new page - Jersey Shore Area School District


new page - Jersey Shore Area School District
Volume 5 Issue 7
MARCH 2010
Jersey Shore Area High School, 701 Cemetery Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
We Are The Champions!
Swimmers bring home more gold, more titles
Editors in Chief
Will Miller * Kylie Starr
Chelsea Moore * Josh Bowser
Features Editor
Chad Gibson
Sports Editor
Eric Budd
this issue
Page 27
Assistant Sports Editor
Taryn Fioretti
Opinions Editor
Abram Williams
Assistant Opinions
Macey McBryan * Evan Sander
Editorial Staff
Jessica Aunkst
Hannah Burdick
Thomas Fleming
Svetlana Hinaman
Laura Howlett
Molly Hyland
Jessica Koon
Lincoln Mauck
Trevor Pool
Alainah Rosencrance
Autumn Shirey
David Sweeney
Emily Thomas
Ashley Weaver
Kaitlyn Welteroth
Introduction Staff
Samantha Boerner * Jessie Bower
Lindsay Dudek * Chad Guiswite
Ronni Guthrie * Cheyanne Haagen
Abbey Haldeman * Jared Hart
Chelsea Hartzel * Rebecca Marshall
Teisa Meixel * Valerie Page
Rachel Stroble
Mrs. Janna Riggle
The Paw Print
Jersey Shore Senior High
701 Cemetery St..,
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Outdoor Club plans trail work
Library opens school store
Students of the month
New students adjusting to new school
Mr. Smith retiring
Page 4
Page 24
Connecting with mom and dad
Concert reviews: Efterland, Aldean
Life-changing albums
Athletes of the month
Track is back
Swimmers bring home the gold
Page 10
March Soduko
Solution pg. 6
did you know?
An average human drinks about 16,
000 gallons of water in a lifetime.
Beards are the fastest growing hairs
on the human body. If the average
man never trimmed his beard, it
would grow to nearly 30 feet long in
his lifetime.
The average human produces
25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime,
enough to fill two swimming pools.
In Brazil, there's a species of cockroach that eats eyelashes, usually
those of young children while they
are asleep.
Snails can sleep for three years at a
Outdoor Club Recruits for Trail Work
By Autumn Shirey
iadaghton Trail will be coming back to life in memory of
Kasey Kemmerer and Jason Bartges. About a year ago local DCNR
approached the Outdoors Club and asked them if they’d be interested in doing work on a local trail that recently dropped off the
map. Both Kasey and Jason were very much involved with the
Outdoors Club and planned on lending a hand. Unfortunately
both Kasey and Jason lost their lives in a tragic accident this past
“It’s a way to honor both Kasey and Jason’s friendship,” said
Mr. James Smith, history teacher and the advisor to the Outdoor
Club, “to realize the importance of volunteering and giving back to
the community.”
The Tiadaghton Trail ranges from 20-21 miles in Pine Creek.
The Trail starts around
Camp Kline, located in
“It’s a way to honor both Kasey and the town of Ramsey. It
then continues up
Jason’s friendship, to realize the
through Waterville and
importance of volunteering and give heads up to the Little
Pine State Park, with
back to the community.”
that it loops back down
Mr. James Smith, advisor into Ramsey Village to
end the Trail back at the
start. It’s one of the few trails in the area that loops in a big circle.
At first the trail work started as something good to do for the
community, but after Kasey and Jason passed away the Outdoors
Club turned it into a memorial event for the boys. The Kemmerer
family as well as the Bartges family both did fundraisers to raise
money for the Outdoors Club and for their scholarship funds.
Both families provided the tee-shirts you see many kids wearing
today. Some of the money from the shirts provided four new kayaks for the Outdoors Club to train for their annual fly fishing trip.
Jason’s family alone contributed over $8,500; $5,000 of that will
be going into Jason’s memorial scholarship fund when they get it
established. The community also is getting involved with contributing money. A car wash was set up and $1,100 of the proceeds
were donated to the Outdoors Club and $1,100 of the money went
to Kasey’s memorial scholarship funds. The funds that were contributed will go toward the transportation fees to get the students
volunteering their time to the club.
Over 150 students signed up to volunteer and help with this
project. Jim Smith and Eric Hess are the advisors to the Outdoors
“I encourage groups of friends to sign up together,” Smith
explains, “because they are able to work better as a team and get
more accomplished.”
The trail work is being planned to take place in March as long
as the weather permits. If any students are still looking to sign up
go to B-129 and talk to Mr. Smith.
“It has been overwhelming the support the students have
been giving as well as the community to how well the boys were
liked,” says Hess.
Police Investigating Roadside Bombs
By Jessica Koon
Bomb squad, robots, and dangerous explosives: all in Jersey Shore. February 25, the bomb squad was summoned to
the outskirts of our small town. Apparently, an explosive chemical, which may
have been Tantalum, was stuffed inside
small jars: two on a road and stop sign,
another on the side of the road. This, being
potentially dangerous to families and cars
driving by, caused the police to arrive and
defuse the road-side bomb. However, the
“road sign” bombs had already detonated,
destroying one street sign and damaging
The police believe that the explosives were going to be shot with a rifle from
a distance in order to be detonated. Bullet
3 The Paw Print March
holes were reportedly found on a stop
sign around Watson Township. The police were successful in removing the explosive found in this sign by use of robot.
Families who lived around the
area were told to stay inside their homes
because of the conceivable danger in the
area. Amy Palski (12) lives considerably
close to where the bombs were located.
She said that the roads were shut down
by her house because of the probable
“Nothing like this really happened before,” she said, “I mean, I live in
the middle of nowhere.”
Police are still searching for
suspects and clues about the mysterious
explosives. In all the dramatic events, no
one was hurt.
Big Brother’s Watching You on the Bus
By Chad Gibson
Video surveillance cameras
have now been installed into all
of the Jersey Shore Area school
buses. Installing these cameras
is not completely new. They are
new in quality, but some of the
cameras have been on J.S. buses
for almost ten years now. The
administration has just now
begun equipping every bus with video surveillance.
These cameras are being installed to
ensure the safety of the students. Dave
Eisemann, Director of Purchasing and
Transportation, said, “Each year there are
incidents that the administration would
like to see what really
happened, but because
we did not have 100
percent camera coverage we missed many of
these. These include
accusations that a bus
driver missed a stop,
was traveling too fast, or
a student is being harassed, physically harmed, etc.” Now that
the cameras are currently being installed in
all of the busses the administration can tell
what the cause of the accident was.
The cameras are also to help stop
misconduct and small injuries while riding
to and from school. Many injuries are mi-
nor, but administrators can now pinpoint
the cause, whether or not the student was
behaving appropriately, or the bus driver
made a traffic mistake.
The total cost for cameras being
equipped in all buses is $50,000. The
memory and video footage is stored on a
digital hard drive and video footage can be
pulled and checked as needed. The administrative team has wanted to expand their
coverage on busses for many years now, but
the price prevented them from it.
School administrators, the bus
contractors, and parents are all optimistic
about the cameras and feel that expanding
coverage is an excellent idea.
School Store Opens at Library
Right now
the school store
is open from
You may have noticed that the library
7:30-8:15 every
is now selling folders pencils, and other
morning; howschool supplies. Mrs. Barbara Harry, school
Do you plan to offer more school sup- ever, the pencil
library, explained why the decision was
machine is
plies in the future?
made to open a school store at the senior
I’ve been trying to get in some book covers. available all
day long.
Has it been a hit so far?
What made you decide to bring
Well we’ve had a slow start but I think
the school store back?
other awethat as word gets out things will pick up.
I wanted to bring school store back. I
thought it would be a good addition to help There is a display located right outside the some improvements can we expect to
library showing everything we have to offer. see in the library this year?
raise money for improving some things
We’re trying to make the library look a
here in the library.
At what times can students come little more interesting. We have some art
prints and a few tweaks to come.
What kinds of supplies do you offer? buy supplies?
By Lincoln Mauck
We have awesome 64MB flash drive bracelets for $10, pencils, and designer folders.
We also have a pencil machine that is always stocked with designer pencils.
TSA Members Headed
to State Competition
By William Miller
Several members of the Technology Student Association qualified for a
statewide competition after placing at the
regional conference in Selinsgrove Feb. 20.
Honors were brought home by the
following Jersey Shore students:
First place:
Ben Krahling - Flight Endurance
Tess Nidetch - Prepared Presentation
Courtney Koch - Architectural Modeling
Megan Rupert, Danny Pellacore, Victoria Snyder, and McKenzie Collins - Fashion
Second place:
Elizabeth Christian - Imaging Tech
4 The Paw Print March
Ben Copenhaver
- Transportation
Third place:
Elizabeth Christian - Desktop Publishing
Cody Krahling CAD Engineering 3D
Megan Rupert
and Corey Miller - Structural Engineering
Ryan Palski and Ben Copenhaver Problem Solving
Fourth place:
Ben Krahling - Extemporaneous Presentation
Logan Engel - CAD Engineering 3-D
If you see these students throughout
the school, please congratulate them, as
they have worked hard for the places that
they earned with their projects.
Students of the Month
Halie Ford
Ridge Dershem
Halie’s activities include the following:
For 1 year: Key Club
For 2 years: National Honor Society
For 3 years: Chorus
For 4 years: Track and Field, Soccer
Halie serves as historian for Key Club. Outside school, she
maintains a part-time position at Kentucky Fried Chicken. She
is also a participant in ASA slow-pitch softball. Halie has earned
varsity litters in both track and field and soccer. She was also
recognized for her sportsmanship in softball.
Halie’s interests are sports and outdoor activities, camping,
biking, and riding her motorcycle. She plans to attend Robert
Morris University to major in biology and criminal psychology.
Ridge’s activities include the following:
For 2 years: Pep Club, Baseball, National Honor Society,
Key Club, FBLA, Student Council
For 3 years: Golf, Model U.N.
For 4 years: Basketball
The Business and Professional Women’s Club Girl of the
Month for March is Halie Nichole Ford, daughter of Rebecca
Moon of Jersey Shore.
5 The Paw Print March
The Jersey Shore Lions’ Club Citizen of the Month for
March is Ridge William Dershem son of Scott and Sheryl Dershem of Lock Haven.
Outside school, Ridge volunteers his time at the YMCA
and the hospital. He serves as altar boy in his church. Ridge
has qualified for state level competition in FBLA for the past
two years.
Ridge enjoys fishing, traveling, and going to the beach. He
plans to attend either Villanova or Dickinson College to major
in science.
From left are Michael Poust, Chrissy Lauer, Amanda Jameson, and Amber Fink.
