Doberman P M the inscher Volume 8, Issue 3 agazine National Issue Sept/Oct 2014 GUINNESS Biss aM GCH/inT CH o’s GoDiVa DaRK DeMiTasse Ca DM waC CGC TT BFl-1 Ch Simmons Connoisseur CGC TT WAC LC11-L x Ch Black Diamond Glitter LC10-L Top TwenTy FinalisT – DpCa 2013 & 2014 Owners: Mary Ann Byrns / Pat Onley (817) 975-6617 • [email protected] Special Thanks to Teresa Nail & Ray Lively & Coleen Byrns For all your support in achieving Guinness’s Top Twenty Status. Breeder: Pat Onley • [email protected] Professional Handlers: Teresa Nail & Ray Lively (817) 454-7417 • [email protected] DpCa Top TwenTy FinalisT 2014 aCCoMplisHMenTs inCluDe: BaCK-To-BaCK Top 20- FinalisT 2013 & 2014 Ca CouRsinG aBiliTy DM DoCK DiVinG MasTeR (see paGe 14 in THis issue) BesT in speCialiTy sHow RanKeD in Top 5 DpCa DoBeRMans (2013) TT aMeRiCan TeMpeRaMenT TesT RanKeD in Top 10 all BReeD GRoups (2013) waC woRKinG aBiliTy CeRTiFiCaTe MulTiple GRoup ones BFl-1 BReeDinG FoR lonGeViTy Due To paRenTaGe inTeRnaTional CHaMpion Live and Frozen Semen available to approved bitches. Health Testing listed on Dobequest. Sired puppies due in September. Additional planned breedings for this fall and winter. Contact personally if interested. September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 3 Glitzy AM/INT CH VAN ORMAN’S C-LEBRITY OF RADIANT CAA DS CGC WAC TT Glitzy completed her AKC Championship at 17 months of age and enjoys the AKC titled sport of dock diving. She also loves K9 Nose Work, Rally and lure coursing. She will be competing in conformation and rally at Nationals. We are very excited about this girl’s potential. Owned & loved by Mary Ann Byrns - Radiant Dobermans [email protected] - 817-975-6617 Bred by Susan, Ashlee and Brian Claggett of Van Orman’s Dobermans 4 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 new Ch. Bellisa Skyfall CH Foxfire Smoke On The Water & GCH Moa’s Bizzy Edition Jimmy Thank you to Judges Mr. Chuck Winslow (above) and Mr. E. A. (Skip) Thielen (below) vWd: Clear All other testing pending A special Thank you to Dave Goldfein for his expert presentation of Jimmy. Jimmy completed his champion title with 2 Best of Winners wins giving him a 4 point and 5 point major. Bred, owned and loved by Lisa Henke • [email protected] • 608.751.4471 •Janesville, WI or follow us on Facebook at Bellisa Dobermans September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 5 6 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 GCH Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man, ThD, CGC iJ mi Jimi is busy working as a Reading Dog for special needs children and will be in the Rally ring soon! See you at the Nationals! Bred and owned by Juanita and Jeff Fagan September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 7 r o u r a A A n i u l s o tralis R H C G ‘Savannah’ FLA BOB M SH! ICHIA July 19, NA KC 2104 Sire: GCH Sunburg’s Street Sense Dam: Ch. Abadie’s Crystal Vision Thanks to Judge David Bolus for recognizing this outstanding and lovely girl of ours. Also a thank you to Savannah’s handler, Rose Benanti! An exciting breeding is being planned for late January 2015. Owned & loved by Debra Lesnik Donna schmehL 708-227-7868 8 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Bred by Rolin Dobermans roLanD & LinDa hagmann 309-241-3978 Handled by rose benanti 630-404-9700 September/October 2014 N o R n i e l s o e r R v a t H i ons C G Sire: GCH Sunburg’s Street Sense o n e R Breeders & Owners Rolin Dobermans roLanD & LinDa hagmann 309-241-3978 September/October 20144 Dam: Ch. Abadie’s Crystal Vision A special apprecation to Judge Mrs Loraine Boutwell for this wonderful win! A big thank you to Reno’s handler, Dave Goldfein for his expertise in showing Reno. Handled by Dave goLDfein 847-274-1569 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 9 Guinnessisthe1stDoberman DogtoearnNADD/AKCDN (Dock Novice) Title & won his DM (Dock Master) title with jumps exceeding 20 Feet. Earned his 1st Senior Leg for Air Retrieval. DM A C e s s a t i Dem k r a D a v i d 014 s Go ’ 2 O & H 3 1 C 0 t 2 n I n / o m rmati o f n o C BISS GCH A 0 2 Top 1 L F B T T C TT CGC WA & C A W C G C AA DS C t n a i d a R y Of t i r b e L C s ’ an Glitzy is the 1st Female CH Van Orm Doberman to receive the NADD/AKCDN(DockNovice) & won her DS (Dock Senior) title with jumps exceeding 15 feet. 10 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 11 KRAKEN GCH IRONGATE’S WEST OF SUNRISE Ch. Irongate’s East Of Midnight CD ROM x Ch. Irongate’s Rum Raisin CD ROM Kraken finished her Championship with four majors and her Grand Championship quickly followed. Breeder/Owner: Eve Auch | Breeder of Merit | Irongate Dobermans (AKC Registered) | Located in the 12 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 QUAID CH IRONGATE’S NEON COWBOY Ch. Irongate’s Winter Knight CD ROM x Ch. Irongate’s Rum Raisin CD ROM Quaid finished with three majors at 20 months of age including a BOB over Top Twenty specials. He is currently at home growing up and beginning his obedience work. High Sierras | [email protected] September/October 2014 Handled Exclusively by Christa Cook, Edwardsville, IL The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 13 14 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 15 WHAT'S INSIDE 20 On The Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Story of PHILLMAR DOBERMANS PHILIP MARTIN & CHERYL GREEN From The Publisher. . . . . . . . . 18 Top Tweny Finalist Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 30 38 54 66 Featured Handler CINDY LANE SMITH Judges Education The Doberman Is A Cropped And Docked Breed . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Featured Handlers TERESA NAIL & RAY LIVELY Doberman History . . . . . . . . . 75 VetGen Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 A FATHER AND DAUGHTER’S LOVE OF DOBERMANS IN LIFE AND IN THE HEREAFTER A True Story by Lisa Newman National Schedule. . . . . . . . . . 77 New Titles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Top Twenty Junior Showmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 DOBERMANS AROUND THE WORLD Susan Bicknell Interviews 4 International Doberman Breeders/Judges/Handlers Top Twenty Conformation Stats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Top Twenty Agility Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Top Twenty Obedience Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Who Dat? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 Business Card Directory & Handlers Directory. . . . . . . . . 98 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . 99 30 38 20 16 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 17 I FROM THE PUBLISHER This issues Editor’s letter has nothing to do with the editor or the publication but rather focuses on interesting places to visit in Topeka. There is a wealth of information on Topeka tourism, here is just a sampling of what I found on Ward-Meade Park Sitting on a bluff overlooking the Kansas (Kaw) River is an out-of-theway little historical park. At this location, wagon trains prepared to cross this river on their journey west to Oregon. You will find a number of buildings at this 5 acre site commemorate events that took place here. Some of the buildings are old and historic structures, some are recreations. The Ward-Meade mansion and its gardens are a highlight. Reinisch Rose Garden The Reinisch Rose Garden, located in Topeka’s famed Gage Park, has been a city landmark since 1930. More than 400 varieties of roses are represented in the gardens, totaling in excess of 6,500 plants. Not surprisingly, it is a popular wedding spot. State Historical Museum This magnificent building houses the Kansas State Historical Society and its splendid museum. Fascinating exhibits appeal to children and grandparents alike. The museum is conveniently laid out, allowing visitors to easily trace the state’s history from prehistoric indigenous tribes to social and political happenings of the late 20th century. One exhibit area contains a 19th century train and an early aeroplane, another a log cabin. First Presbyterian Church - Tiffany Stained Glass Those of us who regularly watch PBS’ “Antique Road Show” are accustomed to seeing stained glass by Louis Comfort Tiffany - on lamps. At Topeka’s First Presbyterian Church, I viewed some of work on a majestic style, a series of stained glass windows. They are a joy to behold. Tiffany came to Topeka to formulate plans for the windows which were 18 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine installed in 1911. Tiffany produced a unique favrile glass, made without paint, enamels, or stains. His formula included metallic additives (copper, magnesium, cobalt, gold, etc.) which produced the vibrant colors, further enhanced by using using layers of glass, and/or altering the surface texture. Tiffany ordered his formula to be destroyed after his death. Capitol Tour About every half hour, tours wander through the Capitol giving visitors the chance to discover more about the history of the building. You can see the House of Representatives and the Senate chambers – as long as sessions are not ongoing. You pass through the State Library and can sit behind the Governor’s desk – as long as he/she is not sitting there. You also get the chance to get up close to the murals of John Steuart Curry and Lumen Martin Winter which adorn the walls in and around the rotunda. Realize that during the Capitol’s renovation the murals could be covered up to protect them from potential dust as they were on my visit. Brown vs the Topeka Board of Education The Road to Justice The story of Brown v. Board of Education, which ended legal segregation in public schools, is one of hope and courage. When the people agreed to be plaintiffs in the case, they never knew they would change history. The people who make up this story were ordinary people. They were teachers, secretaries, welders, ministers and students who simply wanted to be treated equally. This is not a bunch of dry dates, boring numbers and names of people you’ve never met. Visit the Monroe School and much of that will change. You’ll be amazed at what has happened in your own life time. Sit down and enjoy the 5 movies on Justice, Military, Education and see real people looking for equality and what it took to finally move in that direction. Each movie is about 5 minutes and they are well done. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine is published 5 times a year, in December/ January, March/April, June/ July, August/September and October/November. by McGuire Magazines 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53544 visit us on the web! Ad Sales: Nicole Denny [email protected] 513-307-4284 Graphic Design & Page Layouts: Marcy McGuire Deadline for editorial copy is 45 days prior to publication. Unsolicited editorial copy is welcome, however we cannot guarantee its use in the magazine. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertising. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine is mailed to all active U.S. AKC judges approved for Dobermans on a complimentary basis who wish to receive it. SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICES TO: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53545 Printed in the US © 2007-2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 19 The Story of Phillmar Dobermans Philip Martin & Cheryl Green as told by Elaine Greenwood W hen I think of Phillmar dogs I visualize beautifully just 16 years since the first litter, Phillmar has bred over 50 conditioned, well-balanced, sound, elegant Dober- homebred Doberman champions, who have earned a total mans, exquisitely presented in the ring. Like many of 18 Top Twenty Awards. Phillmar has bred six All Breed of you, I think of the show records and numbers of Best in Show Dogs, multiple Best in Specialty Show Dogs champions, but I’ve been around long enough to know that and the Breed winner at the 2005 AKC Eukanuba National. there is always more to a success story than the numbers and BIS BISS Ch. Phillmar X-Static CD ROM (Stat) was the first accolades. What follows is a “How To” manual for success recipient of the DPCA‘s Ryan Award in 2007 (for being in in life which goes well beyond showing and breeding dogs. We can start with the basics. The kennel name “Phillmar” is a contraction of Philip Martin’s first and last name, with an extra ‘l’ added because someone else had taken the version of the name with just the one ‘l’. the Top Twenty in both Conformation and Obedience in the same year). Stat is the sire of the second Dobe in breed history to win this prestigious award - GCh. Sharjets Starr Catcher WAC CD RA ROM CGC. Phillmar dogs have won Awards of Merit at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America National, the AKC Eukanuba National and the Westmin- Phillmar Dobermans has been unique since its incep- ster Kennel Club Dog Show, including 2009 WKC Best of tion, bursting on the show scene in the late 1990’s with a Opposite Sex and 2009 Best Veteran and First AOM at the dazzling luminance that has never been extinguished. In DPCA National. 20 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Stats 1st Best In Show 2005 Philip with trainers Mark Stevens and Susan Steele with his horse, I’m Merely A Monarch In 2014 there are four dogs in the DPCA Top Twenty which are either bred by Phillmar or sired by Phillmar dogs, including GCh. Sharjets Starr Catcher, BIS BISS GCH Phillmar Superman, Sharjets Awesome Act V Phillmar UD, OM1 and Phillmar Bell of the Ball OTCH, who has been in the Obedience Top Twenty four years in a row. Philip is one of the most extraordinary, passionate, dynamic life forces you will ever have the pleasure to know. His entire life is about excellence. His achievements in life have been earned based upon his own unique talents, drive and initiative. But Philip can be surprisingly humble and would never claim he accomplished his impressive record all on his own. Philip readily gives credit to the incredible people in his life who make his success possible. He is the most loyal, generous and supportive friend, admired and loved by those who know him. You will often hear people say of him, “He’s the best friend I’ve ever had; he’s like a brother to me.” Along with breeding and showing Dobermans, Philip Martin has owned and/or bred champion Cavaliers, Chinese Cresteds, Affenpinschers and Afghan Hounds. He is an AKC licensed judge of Boxers, Great Danes, Afghan Hounds, Chinese Cresteds, Affenpinschers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Doberman Pinschers and has judged prestigious events across the USA and around the world, including Doberman Nationals and Specialties in five countries. In 2014 Mr. Martin judged the Brazilian National; in 2013 he judged bitches at the DPCA National; in December of 2011 Philip judged the Specialty the day before the Mexican Doberman National in Mexico City; and he was privileged to judge the New South Wales Specialty Show in Sydney, Australia in April of 2009. He also judged the 2007 Argentinian Doberman National, which drew the largest entry for that show to date. Family is extremely important to Philip, and his mother Eileen has been the important influence in shaping his life. Eileen had the amazing insight to allow Philip to pursue what he loved doing, giving him complete autonomy to own, breed, show and sell animals. His childhood centered around his menagerie of creatures, including rabbits, goats and ponies. Philip has always been a self-starter. If he wanted something, he simply figured out how to get it. He made things happen from the sheer force of his will. Nothing was impossible or out of reach for Philip. By any standard, Phillmar excels. Whether in the context of breeding superb quality or in the care, training and presentation of extraordinary show dogs, Phillmar embodies excellence in breeding and exhibiting. So who is this Philip Martin behind Phillmar? When he decided he to breed and show Dutch rabbits, in a short time Philip had a rabbitry of roughly 200 rabbits in the backyard of his parents’ manicured suburban Richmond, Virginia home. Local nursery schools held tours of Philip’s rabbit breeding operation. He kept the best rabbits September/October 2014 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 21 for showing and breeding and sold what would have been culls to a major pet store chain in the area. Philip was always an entrepreneur with an eye for business, making all the arrangements for showing and breeding, often over the phone, as though he were an adult. In the days before the internet, the telephone company’s 411 Information Service was his go-to resource for info. He would call people and make arrangements for them to come over, or to go to shows, or discuss breeding and then throw in “I don’t drive. Can you come pick me up?” Thinking they were speaking with an adult, they usually agreed. What they did not realize until they showed up to meet him was he didn’t drive because he was only 13 years old. When Philip wanted to breed his German Shepherd bitch, he thought nothing of picking up the phone and arranging for the man who owned the stud dog to bring the UDC Champion dog to Philip’s home so that Philip, still a child, could evaluate the man’s stud dog. The stud dog owner went along with it all and allowed Philip to breed to his dog. A contest sponsored by the local Greensboro, North Carolina hockey team offered a show pony as a prize, Philip found out who’d won the pony and then persuaded his grandfather (who owned a jewelry store) to trade the winner a watch from the store for the pony. The winner agreed to the trade and Philip had his pony; he named him Gener- Sobe winning Best of Breed under breed authority James Briley over 300 Dobermans at the regional 22 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine al. Of course, there was no place to keep General at his parents’ suburban home; so Philip negotiated with the only neighbor in the area whose back yard was suitable to house a pony and General stayed there for years. Philip and his brother used to take turns riding General home from school through the Greensboro suburbs. At one point Philip wanted a cat with her litter of kittens. His mom said “no” to the cat, but later found mommy and kittens in the vanity under the sink in Philip’s bathroom. She relented and allowed him to keep the entire family because “It was easier to go along with Philip than to argue with him.” Philip wanted a goat, he found one, brought it home, tied it to the bushes in front of the house and then offered it to his mother as a ‘gift’. Eileen stood firm; gift or not, she did not want a goat. She insisted Philip return the animal, noting they had no place to keep a goat. If Philip did not return the goat, she warned, it might eat some of their expensive landscape shrubbery. During the time it took to argue over where the goat would reside, Philip left the goat tied in the front yard and, true to form, the goat indeed ate all the costly shrubbery. Philip wanted to learn more about horses he generated a friendship with a retired local dairy farmer who bred and maintained a herd of over 100 Welsh and Shetland ponies. The breeder, Mr. Hodgins, had great affection for Philip. They would often spend the day together at horse shows or 2009 magazine ad for Stat, Award of Merit from the Veteran Class under Mary Rodgers September/October 2014 auctions. Philips absorbed information about breeding and structure like a sponge. a profound appreciation for esthetic beauty. “I’ve been a sucker for pretty for much of my whole life,” he says. Philip’s appreciation for absolute perfection was generated in those early years and his passion for breeding and showing was inexhaustible. Philip’s mom recalls waiting alone in an empty parking lot until 3:00 a.m. for Philip to be dropped off by someone who had taken him to some equine event. I asked Eileen why she allowed Philip such freedom. Why didn’t she say “no” to Philip? Her response was that it was very clear to her that Philip’s passion for animals was deeply ingrained in him. “The animals made him happy.” Even from the beginning, she realized that his passion for animals went far beyond a mere passing interest or the impulse of a child. To her credit, Eileen realized that this passion would always be an integral part of who Philip is, so she supported it. When you give your children your unconditional love and support, you give them wings to soar and succeed in life, on their terms. And that is exactly what happened. Several things remained constant throughout Philip’s life: his love for family, his passion for animals, his appreciation of beauty and his dedication to excellence. That said, dogs are not Philip’s whole life, far from it actually. Family comes first for Philip, then running a successful business. Philip worked for years as a hairdresser and at a relatively early age he walked away from a solid six-figure income as one of Atlanta’s top twenty hair dressers, working only three days a week, to take time to simply enjoy life. As Philip grew older he focused more and more on horses, especially Quarter Horses and Hunter-Jumpers. He sought out the very best riders and trainers and spent years with people at the top of the sport, absorbing everything about the Hunter-Jumper and QH worlds. Philip was