jabatan penyiaran malaysia - Kelantan FM
jabatan penyiaran malaysia - Kelantan FM
JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA UNTUK KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN PENGARAH PENYIARAN NEGERI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KOTA BAHARU KELANTAN KENYATAAN SEBUT HARGA 1. PELAWAAN SEBUT HARGA 1.1 2. 3. Sebut Harga adalah dipelawa daripada kontraktor-kontraktor tempatan yang berdaftar dengan Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Grade G2, Category (B03, B14, B24, B27 dan CE01) dan Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) Kelas F yang masih belum tamat tempoh bagi KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN DOKUMEN YANG PERLU DISERTAKAN 2.1 Salinan Sijil Akuan Pendaftaran Dari CIDB bersama-sama satu (1) salinan fotostat untuk simpanan RTM. 2.2 Salinan Sijil Taraf Bumiputera Dari Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (Kerja). 2.3 Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran Kod Bidang Dari Kementerian Kewangan. 2.4 Borang Sebut Harga Telah Diisi Dengan Lengkap (termasuk nilai tawaran dan tempoh siap) dan Ditandatangani. 2.5 Borang Maklumat Penyebut Harga. 2.6 Pematuhan Kepada Spesifikasi. 2.7 Borang Penyerahan Contoh Dan Katalog (jika berkaitan). 2.8 Cadangan Penyelenggaraan (jika perlu). 2.9 Senarai Kakitangan Teknikal (jika berkaitan). 2.10 Salinan Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank bagi Tiga (3) Bulan Terakhir TARIKH TUTUP SEBUT HARGA Dokumen sebut harga hendaklah diserahkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam peti sebut harga di Pejabat Unit Pentadbiran, Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia Kelantan, Peti Surat 143, 15170, Kota Bharu, Kelantan SEBELUM ATAU PADA 1 November 2015 JAM 12.00 TENGAH HARI. PENGENALAN SEBUT HARGA KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN PERINGATAN : 1. Penyebut Harga dikehendaki membaca dan memahami keseluruhan butir-butir dokumen sebut harga sebelum mengemukakan tawaran. 2. Pastikan dokumen sebut harga adalah lengkap di kesemua muka surat. Sekiranya terdapat maklumat lanjut yang diperlukan adalah menjadi tanggungjawab penyebut harga untuk mendapatkan penjelasan daripada Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia. 3. Tawaran ini tertakluk kepada penentuan (spesifikasi) dan syarat-syarat yang tercatat di dokumen ini. Penyebut harga adalah diingatkan supaya mematuhi sepenuhnya syaratsyarat ini apabila menyertai sebut harga ini. Kegagalan berbuat demikian akan mengakibatkan sebut harga berkenaan tidak dipertimbangkan atau DITOLAK. SENARAI SEMAKAN MENGEMUKAKAN SEBUT HARGA SENARAI SEMAKAN SEBUT HARGA (BEKALAN/PERKHIDMATAN/KERJA) Sila tandakan P Bagi Dokumen-dokumen Yang Disertakan. Untuk Di Tanda Oleh Kontraktor Bil. Perkara/Dokumen 1 Salinan Sijil Akuan Pendaftaran Dari Kementerian Kewangan (Bekalan/Perkhidmatan) Salinan Sijil Akuan Bumiputera Dari Kementerian Kewangan (Bekalan/Perkhidmatan) Salinan Sijil Akuan Pembuat Dari Kementerian Kewangan (Bekalan/Perkhidmatan) Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran Dari Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (Kerja) Salinan Sijil Taraf Bumiputera Dari Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (Kerja) Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran Dari CIDB Borang Sebut Harga Telah Diisi Dengan Lengkap, Cop Syarikat dan Ditandatangani Ringkasan Sebut Harga Telah Diisi Dengan Lengkap, Cop Syarikat dan Ditandatangani Jadual Kadar Harga Telah Diisi Dengan Lengkap dan Ditandatangani Borang Maklumat Penyebut Harga Penyerahan (jika berkaitan): · Jadual Data Teknikal · Katalog · Sampel Cadangan Penyelenggaraan / Penyenggaraan (jika perlu) Senarai Kakitangan Teknikal (jika berkaitan) Salinan Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank bagi Tiga (3) Bulan Terakhir dan kemudahan kewangan bertulis yang disahkan oleh institusi kewangan (untuk sebutharga melebihi RM200,000.00 sahaja) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PENGESAHAN OLEH KONTRAKTOR Dengan ini saya mengesahkan bahawa saya telah membaca dan memahami semua syarat-syarat dan terma yang dinyatakan di dalam dokumen tender. Semua maklumat yang dikemukakan adalah benar. __________________________________ Tandatangan Dan Cop Kontraktor Tarikh : ________________________ SENARAI SEMAKAN DOKUMEN WAJIB NAMA SEBUT HARGA TARIKH BUKA SEBUT HARGA TARIKH TUTUP TUTUP SEBUT HARGA TARIKH DOKUMEN DITERIMA BIL 1. BUTIRAN SEBUT HARGA Penyata Bank :……………………………………. :……………………………………. :……………………………………. :……………………………………. UNTUK DIISI OLEH PENYEBUT HARGA ADA TIADA CATATAN TANDAKAN (√) PADA PETAK UNTUK KEGUNAAN PEJABAT ADA TIADA ULASAN TANDAKAN (√) PADA PETAK Bulanan a) Bulan ………… b) Bulan ………… c) Bulan ………… 2. Laporan Kewangan/Surat Sokongan Bank 3. Akaun Syarikat yang telah diaudit a) Tahun ……….. b) Tahun ……….. 4. Pengalaman Kerja 5 tahun Kebelakangan a. Surat Setujuterima b. Perakuan Siap Kerja c. Sijil Bayaran Interim Terakhir/Sijil Akaun Terakhir Kakitangan Teknikal a. Penyata Caruman KWSP b. Sijil Kelulusan c. Surat Perlantikan Peralatan/Bahan a. Teknikal Data b. Katalog 5. 6. Nama Bank: 1) ………………… 2) ………………… 3) ………………… Tandatangan & Cop Rasmi Penender Nama Bank: 1) ………………… 2) ………………… 3) ………………… ARAHAN KEPADA PENYEBUT HARGA LAMPIRAN A1 ARAHAN KEPADA PENYEBUT HARGA 1. HAK KERAJAAN UNTUK MENERIMA / MENOLAK SEBUT HARGA Kerajaan adalah tidak terikat untuk menerima Sebut Harga yang terendah atau mana-mana Sebut Harga atau memberi apa-apa sebab di atas penolakan sesuatu Sebut Harga. Keputusan Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga adalah muktamad. 2. CARA-CARA MELENGKAPKAN DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA 2.1 Penyediaan Sebut Harga Penyebut Harga adalah dikehendaki mengisi dengan dakwat segala maklumat berikut dengan sepenuhnya:(a) Harga dan tandatangan Penyebut Harga di Ringkasan Sebut Harga, (b) Harga, tempoh dan tandatangan dalam Borang Sebut Harga, (c) Latar Belakang Penyebut Harga, Penyata Kewangan, Pengalaman Kerja Yang Lepas dan Senarai Kerja Dalam Tangan, (d) Jadual Kadar Harga (jika ada), (e) Butir-butir Spesifikasi (jika ada). Jika berlaku kesilapan dalam mengisi maklumat-maklumat di atas Penyebut Harga hendaklah menandatangani ringkas semua pembetulan. 2.2 Penyerahan Dokumen Sebut Harga (a) Dokumen Sebut Harga yang telah diisi dengan lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam sampul surat berlakri yang dicatatkan dengan bilangan Sebut Harga ………………………………..serta tajuk Sebut Harga dan hendaklah di dalam peti Sebut Harga pada masa dan tempat yang ditetapkan dalam Notis Sebut Harga. (b) Jika Dokumen Sebut Harga tidak diserahkan dengan tangan, Penyebut Harga hendaklah menghantar Dokumen tersebut dengan pos supaya tiba pada atau sebelum masa dan di tempat yang ditetapkan. (c) Sebut Harga yang diserahkan selepas masa yang ditetapkan, berbangkit dari sebarang sebab, tidak akan dipertimbangkan. 1 2. CARA-CARA MELENGKAPKAN DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA (SAMB.) 2.3 Penjelasan Lanjut Sekiranya terdapat maklumat dalam Dokumen Sebut Harga yang tidak jelas atau bercanggah, Penyebut Harga boleh menghubungi Pegawai Penguasa untuk penjelasan lanjut. 3. TEMPOH SIAP KERJA * Kerja ini hendaklah disiapkan dalam tempoh tidak melebihi lapan (8) Minggu. 4. BAYARAN DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA + Dokumen Tender ini dijual dengan Malaysia:………………………………………………… 5. harga RM ………….. Ringgit PERBELANJAAN PENYEDIAAN SEBUT HARGA Semua perbelanjaan bagi penyediaan Sebut Harga ini hendaklah ditanggung oleh Penyebut Harga sendiri. 6. TEMPOH SAH SEBUT HARGA Sebut Harga ini sah selama Sembilan Puluh (90) hari dari tarikh tutup Sebut Harga. Penyebut Harga tidak boleh menarik balik Sebut Harganya sebelum tamat tempoh sah Sebut Harga. Tindakan tatatertib akan diambil sekiranya Penyebut Harga menarik balik Sebut Harganya sebelum tamat tempoh sah Sebut Harga. 7. LAWATAN TAPAK Lawatan tapak adalah diwajibkan. * Hendaklah diisi oleh Pegawai Mengurus Sebut Harga + Pengiraan Harga dokumen Sebut Harga hendaklah dibuat berdasarkan kadar yang ditetapkan bagi bayaran dokumen menerusi SPP yang terkini. 2 8. ASAS PENILAIAN SEBUT HARGA 8.1 9. Asas-asas penilaian Sebut Harga termasuklah perkara-perkara berikut : a. Penyebut Harga mematuhi kesemua syarat yang dinyatakan dalam Dokumen Tender. b. Keupayaan / kemampuan Penyebut Harga seperti pengalaman kerja yang lepas, prestasi kerja / kontrak semasa, projek yang sedang dilaksanakan / dalam tangan. c. Analisa harga dengan mengambil kira tempoh siap. d. Kemampuan kewangan hendaklah dinilai dari segi modal minima sekurang-kurangnya 1.5% daripada anggaran harga Jabatan. Modal minima hendaklah dalam bentuk aset mudah cair iaitu campuran nilai positif purata baki akhir dalam penyata bulanan bank bagi tiga (3) bulan terakhir termasuk deposit tetap, baki nilai kemudahan kredit dan nilai kemudahan kredit tambahan yang layak / akan diperolehi oleh Penyebut Harga daripada bank atau institusi kewangan. ‘INTEGRITY PACT’ Selaras dengan usaha Kerajaan untuk mencegah dan membendung perlakuan rasuah, berikut disenaraikan peringatan mengenai kesalahan rasuah : 9.1 Sebarang perbuatan atau percubaan rasuah untuk menawar atau memberi, meminta atau menerima apa-apa suapan secara rasuah kepada dan daripada mana-mana orang berkaitan perolehan ini merupakan suatu kesalahan jenayah dibawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 697). 9.2 Sekiranya mana-mana pihak ada menawar atau memberi apa-apa suapan kepada mana-mana anggota pentadbiran awam, maka pihak yang ditawar atau diberi suapan dikehendaki membuat aduan dengan segera ke pejabat Badan Pencegah Rasuah atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Kegagalan berbuat demikian adalah merupakan suatu kesalahan dibawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 697). 9.3 Tanpa prejudis kepada tindakan-tindakan lain, tindakan tatatertib terhadap anggota perkhidmatan awam dan menyenaraihitamkan kontraktor atau pembekal boleh diambil sekiranya pihak-pihak terlibat dengan kesalahan rasuah dibawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 697). 3 9.4 Mana-mana kontraktor atau pembekal yang membuat tuntutan bayaran berkaitan perolehan ini walaupun tiada kerja dibuat atau tiada barangan dibekal mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan atau tiada perkhidmatan diberi dan mana-mana anggota perkhidmatan awam yang mengesahkan tuntutan berkenaan adalah melakukan kesalahan dibawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 697). 9.5 Penyebut Harga wajib mengemukakan Surat Akuan Pembida bersama-sama dengan Tender di mana ia berwaad untuk tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu lain sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tawaran tersebut. Wakil syarikat yang menandatangani Surat Akuan Pembida hendaklah juga melampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa menandatangani bagi pihak syarikat. Surat Akuan ini akan menjadi sebahagian daripada Perjanjian Tender. 