Mentoring Maryland`s Future 2012 annual report
Mentoring Maryland`s Future 2012 annual report
Mentoring Maryland’s Future 2012 Annual Report Mentoring Maryland’s Future We bring over 60 years of experience in research, training, and direct mentoring service to the state of Maryland. We serve children ages 7-18 in 14 Maryland counties and Baltimore City. Our work is premised on the vision that all children and youth will achieve success in life. A Stronger Capacity to Serve Big Brothers Big Sisters has served more than 30,000 youth in Maryland since our founding in 1952. We operate three offices throughout the state located in Central Maryland, Southern Maryland, and on the Eastern Shore. We have 33 full-time staff, a 34-member Board of Directors, and thousands of volunteers. August 2012 We are very pleased to present the 2012 Annual Report for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake. Despite the many challenges of a tough economy, we have had a remarkable year, and we are proud of our results. Some of these highlights include: • We served 35% more children through direct mentoring services than we did last year and they improved academically, socially, and emotionally. • We reached 12,560 people through our broader mission. • Our special events, a critical component of our sustainability, exceeded goals and raised 22% of our budget. Now that we are a unified force throughout Maryland, we are uniquely positioned to lead the state in increasing durable mentor relationships, helping more children realize their potential, encouraging better relationships and academic outcomes, and creating stronger communities. This is an exciting time. On behalf of the entire organization I want to thank our mentors, volunteers, school partners, program partners, community leaders, donors, foundations, and corporations. Your generous contributions make it possible for us to deliver on our mission: Mentoring Maryland’s Future. Sincerely, Our direct service model is unique and time-tested: one child, one mentor, and a professional match support staff providing intensive case management, supervision, and regular evaluation. Children in our programs demonstrate significant outcomes after just one year: improved academic achievement, better relationships, fewer risky choices, and higher confidence. After formalizing our union with the Maryland Mentoring Partnership, we have a new name: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake. Through our combined resources, we are now Maryland’s largest youth mentoring organization and a clearinghouse for all youth mentoring services, such as: • Training others to support their efforts in mentoring according to best practices; • Technical assistance and consultations to local partners; • Piloting programs among underserved communities and driving new research. Moving Forward We are poised to lead Maryland in meeting the needs of all children. We have a bold plan for the future: • Match over 1,300 children on our agency waiting list with a caring mentor; Bradley Chambers Chairman of the Board • Pilot new programs and studies that enhance our practices and hold us accountable for outcomes; • Expand our broader services and special events to increase our fundraising capacity. 2 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake 2012 Annual Report 3 Our programs get things started Community One-to-One Program: Bigs commit to seeing their Littles in the community two or three times each month for at least one year. Professional staff provide ongoing case management and support throughout the mentoring relationship. Littles try new things, gain new skills, and explore new interests. They gain confidence, perform better in school, and have better relationships. Bigs in School/Site Programs: These programs match community, college, and corporate volunteers with children for weekly one-hour sessions in the Littles’ schools. Case managers coordinate activities and provide on-site match support. We target students at risk of suspension and expulsion, not meeting their academic potential, and who need help developing positive social behaviors. This year we operated 31 Bigs in School programs across Maryland. Workplace Programs: High schoolers meet with mentors in the workplace throughout the academic year to develop meaningful relationships, learn valuable job skills, and meet developmental and academic goals. These programs last two to four 4 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake years and are designed to broaden youth’s opportunities and exposure to professional workplaces. Special Populations: We provide specialized mentoring services for youth with particular barriers to success. We have served over 1,600 children of incarcerated parents and received national recognition as a best-practices leader. We offer targeted initiatives serving military families, children with disabilities, youth initiated into the juvenile justice system, and children growing up in the most violent and impoverished neighborhoods in East and West Baltimore. Mentoring Resource Services: As the resource for the advancement of youth mentoring statewide, we increase both the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships by offering trainings to youth service providers, including Program Training Certification, Introduction to Mentoring, and Advanced Risk Management. We offer technical assistance to local partners, such as reduced price background checks, and we offer our expertise through consultations. This year we reached 12,590 people through these resource services. 2012 Annual Report 5 A BIG Impact, By The Numbers Research shows that the stronger the mentoring relationship between the Big and Little and the longer the mentoring relationship, the greater the positive outcomes. With this knowledge we maintain an agency-wide focus on the formula Length + Strength = Outcomes. 12+ 2/3 of matches last 12 months or more Our broader services reached a greater number of people statewide: 405 29.6 months people attended our trainings Our average match length As a result of these long, strong matches, children in our programs improve academically, socially, and emotionally. After just one year of mentoring Children in our programs: 80% have better relationships 77% perform better in school 82% improve their decision-making 75% are more optimistic about the future 89% are more confident 85% have new interests or hobbies 78% avoid illegal substances 69% of chronically absent students attend more classes 6 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake 19 program partners received Netcheck reduced-price background checks 84 consultations with other mentoring programs 12,590 people served by our broader mission Number of Children Served: 3000 2,846 2500 2000 1,742 1,945 2,068 2,101 FY2010 FY2011 1500 1000 500 0 FY2008 FY2009 FY2012 2012 Annual Report 7 Our Bigs of the Year Started Something Amazing Big Brother of the Year: Andrew Spindler “I have found that in my Sister” Diandra’s life has always been filled with challenges. Her mother is a drug addict, in and out of rehab for years, and her father is a recovering drug addict whose health and cognitive skills are drastically diminished as a result of years of drug use. While there are several extended family members who assist and watch over the girls, Diandra and her sister bear many of life’s burdens together. They keep the house running, they hide their money so their mother can’t use it to buy drugs, and they give each other the support necessary to make it through each day. Three years ago, Diandra and Carina were matched to Big Sisters. The relationships have proven to be the connection the two young ladies needed to take the next steps toward a better life. Diandra elected to attend a High School many miles from her home in Baltimore City even though it meant that she would have to travel from the west side, all the way to the northeast side. She graduated with a 3.2 GPA and received a full college scholarship. Diandra’s mother cast doubt about her going away to school saying, “They won’t accept you, you aren’t going to fit in, and they’re going to be too hard on you.” But Diandra received encouragement from her Big Sister to choose the path in her heart. Diandra knew she needed to focus on education and take care of herself even though she was afraid to leave her sister. Diandra’s confidence was buoyed by the commitment of both Big Sisters who promised to look out for Carina, keeping her on the right path and keeping her safe. Diandra writes; “I’ve been with this program since the summer of 2008 upon entering my senior year in high school. I think that I’ve grown as a person, but I am most satisfied with the relationships that I have gained with my big sister, Diana, as well as my younger sister’s Big Sister, Tracey, who is also a part of the program. The reason that I originally wanted to be a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters was because I wanted to be around a young adult female who I feel is a true representation of independence. I have found that in my Sister. I truly believe and would hope that we could still keep in touch even when the program is over. “ 8 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake Big Brother Andrew Spindler began mentoring his Little Brother in 2010. Andrew was matched with his Little Brother in part because both of them were interested in sports and loved outdoor activities. Andrew is perfect for his Little Brother and they attend many of the Big Brothers Big Sisters-sponsored events, including the recent Eastern Shore Amazing Race, where they won second place! Mom says Big Brother is always available to support Little Brother even though he works two jobs. Big brother goes out of his way by calling, texting, and checking up on his Little Brother on a regular basis. Despite a long drive, Andrew attended all of Little Brother’s football games to cheer him on! Big Sister of the Year: Renee Dodd Big Sister Renee Dodd has been matched with her Little Sister since 2008. Renee and her Little Sister enjoy movies, walks through the mall, and baking homemade cookies. Renee drives from Denton to Salisbury and beyond to attend agency events with her Little Sister, including the Eastern Shore Amazing Race, where they came in third place! Renee’s dedication and hard work despite obstacles is the reason this match is a success story! 2012 Annual Report 9 Special Events Raise Nearly One Quarter of Our Funds Our annual fundraising events deepen our engagement with partners throughout our communities. We raise 22% of our operating budget directly through these efforts. Our special events provide outstanding platforms for extending our message, raising awareness of mentoring’s impact, and recruiting mentors and youth. Our 9th Annual MentorZING Spring Gala held at the Marriott Waterfront on May 27, 2012 celebrated mentoring through marvelous performances, inspirational words, and vibrant fashion as guests embraced a Preakness theme. Our 4th annual Biggest Little Tailgate Party took place on October 17, 2011 at M&T Bank Stadium. Over 700 attendees played games on the field, toured the Ravens’ locker room, mingled with cheerleaders and Poe, enjoyed excellent food by celebrity guest chefs, and judged the chili cook-off. Presenting Sponsor: M&T Bank Presenting Sponsor: M&T Bank Our competitive bowling series broke its all-time fundraising record this season with help from corporate sponsors, 160 bowling teams, and over 1,680 bowlers. Presenting Sponsor: Wells Fargo Our signature golf events raised funds to support our programs. Hardy golfers got a little wintertime practice at Santa’s Open, participants enjoyed a round and lunch at the Eastern Shore Golf Classic, and golfers joined us in Leonardtown for the 12th Annual Southern Maryland Golf Classic.” 10 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake 2012 Annual Report 11 Statements of Financial Position Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake July 30, 2011 and June 30, 2012 (Unaudited) Jul ‘10 - Jun ‘11JuL ’11-Jun ‘12 Income Total Dividend & Interest Income $12,552 $9,304 Grants Total Corporate Donations $196,237 $247,398 Total Foundations $300,621 $307,760 Total Government $194,910 $447,027 Total Noncorporate Donations $597,264 $526,116 Total Individual Donations $333,965 $332,604 Total Program Fees $5,570 $3,740 Special Events $528,212 $421,555 Total Income $2,169,331 $2,376,348 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 2010 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $113,851 $96,756 Accrued Expenses Capital Leases Payable $18,612 Deferred Revenue $56,625 Total Current Liabilities: $285,844 LONG-TERM LIABILITY Capital Leases Payable $42,598 $328,442 Total Liabilities: NET ASSETS: Unrestricted $564,909 Temporarily restricted $395,272 Total Net Assets: $960,181 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: $1,288,623 2011 $84,830 $96,658 $19,058 $68,325 $268,871 $23,789 $292,660 $372,686 $486,340 $859,026 $1,151,686 Expense Total Personnel $1,555,680 $1,688,358 Total Non-Personnel $451,259 $787,910 $2,006,939 $2,490,343 Total Expense Unrealized Loss or Unrealized Gain/Other Income ($17,886) $100,670 Net Income $144,507 ($13,325) *The FY2012 statement is unaudited at time of publication. Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents - restricted Accounts and grants receivable Pledges receivable Endowment investments restricted; at fair value Other assets Total current assets Property and equipment Furniture and equipment Leased equipment Computer software Leasehold improvements Less accumulated depreciation Net value of property and equipment Total Assets 2010 281,807 159,645 320,831 69,806 2011 325,074 90,653 155,135 63,922 382,377 2,320 1,216,786 464,011 6,716 1,105,511 101,168 96,405 61,971 7,796 267,340 195.503 71,837 $1,288,623 101,168 96,405 62,566 7,796 267,935 221,760 46,176 $1,151,686 12 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake 2012 Annual Report 13 STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES STATEMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 2011 Temporarily Unrestricted Unrestricted Total SUPPORT AND REVENUE: Public support: Received directly: Contributions 325,440 325,440 Grants 1,081,784 1,081,784 Donated goods and services 120,873 120,873 1,529,638 1,529,638 Special events 578,555 578,555 Less direct costs 153,111 153,111 425,444 425,444 Grants from government agencies 447,027 447,027 Investment and other income (expense) 4,831 91,068 95,899 Total support and revenue 2,406,940 91,068 2,498,008 EXPENSES: Program services: To mentees 1,813,372 1,813,372 MMRC catalytic services 328,192 328,192 Total program services 2,141,564 2,141,564 Supporting services: Management 89,287 89,287 Development 368,313 368,313 Total supporting services 457,600 457,600 Total expenses 2,599,164 2,599,164 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS -192,224 91,068 -101,156 NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 564,909 395,272 960,181 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR 372,685 486,340 859,025 14 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake Program Services Supporting Services To mentees MMRC Catalytic Program Services Services Total Total and Management Supporting General Development Services Conferences and seminars $ 4,787 Depreciation 17,785 101,907 Donated goods and services Dues and subscriptions 18,365 Insurance 40,142 Local transportation 27,874 Occupancy 97,600 63,924 Other Payroll and related expenses 1,340,567 Postage and shipping 7,058 Professional fees 10,909 Program related expenses 3,613 Publicity 6,048 Supplies 32,355 Telephone 40,439 $ - 3,340 20,507 135 2,271 1,809 28,723 9,690 249,891 226 2,046 745 - 4,252 4,556 $ - 1,013 - 225 1,953 140 2,685 1,743 76,006 376 1,713 129 - 1,814 1,489 Total expenses $ 4,787 21,125 122,414 18,500 42,413 29,683 126,323 73,614 1,590,458 7,284 12,955 4,358 6,048 36,607 44,995 $ 1,813,373 $ 328,191 $ 2,141,564 $ 89,286 $ - 4,055 - 1,266 1,953 914 10,743 17,946 299,588 7,917 2,269 8,003 196 8,483 4,980 $5,068 1,491 3,906 1,054 13,428 19,689 375,594 8,293 3,982 8,132 196 10,297 6,469 $ 368,313 $ 457,599 2012 Annual Report 15 Thanks to support for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake, We Are Mentoring Maryland’s Future! Corporate and Foundation Support in Fiscal Year 2012 $50,000+ Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Elev8 and The Atlantic Philanthropies The France-Merrick Foundation M&T Charitable Foundation St. Mary’s County Government The Maryland State Department of Education Wells Fargo $25,000-$49,999 Aegon Transamerica Foundation Anne Arundel County Government Clayton Baker Trust The Charles Crane Family Foundation GEICO Philanthropic Foundation Legg Mason & Co. The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Foundation Monumental Life Insurance Company Under Armour The United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore Walmart $10,000 to $24,999 Anne Arundel County Government Baltimore City Foundation Board of Education of Worcester County Bunting Family Foundation Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation Constellation Energy Group Foundation CSX Corporation The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation Edwin J. and Jeanne C. Trexler Foundation GenOn Midatlantic IWIF (Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund) Johns Hopkins Medicine MurthyNayak Foundation & Murthy Immigration Law Firm Ober | Kaler PNC Foundation Richard A. Henson Foundation The Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for Children of Baltimore City T. Rowe Price Foundation Union Memorial Hospital The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Worcester County Public Schools Harford County Government Department of Community Services The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation KPMG Peat Marwick MedStar Health Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems PriceWaterhouseCoopers Public Allies Ravens Act Foundation The Richard and Nancy Marriott Foundation Shoprite Stanley Black & Decker The United Way of Calvert County Wicomico County Partnership for Families and Children $2,500 to $4,999 Baltimore Ravens Bank of America Charitable Foundation Battelle Capital Food Service The Columbia Foundation $5,000 to $9,999 Community Foundation of AAI Corporation Harford County The Abell Foundation Community Foundation of Baltimore Life Charitable Trust The Eastern Shore Big Brothers Big Sisters Corrigan Sports Enterprises Lone Star Delmarva Power Brown Advisory Donley Construction Capital Funding Group East Coast Underground CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield EntreQuest The Elizabeth B. and Arthur Greater Baltimore Medical E. Roswell Foundation Center Force 3 The Greater Cincinnati Foundation 16 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake The Israel & Mollie Myers Foundation Kelly & Associates Insurance Group LifeBridge Health Systems Maryland Transit Administration PHH Arval Saul Ewing Storyfarm New Media Sylvan/Laureate Foundation TESSCO Technologies Incorporated The Kent Family Foundation Lemek, LLC Mars Super Markets Microsoft Miles & Stockbridge P.C. Moran Towing Corp. Ocean City/Berlin Optimist Club PIC Group Pizza Tugos Proctor & Gamble Producers Video Rhinehart Railroad $1,000- $2,499 Construction Acer Exhibits Riggs Distler and Company Alvarado Fund Roland Slate Service American Reliant Millwrights The SEFA Group Atapco Scope Services The Associated-Jewish The Shelter Foundation Community Federation of Southern Management Baltimore Corporation Boiler Tube Company Staffmark of America SunTrust Foundation Brown Goldstein Levy Susquehanna Bank Business Health Services Synthetic Materials The Campbell Foundation Tony Tank Tribe #149 Cecile D. Carpenter United Rentals Foundation United Way of St. Mary’s The Cupid Foundation County DAP University of Maryland Darden Foundation and Medical System Community Affairs University of Maryland, Delmarva Shorebirds Baltimore DS Pipe and Supply Company The University of Maryland Eastern Shore Golf Magazine Foundation Eutaw Property Enterprise, Waco LLC Waste Management Fandango Productions WebbMason GP Strategies Corporation WMS Partners GreiBO Media Zonta Club of Charles County The Greene Turtle - Ocean $250 to $999 City Alban Tractor Co. H&M Company Harbor Investment Advisory Allines Staffing Alperstein & Stelmack, LLC InTheLoop Consultants Alstom Power J.S. Plank and D.M. DiCarlo ARINC Incorporated Family Foundation Judy and Bill Campbell Family Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, P.A. Fund The Baltimore Sun Bank of America - Salisbury Bank of Delmarva Baseball Factory, Inc. Bemark Associates Camz Corporation Carey Distributors Charm City Cakes Chesapeake Utilities Corporation Choptank Electric Cooperative Cianbro Clearcomm Technologies Community Bank of TriCounty Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County Contract Enviornments The Daily Times / Gannett Damela Gift Fund Delaware State University DeVille Tattoo Parlor Energy Transfer Solutions Fastenal Company Fidelity & Guaranty Life Ins. Co. G.A.P. Geneva Farm Golf Course GKV The Greene Turtle - Salisbury Honeywell Hometown Solutions JustGive JY Enterprises M. Sigmund and Barbara K. Shapiro Philanthropic Fund MCSI Metso Power Minnotte Manufacturing Corporation Nanticoke Health Systems OC/Berlin Opti-Ms Orion Safety Products PCM PNC Financial Services Group RAM Industrial Services Rummel, Klepper & Kahl R-V Industries 2012 Annual Report 17 ...continued from page 17 Individual Donor Support Salisbury University Foundation Schoenfeld Insurance Associates Service Machine Shelby Jones Co. Siemens Industry Signs By Tomorrow Baltimore Southern Maryland Woman St. Paul Travelers Foundation Stapf Energy Services System Source The Toby and Melvin Weinman Foundation Triflow Corporation The United Way of Charles County Verizon Maryland Vince’s Auto Parts Wegmans Food Markets Our Leadership Supporters Recognizing generous annual fund commitments to the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake in FY2012 Gifts of $25,000 and above The Thompson Family Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Ralph Arnold Bradley & Christine Chambers Bradley Dickerson David & Christy DiPietro Philip H. & Janie Grantham Art Modell