Doberman P M the inscher Volume 7, Issue 4 Post National Issue agazine December/January 2013/14 ‘OZZIE’ Can. Ch Pamelot’s One Man Band (Ch Foxfire’s All Star x Pamelot’s Trinity) Wishes to thank everyone for a great first time out in the US at the Nationals Mrs. Sheila DiNardo- 1st Open Dog Black and RWD Mr George Marquis, 2nd Open Dog Black Mrs. Nedda Vorzimer, 2nd Open Dog Black and of course, Erin Cody for handling Oz so well. Congratulations To All The Winners At The Specialties And We Look Forward To 2014! To be shown in the US and Canada by Guillermo Fano and Susan Bicknell Bred by Pamelot Dobermans, Pamela DeHetre Owned by Susan Bicknell and Pamela DeHetre Chip Chip finished early as a puppy and has been taking care of the home front. We brought him to the Pomona California Nationals for the WAE and for his repeat heart testing, all of which he passed with flying colors. We asked our team Bella handler and friend Hernan Pacheco to show Chip in conformation competition. Chip exceeded all expectations and was honored with Awards of Merit by judges Shelia DiNardo and George Marquis. We extend heartfelt gratitude to the judges who recognized Chip and to Hernan for his impeccable handling, encouragement and friendship and to Fernando Pac and Teresa Nail who very capably assisted. Thank you judges Shelia DiNardo and George Marquis Ch. Olympia Semper Fi V Promise, WAC (Ch. Olympia Bronze Star V Promise x Ch. Tropix Fflight Risk V Promise) Loved and adored by Jerry and Kathy Drake Tomball, TX 281-290-6722 [email protected] December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 3 Cowboy won his class at the Nationals under judge Nedda Vorzeimer, was selected by Pat Hastings for judges education for his structure, and has since won Best of Winners in Texas, shown by Nikki McClendon. He is a delight, a special boy with an awesome temperament. Thank you Esteban for your patience with this puppy and for handling him to perfection. Thank you judge Nedda Vorzimer! Ch. Goldgrove Believe It or Notx GCH Horizon’s Poetic Justice Obermark Wishing Star V Goldgrove Rose started out winning a Best of Breed over specials in Texas from the 6-9 class, shown by Nikki McClendon and Sara Casper who have mentored us since her birth. At the regionals, she won her 6-9 class under Shelia DiNardo. She won her sweeps class and was awarded Regional Best in Sweeps under judge Carol Petruzzo. She was expertly handled by Esteban Farias and assisted by Hernan Pacheco. Thank you Judge Carol Petruzzo! A very special thank you to Sharon Pflueger, (Goldgrove) for your support and encouragement with our wonderful Obermark V Goldgrove litter. Thank you Justy and Ripley for these wonderful puppies! 4 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Bred & owned by Jerry & Kathy DraKe Tomball, TX • 281-290-6722 [email protected] December/January 2013/14 Goldgrove Pants on Fire Goldgrove Hey Jude x Goldgrove Always and Forever Nauty was awarded Reserve Winners’ Bitch for a 3 point major under breeder judge Phillip Martin in National Competition. She was handled with skill and excellence by Esteban Farias. Thank you Sharon Pflueger for placing Nauty with us! Thank you judge Phillip Martin! Bred and co-owned by Sharon Pflueger, Goldgrove Owned and loved by Jerry & Kathy DraKe, Tomball, TX • 281-290-6722 [email protected] December/January 2013/14 We would like to thank our wonderful Team Bella handlers and friends, Esteban and Hernan for your professionalism, skill, encouragement and sense of humor in showing and training our dogs. We would again like to thank the judges who awarded our beloved Dobermans and to the Doberman friends who support us in this wonderful breed. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 5 WHAT'S INSIDE On The Cover . . . . . . . . . 8 16 38 46 56 From The Publisher. . . . . 10 The Story of KALORA DOBERMANS From Marj Brooks. . . . . . 36 Someone You Should Know... WAYNE AND BELLINDA ROSSMILLER ‘RENA’SSANCE DOBERMANS Who Dat? . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Top Twenty Conformation Stats NEW TITLE HOLDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Top Twenty Agility Stats DPCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY PHOTOS, RESULTS AND CRITQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 16 Top Twenty Obedience Stats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Business Card Directory 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Index to Advertisers . . . . 78 56 56 6 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 CH. CATOM’S ADONIS ‘DONNIE’ Reaps his finishing points at the HARVEST MOON CLASSIC GCH Sevenly Above the Law x Catom’s Spicy Nutmeg Breeders: TOM & CAROL NEUNER December/January 2013/14 Handled by: WENDY BETTIS Owners: CAROL PION & TOM NEUNER The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 7 8 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 9 M FROM THE PUBLISHER . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! As always I am looking forward to another great year, working with all the breeders, advertisers and contributing writers to bring you another great year of The Doberman Pinscher Magazine. 2014 will bring some exciting improvements to the magazine. First and perhaps one of the most substantial changes will be 5 issues per year. They are as follows: December/January, March/April, Jun/-July,August/September & October/ November. All existing 1 year subscriptions have been extended for one more issue and all 2 year subscriptions for 2 more issues. The features for each issue can be found on page 77. I don’t think anyone will miss the February issue. The new titles are published in every issue now! Speaking of which we also have a new Gallery of Title Holders. Pre-formatted color ads are only $75. Take a look on page 45 of this issue for more details. New title holders full page color ads are only $250, so if you have a new title in November or December of this year you qualify for either one in the March issue. Our March issue is the Annual Stud Dog Issue, with featured Stud Dog, Ch. Carosel’s Make My Day. Marj and I are planning some new and exciting things for the Stud Dog Issue so stay tuned to your email and snail mail for updates! Our featured breeder is Nikki McClendon of Merrimac Dobermans and the Someone You Should Know is the AKC Lifetime Achievement Award Winner in Companion Events, Lynn Eggers of Foxhall Dobermans. This is going to be a great issue, don’t be left out! The deadline is February 15th. Contact Marj at [email protected] to reserve your page! On my list of New Year’s Resolutions for the magazine is to bring you more articles on health and performance. Any of our readers have suggestions on what they would like to see please email me at marcy@dobermanpinschermagazine. com. (And to get a new picture taken!) Well till next time... Marcy EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website www. 10 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine The Doberman Pinscher Magazine is published 5 times a year, in December/ January, March/April, June/ July, August/September and October/November. by McGuire Magazines 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53544 visit us on the web! Ad Sales: Marj Brooks [email protected] 608-359-6519 Graphic Design & Page Layouts: Marcy McGuire Deadline for editorial copy is 45 days prior to publication. Unsolicited editorial copy is welcome, however we cannot guarantee its use in the magazine. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertising. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine is mailed to all active U.S. AKC judges approved for Dobermans on a complimentary basis who wish to receive it. SEND CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTICES TO: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53545 Printed in the US © 2007-2013 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Coming Up Next — March is the Annual Stud Dog Issue, deadline Feb. 15 FEATURED BREEDER Nikki McClendon, Merrimac Dobermans and SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW Lynn Eggers, Foxhall Dobermans FEATURED STUD DOG OF THE PAST Ch. Carosel’s Make My Day Plus MUCH More — Stay Tuned! contact Marj Brooks [email protected] to reserve your page! CONTRACT ADVERTISING NOW AVAILABLE Just $99.66* per month buys you 5 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 5 ads for the price of 4! *Set up as an auto pay to your credit or debit card and charged monthly. Submit a fresh ad each issue. $1196. total budget, $230.20 per ad! contact [email protected] to reserve your pages December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 11 Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Wicked Mardi Gras LC-10D BFL-2 Ch Alisaton Primo Storm Dalclar LC-10L BFL-1 x Ch Phantom’s Tantalizer v Meroke CGC, LC-13D BFL-1 ‘Mardi’ In Loving Memory Mardi was expertly guided to her Championship by Sara Lopez. She was an incredible Doberman, a loyal protector and loving family member. Mardi was truly a Wicked red head. Mardi is the dam of : Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Hubba Hubba v Cheriden BFL1 Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Ooh La La v Cheriden BFL-1 Mardi owned & protected: Cheryl Hauschild - Cheriden 12 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Mardi also Co-Owned: The Kalora home when she was in NY December/January 2013/14 Family photo of ‘Mardi’ Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Wicked Mardi Gras LC-10D BFL-2 And her daughters at the 2002 National Left to Right.. “Gabby” Kalora’s Gabin DbleD V Cherdien BFL1 “Roxy” Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Ooh La La v Cheriden BFL-1 “Zelda” Kalora’s Va Va Voom V Cherdien BFL1 “Bada” Kalora’s Bada Bing V Cheriden BFL1 missing from the photo : “Hunk” Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Hubba Hubba v Cheriden BFL1 Breeders: KALORA & CHERIDEN December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 13 Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Hubba Hubba v Cheriden BFL1 Ch Briarwood Storms’ a Brewin LC-11D X Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Wicked Mardi Gras LC-10D BFL-2 ‘Hunk’ In loving memory Hunk was named according because he certainly was a Hunky guy. Hunk finished quickly handled beautifully by Gwen DeMilta. Hunk was Owned, Loved and Bred by: KALORA & CHERIDEN And is greatly missed by both. 14 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Kalora’s Bada Bing v Cheriden ’ a d a B ‘ Ch Briarwood Storms’ a Brewin LC-11D X Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Wicked Mardi Gras LC-10D BFL-2 One of Mardi’s beautiful red head daughters Owned & Bred By: Cheryl Hauschild g Cheriden & Estelle Corr g Kalora December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 15 THE STORY OF KALORA DOBERMANS I would like to thank the DPM for the opportunity to be the December 2013 featured breeder. Sharing my Doberman story in an entertaining way without endlessly detailed, boring AKC names and pedigrees is a challenge. This is KALORA’s third breed publication feature and there are only so many ways to tell you about ourselves. Thankfully, the DPM offered me a list of questions to help me relate the KALORA story. Wow! It’s hard to believe I’m approaching my 23rd year in the Doberman breed. This is the same number of years I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, Keith. He and I purchased our first Doberman together at the young age of 22, with the brilliant idea to get married, buy our first home and get a Doberman, all in a 3 month span. What’s more, we did not want any Doberman, we wanted a blue male. So I bought everything I could from the DPCA and began our quest. After phoning a multitude of breeders who found my naïvete very amusing, I spoke to the late Carol Shipley of Meroke Dobermans. She sold Keith and me an 18 month old unruly fawn male named Woody. He wasn’t exactly the color we were looking for, but it was close enough for us. Woody’s sire was the Zared son Ch Dabney’s Brazzzzzzzzen Brogan WAC and his dam was Banchee’s Sunshine DeBella. Although we had looked for a pet Doberman, Carol wanted us to show him. So together, the two unknowing kids and their new fawn troublemaker took their first step into the dog show world. There was no going back. I truly credit Woody with teaching me everything about this breed. He didn’t have a shred of manners and his coat was in awful condition. He had no idea how to behave in a home or around guests. But he did know how to stack and together Woody, my husband and I learned from and grew with one another. Every time I thought I had the answer, Woody showed me just how wrong I was. He became a champion in a limited number of shows with Gwen DeMilta and Carol handling. The couple who originally wanted a pet experienced Westminster as their first dog show and it was extremely overwhelming. When Woody was being shown there weren’t many fawns or blues in the ring, so we heard our fair share of negative comments from fellow competitors and even from some judges. They all had something to say about the funny colored Doberman. Despite it all, Gwen finished Woody quickly and he became Ch Meroke’s Sandalwood V Phantom LC. In 1991 we purchased our second Doberman from Carol, a black bitch named Trouble. Meroke‘s I’m In Trouble Again WAC LC BFL1 was sired by Ch Brunswig’s Zared of Dabney CD LC and her dam was Ch Meroke’s Imari Of Dabney LC, a Ledo daughter. Zared was also the sire of Ledo, Am/Can Ch Dabney’s Lookout For Ledo CD Alora 5 Months old holding “Tequila”, Ch Phantom’s Tantalizer v Meroke CGC, LC-13D BFL-1 (4 wks old). Our first Litter 16 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 ‘Tequila’ Ch Phantom’s Tantalizer v Meroke CGC, LC-13D BFL-1 Our first homebred Champion ‘Chase’ Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Raising a Ruckus BFL2 LC. We had enjoyed showing Woody so much and we had been bitten by the show bug, so we purchased Trouble with every intent to show her. But Trouble was far from being a show prospect and she absolutely hated showing. Her show-ring attitude in combination with her conformation proved to be a no win situation. Instead, our handler Gwen DeMilta suggested Keith and I utilize her best quality, her tight pedigree, by breeding her. Then came our second brilliant idea: having a litter of puppies while expecting a baby! We figured it was opportune timing to match the litter with my being home with the baby for a few months as a first time mom. Just makes you go “what were you thinking?”, right? In our naive young minds we thought nothing could be better than a litter of puppies and a newborn baby at the same