9.6 Surat Akuan Pembida tersebut adalah menjadi salah satu dokumen wajib dalam penilaian Tender peringkat pertama. Sekiranya pembida gagal mengemukakan Surat Akuan Pembida tersebut yang telah ditandatangani oleh pegawai syarikat yang bertauliah, pembida tersebut akan dinilai sebagai gagal dalam penilaian peringkat pertama (gagal mengemukakan dokumen wajib) dan penilaian seterusnya tidak akan dilaksanakan. 4 BORANG A JADUAL PENGALAMAN KERJA (SENARAI SEMUA KERJA YANG DISIAPKAN DALAM 5 TAHUN LEPAS) Bil Nama kontrak/projek dan skop kerja Nilai kontrak (RM) Nilai Penender *bertanggung jawab Tempoh Kontrak Tarikh milik tapak * Sila gunakan lampiran sekiranya ruangan yang disediakan tidak mencukupi Tarikh siap kontrak Tarikh siap sebenar Nama dan alamat pegawai penguasa Nama dan alamat majikan BORANG B SENARAI KAKITANGAN TEKNIKAL (BUTIR BUTIR KAKITANGAN YANG ADA DALAM PENGGAJIAN PENENDER PADA MASA KINI) Bil *Nama & No K/P Umur Kelulusan Profesional / Pendidikan** Tahun Kelulusan * Sila gunakan lampiran sekiranya ruangan yang disediakan tidak mencukupi Tarikh Di Ambil Berkerja Jawatan Disandang / Tugas Tugas Semasa Pengalaman Lepas Jawatan Disandang, Nama Projek & Majikan & Tempoh Bekeja & Sebagainya) BORANG C SENARAI KERJA KONTRAK SEMASA Bil Nama kontrak/projek Nilai kontrak (RM) Nilai Penender *bertanggung jawab Tempoh Kontrak Tarikh milik tapak Tarikh siap kontrak Kemajuan Kerja Ikut Jadual (%) * Sila gunakan lampiran sekiranya ruangan yang disediakan tidak mencukupi Sebenar Dicapai (%) Nama dan alamat jurutera projek Nama dan alamat Majikan SYARAT-SYARAT SEBUT HARGA UNTUK KERJA LAMPIRAN A2 SYARAT-SYARAT SEBUTHARGA UNTUK KERJA 1.0 PEMERIKSAAN TAPAKBINA Kontraktor disifatkan telah memeriksa dan meneliti tapakbina dan sekitarnya, bentuk dan jenis tapakbina, takat dan jenis kerja, bahan dan barang yang perlu bagi menyiapkan kerja, cara-cara perhubungan dan laluan masuk ke tapak bina dan hendaklah mendapatkan sendiri segala maklumat yang perlu tentang risiko, luar jangkaan dan segala hal-keadaan yang mempengaruhi dan menjejas Sebutharganya. Sebarang tuntutan yang timbul akibat daripada kegagalan Kontraktor mematuhi kehendak ini tidak akan dipertimbangkan. 2.0 BON PELAKSANAAN*, INSURANS DAN PERKESO 2.1 Bon Pelaksanaan hendaklah dikemukakan mengikut peraturan yang berkuatkuasa. Sekiranya Kontraktor tidak mengemukakan Bon Pelaksanaan bagi kontrak kerja, kaedah Wang Jaminan Pelaksanaan bagi kontrak kerja, Kaedah Wang Jaminan Pelaksanaan (WJP) hendaklah diguna pakai seperti mana ditetapkan dalam peraturan mengenai tatacara pengurusan Tender yang berkuasa kuasa. 2.2 Kontraktor hendaklah atas nama bersama Kerajaan dan Kontraktor mengambil Insurans Liabiliti Awam dan Insuran Kerja* (sekiranya dinyatakan di dalam Butirbutir-butir Ringkasan Sebut Harga) bagi tempoh pelaksanaan kerja ini. Kontraktor hendaklah juga mengemukakan Nombor Kod Pendaftaran dengan PERKESO. 2.3 Kontraktor hendaklah mengemukakan kepada Pegawai Inden semua polisi insurans dan Nombor Kod Pendaftaran dengan PERKESO yang tersebut di atas sebelum memulakan kerja. Bagaimanapun, untuk memulakan kerja sahaja, Notanota Perlindungan dan resit-resit bayaran premium adalah mencukupi. Sekiranya kontraktor gagal mengemukakan semua polisi insurans selepas tempoh sah nota-nota perlindungan, tanpa sebarang sebab yang munasabah, Pegawai Inden berhak mengambil tindakan seperti di bawah fasal 9 (d). 2.4 Polisi Insurans kerja dan/ atau Insurans Liabiliti Awam atas nama Kerajaan dan Kontraktor bernilai seperti berikut : Harga Kontrak RM100,001 hingga RM200,000.00 RM200,001 hingga RM500,000.00 Liputan Minima Bagi Setiap Kemalangan RM 50,000.00 RM100,000.00 1 3.0 4. PERATURAN PELAKSANAAN KERJA 3.1 Kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan hendaklah mematuhi Spesifikasi, Pelan-pelan, Butir-butir Kerja dalam Ringkasan Sebutharga, Syarat-syarat yang dinyatakan dalam Dokumen Sebutharga dan Arahan Pegawai Inden atau Wakilnya. 3.2 Kerja-kerja elektrik yang dilaksanakan disamping mematuhi kehendak di pasal 3.1 di atas, hendaklah juga mematuhi semua peraturan, undang-undang dan undang-undang kecil yang diluluskan oleh : (i) Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ii) Jabatan Keselamatan Pekerjaan dan Kesihatan (iii) Pemegang Lesen dan Pihak Berkuasa Bekalan Elektrik (iv) Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (v) Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan KEGAGALAN KONTRAKTOR MEMULAKAN KERJA Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal memulakan kerja selepas tujuh (7) hari dari tarikh akhir tempoh mula kerja yang dinyatakan dalam Inden, tanpa sebab-sebab yang munasabah, Inden akan dibatalkan oleh Pegawai Inden dan tindakan tatatertib akan diambil terhadap Kontraktor. 5. SUB-SEWA DAN PENYERAH HAK KERJA Kontraktor tidak dibenarkan mengsub-sewakan kerja kepada kontraktor-kontraktor lain. Kontraktor tidak boleh menyerah hak apa-apa faedah di bawah Inden Kerja ini tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapatkan persetujuan bertulis daripada Pegawai Inden. 6. PENOLAKAN BAHAN, BARANG DAN KERJA OLEH PEGAWAI INDEN. 6.1 Pegawai Inden atau Wakilnya berhak menolak bahan, barang dan kerja-kerja yang tidak menepati Spesifikasi. Bahan, barang dan kerja-kerja yang ditolak hendaklah diganti dan sebarang kos tambahan yang terlibat hendaklah ditanggung oleh Kontraktor sendiri. 6.2 Kontraktor hendaklah dengan sepenuhnya atas perbelanjaan menyediakan sampel bahan dan barang-barang untuk ujian. 2 sendiri 6.3 7. 8. Tiada penggantian untuk peralatan, bahan dan cara kerja yang telah ditentukan di dalam spesifikasi atau ditawarkan dan telah diterima, dibenarkan kecuali mendapat persetujuan Pegawai Inden secara bertulis. RINGKASAN SEBUTHARGA 7.1 Ringkasan Sebutharga hendaklah menjadi sebahagian daripada Borang Sebutharga ini dan hendaklah menjadi asas Jumlah Harga Sebutharga. 7.2 Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan sebut Harga hendaklah mengambil kira semua kos termasuk kos pengangkutan, cukai, duti, bayaran dan caj-caj lain yang perlu dan berkaitan bagi penyiapan Kerja dengan sempurnanya. 7.3 Tiada sebarang tuntutan akan dilayan bagi pelarasan harga akibat daripada perubahan kos buruh, bahan-bahan dan semua duti dan cukai Kerajaan, sama ada dalam tempoh sah sebut harga atau dalam tempoh Kerja. 7.4 Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga yang dikemukakan oleh Kontraktor hendaklah tertakluk kepada persetujuan sebelumnya daripada Pegawai Inden tentang kemunasabahannya. Persetujuan sebelumnya itu dan apa-apa pelarasan kemudiannya kepada harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah dibuat sebelum Inden Kerja dikeluarkan. 7.5 Apa-apa pelarasan harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga menurut perenggan 7.4 tersebut di atas dan apa-apa kesilapan hisab dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah di laras dan diperbetulkan sebelum Inden Kerja dikeluarkan. Jumlah amaun yang dilaraskan hendaklah sama dengan amaun jumlah harga pukal dalam Borang Sebut Harga. Amaun jumlah harga pukal dalam Borang Sebut Harga hendaklah tetap tidak berubah. 7.6 Sekiranya sebutharga berasaskan senarai kuantiti sementara, pengukuran semula hendaklah dibuat dan harga sebutharga diselaraskan. PERCANGGAHAN DALAM DOKUMEN SEBUTHARGA 8.1 Dokumen Sebut Harga adalah dikira sebagai saling jelas-menjelas antara satu sama lain. Kontraktor hendaklah mengadakan segala yang perlu untuk meaksanakan kerja dengan sewajarnya sehinggalah siap mengikut tujuan dan maksud sebenar. Dokumen Sebut Harga pada keseluruhannya sama ada atau tidak tujuan dan maksud itu ada ditunjuk atau diperihalkan secara khusus, dengan syarat bahawa tujuan, maksud itu hendaklah difahamkan dengan munasabahnya dari Dokumen Sebut Harga itu. 3 8.2 9. Jika Kontraktor mendapati apa-apa percanggahan dalam Dokumen Sebutharga dia hendaklah merujuk kepada Pegawai Inden untuk mendapatkan keputusan. KEGAGALAN KONTRAKTOR MENYIAPKAN KERJA DAN PENAMATAN PERLANTIKAN KONTRAKTOR Pegawai Inden Berhak membatalkan Inden sekiranya Kontraktor berada dalam keadaan berikut dan setelah menerima surat amaran daripada Pegawai Inden. (a) Sekiranya Kontraktor masih gagal menyiapkan kerja dalam tempoh masa yang ditetapkan. (b) Kemajuan kerja terlalu lembab tanpa apa-apa yang munasabah; (c) Penggantungan pelaksanaan seluruh atau sebahagian Kerja, tanpa apaapa sebab yang munasabah ; (d) Tidak mematuhi arahan Pegawai Inden tanpa apa-apa alasan yang munasabah; dan (e) 10. Apablia Kontraktor diisytiharkan bankrap oleh pihak yang sah. BAYARAN KEMAJUAN Pegawai Inden dibenarkan membuat bayaran interim sehingga kerja kerja siap dilaksanakan. 11. KERJA PERUBAHAN DAN LANJUTAN MASA 11.1 Pegawai Inden boleh mengeluarkan arahan-arahan yang berkehendakkan sesuatu perubahan kerja dengan secara bertulis. Tiada apa-apa perubahan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pegawai Inden boleh membatalkan Sebutharga ini. 11.2 Semua kerja perubahan dan/atau tambahan yang diluluskan oleh Pegawai Inden akan diukur atau dinilai dengan menggunakan kadar harga yang ada dalam Senarai Kuantiti/Ringkasan Sebutharga. Jika tidak terdapat sebarang kadar harga yang bersesuaian, kadar harga yang dipersetujui oleh Pegawai Inden dan kontraktor hendaklah digunakan. 11.3 Perubahan kerja dibenarkan sekiranya perlu tertakluk kepada syarat syarat berikut: a) Peruntukan mencukupi; 4 b) Kelulusan Jawatankuasa sebut Harga diperolehi terlebih dahulu sebelum perubahan kerja dilaksanakan. Seorang daripada Ahli Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga hendaklah terdiri daripada Pegawai Teknikal; dan c) Jumlah perubahan kerja terkumpul yang dicadangkan tidak melebihi 20% daripada nilai kontrak atau RM100,000 hendaklah dirujuk untuk kelulusan Kementerian Kewangan terlebih dahulu. 12. 11.4 Definasi dan kriteria Perubahan Kerja adalah sama seperti ditetapkan dalam AP 202. 11.5 Perlanjutan masa bagi kontrak kerja dibenarkan tertakluk kepada kelulusan Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga terlebih dahulu. TEMPOH TANGGUNGAN KECACATAN (DLP) 12.1 Tempoh tanggungan kecacatan bagi Sebut Harga hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya selama dua belas (12) bulan dari tarikh bekerja diperakukan siap. Bagi kerjakerja mekanikal dan elektrikal dimana tempoh waranti ke atas alat-alat dan lojiloji adalah dua belas (12) bulan dan dalam kes-kes tertentu oleh kerana jenis dan kerumitan kerja, tempoh tanggungan kecacatan yang lebih lama daripada enam (12) bulan boleh dikenakan. 12.2 Kontraktor dipertanggungjawabkan untuk memperbaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain yang mungkin kelihatan dan yang disebabkan oleh bahan atau barang atau mutu hasil kerja yang tidak menepati Sebut Harga ini apabila diarahkan oleh Pegawai Inden dalam masa yang berpatutan, Kontraktor hendaklah membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain atas kon Kontraktor sendiri. 12.3 Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain seperti yang diarahkan, Pegawai Inden berhak memotong kos membaiki dari baki wang yang akan dibayar kepada Kontraktor atau, jika baki itu tidak mencukupi, mengeluarkan surat pengesyoran kepada Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor untuk menggantungkan pendaftaran Kontraktor, dan menghantar salinan-salinan surat tersebut kepada Pengarah Kerja Raya Negeri/ Ketua Jabatan, Bahagian Pembangunan Bumiputera, Kementerian Kerja Raya dan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan. Bagi kerja-kerja elektrik/mekanikal, salinan surat hendaklah dihantar kepada Pengarah Cawangan Kerja Elektrik/ Pengarah Cawangan Kerja Mekanikal. 