
oS N
ewsletter F
real. Have you drooled yet over the fancy lit-
Volume 2 IIssue
ssue 2 F
uaryy 2001 erature of past race promotions? Awe-inspirGreetings and best wishes, loyal readers:
“Where's your bicycle, Vicar?” I asked, because it was the first time I’d seen him walking
in years. “Don't know, think it’s been stolen,
but I’ve got a plan to get it back come Sunday,”
he replied. “At my next sermon I’ll just go
through the ten commandments, and when I
get to ‘thou shalt not steal’ Bicycle Jesus will
sort it out, I've got faith.” The following week,
sure enough, he was back on the bike again. So
I asked him if the ten commandments thing
had worked: “Well, I got as far as ‘thou shalt
not commit adultery,’ and remembered where
I’d parked my bike.” Sometimes success happens before you plan, but the important thing
is to initially craft that fool-proof procedure to
make it at least work out in the end. CAoS has
been hard at work doing exactly that, making
newsletters, websites, race proposals, attending
meetings, having our voice heard in the bicycle
community, in Seattle, and around the world.
This is the big time on the horizon, this is for
ing yes, but by no means out of our reach. What
will make CMWC 2002 in Seattle the best
ever? Only by telling the Race Committee, or
lending a hand, can they make it happen. It’s
time to show the messenger world an emerald.
-Contentspage 1- January meeting notes,
February’s agenda (02.13.01)
page 2- community service report&
hype (to get you involved)
page 3- the start of Danger Girl (up in
the corner for four pages!)
trivia questions
page 4- treasury report & CAoS logistics
page 5- Sly Biker
classifieds (where’s yours?)
page 6- open forum announcement
page 7- bicycle advisory board info
page 8- last alleycat race report
membership beginnings...
page 9- ...the rest of the membership
upcoming alleycat warnings
trivia answers
* In order to promote peace &
harmony, we’ve decided to have a
different volunteer moderator each
meeting. Remember, there’s order in
chaos & chaos in order.
* New email address:
[email protected]
N ewsletter
* You want: more pix, more pages!
classifieds! personal ads!
We want: your art, fiction (dookie
demands it - submit!)
Nitty G
* We have achieved legal counsel!
Noel Harmon from Hillis Clark et al
has signed on as our pro bono lawyer.
We are eternally grateful, as is our
paperwork. Huzzah!
* Jeff Goodwin has paid CAoS dues
for all his riders (as well as offered to
pay for our booth @ the Bike Expo) for three months, no less! What a
good boss. Also on that list is Tom
of WaLegal & Jake of Stealth. Again,
M ission SStatement
* While the MS is not neccessary for
the official incorporation paper-work,
it would look awfully good in the
press packet that’s in the works (for
the benefit of potential sponsors &
other Real World(tm) allies). There
are a few provisional MS floating
about (see vol.1 iss.2) but it’s still a
work in progress.
R ace Committee
* MikeDodge, Alison, MattMssgr, the
Brothers Dale, [Mark Pilder], [Phil]
* One Race, Two Plans: City Streets
& Parks. The Committee whipped
up a proposal for the Cascade District
Council & they like us, they really
like us! We’ll also set up an alternative race plan for parks, just in case,
and bring the both to Budapest.
B ike SSwap
* Sat 17 Feb (President’s Day weekend) at the Convention Center
* There will be a CAoS booth where
mssgrs can sell parts, with a percentage of proceeds to add to our treasure.