fortunate to have some very important mentors in the horses; Rodney Jenkins and Joan Boyce in the Hunter-Jumpers and Gerri Pratt and Mark Stevens in QuarterHorses. Through all of this, Philip developed an extraordinary eye for form as it relates to function and September/October 2014 After a few years he reentered the business world, owning and operating a boarding kennel which he then sold for a handsome profit, and later reinvested in Powderhouse Pet Resort in Aiken, South Carolina. The success of Powderhouse Pet Resort is due in equal parts to Philip’s expertise with animal management and his extraordinary people skills. Philip’s business acumen has always been impressive, allowing him to lead an enviable life which has been far more appealing than the average 9 to 5 daily grind. That is not to say that Philip doesn’t work hard; he does, but his business savvy and management skills allow him the freedom to lead the life he desires. Besides his successful business, he owns a beautiful gated home on two acres, with a pool and lovely kennel for the dogs, plus his other toys. He enjoys the free time to come and go as he pleases. ‘Work’ is what he does in between vacations, dog shows and Magazine ad for Stat, the first recipient of the prestigious Ryan Award (Top 20 obedience and conformation in the same year) Philip also modeled with Elite Model Management in Atlanta, Georgia The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 23 judging assignments. “I love my life,” Philip says. “I made it what it is and I change it as I please.” Philip was drawn to Dobermans because they are smart, loyal, athletic, beautiful dogs. His original goal was to own a champion and to be the best with whatever he had. He purchased his first Doberman in 1995 based solely on her phenotype. This foundation bitch for Phillmar, Ch. Karmabeck’s Bella Nina, was also blessed with an incredible pedigree. Nina produced eleven champions for Philip, including BIS BISS Ch. Phillmar X-Static CD ROM, a.k.a. Stat, and Multi BIS BISS Ch. Phillmar Thunderella, often affectionately referred to as just T. Philip bred his first Doberman litter in 1998. From the beginning, Philip skillfully used influential sires like BISS Ch. Enola Gay’s Dino, Ch. Nello’s Lex Luthor and Ch. Soquel’s Distant Thunder to produce dogs with both great phenotype and great genotype, who therefore were able to pass on their superb qualities to their offspring. It was my first time in the city; I arrived at 2:00 a.m., rented a car and found the hotel. From that breeding I got eight puppies, finished six, including T. When we bred to Monte, we produced nine puppies, seven of whom became champions, including three who were DPCA Top Twenty Award winners and three Best In Show and Best in Specialty Show dogs. As a breeder, you never compromise quality. Breed to the right dog for your bitch and your breeding goals, no matter how far you have to go or how much it costs.” Thunderella was finished by a handler and then Philip specialed her himself, winning Groups with her before he’d ever even put a point on a dog. Thunderella was in the Top Twenty for three years in a row and won the Breed at the 2005 Eukanuba Invitational with her 7 week old litter back in the hotel room. T produced twelve champions, three BIS dogs and three Top Twenty dogs. Breeding success in Dobermans came relatively easy to Philip because of the solid grasp of breeding fundamentals he has gleaned from a life time of experience. He has never had a breeding that did not work, in part because even though he’s taken risks, they’ve been calculated and well thought out risks. “Never breed to the closest dog or the cheapest dog” Philip advises, “and never compromise.” “When I bred to Lex” he continues, “I flew Norberto and Lex over, paid the air fare, paid the stud fee and got four Champion puppies, including Stat. When I bred to Thunder, I put Nina on a plane and flew to San Francisco. A chance ringside encounter when Thundrerella was being shown led Philip to a life-long partnership with Ms. Cheryl Green. Cheryl had a long history in dogs that predated her partnership in Phillmar by decades, having bred and owned close to 100 champions since the 70’s, including Pointers, Dobermans, Whippets and Great Danes. Cheryl bred under the Al-Cher prefix. Her mentors in Dobermans were Tess Henseler, Ahrtal and Elaine Merlis, Von Merlis giving her a solid foundation in the breed. She knew quality when she saw it and knew what she liked. When Cheryl met Thunderella and Philip she had been on a hiatus from showing for a few years. She happened to be at a show to look at a Dobe someone had recommended when she saw Thunderellas first Best in Show 2004 first weekend out with Teresa Nail Thunderella at the Eukanuba National when only the top 25 were invited she won the breed with Andy Linton 24 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Thunderella in the ring and was immediately captivated, forgetting the other dog altogether. Cheryl inquired from Philip about a puppy from T, and what followed evolved into a partnership with Philip that has carried them to the top of the sport. Cheryl and Philip are very much alike in their view of the ideal Doberman and in other things as well. For example, they are both self-made business successes. They say an enduring partnership in dogs is like a marriage. For the partnership to be successful there must be a foundation of mutual respect and affection. The partnership of Cheryl Green and Philip Martin is one of the most successful in history, each respecting what the other brings to the table, all the while sharing the same vision for the breeding, conditioning and impeccable presentation of their dogs. The partnership goes well beyond the dogs they share; Cheryl and Philip are family in every sense of the word. Philip has not had mentors per se, but he has learned from knowledgeable experts throughout his life, going back to the time he spent with Mr. Hodgins. Still, there are those who stand out as especially influential, including the much beloved Irene Biven, who impressed upon Philip the importance of seeing dogs in terms of their virtues. “Anyone can see a dog in terms of its faults,” Irene would say. “it is far more important to see them in terms of their virtues.” Irene was always willing to share her knowledge, which is something Philip aspires to also. Her last words to Philip were, “Keep doing what we love doing, and when you breed a great one, think of me.“ Philip has bred and shown many “great ones”. If you go to Philip’s website, and then to BIS BISS CH. Phillmar Thunderella’s page, you will find video of Philip showing Thunderella in the Top Twenty at the 2003 DPCA National. Philip’s impeccable presentation of T, and the mesmerizing connection between them, reflects his genuine love for her and his immense pride in presenting her to the fancy. So I inquired of Phillip, “Do you still like to go in the ring with a dog, like you did with Stat and T?” His response is telling evidence of Philip’s candor. “No,” he says. “I still go in the ring from time to time to show the Cresteds because I want to help my sister Pam achieve her goals, but I have very little interest in going in the Doberman ring September/October 2014 BIS BISS CH. Phillmar Thunderella CD was one of my two “once in a lifetime” dogs. As a show dog she was simply phenomenal. T finished her championship at 11 months with a Best Of Breed over 76 Dobermans, including 8 specials, under respected breeder judge Irene Bivin. T was one of the country’s Top 20 Dobermans 3 years in a row: in 2003 breeder-owner- handled; 2004 to the number 2 spot- handled by Teresa Nail; and, again in 2005. T won the Breed at the 2005 Televised AKC Eukanuba with Andy Linton as a ringside pickup - with 7 week old puppies at the hotel, over the country’s top 25 Dobermans (including some National and top winning specials ). Not only was T one of the greatest show dogs and undeniably beautiful, she followed in her dam’s footsteps as a producer. T’s dam Nina produced 11 champions, 2 Best In Show Dogs and two Top Twenty dogs. Thunderella produced 12 champions, 3 Best In Show dogs, multiple Best In Specialty dogs and - in 2009 - three Top 20s contenders IN ONE YEAR - all from one litter - which is a feat yet to be equaled by any Doberman... ever!!! Thunderella achieved her CD title in 30 days of training, in 3 consecutive shows. There was NOTHING I asked of her she didn’t do!! She was self-assured and confident, and even at over 10 and a half, her beauty and brains were remarkable!!! As her breeder, I was there in the beginning, when T drew her first breath, and I held her at the end when she took her last. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 25 myself anymore. Back when I showed T in the Top Twenty at the National I enjoyed putting Groups and Best in Shows on my Dobermans, but I find these days I’d much rather stand ringside and watch my dogs being presented expertly by top, top handlers, who are far more skilled than I, so they are presented to the fancy in the best way possible.” We spoke of breeding programs and a tendency for people to criticize the breeding programs of others. Philip says “I have no interest in judging the breeding programs of other people. I look at it this way, it’s like commenting on someone else’s spouse. If they’re happy with ‘em, then so am I. As a breeder, I only have to please Cheryl and myself. We know what we like, and we love what we show and breed, and that is all that matters.” When it comes to health testing Phillmar does the normal range of tests, including hips, vWD, thyroid, some heart testing etc., but Philip stresses that breeders need to keep it all within a context. “There are no guarantees in life and none of these tests are a guarantee of a perfectly healthy puppy. If someone doesn’t like the testing we do, if they think it’s too much, or not enough, that’s GREAT!!! They should buy a puppy from someone else. I have never forced someone to buy a puppy from me. Cheryl and I easily sell our puppies, and have a waiting list of people wanting a puppy from us. We have more people waiting than we could ever breed enough for.” Cheryl Green, Philips partner in Phillmar 26 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Phillmar breeds to produce show dogs. They set one price for puppies. Regardless of whether the owner wants to show or not, the price is the same, reflecting how they value their time and experience in the breed and the 24/7 effort to produce a happy, healthy, docked, cropped Doberman puppy. “We are not getting rich breeding Dobermans, but we are not doing it as a public service either.” “I consider myself a breeder” Philip says, “which for me means someone who consistently and consecutively produces a recognizable breed type. Our young Ch. Phillmar Man of Steel, who recently finished with four majors at ten months of age, represents 4 generations of Phillmar champions, including numerous Best in Show champions. At this point in the breeding program we see great consistency in our phenotype, which reflects the consistency of our vision of the correct Doberman. Breeding is both a science and an educated guess. People sometimes want to attribute the success of Phillmar to luck, but with over 50 champions it has to be more than just luck.” Philip is very involved in whelping litters and raising the puppies. He takes great care with diet and the puppies’ environment, as well as with docking, cropping and the after care of the ears. He places a great deal of emphasis on training young dogs for the show ring. Cheryl and Philip value temperament, balance and soundness in their breeding program, looking for a smoothly put together one- Cheryl’s birthday present from Philip — Irene, Ch. Bo Betts Speed Dial September/October 2014 piece dog who appears to be poured into his skin. A Doberman is “an elegant athlete in a tight fitting wrapper”. Phillmar Dobermans reflect Philip’s esthetics and his interpretation of the Breed standard, with both the elegance and soundness he loves. He has never chased after fads or the popular stud dogs of the moment. “Other than Cheryl, the only one I have to please is Philip Michael Martin.” If you ask Philip if he’s had a favorite litter he will say, “My Thunder litter was beautiful” then adds in a string of succession, “My Lex litter was beautiful, my Monte litter was beautiful, and now the Superman litter is beautiful.” Basically, Philip blended American pedigrees with South America pedigrees, but not to the point of doubling up for an exaggerated look. “My American bitch I took to Lex” he explains, “and then I went back to the American dogs again.” Philip does have a pet peeve about Dobermans he sees winning in the ring today. “Dobermans are a working breed. They must be balanced.” He says “This overdone front assembly, with the huge protruding forechest and a brisket that drops below the elbow, creating a caricature of a correct Doberman that almost resembles a wheelbarrow, is wrong for a Doberman and wrong for a Working dog!” Philip adds, “A correctly built, correctly moving Doberman should converge to a center line of travel under the dog as speed increases. Dobermans with these overdone fronts do not converge. Rather, the overdone front assembly hinders movement, restricting the reach of the front so the dog must be moved fast, yet the dog covers no ground because the front cannot get out of the way of the rear. Judges should not be rewarding this kind of front on a Doberman. I distinctly remember this being a pet peeve of Irene’s.” I asked Philip what the future holds for him. “The future will be whatever I want it to be” he responds, “but I guarantee it will be extraordinary.” Philip recently purchased a young Quarter Horse filly which shows great promise. He breeds and shows Cresteds with his sister, Pam Charen, under the PamMar prefix. There are some exciting young September/October 2014 Family cruise August 2014 PamMar dogs coming along. Philip and Cheryl’s current Special, the stunning young Afghan Hound BISS Ch. Elmo’s Dream Boy, bred by the late Peter Belmont Jr., is just now moving up the charts, consistently placing in the groups and winning the group last weekend. Philip and Cheryl have several exciting young Phillmar Dobermans just making their mark in the ring also. Phillmar will continue to reflect the standard of excellence of the individuals behind the name for years to come. g Philip and Cheryl’s current Special, the stunning young Afghan Hound BISS Ch. Elmo’s Dream Boy, bred by the late Peter Belmont Jr. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 27 Wynn And she does! Watch for Cindy & Wynn in the 9-12 black class at the National! s a g e V n i s n e p p a DeMor’s What H Irish Spirit and x CH GCH Jaroe Legend of Jager’s Bacardi Limon Wynn’s first weekend out at 6 months of age, reserve to the major at the Greater Twin Cities Specialty, handled by Cindy. Next stop Duluth, MN — she picked up her first 2 points under Dr. Anthony DiNardo winning Best of Winners breeder/owner handled! Wynn wins her first major in Lake Elmo, MN going Best of Winners from the Bred by Class! Breeder/Owner: Denise Morman, DeMor Dobermans 28 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 29 Featured Handler Cindy Lane-Smith QQ Tell us about your first Doberman. Why a Doberman? I had been sick as a younger child while managing to maintain a very good grade average. As a reward my mother offered to let me a dog of my own. Our family always had animals. When I was eleven she gave me the option to choose a dog, any breed I wanted for my first dog. That was her mistake. My choice was a Doberman. I thought they were just the epitome of beauty. They were regal and they were tough, really tough back then. She turned pale white when I told her. I stood my ground, she honored her word, and I got my first Doberman. None of the dogs she got me were true show dogs. With each disappointment my love for the breed grew. She started taking me to a handling class over at Terry and Denise Lee’s of Teraden Dobermans in Concord, California. They held class in their front yard. I got to play with Sizzle, (Chocolate Soldier’s dam) Ch. Teraden’s Double Dealer, and many of their other wonderful dogs. QQ How did you start in show dogs? What led you to professional handling? I’m actually a breeder at heart. I handled so I could actually show dogs. My own dogs were not good enough to show. I started out as an assistant. For 4 years I was a slave to all-breed handlers; from almost 14 when I started, until I was 18. I worked for AKC licensed professional handlers that entire time. We had Best in Show Great Danes, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, top winning Mastiffs, Bullmastiffs, and Labradors. We showed all the big breeds. We had a Group winning Doberman as well. I put 4 hard years in with those breeds and had gone Best of Opposite at the St. Bernard Nationals before I had a driver’s license. No kidding. His wife hurt her knee so I had to show her bitch Special. Many times I would ride my bike 10 miles one way to their kennel to help, because my mother wouldn’t take me. I did 4 years of learning proper husbandry and handling in California to become a professional handler. My boss would let me, when we were not busy, go watch Marj Brooks handle dogs. I would watch her for hours handle Dobermans. I thought she was the best; she could mold a dog better than anyone. The nuances of what she did were well worth studying. When I moved to the Midwest decades later I saw another person with that same noteworthy talent, Gwen; those were, well, the days Corky Vroom, Marj Brooks, a very young Billy and Andy, and Moe was in his heyday with Sun Hawk. I started in an era that headlined Ch. Alnwick’s Black Fury Bismarck, BIS Ch. Weichardt’s Rosen Cavalier and Missle Belle. It was an incredible time. Irene Quesnoy was as instrumental in my development as anyone. She made it possible to get to shows as a young lady. I traveled far and wide with her; she was a very prominent part of my life. I also believe her Ch. Teraden’s Cinnamon Rose was my first champion, if not one of them. She was a beautiful mover. My first breed win came on the Ch. Brown’s B-Brian daughter Ch. Donmar’s Lady Sasha, I wasn’t old enough for a driver’s license and my ride had to wait all day for me. Things are so different now. In this era people breed a few dogs, finish 30 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Ch. Donmar's Lady Sasha Ch. Triadel's Maid Rite Ch. Royal Tudor's Wild As The Wind September/October 2014 BISS Ch. Vondura's HMS Invincable them and become a handler. I actually apprenticed for years as a handler and then became a breeder. I loved dogs so much. Along the way I became a Pointer person, they are my personal dogs. Dobermans are my profession and joy. I enjoy the competitiveness of being in the ring and they are a terrific dog to have in the truck. It can be flat out nasty because it’s so competitive. If you don’t have a thick skin you can’t be in there. I have always thought real Doberman handlers are among the best in the business. Dobermans are my original breed and I love them. Pointers are my true love. BIS, BISS Ch. Jager’s Hot Carmel Macchiato is retired with my husband and I and we are thrilled and thankful to Paul Croley she is here. Paul Croley and Mims Datskow have been great breeders, friends and supporters of mine. I am indebted to them. This is great, this is fun, and this is enjoyable. Certainly I have made a great living at it. But, those options may not be there if this economy continues. Rising gas prices, high unemployment, among other factors are having a direct impact on the sport of dogs. Showing is supposed to be about breeders. But there are very few old fashioned breeders left, people that study it, live it, breathe it and understand it. It’s becoming a lost art. I don’t know what you do to reclaim that. Mentorship is gone; nobody wants to listen to anybody else. Today’s young want to be instant successes. Just add water and they are now an instant handler. If September/October 2014 Ch. Teredan's Romeo they can finish it by dragging it around to every dog show for three years, it must be breeding stock. It’s not. The days of competing against 50 bitches for a major are gone. Then quality truly counted and you had to be a decent handler to beat an entry of 50 for the points. Those breeders that only breed one or two litters in their lifetime aren’t necessarily doing a good job. No long-range goals or commitment. The whole evolution of what is happening at dog shows is a sad thing. If they’re not in it for the long haul it’s not a good thing. But it’s becoming so expensive to show dogs because of the economy. It’s making it very difficult for some to stay in the sport. There are no more Mrs. Firestones or Mrs. Robson’s to promote great dogs and big programs. Louisville was the first city to pass constrictive, harmful and punitive dog laws. It affected my business and basically shut me down. It took a mental toll worrying about it constantly. I have padlocks on everything because they were breaking into peoples’ places and taking their animals. Bad legislation is real, I’ve lived it; lived it for years now, even though it has mitigated to some degree it, will always have a chilling