time. Oh, to be young and stupid! We had planned to breed Trouble to a friend’s red male. Woody had other plans; in November 1993 Woody and Trouble became the foundation sire and dam of the KALORA breeding program. Their litter produced our first home bred champion Tequila, Ch Phantom’s Tantalizer V Meroke CGC LC BFL1. The pedigree of every dog we have ever bred has Trouble behind it as foundation dam. Because Woody and Trouble were so closely bred Tequila has the high inbreeding co-efficient of 18.16406% in five generations. This was an asset to me as a new breeder. Our first litter was bred under the Phantom kennel name because Woody carried it at the end of his AKC name. Carol suggested it since it was the name Woody’s former owner had wanted to use. However, the name was short lived. Several years later we discovered someone was breeding white Dobermans under the very same kennel name. Very upset and unsure what to do, I contacted the late Judy Doniere of Toledobes for advice. She advised creating a new kennel name — something original using my own family’s names. With Judy’s help we picked the name KALORA, the ‘K’ for my husband, Keith plus ‘alora’ for my daughter, Alora. Even after choosing our new name I worried about Tequila having the Phantom kennel name. Judy consoled me again, responding with words of comfort. “Don’t worry, dear” she said. “No one will question where she came from with a pedigree that tight!” So with my “tight” foundation and my new, original kennel name I worked hard over the years to get KALORA registered with AKC and CKC to protect it. We are now grandfathered in the AKC as an All Breed Registered Kennel Name to Keith, Alora and myself. When I first started breeding, my main goal was to learn as much as people were willing to teach me and to do right by my dogs. That’s what still matters to me. I think you’re in trouble as a breeder when you feel you have nothing left to learn. I am always willing to listen to another breeder tell me their experience with a certain breeding or tell me about dealing with a health issue. I am frustrated, though, by people who think they are going to breed and do it so much better than the breeders before them. Our primary goal should be working together to make the breed better, not trying to one up each other. When I make a decision regarding what breeding I want to do, it’s simple. I breed for myself first and foremost. In the end I have to believe in what I am breeding and I need to be there for all my owners in both the good and the bad times. When you breed with your goals in mind and make the decisions you think are best for the breeding pair, it’s easy to stand behind what you produce. For me, it’s not about the next big winner or about producing the top stud dog. I want the December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 17 whole picture: a Doberman with a great brain who is pretty to look at, who has sound temperament and is backed by a healthy pedigree with longevity. I breed to please myself and I don’t look for outside approval from puppy shoppers. “Andie” Ch Kalora’s Andromeda v Alisaton WAC CGC LC-11D DPCA AOM Winner “Cruz” Ch Kalora’s Latin Sensation “Mardi” Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Wicked Mardi Gras LC-10D BFL-2 18 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Every time I breed a litter I think about the future and where I want to go with these combinations, so knowing the pedigrees and the dogs’ ancestors is very important. When I first started I had to study and learn the pedigrees and my mentors educated me with the history behind my dogs. I would look at old magazines over and over again to learn about the generations which came before my own pedigrees, along with other pedigrees and lines. Because of this education, I now have a ton of old Doberman magazines and pedigrees saved in storage. Apart from that, a friend from another breed was a geneticist and we spent countless hours on the phone discussing the genetic process of trait inheritance from parents to offspring. We discussed inbreeding, outcrosses, line breeding and conversed about the implications of choosing a certain puppy from a litter over another. Our talks, in combination with studying lineages, helped me learn about some very important factors behind breeding decisions. As for health testing, of course I believe it’s important--but to a degree. We still have no cure for the biggest killer in the breed, DCM. And after the last DPCA-sponsored webinar, I do not believe we will have a cure or an accurate form of testing for DCM in my lifetime. Yes, we have identified one marker, but there could be thirty more we may never find. So, a dog clear of this one marker can still die from DCM. We can do echoes and Holters, but a dog who passes these tests on one or more occasions can still die from DCM. Now we are back to the drawing board for another idea. At KALORA we continue to test along with everyone else in the hopes of a brighter future through research. We do vWD (which to me holds little importance), OFA (for hips, elbows and thyroid), DCM marker, color gene test, Holters and now the new DING marker test. But honestly, where has all this health testing gotten the breed? Doberman longevity is still where it was when I started 23 years ago. I am lucky to have bred a great plenty of LC, BFL1 and BFL2 Dpbermans, but in the end I don’t have the answers on how to make them all live a long life. I just try to weigh it all to balance the odds. I have learned a great many valuable things over the years, the most important of which is remembering to keep everything in perspective with showing and titling dogs. This is a hobby for most of us. Win or lose, we do this because we love the breed. Having another champion will not get you into heaven any faster. Dogs do not need a piece of paper titled Champion to mean they’ll produce quality offspring who will benefit the breed. I have seen people who were unable to pay their bills just so they could show their dogs. I have also seen mediocre dogs rise to the top, while quality dogs fall to the bottom for lack of the large sums of cash needed to achieve a high ranking. The number one thing to remember is that they are PETS first. I am thankful to have had a great number of mentors along the way. Of course, there is the late Carol Shipley of Meroke Dobermans, who introduced me to the breed. Carol taught me how to whelp a litter, care for puppies and read pedigrees. Another mentor, Linda Krukar of Dabney Dobermans, showed me ownerhandlers can be successful and she taught me to believe in my dogs. Linda showed me the importance of knowing both the faults and the strong points of my dogs and taught me to not be kennel blind. Lastly and most importantly, Linda taught me to never December/January 2013/14 let anyone else tell you what to do with your dogs. Gwen DeMilta, Alisaton Dobermans, is the person who taught me the most about structure. She was honest about the good and the bad, even when it was hard to hear. She showed me what a good front was and how to recognize it, she allowed me to be there to learn from her when she graded litters at shows and whenever I asked about how to properly stack one of the dogs she showed me how to best present it... although it’s hard to mimic a master. One of my biggest memories of Gwen is still impressive to me. It happened ringside at a show when someone asked her about showing their dog, though it was clearly a pet. “Do you love him?” Gwen asked. When the reply was of course they loved their dog, she said “Then that’s all that counts. Take him home and love him”. It’s amazing how that one moment stands out in my mind even though I just overheard it ringside. It taught me no matter what you think of a dog’s conformation, somebody loves that dog. It’s something to always bear in mind before you critique a dog. Emily Clewner, Derby Dobes, was like a second mom to me when she lived locally and was still breeding and showing. When I was frustrated or frazzled she was there to pick up the pieces. Emily always encouraged me to go forward, to learn and to move on. I learned from Emily the importance of doing what I want, not what someone is telling me to do. Emily was always loving and never judgmental, but she was honest when you needed to hear it. I am forever grateful to all of my teachers and am truly blessed to have had them as my mentors. What a great group of accomplished breeders I had to guide me. At times I listened to their words of wisdom, but other times I just had to learn the lessons on my own. That’s just how life works sometimes, like a kid who doesn’t always follow their parent’s advice. Funny thing was I didn’t always appreciate or understand all the lessons my mentors gave me early on, but as I reflect now on all of their teachings I am extremely thankful for all of them. These teachings still hold true today. It’s really hard for me to say if I have a favorite breeding. Of course “Hunk” Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Hubba Hubba v Cheriden BFL1 December/January 2013/14 I have had several dogs over the years that meant a great deal to me and several of those influenced my future breed decisions. Like every breeder, I am proud of the ones that accomplished a lot. I’m also proud of the companions that have amazing, full lives with their families. For instance, one of the dogs I bred, Anubis, used his SchH training to go after a mugger on the street until the cops arrived. Tiki is another example, naturally becoming a seizure detector for her family’s little girl. I am proud of the ones that went on to accomplish more titles outside of the conformation ring, like Dante, whose pretty amazing accomplishment as a veteran was to become at age 10 the first NW3 Doberman. With longevity and titles at both ends, he proved that an older Doberman can still work like the breed was intended to do. Dante is Ch Kalora’s As Good As It Gets NW3 ROM LC BFL1. His sire was Ch Derby Dobes Johnny B. Goode LC and his dam was Kalora’s Causing a Commotion LC BFL2. He is owned by Kathy & Jay Gregory, along with us. I really don’t think it’s right to single out a particular breeding as my favorite because, like I learned early on, all “ Rory” Ch Kalora’s Bettin’ On a Dream Winning Best Puppy at the 2006 National The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 19 the dogs have a special place in their owners’ hearts as well as in mine. I have done a few breedings which didn’t give me what I was looking for from the combination, but that’s what learning is all about. Although some of them were great on paper, the combination just didn’t mesh. I have never regretted those breedings, but tried instead to correct what I wasn’t happy with in the next generation. Additionally, those breedings gave me the opportunity to learn which pedigrees do and don’t work well with my dogs. It’s hard to say what the future holds for me and my family. Right now, I am enjoying being a judge and I plan on going for my license to judge several other working breeds. It is an honor to be asked to judge the breed I love. Nothing is more rewarding as a judge than seeing a stunning dog or bitch which embodies the breed standard. I will continue my journey in Dobermans one step at a time. My family and I will continue our breeding program as time moves forward. My daughter Alora is now in her Junior year of college and stays heavily involved in the horse show world. I also look forward to spending time with her showing our two horses. For her, the horses will always be her first true love. above: “Hope” Ch Kalora’s Blue Me Away NW2 ROM Left: “Faith” Ch Kalora’s Bettin’ On Faith winning a Puppy Group 1 with Rissa To the new breeders out there, I’m not sure I can offer any amazing words of wisdom. Just learn as much as you can about the breed and pedigrees. Don’t look only at the dogs’ titles in the pedigree, but look at the whole picture, and for the love of God stop breeding to the BIG Winner because everyone else is! Make your decisions based on knowledge, not just guess-work. And remember, you’d better believe in your choices because you should be there for your puppy buyers for both the good and the bad, as well as for the dogs you produce. Winning in the conformation ring is only one part of the whole equation. My daughter Alora and her two warmbloods “Ellington” on the left and “Truman” on the right 20 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine So my biggest piece of advice is to aim to produce dogs who live long lives, make excellent family pets and are smart enough to do it all. That’s what makes us good breeders. In closing, I would like thank the people to whom we owe a great deal of our success. For my owners, I wish to thank you all for welcoming KALORA puppies into your homes and lives and for allowing them the opportunity to be champions, obedience dogs, agility dogs, working dogs, therapy dogs and most of all, beloved family members. To my co-breeders, I thank you for sharing the journey with us. Cheryl Hauschild of Cheriden, thank you for allowing your beautiful girls Diana, Am/Can Ch Apt to B Royal by Design and Lucy, Apt to B Seventh Heaven to be part of the KALORA family. To our handlers, thank you for making our dogs shine in the ring and making them champions. I would like to thank the stud dog owners for giving us the chance to breed to your dogs to improve and build KALORA’s future. I would also like to thank our vet, Dr M Ullmann, who is always there for me when I need her medical advice or help, regardless of the time of day or night. To all our friends, I wish to thank you for your overwhelming love and support. But most of all, I say thank you to the readers for caring about our journey in this incredible breed: the Doberman. g December/January 2013/14 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 21 Am/Can Ch Apt to B Royal by Design Am/Can Ch By Design Held for Ransom x Exacta’s Apt to B Hardrock WAC ‘Diana’ In memory of The Beautiful Diana Diana was loving called the BODY because what a body she had. Thanks Estelle for letting us be part of your Doberman family. Hugs to Keith and Alora for putting up with all of us. She was a big part of the KALORA Family. We are honored to have her as part of our breeding program. Owned by: Cheryl Hauschild • Cheriden 22 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Bred by: Apt To B • Chris Schaefer-Blair & Paula Hall December/January 2013/14 Ch Kalora’s Latin Obsession Am/Int/Mex/Arg/Brz CH Nello’s Lex Luthor WAC X Ch Phantom’s Tantalizer v Meroke CGC, LC-13D BFL-1 ‘Elena’ IN LOVING MEMORY OF ELENA, WHELPED 12-7-1999 The beautiful Elena was shown to her championship