No 8 20 March 2015 - St Columban`s College


No 8 20 March 2015 - St Columban`s College
The The
Spirit - Tradition - Community
Principal’s Message
23 March
NZ Information
Dear Students, Staff, Family and Friends,
23 April
ANZAC Ceremony
7 May
Autumn Leaves
Music Concert
20 March 2015
I trust in the kindness of God forever
“God of all peoples in Jesus Christ
You call us from our foolishness to be you children
us like a the
we approach
end of singing
term and
the song of a new day.”
Over the last week we see the focus on students
writing of Term 1 Reports. We hope that all proceeds productively, but if any concerns please feel
free to contact us either through the Teachers, House Leaders or Senior Leadership Team. Special
Consideration of circumstances is a College Policy, so this means that students are entitled to
varying of conditions around assessment, where this policy applies e.g. illness, family loss or other
circumstantial factors.
We wish Ms Cathy Galvin the best on her well deserved Long Service Leave overseas for 5 - 6
weeks, and welcome Mr Darren Crilly to the role as Acting Deputy Principal. We are pleased to
announce that Mr Steven Ruddy will take Darren’s place as Acting Assistant Principal – Middle
Phase ( Years 7, 8 and 9). So, if you are wanting to contact the Head of Senior Studies it is Mrs
Kate Ruddy and/or Head of Middle School Studies it is Mr Steven Ruddy.
16 May
Open Day
23 May
Trivia Night
Amazing Achievement
Congratulations to Josh Connolly and Ella Connolly on their performances
at the National Athletics Championships last weekend. We are thrilled that
Josh jumped 2.14 metres in the 17 Years High Jump which placed him first
in Australia, and also gained him a place in the U 18 Australian Team for
the World Championships in Columbia in July. He is now ranked No 1 in
Australia and very high in the world. Josh is College Captain and what a
great photo with his StC hat on at the Championships!!
29 May
Golf Day
We are also very proud of Ella who won the 400m race in a time of 55.56
and is now the National 400 U 16 Champion. Ella also took out Bronze in
200m, Silver in 100m 12.06, and achieved PB’s in all events!!
QATSIF Scholarship Presentation
Principal’s Message
Learning and
College Notices
Mentor Academy
CRICOS Reg No. 03347D
On Wednesday morning, a large gathering at St Lawrence’s College in Brisbane acknowledged all
the Indigenous Students throughout the region, who were awarded Scholarships for Year 11 and
Year 12 to encourage them in their completion of studies. Congratulations to Dylan Lamb, Amber
Brandie, Ella Burr, Isabell Van Der Meer, Alahna Riordan, Priscilla Kolanowski, Larissa
Lawton-Mills, Brianna Guy, Kai Turner, Chloe Williams, Erick Dowers and Jake Masters who were
all awarded scholarships. These scholarships were sponsored by the QATSIF Qld Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islanders Foundation. QATSIF financial support honours previous generations of
Indigenous Queenslanders who labored under the control, laws and policies of the past. What was
owed to them – through the former Aborigines Welfare Fund and the Indigenous Wages and
Savings Reparations Scheme (compensating stolen wages)
– is now seed funding for a Trust that can bring a better life
to today’s generations. We are so proud to have one of the
largest groups to gain scholarships. Moreover, we were very
pleased to have families and local traditional elder Aunty Lyn
attend. All of these students had Certificates of Aboriginality
endorsed by local elders and we thank Aunty Lyn for
attending the ceremony and all the work to support our
students. We are also grateful to Mr Leon Ramage, who
coordinates our Indigenous Students, for the fabulous work
in facilitating these outcomes.
100 McKean Street, Caboolture | PO Box 1254, Caboolture QLD 4510
Absentee Hot Line: 5433P:
a day)
| F: 07 5495 3211 | E: [email protected]
Debating News
The year 8 Debating results are as follows with some excellent debates but just missing the wins this week – the wonderful part
is that we have 4 teams representing the College.
Team 1 Lachlan Assenbruck, Bronte Aranovitch, Matthew Howard and Jacinta Spnovic, lost to Genesis Christian College
Team 2 Jonte Connolly, Vashti Borthwick, Dylan Eldrett and Matthew Glasgow, lost to Grace Lutheran College
Team 3 Chloe Briggs, Dana Pavlovic and Audrey Donovan, lost to Albany Creek State High School
Team 4 Emily White, Tanika Brown, Toma Pavlovic and Noah Walters, lost to St Paul’s School
This week saw our Year 7 and 8 Debaters have their first taste of competitive debating finishing up round one of the Queensland
Debating Union Competition. The four teams of Year 7 & 8 students performed well for the first time debating the very difficult
topic 'That we should ban toys designed for (and marketed to) only one gender’. All speakers did a fantastic job with very difficult
subject matter—the students discussed the developmental needs of children at different stages of childhood and valiantly
rebutted to make their case. A massive congratulations goes to all debaters! With the tough subject matter it was no wonder the
scores were so close! Unfortunately this week the decisions were not in our favour with all teams going down by only a point or
two. Importantly though all received praise and positive advice from the adjudicators which we know will help to develop all of our
young debaters. Well done!
Enrolment Interviews
Have you applied yet for 2016?
Important to do now!!
We have been interviewing all week and it has been such a
pleasure to meet so many families with delightful prospective
students for next year. I would strongly encourage you (if you
have siblings) and your friends to apply now as we are
receiving lots of applications every day. We will also be
launching our Scholarship Program on our website in the
coming weeks. The scholarship testing day for Year 6 students
will be Saturday 30 May at the College at 9 am. We are
hosting Taster Days for Year 6 Students at the College over
the next week – contact the College on 5495311 for more
information. Our Open Day will be on Saturday 16 May – mark
in your diaries now!
In closing, congratulations to Learning Enhancement teacher
Mrs Angie Woodriffe and husband Nick on the birth of their
beautiful baby boy Vinnie on Saturday 14 March.
On a sad note, we offer our sincere condolences and prayers to
Mrs Kim Midgley , PA to the Principal at our College, and
Mr Jim Midgley, Acting Principal St Eugene’s College, on the
recent passing of Jim’s father, Morgan Midgley, who has lead a
very distinguished life with a very large family.
Blessings for the coming week
Ann Rebgetz
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
“ May the doors of our hearts, our homes, and communities be wide
enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, and narrow
enough to shut out all envy and prejudice.”
Learning & Pathways
Year 11 & 12 Students - Upcoming Assessment / Exam Block
A reminder that students in Year 11 and 12 will be engaged in their assessment / exam block from Monday 23 March to
Thursday 26 March (please note that Friday 20 March is a NORMAL SCHOOL DAY for Year 11 and 12 students and
classes will be running as per the usual Day 1 timetable). The only exception to this will be for those students completing
their White Card training on Friday 20 March.
Please note that Monday 30 March is an ‘Assessment Catch Up’ day for Year 11 and 12 students only. Any Year 11 and
12 students with outstanding assessment must be in attendance at school on Monday 30 March. Emails and letters may be sent
home this week to students regarding overdue assessment items. Please note that any student who has outstanding
assessment items will be required to attend school, all day, until the required assessment items have been completed to an
acceptable standard.
During exam block, any student at school, even just to hand in an assessment item, should be in full formal school uniform.
Exam Block is not a time for students to wear ‘free’ dress or take liberties with their uniform and personal presentation. Parental
support of this policy is appreciated.
Heritage Day
Tuesday 31 March is Heritage Day and it is a very significant date on our College calendar. Heritage Day celebrates all the
wonderful traditions and history of StC and we look forward to celebrating this day with all students. Activities will include the
‘Silver Slipper’ race, the Project Compassion ‘Coin Line’ and many other House sessions. The Spirit, Tradition and Community
Committees will be selling cheeseburgers at the BBQ area, as the Tuckshop will be closed on Heritage Day.
It is a compulsory school day for all students in years 7 – 12 and it is an expectation that all students are in attendance.
Next Step Survey 2015
The Queensland Government is conducting its annual Statewide Survey of all students who completed Year 12 in 2014. The
Next Step Survey is a brief, confidential survey that gains a comprehensive picture of the employment, study and life choices
made by Queensland school completers in the year after they finish Year 12.
Between March and June, all our students who completed Year 12 last year can expect to receive instructions to complete a
web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office to complete the survey. Please
encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or
forward the survey to their new address so they can participate.