effect on the dog industry as a whole. HSUS is vigilant in their desire to stop all breeding and ownership of any animal. Like it or not dogs are our property, unfortunately some people will abuse them, but for the ills of a few, all should not pay. As these events have transpired I have taken a step back and spend more time with my husband and opened my life to other activities. I still Ch. Lilly's Ode To Appolo keep some dogs, but I don’t keep anything close to what I used to. I would prefer most people to meet me ringside and be responsible for the training and condition of their dogs. I’m a little paranoid. The kennel has its own alarm and fire sensors out there. I can’t be here 24/7, I have other things I have to do. I take responsibility for the dogs with us very seriously. That’s why we have new equipment, new trucks, etc; because I want to make sure they are safe. My husband Vance is really great about letting the dogs out. He really likes the dogs. He doesn’t care for shows at all. I still love the breeding aspect. I bred the all-time top winning Ridgeback in the history of the breed. I have bred Best in Show Pointers, Best in Show Doberman, National winning Ridgebacks and National winning Pointers. I bred several top 5 Pointers in a row, year after year. Breeding is my passion. But I feel like I’m the best one to take them in the ring, so that is why I keep handling. I love the dogs and I love the people. QQ Who was your most memorable dog? My favorite dog was my own BIS BISS CH. Marjetta Reatta of Kintyre, my Pointer bitch owned with Den and Elsa Lawler. She was both a BIS and National Specialty winner and BIS and National winning producer and grand dam of the same. She was my love. To this day, that dog meant everything to me. Macci is probably my favorite Doberman. She was my first breeder/ The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 31 owner/handled BIS winner, she was bred and owned in a great partnership with Paul Croley, without him there would be no Macci. She completed the circle for me of breeding Best in Show animals in my three breeds. I had shown other BIS Dobermans but she was the first that I was listed as a breeder and owner. Macci is our best watchdog. We swear she sleeps with one eye open. QQ What was your most memorable win? I’ve won seven Nationals, that is a tough one. I’ve never won a Doberman National; I don’t imagine I’ll live long enough to win a Doberman National. I don’t want to work that hard anymore. You have to be right up there winning every single weekend to win a Doberman National. I won one of the biggest Working Groups ever at Louisville under Glen Sommers, almost 600 working dogs, with Ch Royal Tudor’s Lucky Twice, over Johnny, the top Boxer back then, the Hi-Tech dog, I believe. I hadn’t been out of California too long when he took that Group. Remy was a wonderful dog, a good stud dog and a great companion, of course the Macci win is right there with the Remy win. You cannot say one is more fantastic than the other. QQ What are your future goals? Someday when I do not feel competitive as a handler or lose that fighting spirit I will go to judging. Until then I still love showing dogs for my very appreciative clients. It has become more social for me and I am enjoying the visiting time with everyone. We have Saddlebreds and our young colt just went to the training barn so maybe some horse shows in the next couple years. More golf with my husband would be a great way to spend more time with him as well. QQ Any closing thoughts? When we lost Dawn Honaker, we lost such a talented human being. What a tragic life she had. Dawn had some of my dogs, Ridgeback and Pointers. She did a lot of winning with the Ridgeback she bought from me and sold to Sharon Chase. It was a very nice dog. I am indebted to her. She did very, very well with that dog. I showed some dogs for her when she was too crowded with client dogs. I liked Dawn, I know there were problems for her, dealing with life, but if you called Dawn asking for help she’d be there. Life is short; sometimes it ends before you think it should. Enjoy each day and everyone that God sends across your path. I wish everyone great luck in this wonderful breed that we Ch Jager's Hot Caramel Machiato 32 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Ch. Sherluck's Duke of Earl, his fist photo shoot Ch Datelis Enuf Said Alisaton Ch Datelis Hot Proper T Alisaton September/October 2014 have all worked so hard to maintain its integrity. QQ This was our 2011 interview and we asked Cindy to update us on her life since then. Much has transpired since our last article about Cindy Lane-Smith. The Smiths, Cindy and Vance, welcomed the birth of their first grandchild in 2012. It was a joyous event, and they enjoy visiting whenever possible. Wyatt is a wonderful boy, and the dogs love him. In December, a second grandchild is due, and Vance will travel for the big event while Cindy stays home preparing for their 10th wedding anniversary trip. These are special times to be cherished as Vance survived a round with Cancer in 2013 and is currently fighting a very serious lung infection which has hospitalized him twice in 2014. Both are thankful for all the support from friends and family. Professionally, it has been a wonderful three years. Roseanne Kelly entrusted Cindy to orchestrate the career of “Grand Ch. Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit” for two wonderful years. “Jim Bob” (Jimmy) won many specialties and retired with three Best in Shows. He made the top twenty both years and was in the top ten with limited showing. Cindy had a bout with double pneumonia at the end of 2013 which abruptly ended “Jimmy’s” campaign. In 2013 with only 57 shows “Jimmy” still finished the year #8 in the Top Twenty. “Jimmy” is a very special Doberman who appears to be stamping his get with that beautiful look of his. Cindy is very grateful to Roseanne for her time campaigning “Jimmy” and all she and Roseanne shared. 2014 has brought a new black dog that has been a super force to reckon with. Tim Stone and Cheryl Green chose Cindy to special their GCh. Phillmar Superman. “Steel” has had a super hero start to his career, garnering 5 Best in Shows, 5 Reserve Best in Shows along with multiple specialties in just 5 months of campaigning. He has been #1 dog in the Dog News all breed points most of those months. He has many champion get and is a dog” dreams are made of’. Team Steel is blessed with people who have been very supportive of our super hero, and we will enjoy the ride wherever it takes us. As always, Cindy sends special thanks to Paul Croley for his continued support of the beautiful JägerDobe Dobermans that are always with her. g Ch. Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit Jimmy in the Top Twenty, Cindy’s favorite photo of him Nothing better than Steel love Christmas with the boys left to right, Flynn, Grant, Kyle September/October 2014 Vance and Cindy in St. Lucia last year Steel’s first Best In Show The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 33 OFA Excellent Echo Normal (3/14) Liver/Kidney Panel normal 34 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 “Prada” Jager’s Ruffian in Black (Ch. Jalyn’s Simply Irresistible Alisaton x GCh. Jager’s At Last) Winning a major from BBE. “James” Ch. Jager’s Got My Mojo Working (Ch. Sunburg’s Street Legal x GCh. Jager’s At Last) Shown finishing - completely from BBE under Desmond Murphy. “Twist” Ch. Jager’s Lime Twisted Gin (Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s x Ch. Cinnakerry N Jager’s Acquittal) Winning one of three majors all from the BBE class - on her way to her championship, under Jay Richardson. 502.905.5775 • [email protected] or [email protected] September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 35 Dillon’s Sound Of Distant Thunder Colt Owned by Ray and Bonnie DeAngelis and Dillon Dobermans Nancy L Young Expertly Handled by Cindy Lane-Smith Thank you Cindy. As always, it’s a pleasure working with you! Dannyquest Designs presents our newest Doberman sculpture, this playful bunch will make the perfect addition to anyones collection. Mommy, May I — limited edition of 350 — $275.00 New Limited Edition pieces in more than a dozen breeds being issued this fall. Visit our website to sign up to our newsletter and be notified when new sculptures are available. Check out our facebook page for preview of new artwork, special offers, & one of a kind pieces not available anywhere else. Original Dannyquest Designs for over 40 years. Still offering new & original sculptures to the purebred dog fancy. Very special trophies are our specialty! 714-891-4121 or 877-253-0109 • [email protected] • 36 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Teresa Nail & Ray Lively professional handlers 817-454-7417 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 37 FEATURED HANDLERS Teresa Nail & Ray Lively Lure coursing and conformation showing on the same day! Top 20, Ch Heartfelt’s Epic v Touchstone QQ How did you get your start in dogs? I was born into English Field Setters - Llewelln. My mother and father bred and showed setters for the field. I was always attracted to Dobermans and begged to get one. I finally got my first Doberman when I was 8 years. old; her name was Ch. Azteca’s Bellona UD, (Shasta). I started in training classes at the children’s museum class with a toy poodle and a smooth coated Chihuahua. When I got Shasta I started training under Dwight Dobson Jr. in obedience. In 1968 I won High In Trial at the DPCA National with her. At the time obedience was my life, it was all I thought about. Shasta and I ended up getting, I think, 6 perfect scores of 200, and I went on to put CD’s on a GSD, Toy Poodle, and an English Setter. I got thrown into the breed ring when I was 10. We were at shows in California when my handler, Pete Delano, told me I would have to show Shasta myself because he had a conflict in the Boxer ring. Bob Hastings gave me some liver, told me to put her on a stand stay, step back and bait her, I ended up going Winners Bitch for five points under Dr. Winfred Shute! It was a real thrill and so exciting. I was still too young to show in juniors so I helped out Rex Vanderenter, learning and working until I was old enough to compete in juniors. As soon as I was old enough I started competing in juniors, and showed in juniors until I was 17. I qualified to show at Westminster 3 years, the first year I showed Shasta, the second and third years I showed Irene Bivin’s (my mother) dog Ari, Ch. Tolivar’s Aristotle of Azteca. I had one of my most memorable wins by winning Best Junior at Westminster under Mrs. James Edward Clark when I was 17, after this I was hooked. QQ What lead you to professional handling? Ray & Rae The first and most important thing was my love of dogs. After winning at Westminster, I decided to try my hand at professional handling. I have to mention a few of the people who helped me get started by hiring me to show their dogs. Joanne Davis, Lynn Eggers, Dr. Douglas & Barbara Tatum and of course, I was showing dogs that my mother and I had. It was 1973 and I got my first all breed Best in Show on one of these dogs, Ch. Tolivers Boo Radley dob Mann (Boo) which was a very exciting win made even more special since Boo was my mother’s dog. Now it’s been over 40 years and hundreds of clients who I have to thank for helping me in my business and some have become my life long friends. QQ Have you shown other breeds? GCh Cantex Gris Gris’ Sonofa Doc 38 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine I consider myself an all breed handler, I’ve shown most breeds. I’m known for Dobermans but I have put Best in Shows on Samoyeds, GSDs, Irish Setters, IGs and Smooth Dachshunds and have had much success showing Boxers, Whippets, Bullmastiffs, and Standard Poodles. I got my start with Dobermans. My mother and I started breeding Dobermans in 1966 under the kennel name dob Mann. My Mom’s September/October 2014 CH OTCH Buddy UDX 4 CH Rhapsody’s Passage to India, CD, RA, ROM, VCX, BH maiden name was Mann, which is how we came up with the name. Through the years we also bred Smooth Dachshunds, Italian Greyhounds, and English Setters under this kennel name. I have also branched out to not only showing in conformation, but have success in the Lure Coursing arena too, so I have extensive interest in other breeds. I met Ray in 1990 and within a few months he became my handling partner. It was one of these other breeds, an Italian Greyhound, which became Ray’s first Champion, Ch. Silverbluff’s Irene. Ray and I have been together for 24 years and Ray states it is my biggest accomplishment to have met him! We make a great team and equally enjoy working with the dogs our clients entrust to us. QQ What was your most memorable dog? I have had many memorable dogs through out the years and each dog of every client is memorable in one way or another. I guess I would have to divide my most memorable dogs into those that were more personal and those who also provided me with wonderful accomplishments. On a personal level I have to start with my first Dobe, Shasta for all the reasons I have mentioned and the love she gave me. I would also have to include my GSD, Tiger, Ch. White Oak’s Eye of the Tiger. He came to be my constant companion after his owner, Margaret Garrison, gave him to me when she was retiring him from the show ring; we won many Groups and Specialties. He was a very special dog and stayed by my side until he went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2011. As I mentioned earlier I have experience with Lure Coursing and my Italian Greyhound bitch, BII Dual, Ch. Jandia’s Dashing Val dob Mann, Jackie Brown was an exceptional lure courser and won best in show at the BII in 2005, and this was a very exciting win! When I think about dogs who are memorable which I didn’t own myself, of course I have to start with all the dogs through the years that I have had the privilege to show into the DPCA Top Twenty, too many to mention by name but each has a special place for me. I have to start with Ch Arco dob Mann who I won the DPCA Grand Prize Futurity with at six months, one week of age and went on to 38 all breed Best in Shows and to win the DPCA Top Twenty in 1983. Also September/October 2014 CH Hillco’s Texas Blazing Star, UD, RE, ROM, VCX, ZTP Ch Gerent’s Eldo Radley dob Mann who I went Winners Dog at our National in 1985. My other two Top Twenty winning dogs, Ch Royalmead Prescott v Madori WAC, Scotty, and Ch Cambria’s Carmen.... and of course the dog I won the bred with twice at the DPCA National in 2003 and 2008, Ch. Star Across Texas dob Mann, Bubba, who I really enjoyed showing. There have been others, Ch Touchstone’s Frozen In Time, who I showed for Janice & Roy Keith, he brought them into my life and started a friendship that has lasted many years. I have gone on to show, finish and place in the Top Twenty many dogs for them but it started with Ariel. So as you can see it’s too hard to pick just one, they are all so special in their own ways! QQ What are your future goals? Since I have been handling dogs for over 40 years I have thought about what the next step would be. I think about being a judge or an AKC rep, but remaining a breeder and staying involved with the bred is the most important thing to me. QQ Any closing thoughts? Yes, there have been several people who have not only been with me through the years but have offered advice and guidance when I needed it. I would start with my father, Richard Terry Nail Jr., who was an accomplished horseman and dog man and whom encouraged me as a young girl to realize my natural talent for working with animals. Of course my mother, Irene Bivin, who was always able to see things that I needed to improve upon, helping me to do this and for teaching me to appreciate and learn about all breeds. She was the consummate sports person and taught me to always be a good sport no matter the outcome. There is Edd Bivin who offered advice and guidance on our breeding program. Mrs. James Edward Clark (Annie) and Mrs. Robert Forsythe (Janie) for being the two handlers that most inspired me to become a handler. When they showed dogs the dogs they showed would light up and I thought I want to do this. Also I want to mention some of the people who have been with me through the years, Julie Prigmore, Bentcreek Dober- The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 39 Ch. Touchstone’s Frozen in Time Teresa and BISS GCh. O’s Godiva Dark Demmitasse, Guiness Grandkids, Connor and Brynlee mans, Janice and Roy Keith, Heartfelt Dobermans, Irena Sasu, Rhapsody Dobermans, Becky Carney-Miller, Miller Dobermans, Becky Evers, Jan Phillips, Cathrine Odom, Terry Meyers, Larry and Anne House, Kay Rose (Jaycee and Marine Rose), Dee Dietz, Lana Sidnerman, Cheryl Green and Alisa Brotherhood. When you have been doing this as long as I have the list of people you want to thank for their support is long, I’m sure I’ve forgotten some but Ray and I thank all our clients for their trust. Eukanuba and by February 2013 they had hit the Top 20 list! They make a wonderful team. He wants to please Teresa very much. Teresa walks into the ring with confidence and our dogs feel that positive energy. And, Teresa walks out of the ring with a smile on her face and always thanks the judge for whatever ribbon she receives. She demonstrates wonderful sportsmanship. Teresa’s classic (and classy) response to her clients if they ask her why she thought their dog didn’t win is “because the judge didn’t point to us“ and “It’s over, now move on to the next show.” Guinness and Teresa have formed a very special bond. It amazed us that we could make it into last year’s Top 20 so quickly and finish # 6. She encouraged us to keep going and promised we were on a roll. Well, Teresa was so right! She and Guinness brought home the wins and we quickly qualified for 2014 and consistently stayed in the Top 5 and then the Top 10 well after Guinness got to come home in February, finishing at #11. Guinness enjoys the bigger rings so I am looking forward to Topeka Top 20 night with Teresa looking forward to her showing my boy. She has become a friend and we miss the camaraderie from being at the dog shows. But I know we have more surprises ahead of us in the near future which will bring us back to the show circuit. I would be very remiss in not mentioning Ray. He has been such a wonderful friend and he has a special bond with G as well. So whenever Guinness sees Ray, he wants to play. But he knows whenever they are at the show ring and Ray is warming him up, it is time for business. Teresa and Ray do a wonderful job because it is their passion. Teresa routinely will help the competition with their dogs when they need help. And that speaks volumes for her. From Irina Sasu: Teresa’s current special Safari, GCH Tiburon Djibouti v Rhapsody owned by Irina. Teresa first saw Safari as a 16 week old puppy, they bonded at first glance. She finished at 14 months of age, in limited showing and she placed every time she was shown at the 2013 National and Regionals. Safari was bred by John and Addy Dolan of Tiburon Dobermans. She started her specials career in March 2014, and has been on a roll ever since. A Top 20 contender for, she is currently living and traveling with Teresa, working for Teresa in the ring during the day and sharing her bed at night — something she does not get to do at home! Safari is not just a conformation Doberman. When not at the dog show, she shares Teresa’s love of lure coursing. At home she enjoys agility, the tunnel and a-frame are her favorites. g QQ This was our 2012 interview and we asked Teresa to update us on her life since then. When not working with the dogs, Teresa and Ray enjoy spending time with their grandchildren Connor and Brynlee. From MaryAnn Byrns: Several of my friends and acquaintances, that were current/former clients of Teresa, encouraged me to contact her to discuss Guinness’s potential show career. I first met Teresa, one on one, in the summer of 2012 for her to evaluate Guinness. Teresa really liked him and said that she had a special but would like to visit with us again in the future. I knew when she put her hands on him and stacked him that she made a special connection with Guinness. He looked amazing. Teresa started showing Guinness in late November, won an AOM at 40 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 GCH Tiburon Djibouti v Rhapsody CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky, RA x CH Aquarius Garbo v Tiburon Thank you Teresa for the expert handling and the fun journey into the Top Twenty. Breeder: Handler: Owners: September/October 2014 John Dolan Tiburon Dobermans Teresa Nail 817-454-7417 Irina Sasu & John Dolan The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 41 41 GCh Rhapsody’s Brand New Day, CA, WAC, CGC “Gentry” congratulates his 3rd and 4th champions CH Rhapsody’s Cape of Good Hope, CA “Idriss” Bred and owned by Irina Sasu Rhapsody Dobermans Handled by Teresa Nail Thank you Teresa for showing our 16th home bred champion so beautifully. Idriss will be back for his Grand Championship after he matures. CH Rhapsody’s Shores of Tripoli “Judge” Bred by Irina Sasu Owned by James and Elizabeth Foreman handled by Teresa Nail Teresa and Judge - what a great team. 42 