B ike E
---03/30/01--* Alison did some haggling and got
our booth fees waived in exchange for
three glorious days of bike polo
exhibition & tournament at the Expo
(a win-win situation, methinks). You
go girl!
oS 2/13/01
* Bike Swap: bring parts-master listvolunteers for booth
* Race Committee Report - progress,
discussion of the press packet, the
park plan
* Expo Update - only a month and a
half away now! What’s up with the
Polo? Proposals?
the first
oS N
otes 1/09/01
Community Service
Caos is a great organization, but it needs to be more
than just a group of messengers drinking beer and
racing. That’s the fun part, but in order to be taken
seriously in the face of the community and city we
need to be somewhat of a charitable association. One
way we plan to do this is by organizing monthly
gathering in order to help bike works in south Seattle. Bike works gives under priveleged kids a chance
to learn bike mechanics in order to earn a bike of
their very own. In order to earn a bike they need to
complete 18 hours of lessons from volunteers. Bike
works also provides bikes to the Fare Start program,
an organization that teaches homeless people how
to work in a kitchen so they can get a reliable job for
themselves. Upon graduation students receive a free
bike. In december CAoS members devoted a sunday
fixing several bikes for the shop. We plan to do this
every month from now on so if your interested, talk
to a CAoS member or come to a meeting for more
info. Gracias. -Smiley
February Bike Works volunteer day
Sunday the 25th.
om the Community
Lovve fr
Bike Works Friends,
As many of you know, we shipped 375 bikes to
Ghana last year with the Village Bicycle Project.
We are gearing up to do it again!
Starting now, we are collecting all bikes, including
crappy old ten speeds. Cargo bikes and anything
with a top tube (for hauling people and goods) are
especially good. We will load and ship in early
We need: *someone to pick up bikes from the
Lakeside Rummage Sale about 3 pm, Sunday
March 4 (RSVP to me ASAP if you can do this).
*people with trucks who can pick up bikes around
town the week of March 5 (through the weekend).
*volunteers from March 8 through March 12 to
remove pedals, turn handlebars, inventory, and
heave bikes into the container. *about 150 bikes.
*spare bike parts. *sheets of plywood and/or
cardboard to use in shipping.
Let me know if you would like to volunteer and if
you have resources for us. Contributions to the
Village Bicycle Project or Bike Works are also
Thanks, Suzanne Minister of Operations
Bike Works 3709 S Ferdinand St, Seattle 98118
Fall-Winter Hours: 11-7 Tue-Fri, 10-6 Sat, 11-5 Sun
And more love...
I beg your pardon for the length of this, but theres
a lot going on in the next few months.
REPAIR PARTIES Got the bike fixing itch?
Made a New Years resolution to bike more? Let us
help — head on down to 3709 South Ferdinand
any Saturday between 10am and 2pm, grab a
wrench with one hand and a cuppa hot n wet with
the other. Music machines (bring tapes) and bagelish food will be available. We will be open for
volunteer work parties EVERY Saturday for the
foreseeable future. Many thanks to the folks who
helped out in December! They include: David
McLean, Cameron Chapman, Rene Ravenel,
Robert Johnson, Matt Crichton, Jim Plorde, Joel
Wagge, Don Stone, Alan Preston, Maria Arcorace,
Todd Gallagher, Nick Figearo, Peter Clark, Ethan
Dale, Chuck Scheid, Mike Dodge, Jennifer
Hodgdon, Chris Cook, Aaron Krohn, Derrek
Whittman, Gerry Ronningen-Fenrich, Mark
Watson, CAoS, and more. Together, they
contributed many hours fixing bicycles, teaching,
and learning more about bike repair, all of which
help to expand Bike Works role as a community
REPAIR CLASSES Looking to expand your bike
skills? Wednesday evenings in February, Bike
Works is offering our adult bike repair class. From
6:30 to 8:30 learn how to fine-tune your bike
with the inestimable David McLean. The class is
$50, and well worth it, as you learn everything
from minor tweaks while on the road to completely overhauling ball-bearing joints. Plus,
between use of the shop for your own bike during
February (by arrangement) and the volunteer
parties on Saturdays, youll have plenty of
opportunities to practice the skills you learn —
with our tools, a variety of bicycles, and friendly
staff and volunteers to help you with any
questions you may have!
adults helping Earn-a-Bike students understand
and enjoy bike repair. The next round of Earn-aBike classes start at the end of this month; classes
are 3:30 to 5:00 weekday afternoons, and the
students can earn hours towards their bikes from
5:00 to 6:30 following class, as well as 2-4 pm on
Saturdays. These are difficult times for many
volunteers to make, so if you can make the time,
know that you are a HOT ITEM. If you are
interested, give us a call!