Thank you for your support of the Next Step survey in 2015. Further information on Next Step is available online at or on toll free telephone 1800 068 587.
Library News
Wow what a term and transformation we have had in the Library. At the end of last
year the Library was packed up and had a full refurbishment, new paint, carpet and
furniture. The Library Assistant Mrs Hallinan and myself Mrs Petrie were very happy
last week to have finally unpacked all the boxes of books. The Library is now an
exciting space for students to study, read and relax in.
All students can access the Library home page and catalogue through the school
portal on their laptops. We invite you to follow the Library Instagram page at
‘stclibrary’ .
The Library is also looking for parent helpers to cover books, if you have some
time on your hands and are good with Contact please contact us via email
[email protected] or phone 5495 3111.
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
College Notices to Parents/Guardians
TAS Trimester 1 Awards Night
The Trimester 1 Awards Presentations will be held in the MMPC on Wednesday evening
1 April. The evening will start with a BBQ at 5.30pm and Awards will be presented from
6pm onwards. The evening will conclude by approximately 8:00 - 8.30pm. BBQ items will
be available for purchase from $2 each.
All Trimester 1 Team Players and Swimming Age Champions are expected to attend wearing their formal uniform. It would be
great to see all families support one another and stay for the entire Presentation. All Team Captains should be organizing a
small gift and card for their Coach. Sports presented – Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Volleyball and Swimming.
School Dental Van
The Dental Van will be at St Columban’s from the
beginning of Second Term. All children from Year
7-10 are eligible for treatment.
If you receive the Medicare rebate for dental work, you
will be required to sign the necessary forms for
If you have a child in Year 11-12, they may be eligible
if you receive the Medicare rebate. If you are unsure
of your eligibility, please contact Medicare to check
your status. They are also eligible if they have a
Health Care Card.
Dental Forms, if required, can be collected from the
College Reception and need to be returned by
Thursday 30 April as the Dental Van will only be at the
College until the end of Third Term.
Student Drop off and Pick up
NZ Sports Tour 2016
Please be aware that the Drop off and Pick up area for
Parents/Caregivers is the rear carpark of the College off
Pettigrew St. The front car park is for Staff and College
Visitors only.
On Monday the 23 March there will be a meeting at 6pm in
the MMPC classroom for any students and their parents that
are interested in attending the NZ Sports Tour in the
September holidays in 2016.
This tour is open to students who are currently in Years 9-11.
Please register your interest by getting your parents to email
Ms Wust prior to this meeting. 2014 Year Books have arrived
All Year 12 Graduates from 2014 are most
welcome to come and collect a copy of the St
Columban’’s College 2014 Annual Year Book
from reception. All other year levels will receive their copy from their PC Teacher.
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
StC Cross Country Carnival
St Columban’s College will hold its Annual Interhouse Cross-Country Carnival on Friday 27 March. Students are required to wear
their SPORTS uniform to school on this day (House Shirts are preferred and Hats and Sports shoes are essential!). This
Carnival will be held at the College and spectators are welcome as always.
Friday’s timetable will run as normal up until the end of Morning Tea (with morning PC at 8.55am followed by periods 1 & 2, then
Morning Tea up until Meeting bell). Students will then assemble in their House Groups under Albion so the Carnival can
commence at 11.30am.
The Tuckshop will not be open on Friday, however the Community Committee will run a BBQ so students can grab a Cheese
Burger for lunch. O’Driscoll House will also be selling soft drinks or water & Powerade to raise money for their charity. More
information and prices will be in the Daily Notices next week for the students. Water stations will be provided on the course
for runners but it is essential that all students prepare for the conditions with their sports hat, sunscreen and by
drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.
Open and 16 years boys will run 4.5km, and ALL other students will run 3km. Students can check out the course map on the
Sports Notice Board. The approximate starting times of each event are as follows:
15 years girls & boys
14 years girls & boys
12 & 13 years girls & boys
16 & Open girls
16 & Open Boys
Clean up and Presentations
Remember that spectators are most welcome. Thank you for your continued support of co-curricular activities at St Columban’s
College. Hope to see you at the Cross Country.
Michelle Wust
Co curricular Activities Co-ordinator
International Women’s Day
On Friday 13 March, the College celebrated International Women’s Day with a talk and luncheon in Bobbio Restaurant run by
the Community Committee for the Year 12 girls. The Year 11 Hospitality Students provided the wonderful food. This is an
annual event with the theme this year of “Women: Make It Happen”. We were fortunate to have three members of staff sharing
their stories of wisdom, overcoming barriers and being inspired. Thank you to Sharon Sweeney, Tracy Scanlan and Priyanthi
Joseph for their generous, warm and powerful talks.
As one student shared her thoughts afterwards:
“The International Women’s day lunch was an eye-opening experience. I was able to witness my teachers tell their stories, and
I felt inspired. Having a guest speaker would have been a good idea, and it would have been inspirational, and I would have
walked out feeling motivated to do something with my life. But by having my own teachers telling their stories, I felt a
connection to them, it was far more beneficial for everyone in room; you could feel it in the atmosphere.
I was able to see people that I see everyday and hear of the struggles they overcame to get where they are; doing something
they love. Seeing someone who I know, that I see everyday, gave me hope that I too can overcome any struggles that face me
in the future.
You always hear stories by ‘inspiring’ people, but this opportunity helped me realize that anyone can be inspirational. These
women are amazing, and deserve to be celebrated; it was a privilege to witness the moment where they were celebrated.”
FYI: The first International Women's Day was held in 1911, and is celebrated worldwide each year on March 8. It stands for
equality between men and women, and the right to vote, work and hold public office, as well as peace, human rights, and
social, economic and political issues are the important. Green (hope and new life), White (purity) and Purple (dignity and
respect) are the official colours of IWD.
Deborah Holland & Lavinia Affleck
(On behalf of the Community Committee team: Emily, Tess, Brianna, Sharriah, Connor, Melissa and Yolanda)
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
Wizard of Oz – Costume Help Needed!!!
This year the College has embarked on producing one of its biggest musical theatre
productions to date, The Wizard of Oz. As you can imagine, the costuming involved in
such a production is significant, with approximately 100 students requiring costumes.
If you able to assist with designing, gathering materials, (both new and second hand),
cutting and sewing or in any other area within the Wizrad of Oz wardrobe department,
please contact either the Producer, Steve Ruddy ([email protected]) or the
Wardrobe Supervisor, Robyn Wilkie ([email protected]).
Likewise, if you have skills in any area that may be valuable to the production of a
musical, please contact Steve Ruddy at the College.
MedEntry UMAT Preparation
MedEntry is an internationally trusted educational institution providing UMAT preparation in Australia, New Zealand and
Ireland. MedEntry is the only provider which is a Registered Training Organisation and which offers a Government Accredited
UMAT course. The UMAT test is a prerequisite for entry into most health science courses such as medicine. MedEntry
provides resources for teachers, which can be accessed from a dedicated part of the website:
Students interested in pursuing medicine and other health courses need to sit the UMAT on 29 July 2015. MedEntry is a
Government Accredited Registered Training Organisation specialising in UMAT preparation. MedEntry offers discounts of up to
40% for groups, and numerous scholarships. For more information, please visit
School Based Apprenticeships
Casual & Full Time Vacancies
& Traineeships
& Apprenticeships
Apprentice Painter & Decorator – Strathpine
Full Time 1st Year Apprentice Carpenter - Strathpine
Full Time Administration Officer – Narangba Valley
Full Time 1st Year Apprentice Tiler - Strathpine
Certificate III Business/Retail – Nundah & Albion
Full Time Apprentice Plumber - Caboolture
Certificate III Business (Indigenous) – Caboolture
Casual/Perm Part Time Teachers Aid - Caboolture
Certificate II or III Indigenous Youth Career Pathways
Full Time Apprentice Roof Plumber - Strathpine
Certificate III in Aged Care – Sandgate & Taigum
Full Time Apprentice Bricklayer – North Lakes
Certificate III in Sports & Rec – Caboolture (Yr 10 only)
Full Time Apprentice Cabinetmaker – Everton Hills
Certificate III in Games Design – Brendale
Full Time Apprentice Floor Finisher - Beachmere
Certificate III in Hospitality (Numerous Vacancies) – Eagle Street Full Time Apprentice Painter - Burpengary
Certificate III in Business x 2 – Burpengary
Casual Cleaning Position – Bowen Hills
Certificate III in Hospitality – North Lakes
Full Time Apprentice Tiler - Strathpine
Certificate III in Hospitality – City
Full Time Travel Agents x 5 – Brisbane City
Certificate III in Hospitality – DFO Airport
Casual Service Cashier – Morayfield (Woolworths)
Certificate III in Business x 4 – Various Locations
Casual Crew Member – Morayfield (Hungry Jacks)
Certificate III in Hospitality (Boost Juice) – Toombul
Part Time Pharmacy Assistant – Narangba
Full Time Retail Sales Attendant – Morayfield
Certificate II in Electrotechnology – Morayfield (Free)
Certificate II in Warehousing – Bowen Hills (Free)
Certificate II in Telecommunication – Bracken Ridge Campus (Free) – 9 months duration
Certificate II in Millinery – Southbank & Bracken Ridge Campuses (Free) – 9 months duration
Certificate II in Hospitality Food & Beverage – Bracken Ridge Campus (Free) – 5 months duration
Certificate II in Kitchen Operations – Bracken Ridge Campus (Free) – 5 months duration
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
Clean Up Schools Day
This year marked the 25th Anniversary of Clean Up Australia Day, an annual event held around Australia on the first Sunday in
March. Clean Up Schools Day is an associated event normally held on the preceding Friday, however due to wet weather this
year the event at St Columban’s was postponed to Friday 13 March.
The Environment Committee registered the College for the event and received a large kit of collection bags and disposable
gloves from Moreton Bay Regional Council, to assist with the clean up activity.
Each PC was allocated an area within the College grounds, or along various boundary fences, to pick up either recyclable waste
materials or general waste rubbish. In all approximately one thousand students and fifty staff enthusiastically took part in the
twenty minute clean up. The rubbish collected totaled eight 100L bags of general waste and one 100L bag of recyclable waste
At the conclusion of the clean up everyone assembled in Albion for a short presentation by members of the Environment
Committee. The topics presented included the detrimental effects of the most common types of waste collected on Clean Up
Australia Day, the single use plastic bottle and plastic bags. When simply discarded as litter these items not only represent a
waste of valuable resources but also they can have a very detrimental effect on the environment especially for animals, birds and
marine life. The presenters also focused on simple steps that we can all take to reduce, reuse and recycle various material so as
to minimise the amount of general waste going to landfill.
Mr Brendan Walsh
On behalf of the Environment Committee
On behalf of the Molloy Movers thank you for your support on
On Monday in PC, the Community Committee will be St Patrick’s Day at our Annual Bake Sale. The Molloy community
collecting money for Vanuatu.
were tremendously helpful in donating jelly, cupcakes and other
Vanuatu has been devastated by the largest cyclone to green goodies.
have ever hit the country. With average wind speeds of The day was a great success and we were blown away by
250km p/h and gusts up to 340km p/h Super Cyclone Pam the generosity of the College in purchasing everything we had to
wiped out thousands of homes, communities and offer to raise over $579 for Rosies Caboolture.
livelihoods across the island nation. People are confirmed
to have died and this number is expected to rise once If you would like to make a donation to Rosies you can contact
1300 ROSIES (1300 767 437).
communications are established with outlying islands.
If you would like to contribute please send your Ian Sweeney & Paula Beaumont
donation in on Monday. Funds raised will be sent to Molloy House Leaders
Pacific Emergency Appeal, with Caritas.
More information about the appeal can be found on the
Caritas website:
Award winning Author visits St Columban’s
The year 11 English students had an incredible opportunity recently where they attended a
presentation by renowned Australian Author, John Dannalis. The students have been
studying his book “Riding The Black Cockatoo” which Dannalis wrote in 2006.
This is the compelling story of how the skull of an Aboriginal man, found on the banks of the
Murray River more than 40 years ago, came to be returned to his Wamba Wamba
descendants. Part history, part detective story, part cultural discovery and emotional journey
showing the transformative and healing power of true reconciliation.
The students thoroughly enjoyed hearing the author’s story and came away feeling prepared
to start writing their own feature articles regarding the authors journey of reconciliation and
how we all can close the gap between Non Indigenous and Indigenous Australian’s.
