That`s The Spirit! - New Spirit Lutheran Church


That`s The Spirit! - New Spirit Lutheran Church
That’s The Spirit!
Rev. Alan Field
New Spirit Lutheran Church
Our faith is in Jesus.
Our hope is in grace.
Our strength is in love.
October 2014
Dear Partners on the Journey,
Fall is in the air, though it is sometimes hard to determine that in the Sonoran Desert. Schools have already
had their Fall breaks, having begun classes in late July.
It is also football season. For fans there is no season of the year that is more exciting that football season.
The Arizona Wildcats, as this is written, are undefeated. My heart is still firmly held in Norman, Oklahoma
with the Oklahoma Sooners. With every game, be it high school, college, or the NFL, the successful teams
are those that work together. Team work is essential for the church to be successful.
Our Mission Statement is the footing or foundation of New Spirit. “Our Faith is in Jesus.” What does that
mean to you, personally? In the past year, how has your faith in Jesus deepened? How does that deepened
faith affect your relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers? What we know about people
whose faith is in Jesus is that they are seen taking the lead in helping others know more about Jesus. They
are eager to learn more about being a disciple of Jesus. They know the power of mercy and peace because
Jesus is actively at the center of their daily life. Is that you?
“Our Hope is in Grace.” Reformation Sunday comes up this month. We will remember the heroic work of a
parish priest who took a stand for justice, truthfulness, and the promise of the Gospel. So irritating was this
Augustinian monk, Pope Leo X coined a derogatory term for Luther and his followers: “evangelicals” or “the
according to the Gospel guys.” Indeed, the center of the Gospel for Martin Luther was the gift of grace:
God’s love freely given, with no strings attached. This grace is the gift of God’s love. If we are so loved by
God, what will be our response to being called to be evangelical “the according to the Gospel church?” This
grace of God is an empowering thing, that calls us to service. But, thinking you don’t have to do anything as
a member of the “church team” because of grace simply makes God’s grace “cheap.” This Fall, how are you
attending to deepening your hope in grace?
“Our Strength is in Love.” I think this is the hinge-pin of New Spirit’s DNA. I also think this is the hardest
part of being disciples of Jesus. Love is hard! Love requires that we show up. Love requires that we invest
ourselves with our time, our energy, and our tithes. Love requires the we forgive when our feelings get hurt.
Love requires us to say “yes” when the request for help comes. Love requires patience with one another,
while at the same time encouraging those who lag behind to re-join the team. While guests often comment
about the warm welcome they receive in their first couple of visits, after that they say “it is hard to get to know
people here because they like to hang out with their friends.” The love that gives us strength is not hanging
out with our friends, butbefriending strangers who will become friends, and as time passes those friends become family. Our strength is in love only as far as we are willing to give it to
strangers and those who have disappointed or frustrated us.
Fall is here and it is a new program ministry year here at New Spirit. May you
engage in the mission of this congregation that our words would become the
living reality that is you.
Pastor Alan
Month of Prayer for Peace As the unrest
Wednesday Adult Classes
in the Middle East once again escalates,
“Reconsidering Our Ministry to the Poor”
and as the U.S. is committing itself to reis a book study by Robert Lupton.
move the threat of ISIS, and as the purpose
He addresses the sociological and
of war is to “close with and destroy the enemy” much blood will be shed….I encourage
psychological issues that clients
you and your family to invest five quiet
of food banks and giving
minutes every day solely for the purpose of
programs experience. With so
praying for peace to be realized. Our sinful
much of New Spirit’s energy geared
natures push us toward escalation, be mindful
to helping the poor we encourage
that innocent lives will be lost by the horrors
of war.
everyone, especially Food Bank
That includes:
volunteers, to participate in this
Young men and women, with their infant
children; Lord, have mercy. Grandmas and
grandpas whose joy is bright in their grandchildren; Lord have mercy. Skilled workers
whose years of craftsmanship have developed
art: Lord, have mercy. Police officers,
doctors, nurses, teachers, accountants,
lawyers struck down; Lord, have mercy.
Widows and widowers already wounded by
the violence of war; Lord have mercy.
Children who play with friends, their pets,
their games and toys; Lord, have mercy.
study. The study will be led by
Cathy Cermak, “Blessings in a
Backpack” co-leader.
The Gnostic Gospels will be a five week look
at the so-called “lost gospels”. We will
briefly look at the texts of these early gospels
which portray Jesus in ways that are not in
concert with the canonical Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This course
begins October 22nd.
We pray for the Lord’s peace to quell the
ancient discord that tears the children of God
with horrific weapons: sticks, stones, knives,
Blessing of the Pets will take place on
swords, rifles, missiles, bombs, hatred,
intolerance, and ignorance: Lord, have
Saturday, October 4th at 9:00 a.m. on
the patio. You are asked to bring your
pets for this brief service of prayer and
blessing. Dogs, cats, tortoises, birds,
snakes, lizards, mice,
rats, rabbits, and
horses are welcome.
