January 2015 - Galloway United Methodist Church


January 2015 - Galloway United Methodist Church
I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the LORD!
Psalm 122:1
Rev. Dr. Joey Shelton [email protected] 601‐326‐3455 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” — Psalm 122:1 Four years… enough time… to learn how to walk, enter the terrible 2’s, leave toddlerhood and start pre‐K… enough time… to start and complete high school or college… to start and complete graduate school… to become rooted in an occupation… Four years…a quadrennium… a United Methodist Bishop’s term of appointment… the term of the United States President… Four years… new roofs, remodeled reception rooms, outside paint, remodeled fellowship center, acquisition and remodel of UM Conference Building into The Foundery at Galloway, new kitchen equipment, refurbishment of chapel, restoration of stain glass windows, new hvac systems, ongoing sanctuary renovation… $3,000,000.00 contributed and spent… no accumulation of debt… One year… enough time… to complete what has been started… flooring, inside paint, restroom renovations, video and audio upgrades, signage, furniture, information systems… $1,500,000 needed… May the gladness of the Psalmist be yours as we celebrate the upcoming centennial of the Galloway sanctuary. This is the house of the LORD. May we be faithful in our care of this house as we prepare for the next centennial of worship and ministry. Gladly Yours, PS: We will offer a new format of the Spotlight beginning with the February issue. The Spotlight will consist of the Pastor’s article, Galloway monthly calendar, and articles that tell the stories of God’s work through Galloway. Renovations always hold surprises, usually in the hidden building techniques of the
craftsmen. We then ask and explore, “Why did they do it this way?” So often we
lament, ”If only the walls could talk!” We should now rephrase the pondering to:
“If only the steps could talk!” On November 11, 2014 a sanctuary balcony step was
removed. It spoke to us. Written on the underside of the step, by a worker’s finger,
in the same color as the floor stain, was a date: Nov-11-15. Ninety-nine years to
the day the step let us know, “it is your turn.” WOW!!
– Lee Smith
Sharon Patterson, Director [email protected] 601‐360‐1792 We begin celebrating the holidays November 1st and just roll right into the New Year with our children. The children and families in Galloway Children’s Center make every day special. Music, food, and friends are the right recipe for any celebration. Our children learned about discovering this beautiful new land that we call America. They can tell you all about the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims. Then, jump right into the Christmas joy with baby Jesus. We have talked about the true meaning of Christmas and God’s gift of his precious son coming to earth as a baby. Thanksgiving and Christmas give us reason to pause and think of others more than ourselves. Sometimes it is hard to respond to that thought and stop because small children need so much attention. Let’s remember that in Matthew 18:3, Christ said we should become like little children—we should not always expect them to become like us. Children are full of excitement and energy. They give and receive love easily. Every day our children create artwork—and every day they will tell you, “This is for my Mom or Dad or brother or sister”. When our children run, and wiggle and jump and shout, let’s be thankful that they are healthy enough to do just that! I would like to thank all the teachers at Galloway Children’s Center. They talk to every child individually every day—and they listen. They even listen to babies and toddlers who cannot pronounce words that we recognize. They stop‐‐‐‐and listen. Do you know how much time it takes to listen to 2, 3 and 4 year olds tell their story? The teachers pause and listen with their whole hearts and they respond. The conversations are amazing. You can see the sparkle in the teachers’ eyes when they re‐tell these stories. Talking one‐on‐one with young children is the number one way to build vocabulary in children. Reading books together is number two. Wonderful things happen when we pause and think more highly of small children than we think of ourselves. Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International recently presented the Red Rose Award to
Sharon Patterson of Brandon, MS. The society "promotes professional and personal growth of
women educators and excellence in education". The Red Rose Award is given annually to a nonmember whose accomplishments have been beneficial to education. Mrs. Patterson is the director
of the Early Childhood Development Center at Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church.
Megan Snider, Minister to Children & Family [email protected] 601‐326‐3449 JANUARY MEMORY VERSE: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
t is hard to believe that December has flown by! The Christmas season has been celebrated with great cheer as we have enjoyed learning about the nativity, fellowshipped during our Christmas family party, enjoyed watching our Galloway nativity scene grow weekly and more. I am excited for the new year and all that it has to offer. As we take a deep breath and welcome the new year I hope that we can all take time to notice God’s hand at work in our lives and in the world. SUT SMITH JOLLY RANCHER SUNDAY – SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.” ‐ Mark 9:37 Mr. Sut Smith welcomed everyone, from the smallest child to the child at heart, with the love of Christ. As he greeted people on Sunday mornings, he would offer a simple Jolly Rancher that has come to symbolize the greater gift of love he offered to all. On Epiphany Sunday, we will have a special offering to support children. Donations will provide scholarships for children to attend Galloway—sponsored events such as the Confirmation Retreat and summer camps at Camp Wesley Pines. CHILDREN AND FAMILY SPIRITUAL FORMATION TEAM Do not forget our first meeting of the year on Sunday, January 4th following the 11AM worship service. Grab your tray and we will meet on the children’s hallway in room 237. CONFIRMATION HAS KICKED OFF: PRAY FOR OUR 6TH GRADERS On December 13th our wonderful confirmation class met their faith friends at the big reveal party! As we celebrated life around the world at an international festival beautiful bonds began to blossom! Please continue to be in prayer for this class and their faith friends as a wonderful time of learning and growing together begins to unfold before our eyes. 2015 FAITH FRIENDS AND CONFIRMANDS: Lauren Wallace Jessie Partridge Amy Kraus Renee Jones Jim Wilkirson Fran Weeks Leslie Bingham Dana Watson Ava Couey Brayden Graham Ellie Peterson Jessica Shelton Chadwick Collins Cate Bourn Erin Hawkins Julia Catherine Sumrall JANUARY HAPPENINGS FOR CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRY: th
During church on January 4 , Epiphany Sunday, we will celebrate Sut Smith with Jolly Rancher Sunday! Confirmation begins with our first class on January 4th from 3:00‐ 5:00 P.M. On Wednesday, January 14th join the Galloway family as we pack meals for Stop Hunger Now at Central UMC from 4:30 ‐ 7:00 p.m. Mark your calendars for a fun Parents’ Night Out on Friday, January 16th as we celebrate the new year together! Be in prayer for the confirmation class as we venture to Camp Wesley Pines for the confirmation retreat Friday, January 30th‐ Sunday, February 1st. DO YOU LOVE THE CHILDREN OF GALLOWAY? Would you like to spend more time growing and learning with these children? In the new year we are searching for a few new teachers to help lead Sunday school. The 3rd and 4th grade class needs an assistant teacher. As the assistant teacher you would be responsible for being present weekly to help provide a good example, listening ear and helping hand to the kids and their fabulous teacher, Lorraine Gilbert. In the 3rd and 4th grade Sunday school room the children are delving into the scripture like never before as they dig through the Bible using Lorraine’s (fabulous) 52 Bible Lessons curriculum. Our sweet two and three year children are also in need of two new teachers for the new year. Sunday school with these kiddos is lively, interactive and heart‐warming. If you are interested in serving weekly, or on a rotating schedule, with either of these groups please contact Megan as soon as possible. A DO‐ABLE RESOLUTION: CLEAN CLOSETS WITH MEGAN New Year’s resolutions are always hard to stick to.. at least for me. It seems as if time begins flying by and the resolution is easily thrown out the window. If you are looking for a do‐able resolution in this new year and have a passion for organization I invite (beg) you to join me in cleaning out the Children and Family closets. We will be shifting our small supply closet into a working storage room. This change promises to help keep things more organized in the future. I hope that you cannot help but join in on this resolution! Please notify Megan if you are interested in joining this project by January 14th‐ closet cleaning will take place the week of January 20‐23rd.
Jan. 4
Kelli & Matt Ferrell
Communion (no children’s church)
Jan. 11
Sally & Justin Hodges
Jaye & Dana Germany
Jan. 18
Tammie Hauser
Lauren & Jeremy Wallace
Jan. 25
Lauren & Tripp Johnson
Julia & Scott Coffey
Reagan Lord, Director [email protected] 601‐326‐3451 I recently ran across this quote. I think I have seen it several hundred times, but today, I stopped and listened to what the quote actually said. My conclusion? We can never start over, we can only begin where we are right now and make things better in the future. The New Year is the time we all make those notorious resolutions. We make them. We remember them for several weeks. We forget them. I resolved once to never resolve again and I actually kept that resolution. But after running across the New Beginning quote above, I think it may be time to resolve again. I think it may be time to stop and actually listen to God speaking. God actually speaks anywhere. But we do have to listen, to pay attention, to be aware: Someone that we love dies. Some unforeseen act of kindness or cruelty touches the heart or makes the blood run cold. We fail a friend, or a friend fails us, and we are all appalled at the capacity we all have for pushing away the very people we need the most. Or perhaps nothing extraordinary happens at all‐‐‐just one day following another, helter‐skelter, the way days do. We sleep and dream. We wake. We work. We remember and forget. And into the thick of it, or out of the thick of it, at moments of even the most humdrum days, God speaks. Will you hear? Will you listen? God speaks not just through the sounds we hear, but through events in all of their complexity and variety, through the harmonies and disharmonies and counterpoint of life. What does God mean? To try and express even in the most insightful and theologically sophisticated terms the meaning of what God speaks through the events of our lives is as precarious as trying to explain the sound of rain on the roof or the fiery brilliance of the setting sun. But I choose to believe that God speaks nonetheless, and the reason his words are impossible to capture in human language is, of course, that they are ultimately always incarnate. They are words fleshed out in the mundane everydayness no less than in the cries of our own human experience. Live
Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 14, 2014 JANUARY 2015
January 4
Rebecca Mozingo
Toby Gilbert
Mathew Prosser
January 11
Camille Couey
Ava Couey
Cate Bourn
January 18
Marshall Dunaway
Brayden Graham
Ellie Peterson
January 25
Hannah Hutchison
Maggie Hutchison
Lillian Sistrunk
Julia Catherine Sumrall
8:30 a.m.
Alice & Joey Rein
Joseph Rein
Richard Rein
11:00 a.m.
Scott Staines
Clifford Ammons, Jr.
Steven Ludlam
Kevin Gay
Robert Walker
Tom Wiygul
Mary Lyons
Carole & Ed Gieger
Kay Barksdale
Nanette & Lamar Weems
Charles Mortimer
Joe Woolsey, Minister to Students [email protected] 601‐326‐3453 Happy New Year!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed celebrating the New Year! This year, as you are perhaps planning things a little differently, I wanted to let you know the Student Ministry page will have something new. Each month this year you will have the opportunity to meet a student, see what they enjoy, and what they don’t. My hope is that you read their story here and become a part of their story the next time you see them. MEET MADYSON BROWN: I’m in 12th grade at St. Andrews and am the oldest of 2. My younger sister is Morgan and my parents are Garry and Tammye. In college I am looking at biochemistry on a pre‐med track. Who is someone you have met at Galloway that is a character, describe them from your perspective. Connie Shelton who is tall, tan and raven haired. She just manages to be so lively and nice and her Madyson, Morgan, Tammye, & Garry
relationship with God kind of drew me to church. What is your favorite food; what about a food that you would not touch? Bop’s pecan fudge brownie is perfectly divine. I won’t touch apples because who wants to eat a food described as crisp & mealy? That’s gross. Name a bucket list item, and why is it on the list? Go to all 7 continents because I really appreciate the benefits of travel and love the adventures that could be found by stepping out of my comfort zone. If you could have one super power what would it be and why? I would probably pause time so I could take naps but still get work done. If you could have an exotic pet what would it be; would you leash it at the park or just let it roam? I would probably have just a really big cat that would be big like a dog but still purr and want to cuddle. Either that or a monkey that I would harness as a baby because he could wander off. If you were a champion of something what would that something be? Radical Self Love because it’s just really important to learn to love yourself. It changes how genuine your relationships are. If you were a person in the bible who would you be and why? Mary Magdalene because of her loyalty to God though his crucifixion and after. She was a woman who would have otherwise been overlooked and Jesus chose to take her under his wing and was considered equal to his male disciples. Christ found her and she stayed loyal which I really appreciate and want to emulate.
Kitchen Ministry
Our Kitchen Ministry is restructuring and will publicize Meal Plans as soon as possible through the Bulletin Announcements, E‐Newsletter, Website and Display Announcements. GRACE ANNE, SWAYZE, BAILEY, EMMA, HANNAH,
Happy, Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best,
Great work to reach
your fondest goals,
And when you’re done,
sweet rest.
We hope for your fulfillment,
Contentment, peace and more,
A brighter, better new year
than you’ve ever had before.
by Joanna Fuchs —
Susan Richards, Director [email protected] 601‐326‐3447 CONGREGATIONAL CARE The Congregational Care committee members will gather for a meeting at noon on Sunday, January 25, in Room 403. The ministries of Congregational Care include Grief Ministry, Mary & Martha Guild, Caring Cooks, Prayer Ministry
‐Galloway Connects and Sunday Prayer Line, Name Tag Month, Lamplighters, Babies‐to‐Be, Military, Stephen Ministry, Health & Wellness, In‐Home Communion, Grief Support and Divorce Care, and Women of Galloway. If you have questions or suggestions for one of these ministry areas or would like to find out how to serve, please contact: [email protected]. HEALTH & WELLNESS Happy New Year and Healthy New You! Will this be the year that you keep your New Year’s resolution to improve your physical health? Mark your calendars for these important dates! On Wednesday, January 21 and 28, medical students from the University of Mississippi Medical Center will conduct free health screenings at Galloway from 5:00‐8:30 p.m. in Reception Rooms A and B. Screenings will include blood pressure checks, blood sugar tests, body mass index, and general health counseling. A delicious and nutritious meal will be served in The Foundery from 5:00‐6:00 p.m., and the program from 6:00‐7:00 p.m. will be based on the Healthy Plate Initiative. Many thanks to our own Dr. Rick deShazo and UMC dietician Rebecca Turner for their important work in this area of health and wellness. WOMEN’S NOON BIBLE STUDY Namesake (When God Rewrites Your Story) is a 7‐Week Bible Study beginning on Tuesday, January 6 in The Foundery. The author is Jessica LaGrone. Leader Donna Robbins shares the following on this powerful study: There's nothing more personal and powerful than a name. A name can reveal so much about someone's identity. You could even say that every name tells a story. In Scripture, God often changed individuals' names when He changed their stories. Namesake is a study that explores the transformational power of God through the stories of people in the Bible who encountered God and whose lives and names were never the same. Please join us on Jan. 6th, 2015, at Noon in The Foundery at Galloway for this exciting study. This will be a seven week study. Please e‐mail Donna Robbins [email protected] or call 662‐347‐4713 to be a part of this study. This quiet ministry among us serves a meal on the day of a funeral to families of a member who has passed away. Monthly teams are in place to serve when needed. Various members of the church are asked to prepare a dish. Some volunteers keep a dish in the freezer and others are willing to pick up a much needed item. If you would like to be part of this ministry, please contact Pat Ammons or Pat Cothren. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER LINE Is God calling you to pray for others? Prayer may be one of your Spiritual Gifts! Galloway’s Sunday morning Prayer Line needs volunteers. You’ll already be at church, so spend one hour of your time once a month, once a quarter, or even just once a year answering the phone and praying with a caller. To volunteer, contact Emily Patin or Susan Richards. WHO ARE LAMPLIGHTERS? A Lamplighter is an active member of Galloway who willingly visits another Galloway member who is unable to attend worship on Sunday morning. We ask a Lamplighter to check in with his or her person by phone calls or cards and to visit at least once a month. Lamplighters gather together four times a year to share stories about our visits. In 2015, we will meet on Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. on February 18, May 20, August 19, and November 11. Mark your calendar and plan to join us in ministry to make meaningful Galloway connections. Trudy Lipscomb and Bill Lipscomb will be leading the Lamplighters in 2015. Stephen Ministers work quietly in our congregation one‐on‐one, by meeting with persons who are going through a crisis in their lives. If you would like to receive Christian care from a Stephen Minister, please contact Joey Shelton, Emily Sanford, Carmon Vestal or Susan Richards. If you are interested in training to become a Stephen Minister, please contact Susan Richards. MISSIONS & OUTREACH MINISTRY
Leslie Bingham, Director [email protected] 601‐326‐3443 DO you ever wonder what other UM churches are doing in missions? Have you ever wanted to lead or be a part of a mission trip but didn’t know what to expect? Then this opportunity is for you! Galloway is hosting a gathering of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) from 10:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the Foundery. All Mississippi United Methodists are invited to attend. We will hear local and international disaster response reports from missions. Following lunch, UMVIM team leader training will be offered using the revised handbook. This opportunity gives a great overview of the short‐term mission experience and all the necessary training for leading a group or feeling better equipped to take part with a group. For more information, contact Rev. David Newton, Mississippi UMVIM coordinator at umvim@mississippi‐umc.org. UMVIM DISASTER ACADEMY FEBURARY 23 ‐ 25, 2015 Be the first to make a difference! United Methodists are known for sending skilled volunteers first to the scene of natural disasters. We Mississippians know all too well the ravages of hurricanes and tornadoes. The beautiful thing is UMVIM Disaster Relief Teams don’t leave until the job is done. Does being a part of this life changing experience interest you? It is my hope we can get a core group from Galloway, partner with our sister UM congregations and have a trained team of 20 in hopes that when the needs arise, at least 10 will be available to respond. Training is essential to be a part! Registration for the 2015 UMCOR and UMVIM Disaster Academy is OPEN! Join us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for 3 days of learning, training and fellowship. Visit http://umvim.org/go/disaster_response/
disaster_academy.html for a brochure that provides information on the schedule, available workshops, nearby lodging options and more. Registration Costs:$100*Price includes meals but not lodging. THANK YOU GALLOWAY FOR YOUR WARM RESPONSE TO THIS CREATIVE IDEA! Who would have thought it? A church member with a giving heart and creativity, M & M’s and your change led to warmth on a cold winter’s night for our Grace Place Friends! $250 dollars worth of M&M’s your change yielded 150 pair of long johns for our Grace Place friends! Thank you all! Donations keep trickling in — check your bulletin insert and e‐newsletter for updated totals. TRUSTMARK’S JERSEYS AND JEANS DAY BENEFITS GRACE PLACE By Beth Fisher More than 1,500 Trustmark associates from Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas participated in Trustmark’s fifth annual Jerseys and Jeans Day by replacing their business attire with jerseys and jeans on October 31, 2014 and November 7, 2014. The associate‐inspired fundraiser generated contributions for a number of non‐
profit organizations including $2,936.50 for Grace Place. “Thank you” to Trustmark National bank from
Grace Place! Pictured are Trustmark representatives
During its five year existence, Jerseys and Jeans Day has presenting the donation to Galloway’s Grace Place Ministry.
raised over $40,000 in funds that have been put directly back Pictured from left to right: Noel Rhodes, Lee Smith, Leslie
Bingham, Nancy Clarkson, Scott Sheridan, Tommy Lyle,
into communities where Trustmark branches and offices are Joey Shelton, Carl Menist, Joey Rein, and Billy Underwood.
located. Trustmark associates participating in this event donated $5 to wear jeans and a jersey from their team of choice. Trustmark’s Corporate Main office contributed to this fundraising effort by hosting a bake sale with a tailgate theme for all associates. “This project is one that many look forward to each year,” Trustmark CEO Jerry Host said. “We are proud that our associates choose to be a part of the communities in which they live and work. Jerseys and Jeans Day unites our associates and strengthens our Trustmark team.” STOP HUNGER NOW! Please join us in responding to Bishop and Mrs. Swanson’s challenge on Wednesday, January 14th at Central UMC as the West Jackson District sponsors our Stop Hunger Now Packing Event. At least 10,000 meals will be packed from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. and volunteers are needed for set‐up beginning at 3:00 p.m. A light snack supper will be provided. The Family Life Center at Central UMC is located at 517 North Farish Street in Jackson, MS. To register or to donate go to http://events.stophungernow.org/WestJacksonDistrictUMC. SPIRITUAL FORMATION MINISTRY
Rev. Emily Sanford, Associate Pastor [email protected] 601‐326‐3448 GROWING WITH THE ENNEAGRAM: A workshop presented by Enneagram Master, Suzanne Stabile, from Life in the Trinity Ministry, Dallas. Come learn about the Enneagram personality typing system and how to use it as a spiritual tool to deepen your understanding of yourself and your relationship with God and others. January 24-25, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.— Saturday, lunch provided 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.— Sunday St. Andrew’s Cathedral $60 – Saturday and Sunday $40 – Saturday only $65 – LPC CEU’s $30 – Sunday only To register, go to www.centerforministry.com Contact person: Ellen Gabardi, 601‐317‐6400 or [email protected]. Sponsored by: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral, Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church, Northminster Baptist Church, St. James’ Episcopal Church, The Shepherd’s Staff, The Center for Ministry at Millsaps College, Mississippi Counseling Association/MASERVIC. GEMS LUNCHEON & PROGRAM Come start the new year hearing news about Millsaps as Dr. Rob Pearigen, President of Millsaps College, is our special guest for our GEMS luncheon on Thursday, January 8 at 11:30 a.m. in Reception Halls A & B. Please make plans now to join us. RSVP by Monday, January 5 to the Church Office, 601‐353‐9691. This beautiful hand‐carved Celtic cross was donated to Galloway UMC by Robert L. Thompson, Jr. in loving memory of Rev. Ross Olivier. We want to express our gratitude
to Anna McDonald, Ken Roberts,
and Sara Running for putting together an incredible GEMS Christmas party on December 11.
NIGHT AROUND THE NATIVITY Children, youth, and adults enjoyed a night around the Nativity where we entered into the Christmas story in interactive and meaningful ways! Special thanks to Ken Roberts for leading us in caroling, Ken Pugh for bringing Justin the donkey, Katie Sorey for helping us identify with characters in the nativity scene, Jim Wilkirson for sharing about Galloway’s nativity, Megan Snider for helping us make “stained glass” nativity crafts, and all who participated in a spontaneous retelling of the Christmas story complete with little Emily Owen as Jesus, Jenni Owen as Mary, and Joe Woolsey as Joseph. ANGELS AMONG US On December 4th Galloway hosted April’s Angel Luncheon to honor the telephone volunteers and Galloway team who graciously staffed the Receptionist Desk during April’s journey and recovery with breast cancer. Thank you to all for truly being angels among us! Pictured with April are Dale Hunt, Susan Walker, Don Fortenberry, Mary Lyons, and Janet Jones. Also thank you to Susan Cardin, Christine Knupp, Skip Murphy and Beth Tennant who are not pictured. Memorials/Honor Gifts
November 2014
(Unless noted, gifts are to the Memorial Fund)
Memorials Gifts
Norma Ammons Ginnie & Luther Munford Elise & Tommy Williams Bettie Clay Mary B. Baughn Charles Fortenberry Catherine S. Edwards Sr. Pastor’s Fund Mark Hearon Jim Barfield Ray McCullen Sally, Chris & Charles Carmichael Eileen H. Duddleston Wesley & Kat Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Lucian A. Harvey, Jr. Elizabeth Hunter Lige & Cherry Lee Melora Love Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Ridgway, IV Bob & Edie Sigrest Mrs. Robert E. Tyson Grace Place Choir Fund Rev. Denson Napier John & Sandra Templeton TV Ministry Dr. John Wofford Karen Redhead Honor Gifts
Leslie Bingham Betty, Jean and Nancy Clarkson Grace Place Ann Myers Schimmel Ginnie & Luther Munford Adult Choir CONGREGATIONAL CONCERNS & CELEBRATIONS HOSPITAL
(hospitalized since last Spotlight issue)
Chris Cherney, Nolan Graves Duddleston, Dana
Germany, Sam Germany (infant son of Dana & Jay Germany) ,
Tim Ross, Jean Stockton and Eleanor Taylor
To the family and friends of Charles Fortenberry.
To Marilyn Thornton and her family on the death of her
mother, Bettie Clay.
To Lauren Ammons on the death of her grandmothers,
Betty Dent and Virginia Berry.
