Summer, 2014 - United Doberman Club
Summer, 2014 - United Doberman Club
UDCFOCUS Official Publication of the United Doberman Club Contents Message from the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Message from the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Results of the 2014 United Doberman Club Membership Survey.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Member Brags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Focus on Seniors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Mission Statement 2015 United Doberman Club National The United Doberman Club or UDC http:// is made up of Doberman enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and protecting the Doberman and its heritage as a working dog. UDC is advancing the interests of the breed by educating members about working ability, conformation, temperament, health, breeding, training and maintenance of the total Doberman, sound in mind and body. The UDC encourages its members to participate in a variety of activities for which the Doberman is suited, including Agility, Conformation, Drill Team, Guide Dog, Obedience, Ring Sports, IPO, Search & Rescue and Therapy. Editor in Chief Robin Nuttall | DD Graphix Publisher DD Graphix | Robin Nuttall 3506 Westwind Drive Columbia, MO 65202 [email protected] The New Recruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Service Dog of the Year Nomination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 UDC Member Clubs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 UDC Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Advertise in Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Advertisers 2015 United Doberman Club National. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 von Luka Dobermanns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Vermont Total Doberman Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Barn Hunt Association LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Julianne & Ricardo Ferado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bonnie Guzman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 W W W.DDGRAPHIX.NET is published three times a year (plus the National Catalog) by the United Doberman Club, 367 Chickadee Lane, Bailey CO 80421. UDC Focus is a tax exempt educational organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication, either editorially or in advertising copy, are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the United Doberman Club. This publication is not liable for contents used in advertisement. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Barbara Nagy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Meryl & Paul Winnie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Deb Hartzell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Robin Nuttall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sandy Pope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Beth Bishop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Irene & Dave Korotev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 UDC FOCUS 3 Eva dei Dohse von Luka Dobermanns Message from the President F irst of all I want to thank Erynn Lucas, Wendy Schmitt & friends for hosting a wonderful UDC National in beautiful Northern California. As I’m sure you all know a tremendous amount of work goes in to planning and hosting a National and their hard work paid off for all of us who attended. Congratulations to all of our UDC members who with their work have shown that Dobermans are true working dogs. IPO, obedience, tracking, search & rescue, human remains detection, therapy, agility and more…..all show what a magnificent and versatile breed we are lucky enough to share our lives with. Our 2015 National will be the 25th Anniversary of the UDC in beautiful Lexington, Kentucky. I know the members of the host clubs; Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas and Working Dobermans of Kentucky have some wonderful events planned for this very special National. I hope you will all help support this very special event as you can. Volunteer, sponsor trophies and support the UDC with your entry! It’s never too early to start planning. In closing I want to thank our current board, committee members and regional directors for their dedication to the UDC and Dobermans. If you would like to volunteer in any way please contact me. Dedicated to Dobermans, Marsha Sheppard UDC President DOB: 8.01.04 Titles: SchH3 (96/90/94) IPO3 (94/93/94) FH AWD1 StPr1 WAC RN CD [email protected] Message from the Editor T his issue of Focus is near and dear to my heart; the Senior/Veterans issue. As I write this, my old girl is outside barking at a contractor working on my house; she takes her job seriously even now. I tell people that at 12, she can still hear a squirrel fart a half mile away. These days she couldn’t quite catch one, but she sure would try hard. She still occasionally competes in Barn Hunt and she still has to talk about everything! The montage on the cover is just a sample of all of the great older Dobes celebrated in this issue. I hope you all enjoy the Senior gallery and listings as much as I enjoyed reading about these dogs as I formatted the magazine. The names and the sheer number and weight of all of the titles of these dogs is more than impressive. The stories they could tell us about their adventures in their younger years, and some even still today. I know I feel blessed, as do all of us who own these dogs who have reached wisdom, even if they do not always act like mature adults. Robin with Zipper (UAG2 URO1 Ch Regatta It’s About Time, BN RE MX MXJ MJS RATN RS-O JS-O GS-N RL2 CGC) Prada, (Ch Regatta Devil Wears Blk-N-Tan RATN JS-N) and Cala (UAg1 URO2 USJ ARCH BJF O’er The Hills N’ Far Away, RE OA NAJ WAC TT CGC, RATO, 12 years young) Robin Nuttall 4 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 5 Results of the 2014 United Doberman Club Membership Survey. Beth