Thanks! Tim Hanold Earn-A-Bike program
assistant Volunteer coordinator b
Character/Concept Ariana Burrows/WALeg
Draftsman Nick Figearo/ABC
four panels worth!
as promised!
Trivia Questions
5. In what year was cycling first an Olympic sport?
And when mountain-biking?
6. Peter Brady, after winning the pool table drunk on
gum, and after destroying the toy shop trying to save
Kitty Carry-All, worked in whose bicycle shop?
7. In “PeeWee’s Big Adventure,” where does the
fortune-teller tell PeeWee his stolen bike is secreted?
8. An average car uses 3 megajoules of energy per
passenger mile. How many does the average bicycle use?
9. In which of the United States are motorists told
"Please Drive Gently"?
1.What famous woman suffragist called the bicycle the
most important force in the feminist movement?
2. The industry giant Shimano did not start in the
bicycling industry. In what did industry did they begin
manufacturing (extra credit: what did they manufacture)?
3. What professional cyclist was known as 'The Badger'?
4. In Ice Cube’s “Friday,” town bully Deebo steals two
items from Red, leading to Deebo’s ultimate demise.
What were the items, and who gifted them upon him
Messengers....This is your treasurer
reporting for January. The CAoS kitty is
$863.24 as of 01/28/01. Let me personally thank every messenger who made
their monthly donation. We will make
every penny count. Also, I would like to
commend the example that Goodwin
Attorney Services, Stealth Systems and
Washington Legal have set by supporting CAoS. These companies have
recognized CAoS as an employee benefit
and donated dues for ALL of their
messengers. If you are one of these lucky
messengers, please make a point to thank
your employer for their generosity and
continued support. Anyone who thinks
their company would be interested in
doing the same, please contact me.
CAoS is now ‘Courier Association Of
Seattle, a Washington nonprofit corporation’ as of 01/25/01. Thanks to Seattle
Legal for donated messenger service to
Olympia and Dave Gallwey for acting as
registered agent. Thanks to Noelle
Harman (our attorney) at Hillis, Clark,
Martin & Peterson and her understudy
(and our friend) Stacie Robertson for
their invaluable assistance. We also have
Noelle and Stacie to thank for processing
our tax ID number and pending tax
exempt status designation which they are
currently working steadily on. Soon we
will be able to open our bank account
and begin operating as a business.
As you may have heard, CAoS is spon-
soring a booth at the Bike Swap on
February 17th (sat) at the north end of
Key arena. If you have some items to sell,
contact Mike Dodge beforehand
and he can help you get your stuff on the
table. If you haven’t been to the swap
before, its a great shot at a used frame or
wheel set (come early) or just plain great
deals on all bike related gear. Show your
support by offering a little table time for
set-up and breakdown.
CAoS is making an appearance with the
Seattle International Bicycle Expo at the
Stadium Exhibition Center on March
30, 31 and April Fools. We have a
booth near the west entrance bordering
the demonstration stage. Our aim is to
introduce ourselves to the Seattle bicycle
community, to solicit support and/or
sponsorship from bicycle manufacturers
and advocacy groups for the (proposed)
10th Annual World Messenger Championship Race in Seattle 2002, and to
throw a three day Bike Polo Tournament/Fundraiser on the demonstration
stage. Our tentative schedule for the Polo
event is a 1-hour messenger demonstration on Friday evening followed by three
1-hour tournament sessions on both
Saturday and Sunday. By making a
donation, Teams will sign up to play
against the CAoS crew for glory and
prizes. CAoS will be throwing a few Polo
Parties to make sure everyone is at the
top of their game. Please contact Alison
Sulham if you would like to get involved.
Thanks Especially to all CAoS folks
stepping up to make it happen: Maria
Arcorace, Adam Caffrey, Ethan Dale,
Mike Dodge, Jake Houghton, Helen
Livingston, Dave Ranstrom, Stacie
Robertson, Chuck Sheid and Alison
Sulham. Together we can do anything...
Peter Clark b
say these things, understand? Instead, say "I
don't know" or "What happened?" or
"OOHHHHhhhh...". With adrenaline and
endorphins surging, you just can't really tell
if you're hurt. If you are injured, this will
help you lock down a settlement. Don't sign
anything, especially at the hospital or from
the officer in charge. They might be trying to
get you to admit guilt or agree to the facts of
the police report which might be inaccurate
or incomplete. Afterward, go home and write
down every detail of the day from the few
seconds before the crash till the time you got
home. If the Police have clearly cited the
motorist and they are insured then you don't
need a lawyer. Talk to your buds about how
to write a settlement offer to the insurance
company. Some of the damages you can
collect on are medical care (current and
future), equipment and clothing replacement,
pain and suffering and lost wages. Before
you know it you'll be hanging up that bent
Nishiki and rolling your new Bianchi to your
weekly massage appointment! b
$200 REWARD: anyway i got my BMX stolen ...
chrome dimond back BMX super(or silver?)streek from
1985 all original parts except the seat it had black rims
and some rust on spokes, one black hand brake, black
decals and vertical grooves on the seat post
[email protected]
NO REWARD: You too can be shamelessly classified!
mail to: [email protected]
Hey SlyBiker!
I'm worried about getting hit on the road.
The crazy moves some drivers pull just
amazes me! What can I do to protect myself
if the unthinkable happens?
Yo CCCIf you are hit by a motorist, usually the
first reaction is to jump up, grab your bike
and chase down the guy who hit you to have
words. Don't do it! If you go down, stay
down. Statistics show that if you get up, and
appear uninjured the motorist is more likely
to drive away and witnesses are less likely to
come forward. Stay down. While down, call
your dispatcher with your location and have
them call the cops. Then, call out "Did
anyone see what happened?" and get witness
contact info BEFORE the police arrive.
Collect from the motorists involved; Name,
Address, Phone #, Driver's License #, License
plate #, Make & Color of Car, Insurance
company name and policy #. Collect from
the main police officer; Name, Badge #,
Police report # and any witness information.
Don't refuse medical treatment! Almost
everyone you talk to will ask if you're OK.
Don't say things like "I'm OK" or "I'm
sorry". The same witnesses that you are
hoping will support your case will also be
contacted by the motorist's insurance
company. They will ask if anyone heard you
CAoS Open Forum
Friday, February 9, 2001
CAoS hub - 756 Garfield
In an effort to really
find out what the
messenger community wants/needs
from the organization that is CAoS,
a completely informal, shoot-thebreeze kind of
gathering is scheduled. Understand
that there will be a
keg. Bring questions,
answers, every last one of
your messenger friends,
and your thirst.
Have fun, and get involved!b
CMWC 2002 Race Proposal version 1.0
Cascade District Primary Race Course Maps
now online - warn your world-wide messenger friends!
-- -archived newsletters, out-dated messenger company links,
alleycat info, friendly faces, and information you can use!
Do you ever find vourself staring at your
paycheck, wondering where your taxes
are going, when you just wish there were
nicer roads, more bike racks, and wider
shoulders? Well, there is a place where
your voice can be heard. Mayor Paul
Schell has an advisory board for blkerelated issues; the meetings are open to
anybody who can get down to 600 4th
the first Wednesday of each month at
6:00. The meetings offer an opportunity
to see how much of your tax dollars are
being spent on bike-related projects, and
to step up and let them know what you
would like to see improved. If there is an
especially dangerous railroad track, poor
signage, pot-holes that need to be filled
or bike racks that need to be installed,
this is the place where you can get some
Here are a couple examples of projects
that are currently funded, and are a top
priority for the Seattle Transportation
Department for 2OOl:
(i) extend Dexter bike lanes into
(ii) install bike lanes on Pike or Pine
(iii) complete installation of bike
lanes on Alaskan Way
(iv) complete installation of bike
racks throughout the city
There are also a number of underfunded
projects, such as installing additional
north/south bike lanes through downtown and creating a better connector
from lower Queen Anne to the core.