Sorry, your little brother
doesn’t count.
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“Do you find strength or peace when you
pray?” The Prayer Ministry Team meets
each Tuesday morning to
pray for the requests
people submit on their
green attendance sheets in
the Sunday bulletins. There
is room for three or four
members who would join us in prayer for
those in need, and to call those who
submitted requests to let them know
prayers are being said. The Prayer Team
meets in the Library on Tuesday
mornings…at 9:00 a.m. (note that is a
change of time!)
Town Hall Meeting Sunday, October 5th at
10:20 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Areas to be
covered include: our present financial
status after a long summer, K-Hall
project, and updates on two projects in
the news recently: solar panel array, and
roofing issues.
We need everyone to
attend the Town Hall
Meeting. There will be
no vote, but we can
have conversations
about these important
Reformation Sunday is October 26th. On that day
we will remember Martin Luther’s challenge to the
Roman Church and our heritage as a cutting-edge
church. In addition, we will celebrate the Service of
Affirmation of Baptism for Michela Eibl and Ciana
Maple. They have completed their Catechism
Study and will publicly claim their faith in God and
promise to continue to grow in their role in Christ’s
Remember to wear “RED” on ReformationSunday!
We are asking people for donations of $10.00 or whatever you can afford to give so that we may
purchase Gift Cards and or hams or turkey to give to our clients, instead of a holiday bag, along with
their regular food boxes that they normally get monthly. We will start giving out these gift cards
the beginning of November and also the first of December. This gift card will enable our clients to
purchase the additional items they will need to complete their holiday meal. Please give your
donation to Nancy in the church office. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Let’s all support our neighbors at this Holy time of the year. Thank you.
Carol Lowe and Maureen Hunter
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One of the challenges of Volunteer Leadership is making difficult decisions. In the Church we are all
volunteers. Many volunteer positions are leadership positions. Recently there have been feathers
ruffled and feelings hurt because of decisions made.
If I have offended or hurt anyone, I am sorry.
I hope you know that I would never deliberately do so.
I hope if you are angry with me, you let me know, so I can try to fix it.
You see, we don’t always know that we have upset others, and sometimes we become upset when
no offense was intended. Sometimes the conflict is real and hurtful.
I admit to a somewhat naïve approach. I try to remember this. I am not always successful either.
If I have upset you, please know that you can come to me and tell me. I can do the same for you.
What is harmful for New Spirit is to take our hurt to others, in parking lots, and spread your anger.
That isn’t quite fair is it? Nor is it covenant behavior.
No don’t get me wrong, we need to feel free to work things out with friends, and Pastor, but I hope
in that conversation, you ask for and receive prayers for resolution. And if someone comes to you in
pain, over being hurt, please offer prayers, and assistance.
Please remember if you did not witness the event, or participate, perhaps taking sides is premature.
We are indeed broken people. And broken people in the best families can have misunderstandings. And just because we are a church does not make us less
broken. But I hope it can give us
the tools to heal each other.
Robin Hughes
Meeting October 8th at 9:30 in rm. 105. Coffee and juice will be served and you can
bring money you might have spent to buy food and it will be used for a special project.
We liked our Sept. plan where each member chose an article from the Gather
magazine and we had group discussion as well as an overview of the lesson. This will be
the plan for the October meeting too. There are so many good articles for
women to read. Copies from past months can be found in the library.
Several members will be attending the WELCA convention in Flagstaff
(October 24-26). Our delegate is Marilyn Stoeckig and alternate is Gloria
We have not ordered as many Entertainment books this year so better sign
up soon on the bulletin board and we will deliver your book to you. Books
are still just $30 and a couple of uses will pay for the book. Money is used
for special projects. Checks should be made to Gloria Burke.
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Lutheran Senior Rally in the Valley is February
16-17, 2015 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 56th
Luana Frost died following a diagnosis of Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix.
bloot clots in her legs. Luana was a long- “Prelude: Looking at Life in Our Third Chapter.
time member of Calvary Lutheran Church The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Barbara
Lundblad, a dynamic teacher and pr eacher . Music
and was a charter member of New Spirit.
will be brought by Mary Preus and Tom Witt, favorite
music leaders from Rallies past. Bible study leaders
Luana was a beautician until her retirehave been identified. Pastor Alan plans and writes the
ment in the late 1980’s. She was an avid
worship times.