Dr. Carrie Morgan Henderson
2222 Southwood Rd.
Jackson, MS 39211
Carrie is originally from western Kentucky, but she has been on the move since college. She moved to Jackson in June 2012 following the completion of her fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and quickly found a home at Galloway. She grew up attending First United Methodist Church in Hopkinsville, KY and Galloway felt like a piece of home down here in Mississippi. Only 6 months into living in Jackson, Carrie met her wonderful husband Nicholas and they were married May 25, 2014. Nicholas is a member of St. Peter’s Orthodox Church in Madison where his father is the priest. You may see him from time to time at Galloway with Carrie, but he will maintain his faith base there. Carrie works at Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital in the Pediatric Critical Care Unit, and Nicholas is a teacher and soccer coach at Jackson Academy. They both stay quite busy with work, but love spending time with their English bulldog Noah and springer spaniel Henry. BIRTHS
Congratulations to Haley and David Duddleston on the birth of
STAFF Leslie Bingham, Missions & Outreach Director Johnnye Catherine Bradford, Crafts Al Brennan, Broadcast Media Director Jimmy Carr, Legacy Fund Development Director Hazel Coleman, Nursery Staff Shuronda Common, Nursery Coordinator Becky Dole, Children, Student, & Missions & Outreach Kathy Evans, Sr. Pastor, Spiritual Form., & Cong. Care Don Fortenberry, Visitation Ministry Capriest Frazier, Nursery Staff Brett Gardner, Facility Services Assoc. Director Cansandra Gray, Nursery Staff Grace Hall, Music Intern David Hayes, Food Services Allen Horn, Food Services Flo Jones, Facility Services Lisa Jones, Finance Quanda Kimbrough, Nursery Staff Bob Knupp, Organist Maria Marcela Lopez, Spanish Translator Reagan Lord, Music & Worship Arts Director Jane Magee, Receptionist Sharon Patterson, Child Development Ctr. Director Edward Ransburgh, Facility Services Susan Richards, Congregational Care, Director Ken Roberts, Visitation Ministry Sherry Russum, Executive Administrator Jenny Slack, Print & Web Communications Director Lee Smith, Facility Services Director Megan Snider, Minister to Children & Family Katie Sorey, Worship Arts Admin. Assistant April Vestal, Receptionist/Publications Keri‐Elizabeth Waites, Nursery Staff Joe Woolsey, Minister to Students PASTORAL STAFF their son, Nolan Graves, who was born on November 7, 2014.
Rev. Emily Sanford, Associate Pastor Rev. Dr. Joey Shelton, Senior Pastor Congratulations to Jenni and Whit Owen on the birth of their
daughter, Emily Ann, who was born on November 13, 2014.
Congratulations to Dana and Jaye Germany on the birth of their
son, Samuel Monroe, who was born on December 7, 2014.
Congratulations to Shonda and Yancy Burns on the birth of their
son, Evan Walker, who was born on December 9, 2014.
Jenni Eichelberger was baptized on Sunday, November 30, 2014.
Rev. Eddie Spencer, Pastor to Church & Society _____________________ GALLOWAY
305 North Congress Street, Jackson, MS 39201 P O Box 1092, Jackson, MS 39215 MAIN: 601‐353‐9691 FAX: 601‐352‐5333 www.GallowayUMC.org
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT JACKSON, MS USPS 213‐280 305 North Congress Street Jackson, MS 39201 “Spotlight on Galloway” (USPS 213‐280) is published monthly by Galloway United Methodist Church, 305 North Congress, Jackson, MS 39201‐1602, 601‐353‐9691. Periodicals postage paid to Jackson, MS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Spotlight, P.O. Box 1092, Jackson, MS 39215‐1092. Ministry of Broadcast Media
At Galloway, one of the joys that we have is offering to you, our members and visitors, a worship‐filled experience whether you’re here in person, at home or on vacation. Through our connection with WAPT, each Sunday you’re able to view on television our 11:00 a.m. service live as it occurs. But what happens when the program ends on TV? Simply go to our website and watch the continuation (or entirety) of the service live. Through our connection with LIVESTREAM, we offer you the ability to view the 11:00 a.m. service live on your computer, smart phone or tablet, whether you’re around the corner or in South Africa. The how‐to’s are quite simple. Just turn to channel 4 (WAPT) at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Online, either go to our website and select live in our tool bar and click on the LIVESTREAM link, or go directly to www.livestream.com in your browser. Once in LIVESTREAM, search for “Galloway UMC”, Click on the LIVE service and sit back and enjoy. If you have any question, contact Al Brennan, [email protected]. BROADCAST MEDIA