and Family Jason & Cynthia Pappas John & Katharine Patterson Ronald Peterson James & Mimi Piper Roger Ralph Stephen Lambertson Rohit Marwaha Dawn Motovidlak Michael Ray Francis Riggs Anna Smith Robin Tomechko $1,000 to $2,499 Gregory & Lisa Barnhill F. Barton Frazier Bell Edward & Ellen Bernard Andrew & Michele Bertamini Scott Boylan Mark Carter Vic Carter Bryan Claxton Mary Close Gifts of $5,000 to Michael & Shari $9,999 David Meyer & Elizabeth Close Cohen John Colston J. Michael and Mary Anjanette Dixon Ann Connelly James Dresher, Jr. Joseph A & Erica Mechlinski Jack Dwyer William Rienhoff, IV Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. Christopher & Denise Taylor Gail Foltz John A. Wolf John Forrester Nigel Frankson Gifts of Steve & Maggie $2,500 to $4,999 Fulkrod John & Josephine Allen, III Ira & Jill Gansler Michel Cavallon & Kathryn Loren F. Garroway Wagner Louise Goldberg Veronica Cool Phil & Janine Golden James Dougherty David & Susan Goldner Chuck & Renee Durakis Jeffrey & Kim Gordon Michael & Ann Gitlin Eliza Graham Kelly Hodge-Williams Samuel Himmelrich, Sr. William Hopkinson 18 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake Craig & Kelly Horner Thomas & Laurie Kane Francis & Janet Kelly Robert Kent, Jr. Donald Kohlhafer John & Jean Long David Mayer Michael McCarthy Aris Melissaratos Randolph Metcalfe David & Carol Morris Mark Moyer Mark & Jennifer Mullin Jonathan & Jenny Murray Lee & Marilyn Ogburn Karyn Okelo Emmanuel C. Osuji Harry & Anna Pappas Michael Peers Marsha Reeves Francis & Anne Rienhoff The Honorable Steven Schuh Yelena Sergeyev Mayo & Molly Shattuck Stuart & Candace Simms Deron Simpson Paul & Jennifer Speargas Christopher Taylor Michael Walsh Peter Tovar Nelson Weeks Naomi Weyant Cindy & Jeffrey Weyant Trent Williams William Williams, Jr. Donna Wilson Paul & Susan Wolman Athens Woods Ellen Yankellow 2012 Annual Report 19 ...continued from page 19 $250 to $999 Michael Abell Wendy Bohdel Paula Bragg Vernon Garrett Chad Gerben Ethan Giffin Gayle Greenwood Nathaniel Grogan Bobbie & Henry Gutman Kenneth Guy Susan Hagis Don Haldeman Amy Hardesty Bert Hash, Jr. Donald Hayes Terrence Hickey Jack Hicks John Hoey Donna Holden Mike Holland Brian Hubbard Andrew Hulse Shawn Jensen Michael Jines Blair Johnson Bernard Justis Joe Kenny Charles Kernan Mary Ann Knab Chuck Knudsen Robert & Elizabeth Krum Helen Lew Tamela Lightner Jerome Lintz Carl LoFaro Amy Macht & George Grose Lauren Mahoney Lisa Malone Eric Marhoun Shannon Marshall Craig Martin Gib Mason William Mattingly Bradford May Donald McBrien Mary Sue McCarthy Bethany McGowan Kelly McShane Natalie Meade Harry & Mary Merriken Mary Carol Miller Harry Montgomery, Jr. Anna Moore Lawrence Moore John Morgan Summer O’Malley Randall Osteen Steve Pappas Henrietta Parker Tara Pavao Ottoniel Perez Nancy Peterson Nancy Politsch Pedro Ponce Kevin Priebe Nicole Queen Selwyn Ray Genell Reed William & Maureen Renner Andrew Rose Jean Rougeot William Schlott Thomas Schweizer Nita Settina Bertina Silver Jasmine Solomon Peggy Stringfellow Brigitte Sullivan Kathleen Sweat Stephen Thomas Thomas & Brenda Turk Robin Tyler Michael Uebelacker Raymond Unger Garry Voith Jerry Warfield Paul & Carol Wellinghoff Peggy Zukor Bill & Jill Zupancic 20 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake In 2011, the France-Merrick Foundation challenged us to secure new doners at the $1,000 or higher. Thanks to these doners, we met the challenge and recieved a matching grant. Jeanne & Kurt Aarsand Gregory & Lisa Barnhill Edward & Ellen Bernard Dennis & Janice Biennas William & Katherine Blue Talbott & Ann Bond Family Scott Boylan Monica & Ed Bradley Mary Catherine Bunting Nathaniel Byrd Bill & Judy Campbell Mark Carter Vic Carter August Chiasera James & Mickey Chlada Cirdan Group John Claster Mary Close Michael & Shari Cohen John Colston Clinton Daly Damela Gift Fund Tim & Jennifer Daniels John & Margaret Day Joseph DiMaggio Anjanette Dixon James Dougherty James Dresher, Jr. Jack Dwyer Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. Jonathan Farber Mychelle Farmer Mark R. Fetting Nigel Frankson John F. Freeman William Fulkrod Ira & Jill Gansler Loren Garroway Pamela Genise Ed Gerben Phil & Janine Golden David & Susan Goldner Jeffrey & Kim Gordon Tomas Gordon Eliza Graham & Marc Bunting Michael Hankin Harbor Investment Advisory James Hardesty Bart Harvey Bert Hash, Jr. Sam Himmelrich, Jr. Samuel Himmelrich, Sr. Craig & Kelly Horner Brian Hubbard Andy & Amy John