elementary genocide 2 elementary genocide 2
elementary genocide 2 elementary genocide 2
LITY: A N O I T C E S R S IN INTE N O Z I R O H NEW ACTIVISM D N A , Y C I L PO RESEARCH, FILM SCREENING & DIRECTOR TALK-BACK ELEMENTARY GENOCIDE 2 Hosted by the UT Intersectionality Community of Scholars (ICOS) WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 2016, 7 PM UT McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture This is a screening of the film Elementary Genocide 2 and talk-back featuring filmmaker Rahiem Shabazz and Ed Garnes, founder of From Afros to Shelltoes and doctoral student in counseling psychology at UT. Cecile A. Gadson, also a doctoral student in counseling psychology at UT, will moderate the talk-back. Free and open to the public. See website for details: psychology.utk.edu/icos With generous support from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Life, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, and the McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture.