First Quarter, 2012 - United Doberman Club
First Quarter, 2012 - United Doberman Club
UDCFOCUS Official Publication of the United Doberman Club Contents Message from the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Message from the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 It’s All about You and Your Dog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mission Statement The United Doberman Club or UDC http:// is made up of Doberman enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and protecting the Doberman and its heritage as a working dog. UDC is advancing the interests of the breed by educating members about working ability, conformation, temperament, health, breeding, training and maintenance of the total Doberman, sound in mind and body. The UDC encourages its members to participate in a variety of activities for which the Doberman is suited, including Agility, Conformation, Drill Team, Guide Dog, Obedience, Ring Sports, IPO, Search & Rescue and Therapy. Versatility Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Central Valley Schutzhund Club’s Trial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 “Stop or I’ll Send in the Dog” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 IPO Fall Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 My Experience at the 2011 Fall IPO Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Trial Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Disaster Search Dogs and Their Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 All Things “Doberman”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Editor in Chief Robin Nuttall | DD Graphix Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas ZTP. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 UDC Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Publisher DD Graphix | Robin Nuttall 3506 Westwind Drive Columbia, MO 65202 [email protected] UDC Member Clubs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Advertisers 2012 National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inside cover W W W.DDGR APHIX.NE T Chris & Ruth Franke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 DD Graphix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 is published four times a year (plus the National Catalog) by the United Doberman Club, 114 Chickasaw Place, Jacksonville, AR 72076-1906. UDC Focus is a tax exempt educational organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication, either editorially or in advertising copy, are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the United Doberman Club. This publication is not liable for contents used in advertisement. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. von Moeller Hof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2012 Fall IPO Classic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Meryl Winnie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Ray Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Editor’s Corrections In the Fourth Quarter Focus, we inadvertently neglected to properly credit the National photos to J.M. Dohse. Our deepest apologies to Mr. Dohse for the oversight. UDC FOCUS 3 Advertise in FOCUS In order to continue to provide our membership with a quality publication, we face two challenges – content and advertising revenue. It is only through the support and contributions of our membership that we are able to make the FOCUS a viable publication. We need our membership to assist us in providing content by acting as “reporters” and sharing their experiences with the membership when and attend our National and Member Club events and by providing articles on health, training and general interest. We also need to offset the expense of the FOCUS by doing a better job of generating ad revenue. We need to have more members place more advertisements in both the digital and printed versions. The amount of advertisement revenue that we generate in 2012 will be a deciding factor in the decision of whether we can provide a printed publication in the future. FOCUS Deadlines – *Deadlines are non-negotiable The FOCUS issues for the 1sth through the 3rd Quarters will be in the digital format and can be found on the United Doberman Club website. The 4th Quarter edition will be printed and mailed. This edition will be sent out for printing on December 1st and should be received by members by the end of December, 2012. *Our publisher, Robin Nuttall of DD Graphix, has a penalty clause in her contract for late publications. Design Instructions for Printed Edition: Ads must be saved as CMYK (not RGB), at a resolution of 300 dpi. If you wish your ad to “bleed” off the edge of the page, ad 1/8” to each side, for a full page size of 8.75” x 11.25” Place critical text at least 3/8” away from the actual (non-bleeding) edge. Low resolution “web ready” jpg photos will not print well! Average size of photos of sufficient resolution to be printed will be over 1.5 megabytes and over 1,200 pixels wide. Ads submitted with low-resolution photos or copy will produce a final ad with an unsatisfactory blurry/pixelated effect. Focus accepts no responsibility for camera ready ads submitted in low resolution. For your convenience, email Linda Lindic at [email protected] or Robin Nuttall at [email protected] for an easy to use template to ensure your advertisement meets size and design requirements. Designer Created Advertisements: If you would like to have a designer create an advertisement for you, we have three resources for you (see below). Contact the designer directly for their charges for designing your advertisement. Charges may vary depending on the number of photos and the complexity of your request. Ads & Articles Due Publication Date 1st Quarter 2012 January 31 March 1 2nd Quarter 2012 April 30 June 1 3rd Quarter 2012 (SAR Edition) July 31 September 1 2. Cindy Noland – [email protected] Samples of Cindy’s work can be viewed at October 31 December 1 (to printer) 3. Linda Lindic – [email protected] Issue 4th Quarter Our costs for placing advertisements are shown below: Digital Edition Ad Prices (Color Only) Front Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Inside Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Print Edition Ad Prices (Color Only) Front cover reserved for UDC National Back Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Inside Front or Back Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 1. Robin Nutall - [email protected] Samples of Robin’s work can be viewed at Payment Instructions: UDC Advertising Policies All advertising is subject to the editor’s approval before publication. Send all advertising materials to the editor, Robin Nuttall - robinjn@gmail. No advertising layout will commence until the UDC Treasurer receives and verifies the payment in full. US Funds Only. Ads cannot be canceled after the deadline. No refunds for published advertisements. MasterCard and Visa accepted. Pay by check or money order payable to UDC, mailed to: Inside Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Irina Sasu, Treasurer, United Doberman Club, 2800 Perry Lane, Austin, TX 78731 General Instructions Please mark UDC FOCUS AD and INDICATE THE MAGAZINE QUARTER on the memo line of your check OR Pay by credit/debit card or bank draft using PAYPAL. To ensure credit for your payment, please make sure to indicate “UDCFOCUS AD” and INDICATE THE MAGAZINE QUARTER in the “Comments” section of your electronic payment. Adobe CS5 and earlier are accepted. Acceptable formats include Photoshop (psd), Adobe Illustrator native file (ai), encapsulated PostScript file (eps) or jpg. Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files are also accepted, and should be exported as “Press Ready.” InDesign files are acceptable. For InDesign and Illustrator files, all text must be converted to curves. Photoshop files should be flattened. 4 Design Intructions for Digital Editions: Save ads at actual size, at 150 dpi in RGB format. UDC FOCUS Message from the President T his quarter, the President’s Message addresses the United Doberman Club FOCUS – the official club publication. In August, 2010 we solicited feedback from United Doberman Club Members regarding the FOCUS by sending out a survey to our membership. First of all, I want to thank those members who took the time to respond to the survey and share their opinions with the Board of Directors. The majority of the respondents felt that the FOCUS was either a major or important benefit of their UDC membership but at the same time feel that we need to be financially responsible in the amount of funds we allocate to the production of the magazine. In addition to the training, health, and general interest Doberman articles that are included in the magazine, members would like to see reports and articles from our UDC Member Clubs. In the 1st Qtr 2012 edition of the FOCUS, you will see results of the three most recent Member Club trials. In 2012 we will publish four issues of the FOCUS, three of which will be available in the digital format only and the 4th Quarter edition which will be produced in both the digital and hard copy format. We have signed a contract with Robin Nuttall of DD Graphix to produce three of the digital copies, one of which will be the 4th Qtr edition which will also be produced in hard copy. The 3rd Qtr 2012 Edition will be a digital edition that will be produced by our Search & Rescue Group Members, Rayanne Chamberlin and Tiffany Mahaffey at no-charge to the club - kudos to Rayanne and Tiffany for their offer. In order to continue to provide our membership with a quality publication, we face two challenges – content and advertising revenue. It is only through the support and contributions of our membership that we are able to make the FOCUS a viable publication. We need our membership to assist us in providing content by acting as “reporters” and sharing their experiences with the membership when and attend our National events and providing articles on health, training and general interest. We also need to offset the expense of the FOCUS by doing a better job of generating ad revenue. We need to have more members place more advertisements in both the digital and printed versions. The amount of advertisement revenue that we generate in 2012 will be a deciding factor in the decision of whether we can provide one or more printed publications in 2013. Please contact our Member Communications Chair Linda Lindic via email [email protected] regarding ideas for articles, and for information on placing advertisements in the FOCUS. This will be my last President’s Message. By the time you have this issue; you will have received the nominations slate for the next UDC Board of Directors. This will confirm what I have previously announced. I am stepping down as your president. I believe that my talents are best utilized in the vice-president position working on those manuals on the website that are in so sorry a shape. Please give the new president and new board your support. Linda Kurz UDC President | UDC Administrator of Records Chair, UDC Health Committee Message from the Editor A s you know, I stepped in as temporary editor last summer when Laura Hulke died. I was then asked to design the 4th Quarter FOCUS. And now am privileged to take over as editor/designer for 2012 (with the help of the SAR group for the third quarter). When I write “privileged” above, I do really mean it. I feel the FOCUS is integral to the UDC; it spreads news, shares joys and triumphs, shows our pride as a club, and makes us feel more of a cohesive unit rather than a bunch of strangers scattered all over the country. I feel if we at FOCUS can better serve advertisers and members, the magazine can not only cease to be a money drain, it can be a money maker. But in order for that to happen, the membership must re-establish trust. Trust that we understand about timeliness. Trust that when we say an issue will come out by a certain date, it actually will appear. This is your magazine. Your means of communication to the Working Doberman community about your dogs, your accomplishments, and the future of our breed. My commit- ment to you, the membership, is to get FOCUS out on or before deadline, each and every time. I feel so strongly about it that I proposed a penalty fee if I am late; a fee that increases every single day I am behind. Obviously, I have real incentive for timeliness! My request to you, the membership, is to have faith in me and in your club. Be willing, one more time, to take a chance. Share your world and your dogs with us through advertising. Together we can take FOCUS, the UDC and our breed to the next level. Robin with Zipper (UAG2 URO1 Ch Regatta It’s About Time, RA AX MXJ RS-O JS-O GS-N RL2 CGC) Prada, (Ch Regatta Devil Wears Blk-N-Tan JS-N) and Cala (UAg1 URO2 USJ ARCH BJF O’er The Hills N’ Far Away, RE NA OAJ WAC TT CGC). Robin Nuttall lives in Columbia, Mo. and can be contacted at www., [email protected]. UDC FOCUS 5 6 UDC FOCUS IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU & YOUR DOG is a new section in the that will give you the opportunity to publicize the recent accomplishments of you and your dog. All you have to do is email Linda Lindic at [email protected] with your accomplishments for the next quarter (February 1 to April 15). There will be no charge to you for having this information published in the FOCUS. This is one of the advantages of your UDC membership. We will recognize any title you have earned at any recognized canine organization. This is all about you and your dog! Leslie Carpenter & “Penny”, Morgana’s Irresistible Treasure, IPO 1: New – IPO 1 Scores 85-70-85 Brandi Williams & “Cinders”, Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya IPO3, CD, RN: New – High Female, High HOT Female at the Mid-Eastern UScA Regionals Jill Graves & “Laura”, AKC Ch Foxhall’s The First Lady, VPG II, ROM: New – VPGII Scores 97-93-90 High VPGII, High Obedience & tied for High Tracking! Erynn Lucas & “Eva” , Eva dei Dohse, IPO3: New - IPO3 Scores 94-93-94 Kay Lewis & “Elischa”, Elischa v.d. Burgstatte, VPG3, IPO3: New – IPO3 Scores 97-89-97 Chris Rasmussen & “Quinna”, Quinna vom Aurachgrund, IPO 1, OB2, TR2: New – IPO1 Scores 96-76-93 Traci Mulligan & “Caper”, UKC Ch. Incredible Caper v. Rebholz BH, SchHA, OB3, WAC, CGC, SJ: New – OB3 @ Fall IPO Classic Alissa Weaver & “Portia”, Dru’s Portia d’Aurelia IPO 3 TR3: New – SchH3 & TR-3 Terry Jarka & “Ryun”, UDC Ch BJF Run Like The Wind V Kansa CD, RA, OA, AXJ, NF, EAC, WV-O, OJC, TG-O, TN-O, NCC, WAC, ATT: New 1) AKC - Excellent Agility Jumpers (AXJ) New 2) NADAC - Elite Regular (EAC) New 3) NADAC - Novice Chances (NCC) Barbara Stephenson & “Nadia”, Navistar Swift Run Nadia CD, CGC, WAC, BH: New – BH, CD, CGC, & WAC Mitch Edley & “Soldier” , Sant Kreal Soldier, BH, IPO1, Handled by John Soares: New – IPO1 96-77-80 High Tracking Mitch Edley & “Shocolate”, Sant Kreal Shocolate, BH, Handled by Wendy Schmitt: New - BH Marsha Sheppard & “Stasi”, Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, BH: New – BH Loel Turpin & “Case”, AKC & UDC Ch. Chaos vom Koby Haus, SchH3, IPO3, FH2, ZTP SG1-A, WAC, CGC, TD: New - AKC Championship! Wendy Schmitt & “Eiko”, Eiko vom Landgraf, SchH3, IPO3, ZTP 1A: New – IPO3 Scores 96-96-98 High Obedience, High Protection, & High in Trial -H.O.T and by Breeder – Just 3 years old! UDC FOCUS 7 Veterans Birthdays! Birthday wishes and kisses go out to the following Veterans who celebrated a double-digit Birthdays in January! Catherine LaBarre & “Miley”, Rebholzer Spirit Rain CGC, BN, RN : New – RN, BN Arras von Moller Hof : Owned and loved by Chris Rasmussen is 12 Years young. The Kansa Girls who are 10 Years Young! Linda Lindic & “Schotzie”, Cara’s Hot Mamma BH, TR-1, WAC, ATTS-TT,CGC, VCX: New – TR1 Sue Kelly-Walsh & “Pistol”, Pistol vom Aurachgrund CD, CGC, TR-1: New – TR-1 at Pacific Northwest Regional Championship (UScA) High Tracking 100pts! 8 UDC FOCUS Kansa’s Arrectis Auribus: Chyna “With Ears Pricked Up” Kansa’s Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat : Una “Fortuna Favors The Brave” Kansa’s Fortis Et Liber: Crystal “Strong and Free” Versatility Report Congratulations to the following very special Doberman and his proud owner for their attainment of the VC title during the month of December 2011! 4Q 2011 Versatility Companion (VC) 10-Dec-11—Legard’s Batman, CD, BH, TT, TR2, WH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Owned and Loved by Janet G. Smith All Versatility Companion Dogs (VC) 7-Apr-92 Carlo Vom Donautal, SCHHI, B, CDX, WAC, GHC: Donald H. Marlowe 21-May-94 Shady Acre’s Ideal Mr. Spock, BH, SCHII, UD, ATT, CGC: Beverly Press 7-Apr-92 BA - CAN - PR Ch Prancing Pony’s J. Gabriel, Am/Can - PR CD, TT, GHC: Sharon Renae Barzen 1-Jul-94 Panda Von Dynasty, CDX, B, TD, SCHHII: Dennis Helm & Melodie Limpach 24-Apr-98 Alisaton Star-Trip V Dalclar, CD, WAC, AD, CGC, FEMA LEVEL II: Gail McCarthy 24-Apr-98 Ch Patriot’s Stars ‘N’ Stripes, CD, ROM, AD, CGC: Gail McCarthy 12-Apr-92 Baretta Vom Donautal, SCHHI, B, WAC, GHC: Gail Dodd 1-Oct-94 Ondra Vom Binselberg, B, SCHHI, WAC, CGC, ATTS: Luis M. Vazquez 24-Apr-98 Herro Vom Bogenstadt, SchH 3, IPO 3, B, CD, WAC, ZTP: Lori Janes 8-Jun-92 Camden’s Sunshine, CDX, WAC, TDI, CGC: Cathy L. Camden 4-Feb-95 Echo Vom Donautal, CD, B, GHC, WAC, CGC: Sue W. Hall 28-Jun-98 UDC Ch Rebholzer High Intensity, B Brevet, UDC FFB: Desiree Malouin 28-Jun-92 Boss Vom Donautal, TD, T1, B, GSSD Ready-Search: Ricardo Ferado 31-May-95 Ch Kansa’s Intoxicatin’ Aquarius, CD, ROM, CGC, TDI: Julie K. Stade 28-Jun-98 Red Oak’s Blair, AKC-CKC CD, T 1, SchH 1, WAC, HIC, CGC: Ellen Higgins 28-Jun-92 Satan’s Midnight Warrior III, B, SCHHII, AD: Curtis S. Northrup 30-Jun-95 Tika Von Royal Gin, B, UDC ATT, CGC: Nellie Walter & DeDe Beck 18-Jul-98 Willow Von Dynasty, CDX, B, T 1, SchH 1, WAC, ZTP G1A, CGC: Lisa Johnson 5-Jul-92 Phonix Vom Norden Stamm, SCHHIII, CD, TD, FH, WAC: Sue Kelly-Walsh 13-Aug-92 Falkenburgs Illissa V D Nieuwe Loot, B, CGC, ATT: Wolfgang & Claudia Pfirrmann 5-Oct-92 Ch Wiking De Nieuwe Loot Van Stevinhage, IPOI, ZTP: Jack & Ella Kooy and Wolfgang Pfirrmann 15-Oct-92 Inverurey’s French Fantasy, UD, SCHHIII, GHC, WAC, ATT, D-CD: Ellen L. Higgins 25-Oct-92 Prancing Pony Dana V Warlock, CD, TD, B, SCHHI, WH, WAC: Julianne Ferado 10-Nov-92 Gravin Onyx Vom Neerland Stamm, CDX, B, SCHIII, WH, GHC, CGC, TDI: Paulette & G. Price Bethel and Mary Rodgers 23-Nov-92 Copyright Protected Kristoff, CD, T1, SCHHI, ATT: Linda Ann Tobiasz 24-Nov-92 Royolyn Eighteen-Twelve, AM/CAN CD, TD, T1, WAC, SAR: Michelle L. Limoges 4-Apr-93 A Spicy Lady V D Ziegelhaus, TD, T1, ATT, SAR: Shirley M. & David Hammond 26-Aug-93 Eclipse Vom Donautal, B, WAC, CGC: Gail B. Dodd 12-Oct-93 Alexa Vom Donautal, CD, B, SCHHI, WH, GHC, WAC, CGC, ATTS: Sue W. Hall 26-Oct-93 Amaita Von De Aracoururo, B, SCHHI, WAC, CGC, TT: Luis M. Vazquez 12-Apr-96 Ch Bjf A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, CD, TDI,CGC: Jim Briley & Mark & Julie Stade 31-Dec-98 U-CDX Dawn Of Starfire, UD, WAC, CGC: Nancy Brunker 19-Apr-96 Agape’s Seasons Of The Lion, CD, BH, CGC, ATT: Connie Galloway & Mollie Stroff 8-Jan-99 28-Jul-96 Sentinel Spelcaster V Zysing, CD, B, OFA, ATT, CGC: David Stroff & Cathy L. Camden 19-Feb-99 Cerberus Vom Norden Stamm, CD, B, SchH 2, WH, ATTS, CGC, NNDDA: Francis Fayne 23-Dec-96 Yukon Vom Weisen Haus, SchH III, ZTP SG1A, CD, CGC, TDI: Soile 19-Feb-99 AKC Ch Mandolin Bring On The Night, CD, ROM, ATT, CGC: Joannah Davis & I. Annette Williams Jarvenpaa 21-Feb-97 Sentinel’s Specter, B, WAC, CGC: Cathy L. Camden Sentinel’s Merlin, B, WAC, ATTS, CGC, TDI, STT: Cathy L. Camden & David Stroff 27-Feb-99 Noble House Cita Frisco, AKC UD, B, SchH 2, ATT, CGC: Ellen Marchand 15-May-97 U-CD Miss Pegasus Sue, UDX, WAC, CGC: Nancy Brunker 6-Apr-99 U-AGI U-CD Navistar’s QB Sneak v Triadel, Am-Can CD, NA, NAJ, NJ, OA, TT, CGC: Debra Hartzell 17-Sep-97 Red Oak’s Aubrey, AKC-CKC CDX, D-CD, B, TI, SCHH1, GHC, WAC, STT, CGC: Ellen L. Higgins 8-May-99 U-AGI Achates v Moss Hill, BH, NA, NAJ, NJ, WAC, CGC: Peg Mueller 17-Sep-97 Camilla Vom Kaiserhaus, CD, SCHH3, T1, WAC, CGC: Lori Janes 1-Nov-97 WWKC Ch Magenta’s Luckie Ambrosia, B, SchH 1, ZTP V1B: Nellie Walter 29-Nov-97 Ch Sarena’s Shake Rag Jamie, BH, WAC, CGC: Lieselotte & Ray Hookey 28-Feb-98 Cara’s Black Rose Angelina Bahir, CDX, B, NA, CGC: Bruno Klang 28-Feb-98 Allie Vom Kaiserhaus, BH, T1, SchH 1, WAC: Linda C. Kurz & Joseph L. Kurz 28-Feb-98 Delight Of Starfire, CDX, WAC, CGC: Nancy Brunker 6-Jun-99 U-CDX Papageno, Can CD, Am CDX, WAC, ATTS, TDI, CGC: Fred Dunaway 11-Jun-99 IABCAA Int’l. Ch Jag vom Donautal, B, CGC, Certified for K-9 Basic Cadaver Search: Ricardo Ferado 7-Aug-99 Ch BJF Crescendo V Aquarius, CD, ROM: Jill & Art Graves 26-Nov-99 Collinwood’s True Colors, CDX, BH, AX, AGD, WAC, CGC: Linda Ann Leiviska 23-Jun-00 UCD Can Ch Serenity Sherbourg Vondura, TT, TDI, CGC: G. Lynn Winter, DVM 29-Jul-00 Sloothaak, CDX, BH, T1, CGC: Anne Rammelsberg UDC FOCUS 9 All Versatility Companion Dogs (VC) Continued 4-Dec-00 Forgotten Lore of Kimbertal, SchH1, CD, BH, TKII, AD, TT, CGC: Amy Mills 7-Jan-01 Magenta S Hanz v. d. Habichttal, B, SchH1, T2, WAC, ATTS, CGC: Stephen & Joan Koren 27-Jan-01 Rebholzer Live Wire, B, SchH3, T3, CD, WAC, ATT, CGC: Traci Mulligan 27-Jan-01 Montwood Hotspice v Rebholz, BH, T1, D-CD, ATT, CGC: Traci Mulligan & Gary Knights 27-Jan-01 Rebholzer-Rohan Sum’R Siege, BH, SchH 1, WH, WAC, STT, CGC: Traci Mulligan 3-Mar-01 Can Ch Pentium A Dream Within Equinox, Can CD, WAC, CGC: Judy Bohnert & Carla Mai Nissen 15-Apr-06 Ravenswood Aspen Extreme, CKCUKC CD, AKC CDX, OA, AXJ, ATTS, CGC: Beth Szczygiel 23-Mar-03 Morgana’s Forevr Chasin Phonix, SchH 1, CD, WAC, AD, ATT, BH, CGC: Makayla King 28-Jul-07 Giuseppina von Wilhamhoff, BH, WAC, OB-1, CHIC: Marylyn DeGregorio 15-Jun-03 Sentinel’s Diana The Hunter, BH, ATT, ATTS: Cathy L. Camden 26-Jul-03 Elkhaus Ice Storm, CD, BH, WAC, ATT, HIC, CGC: N. Shannon Elkins & Steven Elkins 16-Aug-03 Brigitte Von Moeller Hof, CD, CGC, ATT: Meg Flowers 4-Oct-03 Can Ch Destiny’s Charisma, BH, WAC, ATT: Rose M. Kruser 8-Sep-07 Eric Iberico del Kingsware, BH, TD, TR-1, FH, SchH 1, WAC, TT, CGC: Renee C. Michel 20-Oct-07 General Jack Von Whitedheim, BH, WAC, ATTS, TDI, CGC: Peter J. Lindic 26-Dec-07 Can Ch Trymine Xzotic Flair v Domtom, CD, TT, CGN: Tamara Champagne 26-Dec-07 Bell’Lavoro Discorso Dela Cita, BH, WAC, CGC: Erica Green & Vicky Brachfeld 21-Apr-01 Smokey Joe von Wilhamhoff, SchH 1, CGC: Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio 18-Oct-03 Renejade Bells and Whistles, CDX, ASCA-CD, NA, NAJ, WAC, ATT, CGC: Nancy Gearhard 30-Jun-01 Renejade Rock and Roll, TD, NA, NAJ, OA, OAJ, AXJ, NAC-1, AD-1, WAC, CGC: Linda S. Robertson 20-Mar-04 U-CD Brulans Baron Vom Gravin, CD, WAC, Delta Society AAT: Cindy M. Starley 16-Mar-08 Highland’s Mountain Express, RA, RE, OA, AXJ, ATTS, CGC: Beth Szczygiel 12-Aug-01 Lothlorien The Wizard v. Cara, CD, UDC-ThD, CGC, Hearing Service Dog: Margaret (Peg) Wyse 20-Mar-04 Salmans Eich v Blitzkrieger, AKC-CKC CD, BH, SchH3, Can TT, CGC: Phyllis E. McNaughton 21-Jun-08 Bearcreek Quinnkastra Top Gun, CD, BH, T1, OB3, ATT, ATTS, CGC, WAC: Suzan Shipp 12-Jan-02 Armee Begablten v. Wimmerhaus, BH, SchH 1, ZTP VG 1B, AD: Alvin L. Clemons 17-Jul-04 Sentinel’s Lady of the Lake, CD, BH, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Cathy L. Camden 21-Jun-08 CKC Ch Gentry’s Blackhawk Down, CD, AGNJ, AGI, HIC, CKC TT, CGN, CKC ROM: Caitlin Rathburn 10-Feb-02 U-CD Cris’s Mystic Black Jade, AKC CD, AKC OA & OAJ, NADAC NJ & OA, ASCA GS-N & RS-N, WAC, ATT, HIC, TDI, CGC, FM: Cristina Maxwell 10-Feb-02 Cris’s Black Star Sapphire, AKC CD, ASCA CD, Mex-PC, AKC OA & OAJ, NADAC NA, NG & NJ, ASCA RS-N & JS-N, WAC, HIC, TDI, CGC, LC-10L: Cristina Maxwell 4-Mar-02 U-CD Boris von Rosenhof, SchH 3, FFB VG1A, STT, D-CD, CGC, AD: Anne Rammelsberg 11-Mar-02 Cara’s Matik Gift for Gab, CD, WAC, BH, CGC, ATT, Therapy Dog: Vicky K. Brachfeld 10-May-02 Can Ch Equinox Designer Genes, Can CD, HIC: Judy Bohnert 12-May-02 UCI Natl.-Intl. Jungsten Ch Sentinel’s Excalibur, BH, ATT, Certified Service Dog: Cathy L. Camden 12-May-02 Aesir vom Kollund Kro, BH, SchH 3, IPO 3, WAC, ZTP V1A, CGC: Lori Janes 10-Aug-02 Bonita Von Der Schwarzen Lagune, BH, ZVV 1, SchH 2, IPO 3, TDI, CGC: Vicky K. Brachfeld 24-Aug-02 BJF Renejade Mirror Image, CDX, NA, NAJ, WAC, FFB, BH, ATT: Wendy Schneider & Nancy Christensen 10 21-Feb-03 Odo von Dynasty, CD, WAC, CGC, Delta Society AAT: Margaret T. Flowers UDC FOCUS 9-Jan-05 Cara’s Shining Dark Crystal, CD, WAC, OA, OAJ, BH, SR, SS, NAC, CGC: Carolyn & Ralph Gastley 19-Feb-05 Wittrock’s EEEEEvil EEEEEva, CD, B, WAC, ATT, CGC, Delta Society Therapy Dog: Cheryl Fite & Ross Peterson 12-Mar-05 UCD, UACH Bel-Mar’s I Love Trouble, CD, OA, NAJ, NJP, NAP, NGC, NJC, OJC-V, ATT, CGC: Beth Bishop 25-Jun-05 IABCA Int’l Ch Cameron Capone dei Dohse, CD, BH, WAC, CGC, AD, RE: Cornelia Grabichler 29-Oct-05 DARE’s Terra Firma, CDX, ThD, CGC, TDI, Dog Guide: Laura Holum 8-Mar-08 Elkhaus Entrapment, CD, BH, ATT, CGC: N. Shannon Elkins 30-Nov-08 Bowie’s Semper Fidelis v Dru, CD, WAC, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Kim Somjen, DVM 22-Feb-09 Ascomannis Laevatein, CD-H, RL1, BH, WAC, ATT,ADPR: Laura V. Baugh 22-Feb-09 Ziris Van Schuylenburcht, BH, WAC, CGC, AD: Amanda Shadfoth 16-Mar-09 Ferrara vom Excalibur, BH, SchH2, IPO1, WAC, ADPR: Cornelia Grabichler 6-Sep-09 Citto von der Wudritz, BH, IPO III, TDI, CGC: Vicky K. Brachfeld 6-Sep-09 UKC Ch, UKC CD D’Lano’s Guns N’ Roses, WAC,ATTS,TDI, CGC, RN: Linda Rusinko & Deborah Otlano 26-Dec-05 Bell’Lavoro La Vittoria Dolce, CD, WAC, TDI, CGC: Salvatore Ceraldi & Vicky Brachfeld 6-Sep-09 UDC Ch Cicily vom Koby Haus, BH, BSB-E3A: Jim & Janis Toman 18-Feb-06 Bell’Lavoro Aleksia Nano, BH, WAC, CGC: Kristin Roberts & Vicky Brachfeld 6-Feb-10 CKC Ch Seven’s Strekoza Pennylane, RA, TT, ROMC: Leah Hamaluk 15-Apr-06 IABCAA Nat’l Jugend Ch JBars Portia Kye In The Sky, CD, BH, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, TDI, CGC: Linda Kye 6-Feb-10 Aurora’s Jetta, CD, RA, NAC, VADC, VSGDC, AGNS, AGIJ, CGC, CGN, ThD: Leah Hamaluk 15-Apr-06 IABCAA Int’l Ch, UKC Ch JBars Schatzi Windwalker, CD, BH, T1, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, TDI, CGC: Larry Kye 6-Feb-10 Ch Gentry’s Beck ‘N’ Call, CGN, CD, RN, RAMCL, TT, ROM: Caitlin Rathburn 15-Apr-06 Redlion Fu Z Mu Z Wuza Bear, CD, NJP, TDI, CGC, RAE2, RL3, RL2X, RL1X, ARCH, CD-H: Deborah Stevenson 6-Feb-10 Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya, BH, SchH1, IPO2, VPG3, CD, CGC, RN, WAC: Brandi Williams 9-May-10 Bell’Lavoros Primo Diamante Rio, BH, WAC, ATT, CGC, ThD: Marie Iulo All Versatility Companion Dogs (VC) Continued 9-May-10 Cara’s Thorny Issue, BH, WAC, ATT, CHIC, CGC: Jeffrey Saporito 17-Oct-10 UKC Ch Cara’s Hot Mama, BH, WAC, ATT, CGC: Linda & Peter Lindic 10-Dec-11 Legard’s Batman, CD, BH, TT, TR2, WH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Janet G. Smith 07-Apr-92 Ch Lothlorien’s High Elven Rune, UDT, ROM,SCHHI, TDI, CGC: Bunny Lanning 03-Apr-99 UDC Ch Renejade Windsor v Jazlin, CD, BH, SchH 3, WAC, ZTP VG 1A, AG II, CGC: Nancy Christensen 20-Jul-03 UDC Ch Destiny’s Sunshine Santino, SchH1, AFFB, WAC, ATT, CGC: Janis & Jim Toman 30-May-92 Am/Can Ch Black Oak Country N Western, Am/Can CD, TD, T1, ROM, CGC: Linda Suligoy 10-Apr-99 Can Ch Wittrock’s Cascadian Tiger, CD, TD, WAC, B, CGC, SAR-Dog: Michelle Limoges 06-Jan-04 Can/UDC Ch Wittrock’s Zzzzzaaron, CD, AD, B, ATT, WAC, T1: Bonnie Wittrock 14-Aug-92 Ch Henrike V. D. Nieuwe Loot, CD, B, T2, SCHHI, CGC: Wolfgang and Claudia Pfirrmann 08-May-99 Can Ch Cara’s Color of Night, U-CD, CKC CDX, BH, SchH A, ATT, STT, ATTS, CGC: Sue Morrissey 06-Jan-04 Am/Can/UDC Ch U-GrCh, U-Ag1 Talent’s Supersonic, CD, BH, NA, NAP, ROM, CGC: Peg Mueller 20-Oct-92 Ch Destiny’s Special Blessing, Am/ Can CD, B, ROM, TDI, TH.D, ATT, CGC: Carole Bohanan-Uhler and John Uhler 03-Jul-99 Ch Teeco’s Night Hawk, CD, ROM, CGC, TDI, NGC, NJC: Laura Hulke 01-Feb-04 Ch UCDX Smack-Dab’s Diamond in the Myst, CDX, BH, ROM, UKC Total Dog: Karen Gunter All Versatility Companion X Dogs (VCX) 08-Nov-93 Am/Can Ch Cara’s Talon, Am/Can CD, B, ROM, CGC: Bonnie Wittrock 09-May-94 Ch Findjan’s Outrage, CD, ROM, GHC, CGC, ATT: Nancy E. Christensen 29-Jun-94 AKC-CKC Ch Destiny’s Windflower, AKC-UDC CD, B, ROM, ATT, TDI: Carole Bohanan-Uhler 10-Mar-95 Ch Cara’s Valar Lothlorien, CDX, BH, ATT, TDI, TH.D., CGC: Bunny Lanning and Ray Carlisle 31-May-95 Am/Can/UKC, SKC, Ch U-CDX Ravenswoods High Performance, CDX, ROM, B, Can CDX, CGC, TT, VCX: Cindy Noland 11-Aug-95 Ch BJF Much Ado About Nothing, CD, CGC, TDI, AG 1-2, ROM: Kathy and Mike Horniman 28-Feb-98 D-Ch Branwen Vom Haus Kurz, BH, NA, AD, NJC, TT: Linda C. Kurz & Joseph L. Kurz 28-Feb-98 Finnish Ch Belmont Vom Norden Stamm, CD, JK2, ZTP, CGC, TT: Soile Jarvenpaa & Elina Jarvinen 24-Apr-98 Am/Can Ch Gold Grove High Chaparral, Am/Can CD, CGC, BH, ROM: Sharon A. White 06-Sep-98 Ch Sarena’s Shake Rag Jamie, CDX, BH, ROM, VC, CGC, TDI, FFB: Lieselotte & Ray Hookey 06-Sep-98 Can Ch Cara’s Alisa, CD, WAC, UDC, ATT, FFB, BH, CGC, TDI: Rose M. Kruser 15-Oct-98 Am-Can Ch LeMils Lethal Weapon, Am-Can CD, Am-Can ROM, TT, TDI, CGC: Penny Cary 08-Mar-99 Ch Patriot’s Stars N Stripes, CD, ROM, FFB V1B, AD, CGC, 1st Level Certified-Search Dogs NE: Gail McCarthy 05-Aug-99 UDC-AKC Ch Mandolin Bring On The Night, CD, ROM, CGC, ATT, FFB V1A: Joannah Davis & I. Annette Williams 31-Dec-99 Can Ch Destiny’s Man on a Mission, CD, WAC, BH, SchH 2, T 1, ATT: Carole Bohanan-Uhler 08-Jul-00 AKC/UDC Ch BJF Crescendo v Aquarius, CDX, ROM, BH, T-1, ATT, CGC: Jill & Art Graves 08-Jul-00 Ch BJF Sonata v. Aquarius, NA,NAJ, ROM, CGC, FD, FDX, FDCH: Jessica Wilcock, DVM 21-Apr-01 Ch Pentium A Dream Within Equinox, Can CDX , AKC CD, WAC, HIC, CGC, TT: Judy Bohnert & Carla Mai Nissen 20-Mar-04 AKC-UDC Ch, IABCA Int. Ch Mt. Windsor’s After Burn, CD, BH, ATT, ROM, ATTS: Nancy M. Troyer 03-Jul-05 UDC/UKC/Int’l. Ch Cross the Rubicon dob Mann, CD, TDI, WAC, ATT, TT, CGC: Irina Sasu 29-Aug-05 Am/Int’l. Ch Rhapsody’s Passage to India, RN, CD, ROM, TDI, YTT, CGC: Irina Sasu 29-Oct-05 UDC Ch Mandolin The Heat Is On, CD, BH, SchH1, WAC, ATT, CGC, RN: Joannah Davis 29-Oct-05 AKC/UDC Ch Imagemaker’s Plezed Ta Meecha, CD, ROM, ATT, CGC, RN: Sandi Atkinson 11-Mar-02 Ch U-AG2 Montwoods Kira of Delcrest, CD, OA, OAJ, ROM, NAC, NJC, FFB V1A, TT, CGC: Debra Hartzell 25-Feb-06 UDC/Can Ch Destiny’s Charisma, UDC/Can CD, AKC CDX, IPO3, SchH3, WAC, G-FFB V1A: Rose M. Kruser 12-Apr-02 Am/Int’l/UDC/UKC Ch U-CDX Hillco’s Texas Blazing Star, AKC-ASCA CDX, BH, ROM, OB2, AD, D-CD, D-FFB VG1A, TDI, ThD, CGC, ATT, TT, HIC, VCX: Irina Sasu 08-Apr-06 Ch Bell’Lavoros Dio Di Giove, BH, ThD, CGC, ZTP1A: Vicky Brachfeld & Dean Calderon 05-Oct-02 Ch Anrich Dreamkeeper of Saxony, TT, CDX, BH, AD, ATT, CGC: Diana and Gordon Shore 30-Dec-02 Am/Intl/Intl Baby/Natl. Jugend/UKC Ch Talent’s Classic, BH, AKC/UKC CD, ASCA CDX, ROM, OB2, CGC, AD, TDI, ATT, TT, HIC, VCX: Irina Sasu 26-Apr-03 AKC/CKC Ch Alisaton Aurora Borealis, AKC UD, CKC CDX, D-CD, BH, OB2, ASCA CD, ROM, CGC: Pam Burns 26-Apr-03 Ch Cara’s Queen Of The Night, CKC UD, D-CD, BH, WAC, ATT, CGC, Can TT: Susan Simeon & Ray Carlisle 20-Jul-03 DV Ch Alexa vom Bernecker Schloss, VPG1, FH2, AD, ZTP V1A: Elaine Brown-Galonska & May Jacobson 15-Apr-06 UDC Ch/Int’l Ch Rhapsody’s Integrity, CD, RA, ATT, FFB, WAC, CGC: Irina Sasu 30-Oct-06 UDC-UKC Ch Come As You Are Inelya Renejade, AKC CD, ATT, WAC, CGC, RA: Nancy Christensen 12-Jan-07 UDC / Intl. Ch Elkhaus Ice Storm, CD, BH, WAC, ATT, HIC, CGC, G-FFB, T1, VC: N. Shannon Elkins 05-Feb-07 UDC Ch Bell’Lavoros Rocca Scura, BH, T1, IPO 2, WAC, ATT, RThD, CGC: Mary Chrusciel 28-Jul-07 Am/Can/UKC Ch Sasanoa Glorious, WAC, RN, Can TD, ROMC, PCD, CGC, TT, TDI: Evelyn Stackpole, Penny Cary and Hosea Carpenter 28-Jul-07 UDC Ch Swift Run Showstopper v Kkro, BH, WAC, ATT, BSA E1A, CGC: Tammy Marshall-Weldon UDC FOCUS 11 All Versatility Companion X Dogs (VCX) 08-Mar-08 Ch Gem’Giveeon Lumene, CD, BH, SchH1, NA, NAJ, AFN, WAC, ATT, BSB, CGC: Debra Hartzell 30-Nov-08 UDC Ch Bell’Lavoros Nero Strega, BH, WAC, ATT, ZTP IA, RThD, CGC: Vicky Brachfeld 06-Feb-10 UDC, UKC Ch Beja’s Sorella Suzy Q, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, ADA CAC, CHIC: Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio 21-Jun-08 UDC/IABCAA/Int’l/UKC Ch JBars Schatzi Windwalker, CD, BH, T2, FFB VG1A, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, WAC, TDI, CGC: Larry Kye 31-Jan-09 UDC Ch Lemils Dynamite Kiss, CD, BH, WAC, ATT, TDI, CGC: Joannah Davis 09-May-10 UDC Ch Tri-Star’s Avalon Sunset, OA, AXJ, NF, WAC, ATT, CGC: Laura Hulke 21-Jun-08 UDC Ch General Jack Von Whitedheim, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, TDI, CGC, VC: Peter J. Lindic 31-Aug-08 UDC Ch Bell’Lavoro Augustus, BH, FH1, SchH3, IPO3, AKC WD3, WAC, ATT, ZTP 1B, CGC, VCX: Sean Salke 06-Sep-09 AKC/UKC Ch D’Lano’s Make My Day Traditions, RA, NAJ, ROM, ATTS, CGC: Deborah Otlano 06-Sep-09 AKC Ch, UKC GrCh Zima Is Mine Always, ROM, CD, RN, CGC, ATTS, TDI, CGC: Deborah Otlano 17-Oct-10 UDC Ch Cicily vom Koby Haus, BH, WAE, ATT, BSB-E3A, CGC: Jim & Janis Toman 24-Sep-11 UDC & UKC Ch Cara’s Hot Mama, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS-TT, CGC, VC: Linda & Peter Lindic 23-Oct-09 UDC Ch , UKC Ch Gravin Vera V. Neerlands Stam, CD, RN, WAC, CGC: Lynda L. Herndon These listings are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as constituting recommendations of the United Doberman Club. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of the information. Buyers should educate themselves regarding puppy selection and check all matters relating to AKC registration, health, quality, and stud agreements with the breeders, sellers, or stud owners before making decisions. The United Doberman Club accepts no responsibility for transactions that may result from the use of this information. Lothlorien Sire: BJF Gunnar-Red Dog Red Titles: Ch, Sch 1, ROM, T1, BH, ZTP V1A Health Test Information: Cardio - 03/05/2011, 10/2011 DPCA423/ 129M/C-NOPI-ECHO WSU Normal, 24hr Holter March 31, 2011 Normal 0 VPC DNA PDK4 Negative. Hips - 05/30 2008 DP 12799F34MVPI Fair, German HD 1A. Cerf - #DP1955N/2007-28. VWd DNA clear. Dam: Blue Chip Reign of Fire Titles: Ch, D- Ch, ROM, BH, CD, RE, OB1 Health Test Information: Cardio - 06/24/2011 Normal Echo, PdK4 DNA Negative. Thyroid - Ages 24mo. & 52mo. Normal OFA DP-TH632/52F-VPI. Hips - OFA Excellent DP-13154E25F-VPI. Cerf #DP1963/2007-9. VWd DNA Affected. Breeder: Bunny Lanning & Christine Spiniello Date Whelped: September 19, 2011, black and reds Kennel Name: Lothlorien Contact: Bunny Lanning Address: Murray, KY 42071 USA Phone: 270-436-2529 Cell 270-227-3270 Email: [email protected] Chalmar Sire: Eiko vom Landgraf Titles: ScH3, ZTP1A, AD, GCG Health Test Information: Hips HD-1 (Excellent Germany) MSU Thyroid Normal, CERF, Holter clear 0 VPC’s, DCM PDK4 Negative, vWD Clear, BBDD Dam: Gamy vd Burgstatte Titles: ScH3, AD ZTP1a Health Test Information: VWD clear, thyroid normal, holter clear. hips HD-2 cerf normal, elbows normal Breeder: May Jacobson & Debbie Zappia Kennel Name: Chalmar Contact: May Jacobson & Debbie Zappia Address: Sudbury MA 01776, USA Phone: 978.579.9933 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Masaya Sire: Bruno vom Wüstensturm Titles: ScH3 Health Test Information: OFA/DV Hips Good, OFA Elbows Normal, Cardiac Normal (Holter), vWD Clear Dam: Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya Titles: (5X) IPO III, PSA-PDC, CD, RN, WAC, CGC Health Test Information: Hips OFA Good, Echo/ holter Normal, Vwd Clear, Thyroid Normal, CERF normal Breeder: Brandi Williams Date Expected: Ultrasound shows 8-9 . I expect all black Kennel Name: Masaya Dobermans Contact: Brandi Williams Address: Louisville, KY 40150 USA Phone: 832.860.5251 Email [email protected] Web Site: UDC Breeding/Litter Announcements are a great way to get the word out about a planned breeding or a litter of puppies. For only $10, your breeding/ litter announcement will be posted on UDC-Official and listed on the UDC website for 60 days (may be renewed for another 60 days for an additional $10). Our website receives over 80,000 hits each month, so it provides extraordinary exposure. In addition, announcements will be listed in the next issue of the UDC FOCUS. Please remember that ALL litter announcements on UDC-OFFICIAL must be paid announcements. You must complete the Litter Announcement form (on the website) and mail with a check payable to United Doberman Club to: Leslie Carpenter 369 N. Fallsview Lane Wake Forest, NC 27587. Once your payment is received we will post your litter announcement to the web, and to UDC-OFFICIAL. Your announcement will also be listed in the next edition of the UDC Focus. UDC litter announcements are for MEMBERS ONLY. 12 UDC FOCUS Central Valley Schutzhund Club’s Trial by: Erynn Lucas FOREWORD By Linda Lindic As United Doberman Member Club Secretary, I am pleased to report the wonderful job our UDC Member Clubs are doing! Central Valley Doberman Club is the newest UDC Member Club – forming in August of 2011 and located in Riverbank, CA. Central Valley Doberman Club joins the Redwood Working Dobermanns Club, located in Santa Rosa, CA. providing our United Doberman California members two UDC Member Clubs in their local. The following article by Erynn Lucas reports on their first UDC Trial which was held on December 17-18, 2011. L et me first say that I am so grateful for all the support our club got from people in the region!!! Obviously these things can’t happen on their own. From entrants to spectators to just well-wishers, I am glad to be a part of the Doberman and SchH communities. The weekend was a full one with the Stanislaus SchH Club (SSC) having its trial Friday night and Saturday morning and our club trial on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. We shared UScA judge Warren Jones whom we kept very busy between the two trials. The SSC trial had 4 BHs, 2 SchH1s, 1 SchH2, 2 SchH3s, 2 FH1s and 4 StPr1s (an article find degree). The BHs had the only two Dobermans in the trial. Both were handled by Wendy Schmitt (only 2 dogs per trial can be entered and she had 2 entries for our trial as well). All BHs passed that night. The SchH dogs were all GSDs and it just wasn’t a good night to be entered for SchH. Only 2 dogs passed overall and both were in the 70s for protection so they have to repeat the degree. The high in trial was a VERY nice lady who has a blast with her dog. The FHs both passed, with a Rottweiler going at 98 points!! The StPrs are degrees that may start to see some gaining in popularity. It is done on a highly contaminated field and the dog must find articles and indicate them. They can track, air scent or quarter as long as they are dedicated and directable. All 4 StPr1s passed the test. I am hoping to get a friend who is actively participating in those events to do an article on these degrees. the Rottweiler IPO World Championships in Italy this year where he got 10th place! AWD titles cannot transfer from SchH3, or IPO3 to AWD3 though. The entrant has to go all the way back to AWD1 before moving on to AWD2. The next pair on the field was the Incredible team. Incredible Courage (Cowboy) and Incredible Chanel (Basia) who are littermates. Cowboy was teaming with drive and some of it spilled over. He sure had a good time though and still passed with 78. His sister had a great night and put forth a very nice routine and achieved 90 points! My little midget, Eva dei Dohse , and I along with Wendy with Eiko vom Landgraf brought up the end of obedience. Eiko was on point that night and only had tiny little issues. He got high obedience with a V score of 96. Eva… who is still my heart girl and the old lady of the bunch was not to be left behind, but she had just a little too much caffeine apparently. Still, with her quick movements she came away with 93 points. For Saturday night we had the IPO dogs’ obedience and protection. We had 1 IPO1 entry, 1 AWD1 entry (think old school SchH degree and our token Rottweiler) and 4 IPO3 entries. The IPO1 dog’s owner was extremely nervous as this was her first real trial and she just lost control of her dog. The dog, Lacey von Luka, left the field so was disqualified. It ended up being a very good learning experience as nobody was mad, nobody died and the sun still came up the next day. Lacey and her handler will be back next time and try again. The AWD1 dog gave a very spirited performance though and got 95! This particular Rottweiler, Imo vom Riegelhaus, was the lone American team member for © Patti Garcia After they were done with the StPr degrees the SSC trial was concluded and the Dobermans took the stage. For us Californians, this was one of the coldest weekends so far this year. The lows were in the low 30s and the highs were in the 50s. Brrrrr! We also had a lot of fog over the weekend so the air was very damp as well. “Pepper” - Wingate’s First Lady with Susan Hood UDC FOCUS 13 © Patti Garcia © Patti Garcia “Basia” - Incredible Chanel with Marie Miller “Atom” - Oppenhiemer’s Atom Bomb von Luka and handler John Bravo ON TO PROTECTION!!! four feet off the ground. Of course, it was FREEZING out, so most of us were huddled around the fire a ways off, but I could still hear the power and he was definitely impressing the judge. Eiko took home high protection that night with another V score of 98 points! Hot damn! As the IPO1 dog was disqualified, she did not get to do protection, but the AWD1 team had a very fun and boisterous performance and got pronounced and 85 points. Incredible Chanel (Basia) was the first female to go with her handler, Marie, and she showed huge power in her behavior and huge grips. She had a little trouble with the blinds at night on a strange field and got out of position occasionally through the routine, but still got a great score of pronounced with 94 points. Afterwards, the judge told her owner that if she got the minor control issues taken care of, she could be a bitch that achieves 100 points in protection. What a compliment! Next was Incredible Courage’s (Cowboy) turn. His drive in the obedience showed again when he also brought tons of power to the work. Awesome grips and super guarding led him to a V score of 96 points!!! As I understand it, that was the second time in 2 weeks that he has V’ed in protection. Way to go! Eiko and Wendy came next and turned in another very powerful and precise routine. Eiko’s bark and hold is a fun thing to watch as he is right in the helper’s face with all 14 UDC FOCUS Admittedly, I was not so excited to have