Work by JS Art Students on Exhibit
the Java Juice and Art Cafe, 125 West
Fourth St., Williamsport.
Seniors Amanda Jameson and ChrisMichael Poust, a ninth grade mixed
media art student, received a merit certifi- tina Lauer, junior McKenzie Collins, and
freshman Amber Fink received honorable
cate for participation in the 2010 annual
mention certificates for their mixed media,
Pennsylvania Art Educators Exhibit. Micraft and printmaking artwork that was
chael’s artwork was a printed and colentered in the Lock Haven University Jurlaged piece titled Bargello Quilt Print. Michael’s artwork, as well as other pieces from ied Student Art Show. Mrs. Dwyer submitted 16 works of art from Jersey Shore Area
area schools in Williamsport and Jersey
Shore, were on display earlier this month at Senior High to be considered in the juried
By William Miller
show and all 16 were accepted. Students
who had their work selected were Ethan
Bierly, Eric Kamus, Miranda Ludwig, Diana
Banks, Marina Hartranft, and Amanda
Shadle. The show included over 100 works
of art from talented students from Central
Mountain, Jersey Shore and Williamsport. The exhibit was on display at the
Sloan Art Gallery, Lock Haven University
until March 19.
Top 5 Videos of March
By Lincoln Mauck
Bangarang - http://
This mash-up of sound effects
from the 1991 film Hook is brilliantly edited together into 4
minutes of music magic.
Old Spice Ad -
The commanding Old Spice commercial that is nearly interactive.
Worst Fight Ever -
Road Rage can lead to some pretty brutal things, but nothing is as brutal as this horrid show fight in the middle of the highway.
Rollerblader Chin Plant -
Generic News Report -
6 The Paw Print March
By Chelsea Moore
February’s done, and you’re still desperate for that date you weren’t fortunate enough to get. But don’t fret; this month,
you’re going to get lucky and snag a prom date. (And you’d be especially lucky if you’re a freshman or sophomore.)
You’re the bull, but you’re not takin’ any. This month, you’re in charge, so if you haven’t been wearing the pants lately,
prepare to feel the glorious warmth of your legs wrapped in the cloth of champions.
Spring is coming, and you simply can’t wait. Your outlook on life is becoming more optimistic. Pack a sack for camping,
because the sun will be shining sooner than you think. Don’t forget the essentials, though; you tend to be forgetful.
This month, not going to lie, is kind of a downer for you. You’ll be struggling from financial and emotional issues, but
hey, life’s too short to be down in the dumps. Keep an eye on your wallet, (we all know there are thieves around this
school), and try not to do anything rash.
This month, you’ll go out, kick butt, and feel good. You are simply the champion of the world, and nothing will bring you
down. Spring is primetime for the mojo-flow, so go with the current and you’ll end up on cloud nine.
Spring is the time of love. Spend as much time as you can with the person you care the most about, and I’m not talking
about your mom. Spoil him/her with love and chocolates as if it were Valentine’s Day all over again.
You are buuuuuuusy! Your job, your schoolwork, your love life, and your social life all seem to intertwine this month, but
not in a good way. Slow down and pay special attention to the things that matter most to you.
Can you say “Party”? You’re the highlight of everyone’s day this month. Everybody will bow down to you and feel
blessed to be walking the same ground. Everything you do will blow everyone’s mind. You rock.
Family-kid, eh? Your family means the most to you this month, which is different from how you’ve been feeling since the
winter began. Have a family dinner with all your relatives…and don’t ditch them last minute like you’re famous for.
Quit worrying! The future is too far ahead; live in the “now” and the future will present itself beautifully. Plus, your hair
will start to grey prematurely, and that will do nothing for your ego come prom-time.
You’ve got good ideas, but lack the resources. You can’t depend entirely on yourself; ask around and you’ll eventually
find what you need to. Combine these resources plus your excellent ideas, and you’ll be set financially.
Redemption is here! Whether you made a mistake with your boo on V-day, or ditched a best friend who eventually found
out, you’re going to make a comeback this month. Just go by your instinct and you’ll be fine.
7 The Paw Print March
Kortney Umbenhauer
Tellef Notevarp
Danielle Jodun
Kayla Buttorff
By Autumn Shirey
White Chocolate or Dark Chocolate?
Freshman: Dark
Sophomore: White
Junior: White
Senior: White
Easter Gifts or No Gifts?
Freshman: Gifts
Sophomore: Gifts
Junior: Gifts
Senior: Gifts
Hide the Basket or Not?
Freshman: Not
Sophomore: Hide
Junior: Hide
Senior: Hide
Flower Garden or Vegetable Garden?
Freshman: Flower
Sophomore: Flower
Junior: Flower
Senior: Flower
Marshmallow Peeps or Jelly Beans?
Freshman: Marshmallow
Sophomore: Jelly Beans
Junior: Neither
Senior: Jelly Beans
Bunnies or Chicks?
Freshman: Chicks
Sophomore: Chicks
Junior: Chicks
Senior: Chicks
Peanut Butter Eggs or Marshmallow Eggs?
Freshman: Peanut Butter
Sophomore: Peanut Butter
Junior: Peanut Butter
Senior: Peanut Butter
Spring Break or Winter Break?
Freshman: Spring
Sophomore: Spring
Junior: Spring
Senior: Spring
Tulips or Daffodils?
Freshman: Tulips
Sophomore: Tulips
Junior: Tulips
Senior: Tulips
6 am service or stay at home with family?
Freshman: Stay at home
Sophomore: Stay at home
Junior: Stay at home
Senior: Stay at home
8 The Paw Print March
It’s Here! It’s Here! Spring Arrives
By Emily Thomas
The sun is shining, the birds are singing and this means
spring has arrived! Finally after months of wearing winter coats
and long sleeve shirts it’s time to break out the short sleeve shirts
and shorts. The weather is not only changing with the people’s
wardrobes but so are many other things to do because of the warm
Many people packed away their winter coats and replaced
them for a sweatshirt. This warm weather is taking a toll on many
articles of clothing. Shorts and short sleeves are coming back.
Some wore flip-flops all year but people are now wearing them
more than ever.
Outdoor exercise is something more and more people are
doing. Since this sun is shining its bright rays on small town Jersey Shore, people are out jogging and walking. Even the older people are out enjoying the nice warm weather. As soon as the calendar strikes spring many people grab their iPods and running shoes
and hit the streets.
Exercise isn’t the only thing people do during spring. Spring
cleaning is a big thing for teenagers to do. Okay, so maybe that’s a
lie. Many rooms resemble a pigsty, so why not clean it up. It never
killed anyone to sweep the floor or dust something off.
“I really like how warm the weather is now. Plus you
don’t have to wear heavy clothes,” Sierra Hoy (10) said. So head
outdoors and enjoy the warmer weather.
March Birthdays
By Laura Howlett
March 1: Ashley Derr, Rebecca Fye
March 2: Michael Overdorf
March 3: Jessica Donnell, Logan
Welshans, Ronald Ohlsson, Samantha
March 4: Jacob Flook
March 5: Benjamin Saar Krystal
Knepp, Tiffanie Burkholder, Valerie
Page, Victoria Page
March 6: Jessica Sweet
March 7: Brain Chambers, Josh
March 8: Brennen Houtz, Dakota
March 9: Kaytie Helsel, Taryn
March 10: Ridge Dershem,
Tallon Royer
March 11: Christina Lauer,
Nicholas Stabley, Nick Lopez,
March 12: Thomas Fleming
March 13: Arista Bates, Samantha Wool
March 14: Alexandra Antonicelli,
Emily Hockenberry, Sara Fisher
March 15: Cadence Coleman, Kevin
Jameson, Sarah Bobst
9 The Paw Print March
March 16: Colleen Masteller, Courtney Sholly, Kevin
Johnson, Melody Lamey
March17: Derek Swartz, Ericka Cowfer, Forrest
March 18: Brian Roupp, Nathaniel Lorson,
Sara Rice, Shandel Starr
March 19: Cassie Weymouth
March 20: Dylan Shields
March 21: Angel Hart, David Dietrick,
Ethan Bardell, Madigan Drier, Molly
Hyland, Morgan Keller, Miranda Edler
March 22: Kyle Myers
March 23: Courtney Hill, Tory Welch
March 24: Nathan Wasson
March 25: Alexis Frye, Corie Bardo,
Kyle Harstead, Tasha Shirey
March 26: Christopher Gundlach, Erika Feerar, Michael
March 27: Brandon Lorson,
Kayla Allen, Robert Sweely
March 28: Alicia Englert, Curtis
Eckard, Daniel Bower, Mark
Lomison, Nathan Hackenberg,
Scott Neff
March 29: Kimberly Martinez
March 30: Ethan Hart, Melissa Shaner,
Ryan Spangler
March 31: Alicia Hall, Dylan Murray
New Students Adjusting to New School
Tyler Moyer (9)
Vincent Mirabello (11)
Trequana Adkinson (9)
Gage Wood (10)
“The thing most I miss about my old
high school was that we got out at 2:45,” he
Being the new kid in a high school can said.
So far Mike feels that our school is
be frightening at times. Having to meet
new people and make your way through the much nicer and bigger. He said his old
school didn’t have a swimming pool, the
halls to get to your classes can be difficult.
But it seems that six of our newest students weight room was tiny, and they only had
two lunches to choose.
are getting by with less trouble and are
Trequana Adkinson (9) came from a
enjoying being at our school.
high school where you’re able to have your
Before Gage Wood (10) came to our
cell phones out, which is what she misses
school, he went to Hughesville High
most about her old school. She went to
School. When asked how he likes our high
Lewisburg High School before coming to
school he said that it’s a really chilled out
Jersey Shore.
“It’s too soon to tell what’s best about
“The difference between my old high
Jersey Shore but I like the high school,” she
school and this high school is that it’s
(Jersey Shore) a little easier and a lot
Comparing the two schools, she said
smaller,” he said.
He likes how friendly the people are at that ours is much bigger, has more rooms
and more kids.
Jersey Shore.
Saraya Boring transferred back to our
Mike Young (11) also says that the best
thing about Jersey Shore would have to be school from Williamsport High School. She
likes our school and it’s not much different
his friends, good classes and being able to
from Williamsport. The most she misses
sleep in later. Mike used to go to Donegal
about her old high school was counting
High School before coming here.
By Laura Howlett
Mike Young (11)
money and all of her friends.
“The best thing about Jersey Shore is
being able to live with my cousin,” she said.
Josiah Gress also likes Jersey Shore
because of the teachers. He went to Sugar
Valley Charter School before coming to
ours. He likes our school so far and misses
nothing of his old high school.
When asked how our school was different from his old school, his response was,
“My old school is a lot smaller than Jersey
Shore High School.”
Tyler Moyer (9) transferred from
Bucktail Area High School. Our high school
is much larger than his old high school.
“I like the high school so far and I find
Jersey Shore a big town,” he said.
Unlike all the other new students going
to a public school, Vincent Mirabello went
to a private school. He went to Milton Hersey School. Vincent misses his old friends
but loves his art class that he is taking here
at Jersey Shore.
No More Strumming in the Hallways
By Alainah Rosencrance and Emily Thomas
A few months ago you wouldn’t be able to turn the corner without hearing
someone playing the ukulele or strumming the guitar. Nowadays, you see less
and less of these people and their melodic rebellion.
The reason for this is because the instruments have been taken away by the
school’s staff. The policy is not unlike the cell phone policy, but they have their
differences. For cell phones, the devices can be taken away and picked up at the
end of the day by your parents; but for the guitars and ukuleles, they will be
taken away and you can pick them up at the end of the day. If you end up getting it taken away so frequently it becomes a habit, then they may have to
tighten the ropes and your parents will have to pick it up.
Playing your instruments in the hallways during the day is frowned upon,
but even more disapproved is playing them in class, seeing as how it would distract the class. Playing them in the cafeteria before school hasn’t been outlawed
yet. You can also play them during lunch depending on who is on duty.
“I really liked hearing the guitars in the hallway,” said Kierstin Bathurst
(10). So when you hear the strumming of a guitar in the hallways, savor it in
your brain.
Brittnie Walker (11)
10 The Paw Print March
Mr. Smith Retiring
By Ashley Weaver
For 36 years Mr. Ralph
Smith has been a teacher, and for
36 years he has taught Chemistry
at our school. Back in high
school, Mr. Smith decided he
wanted to be a Chemistry
teacher. He always did his work
and got good grades.
Smith will have a lot of free
time after retiring. He said, “I
will travel, go fishing, and get a
job at Wal-Mart.”
Over the years teaching has
changed a lot. He said that students today complain more and
do less work. After his teaching
experience, Mr. Smith does not
think that he would change any-
thing. Mr. Smith said, “I have
had an enjoyable career, and
many of my former students
have moved on to excel throughout college.”
Out of all of the demonstrations and experiments Mr. Smith
has presented to the class, he
found one of them rather funny.
He said, “I was demonstrating an
explosion, and I thought I blew
up my fingers.”
After retiring this year, Mr.
Smith will miss teaching some
things more than others. He said,
“I will miss seeing students surprised by the outcomes of experiments and demonstrations.”
Mr. Smith teaching Rebekah Engel(11) and Ashlee Blum
‘Tis Time for the Wearing of the Green
By Molly Hyland
When most people think of St. Patrick’s Day, they think of
pots of gold, four-leaf clovers and the little
chocolate coins our teachers used to
leave us in elementary school
when we left for lunch, claiming
it was the leprechauns. All over
the country people celebrate
this holiday by wearing green
and if they fail to remember,
others are given an excuse to
pinch them. Another huge St.
Patrick’s Day tradition is to go
to parties. This tradition came
about because the Irish were known for their heavy
However, St. Patrick’s Day has a real meaning.
According to, the day has been celebrated for more than 1,000 years, marking the
date St. Patrick died in the fifth century. The
tradition of celebrating this day also came to
the new world when Irish immigrants arrived
and brought their customs here. In fact, the
first parade celebrating St. Patrick’s Day didn’t take place in Ireland, but on March 17,
1762 in New York City when Irish soldiers
fighting in the U.S. army paraded through
the streets. It was the feast day of St. Patrick and the Irish wanted to celebrate St.
Patrick and their heritage. Irish people
consider St. Patrick’s Day a highly religious
holiday and celebrate by going to church in
the morning and partying from the afternoon
into the night. Many Irish families, including
my own, also eat Corned-Beef and Cabbage, a traditional Irish
meal every St. Patrick’s Day.
People throughout our country of all heritages and back-
11 The Paw Print March
grounds can enjoy the fun of St. Patrick’s Day. It is said that everyone must wear green on March 17 because it’s considered lucky. If
you aren’t wearing green then don’t be surprised if someone
pinches you, which is another St. Patty’s tradition.
Chocolate coins and shamrocks are the universal
symbols of St. Patrick’s
Day. The chocolate coins
represent the pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow
in many leprechauninvolved fairy tales. In
these tales leprechauns
are portrayed as sneaky,
short men who often play
tricks on and scam people.
They are devious and mean but you
can’t help but love them. Many times on
St. Patrick’s Day, teachers, parents or
other adults play “leprechaun” for
young children. When I was in elementary school my teachers would leave
chocolate coins on our desks when we left
for lunch or gym and claimed the leprechauns left them. And the scams didn’t
stop when I left the school building; I got
home to find our entire jug of milk green!
This holiday is also a huge day for parades,
since the first St. Patrick’s Day began with
a parade. These parades are filled with
green confetti, beads, plastic leprechaun
hats and “Kiss me I’m Irish” shirts galore.
They literally are a party on the street.
St. Patrick’s Day is both a religious
and glamorized holiday, but it is my favorite. I have only fond memories of past St. Patty’s Days. They are
always filled with excitement, amusement and fun. Don’t forget to
wear your green and have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Some Oscar Surprises
By Thomas Fleming
Actor in Leading Role
Winner: Jeff Bridges (“Crazy Heart”)
Nominees: George Clooney (“Up in the
Air”), Colin Firth (“A Single Man”), Morgan
Freeman (“Invictus”), and Jeremy Renner
(“The Hurt Locker”)
Actor in Supporting Role
Winner: Christoph Waltz (“Inglorious
Nominees: Matt Damon (“Invictus”),
Woody Harrelson (“The Messenger”),
Christopher Plummer (“The Last Station”),
and Stanley Tucci (“The Lovely Bones”)
Actress in Leading Role
Winner: Sandra Bullock (“The Blind
Nominees: Helen Mirren (“The Last
Station”), Carey Mulligan (“An Education”),
Gabourey Sidibe (“Precious: Based on the
Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”), and Meryl
Streep (“Julie & Julia”)
Actress in Supporting Role
Winner: Mo’Nique (“Precious: Based
on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”)
Nominees: Penelope Cruz (“Nine”),
Vera Farmiga (“Up in the Air”), Maggie
Gyllenhaal (“Crazy Heart”), and Anna Kendrick (“Up in the Air”)
Animated Feature Film
Winner: “Up” (Peter Docter)
Nominees: “Coraline” (Henry Selick) “Fantastic Mr.
Fox” (Wes Anderson), “The Princess and the Frog” (John Musker
and Ron Clements), and “The Secret of Kells” (Tomm Moore)
Art Direction
Winner: “Avatar” (Art Direction: Rick Carter and Robert
12 The Paw Print March
Stromberg; Set Decoration: Kim Sinclair)
Nominees: “The Imaginarium of Doctor
Parnassus” (Art Direction: Dave Warren
and Anastasia Masaro; Set Decoration:
Caroline Smith), “Nine” (Art Direction:
John Myhre; Set Decoration: Gordon Sim),
“Sherlock Holmes” (Art Direction: Sarah
Greenwood; Set Decoration: Kate Spencer),
and “The Young Victoria” (Art Direction:
Patrice Vermette; Set Decoration: Maggie
Winner: “Avatar” (Mauro Fiore)
Nominees: “Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince” (Bruno Delbonnel), “The
Hurt Locker” (Barry Ackroyd), “Inglorious
Basterds” (Robert Richardson), and “The
White Ribbon” (Christian Berger)
Costume Design
Winner: “The Young Victoria” (Sandy Powell)
Nominees: “Bright Star” (Janet Patterson),
“Coco before Chanel” (Catherine Leterrier),
“The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” (Monique Prudhomme), and
“Nine” (Colleen Atwood)
Winner: “The Hurt Locker” (Kathryn Bigelow)
Nominees: “Avatar” (James Cameron), “Inglourious Basterds” (Quentin Tarantino), “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’
by Sapphire” (Lee Daniels), and “Up in the Air” (Jason Reitman)
Documentary (Feature)
Winner: “The Cove” (Louie Psihoyos and Fisher Stevens)
Nominees: “Burma VJ” (Anders Ostergaard and Lise LenseMoller), “Food, Inc.” (Robert Kenner and Elise Pearlstein), “The
Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Penta-
Continued on page 13
Some Oscar Surprises
“Star Trek” (Mark Stoeckinger and Alan
Rankin), and “Up” (Michael Silvers and
Tom Myers).
Continued from page 12
tion” (Finola Dwyer and Amanda
Posey), “Inglourious Basterds” (Lawrence
Bender), “Precious: Based on the Novel
‘Push’ by Sapphire” (Lee Daniels, Sarah
Siegel-Magness and Gary Magness), “A
Serious Man” (Joel and Ethan Cohen),
“Up” (Jonas Rivera), and “Up in the
Air” (Daniel Dubiecki, Ivan Reitman, Jason
Visual Effects
Winner: “Avatar” (Joe Letteri, Stephen
Rosenbaum, Richard Baneham and Andrew R. Jones)
Nominees: “District 9” (Dan Kaufman,
Peter Muyzers, Robert Habros and Matt
Aitken), and “Star Trek” (Roger Guyett,
Russell Earl, Paul Kavanagh and Burt Dalton).
Short Film (Animated)
Winner: “Logorama” (Nicolas
Nominees: “French Roast” (Fabrice O.
Joubert), “Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping
Beauty” (Nicky Phelan and Darraga O’Connell), “The Lady and the Reaper” (Javier
Recio Gracia), “A Matter of Loaf and
Death” (Nick Park).
Sound Mixing
Winner: “The Hurt Locker” (Paul N.J.
Ottosson and Ray Beckett)
Nominees: “Avatar” (Christopher
Boyes, Gary Summers, Andy Nelson and
Tony Johnson), “Inglourious Basterds” (Michael Minkler, Tony Lamberti
and Mark Ulano), “Star Trek” (Anna Behlmer, Andy Nelson and Peter J. Delvin), and
“Transformers: Revenge of the
Fallen” (Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers,
and Geoffrey Patterson).
Short Film (Live Action)
Winner: “The New Tenants” (Joachim
Back and Tivi Magnusson)
Nominees: “The Door” (Juanita Wil-
13 The Paw Print March
son and James Flynn), “Instead of Abracadabra” (Patrik Eklund and Mathias Fjellstrom), “Kavi” (Gregg Helvey), and
“Miracle Fish” (Luke Doolan and Drew
Sound Editing
Winner: “The Hurt Locker” (Paul N.J.
Nominees: “Avatar” (Christopher
Boyes and Gwendolyn Yates Whittle),
“Inglourious Basterds” (Wylie Stateman),
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
Winner: “Precious: Based on the Novel
‘Push’ by Sapphire” (Screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher)
Nominees: “District 9” (Written by
Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell), “An
Education” (Screenplay by Nick Norby), “In
the Loop” (Screenplay by Jesse Armstrong,
Simon Blackwell, Armando Iannucci, and
Tony Roche), and “Up in the
Air” (Screenplay by Jason Reitman and
Sheldon Turner).
Writing (Original Screenplay)
Winner: “The Hurt Locker” (Mark
Nominees: “Inglourious Basterds” (Quentin Tarantino), “The Messenger” (Written by Alessandro Camon & Oren
Moverman), “A Serious Man” (Joel and
Ethan Cohen), and “Up” (Screenplay by
Bob Peterson, Peter Docter, Story by Pete
Docter, Bob Peterson, Tom McCarthy) .
What Is It About 27?
By Jessica Aunkst
Rock stars are people who were once
like us, living in small towns and enjoying
life as it came, and regretting what they
didn’t get to accomplish because time
passed by too quickly. They are the people
who have dreamt of doing what they love
every day of their lives, and luckily, their
dreams came true. They get to travel
around the world and perform for their
loyal fans 24/7 (and maybe even keep a few
bras that are flung onto the stage while
they’re doing
their thing.) This
lifestyle may
seem sugarysweet on the surface, but in reality, it kills them,
The fame
becomes too
much for them to
handle. Most
rock stars have
indulged, and
still are indulging, themselves
with drug and
alcohol use.
Sometimes it’s to
cover up the
emotional pain
that they feel due
to their stature (i.e. when a celebrity is written about in tabloid magazines and they
aren’t able to handle the fake accusations)
and other times it’s because it’s “in style” to
do drugs and drink alcohol to an unnecessary extent. There are more reasons why
rock stars have become addicted to drugs
or alcohol, or even a combination of the
two, but those listed above are at the top of
the list. Most rock stars have died at, you
guessed it, the age of 27.
Although many, if not all, of their
deaths were pronounced as death by natural causes, there have been many speculations about the true reasons of their departures. Those speculations are often called
conspiracies and usually center on the drug
and alcohol use that they were so accustomed to being known for (yet they are also
known for their spectacular music which
still seems to inspire generations to this
The original members of the 27 Club
are Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis
Joplin, and Brian Jones. Each of those
individuals died within 2 years of each
other in 1969-1971. Brian Jones, the cofounder and original guitarist for the Roll-
14 The Paw Print March
ing Stones, drowned
in the swimming pool
of his home on July 3,
1969. Jimi Hendrix
dedicated a song to
him on United States
television and Jim
Morrison wrote a
poem called “Ode To
LA While Thinking of
Brian Jones, Deceased” which was in
memory of Brian
Jones. Jimi Hendrix died
from asphyxiation on his
own vomit that consisted
of mainly red wine in a
London hotel room on
September 18, 1970. Janis
Joplin was one of the only
rocks stars to have died
from straight-out drug
overdose. She died in a
Los Angeles motel room
from a heroin overdose,
while the possibility still
exists that alcohol was
also involved, on October
4, 1970. The man who
was rumored to have had
a fling with Janis Joplin,
Jim Morrison, who was
known most famously as
the lead singer of The
Doors, was said to have
died from heart failure in the comfort of his
bathtub in his Paris apartment on July 3,
1971. That cause is
unlikely considering the
fact that he was an avid
drinker and that, combined with the fact that
he thought that heroin
was cocaine on that
night and inhaled it, did
not help his reason for
being. Another addition
to the list as of 1994 was
Kurt Cobain, the lead
singer and guitarist of
the probably most well
known Grunge band
that originated from the
city of Seattle. He was
said to have committed
suicide by shooting
himself on April 5, 1994.
There are a few conspiracies still floating
around that he was actually murdered. He was starting to dislike
the fact that he was famous and he wanted
to get out of the spotlight. That spotlight
was his main
source of income and some
people think
that his wife,
Courtney Love,
did not appreciate the fact that
he wanted to
quit performing
music for a cost
so she hired
someone to
shoot him. There is proof that his credit
card was used a few days after his death,
which suggests suspicious activity. It is still
unknown if Kurt Cobain’s death was a suicide or murder although many people are
still trying to decide.
Rock stars are not the only famous
individuals who have passed away at the
age of 27. A shortened list of others who
have died at the age of 27 includes, but is
not limited to; Rupert Brooke (English
poet,) Pat Tillman (American football
player and soldier,) Jean-Michel Basquiat
(American artist,) Pope John XII (Patrician
of Rome from 954-964 and Pope from 955964,) Lea De Mae (Czech athlete and
model,) Bobby Sands (Irish Republican
Army volunteer, prison hunger striker, and
member of the UK parliament,) Ghazi of
Iraq (King of Iraq from 1933-1939,) Joseph
Merrick “The Elephant Man” (English sideshow performer,) William Lane “Master
Juba” (American entertainer,) Henry
Moseley (English physicist,) Steve Olin
(American baseball
player,) Jonathan
Brandis (American
actor and director,) Andres
(Columbian soccer
player,) and Andrew Cunanan
(American spree
Whether it is a
conspiracy or a
pact that seems to
continue on
through people
who have never
even heard of one
another, there is
one thing that
proves to be true.
These celebrities
will be 27 forever
in our hearts because they never lived to
see any substantial amount of years past it.
Prom’s Around the Corner—Are You Ready?
By Laura Howlett
Prom’s just around the corner and it’s time to go prom
dress shopping. If you’re having trouble with not being able
to afford a dress and want to go to prom, stop by Mrs. Janna
Riggle’s room B232 and buy a dress for only
Last month prom voting madness swept through the school as
$10. All the money collected is donated to the
students voted, voted, and voted again in order to put Jersey Shore in
Relay for Life.
first place in a prom contest.
“A bunch of dresses have been donated by
The voting began when Mrs. Michele Long, junior class advisor,
teachers, students and staff. I have many
e-mail from Stump’s Prom Supply Company advertising their
dresses that are simply gorgeous,” Mrs. Rigsite. She decided to check it out and register our school. She began to
gle said.
It started out three years ago when a student spread the word to get people to start voting.
Although Jersey Shore had a late start, students quickly got
wanted to go to prom but couldn’t afford a
swept up in the voting madness and the Bulldogs took first place in
dress. Mrs. Riggle felt bad and wanted to
the state after just three days of voting.
help out. She asked a few girls to donate prom dresses so the
The voting was going so well that Jersey Shore actually made it
girl could go to prom.
top 10 in the country, peaking at number nine. Unfortunately,
“Word got around and more and more girls began bringlarger schools with more students got in on the voting and JS stuing in their dresses,” Mrs. Riggle explained. “We’ve had
dents dropped in their participation and we dropped out of the top 10
teachers, staff, even people in town who have heard about
this and have donated dresses as well.”
By winning the state contest with the most votes, Jersey Shore
One benefit is that the dresses get worn more than once.
earns a $1,000 gift certificate to buy prom supplies.
Another benefit is that the money raised helps fight cancer
“We’re definitely buying more prom props this year,” Mrs. Long
through the Relay for Life. In fact, the program is called
Cathy’s Closet in memory of Cathy Bowes, a guidance secreVoting ended at midnight March 15 and Jersey Shore was numtary at the high school who passed away two years ago from
in the state with more than 35,000 votes, with a lead of more
than 13,000 more than the second-place school.
“A few years ago, the Paw Print staff wanted to participate in the Relay for Life, but it was difficult to raise funds
since it is a class, not a club,” Mrs. Riggle explained. “The
prom dress sale helps us raise money but doesn’t take a major amount of time away from class.”
If you have dresses you’d like to donate, you can drop them off at Mrs. Riggle’s room. If you need a dress, you are also welcome to
stop by.
Bulldogs Win Prom Contest!
Top 5 Awkward Moments
By Trevor Pool
My friend and I were at lunch and she was staring at this guy’s butt
and then out of nowhere she says, "His underwear is on inside out." So I
looked and she was right. We had a 10 minute conversation about
whether or not to tell him. We decided not to. I still feel bad about not
telling him.
When the class is dissecting frogs, my friend Danielle and I are arguing about the other kissing it and having the entire class just look at you
when you're saying "No you kiss it! Ok, I will if you will!"
Having a really deep conversation with someone over text or instant
messaging and then seeing that person in real life, and not being able to
talk to them face-to-face.
When you smell something really bad in an elevator with one other
person. You can use your imagination for the rest of the story…
Going on a date with someone you met on aim and it’s not the person you thought it was…
15 The Paw Print March
School Yourself on Seussical
By Trevor Pool
Imagine Dr. Seuss cramming many of his world renowned books into one big
musical and you might have the first clue of what Seussical the Musical is all about.
To put it into perspective, the very bright and colorfully over exaggerated musical is a
story of a Whoville boy named JoJo who has a small world but a big imagination. Interwoven into the story of JoJo is the story of Horton the elephant, who finds a speck of dust
and hears the town of Whos voice crying aloud for help. The residents of the whole jungle
where Horton lives are convinced he’s gone crazy and want to convince him that the Whos
do not exist, but Horton knows what he heard and won’t let them take his small speck of
dust away.
I won’t spoil the rest of the musical so you will just have to go see it March 19, 20, and
21 here in the school’s auditorium.
The main characters include: Clayton Lose as Horton the elephant, Gabe King as
the Cat in the Hat, Victoria Barrows as JoJo, and many many more dedicated cast members that have worked hard so that you can be more than entertained when watching
Seussical the Musical.
High School Students Taking College
By Macey McBryan
It’s a known fact that when students become seniors, many experience a case of senioritis
and fall behind in their schoolwork. There are certain students, however, who have made the decision to harder than they have to, by taking college
courses along with their demanding senior classes.
Two of these students, Chad Guiswite and Emily
Hockenberry, gave their opinions of this experience.
Chad Guiswite is a full time high school
student who takes a psychology class Monday
nights at Penn College, while trying to stay caught
up on his senior classes. Chad said that this was a
good way “to try to get ahead of the game,” so he’ll
be starting his official college career off on a better
foot than the other freshmen. He encourages future seniors to take this path because according to
him, it isn’t difficult being both a high school and
college student at the same time.
