WINCROSS® What`s New Guide
WINCROSS® What`s New Guide
WINCROSS ® What’s New Guide ____________________________________________________________ Version 14 The Analytical Group, Inc. Version 14 Copyright 1994–2014, The Analytical Group, Inc. Editor: Coco Lauerman All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the express permission of The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 2 WinCross 14 What’s New The Analytical Group, Inc. Table of Contents New Feature Highlights for Version 14 ................................................................................................................. 4 ExpressTabs for use with SPSS Data ............................................................................................................... 6 Expanded Background Colors Options for Enhanced Text Reports .................................................................. 8 Hyperlinked Table of Contents for Enhanced Text Reports ............................................................................... 9 Excel Options for Run|Tables ............................................................................................................................. 10 Simple Weighting for One Variable .................................................................................................................... 12 “WinCross selects T-Test” and “WinCross selects Z-Test” Statistical Testing Options ..................................... 13 Glossary Tests Report Reformat ........................................................................................................................ 14 “Subtotal” Feature for Enhanced Text Reports (Tables, Frequency, Marginal) ................................................. 16 NET- and SUB- Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 17 Search and Replace Filtering for Selected Job File Elements ........................................................................... 18 ® Save Reports to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2013 .......................................................................................... 18 Banner Templates from SPSS Data................................................................................................................... 19 Global Variables ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Alphanumeric Table Name Option for USE Statements .................................................................................... 23 LOOP Command ................................................................................................................................................ 23 Limited Syntax Checking for New Variable Names Using the Interface ............................................................ 24 Specify a Different Font for Viewing Reports ..................................................................................................... 24 Save Weights, Factor Scores, Factor Groups and Glossary Variables to the Open Data File .......................... 25 Sample Balancing Interface ............................................................................................................................... 26 Factor Analysis Interface .................................................................................................................................... 27 Frequency and Marginal Processing for Indexed Variables .............................................................................. 28 Report Log Feature for Locating Job File Warnings and Errors ........................................................................ 28 Enhanced Banner Options ................................................................................................................................. 29 “Run tables without weighting” and “Show table of contents” options for Run|Tables ....................................... 30 Save Your Selection of Banners and Tables ..................................................................................................... 31 Auto-Complete Feature for Variable Names ...................................................................................................... 32 Small Sample Size Denotation ........................................................................................................................... 33 Glossary Random Number Generator ............................................................................................................... 34 “Filter to Total Answering” Option for Run|Frequency ........................................................................................ 34 WinCross “Tip of the Day” .................................................................................................................................. 34 Indent Level Size Selections for Table Options ................................................................................................. 35 “Show Dollar Sign ($)” Option at the Row Level ................................................................................................ 35 “Table Report Type” tab for Profile Settings ....................................................................................................... 36 ® Compatibility with SPSS 22 .............................................................................................................................. 36 3 The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 4 What’s New in WinCross Version 14 WinCross 14 has been enhanced to include new features we hope you will find helpful and easy to understand. New Feature Highlights for Version 14: Generate tables from SPSS data in seconds, with just a few clicks, using the new ExpressTabs feature. Create colorful, professional-looking reports with the new background color options for Enhanced Text Reports. Jump instantly from the Table of Contents to any table in the report with the new hyperlinking of Enhanced Text Reports saved to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Use the many new time-saving Excel Options for greater flexibility in report formatting. Calculate weights for a single variable quickly and easily using the new Simple Weighting option. Let WinCross determine the statistical test to use based on the structure of your tables using the new WinCross selects T-Test and WinCross selects Z-Test options. Checking your tables and cleaning your data has never been easier using the newly formatted Glossary TESTS report. Compute subtotals and averages instantly by selecting two or more cells in an Enhanced Text Report of Tables, Frequency or Marginal. Create bottom box rows more easily using the new NET- and SUB- instructions. Perform Search and Replace tasks more efficiently by limiting the scope to a designated job file section (tables, banners, etc.). Creating your slide-show presentation is now as simple as saving your WinCross reports directly to PowerPoint. Save time creating banners by selecting variables from your SPSS data file using the new Setup|Banner Templates from SPSS Data feature. Use the new Global Variables feature to define subsets of your data by accumulating values between respondents. Easier identification of tables in USE statements using alphanumeric table names in place of the table index number. Code multiple glossary statements into a few lines using the new LOOP command. Get a head start on your work by creating tables and banners that reference variables not yet present in the data file, before your client provides that final data file. Easier viewing of WinCross reports using the new View|Plain Text Report Font option. Eliminate the need to open a new data file by saving your new variables, weights or factor scores and groups to the open data file from the Glossary, Sample Balancing and Factor Analysis. Add a weight variable to the open data file using the simplified Sample Balancing interface. Choosing variables to use in computing factor scores and groups has been simplified with the improved Factor Analysis interface. Indexed variables can now be specified and used as filter logic for Marginal and Frequency reports to help with table checking. Jump instantly from an error or warning message in the Report Log to the offending line in the job file. Save time moving banner text up or down using the new Top Justify and Bottom Justify options. Easily reposition a banner location in the banner list using new Move Up and Move Down options. Set banner column widths for Enhanced Text Reports using the Setup|Banners interface. Additional flexibility for which banner column to start with and what indicator to use when renumbering significance indicators in the banner editor. Run your tables without weighting or Show table of contents without having to reset your banner or table options. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 5 Your selections of banners/tables can now be saved in editable files and loaded again for reuse. Typing long variable names is a thing of the past by using the new Auto-Complete option (Ctrl+Right Arrow) available on many WinCross dialogs. You can now denote Small Sample Sizes without suppressing the values. Generate random numbers for all or a select group of respondents in your data file using the new Random number generator. Filter to Total Answering option for running frequencies eliminates “no answers” from statistics. Learn about new or current features that can help save you time with the new Tip of the Day feature. You can now choose the number of spaces (1-5) for indenting rows under Net rows. Assign the Show dollar sign ($) option at the row level. Create a profile for new jobs with the Report viewing format set the way you like it using the new Table Report Type tab of Profile Settings. Compatibility with SPSS version 22. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 6 ExpressTabs for use with SPSS Data Run|ExpressTabs is a new feature in WinCross 14 that we think you will love. ExpressTabs is especially helpful in determining “what if” scenarios and deciding whether the data support further analysis. How easy is it to create tables with ExpressTabs? Click one or more variables for the banner. Click one or more variables for the rows. Your tables are ready, usually in just a second or two. ExpressTabs uses the value labels in the SPSS data to automatically generate banner columns and row text. Options are also provided to apply glossary transformations, specify a run filter, or designate a weight variable. ExpressTabs reports can be saved to all the WinCross-supported report formats (*.rtf, *.pdf, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.pptx or *.xml). Note: because ExpressTabs was designed to be a rapid data analysis tool, statistical testing is not available for these tables and tables cannot be saved to your job file. You can select a single variable or a group of variables for both rows and columns. Using ExpressTabs, you can: Create one table for each variable Creates one table for each variable selected. Append variables into a single table Creates a single table from multiple variables selected. Scan variables into a single table Creates one table from multiple variables using Scan (S) logic when the variables selected are contiguous and using the OR logical operator when the variables selected are not contiguous. Summary of variables for selected values Creates one table from multiple variables using the code values you choose. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 7 Add Banner to Job File Creates a banner in your open job file from the selected Variables for banner columns by simply assigning a unique Banner name. Create a WinCross Report Creates an enhanced text format report of your tables that can be printed and/or saved to all of the WinCross supported output formats (*.rtf, *.pdf, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.pptx or *.xml). See the WinCross online Help topic “Run|ExpressTabs” for more detailed information about the new ExpressTabs feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 8 Expanded Background Colors Options for Enhanced Text Reports The Background Colors option of Setup|Enhanced Text Report Fonts and Colors has been expanded to provide background color selections for Tables, Frequency, Marginal, Banner, Row text, Odd rows, Even rows and Comparison group columns. Use the new Background Report Colors dialog to create colorful, professional-looking reports. See the WinCross online Help topic “Enhanced Text Report Fonts and Colors” for more detailed information about the new formatting options for Enhanced Text Reports. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 9 Hyperlinked Table of Contents for Enhanced Text Reports ® When saving Enhanced Text Reports (Run|Tables|Report viewing format|Enhanced text report) to Microsoft ® ® ® Word/Rich Text Format (*.rtf), Microsoft Excel (*.xls or *.xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint (*.pptx) or Adobe PDF (*.pdf), the Table of Contents is hyperlinked to the corresponding table. See the WinCross online Help topic “Save Report As” for more detailed information about saving reports. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 10 Excel Options for Run|Tables Run|Tables|Excel Options has many new options that provide greater flexibility in report formatting for Excel output. New formatting options of Freeze banner, Freeze row text, Combine tables and Write table title to the left of the table. New options for specifying the position of significance indicators. You can now choose, Below, in the same cell, Below, in a separate cell, To the right, in the same cell or To the right, in a separate cell. Table entries in the table of contents are now hyperlinked to the individual tables whether in the same worksheet or as separate worksheets per table. Multiple table of contents tabs are now created when running multiple banners and using the Create one banner per worksheet and Include table of contents options. Enhanced Text Report output can now be written to Excel even if you did not select the Report viewing format of Enhanced Text report on the Run Tables dialog. Display percent signs next to percents using the new Show percent signs on percents option. Specify the decimal precision based on what is displayed rather than the actual number in Excel using the new Round the full-precision values saved to Excel to the number of decimal places displayed in the Excel report itself option. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 11 Background Colors now allows the selection of Background Report Colors for Tables, Banner, Row text, Odd rows, Even rows and Comparison group columns. Use the new Excel Options for greater flexibility in report formatting. See the WinCross online Help topic “Excel Options” for more detailed information about the new formatting options for Excel output. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 12 Simple Weighting for One Variable Run|Simple Weighting is a new feature that provides a quick-and-easy way to calculate weights for a single variable. You are not limited to 20 code values for a single variable with Simple Weighting as you are when using Sample Balancing to calculate weights. When a variable is selected, the Resulting Weight is calculated using the Target Percent that WinCross initially assigns to each code value. WinCross attempts to make an even distribution based on the number of code values for the selected variable. You can easily combine levels, modify row text, use glossary transformations, apply a run filter or calculate to a filtered, reduced or custom sample size. See the WinCross online Help topic “About Simple Weighting” for more detailed information about the new Simple Weighting feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 13 “WinCross selects T-Test” and “WinCross selects Z-Test” Statistical Testing Options Setup|Banners|Edit Banner|Statistical Testing now offers options to let WinCross choose the T-Test (Means) and/or ZTest (Percents). These new options can help take the guess work out of which statistical tests to use. WinCross determines from the structure of the tables which test to apply. See the WinCross online Help topics “Statistical Testing”, “WinCross selects T-Test” or “WinCross selects Z-Test” for more detailed information about the new statistical testing options. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 14 Glossary Tests Report Reformat The Tests option of Setup|Glossary Variables has been renamed to Process Glossary. The Glossary Tests and Global Variables dialog provides new options for processing test statements. You no longer have to display data file information and you can now choose to Show a summary of global variables. Global variables are new in WinCross 14 (see page 20 for information about Global Variables). The Glossary Tests and Global Variables report has been reformatted for easier identification of qualifying respondents. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 15 For variable format data, along with the variable and code value specified in the TEST statement, you can select additional variables to appear on the report. Glossary Tests and Global Variables allows you to Show a summary of global variables for global variables defined in the Glossary. See the WinCross online Help topic “Glossary Tests and Global Variables” for more detailed information about the reformatted Glossary Tests report. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 16 “Subtotal” Feature for Enhanced Text Reports (Tables, Frequency, Marginal) Highlighting columns or rows of numbers in an Enhanced Text Report for tables, frequency or marginal provides a count of the number of values selected and a subtotal and average of the highlighted numbers. See the WinCross online Help topic “Enhanced Text Report Fonts and Colors” for more detailed information about Enhanced Text Reports. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 17 NET- and SUB- Instructions The NET and SUB instructions have been expanded to now include NET- and SUB-. These instructions allow you to produce a net or sub for rows preceding the NET- or SUB- row. For example: Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 NET-3 produces a row showing the net of the three previous rows. Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 SUB-3 produces a row showing the sub of the three previous rows. See the WinCross online Help topics “NET Feature” and “SUB Feature” for more detailed information about these new instructions. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 18 Search and Replace Filtering for Selected Job File Elements WinCross now offers Find and Replace filtering for selected job file sections/elements. This allows you to limit the scope of these operations to the designated section of the job file. See the WinCross online Help topics “Find” and “Replace” for more detailed information about the new Filtering for Selected Job File Elements feature. Save Reports to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2013 File|Save|Save Report As now lets you save your WinCross reports to Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2013 (*.pptx). See the WinCross online Help topic “Save Report As” for more detailed information about saving reports to Microsoft PowerPoint. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 19 Banner Templates from SPSS Data Setup|Banner Templates from SPSS Data offers a new way to create banners and save the new banners as templates for use in other jobs. Banner Templates from SPSS Data lets you create a banner template from variables in your SPSS data file. You can also add the banner template as a banner in your open job file. Banner templates are built using sections. Section 1 will always be “Total”, however, you can easily change this by selecting Total from the Banner items list and choose Remove Item. You are then free to add your own variable selection(s) to Section 1. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 20 When building a banner template, it is best to think of a Section as a group of banner columns that will all fall under a specific title or where there are only individual banner columns with no title. For example, if you are creating banner columns for Male and Female from the GENDER variable and will be using the Variable label of GENDER as your spanning title, those columns should be created as their own section. All sections will be combined together to create one banner. You can preview the combined sections as a complete banner by selecting Preview. See the WinCross online Help topic “How to create a banner template using Banner Templates from SPSS Data” for stepby-step instructions on creating and saving a banner template and adding the banner to your job file. The WinCross online Help topic “Banner Templates from SPSS Data” provides more detailed information about the new Banner Templates from SPSS Data feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 21 Global Variables WinCross now provides the functionality to accumulate values between respondents using Global Variables. Global variables can be used wherever WinCross logic is entered. The syntax for defining/using a global variable is: _GLOBAL_xxx (where “xxx” can be alpha and/or numeric characters) The Report Log for Tables, Frequency or Marginal all display a Summary of global variables used in your WinCross job file. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 22 The Process Glossary option of Setup|Glossary Variables also has a new option to Show a summary of global variables. See the WinCross online Help topic “Global Variables” for more detailed information about the new Global Variables feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 23 Alphanumeric Table Name Option for USE Statements You can now use a Table name in place of the Table index in USE statements. Table name, when possible is the new WinCross default. Table names can only be used in USE statements when the table name is alphanumeric. If the table name is numeric, WinCross will use the Table index when generating USE statements. See the WinCross online Help topics “USE Rows” and “Express Table Editor|Apply to Other Tables tab” for more detailed information about using Table names in USE statements. LOOP Command Glossary looping logic now allows you to code multiple glossary statements into a few lines using the new LOOP command. For example: Increment Variable name and Variable value LOOP 8,A=A(1),B=1(1) IF Q2$A (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = ($B) ENDLOOP These LOOP/ENDLOOP commands would be the equivalent of the following Glossary statements: IF Q2A (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (1) IF Q2B (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (2) IF Q2C (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (3) IF Q2D (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (4) IF Q2E (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (5) IF Q2F (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (6) IF Q2G (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (7) IF Q2H (1-3) ASSIGN Q3A = (8) See the WinCross online Help topic “Looping logic” and “LOOP Examples” for more detailed information about this new Setup|Glossary Variables feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 24 Limited Syntax Checking for New Variable Names Using the Interface You can now enter variable names in Setup|Glossary, Setup|Tables and Setup|Banners for variables that do not currently exist in your job file. You will receive one warning message per variable. This allows you to add tables and banners for variables that do not currently exist in the data file, but will be added prior to completion of your project. Full syntax checking will still be done at Run|Tables time and syntax errors will be logged for missing variables at that time. See the WinCross online Help topic “Syntax Checking” for more detailed information about WinCross syntax checking. Specify a Different Font for Viewing Reports You can now choose the Font type, Font style, Size, Effects and Color for viewing your Plain Text Reports using the new View|Plain Text Report Font option. The selected font is used for viewing Plain Text Reports within WinCross, and has no effect on the font size selected for printing. See the WinCross online Help topic “View|Plain Text Report Font” for more detailed information about this new option on the View menu. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 25 Save Weights, Factor Scores, Factor Groups and Glossary Variables to the Open Data File Run|Simple Weighting, Run|Sample Balancing, Run|Factor Analysis and Setup|Glossary Variables now let you save to the currently open data file. When saving to the open data file, you will be prompted with a message explaining that the original file will be backed up with a *.bak# extension added (with # = to a number, for example, example.sav.bak1 is the first backup file created for the original data file of example.sav). The saved data file will automatically reopen in WinCross. You have the option of continuing by selecting Yes or cancelling the save by selecting No. See the WinCross online Help topics “Simple Weighting: Variable data”, “Simple Weighting: ASCII data”, “Sample Balancing: Variable data”, “Sample Balancing: ASCII data”, “Factor Analysis: Variable data”, “Factor Analysis: ASCII data” or “Glossary Variables” for more detailed information about saving to the currently open data file. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 26 Sample Balancing Interface The Run Sample Balancing dialogs for both variable and ASCII type data have been improved. The entry of Target Percent for each code value (or level) has been simplified. WinCross automatically scans the data for the variables/fields selected and prepopulates the Code Value(s) found. Information provided now includes the Value Label for variable data, Observed Frequency and Observed Percent. If there is no weight variable in your open data file, you can now choose the new Create a weight variable option from the dropdown list next to Variable to which weight will be written. The new weight variable is added to the end of your data file with the variable name and width that you specify. You no longer have to add the weight variable to your data file prior to opening that data file in WinCross. See the WinCross online Help topics “Sample Balancing: Variable data” and “Sample Balancing: ASCII data” for more detailed information about the enhanced Sample Balancing interface. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 27 Factor Analysis Interface The Run Factor Analysis dialogs for both variable and ASCII type data have been improved. Choosing variables and entering value ranges for computing factor scores and groups has been simplified. See the WinCross online Help topics “Factor Analysis: Variable data” and “Factor Analysis: ASCII data” for more detailed information about the enhanced Factor Analysis interface. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 28 Frequency and Marginal Processing for Indexed Variables Indexed variables defined in the Glossary can now be specified for Frequency and Marginal processing. Indexed variables can also be used in filter logic for Frequency and Marginal processing. See the WinCross online Help topics “Run|Frequency” and “Run Filter” for more detailed information about using Indexed Variables in Frequency and Marginal processing. Report Log Feature for Locating Job File Warnings and Errors Any WARNING or ERROR message line in the report log that has a line number associated with the warning or error message, can be double-clicked to launch the View|Job File dialog. The cursor is positioned on the line in the job file where the warning or error occurs. See the WinCross online Help topic “View|Report Log” for more detailed information about this new feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 29 Enhanced Banners Options Setup|Banners offers several new options that are especially helpful when creating new banners or editing existing banners. 1. The Cells menu of the banner editor (Setup|Banners|Edit Banner) now has justification options of Top Justify and Bottom Justify that will add flexibility when entering banner text for new or existing banners. 2. You can now reposition banners in the Banners list box using the new Move Up and Move Down options. 3. When your Report viewing format on the Run Tables dialog is Enhanced text report, you can now set the banner column width (in pixels) for each column of the banner including row text. 4. The Renumber Significance Indicators option on the Comparison Groups tab of the banner editor (Setup|Banners|Edit Banner), now allows you to Enter the starting banner column for renumbering and Enter the starting indicator for renumbering. See the WinCross online Help topics “Banners”, “Cells Menu (Edit Banner)” and “Comparison Groups tab (Edit Banner)” for more detailed information about these new options. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 30 “Run tables without weighting” and “Show table of contents” options for Run|Tables Weighted tables can now be processed unweighted using the new Run tables without weighting option of Run|Tables. This allows you to run your weighted tables unweighted without having to use Setup|Banners|Edit Banner to remove weighting from the selected banner(s). You can now process tables with or without creating a Table of Contents using the new Show table of contents option of Run|Tables. This option toggles with the Show table of contents setting in Job Settings|Table Presentation for the duration of the WinCross session. See the WinCross online Help topic “Run|Tables” for more detailed information about these new options. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 31 Save Your Selection of Banners and Tables The Run Tables dialog has been enhanced to allow you to save and load selections of banners and tables for processing. You can now save the banner/table selections to a file name of your choice (*.run). All *.run files that reside in the same folder as the WinCross job file (*.job) are available to use from the dropdown list of Saved banner/table selections. You can also browse to another folder where a *.run file resides using the Browse option. See the WinCross online Help topic “Run|Tables” for more detailed information about saving your selection of banners/tables from the Run Tables dialog. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 32 Auto-Complete Feature for Variable Names Many WinCross dialogs now offer the ability to enter a partial variable name for logic and then use Ctrl+Right Arrow to complete the variable name. If there are multiple variables with similar names, just continue to select Ctrl+Right Arrow until the variable name you want is displayed. See the WinCross online Help topic “Auto-Complete Variable Names” for more detailed information about this new interface feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 33 Small Sample Size Denotation New options have been added to Setup|Job Settings|Small Sample Size and Setup|Profile Settings|Small Sample Size for denoting small sample sizes without suppressing the values. See the WinCross online Help topic “Job Settings|Small Sample Size” and “Profile Settings|Small Sample Size” for more detailed information about the new Small Sample Size denotation options for columns and cells. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 34 Glossary Random Number Generator Setup|Glossary Variables now provides commands to generate random numbers for all or a select group of respondents in your data file. _RANDOM is the WinCross reserved internal variable for storing the random number generated for each respondent. _RANDOM_SEED n (where “n” is an initial value or “seed”) – this command is optional and provides a way to always generate the same series of random numbers. _RANDOM_HIGH n (where “n” is a numeric value) – this command is optional and assigns an upper limit for the set of random numbers being generated. _RANDOM_LOW n (where “n” is a numeric value) – this command is optional and assigns a lower limit for the set of random numbers being generated. See the WinCross online Help topic “Random Number Generator” for more detailed information about this new feature. “Filter to Total Answering” Option for Run|Frequency You can now filter your frequency processing to total answering using the new Filter to Total Answering option of Run|Frequency. This allows you to exclude blanks from the statistics provided on the Frequency report. See the WinCross online Help topic “Run|Frequency” for more detailed information about this new option. WinCross “Tip of the Day” Tip of the Day is a new feature in WinCross 14 that provides helpful information about options and features that you may not be aware of. Tip of the Day is displayed at WinCross startup time or you can use Help|Tip of the Day. You can display tips in random order, use the arrow keys to start with the first tip and move forward sequentially or start with the last tip and move backwards sequentially. Deselect the Show tips on startup to suppress display of the WinCross Tips dialog when you launch WinCross. See the WinCross online Help topic “Tip of the Day” for more detailed information about this feature. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 35 Indent Level Size Selections for Table Options Setup|Table Options, Setup|Globally Modify Tables|Table Options, Setup|Profile Settings|Table Presentation and Setup|Job Settings|Table Presentation now allow you to choose the number of spaces for indenting levels of nets. You can choose between 1 and 5 spaces. See the WinCross online Help topic “Table Options” for more detailed information about indenting levels of nets. “Show Dollar Sign ($)” Option at the Row Level You can now choose to display a dollar sign on rows with dollar values at the row level using the new Show dollar sign ($) option of Setup|Tables|Row Options. See the WinCross online Help topic “Row Options” for more detailed information about row options. The Analytical Group, Inc. WinCross 14 What’s New 36 “Table Report Type” tab for Profile Settings Setup|Profile Settings has a new Table Report Type tab for choosing the default Report viewing format setting for Run|Tables. Beginning with WinCross 14, the default Report viewing format on the Run Tables dialog for new jobs that are created using the profile is now Enhanced Text Report. You can change this default for new jobs using Setup|Profile Settings|Table Report Type and choosing your preferred option. You will need to save this change to a new profile and then use that profile when creating new jobs. For existing jobs, you can change the Report viewing format on the Run Tables dialog and save your job file. This setting will be saved with your job file. See the WinCross online Help topic “Profile Settings|Table Report Type” for more detailed information about this new Profile Settings tab. Compatibility with SPSS 22 WinCross 14 is compatible with SPSS version 22. For compatibility with WinCross, we recommend saving files in SPSS 22 using Locale (code page) encoding.
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