Bishop, Chair, UDC Membership Survey Committee Heart Screening Clinic Monday August 25th 2014 9:00AM - 5:PM Vermont Total Doberman Club Rebholzer Kennel 171 Doberman Dr Arlington VT 05250 DR. NANCY MORRIS, DMV, DACVIM in Cardiology Mass Vet Cardiology, Agawam, MA - FEES Auscultations $45 - Doppler Echo $195 All appointments must be registered at Appointment times will be assigned as request forms are received. A confirmation of your appointment time will be sent to you if you include either an email address OR a self-addressed stamped envelope. FOR MORE INFORMATION please contact Lauren at 413-734-1292 or [email protected] If you need OFA certification, please download and complete the OFA cardiac form in advance of your appointment. These forms can be found at T he United Doberman Club Membership Survey Committee developed an online survey to gather ideas, opinions and feedback from UDC members about UDC programs and functions. The Board of Directors approved the survey and UDC members were sent the survey link in January 2014. The link was resent a number of times and members were repeatedly encouraged to take the survey. We mailed a paper copy of the survey to all members without an email address. The survey was open until March 15, 2014. We received a very good response to the survey (approximately half the UDC membership). A total of 177 surveys were completed (176 online and 1 paper copy received). More members completed the survey than submitted votes in the recent election. Those completing the survey also included many opinions and suggestions. Many thanks go to the members for answering the survey questions and for taking the time to submit thoughtful and thorough comments. PART 1. MEMBER INFORMATION. The first three questions asked information about the member: Q. How long have you been a member of the United Doberman Club? Most respondents had been a member of the UDC for at least six years. This corresponds well to actual length of membership. Nearly 20% of UDC members have been members for 10 or more years. The next highest percentage are those who have been in the club for 2 years or less. Q. Which region do you live in? Not unexpectedly, region with the highest number of survey respondents was the Northeast. This corresponds to actual member distribution (approximately 45% of the members live in the Northeast. This article summarizes the survey results. Graphs and charts were used to summarize the responses to multiplechoice questions. Because this survey promised anonymity, individual responses will not be listed. For open-ended questions I attempted to summarize comments, if possible. In some cases this was not possible since there were not common “themes” to the answers. The original survey is posted in the members-only section of the United Doberman Club website. Complete survey results will be available in the “members only” section of the UDC website. This article attempts to summarize and report results. How does this compare to the actual distribution of members? Q. Where do you get most of your information about UDC? (check all that apply). Please bring registration copies to insure that forms are completed DEADLINE FOR ALL APPOINTMENTS - Sunday August 10th 6 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 7 This question reveals which communication channel(s) members are using to get information about the UDC. Remember, a respondent could choose more than one option (check all that apply). Answers to this question tell us whether the different communication channels are being utilized effectively and will ultimately help improve club communication. PART II. UDC NATIONAL The next section of the survey asked questions about the UDC National. Q. Have you attended a UDC National within the past 7 years? Q. Do you think the length of the national is (just right, too long, too short)? Of 160 responses, 60% felt the length of the national was just right and 35% felt it was too long. Only 5% thought the national should be longer. Q. Please tell us what changes would encourage you to attend the UDC national more often? We received 104 comments in response to this question. By far, the most common response (46) had to do with the location. Most responses indicated “closer to me” but some identified particular locations (centralized location, rotating etc.). Out of 169 responses, 53.8% members said they had, the remainder had not. After location, the most common responses (18) included money and personal issues (health, work schedules, etc.). Q. What prevents you from attending more UDC National? A number of responders suggested different types of events to include or skip. Several responses mentioned more types of activities, including seminars, workshops, and other dog sports. A few responses indicated they would prefer less emphasis on certain activities (conformation and IPO in particular). When asked for reasons for not attending national, the most common response was “too far away” (68.5%). Twenty-two respondents (15.1%) selected “too expensive” and 13% selected “I don’t have a dog to enter”. Only 3.4% selected “the activities don’t interest me. Q. Which of the following activities should be included at the national? For each of the listed activities, respondents were able to select “always include”, “include if possible”, “would be nice, but not necessary” and “don't include”. PART III: UDC PROGRAMS Q. Please share your opinion of the following UDC programs. This question asked members to evaluate the UDC dog registration, UDC conformation, UDC obedience, UDC temperament test, UDC breed survey and the UDC versatility program. Respondents could select from “Great program (needs few if any changes)”, “Good program (needs some improvement)”, “Needs major changes but worth keeping” and “UDC should drop this program.” Overall, the vast majority of the respondents felt all the programs were worth keeping, although a significant percentage felt that some programs needed at least some changes. The following graphs show the results for each program individually. A total of 150 – 165 responses were received for each activity. Very few respondents selected the “don’t include” option for any of the activities (7 percent or less). The percent of remaining responses for each activity are shown in the graph. The activities are arranged in the graph (from left to right) in descending order of highly supportive responses (always include the activity + include the activity if possible): IPO, Breed Survey, Temperament Test, Obedience Trial(s), Conformation Show(s), Health Clinic(s), Seminar(s), WAE and CGC. However, sorting by the “always include” category results in a different order: IPO, Temperament Test, Conformation Show(s), Obedience Trial(s), Breed Survey, Seminar(s), Health Clinic(s), WAE and CGC. 8 UDC FOCUS PART IV: UDC FOCUS The cost of producing the UDC Focus continues to be a significant expense. To reduce the financial drain on the club, FOCUS production was changed to three digital copies and one printed copy. Even so, ad revenue remains low and production costs continue to increase. In 2014 the number of issues was reduced from four per year to three (two digital and one printed). The Board of Directors has concerns for two reasons. First, the cost of the FOCUS continues to drain the club. Second, the FOCUS is a very important source of information for members (see Part I of this article) and we know many members prefer printed copies. This part of the survey asked members to assess potential solutions to this dilemma. Members were given three options and asked whether each option was unacceptable, acceptable but not desirable, acceptable or a good option. Q. The cost or producing the UDC Focus continues to be a significant challenge. The FOCUS schedule has been changed to 2 digital copies and one printed issue, but ad revenue is not sufficient. Please evaluate each of the following proposed options to make the FOCUS more financially sustainable. UDC FOCUS 9 Reduce FOCUS to two printed issues per year. Produce periodic supplemental updates (board meeting minutes, etc.) and distribute electronically. Produce one printed and two digital issues each year. Reduce layout costs of digital issues and make them more like a newsletter Produce three digital issues each year and no printed issues We received 135 to 144 responses to each option. Member responses varied quite a bit, but the option with the highest percentage of “unacceptable” responses was three digital FOCUS issues each year and no printed issues. Conversely, the option with the highest percentage of “a good option” responses was to produce two printed FOCUS issues each year along with digital supplements containing board meeting minutes, events, and other important information. Q. The UDC Website has recently been redesigned. Much work remains to be done. Please share what you think should be on the UDC Website (besides the basics.... constitution and bylaws, administration manuals, directors and officers, how to become a UDC member, about the UDC, etc.) We received 147 to 150 responses to each option. In general the majority of the members thought that all of the options listed should be available on the general website. Q. What other content should be on the UDC website (available to non-members)? the yahoogroup format is not easy to use since it has been changed. Several more responses suggested more educational discussions about Dobermans and training. SUMMARY The UDC members that took the time to take this survey and to provide their opinions and feedback have given us all insight into the thoughts and desires or our diverse club. How the membership feels about some issues is quite clear. For other issues, it is more mixed. Fortunately, the thoughtful comments and suggestions provide a wealth of good ideas and some direction. Of the 45 responses to this question, 18 suggested educational articles of some sort (Dobermans, health, training, temperament, etc.). Three responders suggested having ads on the website, and 4 mentioned more information about events and event results. Q. What other content should be in the Members-Only section of the website? We received 33 responses to this question. The most common responses were a membership directory (9), UDC meeting minutes (6) and rules and regulations (3). PART VI: UDC OFFICIAL EMAIL LIST. Along with the FOCUS and the UDC website, members receive much of their information about UDC from the UDC Official email list (yahoogroups). Q. Are you a member of the UDC-Official yahoogroups list? PART V: UDC WEBSITE The United Doberman Club website was redesigned in 2013. The redesign was a significant undertaking and was accomplished thanks to the help of several UDC members. The website is still in its infancy and needs to grow and improve. This survey question asked UDC members about the content of the website, what should be on the general website (accessed by anyone) and what should only be available through the members only section. We received 155 responses to this question on the survey, 100 of them replied “yes” they were a member (64.5%) and 55 responding “no (35.5%). Q. If no, why not? Of the 53 responses to this question, 16 said they didn’t know about the group, and four said they had tried to sign on but were unsuccessful. Six responders said they disliked the negativity on the list and another 13 said they don’t join email lists or were too busy. Barn Hunt Association LLC Q. Do you think the UDC Official yahoogroups list should be available to (members only, members and former members, anyone who wants to join)? The overwhelming majority (78%) of the 151 responses thought that the UDC official yahoogroups should be available to members only. A small percentage (8%) felt that it should be open to members and former members, while 14% felt it should be open to anyone who wants to join. Q. Do you have any comments or suggestions about the UDC Official