5 13. PERATURAN MEMBAYAR SELEPAS SIAP Bayaran sepenuhnya hanya akan dibayar setelah Kontraktor menyiapkan kerja dengan sempurna dan Perakuan Siap Kerja dikeluarkan. Kontraktor hendaklah mengembalikan Borang-Borang Inden Kerja Asal iaitu Borang Perjanjian Inden Kerja JKR 58 dan Borang Pengesahan Penyiapan Inden Kerja JKR 58A kepada Pegawai Inden. 14. PERAKUAN SIAP KERJA Pegawai Inden hendaklah mengeluarkan Perakuan Siap Kerja sebaik sahaja kerja disiapkan dengan sempurna dan memuaskan. Tarikh siap kerja ini bermulanya tempoh Tanggungan Kecacatan. 15. PERAKUAN SIAP MEMPERBAIKI KECACATAN Pegawai Inden hendaklah mengeluarkan Perakuan Siap Membaiki Kecacatan sebaik sahaja Kontraktor telah membaiki Kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apaapa jua kerosakan lain. 16. PEMATUHAN KEPADA UNDANG-UNDANG OLEH KONTRAKTOR Kontraktor hendaklah mematuhi segala kehendak Undang-Undang Kecil dan UndangUndang Berkanun dalam Malaysia semasa pelaksanaan kerja. Kontraktor tidak berhak menuntut sebarang kos dan bayaran tambahan akibat pematuhan syarat ini. 6 BORANG SEBUT HARGA KERJA LAMPIRAN A3 BORANG SEBUT HARGA KERJA Sebut Harga Bil........ …Ketua Pengarah Penyiaran………………… …Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia……………… …Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan..……….. …Tingkat 2, Wisma TV………………………….. …Angkasapuri………………………………………. …50614 KUALA LUMPUR…………………………. Tuan, Sebut harga untuk .. KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN Di bawah dan tertakluk kepada Arahan Kepada Penyebut Harga Syarat-syarat Am Sebut Harga, Spesifikasi Kerja dan pelan-pelan, saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini adalah dengan ini menawarkan untuk melaksanakan dan menyiapkan kerja kerja tersebut bagi jumlah harga pukal sebanyak Ringgit Malaysia: ................................................................. .............................................................................................................(RM).......................). 2. Saya bersetuju menyiapkan kerja-kerja ini dalam masa ............ minggu dari tarikh akhir tempoh mula kerja seperti yang diarahkan oleh Pegawai Inden. Bertarikh pada .......haribulan.............20.... ……………………………………………. Tandatangan Kontraktor ……………………………………………………………. Tandatangan Saksi Nama Penuh:................................... Nama Penuh:……………….…....................... No. K/P:......................................... No. K/P:.................................................... Alamat:........................................... Alamat:...................................................... ............................................ .................................................... ............................................. ................................................... Atas sifat:......................................... ....................................................... Meterai atau Cap Kontraktor BORANG PERJANJIAN INDEN KERJA Lampiran A4 J .K.R. 58-Pin.4/2010 KERAJAAN MALAYSIA BORANG PERJANJIAN INDEN KERJA Vot. .......................................... Kerja ........................................ Ruj. Fail .................................... No. Inden .................................................. No. Tanggungan ....................................... Kerani kewangan ....................................... A. Kepada Kontraktor : Nama …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………… Alamat …...................................................…….........................................................……... ….............................................................................................................................………. Sila laksanakan kerja-kerja di bawah ini : KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN untuk jumlah wang sebanyak Ringgit: .............................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................. dan sen ...............................................(RM....................................................) mengikut syarat-syarat berikut : 1. Kontraktor tidak dibenarkan tanpa kebenaran bertulis daripada Pegawai Inden menyerah hak atau menyewakan mana-mana bahagian Kerja. 2. Kerja ini hendaklah dimulakan dalam tempoh 2 minggu dari tarikh Inden Kerja dan hendaklah disiapkan pada .................................. 3. Dokumen-dokumen berikut hendaklah disifatkan menjadi dan dibaca dan di taksirkan sebagai sebahagian daripada Perjanjian Sebut Harga – a) Borang Perjanjian Inden Kerja b) Syarat-syarat Sebut Harga c) Spesifikasi d) Ringkasan Tender/ Senarai Kuantiti e) Lukisan f) Surat Akuan Pembida Berjaya Yang Ditandatangani Oleh Kontraktor Tandatangan ................................................................ (Pegawai Inden) Nama Jawatan Tarikh ........................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... 4. Dengan ini yang bertandatangan di bawah ini bersetuju dengan syarat-syarat di atas. Tandatangan Tandatangan ........................................ ........................................ (Kontraktor) Nama ..................... Atas sifat ............................. diberikan dengan sempurna untuk menandatangani untuk dan bagi pihak (Saksi) Nama ..................... Jawatan ........................ Alamat ........................... .............................. SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA BERJAYA LAMPIRAN 1B SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA BERJAYA Bagi KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN Saya, ………………………………………………………………….nombor K.P………………………………..yang mewakili ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. nombor Pendaftaran dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam …….Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia……atau mana-mana individu lain, sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender / sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini. 2. Sekiranya saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam ….. Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia …… atau mana-mana individu lain sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender / sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan-tindakan berikut diambil : 2.1 2.2 2.3 penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender / sebut harga* seperti di atas; atau penamatan kontrak bagi tender / sebut harga* seperti di atas; dan lain-lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan Kerajaan. 3. Sekiranya terdapat mana-mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana-mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai ganjaran mendapatkan tender / sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya berjanji akan dengan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Yang benar, ………………………………………………. (Nama dan No.KP) Cop Syarikat : Catatan : * Potong mana yang tidak berkenaan RINGKASAN SEBUT HARGA LAMPIRAN A5 Sebut Harga KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN RINGKASAN SEBUT HARGA Seksyen Huraian Muka Surat “A1” Preliminaries “A2” Kerja-kerja pembaikan pada 12 unit Kediaman Kuartes & Surau, kemudahan pengairan dan Penyelenggaraan pagar kawasan persekitaran RTM Kelantan Jumlah (RM) Jumlah dibawa ke Borang Sebut Harga Catatan : Jika ada butiran yang dikehendaki dalam Spesifikasi dan Skop Kerja tidak termasuk di dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga ini, harga butiran tersebut hendaklah disifatkan telah dimasukkan ke dalam salah satu butiran dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga. ……..………………………………………….. Tandatangan Kontraktor Tarikh :……………………………………… RSH/1 SEKSYEN “A” SENARAI KUANTITI SEKSYEN “A1” PRELIMINARIES A1/1 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied SECTION “A1” PRELIMINARIES 1. GENERALLY The foregoing Preliminaries’ items set out hereunder are applicable to the whole of the Works as described in this Quotation Documents. The Contractor shall allow herein the monetary value for complying with each of the items in connection therewith. Such rates inserted in these Preliminaries’ items shall be deemed to apply to the whole of the Works carried out under this Contract. If any items of the Preliminaries are left unpriced in the cash column, it shall be deemed to be of no monetary value to the Contractor. 2. DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall be applicable throughout the whole Quotation Documents :Employer / S.O. – Shall mean Pengarah Penyiaran Negeri Kelantan Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia Kelantan P.O Box 143 Wakaf Che Yeh, 15170, KELANTAN or his authorized representatives Representatives S.O -Shall mean Jurutera Penyiaran Negeri Kelantan Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia Kelantan P.O Box 143 Wakaf Che Yeh, 15170, KELANTAN To Collection : RM Not Complied RM SEN A1/2 ITEM DESCRIPTION DEFINITIONS (Cont’d) or his authorized representatives The following definition shall be applicable throughout the whole Quotation Documents:- (Cont’d) Works 3. - Shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with the Contract. OBJECTIVE OF CONTRACT The objective of this Contract is to execute and complete the KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN Contractors registered with Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Grade G2, Category (B03, B14, B24, B27 & CE01) and a valid Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) of Class F licences invited. 4. SCOPE OF WORKS 4.1 The works to be carried out under this Contract comprise the supplying and repairing of the 11 unit quarters as per Bill of Quantities. 5. LOCATION OF SITE 5.1 The site of the works is situated at quarters Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Complied Not Complied RM SEN A1/3 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM LOCATION OF SITE (Cont’d) 5.2 The Contractor is to refer to the Location Plan which is shown in the relevant drawings for exact location, dimension and area of the site and he must accept the site “as found” on the date for possession. 5.3 Access to and egress from the site may be gained via the main roads. 6. SITE CONDITIONS 6.1 Quotationers shall visit the site of the Works to acquaint themselves with its nature and position, means of access, facilities for placing and moving materials and any other contingency liable to affect the Quotation Price. 6.2 Claims will not be entertained by the S.O. for any extra costs incurred by the Contractor in carrying out the works not specified herein, but the necessity for which could have been foreseen by him on inspecting the site before submitting his Quotation. 6.3 Before submitting his Quotation, the Quotationer shall familiarise himself with all the features of the site which may affect his work and no extra payment shall be allowed for additional work due to failure of the Tenderer to obtain the necessary information. 