In Memory….Luana Frost
reader until her latter years. She is
Registration materials will be here on November 1st.
survived by her daughter, Linda Link, and With a definite limit in registrations (500 persons)
a number of nieces and nephews.
there will be a cut-off of registrations when that numAt the family’s request no service will be
Grace Notes-7-14-21-28. Set up
at 6:15 Practice at 6:30. We need
everyone there at 6:15!! New
Members Needed - No experience
needed-on the job training.
Call Gloria-296-7834
ber is reached.
A discounted registration is available if the chur ch
registers a group of ten or more. Your registration
checks will need to be made to New Spirit, and we
will pay the group registration with one check. We
would like that payment to be made by November
Housing will be in the same hotel we were in last
year. Again, the Arivaca Endowment
Fund will pay hotel costs. Star t
asking your friends to be “Rally
Please sign-up on the Magnet Board
in the Narthex so we can ensure getSonshine Singers are looking for more members ting enough hotel rooms. Thanks.
to sing at the 11 a.m. service.
The two men would like some company in the
lower voice range!! We
sing familiar songs and
easy new ones from the
ELW book.
Practice is at 9:45 a.m.
in room 105.
Read – Through - the – Bible Tuesday
afternoons, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in Room 105.
Participants will commit to read
three-chapters each day for a year
and will complete the reading of the
Bible. Once a week, we will spend
90 minutes discussing your questions, insights, and learnings. All
members are encouraged to consider attending.
As it gets cooler, some of us
are getting out our knitting
needles or crochet
hooks. Some of us make
prayer shawls, others baby
hats, blankets or whatever.
We can teach those who
want to learn either needlework.
Hope you can join us OCTOBER 18 at 10 am in
Rm 105.
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Please join us as we distribute clothing,
tarps, backpacks, bibles, hygiene products,
and a meal
Northeast corner parking lot
We will be preparing a meal before the
event. Join us at 11:30 A.M.
Or meet at the park at 1:00 P.M.
For information, contact NSLC Office or
Laurie Bernard at 886-3242 or
[email protected]
God is working through New Spirit and making a
difference in our community and the lives of 160
children and their families.
The Blessings Team is happy to announce a grant from
Walmart in the amount of $8,861 for the 2014-2015
school year! Because of the added funds, we are
working on adding another school and more children!
With your continued support, let’s make it 200
children each weekend!
FULL SIZE SHAMPOO, LOTION, SOAP, TOOTHPASTE, We are now picking up food from the Food Bank of
Southern Arizona once a week to supplement our food
bags each week. We hope to continue work with Feed
Our Starving Children to be able to include their
“Mana Packs” which will provide a high protein nutriWE WOULD LIKE TO INCLUDE BLANKETS THIS TIME. tious rice pack once a month for each child’s family.
PLEASE DONATE YOUR UNUSED BLANKETS – ANY Please make your tax deductible check out to Blessings
SIZE in a Backpack. You can drop it in the offering plate,
drop it off at the church office, or drop it directly in
the mail to BIB Lockbox, PO Box 950291, Louisville, KY
40295. Remember to put Steele Elementary on the
memo line.
Learn more about what we do and how you can help.
Please join us for a meeting on October 9th at 6:00 at
the church. We need volunteers to help with fund
raising, planning, purchasing, packing, and delivery.
Contact Laurie Bernard at [email protected]
“Like” our page on Facebook Blessings at
New Spirit Lutheran Church
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Our Back to School Blessings event was a huge success, thanks to your many contributions. In
a rather frenzied two hours, we served 71 children from 33 families. Children received used
and new outfits, new underwear and socks, jackets, hoodies, new backpacks and miscellaneous
school supplies, free haircuts and Bibles until we ran out. This was all made possible by the
efforts of 35+ volunteers (who worked pre, during and post the event), and of course, the
generous donations of many of you. Thanks to Kathy Vaclavek, John Lukecart, Marlene Hansen,
Marilyn Roberts, Marilyn Stoeckig, T. Baker, Carolyn Buccholz, Linda Kurowski, Sandy Waddle,
Ren Para, Judy McFarland, Darlene Paape, Elise Stone, Marie Halver, Barb Verthein, Nancy
Strait, Nancy Di Febbo, Paul and Ross Steutze, Edna Walton, Lasandra Matthews, Carol
Morales, Sandra Colwell, Marilyn Linderkamp, Barb Rebok, Sharon Dobbs, Pep Thompson,
Gabby Delgado, Sarah Elmquist, Nancy and Jim Jindrick, Sarah Drath, Joyce Dow, Craig
Geiger, Shirley Gabriel, and Pastor Alan. Hopefully we didn’t miss anyone.
Thank you all! Laurie Bernard and Cathy Cermak
Stephanie Lyonga, the Community Resource Coordinator at Erickson Elementary School (one of
the schools we support through BIB) was able to gather leftover clothing and gift cards for more
needy students at Erickson. She reported that the enrollment poverty level has gone from 73% last
year to 90% this year! All remaining clothing will be donated to the TUSD Clothing Closet.