yahoogroups list? There were 49 responses to this question. Twenty-two of the responses mentioned the negativity and personal attacks on the list. Six responses were supportive and complementary of the list. Several people mentioned that 10 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 11 It’s All About You & Your Dog is a new section in the UDC FOCUS that will give you the opportunity to publicize the recent accomplishments of you and your dog. This is one of the advantages of your UDC membership. We will recognize any title you have earned at any recognized canine organization. This is all about you and your dog! Accomplishments earned October 31, 2013 to February 27, 2014 IPO Suzan Shipp & “Helio”: Int. CH Omnia Paratus Navy Sea Corbra, ATT, WAC, BH, BSA VG2-A New – BH Julianne & Ricardo Ferado Catherine LaBarre & “Beckham”: Rebholzer Bad Company CD, BN, RAE, CGC, ATT, VC, BH, WAC New - BH Stacia Gunderson & “Remy”: Remigius Immertreu Vom Feverhaus CGC, CGCA, WAC, RN, RATI, BH New - BH Nosework Brandi Williams & “Razor”: Maysaya’s Black Sabbath IPO3 New – IPO3 97-93-92 High Tracking, High Obedience, High Protection, High in Trial New – VC Beth Bishop & “Mia”: ARCHX, RO2, CAX, UAgI Cara’s Put me in Coach! WAC RL1X2, RL2X, RL3, RLV, RA, NF, CW-OB2, CWZR1A2, CWZR1.5, CWAR, CL2, CL3-H, CL3-F, NW1 New- NW1 Brandi Williams & “Rex”: Maysaya’s Baron Wrecks to Riches, BH New - BH Julie Elvidge & “Diva”: Unbreakable’s Diva De Vil, BH New - BH Renee Michel & “Briosa”: Gladiators of America Briosa, TR2, AD, RN, ATTS-TT, CGC New – TR2 Andrew Booth & “Storm”: Texas Midnight Storm, BH New - BH Andrew Booth & “Csabre”: Csabre von Danzig, BH, APr2 New – APr2 Ellen Gilmour & “Renna”: Cara’s Hard Decision, BH, CGC, IPO3 New – IPO3 Danette Hoenie & “Pearl”: Family Dobes Black Tide Pearl, BH, CGC New - BH UDC FOCUS Pam Burns & “Orca”: Chalmars Major Orca CGC, IPO1 New – IPO1 Virginia Rogers & “Enoch”: Enoch-Eitan vom Zenhof BH, CGC, ATT New – BH Brandi Williams & “Xena”: Masaya’s Darkness Falls, BH, AD New – BH, AD 12 Pam Burns & “Brick”: Blue Chip Brick Road V Enchant UDX, OM1, IPO1 New – UDX, OM1 UDC Breed Survey Suzan Ship & “Helio”: Int. CH Omnia Paratus Navy Sea Corbra, ATT, WAC, BH, BSA VG2-A New – BSA VGS-A SAR Irene Korotev & “Lexie”: First Stryk Royal Purple, WAC Passed her annual NAPWDA (North American Police Work Dog Association) recertification tests for human remains in 2014. Obedience and Agility Summer Melillo & “Jett”: Jett von Pontiffhaus, CGC, BH, RS-N, JS-N, JS-O, GS-N, RN, & CD New - RS-N, JS-N, JS-O, GS-N, RN, & CD Show News Jill and Art Graves & Lynn Eggers & “Laura”: AKC/UDC CH Foxhall’s The First Lady IPO3, CD, ROM, VCX New – UDC Championship! UDC FOCUS 13 Tracking Monica Anthony & “Riva”: Riva von Luka BH, IPO-VO, Am./ Cdn. RN, BN, P-CD, WAC, CGC, CGN, VC, FPr1 New – FPr1 Rally Sandra Urbacke & “Raven”: Intl. CH. Masaya’s Elegant Empress, WAC, RO1 New – RO1 Beth Bishop & “Mia”: ARCHX, RO2, CAX, UAgI Cara’s Put me in Coach! WAC RL1X2, RL2X, RL3, RLV, RA, NF, CW-OB2, CWZR1A2, CWZR1.5, CWAR, CL2, CL3-H, CL3-F, NW1 New – RLV (AOE) World Cynosport Rally Veterans, (Award of Excellence) WAE Ru dy Sandra Urbacke & “Raven”: Intl. CH. Masaya’s Elegant Empress, WAC, RO1 New – WAC Renee Michel & “Trevor”: Blackheart Atrevido, TR1, BH, CA, ATTS-TT, WAC New –WAC Renee Michael & “Tsar”: Gladiator of America Baltazar, AD, BH, ATTS-TT, WAC New – WAC Renee Michael & “Briosa”: Gladiators of America Briosa, TR2, AD, BH, RN, CGC, ATTS-TT,WAC New - WAC Catherine LaBarre & “Beckham”: Rebholzer Bad Company CD, BN, RAE, CGC, ATT, VC, BH, WAC New - WAC Beja Stacia Gunderson & “Remy”: Remigius Immertreu Vom Feverhaus CGC, CGCA, WAC, RN, RATI, BH New – WAC Marylyn DeGregrio & “Isabel”: Int’l Ch, UKC Ch Isabel vh Wantij, WAC, YTT, PTT New – WAC Sound Body, Sound Saundra Urbacke & “Raven”: Intl. Ch. Masaya’s Elegant Empress New - Nat CH. Title, Honor CH. Title Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio Jack Currie & “Donia”: Adonia D’Amour, WAC New - WAC UDC Ch. Beja’s Redneck Brother Rudy SchH 1, ZTP, OB-1, TR-1, CD, WAC, BH, VCX, CGC, Certified Advanced HRD,CHIC Bell’Lavoro’s Augustus x Cara’s Katarina HD-1A, OFA Good, vWD Clear, Echo + Holter Clear, CERF, PDK 4 Negative Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio ~ AKC Breeders of Merit ~ Hartsdale, NY and Roscoe NY [email protected] 14 UDC FOCUS 914-420-7969 UDC FOCUS 15 Isabel Suzy Sound Body, Sound Mind Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio Sound Body, Sound Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio V-1 CAC Multi BIS U-Ch, Multi BISS UDC Ch Beja’s Sorella Suzy Q Destiny’s Sunshine Santino X Giuseppina v Wilhamhoff ZTP, TR-1, RN, NW-1, BH, WAC, TT, VCX, ATT, CHIC (AKC ptd) Int’l Ch, UKC Ch Isabel vh Wantij, WAC, YTT, PTT HD-1A, OFA Good, Echo + Holter Clear, CERF, vWD Carrier, Thyroid Normal, PDK 4 het pos Multi CH Mitto del Nasi, IPO 3, Korung, ZTP X Sw Ch. Eria Pro Fioreture, IPO 1, ZTP Eight Glorious Fun Years Old! OFA Good - CERF - vWD Carrier - Thyroid Normal Breeder: J.P. Van Gelder Dordrecht, NL 16 UDC FOCUS Owner: Marylyn DeGregorio [email protected] Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio ~ AKC Breeders of Merit ~ Hartsdale, NY and Roscoe NY [email protected] 914-420-7969 UDC FOCUS 17 Each dog in this listing is at least 8 years old. Join us in celebrating the longevity of some very special dogs. Schroeder Call name: Schroeder. Owner(s): Norman Zeller. Breeder(s): Roberta A. Brown. Age: 8. Date of Birth: August 10, 2006. Sire: Findem 4 Me von Vicaral. Dam: Cara’s Panzer Barbara Nagy 2x UDC National IPO Champion Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya (8x) IPO3, PDC- SD, CD, RN, VC, WAC, CGC Call name: Cinders. Owner(s): Brandi Williams. Breeder(s): Tammy Weldon & Carol McIvor. Dog’s Age: 8. Date of Birth: July 2, 2006. Sire: Agir Miss Jakosos IPO3. Dam’: Kitty Black Gong 18 UDC FOCUS Watchem 4 Me Bossy Brown Call Name: Bossy. Owner(s): Roberta & Stephen