7. COPIES OF PRICES The Contractor shall permit the requisite number of copies of his prices, extensions and casts to be made for the purpose of administering this Contract. Not Complied RM SEN A1/4 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 8. HEADINGS Headings are not comprehensive and do not modify the meaning of the items in these Documents. 9. COMPLETION i) The whole work shall be completed within eight (8) weeks from the date of the Letter of Acceptance by the Contractor. Time for completion of this Contract is critical and completion within the contracted period is essential. ii) The Contractor shall be charged Liquidated And Ascertained Damages (LAD) at the rate stipulated in the Appendix to Preliminaries, if the time for completion is exceeded. iii) The Contractor shall prepared and submit to the S.O within one week a detailed time schedule and progress chart in accordance with which he proposes to execute the whole of the Works. He shall revise the chart as necessary and record progress during the execution of the Works. 10. PROGRAMME AND PROGRESS CHARTS 10.1 The Contractor shall provide before commencement of the Works, two (2) copies of the proposed Preliminary Work Programme in the form of a bar chart or critical path programme for the execution and completion of the whole of the Works. Not Complied RM SEN A1/5 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM PROGRAMME AND PROGRESS CHARTS (Cont’d) 10.2 11. The proposed programme shall realistically and truly represent the operations of the Works and shall clearly indicate the following:i) When works to be executed by the SubContractors to enable the whole of the Works to be completed within the Quoted time for completion. ii) When works not forming part of Contract but which affect the execution of this Contract should commence and be completed within the Quoted time for completion. OTHER WORKS, ETC. The Contractor is to allow herein or elsewhere in his prices for all other works which he considers necessary for the successful completion of the Works and which may not be specifically mentioned in these Documents. 12. WORKING HOURS 12.1 The Contractor shall be deemed to have fully acquainted himself with the times at which the Works may not be carried out over any areas specified and any restrictions which may in any way hinder his works or affect the commissioning and cost of the Works and to have made allowances in his Quotation for the effects of such restrictions. Not Complied RM SEN A1/6 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM WORKING HOURS (Cont’d) 12.2 The Contractor shall not carry out works unless the written permission of the S.O is granted on:i) The weekly day of rest, ii) On any public holiday which is recognized in that district where the Contract is being carried out, and iii) Between the hours of 5.00 p.m in the evening and 6.00 a.m in the morning. 12.3 If allowed for working at night and on Fridays, making adequate security arrangements and indemnify the Employer against any claim by third parties caused by working outside normal working hours. No claims for extra remuneration on account of working outside normal working hours shall be entertained. 12.4 No overtime/night work will be allowed without specific written approval by the S.O. In the event that construction progress is behind the approved Contruction Programme, the S.O shall instruct the Contractor to carry out overtime/night work at no extra cost to the Employer in order to maintain the progress of the Works. 12.5 Normal Working Hours shall means from Sunday to Thursday from 8.00 a.m to evening 5.00 p.m only. Not Complied RM SEN A1/7 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 13. DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 13.1 The Contract Documents are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another and in case of discrepancy or inconsistency, the following general rules shall apply :i) In the case of Drawings, large scale details shall take preference over smaller scale details and figured dimensions shall take precedence over scaled dimensions. 13.2 Any discrepancy in or divergence between any two or more of the Contract Documents shall be referred or notified in writing immediately, specifying the details to the S.O. to obtain a ruling. 14. DRAWINGS, CATALOGS, BROCHURES AND SAMPLES 14.1 All drawings, catalogs, brochures and samples must be submitted for evaluation with the Quotation proposal. Failure to furnish full technical information on the features and the performance of each of the equipment and material proposed shall lead to disqualification of his Quotation. 14.2 No work shall commence unless the drawings have been approved or written instructions have been issued by the S.O. Not Complied RM SEN A1/8 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 15. SET-OFF CLAUSE It is hereby agreed that the Employer shall be entitled to set-off or deduct all or part of any monies which may be owed or owing to the Employer or its related Corporations by the Contractor for whatsoever reason against or from all sums payable by the Employer to the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. The payment by the Employer to the Contractor of such sums after the set-off or deduction of such monies shall be deemed to be full payment by the Employer to the Contractor of the sums payable by the Employer to the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. 16. STAMPING OF MAIN CONTRACT DOCUMENT The Contractor shall arrange the Contract Documents to be stamped and to bear all expenses in respect of the stamping of the Contract Documents between him and the Employer. 17. WORKMEN’S COMPESATION 17.1 The Contractor shall forthwith and as a condition precedent to the commencement of any work under this Contract take out at his own expense with an insurance, each specifically endorsed to provide indemnity to the Contractor and to the Employer, including for this purpose every officer and department thereof from all legal liabilities arising out of any claims and every workmen employed by the Contractor and by any Sub-Contractor in and for the performance of this Contract, for payment of compensation, legislation or any other law amending or replacing such legislation and or all costs and expenses incidental or consequential thereto. Not Complied RM SEN A1/9 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM WORKMEN’S COMPESATION (Cont’d) 17.2 The Contractor shall before commencement of the Works submit all such insurance policies to the S.O. for his checking and approval. 18. INSURANCE OF WORKS AGAINST FIRE, ETC. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any claims for losses suffered due to fire, etc. caused to any temporary building or plant and equipment on site due to his neglect in purchasing the necessary fire insurance coverage. 19. DEFAULT IN INSURING AND RENEWING INSURANCE In case of failure by the Contractor to affect or renew the insurances, the S.O. may himself effect or renew such insurances and deduct the amount so expended from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor. 20. DETERMINATION OF CONTRACT 20.1 If the Contractor shall make default in any one or more of the following respects, namely :i) Without reasonable cause wholly suspends the Works before completion; ii) Fails to proceed with the Works with reasonable diligence; iii) Refuses or to a substantial degree persistently neglects after notice in writing from the S.O. to remove defective works or improper materials; Not Complied RM SEN A1/10 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM DETERMINATION OF CONTRACT (Cont’d) then, if such default shall continue for fourteen (14) days after notice sent by registered post to the Contractor from the S.O., the Employer or the S.O. on his behalf may thereupon by notice sent by registered post determine this Contract. 20.2 Bankruptcy or Assignment – if the Contractor commits an act of bankruptcy or becomes insolvent or compounds with or makes any assignments for the benefit of his Creditors, the Employer or the S.O., on his behalf may by a notice sent by registered post determine this Contract. 20.3 In either of the above cases, the Employer may complete the Works by other means and all excess costs so incurred shall be payable by the Contractor. 21. VARIATIONS Upon the receipt of instruction by the S.O. to carry out the work incurring additional cost to the Contract, the Contractor (if he wish to claim reimbursement for such work) must advise the party issuing the instruction of his intention to claim and the amount claimed within 14 days of the issue of the instruction. All such notification of intention to claim must be in writing and must be copied to the S.O. The Contractor’s failure to notify his action to claim within the above stipulated period will be construed as the Contractor’s voluntary waiver of his rights to claim the variation. The Contractor is therefore urged to pay particular attention to this note. Not Complied RM SEN A1/11 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 22. CONTRACT BILLS i) All quantities in these Bills which from part of the Contract are firm except where describe as “Provisional”. Only Provisional Quantities and variations will be measured. The Employer will not be liable for any cost incurred by the Contractor in connection with the measurement of additional works, etc. extra or omissions and variations from the Contract or in the adjustment and settlement of accounts. ii) Each item in the Bills of Quantities shall be individually priced. Bulk prices for Section, Trade or Groups of Items will not accepted. iii) Prices and rates in the Bill of Quantities as submitted by the Contractor shall be subject to the agreement of the S.O. as to their reasonableness and shall before the signing of this Contract be adjusted as the S.O. may reasonably require. iv) Any adjustment of the prices and/or rates in the Bill of Quantities required under paragraph (iii) above and any arithmetical error or omission in the Bill of Quantities shall before the signing of this Contract be so rectified and adjusted that when correctly calculated, the total amount in the summary of the Bills of Quantities shall represent the same amount as the Quotation amount in the Form of Quotation. Not Complied RM SEN A1/12 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM CONTRACT BILLS (Cont’d) v) Where any clauses or items in these Bills of Quantities are not priced, it shall be deemed that the cause of such clauses or items has been allowed elsewhere within this Bills of Quantities. No subsequent claims against such items or clauses will be considered. The reduction or increase in the extent of the Works shall not vitiate the Contract nor entitle the Contract nor the Contractor to any financial claims. vi) In any case of discrepancies occurring between rates for identical or similar items in the various Bills of Quantities, the rates or prorate rates in the respective Bills will be used for pricing. vii) In case where no applicable rates are found, the lowest rates from other Bills will be used for the same purpose. viii) The Bills of Quantities are written to be read as a continuous document and ditto and associated items are carried over the next page without repetition of headings, etc. ix) The Bills of Quantities have been written in the ELEMENTAL FORM that is in Functional Order rather than in Trade Order and within each Element the items have been set out in Trade Order. x) Wherever the term “Allow” is used in these Bills of Quantities, the items so designated shall be at the Contractor’s sole risk. Not Complied RM SEN A1/13 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 23. CERTIFICATES AND PAYMENT 23.1 Payment shall be paid upon final complete completion of all the works in the Contract 23.2 Final completion and the act of making payment of the Contract Price shall in no way be interpreted as complete exoneration of the Contractor from any defects that may arise due to causes attributable to negligence of the Contractor or inferior materials or workmanship provided by him. 24. ROYALTIES AND PATENT RIGHTS 24.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and expenses and be liable for all claims in respect of the use of patent rights whether in Malaysia or elsewhere for or in connection with any article supplied under this Contract and shall indemnify the Employer against any claims arising there from. 24.2 In the event of any claim being made or action brought against the Contractor, the Employer shall be immediately notified thereof and the Contractor shall, at his sole expense conduct all negotiations for the settlement of the same or any litigation that may arise therefrom. 25. ORDERING OF MATERIALS 25.1 The Contractor shall place his orders for specified materials at the earliest possible date after notification of acceptance of Quotation. Not Complied RM SEN A1/14 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM ORDERING OF MATERIALS (Cont’d) 25.2 He shall at the S.O.’s request produce records to show that these orders have been placed including submitting schedule of delivery and shall make every effort to ensure that there are no shortage of materials during the progress of the Works. 25.3 The Contractor shall immediately inform the S.O. should there be any delays in delivery and where possible, suggest alternative sources of supply. 25.4 If the Contractor fails for any reason to supply any materials which he had contracted to supply or if he fails to supply any such materials in sufficient time to enable the Contract to be completed by the agreed date for completion, then in either event the Employer may supply any portion or all of such materials. If the Employer supplies such materials, the cost in respect hereof to be borne by the Contractor shall be EITHER the current market rates OR the actual cost to the Employer at the date of supply including overheads and any other charges, WHICHEVER IS THE GREATER. 25.5 The cost to be borne by the Contractor as above detailed, shall be deducted from money due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract and the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly. Provided that any variation order shall not be taken into account when computing the Final Amount of this Contract and to claim for Loss of Profit shall be deemed to have arisen. No action by the S.O. shall be deemed in any way to effect or modify the rights of the Employer to a claim for damages in the event of the Contractor’s failure to complete the Works by the agreed date of completion. Not Complied RM SEN A1/15 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 26. MANUFACTURERS’ WARRANTIES Where a warranty or guarantee is given by the manufacturer for any materials or goods under this Contract, the Contractor shall secure such warranty or guarantee and submit same to the S.O. before or by the date of Practical Completion of the Whole Works, failing which the Works shall be deemed to be incomplete. 27. SUBSTITUTION OF SPECIFIED MATERIALS 27.1 If during the course of the Contract, certain materials required for use in the Works should be unobtainable despite the efforts of the Contractor, then he may offer substitute materials for the S.O.’s approval. These substitute materials although not complying fully with the required specification must nevertheless be suitable and appropriate for use in the Works. Acceptance or rejection of such substitute materials shall be at the sole discretion of the S.O. 27.2 In the event of substitute materials being accepted, an appropriate price reduction shall be made in respect of decrease in quality or value, but no price addition shall be made in respect of increase in quality or value. 27.3 Rejection of the substitute materials will not in any way relieve the Contractor of his obligations under this Contract and he shall be liable for any delay or loss caused by his failure to provide the materials as specified. Not Complied RM SEN A1/16 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 28. SAFETY, HEALTH AND WELFARE OF WORKMEN Provide for all cost incurred by complying with all Safety, Health and Welfare Regulations (including the Factories Act) appertaining to all workmen (including those employed by Nominated Sub-Contractors) employed on the site. 29. SAFEGUARDING THE WORKS 29.1 Safeguard the Works, materials and plant against damage or theft including all necessary watching and lighting for the security of the Works and the protection of the public and provide shelter and fuel for watchmen and/or security guards required. 29.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety of all his own materials, fixed or unfixed and the materials, fixed or unfixed of other Sub-Suppliers and Sub-Contractors whether under contract to him or not. 29.3 The Contractor must employ sufficient security guards for round the clock duties to ensure the complete safety of the Works and materials. 29.4 Although solely responsible, the Contractor may nevertheless make his own private arrangements with other Sub-Suppliers and Sub-Contractors for the latter to provide additional and/or separate arrangements for safeguarding their own materials and completed works. 29.5 The Employer shall be indemnified by the Contractor for whatever loss due to damage or theft. Not Complied RM SEN A1/17 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 30. MAINTAINANCE OF SITE 30.1 The Contractor is to allow herein or elsewhere in his prices for maintaining the area within the Contract boundary limit during the currency of this Contract. 30.2 The Contractor shall maintain the site against erosion and making good eroded areas by filling and compaction; providing all necessary temporary drains and sumps; making good turfing and keeping the site generally in good condition. Every precaution must be taken to protect adjoining properties and other works completed or in progress. 30.3 All effort must be made to prevent silting, flooding and pollution, etc. and in the event of such happening which in the opinion of the S.O. is caused by the Contractor’s works or negligence to maintain the grounds as above described, the Contractor must take immediate action and bear all costs in the rectification of same. 31. PROVISION/MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING ROADS, PATHS, ETC. 31.1 Provide and maintain all necessary temporary hard standings, culverts, drains, ramps, etc. on site and clear away and make good on completion. Not Complied RM SEN A1/18 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM PROVISION/MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING ROADS, PATHS, ETC. (Cont’d) 31.2 Maintain public roads, drains, culverts, kerbs, etc. and keep the approaches to the site clear of mud and debris. The Contractor is to make good any damage caused by his own or any Sub-Contractors’ or Supplier’s transport at his own expense or pay all costs and charges in connection therewith. In particular, he must take all necessary precautions to avoid silting and blockages in drains, culverts, roads, pavements and properties adjacent to the site. He shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Employer in respect of any claims or proceedings arising out of his negligence of this Clause. 31.3 All damages to existing works caused by the Contractors or as a result of the works included in this Contract will be rectified at his own expenses. 31.4 Attention is drawn to the location of the site and the restricted working area. The onus is on the Contractor to make all necessary arrangements with the Traffic Authorities regarding his vehicular traffic in and out of the site and pay all necessary charges and fees. 31.5 All roadway must be kept clear at all times and must be used only for the passage of vehicular traffic. Under no circumstances may they be used as a temporary storage area. 32. DUST PREVENTION The Contractor shall make adequate provisions by spraying water, erecting screens or other suitable methods against any nuisance or damage by dust to all work under this Contract or to persons and properties in the vicinity and he will be held responsible for any complaints, damages or claims in this connection. Not Complied RM SEN A1/19 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 33. MOSQUITO PREVENTION 33.1 All excavations and portions of the site where water stagnates or accumulates shall be kept dry by pumping, baling or other suitable operations. 33.2 Allow for taking such precautions as may be deemed necessary or desirable by the S.O. for the prevention of breeding of mosquitoes and pay all charges as may be required by the Local Authorities concerned for any anti-malaria, anti-dengue measures taken. 33.3 The Contractor must refrain from dumping or depositing rubbish, spoil, unused materials, empty bottles, cans and other containers capable of collecting liquid which afford breeding places for mosquitoes. He shall be held responsible for mosquito nuisance at the site and surroundings arising from non-observance of the provisions of this Clause and will be required to employ whatever mosquito destructive measures as directed by the S.O. at the Contractor’s own expense. 34. AREA OF OPERATIONS The Contractor shall be responsible for restricting his workmen only to the site of the works and shall take all necessary precautions to prevent and shall indemnify the Employer against any damages arising from nuisance of any kind. 35. TRESPASS 35.1 Provide for taking reasonable precautions to prevent workmen including those employed by SubContractors from trespassing on adjoining Owner’s property or any part of the site which is not affected by the Works and shall indemnify the Employer against any damages arising from trespass of any kind. Not Complied RM SEN A1/20 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM TRESPASS (Cont’d) 35.2 The Contractor shall make every effort to prevent nuisance and interference to the neighbouring areas or work sites. 36. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SPECIALISTS EMPLOYED BY CONTRACTOR 36.1 In the event of any Specialist Firm or Firms being employed by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract, the Contractor is fully responsible for any damage or delay which may be occasioned by them and shall hold the Employer exempt from the consequences of anything that may eventuate in connection with their employment. 36.2 All Specialist Works included in this Contract must be executed by licensed and registered Specialist approved by the S.O. 37. OTHER CONTRACTORS The successful Quotationers shall liase, where necessary, with other Contractors who may be employed on the site and no claims will be considered on the ground of hindrance/obstructions experienced due to the presence of other Contractors being employed on or near the site. 38. CLIENT’S FIXTURES The Contractor shall permit and provide all facilities to the employer to enter upon and install fixtures and equipments in the buildings and site during the construction of the Works. No claims will be entertained in respect of any inconvenience caused to the Contractor in this regard. Not Complied RM SEN A1/21 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 39. PARTICULARS OF WORKMEN 39.1 The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. and maintain an up-to-date full list of all his workmen including those employed by his Sub-Contractors and Nominated Sub-Contractors. 39.2 The Contractor shall keep and maintain the above particulars at the Site Office in a proper register. 40. REGISTRATION OF WORKMEN WITH DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR The Contractor is to register all his workmen employed on the site including those employed by his SubContractors and Nominated Sub-Contractors, in compliance with the Internal Security (Registration of Labour) Regulation 1960. 41. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS OF FOREIGN WORKERS AND The Contractor shall be responsible for the entry of foreign workers and specialist to Malaysia. Their entry shall conform to the rules and requirements of the Immigration Laws of the Country. He shall also be responsible for obtaining their necessary work permits from the relevant Authorities. The Employer shall absolve itself from all responsibility pertaining to this matter. 42. PERFORMANCE BOND 42.1 The Contractor is to provide an irrevocable guarantee from an approved Bank or Insurance Company for the sum of 5% of the Contract Sum for the due performance of the Contract during the period of the Contract including six (6) months Defects Liability Period. Not Complied RM SEN A1/22 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM PERFORMANCE BOND (Cont’d) 42.2 In the event of the Contractor’s failure to perform the Contract due to bankruptcy or any other reason, the amount of the Performance bond will be utilised to offset any additional cost or expenditure in obtaining another Contractor to complete the Works. 43. SITE MEETINGS The Contractor, his Site Agent and/or his General Foreman and Works Supervisor (where applicable) shall be required to attend all site meetings called by S.O. and shall arrange for the attendance at the appropriate times of the senior representatives of all Sub-Contractors, Suppliers, nominated or otherwise. The recording of the proceedings of these meetings and the making and distributions of copies of the minutes to all interested parties, shall be carried out by the S.O. 44. DESIGN LIABILITY 44.1 The Contractor is required under this Contract to undertake the design part of the Works which is a stand alone design as determined by the Government, the Contractor shall ensure that such design shall be suitable, functional, safe and compatible with the design and specifications of the Works. 44.2 The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. all drawing, specifications, calculations and any other relevant information for approval. No work shall commence without prior written consent of the S.O. Not Complied RM SEN A1/23 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM DESIGN LIABILITY (Cont’d) 44.3 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design, execution and maintenance of the Works or part thereof for which his design has been accepted by the Government, and shall absolutely guarantee the Government independent of fault, that the design, materials and workmanship for the Works or part of the works is suitable, functional, safe and compatible with the requirements of the Government. 44.4 The approval by the S.O. pursuant to sub-clause B shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under sub-clause C. 45. INSPECTION OF COVERED WORK Any work covered before inspected and approved by the S.O. shall, at the request of the S.O. be opened up for inspection. 46. PAYMENTS 46.1 When the Contractor has executed work including delivery to or adjacent to the Works of any unfixed materials or goods intended for incorporation into the Works in accordance with the terms of this Contract, the S.O. shall at that time make the valuation of the same. 46.2 Within thirty (30) days of the issue of Certificate of Final Acceptance the Government shall make a payment to the Contractor as follow: Not Complied RM SEN A1/24 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM PAYMENTS (Cont’d) (a) where the Performance Bond is in the form of a Banker’s, Insurance or Finance Company Guarantee, payment shall be made on the amount certified as due to the Contractor in the said payment certificate; or (b) where the Performance Bond is in the form of a Performance Guarantee Sum, payment of ninety percent (90%) on the amount certified as due to the Contractor shall be made with the remaining ten percent (10%) being retained by the Government as a Performance Guarantee Sum. PROVIDED THAT when the sum retained is equivalent to five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum, payment shall be made on the full amount certified as due to the Contractor. 47. FINAL ACCOUNT AND PAYMENT CERTIFICATE 47.1 As soon as is practicable but not later than three (3) months after the issuance of the Certificate of Final Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit full particulars complete with receipts, vouchers records that would substantiate the Contractor’s claim together with any documents, supporting vouchers and any explanation and calculations, which may be necessary to enable the Final Account to be prepared by the S.O. PROVIDED ALWAYS the Contractor had given the notice of claim in writing within the stipulated time or times in the said provisions. Not Complied RM SEN A1/25 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM FINAL ACCOUNT AND PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (Cont’d) 47.2 If the Contractor fails to submit full particular of all claims within the stipulated period, the S.O. shall forthwith make the assessment based on the available documents submitted by the Contractor for the purpose of the Final Account. The Government shall be discharged from all liabilities in connection with the claims. 47.3 Within three (3) month after the expiry of the Defects Liability Period for the whole of the Works or three (3) months after the issue of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects, the S.O. shall issue the Final Certificate. 47.4 The Final Certificate shall be supported by documents, and full particulars complete with receipts, vouchers records showing the S.O. final valuation of Works and any amount determined in clause D above in accordance with the terms of this Contract. After setting out or allowing for all payments or other expenditure of the Government or any permitted deductions made by the Government or the S.O. on it behalf, the Final Certificate shall stated any final balance due from the Government to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the Government, as the case may be, which shall thereupon become the debt payable. Such certificate shall also take account of any outstanding permitted deductions not yet made by the Government under the terms of this Contract whether by way of liquidated damages or otherwise. Not Complied RM SEN A1/26 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM FINAL ACCOUNT AND PAYMENT CERTIFICATE (Cont’d) 47.5 No final payment due to the Contractor under the Final Certificate, shall be made unless and until the Contractor shall have satisfied the S.O. by mens of a Statutory Declaration made by or on behalf of the Contractor to the effect that the workmen who have been employed by the Contractor on the Works including workmen employed by sub-contractor, whether nominated or otherwise (including “labour only” sub-contractors) have received all wages under the Employment Act 1955, the Employee’s Social Security Act 1969, the Employee’s Provident Fund Act 1965 and any other laws relevant to the employment of workmen, have been paid. 48. EFFECT OF S.O.’S CERTIFICATES No certificate of the S.O. under any provision of this Contract shall be considered as conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of any work, materials or good all defects, imperfections, shrinkages, or any other faults whatsoever as provided by this Contract. In any case, no certificate of the S.O. shall be final and binding in any dispute between the Government and the Contractor if the dispute is brought whether before an arbitrator or in the Courts. Not Complied RM SEN A1/27 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 49. DEDUCTION FROM MONEY DUE TO CONTRACTOR The Government or the S.O. on its behalf shall be entitled to deduct any money owing from the Contractor to the Government under this Contract from any sum which may become due or is payable by the Government to the Contractor under this Contract or any other contracts to which the Government and Contractor are Parties thereto. The S.O. in issuing any certificate, shall have regard to any such sum so chargeable against the Contractor, provided always that this provision shall not affect any other remedy to which the Government may be entitled for the recovery of such sums. 50. UPON COMPLETION On completion of the Works and before handing over, the Contractor will:i) Completely remove all debris and rubbish from the building and the whole of the site allocated for this Contract. ii) Clear drains of all obstructions. iii) Dismantle and remove as quickly as possible from the site at his own cost, all plant and surplus materials except those ordered to be left on the site. iv) Disconnect, dismantle, take down and remove all services and leads, temporary buildings, sheds, barriers, etc. Not Complied RM SEN A1/28 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied To Collection : RM 51. RETURN OF PLANS, ETC. Before the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall :i) Return all plans, specification and detail drawings. ii) Lodge with the S.O. certificates from all Public Authorities advising that all such works have been carried out in accordance with the regulations concerned. iii) Have satisfied the S.O. by means of either a statutory declaration made by or on behalf of the Contractor or a certificate signed by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Labour. 52. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 52.1 Quotationers are required to tick either the ‘COMPLY’ or ‘NOT COMPLY’ column for every clause in the Technical Requirement Section of the Quotation document. Remarks should be given where necessary. Failure in doing so shall be deemed as NOT COMPLIED and will result in the disqualification of the Quotation proposal. The Quotationers shall fill in the Quotation documents. For example, if the tenderer complies to the specifications, the tenderer has to mark ( √ ) in the comply column and vice versa. 52.2 52.3 When specification or condition cannot be met, the tenderer shall state so and give the reasons for noncompliance. The tenderer may also propose for consideration a method of overcoming the non- Not Complied RM SEN A1/29 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied compliance. To Collection : RM STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE (Cont’d) 52.4 Only complete proposals furnished with complete Statement of Compliance and technical details shall be considered for evaluation. 53. WARRANTY 53.1 The tenderer shall guarantee the proper working of the material for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of endorsement of the final acceptance tests. 53.2 All material, spare part or equipment replaced under this warranty period shall be supplied and delivered free of charge to site by the tenderer. 54. PAST RECORDS i. ii. List of past installation and cost of the project for the past five (5) years shall be stated in Borang A, List of presence technical staff directly under the tenderer supervision for the acoustics work shall be stated in Borang B and, iii. List of presence contract for the acoustics work shall be stated in Borang C must be submitted for evaluation. Failure to submit the above lists shall result in disqualification of the Quotation. 55. STORAGE The tenderer must provide their own storage Not Complied RM SEN A1/30 ITEM DESCRIPTION Complied container for the equipment to be installed and the construction materials. The construction areas shall not be used as storage area. To Collection : RM 56. ELECTRICAL, AIR-CONDITIONING AND FIRE FIGHTING FITTING Where there are electrical, air conditioning and fire fighting fitting etc., the tenderer shall remove these fittings and reinstate them at his own cost after the acoustic treatment has been completed. To Collection : RM Not Complied RM SEN A1/31 APPENDIX TO PRELIMINARIES The following information are included here for reference of the Contractor :- Amount of Liquidated And Ascertained Damages : (BLR Rate / 365 days) x Contract Sum Per Day of Unjustifiable Delay Percentage of Certified Value Retained : 5% of Contract Sum Defects Liability Period : Twelve (12) Months after the Final Handover Date as certified by the S.O. + A1/32 RM PRELIMINARIES COLLECTION Page No. A1/1 …………………………….. Page No. A1/2 …………………………….. Page No. A1/3 …………………………….. Page No. A1/4 …………………………….. Page No. A1/5 …………………………….. Page No. A1/6 …………………………….. Page No. A1/7 …………………………….. Page No. A1/8 …………………………….. Page No. A1/9 …………………………….. Page No. A1/10 …………………………….. Page No. A1/11 …………………………….. Page No. A1/12 …………………………….. Page No. A1/13 …………………………….. Page No. A1/14 …………………………….. Page No. A1/15 …………………………….. Page No. A1/16 …………………………….. Page No. A1/17 …………………………….. Page No. A1/18 …………………………….. Page No. A1/19 …………………………….. Page No. A1/20 …………………………….. Page No. A1/21 …………………………….. Page No. A1/22 …………………………….. Page No. A1/23 …………………………….. Page No. A1/24 …………………………….. Page No. A1/25 …………………………….. Page No. A1/26 …………………………….. Page No. A1/27 …………………………….. SEN A1/33 Total Carried To Next Page RM Total Carried From Previous Page Page No. A1/28 …………………………….. Page No. A1/29 …………………………….. Page No. A1/30 …………………………….. SECTION “A1” – PRELIMINARIES Total Carried To “Ringkasan Quotation” On Page RSH/1 RM SEN SEKSYEN A2 KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN NOS ITEMS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN QTY UNIT 1.0 PRELIMINARIES Mobilisasi, Penginapan, Pengangkutan dan Insurans 1 Lot 4 No 1 No 10 No Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik 5 No Membekal dan memasang kabinet dapur termasuk pintu cermin 1 No 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot SUB-TOTAL OF 1 2.0 KEDIAMAN KUARTES 2.1 3 unit kuartes sesebuah 1 tingkat 2.1.1 JKR 760 a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas b. Membekal dan memasang frame pintu c. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca d. e. f. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap g. h. i. RATE PRICE 1 Lot 4 No 1 No 10 No 1 No e. Membaikpulih kabinet bilik 2 No f. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot 4 No 5 No 10 No 7 No e. Membaikpulih kabinet bilik 2 No f. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot j. Membaikpulih garaj kenderaan 2.1.2 JKR 767 a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas b. Membekal dan memasang frame pintu c. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca d. g. h. i. j. Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik Membekal dan memasang kabinet dapur termasuk pintu cermin 2.1.3 JKR 768 a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas b. Membekal dan memasang frame pintu c. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca d. g. h. i. Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik j. Membekal dan memasang kabinet dapur termasuk pintu cermin 1 No 1 Lot 2 No b. Membaikpulih garaj dapur 1 No c. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca 8 No Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik 4 No Membaikpulih kabinet dapur termasuk pintu cermin 1 No 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot 2 No b. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca 7 No c. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot k. Membaikpulih tangki air utama 2.2 4 unit kuartes berkembar 1 tingkat 2.2.1 JKR 782 (A) a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas d. e. f. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap g. h. i. 2.2.2 JKR 782 (B) a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas d. e. f. 2.2.3 JKR 783 (A) a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas 2 No 8 No 3 No 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot Membekal dan memasang kabinet dapur 1 No 3 No 6 No 3 No 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot 1 No 1 No 14 No b. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca c. Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik d. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap e. f. g. h. 2.2.4 JKR 783 (B) a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas b. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca c. Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik d. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap e. f. g. 2.3 4 unit kuartes berkembar 1 tingkat 2.3.1 PWD 781 (A) - PWD 781(D) a. Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas b. Membekal dan memasang frame pintu c. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca d. Membekal dan memasang tombol pintu bilik 5 No 1 Lot Membaikpulih struktur longkang pecah 1 Lot Mengecat dinding dalaman termasuk siling 1 Lot Membaikpulih sisir angin - tutup 1 Lot i. Membaikpulih pelantaian dapur 1 Lot j. Membaikpulih retakan dinding 1 Lot a. Kerja-kerja pembersihan 1 Lot b. Membekal dan memasang frame tingkap termasuk tingkap kaca 12 No Membekal dan memasang grill besi pada setiap pintu dan tingkap 1 Lot Membaikpulih kerosakan pendawaian elektrik dalaman 1 Lot Membaikpulih sistem perpaipan dalaman 1 Lot Membekal dan memasang frame pintu 1 No Membekal dan memasang pintu kayu/pintu tandas 3 No Mengecat dinding dalaman dan luaran termasuk siling 1 Lot i. Membaikpulih retakan dinding 1 Lot j. Membaikpulih pagar chan-link 1 Lot 1 Lot e. Membaikpulih kebocoran atap f. g. h. 2.4 Surau Kuartes c. d. e. f. g. h. k. Membekal dan memasang siling asbestos SUB-TOTAL OF 2 3.0 KERJA MENGETAR JALAN MASUK KUARTES TERMASUK PERSEKITARAN KUARTES 3.1 Kerja-kerja permulaan 3.3 3.4 3.5 Membekal dan memasang batu cruserun 400 m2 Membekal dan memasang lapisan prime coat (R.C) di permukaan 400 m2 Membekal dan memasang tar dengan ketebalan 45mm di permukaan 400 m2 1 Lot SUB-TOTAL OF 3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITAN Kerja membuka pagar chan-link sedia ada Membekal dan memasang kawat chan-link baru setinggi 7" serta cat semula tiang besi engle sedia ada - ketebalan dawai G30 310 m Membekal dan memasang G-Line kawat berduri di atas dalam dan luar - saiz kawat G30 310 m Membekal dan memasang kawat Barbed-Tape -Nominal diameter : 600mm Heavy Galvanized 310 m Membaiki bahagian bawah pagar dikonkrit beam bawah setinggi 2" 40 m 1 Lot 1 Lot 250 feet 4.4 4.5 SUB-TOTAL OF 4 5.0 PEYELENGGARAAN KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN 5.1 Kerja-kerja permulaan 5.2 5.3 Meyelenggaran sistem perparitan sedia ada Membekal dan menyediakan saluran sistem perparitan baru termasuk penutup besi SUB-TOTAL OF 5 GRAND TOTAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION 1.0 COMPLY SCOPE OF WORKS The works shall comprise as follows for all twelve (12) Residential quarters, mosque, irrigation and gates surrounding area: i. To supply and installation of wooden doors. ii. To supply and installation of door frame. iii. To supply and installation of a window frame including glass window. iv. To supply and installation of a door knob. v. To supply, installation and maintenance of kitchen cabinets. vi. To revarnish all the timber panels and consoles. vii. To repair roof leaks. viii. To repairing broken drain structure. ix. To painting the interior walls, including the ceiling. x. To refurbishment vent. xi. To repair garage. xii. To repairing the main water tank. xiii. To repairing cracks in walls and floors xiv. To supply and installation of a layer of prime coat (R.C) xv. Supply and installation of tar with 45mm thickness on the surface xvi. Supply and install new wire chain-link high as 7 "and re-paint existing masts Engle xvii. Supply and installation of G-Line barbed wire S/V/2 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY on the inside and outside xviii. To supply and installation of Barbed-wire Tape xix. To supply and provide new drainage system channels including iron cover 2.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Schedule of Materials 2.1.1 The quotationer is required to submit a detailed list of materials proposed. It shall include type, model number, name of manufacturer and Country of Origin. 2.1.2 All alternative proposals shall be accompanied by its own separate complete set of Schedule of Materials and Schedule of Prices. RTM reserves the right to vary the quantities of the items stated in the Schedule of Materials at the time of quotation awarded. 2.1.3 The list of items in the “Schedule of Materials” shall be identical to that of Schedule of Prices. 