to follow this group. Each score had gotten better. All that “young” power. Eh, my girl is so fun and spunky though we hit the field to give it a go anyways. My little pocket rocket, was not to be left behind the field! Somehow her secondary obedience was still pretty good despite being retired and she showed pretty good grips. I was over the top excited when the judge gave her score of 94 points! Warren Jones kept commenting on how these Dobermans were going to ruin his credibility with the GSDs, but he had to give credit where credit was due. He even commented that this could have been a national championship with the quality of work he was seeing. Next morning we hit the tracking fields. The conditions were pretty good and the tracklayers were able. Starting us off was the AWD1 dog (which incidentally was the FH dog of the SSC trial with 98 points). Two days in a row of tracking and he still got a V score of 97! I drew first blood for the IPO3 tracks. Eva did a very good job with just minor mistakes and got a 94!! Just a little distracted at the end with a false indication. I gave her a whoooooole bunch of cookies when we got to the car. Basia drew second and again showed a very nice performance with just minor issues and got a 95!!! Eiko took third and was super precise on all turns and legs to show another V score of 96! Cowboy drew last pick. He had a few problems going through but made it to the end. Unfortunately, he either stamped the last article in to the dirt, a critter ran away with it, or it just got up and walked away on its own, but we were unable to recover the last article. Warren had to give his handler the choice of taking the hit on points as there was no article to indicate, thus no indication, or he could opt for a retrack. They went with the retrack. Well, Cowboy decided that just one track was all he really wanted to do that day, so unfortunately they didn’t pass. To end the tracking we had an FH1 and an FH2 to run. The FH1 dog (GSD) navigated well and made it to the end of the track. He was a rocket off the articles though so he lost some points there but still got 94 points! Wendy with Covae vom Landgraf was the FH2 and just for fun they decided to run it without any leash what-soever. The first couple legs had some problems while Covae settled in to the track. She also missed at least one article somewhere during the 2000 paces. Still, even naked she got a good score of 84 points! Back at the clubhouse the two BHs came on the field. Oppenhiemer’s Atom Bomb von Luka (who had lots of relatives out there that weekend) and Wingate’s First Lady (yes a show girl!!!) did great jobs and both passed with flying colors. The temperament portion was no problem for either one as well. Lastly we did 1 StPr1 and 3 StPr2s to end the trial, all GSDs. Unfortunately, one StPr2 didn’t quite have searching in mind for the day’s activities, but the rest passed. At the end of the trial, judge Warren Jones was laughing when he said, “The Dobermann is alive and well and flourishing in California”. All throughout the trial Warren gave excellent critiques and explanations about some of the rule changes that are about to take place. He always had a smile and worked like a machine all weekend. Thank you Warren! So to summarize: Annette Buse with Lacey von Luka IPO1 – DQ Marlene Ferguson with Imo vom Riegelhaus (Rott) – AWD1 – 97/95/85 “a” – high tracking Marie Miller with Incredible Chanel – IPO3 – 95/90/94 Patrick O’Connor with Incredible Courage – IPO3 – 0/78/96 “a” Wendy Schmitt with Eiko vom Landgraf – IPO3 – 96/96/98 “a” – high obedience, high protection, HIT Erynn Lucas with Eva dei Dohse – IPO3 – 94/93/94 “a” Patti Garcia with Butcher von der Mittelmeer (GSD) – FH1 – 94 Wendy Schmitt with Covae vom Landgraf – FH2 – 84 Ginna Amoranto with Yukon 2 Eurosportn (GSD) – StPr1 -94 © Patti Garcia Geri Lempner with Pax von der Mohnweise (GSD and Jim Lempner’s dog now handled by his wife) – StPr2 – 80 “Eiko” - Eiko vom Landgraf with Wendy Schmitt Patti Garcia and Butcher von der Mittelmeer (GSD) – StPr2 – 89 Sally Brown with Roxy (GSD) – StPr2 – 60 Thanks to everyone for making this a great trial!!! UDC FOCUS 15 --von Moeller Hof-th Happy 12 Birthday, Arras! Arras von Moeller Hof SchH III, IPO II, RH-1, CD, U-CD, AFFB SG1A Quinna had a busy 2011! Quinna vom Aurachgrund IPO 1, TR2, OB2, ZTP SG1A Look for details of our upcoming summer breeding on our website: j.m.Dohse ‘11 16 UDC FOCUS Chris Rasmussen: [email protected] “Stop or I’ll Send in the Dog” by Tiffany Mahaffey, First Stryk Dobermanns E ven though I’ve been a search and rescue dog handler for almost 15 years now and I’ve had the pleasure of training a number of dogs of various, non-traditional breeds (my first was a Boxer, then a Rhodesian Ridgeback and it’s been Dobes ever since) who all had their own individual temperaments, learning and drive styles as well as different levels and types of drive for the job; but I’ve learned the most from working with police canine trainers over the course of the past decade. To quote some of the statements I hear most often from individuals, is that police canines are “off the chain, crazy hard-fighting dogs.” I’ll admit it, some can be. But l have had the pleasure of working with a variety of breeds from the standard GSDs and Mals to your more “non-traditional” breeds such as Rotties and Dobes. And what I’ve learned from these trainers, their dogs and the handlers has helped me in my chosen field of search and recovery. It’s important to note that through all the frustration and learning curves of training a wide variety of dogs, the ONLY thing that was consistent between all of them was ME. What I had needed to learn was that I had to adapt my training styles, motivational techniques and rewards in order to accomplish my ultimate goal of certifying my dog (some were live find, others were human remains). Ultimately, I think learning how to read and train a variety of breeds, drive types and levels helped me to become a better handler and trainer, but I learned those things in ways that were unique and outside the box by traditional SAR standards. I learned them from watching, participating and handling police dogs. If I had to choose the one thing that I learned from police dogs and their trainers/handlers that most impacted my training and breeding philosophies; it would be about drive. Notice that I said “about” drive, not that I learned “what” drive was. The difference, subtle though it may be, is that drive is not universal even though we like to think it is. Like conformation, everyone seems to have a different definition and/or understanding of drive(s) – a different “eye” so to speak. A SAR dog handler’s definition of a “high” drive dog is different from that of a schutzhund handler. And drive is more than the desire to work or what motivates the dog. We all talk about prey drive, hunt drive, defense drive, fight drive, ball drive and the like. But, do we all truly understand each of these drives or the interplay amongst them? UDC FOCUS 17 Some SAR handlers are fixated on hunt drive, so much so that it is the only drive they consider when evaluating a potential prospect. But, like the old saying about ‘the forest for the trees,’ when you are looking for only one type of drive or for only one dominate type of drive within a dog; you may be missing the interplay of the other drives which can make the dog just as successful in their venue. I learned this lesson first hand by watching police canines work some impossible (or so I would have thought) scenarios. As an important side note, although, I haven’t conducted any official research, the information relayed in the remainder of this article is based upon my personal observations and anecdotal evidence. When people are describing an “off the chain” police canine, what they are really describing is dog with a singleminded purpose. A dog who has that single, dominant drive. During these impossible scenarios, yes, the “off the chain” dog found the bad guy. But the manner in which they did it was disjointed, frenzied. It reminded me of a blitz attack (no pun intended). It was a kind of thought process like ‘if I cover enough ground fast enough then I will smell them!’ Trademarks owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.,Vevey, Switzerland. Printed in U.S.A. However, their process may have had a suitable outcome in that the bad guy was found, but the hunt drive seemed Your dog is a credit to his breed. So are your weight circles. Make a difference for your breed by joining Purina® Pro Club® and participating in the Purina® Parent Club Partnership Program. You’ll help support breed-specific health studies through the Canine Health Foundation, educational outreach and rescue efforts that help enable your breed to live long, healthy and strong. Join today. Call 877-776-2582, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, Mon.-Fri. or visit 18 UDC FOCUS to overwhelm the brain; the search was not controlled and therefore took longer. The dog was mentally and physically exhausted afterward and their ability to transition from hunt to escort (without biting) was severely limited. In other words, the dog’s recovery period (the time in which it takes the brain to ‘kick back in’) was much longer. These were the dogs who would go through (and I do mean THROUGH) anything to reach the assailant. I have known several of these types of dogs who have, unfortunately, killed themselves in the line of duty because the single-mindedness of their desire to hunt down the bad guy resulted in, quite literally, leaping without looking. But, compare this to the dogs which transitioned between the different drives as they worked…the outcome was the same – bad guy located – but the ability to transition (i.e. recover) and move on to the next problem or situation as well as their ability to control their own drives greatly reduced the time needed to search and resulted in more finds in less time. These dogs thought the problem out. They located the parameters of the scent cone; they tested the strength of the odor; they proceeded to apprehend the assailant without injuring or killing themselves. How does this apply to search work? Particularly in the field of Human Remains (HR), when every search has the potential to be a crime scene until ruled otherwise by the coroner, a dog which searches in a frenzied manner runs the risk of disturbing evidence, harming the body and more. As civilian handlers, we assume a greater level liability with less legal protection than uniformed LEOs. Everything we and our dogs do must be 100 percent above board and beyond reproach. I personally prefer a SAR dog who exhibits the same traits as a police canine – strength of character, self-assuredness, high confidence, independent thinking and high drive – but who has the ability to transition between the different types of drive with a quick recovery period and is adaptable. Although subtle, observing how these elite canine officers work and watching the small changes in body language as they go from prey drive (initial onset of the search) to hunt drive (the working through the scent cone) to fight drive (apprehension) to ball/play drive (reward) has given me an appreciation for the complexities of canine drives and the interconnectedness of how every drive works with the others. In SAR, we tend to steer clear of prey and fight drives and focus on hunt and play. But, I think, we’re missing some very valuable skills that our dogs may have by ignoring their natural inclination to transition and expecting them to work in only one or two types of drive. I believe that a well-rounded canine partner is one who has wellrounded drives. I don’t claim to understand it fully but what I have learned from police canines is that sometimes the ability to transition between these drive types can be the difference between finding a bad guy and finding a couple of them. Or, in the case of SAR work, finding a body or a body and blood splatter…and being happy to keep looking. T by Linda Kurz, United Doberman Club President his FOCUS issue is devoted to the UDC Fall IPO Classic. The 2011 Fall IPO Classic was held on October 1, 2011 in Fitchburg, MA. This was the second annual Fall IPO Classic. The first Fall IPO Classic was held in Topeka, KS. In 2013, the 3rd Annual Fall IPO Classic will be held in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky on Sunday, September 29th. The Fall IPO Classic is a United Doberman Club IPO Trial that is held in conjunction with the DPCA National. This gives UDC Members an opportunity to trial their dogs at two “National Level” competitions; in spring, at the UDC Nationals and in fall at the Fall IPO Classic. We have often heard from our members who live in the northern states that it is difficult to get a dog ready for a National taking place in the early spring. Having two National IPO competitions gives our members more opportunities to title their dogs. UDC FOCUS 19 W by one of our breed survey judges. The purpose of this project is to familiarize UDC and DPCA members with the breed survey procedures so they will know exactly what to expect. We hope that this will encourage more to participate. The breed survey rules are available on the UDC website at; The next DPCA national is one not to miss for another reason. Several events that would recognize working dogs on a national level and several seminars concerning working dogs health and character are in planning stages. The exact form these events will take is not yet clear but announcements will be made when a firm schedule is available. Talks are presently underway with DPCA for events at the 2012 DPCA national and for other cooperative efforts to promote working Dobermans. The schedule is for the IPO trial to be held on Saturday Sept 29 and the UDC Breed Survey to be held Sunday afternoon September 30. The DPCA national will be held at Ft. Mitchell, KY but these associated UDC events will take place at a local Schutzhund club. We will promote the UDC Breed Survey this spring. Jim Toman and the Tri-State Doberman Club are producing a video of the breed survey with commentary It takes the work and dedication of many individuals to have a successful event. I want to take this opportunity to give special thanks to Sherry Beck who graciously stepped-up to take on the job of doing the ribbons and trophies after the sudden death of Laura Hulke. I also want to thank Carol Maxell for transporting the trophies and ribbons and communicating the events results and Robin Todd who distributed the Fall IPO Classic Logo T-Shirts to the competitors. And of course, Trial Chair May Jacobson and Trial Secretary Pat Murphy Cornelius. Alissa Weaver & Dru’s Portia D’aurelia Cara’s On The Edge © Traci Mulligan e acknowledge DPCA’s commitment to aid the UDC financially by providing funds to support the Fall IPO trials for a three year period. We look forward to showcasing our breeds’ working abilities at these events and educating other Doberman enthusiasts in the IPO dog sport. We are also pleased that AKC has approved that Doberman specialties may now offer a working dog conformation class for dogs titled in IPO. Please encourage and support your specialty clubs in offering this class. Additionally, DPCA is now accepting a BH as a ROM requirement for performance. Thanks again to the DPCA for supporting and encouraging the working ability of our beloved breed. 20 UDC FOCUS Jean Dark High Love © Traci Mulligan Black Jax’s Bits of Insolence Kjersti Daabakk UDC FOCUS 21 Scores Dog Name Sasanoa Early Edition Can CD Dog 10/8/08. AKC Reg # WS28077001. Handler: Carol Crosby. Ch. Wyndem n’ Rahdy’s Lucky Strike x Ch. Sasanoa Rhythm and Blues Owner BH A B C Carol Crosby & Michael Crosby Total TSB Place PASS OB 3 Incredible Caper v Rebholz OB2 SchA SJ Bitch 9/19/06. UDC Reg # 1300400. Handler: Owner. Ch. F’Hiram Abif Traci Mulligan Royal Bell IPO 1 FR Brevet X Tahi Reme X-Treme BH IPO 2 Gunnar Red Dog Red SchH1. Dog 7/22/05. ACK Reg Wayne Tartaglia #WS14507202. Handler: Wayne Tartaglia. Ch. BJF The & May Jacobsen Ransom of Red Chief x CH BJF Willow in the Wind Black Jax’s Bits of Insolence SchH1. Bitch 1/26/07. Nor. Reg. # N04869/07. Handler: Owner. Livonijas Baron Heart Kjersti Daabakk of Hamlet x Black Jax’s A Touch of Organza IPO 3 Cara’s On The Edge IPO3 WD1 Dog 3/6/05. UDC Reg # 1246300. Handler: Owner. Cara’s on the Sly x Cara’s Ray Carlisle Fire Fly Bell-Lavoros Augustus Sch3 IPO3 WD3 FH1. Dog 9/29/02. AKC Reg # WR07294305. Handler: Owner. Sean E. Salke GinoGomez Del Citone Sch3 FH x Cara’s Matick Gift for Gab Sch3 FH1 UDC Ch Chaos Vom Koby Haus Sch3 IPO3 AD FH2. Dog 5/1/2006. UDC Reg # 1403400. Handler: Owner. Loel Turpin UDC Ch Destiny’s Sunshine Santiro Sch3 IPO3 x Koby vom Aurachgrund Sch3, WD3 FH2 Bejas Winning Hand Blackjack Sch3. Dog 9/11/07. AKC Reg # WS23625503. Handler:Owner. Bell’Laavoros Patricia Viola Augustus Sch3 IPO3 WD3 FH1 x Cara’s Katrina Jean Dark High Love Sch3. Dog 2/25/06. Swed. Reg. #S24488/2006. Handler:Owner. Dalli Come as You Are x Smart Wood Hills L’Oreal Ha’Ras Brenna. Bitch 10/19/04. UDC Reg. #13539-00. Owner/Handler: Owner. Alfred Vom Haus Mann x Evita vom Dragonerrich 22 UDC FOCUS High OB PU — 0 180 71 85 84 240 A 4 97 74 80 251 G vh 3 40 62 92 194 M A — 45 74 88 207 M A — 15 81 0 96 M — — Kjersti Daabakk 83 93 82 258 G A 2-High OB HOT Ali Baker 98 70 92 260 G A 1 - High track High Prot HIT Dru’s Portia d’Aurelia IPO3 TR3. Bitch 9/2/04. UDC Reg Alissa Weaver # 1252300. Handler: Owner — 90 88 G © Traci Mulligan Sean Salke & Bell-Lavoros Augustus © Traci Mulligan Traci Mulligan & Incredible Caper v Rebholz Alissa Weaver & Dru’s Portia d’Aurelia Ray Carlisle & Cara’s On The Edge UDC FOCUS 23 My Experience at the 2011 Fall IPO Classic by Loel Turpin M y trip in October to the Fall IPO Classic in Fitchburg, MA. was my first “vacation” since starting my new job as Administrative Director for the Rochester Eye and Tissue Bank in June. I had been working too many hours and not spending enough time training my dog, but off we went to Fitchburg. It is about 6 hours from my home. I always love going to DPCA Nationals; It’s great to catch up with old friends, make new friends, and of course it is fun to see the dogs and let’s not forget the vendors! The top 20 competitions are always exciting to watch. go to May Jacobson and Pat Murphy Cornelius for all their hard work putting the trial together. There was some confusion as to the start time of the practice and also in regards to the layout of the field. By trial time the field set up had changed causing concern to some competitors that had had their practice time prior to the change. So, on to the IPO trial: Thanks to Alisa Weaver and her club for the jump, wall and blinds. I think we may have used the new blinds before her club did! Huge thanks also For protection, we were very privileged to have Matt Arpano and Scott Carlson as our helpers. They are fast, safe and strong. Case loves protection; he is always impres- © Traci Mulligan 2011 was a new twist for me as I had entered my dog, Case, in the conformation specialty show before the National as well as in the Open Black Dog class at the National. Kelly Marquis handled Case for me and did a beautiful job presenting him. Carla Griffith was the judge. I have always found Carla to be a fair and friendly judge. Kenny Ballenger did a beautiful job laying the tracks and the tracking field was plush. The rain on the second half of the tracks was unfortunate. My dog is not a rain tracker which is my fault as I do not like to train in the rain. So, unfortunately we did not put up a qualifying score on the track. Ali Baker drew track one and Brenna did a beautiful track. You will have to check the results for all the scores. Loel Turpin and Case, Chaos Vom Koby Haus 24 UDC FOCUS © Traci Mulligan sive and strong with big grips. I love the way he hit the long bite! Case put up a very nice 92p in protection. We listened to our critique and stepped off the field in to the crowd to watch the next dog up. One of the DPCA Judges Education Committee members was right there. She put a hand on each side of Case’s face, pulled his face up to hers and told him what a “good boy” he was. I took the opportunity to educate her on the solid temperament of my dog as he would let a stranger in his space when he was hot off the protection field with another dog running protection! She stepped back and I told her not to worry but to appreciate Case’s solid temperament. OK, you may have noticed that this narrative skipped over obedience . Well here is where that lack of time for preparation training came in. Case had too much fun… I can’t say the same for me. Anyway, congratulations to Ali and Brenna! Thanks to all the people involved in putting the trial on. © Traci Mulligan Next, Case and I participated in the Working Aptitude Evaluation. Case aced the evaluation to earn his WAC. Good boy! Per his usual, Case added his own sense of humor to the test and tried to give the surprised “friendly stranger” (Nazarene) a pony ride. Thanks to all involved in running the test and seminar. I was amazed to learn how low the pass rate is on the WAE. © Traci Mulligan If you get the chance, go to a DPCA National event. There is always a lot to see and do and it offers a great opportunity to learn. All photos this page Loel Turpin and Case, Chaos Vom Koby Haus UDC FOCUS 25 The Trophy Table Traci Mulligan – High OB3 Ray Carlisle - 4th Place IPO3 Carol Crosby handler of Sasanoa Early Edition Sean Salke - 3rd Place IPO 3 Ali Baker & Ha’Ras Brenna- 1st Place, High Tracking, High Protection, High in Trial Pat Murphy Cornelius & Carla Griffith 26 UDC FOCUS Kjersti Daabakk – 2nd Place IPO3, High Obedience, High HOT UDC FOCUS 27 Tri-State Doberman Club Trial - Warwick, NY Nov. 13, 2011 SV Judge SV Judge Volker Diesem Breed Dog Name A B C Total TSB Place Dobe Saint Kreal Soldier BH. Dog. 06/04/08. UDC Reg # 1357600 Owner/Handler John Soares. Sire:Zeus Saint Kreal. Dam Chio Chio San Saint Kreal 96 77 80 253 S High Tracking GSD Evelyn von Lotta BH. Bitch. AKC Reg# 1357600 Owner/Handler: Lorraine Cincotta Sire: Dam: 94 80 82 256 S GSD Enzo von Beder BH. Dog. 2/17/09. AKC Reg # . Owner: Leslie & James Bolin. Handler: leslie Bolin. Sire: Saro aus Agrigento. Dam: Quendy Vom 88 86 85 259 S High IPO 1 94 95 97 286 P High Obed, High Protection, High in Trial IPO 1 IPO 2 Mali Torin Van Der Woude IPO1. Dog. 2/18/2009. AKC Reg # DN24055207. Owner/Handler: John Dolan. Sire: Gabo ot Vitosha. Dam: Ninja vom Roten Storm Mali Iggy Van Het Berkenmeer. Bitch. 07/02/09 FCI AWDF SoreBook 113174 Owner/Handler: Leslie Bolin. Sire: Negundor Cobe Dam: Olympias de Alphaville Bohemia — — — — — PASS Dobe Cara’s Tiz Now After Hours. Dog. 10/04/2009. UDC Reg # WS31982501.Owner/Handler: Marianna Quartararo. Sire: Cara’s Top Shelf.Dam: Cara’s Rainbow After The Storm. — — — — — PASS GSD Hondo vom Roten Acker. Dog. 04/23/08. DV S22218909 Owner: Leslie Bolin. Handler: Jim Bolin. Sire: Carlos vom Roten Acker. Dam: Briska vom Roten Acker. — — — — — PASS Dobe Cara’s She Who Waits. Bitch. 07/01/10. UDC Reg # Pending.Owner/Handler: Lana Tobias. Sire: Chaos vom Koby Haus ScH3,CGC.ZTP.SG1A.Dam: Foxy Di Altobello. — — — — — PASS Rott Sasha Vom Eschemhagen. Bitch. 03/06/09. AKC Reg # WS29940801. Owner/Handler: John Soares. Sire: Ivan Vom Holzhaussied. Dam: Kimba Vom Eschenhagen — — — — — PASS Dobe Cara’s Bend It Like Beckham OB2. Dog. 10/23/2007 . UDC Reg # 1369400. Owner/Handler: Ellen Gilmor. Sire: Cara’s on The Edge CD, IPO3, WD1. Dam: Irinland Rantin’Raven Cara BH,UDC TT,CD,CGC — 88 — 88 G — BH OB 3 Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas- Rougemont, NC. December 3, 2011, DVG Judge Harmut Beckmann Breed Dog Name A B C Total TSB Place HIT, High Tr, High OB, High Pr, High IPO I IPO 1 Dobe Quinna vom Aurachgrund, BH, TR2, OB2, Bitch, 04/24/2007, UDC Reg: #1344500, Owner/ Handler: Chris Rasmussen, Sire: Floyd vom Utgard, Dam: Martha von der Krillenburg 96 76 93 265 A Dobe Morgana’s Irresistible Treasure, BH, Bitch, 08/2/2008, UDC Reg #1377000, Owner/Handler; Leslie Carpenter, Sire: Bell’Lavoras Augustus, Dam: Morgana’s Heart of Fire 85 70 85 240 A GSD Nana u Alfreda, BH, Bitch, 8/23/2007, CMKU Reg # 66642, Owner/Handler; Cheri Miller, Sire: Haso x Osoborvske Skaly, Dam: Ima z Eharu 9 81 85 175 A 94 95 97 286 P FH GSD 28 Guyot vom Bachhaus, SchH III, IPO III, Dog, 10/14/2004, AKC Reg #: DN 10090301, Owner/ Handler: Ron Harris, Sire: Zion v.d. Hildewaerde, Dam; Brenda v Burg Kurzwallen UDC FOCUS High Obed, High Protection, HIT Disaster Search Dogs and Their Training by Rayanne Chamberlain W e ask much of the disaster response dog. We ask them to learn to do things like climb ladders and walk planks that are eight feet in the air. We ask them to take direction from us when they’re far away from us. We ask them to be comfortable in any situation and we ask them to remain calm and focused even in the face of earthquake aftershocks or severe thunderstorms. And we ask them to focus solely on locating the breathing victim while ignoring all the other odors and scents in the area. For safety and pinpointing, the disaster dog uses a stay and bark indication. For testing purposes, the dog must perform a sustained bark for 30 seconds; in real life the dog may have to continue barking for minutes. Over the years I’ve come to realize that it takes a very special dog to be a disaster search dog. For a disaster dog it goes beyond the usual drive, focus and stamina. The disaster dog has to have that little something extra – the extra that can sometimes drive the handler to utter frustration. The disaster dog is social, independent, opinionated, self-assured, and extremely confident. I think the most difficult thing about training and working with a disaster search dog is finding balance. The disaster dog works in a variety of dangerous situations, well away from the handler. These dogs must be confident enough to make decisions on their own and on the fly. They cannot look to the handler for assistance. Essentially, during the search process, the dog is in charge. And sometimes there is even ‘controlled disobedience’ – meaning the dog may choose not to respond to a command from the handler. The dog must learn when it is okay to disobey and when it Argus locating and indicating on a hidden subject is not, and the handler must learn to respect the dog’s ability to make those decisions. The relationship we form with our disaster dogs is like no other relationship with a dog – working or otherwise. The partnership becomes so close; you sleep on the ground sometimes with the dog in your sleeping bag; together you see the worst that can happen and the best that can happen. The trust that must be built between you is a trust that is unbreakable. And as the human component, you have to acknowledge the possibility that your partner could be badly hurt or even killed while working at a disaster scene. To be a disaster dog handler, you have to love the work. If you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself deployed once or twice during your dog’s lifetime and only a few are ever lucky Bristol Agility Training in Maryland UDC FOCUS 29 Argus training enough to actually find a living person during those deployments. For those who deployed to the World Trade Center in 2001, there was the enormous stress and disappointment of searching where there was no one left alive. For those who deployed to the Haiti earthquake, there was the extreme joy of being able to save quite a number of lives. We all hope that someday we and our dogs will be able to save a life. Bristol rubble training in Maryland Bristol bark barrel practice in Virginia 30 UDC FOCUS In the meantime, we train, train, train… Isis and Meryl at Syracuse Obedience Training Club with Judge Tom Masterson (3) 1st Placements Schenectady DTC 8.20.11 Syracuse OTC 1.7.12 Syracuse OTC 1.8.12 Photo by Mary Walker Irinland Ingeborge Isida’Cara UD,RA,ASCA-CD,ATT (Ch. RUS, UKR, BEL Irinland Origin Oloff IPO1 x Ch. RUS Irinland Beatrissia Betta) Breeder: Tatiana Kulachenko Owned By Meryl Winnie & Ray Carlisle-Cara Dobermans Working Partner of Meryl Winnie [email protected] [email protected] Isis’s Daughter, Joules (Cara’s Steal The Sun From The Sky, BN, RN, PTT) (Cara’s Top Shelf Sch 3, IPO 3, FH x Irinland Ingeborge Isida’Cara UD, RA, ASCA-CD, ATT ) wishes Momma Isis best of luck as she purses her UDX title. UDC FOCUS 31 All Things “Doberman” D o you love unique and unusual Doberman merchandise? Have you recently visited the United Doberman Club’s store on Zazzle? If your answer to the first question is “yes” and to the second question “no”…..then you need to get on your PC and see what the UDC Zazzle store has to offer. Find Doberman themed items for yourself or gifts for your fellow Doberman lovers! Go to and let your fingers do the shopping! All profits from the sale of merchandise at the UDC Store are donated to the one of these funds – Search & Rescue, Health, Competitor, or Rescue Fund. Also, I am always on the look-out for unique Doberman photos to use on the merchandise. If you have a picture of your Doberman that you think would look great on merchandise, send it to me – Linda Lindic at [email protected] and I will work up a design for you. There is a wide variety of Doberman themed merchandise for sale at the UDC Store. Here are pictures of a few of the items for sale. 32 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 33 Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas ZTP T he ZTP as we know it now was created by Ottmar Vogel and approved by the DV in 1975. Herr Vogel designed this test to help develop standard procedures for evaluating not only the conformation of the dog relative to the standard, but also the temperament and nerve costume of dogs, with regard to courage, defensive strength and sound and sight sensitivity. Since that time, a passing ZTP test is required for both parents, along with a Schutzhund 1 title for at least one parent, for ‘breeding rights’ in Germany. Unlike the USA, Germany is very strict about only breeding animals who have passed conformation and temperament testing. Puppies whose parents do not have breeding rights will not be register-able with the Dobermann Verein (DV). For a dog to participate in a ZTP, he must have attained a BH, and his hips must have passed the DV Hip certification process. The conformation evaluation is based upon the DV Dobermann standard. This standard differs from the AKC/DPCA standard in many slight ways, but it also differs in some large ways in that no missing teeth are allowed, and the only allowable coat colors are black and red. There are also disqualifications for heights being too tall or too short. After the conformation inspection is complete, the temperament portion begins. A group of 8-10 people assemble on the field, and the handler walks the dog through the group of milling people. Then, the group assembles shoulder to shoulder and the handler is asked to walk the dog towards the line of people and then through that line between the two people who are holding the noisy container and the umbrella. Then, the handler and dog are instructed to make a U-turn and head back towards the group for a second pass. This time, the noisy container (an empty milk jug with rocks, for example) is shaken to evaluate the dog’s response. It is acceptable for the dog to be surprised by the noise, but the ZTP evaluator expects to see the dog recover quickly. The group then turns around, and begins to walk towards the dog and handler for a third time. This time, the umbrella is opened just as the dog and handler pass through. Again, the evaluator is assessing the dog’s reaction and recovery. Next, the group forms a big circle. The handler takes his dog to the center of the circle and stops. On instruction from the evaluator, the group moves quickly towards the © j. m. Dohse The ZTP evaluation starts with the height of the dog being checked by having the dog stand on a platform, and a wicket being placed over the dogs withers. The teeth are then checked for the proper number and correct placement of teeth. The temperament of the dog is noted by the judge during the height and teeth check, so having a well-behaved dog during these two procedures is very important. Then, the judge inspects each part of the dog’s body – from head shape and width to eye color to coat length and coarseness to shoulder layback to tail placement to feet! Every part of the dog’s conformation is evaluated and documented. The handler is then asked to gait the dog such that the evaluator can see the dog coming and going and from the side. It is important to make sure your dog can trot well and show his best movement, or he may be downgraded in his conformation rating. Crowd work, Dark Nemo v Koby Haus owned by Jonathan Alvarez. 34 UDC FOCUS dog and encloses the dog and handler tightly. This is repeated. Then, the group disperses and sort of mingles, and the dog is to walk through the mingling group. No threatening influence is directed towards the dog during these procedures. Self-confidence, fearlessness, drive, control and threshold of irritation is assessed by the evaluator. The handler is now instructed to walk away from the evaluator, and then is told to turn back towards the evaluator, at which point two shots are fired. The dog is expected to not be gun shy. Next, the dog is tied out on about a 10 ft line. The handler leaves the dog without giving any formal commands, and leaves the dog’s view. The dog is left there for 5-10 minutes, at which point the evaluator approaches the dog and then walks past or around the dog without threatening it. The evaluator then stops in front or next to the dog and drops a clipboard close to the dog to see the dog’s reaction. The behavior of the dog during his approach and during the handler’s absence is noted. After the tie-out is complete, it is time to start the bitework portion of the evaluation. The handler is to walk the dog on a loose leash as directed by the evaluator. The dog and handler walks towards a blind, and when the dog and handler is within about 15 feet of the blind, the evaluator tells the helper to come out and attack the handler. The dog is supposed to grip the sleeve and not be afraid of the helper. The helper then drives the dog and threatens stick hits. No formal ‘out’ of the sleeve is required, but the handler must be able to get the dog to release the sleeve. The dog should be confident in the bite and not be worried about the evaluator’s presence. The next bite is a ‘long bite’, where the helper runs towards the dog and handler and the dog is released. Again, the evaluator is looking for a confident dog with a sure grip. After all the dogs have completed their test, the evaluator determines the ratings and presents the ratings of all the dogs at one time. He explains their conformation and temperament evaluation. The conformation rating is ‘V’ for excellent, ‘SG’ for very good and ‘G’ for good. A male dog must achieve at least an SG in conformation for a passing ZTP rating. Bitches must achieve at least a G rating. The temperament rating is 1A or 1B, with 1A being the best temperament rating. 1A indicates that the dog’s character is correct. The dog can only be graded 1A if he displays a secure and outstanding impression at rest as well as in the bitework. A 1B rating is still acceptable, and is given to a dog if it’s behavior at rest is acceptable and he shows protective fighting instinct, but is not as secure and self-confident as a 1A dog. If there is justifiable doubt with regards to the strength of character, the dog is deferred (Held Back 3 months). The dog may present for another ZTP after 3 months, but if the dog does not pass the second time, he will be classified as unfit for breeding. © j. m. Dohse Dogs who are aggressive, shy and nervous will be declared as unfit for breeding. While the ZTP in Germany regulates breedings to individual dogs which are of sound temperament and proper conformation, it also limits the size of their gene pool. As more US dogs attain ZTPs, interested Germans may breed to dogs which have attained ZTPs, or import our puppies from ZTP’d parents for use in their breeding programs. It is important to note, that in the US, most of our dogs Bitework UDC FOCUS 35 do not come from ZTP’d parents. Dogs without ZTP’d parents receive ‘Starter-ZTPs’. Starter ZTPs are not recognized as Breed permission in Germany. However, the progeny of Starter-ZTPd dogs are eligible for full ZTPs. In the results below, you will see the indication ‘Starter’ to signify dogs whose parents do not have a ZTP. The UDC is a member club of the International Dobermann Club (IDC), and through this affiliation, the Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas (a UDC member club), received permission directly from the DV to host a ZTP May 1st, 2011 with Rudi Killmaier officiating. Summary of the May 1st, 2011 ZTP held by the Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas © j. m. Dohse At the WDC’s ZTP on May 1st, 2011, 7 dogs presented for a ZTP. Navistar’s Cruise Control with Debra Hartzell and Herr Killmaier, Best ZTP Results: Ascomannis Karo - Owner: Christopher Frank – SG1B Starter ZTP Dark Nemo vom Koby Haus - Owner: Jonathan Alvarez – V1A Starter ZTP Quinna vom Aurachgrund - Owner: Chris Rasmussen – SG1A ZTP Navistar’s Cruise Control - Owner: Debra Hartzell V1A Starter ZTP/ Best ZTP First Stryk’s Deadliest Catch - Owner: Tiffany Mahaffey – SG1B Starter ZTP Black Jax’s Bits of Insolence - Owner: Kjersti Dabakk – V1B Starter ZTP Ascomannis Odin - Owner: Anne Conroy - Held Back 3 months At most events, it is common to award a ‘Best ZTP’. At our event, Herr Killmaier explained that there were two dogs who both rated V1A, and he had a hard time picking which was Best. In the end, he decided to award it to the youngest dog, Debra Hartzell’s Navistar’s Cruise Control. © j. m. Dohse Many thanks to Rudi Killmaier for judging our first ZTP. He was an extremely kind and fair judge, and we enjoyed having him. Thanks to Silke Satzinger and Armin Winkler for their translating skills. Silke volunteered to run her bitch ‘Heady’ through the test as a a demo dog as Rudi explained the procedure to the crowd. Silke did an outstanding job for someone who’d never seen the test before! Thanks to our spectators for helping with the group and other facets of the test. We hope to have another ZTP sometime in the near future. Check out our website at If you join our email list (link available on the website), you will be notified of upcoming events via email. Tie out. 36 UDC FOCUS Chris Rasmussen, President, Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas UDC BOARD OF DIRECTORS — EFFECTIVE JANUARY 15, 2012 OFFICERS Directors President Canada Mid-Central LINDA KURZ 3640 Yellow Dog Rd Lonedell, MO 63060 [email protected] (636) 629-4553 MICHELLE LIMOGES 9111-84 Ave. Edmonton AB T6C 1E5 [email protected] 780-468-6245 TIFFANY MAHAFFEY [email protected] (816) 830-6619 Vice President DEBBIE HARTZELL 4255 Laurel Ridge Drive Allison Park, PA 15101 navistardobe1@ (412) 487-5177 Treasurer IRINA SASU 2800 Perry Lane Austin, TX 78731 [email protected] (512) 458-1818 Recording Secretary MARIE E. MILLER 1786 Manor Dr. Santa Rosa CA 95403 (707) 328-4513 [email protected] Corresponding Secretary BETH BISHOP P.O. Box 159 Bath, MI 48808 [email protected] (517) 641-7345 Membership Secretary LINDA KYE 114 Chickasaw Place Jacksonville, AR 72076 [email protected] (501) 982-7668 Member Club Secretary LINDA LINDIC 44 East 209th Street Euclid, OH 44123 [email protected] (216) 789-7025 Northeast JIM TOMAN 308 Washington Ave Milltown, NJ 08850 [email protected] (732) 407-8746 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland Mid-East BRANDI WILLIAMS P.O. Box 1042 Jeffersonville, IN 47131 [email protected] 502-214-7864 North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri Southwest SANDI ATKINSON 1064 S. Mountain Estates Rd. Florissant, CO 80816 [email protected] (719) 294-7132 Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico Northwest SUE KELLY-WALSH 15710 S Molter Rd Rockford, WA 99030 [email protected] (509) 291-3147 Alaska, Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky West South WENDY SCHMITT [email protected] (916) 802-7318 CHRIS RASMUSSEN 10117 Old Roxboro Road Bahama, NC 27503 christine.rasmussen@gmail. com (919) 477-7932 California, Nevada, Hawaii Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina Mid-South DOUG MATSON 6721 N Seneca Wichita, KS 67204 [email protected] (316) 744-3214 Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana UDC FOCUS 37 UDC MEMBER CLUBS — EFFECTIVE JANUARY 15, 2012 CENTRAL TEXAS DOBERMAN CLUB IRINA SASU 2800 Perry Lane Austin, TX 78731 (h) (512) 458-1818 [email protected] CENTRAL VALLEY DOBERMAN CLUB Erynn Lucas Riverbank CA 95367 (520) 306-0195 [email protected] MID-CENTRAL WORKING DOBERMANS CLUB LORNA O’CONNOR 3163 Juniper Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 322-3272 [email protected] SPORT DOBERMAN CLUB OF COLORADO JOANNAH DAVIS 915 E. 23rdAvenue Denver, CO 80205-5110 (303) 861-7613 [email protected] SUZAN SHIPP 795 NE 101 Road Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 441-3822 [email protected] SANDI ATKINSON 1064 S. Mountain Estates Rd. Florissant, CO 80816 [email protected] MID-SOUTH WORKING DOBERMAN CLUB TERRI CLARY 358 E. Pecan Tree Road Waxahachie, TX 75165 (h) (972) 904-3141 (w) (972) 904-3141 [email protected] CARMA CLEVELAND 12211 Monterey Rd. Collierville, TN 38017 (901) 854-4268 [email protected] NEW ENGLAND WORKING DOBERMANS NAZARENE MONDELLO 256 Moss Hill Road Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (h) (617) 522-0253 [email protected] PACIFIC NORTHWEST DOBERMAN PINSCHER CLUB SUE KELLY-WALSH 15710 S. Molter Road Rockford, WA 99030 (h) 509-291-3147 [email protected] 38 REDWOOD WORKING DOBERMANN CLUB UDC FOCUS TOTAL DOBERMAN ASSOCIATION TRI-STATE DOBERMAN CLUB RAY CARLISLE P. O. Box 203 Spring Valley, NY 10977 (w) (845) 352-6300 (h) (845) 987-2357 (c) (914) 393-0166 (f) (845) 352-0067 [email protected] MERYL WINNIE 220 Crow Hill Rd. Delanson, NY 12053 (h) (518) 895-8506 (c) (518) 857-6543 [email protected] membership@tristate dobermanclub. com VERMONT TOTAL DOBERMAN CLUB TRACI MULLIGAN P. O. Box 71 Arlington, VT 05250 (h) (802) 375-6121 [email protected] ELLEN DECHIRO 112 Deepkill Rd. Troy, NY 12180 (518) 788-2829 [email protected] WORKING DOBERMANNS OF THE CAROLINAS CHRIS RASMUSSEN 10117 Old Roxboro Road Bahama, NC 27503 (h) (919) 477-7932 president@workingdobermanns www.workingdobermannsof
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