EEEEN|EEFE - Dedenbear
EEEEN|EEFE - Dedenbear
EEEEN|EEFE TNSTALLATION 1NSTRIICTIOHS F R o D U C T S t Air ShifterKit For Fro Bandit Model: B&MPBASK t N C . 1917Oak Park Btvd . PteasantHlI, cA 94523 {925)935-3025.Fax (925}93H287 yuwwdedenbear,com. emall@declenbear,eom INSTALLATION t . lnsallthe 1/8"pipenipplein the "cYL" porton the air solenoidusingthreadsealant. 2. Inslallthe rightanglequickdisconnect fittingin the "lN"porton the air solenoid. 3. Screwth+completeassembly in to theB&M ak eylinder. 4. Choosethe appropriate wiringdiagramfromthe reversesideandwireas shown. 5, Plumbthe sofenoljusing1/4' o.d. nylontubing simplypushthe tubingintothe quick disconnecl tittingto install.To remove,pushon the plasticlockringwhilepullingon theiubing. 6. Set theliRepressur€to 80 psi. R BUMPER '1l4"LOCKNUT B&MAIRCYL]NDER 1/8"PIPENIFPLE AIRSOLENOID ^Pno QUICKDISCONNECT FITTING o Bandit LIMITED1 YEARWARRANTY DedenbearProductscomponentsare warranteddirectlyby DedenbearProductsagain$tdefectivematerialor workmanshipundernormaluse and Servieefor fr periodof one (1) year afrerpurchase. DedenbearProductswitt repairor replacethe defeetiveunit. at DedenbearProduct$option,free Of charge.Thls warrafiy doesnot co\6r any damageto the componentcausedby abuse,mlshandlhg,alteratlon,accHem,eteclilcalcurrentfluctuations, tailure to {ollourinsfalatior/operatinginstructions,maintianance,s*orageand environmenel conditions,or repair attemFs ma€leanyoneother than DedenbearProductsAuthorizedServicefacility. gEPENBEARPBQDUOT$$HAIL NQTEE LIABTEFQRINJUBY,OONSEQUENTIAL 8F OTHERTYPEPAMAGESRE$ULTfNGFFSM THE USE OF ITS PRODUCTS, OTHERTHANTHE LIABILITYSTATEDABOVE. Thls warrantyls In lleu ol all otherwaranttesof merchantabtltty or ltness ol use. This warrantygives you speciliclegal rights,and lltoumay also have other rigrhtswhichr,raryfrom stateto State. pRoDucrs, tNc. . ATTN:FEpA;RS 1917oAK pARK BLVD. . For servlc€ on all DedenbearProducts,returndirecrtyto: DEDENBEAR PLEASANTHILL,CA 945?3. For taster serviee,pleaseineludea notedescribingthe natureot the problem,a copy of your originalinvoice,your name, returnshippingaddress,and daytime& eveningphonenumberswhere!ruucan be reached. - |N$TR, E&MPBASK | rev.12t94tpg.l d 2 WtRtNG W1THDEDE$'IEEARRPM-2 ro "TACH"oUTPUTONtrSD,CRAI{E FIOLLEY & MALLORY IGMTK)NS OR " SIDE OF COIL ON STD. IGN. ,,9",,lii=" EH FUSESATIP 16 - 18gaugewire TO TRANSBRAKE SoLENOTD(OPTTONAL) NOTE:BYWIRINGTHETRANSSRAKE / LINELOCKTERMINALS TO THESOLENOIDS THE 'D|SABLE"FEATUREOFTHE BPM2 WLL PREVENTFALSESHIFTSFFOMTIRESPINOR CONVEBTER RASH. THESETERIVIINALS HAVEA BUILTIN DELAY.ANDWLL OISABLFTHE RPMSWTCHFOR-6 SECONDS AFTERSOLFNOID RELEASE. SFETHE BPM-2INSTRUCTIONS FORFULLDETAIL. TO LINELOCK SoLENOTD(OPTTONAL) wtRtNGwtTH DEDENBEARCC-l,BM-l, CC-2OR BM-2 TO UTACH"OUTPUTON MSD,CRANE' HOLLEY& MALLORYIGNITIONSOR I' r. tr SIDEOF COILON STD.IGN. t*Effi,$u-i--i] EtrE utrtr lii:::,:,SllN,dGLAI,,:liliil CC OrBM @trtr @Etr @@EEEEtrtr RPM SWITCfI OUT TO + 12 VOLTS AT MASTER swrTcH FUSE15AMP WIR]NGWITH MSD RPM SWITCH#8950 TO SWITCHED+ 12 VOLTS RED TO TACHOUTON MSD GRAY(N.C.)not used YELLOW(N.O. FUSE3 AMP TO + 12 VOLTS WIR1NGWITHMSD 7AL3 IGNITION NOTE:MAKESURETO WRE THEJUMPERBETWEEN THE ,RAS ON/OFF'ANDTHE'lGN" TSRMIML$ONTHEMSD7AL3 OB THE SHIFfEHWLL NOT WORK.SEEMSD'S7AL3 INSTRUCTION MANUALFOR THE REMAINDER OF THE WRINGANDOPERATION, 16- 18gaugewire M. Mr PNTS -nt hEl TACH IGN )UTPUT RAS FUSI3AMF TO + 12 VOLTS NOTErlF YOURDIAGRAMlS NOTSHOWN,CALL(925)935.3025FORTECHNTCAL HELn ISTF./ Rev.l2i94 / Pg-2 ol 2