volume ii - Secretaria de Estado da Educação


volume ii - Secretaria de Estado da Educação
ISBN 978-85-8015-053-7
Cadernos PDE
Versão Online
Produção Didático-Pedagógica
Professor PDE: Vera Lúcia Richter
Área PDE: Língua Estrangeira
NRE: Umuarama
Professor Orientador IES: Sandra Maria Coelho de Souza Moser
IES vinculada: Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Escola de Implementação: Escola Estadual Manuel Bandeira
– Ensino Fundamental
Público objeto da intervenção: alunos do 9º ano (8ª série)
Fábula: uma abordagem metodológica para leitura e produção textual.
Dentre a gama de gêneros discursivos que a literatura apresenta este projeto escolhe o Gênero fábula. Com este gênero busca-se apresentar ao aluno a possibilidade de compreensão do texto a partir da leitura minuciosa de algumas fábulas previamente escolhidas pela professora com a finalidade de levar o aluno a perceber
como o ser humano tem se distanciado das pequenas coisas da vida.
Esta unidade temática foi elaborada de acordo com as diretrizes Curriculares da
Educação Básica para o Ensino de Língua Estrangeira Moderna que indica um trabalho que seja realizado através dos diversos Gêneros Textuais e visa também reunir metodologia e práticas pedagógicas que tornem possível a melhoria do processo
ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa. A referida unidade utilizou-se da Fábula por
ser este um gênero narrativo, pois é possível notar que há uma necessidade latente
de se trabalhar a leitura e a produção textual nas aulas de língua inglesa mesmo
diante de todas as dificuldades que certamente encontramos no cotidiano das salas
de aula de nossas escolas. Inicialmente os alunos irão identificar o gênero textual a
ser estudado, suas características, linguagem, etc. As fábulas escolhidas para esta
unidade didática levam o educando a fazer inferências no texto, tendo como base
seu conhecimento de mundo, preparando-o para ser mais critico e reflexivo das
suas práticas sociais. As atividades propostas observam as capacidades de ação,
capacidade discursiva e capacidade linguístico-discursiva, propostas pelos estudos
dos Gêneros Textuais e nas orientações sobre Sequência Didática.
1-Assista a este pequeno vídeo disponível em:
2- Reflita e responda:
a) Que tipo de Gênero Textual é este? (What kind of Textual Genre is
b) Você sabe que fábula é esta? (Do you know what fable is that?).
c) Quais fábulas você já leu? (What fables have you already read?).
d) Você sabe quem são os personagens das fábulas? (Do you know who
the characters on the fables are?).
3- Conversando sobre fábulas:
alegórico geralmente em versos;
tem como personagens quase
sempre animais e como objetivo
uma lição de moral. / Qualquer
narrativa inverossímil, imaginária
ou mitológica.
m. Php?P=Fabula
Fable is a traditional short
story that teaches a moral
lesson. They almost always
have animal as characters.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary, p. 470
4- Lendo Fábulas (Reading fables):
Agora que você já aprendeu um pouco sobre o Gênero Textual “Fable”, formem
duplas e façam a leitura da fábula “The Fox and The Grapes”.
Quem escreve fábulas é fabulista.
Esta é uma das fábulas do fabulista Esopo .
A Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained
along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the
Fox's mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.
The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he
jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried, but in vain.
Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.
"What a fool I am," he said. "Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour
grapes that are not worth gaping for."
And off he walked very, very scornfully.
There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.
A) Assinale as características da fábula. (Tick the characteristics of the fable):
) People
) Animals
) Immoral
) Moral
) Dialogue
) Narrative
) Realistic
) Fiction
B- What is the aim of a fable?
C - O que a fábula “The Fox and the Grapes” retrata? What’s the fable “The Fox and
the Grapes” is about?
) Amor
) Sabedoria
) intriga
) Inveja
) discriminação
) desistência
B – Match the pictures and the texts: (ligue as figuras aos trechos do texto)
Now he sat down and looked
at the grapes in disgust.
The bunch hug from a high
branch, and the Fox had to
jump for it. The first time he
jumped he missed it by a
long way.
A Fox one day spied a beautiful
bunch of ripe grapes hanging
from a vine trained along the
branches of a tree.
C - Quem é o protagonista da fábula? (Who is the protagonist of the fable?).
D - Você conhece alguém que age como a personagem desta fábula? (Do you
know someone who acts like the character?).
