Abstracts - Geological Society of America
Abstracts - Geological Society of America
Abstracts Volume 45, No. 4 Abstracts to be presented at the meeting of the North-Central Section of The Geological Society of America and associated societies. Kalamazoo, MI 2–3 May 2013 Note indexing system Numbers (2-4, 15-4) indicate session and order of presentation within that session. Further information concerning the presented papers on which these abstracts are based should be obtained by contacting the authors of the abstracts. SESSION NO. 1, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 CO2 Storage and Greenhouse Gases Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 1-1 8:00 AM Shields, Stephen A. [218419] PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THE LAMOTTE SANDSTONE: POTENTIAL FOR CARBON SEQUESTRATION SHIELDS, Stephen A., Missouri State University, 808 E Walnut St Apt 7, Springfield, MO 65806, [email protected] and PLYMATE, Thomas, Geography, Geology and Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave, Springfield, MO 65897 The Lamotte Sandstone, the basal Cambrian unit continuous throughout Missouri, is being investigated as a potential unit for shallow geologic carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration is a technique that is currently being used by numerous countries in an attempt to limit the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. A detailed petrographic analysis of the Lamotte Sandstone is one of the necessary factors to determine if it could be a viable reservoir for carbon sequestration. The Lamotte Sandstone has a variable composition throughout the state, but detailed petrographic analyses have not been conducted at the potential injection sites. Thin sections are being created from samples taken approximately every ten feet from four separate cores, and a standard 1000-point count model analyses are being conducted. The data from a new core site in North-Central Missouri is consistent with previous analyses of the Lamotte in that it alternates between quartz arenite and quartz wacke. The dissimilarities are that there is an absence of carbonate at the top, and an absence of feldspar at the base. The porosity is variable with depth, with an apparent low porosity zone (8%) bounded by two high porosity zones (as high as 29%). Preliminary data suggests that petrographically the Lamotte Sandstone appears to be a suitable unit for storing a large quantity of injected carbon dioxide. Further investigation of additional sites will allow for a more detailed analysis regarding the suitability as a potential unit for carbon sequestration, as well as classifying the Lamotte Sandstone and understanding its complex history of deposition and diagenesis. 1-2 8:20 AM Sosulski, John H. [218804] CO2 STORAGE RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF A DEEP SALINE AQUIFER: ST. PETER SANDSTONE, MICHIGAN BASIN, USA SOSULSKI, John H. and BARNES, David A., Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] The St. Peter Sandstone is an aerially extensive, deep saline aquifer that occurs at about 1000 m (3200 ft) to 3700 m (12,000 ft) below the surface in the Michigan Basin, USA, and exceeds 335 m (1100’) in thickness near the basin center. The upper third of the St. Peter is dominated by sedimentary facies deposited in a normal marine, wave dominated shelf environment, while the lower two-thirds is less well understood, but was apparently deposited under a range of more restricted peritidal, marine conditions. Preliminary CO2 storage resource estimates (SRE) were calculated using data from hundreds of wells, mostly drilled for petroleum exploration and production purposes, that penetrate the entire thickness of the St. Peter Sandstone in the basin. Net porosity was estimated using well log porosity data and basin-wide grid maps were developed. Previously published SRE (DOENETL Carbon Sequestration Atlas III) using generalized, isopach and regional average porosity data, suggest 8.2 to 35.9 gigatons (Gt) of CO2 storage capacity. The SRE methodology used in this study indicates 13.5 Gt to 58.7 Gt of CO2 storage capacity in Michigan. This analysis also showed that the majority of storage capacity of the St. Peter Sandstone is in the lower two thirds of the formation. These results are the outcome of studies of new cores now available from the lower part of the formation. Reservoir characterization data, including sedimentary facies analysis and refined petrophysical characterization/calibration of well logs, has been generated from this new material. Atlas III SRE methodology incorporates uncertainty referred to as the Storage Efficiency Factor (SEF). The SEF addresses uncertainty assigned to 1) net to total area, 2) net to gross thickness, 3) effective to total porosity, and 4) various fluid displacement mechanisms in the saline reservoir storage formations. The first three sources of uncertainty can be reduced or eliminated when well log and conventional core data from many uniformly distributed wells are available in a basin. Higher SRE generated in this study are a result of significantly refined reservoir characterization in the St. Peter Sandstone as a result of extraordinary availability of subsurface data and significantly reduced uncertainty and, therefore, increased SEF. 1-3 8:40 AM Bull, Nicholas [218610] ANALYZING THE CO2 SEQESTRATION POTENTIAL OF THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN SYLVANIA SANDSTONE USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS BULL, Nicholas, Geolosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 West Michigan Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49008, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], HAMPTON, Duane R., Dept. of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, MS 5241, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, and BARNES, David A., Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 The Middle Devonian Sylvania Sandstone is a high quality brine reservoir in the Michigan Basin on the basis of decades of commercial brine mining and waste water disposal activities initiated in the early 1900’s and comprises complex heterolithic, interbedded sandstone, limestone, sucrosic dolostone, and tripolitic chert lithofacies. Previous regional geological characterization studies indicate that the primary reservoir rock types are calcareous sandstone and recrystallized, sucrosic dolostone and that the Sylvania has large CO2 storage resource potential ranging from 1.85-7.81 Gt, depending on storage efficiency assumptions. Large, estimated CO2 storage resource potential in the Sylvania Sandstone in spatial proximity to large stationary emissions sources in Michigan justifies high resolution static reservoir and injection simulation modeling studies. Static reservoir models of the porosity, permeability, and lithology and numerical simulation models using Schlumberger’s Petrel-2011 and GEM, respectively, were used for higher resolution evaluation of the CO2 sequestration potential of the Sylvania Sandstone. The static models were generated from conventional core analysis data from 38 wells and core-based sedimentary facies analysis from 4 wells in Midland County, MI. These data serve as the basis for grids used in transient GEM simulations. A primary goal of the numerical simulations is to evaluate the influence of lithologic heterogeneity on CO2 migration and capillary entrapment of CO2. Relative permeability analyses from sandstone and dolostone were incorporated in flow models to constrain multiphase fluid flow properties. Sensitivity analyses of the base transient model was conducted to test the effects on plume migration from variations in the horizontal-to-vertical permeability ratio, the CO2 injection rate, the number and spacing of injection wells, and the geologic model. The sensitivity analysis also aids in the optimization of storage efficiency in available pore space. These local scale transient models can be compared to regional storage resource potential estimated using traditional geological approaches. Storage resource estimates for most of Midland County can be evaluated by simulating injection of CO2 into the Sylvania Sandstone until steady state is attained. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 1 SESSION NO. 1 1-4 9:00 AM Johns, Elizabeth K. [218366] SITE SPECIFIC GEOCHEMICAL MODELING OF GROUNDWATER, ROCK AND CARBON DIOXIDE INTERACTIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR GEOLOGIC CARBON SEQUESTRATION JOHNS, Elizabeth K., Geology, Geography, and Planning, MSU, 901 South National, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] and GOUZIE, Douglas R., Department of Geography, Geology & Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897 Geologic carbon sequestration is a process of mitigation that has the potential to reduce the impact of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere through the injection of carbon dioxide into a saline aquifer. This research utilized geochemical modeling of groundwater, rock and carbon dioxide interactions for geologic carbon sequestration purposes. Long term storage of carbon dioxide is an important requirement of geologic carbon sequestration. Because geochemical processes are responsible for the long term storage of carbon dioxide, it is necessary to understand the extent to which carbon dioxide can be trapped by geochemical trapping mechanisms. This study investigated the extent to which carbon dioxide can be sequestered in the Lamotte Sandstone, a Cambrian aged saline aquifer, due to solubility and mineral trapping. A comparison of the geochemical suitability of three well sites in North-Central Missouri was also conducted. The program Geochemist’s Workbench was used for the geochemical modeling simulations performed for this study. Site specific data such as temperature, carbon dioxide fugacity, pH, mineral content and groundwater composition were the input parameters needed to simulate the sequestration of carbon dioxide in a saline aquifer due to geochemical trapping mechanisms. Preliminary simulations have been performed for the first site and for both hypothetical injection and post injection phases of carbon sequestration. For an example site, preliminary results show approximately 67 g/kg aqueous and 4 g/kg solid phase sequestered CO2, during the injection phase. Post injection phase results for this site indicate approximately 42 g/kg aqueous and 37 g/kg solid phase sequestered CO2. Aqueous species most involved in solubility trapping included CO2(aq), HCO3-, NaHCO3, CaHCO3+, MgHCO3+ and FeHCO3+. Mineral species involved in mineral trapping included dawsonite, dolomite and siderite. For this example site a possible preliminary effective sequestration capacity was calculated as .36 gigatons per 100 km². This material is based on work sponsored by the Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DE-NT0006642 to City Utilities of Springfield MO. 1-5 9:20 AM Mayle, Emme [218072] RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPTH AND HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY WITHIN THE ST. FRANCOIS AQUIFER, MISSOURI MAYLE, Emme, Geography, Geology, Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] and ROVEY, Charles W. II, Geography, Geology, and Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897 The St. Francois aquifer is a prolific groundwater source near its outcrop area in southeastern Missouri, but is rarely tapped in the southwest part of the state due to the presence of the shallower Ozark aquifer. Nevertheless, the St. Francois aquifer may become an important supplementary source of groundwater in areas experiencing severe drawdowns within the Ozark aquifer. This aquifer is also a target for CO2 injection in northern Missouri where the pore water is saline. The main water-bearing unit within the St. Francois aquifer is the Lamotte Sandstone, the basal Cambrian sandstone above Precambrian basement. An overlying sandstone (Reagan), separated from the Lamotte by low-permeability siltstones and shales, is also present in portions of southwest Missouri. We measured the transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of these sandstones at three sites with single-well pumping tests as part of the Missouri Carbon Sequestration Program. We also analyzed time-drawdown and specific-capacity measurements from 13 additional tests on file at the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey. Transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity (K) vary inversely with depth. At depths less than ~ 370 m, K varies between 10-3 and 10-2 cm/sec; these wells generally yield > 600 gpm. Below this depth K decreases due to pervasive cementation. By 550 m, K decreases to ~10-4 cm/sec, and this depth seems to mark the lower practical limit of these sandstones as an aquifer. By 650 m, K decreases to around 10-5cm/sec and the sandstones become marginal for CO2 injection, except in locations where the Lamotte fills in topographic lows on the Precambrian surface and is unusually thick. This material is based on work sponsored by the Department of Energy National Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DE-NT0006642 to City Utilities of Springfield, MO 1-6 10:00 AM Stratton, Stephanie L. [218223] SIMULATION OF CO2 INJECTION INTO ST. FRANCOIS AQUIFER, GREENE COUNTY, MISSOURI STRATTON, Stephanie L., Department of Geography, Geology, & Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] and ROVEY, Charles W. II, Geography, Geology, and Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897 Geologic carbon sequestration is being investigated as a means of reducing the CO2 emission from anthropogenic sources in Missouri. The St. Francois aquifer is the deepest available reservoir in Missouri for carbon sequestration; however, the aquifer is not deep enough to allow injection of CO2 at supercritical phase within Greene County. The Missouri Carbon Sequestration Project had hoped to establish an injection test into the aquifer at the City Utilities of Springfield Southwest Power Plant (SWPP) site, but the pore fluids were not saline. Since data was available from the site, it was used to learn more about simulating carbon sequestration. The program AQTESOLV Pro was used to evaluate pumping and pressure-injection data from SWPP to determine hydraulic conductivities. Those data were then implemented in the program PetraSim 5.2 to develop simulations to help determine how the CO2 might behave hydrodynamically. Compositional simulations with pressure gradients of 0.98 Pa/m and 9.8 Pa/m were generated to reveal plume migration patterns under injection and retrograde conditions. Simulations were a thousand years in duration with an initial 30 year injection period followed by a shut-off period. Simulated injection was within two high hydraulic conductivity zones in the Reagan Sandstone and Lamotte Sandstone of the St. Francois aquifer. A polygonal grid mesh was also used with high resolution around the injection well. The highest achievable injection rates were within the Reagan Sandstone. This was in correlation to the upper Reagan Sandstone having a permeability of 1.35E-13 m2; whereas the Lamotte Sandstone’s highest permeability was only 8.92E-15 m2. The maximum migration of gas as a separate phase was approximately 4.0 km after a thousand years for simulations with well completion through the Reagan Sandstone. The maximum migration of gas as a separate phase with injection into the Lamotte Sandstone was approximately 700 meters. This material is based on work sponsored by the Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DEFG2610FE0001790 to Missouri State University. 2 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 1-7 10:20 AM Smolenski, Rebecca Lynn [218774] GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM A TEMPERATE AGRICULTURAL RESERVOIR SMOLENSKI, Rebecca Lynn, Geological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 3352 Jefferson Ave, Apt 2, Cincinnati, OH 45220, [email protected], BEAULIEU, Jake, Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH 45268, and TOWNSEND-SMALL, Amy, Department of Geology and Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, 605 Geology-Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221 Reservoirs are being built at an increasing rate each year to provide humans with resources such as hydroelectric power and drinking water. These man made systems have provided society with important services but these have come at the cost of enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Recent estimates suggest reservoirs are a globally significant source of GHG emissions but these estimates are largely based on studies of oligotrophic boreal and tropical reservoirs. Reservoirs draining agricultural basins are common throughout much of the developed and are subject to high nutrient loading rates from the watershed. Excess nutrient loading stimulates algae blooms and degrades water quality in these reservoirs but surprisingly little is known about how nutrients and algal blooms affect GHG dynamics. To assess GHG dynamics in an agricultural reservoir we measured GHG emission rates, dissolved concentrations and nutrient chemistry in William H. Harsha Lake, an agricultural reservoir located in southwestern Ohio on a monthly basis since October 2011. Average daily emissions of methane (CH4) were 50 mg CH4-C m-2 d-1 . The highest emissions rates of CH4 were observed during the summer months and during fall turnover, and the lowest emissions were observed during the winter. Depth profiles of dissolved CH4 throughout the summer show an accumulation of CH4 in the hypolimnium while the lake is thermally stratified. Average daily nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were 0.80 mg N2O-N m-2 d-1 . The highest emissions were during fall turnover. During late summer, parts of the lake became a sink for N2O, and depth profiles of N2O show a similar trend with the water column becoming undersaturated with N2O during this time. Without N2O accumulation in the water column during thermal stratification, it is likely that the source of N2O during fall turnover is nitrification of remineralized ammonium. SESSION NO. 2, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 Geophysics, Geodynamics, etc. Fetzer Center, Room 2040 2-1 8:00 AM Larson, Mark [218656] GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC ANALYSIS OF PLUTONS, RING PLUTONS AND MAFIC BODIES IN THE ST FRANCOIS MOUNTAINS, SE MISSOURI LARSON, Mark and MICKUS, Kevin, Geology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] The St. Francois Mountains of southeast Missouri are a Proterozoic volcanic complex composed of felsic plutons, ring intrusions, and massifs, and is the largest exposure of Proterozoic lithologies in the south-central US. The development of the St. Francois Mountains is not well understood and there are three main theories that are currently under consideration: 1) hotspot/melting, 2) subduction volcanism, and 3) rift related volcanism. Since the proterozoic volcanic activity, the region has been faulted by forces related to the Reelfoot Rift in the Cambrian and reactivation in the Cretaceous, and more recently by the New Madrid Fault zone. Geologic mapping and regional magnetic anomaly interpretation has proposed that the region consists of a few large felsic calderas. Our research focuses on analyzing gravity and magnetic data to determine the upper crustal structure of the region in order to relate these data to the location of proposed caldera rims, as well as mafic bodies, and better understand their origin. Using existing gravity and magnetic data as a guideline for the location of new data, we first conducted a gravity survey to add data to regions without data. The merged data, in the form of Bouguer gravity anomaly maps, identified anomalies that agreed with existing structural data of the region. Then additional detailed (1 mile spacing) gravity data were collected along two profiles that cut across the large amplitude anomalies associated with the calderas. These data were be modeled by 2D forward modeling to determine the subsurface geometry of the calderas constrained by surface density measurements and surface features. Additionally, a series of residual, regional and derivative gravity and magnetic anomaly maps have been constructed to aid in the interpretation of the 2D models. Collection of rock samples at the surface has given density data to constrain our models. Core samples will be analyzed for densities and magnetic susceptibilities in order to further constrain the gravity models. Using the final anomaly maps and models we will interpret them in order to determine the nature and origin of the calderas in the St. Francois Mountains region. 2-2 8:20 AM Evans, Kevin R. [217445] PRE-OUACHITA TECTONISM, DEVELOPMENT OF A BACK-STEPPING SHELF MARGIN, AND SYN-TECTONIC SEDIMENTATION (MIDDLE DEVONIAN THROUGH MISSISSIPPIAN) ON SOUTHERN LAURENTIA: A REGIONAL SYNTHESIS OF THE OZARKS EVANS, Kevin R., Geography, Geology, & Planning Dept, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected], BASSETT, Damon J., Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, 101 Geological Sciences Bldg, Columbia, MO 65211, ETHINGTON, Raymond L., Geological Sciences Dept, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211, MANGER, Walter L., Department of Geosciences, Univ of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, MICKUS, Kevin L., Geosciences, Missouri State Univ, 901 S National Ave, Springfield, MO 65804-0087, and MILLER, James F., Geography, Geology, & Planning Dept, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 655897 Southern Laurentia in the Ozarks region has been characterized as a Late Proterozoic rift shoulder that developed into a passive margin; docking with the Ouachita allochthon during the Early Pennsylvanian led to development of the Arkoma Basin and Ozark Uplift. Yet, why were pre-Mississippian strata progressively truncated to the north and west? Why was the Chattanooga Shale preserved in southwestern Missouri and northwestern Arkansas but eroded below the Mississippian in the Boston Mountains? Why did deep-water Mississippian carbonates accumulate in southern Missouri on peritidal lower Paleozoic strata? We consider that much of the epeirogenic uplift and denudation of the Ozarks preceded the Ouachita orogeny, occurring in the Early to Middle Devonian, and structural evolution persisted through Mississippian and Early Pennsylvanian time. The onset of convergence led to development of the Arkansas Novaculite foredeep, and in the Ozarks, loading and flexure resulted in progressive truncation of much of the post-lower Ordovician to pre-Mississippian succession. Up to 500 m of strata were cut out, yet impact SESSION NO. 3 structures, isolated sink-fills, and faults record the presence of stratigraphic units that are missing regionally. Upper Ordovician to middle Silurian clasts are incorporated into the Decaturville breccia (pre-Devonian impact) in lower Ordovician country rock. Middle Devonian marine sandstone filled a sink in lower Ordovician dolomite near Rolla. Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale blanketed the eroded western Ozark platform. Most of this unit was removed below the sub-Mississippian unconformity in the central Ozarks but was preserved in an embayment that we informally refer to as the Northwest Arkansas Basin. Clasts of Chattanooga Shale have been recovered from the Weaubleau breccia (mid-Mississippian impact), a thin interval is preserved along the Highlandville Fault, along the lower Buffalo River, and in sink-fills in northern Arkansas. During the Early Mississippian, continued flexure resulted in back-stepping of the shelf margin, so deep-water facies accumulated on erosional remnants or peritidal lower Paleozoic strata. Major faults in southern Missouri are associated with some anomalous units of sandstone, limestone, or olistoliths, providing a record of syn-tectonic sedimentation. of days per year would change from ~519 d/yr at ~1.1 Ga to 466 d/yr at the end of this orbital resonance era. SESSION NO. 3, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T4. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region I: The Pleistocene Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium 2-3 8:40 AM Pennington, Wayne D. [218074] THE MENOMINEE CRACK AND CLINTONVILLE BOOMS: SEISMIC EVENTS IN MICHIGAN’S UPPER PENINSULA AND NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN PENNINGTON, Wayne D., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected] and WAITE, Gregory P., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 In spite of its reputation as an aseismic area, there were intriguing occurrences of seismic events in Upper Michigan and northern Wisconsin in 2010 and 2012. Although these two occurrences were only about 100 km apart, there is no evidence indicating that they are related or even due to a similar mechanism. The Menominee Crack: On October 4, 2010, a loud noise and shaking were observed in an area north of Menominee. This was associated with the appearance of 110m long crack at the crest of a ridge, 1.5m in height and up to 9m wide. The crack is apparently a surficial feature, resulting from stretching of the uppermost soil and clay layers to accommodate the creation of a ridge at some shallow depth. A reasonable model (first proposed by Dr. Norm Sleep) is that the limestone underneath the clay experienced a “pop-up” due to high lateral stresses. Usually, pop-ups occur as a result of recent unloading, as at the base of a quarry or immediately following glacial retreat; neither of these describes this site, so the cause remains speculative. Clintonville Booms: Residents of Clintonville began hearing infrequent deep, rumbling sounds on March 18, 2012; the booms were sometimes accompanied by felt shaking. Following a relatively large event on March 20 that was clearly a M1.5 earthquake, four seismometers and eight sound sensors were deployed within and around Clintonville to improve the locations of subsequent events. Two events were located beneath the southeastern part of Clintonville at less than 1 km below the surface within the granitic basement. These events were close enough to the surface so that seismic energy of sufficiently high frequency coupled to the atmosphere and propagated as sound. The Clintonville booms were indeed due to earthquakes, most of which were too small to record. 2-4 9:00 AM Tupper, M. Tobias [218762] IDENTIFICATION OF LOW-LEVEL SEISMICITY IN OHIO TUPPER, M. Tobias, Geological Sciences, Ohio University, 316 Clippinger Laboratories, Athens, OH 45701, [email protected] and GREEN, Douglas H., Dept. of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, 316 Clippinger, Athens, OH 45701 OhioSeis records are examined to identify previously undocumented low-level earthquakes in Ohio and surrounding regions. Records are scanned at multiple stations (at least four) to identify peak amplitude arrivals within a time window specified by the lowest likely arrival phase velocity and the maximum inter-station distance. A potential arrival peak must have an amplitude of at least 1.5 times the RMS amplitude over an entire hour containing that peak. The location (epicenter) of the potential earthquake is obtained using a velocity-independent-arrival-orderlocation (AOL) technique. The event is classified as a probable earthquake if it is similarly identified and located using a different set of four stations. Five probable earthquakes in 2011 were each identified using at least five combinations of stations of four seismic stations. This includes the documented 2011 New Year’s Eve M4.0 event in Youngstown OH, which was located by this technique within 14 km and 10 seconds of the epicenter and origin time reported by the USGS. An additional three events were identified using at least three sets of four stations, and thirteen possible 2011 earthquakes were identified using two sets of four stations. Most of these locations extend from Lake Erie up the Cuyahoga Valley, through east-central Ohio towards Marietta OH. 2-5 9:20 AM Malcuit, Robert J. [217936] A JUPITER ORBIT -- LUNAR ORBIT RESONANCE MODEL: POSSIBLE CAUSE FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE MODERN STYLE OF PLATE TECTONICS MALCUIT, Robert J., Geosciences Department, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023, [email protected] Since the Plate Tectonics Revolution in the earth sciences, there has been this lingering debate about when plate tectonics began. There are two end-member schools of thought: (1) that plate tectonics has been operating throughout geologic time (Shervais, 2006, GSA SP-405, p. 173) and (2) that plate tectonics, as we understand it today, can only occur when the Earth has cooled sufficiently to permit plates to attain negative buoyancy (Davies, 1992, Geology, 20, p. 963; Stern, 2005, Geology, 33, p. 556). Stern (2005) proposes that the modern style of plate tectonics began ~1.0 Ga ago. The Late Proterozoic also appears to be a critical time in the history of the lunar orbit. Peale and Cassen (1978, Icarus, 36, p. 245) identified an orbital resonance state between Jupiter’s orbit and the lunar orbit when the lunar orbital radius is at 53.4 ER (earth radii). Orbital traceback calculations suggest that the earth-moon distance would be ~53.4 ER in Late Proterozoic time. The key element in such an orbital resonance is the perigean cycle of the lunar orbit (the prograde progression of the perigee position of the lunar orbit). At present the perigean cycle is 8.85 years (60.3 ER). At 53.4 ER the perigean cycle would be ~12 years, the approximate period of Jupiter’s orbit. Under these conditions the major axis of the lunar orbit would be increased to the resonant value by a forced ECC (eccentricity) but the orbital angular momentum would remain near that of a 50 ER orbit and then slowly increase in time to that of a 53.4 ER orbit. As the lunar orbital ECC reaches a maximum of up to ~0.3, the rock and ocean tidal amplitudes would be ~2.5 times higher than that of a circular orbit of 53.4 ER. Such rock tidal activity could lead to the development of tidal vorticity induction cells in the upper mantle (Bostrom, 2000, Oxford Univ. Press) that would aid in the initiation of subduction. This model can be tested via the tidal rhythmite record of the Late Proterozoic. The two predictable constants are that the semi-major axis of the lunar orbit should be near 53.4 ER and the number of sidereal months per year should be about 16 throughout this era. Assuming that the earth rotation rate at 1.1 Ga (before the forced ECC episode) is ~16.9 hr/d, the number 3-1 8:00 AM Lepper, Kenneth [218517] AGE CONSTRAINTS FOR AN UPDATED LAKE AGASSIZ PALEOHYDROGRAPH LEPPER, Kenneth, Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, P.O. Box 6050, Dept. #2745, Fargo, ND 58108-6050, [email protected], FISHER, Timothy G., Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, MS #604, Toledo, OH 43606, and LOWELL, Thomas V., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221 Meltwater releases from Lake Agassiz to the Mississippi, Mackenzie and Great Lakes waterways have been implicated as triggers of abrupt climate change events during the last deglacial cycle. To evaluate these assertions a paleohydrograph for Lake Agassiz is needed with robust chronologic controls. Shorelines represent static water planes and transitions between shoreline positions represent significant water-level fluctuations. However, geologic ages constraining the timing of shoreline development, and thereby water-level fluctuations for Lake Agassiz, have been difficult to obtain, and therefore, sparse. In recent years we have had success in applying OSL dating techniques to shoreline deposits of Lake Agassiz that are more easily mapped using LiDAR data. This report will summarize a growing chronologic data set that includes 35 independent OSL ages from five different study areas around the southern basin, but thus far mostly focused around the southern outlet. The cumulative OSL data set for Lake Agassiz’s southern basin provides robust age constraints for the Herman, Norcross and Campbell strandlines with averages and standard deviations of 14.1 ± 0.3 ka, 13.6 ± 0.2 ka, and 10.5 ± 0.3 ka, respectively. In addition, the new age constraints are used to develop an updated paleohydrograph for Lake Agassiz spanning the time period of approximately 14.5 to 10 ka which includes rapid climate changes at the end of the last ice age. 3-2 8:20 AM Fisher, Timothy G. [218507] RECENT STRATIGRAPHIC AND CHRONOLOGIC RESULTS FROM THE HURON-ERIE LAKE PLAIN OF ANCESTRAL LAKE ERIE, OHIO FISHER, Timothy G.1, BLOCKLAND, Joseph2, HIGLEY, Melinda3, ANDERSON, Brad1, GOBLE, Ronald J.4, and LEPPER, Kenneth5, (1) Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, MS #604, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected], (2) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Street MS604, Toledo, OH 43606, (3) Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL 61820, (4) Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588, (5) Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, P.O. Box 6050, Dept. #2745, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 An understanding of deglacial events in the Huron-Erie Lake Plain is known in general, but poorly understood in detail. During east–northeast recession of the Erie and Huron lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Ancestral Lake Erie evolved through fluctuating lake levels and changing outlets. Strandlines are well known, having been mapped ~100 years ago, but detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologic analyses and age control is left wanting. To increase our knowledge of this lake, and in the process develop a more four-dimensional understanding of the surficial geology, we have been dating strandlines and sand dunes using mostly OSL techniques. To evaluate the Ypsilanti low event, rhythmic lake sediments were analyzed at elevations that would have experienced subaerial emergence during this low event. Most of the sand dunes are 4000–9000 years younger than the oldest strandlines. Because sand was sourced from older ice marginal and strandline deposits, dunes either initially formed or were remobilized under a deteriorating climate during stadials, and post-date disappearance of Ancestral Lake Erie. Only 507 rhythmites were observed between till and the overlying dune sand and shallow water sediment, which is fewer than expected. A stratigraphic break within the lacustrine sedimentary sequence necessary to support the low-water Ypsilanti Phase was not observed. In summary, our data thus far suggests that stable water levels were short lived and that the lake evolved over a shorter period of time than is commonly assumed. 3-3 8:40 AM Lowell, Thomas V. [218702] DO THE ICE MARGIN CHANGES OF THE LAURENTIDE GREAT LAKE LOBES MATCH THE GREENLAND ISOTOPE RECORD? LOWELL, Thomas V., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected] The Greenland Ice Cores have long been held as a reference for climate change during the late Pleistocene. The isotopes from multiple cores now provide a detailed record that many paleoclimate records have been compared to. Glaciers are taken as being most responsive to temperatures during the summer ablation season. Oerlemans (2005) has show that a global network of small glaciers can provide a temperature record over the last two hundred years that matches the global temperature derived from instrumented records. It would be informative to ask if the margins of ice sheets match the reference for climate change. The lobes of the Laurentide ice sheet that occupied the Great Lakes are examined here in that context. For the last glacial maximum records show that the ice sheet was south of the Great Lakes by 27.2 ka cal and continued to reach its maximum at 24.0 ka cal and started to retreat as early as 21.7 ka cal with major retreat underway by 17.0 ka cal. Superposed on this general pattern were advances at 24.0, 24.0, 22.2 and 21.2 ka cal. With the exception of a warm interstadial at 27.5 and 23.5 ka cal, the ice core is nearly linear during this time. In other words examination of the ice core alone would not suggest the growth, decay pattern, nor major advances of the ice sheet margin. Possible explanations for this disconnect are 1) the ice core record does not represent the climate of the Great Lakes region; 2) the concept of seasonality, whereby the ice core records mean annual, not summer temperatures; 3) the dynamics of ice sheets are not driven by climate changes. Given that the above record was derived from and is consistent with both the Lake 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 3 SESSION NO. 3 Michigan and Lake Erie lobes option 3 seems unlikely. This comparison can not distinguish between options 1 and 2. 3-4 9:00 AM Carson, Eric C. Knowledge of the location of bedrock valleys may assist in exploration for potential glacial aquifers in bedrock valleys, and in seismic data processing for oil and gas exploration. These bedrock valleys, especially the deeper ones, may contain older glacial, interglacial or pre-Tertiary sediments and paleosols which may be of value for geological age dating. [218824] RADIOCARBON CONTROL FOR THE ADVANCE OF THE GREEN BAY LOBE TO ITS LATE WISCONSIN (MIS 2) MAXIMUM POSITION AT DEVILS LAKE, SOUTH-CENTRAL WISCONSIN CARSON, Eric C., Department of Environmental Sciences, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Madison, WI 53705, [email protected] and ATTIG, John W., Department of Environmental Sciences, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 3817 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705 Currently there are few reliable numerical age estimates that constrain the timing of the maximum extent of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the midcontinent, a problem that largely reflects the scarcity of radiocarbon dates that closely constrain late Wisconsin glacial events. To improve our understanding of the timing of the last glacial advance and retreat, recent research (e.g., Attig et al., 2011; Carson et al., 2012) has begun dating lacustrine sediment deposited in a range of environments along the margin of the Green Bay lobe in south-central Wisconsin. The specific geomorphic settings of these lacustrine deposits allow unequivocal correlation of the sediment to discrete late Wisconsin glacial events, thus providing chronologic control that has previously been lacking. While previously published data from this research program addresses the timing of onset of retreat of ice from the last maximum position, new data is shedding light on the timing of the end of ice advance to its maximum extent (locally known as the Johnstown phase). The Baraboo Hills in south-central Wisconsin are formed by a doubly-plunging anticline of the Precambrian Baraboo quartzite. Devils Lake gorge cuts through the south range of the Baraboo Hills. The gorge was blocked at both ends by late Wisconsin ice, creating a lake during the glacial maximum and the lower, modern, Devils Lake during post-glacial time. We collected a 9.1-m core into laminated silty lacustrine sediments immediately south of Devils Lake; the base of the core is 9.2 m higher than modern lake level, suggesting that the sediment could only have been deposited when sediment and ice were completely blocking both ends of the gorge. Three radiocarbon dates from plant macrofossils in an organic-rich zone near the base of the core range between 20,480 +/- 100 14C yr BP (24,890 – 24,050 cal yr BP) and 19,100 +/- 80 14C yr BP (23,290 – 23,060 cal yr BP), indicating that the Green Bay Lobe had advanced to its maximum position by that time. These dates represent the first direct absolute age control for the timing of the end of the Green Bay lobe’s advance to its late Wisconsin maximum position, and one of few such chronologic controls along the southern Laurentide ice sheet. 3-7 3-8 3-5 9:20 AM Schaetzl, Randall [218188] OSL AGES ON LOESS CONSTRAIN THE ADVANCE OF THE CHIPPEWA VALLEY LOBE IN WESTERN WISCONSIN, USA SCHAETZL, Randall, Geography, Michigan State University, 128 Geog Bldg, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], FORMAN, Steven L., Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 W. Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60607, and ATTIG, John W., Department of Environmental Sciences, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 3817 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705 The timing of the advance and recession of the Chippewa Valley Lobe in west-central Wisconsin is poorly constrained, mainly because of the lack of closely controlled radiocarbon dates. To that end, we present the first OSL ages on loess for west-central Wisconsin, which constrain the advance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet out of the Lake Superior basin and into this region during the last part of the Wisconsin glaciation. The Chippewa River flows south, perpendicular to the terminal moraine, and eventually becomes confluent with the Mississippi River. After the advancing glacier crossed the southern edge of the Lake Superior basin and reached a drainage divide in northwestern Wisconsin, meltwater flowed into the northern part of the Chippewa drainage basin, and continued to flow there until the ice margin retreated back, across the divide. Today, loess covers bedrock uplands that lie scattered on either side of the river, just beyond the terminal moraine. Spatial patterns of particle-size data on loess, from 125 upland sites throughout the Chippewa basin, clearly show that this loess was derived from the sandy valley trains of the Chippewa River and its tributaries - all of which drained the ice front. The loess exceeds 5 m in thickness at sites near the widest valley train areas, in areas only a few km beyond the moraine. Using deep cores recovered from five ridge-top sites, we dated 12 loess samples - solely from depths > 3 m - using MAR OSL methods. The oldest age for basal loess on bedrock was ca 24 ka, which constrains the timing of the advance of the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet out of the Superior basin, across the drainage divide, and into the drainage of the Chippewa River. The remaining OSL ages from the deep loess, taken only slightly higher in the stratigraphic column, range between 19.7 and 12.3 ka, suggesting that the Chippewa Valley was a loess source for several millennia, and that most of the loess was deposited during ice recession. OSL ages from loess within 3 to 3.5 m of the surface are abnormally young, presumably due to post-depositional mixing. 3-6 10:00 AM Esch, John M. [218821] BURIED BEDROCK VALLEYS OF MICHIGAN ESCH, John M., Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, Office of Oil, Gas, and Minerals, P.O. 30256, Lansing, MI 48909, [email protected] In the glaciated Midwest, much can be learned about the geological history of an area by mapping the bedrock surface topography and the buried bedrock valleys. In Michigan, a complex and very irregular bedrock surface underlies the thickest glacial drift on land in North America. In general, the bedrock surface has well defined buried bedrock valley networks with tributaries and main bedrock valleys which can run for tens of miles. These often appear to be in inferred preglacial bedrock drainage basins with bedrock surface divides. Other buried bedrock valleys cross bedrock surface divides and cut through broad bedrock highlands and cuestas. Some bedrock valleys are in a nearly parallel pattern over large areas. In other places, the bedrock valleys are short, relatively straight disconnected valleys. Sometimes these appear to be imprinted over an already existing pre-glacial bedrock valley network. There are also broad regional bedrock lowlands and local fjord-like bedrock troughs. Some bedrock valleys and scarps directly overlie deeper structural features. Often bedrock valleys are found preferentially in less resistant bedrock formations. In addition some areas are essentially devoid of bedrock valleys. There is considerable debate as to the origin of bedrock valleys, but no single mechanism can account for these widely varying bedrock valley types. The extensive buried bedrock valley network suggests that much of the bedrock surface is a slightly glacially modified pre-glacial bedrock surface, the result of long history of pre-glacial uplift and erosion (post Pennsylvanian and post Jurassic). In other places the bedrock surface has also been sculpted by numerous paleo-river channels cut into the bedrock during the numerous glacial ice advances, interglacial periods and the postglacial period over the last 2.5 million years. While in other areas, the bedrock surface has been significantly eroded by direct glacial erosion removing the bedrock valleys. 4 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 10:20 AM Walters, Kent A. [218432] A CASE FOR STEP-WISE RETREAT OF THE LAURENTIDE ICE SHEET DURING THE YOUNGER DRYAS: CENTRAL UPPER PENINSULA OF MICHIGAN WALTERS, Kent A., Department of Geology, The University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected], LOWELL, Thomas V., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, and PUTNAM, Aaron E., Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 217 Comer, 61 Route 9W - PO Box 1000, Palisades, NY 10964 The Younger Dryas (YD) is a well-known paleoclimatic event from 12.9-11.6 cal ka BP. Although the response of small glaciers to climate change is well established, far less is known how large glaciers like the Laurentide Ice sheet (LIS) respond to rapid climate change during events like the Younger Dryas. This study investigates the right lateral moraines of the Green Bay lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in central Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Here and in adjacent Wisconsin, the LIS buried two forest beds (Two Creeks and Lake Gribben) and the ages of 13.7 and 11.6 cal ka BP, respectively, indicate that the ice sheet occupied this region during Younger Dryas time. Hypothesis for ice sheet behavior during this time include (i) retreat some 200 km across Lake Superior before the YD and the same length readvance during the YD and (ii) limited readvance at the end of the YD. To test these possibilities this study employed the USGS 10 m digital elevation model to map surficial glacial landforms and added 25 new radiocarbon dates to refine the ice-sheet deglaciation chronology. Mapping revealed at least four and perhaps as many as seven successive ice-contact margin positions between the Two Creeks and Lake Gribben locations suggesting a step-wise retreat. Radiocarbon dates indicate the LIS retreated across the region from 12.8 to 11.4 cal ka BP and then readvanced at 11.3 cal ka BP. This implies that during most of the YD the ice sheet was in retreat with a readvance occurring after the YD. If the LIS retreated in a step wise manner during the YD, it may imply warmer summers or high solar insolation values as the mechanism controlling the ice sheet margin at this time. 10:40 AM Colgan, Patrick M. [218673] EVIDENCE FOR DISTRIBUTION AND THICKNESS OF ATHENS SUB-EPISODE AND OLDER SEDIMENTS IN OTTAWA COUNTY, MICHIGAN COLGAN, Patrick M., Geology, Grand Valley State University, 132 Padnos Hall of Science, 1 Campus Drive, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, [email protected] Previous researchers have mapped and provided multiple radiocarbon ages for buried organic matter below Michigan Sub-episode age glacial tills in Lower Michigan. A 43 meter long rotosonic core to bedrock was recovered in August 2012 by Western Michigan University’s Hydrogeology Field School at Hemlock Crossing County Park in Ottawa County, Michigan. The core contains organic wood fragments in sand lying below the Saugatuck/Ganges tills and lying above Glen Shores till, and older unnamed units. The isolated wood fragments yield an AMS radiocarbon age of 37,840 ± 400 C14 years BP (41,920 to 42,950 calendar years BP two sigma error, Beta329000). This age is within the uncertainty of three finite ages previously obtained by researchers at the Glen Shores Section in Allegan County. This suggests an Athens Sub-episode age for the organic sand and a possible pre-Athens Sub-episode age for the Glenn Shores till and unnamed units. Similar buried organic material in sand between till units are common in Ottawa County, occurring in two clusters as reported in water well records. More than 200 water-well-records report buried organic materials well below the land surface. Of these well records, 137 appear to correlate to the Athens Sub-episode age organics in the Hemlock Crossing County Park core. The largest cluster occurs over a broad area north of the Grand River, and a smaller cluster occurs south of Pigeon Creek. The average depth of the top of the organic layer is 28 ± 16 m (2 sigma) and at an average elevation of 167 ± 28 m (2 sigma) above mean sea level. This is about 10 meters below the mean lake level of Lake Michigan. The mean thickness of the organic sand is about 3 meters. Continuing research examining the glacial till(s) of pre-Athens Sub-episode age in the Hemlock Crossing Core will attempt to correlate these units to known units. Other yet unnamed units may also be defined. These tills could be of any age and could correlate to MIS-4 (early Wisconsin Glaciation/Episode), MIS-6 (Illinois Glaciation/Episode), or older pre-Illinoian glaciations recorded in the marine oxygen isotope records from ocean sediments and ice cores. 3-9 11:00 AM Curry, B. Brandon [218573] SUPERPOSED ICE-WALLED LAKE DEPOSITS, NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS CURRY, B. Brandon, Prairie Research Institute, Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected] A complex of ice-walled lake plains occurs in and around Woodstock, Illinois. One ice-walled lake plain stands out from the rest (-88.4113˚W, 42.2571˚N). It is nearly circular, about 1.1 km across, with an unusual central kettle about 0.4 km across. Five cores of this landform have been sampled. Facies architecture, radiocarbon ages of entombed tundra plants, and geomorphology collectively indicate two stages of ice-walled lake development. Gray, silty clay diamicton of the Yorkville Member (Lemont Formation; Livingston Phase) underlies the glaciolacustrine complex forming the ice-walled lake plain, but sediment cores sampled adjacent to the landform reveal patches of dolomite-rich, pebbly sandy loam diamicton of the Haeger Member (Lemont Formation; Woodstock Phase) that cover the fine-grained Yorkville unit. The margin of the icewalled lake plain is covered by about 1.7 m of well-sorted, fining-upward medium sand. The sand pinches out approaching the kettle’s edge. The underlying fossiliferous lacustrine sediment is as much as 7.5 m thick. The two stages of development are reflected in five radiocarbon ages (each with < 30 yrs sigma-one error) of Dryas integrifolia found in the lacustrine faces. The first stage lasted from about 21,870 to 21,460 cal yr BP during deglaciation of the Livingston Phase. The second stage occurred from about 18,720 to 17,870 cal yr BP during deglaciation of the Woodstock Phase. The lack of 14C ages spanning from about 21,460 to 18,720 cal yr BP also is observed from the composite of more than 40 radiocarbon ages associated with ice-walled lakes in Illinois. The hiatus is also observed in 15 14C ages of plant fossils from the nearby De Kalb mounds. The lack of physical evidence for the nonconformity in sediment cores such as clay mineral alteration or changes in bedding or grain-size suggests that the active layer did not thaw; the landscape was physically and chemically inert during this time of extremely cold summer temperatures. SESSION NO. 4 3-10 11:20 AM Phillips, Andrew C. [218677] MEANDER CUTOFFS, FLOODPLAIN LAKES: GEOLOGIC ARCHIVES IN THE LOWER WABASH VALLEY PHILLIPS, Andrew C., Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 E. Peabody, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected], CARON, Olivier, Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, BRYK, Alexander B., Department of Geology, University of Illinois, 1301 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, PROKOCKI, Eric W., Department of Geology, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), 208 Natural History Building, 1301 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, and BEST, James L., Departments of Geology, Geography, Mechanical Science and Engineering and Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory, University of Illinois (UrbanaChampaign), 208 Natural History Building, 1301 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 Striking geomorphic features, including terraces, scroll bars, and floodplain lakes, in the lower Wabash Valley were constructed by Wisconsin Episode slackwater lake and meltwater sedimentation, followed by postglacial fluvial systems with episodic aggradation and degradation. Previous studies described fluvial and slackwater lake terraces deposited in an island braided river system during the last glacial-interglacial transition, between ~14,000 and 10,500 BP (14C). Several distinct subsequent meandering systems since 10,500 BP left terraced scroll bar tracts and floodplain lakes. We have been mapping fill of the Wabash Valley to refine the existing geologic framework and complement ongoing process studies of the active meandering channel belt. Meander cutoffs that occur as both relict and extant floodplain lakes are targeted as archives of the sedimentation and ecosystem history. The meander fill sequences typically comprise 2-6 m of fine alluvial and lacustrine sediment with zones of abundant gastropod, bivalve, and wood fossils, which overlie 2-3 m of sandy to gravelly point bar and channel bed deposits. Dating of individual quartz grains by OSL in the lowermost coarse deposits is expected to provide a maximum age for these channel cutoffs, while dating of fossils by 14C methods, or of intercalated very fine sand beds by OSL, in the lacustrine sequence is expected to constrain the sediment accumulation rates. The sedimentology and stratigraphy of the cutoff termini will be interpreted in terms of cutoff processes. We welcome collaborators to study the biota of these deposits. SESSION NO. 4, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T13. Innovative Earth Science Teacher Professional Development Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium 4-1 8:10 AM Schepke, Chuck [218348] SUMMER RESEARCH EXPERIENCE IN EARTH MAGNETISM: THE TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVE SCHEPKE, Chuck1, BLUTH, Gregg J.S.2, ANDERSON, Kari3, SMIRNOV, Aleksey V.3, and PIISPA, Elisa J.3, (1) Roscommon Middle School, 299 West Sunset Drive, Roscommon, MI 48653, [email protected], (2) MMI Preparatory School, 154 Centre Street, Freeland, PA 18224, (3) Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 630 Dow, ESE Building, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931 The 2012 summer research experience in Earth magnetism at Michigan Tech allowed for the incorporation of two teachers into a research project aimed at quantifying the strength and morphology of the Precambrian geomagnetic field via detailed paleomagnetic analyses. As teacher participants, we are actively working toward incorporating this experience to showcase “real world” applications of electrical and magnetic concepts in a nontraditional manner using paleomagnetism as a pedagogical vehicle. In both classrooms, the experience gained from being a part of an active research team, participating in field work, data acquisition, and interpretation, are providing a means for us to move beyond the textbook, allowing our students access to and participation in innovative inquiry-based research. Integration of active research into the classroom has resulted in noticeable increases in our students’ ability to engage and understand the physics underlying geomagnetism and concepts related to Earth processes. Tangible student outcomes, thus far, from our experience have included construction of simple magnetometers; classroom discussions related to why the Earth has an atmosphere, the age of the inner core, and the interdisciplinary nature of geophysics; and, perhaps most importantly, a greater understanding of the scientific method and that the same method is employed in research laboratories and the classroom. Students love to go “beyond the textbook” to build on the basic Earth composition topics – it is like learning something secret about the Earth that no one else has seen, rather than compiling a list of facts. Teachers also love to go “beyond the textbook”, allowing for real world presentation of concepts in physics and processes used in scientific inquiry and analyses with students. This presentation is an assessment of the 2012 summer research experience, and will provide perspectives from us, the teachers, and input from our students concerning Earth science projects undertaken during the past year. 4-2 8:30 AM Zolynsky, Debra L. [218441] VIRTUAL VS. VISCERAL FIELD EXPERIENCES: TWO PATHS DIVERGE...TAKE BOTH ZOLYNSKY, Debra L., Science, Lake Shore High School, 22980 E. Thirteen Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, MI 48082, [email protected] and KLAWITER, Mark F., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931 In his book “Experience and Education” (1938), John Dewey declares that high-quality classroom learning can best be delivered when “…the educator views teaching and learning as a continuous process of reconstruction of experience.” Such reconstruction, best approached when students are exposed to the actual experiences available at a learning site or place (e.g. a “field trip”), has grown increasingly prohibitive. Cost, bureaucracy, scheduling logistics, common assessments, and inflexible curricular scope and sequence are hurdles in teachers’ efforts to create robust experiential learning opportunities. Unable to extricate themselves from these obstacles, many teachers have submissively succumbed to more didactic instructional methods. Several recent developments in both education and technology have provided enhanced opportunities for teachers to develop place-based learning opportunities for their students. Innovative solutions include local field experiences, conducted within a short walking distance from the school, provide students with data acquisition techniques and an understanding of how scientists ask questions, conduct investigations, and apply emergent understandings to local situations or problems. Electronic methods for data acquisition, manipulation, and communication (digital probes, Smartphones, iPod Touch devices, etc.) can provide accessible techniques for educators to utilize in “school yard” experiential learning. Finally, initiatives such as the Virtual Fieldwork Experiences (VFEs) can be integrated into the school curriculum. These experiences utilize pre-existing data and images collected by educators. 4-3 8:50 AM Klawiter, Mark F. [218435] CREATING A MODEL FOR IMPROVING EARTH SCIENCE TEACHING NATIONWIDE: AN OVERVIEW OF THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EXCELLENCE PROGRAM (MITEP) NSF MATHSCIENCE PARTNERSHIP KLAWITER, Mark F.1, MATTOX, Stephen R.2, PETCOVIC, Heather L.3, ROSE, William I.4, HUNTOON, Jacqueline E.4, ENGELMANN, Carol A.4, VYE, Erika C.4, GOCHIS, Emily E.4, MILLER, Ashley E.4, and MCKEE, Kathleen F.4, (1) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected], (2) Department of Geology, Grand Valley State Univ, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, (3) Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241, (4) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 The Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MiTEP) is a multifaceted professional development program that targets K-12 Earth science teachers in the public school districts of Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Jackson (MI). The goal of the program is to elevate the content knowledge and pedagogy skills of teachers with limited Earth science training while inspiring institutional change at several partner institutions. This 5-year program is advancing 4 cohorts of 12-24 teachers through 3 years of training that includes summer field experiences, professional development days, on-line course work, and scaffolded leadership opportunities. Teachers spend 2 summers constructing knowledge through field experiences, spending 1 week in the Upper Peninsula and 1 week near their home district each summer. Field days feature presentations by faculty experts and are correlated with Earth Science Literacy Principles, NGSS, state and local standards, misconceptions, and district curriculum. Culminating projects include professional conference presentations of teacher developed, inquiry-rich lesson plans and authoring of EarthCache sites. During the school year teachers attend quarterly professional development days featuring pedagogical strategies for presentation of topics they identified as areas of greatest need, and participate in on-line Earth science and education courses. Just-in-time content assistance is provided through “ask-a-scientist” and “scientists-on-call” features. Teachers can apply course work toward a Master’s degree in Earth Science education from Michigan Tech. In their third year teachers engage in “capstone” internships in collaboration with Midwest national parks such as Isle Royale, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Keweenaw National Historic Park or Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Teachers have emerged as leaders through involvement in such activities as providing profession development for peers in the district, involvement in leadership organizations, and presenting their work at state science teacher conferences. Major challenges include out-of-field teaching and instability of teacher placement within urban districts. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through MSP Grant No. NSF 0831948. 4-4 9:10 AM Mattox, Stephen [218562] RELEVANT, PLACE-BASED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR URBAN TEACHERS, INSIGHTS FROM THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM MATTOX, Stephen, Geology, Grand Valley State University, 133 Padnos, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, [email protected], PETCOVIC, Heather, Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, KLAWITER, Mark F., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, GOCHIS, Emily, Geological Engineering & Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, and MILLER, Ashley E., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 MTU’s Michigan Teacher Education Program (MITEP) is a multi-year, NSF funded professional development program for secondary science teachers from Kalamazoo and Jackson. Cohorts of teachers advance through three years of experiences that include field work in the Keweenawan Peninsula and downstate, school year professional development, attending and presenting at professional meetings, and internships at national parks. Content is aligned with the Earth Science Literacy Principles. Downstate professional development took place over two weeks in two consecutive years, and focused on field work related to hazards, glacial landscapes, energy, water resources, and geologic history. In the first year, teachers conducted a water quality study of Woods Lake (Kalamazoo) to learn how human activities impact lake systems. They continued with site visits to the Kalamazoo River impacted by the 2010 Enbridge oil spill, along with building classroom models of oil-water-sediment interaction. A quarry on the Blue Ridge Esker (Jackson) provided examples of subglacial deposits and an introduction to aggregate resources. Fossil fuel resources were the focus of a visit to the WMU core library. A trip to Grand Ledge provided an introduction to the geologic history of Michigan as teachers interpreted the rocks and placed them in geologic time. In the second year, teachers investigate how the remnants of Hurricane Ike caused extensive flooding in Michigan, through calculations of rainfall volume in the Kalamazoo River basin and balancing the input against river output and groundwater recharge. In the field they gauged Portage Creek and evaluated impacts of flood events. Classroom models of melting glaciers transitioned to the state Quaternary map. Teachers described outwash exposed in a quarry in the Kalamazoo Moraine and landforms at the Waterloo Recreational Area. Sources of energy were contrasted with visits to a coal power plant in Lansing and a natural gas energy facility in Jackson. Water was investigated using classroom models, USGS maps, and touring the shallow aquifer water supply for the city of Jackson. To synthesize their field observations teachers construct stratigraphic columns of Pennsylvanian and Mississippian rocks at Grand Ledge and relate their rock specimens to a geologic cross-section of the state. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 5 SESSION NO. 4 4-5 9:50 AM Gochis, Emily E. [218622] PROMOTING GEOSCIENCE SKILLS AND CONTENT KNOWLEDGE BY INTEGRATING FIELDBASED EARTHCACHES INTO TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GOCHIS, Emily E.1, ROSE, William I.2, HUNGWE, Kedmon3, KLAWITER, Mark F.1, MATTOX, Stephen R.4, PETCOVIC, Heather5, and MILLER, Ashley E.2, (1) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected], (2) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, (3) Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, (4) Department of Geology, Grand Valley State Univ, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, (5) Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 The solutions to many of societies energy, water and climate dilemmas will only be achieved through creativity and an understanding of complex Earth System processes by all the nation’s citizens. These Earth processes are complicated because they require the knowledge of multiple STEM subject areas, geologic time and 3D geo-spatial skills. One method that has been shown to effectively increase knowledge and attitude towards Earth Science in k-12 students is to connect classroom content to local sites that are familiar to students and which provide observable evidence of Earth System phenomena. However, many of today’s teachers have little or no formal background in Earth Science concepts and are unaware of the presence of ‘geo-significant’ places in their communities. The Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MiTEP) is a NSF funded MSP teacher professional development program for urban school educators. The program’s goal is to increase the content knowledge and pedagogical skills of educators with limited Earth Science training. As part of the three-year program teachers participated in the MiTEP-EarthCache model to promote placebased Earth Science education. An EarthCache is an outdoor place found throughout the region that provides visitors a lesson on “how the Earth works.” Each EarthCache is accompanied by a set of coordinates, an explanation of the natural processes responsible for the formation of the geo-significant feature, and questions to evaluate what the visitor has learned during their visit. Information for each EarthCache can be found at www.earthcache.org which is maintained by the Geological Society of America and Groundspeak. The MiTEP-EarthCache model requires participants to visit EarthCache sites established in Michigan and subsequently develop their own EarthCache to be reviewed by GSA and published on the website for use by the general public. A mixed methods study has been conducted to evaluate the program’s effectiveness to develop teachers’ 1) field based geoscience skills, 2) earth science content knowledge 3) awareness of regional geological features and 4) Earth Science pedagogical skills. This talk will provide an overview of the MiTEP-EarthCache program, discuss program outcomes and effectiveness as a profession develop tool in STEM education. 4-6 10:10 AM Miller, Ashley E. [218642] INTEGRATING INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTION IN K-12 EARTH SCIENCE CLASSROOMS MILLER, Ashley E., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected] and MATTOX, Stephen, Geology, Grand Valley State University, 133 Padnos, Allendale, MI 49401-9403 Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MiTEP) offers cohorts of teachers in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Jackson Publics Schools a variety of experiences that are utilized to improve the teaching and learning of K-12 Earth Science topics within the classroom. The integration of inquiry-based teaching and learning in this setting is facilitated by summer experiences throughout the state of Michigan, as well as Pedagogy-Content days. These educator “in-service” days allow for teachers to collaborate in the creation or modification of lessons for use within their classrooms. This session will outline the introduction of inquiry-based education to the MiTEP participant and will also illustrate how it is being utilized as a theme within the MiTEP experience for K-12 teachers. 4-7 10:30 AM Grabemeyer, Nick C. [218639] KALAMAZOO AND JACKSON (MI) K-12 TEACHER REFLECTIONS FROM THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM GRABEMEYER, Nick C.1, YOUNG, Julie L.1, JENKINS, Julia H.1, BRYANT-KUIPHOFF, Yonee’ E.1, REED, Mark S.2, MATTOX, Stephen3, PETCOVIC, Heather4, and ROSE, William I.5, (1) Kalamazoo Public Schools, Kalamazoo, MI 49006, grabemeyernc@ kalamazoo.k12.mi.us, (2) Jackson Public Schools, Jackson, MI 49203, (3) Geology, Grand Valley State University, 133 Padnos, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, (4) Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, (5) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 K-12 teacher participants from cohort-3 of MiTEP (Michigan Teacher Excellence Program) will present exemplary lesson plans and EarthCache sites they’ve authored, along with highlights of the professional development activities that have enriched their Earth science content knowledge and honed their pedagogical skills. Each of these teachers will provide one career-changing take-away from their involvement in this 3 year suite of graduate courses, field experiences, and leadership opportunities. These teachers will be present at the end of the session to answer questions or to further elaborate on their experiences. Their work can be accessed electronically at <mitep.mtu.edu>. 4-9 10:50 AM Ernstes, Joshua D. [218668] KALAMAZOO (MI) K-12 TEACHER REFLECTIONS FROM THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EXCELLENCE PROGRAM ERNSTES, Joshua D.1, ERNSTES, Angela L.1, KAY, Katherine E.1, SELNER, Maria D.1, KAHLER, Dawn1, PETCOVIC, Heather2, MATTOX, Stephen3, and ROSE, William I.4, (1) Kalamazoo Public Schools, Kalamazoo, MI 49001, [email protected], (2) Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, (3) Geology, Grand Valley State University, 133 Padnos, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, (4) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 K-12 teachers in cohort-3 of the Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MiTEP) will share experiences from the 3-year suite of professional development activities involving Earth science education. In addition to providing exemplary, inquiry-based lesson plans and teacher-authored EarthCache sites, each teacher will provide one take-away activity, strategy, or leadership opportunity that has been career-changing. These teachers will be available after the session to answer questions or to elaborate on their experiences. Their work is available electronically at <mitep.mtu.edu>. 6 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs McLean, Colleen E. [218775] SESSION NO. 5, 10:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T18. Recent Advances in the Studies on the Origin of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits Fetzer Center, Room 2040 5-1 10:00 AM Mulcahy, Connor [218405] RARE EARTH ELEMENT ENRICHED MINERALS IN HYDROTHERMAL COPPER DEPOSITS FROM THE KEWEENAW PENINSULA, MICHIGAN, USA MULCAHY, Connor1, HANSEN, Edward C.1, RHEDE, D.2, and BORNHORST, Theodore J.3, (1) Geological and Environmental Sciences, Hope College, 35 E 12th Street, Holland, MI 49423, [email protected], (2) Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam, 14473, Germany, (3) A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum, Michigan Technological University, 1404 E. Sharon Avenue, Houghton, MI 49931 Low grade hydrothermal metamorphism associated with copper mineralization in Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula created concentrated masses of calc-silicate minerals in intralayered tholeiitic basalts and rhyolite-pebble conglomerates within the fill of the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent rift. These masses consist of epidote, pumpellyite, prehnite, and titanite in the basalts and epidote, titanite, and sporadic andradite in the conglomerates and were examined by SEM, and electron microprobe analyses from five localities (three in basalts; two in conglomerates). Epidote grains enriched in REE were found in samples from both conglomerate localities and can be classified into: Type I characterized by narrow growth zones with up to 6 wt.% Ce2O3 + La2O3 + Nd2O3 ; Type II characterized by dissolution-reprecipitation zoning consisting of irregular REE-enriched zones around fractures or as incomplete rims/embayments at the margins of REE poor crystals; and Type III characterized by masses of small, acicular crystals with an allanite component of up to 47 mole% projecting from the margins of REE-poor epidote crystals or intergrown with titanite/ REE poor epidote. Synchysite, REE-fluorocarbonate, occurs with calcite in some conglomerate samples that contain little or no epidote. Only one basalt sample was found to contain REEenriched minerals as clusters of irregularly shaped patches with up to 4.3 wt.% Ce2O3 + La2O3 + Nd2O3 within REE-poor epidote. Type I REE-enrichment represents a brief increase in the activity of REE-elements during epidote growth. Either a change in the hydrothermal fluid composition or a sudden decrease in temperature during the last stages of epidote growth led to super-saturation of REE elements that in turn led to the development of Type II and Type III enrichment. The hydrothermal fluids may have acquired REE from leaching of rhyolite clasts in conglomerates at depth in the source area for the fluids 5-2 4-8 11:10 AM MEETING THE NEEDS OF THE MODERN ENVIRONMENTAL ERA: A PARTNERSHIP TO ENHANCE TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDINGS OF SUSTAINABILITY CONCEPTS KUMLER, Lori1, MCLEAN, Colleen E.2, and ARMSTRONG, Felicia P.2, (1) Political Science and International Studies, University of Mount Union, 1972 Clark Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, (2) Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, 2120 Moser Hall, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, [email protected] Contemporary challenges in geoscience education require innovative teaching methods and a broad understanding of evolving concepts as well as state specific content standards. Ohio’s new content standards for social studies and science at the middle and secondary levels for the first time include concepts related to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. However, the concept of sustainability is relatively new to the standards and most teachers within the classroom have not been adequately prepared to address these standards. Through an Ohio Environmental Education Fund grant, we partnered with local school districts to offer a graduate course for middle and secondary science and social studies teachers focused on sustainability concepts as related to their local communities. The course included an intense full week summer workshop and additional meetings during the school year in which teachers shared standards-based unit plans developed out of the course. During the summer workshop, teachers attended lectures by university and outside experts in energy, water quality, air quality/climate, soils and land use; the last day included a panel discussion led by local specialists and government officials in land use (e.g. abandoned mines, regional council of governments). Teachers also learned how to use a basic modeling program (STELLA ©) and learned about new energy initiatives related to solar hydrogen production. In the field, teachers visited local sites including a solar company, a LEED certified building, a wastewater treatment plant, a local forest, a pervious parking lot, and a farm producing food for Cleveland area restaurants. Teachers were then able to integrate updated knowledge and field experiences into unit plans that they created for their classes. This workshop was geared directly to in-service and pre-service teachers, administrators, teacher preparation programs, and state education officers. This partnership demonstrates that university-school district partnerships can provide essential professional development opportunities to teachers related to the latest technological and economic innovations. 10:20 AM Frank, Mark R. [218392] AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF GOLD IN SULFIDE MINERALS FRANK, Mark R. and FRALEY, Kendle, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Northern Illinois University, Davis Hall, Room 312, DeKalb, IL 60115, [email protected] Au in magmatic-hydrothermal systems may often co-precipitate with common Cu-Fe sulfide minerals. Au has been found within bornite and chalcopyrite in porphyry ore deposits such as at Bingham Canyon and as “invisible” Au in pyrite and arsenopyrite samples from the Carlin trend. The Au concentrations within these Cu-Fe and Fe sulfide minerals have been explored as a function of temperature previously, but no study has systemically varied both temperature and sulfur activity in a way that mimics the conditions of porphyry ore formation. The activity of sulfur in magmatic-hydrothermal systems controls the stable sulfide mineral assemblage and has been shown to impact the solubility and speciation of Cu and Au in a magmatic volatile phase, however, its impact on Au in sulfide minerals is unknown. Experiments were conducted at 100 MPa with an oxygen fugacity buffered by Ni-NiO, and at temperatures of 500, 600, and 700 °C, to determine the solubility of Au within bornite, high-temperature chalcopyrite (intermediate solid solution – ISS), and pyrrhotite. The activity of sulfur in the system was buffered by sulfide mineral assemblages that induced values between log -11±1 and 0.4±0.8 (1σ). Au capsules were loaded with the select mineral assemblage and a 5 wt.% NaCl (eq.) aqueous solution composed of SESSION NO. 6 NaCl+KCl+HCl+H2O. Sulfide mineral run products were analyzed by an Electron Microprobe to determine the concentration of Au and their textures after quench. Au exsolution features were observed in bornite and ISS throughout the mineral grains, whereas no exsolution textures were observed in pyrrhotite. Au in pyrrhotite ranged from 300-500 μg/g and did not vary appreciably over the entire range of the experiments. The solubility of Au in bornite increased from 1000 μg/g at 500 °C to 1800 μg/g at 700 °C and with an increase in the log sulfur activity of -11.0±1 to -6.0±0.1. The solubility of Au in ISS increased from 300 μg/g at 500 °C to 4000 μg/g at 700 °C with the activity of sulfur exerting the principal control on Au solubility as, at 700 °C, Au increased from 1100 to 4000 μg/g as it increased from log -6.0±0.1 to 0.4±0.8 (1σ). Our results demonstrate that Au will partition preferentially into ISS relative to pyrrhotite in porphyry systems with an ISS + pyrrhotite assemblage and into bornite for the bornite + ISS assemblage. 5-3 10:40 AM Mateas, Douglas J. [218078] HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION AND MINERALIZATION AMONG THE GOLD ZONES OF THE BACK FORTY VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULFIDE DEPOSIT MATEAS, Douglas J., Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave, Charleston, IL 61920, [email protected] The Back Forty Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) deposit, located along the Menominee River in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, is the second largest deposit in the early Proterozoic Penokean Volcanic Belt. The VMS mineralization, which is hosted by felsic volcanic rocks, is characterized as Kuroko-style and consists of massive, semi-massive and stringer sulfide mineralization. The dominant ore in the VMS deposit is pyrite, a gangue mineral. Valuable ores in the deposit consist of sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. Adjacent to the main massive sulfide mineralization, there are three designated “gold zones” that have proven preferential to precious metal mineralization of gold and silver. These precious metals have been remobilized from the main area of mineralization. The three gold zones, which are named the Porphyry Margin Zone (PM), 90 Zone and Near Surface Zone (NS), have markedly different presentations in hand sample. PM Zone deposits are found in a quartz-feldspar porphyry, while 90 Zone and NS Zone deposits are found in a rhyolite crystal tuff host rock. The 90 Zone host rock is so intensely altered by chlorite, though, that it can be referred to as a chlorite crystal tuff. The objectives for this research are three-fold. The first objective is to describe the mineralization and alteration in representative samples from each zone in thin section. The second objective is to attempt to identify similarities, if they exist, and point out differences in the mineralogy and alteration among the zones. The overall objective is to determine if there are any characteristics to suggest that the gold mineralization in the zones represent a single mineralizing event or multiple, separate pulses of mineralization. At this point, it appears that vast differences in chlorite appearance and distribution may signal a different mineralizing event for the PM Zone than in the 90 Zone and NS Zone. 5-4 11:00 AM Hagni, Richard D. [217091] ORIGIN OF PLATY GALENA IN THE VIBURNUM TREND, SOUTHEAST MISSOURI HAGNI, Richard D., Geological Sciences and Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 161 McNutt Hall, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409-0410, [email protected] The Viburnum Trend of Missouri is the world’s largest producer of lead. The lead occurs as galena predominantly in two crystallographic forms, octahedrons and cubes. Many studies have shown that octahedral galena is paragentically early, the more abundant of the two crystal forms, and is commonly modified by the cube. Those studies also have shown that the cubic form is paragenetically later, less abundant than the octahedrons, and may exhibit minor octahedral modifications. Viburnum Trend galena crystals that exhibit a platy form have received almost no study. The reason for their lack of the study is the rarity of their occurrence. This communication discusses their character, mine distribution, paragenetic position, trace element contents, nature of twinning, and speculated conditions of formation. It also compares their character to similar platy galena occurrences in Bulgaria, Russia, Mexico, and the Pine Point District in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Flat, platy galena crystals have been recognized to occur in very small amounts in the Magmont, Buick, Fletcher, Brushy Creek, and Sweetwater mines in the Viburnum Trend. In contrast, platy galena has never been observed to occur at the Casteel, West Fork, #27, #28, and #29 mines in the Trend. The platy crystals have formed early in the paragenetic sequence of the ores, prior to and coated by subsequently deposited cubic galena and drusy quartz. Spinel twinning of the octahedron produces flat platy crystals. The platy galena crystals of the Viburnum Trend are very similar in crystal morphology to platy galena crystals interpreted to be spinel twins in the Dalnegorsk Pb-Zn (skarn deposit) mine in SE Russia, the Madan ore field of skarn Pb-Zn-Ag deposits of southern Bulgaria, and the large Naica Pb mine of northern Mexico. In some lead districts, less common forms of galena have been ascribed to the incorporation of elevated contents of certain trace elements in those galena crystal forms. Analysis of Viburnum platy crystals has shown that they contain very low levels of trace elements: 3.1 ppm Ag, <2 ppm Bi, <2 ppm Sb, and <2 ppm As. Thus, elevated trace element content is not the cause for the development of Viburnum platy galena. It is speculated that the Viburnum spinel-twinned galena crystals were the result of rapid crystallization from oversaturated ore fluids. 5-5 11:20 AM Scott, Henry P. [218662] CO2 CYCLING IN THE DEEP EARTH SCOTT, Henry P.1, COMPTON, John G.1, HASAN, Maggie2, and FRANK, Mark R.2, (1) Physics and Astronomy, Indiana University South Bend, 1700 Mishawaka Ave, South Bend, IN 46634, [email protected], (2) Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Northern Illinois University, Davis Hall, Room 312, DeKalb, IL 60115 We have used laser-heated Diamond Anvil Cells (LDAC’s) coupled with synchrotron X-ray diffraction to make in situ observations of magnesite formation from CO2 plus simple oxide (i.e., MgO) and silicate (e.g., Mg2SiO4) components at mantle pressures and temperatures. Previously we demonstrated that the reaction MgO + CO2 = MgCO3 proceeds readily at pressures up to 40 GPa and temperatures around 1,800 K, despite the existence of relatively dense high-pressure CO2 polymorphs. For our most recent study, we have incorporated the magnesium end-member of olivine to consider the reaction CO2 + Mg2SiO4 = MgSiO3 + MgCO3, as studied extensively at low pressures (i.e., less than 4 GPa) by previous workers (e.g., Newton and Sharp, 1975). As expected, higher temperatures favor the forsterite side of the reaction, especially at low pressures. In this presentation, we will discuss our extension of this system to pressures greater than 20 GPa and the role played by high-pressure polymorphism in CO2 and the magnesium silicates. SESSION NO. 6, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences Fetzer Center, Room 2020 6-1 8:00 AM Siemer, Kyle W. [218428] USING DIFFERENTIAL SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY (DINSAR) TO DETECT SUBSIDENCE RELATED TO ABANDONED UNDERGROUND MINES (AUMS) IN SOUTHEASTERN OHIO SIEMER, Kyle W., Department of Environmental Science, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected] and BECKER, Richard, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2081 Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606 The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Geologic Hazards division estimates that roughly 8,000 abandoned underground mines (AUMs) exist beneath the surface of Ohio’s historic coal mining region. The number of confirmed AUMs was recently updated to near 6,000, accumulating to about 800mi2 in total. Subsidence of the land above the AUMs has become a serious issue for counties with historical AUMs because it poses threats to the health and wellbeing of people, but also poses extreme risks to structures above the AUM land. In the past, efforts to monitor subsidence have been sparse, leading to an incomplete understanding of how subsidence is related to the abandoned mine geometry. This has led to many instances where an individual may purchase “cheap” land above an AUM without knowledge of the AUM. Traditionally, repeat land surveying was used to measure subsidence in these areas, however, more recently, the application of differential synthetic Aperture radar interferometry (DInSAR) has provided the user the ability to systematically measure miniscule land surface displacements (<0.1mm) through time. 38 ERS-1 and ERS-2 scenes that spanned the time between 1993 and 2003 were used to monitor subsidence of Wellston, OH. Wellston sits above several ~100 year old room-andpillar mines, and at least 15 subsidence claims have been funded by the office of surface mining abandoned mine land inventory system (OSM AMLIS) within 5km2of downtown. Interferometry results were superimposed existing abandoned mine maps from the ODNR’s online abandoned mine locator GIS and OSM AMLIS sites. Results were integrated into a GIS to better understand, identify, and quantify how subsidence has developed in Wellston. By comparing interferometry results to existing OSM AMLIS sites and mine maps, the effectiveness of radar interferometry for this application was assessed. 6-2 8:20 AM Bouali, El Hachemi Y. [218541] SUBSIDENCE OF THE NILE DELTA, EGYPT: OPTIMIZING INTERFEROMETRIC SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR (INSAR) RESULTS OVER URBAN CENTERS IN VEGETATED REGIONS BOUALI, El Hachemi Y.1, SULTAN, Mohamed2, BECKER, Richard H.3, and CHOUINARD, Kyle J.2, (1) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], (2) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, (3) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has become a popular remote sensing tool for measuring a variety of ground movements and deformation. Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) – a specific type of InSAR technique – works well in calculating ground displacements over a long period of time. Many variables directly affect PSI outputs, such as the spatial baseline, the temporal baseline, the Doppler centroid, the digital elevation model resolution, and atmospheric activity (i.e., precipitation) at the time of scene acquisition. An in-depth analysis of parameter values for the combination of single-look complex (SLC) images used in the PSI technique should be performed to yield optimized results and eliminate noise. The Nile Delta of Egypt is the study area of choice because it is highly populated, yet densely vegetated, and is therefore a complex amalgamation of regions of high-coherence and random scatter. The objective of this study is three-fold: (1) to examine the experimental process of SLC scene inclusion or elimination and the use of additional third-party datasets in order to optimize PSI outputs based on specified input parameters, (2) to calculate subsidence rates on city-scale areas of the Nile Delta, and (3) to investigate the factors controlling the subsidence in the study area. Findings include: optimum results (high coherence) were observed over cities, PSI calculations of tens of cities across the delta yielded subsidence rates as high 10 millimeters/year, progressively increasing subsidence rates were detected with decreasing distances from the shoreline, and many cities display a wide range of ground motion velocities which we relate to subsidence due to sediment compaction and anthropogenic factors. 6-3 8:40 AM Mohamed, Lamees [218291] INVESTIGATING THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF GEBEL EL-HAMZA AREA, NE CAIRO, EGYPT: A REMOTE SENSING APPROACH ZAKI, Abotalib, Geosciences, WMU, Kalamazoo, MI 49009, MOHAMED, Lamees, Geosciences, WMU, Kalamazoo, 49008, [email protected], and SULTAN, Mohamed, Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241 This paper attempts to utilize observations extracted from remote sensing data sets and available published data (e.g., geologic and soil maps) to characterize the physical environment of Gebel El-Hamza area (area: (1116 km2) on the northeast fringes of Greater Cairo, Egypt. The term “physical environment” encompasses the climatic, geological, geomorphological and structural settings of the area, and the potential natural hazards (e.g., landslides, earthquakes, and flash flooding) that could affect it. This exercise should serve as an example for a preliminary database to be used for development purposes, urban planning, and as a reconnaissance tool to be utilized in detailed studies. The generated digital products yielded the following: (1) eight geomorphologic units were mapped (gravely and sandy plains, Nile Delta flood plain, sand dunes, wadi deposits, Heliopolis depression, scarps, block hills and flat topped hills, (2) fault distribution, orientation (E-W, WNWESE, and NE-SW trending) and displacement (normal and strike slip faults) along these faults were revealed by superimposing the convolution filtering image, hill shade image and the contour map on the Landsat ETM image, Preliminary investigation of the natural hazards in the study area indicates low probabilities for landslides and flash flooding. Earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 3.5 to 5.4 were 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 7 SESSION NO. 6 reported from areas proximal (< 25 km) to the study area and thus could potentially be hazardous to populations and properties. This will largely depend on the adopted building codes and engineering designs for urban settlements in the study area. 6-4 9:00 AM El Kadiri, Racha [218564] STATISTICAL AND REMOTE SENSING BASED APPROACH TO DETERMINE DEBRIS FLOWS TRIGGERING FACTORS EL KADIRI, Racha1, SULTAN, Mohamed1, BECKER, Richard2, KRAWCZYK, Malgorzata1, AL HARBI, Talal1, and CHOUINARD, Kyle J.1, (1) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], (2) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2081 Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606 Debris flows represent a significant ecosystem disturbance, particularly in Jazan Mountains in Saudi Arabia. The area is subjected to intense precipitation levels related to Indian monsoons and high relief (up to 2.5 km a.m.s/l). We were able to characterize the spatial conditions that have controlled the occurrence of debris flows events in the area due to the advancement of remote sensing and geographic information systems. We extracted terrain characteristics in the area from remote sensing datasets, and used them as proxies to the different debris flows triggering factors. The remote sensing based parameters enable us to construct a weighted model that is calibrated against field based observations. The extracted criteria that enable us to control slope instability for shallow debris flows are: slope angle, elevation, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index (SPI), convergence index (CI), aspect, soil roughness, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), flow accumulation index, and manmade feature distribution. 6-5 9:40 AM Mohamed, Lamees [218288] STRUCTURAL CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER FLOW, SOUTHERN SINAI, EGYPT: REMOTE SENSING CONSTRAINTS MOHAMED, Lamees, Geosciences, WMU, Kalamazoo, 49008, lamees.m.mihamed@ wmich.edu, SULTAN, Mohamed, Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241, and ZAKI, Abotalib, Geosciences, WMU, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 The distribution of dikes and shear zones, their orientation, thickness, and density together with the rate and persistency of rainfall, absorptive characteristics of the land surface, permeability of the reservoir rocks, and slope gradient of land surface are the main factors that control the groundwater distribution and groundwater flow in southern Sinai. Precipitation generally occurs over the highly elevated Proterozoic basement rocks, and is channeled down stream as surface runoff in the valleys (wadis) or as groundwater flow in the alluvium aquifers flooring the valleys. Fractured basement can act as conduits for groundwater flow as well. We examined the temporal variations in backscattering values extracted from radar imagery to identify the waterbearing shear zones, dyke swarms, and valleys in the study area (southern Sinai). The adopted procedures were as follows: (1) spatial and temporal precipitation events over the basement complex were identified from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data; a major precipitation event (34 mm) that occurred on January, 17 2010 was identified and selected for this analysis, (2) the shear zones and dyke swarms within the study area were delineated using false color Landsat band and band ratio images, (3) four Envisat ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar radar) scenes were selected, one before (November, 11 2009 ) and three after (20January 2010, 5 February 2010 , and 12 March 2010) the identified precipitation event, (4) the four images were co-registered, orbital corrected, multilooked, filtered, radiometric calibrated and at last beta & sigma nought images were produced. Examining the generated backscattering images revealed that following a rain event, the water bearing dikes, shear zones, and valleys show evidence of retaining more water (high backscattering) than their surroundings. Ongoing research will focus on applying these findings to map all such aquifers in southern Sinai and to further test our findings by conducting geophysical techniques. 6-6 10:00 AM Ahmed, Mohamed 10:20 AM Zmijewski, Kirk A. [218406] USING GRACE DATA TO MONITOR EFFECTS OF ANTHROPOGENIC MODIFICATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE ON GROUNDWATER IN THE ARAL SEA REGION: 2002-2012 ZMIJEWSKI, Kirk A., Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2081 Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected] and BECKER, Richard H., Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606 The Aral Sea watershed located in central Asia has seen significant anthropogenic modification since the mid 20th century, leading to a decrease in size of the sea by almost 90%. The watershed is a closed basin with an area of almost 2 million square kilometers which includes both the Amu Darya and Syr Darya river systems. A network of canals and channels has diverted a significant amount of flow from both rivers into various agricultural areas and reservoirs. Groundwater is an extremely important resource in the region providing the majority of river flow during winter months, while glacial melt provides up to 70% during the summer months in hot years. GRACE (Gravity and Climate Experiment) data from 2002-2012 was used to monitor total water storage trends within the basin using a linear model. The data was normalized with an annual periodic function to remove seasonality. The GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation Systems) model was used to estimate the monthly mass of soil moisture and snow cover. Total surface water mass was estimated using satellite imagery and historical topographic maps. Much of the water diverted from the Syr Darya and Amu Darya remains stored as groundwater recharge and growing artificial lakes which supports the regions agriculture. However, the water balance of the whole watershed shows an overall negative trend in water storage due to evaporative losses from these diversions. A positive trend in groundwater storage mass was observed in agricultural areas and in the vicinity of the reservoirs in the central part of the basin. Opposite trends were observed in the headwaters of both glacial-fed rivers within the Aral Sea basin. Total summer time snow cover area was determined for both rivers using Landsat imagery. An increase in total snow/ice cover in the Amu Darya headwaters was observed and a decrease in total snow/ice in the Syr Darya. The Amu Darya receives precipitation from the South Asian Monsoon which has increased in the last decade. The more northern headwaters of the Syr Darya River receive continental precipitation of which previous studies have shown no significant trends, but an increase of 1-2 degrees C over the past century may explain loss in mass due to glacial ablation. Future water and food security in the region depends on accurate monitoring and predictions of water resources in the future. 6-8 10:40 AM Becker, Richard H. [218495] THE STALLED RECOVERY OF THE MESOPTAMIAN MARSHES BECKER, Richard H., Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected] The Mesoptamian Marshes, an extensive wetlands system in Iraq which once covered roughly twice the area of the Florida Everglades, has been heavily impacted by both human and climate forces over the past decades. In the period leading up to the Second Gulf War in 2002, the marshlands were shrinking due to both a policy of draining and water diversion, and construction of dams upstream on the Euphrates in Turkey. Following the war through 2006, this trend was reversed as the diversions were removed and active draining stopped. The recovery reached its peak in 2006, but the marshes have been drying since, due to droughts and increased water storage upstream. A combination of MODIS, Landsat and GRACE datasets were used to determine if the change in water storage both in above ground and total storage both upriver in the Tigris and Euphrates watersheds, and in the Marshlands. This change in total water storage is used to help partition the changes between upstream retention and overall drying of the system. The Grace datasets show a gradual decrease in total water in the source water regions for the Euphrates over the period of 2002-2010, and a sharp change from increasing water surface area and mass to losing in the lower portion of the watershed containing the marshes in 2006. This suggests that the dam removal and decrease in pumping only provided a temporary respite for the marshlands and that their future is tied more strongly to any climate changes that will affect recharge in the upper Tigris-Euphrates system. [218224] MONITORING AQUIFER DEPLETION FROM SPACE: CASE STUDIES FROM NUBIAN SANDSTONE AQUIFER IN EGYPT AND THE SAQ AQUIFER IN SAUDI ARABIA AHMED, Mohamed, SULTAN, Mohamed, and ALHARBI, Talal, Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, mohamed.ahmed@ wmich.edu In arid and semi-arid regions of the world the demand for fresh water resources is increasing due to increasing populations and scarcity of fresh water supplies. Examples of these regions include the Middle East countries where the scarcity of fresh water is contributing to political instability, disputes, and conflicts. Many of these countries are blessed by having large amounts of fresh water stored in non-renewable and widely distributed aquifers. The majority of these aquifers remain poorly investigated for the following reasons: (1) their locations in the less-developed parts of the world, (2) the general inaccessibility of many of these regions, and (3) difficulties in collecting background information. Given the previous reasons, we developed an integrated approach to investigate the hydrologic setting of two main fresh water aquifers, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS; area: 493 x 103 km2) in Egypt and the Saq Aquifer System (SAS; area: 489 x 103 km2) in Saudi Arabia. Specifically, we are addressing aquifer response to natural climatic and anthropogenic effects. Monthly (01/2003 – 09/2012) Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data was processed (destriped, Gaussian smoothed, and soil moisture removed) and used in conjunction with other relevant datasets to investigate aquifer depletion rates. Results indicate: (1) both NSAS and SAS are experiencing declining GRACE trends, (2) time series analyses show a negligible changes between GRACE before and after removing soil moisture indicating that the main drivers for GRACE anomalies are the groundwater extraction activities, (3) areas with negative GRACE trends are highly spatially correlated with irrigated areas, (4) the annual depletion rates based on GRACE data for the NSAS and SAS is estimated at 1.8 x 109 m3 (3.6 mm/yr) and 2.3 x 109 m3 (4.8 mm/yr) respectively, and (5) GRACE results are consistent with the reported groundwater extraction rates for both aquifers. Given the available temporal monthly GRACE solutions for the past eleven years, the global coverage of this data set, and the plans underway for the deployment of a GRACE follow-On and GRACE-II, we suggest that within the next few years, GRACE will probably become the most practical, informative, and cost effective procedure for monitoring aquifer depletion rates across the globe. 8 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 6-7 SESSION NO. 7, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 Geoscience Education (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 7-1 BTH 1 Lane, Joe [218508] USING THE HISTORY OF RESEARCH ON THE PHENOMENON OF PLATE TECTONICS TO HELP STUDENTS BETTER APPRECIATE THE NATURE OF SCIENCE LANE, Joe, Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] This paper provides the reader with a detailed history on the phenomenon of plate tectonics, which focuses on the German scientist, Alfred Wegener. Wegener proposed that throughout most of geologic time there was only one continental mass, and one ocean. To strengthen his argument, Wegener drew perspectives from numerous scientific fields, as well as past works from specific scientists. This paper is designed as an educational instrument in order for students to examine the physical processes that our planet has undergone over, long, geologic periods of time. Students are presented with a Scientific Benchmark, stressing the importance that: ‘science is in fact one vast single system, in which everything in the universe occurs in consistent patterns that are comprehensible through careful, systematic study.’ This argument includes information on the need to explore the work of scientists; as well as, the essential characteristics that scientists must obtain when investigating our natural world. It is the primary purpose of this paper to inform students of the importance of scientific advancements and to illustrate the benefits of using history to support a better understanding of the nature of science. SESSION NO. 8 7-2 BTH 2 Miller, Kurtz K. [218056] ANALYZING GLACIAL TILL: AN INQUIRY-BASED PROJECT FOR HIGH SCHOOL EARTH SCIENCE STUDENTS MILLER, Kurtz K., Department of Teacher Education, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Chaminade Hall Annex 112P, Dayton, OH 45469, [email protected] and COOK, Alex, Department of Teacher Education, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Chaminade Hall, Dayton, OH 45469 According to the National Research Council (NRC) by twelfth grade, high school students should have an understanding of the causes of ice ages, including details about the Milankovitch Cycles. High school seniors should also be aware of the notion that gradual changes in the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit, axial tilt, and precession of orbit are responsible for orbital forcing of Earth’s global climate. There are a variety of ways to teach students about climatic cycles by using real data, including but not limited to the study of ice cores, ocean sediment cores, and Quaternary glacial deposits. The fact that Quaternary glacial deposits, including glacial till, are widely distributed throughout much of the Midwest make it possible for high school earth science teachers to instruct students about how glacientic sediments help geologists to interpret climatic conditions during the Pleistocene. This poster presentation will outline an inquiry-based, glacial till project conducted with junior and senior high school earth science students at the Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) in Clayton, Ohio. Glacial till for the inquiry-based project was collected from Holes Creek Park, which is part of the Centerville-Washington Park District, Centerville, Ohio. The glacial till, inquiry-based project empowered earth science students to draw connections between the shape, genesis, and composition of till clasts and how the Pleistocene Ice Sheet moved through the Miami Valley in Southwestern Ohio. 7-3 BTH 3 Barney, Jeffrey A. [218796] USING SOLID ROCK CORE SAMPLES TO TEACH POROSITY AND PERMEABILITY BARNEY, Jeffrey A., Mallinson Institutute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 6575 N 44th St, Augusta, MI 49012, [email protected] Teaching science content to K-12 students can be a struggle, especially when student engagement with lesson material is a problem. One way teachers can help engage students is to use hands-on activities. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), teachers who regularly conduct hands-on activities in their classrooms report that their students out perform their peers by more than 40% of a grade level in science. At Western Michigan University we have developed a geology lesson using rock core samples to teach rock characteristics that are somewhat counterintuitive: porosity and permeability. This activity brings rock core samples and rock coring tools into the classroom for students to examine. Students study different types of sedimentary rocks and learn how layers of these rocks formed as the Great Lakes Basin experienced repeated cycles of flooding and evaporation hundreds of millions of years ago. Students also learn how petroleum forms and how oil and gas are found in the pore spaces of some types of rocks. Finally, the students are shown a variety of sedimentary rock cores and are tasked with determining which core would represent the most likely “host rock” for petroleum. The students accomplish this by using hand operated air pumps to test the porosity and permeability of the rocks by trying to force air through the core samples. The students use the results of this activity to evaluate a set of hypothetical well sites, and then vote to decide which well site should be developed. This activity teaches identification and formation of common sedimentary rocks and the Paleozoic history of the Great Lakes Basin. 7-4 BTH 4 Barone, Steven [218280] TEACHING PALEOCLIMATE AND CLIMATE CHANGE TO FUTURE TEACHERS: AN ACTION RESEARCH STUDY BARONE, Steven, Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] and PETCOVIC, Heather, Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 The purpose of this action research study is to develop and evaluate a sequence of four lessons for an introductory earth science course taken by future elementary teachers. Action research is a reflective process of data collection and analysis used by teachers to improve their classroom practice. This study’s goal was to produce a series of lessons that align with the course philosophy, are effective at improving students’ understanding of climate change, and meet the state requirements for elementary teacher preparation. The action research cycle began by developing four lessons that follow the course philosophy of student-driven learning through guided-inquiry. The first lesson uses a jigsaw teaching approach in which students create a model of the carbon cycle. In the second lesson students design an experiment to test the effect of carbon dioxide on atmospheric temperature and use a computer animation to further investigate the greenhouse effect. In the third lesson, students use Google Earth to determine 50-year temperature averages for various cities across the globe. In the fourth lesson students examine Vostok ice core data to reconstruct a 300,000 year climate record and its relationship to Milankovitch cycles. Although these lessons are designed for and tested in a course for future elementary teachers, they could be adapted to other settings as well (e.g. high school, college non-majors earth science courses). The action research cycle continued with lesson implementation, data collection, analysis/ reflection, and revision of the lessons. Three data sets were used to evaluate the lessons: 1) student knowledge gains on an objective pre- and post-test, 2) students’ self-reported confidence with the lesson content, and 3) classroom observations to monitor lesson implementation. Data analysis in the spring 2012 and fall 2012 semesters revealed that students were able to identify natural mechanisms that cause climate to change, distinguish between weather and climate, and identify greenhouse gases as contributing to global warming. However, they struggled with interpreting graphs and identifying how natural processes affect the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These results guide changes for future lesson implementation to complete the action research study. SESSION NO. 8, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 Paleontology (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 8-1 BTH 5 Johnson, Daryl [218745] SIZE-FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION AND TAPHONOMY OF BRACHIOPODA FROM THE HUGHES CREEK SHALE (CARBONIFEROUS) OF SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA JOHNSON, Daryl, WULF, Shane, and HANGER, Rex, Geography & Geology, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI 53190, [email protected] The Hughes Creek Shale Member of the Foraker Formation (Carboniferous) in Richardson County, Nebraska contains a diverse and abundant open-marine fauna. Species of the Phylum Brachiopoda dominate, although crinoids and bryozoans are also common, while corals, gastropods, trilobites and shark teeth are rare. Two Rhynchonelliform species, the pedunculate Spiriferinid, Hustedia mormoni, and the free-living Strophomenate Dyoros sp., were studied in greater detail as proxy for taphonomy of the entire fauna. Standard length and width measurement was supplemented with articulation ratios as well as qualitative categorizations of corrasion, fragmentation and epibiont coverage for all individuals of the target species. Preliminary results include: skewed size frequency distributions for both with most juveniles absent; high (>95%) articulation for H. mormoni, and moderate (~50%) for D. sp.; low levels of corrasion and epibiont coverage suggesting short seafloor residence times; and low fragmentation, mostly splayed. These results contrast strongly for all taphonomic metrics for the most common brachiopod species of the fauna (e.g. Neospirifer kansasensis, Reticulatia huecoensis)., which also are the largest members of the fauna. 8-2 BTH 6 Day, Jed [218516] EARLY CARBONIFEROUS (EARLIEST TOURNAISIAN-KINDERHOOKIAN) BRACHIOPOD AND CONODONT FAUNAS OF THE “ELLSWORTH” MEMBER OF THE NEW ALBANY SHALE, ILLINOIS BASIN, SOUTHERN INDIANA DAY, Jed, Geography & Geology, Illinois State Univ, Normal, IL 61790-4400, [email protected], EVANS, Scott D., Geology, State University of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY 14454, OVER, D. Jeffrey, Geological Sciences, S.U.N.Y. Geneseo, Geneseo, NY 14454-1401, HASENMUELLER, Nancy R., Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 North Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, and LEONARD, Andrea M., Geography & Geology, Illinois State University, 2377 24th St, Moline, IL 61265 The upper New Albany Shale in southern Indiana consists of the Jacob’s Chapel, Henryville, Underwood, and Falling Run beds within the upper Clegg Creek Member and the “Ellsworth” Member. The conodont fauna from the upper Clegg Creek Member below the Falling Run Bed and “Ellsworth” Member includes Bispathodus aculeatus aculeatus, Branmehla bohlenana, Br. inornata, Cryptotaxis culminidirecta, Palmatolepis glabra ssp., Pa. gracilis gracilis, and Protognathodus sp. This fauna is latest Famennian (uppermost Devonian praesulcata Zone). The “Ellsworth” Member at a roadcut exposure near Rockford, Indiana (locality 9 of Huddle, along US Alt. 31, now covered) is the type locality for the lost holotype of conodont Siphonodella sulcata. The gray-green brachiopod-bearing shale noted by Huddle at the type locality of Si. sulcata is the “Ellsworth” Member, which in Indiana Survey Drill Hole 324, eight km northwest of Huddle locality 9, contains specimens of Bispathodus, Branmehla, Polygnathus communis communis, and Si. sulcata. This fauna is correlated with the lowest Carboniferous sulcata Zone. At the US Highway 31 roadcut, sulcata Zone conodonts occur in association with a brachiopod fauna originally described by Huddle that includes:Subglobosochonetes seymorensis, Rhipidomella newalbaniensis, Schuchertella sp., Rhynchopora prisca, and Sphenospira sp. cf. S. alta. In the Indiana Survey Drill Hole 324 core, brachiopod assemblages in the lower half of the “Ellsworth” are comprised almost entirely of S. seymorensis, with moderately diverse assemblages with S. seymorensis, R. prisca and R. newalbaniensis in the upper half below the Henryville Bed. None of the brachiopod species recovered from the “Ellsworth” fauna of southeastern Indiana are known to carryover from older Famennian (praesulcata Zone) strata in the region, although older related species of Rhynchopora, Ripidomella, and Schuchertella occur in the latest Famennian carbonate platform fauna of the Louisiana Limestone of Illinois and Missouri. The “Ellsworth” brachiopod fauna is similar to the earliest-early Tournaisian fauna described from the Glen Park Formation of western Illinois Basin in Illinois and eastern Missouri that also yields conodonts of the sulcata Zone. 8-3 BTH 7 Smrecak, Trisha A. [218374] COMPARING SCLEROBIONT COVERAGE OF RAFINESQUINA ALTERNATA IN HARDGROUND AND SOFT-BOTTOM SUBSTRATE SETTINGS IN THE CINCINNATI ARCH REGION (CINCINNATIAN, UPPER ORDOVICIAN) SMRECAK, Trisha A., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48906, [email protected] Sclerobionts are more sensitive indicators of paleoenvironmental changes than host shell substrates upon which they encrust (Lescinsky, 1995). Recent work has established sclerobiofacies on the host brachiopod Rafinesquina as an independent bathymetric proxy in soft bottom substrates in the Lt. Ordovician Cincinnati Arch region (Smrecak, 2008; Brett, et al., 2012). Metrics used to establish the sclerobiofacies were applied to bionts on deployed shells off the coast of Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas (Brett, et al., 2011) with high agreement, suggesting that aspects of sclerobiont coverage may vary predictably with depth through geologic time. However, as sessile, filter feeding organisms, sclerobionts are also highly susceptible to the influx of sedimentation (Mistiaen, et al., 2011). This work compares sclerobiont suites encrusting on Rafinesquina cemented in a hardground (Meyer, 1990, Shroat-Lewis, 2011) with those found on the same hosts in shallow euphotic zone soft bottom samples in the Maysvillian (Grant Lake Fm., Bellevue and Mt. Auburn Mbrs.), and similar environments in the Richmondian (see Vogel and Brett, 2009). Hardgrounds are formed by in situ substrate lithification during times of low sedimentation, frequently during widespread marine transgressions (Brett, et al., 2011; Cornell, et al., 2004), while soft-bottom substrates reflect a more consistent influx of sediment. Metrics including richness, areal coverage, occurrence, and encrustation frequency are used to evaluate sclerobiont suites in hardground and soft bottom samples to discern how sedimentation rate impacts sclerobiont encrustation. Preliminary analysis suggests low sedimentation rate dampens the areal coverage of host shells significantly (from an average of 18%/shell (STD 9.36) in softbottom substrates to 7% in the hardground setting). Sclerobiont richness in the hardground sample was higher than soft bottom substrate samples, with 3 taxa, including edrioasteroids, 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 9 SESSION NO. 8 documented only on hardground hosts. Hardground sample occurrence and encrustation frequency fall within the expected range for shallow euphotic zone sclerobiont suites, but richness is significantly higher than expected. These data suggest that suites or sclerobiont taxa may be effective indicators of sedimentation in addition to paleodepth. 8-4 BTH 8 Green, Jeremy L. [218512] THE INFLUENCE OF BITE FORCE ON THE FORMATION OF DENTAL MICROWEAR IN XENARTHRANS (MAMMALIA) GREEN, Jeremy L., Geology, Kent State University at Tuscarawas, 330 University Dr NE, New Philadelphia, OH 446636, [email protected] and MCAFEE, Robert K., Ohio Northern University, Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences, 525 South Main Street, Ada, OH 45810 Xenarthrans are a group of placental mammals (including tree sloths, armadillos, ground sloths, and glyptodonts) that lack enamel on their adult teeth, having instead an outer layer of softer orthodentine. Prior analyses of microscopic scars (termed “dental microwear”) on the chewing surface of xenarthran teeth reveal a correlation between orthodentine microwear patterns and feeding ecology, thereby providing a proxy for paleodiet in extinct xenarthrans. However, the specific formative mechanism of microwear features (e.g. scratches, pits) on xenarthran orthodentine remains poorly understood. It stands to reason that bite force (generated by mandibular closure during mastication) should influence the formation of microwear patterns, but no studies have specifically tested this hypothesis. We attempt to fill this gap in our knowledge by investigating the potential effects of variable bite force on microwear formation in tree sloths. Relative ratios of bite force were estimated from 16 skulls of Bradypus (three-toed sloth) and Choloepus (two-toed sloth) by applying a geometric model for calculating input forces from masticatory muscles (e.g., temporalis and masseter) relative to lever arm moments of the mandible. For each skull, microwear was examined on epoxy resin casts of the upper right tooth row. Using low-magnification (35×) light microscopy, we analyzed five microwear variables (i.e., number of scratches, presence of hypercoarse scratches, gouges, large pits, and crossscratches) on four tooth positions (M1–M4) from each skull. ANOVA tests were applied to compare each microwear variable with the estimated bite force at each tooth position per taxon. While there is some positive correlation of increasing microwear variables and strength of force as one moves posteriorly, the pattern is not consistent across the entire tooth row for either taxon. The lack of a significant correlation between microwear variables and bite force values suggests that tooth scars in sloths are not being generated by pure orthal closure of the mandible, but rather are more influenced from other jaw movements. Further analyses that incorporate all masticatory muscles to create a more realistic and three-dimensional assessment of the chewing cycle should help to clarify how microwear patterns are generated in theses taxa. 8-5 BTH 9 Guensburg, Thomas E. BTH 10 Aucoin, Christopher D. [218100] A PRELIMINARY COMPARISON OF THE LATE ORDOVICIAN BUTTER SHALES OF THE CINCINNATI ARCH AUCOIN, Christopher D., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45211-0013, [email protected], BRETT, Carlton E., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, MALGIERI, Thomas J., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, and THOMKA, James R., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology-Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220 The Upper Ordovician Cincinnatian strata of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana contain several claystone units, colloquially referred to as “butter shales” or “trilobite shales”. These units are widely known for their relative abundance of well preserved trilobites Isotelus and Flexicalymene. Previous studies have focused on trilobite taphonomy and bed characteristics of individual butter shales; however, there has been little comparison between butter shales to assess lateral variation, or broader stratigraphic/facies context. This study takes a comparative approach by examining the geographic extent of each claystone unit, as well as lateral variations in bed thickness, paleoecology, taphonomy and clay sedimentology within and between various butter shales. Field study and review of literature has identified three major butter shale units in the Waynesville Formation and several minor ones in the older Grant Lake and Arnheim formations. The Treptoceras duseri shale, the most extensively studied of the claystones, has produced a mollusk-dominated fauna adapted for environments characterized by muddy substrates, high turbidity and rapid sedimentation in contrast to the brachiopod dominated fauna of the surrounding units. Surprisingly, however, at least three of the butter shales also contain zones with corals (Tetradium) and small stromatoporoids, unusual fauna for clay-dominated environments. 10 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 8-7 BTH 11 Zambito, James J. [218267] NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE TRILOBITE AND CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE MIDDLE-UPPER DEVONIAN GENESEE GROUP IN EASTERN NEW YORK STATE ZAMBITO, James J. IV, Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University, 330 Brooks Hall, 98 Beechurst Street, Morgantown, WV 26506-6300, james.zambito@ mail.wvu.edu and DAY, Jed, Geography & Geology, Illinois State Univ, Normal, IL 61790-4400 During the Middle Devonian (Givetian) Global Taghanic Biocrisis, numerous trilobite families underwent extinction including the Homalonotidae. In northeastern North America, the last occurrence of homalonotid trilobites (Dipleura dekayi) has previously been reported in strata deposited during the final stages of the Taghanic Biocrisis (semialternans Zone –latest Middle Givetian) including the Tully Formation of the northern Appalachian Basin and the Petoskey and Thunder Bay formations of the Michigan Basin. Globally observed low-oxygen conditions associated with the Taghanic Biocrisis, represented by the Geneseo and Antrim black shales in the Appalachian and Michigan basins, respectively, have been interpreted to be at least in part responsible for the local extinction of the Homalonotidae and other trilobite families. Recent geologic mapping in eastern New York State (northern Appalachian Basin) has documented the occurrence of Dipleura dekayi in siliciclastic-dominated, nearshore post-Taghanic strata that were deposited below fair-weather wave base. Although these strata have been mapped as Genesee Group, they have yet to be assigned a formation-level designation. An integrated stratigraphic approach, including litho-, sequence-, and conodont biostratigraphy has provided new insight into the stratigraphic succession in the eastern Genesee Group, representing marine shelf through non-marine settings. Lithostratigraphic correlation places the occurrence of Dipleura dekayi above the level of the Fir Tree Limestone of western, offshore sections. Application of a sequence stratigraphic model has enabled the identification of time-rich intervals such as flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries that have yielded conodonts. Preliminary conodont biostratigraphic data suggests that Dipleura dekayi persisted into at least the latest Middle Devonian Lower subterminus Zone (=Lower disparilis Zone). Preliminary mapping further suggests that Dipleura dekayi may have even survived into the Late Devonian. Similar to other northern Appalachian Basin taxa that persisted through the Taghanic Biocrisis, Dipleura dekayi apparently found intrabasinal refuge in oxygenated, nearshore shelfal settings. [218000] AGAINST HOMOLOGY OF CRINOID AND BLASTOZOAN ORAL PLATES GUENSBURG, Thomas E., Sciences Division, Rock Valley College, 3301 North Mulford Road, Rockford, IL 61114, [email protected], SPRINKLE, James, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, 1 University Station C1100, Austin, TX 78712-0254, and MOOI, Rich, Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118 Cambrian echinoderms include the earliest pentaradiate forms, blastozoans and edrioasteroids sensu lato, but no living classes. The earliest unequivocal crinoids appear early in the Ordovician. One side in the ongoing debate over crinoid origins recently promoted similar oral region morphology as evidence of blastozoan ancestry, the two historically assigned pelmatozoans (stemmed echinoderms). Instead we find evidence of ancestry within edrioasteroid-like taxa, recently found to also include stemmed forms. Does the oral region, and specifically oral plating surrounding the peristome (mouth) provide synapomorphies indicating blastozoan-crinoid monophyly? Proponents document morphologic similarities including: hydropore position, moveable peristomial and ambulacral cover plates, 2-1-2 ambulacral symmetry, arrangement of oral plates, and rigid attachment of the oral surface to the underlying calyx. These five traits are supposed to represent synapomorphies of some subset of blastozoans with crinoids. The early echinoderm record shows the first four of these traits actually comprise symplesiomorphies for all pentaradiate echinoderms, including edrioasteroids. Therefore they are uninformative for any blastozoan-crinoid linkage. The 2-1-2 symmetry and oral arrangement are closely related, the former constraining the latter. Lacking support from these similarities, blastozoan-crinoid oral homology becomes conjectural. Lastly, thecal rigidity represents an iterative theme in pentaradiate echinoderm evolution across the critical stratigraphic interval (Cambro-Ordovician), underscoring potential for homoplasy. Considering evidence from all other skeletal regions, we conclude that symplesiomorphy and homoplasy, not phylogenetic relationship, explain blastozoan and crinoid similarity, ruling against a pelmatozoan clade. 8-6 These coral/sponges are frequently overturned and heavily bored and encrusted, indicating reworking in relatively shallow water conditions during pauses in sedimentation. In terms of sequence stratigraphy, butter shales appear to be consistently situated within highstand portions of third-order cycles, apparently amplified by analogous phases of higher-order cycles. We suggest that this common position within a 3rd and 4th order stacking reflects a sedimentational “sweet spot”, in which progradation during shallowing, regressive conditions permitted episodic pulses of mud deposition. 8-8 BTH 12 Wulf, Shane [218741] TESTING SPECIES-ABUNDANCE MODELS OF THE HUGHES CREEK SHALE (CARBONIFEROUS) OF SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA WULF, Shane1, JOHNSON, Daryl1, and HANGER, Rex A.2, (1) Geography & Geology, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI 53190, [email protected], (2) Geography & Geology, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 800 West Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190 The Hughes Creek Shale Member of the Foraker Formation (Carboniferous) is exposed in road and stream cuts in Richardson County of southeastern Nebraska. Two coeval exposures separated by approximately 16 km were sampled extensively for (mostly) invertebrate fossil specimens, yielding over 5,000 individual specimens. Brachiopods dominate, but Bryozoans, Echinoderms, Molluscs , Cnidarians Arthropods and Chordates are also represented among the 36 species recovered. All taxa were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible, then counted using (mostly) MNI (minimum number of individuals) methods. Counts of the fauna were then compared with the geometric, log-series and log-normal species abundance models. For a null hypotheses of no difference between actual data and the models, goodness of fit tests of all samples for both exposures were not significant for the geometric and log series models, but highly significant (P< 0.005)for the log-normal model. The log-normal model of species abundance fits many large, mature communities today, and that assumption is extended to the Hughes Creek Shale fauna. At both exposures, maximal faunal diversity occurs less than one meter above presumably anoxic, black shales, suggesting that reassembly of these mature paleocommunities occurred quickly once oxic conditions returned. 8-9 BTH 13 Rivera, Alexei A. [218247] ECOLOGY OF LATE MESOZOIC HETEROMORPHIC AMMONITES: A CASE FOR ALGAL SYMBIOSIS? RIVERA, Alexei A., 20404 Peridot Lane, Germantown, MD 20876, [email protected] Once touted as inadaptive products of “racial senility”, the heteromorphs curiously depart from the typical planispiral form of ammonites and occupy a radically divergent range of shell morphologies. Some resembled hairpins, others snails or even worms. Late Mesozoic heteromorphs, which include the ancylocones and hamiticones, probably arose suddenly through a single mutation and have been subject to a number of ecological interpretations. The recognition that algal symbiosis is widespread among bivalves and gastropods suggests that perhaps other molluscan stocks, for instance these aberrant ammonites, also served as hosts for photosynthetic unicellular algae. To benefit from this mutualistic relationship, such hosts obviously require tissues that are exposed to sunlight. Although ontogeny controls life position, functional morphology strongly indicates that the terminal aperture of adult ancyloconic and hamiticonic shells were oriented upward towards the ocean surface. These openings conceivably sported a radial fan of delicate filtering tentacles, which may have been adapted both for ensnaring plankton and providing the extensive surface area necessary for efficient algal photosynthesis. Several species possess structural features characteristic of an internal or semi-internal shell, allowing for increased mantle exposure. Indeed, most reconstructions of these heteromorphs argue that they were shallow-water vertical migrants living in the epipelagic zone, well within the bathymetric depths at which light penetrates. While ancylocones and hamiticones were not exclusively restricted to tropical latitudes, they were apparently more abundant and competitive in oligotrophic habitats. And though massive, robust skeletons and rapid calcification rates are usually associated with benthic hosts, such as reef-building corals, giant heteromorphs are known from the fossil record. Lastly, geochemical evidence from the Cretaceous hamiticone Polyptychoceras reveals a significant inverse correlation between δ18O and δ13C stable isotope values (‰ VPDB), which is consistent with the hypothesis of photosymbiosis. SESSION NO. 8 8-10 BTH 14 Rivera, Alexei A. [218060] A NEW TEST OF THE PUNCTUATIONAL MODEL USING PRESENTLY RADIATING CLADES OF BIVALVE MOLLUSKS AND MAMMALS RIVERA, Alexei A., 20404 Peridot Lane, Germantown, MD 20876, alexei.a.rivera@ gmail.com Critical tests using higher taxa with remarkably disparate evolutionary properties, such as bivalve mollusks and mammals, may aid in distinguishing between phyletic gradualism and the punctuational model of evolution in the fossil record. Bivariate regression analysis reveals that median bivalve lifespan (a more widely measured proxy for generation time) and the fractional increase in the number of species per million years, R, are significantly positively correlated for thirteen radiating bivalve families and genera, which is precisely the opposite of the relationship predicted by gradualism. These molluscan stocks generally represent a single adaptive radiation made possible by mantle fusion and siphon formation, which allowed for an astonishing expansion of infaunal life habits during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. Because the elevated turnover at the end of the Cretaceous Period about 65 MYA essentially interrupted the taxonomic diversification of five siphonate families (Veneridae, Mactridae, Tellinidae, Donacidae, and Teredinidae), their times of first appearance were adjusted via a simple rarefaction technique. In spite of this correction, no inverse correlation is detected within the Bivalvia. Nor is any identified linking median generation time and R among seven radiating mammalian families, again contrary to the gradualistic premise. Inasmuch as these results clearly strengthen the empirical validity of the punctuational model, there are, in fact, multiple variables that determine rates of evolution. Ample abundance data from hundreds of living bivalve and mammalian species can theoretically control for the plausible “overriding” effects of population size and stability, but these estimates could themselves be influenced by several factors, notably sampling intensity of existing populations as well as human-induced activity. 8-11 BTH 15 Blahnik, Caitlin [218747] MOUTH-SIZE ESTIMATION OF THE SHARK, PETALODUS OHIOENSIS, FROM THE HUGHES CREEK SHALE (CARBONIFEROUS) OF SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA BLAHNIK, Caitlin and HANGER, Rex, Geography & Geology, University of WisconsinWhitewater, Whitewater, WI 53190, [email protected] The Chondrichthyan shark, Petalodus ohioensis, is the only carnivorous species commonly recovered in the Hughes Creek Shale Member of the Foraker Formation (Carboniferous) of the US midcontinent. Teeth are the only body parts known for the species, and their morphology suggest that their diet consisted of the shelly invertebrates of the diverse benthic fauna. Despite numerous reconstructions actual body size and mouth size remain unknown. Tomita (2011) developed a regression method for estimating mouth size (and subsequently body size) from isolated tooth elements. Using an extension of the Tomita method on teeth collected from two different exposures of the Hughes Creek Shale in Richardson County, Nebraska, supplemented by measurements taken from the literature, allow for preliminary estimates to be made for the first time on a Paleozoic shark species (upper jaw lengths up to 10cm). Such jaw sizes could easily accommodate any potential prey species from the documented fauna of the Member, although no actual Petalodus-bite marks have ever been recorded. Tomita (2011) created the method for extant and younger fossil species of the Lamniformes, and our uniformitarian extension of the method to extinct Petalodontiformes remains tentative. 8-12 BTH 16 Fontana, Thomas M. [218780] EOCENE TURTLES FROM THE DISTAL DEPOSITS OF THE CATHEDRAL BLUFFS TONGUE (WASATCH FORMATION), RED DESERT, WYOMING FONTANA, Thomas M. and BARTELS, William S., Department of Geological Sciences, Albion College, Albion, MI 49224, [email protected] This study describes an unusual assemblage of fossil turtles from Eocene deposits of the Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation in the Green River Basin of Wyoming. Cathedral Bluffs deposits range from conglomerates, coarse sandstones, and conglomeratic to sandy mudstones deposited by alluvial fans close to the Wind River mountain source (basin margin environment), through braided and meandering stream sandstones and mudstones, to lake-margin mudflat and meandering stream fine sandstones and mudstones farthest from the mountains (basin center environment). The fossils are recovered from the most distal deposits of the Cathedral Bluffs Tongue along Bush Rim where it thins, interfingers with, and pinches-out into the lacustrine deposits of the Laney Shale Member of the Green River Formation. Typical basin center assemblages contain a diverse array of trionychid (soft-shelled), emydid (slider, pond, box, and painted), baenid (extinct snapper-like), and dermatemydid (river) turtles. The upland deposits of the basin margin contain only an undescribed emydid (informally referred to as “Southpassemys”) that was adapted to the faster flowing alluvial fan streams. At Bush Rim, however, “Southpassemys” occurs alongside the common basin center (lowland) turtles. Several other unusual co-occurrences of mixed upland and lowland reptile and mammal groups have also been noted in the Bush Rim assemblage. It appears that during the earliest Bridgerian (Br1a), rapid movement on the Wind River Thrust may have caused the alluvial fan (upland) environments to rapidly expand into the basin center lake-margin environment, bringing together what had been geographically distinct upland and lowland vertebrate faunas (“a forced fauna”). In other vertebrate groups, where upland and lowland forms have been forced together, it has been noted that the most similar animals tend to evolve away from one another morphologically. A morphometric analysis of the large sample of Bush Rim “Southpassemys” specimens indicates little morphological difference from basin margin populations other than a reduction in size. The smaller size of this turtle in the Bush Rim sample, however, may be an evolutionary response to competition with the larger bodied basin center emydid species Echmatemys wyomingensis and E. septaria. 8-13 BTH 17 Claes, Christopher [218769] GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF LIVING REPTILIANS WITH RESPECT TO CLIMATE AND ITS POTENTIAL FOR GENERATING QUANTITATIVE PALEOCLIMATIC ESTIMATES CLAES, Christopher, BARTELS, William S., and MCRIVETTE, Michael W., Geological Sciences, Albion College, 611 E. Porter St, Albion, MI 49224, [email protected] Through the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology (ArcMap), biogeographic ranges of North American turtles, lizards, and crocodilians were plotted and overlain to generate biodiversity maps for reptilian groups (guilds) which were then analyzed against nine climate maps representing measurements of temperature, seasonality, environmental moisture, and solar radiation. When diversity was regressed against climatic parameters, minimum and maximum climatic values were linked with the biodiversity of each reptile guild. The X-Y plots produced by linear regression analyses provide minimum and maximum climatic values associated with guild diversities and the overlap of the ranges of different estimates can then be used to establish criteria for assessing paleoclimatic conditions based on reptilian diversity in well sampled fossil assemblages. Crocodylids are restricted by cool mean annual and cold month temperatures and high seasonal temperature change. Lizard diversities have strong positive correlations with high mean annual temperature, solar radiation, and low rainfall. Aquatic and semiaquatic turtle diversities have strong positive correlations with high mean annual temperature, warm summers, and high humidity but are restricted by high seasonal temperature change and low cold month temperature. Terrestrial turtles thrive with low seasonality and warm summers but unlike aquatic turtles, are less controlled by cold month temperatures and environmental moisture. These climatic limits were then applied to fossil assemblages (approximately 60,000 University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology specimens) from the Paleocene and Eocene of western Wyoming to create paleoclimate estimates. Analysis of these faunas indicate mean annual and cold month temperatures, seasonal temperature changes, and mean annual precipitations that were similar to conditions that exist today along the Gulf Coast of North America. The current data indicates relatively minor climatic change through most of the early Paleogene, but supports a warming and wetting of the area into the middle Eocene about 50Ma. This research hopes to contribute both to the paleoclimate record and to the understanding of biodiversity as it changes in response to a dynamic earth and atmosphere. 8-14 BTH 18 Baumann, Eric [218204] INVESTIGATING THE ECOLOGY OF EXTINCT PROBOSCIDEANS FROM THE CINCINNATI REGION USING STABLE ISOTOPES BAUMANN, Eric Jr, Geology, University of Cincinnati, 5359 Little Turtle Dr, South Lebanon, OH 45065, [email protected] and CROWLEY, Brooke, Geology and Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology Physics Building, 345 Clifton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45221 Like their modern African relatives, the extinct proboscideans of North America likely played important ecological roles, including maintaining open grasslands. Yet, the degree to which these animals utilized different plant resources and moved across the landscape has not been comprehensively investigated in North America. We used stable carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotopes from tooth enamel to investigate the ecology of four mastodons (Mammut americanum) and eight mammoths (Mammuthus spp.) from southwestern Ohio and northwestern Kentucky. We also examined 87Sr/86Sr ratios in regional water bodies. We aimed to answer the following questions: Did these mammoths and mastodons have different dietary regimes? Were these proboscideans local residents or simply passing through the region when they died? If passing through, from where did they come? Based on tooth morphology and previous isotopic work, we expected that mammoths and mastodons would have differing δ13C values, indicating C4 grazing and C3 browsing niches, respectively. We compared 87Sr/86Sr ratios in waters and proboscideans tooth enamel to identify local residents and potential migrants. We then used δ18O values to pinpoint possible origins for migrant individuals. As anticipated, mammoths have significantly higher δ13C values than mastodons. This suggests that mammoths may have consumed more C4 grasses, although one mammoth has δ13C values suggesting a C3-based diet. Overall, strontium isotope ratios for proboscideans and local waters are indistinguishable. However, one Mammut molar has significantly higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios, suggesting this animal immigrated into the area from somewhere outside of the Midwest. Combined 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O values suggest this animal may have migrated from the southern Appalachians. These results will supply a foundation for future work on proboscideans and other extinct megafauna from the Midwestern United States. 8-15 BTH 19 Thomka, James R. [218106] SUBSTRATE-CONTROLLED VARIABILITY WITHIN ATTACHMENT STRUCTURES OF CARYOCRINITES (ECHINODERMATA: RHOMBIFERA) FROM THE MIDDLE SILURIAN OF SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA THOMKA, James R., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology-Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220, [email protected] and BRETT, Carlton E., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 The hemicosmitid rhombiferan Caryocrinites is a common and conspicuous faunal element in a variety of Silurian marine environments. Where preserved, the dendritic radicular attachment structures of Caryocrinites can reliably be identified by the presence of a distinctive trilobate lumen and solid pseudocirrate radicles. A hardground surface within the Wenlock-age (Sheinwoodian) Massie Formation, exposed at the New Point Stone quarry near Napoleon, southeastern Indiana, is encrusted by a diverse assemblage of crinoid and blastozoan attachment structures, including structures that can be confidently attributed to Caryocrinites. This hardground is irregular, with slightly elevated, well-sorted, well-winnowed crests and more poorly sorted, coarser troughs. The surface is also host to fistuliporoid bryozoan-dominated microbioherms. The morphology of Caryocrinites attachments structures reflects local substrate conditions on this microbiohermal hardground: holdfasts on hardground crests are simple, approaching conical, and often cemented to other macrofossils, commonly diploporite thecal attachments; holdfasts on hardground troughs are more “typical,” comprising laterally branching, but thin, dendritic radix structures; holdfasts on microbioherms are extremely thickened by secondary stereom secretion—this undifferentiated stereom envelops the initial attachment site and proximal radicles. This segregation of attachment structure morphology is related to substrate properties. The stable and winnowed hardground crests require few radicles for stabilization, in contrast to the shifting, unstable bioclastic rubble of hardground troughs, which require greater surface area (i.e., lateral branching). The extreme thickening of structures on microbioherms is more enigmatic. Secretion of secondary stereom to prevent interaction with anoxic mud is unlikely given the diverse benthic fauna, but the swelling may be a response to interactions with microbes or bryozoans on the microbioherms. An interesting alternative involves purposeful growth of secondary stereom in order to prevent dislodgement from advantageous positions atop elevated microbioherms. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 11 SESSION NO. 9 SESSION NO. 9, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 9-1 BTH 20 Thomka, James R. [218312] MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE LATEST TELYCHIAN-EARLY SHEINWOODIAN (MIDDLE SILURIAN) SUCCESSION, SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA AND NORTHERN KENTUCKY: IMPLICATIONS FOR STRATIGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF DIAGENETICALLY ALTERED UNITS THOMKA, James R.1, LIST, Daniel A.1, and BRETT, Carlton E.2, (1) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology-Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220, [email protected], (2) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 Magnetic susceptibility (MS) values are technically independent of lithology; however, there are overarching controls on the distribution of clay minerals, coarser detrital particles, carbonate production, and diagenetic processes that genetically link MS patterns to facies shifts that can be predicted within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Silurian strata in the Cincinnati Arch region, comprising mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposition in an epeiric ramp, provided an opportunity to test these relationships. Samples were collected from the latest Llandovery-early Wenlock Osgood, Lewisburg, and Massie Formations, as well as portions of the underlying Brassfield and overlying Laurel Formations. Bulk low-field MS measurements of irregular lithic fragments revealed consistently low values for the transgressive, carbonate-dominated Brassfield, Lewisburg, and Laurel sediments, as well as the silty to calcarenitic falling stage sediments of the upper Massie Formation. High MS values are characteristic of the clay-dominated highstand sediments of the lower Massie Formation. Most interesting, however, is the upward decrease in MS values observed within the Osgood Formation: although the entire formation is characterized by rhythmically alternating argillaceous dolostones and dolomitic mudstones, the highest MS values of the entire section occur in mudstones and tabular carbonates low in the Osgood, whereas values equal to or below those of the Lewisburg occur in mudstones and carbonates in the upper Osgood. This suggests that the dolomitized carbonates and mudstones of the lower Osgood represent highstand conditions and are highly condensed; high MS values reflect increased siliciclastic clay influx, possible oxidation of pyrite during re-working, and potentially even deposition of eolian ferromagnetic particles during sediment-starved intervals. In contrast, the upper Osgood represents falling stage conditions wherein increased influx of detrital carbonate and quartz silt resulted in low MS values. Hence, even in units where dolomitization has obscured primary sedimentary fabrics, fossil content, and other facies indicators, MS patterns can shed light on eustatic processes and differentiate between carbonates of dramatically differing origins. 9-2 BTH 21 Donoghue, Kellie [218362] FLUID INCLUSION STUDIES OF PROMINENT NATURAL FRACTURES IN THE NEW ALBANY SHALE, KENTUCKY, USA DONOGHUE, Kellie, Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 1005 E 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, [email protected] and SCHIEBER, Juergen, Geological Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 The Middle to Upper Devonian New Albany Shale is an organic-rich black shale succession that has been of economic interest since the late 1850s for its gas productions. Natural fracture sets have been observed in this succession, though little research has been conducted to determine their origin. With renewed interest since the advent and use of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, it is of particular importance to investigate existing fractures in the New Albany Shale. These fractures are from a few centimeters to more than a decimeter in width, filled with quartz and dolomite, and locally contain pockets of bitumen that must have been part of the fluids that passed through them from underlying stratigraphic intervals. The dominant fracture set is oriented NE and the conjugate set is oriented EW, consistent with the NE trending Wabash Valley fault system and the EW trending 38th parallel lineament. The fractures can be seen throughout the New Albany Shale, but are particularly prominent in outcrops near the Cincinnati Arch. Vein morphology has been affected by post-vein compaction of the New Albany Shale. The veins in the lower Blocher member appear strongly contorted, whereas veins in the overlying Camp Run and Clegg Creek members have been “telescoped” by compaction. Fluid inclusion analysis was initiated to determine the type and temperature of fluids that created the veins. Using a Linkam THGMS 600 heating-cooling stage, preliminary analysis shows that primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusion assemblages exist around and in the quartz crystals. Fluid inclusions range in size from 1 micron to 30 microns, and daughter minerals, predominantly halite, are present in the larger inclusions. No gas bubbles have yet been observed in our preliminary sample set, but this could change once a larger sample set is examined. At the moment, absence of gas bubbles is interpreted to indicate comparatively low fluid temperatures of 40°C or under. Further analysis will address the possibility of multiple episodes of fluid expulsion and vein formation in the New Albany Shale. 9-3 BTH 22 Hess, Rachel [218696] VARIATIONS OF FLAT-PEBBLE CONGLOMERATE STRATA IN HINTZE’S SECTION C AND MOUNT LAW HESS, Rachel, Geography, Geology, and Planning, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65804, [email protected], EVANS, Kevin, Geography, Geology, and Planning Department, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave, Springfield, MO 65804-0089, and DATTILO, Benjamin, Department of Geosciences, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499 Flat-pebble conglomerates (FPCs) are deposits that contain various tabular clasts of carbonate facies. They are commonly observed in strata of shallow marine successions during the Cambrian and Ordovician time periods. They are rarely found in post-Ordovician strata. Previous interpretations have suggested they are storm deposits, cycle caps, or products of sea level change. Detailed analysis of FPCs may allow better understanding of their origins, including events and processes associated with meteorite impacts, tectonic activity, superstorms, slope failures, and mass wasting events. This study examines FPCs based on intrinsic features and documents patterns of secular variation in selected Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician intervals from west-central Utah. The principal stratigraphic units include the Steamboat Pass Shale Member of the Orr Formation 12 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs (Furongian Series), upper and lower parts of the Fillmore Formation (Stairsian and Blackhillsian series), and Kanosh Shale (Mohawkian Series). Clast heterogeneity, sorting, normal or reverse grading, apparent dip and imbrications were measured though descriptions of clasts lithology, matrix lithology, lateral distribution of clasts along selected horizons, and observations of stratal architecture. Statistical analysis, clast-size frequency analysis, serial sectioning of oriented samples and petrography supplements field collections. Observations from Hintze’s Section C show various grading patterns of three distinct lithological clasts in a grainstone matrix. Clast frequency analysis and scour marks indicate a storm deposit. The features in this stratum are consistent with tsunamis; however, initial geochemical data favors a storm deposit. In contrast, the FPC from Mt. Law indicates a debris flow. This stratum tapers out, clasts features show a flow direction, and clasts are monomictic, probably derived from single strata. The differences in these two FPCs strata show multiple processes and origins. 9-4 BTH 23 Elson, Joshua D. [218349] CLASTIC DIKES WITHIN THE SWAN CREEK SANDSTONE, SOUTHWEST MISSOURI ELSON, Joshua D., LARSON, Mark O., TALARICO, Joe M., and IVES, Brandon T., Geography, Geology, Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] The Swan Creek sandstone is an informal member of the Early Ordovician Cotter Dolomite in southwest Missouri. The Cotter generally is a peritidal carbonate, but laminae and interbeds of quartz grains become more prevalent near the top. The Swan Creek is the thickest of these sandstones and is present locally within the top ~20 m of the Cotter. The Swan Creek is a quartz arenite which displays herringbone and low-angle cross bedding, indicating a high-energy, nearshore depositional environment. Clastic dikes emanating from the Swan Creek intrude the Cotter’s carbonate beds at various locations in southwest Missouri, but are ubiquitous in the type area near Sparta, MO. Here dikes of various thickness cut across cross bedding within the main sandstone body and with their own sets of laminae subparallel to the dike walls. In plan view the thinner dikes form an anastomosing network resembling both shrinkage cracks and boxwork weathering, but vertically they span >2m, and the material within the dikes is heavily cemented quartz arenite that clearly originated within the Swan Creek. The age of the dikes is poorly constrained. They formed sometime during or after the Early Ordovician and before complete cementation of the main sandstone body. The larger dikes reach 15 cm in width and have a preferred northwest – southeast orientation, the same approximate orientation as the major faults in southwest Missouri. Thus, these dikes may be related to both local and regional tectonic events. 9-5 BTH 24 Wagenvelt, Kirk A. [218718] USE OF ORGANIC THERMAL ALTERATION DATA TO INVESTIGATE ANOMALOUS/ ACCELERATED MATURATION RELATED TO THE MID-CONTINENT RIFT SYSTEM, MICHIGAN BASIN, USA WAGENVELT, Kirk A., BARNES, David A., KOMINZ, Michelle A., and SAMSON, Josh B., Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] Large volumes of historic hydrocarbon production (167 million m3 ; 1.4 billion barrels of petroleum and over 200 billion m3; 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas) in the Michigan basin indicates the presence of major deposits of organic compound (Corg)-rich rock strata. Geologic processes that control the generation of hydrocarbon deposits are either biodegradation (near surface) or by heating of the Corg in source rocks by geothermal processes, normally associated with gradual, sedimentary basin subsidence and burial to significant depth in the subsurface. The Michigan Basin experienced long-lived subsidence during the Paleozoic Era with the base of the sedimentary succession now at ~5000 m. After over 100 years of commercial hydrocarbon production in the basin, the geologic controls on time-temperature dependent thermo-maturation of commercial hydrocarbons from Corg-rich source rock strata remain unclear. Previous studies have observed anomalous thermal maturity of Corg-rich strata in the Michigan basin from compilations of available data. More recent work has pointed to the Mid-Continent Rift system as a possible locus for most anomalous thermal maturity measurements. A detailed study is currently underway using a large, newly released organic geochemical data set in order to better document and understand the spatial distribution of anomalous thermal maturity of Corg-rich strata in the basin. Maps were plotted to determine the spatial distribution of available analytical data relating to thermal maturation in the Michigan basin. The data are composed of two general sources. The first source is composed of recently published data pertaining to thermal conditions during alteration of the basin strata. The second source is newly released (from proprietary hold) analytical data generated by industry sampling of curated rock samples. The combination of the data sets provides a more comprehensive view of the spatial distribution of thermal anomalies associated with Corg-rich strata and possible insight to the origin of accelerated maturation although additional sampling may be needed to document the influence of the deeply buried MidContinent Rift on thermal alteration. 9-6 BTH 25 Camaret, B.N [218172] DETERMINING STORM EVENTS THROUGH MICROFAUNA-DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS: A SEDIMENTOLOGIC STUDY OF PONDS ON SAN SALVADOR, BAHAMAS CAMARET, B.N, KROSSMAN, K.E., MCLEAN, Colleen, and MATTHEUS, C.R., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, [email protected] The Bahamian island of San Salvador is frequented by strong storms and hurricanes that influence deposition in coastal hypersaline ponds across the island. Cores were studied from ponds along the island’s eastern and southern shores as part of an ongoing investigation into effects of shoreline orientation and topography, coastal vegetation, and nearshore morphology on storm-sedimentation patterns. Storm deposits in these coastal ponds, traditionally recognized as sediment layers containing high sand percentages, were evaluated for their foraminiferal content to evaluate the potential of these microscopic organisms as additional storm indicators in the sediment record of San Salvador. Microscopic analysis of interpreted storm-sediment facies revealed mature and juvenile species of benthic foraminifera, which mainly inhabit reef environments around Florida and the Bahamas: Archais angulatus, Peneroplis bradyi, Laevipeneroplis proteus, and Homotrema rubrum. Their occurrence in these particular sediments suggests that these ocean-dwelling foraminifera were deposited by storm-surge and beach over-wash events, making them a suitable proxy for investigating down-core trends in storm activity in addition to grain size, which is shown to not always demark storm layers clearly from background sedimentation. Future analysis of microfauna should play an integral part in resolving San Salvador’s historic storm record. A current investigation is underway to evaluate site-specific differences in storm SESSION NO. 11 deposition as a function of the aforementioned geographic variables and how these might also influence types and abundances of foraminifera. 9-7 BTH 26 Fowler, J.K. [218171] CONSTRUCTING A DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF STORM INFLUENCE FOR COASTAL PONDS OF SAN SALVADOR, BAHAMAS FOWLER, J.K., MARSEY, C.W., and MATTHEUS, C.R., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, [email protected] The Bahamian island of San Salvador, the eastern-most platform of the Bahamian archipelago, is subjected to frequent hurricane activity. Numerous low-energy, hypersaline ponds are scattered throughout the island’s coastal regions. High-energy storm events generate surges and high winds that create distinct sedimentologic signatures to deposits within these sediment sinks. Storm layers are distinguishable from ambient sedimentation through facies interpretation and microfossil content; whereas the stagnant ponds ordinarily only sequester organic and clay materials, storms bring in carbonate beach sand and species of foraminifera that live only in reef environments. Prior research has focused on resolving a storm history from pond cores collected along the eastern side of the island. A high degree of sedimentologic heterogeneity found within different ponds in close proximity infers that no single location contains a complete record. This is because factors such as shoreline orientation, coastal morphology, vegetation density, and nearshore bathymetry heavily influence storm-induced sedimentation. The scope of investigation is now expanded to include locations from across the island to reconcile records and elucidate a more complete history of storm influence on San Salvador. Research currently underway is reconstructing depositional patterns across the island by analyzing additional push-cores from select ponds, which will help determine temporal and spatial coherence. Requiring an accurate chronology to evaluate storm deposits within a spatio-temporal context, samples will be analyzed for Cs137 and Pb210 activity to provide information on the timing of storm activity, inferred from high-resolution grain-size and microfaunal studies. Ongoing investigations will further reconstruct island-wide depositional patterns while reconciling records to yield a more complete chronology of historic storm events in the region. SESSION NO. 10, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 10-1 BTH 27 Robert, Joe [218568] LATE GLACIAL AND HOLOCENE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABILITY REVEALED FROM CARBON, NITROGEN AND GRAIN SIZE MEASUREMENTS OF A HIGH-RESOLUTION BOG CORE FROM THE PáRAMO DE FRONTINO, COLOMBIA ROBERT, Joe, Earth Sciences, IUPUI, 723 W. Michigan St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, [email protected], BIRD, Broxton W., Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana UniversityPurdue University, Indianapolis, IN 46202, and ESCOBAR, Jaime H., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universidad del Norte, Apartados Aereos 1569, Barranquilla, 51820, Colombia The objective of this research is to investigate late Glacial and Holocene South American summer monsoon (SASM) variability in the Northern Hemisphere tropical Andes. To accomplish this, we are developing a decadally resolved multi-proxy record from a 14 m-long peat core from the Páramo de Frontino (3460m asl) in the western cordillera of Colombia that spans the last ~17ka. Despite its vital importance as a primary freshwater source to millions people and sensitive ecosystems, the long-term history of SASM variability is poorly understood in the Northern Hemisphere. As part of an ongoing initiative to develop new high-resolution paleoclimate records from the Colombian Andes this research will help to fill a gap in knowledge that is the result of there being no published decadally resolved paleoclimate records from this region. Here, we present the initial results of carbon and nitrogen elemental abundances and isotropic variations as well as grain size measurements from the Páramo de Frontino bog core. These data complement recent work on the Páramo de Frontino core that utilized pollen and geochemical analyses (XRF) to investigate late Glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate changes at the site (Velasquez, 2005; Munoz, 2013). With these new carbon, nitrogen and grain size data, we investigate biological, geochemical and physical changes in the depositional environment at the Páramo de Frontino bog site and its watershed, which are linked to SASM variability. In addition, we explore the relationship between Northern and Southern Hemisphere SASM variability on millennial timescales. tropical Andes. Observational and modeling studies show that Andean d18Oprecip records are dominated by synoptic-scale changes SASM variability, leaving the local expression of Andean SASM variability poorly represented. Separating local from synoptic-scale variability is critical for a clearer understanding of how future climate trends will impact Andean water resources, which is essential for those in the Andes living at subsistence levels and for urban and agricultural centers located along the hyper-arid Pacific coast. Here, we investigate synoptic-scale and local changes in the SASM using two well-dated oxygen isotope records from Laguna Pumacocha and Laguna Pucpush, a coupled lake system in the central Peruvian Andes. Previous work on L. Pumacocha shows that evaporation exerts a negligible influence on the lake’s modern isotopic mass balance and that this has likely been the case for the Holocene. In contrast, L. Pucpush’s isotopic mass balance is influenced by evaporation, as well as variations in d18Oprecip. In order to explore local changes in humidity, we differenced the L. Pumacocha and L. Pucpush records to produce a Dd18OPucpush-Pumacocha time series. With this record, we explore local changes humidity during climatically important time periods including the early Holocene, the middle Holocene Neoglacial transition at ~5ka, and the SASM maximum during the late Holocene. 10-3 10-4 BTH 28 Gehrman, Rachael C. [218633] HOLOCENE-SCALE TRENDS IN ANDEAN SOUTH AMERICAN SUMMER MONSOON VARIABILITY INFERRED FROM A COUPLED LAKE SYSTEM IN THE CENTRAL PERUVIAN ANDES GEHRMAN, Rachael C., Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University, 723 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, [email protected], BIRD, Broxton W., Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN 46202, ABBOTT, Mark B., Department of Geology and Planetary Science, Univ of Pittsburgh, 4107 O’Hara St, RM 200 SRCC building, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, STANSELL, Nathan D., Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, 1090 Carmack Rd, Columbus, OH 43202, RODBELL, Donald T., Geology, Union College, F. W. Olin Center, Schenectady, NY 123083107, and STEINMAN, Byron A., Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, 528 Walker Building, University Park, PA 16802 The South American summer monsoon (SASM) is a major feature of the global climate system that provides fresh water to more than 350 million people in tropical South America. As the number of paleoclimate records from tropical South America has increased, our understanding of long-term SASM variability on human timescales during the Holocene has improved. Many of these studies infer changes in the SASM based on variations in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (d18Oprecip) as archived in ice cores, lake sediments and speleothems from the Doucette, Ikumi D. [218714] BTH 30 Nembhard, Nicole S. [218740] THERMODYNAMIC INVESTIGATION OF PEDOGENIC MINERALS AT THE PTGHAVAN 4 SITE, NORTHERN ARMENIA FADEM, Cynthia M. and NEMBHARD, Nicole S., Geology, Earlham College, 801 National Rd W, Campus Drawer #132, Richmond, IN 47374, [email protected] Precipitate masses found in the paleosols of Northern Armenia’s Debed River Valley were formerly thought to consist of gypsum; however, powder x-ray diffraction analysis has shown that similar precipitates at two Paleolithic sites (Bagratashen 1 and Haghtanakh 3) are predominantly composed of the phosphate alternative, brushite. The aim of our current research is to determine the thermodynamic and geologic processes which would favor brushite precipitation, and confirm the regional nature of these soil relationships through analysis of samples from a third site, Ptghavan 4. Our work at these three sites is part of the Lori Depression Paleoanthropology Project, which aims to understand Lower Paleolithic adaptations in this region. Soil laboratory analyses will continue to address the bulk mineralogy and chemistry of deposits at all three sites, and attend to the relationship between hydrology and pedogenesis. Overall our findings will inform the landscape context and environment of archaeological occupation. Increased understanding of the pedo-chemical environment in particular, via mineral thermodynamics, elucidates the potential for bone preservation in these site contexts. SESSION NO. 11, 8:00 AM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 11-1 10-2 BTH 29 PRELIMINARY SOIL MINERALOGY OF THE HAGHTANAKH 3 SITE, NORTHERN ARMENIA DOUCETTE, Ikumi D. and FADEM, Cynthia M., Geology, Earlham College, 801 National Rd W, Campus Drawer #132, Richmond, IN 47374, [email protected] Cultural materials at Haghtanakh 3 lie within the deep soils of a volcanic bluff near the Debed River, formerly mined for what are thought to be pedogenic gypsum deposits. Field pedology of this Lower Paleolithic archaeological site revealed a series of paleosols rich in precipitates. We are currently conducting x-ray diffraction, and organic carbon, sulfate, phosphate, and carbonate content analyses of soil profile samples to better understand their mineralogy and chemistry. Initial XRD results indicate precipitates are composed of calcium phosphate and carbonate rather than sulfate. This mineralogy speaks to a soil chemical environment very different than hypothesized and has implications for the soil’s faunal artifact preservation potential. Some samples also contain allophane, which - coupled with ash found in soil micromorphological samples from a neighboring site - indicates the deposition of volcanic ash at the site and possibly throughout the region. Future soil laboratory analyses will continue to address soil formation as well as seek to understand the flow of water across and through the bluff, and the physical and chemical interaction of the sizable soil precipitate deposits with Lower Paleolithic artifacts. This geoarchaeological assessment is part of the Lori Depression Paleoanthropology Project, an interdisciplinary effort to increase our understanding of Paleolithic adaptations in this region. Our work aims to address the context and environment of archaeological occupation. The deepest excavation trench provided a combined soil profile approximately 4 m deep. When coupled with ongoing biophysical analyses and planned chronometric and stable isotope analyses, this profile will serve as a detailed paleoclimate record possibly spanning the last 1.8 Ma. BTH 31 Ducey, Patrick W. [218620] CORE-BASED STUDY OF ERIE LOBE TILL STRATIGRAPHY IN NORTHEASTERN INDIANA: IMPLICATIONS FOR ERIE LOBE HISTORY DUCEY, Patrick W., Indiana University Department of Geological Sciences, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-1405, [email protected] and PRENTICE, Michael L., Indiana Geological Survey, 611 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208 The origin of fine-grained massive till deposited by the Erie lobe in prominent moraines across northeastern Indiana is problematic because of its significant thickness. The till in each of these moraines is commonly more than 20 m thick and usually explained as deposited from a deforming bed at the former ice margin during a single stillstand. Yet, most studies indicate that an individual till sheet deposited from a deforming bed is less than a meter thick. We report results from a stratigraphic study of Erie lobe till, the Lagro Formation in Indiana, based on several cores retrieved from morainal features that indicate the presence of a stratigraphy that constrains depositional mechanisms. Descriptions of the cores draw on over 120 particle-size analyses combining sieve and laser diffraction data, magnetic susceptibility data with 2 cm vertical resolution, 23 m of x-ray radiographs, and borehole gamma radiation data. X-ray radiographs were used to distinguish structures, clast imbrication, major texture changes, and bed contacts. Magnetic susceptibility correlated principally with texture. Massive beds are more common than beds inferred to exhibit a preferred clast fabric. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 13 SESSION NO. 11 Considering all properties, Lagro sediments in each core are divisible into several major units deposited in both subglacial and ice-marginal environments. The major till units are made of subunits on the scale of a meter in thickness that differ sufficiently in character as to reflect separate sedimentation conditions and depositional events. We suggest that the relatively homogenous subglacial Lagro facies accreted vertically from different subglacial deforming till beds that developed successively under the Erie lobe as it evolved. Overall, the evidence justifies additional examination of Lagro sediments to resolve a complex ice lobe history. 11-2 BTH 32 Sanderfoot, Benjamin [218064] QUATERNARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN MODE, William N., Department of Geology, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 54901, SANDERFOOT, Benjamin, Department of Geology, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 645 Dempsey Trail, Oshkosh, WI 54901-8649, [email protected], and HOOYER, Thomas S., Department of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Lapham Hall 366, Milwaukee, WI 53201 The new Quaternary geologic map of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin reveals diverse landscapes and surficial deposits, including lowlands underlain by glacial lake sediment and meltwater-stream sediment and uplands composed of till and meltwater-stream sediment. Map units combine sediment genesis, stratigraphic position, and landform association. Glacial sediments were deposited by the Green Bay and Lake Michigan lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet between about 19 and 11 ka BP during ice recession from the region (Syverson and Colgan, 2011). Glacial strata are divided into two formations, the Holy Hill and Kewaunee formations, that are distinguishable by the color and texture of the tills they contain. Kewaunee Formation deposits are restricted to the north-central part of the county. Holy Hill deposits are the surficial material in the southern part of the county and also occur beneath Kewaunee deposits in places. Glacial landforms include active-ice features (drumlins and end moraines) as well as ice-disintegration features (kettles, kames, ice-walled outwash plains, and eskers). Ice-disintegration features dominate the Kettle interlobate moraine in the eastern part of the county where the Green Bay and Lake Michigan lobes intersected. Glacial lake sediment was deposited in glacial lakes Fond du Lac and Oshkosh. Glacial lake Fond du Lac was impounded when the Green Bay Lobe readvanced (during overall recession) into Fond du Lac County. This advance terminated at the Eureka moraine and deposited till of the Kirby Lake Member of the Kewaunee Formation. A new AMS 14C date on plant macrofossils from the base of glacial Lake Fond du Lac sediment places the formation of the lake and the Eureka moraine at 15,500 cal yr BP. The ice margin soon receded from the Eureka moraine. The next readvance (13,700 cal yr BP), which buried the Two Creeks forest bed farther north, terminated north of the county. Glacial Lake Oshkosh persisted in Fond du Lac County until the Green Bay Lobe margin receded from the state 13,000 cal yr BP. 11-3 BTH 33 Pavey, Richard R. [218322] EVALUATION OF GLACIAL FEATURES IN NORTHWESTERN OHIO USING LIDAR DATA PAVEY, Richard R., Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, 2045 Morse Rd, Building C-2, Columbus, OH 43229-6693, [email protected] and MARTIN, Dean R., Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Office of Information Technology, 2045 Morse Rd, Building C, Columbus, OH 43229 The Ohio Geological Survey’s recent and current STATEMAP projects involve glacial mapping of the Defiance and Adrian 1:100,000 quadrangles in northwesternmost Ohio. Since Frank Leverett’s mapping of a century ago, geologic understanding and glacial mapping of this area of the state has remained largely unchanged. Data preparation for the projects included mosaicking of LiDARderived, elevation raster data sets (or DEMs) for the six counties included in the mapping area, as well as a hillshade raster produced from the mosaic. Analysis of the resultant regional DEM revealed many landforms unusual for Ohio that require stratigraphic and depositional process interpretations. The northwest corner of the area includes the Wabash and Ft. Wayne Moraines, both deposited on the northwest side of retreating Erie Lobe ice. The highest features on the Wabash are flat-topped ‘plateaus’ surrounded by closed depressions. Data from soils mapping indicate that the ‘plateaus’ are primarily sand-filled and probably represent ice-walled lake plains. Many of the closed depressions contain bogs and/or lakes, with minimal integrated drainage. The St. Joseph River valley is between the Ft. Wayne and Wabash Moraines. Multiple, segmented linear depressions—perhaps interpreted as abandoned subice tunnels—are oriented subparallel to the moraine crests and river valley. Beach ridges mark the edge of the proglacial Maumee Lake Plain that dominates the rest of the study area. The final Erie Lobe ice in the area built the Defiance Moraine, most of which was submerged by proglacial lakes that occupied the Erie Basin. Parts of this moraine contain many small, raised sand flats, which are also probable ice-walled lake plains. West of the Defiance Moraine, the moraine-controlled Auglaize and Tiffin Rivers join the Maumee River at Defiance, Ohio. Above the confluence, the three rivers meander greatly. The river becomes much straighter downstream from the confluence; this is due to the Maumee being incised into bedrock. High-level cut terraces on the rivers above the confluence are graded to the elevations of the various high-level proglacial lakes that occupied the Erie Basin. 11-4 BTH 34 Rice, Jessey Murray [218333] STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF AN OPEN PIT EXPOSURE: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE WESTERN MARGIN OF THE LAURENTIDE ICE SHEET DURING THE MIDDLE WISCONSIN IN THE GREAT SLAVE LAKE REGION RICE, Jessey Murray1, PAULEN, Roger C.2, MENZIES, John1, and MCCLENAGHAN, M.B.2, (1) Earth Sciences, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1, Canada, [email protected], (2) Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, 601 Booth St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8, Canada Known 14C age data place the western margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) in the Great Slave Lake region, Northwest Territories, approximately along the west margin of the Canadian Shield and Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. However, a general paucity of thick (>2 m) exposures of quaternary sediments in this part of Canada prevents further delineation of the location of the Middle Wisconsin LIS margin. A detailed investigation of a >20 m exposure, in an abandoned open pit in the past producing Pb-Zn Pine Point Mining District, NWT, was conducted to gain a better understanding of the glacial history of the area. This rare thick till exposure consists of four visually distinct till units, and based on observed sedimentology, striation measurements and clast fabrics as well as detailed grain size, geochemical, mineralogical, micromorphological, and pebble lithological analyses, a refinement for the Middle Wisconsin LIS margin is proposed. Since there is no stratigraphic and sedimentological evidence of ice-margin advance or retreat fluctuations preserved in the till exposures at Pine Point, we conclude that the Middle Wisconsin ice margin was likely north and west of the Pine Point area and probably occupied most of the Great Slave Lake basin prior to advancement of the LIS into western Canada during the Late Wisconsin. 14 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 11-5 BTH 35 Miao, Xiaodong [218422] SAND AND GRAVEL RESOURCE OF MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: DISTRIBUTION, THICKNESS AND LAND USE MIAO, Xiaodong, THOMASON, Jason F., and STOHR, Christopher, Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected] Parts of McHenry County in northeastern Illinois are underlain by extensive deposits of sand and gravel, which makes it a leading county in Illinois for sand and gravel production. An up-todate aggregate resource map is needed to identify potential resources before it is preempted by urbanization.We use borehole data and water well records to prepare a resource map to show the thickness, burial depth, distribution and availability of sand and gravel in McHenry County. The thickness data of the sand and gravel were exported from the three-dimensional geologic framework model of McHenry County, by combining the individual thickness data of multiple, interconnected sand and gravel deposits. Depth of burial was extracted from individual deep drill hole data maintained by the Illinois State Geological Survey. In addition to the geological aspect of the sand and gravel deposits, we also assessed whether these deposits were available for mining under current land use practices. For example, the sand and gravel resources are not minable in the residential and other developed areas. This map shows that a significant loss of minable resources has occurred in McHenry County due to land use, especially in the eastern half of the county, which is heavily urbanized and where aggregate resources are most needed.This map can help constituents in the sand and gravel industry find needed construction resources with implications for aggregate quality, transportation, and economic feasibility. As the Chicago metropolitan area population continues to grow, the distribution of economically mineable sand and gravel deposits in McHenry County and nearby counties will become increasingly important for land use, environmental planning and groundwater resource decisions. 11-6 BTH 36 Bruegger, Alison [218582] ICE-WALLED LAKE PLAINS HIGHLIGHTED ON NEW SURFICIAL GEOLOGY MAP OF KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS BRUEGGER, Alison, Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected], CURRY, B. Brandon, Prairie Research Institute, Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL 61820, and GRIMLEY, David A., Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820 A 1:62,500-scale surficial geology map of Kane County, a western collar county of suburban Chicago, has recently been digitally compiled from published and unpublished 1:24,000 maps. The map’s digital database includes information from more than 200 borings and outcrops sampled over the past 45 years by the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS). Many include down-hole natural gamma-ray logs, and core subsample analyses of clay minerals and particlesize distribution. Mapping in the digital environment has benefited from new base maps of shaded relief from LiDAR-based DEMs. Our new map highlights the distribution of ice-walled lake plains which occur primarily between the Arlington and Bloomington moraines, and between the St. Charles and Marengo moraines. Mapped as a facies of the silty and clayey surficial lacustrine/glaciolacustrine unit (the Equality Formation), ice-walled lake plains (IWLPs) include deposits of sand and gravel that occur, relative to the core of laminated silty lake sediment at the base (as a lag), on the sides (as ice-contact deltas), and in the sub-loess mantle (as solifluction deposits). The total facies package is typically 4 to 8 m thick. IWLPs rise 1 to 3 m above the surrounding landscape which may include deposits of diamicton or younger terraces underlain by younger glaciolacustrine deposits. Glacial Lake Pingree, a large proglacial lake mapped originally by Willman and Frye (1970), is a complex of IWLPs encased in younger lake sediment. Some lower level terraces may reflect stepwise lowering of base level, and could be interpreted as IWLPs. Notable features in Kane County include: 1) Seventy-meter thick deposits of clay loam diamicton of the Tiskilwa Formation (Wedron Group) forming the Marengo Moraine, 2) High-level terraces along the Fox River formed during by catastrophic overflow (“Fox Torrent” of Alden) of a proglacial lake dammed by the Woodstock Moraine, 3) Deep bedrock valleys with glaciofluvial fills of Illinois Episode sand and gravel, that contain important regional aquifers, and 4) An outstanding array of data characterizing Quaternary deposits. Data density is especially high at the former Fermi Accelerator Laboratory, which allowed differentiation of three facies of the Yorkville Member and the Batestown Member of the Lemont Formation. 11-7 BTH 37 Phillips, Andrew C. [218681] INTERCALATING SLACKWATER LAKE AND OUTWASH DEPOSITS AT A BEDROCK VALLEY CONFLUENCE IN THE LOWER WABASH VALLEY PHILLIPS, Andrew C., Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 E. Peabody, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected], ISMAIL, Ahmed, Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, LARSON, Timothy, Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 E Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, and GEMPERLINE, Johanna, Department of Geology, University of Illinois, 1301 West Green St, MC 102, Urbana, IL 61801 The Grayville 7.5’ Quadrangle, centered on 87.9373°E, 38.3126°N, includes the confluence of the buried Bonpas Bedrock Valley (BBV) with the trunk Wabash Valley (WV). The BBV is a short, ~1.5 km wide, and filled with up to 30 m of Quaternary sediment. The existing Bonpas Creek is underfit to the valley and is incised into the BBV fill. Bedrock-cored ridges and isolated hills protrude 10-30 m above low relief valley fills. The region was overridden by the Illinois Episode and earlier ice sheets but was affected only by proglacial processes during the Wisconsin Episode. The architecture of the valley fills was investigated with 3.5 km of shallow seismic shear wave profiling (SSW), 1 km of earth electrical resistivity profiling, probing, and study of archived well logs. Strong, undular reflections in the SSW profiles delineate a clear thalweg and slightly stepped slopes along the margins of the BBV. The BBV and WV were excavated before the Illinois Episode. A small tributary to the BBV hangs 4m above the BBV thalweg, possibly indicating glacial erosion, bedrock control, or several stages of excavation. Although the high ridges are covered by a veneer of Illinois Episode till, sediment of that or earlier glacial episodes has not yet been recognized in the BBV fill. During the Wisconsin Episode, rapid glacifluvial aggradation in the WV dammed the BBV, causing formation of a slackwater lake. Some of the outwash, dominantly sand with gravel, transgressed up the lower BBV as a delta or fan. Silt loam to clay sediment was deposited in the lake from eolian and overbank sources. The alluvial and lacustrine sedimentation progressively filled the BBV until the end of the Wisconsin Episode. Two to eight prominent subhorizontal reflectors in the SSW profiles indicate episodic erosion and sedimentation. A late-glacial jökhulhaup overtopped the walls of the WV and formed a wide, gently sloping and low relief swath that crosscuts the lower Bonpas Valley. The central portion of the swath was deposited from the main flow, whereas the bordering ridges were levee- or fan-like deposits that prograded in to the existing slackwater lake. Downcutting of the WV fill may also have occurred during this or related events. The modern floodplain of the WV is set ~7 m below the tributary valley fill deposits. SESSION NO. 12 12-4 SESSION NO. 12, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy Fetzer Center, Room 2020 12-1 1:30 PM Alshahrani, Saeed S. [218727] EVIDENCE FOR SHALLOW-WATER ORIGIN OF A DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, CLEVELAND SHALE MEMBER (OHIO SHALE), NORTHEASTERN OHIO ALSHAHRANI, Saeed S. and EVANS, James, E., Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, 190 Overman Hall, Bowling Green, OH 43402, [email protected] There has long been a debate about whether the Devonian Cleveland Shale Member (Ohio Shale) was deposited in shallow- or deep-water depositional environments. This study looked at the Cleveland Shale Member (CSM) at 3 stratigraphic sections and 5 well cores from four counties in northeastern Ohio. The CSM mostly consists of interbedded dark gray and light gray carbonaceous fissile mudstones or claystones. The dark gray shale (mean thickness 13 cm) and light gray shale (mean thickness 17 cm) are rhythmically bedded and represent changes in carbon content. Three types of event layers are interbedded with the mudrocks: (1) tempestites (hummocky stratified fine-grained sandstones overlain by planar laminated very fine-grained sandstones overlain by ripple laminated or climbing-ripple laminated very fine-grained sandstones); (2) distal turbidites (normally graded normally graded fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, and shales); and (3) hyperpycnites (normally graded microlaminae of very fine-grained sandstone, siltstone, and shale). The tempestites overlie sole marks such as groove casts, and these indicate transport directions NE-SW (n = 56 measurements). The tempestites average 4.9 cm thick, are common at the base of the unit, and contain a newly observed trace fossil (Neonereites). The turbidites average 6.2 cm thick and are more common at the top of the unit. The hyperpycnites have been studied primarily using petrography and the SEM. Hyperpycnites are common throughout the CSM, for example at least 10 individual hyperpycnites were identified within a single stratigraphic interval ~ 1.73 cm thick. The hyperpycnites show uniform thickness in the study area, and may be correlated from place to place. The preliminary interpretation is that the CSM depositional environment was receiving clastics from the NE, which were primarily transported as density underflows (turbidites and hyperpycnites). However, significant storm deposits (tempestites) within the CSM indicate deposition occurred on a clastic marine shelf at water depths less than storm wave base. 12-2 1:50 PM Jenschke, Matthew Clay [218503] DELTA FRONT AND SHALLOW SUB-TIDAL FACIES IN THE LATE DEVONIAN BEDFORD SHALE AND BEREA SANDSTONE, NW OHIO JENSCHKE, Matthew Clay and EVANS, James E., Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, [email protected] Facies analysis of outcrops of the Bedford Shale and Berea Sandstone in Cuyahoga and Medina counties (NE Ohio) has described 21 lithofacies. The units are entirely siliciclastic, ranging from mudstones and mudshales to coarse-grained and pebbly sandstones. There is a general coarsening- and thickening-upwards trend from the Bedford Shale to the overlying Berea Sandstone, consistent with previous interpretations of a prograding deltaic environment, however there is extensive local variation representing sub-environments such as: (1) storm-dominated clastic shelf deposits with tempestites (hummocky and swaley stratification); (2) extensive muddy shelf deposits below storm wave-base; (3) gravity-controlled slope deposits with extensive syndepositional slump structures and mud diapirs; (4) tidal sandwaves; (5) tidally-influenced deposits with heterolithic flaser, wavy, and lenticular bedded sandstones and mud drapes and tidal rhythmites; (6) distributary mouth bar deposits with climbing-ripple lamination; and (7) channel deposits with mud intraclasts, and tidally-influenced fluvial cross-bedded sandstones. On a larger-scale, deltaic distributary lobes exhibit both progradational and retrogradational trends (distributary channel abandonment, delta platform subsidence, and wave reworking), consistent with a dynamic environment affected by both autocyclic (distributary lobe switching and avulsion) and allocyclic controls (eustasy, subsidence, and sediment supply). 12-3 2:10 PM Shah, Mihir [218663] SUBSURFACE FACIES ANALYSIS OF ROSE RUN SANDSTONE (UPPER CAMBRIAN) IN EASTERN OHIO SHAH, Mihir, Bowling Green State Univerisity, Bowling Green, OH 43403, [email protected] and EVANS, James E., Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403 This study of the Cambrian Rose Run Sandstone conducted lithofacies and microfacies analysis from 4 cores from Holmes (well 2892), Coshocton (wells 2989 and 3385), and Morgan (well 2923) counties in eastern Ohio. The Rose Run Sandstone is primarily sandstone, but also includes thin but common mudstone intervals, and dolostone. There are a total of 13 siliciclastic lithofacies and 5 carbonate lithofacies. Intertidal deposits include heterolithic flaser bedded sandstone and mudstone (lithofacies SMf), heterolithic wavy bedded sandstone and mudstone (SMw), heterolithic lenticular bedded sandstone and mudstone (SMk) and interbedded planar laminated sandstone and mudstone (SMl), the latter interpreted as tidalites. Subtidal clastic deposits include medium-scale planar tabular cross-bedded sandstone (lithofacies Sp) and herringbone cross-bedded sandstone (Sx), massive sandstone (Sm), glauconite-rich sandstones (SMg), hummocky stratified sandstone (Sh) and massive (Mm), laminated (Ml) and convoluted bedded (MMc) mudstones. Sm is the most common lithofacies and SMg has the highest intergranular porosity. Interbedded carbonates include dolomudstones (lithofacies Cm), bioturbated and mottled dolo-mudstones (Cmm), dolo-grainstones (Cgmb), dolo-packstones with mud drapes (“cryptalgal lamination”) (Cpl), and dolo-packstones with mud rip-up clasts (“flat pebble conglomerates”) (Cpmr). Contacts between sandstone and carbonates are gradational, whereas sharp and erosive contacts may be found between sandstone and shale intervals (e.g., core 2923). The Rose Run Sandstone in this region is interpreted as a shallow marine environment of normal salinity, with extensive tidal flats, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deposition, strong tidal influence, and with reworking of carbonate materials. Continuing studies are on reservoir compartmentalization in this unit. 2:30 PM Malgieri, Thomas J. [218065] PRELIMINARY REVISION OF THE SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND NOMENCLATURE OF THE UPPER MAYSVILLIAN-LOWER RICHMONDIAN STRATA EXPOSED IN KENTUCKY MALGIERI, Thomas J., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/ Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, [email protected], BRETT, Carlton E., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, THOMKA, James R., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology-Physics Building, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45220, and AUCOIN, Christopher D., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45211-0013 Late Ordovician (Katian) strata of Kentucky, in the Cincinnati Arch region, display a regional change in lithologic and faunal gradients corresponding to a southeast-shallowing epicontinental ramp. While a detailed sequence stratigraphic framework has been established for the lower Cincinnatian, that of the upper Maysvillian-lower Richmondian succession of northern and central Kentucky has not been studied in detail. Moreover, locally and inconsistently applied lithostratigraphic terms reflecting facies changes along the ramp have complicated precise subdivisions of sequences into component cycles and inhibited recognition of regionally consistent patterns. This study uses high-resolution facies analysis and tracing of distinctive stratigraphic markers including biostromal horizons, rhythmic intervals, erosion and flooding surfaces, and distinctive fossil epiboles across lithofacies and nomenclatorial boundaries to reveal stratigraphic consistencies largely overlooked by previous researchers. By using these methods, it is possible to refine the depositional sequences whilst creating a nomenclature that can be applied more consistently throughout the region. Preliminary results indicate that much of the past terminology can be retained and refined, allowing the use of one unified set of names on the member scale level that will be integrated into formations. This will allow easier correlations along the Cincinnati arch. Moreover, this will lead to a refined sequence stratigraphic framework for a better understating of depositional environments and changes in faunal gradients. Because these sequences span offshore to peritidal facies they provide the possibility of testing for changes in sequences and their component systems tracts across a proximal-distal gradient. Finally, the beds record the onset of the Richmondian invasion and high-resolution stratigraphy will provide a framework to examine the details of this important ecological evolutionary event. 12-5 2:50 PM Huck, Scott W. [218674] INFLUENCE OF STORM WAVE BASE FLUCTUATIONS ON CARBONATE SHELF FACIES IN THE ORDOVICIAN POINT PLEASANT FORMATION (CENTRAL OHIO) HUCK, Scott W. and EVANS, James E., Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, [email protected] The Ordovician Point Pleasant Formation is interpreted as a deepening-upward carbonate shelf sequence in central Ohio, based on analysis of the Chevron 1A Prudential core (#3410120196) at the Ohio Geological Survey H.R. Collins Core Laboratory. Lithofacies of the Point Pleasant Formation are a mixed siliclastic and carbonate depositional system. The base of the Point Pleasant Formation (above the Trenton Limestone) is dominated by carbonate tempestites, which are interpreted as evidence for shallow-water shelf conditions (above storm wave base). The carbonate tempestites are composed of undulated skeletal grainstones (Cgu) that are 2 cm thick, light grey, undulated, and are composed primarily of brachiopod shells. Above the skeletal grainstones are carbonaceous calcareous wackstones (Cw) that are 2-4 cm thick, organic rich, dark brown/black, and contain sparse amounts of fossil fauna. The Point Pleasant Formation then transitions upward to mostly mixed siliclastic and carbonate pelagic rhythmites, which is interpreted as evidence for deeper water conditions (below storm wave base). The rhythmites are composed of siltstone (SS) that is light grey, fine grained, and thinly bedded (<1 cm). Above the siltstone is carbonaceous, calcareous mudstone (Cm) that is dark brown/black thinly bedded (1-2 cm), highly organic and contains little or no fossil fauna. Within the pelagic rhythmites there are also intervals of bioturbated siltstone (SSb) which are light grey, thinly bedded (<1 cm) and discontinuous. The pelagic deposits are interrupted by intervals dominated by carbonate tempestites, mostly skeletal packstones (Cpu), that are light brown/grey, undulated, 5-10 cm thick and are composed primarily of fragmented brachiopod shells and calcareous mud which then transitions back to pelagic rhythmites. This could represent changing water depth conditions on the shelf or else the recurrence of larger storms (deeper storm wave base) at certain times. At the top of the Point Pleasant Formation, an erosional surface overlain by skeletal packstones (shell hash intermixed with coarse-grained sand particles that is highly cememted) is interpreted as evidence for shoreface deposits. This is interpreted as evidence for water shallowing, possibly a sequence boundary, prior to deposition of the overlying Utica Shale. 12-6 3:30 PM Thompson, Todd A. [218514] TRANSITION FROM DELTAIC TO CARBONATE PLATFORM DEPOSITION – RAMP CREEK FORMATION (MISSISSIPPIAN) OF CENTRAL INDIANA KEITH, Brian D., Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana Univ, 611 North Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405 and THOMPSON, Todd A., Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 North Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, [email protected] Detailed examination of more than 25 cores in Monroe and Lawrence Counties of central Indiana provides new insight into the transition from Borden delta deposition to shallow carbonate platform deposition. This change occurred during deposition of the Ramp Creek Formation (Valmeyeran, Mississippian). Definition and internal stratigraphy of the complex Ramp Creek interval in Indiana was the subject of considerable confusion from the late 1800s until it was finally settled in 1975. Internally, the Ramp Creek consists of interbedded crinoidal-dominated skeletal grainstones ranging in thickness from a few centimeters to nearly 3 m. Between the grainstones are individual fine-grained units consisting of argillaceous dolostone, argillaceous limestone, siliceous siltstone, or very fine-grained sandstone. The dolostone beds often contain 40-70% ankerite (CaFeMgMnCO3). All the fine-grained beds also contain silicified fossiliferous layers, nodules, and true geodes, indicating that the diagenetic system was rich in both iron and silica. The finegrained beds range in thickness from less than 2 cm to nearly 6 m. There is a high degree of lateral variability within the Ramp Creek and individual beds cannot be correlated, even over short distances; however, the unit can be divided into an upper division dominated by skeletal grainstone beds and a lower division dominated by fine-grained beds. The lower division is highly variable in thickness when compared to the upper division. Overall, the Ramp Creek thickens to the south and southwest from slightly over 3 m to more than 15 m in the two-county area. The fine-grained beds become almost entirely very fine-grained sandstone to the south, possibly related to increased proximity to a source of sediment on the Borden delta. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 15 SESSION NO. 12 12-7 3:50 PM Santistevan, Fred [218540] THE ROLE OF THE SIBERIAN TRAPS IN THE PERMIAN-TRIASSIC MASS EXTINCTION: ANALYSIS THROUGH CHEMICAL FINGERPRINTING OF MARINE SEDIMENTS USING RARE EARTH ELEMENTS (REES) SANTISTEVAN, Fred, Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/Physics Bldg, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected], ALGEO, Thomas J., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, HANNIGAN, Robyn, Environmental, Earth, and Ocean Sciences, University of Massachusetts - Boston, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125, and WILLIAMS, Jeremy C., Environmental Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125 The Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) mass extinction at ~252 Ma was the largest biotic catastrophe in Earth history, resulting in the disappearance of ~90% of marine invertebrate species. Recent work has shown that the most likely trigger for this event was eruption of the Siberian Traps, the largest sub-aerial flood basalt province of the last 500 million years. However, direct evidence linking the Siberian Traps to the marine mass extinction has been lacking. Volcanic units are commonly characterized by unique rare earth element (REE) signatures, and published studies show that the Siberian Traps had an unusual REE chemistry (Lightfoot et al., 1990, 1993; Arndt et al., 1993, 1995, 1998; Federenko et al., 1997, 2000). In this study, we are examining the REE chemistry of eight marine PTB sections having a wide global distribution with the goal of determining whether the characteristic REE signature of the Siberian Traps can be recognized in ash beds or in background sediments of these successions. If recognized, this signature could provide information regarding the geographic dispersal of volcanic ash, its relationship to regional environmental changes, and its effects on marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Our work is currently in progress, but preliminary results suggest that REE signatures potentially characteristic of Siberian Traps source material are present in some, but not all, marine PTB sections. 12-8 4:10 PM Voice, Peter J. [218491] THE GLOBAL DETRITAL ZIRCON DATABASE: AN UPDATE VOICE, Peter J., Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, MS 5241, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], KOWALEWSKI, Michal, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, and ERIKSSON, Kenneth A., Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, 4044 Derring Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 A flood of new detrital zircon U-Pb age data has allowed for a rapid growth of the Global Detrital Zircon Database (GDZD). The latest version of the database includes over 284,000 single age determinations from U-Pb dating of detrital zircons. These zircons represent ~5,600 detrital zircon age frequency distributions that come from all continents and range in age from modern sediment samples to Archean metasedimentary rocks. Host rock compositions are dominated by siliciclastics, though a small fraction of the samples are derived from carbonates and other chemical/biochemical sedimentary units. For all age frequency distributions, the GDZD also records a best estimate of the host sediment maximum and minimum age independent of the detrital zircon U-Pb ages. The large amount of data has allowed us to empirically derive relationships between host sediment age and sample size of analyzed zircons. Detrital zircons are an excellent example of the principle of inclusions; they are always as old as, or older than, the host sediment. A simple quantitative metric can be used to measure the offset between the maximum host sediment age and the youngest detrital zircon age recorded. We have found that as a function of tectonic setting, relatively small sample sizes are required to best estimate the age of the host sediment with the smallest offset. Tectonic settings with syn-volcanism tend to require sample sizes of 40 grains or less in order to provide the best constraint on the age of the sample – a grain that is relatively contemporaneous with deposition of the unit. Passive margins and intracratonic basins tend to exhibit much greater offsets between the host sediment age and the youngest detrital zircon and require larger samples of dated zircons to find these young zircons. 12-9 4:30 PM Hayden, Travis G. [218404] ESTIMATING LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM ICE THICKNESS USING POROSITY AND DEPTH RELATIONSHIPS: EXAMPLES FROM AND-1B, MCMURDO SOUND, ANTARCTICA HAYDEN, Travis G., Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], KOMINZ, Michelle A., Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, and NIESSEN, Frank, Geosciences, Alfred Wegener Institute, Columbusstrasse, Building D-1170, Bremerhaven, D-27568, Germany We have estimated ice thicknesses at the AND-1B drillsite during the Last Glacial Maximum by adapting an existing technique used to calculate eroded overburden. We analyze the porosity as a function of depth and lithology from measurements taken on the AND-1B core, and compare these results to reference data obtained on Ocean Drilling Program Legs 178, Leg 188, and Integrated Ocean Drilling Project Leg 318. These reference datasets are deep marine sediments of similar lithology and have not been overcompacted by overriding ice sheets. Using these reference datasets we estimate the amount of overburden required to compact the sediments to the porosity observed in AND-1B. This analysis is a function of lithology, depth and porosity, and generates sediment-equivalent overburden estimates between 500 and 900 meters. These are translated into ice thickness estimates by accounting for differences in sediment and ice densities. The lithologies analyzed are most likely to compact consistently and predictably, and result in a range of ice thickness between 1,059 – 1,984 meters, with a best-fit estimate of 1,630 meters of ice at Last Glacial Maximum. These values compare well with mass-balance corrected, independently calculated, ice-thicknesses estimates of 1,730 meters based on exposures of Last Glacial Maximum till deposits. While this analysis can only specifically estimate ice thicknesses during Last Glacial Maximum, due to the overprinting effect of Last Glacial Maximum ice on previous ice advances, it also has implications for previous maximum ice thickness during earlier Pleistocene glacial maximums. Lastly, as ice thickness at Last Glacial Maximum is unknown in existing ice sheet reconstructions, this analysis provides constraint on model predictions. 12-10 4:50 PM Cupples, William B. [218372] UPLAND GRAVELS OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY AND THEIR INSIGHTS TO PREGLACIAL DRAINAGE IN CENTRAL NORTH AMERICA CUPPLES, William B., Department of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis, 1 Johnson Hall, Memphis, TN 38152, [email protected] and VAN ARSDALE, Roy B., Earth Sciences, Univ. of Memphis, 1 Johnson Hall, Memphis, TN 38152 The upland Tertiary gravels of the Mississippi River Valley have puzzled geologists for many decades. These gravels are generally interpreted to be terrace deposits of the pre-glacial Mississippi and Ohio rivers. The gravels are called the Citronelle Formation in Louisiana, Preloess gravels in Mississippi, Upland Complex in Tennessee and Arkansas, and the Mounds and 16 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Grover in Illinois and possibly the Windrow in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota. The base of these predominantly chert gravels are approximately 75 m above the base of the Mississippi River Quaternary alluvium. Previous investigators have identified large wavelength paleo-meanders in the upland gravels of northwestern Mississippi that indicate a discharge as much as 5 to 10 times greater than the modern Mississippi River. This larger river suggests that the drainage basin of the pre-glacial Mississippi River may have been much larger than today and perhaps extended north into Canada. This current study explores that possibility by mapping bedrock surface elevation and gravel data from 99 wells in Illinois and bedrock elevations from 980 wells in Minnesota that we have interpreted to mark the base of the pre-glacial Mississippi River. The distribution of these upland gravels in conjunction with previous studies allows a partial reconstruction of the course of the pre-glacial Mississippi River system and its elevation from central Minnesota to Memphis, Tennessee. The elevation of this pre-glacial Mississippi River profile allows us to test the hypothesis that the ancestral (Pliocene) Mississippi River flowed south from Canada. SESSION NO. 13, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 13-1 1:35 PM Sipola, Maija E. [218640] MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLO RIVER TERRACE DEPOSITS AT NGANDONG, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA SIPOLA, Maija E., Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242, [email protected] The Ngandong Homo erectus site in Central Java, Indonesia is of great interest to paleoanthropologists and geoarchaeologists. The morphology of the H. erectus crania first discovered there in the 1930’s suggests those fossils may be of the most recently-living Homo erectus known in the world, yet numerous studies have been unable to confidently date the age of the fossils or the timing of site formation. In addition, thousands of fossils of non-hominin macrofauna have been collected during early excavations of the Ngandong site without a comprehensive geoarchaeological assessment of their relationship to the terrace stratigraphy, preventing an understanding of the depositional processes responsible for site formation. Recently, a thorough excavation of the site was undertaken by a team of Indonesian and American scientists with special focus on documenting and analyzing the site stratigraphy. In this study I summarize the results of a mineralogical analysis of the stratigraphic layers present at the site in an effort to delineate possible depositional facies boundaries based on different sediment sources. I combine these mineralogical data with results of grain-size and grain-shape analyses to characterize the sediment source(s) and depositional conditions that produced the fossil-bearing terrace deposits present at Ngandong. This information improves our understanding of the Solo River fluvial dynamics at the time of site formation and may potentially inform as to the location and condition of other fossil-bearing deposits in the region. 13-2 1:55 PM Miao, Xiaodong [218408] USING OSL AND RADIOCARBON DATING TO CONSTRAIN THE TIME OF SOIL DEVELOPMENT MIAO, Xiaodong1, WANG, Hong1, HANSON, Paul R.2, MASON, Joseph A.3, and LIU, Xiaodong4, (1) Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, miao@ illinois.edu, (2) School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, 68588, (3) Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 550 N. Park St, 160 Science Hall, Madison, WI 53706, (4) SKLLQG, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, 710075 Time, one of the five factors in soil development along with climate, parent material, organisms, and topography, is theoretically defined as the time elapsed since the parent materials were deposited and subaerially exposed, according to Jenny’s model. Soil time was estimated previously based on the degree of soil development, but in many environments the soil ages have not been practically calculated. We propose that the best method for estimating the time of soil development is subtraction of the Pyrolysis-Volatile (Py-V) 14C dates of soil’s uppermost A horizon from OSL dates of C horizon of parent material. The Py-V 14C dates represent most mobile soil organic carbon that is least resistant to biodegradation in soil environment, therefore yielding youngest ages potentially, while OSL dating on the C horizon estimates the depositional time of the parent material. We tested this new approach in four scenarios: 1. Modern soil developed downward in loess; 2. Cumulative Soil formed upward in loess; 3. Soil formed in dune sand; 4. A counterexample to show that simple subtraction is not always appropriate. This approach constrains soil time more reasonably than using either OSL or radiocarbon dates alone. If no old carbon contamination is assumed, the difference between the Py-V ages at the uppermost and lowermost sola of a soil almost certainly underestimates the time of soil development, and the difference between OSL ages taken from above and below a soil most likely overestimates it. Combination of OSL and radiocarbon can best constrain soil development time. 13-3 2:15 PM Reinhardt, Jason [218513] INVESTIGATING THE INFLUENCE OF LAND USE HISTORY ON SAVANNA SOILS IN LOWER MICHIGAN: IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT, RESTORATION, AND CONSERVATION REINHARDT, Jason1, HOBBS, Trevor2, and NAGEL, Linda M.1, (1) School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected], (2) Huron-Manistee National Forest, GeoCorps Participant, 1755 S. Mitchell St, Cadillac, MI 49601 Prior to European settlement, mixed oak savanna was a naturally occurring ecosystem in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Maintained by wildfire, these savanna openings likely migrated over space and time on excessively-drained sandy soils. Most of this plant community type has been lost due to early land management practices, especially agriculture and timber. Decades of fire suppression have led to degradation of what remains. Remnant examples are an important part of the ecological landscape and provide refuge for a multitude of early-successional species, most notably the Federally-Endangered Karner Blue Butterfly (KBB; Lycaeides melissa samuelis). SESSION NO. 13 Because of this, the US Forest Service implements a variety of management techniques, such as controlled burns, bulldozing, masticating, and partial harvesting, to restore and maintain oak savanna ecosystems. However, attainment of desirable levels of plant species diversity and abundance following restoration activity has proven difficult. We hypothesized that land use history and its influence on soils play a significant role in the potential for restoration success, especially with respect to resultant floristic composition. The purpose of this research was to 1) establish site-specific historic land use and 2) determine impacts on soil morphology, soil chemistry, and current savanna communities in the southern Manistee National Forest. Preliminary results suggest that land use history helps explain variation in soil A horizon thickness, and the presence/absence of important savanna plants such as wild lupine (Lupinus perennis). Preliminary results support our hypothesis that historic land use and its influence on soil morphology significantly impact floristic diversity and abundance in savanna ecosystems. This insight has the potential to help prioritize potential management and habitat restoration sites, and can be incorporated into existing savanna ecosystem management techniques by land managers and government agencies. Soil sample processing is currently underway in the laboratory, and analysis of the effects of land use history on further soil morphological characteristics and soil chemistry will follow. 13-4 2:35 PM Rovey, Charles W. [218231] PALEOSOLS WITHIN THE PRE-ILLINOIAN TILL SEQUENCE IN NORTHERN MISSOURI RECORD CHANGES IN PLEISTOCENE CLIMATE ROVEY, Charles W. II, Geography, Geology, and Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] Exposures in northern Missouri preserve the Sangamon Geosol developed in Loveland Silt above the Yarmouth Geosol in till. Reasons for the distinctive red coloration within these two paleosols (temperature vs. time) have been debated for many years, but previous workers did not have a sequence of older paleosols for comparison. Here, four pre-Yarmouth paleosols are also preserved locally within the Pre-Illinoian till sequence, and cosmogenic isotope dates for these tills also provide the age of the soils along with the duration of soil development. Generally, the older paleosols formed over a much longer time than the younger. For example, the oldest till (Atlanta Formation) was deposited at ~2.4 Ma and was buried by the overlying Moberly Formation at ~1.3 Ma. Thus, the Atlanta paleosol developed over ~1.1 myr, compared to no more than ~0.1 myr for the Sangamon. The oldest paleosols rarely developed hues redder than 10YR, but rubification increases within the younger sola, despite shorter durations of weathering, culminating in bright red hues near 5YR within the Yarmouth and Sangamon Geosols. Thus, these paleosols record increasing interglacial temperatures, beginning in the Middle Pleistocene. Caliche is nearly always present within the older weathering profiles, but is absent within the modern and Sangamon soils in this area. Thus, the older paleosols developed under drier conditions than the more recent climates. The depth to the top of caliche also increases systematically with younger age, recording increases in mean annual precipitation during the Early and Middle Pleistocene. In summary the paleosol sequence in northern Missouri records a trend toward warmer and moister climates during the Pleistocene. 13-5 2:55 PM Kerr, Phillip J. [218759] THROUGH A WOOLY LENS: INVESTIGATIONS FROM A MAMMOTH BURIAL IN IOWA KERR, Phillip J.1, BETTIS, E. Arthur III1, and BAKER, Richard G.2, (1) Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242, phillip-kerr@ uiowa.edu, (2) Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 Investigations sponsored by the Iowa Museum of Natural History have discovered the remains of three mammoths eroding from alluvium in a small tributary of the South Skunk River in southern Iowa. Coring, examination of excavation walls, radiocarbon dating, and macrofossil analyses are providing a preliminary picture of the paleoenvironment occupied by the mammoths and the processes responsible for formation of the fossil deposit. Excavations to date have recovered fossils from early Holocene alluvium that filled a plunge pool cut into an older terrace fill that apparently contains in-situ mammoth remains. The pristine condition of bone recovered to date and a lack of size or density sorting suggests a very short transport distance. An exposure of the older terrace fill and cores from the terrace surface adjacent to the excavation show a sequence of fine-grained late glacial alluvium separated from sand and gravel by an organic-rich zone that yielded a radiocarbon date of 13,120+50 B.P. Plant macrofossils recovered from the organic zone indicate a marshy area within a spruce forest. On-going investigations are focused on refining a sedimentary model for the site and determining the location of the in-place deposition of the mammoth remains. 13-6 3:30 PM Harrison, Jeffrey M. [218615] LINKING 2,000 YEARS OF SEDIMENTATION IN THE WESTERN ARCTIC OCEAN TO AN ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE PROXY RECORD FROM A GLACIAL LAKE IN THE BROOKS RANGE, AK HARRISON, Jeffrey M.1, ORTIZ, Joseph D.1, ABBOTT, Mark B.2, BIRD, Broxton W.3, HACKER, David B.1, GRIFFITH, Elizabeth M.1, and DARBY, Dennis A.4, (1) Department of Geology, Kent State University, 221 McGilvrey Hall, Kent, OH 44242, [email protected], (2) Department of Geology and Planetary Science, Univ of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, (3) Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN 46202, (4) Department of Ocean, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529 The delivery of sediment to the Alaskan continental shelf is largely associated with ice drift and wind driven Arctic Ocean circulation patterns that have varied during the Holocene. This study presents a comparison of two continuous, high-resolution proxy records from the western Arctic over the past 2,000 years. Direct correlations were made between marine grain size, related to shifts in depositional mechanisms, and terrestrial atmospheric climate in northern Alaska. To provide variations of sedimentation patterns in the Arctic Ocean (e.g., sea-ice transport, density flows, ocean currents), the grain size distributions were measured in a piston core (HLY02-04 JPC16) from the eastern Chukchi Sea at a higher resolution than previously reported. A revised JPC16 age-depth model was used in this analysis (Darby et al., 2012). The sediment core, collected on the east flank of Barrow Canyon (72.1555°N, 153.50817°W), preserves a record of local variations in sedimentation mechanisms in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas. A Varimax-rotated Principle Component Analysis (VPCA) was conducted on JPC16. We inferred three principal components (PCs) of sediment deposition at the core site related to anchor ice, nepheloid flows, and suspension freezing based on variations in grain-size distributions. This interpretation is consistent with previous downcore analysis by Darby et al. (2009). A fourth, less significant mode, is related to resuspension and deposition connected to intermittent suspension. While all components showed increased variability since 200 yr BP, factors related to sea-ice showed the highest positive loadings between 2000-1300 cal yr BP. The high-resolution record of sediment deposition in the Arctic Ocean allowed for direct correlation with the atmospheric climate proxy as recorded by varve thickness in the Brooks Range (Bird et al., 2009). The time interval investigated here shows a significant relationship of marine sea-ice sedimentation with variability in atmospheric temperature (r = 0.7). Additionally, marine sedimentation appears to lag the atmospheric temperature proxy, indicating that temperature is a primary forcing mechanism in sea-ice variation. This analysis suggests that warmer intervals are likely correlated with greater sea-ice melt and favor sedimentation of entrained sediments. 13-7 3:50 PM Matzke, Jeffrey A. [218043] A NEW VIEW OF THE STONE ZONE ON THE IOWA EROSION SURFACE MATZKE, Jeffrey A.1, BETTIS, E. Arthur III2, WEIRICH, Frank1, and VOGELGESANG, Jason3, (1) Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242, [email protected], (2) Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242, (3) Iowa Geological and Water Survey, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, 109 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242 The processes that generated the distinctive landscape of the Iowa Erosion Surface (IES) of northeastern Iowa have been debated for over a century. A number of researchers have concluded that the IES experienced a periglacial environment and was underlain by continuous permafrost during the last glacial maximum. Ubiquitous throughout the IES is a stone zone that lies 60-100cm below the surface. Several explanations for the genesis of the stone zone have been proposed, including a lag concentrate, biomantle processes, and cryogenesis. We utilized a combination of coring and trenching, ground penetrating radar and resistivity to investigate the 3D distribution of the stone zone, overlying “pedisediment” and the underlying contact with dense till across a 100 m2 area on a typical IES hillslope in east-central Iowa . Our preliminary results indicate that the stone zone occurs in the basal few decimeters of pedisediment that rests uncomformably and abruptly on eroded, dense till. Ice wedge casts extend from the stone zone into the underlying till. The depth of the stone zone below the modern surface increases downslope and the stone zone dissipates and eventually is replaced by relatively thick loamy sand beneath the footslope. These relationships argue against the stone zone being of biogenic origin. The occurrence of ice wedge casts associated with the stone zone and systematic changes in the thickness and texture of the pedisediment suggest to us that stone zone on the IES was formed by a combination of cryogenic and active zone erosive processes during the full glacial period. 13-8 4:10 PM Artz, Joe Alan [218799] MULTI-PROXY MID-HOLOCENE FLUVIAL PROCESSES AT TWO LOCALITIES IN CENTRAL IOWA ARTZ, Joe Alan, Earthview Environmental, LLC, 310 Second Street, Coralville, IA 522411, [email protected] The Palace site (13PK966) is a buried Middle Archaic site in the Des Moines River valley near the city of Des Moines in central Iowa. Several relatively tightly stratified and stratigraphically separated occupation surfaces were inhabited ca. 7,000 BP. Houses were present, and a human burial was also encountered. The archaeological deposits are buried in a silty clay loam overbank facies that veneers a former point bar. The overbank veneer grades laterally to a clay to silty clay channel-fill that was perhaps a wetland, occupying a nearly-filled-in paleochannel at the time of occupation. Other than an occasional coarse-textured splay or chute deposit, the overbank deposits exhibit no macroscopically visible stratigraphy. Soil thin sections, however, reveal micromorphological evidence for sedimentary bedding in the form of changes in size and sorting of sand grains, for short-lived periods of surface stability in the form of channel microstructures created by bioturbation. d13C ratios for the 250 cm thick overbank facies are primarily between -23 and -20 o/oo, values that are intermediate between warm- and cool- season plants. There is, however, a significant excursion in C4 grasses in a 50-cm-thick zone, with ratios of -15 to -17 o/oo. This zone immediately overlies the 7,000-year-old cultural horizon. It may therefore, be the signature of a mid-Holocene warming episode. Pollen records from other central-Iowa sites indicate that the prairie expanded across central Iowa in this approximate time range. Other recent work by the author on the Middle Raccoon River, about 50 km west of the Palace site, show evidence of a major fluvial discontinuity at ca. 7,000 BP, based on radiocarbon ages from channel and channel-fill facies at the bottom of a 4-5 m thick upward-fining sequence. Largescale sedimentary structures observe in core and cutbank profiles indicate high energy deposition between ca. 7,000 and 6,500 BP. 13-9 4:30 PM Grimley, David A. [218205] PLEISTOCENE MOLLUSCAN ASSEMBLAGES TO AID UNDERSTANDING OF PALEOENVIRONMENT, PALEOCLIMATE AND CHRONOLOGY: EXAMPLES FROM ILLINOIS GRIMLEY, David A., Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected] and OCHES, Eric A., Department of Natural & Applied Sciences, Bentley University, 175 Forest St, Waltham, MA 02452 Across the southern Midwest region, Pleistocene mollusks are locally found in relatively unaltered loess or lacustrine sediment (particularly slackwater deposits) synchronous with central U.S.A. glaciations. More rarely, molluscan faunas are preserved in interglacial lake deposits. The assemblage of gastropods and bivalves provides important information about past environments, climate, and ecology that complements other paleoenvironmental data. In addition, the shell material can be used in chronological studies. Paleoenvironmental interpretations aided by molluscan occurrences include differentiation of terrestrial vs. aquatic conditions; seasonal vs. perennial lake; deep vs. shallow water; and flowing vs. quiet water. Faunas tend to vary spatially and stratigraphically between distal and ice-proximal environments. Such observations can complement or refine interpretations from sedimentological, geomorphic, and other fossil records (e.g., pollen, ostracodes), thus providing a clearer picture of the paleoenvironment. In some cases, such as in oxidized sediments, molluscan assemblages are preserved where other records are lacking or poorly preserved. Some species of minute terrestrial gastropod genera (Vertigo, Pupilla, Columella, Gastrocopta) have climatic sensitivity and, by comparisons with modern distribution patterns (Nekola and Coles, 2010), can aid in general paleoclimate estimations. Aquatic species are generally less affected by climate but some species have sensitivity. Carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses of shell carbonate can aid with interpretations of paleovegetation, paleotemperature, or paleohumidity, though other factors should be considered. Chronologically, radiocarbon dating of Wisconsin Episode terrestrial mollusks in loess or lakeshore records are more precise and considered by many to be more accurate than luminescence dating. With the development of multiple amino acid assays in recent years, amino acid geochronology (using terrestrial or aquatic species) is proving valuable in differentiating Wisconsin, Illinois, and pre-Illinois episode deposits in Illinois, as was initially suggested in western Indiana (Miller et al. 1987). Comparisons of glutamic and aspartic acid D/L ratios with Succinea and Hendersonia are most fruitful thus far. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 17 SESSION NO. 13 13-10 4:50 PM Herrmann, Edward W. [218688] GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CONTROLS AFFECTING THE CREATION AND PRESERVATION OF A BURIED WETLAND ENVIRONMENT DURING THE PLEISTOCENE/HOLOCENE TRANSITION: A GEOARCHAEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE HERRMANN, Edward W., Anthropology, Indiana University, 2420 Canada Dr, Bloomington, IN 47401, [email protected] Geoarchaeological investigations within the White River Valley in south-central Indiana revealed the controlling geomorphological factors that led to the formation and preservation of a buried wetland environment just prior to, and throughout the Younger Dryas. Coring transects within a local segment of the West Fork of the White River were used to analyze the subsurface sediments, identify paleosurfaces, and correlate the fluvial landforms along the White River. In one local river segment, late Wisconsin river meanders eroded into outwash terraces and left abandoned channels that infilled with organic debris after 13kBP. By 10kBP, local conditions created a local wetland/peat bog containing preserved organic matter that can be used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions during the Younger Dryas. Subsequently, a wet grassland/ prairie developed after 10kBP and lasted until about 4kBP, after which the site was buried and preserved by mid-Holocene alluvium. Major river adjustments related to downcutting and entrenchment altered the extent of the mid-Holocene meander belt, limiting meandering and erosion through the site. Late Pleistocene and early Holocene meander scars at the site provide data important to archaeological site predictive modeling and to understanding where buried and preserved archaeological sites may occur during the Paleoindian (11.5-10kBP) and Early Archaic (10-8kBP) Periods. 13-11 5:10 PM Rocheford, M. Kathryn [218135] FRAMEWORK FOR IDENTIFYING LANDUSE EFFECTS ON SOIL RESILIENCE ROCHEFORD, M. Kathryn, Geosciences, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242, [email protected] Soil is an interface between the atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, acting as buffer and filter for the air we breathe, the crops we harvest, and the water we drink. Perturbations in any one of these spheres can affect soil properties as well as its resilience. The ecological landscape of the Midwest has been extensively altered by both natural and human modifications (e.g. erosion, climate change, fire, vegetation change, land-use change, etc.). Land-use activities can have significant impacts on the physical, biological and chemical processes of soil that alter its resilience and its role in the global carbon cycle. Furthermore, a complex history of changing use patterns makes it difficult to differentiate the effects of individual land-use activities on modern soils using traditional physico-chemical soil science methods. To better model potential mitigation practices for soil sustainability, it is critical to differentiate between physico-chemical properties of soils resulting from natural processes and those from early historic land-use, as well as those resulting from modern agricultural or other modern landscape modifications. Presented here is a methodological framework that begins to incorporate the geomorphological and geochemical perspectives that can be utilized to reveal land-use activities for areas that have limited or no record of past land-use. SESSION NO. 14, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium 14-1 1:30 PM Brown, Steven E. [218189] FROM START TO FINISH: THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOLOGIC MAPS AND MODELS OF LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS BROWN, Steven E., Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected] The Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition is a partnership that includes the state geological surveys of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; the Ontario Geological Survey; and the U.S. Geological Survey. The partnership builds on the collective knowledge of these scientific organizations to map the glacial geology of the of the Great Lakes states in high priority areas. Geologists and other staff use innovative computer aided mapping, drilling, and geophysical technologies and methods to discover and document complex stratigraphic and depositional relationships. Cornerstones of the Coalition are three-dimensional mapping and modeling and the application of maps and models to solving societal issues. A three-dimensional geologic model for Lake County, Illinois has been made by the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) based on analysis of more than 200 exploration boreholes, 24,000 water-well and engineering borehole records, and several miles of geophysical transect data. A data-sharing agreement with the county has facilitated the exchange of digital data, including access to county-wide, high-accuracy datasets that facilitate mapping and quality control of public domain information, such as water-well records. In Lake County, the variability of the continuity and physical characteristics of deposits, typically associated with a number of inset proglacial depositional sequences, necessitates application of both lithostratigraphy and allostratigraphy to map and model geologic surfaces. A number of map units are defined based on genesis, as a practical matter, where bounding surfaces are more readily identified than the boundaries of discrete lithologic units. Throughout the mapping process, ISGS staff have interacted with local decision makers to both gain an understanding of local natural resource issues, and to provide geologic information to those making decisions. Interactions have included presentations to the county board, local municipalities, industry, and the general public. Future challenges include the design and presentation of the three-dimensional model for the end user, noting users may not have the software and hardware capabilities used to make the maps and models. 18 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 14-2 1:50 PM Aden, Douglas J. [218321] MAPPING KARST IN THE NORTH-CENTRAL OHIO REGION ADEN, Douglas J., Ohio Geological Survey, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 2045 Morse RD., BLDG. C-2, Columbus, OH 43229-6693, [email protected] Since 2009, the Ohio Geological Survey has undertaken reconnaissance mapping of karst areas in Ohio, beginning with the cities of Delaware and Springfield and their vicinities. Currently, karst is being mapped near the cities of Bellevue, Castalia, and Clyde in north-central Ohio—a densely karstic area featuring some of the largest sinkholes in the state. To locate these sinkholes, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data is used to generate a digital elevation model (DEM). This DEM pinpoints depressions that may have internal drainage. These depressions are cross referenced with known karst locations, bedrock geology, aerial photography, soil maps, drift thickness maps, and water well logs. Many features were dismissed by using both aerial photography and knowledge gained from previous field verification of how LiDAR interacts with streams, culverts, and infrastructure as opposed to sinkholes. LiDAR lows and areas that could not be eliminated remotely are being visited in the field and documented. In total there are 1,208 distinct locations under review for karst in this 428-km2 area. To date, the Ohio Geological Survey has confirmed 52 sinkholes and 24 springs, and eliminated 142 suspect sites either remotely or in the field. In addition to the newly located features, 240 karst points that were field verified by previous workers will be rechecked against the LiDAR and in the field. The remaining suspect locations will be field checked to determine if they are karst or not. Also, records on size and depth of 218 features from a 1980 project are being compared to the LiDAR to see if change over time can be observed. Karst regions are highly susceptible to pollution, and structures built near them may subside. Karst features in the Bellevue region have also served as conduits of groundwater discharge during periods of unusually high precipitation. This groundwater discharge has led to severe, localized flooding. The maps produced from this effort will allow areas of land development near karst features to be better planned and maintained. 14-3 2:10 PM Carson, Eric C. [218823] SURFICIAL GEOLOGIC MAPPING AND LANDSCAPE EVOLUTION RESEARCH IN THE DRIFTLESS AREA OF SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN CARSON, Eric C., Department of Environmental Sciences, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Madison, WI 53705, [email protected] and ATTIG, John W., Department of Environmental Sciences, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 3817 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705 On-going surficial geology projects in the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin are heavily invested in the concept of the valuable synergies between high-quality research and highquality geologic mapping. Accurate and detailed mapping provides a basis to guide and inform original research; focused research leads to a better understanding of geologic process, events, chronology, stratigraphy and materials in a mapping area, and thus a better mapping product. To exemplify this, mapping along the lower Wisconsin River valley has provided the impetus to investigate the glacial deposits that define the boundaries of the unglaciated Driftless Area, and the Quaternary geologic history archived by those deposits. Along the Mississippi River, south of the confluence with the Wisconsin River, coring has defined the easternmost extent of pre-Illinoian glacial deposits. Compact gray clay-rich till and associated outwash were recognized within 1 km of the modern Mississippi River underlying the ubiquitous Peoria loess. Coring through the pre-Illinoian Bridgeport moraine (Knox and Attig, 1988) identified a brown sandy till overlying a gray clay-rich till similar to that found farther south. This implies that multiple pre-Illinoian glacial advances, depositing markedly different till, extended eastward to a point roughly coincident with the modern Mississippi River. In the Baraboo Hills area at the eastern margin of the Driftless Area, coring the late Wisconsin Johnstown moraine where it blocks the south end of the Devils Lake gorge has revealed the stratigraphy of the moraine and helped refine the history of the advance of ice to its maximum position. The moraine is composed of ~5 m of till overlying more than 75 m of sand and gravel (outwash). The stratigraphy suggests that ice was stable just short of its maximum extent and depositing outwash that the ice ultimately advanced over to deposit till on the outwash. These data likely would not have been collected if not for the surficial geology mapping being conducted, and the insights gained from the data will improve the final mapping product. This highlights the concept that taking a research-driven approach to mapping facilitates developing priorities and long-term goals, and developing a greater understanding of key aspects of the geology of the area being mapped. 14-4 2:30 PM Fleming, Anthony H. [218325] A TALE OF TWO LOBES: THE PLEISTOCENE EVOLUTION OF INDIANA’S LARGEST INTERLOBATE LAKE BASIN FLEMING, Anthony H., 2275 E300S, Albion, IN 46701, [email protected] and KARAFFA, Marni D., Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 North Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405 Lake Wawasee has the largest surface area of any natural lake in Indiana, while nearby Tippecanoe Lake is the deepest. They are among a group of large, deep lakes (and dozens of smaller ones) concentrated in a distinctly rugged, ~100 mi2area that defines the interlobate boundary between the Saginaw and Erie Lobes in Kosciusko County, north-central Indiana. Ongoing geologic mapping indicates that this more southerly part of the boundary experienced a sharply different history than the segment further to the northeast, which generally lacks large lakes, has more subdued topography, and in most places is characterized by the relatively simple onlap of large Erie Lobe fans into basins produced by the withdrawal of the Saginaw Lobe into Michigan. Several lines of evidence indicate that extensive tracts of stagnant Erie Lobe ice were well established in these lake basins before the Saginaw Lobe arrived, and long before deposition of the large eastern fans (Topeka, Leesburg, Rochester) that followed. Individual ice blocks occupied basins as great as 10-12 mi2and were (minimally) hundreds of feet thick; moreover, they persisted for most of the late Wisconsin, greatly altering the behavior of subsequent glaciers and ultimately controlling the distributions and character of younger deposits of both the Saginaw and Erie Lobes. The deposits from this earliest Erie Lobe event thicken southwestward into eastern Marshall and extreme western Kosciusko Counties, where they form an extensive region of Erie Lobe moraines and fans known as the Bourbon upland. As such, they seem to define a discrete southern edge of the interlobate area—one that lies significantly further north than suggested by historical interpretations. Moreover, these relations reinforce the growing recognition that the history of the interlobate area is not monolithic, but instead consists of a heterogeneous group of smaller regions, each defined by local ice margins competing for space. SESSION NO. 14 14-5 2:50 PM Hobbs, Trevor [218481] USING GIS TO INVENTORY COMMON VARIETY MINERAL MATERIALS FOR THE HURONMANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST, MI HOBBS, Trevor, Huron-Manistee National Forest, GeoCorps Participant, 1755 S. Mitchell St, Cadillac, MI 49601, [email protected] The Huron-Manistee National Forest (HMNF) is relatively well endowed with aggregate resources such as gravel, sand, clay, boulders and stone. These common variety mineral materials are useful to the HMNF for projects such as road repairs, stream crossings, trail maintenance, and canoe landing sites. The development of aggregate resources on Federal lands of the HMNF has been a decreasing priority in recent decades. Since the 1980’s, an increasing number of Forest Service pits have been closed and reclaimed, in favor of more ecologically and aesthetically pleasing land management practices. Fragmented land and mineral ownership patterns within the HMNF proclamation boundary also hinder the development and management of mineral material pits. For these reasons, there has been an increase in the number of commercial pits in the surrounding area, from which the HMNF now purchases aggregate resources to complete construction, maintenance, and engineering projects. The increasing reliance on commercial aggregate suppliers throughout the years has resulted in a fragmentation of knowledge about the distribution and quality of common variety minerals on HMNF lands. Information about the location of quality aggregate resources has become somewhat antiquated and often occurs in dispersed file cabinets or as informal knowledge in the minds of District personnel. At this time, it is unclear whether it makes more economic sense to extract these materials from NFS lands, or continue purchasing aggregate from commercial suppliers. Moreover, there are no detailed geologic maps covering the HMNF at this time, which adds an additional level of uncertainty about the quality and quantity of aggregate resources at depth. Since 2011, the HMNF has utilized the GeoCorps America program to put intern geoscientists to work on assimilating data and information about common variety minerals on Forest Service lands. This information is currently being gathered and stored in an ArcGIS geodatabase. When complete, the geodatabase will serve as a useful tool for project planning, and advance the ongoing effort to inventory common variety minerals across the HMNF. This presentation will highlight the methods used to inventory and map historic and existing pits, as well as discuss practical uses of the geodatabase for HMNF land managers. 14-6 3:10 PM Kincare, Kevin A. [218539] A HIGH-LEVEL PROGLACIAL LAKE IN WEXFORD COUNTY, MICHIGAN, AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE BOUNDARY OF THE LAKE BORDER MORAINE IN NORTHWEST LOWER MICHIGAN KINCARE, Kevin A., U.S. Geological Survey, 926 A National Center, Reston, VA 20192, [email protected] The Lake Border moraine in northwestern lower Michigan has recently been reexamined in western Wexford County. Leverett and Taylor (1915) mapped the Lake Border moraine (much of which exceeds 400 m altitude in Wexford County) in contact with the Valparaiso/Charlotte interlobate moraine at the latter’s northwest corner near Harrietta. Just south of Wexford County, they mapped a convex to the west trending reentrant (67 km long, 45 km wide) in the Lake Border moraine that bends back to the east in Newaygo County. Recent mapping of deposits in the Lake Border moraine in Wexford County reveal glaciodeltaic deposits from topset sand and gravel through to bottomset (varves) silt and clay. The ice-margin configuration suggested by Leverett and Taylor (1915) cannot support a proglacial lake at the altitudes indicated by recent mapping and drill holes. At the maximum extent of the Lake Border glacier, a high level (~380 m altitude) proglacial lake must have been bounded by the glacier on the west and southwest, older interlobate deposits to the southeast, and possibly the Saginaw lobe to the east. The reentrant as currently drawn could not have held a proglacial lake at the altitude demonstrated by this project. The drainage divide exposed by the reentrant is 100m below the lake level of the lacustrine sediments in the glaciodeltaic morphosequence. On the basis of this evidence, the Lake Border moraine is mapped without a reentrant. That is, it remains close to the western edge of the Valparaiso-Charlotte interlobate moraine through to the Lake-Newaygo County line where preliminary mapping indicates that the western edge of the uplands is also composed of similar glaciodeltaic deposits. 14-7 3:50 PM Burt, Abigail K. [218484] THREE-DIMENSIONAL GLACIAL GEOLOGY OF THE INTERLOBATE ORANGEVILLE MORAINE, SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO, CANADA BURT, Abigail K., Ontario Geological Survey, 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5 Canada, [email protected] The Ontario Geological Survey is undertaking regional scale 3-D hydrostratigraphic mapping of glacial sediments in select areas of Southern Ontario. This is part of a broader initiative designed to provide geoscience information for the identification, protection and sustainable use of the provincial groundwater resource. The full workflow comprises the assembly and standardization of existing subsurface data; acquisition of new geological and geophysical information; the development of a conceptual geological model; the interpretation of the subsurface data; and the generation of products for scientific, technical and non-technical clients. The Orangeville-Fergus project area encompasses 1550 km2 centred on the Late Wisconsinan interlobate Orangeville moraine. Bedrock dips to the southwest and deep buried bedrock valleys extending back from the Niagara Escarpment host important sediment aquifers. Eight key regional-scale sediment packages comprise: 1) older tills and localized coarse-textured stratified sediments; 2) a pre-Late Wisconsinan aquifer that sporadically contains organic material; 3) the main Late Wisconsinan Nissouri Phase Catfish Creek Till that forms a key stratigraphic marker across the region; 4) Erie Phase aquifers and aquitards deposited during and following the break-up of Catfish Creek ice consisting of coarse-textured glaciofluvial and subaquatic fan sediments, fine-textured glaciolacustrine sediments and diamicton. This package includes the Orangeville moraine and Rockwood buried-bedrock valley fill; 5) Port Bruce Phase Tavistock, Port Stanley and upper sandy tills and upper Maryhill drift, deposited during lobate advances from the northwest, northeast and southeast, and forming the upper aquitard across much of the study area; 6) outwash gravels deposited in incised channels; 7) Mackinaw Phase Wentworth Till and debris flows forming the Paris moraine and recording the maximum extent of the Erie–Ontario ice lobe during this ice advance; and 8) glaciofluvial and coarse-textured glaciolacustrine sediments overlying Wentworth Till in the far southeast of the study area. Closed depressions within the granular deposits of the Orangeville and Paris moraines facilitate recharge and ensure a healthy groundwater flow system at the head of three watersheds. 14-8 4:10 PM Bajc, A.F. [218725] THE PRE-LATE WISCONSINAN SEDIMENT RECORD OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF SIMCOE COUNTY, SOUTH-CENTRAL ONTARIO, CANADA BAJC, A.F., Ontario Geological Survey, 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5, Canada, [email protected] and MULLIGAN, R.P.M., School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada Recent deep drilling in support of government funded 3-D investigations for groundwater management has resulted in an improved understanding of the sediment record pre-dating the Late Wisconsinan advance of ice into the southern part of Simcoe County, an area of approximately 1500 km2. Late Wisconsinan Newmarket Till, deposited by southwest-flowing Simcoe lobe ice, is underlain by a thick sequence of glaciolacustrine sediments deposited in a large basin bordered to the south and north by the advancing Ontario and Georgian Bay/Simcoe ice lobes, respectively. AMS dating constrains this glaciolacustrine event to between about 39.8 and <29 ka BP. The glaciolacustrine deposits consist primarily of rhythmically laminated silts and clays (> 1795 couplets counted) interrupted by as many as 3 cycles of sand deposition which may extend laterally in the subsurface for more than 10 kms. The glaciolacustrine sequence, which is correlated to the Thorncliffe Formation as defined in the Scarborough bluffs in Toronto, blankets a regional unconformity surface dated at 39.8 to >54.7 ka BP. Organic-bearing alluvial and lacustrine deposits containing macrofossils and pollen characteristic of newly deglaciated landscapes are frequently intercepted in borings along this unconformity. The opening of low-level outlets in response to significant ice retreat resulted in the observed subaerial conditions at this time within the region. These deposits rest on an older fine-textured till, the upper surface of which is often weathered, and whose outer limit may extend across the southern part of the county. This Georgian Bay lobe drift sequence may be equivalent to the Sunnybrook Drift of the Lake Ontario basin and of Early Wisconsinan age. An older, stony, coarse-textured till interbedded with stratified sands, some organic-bearing, underlies this unit and rests on an incised bedrock surface. The ages of these deposits are not known. AMS dating of wood recovered from these older stratified deposits often yield ages beyond the limits of radiocarbon dating (>50 ka BP). Improved understanding of the regional distribution and character of the subsurface units will be achieved as part of the 3-D modelling process. This information will assist hydrogeologists as they strive to better understand the groundwater flow system of the region. 14-9 4:30 PM Prentice, Michael L. [218612] ERIE LOBE TILL STUDIES IN INDIANA REVEAL A DYNAMIC ICE MARGIN PRENTICE, Michael L.1, DUCEY, Patrick W.2, ISMAIL, Ahmed3, LETSINGER, Sally L.4, SARGENT, Steve5, and FENERTY, B.S.1, (1) Indiana Geological Survey, 611 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, [email protected], (2) Indiana University Department of Geological Sciences, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-1405, (3) Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, 615 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, (4) Center for Geospatial Data Analysis, Indiana University, Indiana Geological Survey, 611 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, (5) Illinois State Geological Survey, 615 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820 The prominent end-moraine landsystem in northeastern Indiana made up of Erie lobe tills fades out 20 km north of the Wabash-Erie channel and is replaced by a composite landsystem that covers the extensive northern margin of Erie lobe deposits. We studied this composite landsystem to improve understanding of Erie lobe and adjacent Saginaw lobe history. This work facilitates mapping of Erie lobe tills in Indiana where they are referred to as the Lagro Formation. The principal data consist of geomorphic observations, microstratigraphic studies on several highquality cores, and 12 km of high-resolution shear-wave seismic reflection profiles. The composite Lagro landsystem is dominated by sinuous meltwater channels of several scales that are discontinuous across the landscape and cut through most topographic features made of Lagro till. Their morphology and distribution, as well as the seismic profiles intersecting one channel, are indicative of subglacial formation. Likewise, the characteristics of the Lagro subunit that surfaces parts of the composite landsystem are consistent with subglacial deposition. We surmise that the composite landsystem is largely subglacial in origin. Subglacial landsystem elements cut ridges that are cored by an ice-marginal facies of the Lagro Formation as indicated by core stratigraphy. Seismic profiles over one such ridge are consistent with deposition of a deep Lagro subunit as ice-marginal moraine. We infer that several ridges in the composite landsystem are palimpsest Erie lobe ice-marginal moraines. We suggest that the composite Lagro landsystem reflects a sequence of Erie lobe events that are older than the Erie lobe stillstands represented by the end-moraine landsystem to the south. If correct, the margin of this lobe fluctuated on a significant spatial scale more rapidly than currently believed. 14-10 4:50 PM Kozlowski, Andrew L. [218782] GLACIAL GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF THE MONTEZUMA WETLANDS COMPLEX IN CENTRAL, NY: DEVELOPING 3D GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORKS TO RESOLVE HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC AND GLACIAL CHRONOLOGIC PROBLEMS KOZLOWSKI, Andrew L., Geologic Survey, New York State Museum, 3140 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230, [email protected] and BIRD, Brian, Geological Survey, New York State Museum, 3140 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230 North of Cayuga Lake, the second largest and deepest of the Finger Lakes in central New York State is the Montezuma Wetlands Complex. Over 40,000 acres of federal, state and private wetland occupy a broad dendritic system of channels in the heart of the Ontario Drumlin field. Glacial and postglacial deposits between 4 and 60 meters thick overlie rugged channelized bedrock topography, carved into Devonian carbonates and Ordovician shales. Excavations completed in 2008 revealed a complex stratigraphy inclusive of multiple buried peat horizons containing well preserved buried trees and abundant organic materials of Younger Dryas age. Follow up investigations revealed the presence of anomalous salt springs distributed throughout the wetlands. Detailed geologic field mapping in concert with LIDAR data, exploratory drilling and integrated geophysics provide robust information to understand complex glacial stratigraphic frameworks that govern surface water groundwater interaction. As the Ontario Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet retreated large high energy ice marginal channels routed meltwater into a drumlinized archipelago of early phase Lake Iroquois. Robust radiocarbon dates coupled with internally consistent stratigraphy from numerous boreholes provide a powerful set of data to constrain ice marginal positions, meltwater pulses and proglacial lake successions in central New York. As one of the largest wetland systems in the Great Lakes region, detailed three-dimensional geologic mapping of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex provides natural resource officials an invaluable tool to manage ecosystems and water resources, understand the natural history, and plan for potential impacts of climate change. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 19 SESSION NO. 14 14-11 5:10 PM Misterovich, Gregory [218781] MAPPING GLACIAL FEATURES USING STATIGRAPHIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND GIS MISTEROVICH, Gregory, NA, NA, 1810 Oak Ave, Birmingham, MI 48009, [email protected] Past textural and geomorphic interpretations of glacial features in the Birmingham Quadrangle do not correspond well with the observed stratigraphy of those glacial features. To study these differences, the observed stratigraphy data was mapped as points on a Geographic Information System (GIS), and then displayed on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to gain a greater understanding of the subsurface structure and the surface features. The mapping revealed a hard packed massive clay layer that closely follows the surface elevation, and is covered by a surface layer of till. A variety of contacts and layers exist between the clay and till layer which include: direct contact, armored contact, bedding sand/gravel layer, cross bedded sand/gravel layer, silt layer, massive sand layer and a combination of layers and conditions. The complexity of the stratigraphy, multiple bedding and cross bedded sand/gravel layers, increased as the surface elevation of the sampling points decreased and approach the current surface drainage collection areas. The bedding lines of the sand/gravel remained in-phase with the clay layer as the contact surface of the clay layer became wavy. The hard packed massive clay layer shows no indications of horizontal deposition and due to it’s variance in elevation has been interpreted as lodgment till. The armored contact on the lodgment till is seen as the beginning of a subglacial meltwater flow with the smaller sediment being transported out from the bottom of the surface till matrix and deposited as a sand/gravel bedding layers in a subglacial cavity. When mapped the armored contact areas progressed from the direct contact areas and into the multiple bedding and cross bedded sand/gravel layer areas indicating a direction of subglacial meltwater flow. The preservation of the bedding structures suggest that the overlying till is the product of a passive melt-out and that the continuous till plain is a melt-out till. Clay, silt, sand, gravel, and till deposits found below the elevation of the Maumee Shoreline within the Birmingham Quadrangle were deposited by direct glacial contact and subglacial fluvial discharge. Studies of past climate change rely upon the timing and location of ice in past glaciations; greater details of these events are needed. SESSION NO. 15, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T14. Teaching and Learning Earth Science: K–16 Educational Pedagogy Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium 15-1 1:30 PM Salmons, Charles R. [218216] GEOLOGICAL WALK THROUGH TIME: A NEW EXHIBIT FOR 21ST CENTURY STATE SCIENCE STANDARDS SALMONS, Charles R., Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, 2045 Morse Rd, Bldg. C-1, Columbus, OH 43229, [email protected] The new Geological Walk Through Time (or “Geo Walk”) at the Ohio State Fairgrounds provides Ohio educators and students a unique teaching and learning experience that compliments the new State of Ohio Revised Science Standards and Model Curriculum. Adopted in 2012, the new standards re-envision what Ohio students should know to become scientifically literate citizens equipped for higher education and the twenty-first century workforce. Dedicated in 2012, the new Geo Walk is a 286-ft-long brick path that takes visitors through 450 million years of Ohio’s geologic history. The interactive exhibit features large rock specimens characteristic of each geologic period, from the Cambrian through Pennsylvanian, which visitors can touch and examine up close. Other specimens include industrial minerals, such as coal and salt; building and canal stones; and other rock types, such as flint, that have been important in Ohio’s cultural and economic development. Central to the Geo Walk is a map of the state’s bedrock geology—thought to be the largest outdoor geological map in the world—where visitors can stand and pinpoint their home counties and learn what lies beneath their backyards and neighborhood streets. Posted URL codes enable visitors using personal electronic devices to learn more as they follow the pathway. Ohio educators will find the Geo Walk adaptable to many instructional methods, especially when combined with other educational materials available from the Ohio Geological Survey. Consequently, the Geo Walk is suitable for helping to meet state science standards for such topics as fossils; rocks types; energy and mineral resources; landforms; geologic processes; glacial geology; and geologic time. Guided tours also can be tailored to meet other state standards, such as those for social studies, by demonstrating the vital connections between geology and Ohio’s development as a state. 15-2 1:50 PM Jagoda, Susan Kaschner [218207] DISTANCE-LEARNING AT DENALI NATIONAL PARK AND PRESERVE: A GEOCORPS EXPERIENCE JAGODA, Susan Kaschner, Lawrence Hall of Science (Retired), University of California, Avon Lake, OH 44012, [email protected] Distance learning via the Internet has become a component of many national park education programs (http://www.nps.gov/learn/distance.cfm). Since funding for field trips is often not available, and many students don’t have opportunities to visit national parks, distance learning provides a chance to have the next best thing to a firsthand experience, a nearly close encounter with an educator/naturalist who lives and works in a national park. Through the Geological Society of America, GeoCorps Program and the National Park Service, I spent the summer of 2013 at Denali National Park and Preserve helping develop a distance-learning program on the subject of Denali’s (Mt. McKinley’s) geology. This presentation will include a look at the materials that were created and their development, including a PowerPoint program that is delivered via Skype and supporting teacher, student, and ranger resources. An update on how the program has been used over the past 6 months will also be included. 20 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 15-3 2:10 PM Lewandowski, Katherine J. [218542] FOSTERING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM LEWANDOWSKI, Katherine J.1, O’MALLEY, Christina E.2, and JAQUES, Charlie A.1, (1) Department of Geology-Geography, Eastern Illinois University, 600 Lincoln Ave, Charleston, IL 61920, [email protected], (2) Department of Earth And Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, Brehm Lab 260, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435 The Next Generation Science Standards (2013) have a vision of science that emphasizes “1) science and engineering practice, 2) cross cutting concepts, and 3) disciplinary core ideas.” To this end, we have developed units for the high school classroom. Two units of lessons in issues-based science with a goal of producing integrated learning were developed by pre-service teachers during the course of teacher preparation programs. Each unit consists of various lessons targeting different skills and learning styles, from the application of mathematics to determine appropriate flood mitigation to the construction of a model of an island to understand biomes. The aim is for students to learn about different concepts, such as flood processes, plate tectonics, and island biogeography, in a geographical context. Students gain a deeper understanding of an unfamiliar region of the world by first understanding local processes, and then applying that knowledge to a place that is further afield and unfamiliar to them. This approach will help students to see both what is different about these regions, as well as what is similar, and accomplishes a better awareness of regional and global issues. 15-4 2:30 PM Rice, Jane [218607] A FEW GOOD IDEAS: INTEGRATING EARTH SCIENCE WITH LIFE SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE RICE, Jane1, RUSTEM, Stephanie2, JACKSON, Susan3, MARKHAM, Laura4, MALDONADO, Patricia3, and ANDERSON, Charles W.5, (1) Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 354 Farm Lane Room 120, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], (2) Community Sustainability, Michigan State University, 354 Farm Lane Room 113, East Lansing, MI 48824, (3) Center for Integrative Studies in General Science, Michigan State University, 354 Farm Lane Room 112, East Lansing, MI 48824, (4) Center for Integrative Studies in General Science, Michigan State University, 354 Farm Lane Room 115, East Lansing, MI 48824, (5) Teacher Education, Michigan State University, 620 FARM LN ROOM 319A, East Lansing, MI 48824 Earth science, like any science discipline, can appear to be a million disjointed facts, or it can be seen as a few, integrating ideas that can be used in everyday life to make informed decisions about health, consumer choices, and environmental issues. We designed a course for elementary and middle school pre-service teachers based on a few good ideas, namely matter conservation, energy conservation, and the interaction between matter and energy. We call these ideas “foundational big ideas” because, while specific to chemistry, they also form the foundation of any science discipline. These big ideas were used to build a coherent framework for learning that was supported with targeted teaching strategies and instructional activities. We emphasized a conceptual understanding of these foundational big ideas as well as the ability to use this understanding as a tool for reasoning about science phenomena in a variety of disciplinary contexts, including geology. For example, we applied conservation of matter to the use of Earth’s material resources from mining through processing, manufacturing, and consumer use to disposal. We applied conservation of energy to the use of energy resources with the resultant transformation of chemical energy to thermal energy. While conservation may seem obvious in these examples, we found that college students hold many misconceptions, including a belief that mining is a thing of the past since factories can make everything people need. We also found that students’ informal use of matter and energy terms in everyday life often leads to these misconceptions, such as “we’re running out of energy”, or “we’re running out of aluminum so we need to recycle”, both of which can lead students to think that matter and energy can be destroyed. We will report on our students’ ability to apply these foundational big ideas to new contexts and to integrate them across disciplines, such as meteorology, hydrology, ecology, and human physiology. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of NSF (DUE0941820) for support of this project. 15-5 3:10 PM Mattox, Stephen [218476] THE VALUE OF TEACHING A METHODS COURSE FOR EARTH SCIENCE PRESERVICE TEACHERS MATTOX, Stephen, Geology, Grand Valley State University, 133 Padnos, Allendale, MI 49401-9403, [email protected] Michigan Earth science teachers address content in nature of science, astronomy, weather, and geology. A “methods” course was developed to bridge the gap between content courses and the practice of teaching. The course assists in meeting accreditation requirements for the program and for preparation for the MTTC. Course work consists of pre-/post-tests, addressing state and Next Generation science standards, experience with existing teaching materials, design of new inquiry-based instructional materials, class projects that incorporate nature of science, observing a science teacher, and the opportunity to attend a MSTA meeting. Pre-/post-tests include the Astronomy Diagnostic Test and the Geology Concept Inventory. The tests evaluate student understanding and prior experiences, role of required college courses, and impact of current instruction. Standards are introduced at the start of each discipline and within lessons. During most classes students work through exceptional existing curriculum that address key concepts or content, such as NASA Astrobiology, American Metrological Society DataStreme, or materials from NSTA or SERC. Students use the BSCS description of writing 5E, inquirybased lessons and are required to write a lesson to address a standard or need. Some students elevate their writing to materials that are presented at science teacher meetings or published in peer-reviewed science education journals. To address larger projects all students work on a single lesson. Topics have included the 1904 flood in Grand Rapids, how science is presented in newspapers, how geoscientists are portrayed in college textbooks, and the historical development and teaching of absolute time. The class exercise provides insights into the nature of science and in collaborative writing, peer review, and presentation of scientific work. Students are required to observe a local teacher and report on content, teaching style, classroom management, and success of the lesson. Students are encouraged to join and attend meetings of science teacher associations. Student evaluations and alums are positive regarding the course. Students are better prepared for their College of Education teaching experiences and do better on certification exams. They establish professional habits that carry forward in their careers. SESSION NO. 16 15-6 3:30 PM Rudge, David W. [217867] EARTH SCIENCE IN AN ON-LINE ENVIRONMENT RUDGE, David W., Biological Sciences & The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 3134 Wood Hall, M.S. 5410, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5410, [email protected] and PETCOVIC, Heather L., Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241 SCI 5900 Earth Science for Sch. Sci. Ed. is a graduate level on-line geoscience course offered at a large mid-Western university taken by area high school science teachers for the purpose of their on-going professional development. It was created collaboratively by a science educator with some previous experience developing on-line courses (but no formal training in the earth sciences), and an earth science educator who kept him honest. The course was developed against the possibility it would be taken by a single student at a time. Students take a series of learning modules that feature films on introductory earth science content, multiple choice quizzes and concept mapping. Students write occasional reflection essays with reference to select readings on typical misconceptions associated with earth science concepts. Students are also responsible for a five part term paper, which includes: (1) an explanation of a chosen earth science concept/process and identification of common misconceptions students have about that concept/process, (2) an argument for why a scientifically literate person should know the concept/ process, (3) an assessment instrument that could be used to determine whether how proficient a student is with regard to the scientific concept/process, (4) a unit plan that details how the concept/process would be taught, and (5) an argument that defends why teaching the concept/ process in the way described will indeed help students learn the concept/process. A mandatory rewrite of the entire paper is required of all students. During the presentation the authors will share the story of how the course was developed with particular attention to the strengths and limitations of teaching earth science in an on-line environment. They will also share their attempts to assess both student learning of science content and student comfort with the mode by which it is being delivered. 15-7 3:50 PM Keen, Kerry L. [218768] AN ACTIVE WORKSHOP ON PRINCIPLES OF GROUNDWATER FLOW EMBEDDED IN A “NORMAL” UNDERGRADUATE HYDROGEOLOGY COURSE KEEN, Kerry L., Plant and Earth Science Dept, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 410 S. 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 54022, [email protected] After some years of struggling with how best to help students develop a solid and integrated understanding of fundamental principles in my Hydrogeology course, I decided a different approach was needed. The topics to focus on include subsurface water zones, head, gradients, potentiometric surfaces, and flow. The revised approach incorporates a mix of short lectures and exercises, followed immediately by feedback, and structured so that each builds on the prior mini-lecture and exercise. I could have simply kept forcing this into the existing standardized time structure for this course (two 2-hour classes per week), but that was inefficient and ineffective. The long time gaps between class sessions worked against developing student abilities to process and synthesize these concepts. Instead I created a 1-day weekend workshop focused on the topics specified above. We purposefully meet in a different classroom. A substantial set of workshop handouts: lecture notes plus exercises, are picked up at the beginning. We start by defining subsurface water zones, in the form of a group ice-breaker activity. This is followed by discussing head in the saturated and unsaturated zone, which leads directly to applying these definitions to an exercise on head measurements in a vertical cross-section through a field of nested piezometers and tensiometers. Once head values are contoured across both zones, flow can be diagrammed. While students work individually or in pairs, I answer questions and provide guidance. This is followed by projecting the exercise key, with further discussion/clarification. After a hearty and varied lunch (provided by me – and critical to workshop “success”), we build to more complex geology and systems of multiple potentiometric surfaces. Toward the end of the approximately 6-hour day, we return to analyze a data set of water-level measurements at a field site of nested piezometers, in the context of what has been learned earlier. Last year, I incorporated a follow-up exercise at the start of the next regular class session to help solidify what they learned in the workshop. Although students are tired by the end of the workshop, many make significant strides toward an enlightened understanding of the key concepts. 15-8 4:10 PM Zimmerman, Alexander N. [216805] INTRODUCTION TO SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY: A PROJECT-BASED UNDERGRADUATE UPPER DIVISION COURSE POLLARD, Alexander KH Sr, Geology Department, Lake Superior State University, 650 W. Easterday Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, ZIMMERMAN, Alexander N. Jr, Geology Department, Lake Superior State University, 650 W. Easterday Ave, Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783, [email protected], BROWN, Lewis M., Geology and Physics, Lake Superior State University, 650 W. Easterday Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783, and KELSO, Paul, Department of Geology and Physics, Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 Introduction to Sequence Stratigraphy is an upper division course developed at Lake Superior State University Geology Department as a part of a NSF sponsored undergraduate curricular revision. It is designed to teach the basic concepts of sequence stratigraphy in the context of clastic and carbonate systems. Based on constructivist educational philosophy, this course integrates lecture and laboratory utilizing diverse active learning strategies that focus on real-life experiences and problems. Course objectives include gaining an understanding of the concepts and applications of sequence stratigraphy and learning the basic methods of stratigraphic correlation using well logs. A further goal is for students to use geologic computer software to develop graphic representation of sedimentary rock sequences including construction of crosssections, fence diagrams, isopach and structure contour maps, ect. Lecture material focuses on the development of sequence stratigraphy concepts, mechanisms, descriptions of cycles of varying episodicies within the Pennsylvanian, shallow marine clastic and carbonate cyclicity, and time correlation applications. Students engage in laboratory exercises and work in teams of two on a semester-long project. This project requires students to interpret the stratigraphy and develop a petroleum prospect in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Target formations are those the students examine in outcrop in their prerequisite sophomore-level field course to the Black Hills, South Dakota. Each team works on a different specified field and they compete to generate the best prospect. Students model real life experience by downloading borehole data from the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission website and entering it into Rockworks software. Teams present weekly progress reports which include work completed, such as pertinent maps and cross sections, and plans for future work. A final individually written paper and a team oral presentation are required. When engaged in project-based activities, students uniformly report heightened interest and motivation. Student’s skills in data analysis, interpretation and presentation increase throughout the project as do interpersonal skills related to group dynamics in an industry modeled, development team approach. SESSION NO. 16, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T22. Topics in Vertebrate Paleontology Fetzer Center, Room 2040 16-1 1:35 PM Deuter, Leigh H. [218052] A REVIEW OF THE CHONDRICHTHYANS FROM THE MISSISSIPPIan SYSTEM OF NORTHERN ALABAMA, USA CIAMPAGLIO, C.N., Earth and Environmental Science, Wright State University - Lake Campus, 7600 Lake Campus Drive, Celina, OH 45885, CICIMURRI, David J., Curator, South Carolina State Museum, 301 Gervais Street, Columbia, SC 29201, and DEUTER, Leigh H., Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, [email protected] It has been over a century and a half since Tuomey’s (1858) seminal work on the geology and paleontology of Alabama, wherein he provided the first descriptions of Mississippian chondrichthyans in the state. Since that time very little has been published on the subject, which is surprising given the extensive Mississippian age exposures found throughout northern Alabama. Casual observation of the limestone benches in and around north-central Alabama has revealed diverse and abundant chondrichthyan faunas, and vertebrate fossil occurrences appear to be well known to local collectors. Recent fieldwork and examination of several museum and private collections has revealed that the number of chondrichthyan species occurring in upper Mississippian (primarily Chesterian) rocks of northern Alabama is greater than previously known. Combined with taxa documented prior to the present report, 26 distinct chondrichthyan taxa are found in calcareous strata within the Monteagle Limestone, Pride Mountain Formation, Bangor Limestone, Hartselle Sandstone, and Tuscumbia Limestone. We emend several earlier taxonomic identifications, with Cladodus newmani herein reassigned to C. sp. cf. C. bellifer, and C. magnificus is Saivodus striatus. Newly documented species include Polyrhizodus sp., cf. Ctenoptychius apicalis, Deltodus sp. cf. D. undulatus, and Deltoptychius sp. cf. D. acutus. In addition, occurrences of Carcharopsis wortheni are corroborated. Additionally, a cursory inspection of micro-remains from the Pride Mountain Formation have revealed the presence of Cooleyella and Isacrodus. We have no doubt that additional species will be uncovered, especially when rock exposures are more carefully inspected for macro- and micro-vertebrate remains. 16-2 1:55 PM Gottfried, Michael D. [218331] EXCEPTIONAL 3D PRESERVATION IN A TARPON-LIKE FISH FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF THE CHATHAM ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND GOTTFRIED, Michael D.1, FORDYCE, R. Ewan2, and LEE, Daphne2, (1) Geological Sciences and Museum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1045, [email protected], (2) Department of Geology, University of Otago, Dunedin, 9054, New Zealand We report on a large tarpon-like fish [Elopomorpha] from the Cretaceous of Pitt Island, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. The 3D-preserved specimen is the most complete and informative fossil elopomorph reported to date from the Southern Hemisphere. Features supporting elopomorph affinities include the lack of a separate retroarticular ossification on the lower jaw, and a primitively retained median gular. Affinity with the Family Megalopidae (tarpons) is indicated by the superior mouth position, large posttemporal fossae, and laterally compressed body covered in large and extensively overlapping cycloid scales. The specimen’s elongate body, high and strongly developed coronoid process on the mandible, enlarged median gular, and relatively low-profile head indicate that the Pitt Island fish represents a distinctive new taxon within megalopids. The specimen also possesses two distinctive and unusual features: a cluster of thin scale-like anamestic bones in the cheek region between the infraorbitals and preoperculum, and a continuation of the lateral line scales on a tapering lobe that extends posterior to the caudal peduncle and onto the base of the caudal fin. The nature of the exceptional 3D preservation of the specimen suggests that the carcass was subaerially exposed and ‘mummified’ prior to burial in the tuffaceous matrix. The overall morphology of the specimen indicates a fish similar in many respects to the extant tarpons Megalops atlanticus and M. cyprinoides but with a lower, more shallow head profile and a more attenuated body, along with several unique skeletal features not previously reported on megalopid fishes. 16-3 2:15 PM Jeffery, David L. [218645] A NEW PERMIAN VERTEBRATE TRACKWAY SITE IN THE DUNKARD GROUP OF THE APPALACHIAN BASIN JEFFERY, David L., Dept Petroleum Eng & Geo, Marietta College, 215 Fifth Street, Marietta, OH 45750, [email protected] A new tetrapod trackway site in the Appalachian Basin has yielded at least five ichnogenera within the Marietta Sandstone member of the Washington Formation, a part of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Dunkard Group. Preliminary identification of specimens that have numerous consecutive prints forming trackways includes the ichnogenera Limnopus, Dromopus, Dimetropus, Batrachichnus, and Laoporus. Numerous stray prints that are not part of distinct trackway sets are also present, although difficult to ascribe to a genus. The tracks are convex casts on the bases of successive layers of thinly bedded, fine grained sandstone that are discontinuous and each being up to several centimeters thick. The sandstone is interbedded with thin layers of shale on the order of one centimeter thick. The sandstone must be pried up to reveal the prints as casts on the underside of the slabs. The sandstone slabs also display mudcrack casts, raindrop impressions, and have numerous fern frond impressions. The overall succession of thinly interbedded sandstone and shale is as much as a meter thick and covers an area of 30 meters along the outcrop and back 3-4 meters along an excavated bench, before extending beneath overlying strata, a fortunate result of recent road improvements. This succession is the top-most meter of a large, complex ten meter thick sandstone channel fill that makes up the Upper Marietta Sandstone. Overlying strata consist of a thick succession of shales interpreted as floodplain deposits that are primarily paleosols and red beds with thin, discontinuous greywackes. The trackways are interpreted to have been preserved in successive fining upward flood or splay deposits. The sandstone casts are the initial sands at the base of a splay deposit that filled trackways impressed into fine muds capping the previous splay. This apparently happened during the final filling of the large erosional channel scour making up the Marietta Sandstone that formed during a significant downcutting event, likely cuased by a drop in base level. The channel subsequently filled with sands. Trackways are preserved in the transition from the coarse grained 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 21 SESSION NO. 16 channel fill to the finer grained deposits of floodplain deposition as erosional topography was filled, perhaps because of a subsequent rise in base level. 16-4 2:35 PM Farlow, James O. [218338] ON THE MAKERS OF “METATARSAL” TRIDACTYL DINOSAUR FOOTPRINTS OF THE PALUXY RIVER (GLEN ROSE FORMATION, DINOSAUR VALLEY STATE PARK, SOMERVELL COUNTY, TEXAS) FARLOW, James O., Department of Geosciences, Indiana-Purdue Univ, Fort Wayne, IN 46805, [email protected], KUBAN, Glen J., 4746 Grayton Road, Cleveland, OH 441345, and CURRIE, Philip J., Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 11759 Groat Road NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6, Canada Atypical tridactyl dinosaur footprints with elongate extensions of the “heel” are known from Mesozoic tracksites around the world. Many such elongate footprints were likely made during contact of the metatarsus with the substrate, sometimes in the course of an atypical mode of progression by the dinosaur. Such “metatarsarsal” (MT) prints are a common feature of dinosaur tracksites of the Glen Rose Formation (Early Cretaceous), as exposed along the Paluxy River in and near Dinosaur Valley State Park, and are the basis for the belief that tracks of gigantic humans occur alongside dinosaur footprints at those sites (especially when digit impressions of such MT tracks are subdued due to infilling or sediment collapse). When MT tracks record the entire length of the dinosaur’s foot, it is possible to compare their proportions with those of foot skeletons of potential makers of tridactyl dinosaur footprints. Some dinosaur groups (basal theropods, allosauroids, basal ornithopods, Tenontosaurus, iguanodonts, basal ceratopsians) have a relatively long digit III compared with the length of metatarsal III, while other groups (tyrannosauroids, ornithomimosaurs) have a relatively short digit III; hadrosaurs vary in this comparison. Basal theropods, allosauroids, tyrannosauroids, basal ornithopods, Tenontosaurus, and basal ceratopsians all have a digit I likely to leave an impression in footprints in which the metatarsus touched the substrate, while derived iguanodonts (including hadrosaurs) and most ornithomimosaurs have lost digit I. Two distinct morphotypes of MT prints have so far been recognized in footprints from the Glen Rose Formation. One of these has a relatively long digit III free length compared with the length of the metatarsal portion of the print, and also has a distinct hallux impression. This morphotype matches expectations in shape and size for an allosauroid. The second morphotype has a relatively short digit III free length compared with the length of the metatarsal portion of the print, and shows no sign of a hallux impression. In both size and shape it matches expectations for an ornithomimosaur. Both allosauroids and possible ornithomimosaurs have been recognized from the Lower Cretaceous skeletal fauna of the Gulf Coast region. These groups thus are the most likely makers of Paluxy River MT prints. 16-5 3:15 PM Aucoin, Christopher D. [218350] VIRTUAL FOOTPRINTS: CREATING DIGITAL MAPS OF DINOSAUR TRACKS AND SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES AUCOIN, Christopher D., Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45211-0013, [email protected] and HASBARGEN, Leslie, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, SUNY College at Oneonta, 219 Science 1 Building, Oneonta, NY 13820 Fossil footprints are an important area of study for understanding animal behavior. To study these footprints and to get a better understanding of the behavior they represent, high quality maps are required. This means shifting away from the stylized maps using generic track shapes to more sophisticated digital maps which preserve actual track morphology. We developed a method using georeferenced photographs to create scaled maps of tracks and trackways. None of the photographs overlap. Rather, once georeferenced, they create a scattered mosaic of pertinent features which maintain proper spatial relations and scale. For each photograph, we surveyed ground control points (GCP) using a reflectorless total station. The GCP consisted of known points on a compass aligned to geographic north placed next to a feature of interest. We tied the total station survey into a georeferenced frame using two locations determined with differential GPS receivers. We tested our mapping method at the Dinosaur Footprint Reservation near Holyoke, MA. At this Jurassic aged site we mapped 135 of the over 1000 dinosaur tracks, as well as 12 ripple marked zones. We georectified each photograph using the GCP, allowing us to construct a unified digital map of the site from which we could measure tracks, ripple marks and plant fossils. With these maps, we have collected measurements of the tracks including orientations, widths and lengths. The measurements have been checked for accuracy by taking advantage of the scale on the compass. We find errors in length on the order of a few mm (0.01-0.05 cm) while the orientations show a +/- 2 degree error. Manual measurements of track shape and ripple crest can be assigned to various data types in GIS, and this facilitates rendering characteristics including size, track type and preservation effectively with color, line styles, etc. This methodology is broadly applicable for macro-sized features and will soon be tested with smaller scale features. 16-6 3:35 PM Masters, Simon [218373] A NEW SPECIMEN OF ORTHOGENYSUCHUS FROM THE UINTA FORMATION OF UTAH MASTERS, Simon, Vertebrate Paleontology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Dr, Cleveland, OH 44106, [email protected] and SANDAU, Stephen, Intermountain Paleo-Consulting, Vernal, UT 84078 In 2009, during a paleontological reconnaissance survey in the Uinta B (Wagonhound Member) of the Uinta Formation, a unique Crocodylian was discovered and collected. As reported on at the 2010 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology annual meeting, the specimen (BYU 18904) consists of associated maxilla, partial left and right dentaries, vertebrae, and many loose teeth. Known Crocodylia, from the geographic area of the Uinta Basin, include Allognathosuchus, Procaimanoidea, Brachychampsa, Crocodylus, 3 species of Leidyosuchus, Pristichampsus (Green River Formation), and potentially Borealosuchus. These crocodylians are typically larger, more derived, have distinctive non-bladelike teeth, pitted rugosity, and significantly different skull morphology when compared to BYU 18904. Preliminary osteological comparisons suggest the specimen belongs to the genus Orthogenysuchus. BYU 18904 displays similar apomorphies with the only known specimen of Orthogenysuchus (AMNH 5178) from Wasatchian Beds of the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. Similarities include: small, slender, angled teeth; the anterior portions of the dentaries expand and compress latero-ventrally; proximal dentary avoleii expand laterally, not dorsally; and slight, rolling rugose depressions (not pits) on cranial material. The dentaries are tubular when compared to other Uinta Basin Crocodylians. If the BYU 18904 specimen is an additional specimen of Orthogenysuchus, this discovery increases the temporal range of the genus by ~15 million years and a substantial extension of the geographic region. The new specimen is considered to be an adult based on fusions in the vertebrae and lack of visible sutures on the skull and dentaries, however, it is significantly smaller 22 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs than the known specimen AMNH 5178. The new specimen’s preserved skull is approximately 187mm long, compared with 333mm of the known. BYU 18904 is only moderately well preserved and sutures may be obstructed. Further taxonomic investigation is needed to determine if BYU 18904 is a paratype to AMNH 5178, or if it represents a derived species. This new specimen has the potential to add significant morphological data to the genus Orthogenosuchus and shed further taxonomic light on basal Crocodylian phylogeny, paleoecology, and paleogeography. 16-7 3:55 PM Guenther, Merrilee F. [218527] NEW EVIDENCE FOR HATCHLING AND JUVENILE HADROSAUROIDS IN THE SAN JUAN BASIN, NEW MEXICO GUENTHER, Merrilee F., MCCARTHY, Stephanie M., and WOSIK, Mateusz, Department of Biology, Elmhurst College, 190 Prospect Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126, [email protected] The record of dinosaurs and specifically, ornithopods, in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico is limited. In contrast to the record in the Northern part of the United States and Southern Canada, represented by well preserved specimens, the hadrosauroid record of New Mexico is comparatively sparse. Also limited in the San Juan Basin record, are growth series and evidence of juvenile and subadult hadrosauroid individuals. The previous record of hatchling hadrosauroids in the San Juan Basin has been restricted to a single humerus, referred to Parasaurolophus tubicen, from the De-na-zin Member of the Kirtland Formation. A reexamination of specimens collected from the San Juan Basin in 1922 by Charles H. Sternberg has revealed new evidence of the presence of hatchling and juvenile hadrosauroids in the region. The collection, housed at the Field Museum of Natural History, is composed of disarticulated elements from the Kirtland Formation of McKinley County, New Mexico, approximately 85 miles northeast of Thoreau, New Mexico. The juvenile elements consist of postcrania including ribs, femora, and scapulae, and fragmentary skull elements, such as a dentary, partial quadrate, and quadratojugal. The smallest element, a scapula (PR 1295) that is approximately 66 mm in length, is comparable in size to those of hatchling individuals of Maiasaura and Hypacrosaurus. The lateral profile of the dorsal margin of this scapula is craniocaudally straight, suggesting that the hatchling represents a basal hadrosauroid taxon. The scapula is well preserved and lacks abrasions that would signify transport, suggesting that the hatchling elements were buried near their origin, possibly near a nesting site. The presence of these specimens in the San Juan Basin indicates that hadrosauroid growth series may be preserved in the region. 16-8 4:15 PM Scott, Evan E. [218214] WHY BONE BEDS ARE BETTER INDICATORS OF HOW CERATOPSIDS LIVED THAN HOW THEY DIED RYAN, Michael J., Dept. of Vertebrate Paleontology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Dr, University Circle, Cleveland, OH 44106, SCOTT, Evan E., Department of Vertebrate Paleontology, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, University Circle, Cleveland, OH 44106, [email protected], CHIBA, Kentaro, Department of Natural History Sciences, Hokkaido University, Kita 10, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0810, Japan, and EVANS, David C., Dept. of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C6, Canada Gregarious behavior in Ceratopsia, as inferred from bone beds (BBs), or the close association of multiple skeletal remains, was a shared trait throughout their history (Yinlong, early Late Jurassic to Triceratops, latest Cretaceous). Although many ceratopsids are known from typically monodominant BBs, centrosaurine BBs are generally larger (>MNI), more numerous, and found over larger geographical ranges than chasmosaurine BBs. Almost every derived centrosaurine taxa is known from multiple BBs. Numerous detailed sedimentological and taphonomic analyses have been conducted on BBs of the late Campanian Albertan centrosaurs Centrosaurus (20+), Coronosaurus (2), Pachyrhinosaurus (2), and Styracosaurus (1); however, not all of the data has been published. Although the BBs are found in different formations, their entombing lithosomes are invariably channel sandstones or overbank mudstones reflecting the alluvial to coastal plain environments in which they were living during the Campanian transgressive phase of the Western Interior Seaway (WIS). Material in the BBs is always disarticulated with the exceptions of the highly fused skulls of Pachyrhinosaurus, or the fused nasals and supraorbitals of the other taxa. Abrasion is typically moderate although the ends of limb elements are broken, and the smaller, lighter skeletal elements are usually recovered in relatively reduced numbers suggesting winnowing. Shed large theropod teeth are common (up to ~10%) in the BBs, but tooth-marked bones are rare (~<5%) suggesting a postmortem scavenging event with more carcasses than the theropods could process. The gestalt of the taphonomic indicators suggests that these dinosaurs lived in gregarious herds composed of very young to mature individuals that died together. Their corpses were then subjected to scavenging, disarticulated by decay, and then redeposited relatively close to the point of death by a subsequent high water event. Episodic, large scale flooding of the low-lying flood plain adjacent to the WIS is a plausible mechanism for drowning large numbers of herding animals, although a definitive sedimentological signature has yet to be determined. Other factors, including illness or drought, cannot be discounted, but definitive evidence for these mechanisms for ceratopsid mass death is rarely recovered. 16-9 4:35 PM McAfee, Robert K. [218121] ON THE POST-CRANIAL ANATOMY OF MYLODON DARWINII, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE FORELIMB MCAFEE, Robert K., Ohio Northern University, Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences, 525 South Main Street, Ada, OH 45810, [email protected] The South American ground sloth Mylodon darwinii (Mammalia: Pilosa: Mylodontidae) is best known and distinguished from other mylodontid sloths from cranial features such as having a reduced dental formula (4/4), a long and narrow skull, and the very unique retention/ossification of nasal cartilage into a bony arch. This taxon has a long historical record, dating back to the mid-1800s, but for nearly a century it was wrapped up in disagreements over nomenclature with other Pleistocene mylodontids (e.g. Glossotherium, Lestodon, Paramylodon), which along with a collection bias for cranial materials left the post-crania as relatively unknown. Discovery in the collections of the Field Museum of Natural History of a forgotten skull with associated postcrania belonging to a young adult of Mylodon darwinii from Buenos Aires, Argentina provides an opportunity to establish and compare taxon-specific characters for this genus with those of other contemporary mylodontids. While the specimen is far from complete, there is enough material present to put forth novel characterizations for the atlas and for the left ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, and astragalus, which successfully distinguishes them from other mylodontids beyond the historical standby of size. The nearly complete left forelimb also permits a preliminary study of its functional morphology and provides a basis for inferring the potential habits of Mylodon during its life. Overall, the successful identification of these elements opens the door for SESSION NO. 17 recognizing additional post-cranial elements of Mylodon and will further aid in our understanding of this extinct giant. SESSION NO. 17, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 Geophysics, Geochemistry & Oil (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 17-1 BTH 1 Haque, Md. Aminul 17-4 [214421] COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NUTRIENT FLUX FROM AREAS OF VARIABLE LAND USE PRACTICES WITHIN A WATERSHED HAQUE, Md. Aminul, Environmental Programs, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614, [email protected] and IQBAL, Mohammad, Dept. of Earth Science, Univ of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614 This study was conducted in a small suburban watershed in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Hydrologic units like prairie, wetland, and stream in a watershed interact with each other under the influence of urban and agricultural activities. Exchange between hydrologic units is a key factor that determines the level of pollution within a watershed. To understand the dynamics of their interactions soil and water samples were collected from prairie, wetland, stream, urban areas and agricultural lands over a period of four weeks. Soil and water samples were analyzed for nitrate, chloride and sulfate along with the percentages of organic matter. In the first set of soil samples, about 67 % of those collected from stream banks had nitrate concentration below detection level with the highest value of 109 mg/kg. The overall nitrate concentration increased in the second set of samples. Soil samples from active agricultural lands had maximum nitrate concentration of 437 mg/kg, which showed a considerable increase in the second set. Similarly, though nitrate was not detected in the first set of prairie soils, the median value during the second set was recorded as 32 mg/kg. About 92 % of the first set of stream bank sediments had Chloride concentration below detection level. In the second set, 50% of them had chloride detected with the highest value of 97 mg/kg. Initial chloride concentrations in agricultural lands ranged between 8 and 61 mg/kg while most of them (72%) didn’t show any chloride during the next sampling. In prairie samples, although chloride showed temporal increase in concentration sulfate showed an opposite trend in all sites (i.e., down from a range of 12 - 96 mg/kg to below detection). Urban soil showed an increasing trend of organic matter percentage whereas the other units showed a decreasing trend. The median value of dissolved nitrate in the stream decreased gradually from 45 mg/L to 6 mg/L. Groundwater and surface water from other sources didn’t show any significant amount of nitrate. The seasonal trends of the two sets of samples demonstrate that all hydrologic units within the watershed are actively interacting with one another. 17-2 BTH 2 Molitor, Timothy H. [218429] ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF URBAN ROAD SALTING ON TRIBUTARIES OF THE CHIPPEWA RIVER NEAR EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN MOLITOR, Timothy H.1, GRANT, Kathryn F.1, FRANKO, Kelsey M.1, GUSTAFSON, Alan J.1, KELLY, Bridget B.2, and GROTE, Katherine R.1, (1) Geology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 105 Garfield Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54702, [email protected], (2) Geology, Red Flint Group, LLC, 1 American Blvd, Eau Claire, WI 54701 Road salting is a necessary means of improving road conditions in cold weather regions with frequent winter precipitation. In Wisconsin, over 1 billion pounds of salt are applied to roadways during each winter season. This salt can enter local streams during periods of increased runoff and can negatively impact aquatic ecosystems. To assess how road salting is impacting waterways near Eau Claire, Wisconsin, electrical conductivity measurements and water samples were collected from five streams during the 2012 winter season. The streams were chosen due to their proximity to urban areas; three of the stream sites are located near bridges along Eau Claire urban roadways. During the 2013 winter season, four new monitoring stations were added. Two of the new locations are upstream from previously established sites, in areas with less urban development. The other sites are on the two rivers, the Chippewa and the Eau Claire, that flow through the city of Eau Claire. Data from the 2012 monitoring season showed that there is an excellent correlation between electrical conductivity measurements and chloride concentrations. Therefore conductivity measurements can be used as a reliable proxy for determining actual chloride levels in local streams. Conductivity measurements increased during snowfall events and decreased during warmer periods, showing that road salt is affecting chloride concentrations in these streams. The 2012 monitoring period was unusually warm and had little snowfall, and the conductivity values were generally less than the EPA established value for surface water degradation due to road salting. The 2013 season has had more typical precipitation, and higher conductivity values were observed. The sampling sites added in 2013 have shown that chloride concentration is influenced by adjacent development, as more rural upstream sites show lower concentrations than downstream urban sites. 17-3 BTH 3 Dasgupta, Rajarshi samples, Be, Se, Cd and Ag were below detection limit, and the concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and V were very low. These low concentrations may be considered to be background values, derived from geological processes. In two of these samples, the level of As was below that recommended by EPA for drinking purposes (10 ppb) but was considerable nonetheless (4.57 and 6.13 ppb respectively). The source of this As is unknown and needs further investigation. In urban areas, Pb is a metal of great concern. However, the concentration of Pb was either below detection limit or very low (0.42-4.07 ppb) in these samples; the EPA recommended threshold for drinking water being 15 ppb. This suggests that lead contamination due to vehicular pollution is minimal along the highway. Overall, this pilot study suggests the surface water bodies along the Manali-Leh Highway appear to be unpolluted by anthropogenic heavy metals. [218483] ASSESSING HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE WATER BODIES ALONG THE MANALI-LEH HIGHWAY, NORTHERN INDIA DASGUPTA, Rajarshi, Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology-Physics Building, 345, Clifton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected], CROWLEY, Brooke, Geology and Anthropology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology Physics Building, 345 Clifton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45221, and CARRILLO-CHAVEZ, Alejandro, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Campus Juriquilla, Juriquilla, 76230, Mexico Aquatic resources are being polluted in many parts of the world. Heavy metal ions are potentially dangerous pollutants because of their acute toxicity, carcinogenicity and non-biodegradability. The aim of this study is to assess the heavy metal (Pb, Cu, Co, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, V, Be, Se, As and Ag) concentrations and possible contamination of surface water bodies along the ManaliLeh Highway in northwestern India. Eight unfiltered water samples were collected from rivers, streams and lakes from relatively urban and pristine areas along 170 km of the Highway. Samples were collected in plastic bottles that were pre-cleaned and acidified with H2SO4 to kill microbes and stabilize the metals in the collected samples. In the laboratory, the pH of the samples was reduced to < 2 using 90-95% concentrated H2SO4. Metal concentrations in the samples were measured by ICP-OES. With the exception of one sample, waters did not have high concentrations of metals by EPA standards. The sample with the high metal content appears to be a significant outlier and we have excluded this sample from further analysis. In the remaining BTH 4 Gant, Michael T. [218777] KINEMATIC ANALYSIS AND PROVISIONAL MIDDLE SILURIAN AGE CONSTRAINTS ON DECATURVILLE STRUCTURE, CENTRAL MISSOURI GANT, Michael T.1, HEALY, Scott M.2, NANDI, Sourav K.2, MILLER, James F.3, and EVANS, Kevin4, (1) Missouri State University, 312 Fox Den Dr, 910 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway, Springfield,MO 65897, Ballwin, MO 63021, [email protected], (2) Missouri State University, 910 S. John Q. Hammons Parkway, Springfield, MO 65897, (3) Geography, Geology, & Planning Dept, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 655897, (4) Geography, Geology, and Planning Department, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave, Springfield, MO 65804-0089 The Decaturville structure is as a meteorite impact site located within Laclede and Camden counties, approximately 20 km north of Lebanon, Missouri. The structure is 5.5-km in diameter with a well-developed central uplift and surrounding moat regions. During the 1960s, the structure was interpreted as having a “cryptovolcanic” origin, and later, in the 1970s, structural and mineralogical analyses, breccia distributions, shatter cones, and shocked quartz supported an impact interpretation. Previous age dating of the impact has been controversial. Recent paleomagnetic results purport to constrain the origin to the Pennsylvanian or Permian. New conodont biostratigraphic age constraints indicate a significantly older age of Middle Silurian, which is consistent with the youngest faunal ages previously reported. Middle and possibly Early Silurian conodonts were recovered from matrix and a large, isolated sandy limestone clast in a polymict breccia along a new road cut on Highway 5 northeast of the central uplift. These new ages are consistent with an impact event that pre-dated the widespread subMississippian regional unconformity. This study also examined structures along a newly widened 300-m-long road cut southeast of the central uplift, where the upper part of the lower Ordovician Jefferson City Dolomite crops out in a structurally deformed and depressed area. Extensive outcrop mapping as well as strike and dip measurements and stereonet plots show that there are four important structural components consistent with an impact origin: (1) a tight anticlinal fold, oriented radially to the central uplift; (2) thick accumulations of breccia on the crest of the anticline and along thrust faults; (3) at least six inward-directed thrust faults; and (4) normal faults. The radial fold is interpreted to have developed during the early modification phase, when the overriding forces were directed inward toward the central uplift. Both excavation and modification stages most likely led to extensive brecciation. Thrust faults were formed later during the modification stage because a thrust fault truncated the crest of the anticline. Finally, normal faults occurred during the late modification stage as a relaxation response after thrust faulting. 17-5 BTH 5 Tatum, Stephen [218430] A GRAVITY INVESTIGATION OF THE TOBACCO ROOT BATHOLITH IN SOUTHWEST MONTANA TATUM, Stephen, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49006, [email protected] The Tobacco Root batholith, a satellite pluton of the larger Boulder batholith, is the easternmost of the late Cretaceous plutons of the North American Cordillera. It was emplaced into Archean metamorphic basement rocks during the Laramide orogeny (ca. 75 Ma). A gravity survey was done to delineate the subsurface shape of the batholith and ultimately better understand its mode of emplacement. 232 gravity stations were made across the batholith and across the host rocks with 24 samples collected for density determination of the batholith and host rocks. Gravity station coordinates were obtained using differential GPS techniques, and the data were reduced using a standard crustal density of 2.67 g/cm3. The regional gravity was subtracted from a larger regional Bouguer anomaly map to produce a residual gravity map showing a negative anomaly that has a NW-SE trending, semi-elliptical pattern. Four NE-SW profiles across the gravity map indicate that the negative anomaly is greater and batholith is thicker (-51 mGal, 30 km) in the northwestern portion of the batholith than the southeast portion (-5 mGal, 3 km), which suggests a source to the northwest. A negative anomaly of -18 mGal is evident on the NE-SW profile located outside of the batholith outcrops on the northwest. Each profile was modeled with 2D techniques to determine the subsurface shape of the batholith. Density contrasts used in modeling account for variation in composition from both the batholith and host rocks. The northwestern model outside of the outcrops of the batholith, strongly suggest that the batholith continues below the host rock outcrops, dipping towards the northwest parallel to foliation in the host rocks and it may connect with the Boulder batholith at depth. The models also imply the emplacement of the batholith was controlled buy coeval movement along large NW-trending faults. 17-6 BTH 6 Pethe, Swardhuni [218704] GEOPHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SUMATRA BASINS: SOURCE ROCKS, STRUCTURAL TRENDS, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF OIL FIELDS PETHE, Swardhuni, Geological Sciences, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, spethe@ bsu.edu, FLUEGEMAN, Richard H., Dept. of Geological Sciences, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306-0475, GRIGSBY, Jeffry D., Department of Geological Sciences, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47304, and NICHOLSON, Kirsten N., Geology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306 According to the Ade hypothesis 95% of all commercial oil fields in the Sumatra region occur within 17km of seismically mappable structural grabens in the producing basins. The hypothesis proposes a link between the subsidence of the source rocks (the Talang Akar Formation) in the grabens and the maturity of the organic material. To test the validity of the hypothesis, subsurface mapping of the region is being carried out by using geophysical logs and seismic sections. The depths to the formation tops, basement and the information about the type of wells are being used to create isopach maps as well as cross sections of the entire Sunda shelf region. Using the well log information, basement and the formation tops have been mapped with a special emphasis on Talang Akar and Air Benakat Formations. The isopach maps of these formations show that most of the producing wells on the Sunda shelf are in fact located in and around the major structural basins. Trends in the occurrence of the oil fields have also been observed which are analogous to the orientation of the grabens. Further study of the data will 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 23 SESSION NO. 18 enable us to determine the spatial distribution of the producing oil fields and the frequency of their occurrence in the given distance margin. Identifying the source rocks in this 17km window will enhance the success rate of oil exploration in Sumatra and throughout the Sundaland craton. SESSION NO. 18, 1:30 PM 18-4 Thursday, 2 May 2013 T2. Applications of Near-Surface Geophysics (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 18-1 BTH 7 Van Dam, Remke L. [218657] CHARACTERIZATION OF LARGE-SCALE GLACIOTECTONIC DEFORMATION IN THE LUDINGTON RIDGE, MICHIGAN, USING ELECTRICAL GEOPHYSICAL METHODS VAN DAM, Remke L., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] and AYLSWORTH, Robert L., Ingrain, Inc, 3733 Westheimer Rd., 2nd Floor, Houston, TX 77027 A bluff along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan south of Ludington contains Late Wisconsin deformation structures. Differential loading associated with a glacial re-advance caused glaciolacustrine loamy material to deform into several narrow anticlinal structures that rise from below beach level to near the top of the nearly 50 m high bluff. The anticlines separate broad synclines that control local ground water flow and impact bluff stability. The objective of this study was to characterize the orientation and lateral extent of the structures beneath the NW-SE trending ridge. We used different galvanic electrical resistivity methods that exploit the large electrical contrast between the glaciolacustrine loams and overlying coarse sandy outwash material. Electrical resistivity methods have long been part of the geophysical tool set. Recent advances, including the availability of multi-electrode systems and advanced data processing software, have made electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) a popular tool to obtain 2D models of subsurface resistivity. In this study, vertical electrical soundings (VES) were combined with borehole logs and lab-derived petrophysical relationships to characterize the site stratigraphy. Constant-spread traverses (CST) and ERT data were then used to map the spatial extent of the deformation structures. Field, lab, and modeling results presented in this work identify various strengths and limitations of electrical resistivity methods for the characterization of deformation structures in general and glaciotectonic landforms in particular. 18-2 BTH 8 Maike, Christopher [218606] SUBSURFACE GEOPHYSICAL PROFILING OF THE OAK OPENINGS SAND RIDGE MAIKE, Christopher1, FUGATE, Joseph M.2, KRANTZ, David E.3, STIERMAN, Donald4, LIU, Xiuju5, BROTHERS, Candice E.6, and SEARS, Lindsey6, (1) Environmental Sciences (Geology), University of Toledo, 1760 N. Westwood Ave, Apt L, Toledo, OH 43607, [email protected], (2) Environmental Sciences (Geology), University of Toledo, 629 N. Reynolds Rd, Apt 20, Toledo, OH 43615, (3) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Street MS604, Toledo, OH 43606, (4) Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St. #604, Toledo, OH 43606, (5) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft St, MS#604, Toledo, OH 43606, (6) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft St, Toledo, OH 43606 The Oak Openings Preserve extends from northwest Ohio into southeast Michigan. This unique area was shaped through glacial and glaciolacustrine processes to create a diversity of ecosystems including oak savannah, wet prairie, and sand barrens. The Oak Openings Sand Ridge is the primary landform within the preserve, and contrasts with the surrounding lake-bed plain to create these unique environments. Evidence suggests that the sand ridge was once a barrier bar system that developed during pro-glacial lakes Warren and Wayne. The area is home to more than a third of Ohio’s rare plant species and is on the Nature Conservancy’s list of Last Great Places. The environment that created these ecosystems is rare, and it is essential to understand the underlying geology and aquifer system in support of habitat restoration. Data was collected at Irwin Prairie, Shaffer Road, and Kitty Todd Nature Preserve which are all located just west of Toledo, Ohio. The data consisted of ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity transects, and a vibracore for ground truth. The stratigraphy at Irwin Prairie consists of a thick sand layer at the surface with a glacial till layer at a depth of 3.25m which acts as an aquitard. Irwin Prairie appears to be located in the back-barrier portion of the barrier bar complex. GPR data from Kitty Todd Nature Preserve indicates that it is situated on the ridge of the barrier bar complex, which is evidenced by large-scale sigmoidal bedding of a progradational spit. In contrast, the depositional environment of the Shaffer Road site is a shoreface that is prograding basinward, to the northeast. The modern investigative techniques allowed imaging of the subsurface to interpret the depositional environments and to characterize the surficial aquifer that created the physical setting of this unique and valuable ecosystem. 18-3 BTH 9 Jol, Harry M. [218793] STRATIGRAPHY OF COASTAL AEOLIAN SAND DUNES: MODELS VS. GPR IMAGING JOL, Harry M., Department of Geography and Anthropology, University of WisconsinEau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, [email protected] The genesis and internal stratigraphy of coastal aeolian sand dunes are often inferred from models based on dune geometry and sedimentary processes, shallow trenches, natural scours, and/or interpretations of ancient strata. However, there is some difficulty of directly observing the stratigraphy of aeolian landforms, particularly in large dunes, and those containing complex bedforms and/or multiple reactivation surfaces. The distinctive nature of the aeolian environment, that is the relative homogeneity of sediments (quartzitic sand), provides a unique opportunity for ground penetrating radar (GPR) to reveal subsurface details. The noninvasive GPR method provides near-surface, high-resolution, near continuous profiles within these increasingly sensitive, depositional settings. PulseEKKO 100 and 1000 GPR acquisition systems were used with 200, 400 and 1000 volt transmitters. Step size and antennae separation varied depending on antennae frequency and site conditions. Each trace was vertically stacked and the digital profiles were processed and plotted using pulseEKKO software. The transects were topographically corrected based on laser level surveys. To measure depth, near surface velocity measurements were calculated from common midpoint (CMP) surveys. The application of radar stratigraphic analysis on the collected GPR data provided the framework to investigate both lateral and vertical stratigraphic variations within these coastal aeolian deposits. Radar images were interpreted as showing dune cross-stratification (dip orientation and dip angle varied), scoured bounding surfaces, buried paleosols (where present), 24 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs as well as the position of the water table. The internal dune structures revealed by GPR graphically demonstrate the response of aeolian dunes through time and to variations in wind regime, sediment supply, and human interference. Data will presented from selected study sites with in the US (California, Michigan, Oregon, North Carolina, Washington, Wisconsin) and other locations worldwide. Where possible, comparisons to available data and/or models will be made. BTH 10 Larson, Mark [218721] ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOPHYSICS AT THE NATHAN BOONE HOMESTEAD STATE HISTORIC SITE, SW MISSOURI MICKUS, Kevin L., Geosciences, Missouri State Univ, 901 S National Ave, Springfield, MO 65804-0087, LARSON, Mark, Geology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected], and SOBEL, Elizabeth, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897 The Nathan Boone Homestead was established by Nathan Boone, his family, and enslaved African Americans in Ash Grove, Missouri in the 1830s. Nathan Boone was the son of famed frontiersman Daniel Boone and was a significant figure in Euroamerican settlement of the trans-Mississippi west. Previous archaeological excavations and geophysical studies indicated a number of cultural features (both identified and anomalous) at the site. In this study, we synthesize the results of new and previous geophysical research at the site including GPR, resistivity, magnetic, and electromagnetic surveys. The results clarify the location and composition of cultural features including the Boone family cemetery, slave cemetery, pathways, domestic structures, and agricultural structures. These findings will aid management and research at the site by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. 18-5 BTH 11 Kuhl, Alexandria [218744] COUPLED INVERSION OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY AND HYDROLOGICAL MODELS TO QUANTIFY SOIL MOISTURE DYNAMICS BELOW A MICHIGAN ECOTONE KUHL, Alexandria, Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] and VAN DAM, Remke L., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824 Anticipating how changes in land use and climate will impact water budgets requires understanding the relationship between soil moisture and vegetation across space and time. Unfortunately, traditional geophysical methods for capturing field-scale processes of this nature, such as remote sensing and in situ point measurements, have their limitations. Electrical resistivity (ER) however, has been identified as a potentially powerful geophysical tool for studying root-zone moisture dynamics at sub watershed scales. Despite recent advances, interpretation of geophysical data often occurs independently from hydrological observations, causing uncertainty and propagating measurement errors. This research uses 1D ER soundings with a coupled hydrogeophysical inversion model to determine the impact of changing vegetation types on soil moisture. The goal is to develop a more universal method for improving predictions of hydrological properties at field-scales through the use of coupled inversion techniques. The Kellogg Biological Station near Battle Creek, MI, provides a unique setting for this study, with a shift from mature forest to young forest, shrub, and finally grass. Across this ecotone, graphite electrodes have been permanently installed at 1.5m intervals along a 166.5m transect, with additional electrodes for the 1D soundings. Six sounding locations, roughly corresponding to each vegetation type, allow for shallow ER measurements. Reciprocal ER measurements with a-spacings of .5, .75, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 10.5, and 13.5m were conducted at each sounding location in June, August, and October 2012. Deeper measurements with a-spacings of 18, 24, 36, and 54m were collected in August and October only. Early interpretations suggest that seasonal and vegetative differences impact soil moisture distribution and plant water use. The coupled inversion model integrates four components. A hydrological model takes in parameters such as temperature, precipitation, soil and vegetation type, and outputs water content, which a petrophysical model converts to obtain 1D resistivity profiles. A forward geophysical model uses those values to determine apparent resistivities for comparison to those measured in the field. The outcome is then used for optimizing the hydrological model parameters. 18-6 BTH 12 Ma, Yuteng [218346] SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF SOIL MOISTURE IN A DECIDUOUS FOREST: INTEGRATING TIMELAPSE RESISTIVITY, TEMPERATURE, AND THROUGHFALL MEASUREMENTS MA, Yuteng, Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 natural science building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] and VAN DAM, Remke, Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824 In deciduous forests, soil moisture is an important driver of energy and carbon cycling, as well as ecosystem dynamics. The amount and distribution of soil moisture also influences soil microbial activity, nutrient fluxes, and groundwater recharge. Characterizing the interactions between vegetation and soil moisture is critical to forecast water resources and ecosystem health in a changing climate. However, these interactions are difficult to measure, both in time and space. Recent studies have shown the ability of electrical resistivity tomography to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil moisture dynamics below a range of different vegetation types. In this study, we investigated the spatial variability of the soil water budget of a deciduous forest in lower Mid-Michigan. For the duration of the 2012 growing season, bi-weekly measurements of canopy throughfall, soil temperature and soil moisture were collected along a 125 m long transect that extended from the forest into an adjacent grassland. The canopy throughfall data were collected using a series of 24 innovative funnels that integrated over four-week time periods. At the same locations (19 in the forest and 5 in the grassland), soil temperature was measured at 5 cm depth. Subsurface distribution of soil moisture was estimated by inversion of weekly electrical resistivity datasets. Additional equipment and data included two tipping bucket rain gauges, leaf area index measurements, vertical soil temperature profiles, and capacitance water content probes. Fluid salinity, temperature, and pressure (depth) were continuously monitored for the water table below the forest and grassland. Our results highlight the strong correlation of the shallow subsurface soil moisture distribution with rainfall intensity and vegetation cover. 18-7 BTH 13 Hart, J. [218661] GEOPHYSICAL ASSESSMENT OF LANDFILL CAP INTEGRITY AND LEACHATE LEAKAGE AT A MIXED WASTE LANDFILL HART, J., CIOPPA, M.T., and YANG, Jianwen, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Windsor, 401Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada, [email protected] Concerns have been expressed about a closed, mixed-waste landfill in Southwestern Ontario regarding precipitation infiltration, because of a non-contiguous cap and potential leachate SESSION NO. 19 leakage. This study aims to use two surface geophysical techniques (conductivity and resistivity profiling) to delineate the thickness of the landfill cap and locate any leachate plumes. The electrical imaging survey was conducted on 6 parallel E-W lines across the length of the landfill, using an ABEM Lund Imaging System. The surveys were made using a Wenner-α array with 2 meter electrode spacing. A conductivity survey, using a DualEM2S and DualEM4S, was conducted over the same lines, followed by a survey conducted on 15 N-S lines perpendicular to the original six lines. Several conductivity profiles were also made in a field just to the south of the landfill. ArcGIS geospatial analysis modeling software was used to produce conductivity maps for depths of 1, 2.2, 2.8 and 5.8 m (DualEM2S PRP, HCP and DualEM4S PRP and HCP, respectively). All showed similar patterns. The conductivity values varied considerably (2.2461mS/m). Several N-S linear anomalies were evident extending outside of the landfill towards the adjacent field. On the resistivity profiles, a number of low resistivity anomalies, near the surface, suggested that the landfill cap was not intact. Deeper low resistivity anomalies (> 5 meters) suggested the presence of leachate and was consistent with the known position of leachate within the landfill. The conductivity data correlated well with the resistivity surveys to delineate inconsistencies in the landfill cover and indicated the presence of leachate which may affect the field adjacent to the landfill. 18-8 BTH 14 Joshi, Siddharth Dilip [218499] GEO-ELECTRIC INVESTIGATION OF UNDERGROUND LEACHATE DISTRIBUTION AT A CLOSED LANDFILL IN SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO, CANADA JOSHI, Siddharth Dilip1, YANG, Jianwen1, SERERES, Clayton2, and TAMR, Radwan2, (1) Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue - University of Windsor, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada, [email protected], (2) GENIVAR Inc, 4510 Rhodes Driver, Suite 720, Windsor, ON N8W 5K5, Canada Contamination due to landfill leachate can cause disastrous effects to aquifers used for groundwater supply. In this study, two geo-electric techniques were employed to investigate the underground leachate distribution and the subsurface geology at a closed site in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Conductivity mapping was first conducted over the study site using a frequencydomain EM terrain conductivity meter, which reveals an anomalous zone with the apparent conductivity values ranging between 130-500mS/m, concentrated in the 200m (S-N) by 80m (W-E) rectangle area at western half of the site. The DC resistivity survey was then carried out in the same area with 8 S-N profiles and 3 W-E profiles measuring 200m in length using a Wenner-α configuration. This arrangement of electrodes has an approximate exploration depth of 30m, which aids in outlining the waste and upper sand aquifer, the underlying silt/sand aquitard, and the lower sand aquifer. Our resistivity survey results exhibit an inconsistency in the clay cap thickness on almost all the profiles conducted. The results also indicate that the contamination plume is mainly travelling southwards at the base of the upper aquifer just below the waste, with a minor vertical component into the upper weathered portion of the silt/sand aquitard at some locations. No contamination plumes seem to exist in the lower sand aquifer. These findings are critical in assessing the current leachate conditions and in evaluating the existing compliance monitoring plan for potential implementation at the site or other sites in elsewhere. 18-9 BTH 15 Estifanos, Biniam Haileab [218655] GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING FOR CONCEALED KARST NEAR BELLEVUE, OH ESTIFANOS, Biniam Haileab and STIERMAN, Donald J., Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Street MS604, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected] The Bellevue area, Ohio is characterized by sinkholes and dolines that allow surface water to rapidly drain into the carbonate aquifer. During episodes of excessive precipitation, part of the state Route 269 floods due to groundwater welling up. Ver Steeg and Yunck (1932) report water seeping in areas without visible sinkholes causing 3-4 foot high flood during the spring of 1930. We are using gravity and electrical resistivity methods to investigate concealed karst and underground conduits north of Bellevue. We occupied closely spaced (20 and 50 m) gravity stations along three east-west profiles, two adjacent to a topographic depression we interpret as a sinkhole complex. At this stage there is only a marginal suggestion of gravity lows that might indicate subsurface voids. Four dipole-dipole resistivity profiles totaling 2 km show only one obvious void, adjacent to a sinkhole. However, most resistivity measurements were made during the drought of summer 2012, making the distinction between voids and carbonate bedrock difficult. Repeat measurements will be conducted when the groundwater rises. A rise in groundwater level will convert air-filled voids (high resistivity) to water-filled voids (low resistivity). Electrical resistivity was used to detect air and water filled cavities at Seneca Caverns to the south, confirming this methodology. In January 2013, the static water level at USGS monitoring well at Bellevue rose 10 feet in response to 2 inches of precipitation. Stage level recorded at the Huron River east of the city shows a strong agreement with the static water level rise but dropped fast after the peak flow while the groundwater water level remained constant. The strong response of the groundwater to precipitation suggests that karstic porosity is quite low. Knowledge of the size and extent of the concealed karst will help in reducing impact of pollution on groundwater resources and delineating hazard prone areas. 18-10 BTH 16 Gerson, Laura M. [218426] USING GEOPHYSICAL METHODS TO STUDY KARST IN URBAN SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI GERSON, Laura M., Geoscience, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected], MICKUS, Kevin, Geology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, and GOUZIE, Douglas, Department of Geology, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave, Springfield, MO 65897 Southwestern Missouri is located on the Springfield Plateau which mainly consists of Paleozoic carbonates and minor amounts of siliceous sediments. The dominant formation exposed in the area is the Mississippian Burlington-Keokuk Limestone which is nearly horizontal and susceptible to the formation of karst features such as sinkholes and caves. Near surface geophysical methods are useful in determining the location and nature of karst features, especially those that are not visible on the surface. Electrical resistivity, gravity, and very low frequency electromagnetics have been collected along a trend of mapped sinkholes where previous dye traces have indicated a large, long underground passage. Inverse modeling of the electrical resistivity profiles indicates pinnacles of highly resistive material with areas of low resistive material between them, indicating possible fractures in the bedrock. Some of the resistivity lows could be buried sinkholes. Depth of karst features varies from 5-12 meters and deeper. Two-dimensional gravity modeling shows a similar trend in subsurface topography. Both methods show a similar roughly linear trend that correlates with known sinkholes. Very low frequency electromagnetics does not correlate as well due to its susceptibility to noise, but one-third of the profiles do correlate with the electrical resistivity profiles. 18-11 BTH 17 Yaqoob, Muthanna Yousif [218626] DETECTION OF BEDROCK FRACTURES AND JOINTS BENEATH COVER: GEOPHYSICAL APPROACHES TO AN ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PROBLEM YAQOOB, Muthanna Yousif and SAUCK, William A., Geosciences, Western Michigan Univ, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] This research used geophysical methods to detect the presence of sub-vertical failure planes, their direction(s), and their frequency in bedrock beneath soil or glacial drift overburden. Azimuthal measurements using the seismic, electrical resistivity (ER), electromagnetic conductivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) were made to evaluate which techniques might provide the best indication of the bedrock joints, faults, or shear zones. Measurements were made at multiple sites near each of three locations: Jackson, Alpena, and Grand Ledge, Michigan. The first two are former limestone quarries and the third is underlain by sandstone. Seismic measurements began with one or two linear refraction spreads, used to establish thickness of overburden and identify the S waves. The azimuthal seismic was done by placing the 24 geophones around a 10 or 15m radius circle (15 degree intervals), with the shot point in the center, measuring arrival times of the P and S waves. The EM-31 conductivity was used to quickly determine that there were no wires or pipes in or near the survey circle, as well as to profile along the diameters of the circle at 12 different azimuths. The square array was used for the resistivity measurements in the same circle, with the diagonal of the square being the circle diameter. This array was rotated to 12 unique azimuths at 15° intervals. GPR was tested at one site using 100 MHz antennae. The Rx was at the center, and the Tx was moved around the circumference of the circle at 15° intervals, to measure the arrival times of the ground wave. Reference measurements of the strikes of failure planes were made using a Brunton compass and photographs at adjacent bedrock exposures. Verification of results was done by comparing the geophysical results and the measured strikes and dips of the nearby exposures of the joint systems. The preliminary analyses of the results showed coincidence of the tests results with the strike measurements in some areas, whereas others did not. Some of the methods are very sensitive to variations in thickness of the overburden. These effects, as well as lateral resistivity gradients in the bedrock and overburden can apparently cause false indications of fracture systems. 18-12 BTH 18 Mogren, Saad [217949] REACTIVATION OF THE ABU-JIFAN FAULT BORDERING THE RAYN ANTICINES IN EASTERN SAUDI ARABIA: GRAVITY MODELING OF A SEISMOGENIC CRUST MOGREN, Saad and MUKHOPADHYAY, Manoj, Geology and Geophysics Department, King Saud University, PO Box 2455, Riaydh, 11451, Saudi Arabia, [email protected] The Abu-Jifan Fault truncates the Rayn anticlines along an 1100 km long margin within the Rayn Microplate in eastern Saudi Arabia. This set of anticlines is comprised of six sub-parallel super-giant anticlines, including the Ghawar uplift. Crust on either side of the fault is seismically active; width of the seismic zone varies from 170 – 220 km. The Ghawar anticline is however seismically intensely active which is supposed to be an outcome of fluid-extraction induced seismicity. Top part of this seismogenic crust is currently intensely deformed in consequence to induced seismicity below the Rayn anticlines and prevailing east-west stress. Here we argue that induced seismicity plays an important role in reactivating the Proterozoic east-west faults in the deeper crust. An integrated geophysical modeling approach is next adopted to derive the deeper geometry of the Abu-Jifan Fault that slices the seismogenic crust south of the Ghawar anticline. Geophysical data sets include: seismic velocity analysis for crust and top- lithosphere, IRIS seismic line interpretation for the Arabian Platform as well as the crustal structure and upper mantle stratigraphy from receiver function analysis and shear-wave splitting studies, conventional seismic interpretation for deep sedimentary layers, isopach map prepared for the major sediment lithologies, and the relevant density information for the major formations deduced from density logs obtained from drill holes in the oil fields. Their combined use is found to be a potentially powerful tool for investigating the deeper fault geometry which is modeled by gravity inversion along a profile in central part of the fault. Gravity modeling suggests that the Abu-Jifan Fault is a deep penetrative strike-slip fault, demarcating a denser crust along its north margin. SESSION NO. 19, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 19-1 BTH 19 Musch, Steven C. [218735] INTERACTIONS BETWEEN DUNE TRAILS AND CIRSIUM PITCHERI HABITAT MUSCH, Steven C., HILVERDA, Elaine, LEGGE, Evan A., STRYDHORST, Natasha A., and VANDERBILT, Lucas E., Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, 3201 Burton St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, [email protected] This study looked closely at the conditions of a threatened species habitat when it exists among unmanaged dune trails. A fourteen-acre plot of land on the eastern coast of Lake Michigan was recently purchased for conversion from private land into a dune preserve. This property includes hummocky foredunes, blowouts, and two stabilized parabolic dunes, and it serves as critical habitat for the threatened species Cirsium Pitcheri (Pitcher’s Thistle). To determine the condition of the habitat, a study was done to locate all specimens, gauge the age of the population, and explore the effects of anthropogenic disturbance. GPS mapping was used to create an inventory of all specimen locations and all observed trails through the property. Measurements were taken of each plant to gauge the age of the population and the GPS results were assembled in a map to observe the density. Our results showed 206 Cirsium Pitcheri specimens, most of which appeared to range from three to six years of age. Spatial analysis of the GPS data showed two distinct groupings of plants along with numerous unmanaged trails. The largest trail, which divided the two groups of plants, extended from the low point between two large parabolic dunes out to the beach. We observed that the heavy use of this trail combined with an extension of the stabilized portion of the dunes produced unfavorable conditions for Cirsium Pitcheri. With these results we were able to provide the new property owners with important information regarding critical habitat of Cirsium Pitcheri. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 25 SESSION NO. 19 19-2 BTH 20 Doughty, Travis M. [218754] TRACE METAL CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY OF SEDIMENTS HOSTED IN CAVES OF THE SPRINGFIELD (MO) PLATEAU: A LINK TO SUBTERRANEAN BIODIVERSITY? DOUGHTY, Travis M., Natural Sciences, Northwest Missouri State University, 800 University Dr, Maryville, MO 64468, [email protected] and JOHNSON, Aaron W., Natural Sciences, Northwest Missouri State University, 800 University Drive, Maryville, MO 64468 We used X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to compare the heavy metal chemistry and mineralogy of sediments accumulating in caves in rural and urban areas to the chemistry and mineralogy of sediments from a control cave in a relatively undisturbed watershed in the Springfield (MO) Plateau. Sediment from the control cave exhibited the smallest peak sizes for Zn and Mn and a moderately-sized Pb peak. Sediment from the rural caves exhibited larger peaks of Zn and Mn and a smaller Pb peak. Sediment from the urban cave had the largest Zn, Mn and Pb peaks. X-ray diffraction indicated that all samples contained calcite and quartz, which is unsurprising since the caves are hosted in the Burlington Limestone, which is noted for abundant chert nodules. However, minor mineralogy varied widely, and included traces of clay minerals, metal oxides, metal hydroxides, garnet, and complex aluminum-sulfates. Additionally the carbon content of some samples was high enough to trigger an elemental carbon peak that was not consistent with graphite or diamond. These data indicate that trace amounts of base and heavy metals present in sediment are not hosted in sulfides or other primary phases. Instead, these metals likely occur as cations adsorbed onto the surfaces of clay minerals or as metal hydroxides such as wulfingite, an amphoteric zinc hydroxide mineral that was indicated by XRD analysis. Metals hosted in these phases may be liberated by dilute acid solutions. This finding has important implications for the health of troglobitic species, and may explain the apparent relationship between species presence and low metal concentrations in cave sediments outlined in an earlier pilot study. The presence of metals as hydroxides or adsorbed phases in sediments could prove harmful to troglobites that spend a significant portion of their life cycle in sediment (e.g. isopods), especially those species that digest sediment. The acidic digestive tract may increase metal concentrations in primary consumers, potentially reducing fecundity. In addition, secondary consumers may suffer from bioaccumulation as they prey upon species with higher tissue metal concentrations. 19-3 BTH 21 Norton, M.S. [218357] MODELING SOIL EROSION WITHIN THE MILL CREEK WATERSHED, YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO NORTON, M.S. and MATTHEUS, C.R., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, [email protected] Mill Creek Park, established in 1896, is one of the largest metro-parks in the US, providing a variety of outdoor activities to the city of Youngstown, Ohio, and its surrounding areas. Popular attractions within the park include a number of man-made ponds and lakes, which have rapidly silted in since their construction, forcing several sediment-excavation projects. An investigation is underway to elucidate information from lake deposits to help develop an erosion model for contributing watersheds. A preliminary erosion model based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation was established for a small subset of the Mill Creek watershed. This model incorporates existing datasets on soil characteristics, topography, and climate in an effort to constrain a parameter for land cover; information on sediment yield was used to solve for this unconstrained factor. Lily Pond is a 3-acre catch basin that receives sediment from surrounding forested hillslopes, typical terrain and landcover types within the park. A 1974 excavation of the pond provided a baseline for assessing subsequent sediment sequestration, quantified from detailed bathymetric surveys and cores. Sediment-yield calculations were compared to the watershed-erosion model and provided a refined land-cover factor for future modeling within the park. Current research is now underway to provide additional model-parameter constraints utilizing similar methodologies. Differences in sediment yield between watersheds of similar size, topography, and soil characteristics provide clues regarding the influence of land-cover types, which vary tremendously across the region. The Indian Run watershed, for example, is characterized by 21% urban land cover and 23% agricultural land cover whereas the Bears Den watershed is characterized by 66% and 0%, respectively. Improving individual parameters using comparison studies that incorporate empirical data on sediment yield are critical to the development of an erosion model that is regionally applicable. Thursday, 2 May 2013 T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard BTH 22 Wyman, Davina A. [218128] THE EFFECTS OF ROAD SALT ON ASYLUM LAKE GEOCHEMISTRY WYMAN, Davina A., Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] and KORETSKY, Carla M., Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241 Asylum Lake is a 19.8 ha kettle lake located in Kalamazoo, MI near three major roadways, thus it is expected to receive runoff with significant concentrations of road salts in winter and spring. Road salts contribute unreactive Cl-to surface and groundwaters, which can accumulate and significantly increase water density. Typical lakes in Michigan experience turnover events in fall and spring, during which water from the epilimnion is mixed with water from the hypolimnion. With enough of an increase in water density, lake turnover events may be delayed or prevented (e.g. Wetzel, 2001, Limnology). The objective of this study is to determine if road salts in Asylum Lake are preventing turnover events and, if so, how this changes the lake geochemistry. Lake water column samples have been collected monthly at the deepest point in the lake, beginning in September 2012; sampling will continue for one year. In situ measurements of dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, temperature, and pH are measured at .5 m intervals. Four water samples per 1 m depth are collected at 1m intervals, filtered (.2 µM), and two are preserved with HNO3. Samples are immediately analyzed upon return to the lab for Fe2+, Mn2+, PO43-, NH4+, 26 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 20-2 BTH 23 Lotimer, Leslea [218488] THE NATURE OF TILL AND DRUMLINS IN PETERBOROUGH AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPING A COMMUNITY GROUNDWATER SUPPLY LOTIMER, Leslea, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S4L8, [email protected] In the Peterborough area of Ontario, Canada, there is a well-documented and extensive drumlin field. While the origin of the drumlins is widely debated despite many years of study, one aspect remains certain; drumlins and till have significant implications for groundwater movement and public water supply. The late Wisconsin Northern Till, deposited by the Laurentide Ice Sheet, is found in the area of the Peterborough drumlin field, and is considered to be a deformation till up to 65 meters thick. The till overlies proglacial and glaciolacustrine sediments and shows considerable textural and thickness variability within the drumlin field. Coarse-grained interbeds are common within the till and allow it to function as a ‘leaky aquitard’ as opposed to most till units which are considered to be regional aquitards. The presence of significant coarse-grained interbeds within the till produces groundwater flow pathways that are not easy to predict and which can have significant implications for contaminant transport and groundwater supply. A First Nations community located within the Peterborough Drumlin field has been attempting to find a more sustainable groundwater supply in the drumlizined terrain. Currently, homes are supplied by private wells. Options are being considered for improving individual wells or developing a communal water supply. A recent field program involved drilling a fully cored and geophysically logged borehole through till on the flanks of a large drumlin as well as the construction of a well by air rotary. The extracted core consists primarily of sand-rich till with interbeds of sand and gravel. Correlation of data between the two recently drilled wells and lithological and hydrogeological data obtained from local water well records allows analysis of the till stratigraphy within this portion of the drumlin field. This till stratigraphy provides a foundation for understanding local groundwater movement and the potential for public water supply. This preliminary interpretation of the local stratigraphy will guide further field work and provide the basis for improving the supply of drinking water for the community. 20-3 BTH 24 Bunda, Jacob [218445] QUALITY AND DYNAMICS OF THE MINK RIVER ESTUARY BUNDA, Jacob, UW-River Falls, River Falls, WI 54022, [email protected] The Mink River Estuary (MRE) is a freshwater environment connecting with Rowley’s Bay on the northeast side of Door County, Wisconsin. Spring complexes originating in the surrounding wetland exchange mineral enriched groundwater with the water of Lake Michigan within the estuary. Seiche motion originating in the body of Lake Michigan is pronounced in the calm water of the MRE and encourages mixing of spring and Lake Michigan waters. A gradational geochemical pattern exists throughout the estuary from the spring to its mouth and is influenced by the lake’s water level. Water level data show a direct relationship between Lake Michigan water level and the water level within the MRE. In-situ water quality data reveal the composition of spring and estuary water. Temperature data is included and show variation over time in different parts of the estuary and northwest spring complex. Linear regression of the MRE’s chemical gradient over time reveals change in the variation of the chemical pattern along the estuary axis. The state of the estuary is dependent on its quality and quantity of water, monitoring of water levels and other parameters in the MRE is helpful for understanding how the environment may be affected by groundwater influences and Lake Michigan water level. This project builds on studies done by the Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey (WGNHS). 20-4 SESSION NO. 20, 1:30 PM 20-1 alkalinity, and H2S via colorimetry. Within one week of collection, samples are analyzed on an ICP-OES for Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+. Within two weeks, samples are analyzed for Cl- on an ion chromatograph and for SO42-via a turbidity technique. Data thus far shows Asylum Lake to be a eutrophic lake with anoxic benthic waters throughout summer and early fall. In the anoxic hypolimnion, there is a build-up of NH4+, Mn2+, PO43-, and H2S to levels as high as 220, 40, 11, and 87 µM, respectively, but Fe2+ levels are always at or below detection limits of 3.5 µM. Concentrations of Cl-reach up to 180ppm. Conductivity increases with depth in the summer and fall but becomes nearly constant during one sampling event in early winter. On this date, temperature and DO also vary much less with depth, which suggests that fall turnover occurred, but was significantly delayed. BTH 25 Nagelkirk, Ryan L. [218198] PREDICTING THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON AGRICULTURAL YIELDS AND WATER RESOURCES IN THE MAUMEE RIVER WATERSHED NAGELKIRK, Ryan L.1, KENDALL, Anthony D.2, BASSO, Bruno2, and HYNDMAN, Dave3, (1) Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], (2) Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Bldg, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, (3) Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824 Climate change will likely have considerable effects on agriculture in the Midwestern United States. Under current climate projections, end-of-century temperatures rise by approximately 4°C, while precipitation stays relatively unchanged despite a potential increase in heavy rainfall events. These trends have already been observed over the last century: rising temperatures have extended the growing season two days per decade and heavy rainfall events have become twice as common. In an effort to understand the likely effects of climate change on agriculture, maize and soybean yields in the Maumee River Watershed were simulated using the Systems Approach to Land Use Sustainability (SALUS) crop model. SALUS calculates daily crop growth in response to changing climate, soil, and management conditions. We test the hypotheses that 1) despite any positive effects of CO2 fertilization and allowing for higher yielding varieties, longer and warmer growing seasons will lead to excessive water- and heat-stress, lowering yields under current management practices, and 2) that double-cropping maize and soybeans successively in the same season to offset these losses may become feasible if sufficient late-season soil moisture is made available. Outputs of daily Leaf Area Index (LAI) and root mass from a range of SALUS models are then distributed spatially to drive regional hydrologic simulations using the Integrated Landscape Hydrology Model (ILHM). These coupled simulations demonstrate the response of streamflow and groundwater levels to different management strategies. Be Part of the 125th Anniversary Celebration! 18 8 8 2 0013 CELEBRATING ADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCE North-CeNtral GSa SeCtIoN MeetING 2–3 May 2013 ◆ Fetzer Center, Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan, USa Looking southwest from N. Edwards Street in downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan. Round-topped towers are the Radisson Plaza hotel. Photo used with permission via Wikimedia Commons. 2013 Program ◆ Volume 45, Number 4 ◆ ISSN 0016-7592 North-Central Section 47th Annual Meeting North-Central Section of the Geological Society of America Kalamazoo, Michigan 2–3 May 2013 Fetzer Center, Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Meeting Committee Meeting Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Kehew Vice Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duane Hampton Technical Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duane Hampton Field Trip Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robb Gillespie Exhibits and Sponsorship Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Howe Judging Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michelle Kominz Budget Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathyrn Wright Coordinator of Student Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Junod Section Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph T. Hannibal North-Central Section GSA Officers Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Kehew Vice-Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duane Hampton Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph T. Hannibal Past Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuck Ciampaglio Past Vice-Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John P. Szabo Members-at-large. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas Aden, Kirsten N. Nicholson, Paul R. Hanson Travel Grants Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John P. Szabo 28 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 50% Total Recovered Fiber 10% Post-Consumer Sponsors Sapphire Level Topaz Level Quartz Level 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 29 General Information The 2013 North-Central Section GSA Meeting is being held at the Fetzer Center on the campus of Western Michigan University. The accompanying map shows the location of the Fetzer Center along with the two conference hotels. Detailed directions to the Fetzer Center can be found at: http://www. wmich.edu/fetzer/gps-location. Location Easily accessible by interstate highway, bus, plane and air, Kalamazoo is a vibrant small city with a relaxed atmosphere and a variety of restaurants, microbreweries and cultural attractions. The meeting venue is the Fetzer Center, the university’s conference center. The Keynote address and the poster sessions are located in Schneider Hall and several additional events are being held in Rood Hall (see map below). These are both next to the Fetzer Center. Accomodations Local sleeping rooms can be found at the Holiday Inn Kalamazoo West, 2747 S. 11th Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009, USA; +1-269-484-4950, and also at the Red Roof Inn Kalamazoo West, 5424 W. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009, USA; +1-269-375-7400. Parking The Fetzer Center parking lot, Lot 72F, is directly adjacent to the Fetzer Center building. Complimentary parking is available within this parking lot. Handicap parking is also available within this same parking lot. As this is semester break, parking should also be permitted in the surrounding parking lots. Registration All participants in the GSA meeting events must be official registrants. Pre-registrants may pick up their badges at the GSA registration booth in the Fetzer Center lobby. On-site registration also occurs at the same location. Students and K–12 professionals must show current ID to qualify for reduced rates. Guest registration is required for any guest attending meeting activities, including technical sessions and field trips. A professional or student registrant must accompany guests. Badges must be worn to all activities Wednesday through Saturday. All requests for registration changes or cancellations must have been made in writing and received at headquarters by 8 April. No refunds will be made after this time. Registration On-site registration fees. All fees are in US dollars. Full Mtg. One Day Professional Member.....................$215.................. $135 Professional Nonmember..............$235.................. $155 Student Member............................$65.................... $60 Student Nonmember.....................$90.................... $85 K–12 Teacher.................................$55.................... $40 Guest..............................................$70.................... NA Short Course/Field Trip only.........$55.................... NA Continuing Education Credits (CEU) The Meeting offers an excellent opportunity to earn CEUs toward your general continuing education requirements for your employer or K–12 school. Credits are available for technical sessions, short courses and field trips. Ten contact hours are required for one CEU. For example, one day (8 hours) of technical sessions equals 0.8 CEUs. After the Meeting contact William Cox, [email protected], to receive a meeting evaluation form. Within 2 weeks of completion of the meeting evaluation a Certificate will be mailed to you. Special Events Wednesday, May 1, 2013. Welcoming Reception. Wednesday, May 1, 6:30–8:30 p.m., in Room 1035–1055. You are cordially invited to the Fetzer Center as you visit with friends and colleagues. Refreshments and a cash bar available. Thursday, May 2, 2013. North-Central Section GSA Management Board Meeting. 7–8:30 a.m. Room 1060. 30 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Map not to Scale WESTNEDGE AVE Markin Glen Park HH DR IUM ST AD SPRINKLE RD RIVERVIEW PARK ST d HH tea Rose St T BRONSON ms ND DR OAKLA MAPLE HILL LAKE S To Battle Creek & Detroit I-94 BS LOOP EXIT 81 Benton Harbor & Chicago LOVER PORTAGE RD S LN EXIT 80 EXIT 75 EXIT 74 I-94 CORK ST EASY ST Wings Stadium KILGORE RD EXIT 78 I-94 EXIT 76 d. .R e or c Sv lg Ki Airview Blvd. Airport MILHAM RD Southland Mall Crossroads Mall CENTRE ST To Schoolcraft, Three Rivers & Indiana Toll Road R E AV SH KILGORE Air Zoo ROMENCE RD Garden Lane Celery Flats EXIT 32 Retail Plc. I-94 SPRINKLE RD To Paw Paw, D WESTNEDGE US 131 WHITES R OAKLAND DR GREENLEAF BLVD 11TH ST 9TH ST M96 Expo Center HOWARD ST PARKVIEW AVE EXIT 72 LOVELL D 2 STADIUM DR ST KING HWY ER W. MICHIGAN AIN M E. AG RT AN HIG IC W. M G HI IC M W. M .( d lR ul G PO 1 AN WMU KL AVE EXIT 36 Kalamazoo College Haven KALAMAZOO AVE MICHIGAN AVE 3) -4 BORGESS Kalamazoo Valley Museum PARK ST KDRAKE RD To South 3 Stuart Area Historic District W MAIN ST EXIT 38 Radisson/ Kalamazoo Center M43 Maple Hill 10TH ST US 131 DOUGLAS AVE Kal-Haven Trail 131 BUSINESS ROUTE To Richland & Gull Lake Ol EXIT 41 Gilmore Car Museum Kalamazoo Nature Center Kalamazoo County Visitors Map To Grand Rapids N BISHOP RD Pfizer CENTRE ST RD 1 Fetzer Center at Western Michigan University (WMU) 2 Holiday Inn West 3 Red Roof Inn West 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 31 32 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Schneider Hall Fetzer Center Rood Hall Paleontology Society Get-together with Snacks at Paleontology Posters. 9–11 a.m. Roy J. Shlemon Mentors in Applied Geoscience. Noon– 1:30 p.m., Room 2016/2018. Screening of the film, “Switch.” Noon–1:30 p.m., Rood Hall, Room 1118 (a 2-minute walk from the Fetzer Center). Texas State Geologist Scott Tinker’s excellent film about energy production and alternatives for the future. A ticket for a box lunch can be purchased at the registration desk. Reception and Annual Business Meeting of the Great Lakes Section–SEPM. Thurs., 2 May, 5:30–6:30 p.m., Exhibition Hall. Join friends and colleagues at the Great Lakes Section–SEPM exhibit booth for a reception and Annual Business meeting to share laughs and to guide the organization forward. North-Central GSA Business Meeting. 6:15–6:30 p.m., Brown Auditorium. Reception to follow in Rooms 1035– 1055. Cash bar available. NAGT Luncheon. Noon–1:30 p.m., Room 1060. Keynote Address. 6:30 p.m., Brown Auditorium, Schneider Hall. Dr. William F. Ruddiman. “When Did We Transform Earth’s Surface?” Dr. Ruddiman’s many contributions include the early anthropogenic hypothesis for climate change. He is the author or editor of 137 papers and eight books. In 2012 he received the Distinguished Career Award of the American Quaternary Association. Friday May 3, 2013. North-Central GSA Campus Representatives, Meeting Planning and Technical Program Advisory Board, and Local Committees Meeting. 7–8 a.m., Room 1060. John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Student Luncheon. Noon–1:30 p.m. Room 2016/2018. Screening of the film, “Switch.” Noon–1:30 p.m., Rood Hall, Room 1118 (a 2-minute walk from the Fetzer Center). Texas State Geologist Scott Tinker’s excellent film about energy production and alternatives for the future. A ticket for a box lunch can be purchased at the registration desk. Geomorphology of the Great Lakes Theories. Noon– 1:30 p.m., near 1137 Rood Hall. Geomorphologists and anyone else interested can gather at the large wall photograph to discuss with each other speculative theories about the landforms visible and their geologic history. Robb Gillespie will lead this adventure. Can you match his imagination? A ticket for a box lunch can be purchased at the registration desk. Reception. 3–6 p.m., Room 1035–1055. Cash bar available. Saturday, May 4, 2013 Paleontological Society Council Mid-Year Meeting. 8 a.m.– 5 p.m., Room 1060. Student Activities The Student Volunteer check-in room is located in Room 2050. Please contact John Junod, [email protected]. for more information. Student presentations are being reviewed for recognition of excellence. Awards are given for best student oral (undergraduate and graduate) and poster (undergraduate and graduate) presentations. To be eligible, students must be lead authors and presenters and should clearly identify their abstracts as student work. Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience. Cosponsored by the GSA Foundation. 2 May, Thursday, noon– 1:30 p.m., Room 2016/2018. The Shlemon Mentor Program is designed to extend the mentoring reach of individual professionals from applied geology to undergraduates and graduate students attending GSA meetings. Over a free lunch, mentors discuss the professional opportunities and challenges that await students after graduation. Every registered student 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 33 will receive a free ticket to the Shlemon Luncheon along with her/his badge; however, attendance is limited, and meals are distributed on a first come, first served basis. The John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program. Cosponsored by the GSA Foundation. 3 May, Friday, noon–1:30 p.m., Room 2016/2018. The Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program presents mentoring opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and recent graduate students who hold a strong interest in applied hydrogeology as a career to interact and network with practicing hydrogeology professionals. This small-scale event features a free lunch for student and professional participants. Every registered student will receive a free ticket to the Mann Luncheon along with her/his badge; however, attendance is limited, and meals are distributed on a first come, first served basis. Technical Program Oral Sessions Oral presentations are located on the first and second floors of the Fetzer Center. The Speaker Ready Room is located in Room 1030. Signage and meeting staff are available to assist you in orienting yourself for quick access to all events. PowerPoint is available for oral presentations. Operating systems are PC-based; Mac-generated presentations should be formatted for PC compatibility. Presenters may not use their own laptops. Speakers should preferably provide their presentations on either CD-R or flash drive. Presentations must be uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room during the preceding half-day to a scheduled session. Slide shows for Thursday morning sessions are to be uploaded between 4 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, 1 May. Slide shows for Friday morning are to be uploaded by 5 p.m. of the preceding afternoon. Talks for afternoon sessions are to be uploaded between 7 and 11 a.m. daily. In the unfortunate incidence of a late arrival, proceed to the Speaker Ready Room for individual aid. Please make every effort to upload your slide show by the session deadline of the preceding half-day. Poster Sessions Poster sessions are located in the courtyard of Schneider Hall. Individual poster space will be a 4' by 8' board, and you can only use pushpins to tack up your poster. The boards do not accept Velcro. Free pushpins will be available. Morning posters are to be displayed at 8 a.m. and removed at noon; while afternoon posters are to be displayed at 1:30 p.m. and removed at 5 p.m. Authors are to be present between 9 and 11 a.m. for morning sessions, and between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. for afternoon sessions. Keynote Address Thursday, May 2, 6:30 p.m., Willard A. Brown Jr. Auditorium, 2000 Schneider Hall. “When Did We Transform Earth’s Surface?” Dr. William F. Ruddiman, Department of Environmental Sciences (Emeritus Professor) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Dr. Ruddiman’s distinguished career includes the authorship of over 130 papers. He has edited or 34 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs co-edited 3 books and 4 Ocean Drilling Volumes. His books include: “Earth’s Climate: Past and Future” 1st edition 2001, 2nd edition 2007, 3rd edition in 2013; “Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum” (2005, Princeton Univ. Press; 2nd release in 2010 with new afterword; and “Earth Transformed”: to be published in 2013, WH Freeman. Among his awards are the 2010 Lyell Medal, Geological Society of London, and the 2012 Distinguished Career Award, American Quaternary Association. Theme Sessions T1. Advances in Glacial Sediment Characterization: Implications for Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling. Larry Lemke, Wayne State University, [email protected]; Remke Van Dam, Michigan State University, [email protected]. T2. Applications of Near-Surface Geophysics. Bill Sauck, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; Remke Van Dam, Michigan State University, [email protected]. T4. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region I: The Pleistocene. Randy Schaetzl, Michigan State University, [email protected]; Catherine Yansa, Michigan State University, [email protected]. T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene. Catherine Yansa, Michigan State University, [email protected]; Randy Schaetzl, Michigan State University, [email protected]. T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments. M. Kathyrn Rocheford, University of Iowa, [email protected]; Maija Sipola, University of Iowa, [email protected]. T7. Cultural Geology: Heritage Stone, Buildings, Parks, Exhibits, and More. Co-sponsored by the Heritage Stone Task Group of the IUGS. Nelson Shaffer, Indiana Geological Survey, [email protected]; Joe Hannibal, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, [email protected]. T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy. Mike Phillips, Illinois Valley Community College, mike_phillips_ivcc.edu. T9. Sources, Transport, and Fate of Trace Elements and Organics in the Environment. Co-sponsored by International Association of GeoChemistry. Ryan Vannier, Michigan State University, [email protected]; Colleen McLean, Youngstown State University, [email protected]. T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States. Co-sponsored by the Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition. Kevin Kincare, U.S. Geological Survey, kkincare@ usgs.gov; Dick Berg, Illinois State Geological Survey, berg@ isgs.illinois.edu. T11. Working With Pre-Service Teachers—Issues and Ideas. Kyle Gray, University of Northern Iowa, kyle. [email protected]; Anthony Feig, Central Michigan University, [email protected]. T12. Research in Earth Science Education (Co-sponsored by Central NAGT). Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; Sandra Rutherford, University of Wisconsin, [email protected]. T13. Innovative Earth Science Teacher Professional Development. Mark Klawiter, Michigan Technological University, [email protected]; Carol Engelmann; Emily Gochis; Erika Vye; Heather Petcovic; Stephen Mattox. T14. Teaching and Learning Earth Science: K–16 Educational Pedagogy. Co-sponsored by NC NAGT. Katie Johnson, Eastern Illinois University, [email protected]; Stephen Mattox, Grand Valley State University, mattoxs@ gvsu.edu. T15. Paleontology as a Murder Mystery: How the Study of Predation and Taphonomy Reveals the Means, Motives & Opportunities of Ancient Perpetrators and Their Victims. Karen Koy, Missouri Western University, [email protected]; Joseph E. Peterson, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, [email protected]. T17. Special Poster Session on Undergraduate Research. Ed Hansen, Hope College, [email protected]; Robert Schuster, University of Nebraska, [email protected]. T18. Recent Advances in the Studies on the Origin of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. Joyashish Thakurta, Western Michigan University, [email protected]. T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States. Randall Bayless, U.S. Geological Survey, [email protected]; Howard Reeves, U.S. Geological Survey. T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology. Co-sponsored by Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists. Terry R. West, Purdue University, [email protected]. T21. Field Trips, Guidebooks, and Apps: Exploring the Present, Past and Future of Geological Field Trips and Field Trip Guidebooks. Joe Hannibal, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, [email protected]. Kevin R. Evans, Missouri State University, [email protected]. T22. Topics in Vertebrate Paleontology. Michael J. Ryan, Cleveland Museum of Natural History (mryan@ cmnh.org); Evan Scott, Case Western Reserve University ([email protected]). T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences. Mohamed Sultan, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; Richard Becker, University of Toledo, [email protected]. Disciplinary Sessions CO2 Storage and Greenhouse Gases. Charles W. Rovey II, Missouri State University, [email protected]. Geophysics, Geodynamics, etc. Christopher J. Schmidt, Western Michigan University, christopher.schmidt@ wmich.edu. Geoscience Education (Posters). Paleontology (Posters). Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (Posters). Sedimentology & Stratigraphy. Peter J. Voice, Western Michigan University, [email protected]. Geophysics, Geochemistry & Oil (Posters). Short Courses And Workshops Short Course Rationale and Methods For Regional 3d Geological Mapping. Harvey Thorleifson, Minnesota Geological Survey; Richard Berg, Illinois State Geological Survey; Hazen Russell, Geological Survey of Canada. This course will provide an introductory conceptual and methodological guide for regional 3D geological mapping of sediments and undeformed sedimentary basins. It is intended for geological survey agency staff, and persons in allied activity, who wish to justify and design or expand a 3D mapping program, and will emphasize widely available software. The course will address regional scales of 1:24,000 and less detailed, and will cover rationale, principles, data compilation, geophysics, drilling, model construction, and applications such as regional groundwater protection, modeling, and management. Parking is available at the Fetzer Center. Date and Time: 1 May 2013 (Wednesday) 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $50, includes Workshop manual and breaks, lunch not included. Limit: 40. CEU:0.8. Location: Room 1122, Rood Hall. Core Workshop The Carboniferous of the Michigan Basin: Mississippian (Osagean) Marshall through the Pennsylvanian (Morrowan-Atokan) Saginaw Formations. Shannon Towne, Michigan Geological Survey/Geosciences, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; Dave Barnes, Michigan Geological Survey/Geosciences, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; William B. Harrison III, Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education, [email protected] Date and Time: 5 May 2013 (Sunday) 9a.m.–4 p.m. Cost: $75, includes: workshop manual, Lunch, and Breaks. Location: MGRRE Facility. The location of the facility is detailed on: http://wsh060.westhills.wmich.edu/MGRRE/ index.shtml. Free Parking is available at MGRRE. There is a core workshop being held at the Michigan Repository for Research and Education (MGRRE), Western Michigan University, as part of the annual North-Central regional GSA meeting. The workshop focuses on the Carboniferous of the Michigan Basin with special emphasis on lithostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy associated with the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian unconformity. Analysis of core material on the basis of dominant lithofacies and biostratigraphy is being explored using a collection of cores from the southern Michigan Basin. Recently identified Chesterian strata from subsurface cores are being examined. Cores that illustrate the variability of the Kaskaskia/Absaroka megasequence boundary (Mississippian/Pennsylvanian systemic boundary) are also be on display. Field Trips All field trips will leave from the front entrance to the Fetzer Center). Park at the Fetzer Center Lot. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 35 1. Kentland Quarry & Kentland, Indiana Impact Structure. John Weber, Grand Valley State University, [email protected]. Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Cost: $115, includes: field trip guide, transportation, lunch, and refreshments. 2. The Detroit Salt Mine. William B. Harrison III, Director, Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education (MGRRE), [email protected]; on-site leader: E.Z. Manos, President, Detroit Salt Mine Company. Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Cost: $105, includes: field trip guide, transportation, lunch, and refreshments. 3. Contrasting Terrains of the Lake Michigan and Saginaw Lobes in Southern Michigan. Alan Kehew, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; Andrew Kozlowski, New York State Museum–Albany, akozlows@ mail.nysed.gov; Brian Bird, New York State Museum, bbird@ nysed.gov; John Esch, Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, [email protected]. Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Cost: $125, includes: field trip guide, transportation, lunch, and refreshments. 4. Pennsylvanian Fluvial-Deltaic Depositional Systems in Central Lower Michigan: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Hydrogeology of the Saginaw Aquifer. Peter J. Voice, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; 36 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs David Barnes, Michigan Geological Survey/Geosciences, Western Michigan University, [email protected]; Dave Westjohn; Amanda Walega, Niah Venable. Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $105, includes: field trip guide, transportation, lunch, and refreshments. 5. Michigan Sand Dunes. Edward Hansen, Hope College, hansen@ hope.edu. Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Cost: $125, includes: field trip guide, transportation, lunch, and refreshments. 6. Geology and Slope Stability along the Lake Michigan Coastal Zone. Ronald Chase, Western Michigan University, [email protected]. James.P. Selegean, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $105, includes: field trip guide, transportation, lunch, and refreshments. 7. Spouse/Guest Trip to Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids. This trip will visit the 132-acre Meijer gardens and outdoor sculpture park in Grand Rapids, Michigan. http://www.meijergardens.org/. Date and Time: 4 May 2013 (Saturday) 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Cost: $50, includes: transportation and admission. Lunch is available at the park but is not included in the cost. Schedule of Events Event Time Location Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Welcoming Reception and Exhibits 6:30–8:30 p.m. Rm 1035–1055, Fetzer Center Short Course: Rationale and Methods for Regional 3D Geological Mapping 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Rood Hall, Room 1122 Speaker Ready Room 4–8 p.m. Room 1030 Registration 4–8 p.m. Lobby, Fetzer Center Thursday May 2, 2013 Registration 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Lobby, Fetzer Center Speaker Ready Room 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Room 1030 Meeting Office 7 a.m.–4 p.m. Director’s Conference Room, Fetzer Center North Central Section Management Board Meeting 7–8:30 a.m. Room 1060 Paleontology Society Get-together with Snacks at Paleontology Posters 9–11 a.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard NAGT Luncheon noon–1:30 p.m. Room 1060 Screening of the movie “Switch” noon–1:30 p.m. Rood Hall, Room 1118 Roy J. Schlemon Mentors In Applied Geoscience noon–1:30 p.m. Room 2016/2018 North-Central GSA Business Meeting 6:15–6:30 p.m. Brown Auditorium Reception and Annual Business Meeting of the Great Lakes Section– SEPM 5:30–6:30 p.m. Exhibition Hall Reception in Exhibits Area 5:45–6:30 p.m. Room 1035-1055 Keynote Address: Dr. William Ruddiman 6:30–8 p.m. Brown Auditorium, Schneider Hall Morning (Thursday) Technical SEssions Oral Technical Sessions Geophysics, Geodynamics, etc. 8–10 a.m. Room 2040 T4. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region I: The Pleistocene 8 a.m.–noon Kirsch Auditorium T13. Innovative Earth Science Teacher Professional Development 8 a.m.–noon Putney Auditorium T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences 8 a.m.–noon Room 2020 CO2 Storage and Greenhouse Gases 8 a.m.–noon Room 1040/1050 T18. Recent Advances in the Studies on the Origin of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits 10 a.m.–noon Room 2040 Geoscience Education (Posters) 8–noon Schneider Hall, Courtyard Paleontology (Posters) 8–noon Schneider Hall, Courtyard Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (Posters) 8–noon Schneider Hall, Courtyard Poster Technical Sessions (authors present 9–11 a.m.) 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 37 Event Time Location T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments (Posters) 8–noon Schneider Hall, Courtyard T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States (Posters) 8–noon Schneider Hall, Courtyard Afternoon (Thursday) technical sessions Oral Technical Sessions: Sedimentology & Stratigraphy 1:30–5:30 p.m. Room 2020 T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments 1:30–5:30 p.m. Room 1040/1050 T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States 1:30 p.m. Kirsch Auditorium T14. Teaching and Learning Earth Science: K–16 Educational Pedagogy 1:30–5:30 p.m. Putney Auditorium T22. Topics in Vertebrate Paleontology 1:30–5:30 p.m. Room 2040 Geophysics, Geochemistry & Oil (Posters) 1:30–5:30 p.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard T2. Applications of Near-Surface Geophysics (Posters) 1:30–5:30 p.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy (Posters) 1:30–5:30 p.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States (Posters) 1:30–5:30 p.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology (Posters) 1:30–5:30 p.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences (Posters) 1:30–5:30 p.m. Schneider Hall, Courtyard Poster Technical Sessions (authors present 2:30–4:30 p.m.) Friday, May 3, 2013 Registration 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Lobby, Fetzer Center Speaker Ready Room 7 a.m.–noon Room 2030 Meeting Office 7 a.m.–4 p.m. Director’s Conference Room North-Central GSA Campus Representatives Meeting 7–8:30 a.m. Room 1060 Screening of the movie“Switch” noon–1:30 p.m. Rood Hall, Room 1118 John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology noon–1:30 p.m. Room 2016/2018 Geomorphic Theories noon–1:30 p.m. near 1137 Rood Hall Morning (Friday) Technical sessions Oral Technical Sessions T1. Advances in Glacial Sediment Characterization: Implications for Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling 8 a.m.–noon Kirsch Auditorium T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene, Part I 8 a.m.–noon Putney Auditorium T9. Topics in Environmental Geochemistry 8 a.m.–noon Room 1040/1050 T11. Working With Pre-Service Teachers—Issues and Ideas 8 a.m.–noon Room 2020 38 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Event T15. Paleontology as a Murder Mystery: How the Study of Predation and Taphonomy Reveals the Means, Motives & Opportunities of Ancient Perpetrators and Their Victims Time Location 8 a.m.–noon Room 2040 8 a.m.–noon Schneider Hall, Courtyard Poster Technical Sessions (authors present 9-11 a.m.) T17. Special Poster Session on Undergraduate Research (Posters) Afternoon (Friday) Oral Technical Sessions T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene, Part II 1:30–5:30 p.m. Putney Auditorium T7. Cultural Geology: Heritage Stone, Buildings, Parks, and More 1:30–3 p.m. Room 2040 T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy 1:30–5:30 p.m. Room 1040/1050 T12. Research in Earth Science Education 1:30–5:30 p.m. Room 2020 T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States 1:30–3:30 p.m. Kirsch Auditorium T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology 3:30–5:30 p.m Kirsch Auditorium T21. Field Trips, Guidebooks, and Apps: Exploring the Present, Past and Future of Geological Field Trips and Field Trip Guidebooks 3–5:30 p.m Room 2040 Saturday May 4, 2013 Paleontological Society Council Mid-Year Meeting. 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Room 1060 Field Trips Departures (All Field Trips leave from the entrance to Fetzer Center) Field Trips 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 leave at 8 a.m. Please be present at 7:30 a.m. Field trip 5 leaves at 7 a.m. and Field Trip 7 leaves at 9 a.m. Field Trip #1 Kentland Quarry & Kentland, Indiana Impact Structure Field Trip #2 The Detroit Salt Mine Field Trip #3 Contrasting Terrains of the Lake Michigan and Saginaw Lobes in Southern Michigan Field Trip #4 Pennsylvanian Fluvial-Deltaic Depositional Systems in Central Lower Michigan: Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Hydrogeology of the Saginaw Aquifer Field Trip #5 Michigan Sand Dunes Field Trip #6 Geology and Slope Stability along the Lake Michigan Coastal Zone Field Trip #7 Spouse/guest trip to Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids. Sunday, May 5, 2013 Workshop CORE WORKSHOP The Carboniferous of the Michigan Basin: Mississippian (Osagean) Marshall through the Pennsylvanian (Morrowan-Atokan) Saginaw Formations 9a.m. – 4 p.m. (Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education (MGRRE) The location of the facility is detailed at: http://wsh060.westhills.wmich.edu/MGRRE/index.shtml 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 39 Technical Sessions A no-smoking policy has been established by the Program Committee and will be followed in all meeting rooms for technical sessions. Meeting policy prohibits the use of cameras or sound-recording equipment at technical sessions and poster sessions. Notice In the interest of public information, the Geological Society of America provides a forum for the presentation of diverse opinions and positions. The opinions (views) expressed by speakers and exhibitors at these sessions are their own and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Geological Society of America. Note index system Numbers (3-4, 15-4) indicate session and order of presentation within that session. *denotes speaker THURSDAY, 2 May 2013 morning Oral Technical Sessions SESSION NO. 1 CO2 Storage and Greenhouse Gases SESSION NO. 2 Geophysics, Geodynamics, etc. 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 2040 Christopher J. Schmidt, Presiding 2-1 8:00 AM Larson, Mark*; Mickus, Kevin: GRAVITY AND MAGNETIC ANALYSIS OF PLUTONS, RING PLUTONS AND MAFIC BODIES IN THE ST FRANCOIS MOUNTAINS, SE MISSOURI 2-2 8:20 AM Evans, Kevin R.*; Bassett, Damon J.; Ethington, Raymond L.; Manger, Walter L.; Mickus, Kevin L.; Miller, James F.: PREOUACHITA TECTONISM, DEVELOPMENT OF A BACKSTEPPING SHELF MARGIN, AND SYN-TECTONIC SEDIMENTATION (MIDDLE DEVONIAN THROUGH MISSISSIPPIAN) ON SOUTHERN LAURENTIA: A REGIONAL SYNTHESIS OF THE OZARKS 2-3 8:40 AM Pennington, Wayne D.*; Waite, Gregory P.: THE MENOMINEE CRACK AND CLINTONVILLE BOOMS: SEISMIC EVENTS IN MICHIGAN’S UPPER PENINSULA AND NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN 2-4 9:00 AM Tupper, M. Tobias*; Green, Douglas H.: IDENTIFICATION OF LOW-LEVEL SEISMICITY IN OHIO 2-5 9:20 AM Malcuit, Robert J.*: A JUPITER ORBIT -- LUNAR ORBIT RESONANCE MODEL: POSSIBLE CAUSE FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE MODERN STYLE OF PLATE TECTONICS 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 Charles W. Rovey, Presiding 1-1 8:00 AM Shields, Stephen A.*; Plymate, Thomas: PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THE LAMOTTE SANDSTONE: POTENTIAL FOR CARBON SEQUESTRATION 1-2 8:20 AM Sosulski, John H.*; Barnes, David A.: CO2 STORAGE RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF A DEEP SALINE AQUIFER: ST. PETER SANDSTONE, MICHIGAN BASIN, USA 1-3 8:40 AM Bull, Nicholas*; Hampton, Duane R.; Barnes, David A.: ANALYZING THE CO2 SEQESTRATION POTENTIAL OF THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN SYLVANIA SANDSTONE USING NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS 1-4 9:00 AM Johns, Elizabeth K.*; Gouzie, Douglas R.: SITE SPECIFIC GEOCHEMICAL MODELING OF GROUNDWATER, ROCK AND CARBON DIOXIDE INTERACTIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR GEOLOGIC CARBON SEQUESTRATION 1-5 9:20 AM Mayle, Emme*; Rovey, Charles W. II.: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPTH AND HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY WITHIN THE ST. FRANCOIS AQUIFER, MISSOURI 9:40 AM Break 1-6 1-7 10:00 AM Stratton, Stephanie L.*; Rovey, Charles W. II.: SIMULATION OF CO2 INJECTION INTO ST. FRANCOIS AQUIFER, GREENE COUNTY, MISSOURI 10:20 AM Smolenski, Rebecca Lynn*; Beaulieu, Jake; TownsendSmall, Amy: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM A TEMPERATE AGRICULTURAL RESERVOIR 40 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs SESSION NO. 3 T4. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region I: The Pleistocene 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium Randall Schaetzl and Catherine Yansa, Presiding 3-1 8:00 AM Lepper, Kenneth*; Fisher, Timothy G.; Lowell, Thomas V.: AGE CONSTRAINTS FOR AN UPDATED LAKE AGASSIZ PALEOHYDROGRAPH SESSION NO. 6 3-2 8:20 AM Fisher, Timothy G.*; Blockland, Joseph; Higley, Melinda; Anderson, Brad; Goble, Ronald J.; Lepper, Kenneth: RECENT STRATIGRAPHIC AND CHRONOLOGIC RESULTS FROM THE HURON-ERIE LAKE PLAIN OF ANCESTRAL LAKE ERIE, OHIO 3-3 8:40 AM Lowell, Thomas V.*: DO THE ICE MARGIN CHANGES OF THE LAURENTIDE GREAT LAKE LOBES MATCH THE GREENLAND ISOTOPE RECORD? 3-4 9:00 AM Carson, Eric C.*; Attig, John W.: RADIOCARBON CONTROL FOR THE ADVANCE OF THE GREEN BAY LOBE TO ITS LATE WISCONSIN (MIS 2) MAXIMUM POSITION AT DEVILS LAKE, SOUTH-CENTRAL WISCONSIN 3-5 9:20 AM Schaetzl, Randall*; Forman, Steven L.; Attig, John W.: OSL AGES ON LOESS CONSTRAIN THE ADVANCE OF THE CHIPPEWA VALLEY LOBE IN WESTERN WISCONSIN, USA 4-6 10:10 AM Miller, Ashley E.*; Mattox, Stephen: INTEGRATING INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTION IN K-12 EARTH SCIENCE CLASSROOMS 4-7 10:30 AM Grabemeyer, Nick C.*; Young, Julie L.; Jenkins, Julia H.; BryantKuiphoff, Yonee’ E.; Reed, Mark S.; Mattox, Stephen; Petcovic, Heather; Rose, William I.: KALAMAZOO AND JACKSON (MI) K-12 TEACHER REFLECTIONS FROM THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM 4-8 10:50 AM Ernstes, Joshua D.*; Ernstes, Angela L.; Kay, Katherine E.; Selner, Maria D.; Kahler, Dawn; Petcovic, Heather; Mattox, Stephen; Rose, William I.: KALAMAZOO (MI) K-12 TEACHER REFLECTIONS FROM THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EXCELLENCE PROGRAM 4-9 11:10 AM Kumler, Lori; McLean, Colleen E.*; Armstrong, Felicia P.: MEETING THE NEEDS OF THE MODERN ENVIRONMENTAL ERA: A PARTNERSHIP TO ENHANCE TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDINGS OF SUSTAINABILITY CONCEPTS 11:30 AM Discussion 9:40 AM Break 3-6 10:00 AM Esch, John M.*: BURIED BEDROCK VALLEYS OF MICHIGAN 3-7 10:20 AM Walters, Kent A.*; Lowell, Thomas V.; Putnam, Aaron E.: A CASE FOR STEP-WISE RETREAT OF THE LAURENTIDE ICE SHEET DURING THE YOUNGER DRYAS: CENTRAL UPPER PENINSULA OF MICHIGAN 3-8 10:40 AM Colgan, Patrick M.*: EVIDENCE FOR DISTRIBUTION AND THICKNESS OF ATHENS SUB-EPISODE AND OLDER SEDIMENTS IN OTTAWA COUNTY, MICHIGAN 3-9 11:00 AM Curry, B. Brandon*: SUPERPOSED ICE-WALLED LAKE DEPOSITS, NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS 3-10 11:20 AM Phillips, Andrew C.*; Caron, Olivier; Bryk, Alexander B.; Prokocki, Eric W.; Best, James L.: MEANDER CUTOFFS, FLOODPLAIN LAKES: GEOLOGIC ARCHIVES IN THE LOWER WABASH VALLEY SESSION NO. 4 SESSION NO. 5 T18. Recent Advances in the Studies on the Origin of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits 10:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 2040 Joyashish Thakurta, Presiding 5-1 10:00 AM Mulcahy, Connor*; Hansen, Edward C.; Rhede, D.; Bornhorst, Theodore J.: RARE EARTH ELEMENT ENRICHED MINERALS IN HYDROTHERMAL COPPER DEPOSITS FROM THE KEWEENAW PENINSULA, MICHIGAN, USA 5-2 10:20 AM Frank, Mark R.*; Fraley, Kendle: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF GOLD IN SULFIDE MINERALS 5-3 10:40 AM Mateas, Douglas J.*: HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION AND MINERALIZATION AMONG THE GOLD ZONES OF THE BACK FORTY VOLCANOGENIC MASSIVE SULFIDE DEPOSIT 5-4 11:00 AM Hagni, Richard D.*: ORIGIN OF PLATY GALENA IN THE VIBURNUM TREND, SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 5-5 11:20 AM Scott, Henry P.*; Compton, John G.; Hasan, Maggie; Frank, Mark R.: CO2 CYCLING IN THE DEEP EARTH T13. Innovative Earth Science Teacher Professional Development 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium Mark F. Klawiter, Carol Engelmann, Emily E. Gochis, Erika C. Vye, Heather Petcovic, and Stephen Mattox, Presiding 8:00 AM Introductory Remarks 4-1 8:10 AM Schepke, Chuck*; Bluth, Gregg J.S.; Anderson, Kari; Smirnov, Aleksey V.; Piispa, Elisa J.: SUMMER RESEARCH EXPERIENCE IN EARTH MAGNETISM: THE TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVE 4-2 8:30 AM Zolynsky, Debra L.*; Klawiter, Mark F.: VIRTUAL VS. VISCERAL FIELD EXPERIENCES: TWO PATHS DIVERGE... TAKE BOTH 4-3 8:50 AM Klawiter, Mark F.*; Mattox, Stephen R.; Petcovic, Heather L.; Rose, William I.; Huntoon, Jacqueline E.; Engelmann, Carol A.; Vye, Erika C.; Gochis, Emily E.; Miller, Ashley E.; McKee, Kathleen F.: CREATING A MODEL FOR IMPROVING EARTH SCIENCE TEACHING NATIONWIDE: AN OVERVIEW OF THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EXCELLENCE PROGRAM (MITEP) NSF MATH-SCIENCE PARTNERSHIP 4-4 9:10 AM Mattox, Stephen*; Petcovic, Heather; Klawiter, Mark F.; Gochis, Emily; Miller, Ashley E.: RELEVANT, PLACE-BASED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR URBAN TEACHERS, INSIGHTS FROM THE MICHIGAN TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM 9:30 AM Break 4-5 9:50 AM Gochis, Emily E.*; Rose, William I.; Hungwe, Kedmon; Klawiter, Mark F.; Mattox, Stephen R.; Petcovic, Heather; Miller, Ashley E.: PROMOTING GEOSCIENCE SKILLS AND CONTENT KNOWLEDGE BY INTEGRATING FIELDBASED EARTHCACHES INTO TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SESSION NO. 6 T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 2020 Mohamed Sultan and Richard Becker, Presiding 6-1 8:00 AM Siemer, Kyle W.*; Becker, Richard: USING DIFFERENTIAL SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY (DINSAR) TO DETECT SUBSIDENCE RELATED TO ABANDONED UNDERGROUND MINES (AUMS) IN SOUTHEASTERN OHIO 6-2 8:20 AM Bouali, El Hachemi Y.*; Sultan, Mohamed; Becker, Richard H.; Chouinard, Kyle J.: SUBSIDENCE OF THE NILE DELTA, EGYPT: OPTIMIZING INTERFEROMETRIC SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR (INSAR) RESULTS OVER URBAN CENTERS IN VEGETATED REGIONS 6-3 8:40 AM Zaki, Abotalib; Mohamed, Lamees*; Sultan, Mohamed: INVESTIGATING THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF GEBEL EL-HAMZA AREA, NE CAIRO, EGYPT: A REMOTE SENSING APPROACH 6-4 9:00 AM El Kadiri, Racha*; Sultan, Mohamed; Becker, Richard; Krawczyk, Malgorzata; Al Harbi, Talal; Chouinard, Kyle J.: STATISTICAL AND REMOTE SENSING BASED APPROACH TO DETERMINE DEBRIS FLOWS TRIGGERING FACTORS 9:20 AM Break 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 41 SESSION NO. 6 6-5 9:40 AM Mohamed, Lamees*; Sultan, Mohamed; Zaki, Abotalib: STRUCTURAL CONTROL OF GROUNDWATER FLOW, SOUTHERN SINAI, EGYPT: REMOTE SENSING CONSTRAINTS 6-6 10:00 AM Ahmed, Mohamed*; Sultan, Mohamed; Alharbi, Talal: MONITORING AQUIFER DEPLETION FROM SPACE: CASE STUDIES FROM NUBIAN SANDSTONE AQUIFER IN EGYPT AND THE SAQ AQUIFER IN SAUDI ARABIA 6-7 10:20 AM Zmijewski, Kirk A.*; Becker, Richard H.: USING GRACE DATA TO MONITOR EFFECTS OF ANTHROPOGENIC MODIFICATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE ON GROUNDWATER IN THE ARAL SEA REGION: 2002-2012 6-8 10:40 AM Becker, Richard H.*: THE STALLED RECOVERY OF THE MESOPTAMIAN MARSHES morning Poster Technical Sessions 8-7 11 Zambito, James J. IV.*; Day, Jed: NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE TRILOBITE AND CONODONT BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE MIDDLE-UPPER DEVONIAN GENESEE GROUP IN EASTERN NEW YORK STATE 8-8 12 Wulf, Shane*; Johnson, Daryl; Hanger, Rex A.: TESTING SPECIESABUNDANCE MODELS OF THE HUGHES CREEK SHALE (CARBONIFEROUS) OF SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA 8-9 13 Rivera, Alexei A.*: ECOLOGY OF LATE MESOZOIC HETEROMORPHIC AMMONITES: A CASE FOR ALGAL SYMBIOSIS? 8-10 14 Rivera, Alexei A.*: A NEW TEST OF THE PUNCTUATIONAL MODEL USING PRESENTLY RADIATING CLADES OF BIVALVE MOLLUSKS AND MAMMALS 8-11 15 Blahnik, Caitlin*; Hanger, Rex: MOUTH-SIZE ESTIMATION OF THE SHARK, PETALODUS OHIOENSIS, FROM THE HUGHES CREEK SHALE (CARBONIFEROUS) OF SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA 8-12 16 Fontana, Thomas M.*; Bartels, William S.: EOCENE TURTLES FROM THE DISTAL DEPOSITS OF THE CATHEDRAL BLUFFS TONGUE (WASATCH FORMATION), RED DESERT, WYOMING 8-13 17 Claes, Christopher*; Bartels, William S.; McRivette, Michael W.: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF LIVING REPTILIANS WITH RESPECT TO CLIMATE AND ITS POTENTIAL FOR GENERATING QUANTITATIVE PALEOCLIMATIC ESTIMATES 8-14 18 Baumann, Eric Jr.*; Crowley, Brooke: INVESTIGATING THE ECOLOGY OF EXTINCT PROBOSCIDEANS FROM THE CINCINNATI REGION USING STABLE ISOTOPES 8-15 19 Thomka, James R.*; Brett, Carlton E.: SUBSTRATE-CONTROLLED VARIABILITY WITHIN ATTACHMENT STRUCTURES OF CARYOCRINITES (ECHINODERMATA: RHOMBIFERA) FROM THE MIDDLE SILURIAN OF SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA SESSION NO. 7 Geoscience Education (Posters) 8:00 AM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 9 to 11 AM Booth # 7-1 1 Lane, Joe*: USING THE HISTORY OF RESEARCH ON THE PHENOMENON OF PLATE TECTONICS TO HELP STUDENTS BETTER APPRECIATE THE NATURE OF SCIENCE 7-2 2 Miller, Kurtz K.*; Cook, Alex: ANALYZING GLACIAL TILL: AN INQUIRY-BASED PROJECT FOR HIGH SCHOOL EARTH SCIENCE STUDENTS 7-3 3 Barney, Jeffrey A.*: USING SOLID ROCK CORE SAMPLES TO TEACH POROSITY AND PERMEABILITY SESSION NO. 9 7-4 4 Barone, Steven*; Petcovic, Heather: TEACHING PALEOCLIMATE AND CLIMATE CHANGE TO FUTURE TEACHERS: AN ACTION RESEARCH STUDY 8:00 AM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard SESSION NO. 8 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (Posters) Authors will be present from 9 to 11 AM Booth # 9-1 20 Thomka, James R.*; List, Daniel A.; Brett, Carlton E.: MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE LATEST TELYCHIAN-EARLY SHEINWOODIAN (MIDDLE SILURIAN) SUCCESSION, SOUTHEASTERN INDIANA AND NORTHERN KENTUCKY: IMPLICATIONS FOR STRATIGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF DIAGENETICALLY ALTERED UNITS 9-2 21 Donoghue, Kellie*; Schieber, Juergen: FLUID INCLUSION STUDIES OF PROMINENT NATURAL FRACTURES IN THE NEW ALBANY SHALE, KENTUCKY, USA 9-3 22 Hess, Rachel*; Evans, Kevin; Dattilo, Benjamin: VARIATIONS OF FLAT-PEBBLE CONGLOMERATE STRATA IN HINTZE’S SECTION C AND MOUNT LAW 9-4 23 Elson, Joshua D.*; Larson, Mark O.; Talarico, Joe M.; Ives, Brandon T.: CLASTIC DIKES WITHIN THE SWAN CREEK SANDSTONE, SOUTHWEST MISSOURI 9-5 24 Wagenvelt, Kirk A.*; Barnes, David A.; Kominz, Michelle A.; Samson, Josh B.: USE OF ORGANIC THERMAL ALTERATION DATA TO INVESTIGATE ANOMALOUS/ACCELERATED MATURATION RELATED TO THE MID-CONTINENT RIFT SYSTEM, MICHIGAN BASIN, USA 9-6 25 Camaret, B.N*; Krossman, K.E.; McLean, Colleen; Mattheus, C.R.: DETERMINING STORM EVENTS THROUGH MICROFAUNADISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS: A SEDIMENTOLOGIC STUDY OF PONDS ON SAN SALVADOR, BAHAMAS 9-7 26 Fowler, J.K.*; Marsey, C.W.; Mattheus, C.R.: CONSTRUCTING A DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF STORM INFLUENCE FOR COASTAL PONDS OF SAN SALVADOR, BAHAMAS Paleontology (Posters) 8:00 AM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 9 to 11 AM Booth # 8-1 5 Johnson, Daryl*; Wulf, Shane; Hanger, Rex: SIZE-FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION AND TAPHONOMY OF BRACHIOPODA FROM THE HUGHES CREEK SHALE (CARBONIFEROUS) OF SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA 8-2 6 Day, Jed*; Evans, Scott D.; Over, D. Jeffrey; Hasenmueller, Nancy R.; Leonard, Andrea M.: EARLY CARBONIFEROUS (EARLIEST TOURNAISIAN-KINDERHOOKIAN) BRACHIOPOD AND CONODONT FAUNAS OF THE “ELLSWORTH” MEMBER OF THE NEW ALBANY SHALE, ILLINOIS BASIN, SOUTHERN INDIANA 8-3 7 Smrecak, Trisha A.*: COMPARING SCLEROBIONT COVERAGE OF RAFINESQUINA ALTERNATA IN HARDGROUND AND SOFTBOTTOM SUBSTRATE SETTINGS IN THE CINCINNATI ARCH REGION (CINCINNATIAN, UPPER ORDOVICIAN) 8-4 8 Green, Jeremy L.*; McAfee, Robert K.: THE INFLUENCE OF BITE FORCE ON THE FORMATION OF DENTAL MICROWEAR IN XENARTHRANS (MAMMALIA) 8-5 8-6 9 Guensburg, Thomas E.*; Sprinkle, James; Mooi, Rich: AGAINST HOMOLOGY OF CRINOID AND BLASTOZOAN ORAL PLATES 10 Aucoin, Christopher D.*; Brett, Carlton E.; Malgieri, Thomas J.; Thomka, James R.: A PRELIMINARY COMPARISON OF THE LATE ORDOVICIAN BUTTER SHALES OF THE CINCINNATI ARCH 42 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs SESSION NO. 13 SESSION NO. 10 12-2 1:50 PM Jenschke, Matthew Clay*; Evans, James E.: DELTA FRONT AND SHALLOW SUB-TIDAL FACIES IN THE LATE DEVONIAN BEDFORD SHALE AND BEREA SANDSTONE, NW OHIO 12-3 2:10 PM Shah, Mihir*; Evans, James E.: SUBSURFACE FACIES ANALYSIS OF ROSE RUN SANDSTONE (UPPER CAMBRIAN) IN EASTERN OHIO T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments (Posters) 8:00 AM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 9 to 11 AM Booth # 10-1 27 Robert, Joe*; Bird, Broxton W.; Escobar, Jaime H.: LATE GLACIAL AND HOLOCENE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABILITY REVEALED FROM CARBON, NITROGEN AND GRAIN SIZE MEASUREMENTS OF A HIGH-RESOLUTION BOG CORE FROM THE PáRAMO DE FRONTINO, COLOMBIA 12-4 2:30 PM Malgieri, Thomas J.*; Brett, Carlton E.; Thomka, James R.; Aucoin, Christopher D.: PRELIMINARY REVISION OF THE SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND NOMENCLATURE OF THE UPPER MAYSVILLIAN-LOWER RICHMONDIAN STRATA EXPOSED IN KENTUCKY 10-2 28 Gehrman, Rachael C.*; Bird, Broxton W.; Abbott, Mark B.; Stansell, Nathan D.; Rodbell, Donald T.; Steinman, Byron A.: HOLOCENESCALE TRENDS IN ANDEAN SOUTH AMERICAN SUMMER MONSOON VARIABILITY INFERRED FROM A COUPLED LAKE SYSTEM IN THE CENTRAL PERUVIAN ANDES 12-5 2:50 PM Huck, Scott W.*; Evans, James E.: INFLUENCE OF STORM WAVE BASE FLUCTUATIONS ON CARBONATE SHELF FACIES IN THE ORDOVICIAN POINT PLEASANT FORMATION (CENTRAL OHIO) 10-3 29 Doucette, Ikumi D.*; Fadem, Cynthia M.: PRELIMINARY SOIL MINERALOGY OF THE HAGHTANAKH 3 SITE, NORTHERN ARMENIA 3:10 PM Break 12-6 10-4 30 Fadem, Cynthia M.; Nembhard, Nicole S.*: THERMODYNAMIC INVESTIGATION OF PEDOGENIC MINERALS AT THE PTGHAVAN 4 SITE, NORTHERN ARMENIA 3:30 PM Keith, Brian D.; Thompson, Todd A.*: TRANSITION FROM DELTAIC TO CARBONATE PLATFORM DEPOSITION – RAMP CREEK FORMATION (MISSISSIPPIAN) OF CENTRAL INDIANA 12-7 3:50 PM Santistevan, Fred*; Algeo, Thomas J.; Hannigan, Robyn; Williams, Jeremy C.: THE ROLE OF THE SIBERIAN TRAPS IN THE PERMIAN-TRIASSIC MASS EXTINCTION: ANALYSIS THROUGH CHEMICAL FINGERPRINTING OF MARINE SEDIMENTS USING RARE EARTH ELEMENTS (REES) 12-8 4:10 PM Voice, Peter J.*; Kowalewski, Michal; Eriksson, Kenneth A.: THE GLOBAL DETRITAL ZIRCON DATABASE: AN UPDATE 12-9 4:30 PM Hayden, Travis G.*; Kominz, Michelle A.; Niessen, Frank: ESTIMATING LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM ICE THICKNESS USING POROSITY AND DEPTH RELATIONSHIPS: EXAMPLES FROM AND-1B, MCMURDO SOUND, ANTARCTICA 12-10 4:50 PM Cupples, William B.*; Van Arsdale, Roy B.: UPLAND GRAVELS OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY AND THEIR INSIGHTS TO PREGLACIAL DRAINAGE IN CENTRAL NORTH AMERICA SESSION NO. 11 T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States (Posters) 8:00 AM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 9 to 11 AM Booth # 11-1 31 Ducey, Patrick W.*; Prentice, Michael L.: CORE-BASED STUDY OF ERIE LOBE TILL STRATIGRAPHY IN NORTHEASTERN INDIANA: IMPLICATIONS FOR ERIE LOBE HISTORY 11-2 32 Mode, William N.; Sanderfoot, Benjamin*; Hooyer, Thomas S.: QUATERNARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN 11-3 33 Pavey, Richard R.*; Martin, Dean R.: EVALUATION OF GLACIAL FEATURES IN NORTHWESTERN OHIO USING LIDAR DATA 11-4 34 Rice, Jessey Murray*; Paulen, Roger C.; Menzies, John; McClenaghan, M.B.: STRATIGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF AN OPEN PIT EXPOSURE: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE WESTERN MARGIN OF THE LAURENTIDE ICE SHEET DURING THE MIDDLE WISCONSIN IN THE GREAT SLAVE LAKE REGION 11-5 35 Miao, Xiaodong*; Thomason, Jason F.; Stohr, Christopher: SAND AND GRAVEL RESOURCE OF MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: DISTRIBUTION, THICKNESS AND LAND USE 11-6 36 Bruegger, Alison*; Curry, B. Brandon; Grimley, David A.: ICEWALLED LAKE PLAINS HIGHLIGHTED ON NEW SURFICIAL GEOLOGY MAP OF KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS 37 Phillips, Andrew C.*; Ismail, Ahmed; Larson, Timothy; Gemperline, Johanna: INTERCALATING SLACKWATER LAKE AND OUTWASH DEPOSITS AT A BEDROCK VALLEY CONFLUENCE IN THE LOWER WABASH VALLEY SESSION NO. 13 T6. Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of Soils and Sediments to Reveal Secrets of Past Environments 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 M. Kathryn Rocheford and Maija Eliina Sipola, Presiding 1:30 PM Introductory Remarks 13-1 1:35 PM Sipola, Maija E.*: MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLO RIVER TERRACE DEPOSITS AT NGANDONG, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA 13-2 1:55 PM Miao, Xiaodong*; Wang, Hong; Hanson, Paul R.; Mason, Joseph A.; Liu, Xiaodong: USING OSL AND RADIOCARBON DATING TO CONSTRAIN THE TIME OF SOIL DEVELOPMENT 13-3 2:15 PM Reinhardt, Jason*; Hobbs, Trevor; Nagel, Linda M.: INVESTIGATING THE INFLUENCE OF LAND USE HISTORY ON SAVANNA SOILS IN LOWER MICHIGAN: IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT, RESTORATION, AND CONSERVATION 13-4 2:35 PM Rovey, Charles W. II.*: PALEOSOLS WITHIN THE PREILLINOIAN TILL SEQUENCE IN NORTHERN MISSOURI RECORD CHANGES IN PLEISTOCENE CLIMATE 13-5 2:55 PM Kerr, Phillip J.*; Bettis, E. Arthur III.; Baker, Richard G.: THROUGH A WOOLY LENS: INVESTIGATIONS FROM A MAMMOTH BURIAL IN IOWA 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 2020 3:15 PM Break Peter J. Voice, Presiding 13-6 3:30 PM Harrison, Jeffrey M.*; Ortiz, Joseph D.; Abbott, Mark B.; Bird, Broxton W.; Hacker, David B.; Griffith, Elizabeth M.; Darby, Dennis A.: LINKING 2,000 YEARS OF SEDIMENTATION IN THE WESTERN ARCTIC OCEAN TO AN ATMOSPHERIC 11-7 afternoon Oral Technical Sessions SESSION NO. 12 Sedimentology & Stratigraphy 12-1 1:30 PM Alshahrani, Saeed S.*; Evans, James, E.: EVIDENCE FOR SHALLOW-WATER ORIGIN OF A DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, CLEVELAND SHALE MEMBER (OHIO SHALE), NORTHEASTERN OHIO 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 43 SESSION NO. 13 TEMPERATURE PROXY RECORD FROM A GLACIAL LAKE IN THE BROOKS RANGE, AK 13-7 3:50 PM Matzke, Jeffrey A.*; Bettis, E. Arthur III.; Weirich, Frank; Vogelgesang, Jason: A NEW VIEW OF THE STONE ZONE ON THE IOWA EROSION SURFACE 13-8 4:10 PM Artz, Joe Alan*: MULTI-PROXY MID-HOLOCENE FLUVIAL PROCESSES AT TWO LOCALITIES IN CENTRAL IOWA 13-9 4:30 PM Grimley, David A.*; Oches, Eric A.: PLEISTOCENE MOLLUSCAN ASSEMBLAGES TO AID UNDERSTANDING OF PALEOENVIRONMENT, PALEOCLIMATE AND CHRONOLOGY: EXAMPLES FROM ILLINOIS SESSION NO. 15 T14. Teaching and Learning Earth Science: K–16 Educational Pedagogy 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium Katherine Lewandowski and Stephen Mattox, Presiding 15-1 1:30 PM Salmons, Charles R.*: GEOLOGICAL WALK THROUGH TIME: A NEW EXHIBIT FOR 21ST CENTURY STATE SCIENCE STANDARDS 15-2 1:50 PM Jagoda, Susan Kaschner*: DISTANCE-LEARNING AT DENALI NATIONAL PARK AND PRESERVE: A GEOCORPS EXPERIENCE 15-3 2:10 PM Lewandowski, Katherine J.*; O’Malley, Christina E.; Jaques, Charlie A.: FOSTERING GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM 15-4 2:30 PM Rice, Jane*; Rustem, Stephanie; Jackson, Susan; Markham, Laura; Maldonado, Patricia; Anderson, Charles W.: A FEW GOOD IDEAS: INTEGRATING EARTH SCIENCE WITH LIFE SCIENCE AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE SESSION NO. 14 2:50 PM Break T10. Mapping the Glacial Geology of the Great Lakes States 15-5 3:10 PM Mattox, Stephen*: THE VALUE OF TEACHING A METHODS COURSE FOR EARTH SCIENCE PRESERVICE TEACHERS 15-6 3:30 PM Rudge, David W.*; Petcovic, Heather L.: EARTH SCIENCE IN AN ON-LINE ENVIRONMENT 13-10 4:50 PM Herrmann, Edward W.*: GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CONTROLS AFFECTING THE CREATION AND PRESERVATION OF A BURIED WETLAND ENVIRONMENT DURING THE PLEISTOCENE/HOLOCENE TRANSITION: A GEOARCHAEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE 13-11 5:10 PM Rocheford, M. Kathryn*: FRAMEWORK FOR IDENTIFYING LANDUSE EFFECTS ON SOIL RESILIENCE 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium Kevin A. Kincare and Richard Berg, Presiding 14-1 1:30 PM Brown, Steven E.*: FROM START TO FINISH: THREEDIMENSIONAL GEOLOGIC MAPS AND MODELS OF LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS 15-7 14-2 1:50 PM Aden, Douglas J.*: MAPPING KARST IN THE NORTHCENTRAL OHIO REGION 3:50 PM Keen, Kerry L.*: AN ACTIVE WORKSHOP ON PRINCIPLES OF GROUNDWATER FLOW EMBEDDED IN A “NORMAL” UNDERGRADUATE HYDROGEOLOGY COURSE 15-8 14-3 2:10 PM Carson, Eric C.*; Attig, John W.: SURFICIAL GEOLOGIC MAPPING AND LANDSCAPE EVOLUTION RESEARCH IN THE DRIFTLESS AREA OF SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN 4:10 PM Pollard, Alexander KH Sr.; Zimmerman, Alexander N. Jr.*; Brown, Lewis M.; Kelso, Paul: INTRODUCTION TO SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY: A PROJECT-BASED UNDERGRADUATE UPPER DIVISION COURSE 14-4 2:30 PM Fleming, Anthony H.*; Karaffa, Marni D.: A TALE OF TWO LOBES: THE PLEISTOCENE EVOLUTION OF INDIANA’S LARGEST INTERLOBATE LAKE BASIN 14-5 2:50 PM Hobbs, Trevor*: USING GIS TO INVENTORY COMMON VARIETY MINERAL MATERIALS FOR THE HURONMANISTEE NATIONAL FOREST, MI 14-6 3:10 PM Kincare, Kevin A.*: A HIGH-LEVEL PROGLACIAL LAKE IN WEXFORD COUNTY, MICHIGAN, AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE BOUNDARY OF THE LAKE BORDER MORAINE IN NORTHWEST LOWER MICHIGAN 3:30 PM Break 14-7 SESSION NO. 16 T22. Topics in Vertebrate Paleontology 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 2040 Michael J. Ryan, Evan E. Scott, and Chuck Ciampaglio, Presiding 1:30 PM Introductory Remarks 16-1 1:35 PM Ciampaglio, C.N.; Cicimurri, David J.; Deuter, Leigh H.*: A REVIEW OF THE CHONDRICHTHYANS FROM THE MISSISSIPPIAN SYSTEM OF NORTHERN ALABAMA, USA 16-2 3:50 PM Burt, Abigail K.*: THREE-DIMENSIONAL GLACIAL GEOLOGY OF THE INTERLOBATE ORANGEVILLE MORAINE, SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO, CANADA 1:55 PM Gottfried, Michael D.*; Fordyce, R. Ewan; Lee, Daphne: EXCEPTIONAL 3D PRESERVATION IN A TARPON-LIKE FISH FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF THE CHATHAM ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND 16-3 14-8 4:10 PM Bajc, A.F.*; Mulligan, R.P.M.: THE PRE-LATE WISCONSINAN SEDIMENT RECORD OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF SIMCOE COUNTY, SOUTH-CENTRAL ONTARIO, CANADA 2:15 PM Jeffery, David L.*: A NEW PERMIAN VERTEBRATE TRACKWAY SITE IN THE DUNKARD GROUP OF THE APPALACHIAN BASIN 16-4 14-9 4:30 PM Prentice, Michael L.*; Ducey, Patrick W.; Ismail, Ahmed; Letsinger, Sally L.; Sargent, Steve; Fenerty, B.S.: ERIE LOBE TILL STUDIES IN INDIANA REVEAL A DYNAMIC ICE MARGIN 2:35 PM Farlow, James O.*; Kuban, Glen J.; Currie, Philip J.: ON THE MAKERS OF “METATARSAL” TRIDACTYL DINOSAUR FOOTPRINTS OF THE PALUXY RIVER (GLEN ROSE FORMATION, DINOSAUR VALLEY STATE PARK, SOMERVELL COUNTY, TEXAS) 14-10 4:50 PM Kozlowski, Andrew L.*; Bird, Brian: GLACIAL GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF THE MONTEZUMA WETLANDS COMPLEX IN CENTRAL, NY: DEVELOPING 3D GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORKS TO RESOLVE HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC AND GLACIAL CHRONOLOGIC PROBLEMS 2:55 PM Break 16-5 3:15 PM Aucoin, Christopher D.*; Hasbargen, Leslie: VIRTUAL FOOTPRINTS: CREATING DIGITAL MAPS OF DINOSAUR TRACKS AND SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES 16-6 3:35 PM Masters, Simon*; Sandau, Stephen: A NEW SPECIMEN OF ORTHOGENYSUCHUS FROM THE UINTA FORMATION OF UTAH 16-7 3:55 PM Guenther, Merrilee F.*; McCarthy, Stephanie M.; Wosik, Mateusz: NEW EVIDENCE FOR HATCHLING AND JUVENILE HADROSAUROIDS IN THE SAN JUAN BASIN, NEW MEXICO 16-8 4:15 PM Ryan, Michael J.; Scott, Evan E.*; Chiba, Kentaro; Evans, David C.: WHY BONE BEDS ARE BETTER INDICATORS OF HOW CERATOPSIDS LIVED THAN HOW THEY DIED 14-11 5:10 PM Misterovich, Gregory*: MAPPING GLACIAL FEATURES USING STATIGRAPHIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND GIS 44 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs SESSION NO. 21 16-9 4:35 PM McAfee, Robert K.*: ON THE POST-CRANIAL ANATOMY OF MYLODON DARWINII, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE FORELIMB 4:55 PM Concluding Remarks afternoon Poster Technical Sessions SESSION NO. 17 18-8 14 Joshi, Siddharth Dilip*; Yang, Jianwen; Sereres, Clayton; Tamr, Radwan: GEO-ELECTRIC INVESTIGATION OF UNDERGROUND LEACHATE DISTRIBUTION AT A CLOSED LANDFILL IN SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO, CANADA 18-9 15 Estifanos, Biniam Haileab*; Stierman, Donald J.: GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING FOR CONCEALED KARST NEAR BELLEVUE, OH 18-10 16 Gerson, Laura M.*; Mickus, Kevin; Gouzie, Douglas: USING GEOPHYSICAL METHODS TO STUDY KARST IN URBAN SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI 18-11 17 Yaqoob, Muthanna Yousif*; Sauck, William A.: DETECTION OF BEDROCK FRACTURES AND JOINTS BENEATH COVER: GEOPHYSICAL APPROACHES TO AN ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PROBLEM 18-12 18 Mogren, Saad*; Mukhopadhyay, Manoj: REACTIVATION OF THE ABU-JIFAN FAULT BORDERING THE RAYN ANTICINES IN EASTERN SAUDI ARABIA: GRAVITY MODELING OF A SEISMOGENIC CRUST Geophysics, Geochemistry & Oil (Posters) 1:30 PM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Booth # 17-1 1 Haque, Md. Aminul*; Iqbal, Mohammad: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NUTRIENT FLUX FROM AREAS OF VARIABLE LAND USE PRACTICES WITHIN A WATERSHED 17-2 2 Molitor, Timothy H.*; Grant, Kathryn F.; Franko, Kelsey M.; Gustafson, Alan J.; Kelly, Bridget B.; Grote, Katherine R.: ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF URBAN ROAD SALTING ON TRIBUTARIES OF THE CHIPPEWA RIVER NEAR EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN 17-3 3 Dasgupta, Rajarshi*; Crowley, Brooke; Carrillo-Chavez, Alejandro: ASSESSING HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE WATER BODIES ALONG THE MANALI-LEH HIGHWAY, NORTHERN INDIA 17-4 4 Gant, Michael T.*; Healy, Scott M.; Nandi, Sourav K.; Miller, James F.; Evans, Kevin: KINEMATIC ANALYSIS AND PROVISIONAL MIDDLE SILURIAN AGE CONSTRAINTS ON DECATURVILLE STRUCTURE, CENTRAL MISSOURI 17-5 5 Tatum, Stephen*: A GRAVITY INVESTIGATION OF THE TOBACCO ROOT BATHOLITH IN SOUTHWEST MONTANA 17-6 6 Pethe, Swardhuni*; Fluegeman, Richard H.; Grigsby, Jeffry D.; Nicholson, Kirsten N.: GEOPHYSICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SUMATRA BASINS: SOURCE ROCKS, STRUCTURAL TRENDS, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF OIL FIELDS SESSION NO. 18 T2. Applications of Near-Surface Geophysics (Posters) SESSION NO. 19 T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy (Posters) 1:30 PM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Booth # 19-1 19 Musch, Steven C.*; Hilverda, Elaine; Legge, Evan A.; Strydhorst, Natasha A.; VanderBilt, Lucas E.: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN DUNE TRAILS AND CIRSIUM PITCHERI HABITAT 19-2 20 Doughty, Travis M.*; Johnson, Aaron W.: TRACE METAL CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY OF SEDIMENTS HOSTED IN CAVES OF THE SPRINGFIELD (MO) PLATEAU: A LINK TO SUBTERRANEAN BIODIVERSITY? 19-3 21 Norton, M.S.*; Mattheus, C.R.: MODELING SOIL EROSION WITHIN THE MILL CREEK WATERSHED, YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO SESSION NO. 20 T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States (Posters) 1:30 PM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard 1:30 PM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Booth # Authors will be present from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Booth # 20-1 22 Wyman, Davina A.*; Koretsky, Carla M.: THE EFFECTS OF ROAD SALT ON ASYLUM LAKE GEOCHEMISTRY 20-2 23 Lotimer, Leslea*: THE NATURE OF TILL AND DRUMLINS IN PETERBOROUGH AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPING A COMMUNITY GROUNDWATER SUPPLY 20-3 24 Bunda, Jacob*: QUALITY AND DYNAMICS OF THE MINK RIVER ESTUARY 20-4 25 Nagelkirk, Ryan L.*; Kendall, Anthony D.; Basso, Bruno; Hyndman, Dave: PREDICTING THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON AGRICULTURAL YIELDS AND WATER RESOURCES IN THE MAUMEE RIVER WATERSHED 20-5 26 Lee, Charlotte I.*; Martin, Sherry L.; Kendall, Anthony D.; Hyndman, David W.: HISTORICAL CLIMATE AND STREAMFLOW TRENDS OF THE GRAND TRAVERSE BAY REGION 18-1 7 Van Dam, Remke L.*; Aylsworth, Robert L.: CHARACTERIZATION OF LARGE-SCALE GLACIOTECTONIC DEFORMATION IN THE LUDINGTON RIDGE, MICHIGAN, USING ELECTRICAL GEOPHYSICAL METHODS 18-2 8 Maike, Christopher*; Fugate, Joseph M.; Krantz, David E.; Stierman, Donald; Liu, Xiuju; Brothers, Candice E.; Sears, Lindsey: SUBSURFACE GEOPHYSICAL PROFILING OF THE OAK OPENINGS SAND RIDGE 18-3 9 Jol, Harry M.*: STRATIGRAPHY OF COASTAL AEOLIAN SAND DUNES: MODELS VS. GPR IMAGING 18-4 10 Mickus, Kevin L.; Larson, Mark*; Sobel, Elizabeth: ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOPHYSICS AT THE NATHAN BOONE HOMESTEAD STATE HISTORIC SITE, SW MISSOURI 18-5 11 Kuhl, Alexandria*; Van Dam, Remke L.: COUPLED INVERSION OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY AND HYDROLOGICAL MODELS TO QUANTIFY SOIL MOISTURE DYNAMICS BELOW A MICHIGAN ECOTONE 18-6 18-7 12 Ma, Yuteng*; Van Dam, Remke: SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF SOIL MOISTURE IN A DECIDUOUS FOREST: INTEGRATING TIMELAPSE RESISTIVITY, TEMPERATURE, AND THROUGHFALL MEASUREMENTS 13 Hart, J.*; Cioppa, M.T.; Yang, Jianwen: GEOPHYSICAL ASSESSMENT OF LANDFILL CAP INTEGRITY AND LEACHATE LEAKAGE AT A MIXED WASTE LANDFILL SESSION NO. 21 T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology (Posters) (Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists) 1:30 PM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Booth # 21-1 27 Bouali, El Hachemi Y.*; Kaunda, Rennie B.; Chase, Ronald B.; Kehew, Alan E.: THE STABILITY OF THE LAKE MICHIGAN BLUFFS IN ALLEGAN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, AND THE RELATIONSHIPS 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 45 SESSION NO. 21 BETWEEN AIR TEMPERATURE, GROUNDWATER LEVELS, AND DOWNSLOPE DISPLACEMENT 21-2 21-3 21-4 21-5 21-6 FRIDAY, 3 MAY 2013 28 Lightfoot, Randall E.*: ANALYZING THE STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES, GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS, AND FRIABILITY OF GARNET SANDS FROM FOUR MINE SOURCES AROUND THE WORLD: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE DRY-AIR ABRASIVE SAND BLAST-CLEANING INDUSTRY 29 Baratta, Vanessa M.*; Bettis, E. Arthur III.; Ward, Adam S.; Weirich, Frank: THE EFFECTS OF FREEZE-THAW CYCLES AND STORMWATER RUNOFF INPUT ON THREE BIOSWALE SOIL MIXTURES 30 Erich, Kyla J.*: WOLF CREEK DAM: A CASE STUDY OF FOUNDATION REMEDIATION FOR DAMS BUILT ON KARST FOUNDATIONS 31 Crane, Renee*; Cassidy, Daniel: ALLOWING TIME FOR ACTIVATED CARBON CONDITIONING IN CONTAMINATED SOILS INCREASES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STABILIZATION/ SOLIDIFICATION 32 Townsend Small, Amy; Disbennett, Douglas*; Weiss Ransohoff, Rebecca; MacKay, Ross; Bourbonnierre, Rick: RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HYPOXIA AND NATURAL GAS EXTRACTION TO ATMOSPHERIC METHANE EMISSIONS FROM LAKE ERIE SESSION NO. 22 T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences (Posters) morning Oral Technical Sessions SESSION NO. 23 T1. Advances in Glacial Sediment Characterization: Implications for Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium Lawrence D. Lemke and Remke Van Dam, Presiding 8:00 AM Introductory Remarks 23-1 8:10 AM Russell, Hazen A.J.*; Sharpe, David; Cummings, Don I.: APPLYING THE “PLAY” CONCEPT TO ARCHETYPAL CANADIAN SURFICIAL AQUIFERS 23-2 8:35 AM Dunkle, Kallina M.*; Hart, David J.; Anderson, Mary P.: GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL CALIBRATION DIFFICULTIES IN AREAS WITH GLACIALLY-DEPOSITED AQUITARDS: AN EXAMPLE FROM GLACIAL LAKE OSHKOSH 23-3 8:55 AM Slomka, Jessica M.*; Eyles, Carolyn H.: DECONSTRUCTING THE SUBSURFACE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF QUATERNARY GLACIOFLUVIAL DEPOSITS, LIMEHOUSE, ONTARIO, CANADA 23-4 9:15 AM Lemke, Lawrence D.*; Frahm, Andrew L.; Pappas, Lena K.: DRAWING THE DOG: DETERMINISTIC HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC MODELING OF A COMPLEX GLACIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM USING AN ALLOSTRATIGRAPHIC APPROACH 23-5 9:35 AM Pappas, Lena K.*; Lemke, Lawrence D.: ADDING THE SPOTS: STOCHASTIC MODELING WITHIN A DETERMINISTIC HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK TO ACCOUNT FOR SMALL-SCALE VARIABILITY AND UNCERTAINTY IN A COMPLEX GLACIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM 1:30 PM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Booth # 22-1 33 Mattheus, C.R.*; Stowe, M.S.: CLIMATE INFLUENCE ON LAKE ERIE NEARSHORE-SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AND BEACH PROGRADATION: A LOOK AT OHIO HARBOR JETTIES AND ADJACENT HEADLAND BEACHES 22-2 34 Jasinski, Briana L.*; Hyndman, David W.; Kendall, Anthony D.; Martin, Sherry L.: A HISTORY OF BEAVER ACTIVITY IN THE JORDAN RIVER WATERSHED: SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION, SUCCESSION, AND SEDIMENT 22-3 35 Wagner, Kaleb*: GIS-MEDIATED REMOTE SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF RIBBED MORAINE MORPHOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION WITHIN NORTHERN CANADA 22-4 36 Alharbi, Talal*; Sultan, Mohamed; Ahmed, Mohamed: CLIMATE CHANGE OVER THE ARABIAN PENINSULA: INFERENCES FROM TRMM DATA 22-5 37 Manche, Cameron*; Sultan, Mohamed; Becker, Richard; Chouinard, Kyle; Tinigin, Laura: INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER DETERMINING ALGAL BLOOMS IN CASE II WATERS IN THE KUWAIT BAY: A REMOTE SENSING BASED APPROACH 22-6 38 Sanders, Jonathon D.*; Becker, Richard H.; Sigler, Von; Pekalska, Aneta; Lis, Jill: WATERSHED DELINEATION FOR CONTAMINANTS IN THE PORTER CREEK WATERSHED 22-7 39 Chiasera, Brandon*; Shahpurwala, Aiman; Koroleski, Kraig K.; Raslich, Frank; Rooney, Tyrone O.: GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DICKINSON GROUP OF THE UPPER PENINSULA, MICHIGAN: A STUDY OF AN ACCRETED TERRANE OF THE SUPERIOR PROVINCE 22-8 40 Liu, Xiuju*; Fisher, Timothy G.; Lepper, Kenneth; Lowell, Thomas V.: USING LACUSTRINE SEDIMENT TO TEST THE EVAPORATION HYPOTHESIS FOR THE MOORHEAD LOW WATER PHASE OF LAKE AGASSIZ 46 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 9:55 AM Discussion - 1 10:05 AM Break 23-6 10:25 AM Keefer, Donald A.*; Thomason, Jason F.; Brown, Steven E.: SEDIMENTOLOGIC MODELING AND TRANSMISSIVITY MAPPING TO SUPPORT GROUNDWATER FLOW AND CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODELING IN GLACIAL SEDIMENTS 23-7 10:50 AM Mulligan, Riley P.M.*; Eyles, Carolyn H.; Bajc, Andy F.: DETERMINING THE 3-D GLACIAL SEDIMENTOLOGY AND HYDROSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE, SOUTHERN ONTARIO 23-8 11:10 AM Weaver, Laura K.*; Arnaud, Emmanuelle; Abbey, Daron; Shikaze, Steven; Meyer, Jessica R.; Parker, Beth L.: EXAMINING THE INFLUENCE OF ENHANCED HYDROGEOLOGIC KNOWLEDGE ON STRUCTURAL UNCERTAINTY IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTIONS OF GLACIGENIC SEDIMENT 23-9 11:30 AM Dogan, Mine*; Van Dam, Remke L.; Hyndman, David W.; Butler, James J. Jr.: INTEGRATING 3D GPR FACIES ANALYSIS AND HIGH RESOLUTION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY DATA: IMPLICATIONS FOR TRANSPORT MODELING IN HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA 11:50 AM Discussion - 2 SESSION NO. 27 SESSION NO. 24 25-7 10:20 AM Robinson, Amanda*; Vannier, Ryan; Long, David T.; Voice, Thomas C.; Giesy, John P.; Bradley, P.W.; Kannan, K.: SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL TRENDS OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBON LOADINGS ACROSS THE STATE OF MICHIGAN 25-8 10:40 AM Vannier, Ryan*; Long, D.; Robinson, Amanda: EVALUATING RECENT TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL TRACE METAL ENRICHMENT USING INLAND LAKE SEDIMENTS 25-9 11:00 AM Conway, Maura C.*; Schroeder, Lauren A.; McLean, Colleen E.; Armstrong, Felicia P.: DATING A SEDIMENT CORE USING SPHEROIDAL CARBONACEOUS PARTICLE CHRONOLOGY SUPPLEMENTED WITH TRACE METAL AND DIATOM COMMUNITY STRUCTURE ANALYSES T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene, Part I 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium Catherine Yansa and Randall Schaetzl, Presiding 24-1 8:00 AM Hladyniuk, Ryan*; Dildar, Nadia; Longstaffe, Fred J.: THE N-ALKANE AND CARBON-ISOTOPE SIGNATURES OF ORGANIC CARBON IN LAKE ONTARIO SINCE 14,000 CAL YR BP 24-2 8:20 AM Loope, Walter L.*: CAN PALEOECOLOGICAL PROXIES ADEQUATELY FORECAST SURFACE COVER ACROSS NORTH CENTRAL NORTH AMERICA? (A CAUTIONARY TALE) 24-3 8:40 AM Yansa, Catherine H.*; Rawling, J. Elmo III.: A 8500-YEAR RECORD OF LAKE-EFFECT CLIMATE FROM MINER LAKE, SOUTHWESTERN LOWER MICHIGAN 24-4 9:00 AM Sonnenburg, Elizabeth*: PALEOENVIRONMENTAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ALPENA-AMBERLEY RIDGE SUBMERGED LANDSCAPE DURING THE LAKE STANLEY LOWSTAND (CA. 8.4-9 KA CAL BP), LAKE HURON SESSION NO. 26 T11. Working With Pre-Service Teachers—Issues and Ideas 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 2020 Kyle Gray and Anthony D. Feig, Presiding 8:00 AM Introductory Remarks 26-1 8:10 AM Mathai, Rani V.*: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IN INDIA AND CONSERVATION EDUCATION AT JUDSON UNIVERSITY: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TWO ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CURRICULA 9:20 AM Break 24-5 9:40 AM Thompson, Todd A.*; Johnston, John W.; Lepper, Kenneth: THE ELEVATION OF THE PEAK NIPISSING PHASE (MID HOLOCENE) AT OUTLETS OF THE UPPER GREAT LAKES 26-2 10:00 AM Hanson, Paul R.*; Rawling, J.E. III.: IMPACT OF THE NIPISSING AND ALGOMA HIGH LAKE PHASES FROM OSL DATING OF BAYMOUTH BARRIER SYSTEMS IN THE DOOR PENINSULA, WISCONSIN 8:30 AM Honeycutt, Christina Ebey*; Varelas, Maria: INTEGRATIVE LEARNING IN A CONTENT COURSE: DEVELOPING FUTURE TEACHER UNDERSTANDING OF CORE CONCEPTS AND SCIENCE PRACTICES 26-3 8:50 AM Francek, Mark*: ENGAGING, EASY TO INCORPORATE DEMONSTRATIONS FOR THE EARTH SCIENCE CLASSROOM 26-4 9:10 AM Feig, Anthony D.*; Cooperrider, Leah: MACGYVER WEEK AND OTHER NOVEL TASKS IN A METHODS CLASS FOR PRESERVICE EARTH SCIENCE TEACHERS 26-5 9:30 AM Cooperrider, Leah*; Feig, Anthony D.; Francek, Mark: REFLECTIONS FROM AN UNDERGRADUATE PRESERVICE EARTH SCIENCE TEACHER 26-6 9:50 AM Ludwig, Matthew A.*: WE COULD ALL USE A LITTLE “CPR” TO RESUSCITATE OUR CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT 24-6 24-7 10:20 AM Johnston, John W.*; Argyilan, Erin P.; Thompson, Todd A.; Baedke, Steve J.; Lepper, Kenneth; Wilcox, Douglas A.; Forman, Steven L.: A SAULT-OUTLET-REFERENCED MIDTO LATE-HOLOCENE PALEOHYDROGRAPH FOR LAKE SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTED FROM STRANDPLAINS OF BEACH RIDGES SESSION NO. 25 T9. Topics in Environmental Geochemistry 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 Ryan Vannier, Colleen McLean, and Eliot Atekwana, Presiding SESSION NO. 27 25-1 8:00 AM Tangtong, Chaiyanun*; Long, David T.; Voice, Thomas C.: EVALUATION THE POTENTIAL OF EXPOSURE PATHWAYS OF ARISTOLOCHIC ACIDS INDUCED BALKAN ENDEMIC NEPHROPATHY T15. Paleontology as a Murder Mystery: How the Study of Predation and Taphonomy Reveals the Means, Motives & Opportunities of Ancient Perpetrators and Their Victims 25-2 8:20 AM Haque, Md. Aminul*; Hasan, M. Aziz: MINERALOGY AND WATER CHEMISTRY OF SHALLOW AQUIFER OF MATLAB SOUTH, CHANDPUR DISTRICT, BANGLADESH Karen A. Koy and Joseph E. Peterson, Presiding 25-3 8:40 AM Brown, Diana*; Long, David T.; Li, Shu-Guang; Voice, Thomas C.: UNDERSTANDING SOURCES FOR DISSOLVED CHLORIDE IN MICHIGAN GROUNDWATER 8:00 AM, Fetzer Center, Room 2040 27-1 8:00 AM El-Sherif, Noran*: PALEOECOLOGY OF THE DECLINE OF STROMATOLITES IN THE ORDOVICIAN 27-2 8:20 AM Dattilo, Benjamin*; Freeman, Rebecca L.; Gerke, Tammie L.; Brett, C.E.; McLaughlin, Patrick I.; Schramm, Thomas J.; Meyer, David L.; Morse, Aaron; Mason, Milam: FROM LAGERSTÄTTE TO LAG: PRELIMINARY BEDDING-SCALE TAPHONOMIC AND GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF PHOSPHATE DISTRIBUTION IN THE CINCINNATIAN 25-4 9:00 AM Mohammed, Abdelmawgoud*; Krishnamurthy, R.V.; Kehew, A.E.; Sultan, Mohamed; Crossey, Laura J.; Karlstrom, Karl E.: PRELIMINARY INTERPRETATIONS OF ISOTOPE AND CHEMICAL DATA OF SAMPLES FROM THE NUBIAN SANDSTONE AND ADJACENT AQUIFERS IN EGYPT 27-3 25-5 9:20 AM Gebrehiwet, Tsigabu*; Krishnamurthy, R.V.; Krishnamurthy, R.V.: EVOLUTION OF δ13C VALUES DURING ABIOTIC OXIDATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN CIRCUMNEUTRAL ANAEROBIC CONDITIONS UNDER BICARBONATE AND PHOSPHATE BUFFERED SYSTEMS 8:40 AM Babcock, Loren E.*; Brandt, Danita S.: CARNIVOROUS TRILOBITES: MORPHOLOGIC, ICHNOLOGIC, AND TAPHONOMIC EVIDENCE 27-4 9:00 AM Brandt, Danita S.*: ICHNOLOGIC EVIDENCE FOR PREDATORY TRILOBITES: HOW LITERALLY CAN WE READ THE RECORD? 9:40 AM Break 27-5 9:20 AM Peteya, Jennifer A.*; Babcock, Loren E.: DIETARY PREFERENCES OF THE CAMBRIAN TRILOBITE ELRATHIA KINGII: INFERENCES FROM FOSSILIZED DIGESTIVE TRACTS 27-6 9:40 AM Devera, Joseph*: DEATH BY COMMON HOUSEHOLD TOOLS: MECHANICAL ANALOGY AND THE FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE HYPOSTOME IN GENUS 25-6 10:00 AM Atekwana, Eliot*; Abongwa, Pride: ASSESSING THE TEMPORAL EVOLUTION OF DISSOLVED INORGANIC CARBON IN SURFACE WATERS THAT INTERACT WITH ATMOSPHERIC CO2(G) 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 47 SESSION NO.27 ISOTELUS (DEKAY) EVIDENCE FROM ISOTELUS IOWENSIS (OWEN) 28-11 11 Larson, Mark O.*; Mickus, Kevin; Evans, Kevin: HIGH RESOLUTION GRAVITY SURVEY TO DETERMINE LOCATION AND EXTENT OF FAULTS IN THE JANE 7.5-MINUTE QUADRANGLE, MISSOURI 10:00 AM Break 27-7 10:20 AM Drumheller, Stephanie K.*; Stocker, Michelle R.; Nesbitt, Sterling: NO ANIMAL WAS SAFE IN THE TRIASSIC: MULTIPLE PREDATION ATTEMPTS ON A LARGE (5-6 METER) CARNIVOROUS “RAUISUCHIAN” FROM THE LATE TRIASSIC OF NEW MEXICO 28-12 12 Cook, Tamara J.*: JAVASCRIPT TRAVEL TIME SIMULATOR 28-13 13 DeWolf, Cris L.*; Fujita, Kazuya; Schepke, Chuck; Ruddock, Judy; Sinclair, Jay; Svoboda, Michele R.; Waite, Greg: MIQUAKES: SHAKING UP EARTH SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, & PHYSICS EDUCATION IN MICHIGAN 27-8 10:40 AM Peterson, Joseph E.*; Coenen, Jason: FLUVIAL TRANSPORT POTENTIAL OF ARCHOSAUR TEETH: A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION IN SHED TOOTH TAPHONOMY 28-14 14 Fordyce, Samuel W.*; Fadem, Cynthia M.: VISUALIZING EARLHAM COLLEGE’S MILLER FARM: A VISITOR’S MAP AND GUIDE 28-15 27-9 11:00 AM Noto, Christopher*; Main, Derek J.; Drumheller, Stephanie K.; King, Lorin: PREDATORY BEHAVIOR OF A GIANT CROCODYLIFORM FROM THE WOODBINE FORMATION (CENOMANIAN) OF TEXAS 27-10 11:20 AM Koy, Karen A.*; Helwig, Zane: TAPHONOMY OF VERTEBRATES IN A TEMPERATE FOREST SETTING: A TIME-TRANSGRESSIVE SEQUENCE 15 Couts, Kimberly E.*; Crisp, Alexis A.; Goodwin, Grant M.; Hagen, Benjamin P.; Mobley, Tilden J.; Wilson, Elizabeth L.; Fortner, Sarah K.: SEASONAL AND LONG-TERM (1996-2012) TRENDS IN THE CONCENTRATIONS AND RATIOS OF DISSOLVED SILICA AND DISSOLVED INORGANIC NITROGEN IN THE GREAT MIAMI RIVER AT MIAMISBURG, OHIO 28-16 16 Gilliom, Alden Jane*; Henck Schmidt, Amanda; Andermann, Christoff; Rothenberg, Miriam: GROUNDWATER STORAGE IN WESTERN CHINA AND EASTERN TIBET OBSERVED FROM PRECIPITATION-DISCHARGE HYSTERESIS 28-17 17 Schmus, Matthew*; Bhattacharyya, Prajukti; Hart, David J.: EFFECTS OF FRACTURES ON GROUNDWATER FLOW TODAY 28-18 18 Richardson-Coy, Robin*; Teed, Rebecca: DIATOM IDENTIFICATION HANDBOOK FOR THE GLEN HELEN NATURE PRESERVE, YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 28-19 19 Brinkmann, Sarah*; Brake, Sandra S.; Stone, Jeffery: DIATOM COMMUNITIES NEAR ACID MINE DRAINAGE AT GREEN VALLEY LAKE, WEST TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA 28-20 20 Smart, Saundra M.*; Stone, Jeffery; Brake, Sandra S.: INFLUENCE OF DIATOM DIVERSITY IN AN INDIANA STREAM IMPACTED BY ACID MINE DRAINAGE 28-21 21 Burns, Anastasia Marie*; Grote, Katherine R.: EVALUATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING NITRATE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER IN EAU CLAIRE COUNTY 28-22 22 Peters, Carl E.*: GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METALS IN SEDIMENTS SURROUNDING THE BAUTSCH-GRAY MINE SUPERFUND SITE, JO DAVIESS COUNTY, ILLINOIS 28-23 23 Krehel, Austin W.*; Yurk, Brian; Hansen, Edward C.: WIND STEERING AND SEDIMENT TRANSFER ASSOCIATED WITH STORMS IN A BLOWOUT DUNE AT SAUGATUCK HARBOR NATURAL AREA, MICHIGAN morning Poster Technical Sessions SESSION NO. 28 T17. Special Poster Session on Undergraduate Research (Posters) 8:00 AM, Schneider Hall, Courtyard Authors will be present from 9 to 11 AM Booth # 28-1 1 Osman, Matthew*; Markle, Bradley: δ18O AND δD FRACTIONATION TRENDS IN SURFACE SNOW ACROSS THE MATTHESLLEWELLYN DIVIDE, JUNEAU ICEFIELD, ALASKA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA 28-2 2 Smith, Matthew D.