Brown. Breeder(s): Roberta Brown. Age: 8. Date of Birth: August 10, 2006. Sire: Findem 4 Me Von Vicaral. Dam: Cara’s Panzer V-1 CAC MBISS UDC CH, MBIS UKC CH Beja’s Sorella Suzy Q, ZTP, TR-1, NW-1, BH, RN, WAC, TT, ATT, VCX, CHIC (AKC ptd.) Call name: Suzy. Owner(s): Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio. Breeder(s): Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio. Age: 8. DOB: June 26, 2006. Sire: UDC CH Destiny’s Sunshine Santino, SchH3, IPO3, AFFB, WAC. Dam: Giuseppina von Wilhamhoff, OB-1, BH, ATT, CHIC BF The Beast Call name: Beasty Boy. Owner(s): Jamie Wallace. Breeder(s): Roberta Brown. Age: 8. Date of Birth: August 10, 2006. Sire: Findem 4 Me von Vicaral. Dam: Cara’s Panzer Intl Ch Echorun’s Electrical Storm Brewen, WAC Call name: Ayla. Owner(s): Suzan Shipp. Breeder(s): Suzan Shipp. Age: 8. Date of Birth: May 31, 2006. Sire: Intl CH Southern Pride’s High Voltage. Dam: Intl Ch JBars Skylark Summer Shasta, CGC UDC FOCUS 19 Cara’s The Black Satin Doll (Cara’s Top Shelf Sch 3, IPO 3, FH x Cara’s Katarina SchHA, BSA1A, BH, STT) Breeder: Ray Carlisle and Anthony DeGregorio CD, RN, BFL-1, ASCA-CD, CGC ARCHX, RO2, CAX, UAgI Cara’s Put me in Coach! WAC RL1X2, RL2X, RL3, RLV, RA, NF, CW-OB2, CWZR1A2, CWZR1.5, CWAR, CL2, CL3-H, CL3-F, NW1 Call name: Mia. Owner(s): Beth Bishop. Breeder(s): Ray Carlisle . Dog’s Age: 8. Date of Birth: Feb. 4, 2006. Sire: Cara’s Marshal Law von Beck IPO2. Dam: Cara’s Miss Eclipse CD AKC/UDC CH Foxhall’s The First Lady IPO3, CD, ROM, VCX Call Name: Laura. Owner(s): Lynn Eggers and Jill & Art Graves. Age: 8. Date of Birth: Dec 1, 2005. Breeder: Lynn Eggers. Sire: AKC/UDC CH BJF Crescendo V Aquarius IPO3, SchH3, WDS3, UD, RA, ROM, U-CD, AD, T1, ZTPV1A, VCX. Dam: AKC CH Foxhall’s American Spirit OA, ROM Raksha’s MMMMMystere, CD, WAC, CGN, SAR-dog (HRD) Call name: Parquetta. Owner(s): Michelle L Limoges. Breeder(s): Cathleen Graves. Age: 9. Date of Birth: June 13, 2005. Sire: Int/Can/ UDC Ch Wittrock’s ZZZZZaaron, CD, AD, B, T2, CGC, ATT, VCX, WAC, SchH3. Dam: Raksha’s Witchey Woman v Deerun Meryl & Paul Winnie Loved By Meryl & Paul Winnie [email protected] Elischa v.d. Burgstätte IPO 3 Call name: Elischa. Owner’s Name: Kay Lewis. Breeder’s Name: Marco Cameli. Dog’s Age: 9. Date of Birth: April 12, 2005. Sire: Chico v.d. Doberwache. Dam: Carla v.d. Burgstätte 20 UDC FOCUS Sterling Sky Blue CGC, SAR Certified Air Scent, Delta Certified, PAWS Certified complex. (Pet Assited Volunter visitation, Autistic children & hospice patients Call name: Billy Blue. Owner(s): Wendy Ewing. Breeder(s): Susan Taylor. Age: 9. Date of Birth: January 24, 2005. Sire: Roeckl’s Black Jake. WAC,CGC,GHS,BH,LC-11. Dam: Sterling Kiss Me Kate, CD, CGC DRU’s Portia d’Aurelia, SchH3, IPO3, FH2, AKC CD, WAC Call name: Portia. Owner(s): Alissa Weaver. Breeder(s): Rescue. Dog’s Age: 9. Date of Birth: 9/2/2004. Sire: N/A. Dam: N/A We wish a Happy 10th Birthday to Sister Dulcinea! Cara’s Sweet Dream Dulcinea Bahir Loved by Bruno Klang UDC FOCUS 21 Marienburg Jerilyn Draconis, BH Call name: Draco. Owner(s): Marilyn D’Errico. Breeder(s): Marilyn D’Errico. Age: 10. Date of Birth: May 30, 2004. Sire: Dexter Von Frankenhorst. Dam: Jerilyn Wildfire Marienburg Cara’s Black Satin Doll CD, RN, BFL-1, ASCA-CD, CGC Call name: Zarra. Owner(s): Meryl & Paul Winnie. Breeder(s): Ray Carlisle & Anthony DeGregorio. Age: 10. Date of Birth: May 4, 2004. Sire: Cara’s Top Shelf, SchH3, IPO3, FH. Dam: Cara’s Katarina SchHA, BSA-1A, BH, STT UDC/UKC CH Gem’Givveeon Lumene SchH2, BSB, CD, RA, NA, NAJ, NF Call name: Ember. Owner(s): Debbie Hartzell. Breeder(s): Jelena Grigorjeva . Dog’s Age: 10. Date of Birth: December 26, 2003. Sire: Multi CH Tamerlan iz Slavnoi Stai IPO3. Dam: Multi CH Nuvai-Nikol Distant Rou VDK1, SAD1 Intl. CH JBARS Portia in the Sky CD, UCD, BH, SAR Cadaver Level A, VC ATT, TDI, CGC Call Name: Portia. Owner(s): Linda Kye. Breeder(s): Suzan Shipp. Age: 10. Date of Birth: July 8, 2003. Sire: JBARs Stonewall Jackson. Dam: Briarwood Riches Storm Echo Questwood’s Katachie Man, CD, ATT, Certified in Trailing. Call name: Jäger. Owner(s): Irene Korotev. Breeder(s): Carol Drimalas & Peter Betchley. Age: 11. Date of Birth: March 25, 2003. Sire: Quinto von Falkenfeld. Dam: Biemuller’s Naughty Lola Deb Hartzell Nero’s Bambino Call name: Bam Bam. Owner(s): Sandy Pope. Breeder(s): Kathy Gardner & Barbel Eichhorn. Age: 10. Date of Birth: September 16, 2003. Sire: Yas Nero v. Maruma’s Hoff. Dam: Legard’s Black Sun 22 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 23 Bell’Lavoros Vivace Un, BH, CD, WAC, CGC Call name: Frankie. Owner(s): Ellen & Peter Higgins & Vicky Brachfeld. Breeder(s): Vicky Brachfeld. Age: 11. Date of Birth: September, 2002. Sire: Gino Gomez Del Citone, SchH3, ZTP V1A. Dam: Cara’s Matik Gift For Gab, CGC, CD-AKC, BH, VC, SchH1, T1 MACH, UCD, UAG1 Taras Blue Stone by Thor CD, CGC, NCC, OAC, WV-N, OJC, TT, MXF, OAP, AJP, RE Call name: Taras. Owner(s): Bettina Kimball Choewinski. Breeder(s): Linda Moore/Tracy L. Nygren. Dog’s Age: 12. Date of Birth: June 10, 2002. Sire: Beckers Thor. Dam: Von Stone Blue Mountain Sage USJ, URO2, ARCH, BFJ O’er The Hills N’ Far Away, RE, OA, NAJ, RATO, TNE, TT, WAC Call name: Cala. Owner(s): Robin Nutall & Julie Stade. Breeder(s): Robin Nutall & Julie Stade. Age: 12. DOB: March 26, 2002. Sire: CH Destiny’s Man on a Mission, SchH3, IPO3, CDX, ROM, VCX, ZTP-VIA. Dam: UAg2 URO1 UCD BJF Renejade Debt of Honor, CD, RA, MX, MXJ, BH, TNE, NJE, TT, FFB, WAC Robin Nuttall Jammer vom Aurachgrund SchH3, AKC/ CKC CD, GFFB V1A, WAC Call name: Jammer. Owner(s): Sue KellyWalsh. Breeder(s): Sibylle & Werner Strobel. Age: 13. Date of Birth: March 14, 2001. Sire: Jonas vom Haus Weissenberger SchH3, IPO 3, AD. Dam: Angie vom Aurachgrund SchH 3, IPO 3, AD 24 UDC FOCUS Destiny’s Power of Faith, CDX, RA, BH, WAC, TD, UCD, CGC Call name: Jetta. Owne(s): Barbara Nagy. Breeder(s): Carol Bohanan-Uhler & Jane B. Terry. Dog’s Age: 13. Date of Birth: July 26, 2001. Sire: Am/Can/UDC