January 2015 Carillion copy
January 2015 Carillion copy
the CARILLON J E R S E Y V I L L E F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H - J A N U A R Y, 2 0 1 5 Congratulations to our Graduates!! Andrea Cooper and Joseph Palcheff each received degrees recently from their respective institutions. Andi from Lewis and Clark Community College and Joe with a degree in Physical Therapy from Truman State. Our Sanctuary Choir’s Christmas Cantata was magnificent. This year’s piece was Canticle of Joy and joy was what the congregation of over 100 people experienced during this annual special worship service. Soloists this year were Carol Frank, Virginia Campbell, Lauren Leady, Gary Witt, Bobby Campbell and Dave Evans. The choir was under the direction of Margaret Bear and they were expertly accompanied by Janet Flatt on the piano. A video of the cantata has been posted to our church’s website. Go to jcpresbyterians.org and click on the Worship section. Then click on the View Past Worship Services. More than 150 people have viewed the video since it was uploaded on Sunday evening. “Alternative Christmas” a Success Thanks to all who participated in any way with the Alternative Christmas whether it be in purchasing Just Trade items, donating to the organizations we were supporting, or manning the tables. We collected $175 for Gideon’s International, $410 for Heifer International, $250 for Presbyterian Mission, and $295 for Treehouse Wildlife Center. We purchased $571 worth of Just Trade merchandise of which we will receive 15 per cent for our local missions. Thank you for your gifts. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Saturday, January 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at First Presbyterian Church in Ferguson. Doors Open at 8:30 a.m. Workshop begins at 9:45 a.m. “Confronting the Racial Divide” with the Rev. Jimmie Ray Hawkins, leader in the “Moral Monday Movement” in North Carolina and Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church, Durham. Wednesday, February 25 At UMSL, “Social Media Strategy & Tactics for Nonprofit Communication” will teach you how to use the social media to properly convey information about your church or organization. Only $25. If you are interested in helping to promote our church using social media, please contact The Rev. Stribling at 498-5423. April 16, 17 &18 The Rev. Eric Law, author and founder of Kaleidoscope Institute, will be at the April Presbytery Gathering and lead a retreat for Pastors and Leaders of Congregation. Session, Board of Deacons, Women’s Circle Session Dave Evans Janet Flatt Beverly Metzler Barb Ogden Marvin Tuetken Jill Wieland Gary Witt 498-3236 954-9206 498-4201 498-2953 729-1295 639-2730 498-3346 Board of Deacons Jane Bligh Wendy Brainerd Susie Evans Irene Gill Glen Ketchum Maxine McIntosh Janet Palcheff Valerie Ringhausen 639-5787 946-8137 498-3236 498-5968 946-2804 494-6443 498-6653 535-6606 Pastor Don Stribling 946-2036 Clerk of the Session Barb Ogden 498-2953 Church Treasurer Sheila Ringhausen 729-4101 Women’s Friendship Circle Co-Leaders Carolyn Brown 639-3451 Maxine Macintosh 494-6443 Jerseyville First Presbyterian Church Notes of Thanks Greetings Everyone, I bring you Peace, Love and Joy from the staff, children and our families. I thank you for supporting our five families with the baskets FILLED with food for them to enjoy a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving as much as you’ve helped bring Joy to them. Blessings, KinderCottage On behalf of the Oasis Women’s Center, I want to thank you for your thoughtful contribution. Oasis is fortunate to have community people like you who provide continuing support. You enable us to deliver quality services to the many women and children in our area who are the victims of violence in their homes. Thanks for all the personal items; we’ve given some away already. First Presbyterian Church, Thank you for raising $230.80 toward our Tree of Lights goal. God Blesss, The Salvation Army Dear Rev. Stribling and First Presbyterian Friends, We would like to take this time during the holiday season to extend our appreciation and gratitude for your support of the Birth-toThree Program and more importantly the young children of our community. We at the Jersey CUSD #100 Birth-to-Three Program know that we have been given a great opportunity; not only are we impacting children’s lives, we are working with and encouraging young parents to reflect upon, improve and celebrate their parenting skills and accomplishments. On behalf of our families and all of us at the Jersey CUSD #100 Birth-to-Three Program, we would like to say “Thank You and Happy Holidays”! May you share with your family and friends a season of warmth and love! Sincerely, Michelle Bidlack Barbara Kirbach Nicole Cummings Julie Duggan Annual Cookie Walk A big “Thank You” to all who contributed! Hello World Clayton Barnes McKinnon was born to Jaimee and Ed McKinnon at 6:37 p.m. on December 17. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 20 inches in height. Matt and Jennifer “Brockman” Jarden are the parents of a daughter, Charlotte Lola Jarden, born December 18. Charlotte is the granddaughter of Joe and Janet Brockman and the great granddaughter Sarah Brockman. Session Notes - November 3, 2014 Meeting was opened with prayer by Gary Witt. Approved moving location of February’s meeting upstairs to accommodate the DAR meeting in the fellowship hall. Our Property Committee reported the bids on the roof have been turned into our architect and the committee will review them in order to bring a recommendation to the Session. Our Personnel Committee reported it will complete an annual evaluation of personnel in preparation of the 2015 budget. Our Service and Outreach Committee reported it had interviewed representatives from the Regional Office of Education Diaper Pantry, the Jersey Unit 100 Birth to 3 program, and the Jersey County Ministerial Alliance in preparation of their recommendation for local mission support in 2015. Scripture Readings for Sunday, Jan. 4 To help prepare our hearts for worship, our Worship Committee will use this space each week to share with you the Scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. The texts for January 4th are: Jeremiah 31:7-14; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 1:1-18. Our Church Calendar for January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 9 10 NEW YEAR’S DAY Office Closed 4 5 10 am Worship with the Lord’s Supper 7 pm Session Meeting 12 9 am Bible Study Jean Ansell celebrates her birthday 7 8 Jackie Price & Denise Stribling celebrate their birthday 6 pm Worship Committee Meeting 7 pm Prayer Shawl Group 11 10 am Worship 6 7 pm Choir 13 14 15 7 pm Choir John Hefner celebrates his birthday 21 22 16 Charlie Hamilton celebrates his birthday 7 pm Prayer Shawl Group 18 19 9 am Bible Study Dave Evans celebrates his birthday 10 am Worship 20 Sandy Goshorn celebrates her birthday 6 pm Service & Outreach Meeting 26 Ryan Schleper & Clyde Wieland celebrate their birthday 7 pm Prayer Shawl Group 9 am Bible Study 10 am Worship 23 24 Joe Laffler celebrates his birthday 6 pm Deacon’s Meeting 7 pm Prayer Shawl Group 25 17 7 pm Choir 27 28 29 7 pm Choir Katey Brown Kevin Leady celebrates her celebrates birthday his birthday No Office Hours January 26 - 30 30 31 In Our Prayers FAMILY AND FRIENDS Renessa Drainer who is struggling with an infection; Sharon Drescher’s mother on hospice; John Ficker, friend of Dick Gubser; Angie Garrett, daughter of Michelle Ayers, as she grieves the death of her fiancé; Tiffany Parker undergoing major surgery at Mayo in Arizona; Donna Tuetken’s sister-in-law on hospice. HOMEBOUND MEMBERS Frances Chipman, Grace & Louis Nail, Bonnie Miller, Bebe Pirtle FAMILY MEMBERS AROUND THE WORLD Jean Ansell’s relatives in Africa; Jill Wieland’s cousin in Sweden MILITARY Richard McIntosh in the Air Force; Aaron Witt in Armed Forces in Afghanistan Good Samaritan Fund During the month of December we were able to help one person with car repairs. How to navigate our Website jcpresbyterians.org At the bottom right of the Homepage is a Member Login. On the member Page are links to pages of interest to Presbyterians and to pages of missions we support. Also on the Member Page are links to photo galleries of various church events. Username:rose Password: rose Our website has received over 15,000 views since it went online. SPECIAL THANK YOU! Mike Smith teaching our youth bible study each Sunday. Janet Flatt who unlocks the church each Sunday Glen Ketchum who is always there to help with the offering Hubert Ringhausen who faithfully locks the church each Sunday Mike Smith, again, who operates our projectors each month. Betty Prough,Valerie Ringhausen and Beverly Metzler for hosting our social hour this past Sunday. Serving Jesus Christ from the Crossroads of Jersey County for 180 years. JERSEYVILLE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 400 South State Street Jerseyville, IL 62052 THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR December 28, 2014 - January 4, 2015 Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship with Dan Drescher preaching; Monday: 7 p.m. Prayer Shawl Group; Thursday: New Year’s Day - Office Closed Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship with Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
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On behalf of my children, staff and families, I thank you for caring and sharing your gifts. We are so
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