million in major construction/renovation projects in progress. These capital improvements include roof repairs, HVAC repairs, complete building renovations, and new construction. Funds for these improvements were provided by a combination of state bond funds, state appropriations, and local tax revenue. In accordance with state law, Northeast receives local funding from the counties of Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, and Union to operate and maintain the physical plant. The millage rates and funds generated by each of the counties in FY 2008 are detailed in the following table. County Alcorn Prentiss Northeast Mississippi Community College Local District Tax Millage Support FY08 Maintenance Enlargement and Total Improvement Millage Revenue Millage Revenue Millage Revenue Rate Received Rate Received Rate Received 1.61 $ 359,968 3.39 $ 598,868 5.00 $ 958,836 2.75 $ 301,548 2.75 $ 301,548 5.50 $ 603,096 Comprehensive Standards 321 3.11.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Tippah Tishomingo Union 1.37 2.00 2.63 $ 146,738 $ 234,772 $ 358,437 1.84 1.00 2.92 $ 196,902 $ 117,136 $ 437,666 3.21 3.00 5.55 $ 343,640 $ 351,908 $ 796,103 Examples of major building and renovation projects that have been completed since 1999 include the following: • Construction of Childers Hall, a $4.34 million, 60,000 sq. ft. health sciences complex which contains the Associate Degree Nursing program and the Dental Hygiene program, in addition to administrative and faculty offices • Construction of a $2.2 million, 50-room addition to Mississippi Hall, which is one of Northeast’s female student residence halls • Renovation of Patterson Hall ($2.01 million), which houses the social/behavioral science programs, including a new pitched roof, new mechanical/HVAC systems, a new elevator, and ADA compliant restrooms • Completion of Phase I and Phase II construction at the Northeast at Corinth offcampus site • Completion of a new 6,740 sq. ft. classroom building at the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site • Renovation of Bonner Arnold Coliseum including brick restoration, roofing, HVAC improvements, new seats and other interior improvements (in progress) • Pre-planning for a new student services/administration building Master Plan In 1999, Northeast developed a Master Plan which detailed the physical facility needs of the College and plans for future construction and renovation projects (Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999). In 2007, a select committee of faculty and staff appointed by the president reviewed the Master Plan and recommended changes to the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees (Allen-Memo11 September, 2007). In September 2007, the Buildings and Ground Committee of the Northeast Board of Trustees recommended that the building priorities in the Master Plan be modified and that renovation of Bonner Arnold Coliseum and pre-planning for a new Student Services/Administration building be given top priority. This motion was approved by the Board of Trustees (Board of Trustees Minutes-11 September 2007). The College has recently hired an architectural firm to re-evaluate and update the Master Plan to reflect current College needs and projected growth and revenue. Off-Campus Sites In addition to the main campus, Northeast owns and operates two off-campus sites at New Albany and Corinth. Northeast at New Albany off-campus site consists of 3.68 acres containing two buildings with a total of 12,200 sq. ft. These facilities include a Workforce Investment Network (WIN) Job Center, classrooms, computer laboratories, a science laboratory, a Practical Nursing Education classroom/laboratory, office space, and a library. The second building was completed in December 2007 and has greatly relieved Comprehensive Standards 322 3.11.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 a shortage of space at the center. Northeast at Corinth off-campus site consists of 5.5 acres containing one building with a total of 75,000 sq. ft. In 2005, Northeast completed the 24,125 sq. ft. Phase I construction at Corinth which included facilities for a WIN Job Center, classrooms, offices, and meeting rooms. In January 2009, Northeast completed Phase II construction at Corinth, which expands the usable space in the facility by 17, 846 sq. ft. and includes additional classrooms, office space, a science laboratory, a student lounge area, and a library. Facility Maintenance Northeast employs a qualified maintenance, grounds keeping, and custodial staff who are responsible for routine maintenance on all Northeast facilities, including the New Albany and Corinth off-campus sites. Any Northeast employee can submit a facilities/maintenance work order through the college’s website to request repairs or maintenance on college facilities. The facilities and maintenance staff report to the Director of Facilities and Maintenance, who reports to the Executive Vice-President (Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3). The efforts of the facilities and maintenance staff are evaluated annually in the annual Campus Climate Survey and the Survey of Student Opinions. The results are reported using a 5-point Likert scale. Results of these surveys are shown in the tables below (Campus Climate Survey, January 2008; Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008). Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Rating Fall Rating Fall 2007 2006 The overall appearance of the campus 4.02 4.14 is pleasing. Building and Grounds Maintenance 4.08 4.24 Item Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 Item Rating Rating 2008 2007 Laboratory facilities 4.22 4.06 Classroom facilities 4.17 4.05 General Condition of the Building and 4.15 4.01 Grounds Rating Fall 2005 4.24 4.34 Rating 2006 4.19 4.18 4.20 Campus Facilities The following list includes many of the buildings on the main campus, the Northeast at New Albany off-campus site, and the Northeast at Corinth off-campus site: Anderson Hall – English and Art Bonner Arnold Coliseum – Basketball Comprehensive Standards 323 3.11.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Childers Hall – Nursing and Dental Hygiene Corinth Off-Campus Site Daws Hall – Chemistry Dean Hall – Career and Technical Programs Eula Dees Library Estes Hall – Student Services Gordon Hall – Business Haney Union – Student Union Hargett Hall – Allied Health Hines Hall – Music and Fine Arts Holliday Hall – Workforce Training and Technical Programs Keenum Stadium – Football McCoy Hall – Mathematics and Sciences Mississippi Hall – Female Residence Hall Murphy Hall – Female Residence Hall New Albany Off-Campus Site Patterson Hall – Social and Behavioral Sciences Stringer Hall – Administration Waller Hall – Student Services and Technical Programs White Hall – Male Residence Hall Wood Hall – Co-ed Residence Hall Wright Hall – Business Technology and Licensed Practical Nursing Yarber Hall – Male Residence Hall Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Mississippi Community College Master Plan 1999 Allen-Memo-11 September 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-11September 2007 Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3 Campus Climate Survey, January 2008 Survey of Student Opinions, July 2008 NEMCC Building Photos Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809_9 Media/MasterPlan99 Media/AllenMemo11Sept07 Media/BOTMin11Sept07 Media/ProcMaqn0809_P3 Media/CCSJan08 Media/SSOJuly08 Media/NEMCC Building Photos 324 3.11.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.12 Responsibility for Compliance with the Commission’s Substantive Change Procedures and Policy 3.12.1 Substantive change The institution notifies the Commission of changes in accordance with the substantive change policy and, when required, seeks approval prior to the initiation of changes. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Since the last Re-affirmation of Accreditation in 2000, Northeast Mississippi Community College notified and sought approval from the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools for the following changes (Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004; Johnson-Letter-16 March 2007; Wheelan-Letter-27 February 2008; WheelanLetter-19 June 2008): Type of Change Addition of Mississippi Virtual Community College Distance Learning Program Initiating Off-Campus offering 50% or more credits toward program Adding Practical Nursing Education at an Off-campus site Adding Dual Enrollment Program for Practical Nursing Education Date of Notification by Northeast Action by Commission on Colleges May 2002 July 2004 Continued Accreditation February 2006 Full Accreditation of Northeast at New Albany January 2008 No additional information needed May 2008 No additional information needed At Northeast, requests for changes in existing programs or the addition of new programs must be submitted to the Instruction Council. Northeast ensures the timely reporting of these changes by requiring the SACS Liaison to attend the Instruction Council Meetings (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 83; Northeast Committee List 2008-2009). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Rogers-Letter-9 July 2004 Johnson-Letter-16 March 2007 Comprehensive Standards Location Media/RogersLetter9July04 Media/JohnsonLetter16March07 325 3.12.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Wheelan-Letter-27 February 2008 Wheelan-Letter-19 June 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 83 Northeast Committee List 2008-2009 Comprehensive Standards Media/WheelanLetter27Feb08 Media/WheelanLetter19June08 Media/ProcMan0809_83 Media/CommitteeList08-09 326 3.12.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 3.14 Representation of Status with the Commission 3.14.1 Publication of Accreditation Status A member or candidate institution represents its accredited status accurately and publishes the name, address, and telephone number of the Commission in accordance with Commission requirements and federal policy. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College publishes the approved accreditation statement of the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) in print and in electronic format. The Northeast Student Catalog 20082009 and the Northeast webpage contain the following statements: Northeast Mississippi Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award the Associate in Arts degree, Associate in Applied Science degree, and Certificates. Any inquiries to the Commission on Colleges should relate only to the accreditation status of this institution, and not to general admission information (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9; Northeast Accreditation Webpage). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Accreditation Webpage Comprehensive Standards Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/NEAccreditationWebPg 327 3.14.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Federal Requirements 4.1 Student Achievement The institution evaluates success with respect to student achievement including, as appropriate, consideration of course completion, state licensing examinations, and job placement rates. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College evaluates success with respect to student achievement in relation to the institution’s mission of the following established goals: 1. To provide degree and certificate programs that prepares students for continued studies or immediate employment. 2. To provide a program of student services that will facilitate the educational, career, personal, and social growth of students. 3. To provide developmental studies within the curriculum to strengthen the basic skills of students. 4. To offer continuing education and community services for individuals striving for personal and professional growth and/or personal enrichment. 5. To provide employer-driven, industry-specific workforce education and training to business, industry, and individuals. 6. To provide human resources, financial resources, instructional resources, and physical facilities necessary to offer quality instruction (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Institutional Effectiveness Indicators are statements about the characteristics of the College that demonstrate the Northeast’s effectiveness towards meeting its uniquely defined goals as well as showing that it meets the recognized minimum standards for a quality community college. The indicators set specific targets for student performance and satisfaction as well as specific targets describing the levels of instructional support necessary to provide quality student educational programs. Thus, the Institutional Effectiveness Indicators serve as a planning and evaluation tool. The thirteen (13) Institutional Effectiveness Indicators are published annually in a report entitled Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals. The report is the result of an institution-wide effort coordinated through Northeast’s Strategic Planning Council. The first step in developing the indicators was Federal Requirements 328 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 determining strategic long-range goals. Next, the Strategic Planning Council proposed a group of indicators which were reviewed and prioritized. These indicators were adopted and used to gather baseline data about the College. Annually, the data provided for each indicator is gathered in cooperation with numerous departments and divisions. Each Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Indicator in the report has an arrow logo at the top of the page with the “up” arrow indicating improvement and/or growth in the indicator data, the “down” arrow indicating decline and/or decreased results, both an “up and down” arrow indicating increase in some areas as well as a decline in other areas, and the “horizontal” arrow indicating that the improvement or decline could not be documented (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 323). The following is a description of the thirteen (13) Institutional Effectiveness Indicators with three (3) years of results shown (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 3-23): 1) Success of Transfer Students-Academic transfer majors who graduate from Northeast and/or transfer to four-year senior colleges will have cumulative grade point averages equal to or exceeding the cumulative grade point averages of the native university student (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6). University of Mississippi Overall Median Cumulative GPA of all New Transfers (number of students) Fall Semester Northeast Transfers Native UM Students 2007 3.09 (102) 2.95 (1364) 2006 3.05(123) 2.94(1242) 2005 3.18 (89) 2.96 (1340) Mississippi State University Fall Semester Northeast Transfers Native MSU Students 2007 2.95 (84) 2.78 (2258) 2006 3.12(103) 2.78(1889) 2005 3.00 (106) 2.75 (1938) 2) Qualifications of Faculty-One hundred percent (100%) of faculty will meet or exceed the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools minimum standards (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 7) “One hundred percent of all faculty (full and part-time) teaching general education university parallel courses at Northeast have completed a minimum of a masters degree and have a minimum of eighteen (18) graduate hours within their teaching disciplines. In addition, 20.3% of the university parallel faculty have earned doctoral degrees. Federal Requirements 329 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 In the career-technical areas, 58.2% of the technical faculty hold at least a masters degree. 10.9% of the technical faculty have earned doctorates. 23.6% of the technical faculty hold bachelor’s degrees. 57.2% of the career faculty hold associates degrees. Additionally, all career-technical faculty are professionally trained and skilled in the respective teaching disciplines.” 3) Success Rate by Majors/Grades-Seventy percent (70%) of the overall college credit success rate will be obtained (with students success defined as achieving a grade of C or better)( Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & CollegeWide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 8-11). Fall Overall Spring Overall Semesters Success Rate Semester Success Rate Fall 2007 74.7% Spring 2008 73.9% Fall 2006 77.5% Spring 2007 77.9% Fall 2005 78.9% Spring 2006 78.6% 4) Job Placement Rates for Vocational/Career -Technical Graduates-The average annual placement rate of program completers for all vocational/career and technical programs offered at Northeast will be at least seventy-five percent (75%)( Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide ShortTerm Goals 2007-2008, 12). Year Reported Overall Placement Rate 2007 97% (for 2006-2007 completers) 2006 90% (for 2005-2006 completers) 2005 91% (for 2004-2005 completers) 5) Accreditation Status-All programs eligible for accreditation will acquire accreditation within a three-year period of the initiation of the accreditation process (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide ShortTerm Goals 2007-2008, 13). Program Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Technology Medical Laboratory Technology Federal Requirements Date of Accreditation (Re-accreditation Date) 2002 (2008) 2005 (2013) 2004 (2011) 330 Accrediting Agency Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Medical Assisting Technology 2005 (2014) Dental Hygiene Technology 2004 (2011) Practical Nursing Education Associate Degree Nursing 2003 (2008) 2007 (2015) Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association State Board for Community & Junior Colleges National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission 6) Employer Satisfaction-Seventy percent (70%) of the employers surveyed will indicate “satisfaction” with Northeast vocational/career and technical completers overall job performance (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 14-15). Year Reported Overall Rating 2007 (for 2006-2007 completers) 89.1% 2006 (for 2005-2006 completers) 82.1% 2005 (for 2004-2005 completers) 80.4% 7) Student Satisfaction-At least eighty-five percent (85%) of the graduate candidates surveyed will indicate an overall rating of “Excellent” or “Good” to their overall impression of the quality of education received from Northeast (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 16). The Survey of Student Opinions serves as the assessment tool for evaluating student satisfaction and student perception of importance. Section II, Item D % that rated “Excellent” or “Good” 2007 Survey 91.3% 2006 Survey 75.6% 2005 Survey 77.4% 8) Retention Rate-The percent of students not graduated or transferred who are retained in enrollment will increase over the previous year’s rate (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 20072008, 17). Returning Students Number Present Fall 2007 782 out of 1219 64.2% Fall 2006 727 out of 1237 58.8% Fall 2005 747 out of 1211 61.7% Federal Requirements 331 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 9) Examination/Licensure Passage Rates-Eighty percent (80%) of Northeast students who complete instructional programs designed to prepare them for licensure examinations will pass licensure examinations on the first sitting of registry examination upon graduating from the program (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 18). Program 2007 2006 2005 Dental Hygiene Technology 68% 76% 100% Medical Assisting Technology 100% 50% 86.6% Medical Laboratory Technology 100% 100% 100% Practical Nursing Education 97% 100% 86% Radiologic Technology 100% 92% 67% Respiratory Care Technology 100% 67% 100% Associate Degree Nursing 84.3% 94% 86.6% 10) Average Class Size-The overall average class size for Northeast will be less than or equal to twenty (20) students (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 19-20). Semester Average Class Size Fall 2007 Academic 20.69 Technical 14.05 Career 12.85 Overall 18.35 Spring 2008 Academic 18.67 Technical 24.47 Career 12.08 Overall 20.42 Overall for 2007-2008 19.46 academic year 11) Student Satisfaction with Student Activities-The overall rating on student activities will improve from the previous year to include the following areas: 1) Cultural Programs and Activities 2) College-Sponsored Social Activities 3) Recreational and Intramural Programs and Services The Survey of Student Opinions serves as the assessment tool for evaluating student satisfaction and student perception of importance (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 21). Federal Requirements 332 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Item 2007 2006 2005 Cultural Programs and Activities 3.69 3.93 3.95 College-Sponsored Social Activities 3.70 3.85 4.05 Recreational and Intramural Programs 3.70 3.80 3.94 12) Business and Industry Partnerships-The number of business/industry partnerships and the number of training hours delivered will increase annually (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 22). 