October 2015 - Fine Arts Work Center
October 2015 - Fine Arts Work Center
FINE ARTS WORK CENTER in Provincetown WORK CENTER MONTHLY OCTOBER 2015 IRENE LIPTON, Monoprint Project 2015 (detail) Visual Arts Fellow 1989-1990 and 1988-1989 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM SEVEN-MONTH RESIDENCIES FOR EMERGING WRITERS AND VISUAL ARTISTS JAMES ESBER, Monoprint Project 2015 (detail) Visual Arts Fellow 1991-1992 VISUAL ARTS FELLOWS CURRENT & UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS AND NEWS HIROYUKI HAMADA, Visual Arts Fellow 1995-1996 - Lori Bookstein Fine Art, NYC, “Paintings,” through Oct. 17 CANDICE LIN, Visual Arts Fellow 2011-2012 - François Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, “You are a spacious fluid sac,” through Oct. 24 FIRELEI BÁEZ, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 - Winner of the Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting - Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, UT, “Patterns of Resistance,” through Jan. 16, 2016 - Pérez Art Museum Miami, Miami, FL, “Bloodlines,” Oct. 15, 2015 - Mar. 6, 2016 CHRISTY GEORG, Visual Arts Fellow 2007-2008 - Gardner Art Gallery, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, solo show, Jan. 2016 - Awarded an Arts/Industry Residency at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI, Summer 2016 ALISON O’DANIEL, Visual Arts Fellow 2012-2013 - Centre d’Art Contemporain Passerelle in Brest, France, solo show, “All Component Parts (Listeners),” through Jan. 2 - Disjecta Contemporary Art Center, Portland, OR, “Book of Scores,” through Nov. 1 - StoreFrontLab, San Francisco, CA, “Indigo Mind,” through Nov. 5 JARROD BECK, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 and 2011-2012 - Dieu Donné Workspace, NYC, “Jarrod Beck & Ethan Greenbaum,” Nov. 6 - Dec. 23 - Creating an installation for Jon Kinzel’s new work, COWHAND CON MAN, premiering at Gibney Dance Choreographic Center, NYC on October 21 TABITHA VEVERS, Visual Arts Fellow 1995-1996 - Lori Bookstein Fine Art, NYC, “Lover’s Eyes: Selfies,” through Oct. 17 ALEJANDRO GUZMAN, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 - Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA, “Creative Misunderstandings,” through Nov. 1 RON SHUEBROOK, Visual Arts Fellow 1969-1970 - MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontario, “Artists at Riverside,” through Oct. 25 - Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, “Art/Craft,” through Nov. 14 - Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Group Exhibition, Summer 2018 SUSAN LYMAN, Visual Arts Fellow 1981-1982 - Awarded a Residency Fellowship at Virginia Center for Creative Arts, Amherst, VA, Oct./Nov. 2015 - Marian Graves Mugar Art Gallery, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, “Working Women: 36 Contemporary Women Artists, curated by Bert Yarborough, through Nov. 3 LINDA BOND, Visual Arts Fellow 1978-1979 - Kniznick Gallery, Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, solo show, “Reconnaissance,” through Nov. 2015 - Marian Graves Mugar Art Gallery, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, “Working Women: 36 Contemporary Women Artists, curated by Bert Yarborough, through Nov. 3 JENNIFER SULLIVAN, Visual Arts Fellow 2012-2013 - Arts + Leisure Gallery, NYC, “Your Bad Self,”, through Oct. 18 - Lane Meyer Projects, Denver, CO, “Touched for the Very First Time,” opening Oct. 9 ALEXANDRIA SMITH, Visual Arts Fellow 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 - She is a Virginia Myers Visiting Artist in Printmaking at University of Iowa 2015/2016 PIETER PAUL POTHOVEN, Visual Arts Fellow 2013-2014 - Tatjana Pieters Gallery, Gent, Belgium, group show “Listen to the Stones, Think Like a Mountain, through Oct. 31 WRITING FELLOWS & WRITING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS SAFIYA SINCLAIR, Writing Fellow 2015-2016 - Awarded a 2015 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship JHUMPA LAHIRI, Writing Fellow 1997-1998 - Awarded a 2014 National Humanities Medal by President Barack Obama AMANDA REA, Writing Fellow 2007-2008 - Awarded a 2015 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writer’s Award for emerging women writers MARIE HOWE, Writing Fellow 1983-1984 - Awarded the 2015 Academy of American Poets Fellowship ADA LIMÓN, Writing Fellow 2001-2002 - Has been longlisted for National Book Award in Poetry MARK WUNDERLICH, Writing Fellow 2000-2001 and 1996-1997 - Wins the 2015 UNT Rilke Prize, recognizing a book that demonstrates exceptional artistry and vision written by a mid-career poet CYNTHIA LOWEN, Writing Fellow 2007-2008 - Has been nominated for two Emmy Awards for her documentary