*; Johnson, Aaron W.; Dorale, Jeffrey; Mottaleb, M. Abdul: TRACE ELEMENT CONCENTRATIONS IN SPELEOTHEMS FROM RIVER BLUFF CAVE, GREENE COUNTY, MISSOURI: PRELIMINARY RESULTS 28-3 3 Kuhn, Ryan M.*; Seaney, Derek L.; Brake, Sandra S.; Burch, Kyle R.; Latimer, Jennifer C.: TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION IN PRECIPITATES FORMED AT VARIOUS PH VALUES: GREEN VALLEY COAL MINE, INDIANA 28-4 4 Nichols, Cody A.*; Rohs, C. Renee: MINERALOGICAL COMPARISON OF METAMORPHOSED ROCKS FROM THE BALLANTRAE OPHIOLITE AND THE SLISHWOOD GAP SERPENTINITE, UK AND IRELAND 28-24 24 Salzwedel, Mitchell*; Dolliver, Holly A.S.: THE EFFECT OF LONGTERM LAND USE CHANGES ON SOIL ORGANIC CARBON IN SOUTHERN WISCONSIN 28-25 28-5 5 Jilek, Ellen*; Bessler, Stephanie A.; Eichstedt-Anderson, Ethan M.; Arriola, Leon M.; Bhattacharyya, Prajukti: NUMERICAL MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS OF LAVA FLOW COOLING 25 Hein, Jordan A.*; Kendall, Anthony D.; Budd, Blaze M.: QUANTIFYING BANK EROSION AND CHANNEL SEDIMENTATION ON THE TORCH, RAPID AND GRASS RIVERS IN NORTHERN LOWER MICHIGAN 28-26 28-6 6 Birren, Thomas H.*; Haileab, Bereket; Gibbons, Jack: GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE NICKEL LAKE MACRODIKE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CU-NI SULFIDE EXPLORATION 26 Freeman-Ballew, Elizabeth*; Deuter, Leigh H.; Teed, Rebecca: PRELIMINARY LOSS-ON-IGNITION DATA FROM CRYSTAL LAKE, OHIO 28-27 27 Morrison, Sean M.*; Struve, Matthew W.; Roeglin, Lauren E.; Jol, Harry M.; Faulkner, Douglas J.; Running, Garry Leonard IV.: INCISION AND LATERAL MIGRATION ALONG TERRACES OF THE LOWER CHIPPEWA RIVER VALLEY, WI, USA: A GPR INVESTIGATION 28-28 28 Warbritton, Matthew J.*; Nilges, Tayloy P.; Londoño, Ana C.: 3-D MODELING ON THE EFFECTS OF BASELEVEL CHANGE ON RIVER DELTAS 28-29 29 Cullen, Patrick*; Milewski, Stormy; Baumann, Eric Jr.; Algeo, Thomas J.; Maynard, J. Barry; Herrmann, Achim D.; Heckel, Philip H.: ASYMMETRY OF LATE PENNSYLVANIAN GLACIOEUSTATIC FLUCTUATIONS IN THE NORTH AMERICAN MIDCONTINENT 28-30 30 Carnes, Jennifer L.*; Gierlowski-Kordesch, Elizabeth; Tabor, Neil J.; Rasmussen, David Tab: CARBONATE LAKES ON BASALT FLOWS 28-7 7 Targos, Courtney*; Huysken, Kristin T.; Knipe, Dawn: GEOCHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY OF THE UBEHEBE VOLCANIC FIELD, DEATH VALLEY 28-8 8 Henderlong, Peter J.*; Huysken, Kristin T.: COMPARING THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ELZEVIR BATHOLITH TO THE WESLEMKOON AND NORTHBROOK BATHOLITHS, ONTARIO, CANADA 28-9 9 Conner, Jeremy*; Morgan, Sven; Student, James J.; Horsman, Eric: AMS AND IMAGE ANALYSIS DATA AT MULTIPLE SCALES SUPPORT A MULTIPLE SHEET EMPLACEMENT MODEL FOR THE MAIDEN CREEK SILL, HENRY MOUNTAINS, UTAH 28-10 10 Elson, Joshua D.*; Cauthon, Matthew J.; Evans, Kevin R.: EDMAP-SUPPORTED GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF THE JANE QUADRANGLE, MCDONALD COUNTY, MISSOURI 48 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs SESSION NO. 31 (MIOCENE KIRI KIRI FORMATION, LAKE TURKANA REGION, KENYA) 29-6 3:30 PM Grote, Todd*: HOLOCENE FLOODPLAIN EVOLUTION IN NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 28-31 31 Baumann, Eric Jr.*; Cullen, Patrick; Milewski, Stormy; Algeo, Thomas J.: INTENSIFIED WEATHERING AT THE PERMIANTRIASSIC BOUNDARY IN THE BALATON REGION OF HUNGARY 29-7 28-32 32 Woodford, Libby R.*; Regis, Robert S.: PALEOGEOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF THE LATE CAMBRIAN GROVELAND MINE STRATIGRAPHY, DICKINSON COUNTY, MICHIGAN 3:50 PM Karsten, James W.*; LePage, Gabriel; Messina, Michael G.; Shisler, Daniel Jay; Smith, Jory: SAND TRANSPORT AND VEGETATION ON TWO LAKE MICHIGAN COASTAL BLOWOUTS 29-8 4:10 PM Monaghan, G. William*; Arbogast, Alan F.; Lovis, William A.; Kowalski, Daniel: MILLENNIAL-SCALE CYCLES OF COASTAL DUNE FORMATION DURING THE LATE HOLOCENE, LAKE MICHIGAN 28-33 28-34 28-35 33 Moore, Rebecca J.*; Rasmussen, Amy K.; Mahoney, J. Brian; Syverson, Kent M.: PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF CAMBRIAN SANDSTONE CEMENT IN WESTERN WISCONSIN: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY OF FRAC SAND 34 Kunz, Stephen E.*; Sands, Jonathan; Marks, Adam; McMullen, John; Leonard, Karl W.: SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE TYLER FORMATION (LOWER PENNSYLVANIAN/MORROWAN) IN THE WILLISTON BASIN, NORTH DAKOTA 35 White, Nathan*: SIGNIFICANCE OF LATE TRIASSIC CHARCOAL, AND LATE TRIASSIC AND LATE JURASSIC WOOD PETRIFICATION PROCESSES AND MINERALOGY, SOUTHCENTRAL UTAH 28-36 36 Milewski, Stormy*; Cullen, Patrick; Baumann, Eric Jr.; Algeo, Thomas J.; Maynard, J. Barry; Herrmann, Achim D.; Heckel, Philip H.: THE NORTH AMERICAN STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD OF LATE PENNSYLVANIAN GLACIO-EUSTASY 28-37 37 Meidlinger-Chin, Vernon*: BRAINCASE AND ENDOCRANIAL ANATOMY OF CRYOLOPHOSAURUS ELLIOTI (DINOSAURIA: THEROPODA) FROM THE EARLY JURASSIC OF ANTARCTICA 28-38 38 Fisher, Elizabeth A.*: CHARACTER ANALYSIS OF THEROPODA: A BRIEF STUDY CONFINED TO BRAINCASE CHARACTERS AND FOCUSING ON BASAL TAXA 28-39 39 Yeider, Lindsey*: A NEW METHOD OF AGE DETERMINATION OF MAMMUTHUS COLUMBI 28-40 40 Fadem, Cynthia M.; Endicott, Robert E.*: CERAMIC PETROLOGY AND SOIL MICROMORPHOLOGY OF THE DANILO BITINJ AND POKROVNIK SITES, DALMATIA, CROATIA SESSION NO. 30 T7. Cultural Geology: Heritage Stone, Buildings, Parks, and More (Heritage Stone Task Group of the IUGS) 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 2040 Nelson Shaffer and Joseph T. Hannibal, Presiding 30-1 1:30 PM Rose, William I.*; Gochis, Emily E.; Klawiter, Mark F.; Vye, Erika C.: BUILDING GRASSROOTS FOR A KEWEENAW GEOPARK 30-2 1:50 PM Freeman, V. Rocky*; Hannibal, Joseph T.; Bartlett, Wendy: THE MATHER SURVEY COLLECTION AT MARIETTA COLLEGE: A RARE ASSEMBLAGE OF EARLY NINETEENTHCENTURY GEOLOGIC SAMPLES AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN INTERPRETING NINETEENTH-CENTURY GEOLOGIC TERMINOLOGY 30-3 2:10 PM Saja, David B.*: WELLINGTON DIMENSION STONE COLLECTION AT THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: A RARE EXAMPLE OF A WELL-DOCUMENTED COLLECTION OF 20TH CENTURY DIMENSION STONES 30-4 2:30 PM Hannibal, Joseph T.*: QUANTIFYING TRENDS IN STONE USED FOR BUILDINGS, STATUARY, AND OTHER USES OVER TIME WITH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERIATION CURVES SESSION NO. 31 T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 afternoon Oral Technical Sessions Michael A. Phillips, Presiding 31-1 1:30 PM Sack, Dorothy*: HUMAN IMPACTS ON THE DUNES NEAR LYNNDYL, UTAH 31-2 1:50 PM Bleeker, Tyler*; Miceli, Cassandra; Nieuwsma, Josh; Prather, Eleighna: EFFICACY OF SAND FENCES IN STABILIZING A STEEP ACTIVE DUNE BLOWOUT 31-3 2:10 PM Arevalo, Joseph M.*; Emmons, Taylor A.; Harefa, Sarah C.; Van Wyk, Ashley L.; Zondag, Jacob A.: EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AT MT. PISGAH SESSION NO. 29 T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene, Part II 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium Catherine Yansa and Randall Schaetzl, Presiding 29-1 1:30 PM Van Dam, Remke L.*; Storms, Joep E.A.; Yansa, Catherine H.: DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF THE LAKE ST. CLAIR DELTA, MICHIGAN, USING GEOPHYSICS AND CORES 31-4 2:30 PM Parkin, Ann*; Kurtz, Alexander; Perry, Krystal; Schultz, Veronika; Williams, Matthew: UNMANAGED TRAILS AND MANAGEMENT ON A GREAT LAKES DUNE 29-2 1:50 PM Fulton, Albert E. II.*: HOLOCENE PALEOZOOLOGICAL RECORDS OF THE ALLEGHENY WOODRAT (NEOTOMA MAGISTER) AT THE NORTHEASTERN PERIPHERY OF ITS FORMER RANGE: A BIOGEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 31-5 2:50 PM Griffey, Denisha*; Koretsky, Carla M.: THE EFFECTS OF ROAD SALT DEICERS ON REDOX STRATIFICATION AND SALINIZATION OF EUTROPHIC LAKES IN SOUTHWEST MI, USA 29-3 2:10 PM Loope, Henry M.*; Liesch, Matthew E.; Loope, Walter L.; Jol, Harry M.; Goble, Ronald J.; Arnevik, Arik L.; Legg, Robert J.: EARLY HOLOCENE EOLIAN ACTIVITY, HURON MOUNTAINS, UPPER MICHIGAN 31-6 3:10 PM Ransohoff, Rebecca Weiss*; Soderlund, Lily; Townsend-Small, Amy: CARBON STORAGE AND NITROUS OXIDE AND METHANE EMISSIONS IN MANAGED AND UNMANAGED URBAN LAWNS AND FORESTS 29-4 2:30 PM Brinks, Linden E.*; Gerber, Kathryn E.; Sin, Jen-Li; Swineford, Jacob T.; Zapata, Alek K.: THE EFFECTS OF TWO FALL STORMS ON A LAKE MICHIGAN FOREDUNE 3:30 PM Break 31-7 3:50 PM Wagner, Zachary C.*; Triplett, Laura D.; Kettenring, Karin M.: THE REDUCTION OF RIVERINE SILICA TRANSPORT DUE TO INVASIVE RIPARIAN VEGETATION 31-8 4:10 PM Wilch, T.I.*; Lincoln, T.N.: MONITORING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE UPPER KALAMAZOO WATERSHED, MI: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN A LOCAL NATURAL LABORATORY 29-5 2:50 PM Baca, Kira J.; Fisher, Timothy G.*; Gottgens, Johan F.: TEMPORALLY CONSTRAINED AEOLIAN SAND SIGNALS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO CLIMATE, OXBOW LAKE, SAUGATUCK, MICHIGAN 3:10 PM Break 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 49 SESSION NO. 31 31-9 4:30 PM Syverson, Kent M.*: WATER RESOURCE IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SAND-MINING BOOM IN WESTERN WISCONSIN: A COMPARISON BETWEEN AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND SAND PROCESSING 33-5 31-10 4:50 PM Vye, Erika C.*; Rose, William I.; MacLennan, Carol A.: OPENING A CLEAR AND EQUITABLE DIALOGUE ON THE ISSUE OF MINING IN MICHIGAN’S KEWEENAW PENINSULA T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology (Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists) 31-11 5:10 PM Phillips, Michael A.*: PROVIDING GEOLOGIC EXPERTISE TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES FACING ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS SESSION NO. 34 3:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium Terry R. West, Presiding 34-1 3:30 PM West, Terry R.*: RECENT STUDIES IN APPLIED GEOLOGY, A CONTINUING STORY, TIPPECANOE COUNTY, NORTHWEST INDIANA 34-2 3:50 PM Alfaifi, Hussain J.*; Hampton, Duane R.: COMPARING SLUG TEST RESULTS IN UNCONFINED AQUIFERS ANALYZED USING DIFFERENT METHODS 34-3 4:10 PM Salim, Rachel*; Hampton, Duane R.: LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF CAPILLARY RISE IN SANDS AND SILTS 34-4 4:30 PM Jha, Rajan*: ESTABLISHMENT OF UNIVERSAL REGRESSION MODELS FOR PREDICTION OF STREAM MORPHOLOGY BASED ON RELIEF, CLIMATE & WATERSHED VARIABLES 34-5 4:50 PM Byer, Gregory*: DISCOVERY OF CONCEALED SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES AND CONTAMINATION AT HISTORIC INDUSTRIAL SITES THROUGH INTEGRATION OF GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION INTO THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS 34-6 5:10 PM Mickelson, David*; Laumann, Jason: USING LIDAR TO MAP STABLE SLOPE SETBACKS ON LAKE SUPERIOR SHORE BLUFFS IN IRON AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES, WISCONSIN SESSION NO. 32 T12. Research in Earth Science Education 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 2020 Heather Petcovic and Sandra Rutherford, Presiding 32-1 1:30 PM Gilchrist, Ann M.*: STUDENT SURVEYS: USEFUL TOOLS TO ENGAGE NON-SCIENCE MAJORS IN LAB ACTIVITY REVISIONS 32-2 1:50 PM Barney, Jeffrey A.*; Petcovic, Heather; Fynewever, Herb; Henderson, Charles; Mutambuki, Jacinta M.: DO OUR GRADING PRACTICES SEND THE RIGHT MESSAGE? 32-3 2:10 PM Petcovic, Heather L.*; Stokes, Alison; Caulkins, Joshua L.: GEOSCIENTISTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE VALUE OF FIELDWORK 32-4 2:30 PM Rowbotham, Katherine L.*; Petcovic, Heather L.; Koretsky, Carla M.: GENERATING CONTENT KNOWLEDGE GAINS THAT STICK: CRACKING THE CODE IN A FIELD-BASED WATER QUALITY COURSE 32-5 2:50 PM Callahan, Caitlin N.*; Petcovic, Heather L.; Baker, Kathleen M.: HOW A GEOLOGIST CAN GET LEAD ASTRAY: A VIDEO LOG STUDY EXAMINING HOW ERRORS IN OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS YIELD ERRORS IN GEOLOGIC MAPS 32-6 3:10 PM Steffke, Christy*; Libarkin, Julie: CONVEYING INFORMATION WITH MAPS: A FUNCTION OF SYMBOLOGY 32-7 3:30 PM Martin, Nicholas*; Libarkin, Julie; Geraghty Ward, Emily M.; Jardeleza, Sarah: UNINTENDED CUING IN TEST DESIGN: COLLEGE STUDENT DATA AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF EYE TRACKING SESSION NO. 33 SESSION NO. 35 T21. Field Trips, Guidebooks, and Apps: Exploring the Present, Past and Future of Geological Field Trips and Field Trip Guidebooks 3:00 PM, Fetzer Center, Room 2040 Joseph T. Hannibal and Kevin Evans, Presiding 35-1 3:00 PM Evans, Kevin R.*: MEMOIRS OF AN UNREPENTANT GEOLOGIC FIELD TRIP LEADER 35-2 3:20 PM Savina, Mary E.*: FIELD TRIPS: A “SIGNATURE PEDAGOGY” FOR GEOSCIENCE’S “TANGLED BANKS” 35-3 3:40 PM Rawling, J. Elmo III.*; Rowley, Rex; Gultch, Ben; McCartney, M. Carol; Attig, John W.: DEVIL’S LAKE FIELDTRIPS REBOOTED: MIXING TRADITION AND TECHNOLOGY 35-4 4:00 PM Huysken, Kristin T.*; Argyilan, Erin P.; Votaw, Robert: PAIRED PROJECT-BASED FIELD TRIPS TO THE STARVED ROCK AREA, MATTHEISSEN AND BUFFALO ROCK STATE PARKS, AND THE ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL STATE TRAIL – ILLINOIS 35-5 4:20 PM Kay, Suzanne Mahlburg*; Coira, Beatriz: DIGITAL AND ONSITE FIELD TRIP GUIDES TO THE CENTRAL ANDEAN PUNA PLATEAU 4:40 PM Break 35-6 4:50 PM Saja, David B.*: GOLD PANNING: A MUSEUM FIELD TRIP, EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE, AND RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY 35-7 5:10 PM Hannibal, Joseph T.*: GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESSFUL INFORMAL GEOLOGIC WALKING TOURS AND FIELD TRIPS T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States 1:30 PM, Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium E. Randall Bayless and Howard W. Reeves, Presiding 33-1 1:30 PM Reeves, Howard W.*: USGS GLACIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM GROUNDWATER AVAILABILITY STUDY 33-2 1:50 PM Bayless, E. Randall*: A STANDARDIZED DATABASE OF WELL-DRILLERS’ RECORDS FOR THE GLACIATED UNITED STATES 33-3 2:10 PM Unterreiner, Gerald*: NEW LIDAR-BASED INDIANA DNR POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAPS 33-4 2:30 PM Naylor, Shawn*; Gustin, Andrew R.; Letsinger, Sally L.; Ellett, Kevin; Olyphant, Greg A.: QUANTIFYING HYDROLOGIC BUDGET COMPONENTS IN INDIANA USING A NETWORK OF METEOROLOGICAL AND VADOSE-ZONE INSTRUMENT ARRAYS 50 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 2:50 PM Lingle, Derrick*; Kehew, A.E.: ORIGIN OF HIGH LEVELS OF AMMONIUM IN GROUNDWATER, OTTAWA COUNTY, MI SESSION NO. 21 20-5 BTH 26 Lee, Charlotte I. [218773] HISTORICAL CLIMATE AND STREAMFLOW TRENDS OF THE GRAND TRAVERSE BAY REGION LEE, Charlotte I., Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], MARTIN, Sherry L., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Bldg, East Lansing, MI 48824, KENDALL, Anthony D., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Bldg, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, and HYNDMAN, David W., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824 The natural environment of the Grand Traverse Bay Region is not only accredited by residents as a top contributing factor to a high quality of life, it contributes to the region’s economy through recreation and tourism. Water is an extremely important part of the natural environment, as well as human use, and can be affected by climatic conditions. Because of the strong economic link, it is vital to study the Grand Traverse Bay Region‘s water resources and climate to better understand the complex relationships between driving and response factors. This in turn will help stakeholders assess potential impacts that a continually changing climate could have on the precious water resources this region depends on. Analyzing data collected by stream gauging and climate monitoring stations over the past century in the Boardman and Charlevoix River Watersheds provides insight on streamflow, temperature, and precipitation trends of this region have shifted. Cross-examination of climate change driver and response trends along with ecological and anthropological data can be used to assess the past, present, and possible future impacts of regional change in stream flow and climate. SESSION NO. 21, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology (Posters) (Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 21-1 BTH 27 Bouali, El Hachemi Y. [218213] THE STABILITY OF THE LAKE MICHIGAN BLUFFS IN ALLEGAN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, AND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN AIR TEMPERATURE, GROUNDWATER LEVELS, AND DOWNSLOPE DISPLACEMENT BOUALI, El Hachemi Y.1, KAUNDA, Rennie B.2, CHASE, Ronald B.1, and KEHEW, Alan E.1, (1) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], (2) SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc, Suite 3000, 7175 West Jefferson Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80235 Unstable bluffs composed of heterogeneous glacial sediments account for approximately 60 percent of the Great Lakes shoreline. This instability has been attributed to toe erosion, soil saturation, surface water flow, and/or misguided human intervention. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Western Michigan University conducted a joint study between 1996 and 2008 that resulted in a temporal dataset allowing significant insight into the causes of bluff failure. Electronic instrumentation, installed in 2003 within the bluffs of Lake Michigan, north of South Haven, MI, has led to data that grants explanations for the mechanisms and causes of failure. Instruments include subsurface arrays of in-situ inclinometers, vibrating wire piezometers, thermistors, and weather stations. Over the 12-year acquisition of displacement, groundwater, wave, precipitation, and temperature data, the damaging effects of groundwater activity, especially during times of freeze/thaw cycles, have been adequately observed. Groundwater was also discharged from vertical pumping wells during the winter seasons of 2003 and 2005. The vertical pumping wells were located in a dewatering site next to a (non-dewatered) control site. Downslope displacements were reduced by as much as 400 percent when compared to the control zone displacements during the dewatering times. Statistical evaluation of the data has emphasized the erosional effects during freeze/thaw cycles. Correlation and kernel density studies of: (1) air temperature versus downslope rotational displacement, (2) air temperature versus perched ground water potentiometric surface elevations, and (3) groundwater-level fluctuations verses downslope rotational displacements, have demonstrated instantaneous displacement activity when air temperatures cross 0° Celsius. The freezing of bluff surfaces produces a barrier to perched water discharge, which then raises pore pressures to produce a factor of safety of less than one; this results in simple shear displacement within the bluff. As the frozen bluffs thaw there is a rapid discharge of stored groundwater, which creates an additional lagged downslope displacement that accompanies the increase of flow pressure. The second pulse of displacements tends to be back rotations that accompany block movements of coherent soil. 21-2 BTH 28 Lightfoot, Randall E. [218233] ANALYZING THE STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES, GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS, AND FRIABILITY OF GARNET SANDS FROM FOUR MINE SOURCES AROUND THE WORLD: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE DRY-AIR ABRASIVE SAND BLAST-CLEANING INDUSTRY LIGHTFOOT, Randall E., Augustana College, 1411 Dahlgren Lane, Minooka, IL 60447, [email protected] Due to its relatively high specific gravity, chemical inertness, isometric geometry, nontoxicity, lack of crystalline silica, ability to be recycled, low friability, and high hardness, garnet sand (var. almandine–pyrope) is one of the leading non-metallic abrasive media being used in the dry-air abrasive sand blast-cleaning industry. The primary task of this industry is to blast-clean steel infrastructure, remove all mill-scale and rust/corrosion, while simultaneously preparing the steel for a top-coating, which increases the integrity and longevity of the steel. Marco Industries (Davenport, IA) has provided five garnet sand samples from four localities. Two of the five samples are of hard rock origin while the remaining three samples were mined from fluvial systems. One hard rock garnet sample was mined from khondalites in the granulite belt of the North China Craton, Inner Mongolia, and the other from a meta-gabbro-derived garnetamphibolite from Gore Mountain, New York, U.S.A. Two of the three fluvial garnet sands were mined from the Thamirabarani River feeding into Bengal Bay, Eastern India, and the other from the Hutt River emptying into Port Gregory, Western Australia. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and grain size analysis methods were used to determine bulk and trace element compositions, change in geometry, percent degradation, percent dusting, and friability of each garnet sample. In order of increasing friability, the sample rank: 1: NY-garnet sample, 2: India (1) garnet sample, 3: India (2) garnet sample, 4: Australia garnet sample, and 5: Mongolia garnet sample. Data show that the superior garnet sand with the lowest friability is from Gore Mountain and the most inferior, highest friability, is from Mongolia. Another rank was assigned to each garnet in terms of increasing dust created during one blast operation, with particles ranging from 1 to 100 µm in diameter. India (2) garnet sand created 7.7% dust, New York garnet sand created 8.9% dust, India (1) garnet sand created 12.7% dust, garnet sand from Australia created 14.4% dust and garnet from Mongolia created 26.8% dust. The percentages show how much of the garnet sand degraded after one blast operation, and provide insight about the friability of each garnet sand. 21-3 BTH 29 Baratta, Vanessa M. [218415] THE EFFECTS OF FREEZE-THAW CYCLES AND STORMWATER RUNOFF INPUT ON THREE BIOSWALE SOIL MIXTURES BARATTA, Vanessa M., Geoscience, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, [email protected], BETTIS, E. Arthur III, Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242, WARD, Adam S., Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52240, and WEIRICH, Frank, Department of Geosciences, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242 Urbanization and the growth of suburbs are world-wide phenomena. One product of this development is a dramatic increase in impermeable surfaces and a consequent increase in stormwater runoff. Bioretention cells (biocells) are one best management practice frequently used to mitigate the impacts of urban stormwater runoff. To ensure that a biocell will continue to perform adequately in the long term, it is imperative that the varieties of conditions it will sustain through time are considered during its initial design. Although biocells are frequently used for stormwater management, very few quantitative data exist on how they perform through time and in varied physical environments. In regions with seasonal freeze-thaw cycles, it is important to understand the physical effects of freeze-thaw cycles on biocell materials so that the integrity of the design will not be compromised by seasonal change. This project utilizes manufactured laboratory columns to investigate the effects of freeze-thaw cycles and runoff sediment input on the infiltration capacity of three different biosoil mixtures. These tests will provide an analog for long-term changes in biocell infiltration rates due to seasonal variations, which will provide critical data on which soil mixture would be best implemented in geographic regions susceptible to freeze-thaw activity. Furthermore these results will inform design standards for biocells to insure their long-term use. 21-4 BTH 30 Erich, Kyla J. [218479] WOLF CREEK DAM: A CASE STUDY OF FOUNDATION REMEDIATION FOR DAMS BUILT ON KARST FOUNDATIONS ERICH, Kyla J., Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, [email protected] Wolf Creek Dam was completed in 1952 as a 5,736 ft long and 258 ft high combination embankment-concrete gravity dam. Its storage capacity of 6 million acre feet makes it the ninth largest reservoir in the nation. The dam was built on a heavily karstified limestone foundation and began exhibiting signs of excess foundation seepage in late 1967. This led to extensive corrective work beneath the earthen core of the right abutment embankment to reduce underseepage. In 2006 an independent assessment by the Dam Safety Action Classification Peer Review Panel recommended that Wolf Creek Dam exhibited “Urgent and Compelling” foundation seepage issues that required immediate attention. This classification triggered the most complex dam foundation remediation project of any dam in the world, with an estimated total cost of $594 million, requiring six years of construction. The drilling and grouting techniques being applied insitu beneath the embankment section will likely establish new standards of practice for remediation and foundation beneficiation for hydraulic structures built on karst sites, specifically embedded barrier walls. 21-5 BTH 31 Crane, Renee [218684] ALLOWING TIME FOR ACTIVATED CARBON CONDITIONING IN CONTAMINATED SOILS INCREASES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STABILIZATION/SOLIDIFICATION CRANE, Renee, 1070 Claymoor Drive, Apartment 2A, Kalamazoo, MI 49009, [email protected] and CASSIDY, Daniel, Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Stabilization and Solidification (S/S) can be a cost-effective remediation tool for contaminated soils and sediments, and is considered an accepted technology by the US EPA. S/S involves mixing amendments into the contaminated material which reduce the leachability of the contaminants. Though originally designed for inorganic contaminants, S/S is increasingly being used for sites contaminated with organic compounds. Two amendments commonly used for organics are Portland cement (or other pozzolanics like quick lime or fly ash) and powdered activated carbon (PAC). Cementing agents reduce the leaching of organic contaminants by reducing the permeability of leachate, and by encapsulating soil particles to which contaminants are adsorbed. The PAC serves as surface area to which organic contaminants adsorb very strongly. Ideally, PAC should be given time to adsorb contaminants before cementing agents are added, called PAC conditioning. However, in practice both amendments are typically added at the same time to reduce costs. Laboratory studies conducted on phenol suggest that there is no benefit by allowing PAC conditioning before adding cementing agents. However, these studies were done on soils artificially contaminated with phenols, whereas aged contaminated soils tend to behave quite differently. Moreover, phenols are not very common contaminants of soils. We will present results from laboratory studies on 6 different soils with aged contamination from BTEX (i.e., benzene, toluene, ethyl benzenes, and xylenes). The studies measured leaching (using the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure, or SPLP) in soils amended with PAC and Portland cement simultaneously, and compared PAC conditioning times of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year. Results demonstrate that pre-treatment with PAC before cement dosing dramatically reduces leaching and increases the effectiveness of S/S for organic contaminants. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 51 SESSION NO. 21 21-6 BTH 32 Disbennett, Douglas [218761] RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HYPOXIA AND NATURAL GAS EXTRACTION TO ATMOSPHERIC METHANE EMISSIONS FROM LAKE ERIE TOWNSEND SMALL, Amy1, DISBENNETT, Douglas1, WEISS RANSOHOFF, Rebecca1, MACKAY, Ross2, and BOURBONNIERRE, Rick2, (1) Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology Physics, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected], (2) Environment Canada, Burlington, ON, Canada Reduced oxygen availability in lakes due to summer stratification events can contribute to atmospheric methane emissions, and Lake Erie has a persistent low oxygen event in bottom waters during late summer. Lake Erie also has substantial subsurface natural gas deposits that are currently being extracted from areas in Canadian waters. We hypothesized that the lake would be a source of methane to the atmosphere in late summer, prior to fall turnover, and that natural gas wells and pipelines would contribute to additional methane emissions from resource extraction areas in Canadian waters. Sampling was conducted at a total of 21 sites in central and western Lake Erie during early September, 2012. Sites were selected to collect samples from a wide range of environmental conditions in order to better establish the baseline flux from these areas. We selected an array of sites in the offshore environment, sites from a very shallow bay and sites within the Canadian gas fields. Air samples were gathered using floating flux chambers tethered to the research vessel. Dissolved gas water samples were collected using a Van Dorn bottle. Preliminary results show a consistent but small flux of methane throughout the lake, with flux rates adjacent to natural gas pipelines about an order of magnitude greater than elsewhere. Samples are currently being analyzed for stable isotope ratios of methane, which can distinguish between fossil fuel and biological sources of methane. This project has two goals; first it is an effort to constrain the global warming potential of hypoxia in the Great Lakes, and secondly it is an attempt to constrain fugitive emissions of methane from resource extraction areas within Lake Erie. These two sources of methane may contribute to increased greenhouse gas emission rates regionally, and fugitive methane is taking on increased importance due to the expansion of natural gas extraction activities in Lake Erie. SESSION NO. 22, 1:30 PM Thursday, 2 May 2013 T23. Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Sciences (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 22-1 BTH 33 Mattheus, C.R. [217252] CLIMATE INFLUENCE ON LAKE ERIE NEARSHORE-SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AND BEACH PROGRADATION: A LOOK AT OHIO HARBOR JETTIES AND ADJACENT HEADLAND BEACHES MATTHEUS, C.R. and STOWE, M.S., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555, [email protected] Erosion problems for the sediment-starved U.S. Lake Erie shoreline reflect the lake’s shallow nature, water-level changes, bluff exposures of unconsolidated glacial and glaciolacustrine materials, human influences, and lake orientation with respect to prevailing wind, wave, and current directions. Despite the absence of substantial nearshore sand sources, sections of the southern Lake Erie shoreline have prograded over the last 100 years in response to jetty construction and sand trapping. This study investigates the evolution of two actively prograding beaches along the Lake Erie shoreline of Ohio: Mentor Headlands Beach and Walnut Beach. A total of 56 nautical charts of the harbor areas from 1901 to 2005 were georeferenced to provide insight into the timing of hard structure installation, historic shoreline positions, and temporal changes in nearshore bathymetry. Nearshore-surface models, gridded from bathymetric points in ArcGIS using a nearest neighbor interpolation algorithm, provide net-change maps. Bathymetry was not surveyed as regularly as shoreline position, providing only three time-slices per harbor area over the 100-year timeframe of interest; however, nearshore-surface models document a lake-ward translation of shoreline and nearshore environments through time with little change in shoreface morphology. Beach area gained is therefore utilized as a metric for volume change in our timeseries analysis. Our studied beaches show a paralleled evolution with respect to shoreline progradation and nearshore sand-volume gain, which does not appear to correlate to anthropogenic activity, but could reflect a decadal-scale climate variance. A pronounced decrease in beach gain from the mid-1930s through the late 1940s coincides with regional drought conditions, lower lake levels, and possibly milder wave climate. Historic lake levels have fluctuated between ~173 and 175 meters above mean sea level since 1901 with similar low-level periods in the mid-1960s that do not show a change in the rate of beach progradation, warranting an investigation into whether changes in nearshore-sediment supply by either reduced bluff erosion or longshore transport play a role. 22-2 BTH 34 Jasinski, Briana L. [218792] A HISTORY OF BEAVER ACTIVITY IN THE JORDAN RIVER WATERSHED: SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION, SUCCESSION, AND SEDIMENT JASINSKI, Briana L., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], HYNDMAN, David W., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, KENDALL, Anthony D., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Bldg, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, and MARTIN, Sherry L., Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 Beavers are exceptional environmental engineers, second only to humans in the modification of their environment. However, their historical response to changing habitat conditions is often difficult to classify due to lack of past spatial and population data. In this study, we demonstrate how combined aerial photo classification, GIS analysis, and in-field ground truthing can be used to model the spatio-temporal rebound of a beaver population previously decimated by the fur trade and habitat destruction in the Jordan River Watershed in northern Michigan. Aerial and high-resolution satellite imagery spanning the period 1938-2011 were digitized and georeferenced to map the fluctuating numbers and distributions of beaver dams in the watershed. By linking these dam counts with statewide beaver harvest estimates, we demonstrate that GIS mapping provides a robust population estimate which can then be spatially analyzed and related to long- 52 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs term beaver behavioral trends and forest management practices. Additionally, understanding changing spatial sequences of beaver dams is critical for quantifying historical rates of sediment retention at the watershed scale. Overall, this study demonstrates the utility of using a GIS approach to capture the historical spatial and population dynamics of a rebounding beaver population in a post-logging habitat. 22-3 BTH 35 Wagner, Kaleb [218707] GIS-MEDIATED REMOTE SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF RIBBED MORAINE MORPHOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION WITHIN NORTHERN CANADA WAGNER, Kaleb, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1 Canada, [email protected] Ribbed (a.k.a. Rogen) moraines are arcuate, subglacially-formed ridges oriented transverse to local palaeo-ice flow direction. Such features appear organized in fields, primarily throughout the former core-interior sectors of the Laurentide, British-Irish, and Fennoscandian Ice Sheets. Awareness of these landforms dates back well over a century, yet the process or processes responsible for their formation remain largely undetermined. Much research has endeavored to associate ribbed moraine genesis with specific subglacial ‘zones’ and their attendant basal ice flow regimes, though past efforts have lacked an explicit and reproducible means of assessing and comparing geomorphometric properties between discrete populations of landforms. More recent investigations incorporate geomatic techniques, and have contributed more generalizable insights, though the inherent spatial qualities of ribbed moraine fields have yet to be objectively examined. The current approach addresses these gaps by introducing quantitative measures of intra-field ribbed moraine distribution and morphology for three distinct locations within northern Canada. Continuous residual relief raster surfaces are derived from 0.75 arc-second Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) digital elevation models (DEMs) and are used to digitize individual ribbed moraines directly into a geographic information system (GIS). High resolution (15 m, band 8 - panchromatic) Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) scenes are consulted as a secondary reference for feature verification and mapping in areas of particularly complex terrain. Morphometric parameters are calculated for digitized landforms using routine GIS measuring tools, and directional tendencies in feature incidence and certain attribute magnitudes are explored. Statistical measures of feature clustering, orientation, and parallel conformity are computed and presented as a quantitative basis for inter-field comparison of glacial landform distributions. Findings garnered by this research place more accurate constraints on regional ice flow history in northern Canada, and contribute new understandings to the vacillating literature on subglacial dynamics and landform genesis. 22-4 BTH 36 Alharbi, Talal [218335] CLIMATE CHANGE OVER THE ARABIAN PENINSULA: INFERENCES FROM TRMM DATA ALHARBI, Talal, SULTAN, Mohamed, and AHMED, Mohamed, Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] The Arabian Peninsula, like many parts of the world, is apparently witnessing the impacts of global climate change. The spatial and temporal variations in precipitation extracted from the 3-hourly Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission data (TRMM) acquired (2002-present) over the Arabian Shield was used to investigate the nature and magnitude of these changes. Examination of trend images extracted from monthly precipitation data revealed a general increase in precipitation along the coastal zones. In some areas the trend image showed an annual increase in precipitation amounting to more than 5 mm/yr. The Red Sea hills, like many parts of the Arabian Peninsula’s coastal areas, show an increase in precipitation on the trend images. The precipitation in the Arabian Shield occurs during one of two seasons, the first occurs in April through September and is monsoonal in origin. Trend images produced for these months show an increase of more than 5mm in the Jazan area, and along the eastern margin of Yemen and the southeast coastal areas of Oman. The second season is from October to March and is caused by the Westerlies. Trend images for these months show an increase in precipitation exceeding 6mm/yr in Jeddah, southern Yemen and Oman. 22-5 BTH 37 Manche, Cameron [218585] INTEGRATED APPROACH TO BETTER DETERMINING ALGAL BLOOMS IN CASE II WATERS IN THE KUWAIT BAY: A REMOTE SENSING BASED APPROACH MANCHE, Cameron1, SULTAN, Mohamed1, BECKER, Richard2, CHOUINARD, Kyle1, and TINIGIN, Laura1, (1) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], (2) Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH 43606 Observations extracted from satellite sensors, namely the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) as well as field data was applied to detect the spatial and temporal variations in the distribution of algal blooms in the Kuwait Bay. To date the total collection (39,800 scenes) of MODIS images acquired (07/2002 to 07/2012) over the Kuwait Bay were examined whereas only a small subset (330 scenes) of MERIS data (07/2003 to 12/2005) was processed. Kuwait Bay waters are optically complex Case II waters that are more turbid or productive with high concentrations of various constituents such as colored dissolved organic matter, sediments, and nutrients. Given the complexities of the Kuwait Bay various chlorophyll-a algorithms (e.g. Ocean Color2, Ocean Color3, GSM, GIOP, Chlor-a (MERIS), Chlor-a (MODIS) have been employed to select the optimum algorithm that can best identify the distribution of the algal blooms and accurately measure their chlorophyll-a concentration. This is being accomplished by correlating the various satellite-based distribution and chlorophyll-a concentration of the blooms with those measured in the field (from 09/1999 to 07/2011). Preliminary results show that out of all 3 MODIS-based algorithms, the Chlor-a product shows the highest correspondence between field and satellitebased chlorophyll-a concentration, so does the Chlor-a MERIS-based product. Caution should be exercised regarding the latter as only a small subset of MERIS data was analyzed. Processing of the remaining images acquired by MERIS over the Kuwait Bay is underway. 22-6 BTH 38 Sanders, Jonathon D. [218653] WATERSHED DELINEATION FOR CONTAMINANTS IN THE PORTER CREEK WATERSHED SANDERS, Jonathon D.1, BECKER, Richard H.2, SIGLER, Von1, PEKALSKA, Aneta1, and LIS, Jill3, (1) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2081 West Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected], (2) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Ave, Toledo, OH 43606, (3) Cuyahoga County Board of Health, 5550 Venture Drive, Parma, OH 44130 Porter Creek in Cuyahoga County, Ohio contains high densities of Escherichia coli and plays a major role in transporting bacteria pollution to Huntington Beach, on the Lake Erie shoreline. Closer inspection of the storm-sewershed showed high densities of E. coli draining from storm drains directly into Porter Creek, whose outlet is in close proximity to the beach. SESSION NO. 23 To identify areas in the watershed which are significant contributors to concentrations in the creek, a GIS exercise was conducted to map drainages feeding into storm drains throughout the towns of Bay Village and Westlake. Using the TOPAZ delineation technique in the WMS software package and storm-sewer maps of each town, a combination of 2.5 and 10 foot LiDAR data from OSIP was used to map drainage patterns of 28 outfalls and determine the area drained by each outfall. The drainage areas were then used to identify the sub-watersheds responsible for providing the highest densities of E. coliper area. Of the 28 outfalls sampled, 22 had storm-sewershed basins of sufficient size to allow further analysis, with the basins ranging from 25.06 square kilometers to 10 square meters in size. Within these areas, concentrations of E. coli were found to range between 0 and 1,687,308 colonies/ 100 ml/ in of rain/ square kilometer. Policy makers may employ this method in areas facing high pollutant discharge in rivers and streams, allowing them to target problem areas when they have limited resources. 22-7 BTH 39 Chiasera, Brandon [218742] GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DICKINSON GROUP OF THE UPPER PENINSULA, MICHIGAN: A STUDY OF AN ACCRETED TERRANE OF THE SUPERIOR PROVINCE CHIASERA, Brandon, SHAHPURWALA, Aiman, KOROLESKI, Kraig K., RASLICH, Frank, and ROONEY, Tyrone O., Dept. of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane (Room 206), East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] The lithospheric development of North America is intimately linked to the evolution of the Superior Province. The Superior Province, an Archean age craton located to the north of Lake Superior, has been generated through the accretion of multiple terranes. The nature of the terranes associated with these accretion events is poorly constrained. The Dickinson group, located in central Dickinson County in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, is largely a metasedimentary formation that includes mafic flow units and is cross cut by mafic dikes. The Dickinson group is composed of three primary stratigraphic units: the East Branch arkose, the Solberg schist, and the Six-Mile Lake amphibolites. Mafic dikes and flows within the East Branch arkose are the focus of this study. The East Branch arkose, which lies at the base of the Dickinson group, is bound by unconformities that place its age between 3.6 and 2.58 Ga. We have analyzed the major and trace element geochemistry of a suite of 20 samples collected from the Dickinson group and determined the dikes and flows to be of a transitional composition between olivine tholeiite and alkali-olivine basalt. In some instances there is a geochemical correlation between the flows and a subset of dikes. For other dikes there appears to be little correlation with the flows through which they pass suggesting temporal diversity in dike emplacement and heterogeneity in magma generation mechanisms. We explore the correlation between mafic units in the contemporaneous Minnesota River Valley terrane and the Dickinson group to examine accretionary processes along the southern margin of the Superior Province. 22-8 BTH 40 Liu, Xiuju [218825] USING LACUSTRINE SEDIMENT TO TEST THE EVAPORATION HYPOTHESIS FOR THE MOORHEAD LOW WATER PHASE OF LAKE AGASSIZ LIU, Xiuju1, FISHER, Timothy G.1, LEPPER, Kenneth2, and LOWELL, Thomas V.3, (1) Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, MS #604, Toledo, OH 43606, Xiuju.Liu@ utoledo.edu, (2) Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, P.O. Box 6050, Dept. #2745, Fargo, ND 58108-6050, (3) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221 Glacial Lake Agassiz was fed by terrestrial runoff and meltwater from the Laurentide Ice Sheet at the end of the last glacial period. The cause of the ~50 m draw down to the Moorhead lowwater Phase, ~10,7 00 14C yr B.P.( ~12,400 cal yr B.P.), close to the beginning of the Young Dryas chronozone remains elusive. An active outlet routing water eastward or northwestward was recently tested and rejected from available field data. Without evidence for an active outlet, the evaporation hypothesis is being pursued. Here we present initial results for increased aridity during the Younger Dryas from Rabbit Lake, Minnesota. Rabbit Lake is located just above the Herman strandline, in the southeastern corner of the Lake Agassiz basin. It is expected to record similar hydrological conditions as in Lake Agassiz itself. From a Livingstone core with a radiocarbon age of 11,800 ± 45 14C yr B.P. (13,700 ±114 cal yr B.P.), preliminary results indicate increased aridity. The dated unit consists of uniform dark gray mud and is overlain by massive, red-brownish mud with intermixed salts assumed to be of Younger Dryas age. Preliminary results from XRF measurements (ITRAX X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanner) of the S/Ti, Ca/Ti, and Si/Ti profiles are well correlated. High sulfur content together with high calcium content may suggest formation of gypsum within the sediments, a signature of a dry climate. The high Si/Ti ratio may represent a higher quartz content, consistent with gypsum formation during a drier climate. In addition to the Rabbit Lake cores, sediment cores containing YD-aged sediment and samples for OSL dating were collected from Fargo, ND, within the Lake Agassiz basin. The results of bulk elemental composition (XRF), LOI, and grain size, do not show evidence for evaporative enrichment. However, this does not exclude the closed basin hypothesis due to the planar erosional unconformity at these sites. To further test the evaporation hypothesis, our future work involves examining a sampling transect north of Grand Forks to an elevation below the lowest point of the Moorhead low. SESSION NO. 23, 8:00 AM Friday, 3 May 2013 T1. Advances in Glacial Sediment Characterization: Implications for Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling classification that can synthesize information on archetypal surficial aquifers. A simple glacial landform or depositional facies model approach does not suffice, because it fails to integrate the complexity of geographic, geological and hydrological controls on the occurrence of aquifers. One approach is the play concept used in the petroleum industry that involves the three components of source, reservoir, and trap (seal). These concepts have direct parallels to aquifers, namely as hydrology, aquifer geology, and geology of confining units. Data for characterization of the play type may be drawn form legacy, and archival sources along with project specific data collection of data on sediment facies, physical properties, geophysical signatures, geochemistry, hydrochemistry, hydrology, etc within a basin analysis framework. Characterization of these three elements is used to formulate aquifer play types common to the surficial (glacial) sediment cover of Canada, and in doing so highlight the benefits and drawbacks inherent with development of each. The aquifer play type is identified by a compound play term based on landforms and/or stratigraphic architecture followed by depositional environment (e.g. moraine, subaqueous fan). In the embryonic application of the play concept to aquifer studies completed primarily by the GSC, but also described in the broader literature, we provide a cursory review of play types for archetypal surficial aquifers within the list of 30 key Canadian Aquifers. Specifically, four play types are reviewed: i) bedrock interface buried valleys, ii) sediment hosted buried valleys, iii) stratified moraines, iv) glacilacustrine / glacimarine basin eskers. Application of the play concept to hydrogeology offers the same opportunity as in the hydrocarbon context, of providing an analogue for aquifers that may have received less study but have similar characteristics. The play concept can also provide a framework to discuss groundwater extraction from different areas based on similar aquifer and hydraulic conditions. 23-2 8:35 AM Dunkle, Kallina M. [218395] GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL CALIBRATION DIFFICULTIES IN AREAS WITH GLACIALLYDEPOSITED AQUITARDS: AN EXAMPLE FROM GLACIAL LAKE OSHKOSH DUNKLE, Kallina M., Department of Geosciences, Austin Peay State University, PO Box 4418, Clarksville, TN 37044, [email protected], HART, David J., Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, University of Wisconsin-Extension, 3817 Mineral Point Rd, Madison, WI 53705, and ANDERSON, Mary P., Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1215 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706-1692 In Outagamie County, Wisconsin, glacio-lacustrine sediments form a regional aquitard comprised of very low hydraulic conductivity (K) lacustrine clays with embedded sand and gravel bodies. Several techniques were used to infer preferential flow paths occurring through connected high K zones at this study site. A combination of hard and soft data was used to create 300 three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic models of the site using multiple-point geostatistics. A representative set of six hydrostratigraphic models was selected, imported into groundwater flow models, and calibrated to head data. Results from particle tracking indicated preferential flow of individual particles moving through high K units in faster time than nearby particles moving through low K units. During the calibration process, several problems arose related to boundary conditions that did not occur in previous models of glacial aquifers in Wisconsin. Specified head boundaries obtained using telescopic mesh refinement from a larger regional model were much too high for the glacial Lake Oshkosh site, likely due to a lack of calibration data in that area, less detailed information for the glacial deposits in the larger regional model relative to the telescoped model, the large volume of low K material, and, most importantly, the existence of strong vertical flow at this site. Additionally, a soil-water balance model and baseflow estimates at the basin scale gave recharge rates that were higher than calibrated recharge values. Comparison of particle tracking results and isotope values from previous studies suggests that a lower value for K of clay is more appropriate than was used in the calibration, which would allow higher values of recharge in the model. In general, when working in areas with vertical flow through thick glacial aquitards, local stream gaging data are essential for model calibration at the site scale and caution should be used in assigning boundaries from a larger regional model. 23-3 8:55 AM Slomka, Jessica M. [218334] DECONSTRUCTING THE SUBSURFACE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF QUATERNARY GLACIOFLUVIAL DEPOSITS, LIMEHOUSE, ONTARIO, CANADA SLOMKA, Jessica M. and EYLES, Carolyn H., School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada, [email protected] Thick successions of glacial deposits host significant aquifers in northern North America. However, glacial depositional environments are dynamic and result in complex sedimentary successions that make characterization of the aquifers they host, difficult. This paper utilizes architectural element analysis (AEA) to characterize heterogeneity within a Quaternary age coarse-grained glaciofluvial deposit exposed in the Limehouse Pit, Ontario and provides an analogue for the analysis of more deeply buried aquifers in the region. AEA is a methodology that involves identification of the scale and form of sedimentary units and their bounding surfaces and allows documentation of three-dimensional textural variability (heterogeneity) in sedimentary successions. Exposures of glaciofluvial sediment were logged in an active aggregate pit in Limehouse, recording grain size, sedimentary structure, clast lithology, shape, size, and orientation, thickness, unit contacts, and facies types. Nine facies were identified, including gravel facies (Gm, Gp, Gt), sand facies (Sr, Sp, St, Ss) and fine-grained facies (Fl and Fd). Variations in facies associations and the geometry of unit contacts (4th-order bounding surfaces) allowed demarcation of five architectural elements (AEs), including gravel sheet (GS), sand complex (SC), concave fill (CF), fine-grained sheet (FS), and gravel foreset body (GFB) elements. The spatial arrangement of AEs and higher order bounding surfaces also allowed the discrimination of six larger scale element associations (EAs), including those representing sandy braided river (EA1), delta front (EA2), gravelly braided river/ delta top (EA3), delta front/ lacustrine (EA4), braided river/ deltaic (EA5), and sand-dominated fluvial (EA6) environments. AEA is utilized here to both enhance paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the study area and to also capture three levels of heterogeneity in the exposed glaciofluvial deposits that can be applied to detailed aquifer characterization and computer-based modeling. Outcrop analogue studies such as this provide insight to the architecture of more deeply buried coarse-grained deposits that form important aquifers, and can be utilized to enhance paleoenvironmental reconstruction of subsurface alluvial deposits elsewhere. Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium 23-4 23-1 8:10 AM Russell, Hazen A.J. [218638] APPLYING THE “PLAY” CONCEPT TO ARCHETYPAL CANADIAN SURFICIAL AQUIFERS RUSSELL, Hazen A.J., Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8, Canada, [email protected], SHARPE, David, Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A OE8, Canada, and CUMMINGS, Don I., DC Geoscience, 12 Rue Décarie, Gatineau, QC QC J9H 2M3, Canada The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) is currently assessing 30 key Canadian aquifers. This represents a small fraction of the aquifers in Canada. Consequently, there is a need for an aquifer 9:15 AM Lemke, Lawrence D. [218475] DRAWING THE DOG: DETERMINISTIC HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC MODELING OF A COMPLEX GLACIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM USING AN ALLOSTRATIGRAPHIC APPROACH LEMKE, Lawrence D., Department of Geology, Wayne State University, 0224 Old Main, 4841 Cass, Detroit, MI 48202, [email protected], FRAHM, Andrew L., Dept. of Geology, Wayne State University, 0224 Old Main, 4841 Cass Ave, Detroit, MI 48202, and PAPPAS, Lena K., Dept. of Geology, Wayne State University, 0224 Old Main, 4841 Cass, Detroit, MI 48202 Complexity and glacial sediments go hand in hand. Consequently, modeling three-dimensional variability in glacial aquifer systems can require considerable experience, perseverance, and 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 53 SESSION NO. 23 imagination, even when abundant subsurface data are readily available. In practice, subsurface information is usually sparse, and evaluating model uncertainty constitutes a significant challenge. This study employs hybrid models incorporating stochastic variability within a deterministic hydrostratigraphic framework to model spatial variability of physical hydrogeologic properties and assess contaminant transport prediction uncertainty in a complex glacial aquifer system. The approach is illustrated with a case study in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, where plumes of groundwater containing 1,4-dioxane have migrated several kilometers in different directions through 80m of underlying glacial drift. The deepest known plume appears to be advancing toward the Huron River beneath a groundwater Prohibition Zone established in 2005. 1,4-Dioxane is readily soluble in water but resistant to microbial degradation and adsorption to soil particles. Thus, it provides a tracer-like record of solute transport. More than 130 monitoring wells and 20 extraction wells have been drilled to detect, trace, and remediate 1,4-dioxane in the area. These wells form the basis of an allostratigraphic interpretation of the three-dimensional distribution of aquifer and aquitard units, constrained by available hydraulic head and contaminant concentration data, that is described in this presentation. Stochastic modeling of aquifer and aquitard properties within that deterministic hydrogeologic framework is described in a companion presentation. 23-5 9:35 AM Pappas, Lena K. [218547] ADDING THE SPOTS: STOCHASTIC MODELING WITHIN A DETERMINISTIC HYDROSTRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK TO ACCOUNT FOR SMALL-SCALE VARIABILITY AND UNCERTAINTY IN A COMPLEX GLACIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM PAPPAS, Lena K., Dept. of Geology, Wayne State University, 0224 Old Main, 4841 Cass, Detroit, MI 48202, [email protected] and LEMKE, Lawrence D., Department of Geology, Wayne State University, 0224 Old Main, 4841 Cass, Detroit, MI 48202 Glacial sediments contain variable and complex textures and sedimentary structures that can impede attempts to predict field scale subsurface groundwater flow or contaminant transport behavior. Refinement of deterministic hydrostratigraphic models to account for small-scale variability using stochastic modeling provides a means to assess flow and transport uncertainty. This study illustrates the application of a hybrid modeling approach integrating deterministic and stochastic components to assess uncertainty in selected contaminant transport metrics. The site is located in central Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA, where monitoring wells have been installed in more than 130 locations as part of an ongoing remediation effort. Natural gamma radiation counts were recorded in monitoring well logs located throughout the site. Measurement intervals in each well were classified as aquifer or aquitard based on their position within a deterministic allohydrostratographic interpretation. Sequential Gaussian simulation was used to create an ensemble of realizations of gamma values conditioned to gamma well log measurements within a 14km2 area of a regional groundwater model. Aquifer and aquitard simulations were generated separately and merged into a single 3D model honoring the original allohydrostratographic interpretation. Hydraulic conductivity was then assigned in each 30x30x3m MODFLOW model cell based on an experimentally determined exponential relationship between hydraulic conductivity and gamma count values. 100 stochastic realizations were ranked a priori using harmonic mean K values for flow paths along the primary migration direction between the source area and the Huron River, a potential groundwater discharge location at the site. Relevant transport metrics (e.g., first arrivals and breakthrough times at the river calculated using MODPATH and MT3D) were compared among realizations to evaluate the degree to which stochastic variability influences transport and whether a priori rankings can be used to identify realizations representing the range of transport behavior uncertainty predicted using the full ensemble. 23-6 10:25 AM Keefer, Donald A. [218826] SEDIMENTOLOGIC MODELING AND TRANSMISSIVITY MAPPING TO SUPPORT GROUNDWATER FLOW AND CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODELING IN GLACIAL SEDIMENTS KEEFER, Donald A., THOMASON, Jason F., and BROWN, Steven E., Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 615 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, IL 61820, [email protected] Over the past decade, geologists and hydrogeologists at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) have been trying to provide users with maps and accompanying information that better support decisions about groundwater quantity and quality problems. Recent advances within the ISGS into new methods in 3-D geologic and hydrogeologic mapping have provided opportunities to push out new map products that further benefit hydrogeologic problem solving. A strategy is evolving at the ISGS where sedimentologic models of varying complexity are used with 3-D maps of sand/gravel aquifer distribution and thickness to produce sets of transmissivity maps that provide insight on the predicted ranges and distributions of hydraulic conductivity. The complexity of the sedimentologic models are based on the quantity and quality of available data, confidence in the conceptual models governing the overall glacial framework, and the objectives being addressed by the mapping efforts. On one end, transmissivity maps reflect general sedimentologic shifts, such as proximal to distal relationships based on distance from ice margins, together with broad ranges in hydraulic conductivity from published table-based sources. This approach results in generalized maps reflecting broad zonation of estimated maximum and minimum transmissivity values. At the other end of the complexity spectrum, geostatistical methods are used with the traditionally-developed 3-D maps to simulate a number of possible distributions of sediment lithotypes or facies within aquifers. Then these lithotype distributions are populated with geostatistically-simulated values of porosity and permeability to create a range of possible 3-D models of the aquifer hydraulic properties. These can be ranked and upscaled as appropriate for the groundwater problem at hand. 23-7 10:50 AM Mulligan, Riley P.M. [218370] DETERMINING THE 3-D GLACIAL SEDIMENTOLOGY AND HYDROSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE, SOUTHERN ONTARIO MULLIGAN, Riley P.M., School of Geography and Earth Science, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada, [email protected], EYLES, Carolyn H., School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, and BAJC, Andy F., Ontario Geological Survey, 933 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5, Canada Increasing urban expansion and agricultural growth are placing growing stresses on existing groundwater reserves hosted within Quaternary sediments in southern Ontario. Preserving the quality of groundwater resources requires a detailed knowledge of the three-dimensional distribution of subsurface geologic units. In the South Simcoe region of Ontario this is made possible through integration of data from fully-cored boreholes and sediment outcrops. 54 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Analysis of 56 outcrop exposures in cutbanks along the Nottawasaga River and 6 fully-cored boreholes within the former Lake Algonquin plain have led to the identification of six lithofacies associations (FA1–6). The stratigraphy is floored by the late Wisconsin Newmarket Till (FA1) which is locally overlain by ice-proximal debris flows (FA2). These glacial sediments are overlain by glaciolacustrine silt rhythmites (FA3) that pass upwards into deltaic sand (FA4) and channelized fluviodeltaic sand and gravel (FA5). Lying above the fluvial deposits are widespread sand and silt rhythmites (FA6), which coarsen up-section toward the ground surface. Qualitative observations of groundwater discharge through these FAs at outcrop faces has yielded important data on the internal heterogeneity of subsurface units, as well as possible preferential groundwater flow pathways through both aquifer and aquitard units within the region. The sand-rich surficial layers (FAs 4-6) within the Lake Algonquin plain form an unconfined aquifer system that permits extensive infiltration of surface water. The lower aquitard units (FAs 1 and 3) form a regionally significant hydraulic barrier for surficial water sources, directing shallow groundwater laterally into the Nottawasaga River. Coarse-grained interbeds are observed within the lower aquitard units and create layers or conduits of high hydraulic conductivity that permit transport of shallow groundwater. The potential connection of coarse-grained layers could create hydraulic windows through the aquitards, allowing surficial water sources to reach more deeply buried aquifer units. Understanding the geometry and interconnectedness of these subsurface sediments is essential for planning drinking water supply for growing urban communities in the region and for the prediction of contaminant migration pathways. 23-8 11:10 AM Weaver, Laura K. [218660] EXAMINING THE INFLUENCE OF ENHANCED HYDROGEOLOGIC KNOWLEDGE ON STRUCTURAL UNCERTAINTY IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTIONS OF GLACIGENIC SEDIMENT WEAVER, Laura K.1, ARNAUD, Emmanuelle2, ABBEY, Daron1, SHIKAZE, Steven1, MEYER, Jessica R.3, and PARKER, Beth L.3, (1) Matrix Solutions Inc, 31 Beacon Point Court, Breslau, ON N1B 1M0, Canada, [email protected], (2) G360 Centre for Applied Groundwater Research, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada, (3) G360 Centre for Applied Groundwater Research, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Rd E, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada Three-dimensional (3D) hydrogeologic representations of the subsurface focus on the spatial distribution and interconnectedness of hydrogeologic units inferred from lithology, primary and secondary structures, fluid chemistry, hydraulic head, and hydraulic conductivity data, in addition to other data sources. These conceptual models are guided by a hydrogeologic framework developed from depositional environment interpretations and may form the basis for numerical groundwater flow modeling. Although sophisticated 3D interpolation software and numerical efficient of modeling codes enable parameterization and simulation of complex systems, the availability and quality subsurface data limits the modeled complexity. Uncertainty in the distribution and geometries of subsurface units between field data points may be reduced through the inclusion of stratigraphic knowledge in the interpolation process. To explore the influence of enhanced (hydro)geologic understanding on framework development, three conceptual block models were constructed for glacial sediment associated with ice marginal deposition. Unit volumes were generated using: 1) associations based on sediment texture, b) an imposed conceptual framework on genetically-linked, texturally similar sediment, and 3) an imposed framework on genetically-linked, texturally similar sediment with the addition of control points. Increasing amounts of “expert” knowledge is incorporated into each model, moving from a model developed solely on the available data, through the inclusion of regional stratigraphic knowledge, and furthered with additional inferences based on expected facies associations. The distribution and interconnectedness of sediment were interpolated across the study area using interpolation algorithms in a 3D software environment. The resulting hydrogeologic unit geometries were evaluated for plausibility given the established glacial history of the area and error associated with the interpolation. The influence of hydrogeologic knowledge on output unit distributions and the resulting structural uncertainty was investigated by comparison of unit distributions and geometries, relative unit volumes, and fit of the top of unit elevations to borehole observations across the three conceptual block models. 23-9 11:30 AM Dogan, Mine [218733] INTEGRATING 3D GPR FACIES ANALYSIS AND HIGH RESOLUTION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY DATA: IMPLICATIONS FOR TRANSPORT MODELING IN HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA DOGAN, Mine1, VAN DAM, Remke L.1, HYNDMAN, David W.1, and BUTLER, James J. Jr2, (1) Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], (2) Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, 1930 Constant Ave, Lawrence, KS 66047 The transport of solutes through aquifers is primarily controlled by the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K). With limited availability of K data, as is common in many field studies, it is not possible to accurately simulate transport using the classical advection-dispersion equation, particularly in heterogeneous deposits. Although alternative approaches for simulating transport through such deposits may provide reasonable representations of average plume behavior, they do not replicate observed concentration histories at observation wells. We postulate that a suite of novel high-resolution characterization methods may provide the necessary subsurface data to significantly improve flow and transport simulations through heterogeneous porous media. To this end, we combined 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data with high-resolution K (HRK) and electrical conductivity (EC) data from direct-push profiles, at a heterogeneous fluvial deposit in northeastern Mississippi. The full-resolution GPR data cubes, collected using standard field equipment, were used to generate 3D facies models, which include information on major bounding surfaces, dip angles and directions, and connectivity. The HRK and EC profiles, collected using equipment mounted on Geoprobe drilling rigs, provided information on vertical distribution of hydraulic and electric properties at intervals of a few centimeters. Comparative analysis of the geophysical and drilling data reveals a good correlation at the major facies boundaries. Data integration has enabled construction of hydrostratigraphic models of these heterogeneous deposits and realistic modeling of flow and transport. SESSION NO. 24 SESSION NO. 24, 8:00 AM Friday, 3 May 2013 T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene, Part I Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium 24-1 8:00 AM Hladyniuk, Ryan [218332] THE N-ALKANE AND CARBON-ISOTOPE SIGNATURES OF ORGANIC CARBON IN LAKE ONTARIO SINCE 14,000 CAL YR BP HLADYNIUK, Ryan, DILDAR, Nadia, and LONGSTAFFE, Fred J., Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Western Ontario, 1151 Richmond Street, Biological and Geological Sciences Building, London, ON N6A5B7, Canada, [email protected] The n-alkane abundances and carbon-isotope compositions of organic matter (OM) from Lake Ontario sediments reveal a complex history of variation in both source and lacustrine productivity over the last 14,000 cal yr BP. Glacial sediments containing ~0.2-0.3 % organic carbon (OC) are dominated by C23 through C29 n-alkanes. These compositions most likely represent allochtonous contributions of peat, higher terrestrial plant matter and clay-associated OM delivered by glacial meltwaters from the periglacial environment. Subordinate amounts of C17-C19 n-alkanes may indicate limited primary lacustrine productivity at this time. Transition from glacial to postglacial conditions in the Lake Ontario basin was marked by a lowering of water levels, rising OC contents, and increased abundances of C17-19 n-alkanes. Little systematic carbon isotopic variation was found for individual n-alkanes in the glacial and transitional sediments: C17-C19, –30 per mil; C21, –33 to –30 per mil; and C23+, –33 to –32 per mil, which likely reflects wellmixed, multiple OM sources. Hydraulic closure of Lake Ontario beginning at about 12,300 cal yr BP produced its lowest recorded levels. Approximately equal abundances of C17-C19, C23-C25, and C27+ n-alkanes at this time are tentatively interpreted to indicate lacustrine, (submergent) macrophyte and terrestrial OM contributions. C17-C19 n-alkanes showed little carbon isotopic variation from the older sediments. However, a 2 per mil decrease in carbon-13 for C23 and enrichments of ≤8 per mil for C25+ n-alkanes (C25> C27> C29) occurred by the end of hydraulic closure. Increased littoral zone productivity may have been favoured by low lake levels. Warming beginning at 8,300 cal yr BP triggered a transition from cold/dry to warm/wet conditions, during which water levels gradually rose. OC in associated lake sediments reaches 2 % and contains the highest fraction of C27+ n-alkanes, which have carbon isotopic compositions of –33 to –30 per mil. These data suggest that Lake Ontario received significant terrestrial OM from its catchment at this time. The progressive 5 per mil depletion of carbon-13 in C17 and C25 n-alkanes upwards through this interval remains to be explained. 