2007-2008 Business/Industries/Organization in Partnership Agreements Participants in training and/or skill upgrading programs Total Hours of training delivered 2006-2007 Business/Industries/Organization in Partnership Agreements Participants in training and/or skill upgrading programs Total Hours of training delivered 2005-2006 Business/Industries/Organization in Partnership Agreements Participants in training and/or skill upgrading programs Total Hours of training delivered 120 14,696 (7,505 unduplicated) 296,014 hours 117 32,354 (8,293 unduplicated) 460,277 hours 108 48,944 (13,834 unduplicated) 530,722 hours 13) Cost of Instruction-The percentage of funds allocated for instruction will increase from the previous year’s total college budget (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 23). Category Instruction Share 07-08 06-07 05-06 58% 63.0% 63.9% Northeast Mississippi Community College generates annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans as a result of strategic long-range and short-term goal planning. The planning process involves nearly all of the college personnel and includes, as well, consideration of input from students, outside agencies, the public and formal evaluation programs (The Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2009 with 20072008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-254). Course completion and job placement data regarding career/technical students is submitted annually to the State Department of Education. The State Department of Education measures placement of postsecondary technical and career educational Federal Requirements 333 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 programs by the number of completers who are placed in the workforce, enter the military, transfer to a senior college, or enroll in a technical program after completing a certificate program (NEMCC Flat File 2007-2008; Final Placement Results All Divisions, 6 October 2008). College administrators and faculty utilize student achievement analysis in improving programs. One achievement improvement measure enacted for 2008-2009 is in response to absenteeism. This Early Intervention process directs attention proactively to improve achievement by: • Increasing classroom attendance and participation • Revealing and removing stumbling blocks students encounter • Providing instructor and counseling staff guidance to regaining and maintaining student progress Faculty members report to the Northeast Counseling Center those students who have consecutive absences which constitute a “week of absences” from their individual classes. Counseling Center staff make contact with the students in order to determine the reason for their absence and to assist as needed. This contact informs the students of the consequences of absenteeism and allows the Counseling Center an opportunity to inform the students of available services such as tutoring, study skills, and career counseling. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 3-23 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 7 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 8-11 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 12 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008,13 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Federal Requirements Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/IE0708_3-23 Media/IE0708_6 Media/IE0708_7 Media/IE0708_8-11 Media/IE0708_12 Media/IE0708_13 Media/IE0708_14-15 334 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Goals 2007-2008, 14-15 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 16 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 17 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 18 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008,19-20 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 21 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 22 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 23 The Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013 with 2007-2008 Annual Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment Plans, 98-254 NEMCC Flat File 2007-2008 Final Placement Results All Divisions, 6 October 2008 Federal Requirements Media/IE0708_16 Media/IE0708_17 Media/IE0708_18 Media/IE0708_19-20 Media/IE0708_21 Media/IE0708_22 Media/IE0708_23 Media/Plan0813_98-254 Media/NEMCCFlatFile0708 Media/PlacementReport6Oct08 335 4.1 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 4.2 Program Curriculum The institution’s curriculum is directly related and appropriate to the purpose and goals of the institution and the diplomas, certificates, or degrees awarded. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The purpose of Northeast Mississippi Community College is to provide the students of its five-county district and beyond with opportunities to obtain a comprehensive and affordable education by awarding the Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Applied Science Degree, and Certificates. Beyond this original scope, however, Northeast responds to the needs of all who seek a college education (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 9). Northeast’s Board of Trustees empowered the College to grant the Associate of Arts degree in 1948. During subsequent years, certificates were authorized for vocational education. In 1978, the College began awarding the Associate of Applied Science degree. Northeast continues to offer the two (2) associate degrees. The Associate of Arts degree is awarded to students completing university parallel programs of study, and the Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded to students completing requirements in technical programs of study. The Associate of Arts degree is awarded when a student has earned a minimum of sixty-three (63) semester hours, of which three (3) semester hours may be non-academic credits. The Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded to students completing the number of semester hours designated in their specific programs of study (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60). Northeast defines an educational “program of study” as a coherent sequence of courses that may lead to the student’s transferring coursework to a senior institution or gaining employment in a technical field. The College offers fifty-seven (57) different university parallel programs of study leading to the Associate of Arts degree and twenty-seven (27) technical programs of study leading to the Associate of Applied Science degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76, 138). When students apply for College admission, they also select a major in a program of study leading to a degree (Northeast Admission Application, January 2009). Northeast also offers eight (8) career certificate programs leading to a certificate of completion (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 139). All eight (8) certificate programs are awarded in compliance with the standards prescribed by the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges and the State Department of Education Office of Vocational and Technical Education (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007). Federal Requirements 336 4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The curriculum is maintained through a statewide uniform course numbering system and articulation agreement. All Mississippi Public Community/Junior Colleges utilize a uniform course numbering system which was adopted in 1971 by the State Board of Community/Junior Colleges. This publication is revised annually and facilitates uniform course transfer to state institutions of higher learning (A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community/Junior Colleges 2008). In an effort to strengthen the course transferability between state universities and community colleges, an articulation agreement was established in 1991. Representatives from the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board of Community/Junior Colleges update this articulation agreement annually (Articulation Agreement 2007). For university parallel curricula, Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) sub-committee representatives and representatives of each academic department/dean’s office which offers the program involved, discuss articulation agreement changes between February 15 and March 15. Proposed changes are shared by IHL with the community/junior college representatives who have until March 30 to review and comment on the proposed changes. The IHL Articulation Committee and community college representatives meet between April 1 and April 10 to discuss articulation changes. The Chief Academic Officers consider the proposed changes at the April meeting. Articulation changes are communicated to the universities and community/junior colleges by June 1 for changes to be made in the fall semester of that year (Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii). The State of Mississippi has adopted a standardized curriculum for each career and technical program (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for VocationalTechnical Programs 2007). The Research and Curriculum Unit (RCU) for Workforce Development Vocational and Technical Education at Mississippi State University has the responsibility for developing the standardized curriculum for each career/technical program. Career and technical curricula are developed and revised based on guidelines set forth by No Child Left Behind and the Carl Perkins Act. Instructional Design Specialists (IDS) from the RCU work with a revision team to conduct research related to trends in the fields, locate new reference materials, and locate industry-specific standards. This team also collects and reviews surveys regarding industry changes and suggestions from instructors regarding curricula change. Together IDS and revision team members revise the curriculum document, develop or revise Career Planning Assessment System (CPAS), and review materials provided to pre-service teachers in the program (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007, 3-6). Northeast’s Instruction Council has the responsibility for approving all institutional courses and programs of study in order to ensure coherence and appropriateness to higher education (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61). The only transfer courses considered for approval by the Instruction Council are academic courses offered by one of the state universities in Mississippi (Articulation Agreement 2007, i). Course additions and deletions for career-technical programs are also approved by the Instruction Council Federal Requirements 337 4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 (Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007). Northeast uses information such as GPA transfer data and the results of the Career Employer Satisfaction surveys to validate program content. Results for the past three (3) years are shown below (Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6, 14-15). University The University of Mississippi Mississippi State University GPA Transfer Data Fall 2007 Fall 2006 NEMCC Native NEMCC Native 3.09 2.95 3.05 2.94 2.95 2.78 3.12 2.78 Fall 2005 NEMCC Native 3.18 2.96 3.00 2.75 Employer Satisfaction Year Surveyed Percent indicating Satisfaction 2007 (2006-2007 completers) 89.1% 2006 (2005-2006 completers) 82.1% 2005 (2004-2005 completers) 80.4% In order to assure that the curricula offered by Northeast are current, appropriate, and complete, evaluation of the degree programs of study are completed regularly. Each curriculum is assigned a full-time faculty member who has experience advising in the field of study and who has been assigned responsibilities for curriculum coordination. The curriculum coordinator is listed first on the advisor list for each program of study in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77-175). Each fall, curriculum coordinators, along with faculty advisors, review the particular curriculum for depth and breadth and document that the General Education Core is included in the curriculum. Upon completion of the curriculum evaluation, the faculty member(s) forwards any recommendations for change to the appropriate division head for discussion at the monthly division meeting (Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Agenda, 14 August 2007). The recommendations of the faculty will be the basis of curriculum recommendations and will be presented by the appropriate division head at the Instruction Council (Instruction Council Minutes-2 October 2007; “Curriculum Proposal Form” English 2153, October 2007). The Instruction Council brings the proposed curriculum changes to a vote and submits approved changes to the Board of Trustees through the President for final approval (Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61). Additionally, a Curriculum Review Committee composed of college and non-college personnel evaluates curricula annually. Each division has its curricula reviewed on a predetermined rotating basis (Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14; Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62). All curriculum recommendations from the Curriculum Review Committee are forwarded to the Instruction Council. Federal Requirements 338 4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Actions by the Instruction Council are forwarded through the President to the Board of Trustees for final action. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog, 2008-2009, 9 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76, 138 Northeast Admission Application, January 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 139 Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community/Junior Colleges 2008 Articulation Agreement 2007 Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs 2007, 3-6 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-61 Articulation Agreement 2007, i Instruction Council Minutes, 2 October 2007 Report on Institutional Effectiveness Indicators & College-Wide Short-Term Goals 2007-2008, 6, 14-15 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 77175 Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences Division Agenda,14 August 2007 “Curriculum Proposal Form” English 2153, October 2007 Board of Trustees Minutes-13 December 2007 Five-Year Strategic Planning Document 2008-2013, 13-14 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62 Federal Requirements Location Media/StdCat0809 9 Media/StdCat0809 60 Media/StdCat0809_76_138 Media/Application2009 Media/StdCat0809_139 Media/CurFraneWorks07 Media/Unicrsnumbering08 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/ArtAgree07 i-ii Media/CurFrameWorks07_3-6 Media/ProcMan0809_60-61 Media/ArtAgree07 i Media/InsMin2Oct07 Media/IE0708_6_14-15 Media/StdCar0809_77-175 Media/ HumanitiesMins14Aug07 Media/CurRevFormENG2153Oct07 Media/BOTMin13Dec07 Media/Plan0813_13-14 Media/ProcMan0809_60-62 339 4.2 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 4.3 Publication of Policies The institution makes available to students and the public current academic calendars, grading policies, and refund policies. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College makes current academic calendars, refunds of tuition and fees, and grading policies available to students and the public through the printed Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 and/or Course Schedule Booklets (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3-4, 36-39, 69-70; Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008, 5-8). Constituents receive electronic information regarding academic calendars, grading policies and refund policies from the College website (Northeast Website). The Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009 outlines the College’s grading policy (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 63-65). This information is also contained in the electronic version of the Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009 (Northeast Student Catalog Webpage). Policies concerning refund of room and board fees are also published in the Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009 (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 15). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3 – 4, 36-39, 69-70 Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008, 5-8 Northeast Website Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 63-65 Northeast Student Catalog Webpage Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 15 Federal Requirements 340 Location Media/StdCat0809_3-4_36-39_69-70 Media/SchBkFl08_5-8 Media/NEHomePg Media/ProcMan0809_63-64 Media/NECatalogPg Media/ StdHand0809 15 4.3 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 4.4 Program Length Program length is appropriate for each of the institution’s educational programs. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast’s Board of Trustees empowered the College to grant the Associate of Arts degree in 1948. During subsequent years, certificates were authorized for vocational education. In 1978, the College began awarding the Associate of Applied Science degree. Northeast continues to offer the two associate degree programs. The Associate of Arts degree is awarded to students completing university parallel programs, and the Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded to students completing requirements in technical programs. The Associate of Arts degree or the Associate of Applied Science degree is awarded when a student has earned a minimum of sixty-three (63) semester hours, of which a maximum of three (3) semester hours may be non-academic credits. Graduates of the Associate of Arts degree programs must complete thirty-two (32) semester hours of general education core classes, while graduates of the Associate of Applied Science degree programs must complete a general core consisting of eighteen (18) semester hours (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60). Northeast defines an educational “program of study” as a coherent sequence of courses that may lead to the student’s transferring coursework to a senior institution or gaining employment in a technical field. The College offers fifty-seven (57) different university parallel programs of study leading to the Associate of Arts degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76). Architecture is a university parallel program in which students can transfer only thirty-two (32) hours and is not eligible for an Associate of Arts degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 78). There are twenty-seven (27) technical programs of study leading to the Associate of Applied Science degree (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 138). Following a compliance audit of curricula, it was discovered that the program of study leading to an Associate of Arts degree in Library Science listed sixty-two (62) hours. On investigation it was discovered that a typographical error had been introduced into the 2008-2009 catalog and the program actually contains sixty-five (65) hours. This error has been corrected in the 2009-2010 edition. An addendum to the 2008-2009 catalog with the correction was approved in January 2009 (Barnett Memorandum-20 January 2009; Nabors Memorandum-23 January 2009; President’s Cabinet Minutes-23 January 2009). When students apply for College admission, they also select a major in a program of study leading to a degree (Northeast Admission Application, January 2009; Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19). Northeast also offers eight (8) career certificate programs leading to a certificate of completion (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 61; 139). All eight (8) certificate programs comply with the standards and program length established by the State Board Federal Requirements 341 4.