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pdf, 2 MB - Girilambone Public School
Volume 1, Issue 1 Girilambone Public School D E C - N S Principal’s Hello Everyone Welcome back to another action packed year at Girilambone Public School! This year we welcome two new Kindergarten students, Ella Farley and Ida Gibson. Both girls are working extremely well and are more than eager to participate in everything school related. Along with these two gorgeous girls, we also welcome Snow Rout who has come to Girilambone from Cowra Public School. Snow is in year 4 and started with us last week. With our three new students we also inherit three new families, Jayne & Matt Farley; Kate & Anthony Gibson and Felicity Adams & Mick Rout. We look forward to seeing these parents at our assemblies, carnivals, P&C meetings and many other events involving our school throughout the year. We are sure the long serving parents will be very excited to see some new blood in their midst's and with it some new ideas! Welcome to you all! Throughout the past few terms we have had Mr. Liam Fletcher relieving when I am required to be out of the school for Principal network meetings and other professional learning. Unfortunately Mr. Fletcher will be returning to England next week! In actual fact his last full day in Australia will be spent at Girilambone PS! We thank you for your assistance and interest in our small school and students Mr. Fletcher and we especially thank you for your assistance, direction and expertise in erecting our new chicken penthouse! We all wish you well in all your future endeavors in W Word! England and especially for your impending ‘fatherhood’! Goodbye and good luck! We will be holding our P&C AGM on Monday 23rd February, starting at 2.30pm. All parents and interested community are urged to attend. Our mid term break for Term 1 will be from Friday 27th February to Monday 2nd March. So please mark the 27th and the 2nd into your calendar as no school days. We will be joining several other small schools (including Hermidale, Marra Creek, Weilmoringle, Enngonia, Louth, Wanaaring, Carinda, Gwabegar etc.) at a Super Camp to be held in Nyngan at the Show Ground from Monday 23rd March to Friday 27th March. This should be an action packed week with children working with other children from their age group on a range of activities including sport, art & craft and drama just to name a few things! Shortly I will be organizing Personal Learning Plan meetings with each family. This is where students set some goals for themselves to work towards. As well as this I would like the primary students to identify something different that they would like to learn about? We are going to try an element of self directed learning this year. So prior to these meetings, we would like you to talk to your child about suitable goals they might like to set as well as possible topics they may like to learn about. Talking before hand will enable your child to set meaningful goals as well as identify an area of interest to pursue for added learning. Last week we held the small schools swimming carnival in Nyngan. The children had a great day and showed excellent sportsmanship. Six students qualified to compete at district carnival in Nyngan on Wednesday the 18th February (yesterday). They were Whitney, Drew, Anita, Harley, Lachlan & Kailee. Well done to you all! A special congratulations to Lachlan & Anita Lewis who were the Senior and Junior Primary Champions. Well done! Those children swam well with Kailee heading off to Region for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. Also the P6 relay team consisting of Kailee, Anita, Lachlan and Harley will be in attendance on the 6th of March. Last year we had several trees removed due to Departmental regulations and OH&S recommendations. These trees were professionally removed and chipped. We have a huge wood chip pile at school that we are offering to parents and community members. If you are interested in purchasing a load of woodchips please call the school on 68331039 or call into the office and see Noelene during school hours. The cost will depend on the volume you wish to purchase (i.e. trailer load, 20kg Bag, wheel barrow etc.). Removal and loading is the responsibility of the purchaser. That’s all