E - Leia a fábula novamente e responda as perguntas abaixo:
1- O que chamou a atenção da raposa (Fox) no seu caminho?
2- O que ela decidiu fazer e por quê?
3- Ela conseguiu? Sim? Não? Por quê?
4- Por que depois de sua tentativa frustrada de pegar o cacho de uva (bunch of
grape) a raposa achou que as uvas não eram doces (sour: not sweet)?
5- Por que a raposa se achou boba ao tentar pegar o cacho de uva e não
6- Você agiria da mesma maneira nessa situação? Sim? Não? Por quê?
F - Encontrem no texto trechos correspondam às frases abaixo.
1- Passou horas pulando tentando pegá-las, mas sem sucesso algum... Saiu
murmurando, dizendo que não as queria mesmo, porque estavam verdes.
2- Uma raposa entrou faminta num terreno onde havia uma parreira, cheia de uvas
maduras, cujos cachos se penduravam muito altos, em cima de sua cabeça.
3- A raposa não podia resistir à tentação de chupar aquelas uvas, mas, por mais
que pulasse, não conseguia abocanhá-las.
4- Olhando com mais atenção, percebo agora que as Uvas estão todas estragadas,
e não maduras como eu imaginei a princípio.
G - Which proverbs below would be suitable to the moral of the fable above,
tick them:
1- (
) É fácil desdenhar daquilo que não se alcança.
2- (
) Qualquer bobo pode desdenhar o que não pode alcançar.
3- (
) É fácil desprezar o que não podemos ter.
4-( ) Aqueles que são incapazes de atingir uma meta tendem a denegri-la, para
diminuir o peso de seu insucesso.
5- (
) Quem desdenha quer comprar.
H - Match the proverbs and their meaning.
1- Those that are unable to reach a goal tend to denigrate it, to reduce the weight of
their failure.
2- It is easy to disparage what we cannot have.
3- Any fool can despise what he cannot get.
4- It is easy to despise what you cannot get.
5- Who wants to buy disdains
) Qualquer bobo pode desdenhar o que não pode alcançar
) Aqueles que são incapazes de atingir uma meta tendem a denegri-la, para
diminuir o peso de seu insucesso
) Quem desdenha quer comprar
) É fácil desdenhar daquilo que não se alcança.
) É fácil desprezar o que não podemos ter
I - Talk about the lesson learned with the fable with your friend and write it down.
I- If you consider the important elements:
1- The fox sees the grapes and wants them, imagining how sweet and juicy they will
2- The fox tries to get the grapes but cannot reach them.
3.-The fox devalues the grapes by telling herself they must be sour.
Moral: There are many who pretend to despise and be little that which is
beyond their reach.
Why is this lesson important to our life?
Qual é a sua opinião sobre a moral “There are many who pretend to
despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach”? Se você concorda
com esta declaração, então por que grande número de pessoas desiste tão
facilmente do que desejam? (What’s your opinion about the moral “There are
many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their
reach”? If you agree with that statement, then why do some people despise
so easy what they want?
Nowadays, do you believe people are persistent or do they prefer to despise
and belittle which is beyond their reach? Why does it happen?
Have you already given up someone or something that you wanted so much?
If Yes, how did you feel about that? (Você já desistiu de alguém ou alguma
coisa que você queria muito? Se sim, Como você se sentiu?).
5- Try to guess the word from the story that refers to the picture in the brackets to
complete de text.
One afternoon a __________(
) was walking through the forest and spotted
) hanging from over a lofty _______________
). "Just the thing to quench me. Taking a few steps back, the fox
) and just missed the hanging __________(
the fox took a few paces back and tried to __________(
failed. Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his
). Again
) them but still
__________ (
) and said, “They’re probably sour anyway," and proceeded
to walk away. It's easy to despise what you cannot have.
Fonte: http://www.umass.edu/aesop/fables.php
6- Match column A to column B
1. giving up
( ) não alcançou
2. steps back
( ) ardentemente
3. anyway
( ) passos atrás
4. to walk away
( ) caminha para trás
5. to despise
( ) saciar
6. paces back
( ) desistiu
7. just missed
( ) de qualquer jeito
8. to quench
( ) desprezar
9. quoth
( ) não alcançou
10. longingly
( ) andar a pé
O simple past é usado para expressar ações ou fatos que ocorreram no passado em um
tempo definido. Ex.: Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.