2.2 Technical Information 2.2.1 In addition to a comprehensive letter of compliance giving clause-by-clause answers to the entire specification, the quotationer is required to furnish full technical information on the features, performance and operation of each of the equipment and material proposed. Failure to furnish full technical information on the features and the performance of each of the equipment and material proposed shall lead to disqualification of his quotation. 2.2.2 The quotationer is required to submit original or readable photocopy of the technical manuals/documents for the different equipment and material offered in the proposal. This is essential for an effective technical S/V/3 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY evaluation to be done and the full merits of the offer to be assessed. 2.3 Completeness of Work Offered The quotationer shall ensure that each part of the Scope of Works offered is complete on its own. The quotationer shall supply and bear all extra cost for acoustic works not mentioned in this specification. 2.4 Warranty 2.4.1 The quotationer shall guarantee the good condition of the material for a period of ONE YEAR from the date of endorsement of the Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC). 2.4.2 All material, spare part or equipment replaced under this warranty period shall be supplied and delivered free of charge to site by the quotationer. 2.5 Site Visit, Conditions and Constraints 2.5.1 Prior to the submission of the quotation, quotationer is required and deemed to have visited the Site to fully acquaint himself as to the nature, extent and practicality of the associated temporary works. The Contractor shall satisfy himself to ensure a smooth implementation of the work. 2.5.2 The award of the Contract shall be based on the understanding that the quotationer is familiar with the geology of the Site. He shall include in his quotation for all costs arising from the nature of the ground, climatic conditions, the availability or lack of access, working space, storage, accommodation, the proximity of adjoining structures and roads, the local regulations regarding the obstruction of public highways and any other limitations imposed by the Site and its surroundings. He shall make due allowance for the effect of these constraints to ensure on-time completion of the works. No claim by the quotationer on the grounds of lack S/V/4 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY of fore sight or knowledge of the site conditions or for under- provision in connection with the works will be considered. 2.5.3 The date of the site visit will be fixed by RTM one (1) week after the advertisement of quotation in daily newspaper. 2.5.4 Certificate of Attendance issued with this technical requirement shall be a proof of a site visit by the quotationer and RTM personnel must certify it. The quotationer must submit the Certificate of Attendance with the quotation proposal. Failure to submit the Certificate of Attendance with the quotation proposal will lead to automatic disqualification of the proposal. 2.6 Past Experience 2.6.1 List of past installation and cost of the project, in construction of the above work(s) must be submitted for evaluation. Failure to submit the past installation and cost list shall result in disqualification of the quotation. 2.7 Technical Brochure and Sample The prospective quotationer must submit complete brochure of material plus sample to be used, relevant color photograph(s) and technical brochures complete with models number, type and properties for evaluation and approval, in accordance with this specification. All brochures and samples related to the works shall be submitted and labeled accordingly. 2.8 Storage The quotationer must provide their own storage container for the equipment to be installed and the construction materials. The construction areas shall not be used as storage area. 2.9 Electrical, Air-Conditioning and Fire Fighting Fitting S/V/5 ` NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY Where there are electrical, air conditioning and fire fighting fitting etc., the quotationer shall remove these fittings and reinstate them at his own cost after the repairing process has been completed. 2.10 Special Instructions 2.10.1 All materials supplied shall be to the approval of: i) Jabatan Bekalan Elektrik materials. for electrical ii) Jabatan Bomba Malaysia for fire rated materials The quotationer shall abide with any electrical wiring regulation stated by Jabatan Bekalan Elektrik and Jabatan Bomba Malaysia. 2.10.2 The quotationer must ensure that labour, transportation, materials etc are completely at his disposal before starting the work. 2.10.3 All work must be carried out under the direct supervision of RTM S.O i.e., Ketua Pengarah Penyiaran or his representative. Any modifications, changes at site must be approved by the above mentioned officer(s) before carrying the work. 2.10.4 No substitution of materials or methods other than that specified is allowed unless agreed upon by RTM S.O or its appointed representative in writing. 2.11 Supplementary Structure 2.11.1 Strong and safeguarded supplementary structure shall be provided to ensure that the new constructions carried out by the contractor will be rigidly installed. 2.11.2 All kind of wood used for installation shall be treated with anti-termite chemicals and paint with fire retardant paint to comply with not less than half an hour rating. 2.12 Completion Period and Implementation S/V/6 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY Schedule 2.12.1 The whole work shall be completed within 6 weeks from the date of the Letter of Acceptance by the quotationer. These periods will be enforced upon the date of Possession of Site. Early completion shall be an added advantage. 2.12.2 The quotationer shall furnish an Implementation Schedule showing dates for commencement and completion of the works and the stages involved. This schedule shall be submitted for evaluation. The quotationer is required to conform to this schedule in all respects. 2.13 Cleanliness 2.13.1 Any material need to be sent to the construction site must get prior permission from RTM S.O and must be kept at proper place. Corridors, parking lots, doorways, shall not be use for keeping or storing any building materials. The quotationer shall assign cleaner(s) and provide all cleaning apparatus, vacuum cleaner and debris bags. If necessary those area or portion ready to hand shall be covered with suitable plastic sheets. The quotationer shall remove from site any surplus material and rubbish everyday at his own cost. 2.13.2 Quotationer is to abide any regulation of local authority on garbage disposal. RTM will not be responsible for any violation summon from the authority. 2.14 Quotationer’s Liabilities 2.14.1 The quotationer shall be responsible for repair and restore to the original condition at his own cost any damage that should be cause to existing road, culverts, fences, portioning, building, existing equipment or any structure by any person, vehicles or plants under his control during the period of the contract. S/V/7 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY 2.14.2 Quotationer shall conduct pre-commencement site visits where necessary to establish and verify the locations, the required works and the supporting works within and surrounding the Site, and take all necessary steps either of a temporary or a permanent nature to protect, divert or shut off the any affected services to the satisfaction of the RTM S.O. 2.14.3 Quotationer shall ensure that each part of the Scope of Works offered is complete on its own. Quotationer shall supply and bear all extra cost for Mechanical & Electrical works necessary for the completion of works not mentioned in this specification. 2.14.4 Where works are directed to be performed by the quotationer but are not specified in specification, quotationer shall carry them with full diligence and expedience as expected for works of this nature under obligations of the quotationer. 2.15 the out are the Site Access Quotationer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary statutory approvals on temporary access into the Site for the tenure of the contract period. He shall comply strictly and diligently with all conditions attached to these approvals. The access as well as the portion of public road and walkway connected with it shall be kept clean and safe at all times. Continuous and adequate security arrangements at access points into the site shall be provided for the full duration of the contract. 2.16 Protection of Public and Private Services 2.16.1 Quotationer shall be responsible for detecting, protecting, upholding, upkeeping and maintaining all existing services such as roadside drains, mains, ducts, water supply pipes, sewers, gas conduits, electrical and telephone cables and the like over and adjacent to the Site during the tenure of the contract, regardless S/V/8 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY whether or not these services are known to exist at the time of quotation. He shall take extra precautions to prevent undermining of foundations to service lines, thereby resulting in damage and interruption of supply, and make good any damage due to any cause within his control at his own expense and time, and pay all consequential costs and charges in connection therewith. 2.16.2 In the event that damage has been done to services due to the quotationer's work or any cause within his control, and should these repairs be carried out by the local Authority, quotationer shall make a direct reimbursement to the local Authority for the cost and charges for carrying out the repairs, failing which RTM reserves the right to pay the local Authority direct and deduct the same from any monies due or becoming due to the quotationer. 2.16.3 If it becomes essential in the opinion of the RTM S.O and the local Authority to temporarily or permanently divert any cable, pipe or other service, the quotationer shall give the necessary notices to the local Authority and arrange for the diversion work to be carried out, regardless whether or not the service to be diverted is known to exist at the time of quotation. The cost of the diversion will be paid for by RTM but it shall be the quotationer's responsibility to coordinate all service diversion works that are carried out during the tenure of the contract period and ensure that such works do not adversely affect the on-time completion of the Works, failing which the quotationer shall bear all consequences for any delay in completion of the Works due to any cause within his control. 2.17 Workmanship Warranty 2.17.1 Workmanship warranty shall be ONE YEAR for the Defect Liability Period (DLP) from the date of endorsement of the Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC). Any defect shall be immediately repaired and the cost shall be S/V/9 NOT COMPLY REMARKS KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN KEDIAMAN KUARTES, KEMUDAHAN PENGAIRAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN PAGAR KAWASAN PERSEKITARAN DI JABATAN PENYIARAN MALAYSIA KELANTAN SPECIFICATION COMPLY borne by the contractor. 2.17.2 Any rectification to the damage the civil and acoustic parts must be rectify within ONE (1) WEEK. S/V/10 NOT COMPLY REMARKS