See these movies
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: March 19
The Bounty Hunter: March 19
The Killing Jar: March 19
Hot Tub Time Machine: March 26
How to Train Your Dragon: March 26
16 The Paw Print March
Emily Hockenberry (12)
Listen to these CDs
Sting in the Trail: The Scorpions
My World Part 2: Justin Beiber
Habits: Neon Trees
Volume 2: She & Him
Thank Me Later: Drake
You could also decide to take the same
path as Emily Hockenberry, which is slightly
different than Chad’s. Emily chose to take two
classes, intro to literature and algebra, at Lock
Haven University because she wanted to “get
out of high school quicker” and get a head start
on college. Unlike Chad, Emily only has two
senior classes she has to take, American Government and Economics, and gets to leave
school after second period. Emily said that taking these classes gets you the credits you need
to graduate and offers a different learning experience to get you more prepared for college.
She advises seniors to take this opportunity if it
is offered to them.
According to these students, being
part-time college students while still in high
school is a good idea for all seniors who are willing to put in the effort, and is easy as long as
you study and stay on top of all of your work.
Read these books
House Rules by Jodi Picoult
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea
The Vampire Diaries: The Return:
Shadow Souls by L.J.Smith
Bite Me by Christopher Moore
Solar by Ian McEwan
Brooke Dillman Riding Like a Champ
to keep them fed and keep enough water for them. As if that isn’t enough
work, you have to keep them clean,
Many girls dreamt of getting
which means bathing them, and that
the best present in the world – their
takes alot of soap and water. Then you
very own pony - when they were seven,
have to keep them up on their medicaeight, or nine years old. At that age,
tions and give them their shots. Nobody
Brooke Dillman was already riding
likes to ride a sick horse.
Brooke also told what goes on
Brooke Dillman (12) has been
at a horse riding competition for those
around horses and farming all her life.
of us that have no idea. First off, when
Brooke has been riding horses since
you get there, you have to see what time
she was six years old. That’s over 12
you ride. Then you have to tack up your
years of riding. She has also been riding
horse. Saddle up, puffball. Next, you
competitively since she was seven.
school the horse (get it ready, practice,
Seven years old and competing in horse
ride around). After that, you converse
riding competitions; most people can’t
with your trainer, learn your course,
even ride a horse, let alone compete.
She rides in competitions just about every weekend, so Brooke has and discuss your strategy for the competition. After that, it’s show
time. You show, jump around, and run the course. Then, it’s all up
competed in well over 100. Now, horse riding competitions are
to the judges.
very tricky and strenuous, and Brooke has managed to come out
Brooke isn’t going to stop when college rolls around either.
on top for a few of them.
Brooke said it is also a lot of work keeping just one horse, and She plans on riding through college and even afterwards.
she has anywhere from 15 to 20 horses at one time. First, you have
By Evan Sander
Why You Shouldn’t Take the Next Step
Am I afraid to be alone?
Sometimes it is better to keep a best
friend a friend and stay that way. When you
Spring is in the air, prom’s
cross the line with your best friend, your
around the corner, and everyone
friendship will be changed forever. Even if
feels like starting new things and
you can put what happened or what was
finding love, but does that mean
said behind you, one of you may end up
you should risk your friendship just
heart-broken because these feelings
because you’re curious or think its
brought up were not acknowledged in the
love? We have all had one time or
end. This can lead to resentment and jealanother where we have had a
ousy in the future and destroy a friendship.
crush on a friend or even a best
Because two friends hang out so much tofriend. If you are caught up in the
gether, the one that is in love or has an atcrush and are enjoying the flirting
traction begins to see themselves as a
and your friend doesn’t seem to
couple. This can end up becoming a
mind, then that is fine. If it is the
distorted view and can result in so
feel of the chase you love then
many painful feelings when the feelyou might need to mature a bit
ings are not returned. Unrequited love
more in the relationship and love
is a hard situation to go through and can
department before you attempt
take a long time to heal from.
This is
to make a move on your closest
why in some friendships it is best to reconsider
friend. This type of situation may lead to massive disappointment
before taking the friendship to a new level.
for both of you and injure what you have. If you are thinking of
Many people think how wonderful it will be to begin a
disclosing your heart’s desire to your best friend and they have
new love relationship with their best friend. They are around all
never shown you any love signs then you might want to think
again. If you are lucky and you know that your best friend feels the the time, they trust you, you trust them, their cute enough, they
same way, then this might be an option for you to try, but if there are a good friend..there is no reason not to! But there is something
is no reciprocation, flirtation or feelings, then your heart might be missing though and that is the level of love and passion that happens and sparks between two people when they fall in love. Make
in for a letdown.
sure you really think this one over before making any sudden
Love is such a precious feeling and has to be treasured and
moves because your choice can result in three different ways. You
respected. It is good to truly sit down and think about why you
either are best friends for life, broken hearted, or for the lucky
want to take things further. Ask yourself these questions. Would
ones; you have your soul mate. This is quite the gamble to take, so
they be a suitable match for me? Is there a future for us? Am I
think it through before you jump the gun.
attracted to my best friend sexually? What are my real reasons?
By Sveta Hinaman
17 The Paw Print March
What to wear in March
By Molly Hyland
The snow is beginning to melt, breezes are warming and the whole world
is seemingly a little brighter. Along with the changes outside our school’s
doors, there are also changes inside our walls. Trends change with the seasons and many of Jersey Shore’s students have replaced their warm Northface sweatshirts and scarves with thinner and lighter t-shirts and knit tops.
The ever-popular boots, clogs and sneakers will be replaced with flip-flops
(for those who haven’t continued wearing them all winter.) Be sure not to miss the
semi-annual One Dollar Flip-Flop Day at Old Navy! According to American Eagle,
Spring 2010 should be filled with floral patterns and skirts. Girls should look for bright
colors and casual dresses (They are actually much more comfy then jeans.) A summer
dress paired with a light cardigan sweater or denim or other light jacket makes for a
cute and comfortable spring look. Also huge this year; big and slightly obnoxious jewelry, multiple necklaces and bracelets make any outfit especially awesome. Guys can be
thankful to get to go back to the casual and comfortable look of shorts and t-shirts that
they love so much.
Flip Flops
American Eagle: 30$
Charlotte Russe: 7$
Old Navy: 2 for 5$ or 1$
Spring Dresses
American Eagle: 30$
Charlotte Russe: 26$
Old Navy: 20$
Cardigan Sweaters
American Eagle: 40$
Charlotte Russe: 18$
Old Navy: 26$
Clunky Jewelry
American Eagle: 20$
Charlotte Russe: 10$
Old Navy: 15$
18 The Paw Print March
How to get Connected with Our Parents
By Sveta Hinaman
There are many things that we, as teenagers, need to hear from parents. Our parents or guardians can help us by sharing past
situations from when they were teenagers, that way we can sort of relate to each other. The important thing that we need from parents
is care and attention. Though we are growing up and are not children anymore, we still need guidance, care and advice from our parents. When our parents give us serious attention, we feel important. When they ignore us, we feel like not even trying, and giving up on
certain things, because no one cares. We need the right amount of attention to be successful. Too much attention is not always a good
thing because we, as well as everyone else in world, sometimes just need some space.
An important subject that we can talk to parents about is drugs and drug abuse. It may be uncomfortable or awkward talking to
your parents about drugs, but that is what our parents are there for. They were once teenagers too and probably have had their own
encounters with drugs. By parents talking to us about drugs, we can make the right choices, know the consequences, and stay drug
Other things that we need to talk about with our parents are our grades in school, career goals, and our future. Parents shouldn’t
put too much pressure on us about making good grades. They should want us to do the best that we can and help us and have concerns
for us when we get low grades. When parents keep up with what their child is doing in school, they know if we need extra help or guidance. They should also encourage us to keep up our grades, because what we do in the future depends on the grades we make now, as
teenagers, in high school as well as in college if we choose to go.
Parents should also talk to us about our responsibilities, such as chores or other work. We should have certain responsibilities, so
that we do not become lazy. We should also be rewarded for doing certain things whether it is keeping our grades up in school, doing
chores, or helping around the house.
Another problem that some parents have is comparing their children to each other. For those of us who have brothers or sisters,
Continued on page 20
Is MTV Glamorizing Teen Pregnancy?
By Kylie Starr
As some preteens and young adults watch TV, they change the
channel to MTV every Tuesday at 10 o’clock. What are they religiously
watching?... “16 and Pregnant.” This television hit series is now in its second season. The show follows around different young girls who are about
six to eight months pregnant until the baby is born and a few months old.
MTV shoots this show like a documentary and shows all of the ups and
downs of having a child at such a young age, to relationships to the birth
of the child to the life of the child after birth. Even though this show is
shot in a positive way… and not biased at all… does it still promote teen
pregnancy and glamorize it?
Even though “16 and Pregnant” doesn’t take a side of whether
they are for or against, this show could still make young people think that
it is “cool” to be pregnant and have a child. This new television show illustrates the trial and tribulations that the young girls go through.
For people not watching the show, they may think that the show
is glamorizing it. Some may believe that young people watching the show
may be thinking, “Hey, if I get pregnant, I could be on TV and get famous!” The true spirit of “16 and Pregnant” is to show how much being
pregnant sucks at such a young age. These young girls go though the body
changes, people staring at them in school, talking about them, the boys in
their life, and not to mention the labor and taking care of the baby after
“16 and Pregnant” may look from the outside that it could be
trendy and popular, but in retrospect that show really does show the hardships of having a child at such a young age. MTV also puts a lot of pressure on pregnancy prevention. They have teamed up with National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and the Kaiser Family
Foundation to help educate young viewers about the taboo issue of teen
pregnancy. The cable monster has also have gotten together with sex education workers to help endorse their new show.
All in all the television show isn’t all that bad. In addition to
being educational it also makes for good TV drama. The show is an eye opener for all of you sexually active young adults out there!
19 The Paw Print March
Efterlang Unique, Weird, and Amazing
By Chelsea Moore
Not many people would think of a church as a reliable
venue for a concert, for most churches are in pristine and immaculate (no pun intended) condition. But then again, not many people
listen to Efterklang, a five piece wonderband from Denmark. The
happy Danish band performed on Tuesday, March 2 at the First Unitarian Church in Philadelphia.
The performance this band presented was less of a concert,
more of a magic show. Having only listened to Efterklang a few
times, I knew to expect great things, but got so much more than I
thought I would after paying only $16 for a ticket. The band opened
with some tracks from their new album Magic Chairs (2010), but
also performed songs from their previous albums such as Parades
(2007). Their tunes are infused with heavenly melodies laden with
the pure vocals that can only be found in a Danish band. The vocalist, Casper Clausen, definitely dominated the stage, demonstrating
his ability to overcome a cold and play some auxiliary percussion
If I haven’t made it obvious already, I love Efterklang. The only bands I’ve come across that I can compare to the sound of
Efterklang have also come from Denmark. It’s hard to describe the feeling produced when listening to Efterklang, but what really won
me over was how happy each and every member of the band looked while playing their music. These guys sound just as good (if not
better) live as they do on their albums. Six stars out of five.
with Our
Continued from page 19
that can be a major problem. Every one
of us is different and we should not be compared to our siblings because no two people
on this earth are exactly alike. We all have
different characteristics, as well as good and
bad points about us. We should be judged
for ourself, and should take responsibility
for us, and no one else.
What we need to hear from parents
is good, constructive criticism. Parents need
to know that what they tell us is important to
us. Even though they may not know it, many
teenagers listen to their parents and use the
information they give to them in their everyday situations. Also, we as teenagers need to
know that we can talk to our parents about
anything that is going on in our lives.
Whether it is about drugs, school, sex, or our
futures, our parents are there to help with
these things; because hopefully, they love us,
care about us, and want us to grow up to be
successful people. So parents please keep
talking to us. Even though it might seem like
we are not listening, we do hear you.
20 The Paw Print March
Aldean Rocks BJC
By Hannah Burdick
Sitting in seat 105, surrounded by fans all decked
out in flannel shirts and
camo hats, we all shared one
common interest: hearing
Jason Aldean and Luke
Bryan. The Bryce Jordan
Center was jam packed February 26, and as soon as the
lights were out, cameras and
phones were in the air ready
to take the first shot of the
opening act, Luke Bryan. He
came onto the stage with
such enthusiasm and fire, it was clear that everyone was instantly pumped for the
show. Fans were singing along to Bryan’s hit songs: All My Friends Say, Country
Man, and We Rode in Trucks.
Whether you were sitting with a bird’s eye view or on the floor in the spit zone,
you got the full effect of the concert. You could hear both Aldean’s and Bryan’s voice
loud and clear. Not to mention they had an impressive display when it came to the
lights. When asked on his opinion of the concert, Josh Owens (12), said that it was
one of the best country concerts he had ever been to. Melissa Bass said jokingly, “My
opinion was that the concert was extraordinarily delicious.”
Now, after Bryan, came the moment everyone was waiting for: Jason Aldean. “My favorite part had to be when Jason Aldean's shadow appeared on the big
curtain,” said Josh.
Unlike some artists, who can sound not so great in concert, Aldean wowed the
crowd. Whether you were a diehard fan or a newb, you found yourself singing along.
Aldean’s selection of songs ranged from: Amarillo Sky, Johnny Cash, She’s Country,
Big Green Tractor, Hicktown, and Asphalt Cowboy. Aldean even sang Heaven,
Bryan Adam’s hit song which has been seen on CMT Crossroads. Even though this
was only my first concert, I have to say that I couldn’t have chosen a better one. REVIEWS
Abe: Five Albums that Changed My Life
was the last song they played which was a Leadbelly cover of
“Where did you sleep last night?”. Throughout the whole
Rolling Stone called it the best album of the 80’s
performance you can see and even hear the emotions Kurt
when it came out in 1979. What album could this be? It was Cobain is putting into the set. Kind of seems like a last hurLondon Calling by The Clash, one of
rah! But nonetheless, this is one of those albums that you
the most influential albums of all time play and you just sit down and you think about life and the
on punk and the whole music industry things surrounding it; in the end everybody needs to do
in general. This album would deal with something, which means you should check out this album
every topic anybody could think of
from the near nuclear meltdown at
Three Mile Island to the racial wars
Bright Eyes Lifted or The Story Is in
going on in Britain at the time. This
would help me form the person I am
the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
and the opinions I hold plus keep me
“There is no beginning to this story, a bookshelf sinks in
alive through those awkward middle school years, with upto
sand, a language learned a forgotten term is studied
beat ska songs such as “Hateful” and “Rudie Can’t Fail” to
slow mellow tunes like “Lovers Rock” and “Guns of Brixton”. once again” is the first line to the first song in the influential
album. Bright Eyes is one of those bands that is pure emoThis is everything an album should be. Hundreds of emotion and poetry. The main songwriter
tions and historical/ political events slammed and smashed
Conor Oberst doesn’t have the prettiin to one album that will leave an impact on you for years to
est clean-cut voice. But he has more
than enough emotion to overcome any
of that. His lyrics are just phrases you
Sublime by Sublime
will find yourself quoting time and
time again and applying them to your
The album that would cause a sensation that the
own life. I found out about Bright Eyes
composer (Brad Nowell) wouldn’t even get to see, straight
back in seveth grade when I was headout of Long Beach, California, with their own three-piece
ing to a family reunion and my cousin
mixture of ska, reggae, hip hop, and punk. Sublime would
make their own sound that people could only dream of rein- Andy Cohick had this album and played it. He played a song
that we called the “Happy Song” which was actually titled
venting. This would be Sublime’s
“Bowl of Oranges” and this was the song that started my
third and final release and their
obsession with Bright Eyes and my boy crush on Conor
only release on a major label. This
Oberst that will last until the day I die.
is one of those feel good albums;
you just pop it in, then WHAM!
Like a ton of bricks you’re hit with
Modest Mouse Goods News For Peooverwhelming happiness. The only
sad part is Sublime would disband ple Who Love Bad News
before they would even be able to
This was an album that opened my eyes to both
promote this album, due to Brad
sides of the spectrum and made me an indie kid for life. In
Nowell overdosing on heroin and
this album Isaac Brock has so many lyrics that just make you
the remaining members deciding that they would leave the
think and question everything from the government to God.
legacy with Brad. Years later, Eric Wilson, the bassist, and
“If God takes life, he's an Indian
Bud Gaugh, the drummer, would reform Sublime with Rome giver. So tell me now why you'll tell
Ramierz and under a new name “Sublime with Rome” which me never. Who would wanna be?
they would actually get sued over by Brad’s widow.
Who would wanna be such a control
freak?” That line would stick with me
from 2004, the year this album came
Nirvana Unplugged
out, to even now. It makes sense; eveThis isn’t just another traditional album; it is the only
one on the list that is a live one, but has a punch as strong as rything on this album makes sense
and that is why this is such a good
any of the others. This would be one
album. It shows you a different side
of the few and last acoustic shows
to rock and a different view of life. “If life's not beautiful
Nirvana would play. They recorded it
without the pain, well I'd just rather never ever even see
in November of 1993 and released in
beauty again,” Another meaningful quote from the song
April 1994 in the wake of Kurt Co“The View”. This along with everything else in the 16-track
bain’s death. Most songs played duralbum, is an album you have to check out.
ing this set were their lesser-known
London Calling By The Clash
songs and covers. I think the most
powerful song out of the whole set
21 The Paw Print March
Eric: Five Albums that Changed My Life
What makes this band so good is that they sound so
distant, so ethereal, that it seems as if they’re playing on a
distant level. Jonny Greenwood supplies keyboard melodies
Rodrigo and Gabriela are two virtuoso Mexican guitar- in the background, and the band has mastered so many inists based in Ireland. They play almost exclusively instrustruments that they’re capable of producing a vast number
mental music and got their modest start as street performof sounds. But beneath it all is the same skeleton that all
ers. There is absolutely no reason for Rodrigo and Gabriela
bands follow: a pair of guitars, a bassline, drums, and voto be popular over here across the
cals—the music is so complex and layered that it’s almost
pond. So what would cause me to
refreshing to hear these familiar sounds in the middle of an
recommend their tiny little 2006
explosion of sound and studio effects.
album that did not even reach the
This band is centered around and driven by its lead
U.S. charts?
singer, Thom Yorke. Q Magazine calls him the sixth most
Well, to start, they’re absolutely
powerful figure in music, and Rolling Stone calls him the
amazing. The duo has achieved a
66th greatest singer to ever live. I call him a genius. His vobit of modest success in the U.S. as cals in O.K. Computer might not be as bold or as flashy as
a YouTube sensation and a hipster his performances in Kid A or In Rainbows, but it remains
favorite, having been featured on
powerful and pitch-perfect. Radiohead is a band very conMTV (which apparently does still
cerned with technology, and Thom Yorke’s superhuman
play music) and recommended by singer-songwriter Damien falsetto helps bring the package together.
Rice, all with good reason.
Radiohead has become an immensely popular band
Rodrigo Sanchez is an expert lead guitarist with a Jimi
despite producing ballads unsuitable for radio. The band
Hendrix-like flair for the unconventional. His every note is
gets progressively weirder and weirder with each album.
precise and his refrains are memorable. Gabriela Quintero,
Each one has a different feel, and you could just as easily
meanwhile, supplies the rhythm and percussion, using sim- listen to Kid A or The Bends instead, but it is my personal
plistic techniques such as dead chords and slapping the gui- opinion that O.K. Computer has the most inclusive and contar.
sistent sound.
Together, they produce a sound so excellent that people
If you’re interested in good music, it’s worth an extra
with no experience whatsoever with salsa music can recogten dollars to find out why.
nize its greatness. The multi-layered guitar work produces a
rhythm that is both catchy and technically impressive. At
times, you can hear the two communicating back-and-forth In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
with their guitars, and these guys pull off the “dueling guiby Neutral Milk Hotel
tars” sound every last bit as well as pioneers such as Fleetwood Mac, Wishbone Ash, or Lynyrd Skynyrd. They get by
This one requires a really open mind. To a casual music
not on songwriting, but on sheer ability.
a lot of the stuff in this album can be really offThey might not be suitable for all tastes, but their talent
putting—the grainy recording, the instrument bleeding, and,
is undeniable. On this one album, they cover both Led Zeppelin and Metallica. Even Wayne Campbell would appreciate well, Jeff Mangum’s wail of a voice. If you’re not willing to
sit down and hear this album, rather
Rodrigo and Gabriela’s version of “Stairway to Heaven.”
than listen to it, you’re probably going
Give them a shot, see how you like them. Now that the
to fall off the Neutral Milk Hotel
niche pick is out of the way, it’s time to get down to the conbandwagon pretty quickly.
ventional music.
No matter how unnatural the album
might sound, though, the music is
O.K. Computer by Radiohead
fantastic. The transitions from one
song to the next are smooth and the
mood is powerful throughout. Listen…Well, maybe it’s not conventional, but it’s definitely
ing to this album is like living in the
more accessible. Radiohead is a very strange band. They
middle of hipster culture in the early 1990’s. It is brutally
explore all types of sounds and
every type of vibe, and they do it all honest with a whole range of topics from trauma to embarwith such an incredibly worldly feel rassment to government. Inspired by the diary of Anne
Frank and heavily reliant on the past, Aeroplane does a lot of
that choosing their best album
really comes down to personal pref- stuff right and produces a kaleidoscopic, unique sound. It’s
impossible to take in everything on this album in just one
erence. They are a band that are
simultaneously loved by highIts technical genre would probably be psychedelic folk
minded and learned music critics,
music (which just sounds awesome). It’s unlike everything
as well as oblivious teenagers who
you’ve ever heard before. A lot of the stuff on this album,
want to sound like they know music.
Continued on page 23
Rodrigo y Gabriela by Rodrigo y Gabriela
22 The Paw Print March
Eric: Five Albums that Changed My Life
Continued from page 22
particularly the intro to the second track, can be pretty offputting, but it’s a niche musical choice for any library. Bands
generally either have “it” or they don’t, but Neutral Milk
Hotel abandons the concept of “it” altogether and re-invents
music for these forty minutes.
Odds are this is one of the most hit-or-miss albums I
could ever recommend. Certain people will absolutely love it
to death, and others will dismiss it as a weird, annoying
mess of sound. The beauty of this album is how enjoyable
the weird, annoying mess of sound really is.
Funeral by Arcade Fire
Funeral is an indie rock legend. Pitchfork Media calls it
the second greatest album of this decade and Rolling Stone
calls it “an exceptional debut.” It’s achieved a “universal acclaim” rating from Metacritic. Pretty much everybody agrees
that it’s the best
thing to ever come
out of Canada.
Eleven people
regularly contributed to this album;
“Wake Up,” the
seventh track, required fifteen. The
result is a neverending barrage of
sound. Piano, organ, cello, violin,
xylophone, synthesizer, and accordion wrap around
each other and interplay so perfectly that this album can be
considered a modern masterpiece. Lead singer Win Butler’s
vocal work is memorable and powerful. The average length
of a Funeral song pushes well past the four-minute marker.
This album is more suitable for a concert hall than a radio
But when we’re talking about Funeral, we’re talking
about near-flawless songwriting. Arcade Fire will build you
up just to break you down. They’ll make you happy just to
make you sad. The mood shifts are obvious and sudden, and
the album moves in all sorts of different directions.
For an introduction, try listening to the track “Crown of
Love,” the most conventional song on the album. As simple
as it might be (relative to the rest of the album), it’s almost
impossible not to like, much like the rest of the album.
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Where to begin? Everybody knows about Pink Floyd,
whether they want to or not. Everybody has heard of Dark
Side of the Moon and The Wall. Pink Floyd has had a loyal,
23 The Paw Print March
dedicated fanbase for decades…so what makes this album,
one of their lesser known, so good?
Well, when Pink Floyd formed in the early 1960’s, their
lead man was a young singer-songwriter by the name of Syd
Barrett. Barrett took complete hold of the band. He wrote
the lyrics and sang
the music, and it
was under him that
the band released
their first album,
the criticallyacclaimed Piper at
the Gates of Dawn.
The thing is
Barrett liked to
experiment, and
not just with his
music. The combination of the massive amounts of
acid he consumed
and the psychedelic
light shows Pink Floyd played at their concerts got to him.
Very quickly, Syd Barrett started to develop severe mental
illness—within months of the album’s release, he would
stand on stage, staring off into space, refusing to sing and
playing the same dead chord over and over. The band was
forced to kick him out, replacing him with David Gilmour.
Keep this tragedy in mind when listening to Wish You
Were Here. The title of the album itself is directed at Barrett,
and the masterpiece ballad, “Shine On You Crazy Diamond,”
when abbreviated, reads “SYD.”
When recording the album, a bald, overweight, and
unstable man wandered into Abbey Road studios to watch
Pink Floyd in recording. It took several hours for Rick
Wright, the band’s keyboardist, to recognize him as Barrett.
Syd told the band he did not like the music they were recording, left, and was never seen by the band members
Combine musical geniuses with crushing heartbreak
and you will always get fantastic music. Wish You Were
Here is the immediate follow-up to their breakthrough hit,
Dark Side of the Moon. The band was functioning at its absolute peak. Within a couple years of this album, the band
would fight constantly, and would eventually break up. Wish
You Were Here is the calm before the storm.
The album features five songs. The main feature, “Shine
On You Crazy Diamond,” is broken up into nine parts and
spans 26 minutes. The band was holding nothing back.
“Have a Cigar” and “Wish You Were Here” (the song) are
also tremendous. “Welcome to the Machine,” maybe a bit
out of place, is a startling glimpse into the lives of the “new”
Pink Floyd, the band that would produce the angry, anarchistic Wall album some four years later.
This is music at its finest. Every last second of sound
has a specific purpose. Wish You Were Here is the greatest
album by one of the greatest bands.
Be Anyone You Want
Tim Burton Aces
Another With ‘Alice
in Wonderland’
By Kylie Starr
Want to see a visually spectacular film this month… Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” is one of the
best 3D films since “Avatar.” This brings
some amazing special affects to movie
world. If you are a movie geek you will
enjoy this film. The film has some incredible actors and actresses, such as
Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, Helena
Bonham Carter (Tim Burton’s wife) as
the Red Queen, and last, but not least,
Anne Hathaway as the White Queen.
This new film takes Tim Burton’s crazy, dark, ominous, and visually thrilling movies to the next level. It is a quenching new version of the classic “Alice in Wonderland.” Having the film in 3D
gives it an extra oomph. I am sure the movie would still be good in
2D, but it still wouldn’t have that special feeling like you are in the
Mia Wasikowska plays the part of Alice in one of her biggest
roles yet. She is a young inquiring young woman who comes up
with new ways and ideas of everyday life. Some may believe she
gets her quizzical attitude from her late father who was a successful businessman. The one quote that Alice always says throughout the film (that she learned from her father) is, “I think of six
impossible things before breakfast.” This quote is helps Alice with
her final act in the film.
After a while through the movie Alice learns her true destiny… to overthrow the Red Queen. She learns that she must slay
a horrible beast to ensure that the White Queen (the Red Queen’s
younger sister) gets the crown and her kingdom back and in order. It takes a while for Alice to figure out if she is in one of her
many dreams or if her adventure is actually real life. Towards the
ending of the movie, Alice learns many things on her journey that
helps her get through her life.
“Alice in Wonderland” is one of the best films of this year.
Characters like the Blue Caterpillar to the Cheshire Cat were all
shown as they were in the original, but much more visually fascinating. The affects were simply amazing. Tim Burton did excellent
work on yet another movie. If you are a fan then check out this
trippy flick!
Short Takes by Eric Budd
24 The Paw Print March
By Kaitlyn Welteroth
While you are talking on the internet, you can be anyone
that you want to be. You can hide behind the computer screen
and be whoever and however you want. You never know if the
person that is typing the funny comments back to you is the love
of your life or their gay best friend. The book called “M or F?”
features a girl named Frannie and her best friend Marcus. Frannie starts to like a boy named Jeffrey after she sees how sensitive
he is at a poetry reading. Jeffrey starts to talk to Frannie on
their school’s chat room, but Frannie isn’t the person who is typing. The person that is relaying all of the information to Jeffrey is
Frannie’s best friend Marcus. Over the internet, Marcus starts to
talk to Jeffrey acting as Frannie without her consent. He starts to
fall for Jeffrey but too late to learn Jeffrey has a secret too. Are
you confused yet?
After finding out that Marcus has been impersonating
her to talk to Jeffrey, Frannie blows up on Marcus, only to make
things more complicated. Marcus says a few things about how
Jeffrey seems more interested in him than her. After the fight she
storms off to her house and sits in her room alone. Frannie
thinks about her relationship with Jeffrey and starts to wonder if
Jeffrey is gay. After a while of fighting Frannie and Marcus become friends again and Frannie tells Marcus that she thinks that
her boyfriend might be gay and that he should go for it. He feels
as if Jeffrey’s best friend Glenn is into Frannie a little more than
Jeffrey is.
So, Marcus sets it up that Glenn and Frannie go to the
movies together, and Frannie learns that Glenn is actually gay
and that Jeffrey isn’t. All the while Marcus has taken Jeffrey to
the park to try and “make a move” on him. After hearing that
Jeffrey is straight and Glenn is gay, she knows that Marcus and
she made an awful mistake. They rush to go and stop Marcus
before it’s too late. After finding Marcus and Jeffrey, they all tell
their little secrets. Don’t worry … it gets good.
Of course you now know that, Marcus was typing
everything to Jeffrey as Frannie. Frannie tells Jeffrey that
she thought he was gay. But, Glenn has something to tell everyone too. He was posing as Jeffrey on the internet while talking to
Frannie. So, Marcus learns that he has a lot more in common
with Glenn than he thought he did. Let’s just say that Glenn and
Marcus are together at the end and so are Jeffrey and Frannie.
Even though this book was confusing, it was actually a
really good book. At the beginning of each chapter there is a little
symbol which either means “M or F” to tell you who is narrating.
If I were you I would go and read this book, if you want a fast
Stabley Lea
The Male
Taylor Sta Athlete of the Mo
nth for M
arch is wre
wrestling ley. Taylor is a sen
ior and is
team. He
enjoys win
ing his frie
ning, com the boys’
nds come
to watch
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him wrest eting, and havle
is a sport gan wrestling at a
ge five, be .
that teach
cause wre
es you dis
“It makes
sport to b u a better person line from a young ng
,” he says.
e in.” Tay
“It’s a goo ge.
but says h
e relies m works hard every
ore on his
matches th
own natu ngle practice,
ral ability
work he p n the
uts into
Taylor wo
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very nearl ar, and
states. He made it to
solid senio ad a very
He enjoys season.
ing life. H anging out with fr
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is future b
but he do
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our wrest , Taylor put in a v g after graduation
ery good
ling team
senior yea
r for
lations, T
Male Athle
Of The Mon
Lauer Prepped
arch is softba
Month for M
The Female A
sy is a senior
y Lauer. Chris e is a team player, and
player Chriss
. Sh
softball team
succeed. “We
girls’ varsity
teammates to
hard,” she
gness to work
enjoys worki
ch ot
depend on ea
was inter.
ll because she
t, and she
Chrissy began
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wanted an ou
and dedica
hours of wor
season, and
ring the week.
ng and runs du varsity softball team her
weight traini
lected to e
ive Player
Chrissy was se was selected as the Offens in local
, and
freshman year
s also been fe
st year. She ha ce on the field.
king. She
r her perform
newspapers fo riding bikes and scrapboo ans to
Chrissy enjoys ski, hike, and swim. She
pects to
likes to play
attend college
ter high scho
ing softball af
continue play ns, Chrissy!
