May - Yamhill County Historical Society
May - Yamhill County Historical Society
nftSAo Newsletterand Jotraul of the Yamhill CountyHistorical Society April Board Meeting Highlights The YCHS board met in the Dayton Christian Church on April l0th. CorrespondencesecretaryMarjorie Owens reported five piecesof correspondenceincluding emails. Under the Museum report, stainlesssteel screensare being made to keep vermin from entering under the church. Volunteer Chair: no report. Membership chair Gloria Lutz reportedthat membershipforms would be availableaJtonight's meeting.Preservationreport:photoscanningand databaseentry continues,lvith nvarty 1000 having been processedto date.JenniferSokol Blosser,one ofour new€st volunteers,coslinues to do an cxcellentjob with these,and has preparedttuee-ring binders containing copies ofthe .photclrcanswhich should help future researcherswith their tasks. Old Business:Angela and Darrell Flood reported that the Lafayette Heritage Days event, scheduledfor August I lth & l2th, is still being planned,and will includea breakfast,a parade,contestsfor the longesthandlebarmustache and the best period costumeand much more. Our covered wagon will be part of the festivities. Building Maintenance:Danny Fox has now startedthe processofrechinking the Log Building, at a cost of $7,000, payableover three months.The annualYCHS picnic is scheduledfor August l8th at noon,to be held in Nancy Thor4ton'sbam in MooresValley. More detailsto follow in our summeredition. New Business:Director report: Katherine updated the board on the planning committee activities, a possible computerhardwaregrant, and submitted a proposeda volunteer code ofethics form for consideration.A groundbreaking ceremonyfor PhaseI of the new museumwill be held in conjunction with the farm tractor plowing event on the l4th of this month at the new museumsite, weatherpermitting. The land transfer for the new addition to our current 5 acreparcel has not beencompleted.An Oregon Heritage Conferencewill be held in Pendletonon May 3rd thru May 5th. The First Federal Savingsand Loan has donated $631.33to our cause,which was appliedto the covered wagon trailer purchase.Dorothy Gunnesshas purchasedthe First FederalBank gate, a historic and signifrcant part ofnot only her family history, but also that of McMinnville and all of Yamhill County.A categoryof SpecialLife Membership was discussedand will be consideredat a future board meeting. The Perrydalerailroad depot has been offered to our society and plans are in the works to dismantle and transport it to our new site for safekeepingand eventualreconstruction. The Yamhill County Women for Agriculture has approachedShirley Venhausconcerningthe establishmentof an areain our new facilities to promote their cause,along with initial and continuedmonetary support,if details can be worked out. May 2007 #*it"t: ffiare Preserving our Past ourFuture From Your President ln the last two monthsthe YCHS has beenfortunateto receivesomewonderful donations. Organ: Mr. & Mrs. RussellBarney donateda circa 1880ReedOrganto the Museum.It was manufacturedby W. Bell and companyin Guelph,Canada.This organreportedly saw servicewith the McMinnville's pioneerFirst Christian ,Church,formally iocatedat 5h and Cowls street.Barneyretrieved the organfrom a tool shednearSheridanin October 2006 and lovingly restoredit. A grandpiano that also has Yamhill family connections. More informationto follow. Orville and RoseBemard'scollectionof Indian anowheadsand other locd Native Americancollectedover the years has beendesignatedto come to the society.He told of walking plowed fields and streamareasafter high water and finding them lying on top of the ground.Orville estimatedthat approximately 90% of his collection was found in Yamhill County. Orville and Rosearrangedthe collectionin frames,glassedtop tablesand in cupboards.We are looking forward to displalng them at our new site. As a result of an article in the News Registeraboutour up coming farm equipmentbuilding, Walt Stahlneckercontactedus aboutdonatinghis father's 19498N Ford Tractor to the museum.Walt's parentsOrin and Erma Stahlneckerlived on the family's 33 acredairy farm locatedon Highway 240 near Newberg.Orin usedthe tractor for many purposesincluding tilling the fields, harvestingcrops,cleaningbams, working the family orchardand other tasks.We went out to look at the tractor and discoveredajewel. Orin passedaway aboutthreeyears ago.Ray Kauer got on the tractor, hit the key and it cranked right off as if to say, "There is still life in this old tractor"! The handbook that showedlots of use is still with the