from me for now, have a great week! Angela Lewis Principal. P a g e 2 G i r i l a m b o n e P u b l i c Sc h o o l Community News! P&C: day Dottie! PLAYGROUP: Our annual P&C AGM will be held on Monday 23rd February 2015, starting at 2.30pm. All parents and interested community members are urged to attend. Happy Birthday to Ella, who celebrates her 5th Birthday on Wednesday the 1st April. We all hope you have a fantastic day Ella! The Bogan Bush Mobile held their first session for 2015 at the Girilambone School on Tuesday 17th of March from 9.30am12pm. This was an exciting session with a guest appearance by Anna Jarrett (Story Teller). Thank you to the parents who supported this wonderful opportunity and service by bringing their children along. The Mobile will visit every second Tuesday from 1pm-3pm for the remainder of Term 1. Non attendance implies that there is no interest in this service and it may be revoked without consistent attendance, so please support it! The next visit will be Tuesday 3rd of March. BIRTHDAY WISHES: Happy Birthday to Damo who celebrated his Birthday during the holidays, 29th of January. We all trust you had a fantastic day Damo! Happy Birthday to Mrs. Steele who celebrates her Birthday on Thursday the 9th of April. We all hope you have a very special day Mrs. Steele! Happy Birthday to Kailee Jackson who celebrates her 12th Birthday on Thursday the 5th of March. We all hope you have a fantastic day Kailee! The Birthstone for January is a Garnet. People born in January are either a CAPRICORN or a AQUARIUS (Damo). The Birthstone for February is a Amethyst. People born in February are either AQUARIUS (Ida) or a PISCES ). People born in March are either a PISCES (Kailee & Mrs. Lewis) or a ARIES (Ella & Mrs. Steele). The Birthstone for April is a Diamond. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Lewis who celebrates her Birthday on Sunday the 15th of March. We all hope you enjoy your very special milestone day Mrs. Lewis! Happy Birthday to anyone else who may have celebrated their Birthdays in January & February and also to those people celebrating their Birthdays in March & April! Happy Birthday to Ida, who celebrates her 5th Birthday on Tuesday the 17th February, we all wish you a wonderful day Ida! Happy Birthday also to Gai Pack who also celebrates a milestone birthday on Tuesday 17th March (I believe it’s her 21st)! We all wish you a happy & memorable day Gai! Happy Birthday to Dottie who will celebrates her Birthday on Thursday the 26th of March. We all hope you have a wonderful DAYLIGHT SAVING: Daylight Saving ends on Sunday 5th of April at 3am. Please wind your clocks BACK 1 hour prior to going to be on Saturday night! Kailee Jackson & Lachlan Lewis are our Captains for 2015. V o l u m e 1 , I ss u e D a t e s 1 t o P a g e 3 r e m e m b e r ! Wednesday 18th February: Monday 23rd March: --District Swimming Carnival, Nyngan -Travel to Super Camp, Nyngan Thursday 19th February: Tuesday 25th March: -Mrs. Lewis at Principal’s Meeting, Dubbo -Whole School @ Super Camp Wednesday 26th March: Friday 20th February: -Mrs. Lewis at Principal’s Meeting, Dubbo Monday 23rd February: -P&C AGM, 2.30pm Friday 27th February: -MID TERM Break (no school) Sunday 1st March: -Ella Farley’s 5th Birthday Monday 2nd Marc h: -MID TERM Break (no school) Tuesday 3rd March: -Bogan Bush Mobile 1pm-3pm Thursday 5th March: -Kailee Jackson’s 12th Birthday Saturday 15th March: -Mrs. Lewis’ Birthday Tuesday 17th March: -Bogan Bush Mobile, 1pm-3pm -Gai Pack Celebrates a Milestone! -St Patrick’s Day -Whole School @ Super Camp Thursday 27th March: -Whole School @ Super Camp Friday 27th March: This year we welcome Ida Gibson & Ella Farley to Girilambone Public School. Our Kindy girls are loving their big school experiences! -Whole School @ Super Camp -Travel Home from Super Camp Tuesday 31 March: -Bogan Bush Mobile, 1pm-3pm Thursday 2nd April: -Term 1 ends Friday 3rd April: -GOOD FRIDAY, Public Holiday Sunday 5th April: -Daylight Saving ends Monday 6th April: -EASTER MONDAY, Public Holiday Monday 20th April: -Staff Development Day Tuesday 21st April: -Students resume for Term 2 This year we also welcome Snow Rout to our small school. Snow is in year 4 and we hope Snow and his family are enjoying their new school and small village!