Trunk ‘r Treat Our second Halloween Trunk or Treat provides children and families a safe harbor to let
costumed children receive candy treats. This is an Outreach Ministry of New Spirit to our neighbors. Last
year we estimate nearly 200 children and parents came through.
Our goal this year is to have 50 cars for Trunk or Treat!!! We encourage you to be in costume to join in the
fun. This is an excellent opportunity to share the ministry of New Spirit
that is particularly focused on “families with young children.”
Donations of candy will be essential as we ran out last year.
2014 Trunk or Treat will be Halloween Night, Friday evening, 5:30 – 8:00 pm.
Please sign up on the sheet on the Narthex magnet board.
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SAVE those bottle caps!
A delivery of 4,000 plastic bottle caps were
delivered to the Oncology Hospital in the
city of Hermosillo, Sonora. These were
collected by the Sun of Justice Mission in
Nogales, Sonora and the Immanuel
Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona, through the office of
Compañeros en Misión, and delivered to Hermosillo, the capital of the
For every 1,000 plastic screw top lids, the Hospital will provide a
chemotherapy treatment for children with cancer, who cannot pay for
them on account of their poverty. We are grateful to all the people
who have shown interest in this program that is offered by government of the State of Sonora, as well for all those who take time to
collect these bottle caps. If you would like to contribute please
contact Lois Siegel.
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Meet our Newest Members:
Ray Eastep was born in Holidaysburg, Pennsylania. After High School
he enrolled in what is now Penn State, studying Industrial Engineering.
He was drafted into the Army, and after his service he enrolled in the
Tristate College and earned a degree in accounting. He worked for the
Pennsylvania Railroad which would become ConRail as an auditor, but
after years with the corporation he became an estimating engineer.
Retiring in 1990, Ray and his wife, Olive moved to Oro Valley where they
became members of Resurrection Lutheran Church. Olive died in 2005.
Ray enjoys computer finances, and Netflix. He lives at Broadway Proper.
Ray’s Spiritual Gifts include: Serving, Faith, and Helps.
Maxine Nibbe was born in Hoffman, Minnesota and grew up there.
After high school she moved to Minneapolis and was trained as a
medical tech. She worked in medical labs, administration, and with
insurance coding. She & Don met as children and were married in 1963
(celebrating 51 years this past month.) They have a daughter and a son.
Their daughter lives in North Dakota, has two children. Their son lives in
Portland and has three children They moved to Tucson in December
2013. She enjoys walking, reading, and watching movies. Maxine’s
Spiritual Gifts include: Serving, Helps, Prayer
Don Nibbe was born in Hoffman, Minnesota where he grew up, and
met and married Maxine. Don worked in manufacturing throughout his
career in material controlling, signage director, purchasing manager. He
and Maxine lived for years in Sparta, Wisconsin. They moved to Tucson,
in December, 2013. Don enjoys playing golf, and watching college football. Don’s Spiritual Gifts
include: Mercy, Serving, Helps.
October Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations
2nd— Jakob Rettig
3rd— Herchel Green
4th— Mary Lou Rex
Robert & Nancy Daliege
5 — Guimei Jorgensen
7th— Thomas & Donna Bartels
9 — Theone Rigaud
13th— Reese Drath
14th— Sue Gilmore
15th— Mary Henkel
18th— Marlene Hansen
19th— Sharon Dobbs
20th— Valerie Friend
Mark & Jamie Buglewicz
24 — Judy McFarland
26th— Lincoln Ryan
27th— Carol Hughes
29th— Paul & Joann Bloomquist
30 — Jeanne Goodwin
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New Spirit Lutheran Church
8701 E. Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85710
SHOUT OUT- to Don Crow clearing parking lot after
SHOUT OUT- to Sept. workday team: Andrew Eibl, Ken
Dobbs, John Lukecart, Archie Burke and Pastor Alan.
SHOUT OUT- to Mark Canterbury weeding, cleaning
parking lot after storms.
SHOUT OUT- to Steve Lamb, Don Austin and Jenny
Kwapich for Media Shout.
SHOUT OUT- to Aaron Garibay & Lupita Garibay, Sarah Drath, Naida Granmo & Sharon Dobbs for
Wednesday night suppers.
9:00 am Arise to Praise
(Spirited Contemporary Worship)
10:15 – 11:00 am Sunday School for all ages
11:00 am Traditions
(Classic Hymns & Liturgies)
Wednesdays: 5:30 pm Dinner, 6:15 pm Classes
How to contact us:
New Spirit Lutheran Church
8701 E. Old Spanish Trail
Tucson, AZ 85710
Phone: (520) 296-2461
E-Mail: [email protected]