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 GCh Rhapsody’s Brand New Day, CA, WAc, CGC Ch Killeen dob Mann x Ch Rhapsody’s Integrity, CD, RA, ROM, VCX “Gentry” Gentry finished with a Group 4 from the classes. Thank you Teresa! Bred and owned by Irina Sasu Handled by Teresa Nail and Ray Lively September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 43 44 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Dura Lex Polonia Frida L iL Thank you Judge Mrs. Jeanne D Zuver for Winners Bitch at the Greater Shelby Kennel Club show. Owners: Cathy Nieuwoudt and David Nieuwoudt Breeders: Wlodzimierz and Anna Bujok, Osielsko Poland Handlers: Teresa Nail and Ray Lively, 817-454-7417 September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 45 December/January is the Post National issue Special ribbon holder rates 1 page $270 Save $29 2 page spread $550 Save $48 3 pages $800 Save $87 4 pages $1025 Save $171 5 pages $1375 get the 6th on FREE Save $275 payment must be made with one transaction Featured Breeders Nancy Young • Dillon Dobermans Someone You Should Know Tami Lane • ShoMe Dobermans Deadline Nov. 15th contact: Nicole Denny [email protected] 513-307-4284 or Marcy McGuire [email protected] 608-774-7435 46 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 As many of you know this has been a very difficult year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all of the help, love and support. The Goldfein Family David, Jennifer, Shoshana, Sabrina, Matt, & Barbara Gaza September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 47 GCH. D’s Remember When x CH. Manarjj N Gra-Lemor Doozie WAC Lynda Beam Breeders: Jennifer Goldfein & Barbra Goldfein & Mary Leahy & Sally Campbell Owners: Lilya Glezer-Goldfein, David & Jennifer Goldfein Handlers: David & Jennifer Goldfein 48 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Ch. Rahdy’s Beyond The Veil Of Mist CH. Rahdy’s Sail The Seven Seas x GCH. D’s Diva On Fire Breeders: David & Jennifer Goldfein, Dr. Anthony D. & Mrs. Sheila Dinardo Owners: David, Jennifer, Shoshana, Sabrina Goldfein & Barbara Goldfein September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 49 CH. Rahdy’s Sail The Seven Seas x GCH. D’s Diva On Fire scarlet’s first time in the ring, just 6 months old, at the DPC of Milwaukee Specialty, she won a 5-point major. She finished her Championship at 10 months and is now well on her way to her Grand Championship. Breeders: David & Jennifer Goldfein, Dr. Anthony D. & Mrs. Sheila Dinardo Owners: Lilya Glezer-Goldfein, David & Jennifer Goldfein, Barbara Goldfein Handlers: David & Jennifer Goldfein 50 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Rahdy’s Son of Sinbad CH. Rahdy’s Sail The Seven Seas x GCH. D’s Diva on Fire Breeders: David & Jennifer Goldfein Dr. Anthony D. & Mrs. Sheila DiNardo September/October 20144 Owners: David & Jennifer Goldfein Shoshana & Sabrina Goldfein Barbara Goldfein The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 51 Handled by david & Jennifer Goldfein Owned by Rakesh Shah Arjun Shah bReedeRS: Joan berg Valentine dobermans 630-335-6772 Jennifer & david Goldfein Rahdy dobermans 847-274-1569 CH. Rahdy’s Forget you “Cee Lo Green” x CH. Tres In It To win It 52 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Rizzo & Zuko are handled by David & Jennifer Goldfein Pictured at 8 months CH. Rahdy’s Forget You “Cee Lo Green” x CH. Tres In It To Win It Pictured at 8 months with 8 points CH. Rahdy’s Forget You “Cee Lo Green” x CH. Tres In It To Win It OWNED AND BRED BY Joan Berg - Valentine Dobermans 630-335-6772 Jennifer & David Goldfein- Rahdy Dobermans 847-274-1569 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 53 A father and daughter’s love of Dobermans in life and in the hereafter A True Story by Lisa Newman I remember when I was a little girl crying myself to sleep one night. My father came in and sat on the edge of my bed to ask why I was crying. I told him how badly I wanted a dog...something I had asked for many times. The answer was always no. This time he said yes! He must have felt very sad hearing me sobbing alone in my room. The next day I said I wanted a German Shepherd. We had cared for my grandfather’s Shepherd after he’d passed away; I loved the dog so it was only natural I would want another. My father had his own ideas. He said “We are going to start looking for a Doberman Pinscher.” Dad grew up in New York City. As a little boy he saw a poodle running loose on the street, chased by an off-leash Doberman. A man called for the Doberman, which stopped dead in his tracks and ran back to him. My father was so impressed he said “That’s the breed we should have.” I didn’t even know what a Doberman looked like, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t be happier just knowing I would finally have a dog. 54 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine So that’s what started it all. Our family was then forever involved with the love of our Dobermans. We showed them, bred them and enjoyed them as family members. Always house dogs, they were constantly at our side, loved intensely and were best friends who guarded us faithfully. By the time I was forty I was so involved with training and showing Dobermans I owned up to nine of them at one time. I was single and having lots of fun with them. Then I met a man from Texas who’d never owned a pet in his life. We hit it off and after a few years we got married. Before I knew it we were having a baby, moving away from my California family and buying a ranch house so the dogs could have plenty of room to run while I was busy with our new baby. As the years went by some of the dogs passed away and I decided not to have more than one male and one female Doberman. I didn’t feel it was safe to raise my young son with the risk of getting hurt if a dog fight broke out. Back in California my father was battling cancer. He’d been in remission for years and had a Doberman puppy for companionship. I knew he missed my dogs when I moved but hadn’t expected he’d get his own Doberman, given his diagnosis. His cancer advanced and became pretty unbearable, yet he insisted on taking his dog for walks three times a day! I believe his dog gave him something to live for. He was so proud of him; everyone in the neighborhood knew my dad and his dog. My sister and I had talked on the phone about my father’s hope that I’d take his dog in the event of his death. Neither of us was able to safely provide a Dobe a home. I had a male Doberman already, with no kenneling to separate two adult male dogs. She had three toy-sized dogs so could not take him. I suggested she tell Dad about Doberman rescue so an adoptive home could be lined up for his dog. Unfortunately time slipped by and no one got around to calling a rescue; my father had a stroke and was left in a coma. The doctors couldn’t predict whether his future held days or weeks, so my father came to my sister’s house with hospice helping around the clock. She arranged for her son and a friend to go over daily to feed and care for the dog. I was completely distraught over this. The thought of the poor dog alone in the house without my dad just tore me apart. I pleaded with her to bring the dog to her house to visit my dad. Even though my dad was in a coma I believed he somehow understood what was happening and had to be beyond worry and upset because the dog who’d been by his side for all these years was now alone. I knew his dog was everything to him. I knew I had to do something fast. After anguishing over several unworkable options for the dog to come live with me I realized results might even be disastrous. I finally called Doberman rescue in California and left a desperate message. I knew they’d understand our situation, know how sensitive Dobermans are and would recognize this was a real emergency to me. A man named Bryan called me within hours and after talking for quite a while, I knew he was the right person; I felt comfortable continued on page 56 September/October 2014 Pictured at 8 months CH. Rahdy’s Forget You “Cee Lo Green” x CH. Tres In It To Win It Breeders: Joan Berg & Jennifer Goldfein Owners: Lilya Glezer-Goldfein & Jennifer Goldfein & Joan Berg Handlers: Jennifer & David Goldfein September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 55 putting my father’s beloved Doberman in his care. I arranged for Bryan to pick up him up as soon as possible, in two days. I hung up the phone and burst into tears, feeling very relieved and knowing it was the right decision. Still, the next two days I worried about my father in his pain and misery and his dog alone and confused. The morning Bryan was to pick up the dog, I took a walk in the pasture. Coming back I suddenly felt extremely drained and weak. I told my husband, then laid down on the couch and felt a deep urgency to pray for my father’s soul. I worried he was afraid to pass over to the other side. I knew my father was agnostic, perhaps an atheist. I had a pretty strong belief in an afterlife and had asked my sister a few days before to let a clergyman come to pray at my father’s bedside. She had said he wouldn’t want that. So I prayed, asking God to send my father’s deceased brother or father to meet his soul and help him cross over. My prayer became intense and very focused. Tears streaming, I pleaded with God and Jesus to take my father’s soul. After my prayer I got up. I felt great... relieved and very relaxed. The phone rang. It was my sister; she was at my father’s house to sign for the Bryan to take the dog. The hospice nurse had just called her to say my father died a minute ago. I said that was strange, I was just praying for his soul a minute ago. She felt strange too, as she was just signing rescue papers at the moment of the call. It was then I realized how real this was, not a coincidence at all. This amazing connection was a true eye opener. But the next thing that happened was almost as shocking and has changed the way I believe and view life, death, love and loss. “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous” to quote Albert Einstein. Rummy Rummy was my young female Doberman when my son Chad was born. She’d never been around babies or children but I had socialized her really well. My husband and I took her everywhere with us because, before Chad, she was like a child. By the time she was full grown I often said “Rummy acts like a Golden Retriever.” She was immediately very friendly to everyone she met and sometimes I wondered if she would protect us if necessary. As time went by she would prove to me she would not only learn to love children, but be a protector as well. I got through what proved to be a difficult pregnancy, the planned Caesarian section and what seemed to be the birth of a normal baby boy. Within hours things took a turn for the worse. My new son’s blood pressure dropped and he was whisked away from me to the pediatric intensive care unit. As the hours then days ticked by news about his health got worse and worse. Doctors ran test after test but reached no diagnosis. An M.R.I. was inaccurately read, leading doctors to give us the false news Chad would be brain dead. An eye specialist making rounds told us Chad would probably be blind; possibly he might have some vision in one eye, but nothing more could be known until re-exam at three months of age. By the end of a month Chad was diagnosed with a very rare but treatable disease called panhypopituitarism. Sadly, a doctor with horrible bedside manner gave us a devastating prophesy Chad would never be able to play catch with his father and most assuredly would be blind. We were sent home with medicines to administer around the clock; l felt like my new job was to be a nurse, a very scared and worried one. Chad was finally home with us. All we could do was hope his condition was not as bad as we’d been told. I had a deep sadness and felt like crying most of the time. My husband Scott was traveling much of the time for his work, so when I would fall into a very depressed crying bout the only ones around were my dogs. Rummy instantly became what I called “Chads Nanny.” When he cried, I heard it right away on the baby monitor in my room but I could never be fast enough for Rummy. She’d run to me, her very anxious look clearly saying “hurry, the baby’s crying!” She followed me everywhere and stayed by my side every minute of the day and night. Days when I cried on and on, falling deeper and deeper into depression, Rummy would start by trying to lick me, then became more animated if I yelled for her to stop. She’d try to jump all over me; I’d get madder and scream at her to stop. Never taking no for an answer, she then escalated to jumping, licking me and running around in circles. Her crazy antics helped me realize how upset I was continued on page 62 56 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Kelly Marquis Professional Handler 603-770-5607 [email protected] September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 57 58 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 20144 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 59 60 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 61 A father and daughter’s love of Dobermans in life and in the hereafter A True Story by Lisa Newman continued from page 56 making her, so all I could do was stop crying and start laughing! She really saved me from myself during this difficult time! Three long months later our family’s anxious wait for Chad’s followup eye exam turned into the best day of my life! Chad would have some vision in one eye--the best news since he was born! Soon Chad started working with special education teachers who came to our house twice weekly. One visit in particular I will always remember. Rummy stayed behind a baby gate in the kitchen when the teachers worked with Chad in the adjoining living room; she never once barked and was always her usual friendly self. This day the teacher had Chad on the floor doing some sort of test. She got on all fours, crawled toward him and Rummy let out a very low almost inaudible growl warning her to watch her step ! I now knew beyond any doubt my golden retriever-like Doberman would protect our family. The years went by, Chad grew up and Rummy was a great companion for all of us. Her personality was “larger than life.” She couldn’t be ignored, always the very endearing center of attention. Unfortunately, during my father’s last few months of life Rummy’s health was also failing. Despite medications from her veterinarian which eased her pain and increased her quality of life, I realized I had kept her going too long. When my father passed away, I was unable to deal with losing her at the same time. Though I was no stranger to euthanizing my animals when it was time I knew putting Rummy down would be extremely painful for me. On an especially difficult night when even extra doses of her medications didn’t work as they had in the past, I knew it was wrong to continue this way and wondered when I could muster the courage to put her down. 62 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine She answered my question the next morning. She got up, whined a little and ate her usual morning biscuit slowly, not in her usual quick gulp. I gave her another dose of pills and she followed me on our usual routine of feeding the horses and chickens. From my side she looked up into my eyes as we walked and I knew she’d had enough and could not go on like this any longer. I scheduled her euthanasia for that morning. On the way to school I told Chad I was taking Rummy for a visit with the veterinarian today to see if he could help her feel better and have less pain. Rummy’s spot on car rides was the passenger seat next to me. She didn’t relax, but always sat up and looked anxiously out the window. This day she curled up in a relaxed ball. At the vet’s Rummy calmly laid down and rested her head on the exam room floor. It was the reassurance I needed to know today was definitely the day. The usual Rummy would act hysterical and ridiculous to the point she’d get the staff laughing at the big “tuff” Dobe crawling onto my lap. As the vet put the needle in her vein she didn’t move. I held her tight, petting her and softly sobbed over her. I stayed awhile holding her and crying; I prayed for her soul to come home with me. With my father’s death I was OK in knowing his soul would be in heaven. Unsure about my animals, all I could do was hope and pray. Somehow I got to my car, crying still. I slumped over the center console; it was beyond my ability to close the car door. My crying fit worsened to almost an anxiety attack. I cried so hard my breath wouldn’t come. My body actually hurt. Finally I said in a prayer, “Oh God, please stop this pain I just want her soul to be with me.” I gasped out loud as the car door slammed shut! There was no breeze outside, no leaves were blowing. As I looked around in confusion some papers on my passenger seat fluttered. What had just happened? I did not know. But I started my car, headed home and wondered if this was how a paranormal experience felt. My upset was gone and after school I told seven year old Chad that Rummy had died at the vet’s office. I was able to assure him her spirit was remaining with us, she’s just invisible and in heaven. He seemed to understood and took it very well. Every so often Chad would cry and say he didn’t want Rummy to be invisible anymore and wanted her like she used to be. Several nights later I awoke to a vision of a Doberman with the words “thank you” above it. I shared with my husband how strange it seemed. Months later I had a reading from the very famous and reputable psychic Dannion Brinkley. As I told him of my father’s death he suddenly asked, “Who is Rummy?” He said he was hearing a man with a strong Brooklyn accent telling him he had come for Rummy’s spirit the day of her euthanasia, then slammed the car door (so characteristic of my dad’s N.Y. mannerisms!) and rustled the paper next to me so I’d know it wasn’t the wind. My father told Dannion he came to get her for me since in his greatest need and most helpless moment I had helped him with his dog, so he returned the favor when I needed him most. I now believe it was my father who sent me a telepathic message the picture of the Doberman with the words “thank you.” Albert Einstein has a very famous quote: ”There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I choose the latter. g September/October 2014 Ch. Rauschund's Southern Comfort, CGC TDI Watch for Rhett & Kelly at the DPCA 2014 National! Heartfelt gratitude to handler Kelly Lyn Marquis & assistant Megan Decker for expertly handling Rhett to his championship, achieving multiple specialty wins along the way; and to breeder CaroleAnn Havener, for entrusting me with this special boy! Katherine Ziemke [email protected] September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 63 64 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Ozzie Am. Ch Can. GCh Pamelot’s One Man Band Am. Ch Foxfire All Star x Pamelot’s Trinity Bred by: Pamela DeHetre Owned by: Susan Bicknell and Pamela DeHetre [email protected] BBDD #1 Black, vWD carrier, OFA hips and elbows, liver - normal, thyroid - normal, cardio clear, holter and EKG due October, full and correct dentition September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 65 Dobermans Around The World Susan Bicknell interviews 4 International Doberman Breeders/Judges/Handlers Daniel Filipovic IKONS DOBERMANS I am very honoured and pleased to share the views of Daniel Filipovic, IKONS DOBERMANS, GEELONG, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Andrea Paiva and Fernando Soler, BACKBONE KENNEL, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Ervin and Andrea Erdely, SHADOW OF DARKNESS, BACKO GRADISTE, SERBIA Pam DeHetre, PAMELOT REG’D,, LOGANVILLE, GA, USA First, thank you so much for talking with me, and welcome! It is such a rare treat to view and compare such globally diverse opinions. As I see it, a breeder’s job is to breed faults out. A handler works to highlight the good qualities and minimize the faults; a good judge works to discern the differences. In your current activities within the breed, could you comment on the following questions? QQ How did you get into Dobermans? Daniel Filipovic IKONS DOBERMANNS GEELONG, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA Growing up I was a fan of TV’s Magnum PI with the Dobes Zeus and Apollo. I spent years trying to convince my parents to allow me to get one. By age 15 I had saved enough money to get my first Dobermann and enter the show world. I was extremely fortunate to have purchased a very good specimen from one of the country’s top breeders, who in turn became my mentor and set me along the path I continue today as a breeder/handler. Andrea Paiva & Fernando Soler BACKBONE KENNEL BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA We started almost by accident 8 years ago, buying a pet female Doberman puppy for our home, daughter of a dog handled by Fernando. Ervin and Andrea Erdelyi SHADOW OF DARKNESS BACKO GRADISTE, SERBIA When my wife and I got married I mentioned I would like to have a Dobermann, as my parents never allowed me to have one. She did not want this breed as she was 66 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine afraid. She had never seen them