Observe que os verbos regulares têm terminação (d / ed)
e os verbos irregulares têm uma forma própria para
formar o passado. No passado, os verbos têm a mesma
forma para todas as pessoas, com exceção do passado
do verbo to be que tem formas diferentes – was / were.
Ex.: The bunch hung from a high branch.
The fox was walking through the forest
7 - Read the two versions of Aesop`s fable “T h e F o x a n d t h e G r a p e s ”
again and underline all the verbs which are in the Simple Past Tense:
I. Write the verb in the simple past in
each blank and match each sentence
to the correspondent pictures.
O simple past é usado para
expressar ações ou fatos que
ocorreram no passado em um tempo
definido. Ex: Again and again he
tried, but in vain.
A- The fox ________ (to walk) through the
forest all the day.
B- The men was walking through the orchard
when he _____ (to spot) a bunch of grapes
hanging from over a lofty branch.
C- The fox _________
grandmother`s eggs basket.
D- The apples __________ (to seem) ready to
burst with juice.
E- The man`s mouth _______ (to water) as
he ________ (to gaze) longingly at the
F- The happy couple ________ (to walk) to he
church and they asked to the priest to marriage
G- The men ________(jump) on the flowerbed
when he was taking the flowers.
H- The wine cash ______ (to be) out of the
wine cellar.
I- The fabulist Aesop ________ (to write)
many fables during your life.
J- The housewife _______ (to hung) the flower
vase on the wall.
K- The bird________ (to eat) the bread while
the fox was trying to climb in the tree.
L- The women ______ (to try) to put the key in
the latch.
1. Tim ________ at the North Pole last year.
2. John _______ completely tired. He had been
running for two hours.
3. The dog ________ really hungry. He had no
food left.
4. Peter ________ in bed all week. He _____
very sick.
5. _____ the Smiths _______ on holiday? Yes,
they _____. They _______ on a safari in
6. Andrew ______ tired of his job. He wanted
to quit.
7. Mrs. Smith ______ at the hairdresser last
Saturday. She had her hair cut.
8. Kevin ______ really scared. He thought he
had seen a snake under his bed
9. Chris _________ afraid of the tiny mouse.
10. Tim ______ at the telephone for two long
hours. 11. Mr. Jones ______ late. The post
office _____ about to close.
12. Mr. Benet ______ in jail for six months. He
_____ allowed to go home.
13. Ann ______ completely exhausted when she
arrived home. She had to rest for a while.
14. Kate ______ very fat. She _____ in love
with Mr. Skinny.
15. Mrs. Brown ______ at home for two weeks.
He had a terrible cold.
16. James ________ very happy. He _____ at
the beach and the sun was shining.
17. Paul _______ at the dentist yesterday. His
tooth was aching.
18. Peter and his girlfriend _____ at work. They
were travelling around town in their cute red
19. Jack ______ totally confused. He didn`t
know where to complete the puzzle.
20. John ______ surprised with what he saw.
His mouth _____ wide open.
21. Paul ______ on holidays on a yacht. It
_____ a very interesting experience.
22. Andrew ______ really upset because he
didn`t Know what to write.
23. The Bakers ______ angry with each other.
24. The Smiths ______ together last weekend.
They _____ happy to be together.
In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and
singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil
an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling
and moiling in that way? “I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the
Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."
"Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food
at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter
came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger, while it
saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had
collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew:
It is best to prepare for the days of necessity
Fonte: http://www.aesops-fables.org.uk/aesop-fable-the-ant-and-the-grasshopper.htm
Read this fable. Sublinhe as palavras que você conhece. Releia o texto para
tentar entender o que você está lendo, colocando sentido nas palavras que
você não conhece pelas palavras que você conhece.
A - According to the fable “The Ant and the Grasshopper”. Put (T) for true or
(F) for false:
1- (
2- (
) The Grasshopper was prepared to face the winter.
) The Grasshopper recommended to the Ant lays up food for
the winter.
3- (
) The Grasshopper was chirping and singing to its heart's content.
4- (
) The Ant was thinking in the future when it was laying up food.
B - Answer according to text “The Ant and the Grasshopper”.
1- Who is working and who is singing?
2- Describe the characteristics of the Two Characters?
3- What did the Grasshopper think about preparing herself to the future?
4- And you? What you think about your future? Are you preparing yourself for it?
5- Why was the Ant working while the Grasshopper was singing?
6- What did the grasshopper think about laying up food to the winter?
7- Did The Ant accept the grasshopper’s invitation to chat? Why?
8- And you? What would you do if someone invited you to chat when you are
9- When the winter came what was the Grasshopper’s situation?
10- Do you think that she could avoid it? How?
11- And you? How do you plan your future?
C - Match column A to column B
) went on its way and continued its toil.
) In a field one summer's day it was hopping
about, chirping and singing to its heart's Content.
) distribute every day corn and grain from the
stores they had collected in the summer.
( ) . When the winter came it had no food and
found itself dying of hunger.
) "I am helping to lay up food for the winter".
( ) Then it knew: It is best to prepare for the days of
D - Read the fable below and answer the questions:
A Fable by Aesop, Adapted from EnchantedLearning.com, adapted by Vera
Lúcia Richter.
Read this version of the fable
On summer, in a wonderful (sunny) day, a happy, funny and lazy grasshopper
was jumping, singing, playing and chirping in a flowery field, like he did every day in
his life.
While the grasshopper was having fun, a hard-working and serious ant was
working. She was carrying all kind of food to the ant´s nest.
When the (ant) passing by, the grasshopper asked to her, “You ants always works
all the day. You would be happier if you do like me. You ought to play, singing and
While the grasshopper was having fun, a hard-working and serious ant was
working. She was carrying all kind of food to the ant’s nest.
The serious ant, answer,
I’m laying up food because when the winter season comes it’s very cold. I think
that you do the same. I’m worried what will you do when the weather gets very
freeze? What will you eat in the cold days?
The grasshopper despised laughed,
“You ants work and worries about the winter all the time. Be calm. You don’t
bother about winter? You should look around, there’s food anywhere, plenty of food.
Don’t try me with hard-work, it’s very boring work.
During all the summer days the ant continued working and the grasshopper kept
jumping, singing and playing, and winter come near.
The ant stored enough food in the anthill for the winter; she was prepared to last
through the cold, rigorous weather.
When the winter arrived, the lazy grasshopper didn’t find any food and he was
very hungry. Then the grasshopper bear in mind that the hard-working ant had
stored food, while he had fun during the all sunny days. The grasshopper was
shamed but he gets courage and knocked at ant’s door to ask for food.
The ant had passed all the summer stored food. in her nest , the ant
revolted, but she remembered that during the long sunny
days, while she was
working, hard, The grasshopper was singing and became her work more pleasant.
Then the ant gave a little of crumbs to the grasshopper. But during the winter, the
grasshopper was cold, hungry; he saw the death coming around. He had learned to
think ahead and plan the future. In the next summer, the grasshopper work hard and
he stored food to the winter time.
Fonte: www.enchantedlearning.com/stories/aesop/antgrasshopper/story/
1. If you were the grasshopper would you also sing all the summer? Why?
2. Think about the ant’s behavior, she worked all the summer days to lay up
food. In your opinion do you think that people should proceed in this way too?
3. The Grasshopper didn’t prepare itself to winter so he knocked at the ant’s
4. In your opinion, which characters did do the right thing, the ant or the
grasshopper? Why?
5. 5. You could read the two versions of the Fable “The ant and the
Grasshopper”, read them again and write in the box the differences that you
can find in each one.
The Ant´s and the Grasshopper
Diferenc Aesop´s fable
Richter´s fable
6. Now that you have read the Aesop’s fable “The ant and the Grasshopper”,
use the pictures above to rewrite the fable with your own words and you must
create a Moral to the fable:
____________THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER____________
_THE MORAL OF THE STORY_______________________________
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Documentos Consultados On-line:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W910WX69Ah8 online April 08, 2010
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/19994/19994-h/19994-h.htm#Page_20 online April 08,
http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Raposa_e_as_Uvas online April 08, 2010
http://www.umass.edu/aesop/fables.php online April 08, 2010
online April 08, 2010
Origin=EC790014051046&CTT=6 April 08, 2010
www.enchantedlearning.com/stories/aesop/antgrasshopper/story/ online June 10,
Project_Gutenberg_etext_19994.jpg online June 10, 2010
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/24108/24108-h/24108-h.htm#f11 online July 10, 2010
http://www.caminha.org.br/parabolas/index.asp online July 10, 2010