by Gwen DeMilta. She finished quickly and always kept us on our toes ringside hoping to grab a little piece of the small, fuzzy dogs that went by. Not a day goes by that we don’t miss her. Owned & Loved by Cheryl Hauschild • CHERIDEN December/January 2013/14 Bred & Co-Owned by Estelle Corr • KALORA The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 23 CH Kalora’s Bettin’ On a Dream Ch Jaroe Ebenezer Scrooge x Kalora’s Royal Vixen v Cheriden Thank you Estelle for these two beautiful and loving Dobes who came into our life. You are a wonderful breeder, always giving advise and your knowledge so openly. Kalora’s Spoiled Bratz v Cheriden Am/Can Ch Kalora’s Hubba Hubba v Cheriden BFL1 x Ch Kalora’s Latin Obsession Kizzlin Dobermans Rich & Debbie Linbrunner 24 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Dante Ch. Kalora’s As Good As It Gets, ROM, LC, BFL1 First Doberman to Earn a Nose Work 3 Title at 10 years of age And still enthusiastically trialling! Cherished by Kathy and J Gregory 914 420 9609 December/January 2013/14 Bred by Estelle Corr, Kalora Dobermans The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 25 ©Ad design by Leslie Hall Many thanks Gwen for the awesome handling and quick finish with Triton. Estelle, thank you for Triton, when my heart needed healing... Triton is bred by Estelle Corr and catered to by Christine Hertling 26 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Kalora’s Once In A Blue Moon, OA,AXJ Ch Tallyesyn Falcon’s Fire - Kalora’s Blue Me A Kiss ‘RIO’ Bred by Kalora Dobermans, Estelle & Alora Corr and Christine Hertling, Phesika Dobermans Loved by Jayne Isabell Co-owned by Estelle & Christine Rio is AKC pointed and trialing December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 27 CH Kalora’s Maximus B Kissable GCH Kalora’s Fallen Angel NW1 x Kalora’s Blue Me A Kiss WAC Max finished at 20 months of age with 3 majors handled by Dave Goldfein and his owner Mark. Mark is now owner handling Max to his Grand Championship title so far they have won multiple SD and a BOB wins along the way. Max’s new champion photo with his handlers! vWD DNA Carrier Black #4 DVDob DNA Clear DCM Marker (Pending) OFA Hips/Elbows & Thyroid (Pending) 28 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Max will be available for stud to approved bitches once all his health testing is completed. Please contact Kalora for any inquires. Owned MARK BOLAN Bred & Co Owned By KALORA DOBERMANS 631-451-7337 December/January 2013/14 Kalora’s City Of Angels Sire: BISS CH Marquis I Am the Dragon Rider BFL-1 Dam: Kalora’s I’m A Supermodel ‘LA’ The beautiful LA handled by Ashley Cuzzolino to her singles. LA has taken time off for motherhood she will be back in the ring to finish her championship with Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno. Bred & Owned by: KALORA • 631-451-7337 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 29 30 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Rest In Peace My Angel, Always In My Heart. 6-3-00 -6-8-13 Am/Can/UDC Ch, OTCH Alisaton Aurora Borealis SchH 1 UDX5 VCD-1 RN D-UD ASCA UD OB3 TR2 BH VCX ROM LC-13D Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash X Ch Kalora’s Some Kinda Wonderful CD ROM ‘02,CKC CH ‘02, HIT DPCC ’03, HIT DPCD 7/4/03, HIT DPCWNY 1/9/04, HIT DPCTZ 10/24/04, HIT DPCGD 10/04, 10/09, HIT DPCD 8/27/05, HIT DPCTZ 10/30/05, DPCA HIT 10/11/05, TT OB WINNER 10/12/05, HIT UDC HPOA ‘05, NOI Working Group 3 ‘05, NOI Working Group 1, ‘06, HIT LIDPC 2/11/06, HIT LIDPC 2/12/06 Pam Burns & Merry Fitzgerald DVM December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 31 Kalora’s Unsurpassable Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC X Kalora’s Blue Me A Kiss WAC DIESEL Good Luck to Diesel’s first litter making their way into the show ring this Winter: Kalora’s Rise Of The Guardian “Sloan” Kalora’s Guardian Spirit “Gemma” Kalora’s Winged Guardian “Griffin” Health Stats: • Hips OFA Good • • Elbows OFA Normal • Thyroid OFA Normal • #4 Black Owned By: Michelle Cerini & Matthew Brooks 32 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Co-Owned & Bred By: KALORA • 631-451-7337 December/January 2013/14 Kalora’s Light Em Up Sire: BISS CH Marquis I Am the Dragon Rider BFL-1 Dam: Kalora’s Breathless ‘Ember’ Photo at 5 months taken by Spiffypixs Ember will be making her way into the show ring in early 2014 following in her big brothers paw prints: Ch Kalora’s Legend Of The Water Dragon “Triton” & Kalora’s Rise Of The Red Dragon “Rowan” (multi ptd) Bred & Owned by: KALORA • 631-451-7337 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 33 Kalora’s Up For Anything BISS CH Marquis’ I ‘m The Dragon Rider BFL1 x Kalora’s Breathless ‘April’ Photo taken at 6 months old April will starting her show career this Winter, handled by Ashley Cuzzolino Owned and Spoiled by: Bill Pantelis Ted Pantelis Bred & Co-Owned by: KALORA 34 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 BACK ISSUES —only— 10 each $ Plus priority mail shipping Save postage when you buy multiple issues! see the complete list at December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 35 fro m Marj s k o o r B Early in the morning of October 11th my friend, Nancy Sabo and I were off for the National in Pomona California. The first stop was to pick up Diva in Novato and we were on our way. We chatted and we were excited so our 10 hour trip seemed short. I hadn’t been to the Fairplex for a number of years so we had a new freeway and direction to navigate and it was pretty simple, just new. Oh the traffic, enough said, it is infamous! Once there and unloaded, settled in with the dogs, our tons of clothes, food and unpacked for our 9 day stay. We drove to the show area, not knowing yet that we could easily walk there. It was good in the end because we were able to see that Shane Hooper had all of the parking totally under control while Rom was in Las Vegas. Together they did an outstanding job with the parking. In my opinion and that of many others, the Fairplex is an excellent site for our National. Everything was under the same roof, except for the WAE and the IPO which was on the Fairplex site. We were able to buy a pass for $50.00 dollars to bring the van in with the RV parking area which was shady for most. We were close to the huge exercise pens to run our 3 dogs. Even though we didn’t have to do this we took advantage of the convenience of having the van up close. We set up in the crating area for the 8 days of the National events. Our show this year was dedicated to our late friend, Jane Kay. 36 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine There were a few glitches here and there this year but they were noticed and they are already ironed out for next year. One of them was that both Saturday and Sunday’s host club shows for the conformation part of the shows was very LONG days. Both that Saturday and Sunday started at 8 am and went on to past 9:30 pm. On Sunday many of us missed the “Meet and Greet” which what I heard a nice dinner and people meeting new people. Be that as it may, shortening up the National by one day was an experiment. Like I say this idea has been re-thought and will change for next year. There were a lot of great highlights to benefit the dogs and their owner such as the health clinics and the health night talk and the Friday night health/rescue benefit dinner and raffle and auctions to raise monies for health and rescue with this dinner. We did good to say the least. We raised a lot of monies! During the week we had 6 cardiologists from around the U.S. and Canada to evaluate any Doberman 4 years of age or older; they were particularly interested in dogs seen at the screening clinics at the 2012 national. The tests included a physical exam blood sample (15 ml) for biomarkers (NT-proBNP ultrasensitive troponin I), Echocardiogram, ECG- 3 minutes. We all signed up prior to the national in August and we printed and carried our dog’s holter monitor testing results with us to hand over to the team. These veterinary cardiologists are dedicated as a team to researching issues and problems associated with Doberman cardiomyopathy. They are so willing to give their time and expertise to provide us with this comprehensive, CONFIDENTIAL screening clinic at no cost to us. Pretty awesome I say! The Health Registry/CHIC committee with Pam DeHetre as chair also had a blood draw for research. She and her committee also had a successful turnout of volunteer Dobermans. Thank you for the veterinarians who donate their time for this annual event. On Wednesday we had Stephanie Rudich, DVM, DACVR speak to us about, Imaging The Canine Neck: Fact & Fiction. What every Doberman owner should know about radiographs (x-rays) and advanced imaging (myelograms, CT and MRI). Her talk was very informative and I did attend this seminar. Dr. Rudich practices in Waukesha Wisconsin. The Thursday night dinner and the artisans of the DPCA and their yearly donations who are Sandy Teague with her Kool Koat, Cheri Mc Nealy with her famous and awesome totie and Diane Sudori with her hand crafted bling collar It brought in a good amount of money. Actually it was a separate raffle which brought in a lot of monies for health and rescue. Archivist Karin Fox had a number of photo albums of past nationals to view. For me though was the Eleanor December/January 2013/14 Carpenter of Jerry run Dobermans collection. She brought this a request from Judy Bingham. It was fascinating in so many ways she had tons of photos and pedigrees. She had excellent records of her breeding program. There were pictures of her first Doberman which was not cropped and not docked. I think she obtained this dog in 1935. This date stands out to me but don’t quote me on that. For a while Eleanor tried to breed Dobermans with natural ears that were carried erect AND she was successful! All of those records and photos were in the collection too. Karin will have the collection there at next year’s national too. Eleanor also was an important person with the DPCA. She was the chair of the Standard Review committee at the time that the DPCA standard was revised in 1969. You can see this approved standard on the Breeders Education webpages articles section under the category of History. All of the Top 20s were wonderful events and well attended as always. There should be more writings and photos of the Top 20 events elsewhere in this issue. Last but not least is the introduction of the new Junior Committee headed by Michelle Santana. On Friday they began setting up their booth next to our DPM booth. On Saturday they asked handlers to donate a handling fee for a silent auction. I am happy to report that all of the handlers at the DPCA donated a handling fee. I helped them round them all up and then I went to their clients to tell them about this silent auction. The silent action was very successful. They also sold 50/50 tickets and I suggested that they have the juniors themselves walk around the audience and sell tickets. This was very successful and what was even nicer is that the winner donated her winnings of $750.00 back to the juniors program. You can read about this new and exciting program on the website under the tab D.P.C.A. Like I said, it was great to see everybody this year and it was a great National held in a fabulous location. The weather was FANTASTIC! Nancy and I never turned on the TV in our room. That should tell you something. The Best of Breed final was so very thrilling and the tears were flowing for many good reasons. Congratulations Carissa and CJ! See you all next year in Topeka Kansas! We have some special features planned for the next issue. If you need help don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you. Coming Up Next — March is the Annual Stud Dog Issue deadline Feb. 15 FEATURED BREEDER Nikki McClendon, Merrimac Dobermans and SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW Lynn Eggers, Foxhall Dobermans FEATURED STUD DOG OF THE PAST Ch. Carosel’s Make My Day Plus MUCH More — Stay Tuned! EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 37 Ch. Jalar Dandy Ch. Array Point Break V Ciden x Ch. Marienburg Nitouche of Jalr Ch. Cha-Rish The Macarena Ch. Darwins Dance of The Hour x Ch. Cha-Rish Lancia SOMEONE YOU SHOULD KNOW... Wayne and Bellinda Rossmiller ‘Rena’ssance Dobermans Our first Doberman was Heidi, a companion Dobie who was Wayne’s 1972 high school graduation present. We married in 1978 and Heidi became part of our new family. We have had one to five Dobermans living with us ever since. Never in all these years have we even considered another breed. We love the majestic beauty, intelligence, athleticism and personable nature of the Doberman Pinscher. After many years of owning companion Dobies we decided to purchase a show dog. Bill Goff and Marj Brooks assisted us in our original search for a puppy from a reputable breeder. They recommended a breeding of Jan Radimsky’s Ch. Array Point Break v Ciden x Ch. Marienburg’s Nitouche of Jalar and we put a deposit down for a red male. The one and only red dog in the litter, Jalar Dandy, became our Napoleon. He came home in 1996 and started our dog show journey. Napoleon was shown by Darlene Young; she and Marilyn Altheide were quickly added to our list of mentors. Napoleon became Ch. Jalar Dandy at 20 months of age. He went on to earn his WAC and his early success hooked us on the dog show scene. We next purchased a show bitch from the breeding of Darlene and Marilyn’s Ch. Darwin’s Dance of the Hour, WAC x Ch. Cha-Rish Lancia, bred by Joan Witt. This girl, Ch. Cha-Rish the Macarena, or Rena, was Bellinda’s first agility dog. Rena earned both her OA and OAJ titles. She became our foundation bitch, with her 38 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine name forming the basis of our kennel name, ‘Rena’ssance Dobermans. After a year-long search for a stud dog for Rena we decided, at Darlene and Marilyn’s suggestion, on our own Napoleon. Our nine litters over the years have produced fourteen champions to date. Several more are on their way. Marilyn Altheide, Darlene Young and Marj Brooks have been our most involved mentors in advising on breeding options and whelping and raising the puppies. When we research sires for future breedings we consider a number of factors. First comes thoughtful evaluation of the proposed dam to identify which of her conformation characteristics need improvement. Equal consideration is given those we want to maintain. Next we look for health tested sires with these characteristics plus sound temperament. The pedigrees of these dogs get our close study, with consideration of line-breeding opportunities to augment both our conformation and