6 spd crossmember


6 spd crossmember
Universal Transmission Crossmember
Installation Guide
Fits 1965-1970 Mustang
Ford Performance Specialist
1001 Reno Avenue Suite 2F
Modesto, CA. 95351
Phone (209)605-1590 Fax (209)569-0558
Warranty information:
There is NO WARRANTY, expressed or implied on this product. Neither the manufacturer nor
the seller will be liable for any loss, damage or injury, direct or indirect, arising from the use or
inability to determine the appropriate use of this product. Before attempting to install, all pictures
and/or instruction sheets should be completely reviewed to determine the suitability of the product for its intended use. The user assumes all risk and responsibility. We (RMP) reserve the
right to change specifications without notice. ALL PRODUCTS ARE INTENDED FOR RACING
offered for sale are considered race car components and may require some fabrication skill. NO
Read Completely Before Starting Installation
Read entire installation manual before starting installation. You need to familiarize yourself with the
complete installation before starting. This manual is designed to make the installation of our products
easy and trouble free.
Make sure that your vehicle is securely supported on a hoist or jack stands before starting any work.
Before starting any work on your vehicle, be sure to disconnect the battery.
Experience working with cars is required. If you are not completely sure of any of these
installation procedures, consult a qualified mechanic.
This crossmember can be used with T5, Tremec 3550, TKO, 500, 600 and T56 6 Speed transmissions.
May work with other transmissions.
RMP Adjustable Lowered Motor Mounts are helpful when installing a T-56, 6 speed transmission into an
Early Mustang.
Depending on the model and year of your vehicle, this crossmember may require modifications to your
rear brake line and parking brake cables.
Special tools required
Torque wrench
Drill motor
1/8” drill bit
3/8” drill bit
5/8” drill bit
If you are planning on using the “Uni-Cross”
crossmember to install a T-56, 6 speed
transmission into your Early Mustang, you
will need to trim the floor support crossmember that goes above the trans as shown in
the picture to the right. I would recommend
removing more from the sides than we did.
Our transmission is a little tight on the sides
near this floor support crossmember, and the
extra clearance would be helpful.
At this point you should have your engine or an
engine block secured in the car by its motor
mounts. Then bolt the transmission to the engine.
If you are using adjustable motor mounts, make
any and all adjustments to the engine/
transmission before going any further. Be sure
that the engine/transmission are not contacting
the body anywhere along the floor or transmission
First you will want to start by installing the transmission mount onto the transmission.
Install the crossmember onto the transmission mount.
Leave slightly loose so that adjustments to the crossmember can be made.
Install the frame brackets on both ends of the crossmember. Leave bolts a little loose so you can make adjustments to frame brackets.
Slide the frame brackets up against the inside of the
frame rail. Make sure that base of frame bracket sits flat
on frame rail.
Once you have your transmission and frame brackets in
the desired location, clamp frame brackets in place so
that they will not shift or move.
Using a sharp object, like a pick, mark the frame bracket
holes onto the inside of the frame rail.
After you have marked the holes, remove crossmember
and frame brackets.
Before you center punch the frame rails for drilling, you
will need to make sure that your centers are 1 3/8” apart.
Once you have verified that your centers are 1 3/8” apart
go ahead and center punch the frame rails and start drilling.
Drill 1/8” pilot holes, then drill holes out to 1/4”
Finally drill holes to 3/8”. Do not go any larger than 3/8”
Then you will be drilling thru the outside of the frame rail.
It is very important to get these holes drilled straight
across from the holes on the inside of the frame rails. We
used a carpenters square and an extra long 3/8” drill bit
to make sure our holes were straight.
Once you have drilled the 3/8” holes thru the outside of
the frame rail, drill the holes on the outside of the frame
rails up to 5/8”. Drill only the outside of the frame rails.
Slide the frame reinforcement tubes into the holes on the
outside of the frame rail. It may be necessary to ream
these holes out a little to get the frame reinforcement
tubes to fit.
As you can see in the photo, the tubes on the frame reinforcement tubes are too long. Each tube length needs to
be trimmed to the proper length. Do NOT use 1 measurement for all tubes. Mark the frame reinforcement tubes, 1
for drivers side and 1 for passengers side. Also mark the
front of the frame reinforcement tubes.
Using a dial caliper, we measured the depth of each hole.
Then we transferred the dimension to the appropriate
If you do not have a dial caliper available to you to make
these measurements, you can accomplish the same
thing by using a screw driver to make the measurement.
Then transfer the distance to the appropriate tube.
Once you have transferred the measurement to the
appropriate tube, cut the tube 1/16” to 1/10” shorter than
your mark. This will give a slight compression on the
frame rail ensuring a secure connection. Don't be surprised if every tube will be a different length after cutting
We used our wire wheel to smooth out the rough edges.
Be sure to wear your eye protection!
After the ends of the tubes are cut to the correct length
and deburred, side them back into the appropriate frame
rail. Then install the bolts thru the frame tubes.
Install the frame brackets over the bolts
Install the flat washers and nylock nuts. Do NOT tighten!
Leave these a little loose so that you can adjust the
frame brackets if needed.
Repeat 3 previous steps on other side of car.
Reinstall crossmember onto transmission mount. Do not
tighten nut.
Install crossmember to frame bracket bolts, washers and
nuts. Torque to 40 ft. lbs.
Torque frame bolts to 40 Ft. lbs.
Finish up by tightening the transmission mount to crossmember nut.
You have completed the crossmember installation. This
is what the finished product should look like.