tractor. That sameday we visited Alan and IreneTessman who live on Bell Road aboveNewberg on Man's family farm. You may rememberAlan and Don from our meetingat the Gibbs School.They helpedmove the schoolto its presentsite. Alan has donateda Deloach48 inch circular sawmill to the Museum.Built around 1900,John D. Tessman(Alan's father)operatedthe sawmill on the family farm from 1932through 1954, sawing lumber for farm buildings and neighbors.The engine had beensold but Ken and Pam Haggard,of McMinnville, have offered the donationof a steamenginefor the sawmill. It will be moved to the new Museum site where it will be reassembled and put to use again.Ed Banke has offered to donatehis time to get the enginerunning again.Wouldn't it be greatif the old mill could producethe lumber for its own building. Have you notice the wonderful articles in the newspapers?ThanksKatherine. That'sjust a few of the things that havebeengoing on with YC.HS. SincerelyShirley The Yamhill Counly Historical Society is a nonprofit tax exempt educational and public service corporation established to protect, preserve and share the history and heritage of Yamhill County Page 2 OFFICERS - 2OO7 Presideirt Shirley Venhaus 472-7328 Vice President Lorna Grauer 843-325I Secretarv Aaron lflarkintin Treasurer Ken Williams 835-31 t0 MembershioSecretarv Gloria Lutz 472-7563 Corresoonding Secretarv Marjorie Owens 843-3081 Board of Directors Eileen Lewis 835-753 I Shirley McDaniel 662-3528 Dan Linscheid 843-262s Colin Armstrong 472-6489 ProeramDirector Barbara Knutson 843-2069 Volunteo Coordinator Iouise Heindl 6624218 Newsletter Dan Linschejd Car Pool Coordinator JoannelYatts 835-s893 Librarian JeanSartor 472-63I 2 MUSEUM WINTERHOURS: Septthru May: Saturdays& lV'ednesdays l0a.m. to 4 p.m. or by appointment 605Market Street LafayetteOregon Phone:864-2308 @2007 YCHS The WestSide May 2007 Spotlight On a New Volunteer So much effort has been put into preservationand easyaccessfor our wonderful photo collection. A number ofvolunteers have numbered,documentedand placed photos in archival sleeves. The processofscanning them into our data basefor easyretrieval had begun when the volunteer working on this part of the project left for severalmonths. Saddened,we knew this project would take even longer than anticipated,despiteeveryone'shard work. However, we were blessedwith the right person at the right time approachingus with a desireand passionto fill theseneedsand more. Jennifer Sokol Blosser askedwhat she could do to help. Pointing her to this project, she delighted in scanningthe photos and entering information. Almost immediately she suggestedshe would be willing to combine the last step of this project with a comprehensiveindex for easynoncomputerizedresearch.Could she do this? You bet. With her keen memory, Jennifer retains those images when she seesvarious pictures, and hundredsof photos down the road, when she seesanother photo with the sameperson,bam, or whatever,she ties the two together.Severalpeople working on the sameproject would eliminate that possibility. With her backgroundin genealogy,sheusesresourcesof our society and the Genealogical Society holdings to track down identities ofpeople and placesin the photos, and she has done this for us many times. Just this past Friday, as she held a photo of a grcup of unknown people,using the above method, shetracked down the family and identified all the people in the photo, including where they lived. With another photo ofpeople at an unidentifred school, she was able to discover the name of the school. To date, she has compiled six complete photo-notebooks,with more on the way. Jennifer is amazing, and we are so vely thankful for her willingness to work with theseold photos. Jennifer wears many hats: The daughterof Linfield College Professor Peter Richardsonand local attomey B everly Richardson, she graduated from McMinnville High school in 1988. She continuedher education as an undergrad at the University of California in Santa Cruz, studied in France for a time before attending and graduating from Lewis and Clark with a Bachelorsdegreein French.Following that she went on to WillametteUniversity Law school for one year, and worked as a trial assistantin McMinnville before doing Paralegal work in Portland and teaching French for a year. Jennifer's husbandAlex works at the vineyard founded by his mother & father, Bill & SusanSokol Blosser. The birth of Jennifer's twin boys initiated her to her most importantjob of all, that of being a mother. As a stay-at-homemor\ she has been busy working on her extensivefamily genealogyand volunteering for Gen