Female Athlete
Of The Month
25 The Paw Print March
Team USA Has A Good Olympic Showing
By David Sweeney
Every four years the best athletes come from
all around the world to compete in the Winter
Olympics. This year’s Winter Olympics took place
in Vancouver, Canada and featured several events such
as bobsled, luge, skeleton, ice hockey, figure skating,
speed skating, short track speed skating and curling.
The competition was fierce but only the elite can be
given the gold medal and named the best in the world.
The United States fought hard and came out with
more medals than any other country but not with the
most gold. The U.S. came out with 9 gold
medals, 15 silver medals and 13 bronze medals. Canada had home field advantage and
also won most gold with 14. The top 10 countries in the
Olympics were Canada, Germany, United States, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, China, Sweden, Austria, and the Netherlands.
Earned or Not?
By Autumn Shirey
The first thing you think about when you hear of sports
teams heading to districts is their success, right? Well that’s
not the case for the Girls Varsity Basketball team. With an ending record of 0-22, the girls are headed to Milton Senior High
to play the team that they needed to beat to not only get their
first win of the season, but also to advance on to the next round
of playoffs. District Four recently made it a rule that if the
coach wanted to take his team to districts, even with no wins,
he was entitled to just that. In the process of making this rule
the District Four council did not consult with any of the
schools, and decided that it will only be a trial basis this year.
Varsity coach Adam Kline and JV coach Bob Boob went to the
girls with a vote decision. It ended up that the majority of the
girls said yes.
With a score of 65-42 the girls lost to Milton for the third
time this year. Our girls tried their best to keep up, but in the
end they were short.
Our girls basketball team
26 The Paw Print March
This year’s Olympics had some difficult twists. In fact there
wasn’t enough snow to go around. Thanks to the warmest
January on record, the slopes were more mud
than snow. Helicopters (the same that are used for
forest fires) and dump trucks were sent out to bring
in snow. They unloaded an average of 780 tons of snow
per day. That wasn’t all the problems created. Nodar
Kumaritashvili, a Georgian slider, during a training run,
flew off his sled and hit a pole and then died shortly
If you didn’t watch the Winter Olympics you really
missed out. All the games may not be the most exciting in the world but they bring some of the
best to the game. When the Summer Olympics comes around in two years, sit down
and watch the best ever do what they do best.
Track is Back!
By Evan Sander
Ah, springtime; the time of year when everything starts
turning green, animals come out, and runners lace up their
shoes. The all-weather track that sits up above the school that
does nothing but collects dead leaves and snow for threequarters of the year is now going back in use. That’s right, the
2010 track and field season is beginning.
The boy’s track and field team is looking for another
strong season, coming off of last year 8-4-0. Their only losses
coming from a cold and snowy meet at Selinsgrove, a lastevent 6 point loss to Danville, an outing by a young and very
fast Williamsport, and a 20 point last meet loss to Lewisburg.
They finished third at districts last year, with a 115 points total. The team lost their top athletes in every event except four.
There is still someone strong coming back in each event this
year, the only question is depth. Many of the sprinters are
talking a big season, with an outlook to end the drought and
bring home the boys’ first district title in 36 years. James Barnes (12) thinks that the team will easily have a winning re-
Continued on page 27
Jaron Smithgall (12)
Kyle Ulsamer (12)
Track and Field
Continued from page 26
cord, and have a team capable of winning a district title. “Our
biggest challenges this season will definitely be Williamsport,
Shik, and Selinsgrove,” he said.
I’m calling the boys having a strong season, only changing two
losses, a victory over Lewisburg and a squeak by of Danville.
The team will have a closer loss to Selinsgrove, performing
under more friendly conditions this year than previous: a
snowy, performance-dwindling cold that led Selinsgrove to
route the team last season. Due to their immense size, Williamsport will dominate the sprinting events and will play a
role in competing in the jump events, and will come to a +100
point victory. Final prediction: 10-2-0
The Girl’s Track team is coming off a rather poor season last year, finishing with a record of 4-8-0. However, the
girl’s team has a bright new outlook for this season. With Mr.
Williamson stepping down at the end of last season, Mr. Raudabaugh being asked to leave midseason last year, and Gary
Stiener, the distance coach for both boy’s and girl’s, choosing
not to return for the upcoming track season, the coaching staff
for the girls is completely fresh and new. Two weeks before the
season is scheduled to start, Mr. Kimble, the new girl’s head
coach, is already holding after-school workouts to get to know
his runners and begin to instill his coaching methods in the
Already, some girls are seeing a new hope arise. Tierney Clark (12) said, “I think we will have a better season than
last year, what with the new coaches coming in and everything.”
It should take Mr. Kimble a few years to blossom and
find his groove with the girl’s team, but he should bring some
new life to the team, and the new staff will help lift this team
up to close to a .500 record. Final prediction: 6-6-0.
Three Wrestlers
Reach Districts
By Josh Bowser
Jersey Shore’s wrestlers have gone to great distances and
have come back with some fantastic wins. On February 26 at
Selinsgrove High School, districts were held. Jersey Shore had
Three District IV AAA champions: Cody Mason, Taylor Stabley,
and Dylan Shields. These three champions went to Freedom
High School on March 5 and March 6 for the Northeast AAA
Joining our winners will be the second place winners Dalton McLaughlin, Kelob Herman, Cody Ulmer and Elliott Packer.
Jersey Shore’s own Cody Mason advanced to states after winning on Friday and Saturday. Wrestling States will take place in
Hershey. States were held on March 11, 12, and 13.
Cody Mason was our only wrestler to qualify for the wrestling states. He felt pretty good about the match. He was excited
and nervous at the same time for these matches. In the end, it
all turned out pretty well—Cody placed seventh at states.
Congratulations, Cody!
Cody Mason (12)
Jersey Shore Swimmers
Bringing Home the Gold
Although the team is small, the girls
and boys from Jersey Shore made quite an
impact on the district swim meet at Bucknell University. The girls team overall
placed third in the team standings and the
five boys placed eighth in the overall standings. Great swims were all around.
The girls 200 medley relay started the
meet off with freshmen Katie Flook, Lindsay Dudek, and Addison Crawley and junior Gabby Rossman up at the blocks, and
brought home fourth place medals.
The boys 200 medley relay kept up the
streak and finished an honest fifth place
with some great swims for Ethan Hart, Ian
Endresen, Brett Ulsamer and McKinley
The 200 freestyle was the next event
and proved to be one awesome swim.
Maddi Thompson really went out and won
the event earning a state berth with the
win. It was a close race the whole way, with
Maddi on top by 0.14 sec. Addison Crawley
also earned points for the team in the 200
free finishing a respectable 12th place.
Brett Ulsamer went up to the blocks a
few events later in the 200 individual medley and earned Jersey Shore’s third piece of
hardware with a sixth place finish dropping
nearly five seconds off of his seed time. Ian
Endresen added team points with his ninth
place finish. He wasn’t nearly as happy with
his time, but Ian has time to improve.
In the 50 freestyle, Alainah Rosencrance held her own time and had a respectable swim. Jamie Mason was determined to drop her time and that she did
finishing with a time 0.2 seconds less than
her seed time in 13th place. Brooke Koch
added to the team medal collection with a
sixth place finish and Danielle McPherson
Continued on page 28
27 The Paw Print March
Swim Team Dominance
for their finishes.
The breaststroke event featured JS swimmers Danielle
McPherson, Gabby Rossman and Ian Endresen. The third place
brought home the fourth place medal in a very tough field with
medal went to Danielle and Ian brought home the fifth place
less than a second separating the first four places.
medal. Gabby Rossman added to the team points with a 1:14.58,
The boys 50 free was equally exciting. Although there were
dropping nearly two seconds in this race. Ian Endresen is hot on
no medals, team points were awarded to all three JS boys, Ethan
Hart and McKinley Thompson dropped 0.2 seconds each on their Leland Thompson’s medal and record with a 1:05.70. Mac
Thompson dropped four seconds and added team points with his
times and Luke Holcomb nearly two seconds.
great finish in this event.
Lindsay Dudek and Katie Flook, both freshmen, went
The last event of the day was the 400 free relay, and a real
eighth and ninth in the 100 fly, dropping time for a personal best,
nail biter was on tap. The first two seeded teams (JS and Central
and Kiersten Kemmerer also added team points with her best
time! Brett Ulsamer really wanted this 100 fly placement and out- Columbia) were separated by 0.5 seconds! For awhile, the JS girls
were lagging slightly behind the tough Danville and Central teams,
did himself for the next JS medal for second place, dropping
but the girls were not to be put out. Each one of the girls went
nearly two seconds with a best time. Brett earned a time qualifysub-minute in their respective 100 yard legs of the race with the
ing position at the state meet with his 55:70 time.
JS girls finishing on the top of the medal stand and another state
Maddi Thompson, Brooke Koch and Jamie Mason all went
berth. The caveat is they broke a 12 year old record set in 1998 by
sub-minute in the 100 freestyle. Maddi and Brooke added to the
medal count with a first place and a sixth place respectively.
the All-American Bloomsburg team! The JS girls swim team curMaddi is also a state qualifier in this event. Jamie Mason finished rently owns all three district relay records. And these girls are in
11th and adding more team points. Ethan Hart finished just out of the sights of their competition for next year already. This was a
medal range in seventh place by 0.04 seconds Luke Holcomb also phenomenal race with the JS girls being pressured by the very
quick Central Columbia team.
dropped time and added team points with his 13th place finish.
All total, the JS teams came home with four first place medals
Addison Crawley is the brave one in the 500 free, and had a
and state berths, one second place, one third place, three fourth
very tough field to compete in. She finished a little up from her
place, two fifth place and two sixth place medals. Not too shabby
seed time, but still a respectable swim.
for a 15 member team.
The JS girls own the district record in the 200 free relay
These individuals will be headed back to Bucknell University
again. They bettered their previous record this year with an incredible win over a scrappy Lewisburg team. Danielle McPherson, for state competition on March 18 – 20. These girls will be competing in the 200 Free Relay and 400 Free Relay, looking to place
Brooke Koch, Jamie Mason and Maddi Thompson all improved
another picture on the wall in the lobby of the gym. The individtheir 50 free times and added another first place medal and state
ual events for Maddi Thompson will be in the 200 and 100 free
berth for the JS girls. The boys 200 free relay brought home the
fourth place medal with a finish time four seconds less than their and Maddi can be seeded near the top with her times. Brett Ulsamer will compete in the 100 fly, and Danielle McPherson will be
seed time.
swimming in the 50 free and 100 breaststroke.
Freshmen Katie Flook and Lindsay Dudek both improved
their 100 backstroke times in this event, adding more team points
Continued from page 27
Maddi Thompson has her name in lights.
28 The Paw Print March
Brett Ulsamer in second place in the 100 fly, earning a spot at states.