other goals. Longevity and cause of death in sire lines figure strongly in our choices. Along with evaluating the conformation of a potential sire’s parents and litter mates, we look at any get he has produced. We obtain advice from our mentors. We reach out to the owner, handler and breeder to verify health testing and ask questions about temperament. Their experience helps us rank aptitude and potential ability for performance venues as well. We also seek out other breeders who have used the sire and learn from their input. December/January 2013/14 Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Chambery Ch. Jalar Dandy x Ch. Cha-Rish The Macarena Health testing at ‘Rena’ssance prior to breeding decisions includes vWd, OFA of hips, thyroid, DCM DNA and a 24 hour holter ECG with possible echocardiogram depending on the age and holter results. Our future breeding bitches were recently tested using the new DNA test to identify carriers of the gene associated with the vestibular disorder that presents at birth (AKA “ding” puppy). While we appreciate that some of these tests provide more definitive information than others, we take all the information into consideration in making our breeding choices and we also feel it is important to contribute to the data bank for future research efforts. Another useful test for us is temperament testing/evaluation of each litter member at seven weeks of age. We find this a useful validation of our observations up to that point and it helps us match puppies to the home best suited for each. When asked “do you have a favorite breeding and why”, we are torn. Based on our goal to improve with each litter, we want to say our most recent litter! We are very excited about these eight month old pups Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Perfect Alibi Ch. Darwin’s Perfect Isn’t Easy x Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Chambery December/January 2013/14 Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Split Second Ch. Irongates Time To Wine and Dine x Ch. Cha-Rish The Macarena from GCh. Alpha’s the Conquistador, WAC, RA and Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Sugarplum, WAC. Time will tell what significance their accomplishments will have on our breeding program. An alternate response to the question may be the breeding that produced their dam, who we feel represents the standard exceptionally well. She is from the line-breeding of Ch. Primary’s Charlie Pride and Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Perfect Alibi (Allie). Finally, one last response may be the breeding that produced Allie since she has been the most significant dam in our kennel to date. She was from a line breeding of Ch. Darwin’s Perfect Isn’t Easy, WAC and Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Chambery. While comparatively speaking we are newer to the Doberman scene, we do feel comfortable in offering this advice to new breeders: • Be sure to start with a bitch of good quality, with that decision based upon the Doberman standard and not just your heart. You do not want to take multiple generations to produce a quality Doberman. Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Goin Overboard Ch. Merrimac’s Poseidon On Board x Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Brienne Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Sugarplum Ch. Primary Charlie Pride x Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Perfect Alibi The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 39 Ch. ‘Rena’ssance De Otra Tierra Ch. Alex De Akido San x Ch. ‘Rena’ssance Perfect Alibi • Honestly evaluate the proposed dam to identify her conformation strengths and weaknesses. • Seek a sire that will complement her with strengths you need and want to keep. Do not make breeding decisions based on liking a Top 20 dog. • There is no perfect Doberman so balance assessment of conformation, pedigrees, health testing and temperament in making your breeding determinations. So what is in store for ‘Rena’ssance Dobermans in the future? We plan to continue to breed on occasion when we desire a new conformation or agility puppy or have identified show and performance homes. We will maintain our devotion to breeding Dobermans of good conformation and temperament who will make great family companions and good ambassadors for our breed wherever they may go. With this comes the continuing commitment to mentor others as we have been mentored. We desire to go forward in conformation and agility competition. Bellinda looks forward to future involvement with tracking and therapy dog work. Wayne has contemplated becoming a judge one day. Only God knows and we will follow his lead. g CONTRACT ADVERTISING NOW AVAILABLE Just $99.66* per month buys you 5 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 5 ads for the price of 4! *Set up as an auto pay to your credit or debit card and charged monthly. Submit a fresh ad each issue. $1196. total budget, $230.20 per ad! contact [email protected] to reserve your pages 40 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 ‘Rena’ssance Perfect Alibi, Ali and sister ‘Rena’ssance Perfect Harmony, Harmony By Ch Darwin’s Perfect Isn’t Easy x Ch ‘Rena’ssance Chambery In Appreciation To Wayne & Bellinda Rossmiller, ‘Rena’ssance Dobermans: You took me as an unknown with my Dobe puppy and taught me how to wrap ears humanely. You taught me how to train a “show boy”. Wayne put his first point on Kobe. You took him to a show I was too ill to attend and finished his career w a 5 point major. You helped me when he was so ill I thought I would loose him to torsion. You grieved with me when he passed a few weeks before his 9th birthday. You blessed me with the “red rocket” known as ‘Rena’ssance Rockin Rolling Stone. In appreciation of your ethics and your determination to do the best for our breed. g Eileen Moffitt g December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 41 Introducing The Newest ‘Rena’ssance Champion CH ‘Rena’ssance Set In Stone Sire: CH Foxfire’s Smoke on the Water ‘Rock’ Dam: ‘Ren’ssance Perfect Alibi ‘Ali’ Rocky Rocky has already accumulated major wins towards his Grand Championship. Shown here winning Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex at the San Fernando Valley Doberman Pinscher Club under the expert guidance of Jimmy Bettis. Owners: Sheena Carrero & Wayne & Bellinda roSSmiller Sacramento, CA Breeder: Wayne & Bellinda roSSmiller. 42 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Introducing Rocky’s sister ‘Rena’ssance Rockin Rolling Stone, WAC Rockelle Shown here winning First Place in Bred By Exhibitor, AOAC at 2013 Nationals under breeder judge Phillip Martin, presented by Bellinda. Rockelle has 10 points towards her Champion title, 6 in Bred By, including her first major, handled by Bellinda Rossmiller. She is also training in agility and is known as the “Red Rocket.” Owners: EilEEn Moffitt & WaynE & BEllinda RossMillER Vacaville, CA Breeder: WaynE & BEllinda RossMillER December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 43 ONE of ‘Rena’ssance’s NEWEST contenders ‘Rena’ssance Valliant Voyager By GCH Alpha’s The Conquistador - Ch ‘Rena’ssance Sugarplum Ruger Ruger placed 1st in his 6-9 month Black Futurity Class and 4th is the 6-9 Black Class at Nationals. Watch for Ruger and his two sisters in the conformation shows in 2014 We could never thank Wayne and Belinda enough for our Ruger. They put so much time, energy and LOVE into his and every litter. We are so blessed we have one of their dogs as part of our family. We can’t imagine life without him! Wayne and Belinda, thank you so much for your knowledge, your passion for the breed, and your dedication! Owners: Joseph & Allison GillArd & WAyne & BellindA rossmiller Auburn, CA Breeder: WAyne & BellindA rossmiller 44 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 New Title Holders Gallery New Champion Tiburon Cover Girl Barbie MBIS/MBISS GCh. Tiburon Arsenal x BPIS Baystar’s Charlie’s Angel Barbie finished her Championship at 16 months of age in limited showing with 3 majors. She will continue on to her Grand and agility. Owners: Melinda & Tommy Moyer • Breeders: John & Addy Dolan Presented by: Esteban Farias & Hernan Matias Pacheco & Jennifer Miller Farias New Open Agility Jumper Meritage I Want It All OA OAJ Ch Cha-Rish Star Quest Blu-J’s x Ch Ravenswoods Gem of Meritage Alli is on her way in agility. Hopefully there will be many future titles in agility and obedience. Owners: Cindy Bohnert & Sara L Patton & Mike Patton Breeders: Sara L Patton & Mike Patton NEW TITILE HOLDER FEATURE if you had a new title in November or December it will appear here in the March 2014 issue. Place your full page COLOR AD for only $250 or a gallery ad for just $75. contact Marj Brooks at [email protected] or 608-359-6519 or Marcy at [email protected] or 608-774-7435 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 45 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Ch CH Adamas Solar Storm Ch CH Baystar Something About Mary Ch CH Blumont’s Moonlight N’ Mysteries V. Notori Ch CH Charlors Wicked Good Ch CH Classic’s Soldier Boy Ch CH D’Rays Just Peachy Ch CH Delkamar’s Starstruck Of Manorie Ch CH Dezperado’s Amazing Grace Ch CH Dragonheart ‘N Starlaine The Gunslinger Ch CH Element Star Flight Ch CH Element Star Struck V A-List Ch CH Foxfire’s I’M A Super Star Ch CH Foxfire’s It’s A Jersey Thing Ch CH Foxfire’s Love Child Ch CH Foxfire’s Take It To The Bank Ch CH Goldgrove I’Ll Have Another Ch CH Goldgrove On Fire Baby Ch CH Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man Ch CH Kamterra’s Adagio Ch CH Kettle Cove N Ashtrick Autumn Splendor Ch CH Kettle Cove U Bet I’M Red-E! Ch CH Kinetic Front Runner Ch CH Lynnwood’s Tradition From The Past Ch CH Majestic Nice N’ Ez Lemils Ch CH Manafi Zippity Doo Dah Ch CH Mi-Ti’s International Affair Ch CH Royal Tudor’s Spirit Of The West Ch CH Shadeko’s Pistolero V Aludra Ch CH Shatera’s Precious Gem Ch CH Tallyesyn Raising Thecuponice Vadria Ch CH Tiburon Cover Girl Barbie Ch CH Caleb’s Redemption Ch CH Cambria’s Above And Beyond Ch CH Catom’s Adonis Ch CH Gemini Now And Forever V Alisaton Ch CH Hytymes Just Here For A Good Time Ch CH Kaandas Surround Sound Ch CH Kerwynd’s Mexican Hat Dance Ch CH Kinetic I Gotta Feeling Ch CH Tiburon Djibouti V Rhapsody Ch CH Tiburon Starfox’s Blitzen 46 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Owners Name Martha Reichold & Elizabeth M Barrett Ed Palsat & Lynda Palsat Allen Hauge & Joanne Hauge Karia Gali & George Gali & Laura Smith & Nancy Tracy June Pinto & Dr. Anthony D DiNardo & Tony Pinto Diana B Ray & Jana Dupre Elizabeth M Kammuller & Dr. Kenneth C Kammuller Debra H Owen & Hillary Zimmerman Tracy L Skaer & Elaine Hopper Samuel Nissenbaum & Leah Kusey & Denise Kusey Denise M Kamine & Leah & Denise Kusey & Chelsea Neitzel Michelle Santana & Irene Hetrick Kimberly Goeggel & Michelle Santana & Mallary Ross Stan Davis Jones II & Michelle Santana & Francine Jones Jo-Ann Laughlin Ellen C Mouri & Sharon Pflueger Greg Dunnegan & Sharon Pflueger Juanita Fagan & Jeffrey Fagan Roger Evers & Darice Evers ashley ring & Sharon Duval Laura Wood & Sharon Duval Margaret Eagle Becky Campbell & Deborah Caywood Hiroko Lee & L Michelle Lewis & Morris Lee Sabrina Moore & Jeff Moore Carol Silverman & Shirley Baker Beth Wilhite & Pat Alderson & Lisa R Burroff Patricia Reinhardt & Rebecca Roter Daniel Turcotte & Christopher Groover R & J & K Farley & Mary Swords MELINDA MOYER & Tommy Moyer Laura Jones Lora L Van Epp & Cambria Knl & Daniel C Van Epp Carol Pion & Bernard T Neuner Jr. Heidi Boettcher & Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno & Gwen DeMilta & Marion Collins Heather Galloway Antill & Suzanne Marie O’Reilly Kathy Bishop Susan A Kershaw & jennifer sheen & dewi sheen Amy L Tourond & Gregory J McLogan Irina Sasu Margaret Mee December/January 2013/14 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Ch GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh GCh BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN BN CD CD CH Touchstone’s Lady Liberty Sts CA Nicole Bradley & Alisa M Brotherhood GCH CH A’Monde’s Marla The Prima Donna Sergio SQ Capps GCH CH Emerald’s Brick By Brick Cathy Ceely GCH CH Fayek’s Zenyata Elizabeth Zellmer GCH CH Kamterra’s Bel Canto Barbara Malaski & Joan Thoryk GCH CH Katikid & Donto’s Gotit Goinon Janet J Moenaert & Sharon Chase & Donna L Wojan GCH CH Kerwynd’s Certified Country CGC jennifer sheen & Susan A Kershaw & dewi sheen GCH CH Kerwynd’s Forever Country Susan A Kershaw GCH CH Leilani’s San Bindanza Karen Mounts & Ken Hapgood GCH CH Massey’s They Don’T Dance Like Carman No More Coleen Byrns GCH CH Paradigm’s Perfect Cut Of Breezewood Greg Merck & Shannon Merck & Jeff Crouse GCH CH Raindance Black Sabbath Of Marquis Nancy Rubis & Susan James & Chelsea James & David Rubis GCH CH Rauschund’s Stacked And Packed CGC Sharon Bruno & Bob Bruno GCH CH Rich-Lie Captain Navarre Of Aquila CGC Ms. Marilyn Elaine Almy GCH CH Rolin Aurora Australis Debra Lesnik & Donna Schmehl GCH CH Royal Tudor’s Spirit Of The West Beth Wilhite & Pat Alderson & Lisa R Burroff GCH CH Schohaus Key To Credence John ` Schoeneman & Lori Schoeneman GCH CH Shadeko’s Bringin’ On The Heat Patricia Reinhardt GCH CH Sun Style’s In Hoc Signo Vinces Penny Butler Rossiter & Pat Rossiter Abadie’s Night Train Nitro Khan BN Walter A Grosch After All Im A Rocket Man BN RN Christine Jones Armanno Sly Man BN RN Andria Leanne Carpenter Bowie’s Here Comes The Boom! BN Kim Somjen Caliburn’s Dream Catcher BN OA AXJ Linda Newby Reimann Cambria’s Mini Cooper BN Sherri Kolarich CH Horizon’s King Creole BN RN NA NAJ CGC Sandra L White & Linda George CH Pennylane So Be Special Tazman BN Eric Vaughn & Rebecca Vaughn Danjo’s A Cut Above CD BN RE Judith Brown Den-Mar’s Falkor Luck Dragon BN Sherri Locke Deutschland Red Raven Of Berlin BN RN CGC Karin Nikopoulos & Steve Magnuson & Heidi Croft Family Dobes Oakley Aka Maranatha Amos BN RN Terry Swoager & Calvin Swoager Makayla Marie BN CGC Kathy Zilke & Gordie Zilke Merrimac’s Princess Victoria BN Mary Williams My Lady Princess Kiara BN RN CGC Lorrie B Ferguson Ravenswood Black Raven BN RN Jessica Edgerly Scarpa’s D.A.R.