Web for the last tlree years,transcribing vital statisticsrecords for a project being done for the stateof Massachusetts.Given her love of genealogyand history she now volunteersat our museum on the photo project as well as for the Oregon Historical Society in their photo archives.On top of all this, she is getting ready to start graduateschool at Emporia State University in Portland to gain her masters degree in library science with a goal to becoming a museumarchivist. Jennifer is a joy to work with and everyoneenjoys the visits by her two young sons.Note: If anyonefeels they'd like to try to help identiff some of the people,placesor things in our photos that are currently unidentified, pleasemake arrangementswith Jennifer or Marjorie Owens to do so. Your help would be much appreciated. Email: yamhillhistory@ Websites: YCHS is at http//sits5.enlinemac.con/history: our historic photo gallery is at Page 3 Director'sLog May 2007 By Katherine Huit JohnF. Kennedyoncesaid,"Changeis the law of life . . . and thosewho look only to the pastor presentarecertain to missthe future." Last month I talked aboutwhat a fabulousjob YCHS had doneover the yearsin collectingthe artifactsof our local history. I also commentedon the amazingachievements of our presentgroup of volunteersin the areasofpreserving- tasks which shall continueinto the future and which fulfill theprotect andpreserueportionsof our missionstatement.It is for our future generationsthat we move toward developingand building a new museumfacility, which will enablethe Museumto serve as a community resourcefor leaming - thereby achievingtheshare the history and heritageportion ofthe YCHS missionstatement.Changeis afoot at YCHS - but it is with this changethat we move toward the future and exciting thingsto come! Speakingofthe future and exciting things,Farm Fest 2007 was an incredibleachievement,with nearly 100people showingup to watch as a teamof volunteersbroke groundat our new site and in the process,preparedthe soil for a crop of oats.Before the tractorshit the dirt, YCHS PresidentShirley Venhausand I cut the ribbon, signalingthe beginningof Phase I of the new complex.This eventis yet anotherexampleof volunteerssteppingup to the plate with amazingresults.They had a fantastictime participatingand everyonewas wearinga smile! Chuck Kadell and his lovely wife Carlenecoordinatedthe wonderful groupof volunteerswho madeFarm Fest 2007 suchan outstandingsuccess.Carleneorganizedthe food forthsftrm crew, who worked up an app€titepreparing the soil. Gunny Brandon,of McMinnville, loanedthe Societyan AmericanFlag for the eventandThe Yamhill County Farm Bureauloaneda public addresssyst€m.Dave Cruickshank servedas our masterof ceremonies,presentingthe "tractorson parade",which featuredmembersof the OregonTwo Cylinder Club who usedtheir equipmentto preparethe field for the oat seedprovidedby Steveand GretchenJones,of SelectSeedin Amity. The tractorteamplansto retum in the autumnto harvestthe crop during our annualHarvestFestivalevent. Highlighted amongthe vintage farm equipmentwere Allis-Chalmers,Caterpillar,Cockshutt,Farmall,Ford, Minneapolis-Moline,and Oliver tractorsand implements.Also featuredwas a 214 JohnDeereplow recentlydonatedto YCHS by Linda Gusa.Pacific Reflex Sigrrs,of McMinnville, producedour Farm Festbannerfor a bargain,which we displayedon the old farm machineryat the site. Gloria Lutz was on handwith the CoveredWagon,and severalyoungsters enjoyedit immensely.JoanneWatts worked the information table and helpedwith refreshments,and JeanSartorhelped preparea load of booksfor saleat the event.Colin and Millie Armstrong lent their support and got a jump-start on our annual garagesale,raking in $300 in sales.DennisHoisington capturedthe eventwith his digital cameraand Lester Herringtondocumentedthe activitieson video. Also helping were Frank Dummar,Ken Williams, Shirley and Byron McDaniels,Ken and BarbaraKnutson,and Trudy Dick. As if donatingland, artifactsand financial support wasn't enough,Ray and BarbaraKauercontributeda portable restroom. . . and RamseyMcPhillips, who also donatedland for our new site, was on handto witnesshis family's farm produceyet anothercrop ofoats! Thanksto all who contributedto makethis eventsucha greatsuccess! Now, closeyour eyesand visualizethe new facility wherewe will gatherto recognizeour achievements past,presentand future- andthe peoplewho madeit all possible.Can you hearthe applause?I can.Can you see your fellow members?I can,they are my neighbors.Have you sharedYCHS' plans for the future with your neighbors?I have,and I challengeyou, the membersof YCHS, to bring a new