film, BULLY. She is the film’s co-creator, producer and writer MICHAEL KLEIN, Writing Fellow 1979-1980 - His new book, When I Was a Twin, has just been published by Sibling Rivalry Press - Will be teaching his first 24PearlStreet online writing workshop, “If It’s True.....” A Memoir Workshop,” Jan. 4-28 ROBERT GARNER MCBREARTY, Writing Fellow 1980-1981 - His new novel, The Western Lonesome Society, has just been published by Conundrum Press ELLEN WITTLINGER, Writing Fellow 1975-1976 and 1974-1975 - An updated edition of Parrotfish, her 2007 YA novel (one of the first YA novels to feature a transgender protagonist), has just been published by Simon & Schuster WE ENCOURAGE ALL FELLOWS TO SEND US NEWS OF EXHIBITIONS, P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D O T H E R A N N O U N C E M E N T S F O R I N C L U S I O N I N T H E W O R K C E N T E R M O N T H LY A N D O N O U R W E B S I T E . P L E A S E S E N D A L L I N F O R M AT I O N T O N E W S L E T T E R @ F AW C . O R G . 24 PEARL STREET ONLINE WRITING WORKSHOPS RETURNING STUDENTS TA K E 1 0 % O F F Y O U R T U I T I O N W H E N Y O U R E G I S T E R FOR ANY 2015-2016 WORKSHOP R E G I S T E R N O W – T H E R E A R E S T I L L A F E W S PA C E S AVA I L A B L E I N T H E S E T E R R I F I C W O R K S H O P S CHARLES MCLEOD | NEW FORMS OF FICTION OCTOBER 12 - DECEMBER 4, 2015 | FICTION Charles McLeod’s provocative new class will help you sharpen and enhance your narrative skills through a series of unlikely written assignments. Over the eight-week run of this class, you will explore writing for different forms of new media, unexpected situations and other unusual narrative vehicles – all with the ultimate goal of learning how to be more creative, adventurous and inventive in everything you write. ADA LIMÓN | STAYING TRUE: AUTHENTICITY & VOICE: FALL OCTOBER 12 - DECEMBER 4, 2015 | POETRY Ada Limón is determined to help you focus in on your own personal style and write poems in your own unique voice in a world filled with constantly challenging external influences. This class you will offer new techniques to help you develop a more powerful personal identity in your poetry that will deepen the connection between you and your readers. REBECCA GAYLE HOWELL | TRANSLATION AS CREATIVE PRACTICE OCTOBER 12 - NOVEMBER 6, 2015 | POETRY In the global world we live in, English has become the universal language of our time. In Rebecca Gayle Howell’s unique workshop you’ll study an international array of poetry and learn new English translation strategies and skills that will help guide you as you develop drafts of original and translated works. ED SKOOG | HAVE YOU TRIED THE SIDE DOOR? FINDING A WAY IN TO YOUR NEXT POEMS. OCTOBER 19 - DECEMBER 11, 2015 | POETRY Starting a poem is difficult because of the barriers we often build for ourselves. In Ed Skoog’s new course, he will help you recognize your individual barriers to getting into a poem and how to bypass them. In this workshop you will write and revise new poems through a series of guided encouragements, deadlines, and feedback from the group and one-on-one discussion. SARAH MESSER | FACTS, RESEARCH, AND MEMOIR OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 20, 2015 | NON-FICTION Even in our most vivid memories, details fade. Sarah Messer’s essential course will help you mine memory through research techniques like archival work, interviewing, travel, music, and information-gathering in order to create vivid, compelling scenes. The course will help you find the facts to get at larger truths and also remember small concrete details. At the end of this month-long course, you’ll be able to construct a compelling, moving memoir that makes your reader feel like they are there right with you whether your memoir takes place 60 years ago, or just yesterday. FRANCESCA LIA BLOCK | NOT ALWAYS HAPPILY : WRITING THE CONTEMPORARY FAIRY TALE OCTOBER 26-30, 2015 | FICTION Francesca Lia Block’s one-week intensive course will show you how to utilize the various elements of fairy tale writing as inspiration for writing short stories, novels and even poetry. During the course you will delve into character, plot, setting, language and theme as you compose contemporary fairy tales for both adults and young adults. HEIDI JON SCHMIDT | TELLING THE STORY OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 20, 2015 | FICTION Almost all stories begin somewhere in an author’s experience. In her new fiction workshop, Heidi Jon Schmidt will help you unlock that experience and reimagine it as a compelling and fulfilling story that helps make characters feel alive. The goal is to create a rich story that drives a reader to urgently want to turn each page. DAISY FRIED | WRITING POEMS THAT DON’T FIT: FALL OCTOBER 26 - NOVEMBER 20, 2015 | POETRY In her four-week workshop, Daisy Fried will guide you as you formulate what your poems want to be and how you fit into your work. With a goal of helping you clarify your themes and focusing on your own voice, this workshop is designed to teach you new ways to generate poems that truly reflect your individual style. CAROLYN FORCHÉ | WRITING NEW POEMS: FALL NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 4, 2015 | POETRY Carolyn Forché’s five-day intensive Fall class will help experienced poets push their writing into exciting new directions. In this generative, guided workshop, you will work intensively for a week as you explore different approaches to process and revision. A N D C H E C K O U T A N O T H E R P R O V O C AT I V E N E W W O R K S H O P TAUGHT BY ONE OF OUR SUMMER PROGRAM FACULTY MEMBERS REIF LARSEN | THE SENTENCE AS A GIFT APRIL 7-11, 2016 | FICTION Do you see your sentences simply as a way to get from here to there or as an opportunity to try something never done before? In his one-week intensive workshop, Reif Larsen we will help you revise a short piece of fiction (short story or standalone novel excerpt), focusing on the finer, more micro elements of your writing – word choice, syntax, comma, verb, noun – that are too often ignored. C L I C K H E R E T O V I E W T H E 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 O N L I N E W R I T I N G W O R K S H O P C ATA L O G SUMMER PROGRAM W E E K - L O N G W O R K S H O P S I N C R E AT I V E W R I T I N G A N D T H E V I S U A L A R T S VICKY TOMAYKO, The Day the Light Will Change (detail), 2013, monoprint with lithography, 11” x 15” Visual Arts Fellow 1985-1986 and 2015 Summer Program faculty member CONTINUE YOUR WRITING WORKSHOPS ALL YEAR LONG WITH OUR 24PEARLSTREET ONLINE WRITING CLASSES. C L I C K H E R E T O V I E W T H E 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 W O R K S H O P C ATA L O G . SPECIAL OFFER FOR RETURNING SUMMER PROGRAM STUDENTS. REGISTER FOR ANY ONLINE WRITING WORKSHOP A N D S AV E 1 0 % O N Y O U R T U I T I O N . W AT C H F O R O U R N E W S U M M E R 2 0 1 6 W O R K S H O P C ATA L O G W I T H F U L L C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S A N D F A C U LT Y B I O S C O M I N G I N J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 6 HUDSON D. WALKER GALLERY ISAAC MCCASLIN, Collector of Fine Things (detail), 2014, oil on canvas, 46” x 60” Visual Arts Fellow 2015-2016 IT’S OCTOBER: SELECTED WORK BY CURRENT VISUAL ARTS FELLOWS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS OCTOBER 16 – NOVEMBER 6, 2015 OPENING – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 6-8 PM THE HUDSON D. WALKER GALLERY AT THE FINE ARTS WORK CENTER IS HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. FREE AND OPEN TO ALL PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE MAIN OFFICE 2015 CEC ARTSLINK RESIDENCY HOSTED BY THE FINE ARTS WORK CENTER ,. , The Work Center is delighted to welcome and host 2015 CEC ArtsLink Fellow MAŁGORZATA ROZANSKA-BRANIECKA. ArtsLink Residencies offers artists and arts managers from 37 overseas countries five-week residencies at non-profit arts organizations throughout the US. The program enables artists and communities across the US to share artistic practices with artists and arts managers from abroad and engage in dialogue that advances understanding across cultures. During their residencies, ArtsLink Fellows have opportunities to develop community-based projects, present new art and issues from their regions and initiate collaborative projects with US artists. The artists will share their experiences, the people, exhibitions, community events and new work created during their residencies on this blog. MEET “GOSIA” As an arts manager since 2008, Rózanska-Braniecka has coordinated international literary activities at Villa Decius Association in Krakow, including three residency programs for writers and translators. In addition to curating over 50 literary events, she has organized residencies for approximately 90 writers, translators and artists from over 20 countries. In the future, Rózanska-Braniecka hopes to broaden the scope of Villa Decius residency programs by inviting American writers and by establishing partnerships with US organizations to host Polish writers. She is also eager to enhance her understanding of all aspects of project development and implementation including fundraising, working with partner organizations and evaluation. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CEC ARTSLINK FELLOWS PROGRAM
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