before but had heard lots of negative comments from others. I knew she adored dogs so I took her to more kennels and reassured her they were not like people said. A few weeks after our breeder visits I saw an internet ad for a free pup; the owners were moving away. I called immediately and later that day we got our first Dobermann. He was so small and though we wanted this to be a happy story — we were wrong. After he turned one year, our Cezar got sick. We went to doctors every day and the veterinarians said everything would be fine with him, but at the end he died despite all efforts to save him. It was a huge shock for us and we needed a lot of time to get over his death. There is a belief that when you lose your pet, the best way to treat sorrow is to get another pet to fill the emptiness in the heart. Next we got a female, Aisha. They were only pets and we never went to shows, but enjoyed every minute with them. Pam DeHetre PAMELOT REG’D, LOGANVILLE, GA, USA I was introduced to a person with a Doberman in 1965. I was so impressed with his dog that I got my first one the same year. QQ How many dogs do you have? Daniel, IKONS I currently have 6 ‘kids’ at home ranging from 8 years to 4 months old. They are Supreme Ch Ikons Dark Goddess, Sup Ch/NZ Ch Ikons Born To B A Star, Sup Ch/NZ Ch Ikons Te Tahi, Ch Ikons One And Only, Ch Ikons Chosen One and Ikons Daenerys Targaryen. We try to September/October 2014 Andrea Paiva and Fernando Soler, BACKBONE KENNEL Ervin and Andrea Erdelyi SHADOW OF DARKNESS maintain this limit to ensure the dogs get the attention they deserve; all reside as house dogs. Andrea & Fernando, BACKBONE In our home we have 2 adult males, 4 adults females, 2 of which will not be bred any more and 1 female puppy. Also we have 2 females in co-ownership. Ervin & Andrea , S.O.D. At the moment we have 4 adult females, 2 young and one baby female and one young male in the kennel. Some of them were gifts from our friends and some are our breeding. Pam, PAMELOT As most people who are in love with a breed, probably too many. QQ How many litters have you bred? Daniel We are a small kennel which breeds for ourselves first and foremost, having bred just 11 litters the past 26 years with great success. Andrea & Fernando We have bred 8 litters from 2007 to now. We don’t like to breed more than one or two litters a year. Ervin & Andrea We have registered 8 litters since we got the official FCI registration number. Pam I really can’t count the litters I have bred. It has been since 1965. QQ As a successful breeder, how do you see the progression of the breed as a whole, from when you started till today? Daniel The peak of the breed was 10-15 years ago with quality and depth in both dogs and bitches; dozens of top dogs were able to vie for the top honors. Today’s best can compete with dogs of any generation, the difference being there are far fewer exceptional specimens and breeders whose purpose and passion is to breed that specimen. The September/October 2014 Pam DeHetrw PAMELOT REG’D state of the breed in Australia today would be best described as decimated and in disarray. The ban on tail docking saw most of the long serving, knowledgeable breeders whose best interest and devotion was the breed leave en mass, creating a vacuum which unfortunately has been filled mainly by ‘breeders’ whose interest is to fill orders for the puppy/pet market and to fill their bank accounts. Decisions concerning matings are financially driven and have little to with the best interests or improvement of the breed. As such the standard has dropped off dramatically in recent years. Andrea & Fernando We think temperament has missed in many bloodlines, unfortunately we also see many missing teeth and occlusion problems. As we progress, we think angulations have improved overall, at least in our country. Sadly, the Doberman in our country has generally become a commercial breed. Ervin & Andrea Today when people talk about Dobermanns, the breed is unfortunately always mentioned as a ruined breed. In the past they (Dobermanns) were different from today. In the FCI standard this breed is described as Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann imagined it; it seems today’s influential breeders intend to change it. For example they are higher, have a different head type, in body type females are longer than males, masculine females, etc. They have gotten progressively worse every year: some lines have missing teeth, yellow not brown coat (hair), light-colored eyes, timid or aggressive dogs, unmotivated, etc. Pam I think the breed has improved in many areas. Shoulders, fronts, pasterns, neck sets are all better than they were. Temperaments are better suited for today’s world. QQ Do you believe there are better quality dogs or bitches right now? The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 67 Daniel Right now dogs are stronger than bitches at the very top of the standings, beating them out on most occasions. Andrea & Fernando We believe they are globally equated and don’t think it depends on males and females but rather on bloodlines. Ervin & Andrea Every generation has few (outstanding) super good quality dogs and bitches. There isn’t such a thing as a perfect dog and there are always things which can be better. Maybe a few years ago it was not the fashion to call a person a “breeder” and it was more important to have just one or two dogs which were high quality. Nowadays we have a “Top” list on different websites, but it is not realistic as it is a paid marketing. Pam It depends on the individual animal. There are good ones of both sexes however through the years it seems we have had more great bitches. QQ What do you think is the most valuable attribute of a stud dog? Daniel Finding the right sire requires time and effort because it is a stud dog’s strength that must be used to offset the weaknesses found in the bitch. No matter how good a dog might be, not every stud dog will be best suited for every female. Knowing how to evaluate them is what separates the best breeders from the rest. A common mistake is flocking to the top performers; even the great performers do not always prove to be the good producers. I’m not looking for the popular sire but the dominant one, the dog with depth and breadth of pedigree, pedigree which displays traits I desire as well as the health and temperament. Combined with what’s noted above, I require the dog to have presence, an aura around him which demands my attention. Andrea & Fernando The most important thing for us is to see his pedigree, the offspring from breedings with females of different bloodlines (not quantity but quality) and then his phenotype. Ervin & Andrea From my point of view: genetics. To see how some descendants adopted good genes and what is inherited in the progeny (temperament, character, the set of characteristics). It is not important to be “THE” male which is a hit. The breed is designed to have pronounced strength, speed, loyalty, intelligence. We all love to see the complete picture. The bottom line is that dogs who most closely match the breed standard in structure and temperament are the most desirable ones for us. Pam That they can produce what they are. QQ Foundation bitch? Daniel I want everything! The bitch is our building block. There is no single valuable attribute in a foundation bitch 68 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine as it is the bitch who provides the complement to the sire and determines the distinction among his offspring, both in quality and producing ability. I want her to be of outstanding genotype and phenotype, ideally free of hereditary defects and in great health. She will be intelligent, stable and sensible, a great role model as her contribution to temperament accounts for more than the dog’s. Lastly, as it is almost impossible to radically change body type and structure in only a few generations I place great importance to select and maintain bitches who approach our mental picture of the ideal as described by the breed standard. Andrea & Fernando We have 2: Miracle King’s Fire (Inbreeding on Am Ch A’mondes Tidal Wave Catriel) and Kettle Cove Light Up My Sky (Imported from USA with Cambria’s and Foxfire bloodlines). Ervin & Andrea A successful breeding program starts with a super strong foundation bitch. We should choose the best bitch possible to improve the breed. She also must be able to keep the standard as it is now, it should be the goal of any breeding program. We pay attention to what the breed was originally bred to do. For show lines the dog should have excellent conformation, breed type, temperament, etc. For work it is important for her to be balanced physically, mentally and emotionally. Pam My original foundation bitch was a CH Ebonaire’s Touchdown daughter, Toledobe’s Never On Sunday, CD. However, I was a professional handler and did not believe in showing my client’s dogs against my breeding, so I ceased breeding for many years. About 20 years ago I was fortunate to obtain CH Carolyn’s Windy Gale v Pell, CD, ROM who became a foundation for my current breeding program. She was a Windwalker daughter from a combination that produced 11 or more Champions. QQ How do you feel about Allowed Other Colours? Daniel This is an area I don’t have a lot of experience in and have seen very few in or out of the ring although they are part of the standard and accepted as such. Andrea & Fernando Our country is under FCI rules and only allows two colors, black & rust and red & rust, but we think blue & rust and fawn & rust should be accepted, but not white. Andrea & Ervin There are only two allowed colors for the Doberman according to FCI, once again we go by this standard. In this case we only support brown and black in shows. I do not mind seeing other ones as pets as we love all of them regardless of the color. But as the original German standard wrote, where the breed comes from, it is only ok to breed and show black and brown ones. Pam I love all the colors Dobermans are permitted to be by our standard. September/October 2014 QQ How did you progress from your first dog until today? Daniel It’s been quite an adventure, full of learning and wonderful experiences shared with some amazing people along the way. There was the big decision when I commenced breeding as opposed to just handling. I was fortunate to show and lease a bitch, the very best bitch who saved me years of disappointment, frustration, and time and I used a great dog to sire my foundation litter, thereby producing some great MBISS/BIS winning dogs and bitches, creating Ikons. From that point breeding was my passion and challenge. Continually studying, learning and applying the principles taught to me by my mentors and like-minded breeders. Judging is also something I have enjoyed during my time in dog; I always appreciate a good dog no matter who the breeder may be. Showing has been a big part of my life, almost two thirds. Along the way breeding/owning and handling National and Specialty BISS, Royal Show BIS and All Breed Shows BIS winners at some of the largest shows in the country are highlights I couldn’t have imagined achieving when I first started out. Andrea & Fernando We are sure not to be the best but we have evolved from the work in line breeding, to then outcross and again return to our foundation bloodlines again. We know that it will take time and effort to reach the ideal Dobermann for us, but we’ll keep working on it. Ervin & Andrea Maintaining the quality line takes careful planning and selection. It is essential to make the effort to establish a strong line if possible. So we are trying to improve and learn as much as we can all the time. This is why in free time, we visit other breeders who have done this for 20-30 years to talk with them, borrow books and practice together. We strive for combining looks with quality to prove in shows as well. We are still very young but we got feedback from others who can already see how we have developed from our first year up to today. Pam I became a successful breeder/owner handler and it went to being a pro handler to retiring from the profession to becoming a judge. QQ Could you comment on the differences of breeding and showing practices and requirements between Europe, South America, Australia and North America? Daniel Obviously each region has its strengths and weaknesses depending on one’s point of view. Europe is unique vs. the other areas in both type and the way the dogs are exhibited. I must say I have enjoyed the spectacle of European specialties whilst frustrated at the handling. The remainder share similar types of dogs with North and South America being far more professional-handler-driven. Showing in Australia is predominantly owner/handler such as Europe, although the format and presentation style is as in North and South America albeit at a lesser cost. September/October 2014 Andrea & Fernando It’s not easy to compare different continents. But we can mention that in South America even if we are under FCI rules we breed as ‘American’ type. We have free will to do it without any restriction. In Australia, the WAC exists but is not compulsory for breeding in the same way in USA. Health certificates are not compulsory either, but it is frowned upon if you don’t test and the breeders respect the dogs that are clear. In this way Australia is also very similar to USA. In Europe there are different rules depending on the country. In some of them, Germany for example, the ZTP is needed to be approved for breeding; in others it is a necessary breeding test but there are also different breeding tests according to the country. In some breeding tests temperament plus conformation are required and in others, just conformation. If we talk about shows, USA and South America are very similar; we like showing beauty and we thought that American and South American handlers know to handle the dogs perfectly. In Australia and Europe dogs are mostly handled by their owners with very few professional handlers, but the way to show them is different. Australia doesn’t allow ears cropped regardless how nice a dog could be. In Europe dogs are shown free or pulling thus failing to appreciate the featured elegance. Andrea & Ervin There are differences in body type and temperament in dogs and show practices/handling. Here we can use double handling in shows; there isn’t a formal dress code and the dogs are motivated with different tools. It is very different from the other 3 continents. For a person who is seeing our shows for the first time, it seems like a chaotic place; disorganized, noisy and unprofessional handling. They get a different impression. For us it is pleasant to watch trained dogs otherwise. It is always very exciting to see people using these methods for the show ring. I would like to emphasize that here in Europe we are focusing primarily on work, so this is why all things are different. Pam I have handled in some other countries and have attended some shows as a spectator in Germany but do not know about all the countries mentioned. When I went to Germany the dogs were shown basically at the end of a loose lead. Very out of control in my opinion. QQ How do you feel about one global governing body for the breed? Daniel I don’t see this as a workable scenario on so many levels. Andrea & Fernando This would seem fantastic to us all, it could be a contribution to the improvement of the breed on different continents. But it will be very difficult to agree on some issues. Andrea & Ervin I think next year will be a milestone for this breed. If the FCI standard changes, many breeders all The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 69 around the world will be finished with Dobermanns and people will not buy them either as they will be all natural (without docking and cropping they will look like a different breed) and we’ll lose the breed as we know it now. Also I think we need only one club which would employ one standard and one set of rules which would be the same everywhere. All existing clubs should be one team whose task would be to preserve the breed. Pam I doubt that would work out well. QQ What have you enjoyed most in your overall time spent in dogs? Daniel The dogs I have owned and received so much love and enjoyment from over the years. Fernando & Andrea We really enjoy, after we’ve planned a breeding, seeing the puppies grow and playing with them and watching their evolution, in the same way we enjoy time with our adult dogs and their company. Ervin & Andrea Most of all we’ve enjoyed things like walking, running and training with them, taking pictures of them, going on shows and the best of all: cuddling! Pam Being able to produce dogs that are better than their ancestors. Making life long friends. QQ What words of advice or encouragement do you give to novices just coming into this breed? Daniel Find yourself a wonderful mentor and be a sponge. Watch, listen and learn from your mentor as well others, be they breeders or handlers in any discipline you choose to pursue. Andrea & Fernando The advice we could give is to never have kennel blindness and don’t think using a winning dog for stud will have the best puppies, as we know a breeding program is mother 50% and father 50%. Read pedigrees and try to find your ideal type of Doberman. Ervin & Andrea People must choose a breed which will fulfill the needs of the owner and the dog too. It is very important to find a dog which is most suitable for them. This is a breed which needs loads of physical and mental activity on a regular basis. Dobermanns will never be satisfied with a few dog walks every now and then, or they will find a way to entertain themselves, which means they will come up with something at the expense of people. They are very smart and easy to train, so it is a good thing if you get the pack leader position, but it can be countereffective if the dog uses his knowledge to train the owner. The most important is to study the breed well, not from literature, but by phone calls, writing e-mails, visiting shows and breeders before buying a dog. QQ Do you have an all time favourite dog (of your own or someone else’s breeding)? DanieI I have two and both are Australian dogs. The first is Ch Beleg Shy Hawk, who I handled to a National BISS. Zac had that presence and aura as well as a phenomenal pedigree, temperament and conformation. He was sire to my foundation stock. The next I bred myself and still resides with me and she is MBISS/MBIS Supreme Ch Ikons Dark Goddess, one of the greats of all time and a bitch you have to see in the flesh and live with to truly appreciate. Her achievements in the ring have been surpassed by her achievements in the whelping box. She is the matriarch of the house and deservedly so. I love her to bits and owe her so much. Andrea & Fernando Yes, we can mention some. Am Ch Royal Tudor Wild as the Wind, Am Ch Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici (Fifi) and Multi Ch Foxfire That’s Red Hot! (Jagger). We had the pleasure of sharing a year with Jagger and he changed our minds about the way we want to breed Dobermans. We can’t forget to mention our dogs Multi Ch Homero de Akido San, who has given us multiple Champion offspring, and his son Arg Ch Rodogard’s Arg Gambler Ghost (Bart) who was the Winners dog at National DPCA 2011. Andrea & Ervin All generations have a few outstanding specimens. At the moment I don’t have an all time favourite dog. Pam I have so many all time favorites I can’t list them all. Narrowing it down to the ones I handled it would be Am Can CH Shinya’s Better N’ Popcorn, CD, ROM, Top 20 Winner. Comparing the individuals’ and continental experiences and views it is interesting to note that we each fall into this breed in different ways, but each with a passion and commitment to observe and breed the best dogs we possibly can. We are aware of the changing times and the need for quality, not quantity, within our beloved breed. We need people as devoted and committed as these, our mentors and yet competitors, to ensure the successful future of our Doberman Pinscher. And we need to be fierce in our duty to care for this breed as it was meant to be cared for. As I sit here now reading through these words, I am extremely humbled and in awe of these people who have shared their experiences and inner views. Their honesty and trust in me has touched my soul, and I will forever look on this experience and my time with them as an honour and a gift that will never be forgotten. Pam Just keep working!! It takes a long time. 70 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 2014 Top Twenty Finalists Conformation 1 GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona 2 GCH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait 3 GCH Tiburon Arsenal 4 GCH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie 5 GCH Alisaton Blackbird v. Allure Beaulane 6 GCH Raindance Led Zeppelin Of Marquis 7 GCH Alpha’s Magic Man, CGC 8 GCH Kamterra’s Legato 9 GCH Allure Playing With Fire 10 GCH Sharjets Starr Catcher, CD, RA 11 GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse 12 GCH Dezperado’s Hallelujah 13 GCH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It 14 GCH Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit 15 GCH Shamrock’s Fast Eddie D 16 GCH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici* 