This Guitar`s in Love with You
This Guitar`s in Love with You
G r ammy w i n n i n g S o lid A ir R e co r d s p r e se n t s… ® B U R T B A C H A R A C H This Guitar’s in Love with You classic Bacharach melodies performed by the world’s greatest acoustic guitarists The latest in Solid Air Records’ popular acoustic guitar tribute series honors one of America’s most beloved and most popular composers. This Guitar’s in Love with You features 16 of the most popular and enduring Burt Bacharach melodies, arranged and performed on acoustic guitar by some of the finest guitarists in the world. One look at the list of songs and the world-class artists playing them and you’ll realize this is another must-have set of instrumentals from GRAMMY winning Solid Air Records. Songs/Performers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Casino Royale (Doug Smith & Mark Hanson) The Look of Love (Wayne Johnson) Promises, Promises (Doug Smith) What’s New Pussycat? (Greg Hawkes) Do You Know the Way to San Jose (David Cullen) Alfie (Laurence Juber) What the World Needs Now Is Love (Al Petteway) I’ll Never Fall in Love Again (Eltjo Haselhoff) (They Long to Be) Close to You (Tommy Emmanuel) I Say a Little Prayer (Nick Charles) Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head (Jim Earp) (There’s) Always Something There to Remind Me (Mike Dowling) Walk on By (Mark Hanson) Wishin’ and Hopin’ (Arlen Roth) This Guy’s in Love with You (Laurence Juber) BONUS TRACK What the World Needs Now Is Love (Doug Smith & Mark Hanson) More Great Acoustic Guitar CDs Henry Mancini: Pink Guitar GRAMMY WINNER Poppin’ Guitars: A Tuneful of Sherman A Guitar for Elvis LAURENCE JUBER LJ Plays the Beatles Cole Porter: Delovely Guitar MARK HANSON Great American Songbook Everybody’s Pickin’ on Leiber & Stoller SACD2105 w w w. Solid A irReco rd m Ava ila b le o n lin e a t www.A coust icMusicResour ce. com, iTunes and Amaz on. com.
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