member(or two) to our next meeting on Tuesdayevening,May 8. This is suchan exciting time to becomea part of this organization.As mentionedabove, Gloria Lutz is blazing trails acrossYamhill County with the CoveredWagon Program,visiting many schoolsand organizationsduring April, with at leastfive visits scheduled for May. Gloria is alsoour membershipcoordinator- and she'd love to hearfrom you! You will find her contactinformationon pagetwo of this newsletter. In the monthsof March andApril, I conducteda volunteersuryey,and as this newslettergoesto press,I will begin the task of tabulatingand evaluatingthe comments and opinionsfor presentationat an all-volunteermeetingin May. If you, as a member,would like to fill out a surveyor would simply like your voice to be heard,pleasefeel free to write to me directly (YCHS, PO Box 484, Lafayette,OR 97127),or drop me an email ([email protected]). I can also email or mail to you a surveyif you wish. The informatiqnprovidedin the surveywill help YCHS with planningand developmentcf memberand volunteeractivities,as well as exhibits,educationaloutreach and other areasof interestto our membershipand the Yamhill County community. I've also beenvery busy traveling the Countyto promoteYCHS and its plansto organizations,individuals and anyonewho will listen! On the schedulefor May and Juneare Michelbook Country Club, May 9; NewbergCity Club, May 15, McMinnville Kiwanis, May 17, Chehalem Chamberof Commerceat the new site on June 19; andthe McMinnville Soroptimists,Jwe26,2007. If you'd like to schedulea presentation,let me know. ln other news, we have begun an inventory of YCHS holdings.Yes, a devotedteamof sevenvolunteersis busy inventoryingthe contentsof all threebuildings in Lafayette.If you would like to join in this activity, pleasecontact me. You will join an incredibleteamof individualswho enjoy working with the treasuresof Yamhill County,as well as lively conversationin an effort to identify someof the more mysteriousobjects!Of course,if inventoryingis not your thing, thereare many other volunteeropportunities at the YCHS Museum,and I'd be glad to meetyou sometime in Lafayetteto show you aroundand talk aboutwhere you might be ableto help. Thereare someexciting eventscoming up during the next few months,including the YCHS Annual Picnic. This yearNancy Thomton hasbeengenerousin offering her home for this eventon August 18. I hopeto seeyou all there,so be sureto mark your calendars!This newsletter marksa breakin publicationuntil July, but I look forward to seeingyou at our May meeting.Until then, enjoy the nice springweather,after all it's a beauffil day in Yamhill Countyl - YAMHILL COUNTY HISTOMCaN SOCIETY Orgadzation U.S.Pctage P.O. Box 484 Lafayette.Oregon97I 27 L t- PAII) Perrnit#3 I-afayette Oregon 6'9[rN?-] {AVrHl 'ilr' YSIHILL Doted Material fi)L]M)' - HSTORICAL N,tm SOIIET} Raurn SemtceRequested. i;lnu,#ll iiri[iii" E ##* ,$,1,'I,?,, 0 00 0 cr4 | aigl 07 FUE:= , 39 t!-i i ;i li'{igffi qqI-s.PS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Paid Julv each vear EIndividual EFamily EFriend E Supporter $1s $2s $50+ $100+ E C o m m u n i t y B u i l d er $250+ 0 C o m m u n i t y B e n e f a c t o r$ 5 0 0 + Please make checks payable to the Yamhill ounty Historical Society. New members can rorate dues monthly from the above table. embership dues, artifact donations and gifts re tax deductible. M e m b e r sr e c e i v et h e W e s t s i d e ewsletter and accessto our research library nd museum free of charge. We are an all olunteer organization, and are constantly on he lookout for new helpers. If you can assist s in any way, financially or with your time or alents, it will be greatly appreciated. If you re not sureif you paid your annual e m b e r s h i pd u e s l a s t J u l y , p l e a s ec o n t a c t l o r i a L u t z a t 4 7 2 - 7 5 6 3 . R a t e sE f f e c t i v e M a v r.2002. 'l'1""'lll t the Church in Yamhill. Our Board meets at 4:0A, sameplace and ate. Our progrqm this month will be, "Intermodql Transportation', by Gordon 'Zimmerman. ther Events: )August 11th & 12th: Lafayette Heritage ys- Still being firmed up. August 18th: Annual Picnic at Nancy horntons farm in Moores Valley. September (date to be announced). 'arvesting the crop planted in April at the ew site.. We welcome new members Aaron ll/arkentin, dward Young, Armand de Rossiet, Patrice etersen, Darrell and Angela Flood, and on Leffler. Noel and Mary Martin have ioined as supporters. ll/e thank you all for upporting ur organization. We invite you to 'attendour meetings and events, visit our useum and become more involved in our ocal history!