17 GCH Kelviews Crown Jewel V Mueller 18 GCH Blue Max Pretty Woman V Encore 19 GCH Carry-On Merchant Man of Ravenswood 20 GCH Raklyn’s Talbot of Alisaton 21 GCH Phllmar Superman 15 CH PLATINUM’S TAKE THE MONEY N RUN, CD RN 16 MACH7 FULCER’S RAVEN, VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MX C2 MJB3 XF T2B 17 CT WINGATE ‘N SHERLUCK’S VANADIUM, VCD3 GO 17 A KISS TO REMEMBER, BN CD NA NAJ 19 ALISATON RHAPSODY SKY VIEW, CDX BN GN PCDX 20 GRA-LEMOR TARGWOOD’S MEANT TOBE, UD RE CGC Agility 1 MACH8 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXC2 MJC2 OF T2B2 2 MACH2 Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXG MJC 3 MACH8 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXB3 MJS3 XF T2B 4 MACH7 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXC2 MJS3 OF T2B 5 MACH13 Thornwoods Flare CD MXS4 MJC4 MXF MFC TQX T2B2 WAC 6 CH MACH6 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXC2 MJS3 XF T2B 7 MACH3 Mikadobe’s Tempest RN MXB2 MJS2 OF WAC *previous TT winner 8 MACH4 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXB2 MJS2 XF T2B 9 MACH2 Reba MXG MJC NAP NJP XF NFP T2B 10 MACH Lh’s Heart Of A Dragon MXS MJS T2B 11 MACH Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXS MJB2 WAC 1 OTCH CAMBRIA’S GOLD STANDARD, UDX4 OM5 RN 12 CH MACH Adamas Shake It Up RN MXS MJS XF WAC T2B2 2 CH STARLAINE BEST KEPT SECRET, CD VER AX AXJ 13 MACH6 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXB3 MJB3 3 HOYTTS HIDDEN TREASURE, UDX4 OM4 GN GO RE MXF MFB TQX T2B 4 BLUE CHIP BRICK ROAD V ENCHANT, UD OM1 IPO1 14 MACH2 Jaron Von Dynasty MXG MJC MXF T2B4 WAC CGC 5 CH OTCH PLATINUM’S BLACK AGAIN, UDX6 OM9 RN 15 CH MACH Carosel Suddenly So Hot MXS MJS NF T2B 6 OTCH PHILLMAR BELLE OF THE BALL, OM1 16 MACH2 Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Fancy Free MXS 7 IRONGATE’S RUM DAIQUIRI, UDX3 OM3 VER RN MJG NF 8 CATAWBA’S SOMETHING SPECIAL, UD RA MXG MJC 17 MACH4 Adamas Usmc MXS2 MJG2 MXF T2B 9 KACHINA’S BLACKPEGASUS V ANNDRA, CDX 18 MACH3 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXB2 10 CINNAKERRY’S VALIDATION, UD OM1 MX MXJ MJG2 11 CH CAMBRIA’S NOTORIOUS, CD 19 MACH Andalin’s Dance On Fire CD MXB MJB MXF 12 SHARJETS AWESOME ACT V PHILMAR, CDX T2B 13 CH MACH2 ALLURE ABSOLUTE ALISATON ROJAN, UDX 20 MACH9 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXG3 MXG MJG MJC3 MXF TQX T2B 14 GCH CH SHARJETS STARR CATCHER, CD RA Obedience September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 71 Platinum GCh Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie GCh tiburon ariel bella dona (Ch. Ravenswoods Azure Sky, R A x Ch Aquarius’ Garbo v Tiburon) 1 # Top Twenty for two years, 2013 & 2014 2014 Top Twenty # One Doberman Conformation Multiple all Breed & Secialty Best in Show Winner • 2013 # 1 Doberman • 2013 # 9 working dog # 4 Multiple All-Breed Best in Show Winner Conformation Multiple Specialty Best in Show Winner Always Breeder/Owner/Handled Owned by Melinda & Tommy Moyer • Jerry & Kathy Drake Shown by Esteban Farias & Jennifer Farias & Hernan Pacheco Bred by John Dolan & Salli Gorma Breeders: Karin & Steve Fox Owners: Dara Tracy, Jim Covert, Mary Dellorto & Karin Fox GCH R aindance Led Zeppelin of Marquis GCh. Sharjet’s Starr Catcher CD, R A, ROM, CGC 6 # Best in Specialty Winner • Multiple Group Conformation Winner • 2014 Westminster AOM 2013 Westminster BOS Owned by: Harry Papazian, Susan James, Chelsea James, Kelly Marquis. Bred By: Susan James, Chelsea James, Linda Marquis, Kelly Marquis 72 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 10 # Multiple Reserve BIS and SBIS winner, “Sybyl” Conformation is the 2nd Ryan Award recipient - given to a dog among both DPCA Conformation and Obedience Top 20s in the same year. Owners: Gabrielle Hanna, Marcy Feller, Sally Kapp, John & Sharon Marinelli Breeders: Sharon Marinelli & Sally Kapp September/October 2014 BISS GCH AM/INT CH DEMITASSE GCH. Kelview’s Crown Jewel V. Mueller O’S GODIVA DARK CA DM CGC WAC TT BFL-1 11 # GUINNESS Conformation Back-to-Back DPCA Top 20 Finalist Pedigree & Health on Dobequest Owner: Mary Ann Byrns/Pat Onley [email protected] (817) 975-6617 Breeder: Pat Onley Handlers: Teresa Nail & Ray Lively GCh Blue max pretty woman v encore 17 # Breeder/Owner/ Handled Only Multiple Best in Show Specialty Winner Multiple Reserve Best in Show Conformation Multiple Group Winner Top 5 Doberman in Canada Owner/ Handler: Colleen Nicholson & Cindy Kelso (717-215-6854) Breeder: Colleen Nicholson, Cindy Kelso, Roxann Miller GCh. Sharjet’s Starr Catcher CD, R A, ROM, CGC (Ch. Ravenswoods Azure Sky, RA x Ch Calebs’s Undeniable v Encore) 18 # Top Twenty 2014 Conformation Multiple Breed Winner, Group Winner, and Multiple Group Placements Owned by Beverly Seielstad & Jerry & Kathy Drake Campaigned by Judy L. King Bred by Rose Benant September/October 2014 11 # Trained in obedience basics by Sharon, “Sybyl” Obedience is the 2nd Ryan Award recipient - given to a dog among both DPCA Conformation and Obedience Top 20s in the same year. Owners: Gabrielle Hanna, Marcy Feller, Sally Kapp, John & Sharon Marinelli Breeders: Sharon Marinelli & Sally Kapp The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 73 73 MACH14 ADCH-B LT Thornwoods Flare CD MXS4 MJB5 FTC1 MFC TQX T2B2 5 # ‘Flare’ is a Legend: the most accomplished Doberman in AKC & AGILITY USDAA agility, including; 2 time AKC Agility Invitational & 5 time Top20 Agility winner! Yvonne & Dave Mancino, 378 Shawnee Loop S, Pataskala, Ohio 43062 MACH7 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXS3 MJS3 MXF MFB TQX T2B MAD SAM RM GM JM TM CGC LC10 13 #AGILITY An 8 time Top20 Agility Finalist, Dicey says “you don’t stop playing because you get older, you get older because you stop playing!” Janice Morton, Martinsburg, WV NEW TITLE HOLDER COLOR ADS only $250! CONTRACT ADVERTISING NOW AVAILABLE Just $99.66* per month buys you 5 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 5 ads for the price of 4! *Set up as an auto pay to your credit or debit card and charged monthly. Submit a fresh ad each issue. $1196. total budget, $230.20 per ad! To reserve your pages contact Nicole Denny • [email protected] • 513-307-4284 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website 74 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 JUDGES EDUCATION THE DOBERMAN IS A CROPPED AND DOCKED BREED To All Doberman Judges, The Doberman Pinscher Club of America’s official position is that the Doberman is a cropped and docked breed. Our standard reads “Tail- docked at approximately second joint, appears to be a continuation of the spine, and is carried only slightly above the horizontal when the dog is alert.” Tails that are not docked vary from the standard substantially and detract from true breed type. Regarding ears, the standard reads “Ears- normally cropped and carried erect.” This wording is unfortunate as it leaves an interpretation that was not intended. A more appropriate wording may have been “Ears - cropped normally and carried erect.” When the standard was written with this phrase, the authors intended it to mean that the ears are cropped in a normal manner ... not long, short, wide, narrow, etc. The word “normally” before the word “cropped” has been interpreted by some to mean that the ears are “typically” or “usually” cropped. This is an incorrect interpretation. A dog with uncropped ears deviates from the standard in two specific instances 1) it is not cropped and 2) the ears are not carried erect. Further, in the general description the standard states that the Doberman look is “determined, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient.” Natural ears have a much softer and less daunting look than the erect ears of a cropped Doberman. A soft look is counter to the appearance desired in our breed. Given these issues, natural ears should be considered to have three deviations from the standard. The pure-bred dog sport has long held that the origin of a breed and its breed type is sacrosanct. The Doberman’s origin is that of a personal protection dog. The ears were cropped and the tail was docked for a purpose, that being to limit the number of “handles” that an attacker could use. The Doberman has been a cropped and docked breed since its inception. Over 120 years of being cropped and docked has created an appearance that is now set as part of breed type. It is often said that one should be able to identify a breed by seeing only the head. As a corollary to this, one should be able to identify a breed solely by its silhouette. The Doberman silhouette cannot be identified as correct breed type if it has natural ears and an undocked tail. Please consider these thoughts when judging our breed. DOBERMAN HISTORY THE ARISTOCRATS OF THE DOG WORLD Exhibits from foreign countries, as well a fromall parts of England arrived for the big show for Sporting and other dogs, organized by the Kennel Club and Crystal Palace, London. The only German dog in the show was a “Doberman Pinscher” here shown with Mrs. A. E. Mann, better known as Elizabeth Craig, the well-known writer. from Hutchinson’s Dog Encyclopedia September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 75 � 76 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Tentative Friday October 3, 2014 Agility B Match (pending AKC approval) After Agility Setup Regional Saturday Oct. 4 Conformation #1 including juniors, sweeps and veterans Agility Trial #1 offering all possible classes - all breed Obedience and rally trials #1 offering all possible classes – all breed OC Match Regional Sunday Oct. 5 Conformation #2 including juniors, sweeps and veterans Agility Trial #2 offering all possible classes - all breed Obedience and rally trials #2 offering all possible classes – all breed WAE National Monday Oct. 6 DPCA Registration Agility trial (Dobermans Only) WAE Annual Meeting/Welcome Party Breeders Seminar ROM and WAE awards (Photo op following awards) OC Match Conformation Top 20 & award announcement Board Meeting National Tuesday Oct. 7 Obedience trial (Dobermans Only) Rally trial (Dobermans Only) Exhibitors Seminar Agility Top 20 CGC/CGCA (advanced CGC),Therapy Dog evaluation through TDI DPCA Generation Forward Meet and Greet Round Robin Tournament Schedule Board meeting Chapter Club Meeting CHIC Blood Draw National Wednesday Oct. 8 Veteran Sweepstakes Futurity Agility Seminar Obedience Top 20 International meeting Board meeting Obedience Seminar Barn Hunt Seminar CHIC Blood Draw National Thursday Oct. 9 DPCA dog judging DPCA veteran dog DPCA stud dog Board meeting Health Seminars Night Walk National Friday Oct. 10 DPCA bitch judging DPCA veteran bitch DPCA brood bitch Judge’s education seminar Junior Jamboree Party (after all bitch judging) Health/Rescue Fund Raiser Parade of Rescues Judith Felton Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Good Guy Award Board meeting National Saturday Oct. 11 DPCA Junior Showmanship DPCA intersex, best puppy, best bred by Top Ten Junior Showcase (after lunch) Judges Education Ring Side Mentoring Wind Down Party Visit for complete seminar information September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 77 78 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 NEW TITILE HOLDER FEATURE if you had a new title in July or August it will appear here in the December/January 2014 issue. Place your full page COLOR AD for only $250 contact Nicole Denny at [email protected] or 513-307-4284 or Marcy at [email protected] or 608-774-7435 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CGCA Lucky Lady Lexicon CGCA CGCA Purgatory’s Kali Flame CGCA CGCA Triadel’s Intrepid Hero CA RATN CGCA CGCA Winmar’s One Up On You CD RE CGCA CGCA Wittrock’s Jozzzzzelle BN CA CGCA CGCA Blaidd DRWG CD RE NAJ CGCA CGCA Foxfire’s It’s All About Me CGCA CGCA Keerah CGCA CGCA Momanon’s American Moonshine CGCA CGCA Princes Bella Mina Of York RE CGCA CGCA Providence’s Storm Warning CGCA CGCA GCH CH Sharjets Starr Catcher CD RA CGCA CGCA Undermountain Navarra CGCA AX Menageree’s Kandy Kisses CD RE AX AXJ CA AX Kenya Von Dynasty AX NAJ AX Sherluck’s Raspberry Ricky AX AXJ AXP Bell’Lavoros Tornare In Paradiso BN RN AXP OJP AFT1 MACH13 Thornwoods Flare CD MXS4 MJB5 FTC1 MFC TQX T2B2 XF Bell’Lavoros Regalo Di Roza RN AX AXJ XF CGC XF Montwood Arista Just Show’N Off AX AXJ XF XF Smack-Dab’s Here For The Party VCD1 RN AX MXJ MJB NJP XF Ralph Klinsky Ms. Roxanne Werner & Mr. Thomas Barrada Leah Marie Billet & Scott Richard Shildt Darlene Hibbler & Lisa R Burroff Elizabeth Manning & Marc Manning Karen E. Romine Cindy Hall Tara Amenson Mary Thall & Bob Thall Charlotte Gail Pritt Robert Stonesifer & Teri Stonesifer Sharon & John Marinelli & Sally Kapp & Gabrielle Hanna & Marcy Feller Gwendolyn Meili Cindy Tomlinson Ms. Franessa Limpach & Dr. Melodie Limpach Faye Strauss & Gary Strauss Lloyd Fulcer & Vicky K Brachfeld September/October 2014 Yvonne L Mancino & David Mancino Sherry Moore & Vicky K Brachfeld Denise McKay & Jack McKay Mr. Dan F Faulkner & Mrs. Brenda H Faulkner The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 79 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name XF GCH CH MACH2 Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXG MJC XF T2B NF Allure Spitfire OA OAJ NF NF CH Eastwick’s Just Like A Monster MX MXJ MJB NF NF CH Fayek Pitch Black V Firefly BN RN AX AXJ NF CA CGC NF Manafi Do As I Do NA NAJ NF NF Montwood Arista’s Redneck Girl NF NF GCH CH Tropix Lemon Twist CD BN RA OA OAJ NF NF Dillon’s Odds Favor Micah CD RA NA OAJ NF NF Electron N Foxfire’s Easily A Know It All OAJ NF OA Brija’s Twitching With Sharjet OA AXJ OF CGC BN Hans Von Dietrich CD BN RN CGC BN Heilige Schnike BN CGC BN Just Raven CD BN RE CGC BN Laika BN RN BN Lyndobes Hurrican Hugo BN RN BN GCH CH Old Drum’s Talladega Red BN CGC BN Ruby BN CGC BN Sharjets Secret Affair BN BN Silhouette’s How Do You Like Me Now BN BN Wiliam Betelges BN CGCA BN Zulu Amani Indalo-Talis BN RN CGCA BN Chyorniy Mae Sydney Vanya BN CGC BN Dieter Dieter Pumpkin Eater BN BN Naballs Kiss Me Quick BN BN Scarpa’s D.A.R.&E. To Be Karma BN RN CA BN Storm Nelson Prillaman BN RE BN Tolivar’s Avajean Da Bell’Lavoro CD BN RE CGC CH Alisaton First Class V Gallant Ciden CGC CGC Cara’s On The Double CGC CGC CH Catawba’s Captain Marvel CD CGC CGC Cr Sampsonhaus Semper Stella Nova CGC CGC Family Dobes Benaya Peleh Aka Mikayla Of Maranatha CGC CGC Family Dobes Oakley Aka Maranatha Amos BN RN CGC CGC Foxfires’s Tazmanian Handsome Devil CGC CGC Hoytts Midsummer Dream Girl Riley CGC CGC Hq Irish Roese CGC 80 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owners Name Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig Dottie Sanders & Holly Sanders Sophia Koster D.V.M. Miriam J Pike Deena Pregno DENISE MCKAY & JACK MCKAY Kathy Ingram & Karlee Howard & Deborah Johnson Janet R Chardavoyne & Nancy Young Tammy Markey & Michelle Santana & Teresa Ross Faith Rich Sheryl Owen Buchanan & Ernest Daniel Buchanan Shayna Sitton Pat Holladay Brandy Ferganchick Karen A Rosczewski Jacqueline Browning & Martin & Ali Doughty & Chuck Browning Yvonne Kaspar Carol L Houton Teri Pryor & Joyce Cates Shayna Sitton Eva Maria Scholl-Grube Laurilie L Burkholder Laura Roberts Susan Kelso Michael Scarpa & Grace Scarpa Beverley Prillaman & Bud Prillaman Kristin Roberts & Anna M Platt Melanie Luten & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Gwen DeMilta Renee Warner Donna Faivre Carolyn Sherry Hammond Terry Swoager & Calvin Swoager Terry Swoager & Calvin Swoager LALEENE RICKS Mrs. Victoria M Young & Dr. James F. Young Laney Potter September/October 2014 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CGC CH Stephanie Gibson Brandi Akins & Michael Akins Tammi F. Harrison Jocelyn Mullins & Kevin Mullins Whitney Newman Laura Sleutel Emily Brundige & Tim Heroux Jr. Joan D Bullock & William P Bullock Tammi F. Harrison Andrea Claire Dishaw Ms. Nicole Sales Tina Reddell & Leslie Reddell Susanne Smith Ann Howlett DANA PASQUALE & Sandra Boyas Stephanie Grant Norma Bugle Jimmy Lee Hill Carl Clayton & Mary Mulligan Helene Welch Peggy Oremland Joshua Horvath & Frank Horvath Sharon Chase & Donna L Wojan & Ricki King Linda Stiles Brandy Ferganchick Karen Mounts & Ken Hapgood Joseph F Guzzio Leslie Stone Susannah Watson Laurie M Johnson Anne Marter Kimberly Piorkowski Robert Stonesifer & Teri Stonesifer Maria Ciski & Traci Mulligan Kaila Hewitt Jan Rachel Cohen Catherine G M Vines & Warren E Vines Jr. April Ward Mrs. Pamela Ann Frost Mary Ann Byrns Laurie A Behr & Carl Michael Behr III Mr. Troy Michael Willey & Mrs. Kalena Kealoha Willey Ada M Levine Kettle Cove N Rebayla Amber RN CGC Kona Akins CGC Merlin CGC Protocol’s Fast And Furious CGC Quartet N’ Cinematic’s Eat Your Heart Out CGC Sleutel’s Kona CGC Undermountain Lucy’s Sky Of Diamonds CGC Wr Fire Wall Von Bjf CGC Yeager CGC Zara VIII CGC Alastair’s Lucky Number Eight CGC CH Allure Third Time’s A Charm CGC Alpha’s Smooth Operator CGC Artemesia (Sweet Annie) CGC Black Bart’s Billy The Kid CGC Bronze Lady Vom Tugendhaft CGC Chili Red Pepper CGC Chloe Hill CGC Delcrests Marchesa Ala Ritz CGC Dublin Guinness CGC Element Just About Love CGC Elsa Von Walley CGC GCH CH Katikid & Donto’s Goodasit Gets CGC Kaylee Von Morr CGC Laika CGC Leilani’s Zitoni CGC Lyndobe’s Calm Before Storm CGC Magis Jack Of Diamonds CGC Mtn Valleys Southern Grace CGC Myfriendarcher CGC Nakoda Vom Maahes CGC Niklby’s Reach For The Gold CGC Providence’s Storm Warning CGCA Rebholzer Sea The Stars CGC Rellaps Uranus CGC Scotsbrae Rouge Reigns CGC Sharjets Cat On A Hot Tin Roof CGC Steel Dragon Olesia CGC Talane’s Twilight Loyal Laurent CGC Van Orman’s C-Lebrity Of Radiant CA CGC Vom Haus Ny Dobermans Maya CGC Willey’s Coco CGC CH A’Monde’s Axl One In A Million September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 81 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CH CH Adria N’Kendon’s Center Ice V. Tallyesyn CH CH Argus’s Morgana Memories Of A Knight V A’Mondes CH CH Cambria’s A Wild Woman CH CH Cambria’s Addiction To Fiction CH CH D’Nicmar’s N Cambria’s Fame N Fortune CH CH Eastwick’s Back To Oz CH CH Foxfire’s I’M Super Sonic CH CH Foxfire’s Love Gun CH CH Gallant’s Classified Adds V Ciden CH CH Gallant’s State Of The Union V Ciden D’Tales CH CH Garjan’s Dream Weaver CH CH Goldgrove Miracle Whip CH CH Goldgrove Tejas CH CH Jalyn Dream On! Alisaton CH CH Kettle Cove R U Red-E For Love CH CH Logres’ Argentinus CH CH Lyndobe’s Loquacious Charm CH CH Mandre’s Just My Style Glen Coe CH CH Monarch’s Grand Master CH CH Monarch’s Iron Man CH CH Obermark Wishing Star V Goldgrove CH CH Pengwen’s Playboy Protocol CH “CH Rahdy’s Rolling In The Deep Adele”””” CH CH Royal Tudor’s Always N Forever CH CH Starlaine Mystery Date CH CH Tiburon Calendar Girl CH CH Touchstone’s Repeat Offender V Treu CH CH Van Orman’s Don’T Stop Me Now CA CH CH Veritas Velacity Vector CH CH Wr Fait Accompli Von Bjf CH CH Aguilo Broadway Success Story Carosel CH CH Allure Take The Cake CH CH Briarwood Adagio V Exacta CH CH Connquest Audacious Mary Swords & Melanie Pontes & Kevin Pontes 82 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Miguel Pina & Larissa Gorzon-Garnett-Pina Glen Lajeski Sonia Guarin & Cambria Knl & Eduardo Rojas Nicolas Peribonio & Maritza Vaca-Martinez Helaine Koster-Rennie & Tina Millman & Sophia Koster D.V.M. Michelle Santana & Keith Thrower Janet Muzos & Michelle Santana & Teresa & Mallery Ross Richard & Deborah Castro & Mona Fasth D.V.M. & Cynthia L Huckfeldt Stephanie Rudich & Mona Fasth D.V.M. & Cynthia L Huckfeldt Janet Oppedal & Gary Oppedal Sharon Pflueger & Lana Ferguson Miles Collier Lynn Jackson & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Joann Salva & Joshua Bohn Ashley Ring & Sharon Duval Liane Mickesh & Elaine & Arthur Greenwood Lynne A Coleman & Ann M Wulbrecht Margaret E Downey Stacy Richardson Gavin Britz Jerry and Kathy Drake Renee Lynn Nichols & Gwen Myers & James Klamfoth Lilya Glezer-Goldfein & Jennifer & David Goldfein Beth White & Lisa R Burroff Julie Ward & Elaine Hopper Mercer Harrington Alisa M Brotherhood Nancy Troyer & Susan & Charles Claggett & Ashlee J Claggett Lilian V Costa Beverly Purswell Betty Jean Shorter Elizabeth Wildman Jorgensen & Brian Spencer Jorgensen & Carmen Pitt & Deborah Taylor Susan L Folkerth & Linda Duff & Robert Duff Theresa Connors-Chan & Gregory Chan September/October 2014 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CH CH Dragonheart ‘N Starlaine Lonesome Dove CGC CH CH Foxfire’s Hot Lil Habanero CH CH Foxhall’s Winston Churchill CH CH Hamlet’s Black Apache By Black Stars CH CH Jaimand’s Chasing Hollywood Jager CH CH Jaimand’s Hot Suspense CH CH Kalora’s Kiss And Tell Carry-On CH CH Kandu’s Total Recall CH CH Kandu’s Wolverine V Trump CH CH Kerwynd’s Lady Sings The Blues CH CH Krimson’s Black Panther CH CH Mandre’s Just One Look CH CH Pennylanes Star Of Wonder CH CH Ravenswoods N Vonduras Song Of Albion CH CH Sharjets Cat On A Hot Tin Roof CGC CH CH Sunburg’s Sweet Emotion CH CH Touchstone’s Justified V Treu CH CH Touchstone’s Star Fighter Chasin’ The Sky Sts CH CH Valiant’s Rolls Royce CH CH Veedoc’s Touch The Flame CH CH Whiskey Mac’s Pink Pearl CH CH Wyldwood’s Storm Stryker CD Delroz’ Magic Moment V Chados CD RN CGCA CD Eclipse’s Peace Be The Journey CD CD CH Foxfire’s Moments Of Illusion VCD1 AXJ OF CAA CD GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden CD BN AX OAJ OF CA CD Hoytts Universal Soldier CD RN CD Paws Knights Templar Deus Vult CD CD Royal Storm Of The Black Night CD BN PCD RE CD Sasanoa Sports Edition CD BN RE CGC CD Sieben Der Grosseretterhund CD BN RN CD CH Sudahr’s Illusionist V Da’Lyn CD RA CD Tropix For A Velvet Kiss CD BN RN CD Allure Apple Of My Eye CD CD Gioia Robin Dei Nobili Nati CD CGC CD GCH CH Gorrmae’s Cover Girl CD BN CD Hausenbrook’s Rainraingoaway CD RN CD Honeybucket’Sreversaloffortune CD RN AX AXJ XF Wanda Landry Dr. Steven Samoya & Michelle Santana & Alissa Samoya John Hinkle & Linda Hinkle fabian Gotlib & Vanessa Diaz Mandy Dietzler Bondy & Cindy Lane-Smith Mandy Dietzler Bondy & Cindy Lane-Smith Lynda Heffernan & Estelle Corr & Alora Corr & Geraldine Heffernan Sande Weigand & Mary K Klein & Tom Weigand Dan Galligan & Mary K Klein & Jinny Rojas Susan A Kershaw Kris A Johnson Barbara A Ross Timothy Ragland & Allen Trial Amy Short & Kelly Short Catherine G M Vines & Warren E Vines Jr. Paula Vester Lisa Lueders & Alisa M Brotherhood & Sara Lynch Scott M Smith & Alisa M Brotherhood & Barbara Gaynor & Bonnie J Coleman Sandy Solcz & Rose A Benanti & George Solcz A Leigh McBride Aslynn Rose Donald Boatright & Rebecca Christensen Susan Machado Makayla D King September/October 2014 Ruth Ann Madamba & Michelle Santana & Donna Irvine Melissa Loflin-Park Barrie Hoytt Mark D Ronnfeldt & Cynthia K Ronnfeldt Aaron Terwiske John Scheid & Pam Scheid Elizabeth Cleaves Carol Wasden & Chloette Ayling Ms. Tracie D Johnson & Mr. Larry Johnson Deborah A Taylor & Carmen Pitts Janet Smith Liz Gentile & Loretta Gorr Camille Cleare Christine Matzok The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 83 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CD Hoytts Southern Drawl CD RN Barrie Hoytt CD CH Hq Rock My World CD CGC Kaye Krueger & Laurel Vail CDX Destinys Darling Desiree CDX BN RN Jane Hollman CDX Koali’s Choca CDX RN Joanne N Costa & Leroy G Costa CDX CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret CDX VER AX AXJ Karen Ann Fuss CDX GCH CH Steinway’s Paris Is Burning CDX MX MXJ XF Melissa Loflin CDX Thunder Valley’s You Gotta Want It CDX RAE NAJ THD Mrs. April m Ward CDX “Barnic’s Bad To The Bone Gemma”” CDX BN RE MX MXJ XF”” Barbara L Valerio CDX Gra-Lemor All Jazzed Up CDX RA C J Grote & Karen Malatesta CDX CH Mi-Cher’s Song Of Freedom CDX Cheryl Hassett CA Birchrun’s Comic Book Hero Iof Tarma RN CA Stephani Batchelder & Leslie Batchelder CA Bruda Pure Poison CA Leah Petesch & Sandra G Hunter & Aryn Fross CA CH Camee’s I’Ll Take It Black RN CA RATN Kristine Sklenak D.V.M. CA Denhar Good N Evil CA NICOLE DENNY CA GCH CH Dobewan’s It’s Good To Be Me CA NICOLE DENNY CA CH Kamterra’s Adagio CA Roger Evers & Darice Evers CA Sharjets Caped Crusader CA Robin Todd CA Smack-Dab’s Cactus Jeweled Lacerta CA Jean L Boland CA Van Orman’s Don’T Stop Me Now CA Nancy Troyer & Susan & Charles Claggett & Ashlee J Claggett CA Blu Stone’s Ez Being Green V Zuma RN CA Lisa Riddle CA Herr Heinz Of Greendale Manor CA CGC Theresa A Myers CA Kansa’s Set Fire To The Rain CA Jody Phillips CA Masaya’s Full Metal Jacket CA Heather Booth CA Texas Midnight Storm CA CGC Andrew Booth CAA CH Van Orman’s C-Lebrity Of Radiant CAA CGC Mary Ann Byrns CAA Sabig’s Whisper Of Quicksilver CAA Dawn R Gibas & Beth Teffner CAA Triadel’s Intrepid Hero RN CAA RATO CGCA Leah Marie Billet & Scott Richard Shildt DJ CH O’s Godiva Signature CA DJ Ms. Mallori Nickerson & Ms. Pat Onley DN GCH CH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse CA DN CGC Mary Ann Byrns & Pat Onley DN CH Van Orman’s C-Lebrity Of Radiant CAA DN CGCMary Ann Byrns DS CH Aquarius’ Wally World V. Sandia BN RN CA DS CGCA Zelda Casanova & F Bev Casanova AXJ CH Caleb’s Remembrance OA AXJ Carolyn Lundvall & Laura Jones & William Lundvall AXJ CH Eastwick’s Monster In My Room AX AXJ Sophia Koster D.V.M. & Bonnie Waseleski AXJ Northstar’s Catwoman NA AXJ NF Michelle Kinkade & Tyler Kinkade AXJ Allure Spitfire OA AXJ NF Dottie Sanders & Holly Sanders AXJ “Barnic’s Sic Chic’s Twist”” The Wick CD BN RE OA AXJ Barbara L Valerio 84 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name AXJ Mm’s & Spitfire’s Salute To Jack AX AXJ CA CGC Patricia A Moorhatch AXJ GCH CH Tropix Lemon Twist CD BN RA OA AXJ NFKathy Ingram & Karlee Howard & Deborah Johnson AJP Bell’Lavoros Tornare In Paradiso BN RN AXP AJP Lloyd Fulcer & Vicky K Brachfeld GN CH Phillmar She’s All That CD BN GN RN OA OAJ NJP NF Judy Pinkevich & Mr. Philip M Martin & Cheryl Green & Diego Garcia GN K-Lin’s Rockin Good Summervtallyesyn BN GN RE Jane S Farley & RICHARD FARLEY & Mary Swords & Kathy Farley GCH GCH CH Excelsia’s The Diamond As Big As The Ritz Don James Gau Sr. & Leonora L. Gau & Naomi Barksdale & Malcolm Barksdale GCH GCH CH Gemini Bring It On V Alisaton Diane Schmitt & Jim Warych GCH GCH CH Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man CGC Juanita Fagan & Jeffrey Fagan GCH GCH CH Holly Woods Angels N Demons Diane Mcgarvey & Michael K Thomas GCH GCH CH Katikid & Donto’s Goodasit Gets Sharon Chase & Donna L Wojan & Ricki King GCH GCH CH L’Mae Red Rock Thunder CGC M Kathleen Guyer GCH GCH CH Memories Magic Cost-A-Lot Timothy Lennartz & Penelope A Huskey GCH GCH CH MACH2 Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJG OF T2B Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig GCH GCH CH Pamelot’s Pump Up The Volume Heather Goforth GCH GCH CH Rendition’s May It Be Karen Taylor & Lawrence Taylor GCH GCH CH Blue Chip Rumble In The Reign Shirlee Walker & Christine Spiniello GCH GCH CH Foxfire’s Jessmor Mister T CD RE Susan Rose & Michelle Santana GCH GCH CH Gallant’s Society Page V Ciden Stephanie Rudich & Mona Fasth & Cynthia Huckfeldt GCH GCH CH Gorrmae’s Beyond Beyonce Loretta Gorr GCH GCH CH Holmrun’s Castle Keep Charlene Benner GCH GCH CH Irongate’s West Of Sunrise Eve Auch GCH GCH CH Mistel’s Can Can Robert L Vandiver & Nancy A Vandiver GCH GCH CH Obermark Blazing Star V Goldgrove Jerry and Kathy Drake GCH GCH CH Soquel’s Lasting Impression Shirlee Walker & Linda A Siegel GCH GCH CH Tko’s Walkin In Memphis Ledon Hall & Tammy Price GCH GCH CH Treu’s The Whole Truth V Touchstone Nyla Battaglia & Alisa M Brotherhood & CArl Battaglia MACH GCH CH MACH Jager’s Oil Slick MXS MJB OF CGC Jenni Novelli & Greg Novelli MACH CH MACH Pawshere Never A Dull Moment CDX RE MXB MJB OF Wende Call & Mary K Browning & Jason Call MACH CH MACH Aguilo’s Quick You’re It Carosel MXB MJB Rae O’Leary MACH 14MACH14 Thornwoods Flare CD MXS4 MJB5 FTC1 MFC TQX T2B2 Yvonne L Mancino & David Mancino MACH 2 CH MACH2 Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJG OF T2B Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig MACH 2 MACH2 Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXG MJB2 Connie Apling September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 85 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name MACH 3 MACH3 Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXG MJC Elaine Mcavoy MACH 3 MACH3 Montwd. Arista Tristan Trisskor MXC MJS2 OF Craig French & Eleanor French MACH 3 MACH3 Reba MXG MJC NAP NJP XF NFP T2B Chris Villano & Judi Villano MACH 4 MACH4 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXB2 MJG2 JoAnne Brettscheider & Randy Brettschneider MACH 7 MACH7 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXS3 MJS3 MXF MFB TQX T2B Janice Morton MACH 8 MACH8 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXC2 MJS3 OF T2B Charmaine Koenig MX Adamas Solar Flare MX AXJ OF Peg Mueller & Elizabeth M Barrett MX Bjf Guilty Pleasures MX AXJ Pamela D Harris MX MW Ambrosia’s Northern Lights RA MX MXJ NAP XF CGC Mrs. Michelle Anne Ambrose MX Merrimac’s Mafia Run CD RE MX MXJ NAP NJP Vicky David MX GCH CH Vondura’s Black Magic Woman CD RAE MX AXJ NAP NF NFP Karen Taylor & Larry Taylor MX “Dial M”” For Mischief UD BN GN MX AXJ NAP NJP Linda L Gasparovic & Michael W Gasparovic MXP MACH9 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXG3 MJC3 MXP MJP MXF TQX T2B Todd Houg & Suzan B Houg MXP 2 Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ MXP2 MJP2 MXF MFP T2B T2BP CGC Mary Callaway MXP 3 Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ MXP3 MXPB MJP2 MJPB MXF MFP MFPB TQXP T2B T2BP CGC Mary Callaway MXB3 CH MACH6 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXB3 MJS3 XF T2B Todd Houg & Barbara A Ross & Suzan Houg MXPB Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ MXP2 MXPB MJP2 MJPB MXF MFP MFPB T2B T2BP CGC Mary Callaway MFPB Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ MXP2 MJP2 MXF MFP MFPB T2B T2BP CGC Mary Callaway MJB Abadie’s Swinging On A Star MX MXJ MJB Timothy Kelber & Sherry Kelber MJB CH Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield MX MXJ MJB OF Yvonne L Mancino & David V Mancino MJB Dancing Star’s Born To Prevail MX MXJ MJB T2B Todd Houg & Shannon Houg & Suzan Houg MJB 2 MACH3 Reba MXG MJB2 NAP NJP XF NFP T2B Chris Villano & Judi Villano MJB 5 MACH13 Thornwoods Flare CD MXS4 MJB5 MXF MFC TQX T2B2 Yvonne L Mancino & David Mancino MJPB Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ MXP2 MJP2 MJPB MXF MFP MFPB T2B T2BP CGC Mary Callaway MXC MACH3 Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXC MJC Elaine Mcavoy MXC MACH2 Elphame’s Fairey Queen CDX RE MXC 86 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name MJC MXJ MXJ MXJ MXJ MXJP 2 MXJP 2 MXG MXG MXG MXG MXG MJG MJG MJG 2 MJG 2 MJG 3 MJG 3 MXS MXS MXS MXS MXS 2 MJS MJS MJS 2 Janet R Chardavoyne MJB2 MXF MFB T2B3 GCH CH MACH2 Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJC OF T2B Adamas Solar Flare MX MXJ OF CH Fayek Pitch Black V Firefly BN RN AX MXJ NF CA CGC CH Kelview’s Stellar Halftime V Triadel VCD2 BN RE MX MXJ NF Smack-Dab’s Red-E2-Roll BN RA MX MXJ MACH9 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXG3 MJC3 MXP MJP2 MXF TQX T2B MACH Smack-Dabs Shining Black Knight CDX RA MXB MJS MXP MJP2 OF CH MACH Dancing Star’s Born To Fly CDX RE MXG MJG XF T2B CH MACH2 Horizon’s Pimlico CD RN MXG MJC MXF MFB T2B MACH2 Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXG MJB2 MACH Lh’s Heart Of A Dragon MXG MJS T2B GCH CH MACH2 Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXG MJC OF T2B MACH Shim Shim Sherie MXS MJG NAP NJP XF T2B Smack-Dab’s All Betts Are Off CD MX MXJ MJG OF MACH4 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXB2 MJG2 XF T2B MACH4 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXS2 MJG2 XF MACH8 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXB3 MJG3 XF T2B CH MACH6 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXB3 MJG3 XF T2B GCH CH Jager’s Oil Slick MX MXS MXJ MJB OF CGC Tri-Star’s Avalon Sunset MX MXS MXJ MJB OF MACH Andalin’s Dance On Fire CD MXS MJB MXF TQX T2B CH Riverbend’s California Brut MX MXS MXJ MJB XF T2B MACH4 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXS2 MJG2 XF T2B2 Allure A Star Is Born Alisaton CD MX MXB MXJ MJS GCH CH MACH Jager’s Oil Slick MXS MJS OF CGC MACH2 Elphame’s Fairey Queen CDX RE MXC MJS2 September/October 2014 Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig Peg Mueller & Elizabeth M Barrett Miriam J Pike Sally Wolfe & Colleen Nicholson Karen Benzon Todd Houg & Suzan B Houg Ms. Alice D Richman & Joan Rinaldi Karl Getsinger & Donna Getsinger Susan Beckage & Rick George & Linda George Connie Apling Suzan Houg & Daniel Houg Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig Judi Villano & Chris Villano Dr. frederick c ochsner III Sarah Conners Debra Hartsfield Lloyd Fulcer Todd Houg & Barbara A Ross & Suzan Houg Jenni Novelli & Greg Novelli Daniel Houg & Shannon Elkins & Laura Hulke Nicole Bailey & Linda Voss Joan C Pope & Teresa Mahle Sarah Conners Dorothy Sanders & Holly Sanders Jenni Novelli & Greg Novelli The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 87 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name MXF MFB T2B3 Janet R Chardavoyne NA CH Brachmars Intrepidation V Merrimac NA NAJ CGC MELANIE WALKER NA Manafi Do As I Do NA NAJ NF Deena Pregno NA Northstar’s Catwoman NA AXJ NF Michelle Kinkade & Tyler Kinkade NA Electron N Foxfire’s Easily A Know It All NA OAJ NF Tammy Markey & Michelle Santana & Teresa Ross NA GCH CH Gorrmae’s Singular Sensation CD BN RA NA NAJ CGC Marilyn L Mannino & Loretta Gorr NA Irongate’s Kisses In The Wind NA Dana Brown & Eve Auch & Vern Brown NA Wyndem’s Neela Kamal Of Emerald RN NA NAJ OAP AJP CAA Cathy Ceely NAJ CH Brachmars Intrepidation V Merrimac NA NAJ CGC MELANIE WALKER NAJ Ruger Jones BN RA NAJ CA Shannon L. Jones NAJ GCH CH Abadie’s Return Of The King CD RA NA NAJ CGCA Candace Gerbers Brey & James Brey NAJ Wyndem’s Neela Kamal Of Emerald RN NAJ OAP AJP CAA Cathy Ceely NJP Falko Des Steigenden Sonnen NA NJP Kara Bassignani NJP Canyonflowers’ Heartsease NAP NJP Linda S. Fischer NJP Sharjets Show Stopper BN RN NJP Susan Dehner & Sharon Marinelli NAP Phillmar Thunderedda NAP CGC Cheryl Green & Judy Pinkevich & Mr. Philip M Martin NAP CH Gemini Alice In Wonderland V Alisaton BN RN OA AXJ NAP Michele Carberry & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Gwen DeMilta NAP Guinness Von Dynasty CD RA NAP CA CGC Julie Westphal & Melodie Limpach RATN CH Camee’s I’Ll Take It Black RN RATN Kristine Sklenak D.V.M. RATN Triadel’s Intrepid Hero CA RATN CGC Leah Marie Billet & Scott Richard Shildt OM 1 CH MACH2 Allure Absolute Alisaton Rojan UDX OM1 MXG MJG Merry Fitzgerald D.V.M. & Gwen Demilta & Carmen Pitts OM 2 OTCH Phillmar Belle Of The Ball OM2 Sandra Davis & Cheryl Green OM 6 OTCH Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX4 OM6 RN Jill Young & Cambria Knl OTCH OTCH Cinnakerry’s Validation UDX OM1 MX MXJ Patrice Delehanty ONYX GCH CH Stardust X-Men’s Havok RA NAJ ONYX Mrs. Lila M Lynch & Ms. Susan G Lynch OA CH Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield OA NAJNancy Denny & Raymond Denny OAJ Dancing Star’s Born To Reign NA OAJ Stacy brecht OAJ Dillon’s Odds Favor Micah CD RA NA OAJ Janet R Chardavoyne & Nancy Young OAJ A Kiss To Remember CD BN NA OAJ Dianne Prueske OAJ GCH CH Caryola’s Perfect Obssession BN RE OA OAJ OF CA Linda Hodges & Tom Hodges & Debbie Petersen OAJ CH Gallant’s Lil’ Brees V Ciden CD BN GN RA NA 88 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name OAJ OAJ Hq My Golden Dream CDX OA OAJ OAJ Kelview’s Black Ice V. Mueller NA OAJ CGC OAJ Kenya Von Dynasty AX OAJ OJP Bell’Lavoros Tornare In Paradiso BN RN OAP OJP OJP The Sky’s The Limit Jada BN RE NAP OJP PCD CH Aquarius’ Wally World V. Sandia BN PCD RN CA DS CGCA PCDX Hoytts Promise Of Hope CDX BN GN PCDX GO RAE RA Cinematic’s Egypt Might She Be Euro RA RA Dillon’s Odds Favor Micah CD RA NA NAJ RA Kaili Kamea Roselani BN RA CGC RA Oppie CD RA RA Black’s Eye Of The Hurricane V Rogue River BN RA CGC RA Gatehouse As Time Goes By RA RA Whitcam’s My Time To Shine RA TD RAE CH Rogue River Lightning Strikes CD BN RAE RE Boland Coup De Foudre Holmrun RE CGC RE Lancaster’s Sassi Red Red Wine CDX RE RE Winmar’s One Up On You CD RE CGC RE Hollie Leinen Kessens RE CGC RE Squires Blue Moon Smilemaker CD RE RN Andolf Von Hess RN RN Bellnhans Legacy CD RN RN Gallant’s Check Mate V Ciden RN RN Hoytts Universal Soldier CD RN RN Justa Unruly Rogue RN RN Laika RN RN Smack-Dab’s Black Diamond RN RN Zulu Amani Indalo-Talis BN RN CGCA RN Barnic’s Hardcore High Octane Kyron RN RN Barnic’s Thunder Struck Karma RN RN Bond Girl Heir To Silverhawk RN RN Clearwater’s Miss Sable RN CGC RN Evil Von Spellen RN RN Gnr Might Tango Vizcaya RN RN CH Goldgrove Forever Yours CDX BN RN RN CH Goldgrove I’Ll Have Another RN RN Hoytts Sable Contessa RN Janet Balke & Rodney Balke Christina Gremo & Laurel Vail Shirley Harry & Roxann Miller & Colleen Nicholson Ms. Franessa Limpach & Dr. Melodie Limpach Lloyd Fulcer & Vicky K Brachfeld Katja Brown September/October 2014 Zelda Casanova & F Bev Casanova Susie K Cummings & Lane N Cummings Maggie Sanguinetti & Paul Sanguinetti Janet R Chardavoyne & Nancy Young Brenda Robledo Lori Starling Susan R Weitz & Scott Lyter Colt Rosensweig Denise Rittenhouse & Randy Rittenhouse Susan R Weitz & Scott Lyter Vicky Olson & Katherine Stead & V Cherie Holmes Gary Slemp & Ann Saliba Darlene Hibbler & Lisa R Burroff Wayne S Kessens & Valery M Kessens Beth Teffner & Donald R. Teffner Maureen Haggerty Madge Harrison Sandra Spomer & Therman Spomer & Mona Fasth D.V.M. & Cynthia L Huckfeldt Barrie Hoytt Courtney Ducharme Brandy Ferganchick MAUREEN KELLIHER & Micaela Connors Eva Maria Scholl-Grube Barbara L Valerio Barbara L Valerio Tammy Berna & Beth Short Allison Watts Dede Bruno Linda Best & D Roof D.V.M. & J Goldblatt Ellen C Mouri & Sharon Pfleuger Ellen C Mouri & Sharon Pflueger Barrie Hoytt The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 89 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for MAY & JUNE 2014 Dog Title Dog Name RN RN RN RN RN RN RN RN RN SAR-W SAR-W SAR-W THD THD THD T2B T2B T2B 2 T2B 2 TD TQX TQXP UD UD UD UD UD UDX UDX4 Owners Name Indie Ginga House RN CGC Mackenzie Waro Ivan Vom Haus Do’Urden RN Dede Bruno CH Majestic Holly Holy Lemils RN Bertram Kawaguchi Morrowind’s Comet BN GN RN Lieselotte Hookey Nikitas Hope RN CGC Charlotte Green Phillmar Thunderedda RN NAP CGC Cheryl Green & Judy Pinkevich & Mr. Philip M Martin Protocol’s Fast And Furious RN CGC Jocelyn Mullins & Kevin Mullins Stedfast Cupid’s Red Rosev.Kelview RN Samantha Daley & Pamela Stedman Triadel’s Intrepid Hero RN CA RATO CGCA Leah Marie Billet & Scott Richard Shildt Dagger’s Never Regret A Moment CD SAR-W Shannon Kiley Redrum’s Bloody Dagger Prophecy CD SAR-W Shannon Kiley So Leil’s Fiery Wrath CD SAR-W Shannon L Salter Layla Sisson THD Stewart Sisson Delroz’ Magic Moment V Chados CD RN THD CGCA Susan Machado Ozark Autumn Mystic Island CDX BN GN RE THD CGCA Darlene Hughson MW Ambrosia’s Northern Lights RA MX MXJ NAP XF T2B CGC Mrs. Michelle Anne Ambrose Smack-Dab’s All Betts Are Off CD MX MXJ MJG OF T2B Dr. frederick c ochsner III Holly Von Stien AX MXJ OF T2B2 Judy Stienecker & Rick Stienecker MACH4 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXB2 MJG2 XF T2B2 Sarah Conners Whitcam’s My Time To Shine RN TD Denise Rittenhouse & Randy Rittenhouse MACH Andalin’s Dance On Fire CD MXB MJB MXF TQX T2B Nicole Bailey & Linda Voss Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ MXP2 MXPB MJP2 MJPB MXF MFP MFPB TQXP T2B T2BP CGC Mary Callaway Gorrmae’s Ruby Tuesday V. Dior UD GO RAE NA NAJ Marilyn L Mannino Koali’s Zeeta UD NA NAJ Joanne N Costa & Leroy G Costa Sharjets Awesome Act V Philmar UD Ms. Kim Tome & Cheryl Green CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret UD VER AX AXJ Karen Ann Fuss GCH CH Alii’s Perfect Rhythm’s Gonna Getcha UD RAE CGC Ms. Amy Fujinaka Blue Chip Brick Road V Enchant UDX OM1 IPO1 Ms. Pam B Burns OTCH Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX4 OM5 RN Jill Young & Cambria Knl 90 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 91 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Junior Showmanship Statistics 2014 DPCA Junior Showmanship Top Twenty Through June 2014 Rank/Junior Name 1 Kasey O’Brien 2 Mallary Quin Ross 3 Taylor Schwartz 4 Abigail Adams 5 Karlee Howard 6 Erin Laplante 7 Annabella Hines 8 Jaimie Smith 9 Mariana Gonzales 10 Ricki Lynne King 11 Ashlee Jeanne Claggett 12 Daniel Pine 13 Megan Palmer 14 Renee Gould 14 Raquel Wright 16 Julianna Medina 17 Meghan R Koenig 18 Shoshana Goldfein 19 Alexis Truesdail 20 Marit Alsager Best/Top Jr Wins 15 7 8 3 6 2 1 3 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Class Wins 23 8 15 4 7 4 7 5 2 5 4 1 2 4 1 5 0 0 1 0 Total Defeated 241 193 123 98 84 81 62 53 51 45 32 24 23 17 17 10 9 8 6 5 Alba Medical Your Complete Source For Holter Monitoring ALBA Medical is one of the largest and most trusted Canine Holter companies in the world. Our canine division has served customers in every state of the United States as well as many countries around the globe. Our customers expect accurate, fast (1-2 day) service, as well as helpful, knowledgeable support in every aspect of Holter testing for their dogs. Canine Holter Package $500.00 Refurbished Holter Monitor (1-year warranty) Wires and Carrying Case (5) Hook-up kits (5) Pre-paid Mailing Envelopes Breed-specific Hook-up Charts with instructions Phone in-service and training Canine Service Type IThe common choice for breeders who are looking for an accurate 92 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine PVC screening $30 per scan. Canine Service Type II This is a more in-depth service for customers who want a Cardiologist overview of their study. $80 per scan. Visit us at: for more information or call 877-482-1001 Toll Free (U.S.) 516-488-4777 (outside the U.S.) September/October 2014 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Conformation Statistics 2013 DPCA Conformation Top Twenty • July 2013 - June 2014 AKC Award Gazettes. Amy Tourond • Top Twenty Conformation Statistician E-mail: [email protected] Rank/Name of Dog Owner 1 GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M. & T. Moyer, K. & J. Drake 2 GCH Tiburon Arsenal N. Barksdale, F. & D. Sparagna, E. & L. Curtis, J. & A. Dolan 3 GCH Cambria’s Vraiment ParfaitT. Mackenzie, K. Thompson, A. Wulbrecht, G. Lajeski, A. White 4 GCH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie K. Fox, D. Tracy, M. Dellorto 5 GCH Alisaton Blackbird v. Allure Beaulane R. & J. Kusumoto 6 GCH Sharjets Starr Catcher, CD, RA J. & S. Marinelli, S. Kapp, G. Hanna, M. Feller 7 GCH Raindance Led Zeppelin Of Marquis H. Papazian, S. & C. James, K. Marquis 8 GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M. Byrns, P. Onley 9 GCH Alpha’s Magic Man S. Teague, S. Smith 10 GCH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M. Santana, S. St. John 11 GCH Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit R. Kelly 12 GCH Kamterra’s Legato K. & M. Moats 13 GCH Blue Max Pretty Woman V Encore B. Seielstad, J. & K. Drake 14 GCH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici* J & K Mullins, S & D Lundy 15 GCH Kelviews Crown Jewel V Mueller C. Nicholson, C. Kelso 16 GCH Raklyn’s Talbot of Alisaton P. Healy, H. Engel, C. Shimpeno 17 GCH Carry-On Merchant Man of Ravenswood L. Heffernan, B. Clark 18 GCH Allure Playing With Fire N. Bosley 19 GCH Tallyesynnadria’Spacificice V KendonA. Dunn, M. Swords, D. Kenney, M. Reilly 20 GCH Shamrock’s Fast Eddie D V. Sweeny 21 GCH D’Rays Grin And Bear It B. Fidler, D. Ray, L. Selvakumaran #BOB 94 87 63 57 52 32 34 35 27 23 27 22 19 17 21 22 24 15 19 16 9 Points 2492 2200 1851 1065 930 628 617 577 545 492 491 432 395 384 364 350 324 314 310 276 231 Statistics are compiled from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes. September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 93 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Agility Statistics 2013 DPCA Agility Top Twenty • May 2013 - April 2014 AKC Automated Doberman Agility Reports Peggy Mueller • Top Twenty Agility Statistician • E-mail: [email protected] RANK/NAME OF DOG (Call Name) OWNER(S) 1 MACH8 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXG2 MJG2 OF T2B2 (Shiloh) M. Rock 2 MACH7 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJB3 XF T2B (Raven) L. Fulcer 3 CH MACH6 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXC2 MJB3 XF T2B (Grace) T. & S. Houg & B. Ross 4 MACH7 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXG2 MJB3 NF T2B (Tamora) C. Koenig 5 MACH2 Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXG MJG (Piper) E. Mcavoy 6 MACH13 Thornwoods Flare CD MXB4 MJC4 MXF MFC TQX T2B2 WAC (Flare) Y. & D. Mancino 7 MACH2 Reba MXS MJC NAP NJP XF NFP T2B (Reba) C. & J. Villano 8 MACH Lh’s Heart Of A Dragon MXS MJS T2B (Draco) S. Houg & D. Houg 9 MACH3 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXC MJS2 XF T2B (Tazi) S. Conners 10 CH MACH Adamas Shake It Up RN MXS MJS XF T2B2 (Payton) K. Langley & E. Barrett 11 MACH6 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXS3 MJB3 MXF MFB TQX T2B (Dicey) J. Morton 12 MACH2 Mikadobe’s Tempest RN MXC MJB2 OF WAC (Stormy) M. Timken 13 MACH9 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXG3 MJC3 MXF TQX T2B (Delta) T. & S. Houg 14 MACH Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXS MJC WAC (Bolt) C. Apling 15 CH MACH Carosel Suddenly So Hot MXB MJS NF T2B (FIRE!) T. Byron 16 MACH3 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXB2 MJG2 (Fostas) J. & R. Brettscheider 17 MACH Jaron Von Dynasty MXS MJG MXF T2B3 (Gunny) M. & W. Briant 18 MACH4 Adamas Usmc MXS2 MJG2 MXF T2B (Semper Fi) M & W Briant Jr 19 MACH Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Fancy Free MXS MJS NF K. & D. Anderson 20 MACH3 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXB2 MJS2 XF (Manfred) D. Hartsfield TOTAL MACH POINTS 3007 1901 1896 1886 1811 1706 1627 1620 1587 1568 1552 1457 1452 1376 1305 1287 1282 1246 1180 1041 TTA CHAIR - Carol Moore - DPCATopTwentyAG 94 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Obedience Statistics 2013 DPCA Obedience Top Twenty • July 2013 - June 2014 AKC Award Gazettes. Jeannine Charlier, Top Twenty Obedience Statistician • E-mail: [email protected] RANKING NAME OWNER HIT BONUS TOTAL POINTS POINT 1 OTCH CAMBRIA’S GOLD STANDARD, UDX3 OM4 RN WAC J YOUNG/CAMBRIA KNL 5 139 6037 S KORP/A KORP 3 23 3362 C STEPHENS 3 40 3179.5 S DAVIS/C GREEN 3 96 2655 C HERL 6 127 2284.5 P BURNS 4 109 2277.5 P DELEHANTY 1 35 1605.5 MCAVOY, E 0 0 1568.5 P GARIC 0 0 1374 1 1 1175 M FITZGERALD/G DEMILTA/C PITTS 1 12 995 D PRUESKI 0 0 983.5 K TOME 0 0 981 K HARNER/R HARNER/G DEMILTA/C DEMILTA 1 2 786.5 2 CH OTCH PLATINUM’S BLACK AGAIN, UDX6 OM9 RN 3 HOYTTS HIDDEN TREASURE, UDX4 OM4 GN GO RE 4 OTCH PHILLMAR BELLE OF THE BALL, OM1 5 IRONGATE’S RUM DAIQUIRI, UDX3 OM3 VER RN 6 BLUE CHIP BRICK ROAD V ENCHANT, UD IPO1 WAC CGC 7 CINNAKERRY’S VALIDATION, UD OM1 MX MXJ 8 CATAWBA’S SOMETHING SPECIAL, UD RA MXG MJG 9 KACHINA’S BLACKPEGASUS V ANNDRA, CD 10 MACH7 FULCER’S RAVEN, VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MX C2 MJB3 XF T2B L FULCER 11 CH MACH2 ALLURE ABSOLUTE ALISATON ROJAN, UD MXG MJG 12 A KISS TO REMEMBER, BN CD NA NAJ 13 SHARJETS AWESOME ACT V PHILMAR, CDX 14 ALISATON RHAPSODY SKY VIEW, CDX BN GN PCDX 15 CT WINGATE ‘N SHERLUCK’S VANADIUM, VCD2 AX AXJ J PLAGENZ 0 0 786 S KORP, A KORP 0 0 785 16 GRA-LEMOR TARGWOOD’S MEANT TOBE, UD RE CGC L SOUTHAM/E HAMMEL 0 0 782.5 18 GCH CH SHARJETS STARR CATCHER, CD RA S MARINELLI 0 0 589 L GASPAROVIC, M GASPAROVIC 0 0 587 P BEELER 1 59 451 16 CH PLATINUM’S TAKE THE MONEY N RUN, CD RN 19 DIAL “M” FOR MISCHIEF, CDX BN GN NA NAJ NAP NJP 20 BUSY BEE RW EMERSON, BN Statistics are complied from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes. *Note: If you are not a current member of DPCA, please send your home address AND e-mail to the Top 20 Obedience chairperson immediately. Cindy Bohnert, 3422 Bell Line Road, Omro, WI 54963 E-Mail: [email protected] You do not need to be a DPCA member to qualify for Top 20 Obedience, nor to participate in the Top 20 Obedience event at the National show in October. September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 95 WHO DAT? Contest rules: Relatives or owners of the featured “Who Dat” are not eligible. Only one subscription per person per calendar year. Calendar year will be from October to September. Correct answers will be printed in the following issue of The Doberman Pinscher Magazine. Deadline for submissions will be the same as the ad deadlines, check the rates and deadlines page for exact dates. Send your answers by email to [email protected] (bes sure to put “Who Dat?” in the subject line) or by USPS to DPM, 2811 Milton Ave #368, Janesville, WI 53545 Correctly Name 3 Who Dat features in one calendar year and win a 1 year bulk subscription to The Doberman Pinscher Magazine! July/August Who Dat? Dexter Vom Franckenhorst Correctly named by Liz Kammuller and Marj Brooks $ SIGN ME UP! USA — NOW Five Issues per year! 1 Year Bulk Rate, $50 2 Year Bulk Rate, $90 1 Year First Class, $70 2 Year First Class, $130 Canadian — PAYABLE IN US FUNDS ONLY 1 Year First Class Mail, $75 2 Year First Class Mail, $140 ALL Other Countries — PAYABLE IN US FUNDS ONLY 1 Year First Class Mail, $125 2 Year First Class Mail, $230 Online & PDF Download $40 Per Year Check or money order Charge my Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Credit Card #_________________________________________Exp. date_________ cvv#_________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State____________________ Zip +4____________________ Country_________________________________ email_____________________________________ Send completed form with payment to: DPM, 2811 Milton Ave #368, Janesville, WI 53545 phone: 608-774-7435 • fax: 866-226-8058 • [email protected] 96 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 RATES AND DEADLINES Full page black & white.......................................................$125 Full page color....................................................................$299 1/2 page black & white........................................................$80 1/2 page color.....................................................................$175 1/4 page black & white........................................................$50 1/4 page color.....................................................................$110 Business Card Listing -includes Bulk Mail Subscription (black & white only)����������������������������������������������� $100 per year Litter Announcements�������������������������������������� Free to subscribers Rates include up to four photos per full page ad, additional photos $10 each Covers are by reservation only call or e-mail Marcy or Marj for availability & price Front Cover includes 2 page full color inside story Inside Front Cover Full Color. . . . $600.00 Inside Front Spread (pages 2 & 3 together) . . . . $900.00 Page 3 alone (Full Color). . . . . $400.00 Outside Back Cover . . . .$700.00 Inside Back Cover . . . . $400.00 Outside and Inside Back Cover (together) . . . . $1000.00 Pages are assigned on a first come, first served basis. 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DIGITAL EDITION - One Year $40.00 Single Copy Rate $15.00 USA, $25.00 ALL Other Countries NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE December/January 2014/15 POST NATIONAL deadline November 15 March/April 2015 ANNUAL STUD DOG ISSUE deadline February 15 May/June 2015 OWNER HANDLERS BEAUTIFUL BITCHES deadline April 15 July/August 2015 PRE-NATIONAL CANADIAN ISSUE deadline June 15 September/October 2015 NATIONAL deadline August 15 Unsolicited copy deadline is 45 days prior to publication. Litter Announcements Letters to the editor deadline is 30 days prior to publication. All unsolicited copy will be used on an “as space allows” basis. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertisements. AD SALES Nicole Denny • 513-307-4284 [email protected] Marcy McGuuire • 608-774-7435 [email protected] Mail subscriptions, copy and advertising to: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2811 Milton Ave. #368, Janesville, WI 53545 phone: 608-774-7435 fax: 866-226-8058 visit us on the web! September/October 2014 Magazines are mailed on a complimentary basis to any AKC judge licensed to judge Dobermans (USA address only) who wishes to receive them. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 97 BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY VON MORR West Union, Ohio 419-238-1672 Foxy’s Dobermans AKC Breeder of Merit home of GCh. Wendorf’s Valor PUPPIES SHOW DOGS COMPANIONS Margaret E. Morrison [email protected] Mass Veterinary Cardiology Services Po Box 1021, 148 River St, West Springfield, Ma 01089 Nancy Morris, DVM Diplomate ACVIM Cardiology Cardiology consultations by appointment Wed-Fri 9 am - 5 pm 413-734-1292 fax: 413-734-1294 [email protected] 815-385-0528 David & Jennifer Goldfein Barb Goldfein Rahdy Dobermans 847-844-0607 [email protected] Professional handling $90 per year gives you a business card listing AND a U.S. bulk subscription! HANDLER’S DIRECTORY DAVID & JENNIFER GOLDFIEN • 847-844-0607 • [email protected] • Barrington, IL CINDY LANE-SMITH • 502.905.5775 • [email protected] • Louisville, KY area TERESA NAIL & RAY LIVELY • 817-454-7417 • Austin, TX KELLY MARQUIS • 603-770-5607 • [email protected] • Freemont, NH 98 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014 INDEX TO ADVERTISED DOGS BACKBONE HAVANNA .............................................................................. 64 BELLISA SKYFALL .......................................................................................... 5 BLACK BART’S CALAMITY JANE ...........................................................58, 59 BLUE MAX PRETTY WOMAN V ENCORE ................................................. 73 DE MOR’S WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS ......................................................28 DELMIRA ARYA KHALEESI DRAGON QUEEN ............................................11 DENHAR GOOD N EVIL .............................................................................19 DILLON’S SOUND OF DISTANT THUNDER ..............................................36 DURA LEX POLONIA FRIDA .......................................................................45 ELEMENT THE HURRICANE ........................................................................17 HEARTWOOD’S ELECTRIC BLUES MAN ..................................................... 7 IRONGATE’S KISSES IN THE WIND ........................................................... 44 IRONGATE’S NEON COWBOY ...................................................................13 IRONGATE’S RACY TRACY ........................................................................ 44 IRONGATE’S WEST OF SUNRISE ................................................................12 JAGER’S GOT MY MOJO WORKING ..........................................................35 JAGER’S LIME TWISTED GIN .......................................................................35 JAGER’S RUFFIAN IN BLACK .......................................................................35 KELVIEW’S CROWN JEWEL V MUELLER .................................................... 73 MONARCH’S EMPIRE MAKER ........................................................... 1, 14, 15 O’S GODIVA DARK DEMITASSE................................................... 2, 3, 10, 73 PAMELOT’S DUSTY ROSE.......................................................................... 64 PAMELOT’S ONE MAN BAND ................................................................... 65 PHILLMAR SUPERMAN ...............................................................................29 RAHDY’S BEYOND THE VEIL OF MIST ......................................................49 RAHDY’S ROLLING IN THE DEEP “ADELE” ............................................... 48 RAHDY’S SON OF SINBAD ........................................................................51 RAHDY’S VALLEY OF THE DIAMONDS .................................................... 50 RAINDANCE LED ZEPPELIN OF MARQUIS ....................................60, 61, 72 RAUSCHUND’S SOUTHERN COMFORT ................................................... 63 RHAPSODY’S BRAND NEW DAY ...............................................................43 RHAPSODY’S CAPE OF GOOD HOPE .......................................................42 RHAPSODY’S SHORES OF TRIPOLI ............................................................42 ROLIN AURORA AUSTRALIS ....................................................................... 8 ROLING NO RESERVATIONS ....................................................................... 9 SHARJET’S STARR CATCHER .................................................................72, 73 SILHOUETTE’S IMAGINE THAT ................................................................. 34 SMACK-DAB’S DARING DICEY ...................................................................74 THORNWOODS FLARE ..............................................................................74 TIBURON ARIEL BELLA DONNA ............................................................... 72 TIBURON DJIBOUTI V RHAPSODY ............................................................41 VALENTINE RAHDY HOPELESSLY DEVOTED TO YOU ..............................52 VALENTINE RAHDY ROCK N ROLL IS HERE TO STAY ...............................55 VALENTINE RAHDY THERE ARE WORSE THINGS I COULD DO ..............53 VALENTINE RAHDY U R THE ONE I WANT ...............................................53 VAN ORMAN’S CELEBRITY OF RADIANT ..............................................4, 10 VAN ORMAN’S I WANT IT ALL ................................................................... 6 VONDURA’S XCELERATOR BELLE AMIE .................................................... 72 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AUCH, EVE ............................................................................................12, 13 BERG, JOAN ..........................................................................................53, 55 BICKNELL, SUSAN ................................................................................ 64, 65 BROWN, DANA & VERNON ..................................................................... 44 BRUCKER, JEFF & MELISSA ................................................................ 1, 14, 15 BYRNS, MARYANN ...................................................................2, 3, 4, 10, 73 CATES, JOYCE ............................................................................................. 34 CLAGGETT, ASHLEE, SUSAN & CHARLES ................................................... 6 COVERT, JIM ............................................................................................... 72 CROLEY, PAUL ............................................................................................35 DANNYQUEST DESIGNS ............................................................................36 DEHTRE, PAMELA ...................................................................................... 65 DELLORTO, MARY ..................................................................................... 72 DENNY, NICOLE .........................................................................................19 DRAKE, JERRY & KATHY ........................................................................72,73 EMBRACE PET INSURANCE ......................................................................100 FAGAN, JUANITA & JEFF .............................................................................. 7 FELLER, MARCY .....................................................................................72, 73 FOX, KARIN ................................................................................................ 72 FUENTES, DONN ........................................................................................11 GLAZER-GOLDFEIN, LILYA ............................................................ 48. 50, 55 GOLDFEIN FAMILY .....................................................................................47 GOLDFEIN, BARBARA ....................................................................49, 50, 51 GOLDFEIN, DAVID & JENNIFER ............................................................50, 53 GOLDFEIN, DAVID, JENNIFER, SHOSHANA, SABRINA .......................49, 51 GOLDFEIN, JENNIFER .......................................................................... 48, 55 GREEN, CHERYL ..........................................................................................29 HAGMAN, JUNE ..........................................................................................11 HAGMANN, ROLAND & LINDA .................................................................. 9 HANNA, GABRIELLE .............................................................................72, 73 HENKE, LISA ................................................................................................. 5 JAMES, SUSAN & CHELSEA .............................................................60, 61, 72 JORDAN, CHRISTY.................................................................................58, 59 KAPP, SALLY ..........................................................................................72, 73 LANE-SMITH, CINDY ..................................................................................35 LESNIK, DEBRA............................................................................................ 8 MANCINO, YVONNE & DAVE ....................................................................74 MARINELLI, JOHN & SHARON .............................................................72, 73 MARQUIS, KELLY............................................................................ 60, 61, 72 MORTON, JANICE .......................................................................................74 NICHOLSEN, COLLEEN .............................................................................. 73 NIEUWOUDT, CATHY & DAVID ................................................................45 PAPAZIAN, HARRY ..........................................................................60, 61, 72 SASU, IRINA ....................................................................................41, 42, 43 SCHMEHL, DONNA ..................................................................................... 8 SHAH, RAKISH & ARJUN ............................................................................52 SHAW, CHERIE ............................................................................................17 STONE, TIM & JARON .................................................................................29 TRACY, DARA ............................................................................................ 72 YOUNG, NANCY L .....................................................................................36 ZIEMKE, KATHERINE .................................................................................. 63 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website September/October 2014 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 99 Free pet insurance for your Doberman Great pet insurance really does exist. And sometimes free really does mean free. That’s why we’re offering two months of pet insurance coverage for unexpected accidents and illnesses all free of charge. Signing up is simple with no billing info required, no high-pressure sales. So give Embrace Pet Insurance a try for your Doberman today. Sign up at Trial Plan not available for FL, NY, PA or WA residents. Are you a breeder? Give your buyers free insurance. Get a FREE kit at 100 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine September/October 2014
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