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 for Community and Junior Colleges and the State Department of Education Office of Vocational and Technical Education (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs). Since 1991, Institutions of Higher Learning in Mississippi have identified and published a listing of courses they accept as meeting the requirements for collegiate appropriateness in higher education. The publication entitled Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi State Board of Community and Junior Colleges, hereafter called the Articulation Agreement, provides the rationale for Northeast’s determination of coherence in selection and sequencing of courses in each program of study. The Articulation Agreement strengthens the course transferability between state universities and community colleges (Articulation Agreement 2007). The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) and the Mississippi State Board of Community/Junior Colleges approve the updated articulation agreement annually (Articulation Agreement 2007, i-ii). The State of Mississippi has adopted a standardized curriculum for each career and technical program (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for VocationalTechnical Programs). The Research and Curriculum Unit (RCU) for Workforce Development Vocational and Technical Education at Mississippi State University has the responsibility for developing the standardized curriculum for each career/technical program. Career and technical curricula are developed and revised based on guidelines set forth by both the No Child Left Behind and Carl Perkins Act. The Instructional Design Specialists (IDS) from the RCU work with a revision team to conduct research related to trends in the fields, locate new reference materials, and locate industry specific standards. This team also collects and reviews surveys regarding industry changes and suggestions from instructors regarding curricula change. Together IDS and revision team members revise the curriculum document, develop or revise Career Planning Assessment System (CPAS), and review materials provided to pre-service teachers in the program (Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs). Northeast’s Instruction Council has the responsibility for approving all institutional courses and programs of study in order to establish and maintain appropriate program length (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 60 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 76 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 78 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009,138 Barnett Memorandum-20 January 2009 Nabors Memorandum-23 January 2009 Federal Requirements Location Media/StdCat0809 60 Media/StdCat0809 76 Media/StdCat0809_78 Media/StdCat0809 138 Media/BarnettMemo20Jan09 Media/NaborsMemo23jan09 342 4.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Admission Application , January 2009 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 19 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 61; 139 Articulation Agreement 2007 Articulation Agreement, i-ii Revised Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks for Vocational-Technical Programs A Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi Public Community and Junior Colleges 2008 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 60-62 Federal Requirements Media/Application2009 Media/StdCat0809_19 Media/StdCat0809_61_139 Media/ArtAgree07 Media/ArtAgree07 i-ii Media/CurFrameWorks07 Media/Unicrsnumbering08 Media/ProcMan0809_60-62 343 4.4 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 4.5 Student Complaints The institution has adequate procedures for addressing written student complaints and is responsible for demonstrating that it follows those procedures when resolving student complaints. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Northeast Mississippi Community College procedure for filing student complaints and grievances can be found in the Northeast Student Handbook. Any student who feels he/she has been subjected to any form of discrimination by the college is instructed to follow the designated process for filing a complaint. Initially an attempt should be made to resolve the matter with the individual involved. If this is not possible, the next step is to make the grievance known to the immediate supervisor of the individual against whom the student has a grievance to attempt to resolve the issue informally. If the grievance cannot be solved informally, formal complaints should be directed in writing to the Dean of Student Services who will schedule a meeting of the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee is comprised of faculty and staff members. The Dean of Student Services will notify the complainant of the date and location of the Grievance Committee hearing. The Grievance Committee will investigate the allegation/s and reply in writing to the complainant within five (5) business days by certified mail. The student handbook also states that if a grievance is filed against a member of the Grievance Committee, the Executive Vice-President will name a replacement/chairman. The complainant may appeal the decision of the Grievance Committee to the Grievance Review Committee (standing committee) within five (5) business days after the receipt of the Grievance Committee’s decision. In this case, the Executive Vice-President will notify the complainant of the time, date, and location of the Grievance Review Committee hearing. The Grievance Review Committee will meet with all parties involved, come to a decision, and respond in writing within ten (10) business days by certified mail. If a grievance is filed against the Executive Vice-President, the President of the College will name a replacement/chairman. The complainant may appeal the decision of the Grievance Review Committee by submitting a signed, written appeal to the President of the College and the members of the Board of Trustees’ Grievance Committee. This committee will meet with the grievant and the grievant’s representative within thirty (30) business days of the receipt of the appeal and forward a copy of the response by certified mail within ten (10) business days after the meeting. Federal Requirements 344 4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Should the grievance not be settled under the aforementioned procedures, the complainant may contact the regional office of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education (Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 52-54; Academic Discipline Committee-Minutes-13 November 2006; Discipline-Memo-11 February 2008; Discipline-Letter-18 February 2008). A student has the right to appeal a grade. The request must be signed and dated. The appeal does not give the student the right to question the appropriateness of a grade (grades earned by taking the final exam), but instead does allow for the examination of the correctness of the recording of the grade which has been given by the instructor. Results of the hearing will be given in writing to the eligible student according to procedures as outlined in the Northeast Student Catalog (Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 37-38; Student Appeals-Letter-19 January 2009; Barnett-Letter-23 January 2009). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Student Handbook 2008-2009, 52-54 Academic Discipline Committee-Minutes13 November 2006 Discipline-Memo-11 February 2008 Discipline-Letter-18 February 2008 Northeast Student Catalog 2008-2009, 3738 Student Appeals-Letter-19 January 2009 Barnett-Letter-23 January 2009 Federal Requirements Location Media/StdHbk0809_52-54 Media/AcademicDisciplineMin13Nov06 Media/DisciplineMemo11Feb08 Media/DisciplineLetter18Feb08 Media/StdCat0809_37-38 Media/AppealsLetter19Jan09 Media/BarnettLetter23Jan09 345 4.5 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 4.6 Recruitment Materials Recruitment materials and presentations accurately represent the institution’s practices and policies. Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance Northeast Mississippi Community College’s Executive Vice-President oversees publications and recruitment materials to ensure the goals of the college and professional integrity are maintained. The Executive Vice-President’s Organizational Chart reflects the flow of responsibility and the College’s checks-and-balances system (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3). Public Information The Associate Vice-President of Public Relations (Tony Finch), assisted by the Assistant Public Information Officer, is responsible for the broad spectrum of communications as it concerns Northeast Mississippi Community College. Mr. Finch has twenty years experience in the Office of Public Information at Northeast (Tony Finch, Vita). Media relations, publicity, publications and advertising are coordinated through the Public Information Office (PIO). The following services are performed by and available through the PIO: • Special Events Coverage • Sports Coverage • Photography These officers coordinate all media relations, publicity, publications and advertising. Media releases may also require approval by the President of the College (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 100-103). Recruiting Materials Under the supervision of the Executive Vice-President, the Dean of Student Services oversees the development and distribution of recruitment materials. These recruitment materials are reviewed to ensure that they accurately represent the institution’s practices and policies. The Dean, as indicated in the Executive Vice-President’s Organizational Chart, is supported by the Associate Dean of Student Services/Enrollment Services and the Recruiting Coordinator. Recruiting is supported by a trained student recruitment team, the Tiger Ambassadors (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3; NEMCC Tiger Ambassador Application). Federal Requirements 346 4.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 The Office of Enrollment Services coordinates recruiting activities for the College. Examples of these activities are as follows: • Attend college/career programs at local high schools (Tishomingo County High School College/Career Day, 2008) • Schedule group campus tours which include presentation by Northeast administrative personnel, meeting location, special performances by Northeast students (Baldwyn High School Agenda, 2008) • Schedule individual campus tours which include appointments, campus tour, discussion of requirements for admissions, financial aid, housing, and placement testing (Northeast Campus Tour Form; Phone in Request Form; Campus TourGuide for Northeast Ambassadors) • Collect and respond to information requests from potential students (Northeast Interest Card, ACT Score Acknowledgement) • Create recruitment materials for distribution (Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008; Tuition and Fees 2008-2009 Card; Northeast Recruitment Sample, Medical Laboratory Technology Course Card) The College’s website is maintained by the webmaster under the supervision of the Director of Computer Services and administered by the Vice-President of Finance and Operations (Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P5). Supporting Documentation and Links Source Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P3 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, 100-103 NEMCC Tiger Ambassador Application Tishomingo County High School College/Career Day, 2008 Baldwyn High School Agenda, 2008 Northeast Campus Tour Guide Phone in Request Form Campus Tour-Guide for Northeast Ambassadors Northeast Interest Card ACT Score Acknowledgement Course Schedule Booklet Intersession, Summer, Fall 2008 Tuition and Fees 2008-2009 Card Northeast Recruitment Sample Medical Laboratory Technology Course Card Federal Requirements Location Media/ProcMan0809_P3 Media/ProcMan0809_100-103 Media/NEMCCTigerAmbassadorApplicati on Media/TishCollegeCareerDay08 Media/BaldwynHS08Visit Media/NEMCCCampusTour Media/PhoneInfoRequest Media/NEAmbassadorTourGuide Media/NEInterestCard Media/ACTScoreCard Media/SchBkFl08 Media/TuitionFees0809 Media/RecruitmentSample Media/MedLabTechCourseCard 347 4.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Northeast Procedures Manual 2008-2009, Appendix P5 Federal Requirements Media/ProcMan0809_P5 348 4.6 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 4.7 Title IV Program Responsibilities The institution is in compliance with its program responsibilities under Title IV of the 1998 Higher Education amendments. (In reviewing the institution’s compliance with these program responsibilities, the Commission relies on documentation forwarded to it by the U. S. Secretary of Education.) Judgment of Compliance X Compliance ____Partial Compliance ____Non-Compliance Narrative of Compliance The Northeast Mississippi Community College Financial Aid Office assists students in obtaining financial resources to attend college, including federal, state, institutional, and private funds set aside for this purpose. Over $10.5 million were awarded to students attending this institution during the 2007-2008 award year (Eligibility and Certification Approval Report; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006; Audited Financial Statement, 30 June 2005; Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004). The College is certified to participate in Title IV Programs, as evidenced by the Program Participation Agreement and Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR), which was approved in April 2007 and expires in December 2011. The College also requested approval for a new location and two (2) new vocational programs which were all approved as seen in the Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR) effective September 2007 which is an addendum to the Institution’s Program Participation Agreement (Eligibility and Certification Approval Report). The College is in compliance with audit requirements for the administration of Title IV funds in accordance with federal regulations. The Fiscal Operations Report is electronically submitted to the Department of Education by the required deadline. Supporting Documentation and Links Source Eligibility and Certification Approval Report Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2007 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2006 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2005 Audited Financial Statements, 30 June 2004 Federal Requirements Location Media/ ECAR07 Media/AuditedFinState30June07 Media/AuditedFinState30June06 Media/AuditedFinState30June05 Media/AuditedFinState30June04 349 4.7 Northeast Mississippi Community College Compliance Certification Document 2008-2009 Federal Requirements 350 4.7