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here - Rishona Studios
Tami Ellison ‫תמי רשונה אליסון‬
050- 228 3877 || [email protected]
photage technique - creating 3D-like visual illusions in
2D space patent pending no. 61996346
Photage Art blends the contemporary visual appeal of familiar subjects
with abstract surrealism and geometric sensibilities to deliver an emergent
visual experience filled with ooh, ah and aha moments as the hyphenated
image segments dynamically reassemble in the viewer's mind and new
details reveal themselves within each composition.
golden mornings showcases mornings at dawn, across time. The start of colder and shorter days in
the mid-October brings about a magnificent change in leaf colors on the trees next to the lake as
well as a light fog may hover over the lake in the early morning hours. By early January, the lake is
frozen over but throughout the winter months it would go through several periods of thawing and
refreezing. The third image shows a silhouette of a hawk set against a golden early morning sky. To
reach great heights in the sky, hawks and eagles often ride upward currents of warm air known as
thermals. (Commisioned by the Bloomfield Science Museum Autumn Impressions exhibit, 2014)
waters of life from the waters of the Mediterranean, near the Herodian ruins at Caesarea, to the
vineyards growing along the Galilee (Kinneret), to a view of the Jerusalem forest from the picture
window built into the side of a mountain (Holocaust History Museum, Yad Vashem). Water offers
us renewal and an affirmation of life. (Israel)
remember - photage includes an iconic golden sunset over Jerusalem, the Western Wall and plaza
during Hanukkah 2012, and a view from the Haas promenade of the Jerusalem skyline. The images
blend past, present and future - of what can be seen and what cannot be seen, from the everlasting to
the enduring, from the old to the new, from a beginning to a transcendent time and place without
end. (Israel)
wild about you showcases Colorado's magnificent wildflower blooms set against a dramatic
"purple mountains' majesty" backdrop. unrestrained slenders of green, pink, purple and white silvery lupine and penstemon - stretching across the prairie and filling vistas of purple mountains'
majesty under the setting Colorado sun (John Fielder's Denver Photo Art Gallery, June-July 2014)
buck with felt covering his impressive antlers dips his head among the sunflowers in the field, a
pastoral scene soon to evolve into a show of strength when he will challenge other bucks in these
same fields. The scene is framed by the billowing clouds stretching across the open prairie and
punctuated with a popular watering hole frequented by mule deer packs. It is here, on one of two
wetlands islands, that some female deers will give birth. Surrounded by the water, their young
fawns can be protected from the coyotes. (John Fielder's Denver Photo Art Gallery, June-July 2014)
things are looking up is an urban photage, a metaphor for Colorado's lofty altitude without the
attitude, and which showcases skyward-looking geometric and architectural elements in varied hues
of blue, gray and white. Each image is infused with breaths of sky and light...from the seemingly
endless clear blue vista above the streetlamps, both sources of light but one cast in shadow, the
other bathed in light to the sundial's gnomon reaching for the clouds but casting a shadow below;
and, finally to a defined space grappling within its concrete and steel borders and fighting for a
glimpse of sky and light. (John Fielder's Denver Photo Art Gallery, June-July 2014)