The Rocky Hock Anchor


The Rocky Hock Anchor
MAY 2016
The Rocky Hock Anchor
The Mission of Rocky Hock Baptist Church is
to magnify Christ and make disciples of all people.
Family Matters
Have you ever heard the saying, “the family that prays together stays together?” I’m certain you
have, and if not, I want us to consider it together. It goes without saying that family means a lot to us. Having
been your pastor for more than nine years, I have witnessed the dedication, devotion, and love that is shared.
Do you know why we feel this way about family? Let’s talk about it together. Some of you may know and
make the connection and some may not, so let’s consider the evidence. Simple logic tells us that everything in
our world has a beginning and that includes you and me. Beginning confirms a creation and that leads
undeniably to a Creator. As a human, the only substantial explanation of our beginning and purpose is found
in the biblical account of our creation in the image of our Creator. Genesis 1 & 2 records our family heritage.
It also tells us why we think like we do and have the connections and desires to love and be loved by living in
a family unit. We were created to always be with our Creator, yet sin separated us from our true Father (God).
But not even sin can keep us away from Him if we return to Him (by grace through faith in Jesus Christ) and
fulfill our purpose.
In God’s magnificent design, He uses family in His eternal purpose of creating a kingdom people for
His Eternal Kingdom. Then the next logical question is: How do I know and fulfill that purpose?
As always, the answer is given to us in God’s Word. Here’s what the Lord said to us: “Hear, O
Israel; the Lord our God, the Lord is One! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with
all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words I command you today shall be in your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and
when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on
your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of
your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Emphasis added)
Let me give you three main areas of concentration to be successful as a Christian and a Christian
family, which are covered in the passage quoted. First is individual growth. Commit to daily personal Bible
study, prayer, and to a missional attitude (how you can glorify God through loving your neighbor). Take
advantage of available Bible study. Are you in adult Bible study on Sunday and Wednesday night? Second is
home growth. Daily family Bible study and prayer is expected. If you are not spending at least an hour
together daily as a family you will become deficient in the necessity of family spirituality. Third is corporate
(church) growth. Every member of the family who is Christian should be devoted to and serving the Lord
through the ministries of the church. Involvement in the earthly Kingdom (church) is mandatory, as Paul
points out in several of his epistles. Worship, evangelism, and missions are the heartbeat of the Christian and
the Christian church.
Wow! Our family is so important that God will make it maximize His glory on earth and fill His
Kingdom of Heaven! Praise the Lord, O my soul! Let’s all make sure our family matters matter in God’s
Your Loving Pastor
The May Missions Committee Meeting will be on Sunday, May 15th
at 7 PM in the Conference Room. The 5th Sunday Missions Offering
in May has been designated for Open Arms Ministries
From our Minister of
Youth & Children
Keep God at the center of your life.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
“Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your strength.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 is known as the Shema, which is the Hebrew word translated “listen.” The call to
listen in this verse is similar to when parents say to their children, “Now, listen up.” The words that follow
“listen up” have extreme significance. What are we to listen to? What are we to hear? “The Lord our God,
the Lord is One.” It can also be rendered, “God is our God, God alone.” It means God and God alone is the
true and living God, and He alone is central in our lives.
Have you considered lately what’s at the center of your life? Many things are vying for your attention:
friends, family, career, sports, academics, recreation, hobbies, and so on. There’s nothing inherently wrong
with these things. They just don’t belong at the center of a believer’s life. These things won’t be strong
enough to hold your life together when it starts crumbling around you. If you center your life on a person, a
career, money, status, health, or good looks, you’re focusing on something that isn’t reliable and can be lost.
“Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on earth.” Colossians 3:2
The only One who is strong enough to hold us together when things feel hopeless is our heavenly
Father. Have you made Him your first priority and put Him at the center of your life? He can’t be taken from
you, and you can’t be taken from Him. He demands and deserves to be central in your life, and when He
comes first, you won’t be lost, or last, or let go.
Pastor Mike
Events & Opportunities for Youth
Every Sunday @ 6 PM - INCREASE (Youth Bible Study) - Youth Suite
Every Wednesday @ 7 PM - INCREASE (Youth Bible Study) - Youth Suite
Saturday, May 21 @ 7 PM - Youth Movie Night - Youth Suite - Snacks & Drinks Provided!
Saturday, June 25 - Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - Youth Summer Camp @ Ridgecrest, NC
Cost for members is $150, cost for non-members is $299. Full amount due by May 22.
A male chaperone is needed for this week! See Pastor Mike to volunteer!
Graduate Sunday
On Sunday, June 5th, our 2016 High School and College Graduates will be
recognized during the Morning Worship Service. There will be a luncheon following
the service in the Special Function Room to honor our High School Graduates.
From Our Minister of
Music & Education
Sing praises to God, sing praises!
Sing praises to the King, sing praises!
For God is King of all the earth;
Sing praises with understanding.
~ Psalm 47:6, 7
The book of Psalms is concerned with the primary activity of God’s blood-bought saints: singing!
Psalm 47 is particularly powerful, as it is a psalm concerned with singing praise to the King of Kings! For the
psalmist, this royal psalm sings of triumph, adoration, and honor. Today, such a psalm would gush with
adolescent awe and pseudo praise (Like, wow . . . this is awesome!). But this psalm is weighty, ponderous,
filled with profound admiration and awe. For the Mighty One, God, is on His throne. Verse 7 states the
obvious: God is King of all the earth! Therefore, praise to the King reflects His honor and might. Every
particle of this earth belongs to Him - - and all of music, as well. Hence, songs of praise sung cannot be
careless or flippant: He IS the King of all the earth! His subjects (His blood-bought ones) fall down before
Him in worship and wonder. Verse 2 sings that, not only is He the King, “the Lord most high is terrible; He is
a great King over all the earth.” None can resist His power or stand before His anger. He is not an effeminate
deity! He is Almighty! Those who oppose Him have great reason to fear; yet those who love Him, adore and
worship Him for the very same reason: the battle is not theirs, but God’s. Verses 6 and 7 contain a great “Call
to Worship.” When the King (our King!) issues a command to his subjects, He need only speak once, perhaps
twice. But in these verses, our Lord repeats the call to praise five times! Can such a call for action be taken
lightly? May it never be so. Holy song IS important; this five-fold repetition rebukes the slackness of our
song. For, HE IS WORTHY . . . He is our Creator, our Savior! The music must never stop. He must have all
of our praise, all the time. We must not praise Him with complaining, but enthusiasm. His majesty compels
His children to powerful praise. But, notice that verse 7 contains God’s fifth command to praise: Sing praises
with understanding. In our culture today, this is one of the Lord’s most ignored demands. Christians like to
sing with enthusiasm, but not with understanding. Excitement is pleasurable; singing with intelligent and
thoughtful understanding (of both the text and music) takes way too much effort (In 1 Corinthians 14, the
King James word “understanding” is usually translated as “mind”). But, the psalmist thunders: we are singing
to the King and He is no ordinary King. He is King of all the earth! Therefore, our song must be worthy of
its subject. We are in a battle. Our Lord will be victorious, but we cannot play at sacred song. We must sing
with understanding: intelligent, informed, and insightful song.
Is it possible? Can today's church sing with understanding? The Psalmist closes with these words: He
is greatly exalted. Sound doctrine and transcendent music is the only song that is truly worthy of our exalted
King. May we this day: Sing praises to our King, Sing praises with understanding.
As we begin the summer months, it is a busy time that can get in the way of worshipping our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. I ask that you stay faithful to worshiping our Lord. Each day this month I challenge you
to worship Christ everyday through scripture and song. Stay faithful and stay strong in God’s word as we sing
praises to our King.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Tyler
Rocky Hock Baptist Church
Day Care Presentation
LAST CHANCE to be included in our
New 2016 Church Pictorial Directory!
Photo Make-Up Day:
Thursday, May 5th from 2 - 9 PM
in the Multi-Purpose Room
There will be an additional Church Conference
meeting, along with a Question & Answer
Session, regarding the Proposed Day Care at
RHBC on Wednesday, May 4th at 7 PM in the
Sanctuary. You may present your questions to
Day Care Committee Members: Susan Nixon,
Chris Sykes, Laura Turner, Michelle Tynch,
Tanya Turner, Leslie Peele, Lee Bass, and
Taylor Parks. A vote will be taken on Sunday,
May 22nd at the Morning Worship Service as
to whether Rocky Hock Baptist Church should
pursue starting a full-time Day Care Ministry
(infants - 5 year olds).
You may sign up on-line by going to the Church
web-site (, scroll down to the
middle of the page to “Important Links” and
click on “Schedule your church directory
photos.” Or you may call the Church Office.
American Red Cross
Blood Drive
Tuesday, May 17
from 2:00 - 7:00 PM
in the Multi-Purpose Room
Sponsored by RHBC Baptist Men
Saturday, May 21
This is an outreach event to those in the church
and community who need assistance with odd
jobs around their homes. Sign-up sheets are in
the connecting corridor for volunteers, as well
as for those who need jobs done. Please
contact Oscar White for more information.
Book Recommendations
NEW FROM John Piper
A Peculiar Glory: How the
Christian Scriptures Reveal Their
Complete Truthfulness
As we begin preparing for 2016’s Operation
Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry, we will be
collecting certain items each month.
The items needed for May are:
On Guard: Defending Your Faith
with Reason and Precision
By William Lane Craig
Children’s T-shirts
(Small, Medium, and Large)
Sunday, May 29th @ 6 PM
Multi-Purpose Room
Rocky Hock Baptist Church
Vacation Bible School
Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24
8:30 AM - 12 Noon for Children, 7 PM for Youth
Kids, let’s go on an adventure like no other, deep within the mysterious sea!
As we submerge ourselves in God’s Word, we will discover that Jesus didn’t
just see what’s on the outside of people, He looked deep down on the inside.
So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find truth below the surface!
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive
way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” Psalm 139: 23-24 (HCSB)
Our Motto: Jesus sees. Jesus knows. Jesus saves.
May 1st
@ 10:55 AM
Baptist Women
A Message from Belva
During the month of May, we will be collecting money for the Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center.
The center ministers to women and families facing an abortion decision. They count it as a true blessing when
they have the opportunity to help mothers chose life.
The center is in their 27th year of ministry. Their efforts can only continue with the support of
churches and individuals who share their belief that life truly is sacred. We will be passing out the baby
bottles in the coming weeks and will return the bottles filled with money by May 29th.
Please support their efforts with your donations.
Bap ist Men
Baptist Men’s Breakfast
Sunday, May 15th at 7:30 AM
in the Special Function Room
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20
This is what we are instructed in scripture to do.
And this is our motto verse for CREW. By participating
in this outreach, you will experience how to become a
better disciple and how to grow new disciples.
If you have not been to CREW before, I challenge
you to come this month on Thursday, May 26th at 7 PM
to the Special Function Room. Let’s strive together to
build the kingdom of God!
Movie Night
for Kids
Spring Crossword Puzzle
Friday, May 20th
@ 6 PM
in the Youth Suite
Snacks and Drinks
will be provided!
Children’s Summer Camp
Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2016 @
Gardner-Webb University
Cost for members is $142, cost for non-members
is $283. Full amount due by May 22.
See Pastor Mike for more information!
“Serve the Lord with gladness . . .”
~ Psalms 100: 2
Deacon Ministry Teams
Deacon Greeters
Wayne Bunch, Jack Evans, Mike Evans
Keith Nixon, Scott Noble, Phil Smith
Sr. Adult SS Center: Donald Bass
Russell Byrum, Col. Bill Smith, Chris Sykes
Wayne Howell, Ted Peele, Bill Smith
Adam Bunch, Steve Evans, Allen Peele
Lee Bass (Chairman),
Donald Bass (Co-Chairman),
Wayne Bunch, Allen Peele,
Bill (Janet) Smith, Phil Smith
Sanctuary Main: Lee Bass
Connecting Corridor: Allen Peele
Multi-Purpose Main: Steve Evans
Joe Asbell, Neal Bass, Tony Bass,
Randy Parks, Aubrey Tynch,
Stanley Tynch, Bob Wallace
Counting Committee
Mike Evans, Frank & Hope Gosser,
Carroll & Judy Peele
Collecting in May
Children’s T-shirts
Small, Medium,
& Large
Needed for May
Nursery & Pre-School Workers
Sunday School
Sunday AM
Sunday AM Worship
(2 year olds)
1st Sunday
Maryann Bunch
Kim Forehand
Kimberly McPherson
Denise Nixon
Lindsay Smith
1st Sunday
Louvenia Stewart
Amanda O’Kelley
2nd Sunday
Ashley Byrum
Kristia Noble
Michelle Tynch
2nd Sunday
Alanna Bass
Melissa Chappell
Lauren Smith
Peggy Weiss
2nd Sunday
Holly Evans
Dawn Bunch
2nd Sunday
Karen Miller
Rene` Smith
3rd Sunday
Mary Jo Bass
Amanda Howell
Susan Sykes
3rd Sunday
Amanda Goodwin
Jessica Hoggard
Kristia Noble
Tanya Turner
Michelle Tynch
3rd Sunday
Hope Gosser
Susan Sykes
3rd Sunday
Karen Miller
Susan Sykes
4th Sunday
Bonnie Bond
Holly Evans
Marcia Evans
4th Sunday
Laura Bass
Dawn Bunch
Gloria Horton
Amanda Howell
4th Sunday
Anna Evans
Karen Smith
Logan Smith
5th Sunday
Claire Evans
Karen Miller
Kristia Noble
Mia Noble
5th Sunday
Kimberly McPherson
Denise Nixon
1st Sunday
Penny Byrum
Linda Layton
Lisa Smith
5th Sunday
Arlene Bass
Betty Bunch
Beth Evans
* indicates teachers of the week
Sunday PM
1st Sunday
Sue Hoggard
Amber Young
Wednesday PM
1st Wednesday
Leslie Peele
Elizabeth Riddick
Mission Friends
Chris & Susan Sykes
2nd Wednesday
Rhonda Bass
Laura Turner
Mission Friends
Kim Forehand
Sherlynne Smith
3rd Wednesday
Ashley Byrum
Linda Layton
Mission Friends
Alanna Bass
Molli Riddick
4th Sunday
Donna Harrell
Audrey Eley
4th Wednesday
Alanna Bass
Molli Riddick
5th Sunday
Ashley Byrum
Michelle Tynch
Children’s Church
Mission Friends
Michelle Tynch
Laura Turner
5th Wednesday
Gloria Horton
Elizabeth Riddick
Mission Friends
Sallie Chappell
Clara Peele
Molli Riddick
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
Son Seekers
(3-4 year olds)
Son Seekers
(3-4 year olds)
Son Seekers
(3-4 year olds)
Son Seekers
(3-4 year olds)
Son Seekers
(3-4 year olds)
Catina Byrum
Faith Byrum
Molli Riddick
Regina Copeland
Kim Forehand
Chelsea White
Melissa Chappell
Claire Evans
Alanna Bass
Sherlynne Smith
Allen & Sarah Nixon
Clara Peele
Kingdom Kids
(K-5th Grade)
Kingdom Kids
(K-5th Grade)
Joey & Ashley Byrum
*Amanda Howell
*Laura Turner
*Gloria Horton
Jay & Felicia Parrish
Lisa Bullock
*Mike & Heather Denny
Kingdom Kids
(K-5th Grade)
Kingdom Kids
(K-5th Grade)
*Trey & Alanna Bass
*Wayne & Donna Harrell
LeAnn Nixon
Debbie Bicknell
*Sharon Nixon
Chris & Susan Sykes
*Mike & Heather Denny
No Children’s
Church for
Kingdom Kids
(K-5th Grade)
on 5th Sunday
Rocky Hock Baptist Church
113 Rocky Hock Church Road
Edenton, North Carolina 27932
Address Service Requested
Check us out on the web at
Weekly Church Activities:
9:45 AM - Bible Study for all ages
10:55 AM - Worship
5:45 PM - GROW - Kids In Discipleship (K.I.D. Groups)
6:00 PM - Adult Bible Study; INCREASE (Youth Bible Study)
10:00 AM - Young at Heart Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM - Senior Adult Choir
4th Tuesdays: 7:00 PM - Prayer Shawl Ministry
7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study; INCREASE (Youth); GROW (Children - Mission Friends, GA’s, RA’s)
8:00 PM - Sanctuary Choir
Dr. James Horton, Senior Pastor
[email protected]
221-4948 (Home)
Mike Denny, Associate Pastor: Youth & Children
[email protected]
336-266-9493 (Cell)
Tyler Cone, Associate Pastor: Worship & Education 252-903-2565 (Cell)
[email protected]
Mr. Allen Peele, Chairman of Deacons
221-8814 (Home)
Mrs. Linda B. Bunch, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
221-4133 (Office)