Keep in mind that these are just a couple
of the projects. There are over forty
projects being discussed, and the City
doesn't know how to prioritize the funds
unless WE show up and tell them what is
really important. C'mon, do you really
want to leave your tax dollars in the
hands of a bunch of commuters with a
personal agenda?
Outside of getting your personal needs
met, the primary reason for members of
CAoS to get involved is to establish
relationships with the people who will
ultimately have a hand in whether or not
we can get permits to put on the
CMWC in downtown Seattle. If we want
to get their permission to throw a big `ol
party, we'd better start· building a
relationship based on respect and
community involvement. There will
definitely be a couple of CAoS members
there, but the more support CAoS
shows, the easier our lives will be when it
comes to working with the City to plan
the race.
Next meeting: Wednesday, February
7th at 6:00, 600 4th Ave., 4th Floor,
RH Thompson Room.
-Stacie Robertson -Alison Sulhamb
with Seattle Mayor
Paul Schell
The Race for the Golden Fro
But when some envelopes were found to
contain massage certificates, most of the
Alleycat Report
parts had no chance, and were donated
to CAoS for the bikeswap. Special guests
included Irene, Ty’s mom, and her friend
Bob, who both made it up to the RenJanuary 19, 2001, just after the sun went dezvous night-cap with the hardcore. b
down, WA Legal started to fill up with
messengers of the racer breed. For that
Figearo,Nick ABC
night they were to race for the honor of
Heiman,Stephen ABC
winning “The Golden Fro.”
Houghton,Jake ABC
Initially planned as a matchbook classic,
Littell,Justin ABC
Tyler G opted for a simpler and streamBrownlee,Ellen Bucky
Callaway,Jeff Bucky
lined course through downtown with
Ensor,Mike Bucky
only four stops, copious downhill, and
no need to lock/run inside at a checkMattheis,Luke
point. At approximately 7:15pm, and
Owl,Mikael Bucky
perhaps a bit falsely, folks were off.
Romo,Mike Bucky
Multicolored phony money xeroxes were
Voight,Andy Bucky
expertly handed out at:
Wells,Lance Bucky
CAoS Membership
1. Chief Sealth at 5th&Denny
2. Pier 70, and
3. Chief Sealth again, at 600 1st
whereupon everyone high-tailed to the
ENA satellite for a keg of gravity-friendly
Fat Tire procured from the Storeroom.
Two fifths of Bushmill’s and some wierd
butterscotchy stuff rounded out the usual
half-rack help, much celebration after a
speedy and sucessful run with a delightful absence of accidents or arrests. The
on-fire chair was quickly doused with a
full beer and kindly escorted to the alley.
Some finishers, in about 4 minutes, 20
seconds included:
1. Matt “my name really is” Messenger
2. Art “tires by” Torelli
3. Todd “Sled-O-Matic” Gallaher
4. Ethan “over hill, over” Dale
... (come forward people!) ...
8. Starla
9. Nicky Fig
who were given in-order dibs on a huge
rack of shiny bike parts (shifters, stiffeners, hubs..) or one of 11 sealed envelopes.
Dale,Ethan Champion
Reed,Tony Champion
Scheid,Chuck Champion
Now Matt Messenger once again mans the
helm of the next alleycat’s production, but
with all the fun we’ll be having a-swapping
who knows for when or where it’s planned?
Saturday Feb. 17, (tragically the day of the
Bike Swap) the Vancouver crew will be
having their annual St. Valentine's Day
Massacre Alley-Cat!
forward to all NW Messengers 'cos y'all are
Big-ass prizes! Fun! Brews! 'boarding?
[email protected]
Trivia Answers
(questions on page 3)
.ynohtnA .B nasuS ,flesreh lrig-ralloD .1
gnihsif eht ni gnirutcafunam nageb onamihS .2
.sleer gnikam ,y rtsudni
...ysae saw taht tub ,xkcreM yddE .3
-dnarg sih yb mih ot nevig ,niahc dlog siH .4
.s’dad sih saw taht ekib sih dna ,rehtom
eht otni ti edam gnilcyc 6981 ni kcab yaW .5
,6991 ni retal sraey derdnuh enO .scipmylO
.trops cipmylO na emaceb gnikib-niatnuom
ot deromur won ,illenitraM .rM saw eman siH .6
.redic gnilkraps lles
eht ni peed ,omalA eht fo tnemesab eht nI .7
.saxeT fo )palc palc palc palc( traeh
naht ssel semit 03 ,eluojagem a fo htnet erem A .8
.noitsubmoc lanretni
,sdeed ylnam“= ”enimef elorap iihcsam ittaF“ .9
.dnaly raM fo ottom etats eht ”,sdrow ylnamow
Friday,Andy ENA
Hollett,Ray ENA
Nolan,Trenton ENA
Ryan,Matt ENA
Bennion,Cory Fleetfoot
Coipsen,Leland Fleetfoot
Crone,Heather Fleetfoot
Devlin, Fleetfoot
Houlton,Dave Fleetfoot
Russian,Nick Fleetfoot
Silvetti,Ed Fleetfoot
Brann,Jeff Goodwin
Eider,Jason Goodwin
Ashby,Arlington IND
Geiger,Gary IND
Pilder,Mark IND
Messenger,Matt Kozmo
Arcorace,Maria NWL
Blake,Jeremy NWL
Gallaher,Todd NWL
Klempner,Dan NWL
Stringfield,Chris NWL
Torelli,Art NWL
Hollar,Brian PNP
O‘Meara,Collin PNP
Clark,Lucas SeaLeg
Clark,Peter SeaLeg
Lutkus,William SeaLeg
Sulham,Alison SeaLeg
Teddergreen,Starla SeaLeg
Dodge,Mike Stealth
Eck,Dave Stealth
Jewett,Jake Stealth
Mason,Tim Stealth
Ranstrom,Dave Stealth
Shufelt,Justin Stealth
Smith, Adam Stealth
Weaver,Bryce Stealth
Burrows,Ariana WALeg
Goldsmith,Tyler WALeg
Livingston,Helen WALeg
Meza,Rodrigo WALeg
Nielsen,Stu WALeg
Robinson,Anne WALeg
Thompson,Tyler WALeg
CAoS Membership
756 Garfield St
Seattle WA 98109
wsletter Contingent
Dookie’s NEC-870 and the WALegal copier
E dit
Executive Editor: Adam C
Associate Editor: Peter C
Editor at Large: Jocelyn H
Contributing Writers: Alison S, Ariana B,
T, Mike D, Nick
BikeWorks, Dookie X, JakeT
F, Sly B, Stacie R, Tyler G
Cartoonists: Ariana, Nick F
Ad Design: Adam S, Alison, Bubba, Dookie The CAoS newsletter is
published monthly by the
Pr oduction
“Courier Association of
Seattle, a Washington
Master Delivery: Adam C
Nonprofit Corporation.”
Views expressed within do
Xerographic Tech: Peter C
not necessarily reflect those
of the officers, members,
God of Collation: Tyler G
or hell, anybody really,
we’re just trying to fill
D eliv
white space. Don’t take it,
or anything else even, so
Folds, Staples, and Stamps: Peter C
seriously that it stops being
fun and you’ll do just fine.
Messengers: US Postal Service
Next Meeting:
Tuesday February 13, 2001
voicemail: 206-969-CAOS(2267)
e-mail: [email protected]
newsletter submissions:
[email protected]