In an e-mail received following his presentation the author praised the conduct of all of our
students stating, “What's in the water up there? You were all so positive, warm and receptive
~ thank you! I only wish every school I visited was infused with the same spirit.”
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
StC Mentor Academy News
Ella Connolly
GOLD in the 400m
BRONZE in the 200m by 0.02secs – NEW PB 24.77secs
 SILVER in the 100m
 The Connolly’s are speaking with Athletics Australia about Worlds next year earlier than expected
Joshua Connolly
GOLD in the high jump a NEW PB 2.14m (previous 2.09m) it was a Meet
record plus he is off to Worlds in Colombia wearing the green and gold.
If you see these two around this week please
give them a high five or hand shake on their
outstanding efforts over the weekend!
Learning Enhancement Centre
Susanne Perey
Year 8 Learning Enhancement Teacher
Over my many years of teaching I have developed a passion for inclusive quality education. I believe
students need to be valued, to feel like they belong and be respected. I aim to provide the best service I can
to my students, to learn and grow as they learn and grow ensuring a quality experience for us both. I’m a
passionate road cyclist who loves to experience the world through travel and my favourite pastime is
sharing a meal with family and friends. Krissy Parker
Learning Enhancement Officer
I am happy to be able to give back and support students in my role because of the fantastic support my
son has been given at the College over the past 3 years. Having a special needs child myself, nothing
frightens me and I don’t find any child too challenging. I am open to the different learning levels and
abilities of children.
Study Skills Part 2
This week we’ve included more ways for students to study smarter and improve their grades.
Ask for Help – Don’t be scared to ask questions in class. Most other students are probably wondering the same thing. If you don’t feel
comfortable doing this, organise a private discussion with your teacher.
Reward Yourself – Reward good study with fun activities instead of using them to procrastinate. Having something to look forward to will
motivate you to study.
Take Notes – Write down what you learn in class and also any other ideas you have. This will help you remember information better,
allowing you to recall it to use in pieces of assessment. Read over your notes before and after class to refresh and improve your memory.
Sleep and Eat – Sleeping well at night and eating a healthy breakfast will help your brain function at its optimum level. You need to sleep at
least 8-9 hours each night and eat a breakfast that is high in protein (cheese, milk, sausages, eggs etc.). This will ensure your brain has
enough energy and rest for memory and learning.Read next week’s newsletter for an LE Reflection
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
From the Counselling Team
Exam Stress - Part 1
Exam Stress is a feeling of pressure that many young people feel coming up to exam time. It usually occurs during the revision
period before exams and immediately before the exams themselves.
Exam stress is normal and very common. People may experience it because:
It is often necessary to learn and recall a large amount of information for an exam
Exams always have an element of uncertainty about them
You may need a particular exam result to gain entry into another course or career path
Symptoms of exam stress include:
Losing touch with friends and the activities you enjoy
Feeling extra cranky and low
Sleeping poorly and struggling to get out of bed
Difficulty getting motivated to start work
Having clammy hands or feeling butterflies in your stomach
Having a racing heart beat or feeling sick
Feeling confused or having your mind going blank during the tests
If you're experiencing exam stress, firstly, it's important to try to remind yourself that this is only a small part of your life and
won't last forever (even though it might not feel like it at the time!).
Some tips to help you get organised:
Have an uncluttered space to work with ready access to any materials you need.
Find out exactly what the test involves, are there past test papers you can look at to help you understand what to
Ask your teacher if you are unsure of what to expect or what will be tested.
Learn to make ‘mind maps’ and use them to collect ideas and summarise thoughts, use bright colours to help
remember important links:
Make a clear plan of what you want to cover in each study period. Break it down into small tasks and work on
task at a time.
Take regular short breaks of about 5 minutes to have a drink or something to eat.
Ask for help sometimes. It may be useful to have someone hear you summarise points or to practice an oral
Some helpful links:
Reachout website - Exam Time - hints for effective studying
The University of Western Australia: Student Services Managing Study Stress
Mindmaps and brainstorming. Retrieved on September 3rd
Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief - Relaxation
Exercises to Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
(modified 2008) Retrieved September 21st 2009.
(Kids Help Line, 2015).
Year 7 We could not be any prouder of the way our girls played this week! Everyone gave it their best effort and put everything that
we did at training into practice. Great intercepts by Marteekah and Claire meant that we kept possession of the ball for a majority of the
game. Natalie and Chloe also played a crucial role in or offence. When all the girls played together it was obvious how much they had
improved and this is why we won this week! Well done everyone.
Year 8 The girls played a good game against CHAC on the weekend. Despite our efforts the opposition’s shooting was too good a
match for ours. Special mention to Jasmine who despite suffering a head injury in the first couple minutes, stayed at the game
supporting her team and to Grace, Laiken and Chloe for bringing their Touch Football Skills to the court. Looking forward to our
second last game this weekend!
Year 9 This week the girls played exceptionally well, with some of our less experienced players stepping up. The girls worked well as
a team with outstanding rebounds from Teesh Skinner. Mollie Lewis and Olivia Glendenning took control of them game and both
played a great all round game. After walking away with a 20 point lead the girls should all be proud of their achievement and the way
they have played this week.
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
Year 10 Facing off against CHAC, the girls had a controlled victory with an easy 39-9 win. The Team faced a boisterous crowd and
defensive pressure from the opposition, however regained control in the last two quarters through the teams hustle and aggression. All
girls put in a tremendous effort, but a special mention goes to Tyra-Lee Link (19pts) and Lilly Graves (15pts) who applied fantastic skill
and closed out the game. Keep it up girls … St Columban’s all the way!
2nds The Girls’ Seconds Basketball Team had a hard fought win against CHAC on the weekend. In a game, characterised by strong
defence, the girls pulled off a two point victory. This victory was also notable for the fact that we only had two reserves so the girls had
to work really hard for each other. As such, it was a week where all players are to be acknowledged for their contribution, commitment
and their tireless effort to work towards a win. Well done girls. You should be very proud of your efforts.
Another improved performance this week by most of our teams against CHAC. It was good to see full teams this week with all girls full
of enthusiasm and rearing to go!
Year 7 Another tough battle for our Year 7 girls this week with CHAC proving too strong. The girls went down 6 sets to 0. There were
however some great games and it’s a pleasure to see how the girls have improved over the season.
Year 8 Yah! Congratulations to our Year 8 girls who had their first win of the season. A slight change to our usual line-up paid off with
the girls winning 4 sets to 2. Outstanding performances by all girls this week with special mention to Jacinta Gonano and Elle-Louise
Kidd for their convincing Singles and Doubles wins. Well done girls!
Year 9 Although our Year 9 team went down 5 sets to 1, they fought a tough battle, the scores not a true reflection of the close games.
Congratulations to Chyna McLatchey for her strong Singles win 6-2 and special mention of Courtney Staples who fought to a tie-break
only to go down 6-7.
Year 10 Well done to our Year 10 team this week with a very convincing 5 sets to 1 win. All girls – Tiffany McErlane, Breanna Van Der
Meer, Josie Ferguson and Kathleen Nichols – were outstanding. Their commitment to training has paid off and I’m sure they’ll continue
to improve over the next two weeks to see them finish higher on the ladder.
Open B Our girls were outplayed this week coming up against an opposition just too strong. The girls went down 6 sets to 0. Melina
Locke and Jessica Burnett played a strong Doubles game with the beginning of a come-back, but unfortunately the CHAC girls fought
harder to take out the set 6-3.
Open A The powerful combination of Bryah Guilfoyle and Shanika Lal proved too much for CHAC, with both our girls having very
convincing wins in their Singles and Doubles. A huge battle was played by Joannah Giles and Tess Holloway whose Doubles match
went on for an hour and a half! Unfortunately the girls went down 6-7 but played the game with strength and determination. Thanks
also to Mr Ramage who scored that game!
First XI Cricket vs CHAC
It was all happening at StC when CHAC batted very well on a drying pitch to finish with a respectable total of 171. CD Gardner,
Jack Burbridge and Caleb Foote all bowled well to finish with two wickets each. The StC run chase began very well with a 50
run partnership between Caleb and Lachlan Glew. Some quick wickets saw us grow nervous however; some excellent
contributions by Jack Burbridge, Jarnu Grobblear and Joshua Laird had us back on track for our fourth win of the season.
A slight collapse of the tail end quickly changed the momentum of the game and CHAC were in high spirits with only 1 wicket to
take to win the match and StC requiring 16 runs of 4 overs. Mitchell Kellogg and Christopher Dougherty showed outstanding resilience and calmness under pressure to hit the winning runs in the last over of the day. Students ran on the pitch to
congratulate the final wicket pairing in what was an exciting and very well spirited match.
Many thanks to the umpires and P&F for providing lunch.
Intermediate First XI
Our inter 1sts won the toss for the first time this year but that's where the winning finished. Unfortunately we struggled to 20 off
15 Overs with Isaac Glew and Jonte Connolly both going cheaply to some strong swing bowling. Our batters failed to make an
impression although some lusty blows from Patrick Cabot helped the team to be all out for 74 off 29 Overs. In the field we started
with a bang when Isaac took a wicket with the first ball but we only managed to take 4 wickets before CHAC managed to get past
our score with 7 Overs to spare. It was our highest total this season though so we are improving.
Third XI Cricket Team capped off their third victory from five starts this season. Early in the morning, the boys struggled for
numbers but eventually some Volleyball players leant a helping hand with the bat; showing great StC spirit. St Columban’s
batted out 20 Overs, posting a score of 97. The StC team bowled CHAC out for 84 after 19 Overs. The boys showed great
resilience and teamwork whilst fielding, short on numbers. It was a pleasure to see the young men of St Columban’s working
together whilst showing great sportsmanship to the opposition and officials. Looking forward to seeing the enthusiastic
gentlemen from the St Columban's Third XI Team out in force for the final rounds over the next 2 weekends.
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
TAS Results— StC Vs ORM
Volleyball (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Year 10
Year 10
Year 9
Year 9
Year 8
Year 8
Year 7
Year 7
1/40 off 6.1
Year 10
Inter 1sts
Year 9
Inter 2nds
Year 8
Inter 3rds
Year 7
TAS Progressive Points
Firsts – 9th
Firsts – 2nd (tie)
Firsts – 4th
Firsts – 6th
Seconds – 9th
Seconds – 4th (tie)
Seconds – 6th
Seconds – 4th (tie)
Year 10 – 7th
Thirds – 2nd (tie)
Year 10 – 5th
Year 10 – 2nd (tie)
Year 9 – 8th
Inter 1st’s – 7th (tie)
Year 9 – 6th
Year 9 – 4th
Year 8 – 9th
Inter 2nds – 8th
Year 8 – 8th (tie)
Year 8 – 6th
Year 7 – 7th (tie)
Inter 3rds – 5th (tie)
Year 7 – 9th
Year 8 – 5th
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
TAS Draw
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
Professional Hair Salon
In StC Trade Training Centre.
 Two Highly Experienced Hairdresser/Training Educators
Please hyperlink to:
Open Wednesday to Friday and Saturday TAS home
Please phone for Appointments:
Rona—0439 851 660
Tracie—0401 091 182
Community Notices
Tuckshop News
Fabric wanted
Welcome to St Columban’s College.
Just some information for new
tuckshop volunteers to help guide
you to the first day.
Wear comfortable shoes
Shirts with Sleeves
Hair up and back
Not too much jewellery
NO perfume
Arrive between 8am-8.30am
Approximate finish 2pm
The Design and Living Technology Faculty
is seeking any scrap 100% cotton fabric for
our Year 10 Home Economics fabric
creation unit.
Any donations would be appreciated, please
leave them at the Office for collection by the
Design and Living Technology Faculty Staff.
Wednesday 3 - 4pm in Webb 2.1
Tuckshop Roster 2015
Mon 30 March
Michelle Miller, Pierina Hay, Rebecca Styman
Tue 31 March
Closed Heritage Day
Wed 1 April
Deidre Burton, Leonie Jensen, Annette Savery
Thu 2 April
Michelle McKaskill, Adele Sutcliffe
Closed Good Friday
3 April
If unable to attend Tuckshop please let Tracey know at the earliest
possible time. Phone 5433 7328 direct or 5495 3111 and leave a
message any time of day or night.
Kym 0418 781 697 or Tracey 0407 716 697
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
Wednesday3 - 4pm in Library
Uniform Shop
8-9am and 2-3pm
Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)