Patricia Joseph Thomas & Laurie Kane Andrew Kaufman Francis & Janet Kelly Francis Kelly, III E. Robert Kent, Jr. Chuck Knudsen Donald Kohlhafer Stephen Lambertson Terence LeMaster Carl LoFaro John & Jean Long Robert Manekin/Manekin LLC Louis P. Mathews, Jr. David Mayer Michael McCarthy Reiley McDonald James Mechlinski Aris Melissaratos Randolph Metcalfe Carol Morgan David & Carol Morris Mark Moyer Mark & Jennifer Mullin Jonathan & Jenny Murray Sheela Murthy Guy Naylor Ashton Newhall Charles Obrecht Lee & Marilyn Ogburn Karyn Okelo Harry & Anna Pappas Michael Peers Jim & Jan Perdue Robert & Pamela Piro Kevin Plank Scott Plank & Dana DiCarlo Nancy Politsch John & Susan Poole Lynn & Philip Rauch Laurence & Tammy Ray Marsha Reeves Timothy & Joanne Regan Adrianne Rhine Arnold & Alison Richman Francis & Anne Rienhoff Francis Riggs Rosetta Rizzo Theo Rodgers Brian & Mary Jo Rogers Wayne Roland, Jr. Yelena Sergeyev Mayo & Molly Shattuck Paul & Jennifer Speargas Edward St. John Frank & Bonnie Stein Univ. of MD Medical Center Trent Williams William Williams, Jr. Charles Willis William & Elizabeth Winstead Paul & Susan Wolman Ellen Yankellow 2012 Annual Report 21 Board of Directors Special thanks to our phenomenal board members, who devote their time, talent, and funds to Mentoring Maryland’s Future. Central Maryland Board Bradley S. Chambers Chair Brad Dickerson Vice-Chair Jason P. Pappas Immediate Past Chair Veronica Cool Secretary David L. Meyer Treasurer James Piper III Chair Emeritus Stuart O. Simms, Esq Chair Emeritus LEGAL COUNSEL Bernard Justis, Esq. BOARD MEMBERS John Allen III Ralph Arnold Chel Cavallon August Chiasera A. Bryan Claxton David M. DiPietro Chuck Durakis Eliza Graham Philip H. Grantham Kelly Hodge-Williams William M. Hopkinson Crystal A. Kuykendall Steve Lambertson Joe Mechlinski Sam Miller Dawn Motovidlak Terry Owens John J. Patterson Ronald R. Peterson William Rienhoff, IV Stuart R. Rubenstein Chris Taylor Peter Tovar Donna C. Wilson John A. Wolf EASTERN SHORE BOARD John Allen, Jr. Board Chair Gail Foltz Board Vice Chair Allyson Bernard-Church Marcellus Conner Marcia Dayton Kim Finger Stephen Franklin Josh Nordstrom Andrew Steck James Sweet Mark Thompson Ray Unger Pamela Webster Bob G. Wood SOUTHERN MARYLAND BOARD Tara Pavao Board Chair Tom Turk Board Vice Chair Diane Deskins Hicks Secretary Hope McKinley Monica Roberts Lashanna Young 22 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake Special thanks to our newly formed Ambassadors Circle The Ambassadors Circle is a collaborative of professionals, current and former volunteers, former Littles, parents, staff, and clergy who serve as an elite community liaison to advance the agency’s philanthropic and volunteer objectives. Ambassadors recruit a diverse group of volunteers and donors, establish and maintain partnerships in the community, and support the agency’s strategic initiatives. Ambassadors Circle Members Ellie Ciolfi, Chair Steve Lambertson, Strategy and Accountability Officer Rehema Townes, Alumni Executive John Wolf, Communications and Marketing Executive: Aprill Lowery, Secretary Cathy Barchi Carla Beckford Balvin Brown Justin Brown Jason Bruns George Casey Anjanette Dixon Joanne Dorrett Tania Ellis Nigel Frankson MaryBeth Furman Earl Gilliam Eloise Grose Gilbert Holmes Nicholas Holtz Lanitra Jackson Brian Jarosinski Janet Jones-Alford Rosette Ladson Wayne Lee Tenyo Pearl Kay Rutkowski Nita Settina Sherrea Turner Nadra Tyus Jesse Tubb John Wolf Richard Yoskey 2012 Annual Report 23 The need is great and children are waiting… Start Mentoring Maryland’s Future today! Our Challenge Everyone needs the guidance of a wise and trusted friend. Currently over 1,300 children are waiting to be matched with a caring adult mentor and thousands more need us but have yet to be reached. Our Vision We aspire to help all children and youth to achieve success in life. Our Mission We aim to help children reach their fullest potential through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships and a broad range of services with quality standards and measurable impact. 3600 Clipper Mill Road Suite 250 Baltimore, Maryland 21211 200 West Main Street Third Floor Salisbury, Maryland 21801 30065 Business Center Drive Suite 2 Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20622 410-243-4000 410-543 2447 301-290-0501 24 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake 2012 Annual Report 25 26 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake