change a dog`s life!


change a dog`s life!
Dec 2010
IT’S TIME TO HELP Sweet Border Collie Rescue
At year’s end, it’s always
good to ask… what is it that
we have accomplished? At
GHF, the answer can be
found in the simplest place the dictionary.
action with other BCs who are
just like him.
Rescue: to free
from confinement,
danger or evil.
We’ve again helped over 200
unwanted and abandoned
Border Collies find safe
haven in 2010. An amazing
total of almost 1500 Border
Collies have come through
our doors, to date. And, yet
the story of rescue is the
same today as it was 10 years
ago when we started the
Farm. The need for rescue is
Meet MIA, a 4 month old BC
abandoned at a shelter because
of an injured front leg. The
guardians said ‘they didn’t want
her anymore’ so in short order,
she was sitting alone in a concrete
run surrounded by anxious
barking dogs. No one she knew
was anywhere in sight. Now Mia
is thankfully at the Farm where
we’ll blanket her with love while
she waits for the people that can
really love her.
Meet NEWT, a 10 month old BC
bought for the family. What went
wrong? Even with two children
Meet TREY, a little 8 pound way
pup, only two months old,
found wandering on a
military base….imagine what Too
could have gone on for some- much
one to dump a defenseless
pup? It’s clear once Trey is
with you that he is incredibly many needs, too difficult to live
sweet and smart AND he is
with for the unsuspecting guardialso a real Border Collie,
ans who thought he’d surely grow
absolutely non-stop energy
out of that puppy ‘stuff’. And,
with demands way beyond
here he is racing around five acres
most puppies. He is a 24/7
with three other young cast-off
spirit with the mind and body BCs, now as easy to live with as
to match. He is anything but any dog anywhere. He has his
easy, that is, unless you
herding buddies and non-stop
understand him. Then, he’s a play friends til he heads to his
delightful, curious brilliant
new home.
boy, already joining in the
Meet ORIE, a 6 month old
BC purchased as a family pet.
The family tried to manage
his needs until finally his
nipping of the kids meant he
had to go. As they said, “If
we had known he required
this much exercise, we would
not have chosen this breed.”
And so it goes…Orie has to
adjust to a move with new
places and people as he waits
for the home that understands
him. He did nothing wrong
except be a young BC with
BC needs.
old BC
again to
a family.
He lived
in the pet store til 5 ½ months
which meant a small kennel
life at the very age when he
should be running and learning and being a BC. This
sweet puppy mill BC then
found himself in a condo with
no yard and an 8 year old,
crated most of the day.
Within short order, he was
clearly not a fit there. So
Zeus thankfully landed at the
Farm and now lives with
people who can really appreciate him for his brilliant
mind and busy body, now
almost 7 months into his life.
And for the first time, he is
upright running and racing at
full speed.
Change a DOG’s LIFE
Border Collies love these treats and
they are digestible so do not create
diarrhea like many chew treats. We
use them all the time with the
rescues. Please make sure you are
only buying U.S. quality treats and
bones since those from out of the
country can be tainted with sprays
that are harmful. We only buy
from or
If you're trying to add protein to
your Border Collie's diet, you could
try this. We worked with the
Cornell Nutrition Department to
find a product that could keep
weight on these very active BCs.
The Vet races sled dogs and found
that whey protein worked for his
high energy dogs. We've had good
success for younger, super
active BCs who seem to burn off
whatever they eat! Unflavored
Whey Protein can be hard to find,
here is our source:
is raving
Tugs, the
one tug
toy that
even gets
tuggers to
tug! For all the sport enthusiasts,
we recommend checking out the
site plus you can purchase and
benefit GHF! Great gifts for friends
or, of course, your own dog!
(Continued from page 1)
Meet TOBIN, a 4 month old BC mix
from KY. All of ten pounds, he was hit
by a car, fracturing both back legs to
pieces, his bones absolutely shattered.
A passerby saw him dragging himself
along the road and when he queried the
nearby woman, she said it was her pup
but she didn’t want him. This gross act
of cruelty led him to take the pup to the
vet himself.
The KY vet donated his services and a
staffer took him home and contacted
GHF. In an unusual twist of fate, turns
out she knew of the Farm since she was
from NY. Off to our orthopedic
specialist and now Tobin has a cast on
one leg and splint on the other.
Amazingly, it seems there is magic in
Tobin’s tragedy. Each fracture is 1/8th
or ¼ inch from the growth plates which
means while there are no bones to pin
for stability, Tobin will very likely keep
both back legs! A long road of physical
therapy lies ahead to regain muscle
strength. A GHF fosterer & adopter is
on board to provide full care at their PT
vet clinic. Tobin has had an incredible
journey for such a short life on earth.
These stories paint a clear picture of
that simple dictionary definition.
GHF, along with other caring people,
step in to rescue innocent and vulnerable beings. And with this act of
kindness, their lives are forever
This scenario is repeated month after
month, year after year.
Almost 2/3rds of the dogs coming into
rescue are age two and under. Through
no fault of their own, they have to leave
one home and find another. It’s a
confusing start for a young dog and
many lose their balance. Good news is
they are quite happy with other young
homeless BC friends, who are having a
blast together at the Farm, finally
making sense of who they are.
(Continued on page 3)
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
(Continued from page 2)
The young ones under a year old come to the founder’s
home or the Connor House so they don’t miss out on
life in a home, close to people. Whatever they need,
once here, they will get, whether that is time to heal,
learning how to trust life, how to focus, or plenty of toy
play. No matter where they live or what age, they all
Each of YOU reading
can be or already are a
part of this amazing
experience. If you donate, it’s your generous support
that makes such a huge difference to each and every
dog, no
their age.
And these
dogs then,
in turn,
share their love with people who are
forever changed by having them in their
lives. We are all rescued in some way, by
touching this transformative moment of
Glen Highland Farm is part of a
unique nationwide study at Tufts
University School of Veterinary
Medicine focused on compulsive
shadow or light chasing. We are
providing blood samples from 60
dogs, those with and without OCD
behaviors. The hope is that this
genetic study will help in the treatment approach for afflicted Border
Please remember playing with a
laser light pointer triggers
awful obsessive compulsive
behaviors that are very very hard
to undo. Dogs begin pouncing on
the ground, grabbing mouthfuls of
dirt as the shadows move as well as
staring at floors or walls, waiting
for the laser light to reappear. This is a genetic problem
that, once triggered, is almost
impossible to reverse. Hopefully,
a new treatment protocol will
emerge with the Tufts Study.
Visit our website at
to donate on-line to help us
keep changing lives
It's important to remember that
Metacam, Rimadyl or Deramaxx
cannot be combined with aspirin or
prednisone. The combination
creates extreme GI upset and
ulceration, literally stripping the
intestinal wall. According to Cornell
emergency vets, many healthy dogs
cannot survive easily from this
combination. And compromised dogs
with health conditions will worsen
rapidly and often die from the
In talking to others involved in animal
care, we are shocked that most
people do NOT know this. Many vets
do not know either. Additionally, if
you are switching between use of
Metacam or Rimadyl or Deramax, you
must wait 1 week before changing
over to a new brand. They are so
harsh on the gut, you will create big
problems in making this change too
quickly. In switching to prednisone
(often used for inflammation or
cancer) to one of these anti-steroidal
meds, you must have a 'wash-out'
period where the GI tract clears out
the meds. The most appropriate
timeframe is 14-28 days, from first
The newest approach to giving these
meds is called, LED - Lowest
Effective Dose. Metacam is the only
non-steroidal that is given by precise
weight so the idea is to cut back to
determine how low a dose works to
get the results to eliminate pain. In
the end, a 10 pound dose of Metacam
may work for a 40 pound dog, thus
lessening any negative risks.
The sources for this information came
from Dr. Blackstock, Cornell emergency doctor and Dr. Martin,
Metacam veterinarian on staff. For
more information, contact
1-866-METACAM, Dr. Martin is very
eager to share information and happy
that GHF is spreading the word.
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
Dear Lillie, just wanted to let you know that little squirt Troy has put on 3 more lbs..totaling 24, got his
shot yesterday ...has his 2 new front teeth although most of the others are out, he smiles with his
gums! he loves to play at puppy agility, and is getting quite confident! He did so well at his first obedience class, everyone loves him. We are just so blessed to have him...Thank You for all you do…
Diane and family, Willow, Asa and Troy xxoo
Hello Lillie!