&E. To Be Jonas BN RN NA Michael Scarpa & Grace Scarpa Shal-Mars Bella Teenova BN Tatyana Teenova Shelby’s Crowning Gem BN RN CGC Michelle Frye Titans Shaken Not Stir’D Cosmoquila De Wolf BN Amy Hughes & Holly Peterson & Jeanette Rudy Vondura’s Planet Claire BN RN Dyan Dalby Ziva Piper Indalo-Tallis BN RN CGC EVA MARIA SCHOLL-GRUBE A Kiss To Remember CD BN NA Dianne Prueske Aludra’s Honky Tonk Blues CD John P Rundy December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 47 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CD Cara’s Ravin’ River V Crescendo CD CD CH Anozira’s Andante CD RN CD CH Chaos Vom Koby Haus CD IPO3 FH2 CD CH Foxhall’s Piper Heidsieck CD RN OA OAJ CD CH Goldgrove Touch Of Class CD CD CH Kansa’s Luciana Della Liguria CD CD CH Majestic Black Magic Woman Lemils CD BN CD CH Mi-Ti’s Special Occasion V Tempo CD CD Charismatic’s Blaque Jax CD CGC CD Charismatic’s Blaque Jax CD CGC CD Dobie Hough CD CD Garidi’s Get It Got It Good CD BN RA CGC CD Greystones Barnic Cece Rider CD BN RN NAJ CD Jackson Scott King CD CD Kachina’s Blackpegasus V Anndra CD CD Marvel Von Lavoro Toynbee Toad CD RA CD My Andre The Giant CD BN RN CD Platinum’s Take The Money N Run CD RN CD Rauschund N Faberts Kiss N Tell CD CD Royal Tudor’s Lucky Again CD RA CD Smack-Dab’s No Worries CD RN OA OAJ CA CD Titans Nani Nahi Wahine Makai CD CD White’s Vicking Von Barry Of Kimbertal CD BN RE CDX Bella Majestic Of Kimbertal Royal CDX BN GN RE CDX Blue Chip Brick Road V Enchant CDX CDX CH Foxhall’s Jouet CDX BN RE CGC CDX Dashn’s Night At The Opera CDX NA NAJ CDX Echorun’s Ezekial’s Dream CDX RN CDX GCH CH Protocol’s Sic Itur Ad Astra CDX RN CDX Rockmere’s Chasing The Dream CDX RN CGC A’Carrig N Sadar’s Khaos Theory CGC CGC Akolade’s Quest For Glory CGC CGC Almighty Thor CGC CGC Asta Vom Schloss Tenneberg CGC CGC Bakar’s Dynamic Heart CGC CGC Bay Creek Takeo Spikes CGC CGC Bay IV CGC CGC Braveheart’s Black Moon Rises CGC CGC CH Cabob’s My Special Valentine CGC CGC CH Foxfire’s It’s A Jersey Thing CGC CGC CH Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man CGC CGC CH Knockout’s Soul Train CGC Jill Graves & Art Graves Mary-Helene Brown M.D. & Cheryl Watkins Loel C Turpin Patricia Larkin Sharon Pflueger & Barbara Nagy Judy Schmelig & Jacqueline C Matson Amy Fujinaka & Hiroko Lee Diane Wydick & S Baker & C Silverman Capt. Terry A Murley Capt. Terry A Murley Jerald P Hough Heidi A Thrailkill Lou Scherder Scott Turner Ms. Peggy L Garic Abby Hill Sheryl Brusse Susan Korp & Arthur Korp Ruth Mulvey & Robert Mulvey Ann De Toth Cheryl L Lent Beth Linnon Ernest E White Aaron Terwiske Ms. Pam B Burns Dee Knighten & Chuck Knighten Deborah C Kovalchick Mr. Eric James West & Mrs. Paula West & Mr. Skyler Paul West Jocelyn Mullins & Kevin Mullins 48 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Uta Fay Delayna Blankenship Ashley Adkins & Alan Willis Beverley Pack Bettina Bickel Carl Krivanec & Jennifer Krivanec Sheila Goble Lucy Jakubowski Bruce Cook & Joanne Cook Kimberly Goeggel & Michelle Santana & Mallary Ross Juanita Fagan & Jeffrey Fagan Heather Horniak & David Horniak December/January 2013/14 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CGC CH Rauschund’s Southern Comfort CGC CGC CH Thill’s Minnie Pearl Of Manorie CGC CGC Clg Butch Cassidy V Hayden CGC CGC Dedo’s Madchen Mai Der Schutzengel BN RN CGC CGC Delroz’ Venetian Heiress CGC CGC Delroz’Mayas Red Hot Chilly CGC CGC Drago Von Moeller Hof CGC CGC Fayeks Minion V Windsong CGC CGC Foxfire’s It’s All About Me CGC CGC GCH CH Foxfire’s Seaside Heights CGC CGC GCH CH Foxfires Best To Come Along CGC CGC GCH CH Manorie Dobe’s Fox Trot CGC CGC Gorrmae’s Giselle N Vogue CGC CGC Heartwood’s Get Off Of My Cloud CGC CGC Hidden Acres Mile High Magic V Wyndem CGC CGC Horizon’s Rolls Royce CGC CGC Hoytt’s They Call Me Captain Sir BN RN CGC CGC Ida V CGC CGC Jada CD BN RA CGC CGC Kelview’s Black Ice V. Mueller CGC CGC Kyoti Call Me Mr Blue CGC CGC Mahalo Hoaloha Sakurako Shimizu CGC CGC Malcolm Louis Champagne CGC CGC Manorie Dobe’s Fandango CGC CGC Manorie Dobe’s Nobody’s Business CGC CGC Marti’s Onyx Of Hoytt CGC CGC Maynard Master Of Mayhem CGC CGC Merrimac’s Chase Manhattan CGC CGC My Lady Princess Kiara CGC CGC Omar XXXII CGC CGC Pattie’s Baron Von Hoytt CGC CGC Raindance Right To Bear Arms CGC lips CGC Rebholzer Bad Company CD BN RE CGC CGC Sasanoa Devil’s Advocate CGC CGC Scheherazade’s Ruby Red CGC CGC Shiksa CGC CGC Vegas Von Lady Luck CGC CGC Willamina CGC CGCA Ambrose Von Haus Gerda CGCA CGCA Deutschland Red Raven Of Berlin BN RN CGCA Katherine Ziemke Marjorie O Brooks Carissa Tashiro Judy Herr Debra L Rozum Susan A McGaughy Larry Ellis Adams Tia Koehler Cindy Hall Deborah Sternberg & Michelle Santana & Ken Ray Pearl Besand & Michelle Santana & Norman Besand & Teresa Ross & Shani St. John Nancy T Sabo & Marjorie O Brooks Chad Atwell & Nicole Atwell & Loretta G Gorr Linda S Stephens & David Stephens Jon Sanders & Mary Ann Hollis & Mary Leahy Bunnie Lezon & Linda George ROBIN ELIZABETH DIXON RN & DANN DUANE DIXON USMC (Ret.) Laura Taylor Marilyn H. David Shirley Harry & Roxann Miller & Colleen Nicholson Lynn Roberts Yoshiko Shimizu Renee’ Maureen Champagne & Christina Jenelle Coulombe Marjorie O Brooks Nancy T Sabo & Marjorie O Brooks Mrs. Pattie Willis Hendrix Keeley Houghton & Joseph Lessard MARILYN DAVID Lorrie B Ferguson Dr. Avi Blake Mrs. Pattie Willis Hendrix Ann Phillips & Susan James & Chelsea James & Dean Phil- December/January 2013/14 Catherine LaBarre & Robert Armstrong Celeste Hyams & Penny Cary & Kevin Hyams Ellen White Kenneth Fishkin Chantel Leigh Duffey & Dustin Keith Duffey Anne Alan Jemison Carrie F Prest Karin Nikopoulos & Steve Magnuson & Heidi Croft The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 49 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name CGCA Diva’s Lucky Thirteen BN CGCA CGCA Dragomir’s Knappogue Castle BN RN CGCA CGCA Masaya’s Chiefess Sakima CGCA CGCA Parrish’s Precious Jewel BN RE THD CGCA CGCA Windsong’s Luck Of The Draw CGCA GN CH Gallant’s Lil’ Brees V Ciden CD BN GN RN GN Karmabeck Show Me The Money CD BN GN RN RN Angel Hope’s Princess Akira RN CGC RN Bell’Lavoros Tornare In Paradiso RN RN Blu Stone’s Ez Being Green V Zuma RN RN Blu Stones Sweet Mayhem V Zuma RN RN CH Cambria’s Tourmaline RN RN CH Horizon’s King Creole BN RN NA NAJ CGC RN CH Sasanoa Early Edition CD RN RN CH Sasanoa Front Page News CD RN RN CH Sudahr’s Illusionist V Da’Lyn RN RN Delroz’ Magic Moment V Chados RN CGC RN Echorun’s Ezekial’s Dream CDX RN RN Electron N Foxfire’s Easily The King RN RN Eliel Chayil Of Shelem RN RN GCH CH Kendra’s Domino Effect RN RN Miramax’s Singular Sensation BN RN CA RN My Lady Princess Kiara BN RN CGC RN Remigius Immertreu Vom Feverhaus RN RN Renejade Velocity Vendetta RN MX MXJ XF RN Rio’s Dare To Believe RN RN Ruthie’s Red Cherished Caesar RN RN Sieben Der Grosseretterhund RN RN Smack-Dab’s Sierra Breeze RN CGC RN Ziva Piper Indalo-Tallis RN CGC RA After All Im A Rocket Man BN RA RA CH Fitzmar’s After Hours Cha-Rish RA RA CH Gallant’s Lil’ Brees V Ciden CD BN GN RA RA Dobewan’s Notorious Red Alert CD RA RA Echorun’s Ezekial’s Dream CDX RA RA Foxhall’s Princess Diana RA RA Hoytts Son Of A Gun CD BN RA RA Jenecho’s Iron Lion Zion CD RA Mrs. Elizabeth J Menzel Andrew Martin & Simon Padgett Jenny King Melanie Parrish Karin Nikopoulos Janet Balke & Rodney Balke Lyn Hyman Angela C Russo Lloyd Fulcer & Vicky K Brachfeld Lisa Riddle Cristina Maxwell & Gwen Lucoff Julianne Haugen & Jerry R Haugen Sandra L White & Linda George Carol Crosby & Hosea W Carpenter & Penny Cary & Michael Crosby Carol Crosby & Penny Cary & Michael Crosby & Hosea Carpenter Carol Wasden & Chloette Ayling Susan Machado Mr. Eric James West & Mrs. Paula West & Mr. Skyler Paul West Martha Machuca & Teresa Ross REBECCA S. January Kellee Davis & Jordan Goldblatt & Davida Roof D.V.M. Gail Hartley & Cathy Ceely Lorrie B Ferguson Stacia Gunderson Mary Swindell & James Swindell Paul Severson & Susan Severson & Amy Severson Martinez Ruth Macgregor Elizabeth Cleaves Sharisse Chavez & Steven Chavez EVA MARIA SCHOLL-GRUBE Christine Jones Don McFatridge & Mary Jo Ansel Janet Balke & Rodney Balke Mr. Eric James West & Mrs. Paula Sue West & Skyler Paul West Mr. Eric James West & Mrs. Paula West & Mr. Skyler Paul West Lynn Eggers LINDA SAMPLE Christine Johnson 50 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name RA My Andre The Giant CD BN RA Sheryl Brusse RA Ruger Jones BN RA Shannon L. Jones RA Winmar’s One Up On You CD RA CGC Darlene Hibbler & Lisa R Burroff RE “Barnic’s Bad To The Bone Gemma”” CD BN RE AX AXJ OF”” Barbara L Valerio RE Blitz’s Protege Ace Hamilton RE CGC Scott Hamilton & Kathy Hamilton RE CH Perfex Versailles Afire RE OA OAJ NF Heidi Milam & Michelle Perfect RE Dancing Star’s Neon Moon CD BN RE Carolyn Rafferty RE Hq Ginger Of The Knight CD RE David Truitt & Lullu Truitt RE Red Baron Of Heavens Gate CD RE THD CGC Lorrie B Ferguson RE Zeldas Red Hot Crystal CD BN RE Vickie Smith UD Blue Max’s Undeniable Magic V Encore UD Jane B Terry UD Cara’s Juliet UD TDX Arlene McCoin UD Vixen’s Apparition Sprite UD RE MX MXJ MJB OAP AJP Karen Kissinger UDX Cinnakerry’s Validation UDX OM1 MX MXJ Patrice Delehanty OM4 Cambria’s Gold Standard UDX2 OM4 RN Jill Young & Cambria Knl CA BVLV Gypsies, Tramps, And Thieves CD RAE CA Amanda A. Bunyard CA Darkstar’s Ka-Ching CA Barbara Roth & Raquel Wright CA Delmira Arya Khaleesi Dragon Queen CA June Hagman CA Flaghip’s Red Sky At Night CA Gail Dunlap & Allison Dunlap CA GCH CH Flagship’s Sailor’s Delight CA Gail M Dunlap CA Geometrix Deal Or No Deal BN CA Jan Stephenson & John Stephenson & LEIGH ANNE ROBERTSON D.V.M. CA Mm’s & Spitfire’s Salute To Jack CA CGC Patricia A Moorhatch CAA Hadr’s Koa RN CAA CGC Charlene Dunnam RATN BJF Oer The Hills N Far Away RE OA NAJ RATN Julie Stade & Robin Nuttall THD CH Mi-Ti’s Three To Get Ready CD THD Evie Sullivan & S Baker & C Silverman THD Headlee’s Rodney Shepler THD Michele Shepler THD Hillco’s Tutti Frutti THD Shirley Froseth & Jerry Froseth THD Hq Knight Dreams Of Pink Diamonds CD BN THD Kaye Krueger THD Trudalu’s Tumultuous THD Mike Somers & Linda Somers SAR-W Boris Von Zipper CD SAR-W Sharon Malnar SAR-W Sunnendei’s Fire And Rain SAR-W Sharon Lynn Malnar TD Swift Run’s Harvard Ivy League TD Tracy Underwood NA A Kiss To Remember BN NA Dianne Prueske NA CH Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield NA Nancy Denny & Raymond Denny NA CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention NA OAJ Susan M Beckage & Peter J Beckage NA CH Horizon’s King Creole NA NAJ CGC Sandra L White & Linda George NA Dame XI UD BN NA NAJ Joe Ann Howard NA Danaka’s Who Dares Wins NA NAJ Dana Knecht NA Dillon’s Odds Favor Micah CD RN NA Janet R Chardavoyne & Nancy Young NA Dobewan’s Black Zerstorer NA NAJ Carlie Gillespie & Wanda Mccain NA GCH CH Tropix Lemon Twist CD BN RA NA NAJ Kathy Ingram & Karlee Howard & Deborah Johnson NA Lapi’s Turn It On Troubadour NA Catherine Lapi December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 51 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name NA NA NAJ NAJ NAJ NAJ NAJ NAJ NAJ NAJ NAP NAJP OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OA OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OAJ OJP OJP AX AX AX AX AX AX AX AX AX Owners Name Mystikos N Kettle Cove Lucky In Love RE NA Amy D’Annibale & Camillo D’Annibale Scarpa’s D.A.R.&E. To Be Jonas RN NA Michael Scarpa & Grace Scarpa CH Bolero Little Black Dress Up V Deerfield NA NAJ Nancy Denny & Raymond Denny CH Caryola’s Perfect Obssession BN RE NAJ NF CA Linda Hodges & Tom Hodges & Debbie Petersen CH Horizon’s King Creole NA NAJ CGC Sandra L White & Linda George Dame XI UD BN NAJ Joe Ann Howard Danaka’s Who Dares Wins NAJ Dana Knecht Dobewan’s Black Zerstorer NA NAJ Carlie Gillespie & Wanda Mccain GCH CH Tropix Lemon Twist CD BN RA NAJ Kathy Ingram & Karlee Howard & Deborah Johnson Renejade Topfuel Tanzanite NAJ Beth Athey & Geoffrey Athey Emerald’s Black Obsidian RE NAP NJP NFP CA CGC Jennifer Cannerelli & Shawn Cannerelli Shaden’s Argentina NAP NJP Mary Jo Thomsen & Shannon Denmark Brija’s Twitching With Sharjet OA NAJ NF Faith Rich CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention OA OAJ NF Susan M Beckage & Peter J Beckage CH Fayek Pitch Black V Firefly BN RN OA OAJ CA CGCMiriam J Pike CH Phillmar She’s All That CD BN RN OA OAJ NJP Judy Pinkevich & Mr. Philip M Martin & Cheryl Green CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret OA OAJ Karen Ann Fuss CH Winmar’s Zippity Doodah OA OAJ Nancy Ledyard & Lisa R Burroff & Christian Ledyard “Dial M”” For Mischief CDX BN GN OA OAJ NAP NJP”” Linda L Gasparovic & Michael W Gasparovic “Family Dobes N”” Atia OA NAJ”” Christine Enna & Walter Burke GCH CH Tropix Scorch Red Fury BN RA OA NAJ Karen Taylor & Larry Taylor Irongate’s Racy Tracy OA OAJ Vernon G Brown & Eve Auch & Dana Brown Rd2’s I’m N Hot Pursuit OA NAJ NF Angela L. Evans CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention OAJ Susan M Beckage & Peter J Beckage CH Eastwick’s Monster In My Room OA OAJ Sophia Koster D.V.M. & Bonnie Waseleski CH Starlaine Best Kept Secret OA OAJ Karen Ann Fuss CH Winmar’s Zippity Doodah NA OAJ Nancy Ledyard & Lisa R Burroff & Christian Ledyard Dashn’s Night At The Opera CDX NA OAJ Deborah C Kovalchick “Dial M”” For Mischief CDX BN GN OA OAJ NAP NJP”” Linda L Gasparovic & Michael W Gasparovic Foxfire’s Jump Up To Orion NA OAJ Heidi Benson GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN AX OAJ NF Melissa Loflin-Park Irongate’s Racy Tracy OA OAJ Vernon G Brown & Eve Auch & Dana Brown Meritage I Want It All OA OAJ Cindy Bohnert & Sara L Patton & Mike Patton Family Dobes I Nashville Gold NA NAJ OAP OJP Betsy Gilpin & Ron Paddock MACH Taras Blue Stone By Thor CD RE MXB MJS NAP OJP XF TT Bettina Kimball-Cholewinski Andalin’s Dancing On The Wind AX AXJ NF CGC Betty Bates CH Lyndobe’s Findin Aliz Atlantis AX OAJ OAP NJP Ali Hanaway & Martin Doughty CH Smack Dab’s Chance Worth Taking AX AXJ OF Gwen Gerow Dancing Star’s Born To Prevail AX AXJ Todd Houg & Shannon Houg & Suzan Houg GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN AX OAJ NF Melissa Loflin-Park Montwood Arista Just Show’N Off AX OAJ NF Denise McKay & Jack McKay Morning Star Too Much Fun RN AX AXJ NF Ms. Kimberly K Schwendeman MW Ambrosia’s Northern Lights RA AX AXJ NAP OF CGCMrs. Michelle Anne Ambrose Smack-Dab’s No Worries CD RN AX AXJ CA Cheryl L Lent 52 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 Dog Title Dog Name Owners Name AX Zephyr Von Der Kimbertal RE AX OAJ Beverly Graham NF Brija’s Twitching With Sharjet OA NAJ NF Faith Rich NF CH Bolero Red Shatter V Deerfield AX AXJ NF Yvonne L Mancino & David V Mancino NF CH Caryola’s Perfect Obssession BN RE NF CA Linda Hodges & Tom Hodges & Debbie Petersen NF CH Dezperado’s Divine Intervention NA OAJ NF Susan M Beckage & Peter J Beckage NF CH Gallants Double Dare V Ciden NA NF Stephanie Rudich & Mona Fasth D.V.M. & Cynthia L Huckfeldt NF Dobewan’s Black Zerstorer NA NAJ NF Carlie Gillespie & Wanda Mccain OF Adamas All The Right Moves AX AXJ OF Rick Peffer & Dawn Peffer OF CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXB MJS