DobermanRescue.Org Gazette - Doberman Rescue of North Texas


DobermanRescue.Org Gazette - Doberman Rescue of North Texas
DobermanRescue.Org Gazette
This issue is dedicated in loving memory of Francine Case and Cathie Wincovitch. Francine was a Doberman lover who volunteered for many years at DRNT
and eventually started her own rescue called Last Hope Doberman Rescue. Cathie was an extraordinary Veterinary Technician who worked at Eastern Hills Pet
Hospital (Fort Worth). She always went above and beyond the call of duty to
help the Dobermans in our adoption program. We miss you so much.
Celebrate Our 20th Anniversary!!
have your pictures taken
with him and let your dogs
whisper their Wish Lists
into Santa’s ear. All photos
will be posted on our website in plenty of time for
Twenty years ago a Dober- you to download them and
man named Rita was res- add them to your Christmas
cued and DRNT was estab- cards!
lished. We will celebrate
the special occasion at this We’ll have plenty of
year’s Christmas party on snacks for you to enjoy
Sunday, December 8th plus there’ll be raffle baskets galore filled to their
from noon to 3:00 p.m..
rims. DRNT is a non-profit
organization. We don’t reSanta will be here so come ceive any public funding
D obe rm an Rescue of North Texas
and can only keep our
doors open through your
generosity. We’ll be accepting cash donations and
bags of Pedigree dog food
at the gate. Your monetary
contributions will enable us
to pay for veterinary care,
and medications during the
coming year.
We can’t wait to see all of
our rescued Dobermans
with their forever families.
It’s a pleasure for us to celebrate the holidays with
you and your families!
Party Invitation!
December 8th 2013
Noon — 3:00 p.m.
2021 Rock Creek Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX
Adopted Doberman Embraces Twins’ Double Loving
and providing it with a forever family, but for our
twins it was even more significant.
and I looked at each other
and knew this was an opportunity to GIVE. We
When the twins were nine
years old, the local news
program featured them.
They needed a forever family. At the time, they both
thought they would never
Zeus with his Forever Family
be adopted because it
Our whole family is built seemed so long since they
on the motto, "The answer had a family to call their
is always - GIVE."
As we prepared to adopt a
Doberman, all of our hearts
bubbled with anticipation.
We met a beautiful, older
Dobe who had been
dumped at a shelter and
transferred to DRNT. The
volunteers said they were
helping him recover from
malnutrition, hip problems,
tooth and gum issues. Then
it clicked: Zeus was another opportunity for us to
When we decided to adopt
a Doberman, our twins
were very excited and
couldn't wait to meet the
dogs. All of us loved the
idea of rescuing an animal
In the TV interview, our
daughter said that she
would eat whatever a family had, and if there wasn't
enough, it was ok, she just We brought Zeus home and
wanted a family. My wife tended to his medical needs
and gave him plenty of nutritious food. Zeus thanks
us by dousing us with love
and kisses. He and the
twins love to play hide and
seek and when he discovers
their hiding places, his nubbin’ of a tail wags nonstop! Even our rescued cat,
Charlotte, has accepted him
because he is such a gentleman and respectful of her.
Zeus has won us over with
his open love and enthusiasm for life. He has blessed
us ten times over!
We plan to keep living by
our heartfelt motto: The
answer is always
Happy Tails In Fur-ever Homes !!!
To own a Doberman is a privilege,
To be owned by a Doberman is an honor.
Hannah hung the moon! I waited 35 years to get a Doberman and she is simply
the PERFECT one for us! It's been so cute to watch her personality come out
more and more each day. Her whole body expresses how glad she is to see us in
the morning or when we come home through the door. As we’ve gotten to know
her better, we decided the name Lexi suits her better. Her vet check-up went well
and the entire staff fell in love with her! Lexi was transferred to DRNT after
Francine Case, founder of Last Hope Doberman Rescue, passed away. I only have
Lexi because of people like Francine and the volunteers at DRNT who cared
enough to rescue her. I will forever be grateful for all the people who play a part
in saving these dear Dobes and for being committed to finding them great homes!
Essie was returned to DRNT after nearly 7 years because her human is now in assisted living. She came with me as a foster and I immediately fell in love with her.
Despite that she is approximately 10-years-old, Essie loves to go for rides and
leaps into the car to claim her spot in the back seat. She plays with her K-9 brothers and sisters, ignores the household cat, and loves to hang out on a certain chair.