CH. Destiny’s Man on a Mission, SchH3, IPO3, CDX, ROM, VCX, ZTP-VIA. Dam: Destiny’s Full Moon Rising, CDX Sadie Sue Gangster Dog From The Hood Call name: ‘Ole Lumpy’ or Sadie Sue. Owner(s): Roberta Brown/ Ryanne & Jake Guinn. Breeder(s): Rescue - Riverside County, Ca Shelter. Age: 14. Date of Birth: January 13, 2003. Sire: N/A. Dam: N/A UDC FOCUS 25 Beth Bishop Sandy Pope 26 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 27 .. Jager Questwood’s Kisatchie Man The New Recruit C.D. ATT dob - March 25, 2003 Sire - Quinto von Falkenfeld Dam - Biemuller’s Naughty Lola, C.D. .. As a Lifelong member of Missouri SAR, Jager has participated in over 150 searches. Certified in Trailing by the North American Police Work Dog Association. Awards – – 2008 DPCA Search dog of the Year Irene & Dave Korotev – 2011 UDC Service Dog of the Year Irene & Dave Korotev [email protected] 816.228.9097 Photo - Tiffany Brizendine 28 UDC FOCUS by Pam Stevens I began dressing my dobermann, talking to him in a low voice as I put his new harness and leash on him for the first time. I was almost breathless with apprehension… what if this wasn’t what he was meant to do? What if he was horrible at it, or didn’t enjoy the exercises as much as I did? What if we had to find something else to do together? My previous Dobermann, Jaeger was a natural narcotics dog. He loved the work as much as I did and had leapt from training level to training level as easily as breathing. I had lost him at the age of five and with him, a large part of my heart. Was I expecting too much of this dog to follow in Jaeger’s memory? As we approached the training facility door on our first day I looked down into Ciaran’s beautiful face and whispered the words, “Partner, time to find some drugs.” Partner… a wonderful word, and I smiled as I said it. Ciaran smiled when I did, and his tail made a slow curious figure-eight. I opened the door, took a calming breath, and our journey began. 1) Introduction to Drug Search. Training Aid: An open .45-caliber ammunition box filled with marijuana that had a milk crate inverted over it. The dog candidate and handler approach the training aid and circle it in a counter-clockwise direction. The entire purpose of this exercise is only to have the dog approach the training aid. I will point to the milk crate, and if I need to, even tap on it or put his toy reward on it to get my dog’s attention. Any show of interest in the training aid is rewarded with verbal encouragement and toy play. After a minute of play, the dog is brought right back to the training aid and reintroduced to it with the goal being a consistent reaction to it. Once the dog reacts well to the presentation of the training aid, a physical alert is added. Depending on the dog, this can be done in the first training session or the second or third. The addition of either a “passive” sit alert or “active” pawing alert again depends on the personality of the dog. My partners have both been passive alert dogs and sit to tell me that drugs are present. 2) Single-Blind Speed Trials. Training aid: 1-2 gram cellulose baggies placed with gloved hands in a drawer, on a shelf, or even in a microwave. “Single Blind” means that the handler is told where the training aids are placed at the beginning of the exercise. The dog is taken from place to place by the handler who uses a hand gesture to present an object for the dog to sniff. Hand presentations and a verbal cue (I use “Is it here?”) keep the dog focused and working in partnership with the handler. Everything is quicker. The training aids are quickly approached, and if identified correctly and alerted on, the reward is given with a shorter play time. The handler restarts the search just past that last narcotics “find“ and continues clockwise around the room until all the aids are found and the room cleared. This trial can UDC FOCUS 29 be done a couple of times without moving the aids, but not more than twice. Dobermanns are too smart and have great memories. After two speed trials, they will run from one aid to the next to get the toy reward. Our narcotics trainer, Len says “It’s so much easier to train a stupid dog. You never have stupid dogs.” 3) Double-Blind Speed Trials. Training aid: Scent soaked cellulose baggies placed with gloved hands planted “higher and deeper” in the room. A training problem designed to expose the dog/handler team to working in increasingly more difficult search areas and conditions. “Double Blind” refers to the handler and dog. Neither knows where the narcotics are hidden in different types of building interiors so there can be no ” handler assistance.” Exterior sites (including cars, tractor trailers and farm equipment) are also introduced. The team learns to follow the wind backward to the scent source or discern new scent from old. In addition, training aids are hidden in ceiling tiles so the dog gets used to having the drug scent fall from that height to his nose level. The handler is also learning the reactions of the dog to new situations such as the diminishing size of the drug in and on the training aid. This first training level is the hardest and longest because this is where the dog is taught what is expected of him. Yes, it is the easiest smell to learn, anyone who has attended either high school or a rock concert knows the smell of marijuana. The repetition of the exercises on this first level is the difficult part because it teaches the dog to learn. It is also the hardest for the handler because we are impatient, eager to go onto the more difficult (and perceived as more glamorous) narcotics odors. The next scent the dog is exposed to is cocaine, followed by heroin and methamphetamine and the training of each new level is exactly the same as the first. I also put a prescription drug on my dogs, either oxycodone or hydrocodone which have a high addiction rate. If a school, workplace or home search is done, this is what is more than likely found. I am often asked