OF Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig OF GCH CH Gallants Double Jeopardy V Ciden BN AX OAJ OF Melissa Loflin-Park OF Teante’s Heart To Heart CD BN RE AX AXJ OF Ms. V.Ginger Burrison FX CH Riverbend’s California Brut MX MXB MXJ XF T2B Joan C Pope & Kenneth R Pope FX Shim Shim Sherie MX MXJ MJB NAP NJP XF Judi Villano & Chris Villano MFX Destiny’s Drop Dead Red CDX RE AX AXJ MXP MJP XF MFP Nicole Bailey & Josh Bailey MFX MACH Jaron Von Dynasty MXB MJS MXF T2B2 Mary L Briant & William E Briant XF Destiny’s Drop Dead Red CDX RE AX AXJ MXP MJP XF MFP Nicole Bailey & Josh Bailey MACH MACH Platinum’s Winner Takes It All CD RN MXS MJS OFMrs. Beth Szczygiel MACH MACH Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Flirt CD MXB MJG XF T2BCynthia Ochsner MACH2 MACH2 Mikadobe’s Tempest RN MXG MJC OF Melissa Timken MACH3 MACH3 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXC MJB2 XF T2B Sarah Conners MACH4 MACH4 Adamas Usmc MXB2 MJS2 MXF T2B Mary L Briant & William E Briant Jr. MACH5 CH MACH5 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXS2 MJG2 XF T2B Todd Houg & Barbara A Ross & Suzan Houg MACH6 MACH6 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXB3 MJB3 MXF MFB TQX T2B Janice Morton MACH7 MACH7 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJB3 XF Lloyd Fulcer MACH7 MACH7 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXS2 MJS2 OF T2B Melanie Rock MX Andalin’s Dance On Fire CD MX AXJ XF Nicole Bailey & Linda Voss MX CH Marquis Moonlit Passion MX AXJ Joyce Orcutt & Kelly Marquis & Linda Marquis MX CH Montwood Arista’s Texas Hold’Em MX MXJ MJB XF T2B Mike Dellorto MX CH Royal Future Jp Sakura Of Dabney RN MX MXJ Mrs. Linda C Krukar & John J Krukar & Lori S Findley MXP Destiny’s Drop Dead Red CDX RE AX AXJ MXP OJP XF OFP Nicole Bailey & Josh Bailey MXP Eva XXVI NA NAJ MXP AJP OFP Cathy Hake MXP Mandre’s Gale Winds CD RA AX AXJ MXP Elaine Z Hopkins & Barbara A Ross MXB CH Carosel Suddenly So Hot MX MXB MXJ MJB NF T2BTeresa A Byron MXB CH Cinnakerry’s Taking The Bar CD MX MXB MXJ MJB XFJennie Boysen MXB GCH CH Jager’s Oil Slick MX MXB MXJ OF CGC Jenni Novelli & Greg Novelli MXB Shim Shim Sherie MX MXB MXJ MJB NAP NJP XF Judi Villano & Chris Villano MXB2 MACH3 Adamas Usmc MXB2 MJS2 MXF T2B Mary L Briant & William E Briant Jr. MXB2 MACH3 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXB2 MJB2 XF Debra Hartsfield MXB4 MACH12 Thornwoods Flare CD MXB4 MJG4 MXF MFG TQX T2B2Yvonne L Mancino & David Mancino Janet R Chardavoyne MJB CH Pawshere Never A Dull Moment CDX RE MX MXJ MJB NF Wende Call & Mary K Browning & Jason Call December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 53 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 MJB Fredonia Von Dynasty MX MXJ MJB Dr. Melodie Limpach MJB GCH CH Jager’s Oil Slick MX MXB MXJ MJB OF CGC Jenni Novelli & Greg Novelli MJB2 MACH2 Elphame’s Fairey Queen CDX RE MXG MJB2 MXF MFB T2B2 Janet R Chardavoyne MJB2 MACH3 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXC MJB2 XF T2B Sarah Conners MJB3 MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJB3 XF Lloyd Fulcer MJPB MACH5 Anozira’s Arpeggio V Moria MXC2 MJC2 MXPB MJPB PAX MXF MFB TQX T2B Patricia Moorhatch MXC MACH2 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXC MJC XF Sarah Conners MCJ2 CH MACH5 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXS2 MJC2 XF T2B Todd Houg & Barbara A Ross & Suzan Houg MCJ4 MACH12 Thornwoods Flare CD MXB4 MJC4 MXF MFC TQX T2B2 Yvonne L Mancino & David Mancino MXJ Andalin’s Dance On Fire CD MX MXJ XF Nicole Bailey & Linda Voss MXJ CH Royal Future Jp Sakura Of Dabney RN MX MXJ Mrs. Linda C Krukar & John J Krukar & Lori S Findley MXJ Andalin’s Dancing On The Wind AX MXJ NF CGC Betty Bates MJP Destiny’s Drop Dead Red CDX RE AX AXJ MXP MJP XF OFP Nicole Bailey & Josh Bailey MXG2 CH MACH5 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXG2 MJC2 XF T2B Todd Houg & Barbara A Ross & Suzan Houg MXG2 MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXG2 MJC2 NF T2B Charmaine Koenig MJG CH MACH Horizon’s Pimlico CD RN MXB MJG MXF Susan Beckage & Rick George & Linda George MJG MACH Jaron Von Dynasty MXS MJG MXF T2B2 Mary L Briant & William E Briant MJG2 MACH7 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXS2 MJG2 OF T2B Melanie Rock MXS CH Bjf Roll Out The Red Carpet MX MXS MXJ MJS NF Maryann Fabian MXS CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJS OF Charmaine Koenig & Charles Koenig MXS MACH Caleb’s Sustaining Love RN MXS MJB NF Lois Platt & Gerry Mull MXS MACH Jaron Von Dynasty MXS MJS MXF T2B2 Mary L Briant & William E Briant MXS MACH Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXS MJG Connie Apling MXS Montwood Arista Chaka Kahn Delcrest MX MXS MXJ MJB XF Ron Siwecki & Denise Siwecki MXS Platinum’s Winner Takes It All CD RN MX MXS MXJ MJS OF Mrs. Beth Szczygiel MJS Carosel Valencia Dynamo V Brownstone MX MXB MXJ MJS OF T2B2 Peg Mueller MJS Lh’s Heart Of A Dragon MX MXB MXJ MJS T2B Suzan Houg & Daniel Houg MJS Platinum’s Winner Takes It All CD RN MX MXS MXJ MJS OF Mrs. Beth Szczygiel MJS2 MACH3 Adamas Usmc MXC MJS2 MXF T2B Mary L Briant & William E Briant Jr. MJS2 MACH3 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXC MJS2 JoAnne Brettscheider & Randy Brettschneider T2B Briarwood Back To Basics CD BN RAE MX MXJ AXP AJP MXF XFP T2B CGC Mary Callaway T2B CH MACH Horizon’s Pimlico CD RN MXB MJG MXF T2B Susan Beckage & Rick George & Linda George T2B MACH3 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXC MJB2 XF T2B Sarah Conners T2B MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXS2 MJC2 NF T2B Charmaine Koenig T2B MACH7 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJB3 XF T2B Lloyd Fulcer T2B2 CH Adamas Shake It Up RN MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B2Kimberly Langley & Elizabeth M Barrett T2B2 CH Foxfire N Rockelle I Wanna Talk About Me RN MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B2 Michelle Santana & Chris Christopher & Noni Palmer & Dorothy Roberts T2B2 MACH Jaron Von Dynasty MXB MJS XF T2B2 Mary L Briant & William E Briant 54 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 55 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of Futurity, Judge Andy Linton GRAND FUTURITY WINNER Cambria’s Above And Beyond Lora L & Daniel C Van Epp & Cambria Knl BEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY Cambria’s Above And Beyond Lora L & Daniel C Van Epp & Cambria Knl 56 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine BEST JUNIOR IN FUTURITY Tiburon Deacon Blues Melinda Moyer December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos First 6-9 Black Dog ‘Rena’ssance Valiant Voyager Joseph & Allison Gillard & W & B Rossmiller First 6-9 AOAC Dog Best 6-9 Futurity Goldgrove Tejas Miles Collier First 12-15 Black Dog Best 12-15 Futurity Tiburon Deacon Blues Melinda Moyer The Winning Image First 9-12 Black Dog Cambria’s Addiction To Fiction Sonia Guarin & Cambria Reg First 9-12 AOAC Dog Best 9-12 Futurity Cambria’s Above And Beyond Lora L & Daniel C Van Epp & Cambria Knl First 12-15 AOAC Dog Allure Superhero Beaulane V Alisaton Robin Kelley & Carmen Pitts First 15+ Black Dog GCH Tiburon’s Collateral Damage Leah & Linda Ramsey First 6-9 Black Bitch First 6-9 AOAC Bitch First 9-12 Black Bitch First 9-12 AOAC Bitch First 12- 15 Black Bitch First 12-15 AOAC Bitch First 15+ Black Bitch First 15+ AOAC Bitch Best 15+ Futurity Goldgrove Om Shanti Lana Ferguson & Sharon Pflueger Allure Supernatural Alisaton V. Demira Deborah Rateau December/January 2013/14 Element Just For Thrills Karen Thompson & Denise & Leah Kusey Tiburon Djibouti V Rhapsody Irina Sasu Pennylane Holiday Spirits Kerri Kot & Holly Schorr Garjan’s Dream Weaver Janet & Gary Oppedal Kendra’s Seeing Only Red Jordan Goldblatt & Davida Roof DVM Garjan’s Dare To Dream Deidre Wilsey The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 57 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of Sweepstakes Judge, Karin Fox These youngsters raise in me the hope of a bright future for our breed 58 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine First I want to thank everyone for the opportunity to judge your lovely puppies and veterans in the First Regional Specialty Show in Pomona CA in October 2013. It was both a thrill and honor to do so. Overall I was very pleased with my entry. Since I usually gravitate towards bitches I was pleasantly surprised with the depth of quality that I found in my male entry. There were several that on a different day could have been my Grand Sweepstakes winner. In general I thought our Dobermans are in nice shape. Most entries had correct mouths - occlusion was good and teeth were of good size overall. Several animals had good depth of body and nice underline. A number of my class winners looked like the same dog moving as standing. Gladly I did not see large light chest markings. It seems this might be a thing of the past. Overall temperaments seemed good. Best Puppy was a red dog from the 6-9 class. What appealed to me was his overall compactness. He had such nice bone for his age and a very pleasing head and expression. He could have been a little sounder-moving on the down and back but, given his age, I think much of this was due to his inexperience. My eventual Grand Sweepstakes winner came from the 12-18 Dog class. He was a stallion of a dog who took command of the ring from the moment I laid eyes on him. I loved his overall type. His build was compact and very square. He was balanced front to rear with beautiful make and shape. He was sound and in side movement carried a compact one-pieced topline with sufficient reach and drive. I loved looking at his face, his lovely high ear set accenting the strength of his head and the shape of his eye. It gave me great joy to award him top honors and it seems he has an exciting career ahead of him. I’ll list some thoughts I had while judging. We need to pay attention to compact/square. Plus, some of the entries tended to be high on leg or tube-like, needing more underline. I did see a variation of head type as well, including round eyes and weak muzzles. In judging the Veterans I was very happy that all of the owners brought their oldsters out for another day in the sun. How nice it was to see them all trucking around that ring with all the cheers! I do wish we could award all participants Best in Veteran Sweeps because of how they all give us their hearts when they are out there. My Best Veteran winner was a black bitch from the 7-9 class. She had held great shape for her age and moved beautifully. She made me want to go home to my old girls and kiss them. In closing, these youngsters raise in me the hope of a bright future for our breed. g December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos The Winning Image Veteran Sweepstakes, Judge: Mrs. Angie Monteleon-Gilbert First 7 to 9 Years Bitch CH Cambria’s Black Market RN CGC Jody Davidson & Ann Ramsbottom White Best Veteran In Sweepstakes First 7 to 9 Year Dogs CH Gemini’s Vision Quest V Wyndem Kim Lovett & Karen Hodges Best In Sweepstakes, Sat. Judge, Mrs. Karin Fox Tiburon Deacon Blues Melinda Moyer December/January 2013/14 First 9 to 11 Year Dogs CH Anozira’s Andante RN. Mary-Helene Brown & Cheryl Watkins Not pictured First 9 to 11 Year Dogs CH Dymon’s Above The Law Winmar CD THD Sandy Driscoll & Lisa Burroff Best In Sweepstakes, Sun. Judge, Ms. Carol Petruzzo Obermark Wishing Star V Goldgrove Jerry & Kathy Drake The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 59 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of Dog Judging Nedda Vorzimer It was a great honor to have been invited to judge at the DPCA National and I enjoyed every moment that I spent up close with our Dobermans. Overall I was very impressed with the quality and was pleased to see standard sized dogs with very few sloping toplines. Heads varied, most had dark eyes — several were round. I saw many with extra teeth and a few with faulty side occlusion. I felt I had a very strong Winners class and narrowed it down to four individuals. My Winners dog came from the 9-12 AOAC class. He had a good head with intense expression, dark eyes and a neck which flowed smoothly into his nicely laid back shoulders. He was balanced and square, possessing a firm topline and correct tail carriage. He moved out effortlessly and kept the same balanced conformation and firm topline he had while standing still. The Open black dog was standard size with a smooth neck placement and well laid back shoulders with good return of upper arm and rear balance. The American bred black was a strong contender for Reserve. He also was standard size, square and compact with a firm topline and correct tail set. He had good expression and showed well the entire time. In the end I awarded Reserve to the 9-12 black dog, whose well arched neck flowed smoothly into well laid back shoulders. He was balanced and square, with a slightly rounded croup and correct tail carriage. I later learned that he is a litter mate to the Winners Dog. A big thank you to the wonderful stewards — Judy Smith, Margaret Downey and Barbara Bender. They kept everything running smoothly. I would like to thank the membership for giving me the opportunity to judge at the DPCA National Specialty. It had been a dream of mine to someday judge dogs at our National and hopefully find the next “great one.” Both those dreams have come true. g Overall I was very impressed WINNERS DOG Cambria’s Above And Beyond Lora L Van Epp & Daniel C Van Epp & Cambria Knl RESERVE WINNERS DOG Cambria’s Addiction To Fiction Sonia Guarin & Cambria Reg with the quality and was pleased to see standard sized dogs 60 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos The Winning Image First 6-9 mo Black Obermark Blazing Star V Goldgrove Jerry & Kathy Drake First 6-9 mo AOAC Goldgrove Tejas Miles Collier First 9-12 mo Black Cambria’s Addiction To Fiction Sonia Guarin & Cambria Reg First 9-12 mo AOAC Cambria’s Above And Beyond Lora L Van Epp & Daniel C Van Epp & Cambria Knl First 12-18 mo Black Tiburon Call In The Cavalry Courtney Cahill & Matt Dykes First 12-18 mo AOAC D’Nicmar Rocky Marciano Gabriella Rivero Falcon First Bred By Black Winmar’s Laser Sunrise Sandy Driscoll & Lisa Buffoff First Bred By AOAC Boland Coup De Foudre RA Vicky Olson & Katherine Stead & V Cherie Holmes First American Bred Black Tiburon Deacon Blues Melinda Moyer December/January 2013/14 First Open Black Viavola’s Alexander Antonio Olivera First Open AOAC Rauschund’s Fast Cars And Freedom Mackenzie Baishiki & Marilyn Altheide The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 61 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of WINNERS BITCH Alisaton Swept Away V Raklyn Ciden P Healy & H Engel & G DeMilta & C Shimpeno & C Huckfeldt RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Goldgrove Pants On Fire Jerry & Kathy Drake & Sharon Pflueger 62 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos The Winning Image First 6-9 mo Black Sunset Northwest Passage V. Sherluck Kathryn Rasmussen & Faye Strauss & Dawn Danner First 6-9 mo AOAC Sapphire’s Sestina Hollie M Eller & Brynlee Hoyle First 9-12 mo Black Winmars Swift Justice Nancy Bletzer & Lisa Burroff First 9-12 mo AOAC Aguilo Tell Me A Story Carosel Stephanie Miller & Matt Horner First 12-18 mo Black Dama De Lorien RosaMaria Olvera Pena First 12-18 mo AOAC Liberators Hollywood Spicegirl P Stockwood & M KourtisMaitak & P Blenkey & B Casey First Bred By Black Alisaton Swept Away V Raklyn Ciden. P Healy & H Engel & G DeMilta & C Shimpeno & C Huckfeldt First Bred By AOAC ‘Rena’ssance Rockin Rolling Stone Eileen Moffitt & Wayne Rossmiller & Bellinda Rossmiller First American Bred Black Kentura’s Nadirah Aurora Helen Kennedy & William Kennedy & Annabelle Kennedy First American Bred AOAC Tiburon Calendar Girl Mercer Harrington First Open Black Courland Zenyatta Stephanie J Taube & Bernice Duncan First Open AOAC Goldgrove Pants On Fire Jerry & Kathy Drake & Sharon Pflueger December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 63 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of Intersex Judging Janet Van Wormer Imagine a beautiful sunny day with ocean breezes gently blowing, vacationing in Maui with friends and my cell phone rings with a call from the DPCA Recording Secretary telling me I was voted by my peers to judge at the 2013 National Specialty. Since I had received the most votes I could select my assignment. No hesitation from me — Intersex, Intersex, Intersex!!!!! What an honor and responsibility you have bestowed on me to judge the best of the best by giving me the pleasure of judging the assignment of a life time. I will not forget the three days of judging Veteran Dogs, Veteran Bitches, Brood Bitches, Jr. Showmanship and Intersex anytime soon, if ever. The depth of quality and condition of every single exhibit was outstanding. Every dog and bitch was presented to perfection. Temperaments appeared to all be excellent. The one thing breeders must be cognizant of in their programs is small and not ‘correctly placed’ teeth. There were many exhibits with small teeth and extra teeth were also very prevalent, thus affecting the occlusion. A couple of days before Intersex was scheduled, I was presented with the Veterans classes for judging. Wow, they have certainly weathered the test of time. It was a thrill to see the pizzazz still solidly in place when those beautiful seniors moved around the ring. Outstanding! Jr. Showmanship was judged prior to Intersex on the last day of the National. If the presentation of Dobermans by our Jr. Handlers is any indication of future handling of our magnificent breed, we are all in good hands. The ultimate Best Jr. was won by Mallary Ross, an outstanding, talented young handler. From the Official Standard for the Doberman Pinscher: ‘General Appearance – The appearance is that of a dog of medium size, with a body that is square. Compactly built, muscular and powerful, for great endurance and speed. Elegant in appearance, of proud carriage, reflecting great nobility and temperament. Energetic, watchful, determined, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient.’ Coming from the Veterans Class, the above description fits to a ‘T’ the bitch I chose for Best of Breed at our 2013 National Specialty, Ch. Allure Blazing Star Alisaton. This beautiful girl was on fire and deserving of all the accolades she received! From the moment I pointed to her, I don’t think there were many dry eyes in the building. Best Opposite Sex, Ch. Gallant’s First And Foremost V Ciden is a well put together dog shown to perfection by his handler. He likewise fits the Standard description above. Best of Winners was Winners Dog, a beautiful youngster who came from the Puppy 9-12 class. 64 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine BEST OF BREED CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton Julie Porter & Carmen Pitts BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch Gallant’s First And Foremost V Ciden Mona Fasth DVM & Cindi Huckfeldt SELECT DOG GCH Winmar’s Wanna Get Lucky Beth Wilhite & Lisa R Burroff SELECT BITCH Ch Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait Karen Thompson & Cambria Reg & Glen Lajeski & Ann Wulbrecht December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos The Winning Image Award of Merit CH Rauschund N Darwin’s Family Tradition Darlene Young & Marilyn Altheide & Erin Pina Award of Merit GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona Melinda Moyer & Tommy Moyer & Kathy Drake & Jerry Drake Award of Merit GCH A’Monde’s Marla The Prima Donna Sergio Capps Award of Merit CH Gallant’s Dream Brees V Ciden Cynthia L Huckfeldt & Mona A Fasth Award of Merit CH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It Michelle Santana & Shani St John Award of Merit CH Massey’s They Don’t Dance Like Carman No More Coleen Byrns Award of Merit GCH Tevro’s Director’s Choice Melinda Winchell & David Winchell & Trevor Miller Award of Merit GCH Alisaton First Encounter V Gallant Ciden Libby Hargrove & Gwen DeMilta & Carissa Shimpeno & Danielle Schmitt Best Veteran Dog Ch Cambria’s The Captain Naomi Barksdale Best Veteran Bitch CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton Julie Porter & Carmen Pitts Award of Merit GCH Alisaton Blackbird V Allure Beaulane L Cornelius & M Veras & G & C DeMilta & C Pitts & J Beaumont Award of Merit GCH Sherluck’s North By Northwest V Olympic Cove Kathryn Rasmussen & Faye Strauss The depth of quality and condition of every single exhibit was outstanding December/January 2013/14 Best Junior Handler Mallary Ross & GCH Foxfire’s The Best Thing Of Icon RN Mallary & T Ross & Michelle Santana & Janet Muzos The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 65 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of Intersex Judging Janet Van Wormer continued Select Dog GCh. Winmar’s Wanna Get Lucky and Select Bitch Ch. Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait are examples of specimens fitting the Standard. These dogs were in superb condition and shown to their best advantage. There were so many deserving dogs in the entire entry and only so many ribbons to hand out. It was difficult to make the cuts necessary to get to the end, but on the day, that was my job. All ten Award of Merit winners are outstanding examples of our breed who were clearly deserving of their Award win and more. I would be remiss if I did not mention the very best ring stewards any judge could have, the incomparable Judy Smith, Barbara Bender and Margaret Downey. These ladies endured hours of stewarding before the last day rolled around and yet they were still smiling and efficient until the very end. Thank you all very much. Thank you to all the breeders, owners, and handlers who exhibited your beautiful Doberman Pinschers to me, it was my pleasure and honor. g HIGH COMBINED CH OTCH Platinum’s Black Again UDX6 OM9 RN. Art & Sue Korp First Open A GCH Protocol’s Sic Itur Ad Astra CD Kevin & Jocelyn Mullins & Suzy Lundy First Open B HIGH IN TRIAL Platinum’s Witchy Woman CD RN. Art & Susan Korp First Beginner Novice B CH Cambria’s Tourmaline Julianne Haugen & Jerry R Haugen Not pictured First Novice B Platinum’s Take The Money N Run RN Art & Susan Korp First Veteran MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXB2 MJS2 XF Lloyd Fulcer 66 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Utility Class B CH OTCH Platinum’s Black Again UDX6 OM9 RN December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos RALLY HIGH COMBINED MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXB2 MJS2 XF Lloyd Fulcer HIGH IN TRIAL MACH7 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJB3 XF T2B L Fulcer First Open 24 First Rally Excellent B MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXB2 MJS2 XF Lloyd Fulcer CH Winmar’s Zippity Doodah NA OAJ N Ledyard/C Ledyard/L Burroff First Rally Novice B Blustones Sweet Mayhem V Zuma Cristina Maxwell & Gwen Lucoff CH Montwood Arista’s Texas Hold’Em AX MXJ MJB XF T2B M Dellorto First Master 24 The Winning Image Time To Beat CH Montwood Arista’s Texas Hold’Em AX MXJ MJB XF T2B M Dellorto First Excellent A Sartania’s Azteca Sioux OA OAJ OF S Tandberg First JWW Novice B 24 CH Gallant’s Lil’ Brees V Ciden CD BN GN RA J Balke/R Balke Not shown First JWW Exc A 20 First Rally Advanced B Rogue River Light Inside CD RE CA BN Susan Rea Weitz & Scott Lyter December/January 2013/14 First JWW Master 24 Olympia Collateral Damage V Promise OA AXJ L Hill First JWW Open Pref 20 Emerald’s Black Obsidian RE NAP NJP NFP CA CG J Cannerelli/S Cannerelli MACH Taras Blue Stone By Thor CD RE MXB MJS NAP OJP XF TT B Kimball-Cholewinski The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 67 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of 68 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos The Winning Image Top Twenty Finalist Top Twenty Finalist GCH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M. Santana, S. St. John GCH Festival de Canes Queen Latifah A. Wulbrecht, G. Lajeski, N. DeBedout, S. Guarin TOP TWENTY WINNER GCH Gallant’s First And Foremost V Ciden P Healy, C & D Huckfeldt, M Fasth Top Twenty Finalist Top Twenty Finalist GCH Holly Woods Catwoman T & L Kronovich GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M. Byrns, P. Onley Top Twenty Finalists GCH Tevro’s Director’s Choice M. & D.. Winchell, T. Miller Top Twenty Finalists GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M. & T. Moyer, K. & J. Drake Top Twenty Finalists Top Twenty Finalists GCH Protocol’s Flagrante Delicto J & K Mullins GCH Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit R. Kelly Top Twenty Finalists GCH Treu’s Above Suspicion V Touchstone J. & S. Lynch, A. Brotherhood Top Twenty Finalists GCH Cambria’s Mint Condition S. Wang, B. Singh Top Twenty Finalists Top Twenty Finalists GCH Foxfires Best To Come Along N. & P. Besand, T. Ross, M. Santana, S. St. John Top Twenty Finalists GCH Carry-On Merchant Man of Ravenswood L. Heffernan, B. Clark December/January 2013/14 GCH Sharjets Starr Catcher, CD, RN J. & S. Marinelli, S. Kapp, G. Hanna, M. Feller Top Twenty Finalists GCH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie K. Fox, D. Tracy, M. Dellorto The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 69 2013 Doberman Pinscher Club of TOP TWENTY AGILITY WINNER MACH5 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXB2 MJB2 OF T2B M. Rock Top Twenty Finalists CH MACH Montwood’s Magic Man V Arista MXS MJB2 MXF (Dylan) L. Zaeske Top Twenty Finalists Top Twenty Finalists MACH2 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXC MJC XF D. Hartsfield 70 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine Top Twenty Finalists MACH Horizon’s Pimlico CD RN MXB MJS MXF ROM S. Beckage & L. George & R. George MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXG2 MJC2 XF L. Fulcer December/January 2013/14 America National Specialty © photos TWI TOP TWENTY OBEDIENCE WINNER CH OTCH Platinum’s Black Again, UDX5 OM8 RN S Korp/A Korp Top Twenty Finalists Cara’s Hit Man StasiV Legacy, CD Sheppard, M Top Twenty Finalists Gallant’s Lil’ Brees V Ciden, CD BN RN Balke, J, Balke, R Top Twenty Finalists GCH CH Protocol’s Sic Itur Ad Astra, CD J Mullins/K Mullins December/January 2013/14 Top Twenty Finalists MACH6 Fulcer’s Raven, VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MX G2 MJC2 XF L Fulcer Top Twenty Finalists Platinum’s Witchy Woman, CD RN Korp S, Korp A The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 71 $ SIGN ME UP! USA — NOW Five Issues per year! 1 Year Bulk Rate, $50 2 Year Bulk Rate, $90 1 Year First Class, $70 2 Year First Class, $130 Canadian — PAYABLE IN US FUNDS ONLY 1 Year First Class Mail, $75 2 Year First Class Mail, $140 ALL Other Countries — PAYABLE IN US FUNDS ONLY 1 Year First Class Mail, $125 2 Year First Class Mail, $230 Online & PDF Download $40 Per Year Check or money order Charge my Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Credit Card #_________________________________________Exp. date_________ cvv#_________ Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________ State____________________ Zip +4____________________ Country_________________________________ email_____________________________________ Send completed form with payment to: DPM, 2811 Milton Ave #368, Janesville, WI 53545 phone: 608-774-7435 • fax: 866-226-8058 • [email protected] 72 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 WHO DAT? Correctly Name 3 Who Dat features in one calendar year and win a 1 year bulk subscription to The Doberman Pinscher Magazine! Contest rules: Relatives or owners of the featured “Who Dat” are not eligible. Only one subscription per person per calendar year. Calendar year will be from October to September. Correct answers will be printed in the following issue of The Doberman Pinscher Magazine. Deadline for submissions will be the same as the ad deadlines, check the rates and deadlines page for exact dates. Send your answers by email to [email protected] (bes sure to put “Who Dat?” in the subject line) or by USPS to DPM, 2811 Milton Ave #368, Janesville, WI 53545 October Who Dat? Monroe Stebbins Correctly named by George Murray and Grace Moore Litter Announcements RBIS/MBISS GrCh Tiburon Arsenal (Gunner) X Ch Tropix For Your Entertainment (Cher) Litter born August 13, 2013. 6 black males and 1 red male, all vWD clear. 