Essie has full-house roaming privileges because she is perfectly housebroken and
does not destroy any property (a BIG advantage of adopting an adult dog instead of
a puppy). Essie is a little talker and we simply adore her! Thank you for letting this
Dober-girl have another shot at the good life!
Just wanted to update everyone on Charlie. I adopted him a month ago and he is
such a joy. I love him so much. He was way under weight when I brought him
home and has now gained 11 pounds. He started attending "Pet Manners 1" at
What a Good Dog in Frisco. He has only been to one class so far, but I believe he
is going to ace the class! He enjoys playing with his little brother, a lot. He is
also attending doggie day care a few hours a week to make more friends. Would
you please tell Charles that I appreciate his help in bringing Charlie and I together
and I am so glad to have him as a member of our family. I am attaching a few
photos of some of Charlie's favorite activities.
We renamed Chico “Elvis” because with his floppy ears he looks like a hound
dog. He and Piper play nonstop, typically in front of me when I try to walk! Elvis
is good on-leash and he has learned that when we put on our running shoes the
leashes aren’t far behind. Our vet came by to check him out. He seems to think
Elvis is under 2 years old by the look of his teeth and the way he clumsily runs.
He is going to be a big boy when he completely finishes growing and fits into
those big feet of his. Thanks for checking up and thank you for trusting us with
him. We can’t wait until the Christmas party so we can show him off.
RSVP for the DRNT 2013 Christmas Party ! ! !
Email your RSVP to [email protected], or return this RSVP form to: Doberman Rescue of North Texas,
2021 Rock Creek Dr., Grand Prairie, TX 75050. If you aren’t able to attend but still wish to remember us this
holiday season with a donation, please fill out this form and return it with your gift. You can also donate to DRNT by
using PayPal at our website: (Click on Help the Dogs, then Donate)
We will be attending: #_______ guests
Sorry, we can’t attend. ___________ Gift Donation: $ _______
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________
Is this a new address? Yes No
State: ____________
Do you have a new phone number? Yes No (
Kodie’s New ’Leash’ on Life!
Kodie is a very special
Doberman. She is a K-9
Therapy Dog that was
‘hired’ by the local elementary school to work
with a Special Needs
On her way to ‘work’
one morning, in anticipation of the big day
ahead, she rushed across
the street to the school.
The driver of an oncoming vehicle sped up,
swerved into the wrong
lane to intentionally hit
her, then drove off.
Zip Code: ______________
that is when the phone go home. Then came
the hard part: how to
keep her still so that her
Julie Munford, Director body could heal. With
of DRNT, told him to time, patience and love,
take Kodie to Dr. Eng- her leg healed nicely
land, whose clinic was and she has returned to
close by, and that things ‘work’.
would be taken care of.
The vets’ talents and
Kodie’s right front leg expertise helped save
was shattered and her her life so that she can
owner did not have the live out the rest of her
funds for such an ex- glorious days doing
procedure. what she does best. KoSince Kodie had devot- die’s daddy is so grateed her life to help peo- ful and said, “See, there
ple with Special Needs is a God and yes, there
she was taken care of are still good people in
pro bono, thanks to this world.”
DRNT. Dr. England and
Dr. Mountain worked
tirelessly to perform the
extensive surgery; a
long process of putting
back the pieces and using plates and screws to
hold the bones together.
Kodie’s owner did not
want her to suffer and
had resolved to have her
put to sleep. He asked After one week in the
God for a miracle and hospital, Kodie got to
) _____________
Help Us Help Boone
Fort Worth Animal Control
picked up a Doberman that had
been left in a park to die. His owner had tied a towel around his
head and double-knotted it to be
sure he could not eat or drink. His
frail, emaciated body was covered
in demodex mange and his chances of surviving were slim.
DRNT received a call to see if we
could help. A volunteer transported him and we all decided to name
him Boone. He eats several small
meals a day, receives medicated
baths, and is resting comfortably
and catching-up on much needed
Boone heard that Santa Claus is
coming to town. First on his list is
to find an adopter who will love
him forever.
~ Cheers!
Doberman Rescue of North Texas, Inc.
2021 Rock Creek Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Do b er ma n Rescue of North Texas
Best Friends Who Got Their Wings and Crossed to the Rainbow Bridge
Tina Good Dog
Adam, Therapy Dog
I Love Lucy
Suzy Q
Sweet Abby
Bridget Jones