I am sorry I have been out of touch for a bit, but
your farm is never far from my heart! I've been
meaning to update on Tripp's AMAZING progress-I would LOVE to bring him
for a visit as I am such a proud proud parent!!!- We are inseparable, and he is
one of the most loving dogs I have ever known. Again, I feel we have been a
gift to one another. He continues to improve dramatically on a social level with
the numerous people-many of whom are strangers- When people have leaned
to pet him he quite often has a brief tail wag, while continuing to glance at me
with a proud look as if to say look how well I'm handling this strange person petting me. He is beyond smart (goes without
saying) and too many times to count people laugh as they pick up on his seeking approval from me on how well he handles the situations with new people petting him! His personality is truly shining more then ever, and I couldn't be more
proud of him. I hope all is amazingly well on your end, and wanted you to know how amazingly Tripp and I are doing Sincerely, Melissa
Hi Lillie, It's been quite a while since I gave you an update on the
guys. Roc has grown into such a handsome dog, a very
Intelligent one too. He loves to hike and play fetch with either a ball
or a Frisbee, Capp is doing terrific. He is my favorite dog to walk
with. He's such a gentleman to walk with and that is I think his favorite thing on the earth. And Mozart is as crazy as
always. Full speed ahead from the minute his eyes open.
I hope all is well at the farm, Joe
Hi Lillie,
Jigs and Ripple are doing great! I am having a BLAST with my
boys!! THANK YOU so much for all you do and making my life with
them possible!! Jamie
Hi Lillie - a friend of mine was in the
Hospital last week. I took Lacey up
to see her since they are good
friends. Lacey walked down the corridor with a loose leash - perfect behavior for some reason of
her own. When we got to my friend's room Lacey wanted me to help her stand up to the edge of
the bed and she was able to lick a finger and be the cause of a great big smile. Leaving we
passed other rooms where immediately the patients reacted to her lovely face - so we visited
rooms - the thin arms stretched out to her. So beautiful for everyone. She simply doesn't need
'training' to do the appropriate thing - once in a while a soft suggestion is all it takes. Lacey and
I are happy and grateful to you
and to Glen Highland. I hope
with all my heart that there will be another Lacey. Carol
We are thankful for you and all that Glen Highland Farm
does. Love, The Six from The Farm: Meghan, Brither, Bal,
MacBlae, Yabby, MacCroix
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
LIFE, with your help!
The great news of rescue is that
wonderful adopters come to GHF, often
driving long distances, to find that
canine friend that deeply touches their
heart. As remarkable companions,
these dogs share whatever their
guardians want to do: hiking adventures
in faraway places -agility competitions…
frisbee performance… water sports….
GHF Border Collies turn up in all kinds
of places, doing all kinds of things, all
over the northeast!
While young Border Collies are the
primary focus, every age comes to
GHF. The oldest to arrive was 15 ½
year old
And now
we have
13 year old
Kane, who
was cast
off, no
needed at
the golf
He’d been
living in an
like a piece of equipment. This smart
and clearly proud working dog is thrilled
to now have a cozy, warm blanket day
and night, living as our office dog. He’s
the official greeter to all who enter each
day and while it’s not an official home,
Kane is happy with all the attention and
care, knowing
he’s very loved.
While Kane is still
waiting for his
home, Justin
landed perfectly
with guardians
who have a great
yard for him to
enjoy and other
dogs to keep him
Considering Justin’s history, hidden in a
trailer day and
night since the
landlord didn’t
allow dogs, we
know he’s
thrilled. He
waited 10 years
to have the freedom he now
clearly loves.
We’re honored
that Justin celebrated his 10th birthday at GHF and
even though he had many Cornell visits
to handle a tumor and liver problems,
his heart is happy and he’s loving life.
Two sweet seniors – Goochie, 13 &
Kelsie, 12 – made their way to GHF.
Skinny, flea-bitten scared Border
Collies, they tentatively approached the
Farm as if it was another planet. One
guardian went into
rehab and the
other died, leaving
them alone in the
house for a
month. A neighbor
cared for them but
they had nowhere
to go until GHF.
Upon arrival, nothing made sense to them.
Tucked into a volunteer
cabin for a few nights, we
attempted to create a
home feeling until their new
guardian could arrive. They
then crept out of the cabin,
guided on
leash to a life they had no
way to understand.
Within days, these two
worried dogs had joined in
herding games with their
new canine friends in their
new home. A bit slower
than these top-notch agility dogs, they decided that
exercising some female
control was key so they
now supervise!
Many adopters visit and are
surprised to see large balls with
handles - jolly balls! A long
time favorite toy for horses,
these over-sized balls have
been made smaller for
dogs. Pretty much every BC
we have in rescue absolutely loves to carry these
balls around. You can
check out the site and see
numerous photos of jolly
balls as the toy of
choice. We use the 8 inch
size which suits the dogs
One of our caretakers handles
grooming the rescue dogs and
introduced us to the greatest little
gadget..the V-Rake. It makes it
easy to get rid of undercoat or
heavy hair within minutes. It says
it's for matts but this little tool is
so much more. It's a breeze to use
and your dog won't feel so annoyed
having to stand still for so long, the
hair comes out so easily. Fast, no
pain and it works! We now use
this simple tool for all the
dogs at the Farm.
2011 GHF Calendars now
available to order. $6 from each
calendar goes to the dogs
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
Having 1500 Border Collies come to
GHF has led us to Cornell
Veterinary Hospital for serious
problem solving. One surprise
understanding that has become
apparent to us in managing all
these health challenges is
Ultrasound. Most vets routinely
review bloodwork and urine to
determine the status of your
dog's health. Ironically, cancer
doesn't always show indicators in
either diagnostic tool. It was only
with abdominal ultrasound that
we detected masses within the
body. We are incredibly surprised
to learn that most vets do not
suggest a preventive ultrasound
scan for senior dogs and many do
not even have resources to rely on
this amazing tool.
In consultation with Cornell
doctors, they indicated a growing
awareness of the benefits but most
vets are not relying on this tool
due to cost. We suggest you add
this to your list of 'must-dos' for
senior dogs, at the very
least. Having lost a 6 year old to
lymphoma, it was stunning that
bi-weekly blood work showed
absolutely nothing until she was no
longer eating, which prompted the
ultrasound. Ultrasound screening
at Cornell cost approximately $400
which is a small amount considering the costs of trying to save a
dog once diagnosed with cancer.
(Continued from page 6)
Another senior, marvelous Mindie
arrived at age 10, hugely overweight.
Her FurDad died and his wife stuck her
in the barn and literally left her there.
Neighbors fed her for years. The day
she was rescued,
she was standing in
inches of icy water
because the barn
had a leak. Mindie
was given food
for sure but not
much else. No
exercise. No
love. Years and
years of not
much at all. But
that all changed.
Miss Mindie got
into shape, her
coat shines and her eyes light up with
mischief. She clearly hadn’t had much
before but soon as she felt better and
loved, she radiated that BC brilliance!
She is happily enjoying a warm, loving
home where
‘she is always
the lovable
sweetheart that
stole our hearts’,
her guardians
Then there’s 8
year old happygo-lucky Megan.
One amazing spirit, this girl loves
everyone and happily enjoys everything
around her. She just shares joy at
every turn, even when up against a
mammary tumor. Even with an illness,
we knew someone would fall in love and
they surely did. Megan is now loving life
on her own farm!
Nine-year old Flyn found refuge at GHF
too. He had spent his entire life locked
in a outside pen used as a stud dog for
a backyard breeder. Sweet as they
come, this gentle boy curled up into the
warm blankets and voted to stay inside
more than go out. That is, until the day
he headed off to his own organic farm to
be the constant buddy of his FurDad
who really wanted a canine friend.
The year of 2010
brought new
challenges for GHF
with Mollie and Kye.
Totally unrelated,
each required
tremendous care at
Cornell with a month
of intensive care for
each with costs way
beyond the norm. Their critical situation
was truly touch and go and still, no conclusive diagnosis.
The remarkable support of donations
kept these two dogs alive until they
could return to good health.
Mollie is happy in a new life with
another GHF alum and she’s showing
all the young BC tendencies with nonstop energy. The days of illness way,
way behind her.
Kye charges around the Farm full of life
in his own non-stop way, checking out
every new dog that
arrives. He is
having a blast
while he waits for
a real home.
It's long been known that screening for 'collie eye' in this breed is important but we have found
more rescues with a disease known as Pannus and none of the 1500 dogs have had 'collie eye'. In our visits with
Cornell Opthomology, the lead vet there has never seen much of this until we brought in numerous cases.
What you watch for is a darkening in brownness on the outer edge of the eyes. This could simply be pigment or it
could be the start of pannus. This is an immune mediated corneal disease that creeps across the entire eye, causing
blindness. With appropriate eye ointment, it is possible to prevent progression of the disease.
One rescue, Stan, was 'blind' from Pannus when he came to us and completely reversed his eyesight almost back to
normal. Best to check with an opthomologist, not a regular vet, if you have any concerns.
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
These are just a handful of true stories. We have 1500 more just like this. These Border Collies would have no chance without rescue and Glen Highland Farm. And, while we are ready and able to respond to all of their needs, we could not do so without YOU. GHF succeeds because of donors and volunteers who give from their heart. Words cannot even express the deep gratitude to each and every one of you who donate the funds so sorely needed. Many donors tell us how good they feel, being able to see exactly the dogs they are helping. Whether as an angel, sponsoring a specific dog, or sending money for The Connor Fund, each dog receives the very best in care. This is thanks to YOU and your kindness in caring. There are many other people who support GHF in a way that makes this all possible, too. They are the ones who go to the homes to do evaluations, often driving hours out of their way. These are not professional dog train‐
ers, they are caring people who want to help. These volunteers are the people who hear the sad stories or witness horrible conditions or help people let go when a situation is no longer good for a dog. This work is very hard. There is absolutely no way GHF could help so many BCs without YOU, the evaluators. That is also true for the volunteers that transport, often driving very long distances, dropping whatever they have on their schedules, in order to help. We have a network of drivers throughout the northeast who selflessly make sure these dogs make it to rescue. Without YOU moving the dogs to NY, they would be stuck in local shelters or handed off to the wrong people. Transportation of dogs to safe haven is by far, a critical part of our success. Of course, our foster homes are a lifeline for many BCs. Those of YOU who open your homes and hearts give an experience of love and trust and learning that many have never had. Skittish BCs overcome their fears; fearful BCs learn a new way to respond, and mishandled, misunder‐
stood BCs discover life in a home can be good. Without YOU helping in fostering, many dogs would be ill‐equipped for adoption. HELP US CELEBRATE 10 YEARS AT GHF….
There are countless Border Collies in trouble each and every day. You can be the key to helping them! We need foster homes for special needs BCs or Seniors who do much better in a calm setting with lots of attention. Ghf photo contest
We are looking for engaging, unique
Contact us if you can transport: PA; NJ; NY boroughs & upstate; CT; VT; MD; VA,
rescue dog photos for next year's
MA, NH & ME calendar. If you have a very special
shot you want to share, send it to
If you have great dog skills and want to evaluate, we will guide you. Or, if you us as soon as you can for
are a dog trainer, please come forward to help with temperament testing. consideration. All 12 participants
Foster homes are needed for high energy BCs with sport potential so they can be selected for next year get a
introduced to agility and stimulated by training. free calendar!!
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
Many people contact GHF wondering whether these systems
work for Border Collies. While
there is a lot of controversy
over their use, we have found
that Invisible Fences work
beautifully for this breed.
They innately understand
perimeters, hence the name
BORDER Collie, and they are
thinkers so can understand
what happens crossing the
flags. The training is very easy
for this breed and we have
hundreds doing beautifully.
They train in about three days.
However, these systems are not
great for shy dogs who are
already nervous about the real
world and can become anxious
about going in their own yard.
It also will not contain a car
chaser who eventually sees the
stimulation of nearby cars and
will break the system. Car
chasing is a hard-wired trait
that once triggered, is very
hard to undo. Many car chasers
will attempt to escape from
even a fenced yard to get to
their 'work', of course resulting
in injury. Electronic fence
systems do not work well in
surburban areas where back
yards are back to back with
children playing or dogs
nearby. The temptation to visit
all the action is just too great.
with a little planning
Please be sure to protect your dog(s) when planning for the
future WITH A WILL.
If you could not care for your Border Collie(s), who would?
We take in so many dogs whose person has died or gone
into a nursing home and no
one steps up to help the dogs
so they land in a shelter or at
GHF. Displaced dogs are so
upset and disoriented in these
situations, it's just awful.
Right now, we have KING, SKIP, BUDDY & REBEL,
GYPIE, TUCK and NICK here for these very reasons.
No one had a plan in place to make sure these dogs
were safe. Luckily, they made it to GHF.
Please plan NOW. It's so easy to include your dog(s) in
your will so they have a set place to go in the event of a problem or tragedy. Many
people obtain an inexpensive life insurance policy to cover their care so that the dog
and money for their care is provided. As someone with numerous dogs in my care,
I obtained a policy that only costs me $51 a quarter and provided $120,000 in life
insurance slated for my dogs care. This was done before GHF became a reality but
it's still in force today anyway.
This incredible innovation
works well to give a Border
Collie the largest space
possible since hard fencing
costs are so prohibitive in
comparison. Just be aware of
the traits of your particular dog
and you can expect good
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
The Canine Assisted Learning Program at CBCK has dramatically impacted the lives of more than 350 children from the
inner cities of NY and Newark NJ. The program is a remarkable experience that far exceeds ordinary summer activities
and we receive significant confirmation that the experience at Camp Border Collie for Kids impacts their lives forever.
These are children who all too often have had to witness acts of violence and crime and some have been victims
themselves. They have limited opportunities, but endless amounts of desire to explore and discover. They are children
who often go without encouragement or support and are left feeling empty and hopeless.
Because so many of the dogs are coming from abuse and neglect, the relationship helps heal the children as well. They
get to experience a completely different type of heart connection many have never had. Through the Border Collie and
their needs, the kids learn kindness, compassion and respect.
At CBCK, they do not simply play with their dog, rather they are a part of the healing and rehabilitation process involved
in preparing the dog for adoption. This is a meaningful role given to each child and they then develop personal strengths
of patience, empathy, love and hope.
Our volunteers
teach agility and
dog related
classes through
the month of
August. The
kids are
absolutely thrilled with anything they can
learn to do with their dog.
We’ve had
people share
their own
for frisbee,
water sports,
trick training, dog massage, nosework,
agility and even arts and crafts related to
canines. And, if your dog is good with
kids, then bring them along. The more
dogs in the Kids Camp, the better!
Another way to help is by helping with
our WISH LIST. We need to provide
every item for each summer camp. It’s
always easier to have help to meet the
needs of every child. (Please check the
website– bikes, rain gear, cameras and
developing, snacks and a movie are
each needed every year)
Or, join in the summer success by
sponsoring a child. Each and every
child costs $1500 to attend CBCK. We
serve 3000 meals each August as well
as clothe many of the children who
come ill-equipped. Plus handle their
transportation needs. Their caretakers
provide nothing toward the cost of
running CBCK so everything is up to us
or YOU.
us if you
of how
you can
This summer, NJ dog expert,
Diane Bauman, taught
Nosework at the GHF Canine
Country Camp. It was a huge
success and is quickly
becoming a big sport everywhere. We now see campers
attending with Nosework
t-shirts and titles in competition. It's the only sport where
your dog leads the way, using
natural scenting talents. It's
ideal for shy dogs or for people
looking for a less physically
intense activity to do with
their dog. Of course, smell
oriented dogs absolutely love
this sport.
Check out the details:
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Change a DOG’s LIFE
Please consider giving whatever you can to help us to CHANGE THE LIFE OF A DOG and the children in need…. we work so hard year after year, because we see the difference this effort makes. Whether a rescued Border Collie provides joy to a new family or helps a tormented inner city child, the work of these dogs is amazing. Please, open your hearts and support them now when they need it more than ever before. We thank you for caring! We have come to know that your hearts are filled with great compassion. Today your help is truly needed to enable us to continue CHANGING LIVES. All of us at Glen Highland Farm, thank you for your selfless generosity and kindness,
and wish you a truly wonderful Holiday season and a prosperous New Year!
We have several dogs that currently have no ANGEL support for this holiday - Lexie - Randi Skip - Dallas - Geo - Indy - Fergus - Tobie - Payton…. Please visit the website for on-line
donation or send a check today - we would love all the dogs to have their holiday angels this year.
Get a tax-deduction by donating your old car, truck or RV to Glen Highland Farm. It’s a great
way to help save lives... And it’s easy! Just answer a few questions, and we will arrange for
your vehicle to be picked up. A receipt for tax purposes will be provided.
I would like to help Glen Highland Farm CHANGE THE LIFE OF A DOG!!!
My check for ______________ is enclosed
Please process the total amount of ______________on the following credit card (one payment / monthly payments—please circle)
Card Number _____________________________
exp date ____________ CID Code _________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Please send this completed form and your check or money order to: Glen Highland Farm 217 Pegg Rd Morris NY 13808
OR fax to 607-263-5325 OR process a credit card payment on-line at
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