3 black males currently available to possible show homes. Contact Mikki Olson at 920-321-4152 [email protected], Send you litter announcements, club news & letters to the editor to: [email protected] or DPM, 2811 Milton Ave. #368 Janesville, WI 53545 December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 73 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Conformation Statistics 2013 DPCA Conformation Top Twenty • July 2013 - June 2014 AKC Award Gazettes. Amy Tourond • Top Twenty Conformation Statistician E-mail: [email protected] Rank/Name of Dog Owner 1 GCH Tiburon Ariel Bella Dona M. & T. Moyer, K. & J. Drake 2 GCH Tiburon Arsenal N. Barksdale, F. & D. Sparagna, E. & L. Curtis, J. & A. Dolan 3 GCH Cambria’s Vraiment Parfait K. Thompson, A. Wulbrecht, G. Lajeski, A. White 4 GCH Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie K. Fox, D. Tracy, M. Dellorto 5 GCH Alisaton Blackbird v. Allure Beaulane R. & J. Kusumoto 6 GCH Sharjets Starr Catcher, CD, RA J. & S. Marinelli, S. Kapp, G. Hanna, M. Feller 7 GCH Jaroe Legend of Irish Spirit R. Kelly 8 GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse M. Byrns, P. Onley 9 GCH Raklyn’s Talbot of Alisaton P. Healy, H. Engel, C. Shimpeno 10 GCH Foxfire’s Tell Me About It M. Santana, S. St. John 11 GCH Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici* J & K Mullins, S & D Lundy 12 GCH Raindance Led Zeppelin Of Marquis H. Papazian, S. & C. James, K. Marquis 13 GCH Blue Max Pretty Woman V Encore B. Seielstad, J. & K. Drake 14 GCH Kelviews Crown Jewel V Mueller C. Nicholson, C. Kelso, R. Miller 15 GCH Carry-On Merchant Man of Ravenswood L. Heffernan, B. Clark 16 CH Allure Blazing Star Alisaton J. Porter, C. Pitts 17 GCH Alpha’s Magic Man S. Teague, S. Smith 18 GCH Tallyesynnadria’Spacificice V KendonA. Dunn, M. Swords, D. Kenney, M. Reilly 18 GCH Rolin’s No Reservations R. & L. Hagmann 20 GCH Kamterra’s Legato K. & M. Moats 21 GCH Holly Woods Kivuli Class Act L. Peterick, D. McGarvey, M. Thomas #BOB 63 59 42 41 34 28 24 23 22 15 15 20 14 13 18 1 11 12 13 11 9 Points 1657 1457 1172 692 618 563 458 417 350 312 311 295 291 280 236 214 212 201 201 186 176 Statistics are compiled from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes. 74 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Agility Statistics 2013 DPCA Agility Top Twenty • May 2013 - April 2014 AKC Automated Doberman Agility Reports Peggy Mueller • Top Twenty Agility Statistician • E-mail: [email protected] RANK/NAME OF DOG (Call Name) OWNER(S) TOTAL MACH POINTS 1 MACH7 Rock’s Indian Sunburn MXS2 MJG2 OF T2B (Shiloh) M. Rock 2123 2 MACH7 Fulcer’s Raven VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MXC2 MJB3 XF T2B (Raven) L. Fulcer 1392 3 MACH6 Olympia Tamora V Promise UD MXG2 MJC2 NF T2B (Tamora) C. Koenig 1186 4 MACH8 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXS3 MJG3 MXF TQX T2B (Delta) T. & S. Houg 1128 5 MACH12 Thornwoods Flare CD MXB4 MJC4 MXF MFC TQX T2B2 WAC (Flare) Y. & D. Mancino 1125 6 MACH3 Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA MXC MJB2 XF T2B (Tazi) S. Conners 1105 7 CH MACH5 Mandre’s Grace Under Fire MXG2 MJC2 XF T2B (Grace) T. & S. Houg & B. Ross 1073 8 MACH Catawba’s Something Special UD RA MXS MJS (Piper) E. Mcavoy 1045 9 Lh’s Heart Of A Dragon MX MXB MXJ MJS T2B (Draco) S. Houg & D. Houg 1019 10 MACH Smack-Dab’s Fieldstone Fancy Free MXB MJS NF K. & D. Anderson 937 11 MACH6 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXB3 MJB3 MXF MFB TQX T2B (Dicey) J. Morton 889 12 MACH4 Adamas Usmc MXB2 MJS2 MXF T2B (Semper Fi) M & W Briant Jr 844 13 CH Adamas Shake It Up RN MX MXB MXJ MJB XF T2B2 (Payton) K. Langley & E. Barrett 833 14 MACH Vivala’s Out Of The Blue MXS MJG WAC (Bolt) C. Apling 788 15 MACH3 Paradigm Von Richthofen MXB2 MJB2 XF (Manfred) D. Hartsfield 701 16 CH Carosel Suddenly So Hot MX MXB MXJ MJB NF T2B (FIRE!) T. Byron 684 17 CH MACH Old Drum’s Double Red CD MXS MJS OF C. & C. Koenig 670 18 MACH3 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MXC MJS2 (Fostas) J. & R. Brettscheider 668 19 CH Dancing Star’s Born To Fly CDX RE MX MXS MXJ MJS OF (Lindy) K. Getsinger 631 20 MACH Platinum’s Winner Takes It All CD RN MXS MJS OF (Milan) B. Szczygiel 630 TTA CHAIR - Carol Moore - DPCATopTwentyAG December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 75 Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty Obedience Statistics 2013 DPCA Obedience Top Twenty • July 2013 - June 2014 AKC Award Gazettes. Jeannine Charlier, Top Twenty Obedience Statistician • E-mail: [email protected] RANKING NAME OWNER HIT 1 CAMBRIA’S GOLD STANDARD, UDX2 OM3 RN WAC BONUS TOTAL POINTSPOINTS J YOUNG/CAMBRIA KNL 3 96 4227 S KORP/A KORP 3 23 3362 C HERL 6 127 2284.5 C STEPHENS 3 40 2200 5 KACHINA’S BLACKPEGASUS V ANNDRA, CD P GARIC 0 0 1374 6 BLUE CHIP BRICK ROAD V ENCHANT, CDX BH WAC CGC P BURNS 3 82 1265 MCAVOY, E 0 0 1176 P DELEHANTY 1 35 1017 S DAVIS/C GREEN 2 55 842.5 D PRUESKI 0 0 592 1 1 588 0 0 587.5 L GASPAROVIC, M GASPAROVIC 0 0 587 P BEELER 1 59 451 M FITZGERALD/G DEMILTA/C PITTS 1 12 405.5 2 CH OTCH PLATINUM’S BLACK AGAIN, UDX6 OM9 RN 3 IRONGATE’S RUM DAIQUIRI, UDX3 OM3 VER RN 4 HOYTTS HIDDEN TREASURE, UDX3 OM2 GN GO RE 7 CATAWBA’S SOMETHING SPECIAL, UD RA MXB MJB 8 CINNAKERRY’S VALIDATION, UD OM1 MX MXJ 9 PHILLMAR BELLE OF THE BALL, UD 10 A KISS TO REMEMBER, BN CD NA 11 MACH6 FULCER’S RAVEN, VCD2 UDX OM1 RE MX G2 MJC2 XF T2B MJB3 L FULCER 12 GRA-LEMOR TARGWOOD’S MEANT TOBE, UD RE CGC L SOUTHAM/E HAMMEL 13 DIAL “M” FOR MISCHIEF, CDX BN GN NA NAJ NAP NJP 14 BUSY BEE RW EMERSON, BN 15 CH MACH ALLURE ABSOLUTE ALISATON ROJAN, UD MXS MJS 16 CT WINGATE ‘N SHERLUCK’S VANADIUM, VCD2 AX AXJ J PLAGENZ 0 0 393.5 17 CH TRIADEL’S FLINT N STEEL, CD BN GN CGC M BERECKA 0 0 393 A HILL 0 0 393 J HOUGH 0 0 392.5 J GRAVES, A GRAVES 0 0 392.5 17 MARVEL VON LAVORO TOYNBEE ROAD, CD RA 19 DOBIE HOUGH, CD 19 CARA’S RAVIN’ RIVER V CRESCENDO, CD Statistics are complied from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes. *Note: If you are not a current member of DPCA, please send your home address AND e-mail to the Top 20 Obedience chairperson immediately. Cindy Bohnert, 3422 Bell Line Road, Omro, WI 54963 E-Mail: [email protected] You do not need to be a DPCA member to qualify for Top 20 Obedience, nor to participate in the Top 20 Obedience event at the National show in October. 76 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 RATES AND DEADLINES Full page black & white.......................................................$125 Full page color....................................................................$299 1/2 page black & white........................................................$80 1/2 page color.....................................................................$175 1/4 page black & white........................................................$50 1/4 page color.....................................................................$110 Business Card Listing -includes Bulk Mail Subscription (black & white only)����������������������������������������������� $100 per year Litter Announcements�������������������������������������� Free to subscribers Rates include up to four photos per full page ad, additional photos $10 each Covers are by reservation only call or e-mail Marcy or Marj for availability & price Front Cover includes 2 page full color inside story Inside Front Cover Full Color. . . . $600.00 Inside Front Spread (pages 2 & 3 together) . . . . $900.00 Page 3 alone (Full Color). . . . . $400.00 Outside Back Cover . . . .$700.00 Inside Back Cover . . . . $400.00 Outside and Inside Back Cover (together) . . . . $1000.00 Pages are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Reserve early for the best position. — BUILD YOUR OWN SECTION — For every 5 pages get a like page FREE! All advertisers, except breeders directory, magazines will be mailed first class, photos will be returned with magazines unless other instructions are given. Full Payment must accompany all advertising. Visa • Mastercard • American Express • Discover accepted Commercial advertisers please call for rate sheet. USA bulk rate, standard mail: One year, $60.00 Two years $110.00 USA first class mail: One year $85.00 Two years $160.00 Canada surface mail: One year, $90.00 Two years $170.00 ALL Other Countries, surface mail: $150.00 Two years $280.00 NEW! DIGITAL EDITION - One Year $45.00 Single Copy Rate $15.00 USA, $25.00 ALL Other Countries NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE March/April 2014 ANNUAL STUD DOG ISSUE deadline February 15 May/June 2014 OWNER HANDLERS BEAUTIFUL BITCHES deadline April 15 July/August 2014 PRE-NATIONAL deadline June 15 September/August 2014 NATIONAL deadline August 15 December/January 2014/15 POST NATIONAL deadline November 15 Unsolicited copy deadline is 45 days prior to publication. Litter Announcements Letters to the editor deadline is 30 days prior to publication. All unsolicited copy will be used on an “as space allows” basis. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertisements. AD SALES Marj Brooks • 608-359-6519 - [email protected] Marcy McGuuire * 608-774-7435 [email protected] Mail subscriptions, copy and advertising to: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 2811 Milton Ave. #368, Janesville, WI 53545 phone: 608-774-7435 fax: 866-226-8058 visit us on the web! December/January 2013/14 Magazines are mailed on a complimentary basis to any AKC judge licensed to judge Dobermans (USA address only) who wishes to receive them. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 77 BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY VON MORR West Union, Ohio 419-238-1672 Foxy Dobermans AKC Breeder of Merit home of Ch. Wendorf’s Valor PUPPIES SHOW DOGS COMPANIONS Margaret E. Morrison [email protected] [email protected] Meg Dollinger [email protected] Mass Veterinary Cardiology Services Po Box 1021, 148 River St, West Springfield, Ma 01089 Nancy Morris, DVM Diplomate ACVIM Cardiology Cardiology consultations by appointment Wed-Fri 9 am - 5 pm 413-734-1292 fax: 413-734-1294 Already have a bulk subscription? this space is only $40 per year more! David & Jennifer Goldfein Barb Goldfein Rahdy Dobermans 847-844-0607 [email protected] Professional handling Did you know we send a free card with a gift subscription? $100 per year gives you a listing AND a U.S. bulk subscription! 78 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine December/January 2013/14 INDEX TO ADVERTISED DOGS ALISATON AURORA BOREALIS.......................................... 31 KALORA’S SPOILED BRATZ V CHERIDEN.......................... 24 CARRY-ON MERCHANT MAN OF RAVENSWOOD..... 1, 8, 9 KALORA’S UNSURPASSABLE.............................................. 32 CATOM’S ADONIS............................................................... 7 KALORA’S UP FOR ANYTHING......................................... 34 GOLDGROVE PANTS ON FIRE............................................. 5 KALORA’S VA VA VOOM V CHERIDEN............................. 13 KALORA’S AS GOOD AS IT GETS...................................... 25 KALORA’S WICKED MARDI GRAS................................ 12, 13 KALORA’S BADA BING V CHERIDEN............................ 13, 15 MASEY’S THEY DON’T DANCE LIKE CARMAN NO MORE..... 80 KALORA’S BETTIN’ ON A DREAM..................................... 24 MERITAGE I WANT IT ALL.................................................. 45 KALORA’S CITY OF ANGELS.............................................. 29 OBERMARK BLAZING STAR V GOLDGROVE...................... 4 KALORA’S GABIN DBLED V CHERIDEN............................. 13 OBERMARK WISHING STAR V GOLDGROVE..................... 4 KALORA’S HUBBA HUBBA V CHERIDEN........................... 14 OLYMPIA SEMPER FI V PROMISE......................................... 3 KALORA’S KISS AND TELL CARRY-ON.............................. 30 PAMELOT’S ONE MAN BAND.............................................. 2 KALORA’S LATIN OBSESSION............................................ 23 RENA’SSANCE PERFECT ALIBI............................................. 41 KALORA’S LEGEND OF THE WATER DRAGON................. 26 RENA’SSANCE PERFECT HARMONY.................................. 41 KALORA’S LIGHT EM UP.................................................... 33 RENA’SSANCE ROLING STONE.......................................... 43 KALORA’S MAXIMUS B KISSABLE...................................... 28 RENA’SSANCE SET IN STONE............................................. 42 KALORA’S ONCE IN A BLUE MOON................................. 27 RENA’SSANCE VALLIANT VOYAGER.................................. 44 KALORA’S OOH LA LA V CHERIDEN........................... 13, 21 TIBURON COVER GIRL BARBIE.......................................... 45 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS BOLAN, MARK ................................................................... 28 HAUSCHILD, CHERYL............................ 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23 BROOKS, MATHEW........................................................... 32 HEFFERNAN, LYNDA.............................................. 1, 8, 9, 30 BURNS, PAM...................................................................... 31 HERTLING, CHRISTINE................................................. 26, 27 BYNS, COLEEN................................................................... 80 ISABELL, JAYNE................................................................... 27 CARRERO, SHEENA ............................................................ 42 CERINI, MICHELLE.............................................................. 32 CLARK, BETTY.............................................................. 1, 8, 9 CORR, ALORA.................................................................... 30 CORR, ESTELLE..................... 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 29, 30, 33, 34 DEHETRE, PAM..................................................................... 2 JAMES, SUSAN & CHELSEA................................................ 21 KOOL KOATS...................................................................... 72 LINBRUNNER, RICH & DEBBIE........................................... 24 MOFFITT, EILEEN........................................................... 41, 43 MOYER, MELINDA & TOMMY............................................ 45 NEUNER, TOM..................................................................... 6 PANTELIS, BILL & TED........................................................ 33 DRAKE, JERRY & KATHY.............................................. 3, 4, 5 PATTON, SARA & MIKE...................................................... 45 FITZGERALD, MERRY.......................................................... 31 PFLUEGER, SHARON............................................................ 5 GILLARD, JOSEPH & ALLISON........................................... 44 PION, CAROL....................................................................... 6 GREGORY, KATHY & J........................................................ 25 ROSSMILLER, WAYNE & BELINDA.......................... 42, 43, 44 EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT $275 COLOR ADS! sign up for notices at the website December/January 2013/14 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 79 Carmen GCH Massey’s They Don’t Dance Like Carman No More Our appreciation to Judge Janet Van Wormer for this National Award of Merit Win. Thank you to Carmen’s breeders, Darrell Massey, Tamara Deffenbaugh and Bettty Cuzzolino. Expertly handled by: Teresa Nail & Ray Lively Loved By: Coleen Byrns • 817-609-1204 • [email protected]
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