when I knew that Ciaran was “right” for narcotics training. The truth is that until that first day I didn’t know. I never dreamed that he would be a great DEA Certified 5 Drug Narcotics dog, I would have been happy with good. When we approached that huge marijuana training-aid that first day, I was very unsure whether this would work. As we circled that aid and I gestured toward it, Ciaran’s reaction was shocking. He took one sure and steady step forward, turned, and looked me straight in the eyes. Stretching his nose forward, he pressed on the milk crate, moving it across the concrete floor. Then he smiled and sat. Beautiful, Partner, Beautiful! Background: this award began in 1999, by the UDC SAR dog group initially for SAR dogs but eventually for all service dogs. Process: the award process will be advertised in the 3rd and 4th quarter editions of FOCUS including the criteria and nominating procedure, and on UDC Zooza email list. The UDC Board will appoint a committee to accept and verify nominations. Nominations that are not successful in one year may be considered in subsequent years, with the approval of the nominee. A list of nominations, along with corresponding backup materials for each candidate, will be provided to the Board for a decision at a meeting prior to the National. A certificate signed by the UDC president will be presented at the National, or mailed to recipient if the recipient cannot attend. Each year the award recipient’s name (dog and owner) will be engraved on the Always Faithful bronze statue donated by Linda Kurz and sculptress Susan Bahary in memory of D-CH Branwen vom Haus Kurz OA, OAC, OJC, OGC, NAJ, AD, BH, UD, TR1, WAC, VCX. The bronze will remain in the care of Irene Korotev. A War Dog Memorial poster will be sent by sculptress Susan Bahary to each year’s recipient. The award committee Chair will advise both Susan Bahary and Irene Korotev of the awardee each year. In addition, the Award Chair will provide the nomination materials to the FOCUS editor so that an article about the recipient will appear in FOCUS. Criteria: 1. Dog’s owner (at least one owner if co-owned) must have been a UDC member for a minimum of 2 years at the time of nomination. 2. The nominated dog must be registered with UDC (as of nomination date) 3. The dog must be certified by a recognized service dog group (Delta Society; bona fide SAR Dog organization; hearing; guide dog program, etc) Further criteria that will be considered for the award 4. Number of people impacted by the dog’s work 5. Caliber/level of impact 6. Uniqueness of service 7. Other outstanding contributions related to service work. Suggested Timeline July 31 Award criteria and nominating process advertised; use 3rd and 4th Quarter FOCUS, UDC Zooza email list January 31 Submission deadline February 15 Submission credentials verified February 15 list of candidates forwarded to Board March 31 Award decision from Board April 1 Certificates produced and mailed to president NOMINATION FORM Owner(s) Name(s):____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dog’s Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ UDC registration #:_______________________________ AKC/CKC/ILP/ERN# ______________________________________ Breeder(s):__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dog’s Sire:_________________________________________________ Dog’s Dam:_______________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________E mail:_________________________________________________________________ Supporting documentation (write up should include support of criteria; also include letters of recommendation or commendation where available)._______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 31 UDC MEMBER CLUBS — EFFECTIVE JULY, 2014 Northeast Region South Region Southwest Region OFFICERS New England Working Dobermans Mid-South Working Doberman Club Sport Doberman Club of Colorado President Member Club Secretary Mid-South CARMA CLEVELAND 12211 Monterey Road Collierville TN 38017 (h) 901-854-4268 [email protected] BONNIE GUZMAN 367 Chickadee Lane Bailey, CO 80421 (c) 303-733-4220 [email protected] MARSHA SHEPPARD 1584 Red Tree Court Draper, UT 84020-7705 [email protected] (801) 553-6444 LINDSAY DAVIS 3157 Dry Bread Rd. White Plains, VA 23839 [email protected] 434-577-9489 Vice President Directors JULIE STADE 12416 South Haven Rd. Haven, KS 67543 620-465-3657 [email protected] (316) 744-3214 NAZARENE MONDELLO 256 Moss Hill Road Jamaica Plain MA 02130 (h) 617-522-0253 [email protected] Tri-State Doberman Club RAY CARLISLE 20 Orchard Street Ramsey, N.J. 07446 (h) 845-987-2357 (c) 914-393-0166 (o)201-327-6100 [email protected] Vermont Total Doberman Club TRACI MULLIGAN P. O. Box 71 Arlington VT 05250 (h) 802-375-6121 [email protected] Northwest Region Pacific NW Doberman Pinscher Club SUE KELLY WALSH 15710 S. Molter Road Rockford, WA 99030 (509) 291-3147 [email protected] Mideast Region Working Dobermans of Kentucky BRANDI WILLIAMS P.O. Box 1042 Jeffersonville, IN 47131 (c) 832-860-5251 [email protected] Working Dobermans of the Carolinas LINDSAY DAVIS 3157 Dry Bread Road White Plains, VA 23893 (h) (434) 577-9489 [email protected] 32 UDC BOARD OF DIRECTORS — EFFECTIVE JULY, 2014 UDC FOCUS West Region Midcentral Region Central Valley Doberman Club Mid-Central Working Dobermans Club ERYNN LUCAS 3604 Riverside Dr Riverbank, CA 95367 520-306-0195 [email protected] ERIC WEST 795 NE 101 Road Warrensburg MO 64093 816-769-4077 660-441-3822 [email protected] Midsouth Region Central Texas Doberman Club IRINA SASU 2800 Perry Lane Austin TX 78731 (h) 512-458-1818 [email protected] Total Doberman Association JIM CLARY 358 E. Pecan Tree Road Waxahachie TX 75165 (h) 972-904-3141 [email protected] VICTORIA HALL P.O. Box 12426 Casa Grande, AZ. 85130 [email protected] (520) 723-4135 Treasurer MERYL WINNIE 220 Crow Hill Rd. Delanson, NY 12053 [email protected] (h) (518) 895-8506 (c) (518) 857-6543 Recording Secretary ALISSA WEAVER 35 Dudley Road Sutton, MA. 01590 (774) 287-3173 [email protected] Corresponding Secretary BETH BISHOP P.O. Box 159 Bath, MI 48808 [email protected] (517) 641-7345 Membership Secretary BONNIE GUZMAN 238 South Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80209 [email protected] (303) 733-4220 Canada MICHELLE LIMOGES 9111-84 Ave. Edmonton AB T6C 1E5 [email protected] 780-468-6245 Northeast JIM TOMAN 308 Washington Ave Milltown, NJ 08850 [email protected] (732) 407-8746 Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana Mid-Central DAVID STROFF 103 N. Grant Knob Noster, MO. 65336 (660) 563-1877 [email protected] North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri Southwest Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland CAROL ANN KEARNS 8823 Sugarloaf Rd. Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 506-2312 [email protected] Mid-East Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico BRANDI WILLIAMS P.O. Box 1042 Jeffersonville, IN 47131 [email protected] 502-214-7864 Northwest West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky South VIRGINA ROGERS P.O. Box 127 230 County Road 167 Crane Hill, AL 35053 [email protected] (256) 339-5401 Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina MAKAYLA KING 822 S. McKinzie Rd. Liberty Lake, WA 99019 (509) 496-7211 [email protected] Alaska, Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming West ERYNN LUCAS 3604 Riverside Dr. Riverbank CA 95367 (520) 306-0195 [email protected] California, Nevada, Hawaii UDC FOCUS 33 Advertise in Focus In order to continue to provide our membership with a quality publication, we face two challenges – content and advertising revenue. It is only through the support and contributions of our membership that we are able to make the FOCUS a viable publication. We need our membership to assist us in providing content by acting as “reporters” and sharing their experiences with the membership when and attend our National and Member Club events and by providing articles on health, training and general interest. We also need to offset the expense of the FOCUS by doing a better job of generating ad revenue. We need to have more members place more advertisements in both the digital and printed versions. Focus Deadlines Issue Ads & Articles Due Publication Date Spring 2014 (web issue) March 1st April 15th Summer 2014 (web issue) July 1st. August 15th Fall 2014 (printed issue) November 1st December 15th (sent to printer) InDesign files are acceptable. For InDesign and Illustrator files, all text must be converted to curves. Photoshop files should be flattened. Design Intructions for Digital Editions: Save ads at actual size, at 150 dpi in RGB format. Design Instructions for Printed Edition: Ads must be saved at a resolution of 300 dpi. If you wish your ad to “bleed” off the edge of the page, ad 1/8” to each side, for a full page size of 8.75” x 11.25” Place critical text at least 3/8” away from the actual (non-bleeding) edge. Low resolution “web ready” jpg photos will not print well! Average size of photos of sufficient resolution to be printed will be over 1.5 megabytes and over 1,200 pixels wide. Ads submitted with low-resolution photos or copy will produce a final ad with an unsatisfactory blurry/pixelated effect. Focus accepts no responsibility for camera ready ads submitted in low resolution. For your convenience, email Linda Lindic at pllindic@ or Robin Nuttall at [email protected] for an easy to use template to ensure your advertisement meets size and design requirements. Designer Created Advertisements: Our costs for placing advertisements are shown below: Digital Edition Ad Prices (Color Only) Front Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Inside Page (Full) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Inside Page (Half). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Print Edition Ad Prices (Color Only) Front cover reserved for National Events Back Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Inside Front or Back Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125.00 Inside Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 Special Advertising Package We also have a one year Advertisement Package for full size ads. You get three full size ads. One in each of the web issues and one for the printed issue (inside pages only) for a total price of $160.00! GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Adobe CS5 to CC are accepted. Acceptable formats include Photoshop (psd), Adobe Illustrator native file (ai), encapsulated PostScript file (eps) or jpg. Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files are also accepted, and should be exported as “Press Ready.” 34 UDC FOCUS If you would like to have a designer create an advertisement for you, we have two resources for you (see below). Contact the designer directly for their charges for designing your advertisement. Charges may vary depending on the number of photos and the complexity of your request. 1. Cindy Noland – [email protected] Samples of Cindy’s work can be viewed at 2. Linda Lindic – [email protected] Payment Instructions: UDC Advertising Policies All advertising is subject to the editor’s approval before publication. No advertising layout will commence until the UDC Treasurer receives and verifies the payment in full. US Funds Only. Ads cannot be canceled after the deadline. No refunds for published adver tisements. Pay by check or money order payable to UDC, mailed to the UDC Treasurer: MERYL WINNIE, 220 Crow Hill Road Delanson, N.Y. 12053 [email protected] (518) 895-8506 Please mark UDC FOCUS AD and INDICATE THE MAGAZINE QUARTER on the memo line of your check OR Pay by credit/debit card or bank draft using PAYPAL. PAYPAL address is [email protected] To ensure credit for your payment, please make sure to indicate “UDCFOCUS AD” and INDICATE THE MAGAZINE QUARTER in the “Comments” section of your electronic payment.
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