24-2 8:20 AM Loope, Walter L. 8:40 AM Yansa, Catherine H. 24-4 9:00 AM Sonnenburg, Elizabeth [218504] PALEOENVIRONMENTAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ALPENA-AMBERLEY RIDGE SUBMERGED LANDSCAPE DURING THE LAKE STANLEY LOWSTAND (CA. 8.4-9 KA CAL BP), LAKE HURON SONNENBURG, Elizabeth, Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ruthven Museums Building 4016, 1109 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, [email protected] The Great Lakes basin has high potential for submerged archaeological sites due to considerable water level changes during deglaciation and as a result of Holocene climate change. The Holocene period in the Great Lakes basin (ca. last 12,000 years) was marked by several phases of drier climate and low lake levels (lowstands) including major events between ca. 11,300-8,400 cal BP recorded in sediments in Lake Huron and Georgian Bay (Lake Hough and Lake Stanley lowstands). During the Lake Stanley phase water levels in the Lake Huron basin were up to 70-100 m below present and large areas of the lake bed were exposed terrestrial landscapes. In 2007 and 2008, a 300 meter-long series of boulders was discovered on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge in 30 m of water in Lake Huron during a side-scan sonar survey. The boulders, when mapped, resembled caribou drive lanes which are well-documented in the Arctic. During the Lake Stanley lowstand phase, the Ridge was a sub-aerially exposed causeway separating the lake into two basins, and the discovery of the potential drive lanes provides compelling albeit circumstantial evidence that the Ridge supported human habitation during the early Holocene. Little is known about the paleogeography and environment of the Ridge since there is limited sedimentation, and most lake-level and paleoenvironmental research in Lake Huron has focused on the more sediment loaded basins of the Georgian and Saginaw Bays. In 2011 and 2012, a total of sixtyseven core, sediment and rock samples were collected by divers and ponar sampler on an ROV. Thirty-six surface sediment grab samples and six short (10-25 cm) cores were obtained for analysis of microdebitage, microfossils, grain size, and organic content. Cores were subsampled at 2 cm intervals for analysis, lithofacies logged in detail and photographed. Preliminary paleoenvrionmental reconstructions based on results from these samples indicate that during the last Lake Stanley phase, the Ridge was a relatively stable landscape with sub-artic vegetation, small shallow ponds, sphagnum bogs, wetlands and rivers, and would have provided numerous potential resources for both caribou and pre-historic hunter-gathers. [218627] CAN PALEOECOLOGICAL PROXIES ADEQUATELY FORECAST SURFACE COVER ACROSS NORTH CENTRAL NORTH AMERICA? (A CAUTIONARY TALE) LOOPE, Walter L., United States Geological Survey, N8391 Sand Point Road, P.O. Box 40, Munising, MI 49862, [email protected] Pollen stratigraphy provides the core body of paleoecological perspective across north central North America. Pollen based methodologies have matured over nearly a century and are now joined by a vast and vetted literature focused on paleolimnology, wetland dynamics, soil stratigraphy and landscape ecology. The COHMAP project of the 1970s and 80s placed these data sets in spatial context across the continent and more recent updates and refinements of these maps have been developed. The utility and importance of paleoecological models are more apparent given recognition of anthropogenic climate forcing. Concurrent with their adoption and broad use in discussions of such forcing, however, caveats and limitations of paleoecological data, prominently voiced by their authors, must be honored. Linda Brubaker, a pioneer in the application of pollen stratigraphy to Upper Michigan, recognized in 1975 that patchy habitats often impose permanent control on vegetation pattern on varying spatial scales. The scale of patchiness varies across landscapes and greatly complicates their classification as well as any assessment of their projected behavior. In broad and roughly uniform landscapes these complications may be minimal; in patchy landscapes, they may defy intuition and interpretation. As Brubaker pointed out, some of the more obvious drivers of patchiness in the upper Midwest are differences in soil texture and development and in the nature of regolith. These differences are invisible in broad pattern but detectable on a local level. Pollen-based maps of surface cover in eastern Upper Michigan prove inadequate in detecting the major climatic anomaly that drove hydrologic closure of the Upper Great Lakes ~10-8 ka. In contrast, an intensive study of 2 ponds within a small sandy tract in Alger County clearly identifies this and other major droughts at that time, albeit on different scales. Maps of Quaternary vegetation at sub-continental scales are useful across uniform environments but may fail to portray important local and even regional differences. This has long been recognized and expressed by pollen practitioners but may be glossed over by modelers who need to summarize projected change across the continent. 24-3 suggest that this lake received little influx of clastic material. The pollen and plant macrofossil records indicate four intervals of vegetation change. A pine-oak forest characterizes Zone I (~8500 to 7000 cal yr BP), prior to the arrival of beech in the region. Zone II (~7000-3200 cal yr BP) is that of a beech-maple forest with oak patches. Percentages of beech and maple are higher than in the two comparative pollen records, indicating that moisture provided by the lake-effect climate prevailed in the Miner Lake area during the peak Holocene warmth. Zone III (~3200-200 cal yr BP) is characterized by cooler and moister conditions, as suggested by expansion of the beech-maple forest. Median grain size is most variable in Zone III. Zone IV (last 200 years) is distinguished by a spike in disturbance weeds, a sharp decrease in %OM, a dramatic increase in %CaCO3, and a sharp decrease in median grain size, likely resulting from agriculture. In summary, the paleoclimate record of Miner Lake was, for the most part, invariant during the past several millennia, which suggests that a “lake effect” climate induced by nearby Lake Michigan was a more dominant control than the regional climate for this site. [218716] A 8500-YEAR RECORD OF LAKE-EFFECT CLIMATE FROM MINER LAKE, SOUTHWESTERN LOWER MICHIGAN YANSA, Catherine H., Department of Geography, Michigan State University, 227 Geography Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1117, [email protected] and RAWLING, J. Elmo III, Geography/Geology, University of Wisconsin Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, WI 53818 Miner Lake (42.7°N, 85.8°W) in Allegan County, southwestern Lower Michigan, is located 30 km east of Lake Michigan. Today, the local vegetation is comprised of primarily beech-maple forest and has a lake-mediated climate characterized by higher snowfall and warmer winter temperatures than inland locations. The objective of our research was to test whether the lakeeffect climate in the past was a more dominant influence on the local climate of the Miner Lake area than regional paleoclimate patterns. We did this by analyzing sediment cores from Miner Lake for pollen, plant macrofossils and sedimentology (particle size, % organic matter (OM), and % calcium carbonate (CaCO3)), and compared these data to paleoclimate data from two lakes from inland locations with similar latitudes. Over the past 8500 cal yr BP, the sedimentology and paleobotany of Miner Lake indicate that there has been little environmental change in the area. In general, the %OM increases from ~25 to 40%, %CaCO3 decreases from ~20 to 10% and the median grain size ranges from ~10 to 25 microns. The high %OM and CaCO3, and fine median grain size in the sediments of Miner Lake 24-5 9:40 AM Thompson, Todd A. [218327] THE ELEVATION OF THE PEAK NIPISSING PHASE (MID HOLOCENE) AT OUTLETS OF THE UPPER GREAT LAKES THOMPSON, Todd A., Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 North Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, [email protected], JOHNSTON, John W., Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road N, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada, and LEPPER, Kenneth, Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, P.O. Box 6050, Dept. #2745, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 The Nipissing phase of ancestral Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Superior was the last pre-modern highstand of the upper Great Lakes. Reconstructions of past lake-level change and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), as well as activation and abandonment of outlets is dependent on an understanding of the elevation of the lake at each outlet. More than one hundred years of study has established the gross elevation of the Nipissing phase at each outlet, but the mixing of geomorphic and sedimentologic data has produced interpreted outlet elevations varying by least several meters. Vibracore facies, optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon age control, and ground-penetrating radar transects from new and published studies were collected to determine peak Nipissing water-level elevations for the Port Huron (Lake Huron), Chicago (Lake Michigan), and Sault (Lake Superior) outlets. These data and published relative hydrographs were combined to produce one residual hydrograph for the Port Huron outlet from 6,000 to 3,500 calendar years ago that best defines the rise, peak, and rapid fall of the Nipissing phase. Establishing accurate elevations at the only present-day unregulated outlet of the Great Lakes and the only ancient outlet that has played a critical role in draining the upper Great Lakes since the middle Holocene is a critical step to better understand GIA and water-level change geologically and historically. The geologic context may provide the insight required for water managers to make informed decisions to best manage the largest freshwater system in the world. 24-6 10:00 AM Hanson, Paul R. [218692] IMPACT OF THE NIPISSING AND ALGOMA HIGH LAKE PHASES FROM OSL DATING OF BAYMOUTH BARRIER SYSTEMS IN THE DOOR PENINSULA, WISCONSIN HANSON, Paul R., School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 3310 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, NE 68583, [email protected] and RAWLING, J.E. III, Geography and Geology Program, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville, WI 53818 This study focuses on the geomorphology and geochronology of three baymouth barrier systems at Clark, Europe and Kangaroo Lakes in the Door Peninsula of Wisconsin. The Lake Michigan shoreline in the peninsula contains abundant evidence for fluctuations in lake level as evidenced by strandplains and beach ridges that lie up to ~ 7 m above the present shoreline. Our study was conducted on three baymouth barriers that contain beach ridges that were buried by varying depths of eolian sand in the form of sandsheets, as well as parabolic and transverse dunes with relief of up to 21 m. The purpose of this study was to document when the barriers were deposited and when the subsequent eolian activity occurred. Our chronology for barrier emplacement and dune development is based on 65 OSL samples which were collected from lacustrine sediment within the barrier fills (n = 17) and the overlying eolian sand (n = 48). Sediment samples were collected using bucket augers or a vibracoring device at depths ranging from 0.5 to 4.1 m below the ground surface. Our OSL ages show that baymouth barriers in each of our study sites were constructed between ~ 5.9 to 3.9 ka, and most of our ages correspond closely to the Nipissing high lake level phase. Both geomorphic and geochronological evidence from the Kangaroo Lake site shows portions of this barrier were re-occupied after the Nipissing phase. Our OSL ages from lacustrine sediment taken from within the barrier suggest this occurred at 3.3 to 2.5 ka, 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 55 SESSION NO. 24 correspondingly closely with the Algoma high lake level phase. The majority of our eolian ages fall into two primary groups that overlap with or are slightly younger than the ages acquired from the barriers. OSL ages from dune crests and sand sheets suggest that dune formation most likely ceased between 4.5-3.7 (n = 20 OSL ages) and again around 2.5-1.8 (n = 11 ages) ka. Both geomorphic and geochronological evidence suggests that dune development was rapid, and that dunes were primarily active during recessional phases of Lake Michigan when sand supply was elevated. This project was carried out in large part through the efforts of undergraduate researchers and was funded through the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. 24-7 10:20 AM Johnston, John W. [218447] A SAULT-OUTLET-REFERENCED MID- TO LATE-HOLOCENE PALEOHYDROGRAPH FOR LAKE SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTED FROM STRANDPLAINS OF BEACH RIDGES JOHNSTON, John W., Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road N, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada, [email protected], ARGYILAN, Erin P., Dept. of Geosciences, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 W. Broadway, Gary, IN 46408, THOMPSON, Todd A., Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 North Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, BAEDKE, Steve J., Department of Geology and Environmental Science, James Madison University, MSC 6903, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, LEPPER, Kenneth, Department of Geosciences, North Dakota State University, P.O. Box 6050, Dept. #2745, Fargo, ND 58108-6050, WILCOX, Douglas A., Dept. of Env. Science and Biology, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport, NY 14420, and FORMAN, Steven L., Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 W. Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60607 The most detailed Lake Superior paleohydrograph relative to the current outlet near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario/Michigan, was constructed from four strandplains of beach ridges. This provides a history of water-level, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), and the active outlet prior to monitoring and regulation. Four relative paleohydrographs that are offset and subparallel owing to differences in GIA were produced from 321 basal foreshore elevations and 56 optically stimulated luminescence ages. Subtracting modeled elevations in defined millennial lake phases between relative paleohydrographs and similarity between an inferred Sault Ste. Marie (hereafter, Sault) paleohydrograph and data near the zero isobase corroborates rates of GIA derived from waterlevel gauges. A change in trend in the Sault paleohydrograph is related to the final separation of Lake Superior from Lake Michigan/Huron and is the youngest age reported at 1,060 +/- 100 years. A near-horizontal trend in the Sault paleohydrograph for the past millennium has an intercept that is close to the historical average for Lake Superior. A consistently linear trend from about 2 to 1 ka suggests a relatively stable outlet similar to the past millennium, but a decreasing trend from 3 to 1 ka suggests an outlet other than the Sault. Although intercept data beyond the last millennium are similar in elevation to the reported bedrock sill near Chicago (Hansel et al. 1985), we argue that the Port/Huron outlet was the active outlet during this time and the inferred paleohydrograph of Baedke and Thompson (2000) requires reevaluation. SESSION NO. 25, 8:00 AM Friday, 3 May 2013 T9. Topics in Environmental Geochemistry Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 25-1 8:00 AM Tangtong, Chaiyanun [218459] EVALUATION THE POTENTIAL OF EXPOSURE PATHWAYS OF ARISTOLOCHIC ACIDS INDUCED BALKAN ENDEMIC NEPHROPATHY TANGTONG, Chaiyanun, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, Engineering Building, 428 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], LONG, David T., Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, and VOICE, Thomas C., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 Aristolochic acids (AAs) were proposed as chemicals that induced Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) which is a kidney disease that occurs in certain rural villages in Balkan countries. Scientists suggested the consumption of bread contaminated with AAs during the harvest may be the exposure pathway. Aristolochic acids is known as a nephrotoxic and carcinogen in human and confirmed as a cause of Chinese herb nephropathy (CHN) which is renal failure disease in patients taking Chinese herb medicine. The recent toxicological studies clearly showed the link between BEN and Aristolochic acids but the exposure pathway is still not understand. In this study, fate and transport of Aristolochic acids in soil will be explored. The sources of AAs in the area are hypothesized to be released from the plant as root exudates or their decomposed bodies to soil and we hypothesized that uptake and accumulation of AAs by crop plants may response as contaminated food. To evaluate this hypothesis, octanol-water (Kow) and soil-water (Kd) partition coefficient was measured. The Kow was directly measured by the shake flask method and indirectly by HPLC method. The soil sorption/desorption kinetic and isotherm was assessed by batch experiment method using soils with greatly difference of organic matter and clay contents. The plant uptake was investigated by growing the food plants in AAs nutrient solution. The results show that AA I and II were slightly hydrophilic ( log Kow<2) under neutral condition but that they were hydrophobic in acid solution (log Kow>4). Behavior is affected by ionization of AAs which is controlled by pH. Thus, AA can be mobile in the environment condition. The sorption isotherm was fitted well with Freundlich equation. The sorption capacity factors (Kf) had positive correlation with organic matter content but not with the clay. The linearized, organic-carbon normalized partition coefficient (log Koc) was found to be over than 3. This means the main sorption mechanism is hydrophobic interaction between AA and functional groups of organic phase in the soil. AA was also found to sorb to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) which could enhance transport As in environment. From the Kow and Koc, we expect that AA will adsorb and accumulate in the plants. However, additional study is required to fully understand the plant uptake processes. 56 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 25-2 8:20 AM Haque, Md. Aminul [214417] MINERALOGY AND WATER CHEMISTRY OF SHALLOW AQUIFER OF MATLAB SOUTH, CHANDPUR DISTRICT, BANGLADESH HAQUE, Md. Aminul, Environmental Programs, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614, [email protected] and HASAN, M. Aziz, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh The study was done in Matlab South Upazila in SE Bangladesh where the main source of drinking water is groundwater from shallow alluvial aquifers. Groundwater chemistry is linked to subsurface sediment characteristics like lithofacies distribution and mineral composition of aquifer sands. Study of these sedimentological properties along with hydrochemical analysis of groundwater samples have been carried out to find out the relation of sediment characteristics with groundwater chemistry. Lithofacies distribution has been delineated using grain size and sediment colors. In general two main lithofacies groups, channel fill (sandy) and over bank (siltclay) deposits, have been identified. These deposits were further subdivided on the basis of color such as white, off-white, red and black. Red and off-white colors are the characteristics of oxidized/less reduced sediments whereas the black color indicates a more reducing condition. Mineral composition significantly varies with the sediment color and grain size. Red color sediments contain less metastable minerals (hornblende, actinolite, kyanite and pyroxenes etc.) than off-white and black sediments. Biotite and chlorite is relatively high in black and white sediments than red or off-white sediments. Mineral composition and sediment color also vary within different size fractions of the same sediment facies. Finer fractions have more metastable minerals than coarser fractions. Hydrochemical analyses of groundwater samples collected from aquifers of respective color groups shows that the red and off-white sands yield Na–Ca–Cl–HCO3 to Na-Ca–Cl or Na–Cl type water whereas black/white sands yield Ca-Mg-HCO3 to Ca-Na-HCO3 type water. Groundwater of red and off-white sediments contain low amount of dissolved arsenic (As) but high manganese (Mn) and black sediments shows very high concentration of As but relatively low Mn. The black group of sediments represent a reducing geochemical environment indicated by high concentrations of dissolved As, NH4¯, PO4³¯ and HCO3¯, and very low SO4²¯ in groundwater. Whereas, the groundwater from red, white/off-white group of sediments show low As, NH4¯, PO4³¯, and HCO3¯ concentrations but relatively high SO4²¯ indicating a less reducing/oxidizing environment. 25-3 8:40 AM Brown, Diana [218480] UNDERSTANDING SOURCES FOR DISSOLVED CHLORIDE IN MICHIGAN GROUNDWATER BROWN, Diana1, LONG, David T.2, LI, Shu-Guang3, and VOICE, Thomas C.3, (1) Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MN 48824, [email protected], (2) Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, (3) Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East lansing, MI 48824 No natural near-surface mineral sources exist for Cl in groundwater systems of the State of Michigan. Yet elevated concentrations are observed and suspected to be related to both anthropogenic activities and hydrogeochemical dynamics. The wide spread use of halite from road salting is clearly one type of anthropogenic source. Previous work has documented the high Cl concentrations in near-surface groundwater in the Saginaw Bay lowland area to be related to the up-welling of lower saline solutions. Through cooperation between the State of Michigan and Michigan State University, a water chemical data base is being developed for the state. The data base allows for a more detailed study of groundwater Cl distribution in the state and testing of hypotheses for two Cl sources, halite and brine. The data from the state were studied in light of data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (Michigan RASA Project). Data were reduced by creating iso-concentration plots, geochemical modeling (Phreeqc), solute-solute plots and solute-Cl/Na ratio plots. The results in general support the hypotheses. Na/Cl ratios indicate the influence of halite and brines, iso-concentration and vertical concentration plots indicate the presence of brine in the Michigan lowland area as had been suspected and is consistent with the hydrogeology of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. However, the Cl/Na ratios indicated more diverse patterns. Using data from Allegan County as an example, at low Cl concentrations, molar Cl/Na ratios span a wide range that is greater and lower than 1 (halite stoichiometry). As Cl concentrations increase, ratios approach 1 and then at higher concentrations ratios trend above 1 (brine). The distribution of data above and below the Na/Cl ratios of 1 are constrained within an envelope that indicate mixing. Trends in the ratios <1 can be modeled as mixing between a saline end-member and native groundwater. At ratios >1, the nature of the very high ratio/ low Cl concentration end-member is unclear to help establish a mixing model, however, geochemical modeling indicates these ratios may in part be related to ion-exchange reactions. Finally, a positive correlation was found between Cl and Ca concentrations indicating possible increased dissolution of calcite in the aquifer as a result of increasing ionic strength. 25-4 9:00 AM Mohammed, Abdelmawgoud [218548] PRELIMINARY INTERPRETATIONS OF ISOTOPE AND CHEMICAL DATA OF SAMPLES FROM THE NUBIAN SANDSTONE AND ADJACENT AQUIFERS IN EGYPT MOHAMMED, Abdelmawgoud1, KRISHNAMURTHY, R.V.1, KEHEW, A.E.1, SULTAN, Mohamed1, CROSSEY, Laura J.2, and KARLSTROM, Karl E.2, (1) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], (2) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 The importance of studying groundwater in arid regions has increased in recent decades due to larger human populations in desert areas. The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System of northeastern Africa is a case in point as one of the largest confined aquifer systems in the world with several nations relying on this water resource (Egypt, Libya, Sudan and Chad). Groundwater has been identified as the biggest and in some cases the only future source of water to meet growing demands and the development goals of each Nubian Sandstone Aquifer country, and evidence shows that massive volumes of groundwater are still potentially available. This study focuses on select Nubian aquifer derived groundwater samples and other shallow and surface water bodies from Egypt using chemical and isotopic characteristics. The isotopic composition of groundwater samples from wells tapping the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Eastern Desert (-49.5‰ to -58.2 ‰ for δD and -5.6‰ to -7.9‰ for δ18O respectively) is enriched compared to the samples from wells in the Western Desert (-72.3‰ to -82.7‰ for δD and -9.4‰ to -11.1‰ for δ18O respectively). This might be due to the influence of recharge from modern precipitation and anthropogenic activities. Groundwater samples from the Quaternary aquifer in the Eastern Desert can be separated into those influenced by irrigation canals in hydraulic communication with the Nile River and those that are not in contact with surface water. The former has a range of isotope values of -4.1‰ to -29.6 ‰ for δD and 1.1‰ to -3.4‰ for δ18O respectively, and the latter has the range of 24.7‰ to 21.8 ‰ for δD and 4.0‰ to 3.3‰ for δ18O respectively. The implications of chemical and isotopic data will be discussed in a regional context. SESSION NO. 26 25-5 9:20 AM Gebrehiwet, Tsigabu [218798] EVOLUTION OF δ13C VALUES DURING ABIOTIC OXIDATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN CIRCUM-NEUTRAL ANAEROBIC CONDITIONS UNDER BICARBONATE AND PHOSPHATE BUFFERED SYSTEMS GEBREHIWET, Tsigabu1, KRISHNAMURTHY, R.V.2, and KRISHNAMURTHY, R.V.2, (1) Biogeochemical Systems, University of Idaho, 2785 Eagle Dr. Apt B-206, Ammon, ID 83406, [email protected], (2) Department of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 We conducted experiments to investigate abiotic oxidation of organic compounds as a function of electron acceptors, media composition, and pH in the presence and absence of fluorescent light. Methodologies involved were time series determinations of aqueous iron (II)/(III), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its carbon isotope ratio (d13C). The evolution of DIC and stable isotope of carbon were used as proxies for the oxidation of citrate and lactate under strict anaerobic conditions, variable pH (5-9) and 30°C, dark and light (fluorescent) conditions. Ferric citrate (δ13C, -25‰), citric acid (δ13C, -32‰) and sodium lactate (δ13C, -25‰) were used as organic compounds, while HFO and Ferric citrate were used as electron acceptors. Sodium bicarbonate (δ13C, +10‰) or potassium phosphate was used as buffering agent. Mixing between carbon isotopes from the added bicarbonate and carbon dioxide produced from the oxidation of organic compounds were observed. Type of buffer showed little effect on the redox process. HFO media generated more DIC compared to ferric citrate containing media. Light and pH played major roles in the oxidation of citrate and lactate in the presence of ferric iron. Under dark conditions in the presence or absence of Fe (III) the DIC produced was very low in all pH conditions. The slower redox processes observed in our study, compared to previous studies, could be due to the inhibiting effect of chloride ions on photochemical reactions due to the scavenging effect of chloride ion on hydroxyl radicals. d13C values of DIC in both bicarbonate and phosphate buffered systems, at neutral pH condition, approached the 13C values of citrate/lactate used. Inhibition of DIC production was also observed upon photo exposure when Fe (III) was absent. Isotopically, the bicarbonate system showed mixing between the bicarbonate and the carbon dioxide produced from the oxidation. Such studies have implications in understanding geochemical processes and their reaction mechanisms in waste water treatment, enhancing in situ degradation of organic and inorganic compounds, cycling of nutrients in wetland ecosystems, sources and sinks of chemicals in the atmosphere, and are also important in extreme environments and even on other planetary atmospheres. 25-6 10:00 AM Atekwana, Eliot [218690] ASSESSING THE TEMPORAL EVOLUTION OF DISSOLVED INORGANIC CARBON IN SURFACE WATERS THAT INTERACT WITH ATMOSPHERIC CO2(G) ATEKWANA, Eliot, Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, 105 Noble Research Center, Stillwater, OK 74078, [email protected] and ABONGWA, Pride, School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, 105 Noble Research Center, Stillwater, OK 74078 Documenting the transformation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) during the interaction of surface waters (e.g., rivers, lakes) with atmospheric CO2(g) is vital to understanding carbon cycling. We exposed an artificial solution of NaHCO3 and groundwater (potential source of surface water) and lake water samples to the atmosphere in a laboratory setting for 850 to 1000 hrs, until they attained chemical and isotopic equilibrium with atmospheric CO2(g). All samples were prepared in duplicate and one set was agitated to simulate mixing in surface waters. The DIC concentrations of the NaHCO3 samples increased with no C loss and the δ13CDIC was enriched to a steady state for the mixed sample. We modeled the increase in the DIC concentrations as evaporation and the increases in the δ13CDIC as equilibrium carbon isotopic exchange with atmospheric CO2(g). The DIC concentrations in the mixed groundwater samples initially decreased due to CO2(g) outgassing and the accompanying increases in δ13CDIC was modeled as kinetic isotopic fractionation. After the initial decrease, the DIC concentrations increased continuously while the δ13CDIC increased to a steady state. The increasing DIC concentrations was modeled as evaporation and the increasing δ13CDIC as equilibrium carbon isotopic exchange with atmospheric CO2(g). Overall, the unmixed samples showed similar temporal trends to the mixed samples, even though the samples did not achieve chemical and isotopic equilibrium with atmospheric CO2(g). Both the mixed and unmixed lake samples showed only small increases in temporal DIC concentrations and a slight initial decrease, followed by a small increase in the δ13CDIC during the experiment. The minor changes suggests that these samples were closer to chemical and carbon isotopic equilibrium with atmospheric CO2(g). Our models based on the DIC concentrations and δ13CDIC can be used to assess processes and their temporary trajectory during carbon cycling in surface waters with variable water residence times. 25-7 10:20 AM Robinson, Amanda 25-8 10:40 AM Vannier, Ryan [218117] EVALUATING RECENT TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL TRACE METAL ENRICHMENT USING INLAND LAKE SEDIMENTS VANNIER, Ryan, LONG, D., and ROBINSON, Amanda, Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] Environmental regulation has reduced the loadings of metals to the environment since the advent of the Clean Air and Water Acts in the 1970’s. Reducing emissions may have changed transport pathways since this legislation targeted major sources of metals which influenced the environment on a regional scale. Watershed-scale processes may now provide the significant contribution to metals loadings. Thus, our working hypothesis is that the reduction of major emission sources has allowed local influences and watershed features to affect metal transport pathways. If true then there should be differences in watershed attributes/influences (e.g., %urban, population density) changed the pathways of metals transport of these metals. In this study we examine Pb, Cu, Zn, and Ni because these metals 1) build from previous studies, 2) exhibit similar environmental behaviour but separate pathways, 3) represent various degrees of contaminant enrichment. To test this hypothesis, sediment accumulation rates of these metals at decadal intervals were compared to selected watershed attributes. Sediment cores were collected from the deepest portion of 35 inland lakes representing diverse land uses. Cores were sectioned; microwave digested, and analyzed using mass spectrometry. Sedimentation rates, ages and sediment focusing were determined via 210Pb/137Cs/stable Pb profile analysis. Similar to the previous work, the data show regional sources of the metals studied to subside upon introduction of environmental legislation in the 1970’s. However, watershed-scale sources provide a more significant portion contaminant loading in nearly all lakes studied, preventing lakes from reacquisition of reference condition values. When compared to landscape attributes, these patterns provide some insights into the causes for the continued contaminant loading. Population density and percent urban provide excellent predictors for recent metals loadings. Lead also showed excellent correlation with slope percent. Unexpectedly all metals showed a change in watershed attributes influencing accumulation rates between the two decades, even though some have not had a significant atmospheric transport pathway or contaminant loading. The reasons for this are subject to further study. 25-9 11:00 AM Conway, Maura C. [218734] DATING A SEDIMENT CORE USING SPHEROIDAL CARBONACEOUS PARTICLE CHRONOLOGY SUPPLEMENTED WITH TRACE METAL AND DIATOM COMMUNITY STRUCTURE ANALYSES CONWAY, Maura C.1, SCHROEDER, Lauren A.1, MCLEAN, Colleen E.2, and ARMSTRONG, Felicia P.2, (1) Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555, [email protected], (2) Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, 2120 Moser Hall, One University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555 Spheroidal carbonaceous particles (SCPs), a type of insoluble fly-ash, are produced from the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and are deposited in lake sediments. They are not damaging to the environment, but they are associated with detrimental agents such as heavy metals, sulfur, and organic pollutants. SCPs are not influenced by chemical and biological decomposition; therefore, they provide a baseline reference for ecosystem disturbance from atmospheric pollution deposition. We hypothesize that using SCPs will track anthropogenic inputs of atmospheric pollution; and that they can be used as a proxy for human influence as well as a primary dating tool since different SCP concentrations in lake sediments archive the local historical occurrence of industrial fossil fuel combustion. This allows for the opportunity of cores from reservoirs in regions with a history of steel mills (e.g. Northeast Ohio’s Mahoning Valley) to be dated primarily by a SCP chronology instead of costly alternatives, such as 137Cs and 210Pb dating methods. Developing a method to date cores using a SCP chronology is significant to the historical environment reconstruction process since it fills in data gaps by describing historical variables and their effects in the environment. To examine this hypothesis, a sediment core was taken from the depositional basin of Mosquito Creek Reservoir using a 5-cm diameter piston corer and was immediately sectioned at 1.12cm resolution on shore. Mosquito Creek Reservoir, which is located in Trumbull County and in part of the Mahoning Valley industrial region, was dammed in accordance with the Federal Flood Control Act in 1944 to alleviate floods on the Mahoning River. Even though Mosquito Creek Reservoir is relatively young, significant anthropogenic atmospheric inputs are able to be recorded. A chronology was constructed by comparing SCP concentrations to a local historical timeline of events involving industrial fossil fuel combustion, and it was supplemented with trace metal and diatom community structure analyses for validation. This study will lend a better understanding of using a SCP chronology to date cores while filling in data gaps for similar regions and reservoirs where steel mills were or are prevalent today. [218732] SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL TRENDS OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBON LOADINGS ACROSS THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ROBINSON, Amanda1, VANNIER, Ryan1, LONG, David T.1, VOICE, Thomas C.2, GIESY, John P.3, BRADLEY, P.W.4, and KANNAN, K.5, (1) Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], (2) Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, (3) Zoology, Michigan State University, 203 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, (4) Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, (5) Albany, NY 12201 Previous works on large lakes, i.e. for the upper Great Lakes region, indicate atmospheric deposition as the key pathway for PAH loading; greatly influenced by local source emissions, e.g. the Chicago-Gary industrial complex. The underlying hypothesis is that PAH loadings have been reduced with emission legislation, leading to the evolution of a more well-mixed atmospheric system with reflection of a more regional pattern of deposition. Sediments from several inland lakes through Michigan were analyzed temporally for PAHs and Pb-210, attaining inventories and accumulation rates. If the hypothesis is true, (1) during peak concentration of PAH loadings a decreasing industrious south to north spatial depositional gradient will be observed, (2) a consistent regional signature will be observed. Corrected PAH accumulation rates and inventories were used to assess aerial accumulation of the upper Great Lakes region and their subsequent watersheds. The corrected inventories and correlating dates of initial appearance of PAHs show a spatial depositional gradient. The later, suggests northern migration of PAH onset over the region, influenced by local atmospheres rather than a regional pattern. PAH accumulation rates, concentrations and peak historical date trends do not follow the regional pattern indicating local watershed influences. SESSION NO. 26, 8:00 AM Friday, 3 May 2013 T11. Working With Pre-Service Teachers—Issues and Ideas Fetzer Center, Room 2020 26-1 8:10 AM Mathai, Rani V. [218294] ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IN INDIA AND CONSERVATION EDUCATION AT JUDSON UNIVERSITY: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TWO ELEMENTARY EDUCATION CURRICULA MATHAI, Rani V., School of Education, Judson University, 1151 N. State Street, Elgin, IL 60123, [email protected] By the date of this conference, I should be back in the US after a Fulbright Fellowship term of six months at the Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU) in Delhi, India. IGNOU’s School of Education provides teacher training through Open and Distance Education (ODE) mode. My project was to help the School with the creation of online teaching materials using virtual teaching platforms such as the Blackboard, Moodle, etc, in Science Education, and to prepare resource manuals for K-12 Science education. I also organized and led several teaching workshops for schoolteachers in the best practices of curriculum planning. One such workshop has been designed specifically for the elementary school teachers in the teaching of Environmental Studies. Indian school curriculum blends sciences and social sciences for elementary students. Their teachers train accordingly, with their own curriculum designed to develop growing “environmental care and concern” in the student. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 57 SESSION NO. 26 At Judson University, in the Elementary Education Program has a required course in “Conservation Education”, which is essentially an Environmental Studies Curriculum. After a week-long intense, experiential learning in Environmental education, students prepare and teach a Social Studies unit in an elementary classroom. Here again, there is a Science-Social Sciences connection. I propose to do a comparative analysis of the IGNOU and Judson University curricula for Environmental Education for elementary training and thus provide fresh ideas for pre-service and in-service training for Earth/Environmental Science teaching and learning. 26-2 8:30 AM Honeycutt, Christina Ebey [218186] INTEGRATIVE LEARNING IN A CONTENT COURSE: DEVELOPING FUTURE TEACHER UNDERSTANDING OF CORE CONCEPTS AND SCIENCE PRACTICES HONEYCUTT, Christina Ebey, Earth and Environmental Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 W. Taylor, Chicago, IL, IL 60607, [email protected] and VARELAS, Maria, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1040 W. Harrison, Chicago, IL 60607 The recent publication “A Framework for K-12 Science Education” by the National Research Council (2012) emphasizes three critical dimensions that should guide teaching, learning, and assessment of science: science practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. To prepare teachers to meet the expectations outlined in this framework, UIC has developed a series of interdisciplinary science content courses. One of these courses, Physical Systems in Earth and Space Science (Physical Systems), integrates core concepts from both Earth and physical science (see Ebey-Honeycutt, 2012). Physical Systems places an emphasis on integrative learning by not only addressing connections between physics, astronomy, and Earth science, but also integrating practices and crosscutting concepts into the story of these sciences. Using the Physical Systems curriculum as a model, we discuss how science practices can be integrated into courses aimed at pre-service teachers. Examples of practices outlined in the K-12 Framework include: asking questions; developing and using models; analyzing and interpreting data; and constructing explanations. The final project of the course highlights this integration. Students are given the choice of seven science narratives. They are prompted to explore not only what the scientist discovered but also how the scientist used science practices to construct a hypothesis and gather supporting evidence. Students are required to submit both a report and a graphic novel. The students used their graphic novel to illustrate their narratives with relevant scientific plots, graphs, and maps. 26-3 8:50 AM Francek, Mark [218407] ENGAGING, EASY TO INCORPORATE DEMONSTRATIONS FOR THE EARTH SCIENCE CLASSROOM FRANCEK, Mark, Geography, Central Michigan University, Dow 285, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, [email protected] Pre-service teachers can acquire greater understanding of course material when traditional lectures and lesson plans are combined with interactive demonstrations. Demonstrations have the capacity to promote student interest, stimulate inquiry, and render abstract earth science concepts more concrete. The three steps in interactive demonstrations: prediction, experience, and reflection move the student beyond the role of passive observer, encouraging the student to challenge or confirm prior beliefs in light of the demonstration. The author will display a number of easy to incorporate demonstrations for weather, geology, astronomy, and hydrology. 26-4 9:10 AM Feig, Anthony D. [218157] MACGYVER WEEK AND OTHER NOVEL TASKS IN A METHODS CLASS FOR PRESERVICE EARTH SCIENCE TEACHERS FEIG, Anthony D. and COOPERRIDER, Leah, Department of Geography, Central Michigan University, CMU DOW 278, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, [email protected] Methods courses are typically the first (and all too often the last) opportunity for preservice teachers to integrate content knowledge with training in writing lesson plans and conducting presentations. Writing and running mock trials of lesson plans are important, but methods classes lend themselves to a variety of other experiential methods, especially in unplanned and/or spontaneous formats. Such activities can be cooperative, collaborative, or individualistic, and can hone skills and move students out of their comfort zones. Several tasks are described: during MacGyver Week, students are given a random assortment of materials scavenged from instructional laboratories, and they must devise relevant demonstrations of Earth/physical science processes. During the Microteach, students are assigned an Earth science topic and must focus on a fundamental scientific principle. The Nanoteach is similar in format, but more tightly focused and more kinesthetic. Students narrate uncaptioned Earth science graphics during Explain-the-Figure Day. To study the teaching of evolution, students read the Kitzmiller V. Dover legal decision and conduct an asynchronous, guided discussion. Some patterns emerge from the application of these tasks. Students are able to replicate compelling demonstrations during MacGyver Week, but are often at a loss to explain the fundamental scientific concept(s) behind the demos. Elementary education (ELE) students show greater skill and comfort than secondary (SEC) students in spontaneous activity, but generally lower levels of content knowledge. SEC students are more resistant to spontaneity and activities that allow for little planning time. All students express some degree of dissonance between the methods setting and a “real classroom.” This translates into some students not following up on their content gaps/delivery deficiencies. Regardless, tudents do engage in metacognitive reflection, thinking about a teacher’s workload by classifying themselves as either “planners” or “wingers.” 26-5 9:30 AM Cooperrider, Leah [218179] REFLECTIONS FROM AN UNDERGRADUATE PRESERVICE EARTH SCIENCE TEACHER COOPERRIDER, Leah1, FEIG, Anthony D.1, and FRANCEK, Mark2, (1) Department of Geography, Central Michigan University, CMU DOW 278, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, [email protected], (2) Geography, Central Michigan University, Dow 285, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 There are numerous misconceptions about many topics in the field of Earth science. These include seasonality, groundwater, the water cycle, ozone, the greenhouse effect, and cloud composition. Undergraduate preservice training in both science content and science methods courses often ignores misconceptions or only mentions them indirectly. Research shows that some preservice teachers maintain these misconceptions into their careers, perpetuating the cycle of erroneous knowledge. Preservice teachers who receive extensive training in theory and foundations are often at a loss when it comes to applying those theories, writing lessons and classroom management. 58 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Preservice field experience typically consists of observation, “midtier” and student teaching experiences. However, placements are often made unrelated to students’ majors. This creates internal dissonance for many students that may lead to their attrition. The following recommendations are made based on student experience. Students should actively participate in their learning by communicating what they want to learn and by seeking guidance and assistance from faculty. Students should also convey when they are struggling and express their thought processes about topics. Faculty in content courses should actively address misconceptions in their teaching. Faculty in methods courses must train preservice teachers in strategies for addressing misconceptions and reducing their persistence among young learners. Methods courses should also train students to address and respond to the religiosity of students and parents, especially in rural settings. One way to accomplish these goals is through an advanced methods course, or an apprenticeship/shadow experience with science faculty in a college classroom. 26-6 9:50 AM Ludwig, Matthew A. [218730] WE COULD ALL USE A LITTLE “CPR” TO RESUSCITATE OUR CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT LUDWIG, Matthew A., The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 3325 Wood Hall, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] This session will be a short workshop on implementing peer evaluation using the Calibrated Peer Review website. Calibrated Peer Review is an instructional website that allows instructors to assign, collect, and evaluate complex writing assignments. For each CPR cycle, students submit assignment text electronically, review calibrations of instructor produced work samples, and finally anonymously evaluate randomly assigned anonymized peer work samples. Although CPR was born in science courses, CPR is discipline and level independent. CPR has been successfully implemented by the author in secondary general and elementary science methods courses. CPR provides the ideal solution to reach at least three important goals. 1) Students are required to read and analyze their peers efforts. 2) Pre-service teachers are given an authentic opportunity to evaluate real student work. 3) A significant portion of the grading workload is meaningfully offloaded onto the students. The remainder of the talk will be a short tutorial of the CPR website. SESSION NO. 27, 8:00 AM Friday, 3 May 2013 T15. Paleontology as a Murder Mystery: How the Study of Predation and Taphonomy Reveals the Means, Motives & Opportunities of Ancient Perpetrators and Their Victims Fetzer Center, Room 2040 27-1 8:00 AM El-Sherif, Noran [218563] PALEOECOLOGY OF THE DECLINE OF STROMATOLITES IN THE ORDOVICIAN EL-SHERIF, Noran, 2209-6 Zink Rd, Fairbourn, OH 45234, [email protected] A stromatolite is a “laminated benthic microbial deposit.” Its uniqueness arises from surviving since 3.5 billion years ago, and never disappearing. Stromatolites recorded a peak time during the Mesoproterozoic (from 1600 to 1000 Ma), after which it witnessed abrupt rises and falls in abundance with the steepest decline in the Ordovician period (from 495 to 443 Ma), from which it never recovered from until the present day. A number of researchers have hypothesized the reasons behind the decline of stromatolites, but a consensus has not been reached yet. Thus the decline of stromatolites remains an enigma to be solved. Additionally, a literature gap exists regarding the reasons that specifically led to the Ordovician decline. Accordingly, the focus of this literature-based MSc. thesis is to find the reasons that led to the stromatolites decline in the Ordovician – through merging abiotic and biotic palaeoecological tools of that time – an approach that has not been implemented before in the study of stromatolites. 27-2 8:20 AM Dattilo, Benjamin [218788] FROM LAGERSTÄTTE TO LAG: PRELIMINARY BEDDING-SCALE TAPHONOMIC AND GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF PHOSPHATE DISTRIBUTION IN THE CINCINNATIAN DATTILO, Benjamin1, FREEMAN, Rebecca L.2, GERKE, Tammie L.3, BRETT, C.E.4, MCLAUGHLIN, Patrick I.5, SCHRAMM, Thomas J.6, MEYER, David L.7, MORSE, Aaron8, and MASON, Milam4, (1) Department of Geosciences, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499, [email protected], (2) Earth & Environmental Sciences Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, (3) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, (4) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 500 Geology/Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, (5) Bedrock Division, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 3817 Mineral Point Rd, Madison, WI 53705-5100, (6) Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, E235 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, (7) Dept of Geology, Univ of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, (8) Department of Geological Sciences, Ball State University, 2000 W. University Ave, Muncie, IN 47306 Phosphate particles in the Upper Ordovician (Cincinnatian) of the Cincinnati region are common, originate as <0.5 mm pore fillings in bioclasts, and are visibly concentrated in some grainstones. These grainstones developed as shells accumulated during periods of low sediment input, episodic winnowing, and obrution. This suggests that an organism initially buried alive would have been repeatedly reworked and mixed with freshly-buried organics as the shell bed evolved from lagerstätte to “lag”. Theoretically, the burial of organic material could have introduced phosphorus (P) into the sediment, with specific redox conditions for phosphate precipitation provided by decay-induced micro Eh gradients. This iterative burial-exhumation process may have enhanced phosphogenesis. We tested this hypothesis by examining samples from the Maysvillian Fairview and Corryville formations. The samples represented the gamut of the shell-bed “maturity” spectrum; 1) obrution deposits, 2) slightly-winnowed shelly packstones, and 3) comminuted-shell grainstones. The SESSION NO. 27 distribution of P and other elements was determined by scanning XRF analysis of polished slabs and by SEM/EDS analysis of polished thin sections. These analyses revealed interesting relationships between fossils and P. Live-buried fossils and calcareous concretions formed around such fossils are enriched in P compared to surrounding silt or mud. This P is associated with concentric rings of pyrite and/or Mn. Winnowed shell beds contain visibly recognizable grains with far higher P concentrations than those of articulated remains, yet some disarticulated columnals contain similarly high concentrations of P only in the stereom around the lumen. These observations suggest that obrution of macrofossils contributed and/or fixed P in the sediment, and that P was mobile after deposition. The concordance between P and pyrite or Mn confirms that Eh gradients influenced precipitation. The fact that visibly-high concentrations of P are limited to disarticulated remains may signify that phosphogenesis progresses over cycles of winnowing, but the similarly high concentration of P in the lumen regions of some disarticulated columnals hints that the process was initiated in the earliest stages of decay when organic-rich lumenal tissues were still present. 27-3 8:40 AM Babcock, Loren E. [218789] CARNIVOROUS TRILOBITES: MORPHOLOGIC, ICHNOLOGIC, AND TAPHONOMIC EVIDENCE BABCOCK, Loren E., School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, 275 Mendenhall Laboratory, 125 S. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210, [email protected] and BRANDT, Danita S., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 Mounting evidence from polymerid trilobites and their trace fossils suggests that many, and perhaps the majority, of taxa were active predators or scavengers. Morphologic evidence from the exoskeleton includes attachment mechanisms allowing active movement of the hypostome, and in some, hypostome morphology (e.g., forked serrated blades capable of slicing prey). Spiny appendages may have assisted in restraining prey. Numerous Rusophycus-Planolites trace fossil associations representing the interactions of trilobites and ‘worms’ provide clear documentation of trilobite attack strategy and prey manipulation. A large variety of Rusophycus predation traces are now known. The trilobites’ incursions into the sediment for purposes of feeding are remarkably precise, suggesting that chemosensory skills may have played a large role in locating prey that was concealed within sediment. Fossilized alimentary tracts, preserved through early diagenetic mineralization, provide another source of information about trilobite ‘paleogastronomy,’ the dietary habits of trilobites. Numerous trilobites are now known to preserve digestive tracts, and nearly all have mineralized (not sediment-filled or sclerite-filled) guts. This implies that the guts were fluid-filled at the time of death and burial, a condition common in extant carnivorous arachnomorph arthropods. 27-4 9:00 AM Brandt, Danita S. [218616] ICHNOLOGIC EVIDENCE FOR PREDATORY TRILOBITES: HOW LITERALLY CAN WE READ THE RECORD? BRANDT, Danita S., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] Superimposition of trilobite trace fossils (Rusophycus) with “worm” burrows (e.g, Paleophycus) is used to support interpretations of trilobite predatory behavior. However, the stratigraphic range of these “trilobite hunting burrows” is not entirely coincident with the stratigraphic range of trilobite taxa presumed to have been predatory, based on the morphological criterion of having had spinose gnathobases. Trilobites with spinose gnathobases reportedly range from the Cambrian through the Permian; Rusophycus is also known over the same range. Trilobite/worm burrow associations are relatively rare. Specimens interpreted as showing this predator/prey interaction have been described from four different stratigraphic localities ranging from the Cambrian to the Silurian. If trilobites with spinose gnathobases were predatory, why are there no trilobite hunting burrows from post-Silurian strata? If the correlation of possession of spinose gnathobases with a predatory habit is causal, then a literal reading of the fossil record of trilobite hunting burrows suggests that our characterization of post-Silurian trilobite limbs is incomplete, and that, after the Silurian, trilobites did not occupy the predator niche. The elimination of this trophic option would have reflected the reduction of trilobite diversity through the Mid-to-Late Paleozoic. 27-5 9:20 AM Peteya, Jennifer A. [218506] DIETARY PREFERENCES OF THE CAMBRIAN TRILOBITE ELRATHIA KINGII: INFERENCES FROM FOSSILIZED DIGESTIVE TRACTS PETEYA, Jennifer A. and BABCOCK, Loren E., School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, 275 Mendenhall Laboratory, 125 S. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210, peteya.2@ osu.edu Specimens of the common trilobite Elrathia kingii from the Wheeler Formation (Cambrian Series 3) of western Utah were studied for their digestive tract contents using standard microscopic, computed tomographic (CT) imaging, and microtomographic (micro-CT) imaging techniques. Specimens showing fossilized alimentary tracts are complete dorsal exoskeletons retaining the librigenae, preserved in cone-in-cone calcite concretions. Examined specimens have collapsed glabellas that approximate the margins of the stomach cavity. Remains of the digestive system are outlined by a thin crust of pyrite, perhaps reflecting early mineralization of a biofilm associated with decay early in the taphonomic process. Similar pyritic crusts have been observed on the hypostome and near the exoskeletal margin. A circular stomach is located in the anterior part of the glabella, and it is followed by a thin, slightly tapering tube that extends the length of the axis. Neither sediment fill nor macerated sclerites have been found in the gut of E. kingii, which tends to rule out the possibility that this trilobite was either a sediment deposit-feeder or a scleriteingesting durophagous carnivore. Instead, the presence of an open, pyrite-lined gut suggests a fluid-filled alimentary tract at the time of death, and implies a carnivorous feeding strategy involving separation of the skeletal parts of prey prior to ingestion. 27-6 9:40 AM Devera, Joseph [218330] DEATH BY COMMON HOUSEHOLD TOOLS: MECHANICAL ANALOGY AND THE FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE HYPOSTOME IN GENUS ISOTELUS (DEKAY) EVIDENCE FROM ISOTELUS IOWENSIS (OWEN) DEVERA, Joseph, Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, 5776 Coal Drive, Suite 121, Carterville, IL 62918, [email protected] The forked morphology of the hypostome in the Genus Isotelus (DeKay) is analogous to the common straight claw hammer. The claw portion of the hammer is strikingly similar in form and function to that of the isotelid hypostome. Cross-sections of both isotelid hypostome and claw hammer reveal a flat to slightly curved ventral surface and a beveled, dorsal surface on the inner side of each tine. The notch of the fork in the hypostome narrows toward the anterior end of the structure, identical to a claw hammer. This morphology implies a prying function for the isotelid hypostome. The forked morphology together with the partially arched, enrollment habit observed in Isotelus iowensis(Owen) fossils, suggests a dual prying/digging habit for feeding purposes. All isotelid cephalons are convex, spade-like and were well adapted for digging in soft, lime-mud environments where they are typically preserved. This idea supports the predatory habits for asaphid trilobites proposed by Forety and Owens. Isotelid species including I. maximus, I. gigas, I. rex and I. iowensis all attain a relatively large size compared to other trilobites. This relates to food intake that had high nutritional value. A number of specimens of I. iowensis have been found in association with Chondrites isp. burrows. In the Maquoketa Shale, a distal tempestite bed containing anoxic mud (now pyritic shale) yields trilobites “frozen” in time. They appear to have been feeding at the level of an abundance of Chondrites isp.burrows. The forked shape of the isotelid hypostome was an adaptation for infaunal polychete worm extraction. The flattened shovel-like cephalon was well adapted for digging into soft sediment. The morphological fits between common household tools i.e. claw hammer and spade and the hypostome and cephalon in the Genus Isotelus is remarkable. This strategy made the isotelids highly successful as predators on and in muddy infaunal environments. 27-7 10:20 AM Drumheller, Stephanie K. [218637] NO ANIMAL WAS SAFE IN THE TRIASSIC: MULTIPLE PREDATION ATTEMPTS ON A LARGE (5-6 METER) CARNIVOROUS “RAUISUCHIAN” FROM THE LATE TRIASSIC OF NEW MEXICO DRUMHELLER, Stephanie K., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The University of Tennessee, 306 EPS Building, 1412 Circle Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996, [email protected], STOCKER, Michelle R., Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-0254, and NESBITT, Sterling, Department of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL 60605 Hypotheses of past diets and feeding behaviors are informed by important, but rare, direct evidence of trophic interactions in the fossil record (e.g. bite marks). We present evidence of three independent predation events on a single femur from a large loricatan (=”rauisuchian”) from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation (~210 MYA). The predation events consist of 1) at least one failed predation attempt by a large phytosaur; 2) a feeding event by a large predator at or soon after death; and 3) a second possible feeding event peri- or postmortem. Evidence of the first attack is in the form of partially healed punctures and a large embedded tooth crown (>5 cm in length based on CT data) in the proximolateral portion of the femur. We identify the tooth as phytosaurian based on a rounded cross section and a straight long axis. Reaction tissue in the punctures and surrounding the tooth indicates that the loricatan survived those injuries. The second event is represented by a group of bite marks on opposing sides of the femur; all are roughly 8 by 5 mm in size and fusiform, indicating that the trace maker’s teeth were laterally compressed and had carinae that possibly were serrated. The spacing and morphology of these marks indicates that the actor was a large predator, but the taxonomic identification is unclear. These bite marks exhibit obvious impact trauma with no reaction tissue, indicating that the attack occurred at or near time-of-death. The third event consists of scores present near midshaft that are oriented roughly perpendicular to the long axis of the femur. No reaction tissue is present, which suggests that this event also occurred at or after time-of-death. This specimen provides a rare opportunity to interpret ancient feeding and predation by multiple actors on a single prey animal over a period of the life and death history of that individual. Our analysis of this specimen indicates 1) loricatans had the potential to survive major predation attacks and 2) seemingly top predators clearly were targeted by other members of the fauna. Though the Late Triassic loricatans often are interpreted as top terrestrial predators in part because of their large size (most loricatans are ~3-6 m total length), the attacks recorded by this specimen demonstrate that size alone should not be the sole factor in determining trophic status. 27-8 10:40 AM Peterson, Joseph E. [218101] FLUVIAL TRANSPORT POTENTIAL OF ARCHOSAUR TEETH: A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION IN SHED TOOTH TAPHONOMY PETERSON, Joseph E. and COENEN, Jason, Department of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Harrington Hall 211, Oshkosh, WI 54901, [email protected] The rate of tooth replacement in dinosaurs has been well-studied as a part of paleobiology. The tooth replacement rates for sauropods have been determined to be very rapid, replacing teeth in as little as 30 days. Theropods have a considerably lower replacement rate, replacing teeth over a nine-month span. In the Late Jurassic Morrison formation the shed teeth of large theropods such as Allosaurus are more abundant than the shed teeth of sauropods. However, this is at odds with the relatively higher abundance of sauropod skeletal remains. While this disparity may be due to ecological or behavioral influences, such as predator/prey ratios or migratory strategies, taphonomic processes, such as fluvial transport potential, may also be influential. To investigate taphonomic influences on shed tooth abundances, an experiment was designed to test the fluvial transport potential of shed theropod and sauropod teeth. Teeth of Alligator mississipiensis were utilized to model dinosaur teeth; shed crowns of A. mississippiensis represented conicalshaped theropod teeth, and full teeth were used to model peg-shaped teeth of diplodocids. Teeth were placed in a recirculating flume parallel to flow and measured for entrainment velocity and relative transport distance prior to burial. Preliminary results show a significant difference in the entrainment velocities of shed theropod and diplodocid teeth. Sauropod teeth exhibit greater relative transport distances with increases in flow velocity, while theropod teeth show variable relative transport distances and entrainment velocities; theropod teeth are transported farthest at a relatively low velocity (14.2 cm/sec). Based on these preliminary data, distinct differences are expected in the preservation conditions and abundances of shed teeth; sauropod teeth are expected to be more abundant in the fossil record, and perhaps found as lag clusters while theropod teeth are expected to be in lower relative abundance and exhibit abrasion and fracturing due to prolonged transport. Further investigations are planned to expand flume experiments with resin casts of larger teeth of Allosaurus, Diplodocus, and Camarasaurus to more accurately model tooth shape. 27-9 11:00 AM Noto, Christopher [218496] PREDATORY BEHAVIOR OF A GIANT CROCODYLIFORM FROM THE WOODBINE FORMATION (CENOMANIAN) OF TEXAS NOTO, Christopher, Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, 900 Wood Rd, PO Box 2000, Kenosha, WI 53141, [email protected], MAIN, Derek J., Earth and Environmental Science, University of Texas at Arlington, Box 19049, 500 Yates St, Arlington, TX 76019, DRUMHELLER, Stephanie K., Department of Geoscience, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, and KING, Lorin, Dept. of Science, Math and Physical Education, Western Nebraska Community College, 1601 E. 27th Street, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 There is little direct evidence of feeding behavior in Mesozoic crocodyliforms. Here we report the remains of a possible crocodyliform feeding ground from the Cretaceous of Texas. The fossil 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 59 SESSION NO. 27 locality, known as the Arlington Archosaur Site (AAS), occurs in exposures of the Woodbine Formation in Tarrant County. The AAS preserves components of a coastal delta-plain ecosystem, including dinosaurs, crocodyliforms, turtles, and lungfish. Feeding traces consist of pits, scores, and a puncture that occur on multiple turtle shell fragments and two dinosaur limb bones. These traces are attributed to a crocodyliform based on diagnostic bite marks and comparisons to the morphology of the AAS crocodyliform. Marks on shells suggest an inertial feeding strategy followed by crushing. Dinosaur bones come from juvenile individuals and the marks are consistent with traces produced during disarticulation of prey by living crocodylians. The feeding ecology implied by these traces is similar to that of modern generalist crocodylians inhabiting similar environments. Considering the number of diagnosable crocodyliform feeding traces, numerous shed crocodyliform teeth, and the comparative absence of feeding traces from other predators, the AAS crocodyliform is interpreted as the apex predator. In association with the vertebrate fossils, 150 coprolites were recovered, demonstrating cylindrical, spiral, and scroll morphologies. The cylindrical coprolites are interpreted as crocodyliform intestinal tract material while scroll morphologies are assigned to general reptilian and possible crocodyliform. The coprolites are not deformed, and retain their original shape. This is indicative of rapid burial in a low energy environment soon after defecation. In modern coastal plains, crocodylians live and feed together in regions referred to as feeding grounds. The coprolites, turtle shells, teeth, and archosaur remains were mapped within a single horizon, and were disarticulated. Their association is interpreted as evidence of a crocodyliform feeding ground. Crocodyliforms therefore are not only important predators in ecosystems but also played an important taphonomic role in the assembly of vertebrate remains from the surrounding community through the formation of feeding grounds. 27-10 11:20 AM Koy, Karen A. [218344] TAPHONOMY OF VERTEBRATES IN A TEMPERATE FOREST SETTING: A TIMETRANSGRESSIVE SEQUENCE KOY, Karen A. and HELWIG, Zane, Biology, Missouri Western State University, 4525 Downs Drive, Saint Joseph, MO 64507, [email protected] For the last four years, a juvenile pig carcass was placed near a prairie/forest boundary were placed within a forest-prairie border environment. In the summer of 2012 the four carcasses were recovered for examination. The skeletal remains were collected, cleaned and reconstructed in the lab. Missing and damaged bones were recorded and photographed. The major bone elements (skull, mandible, and long bones) were evaluated for taphonomic grade, using the Behrensmeyer evaluation criteria. The time-transgressive series showed the sequence of bone decay within a temperate forest setting. Bone decomposition for the two carcasses exposed the longest reached beyond Stage 5, with full destruction. The two least exposed carcasses did not advance beyond stage 3. The highest level of damage occurred in the head and scapula. These carcasses experienced faster bone weathering in a temperate setting compared to the setting in Amboseli National Forest, where the decay scale was originally developed. SESSION NO. 28, 8:00 AM Friday, 3 May 2013 T17. Special Poster Session on Undergraduate Research (Posters) Schneider Hall, Courtyard 28-1 BTH 1 Osman, Matthew [218434] δ18O AND δD FRACTIONATION TRENDS IN SURFACE SNOW ACROSS THE MATTHESLLEWELLYN DIVIDE, JUNEAU ICEFIELD, ALASKA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA OSMAN, Matthew, Geology Department, Augustana College, 639 38th St, Rock Island, IL 61201, [email protected] and MARKLE, Bradley, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, 4000 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98195 A lack of understanding of parameters that govern stable isotope fractionation in precipitation in regions of particularly complex meteorological conditions and high relief has long presented problems for paleoclimate and hydrologic studies. With a goal of obtaining high resolution data of local orographic effects on isotopic variation in precipitation, 123 surface snow samples were taken at 0.5 to 1 km increments along a 35 km transect spanning the Matthes and Llewellyn glaciers in southeast Alaska and British Columbia. These samples were obtained during late July to early August 2012 at elevations ranging from ~1260 m to 1870 m and were analyzed for δ18O and δD onsite using an LGR Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer. δ18O and δD were found to decrease with elevation, as expected. Isotopic plots show a strong correlation and are similar to the theoretical global meteoric water line, displaying a linear trend of y = 7.86x – 19.48 and r2 = 0.898. In hopes of determining the dominant types of localized weather systems causing these fractionation trends, results are compared alongside open-system Rayleigh fractionation models, NOAA back trajectory air-mass simulations, and nearby-recorded meteorological data. We attempt to place these weather systems into synoptic-scale meteorological contexts as a proxy for delineating orographic fractionation parameters on the Juneau Icefield. 28-2 BTH 2 Smith, Matthew D. [218611] TRACE ELEMENT CONCENTRATIONS IN SPELEOTHEMS FROM RIVER BLUFF CAVE, GREENE COUNTY, MISSOURI: PRELIMINARY RESULTS SMITH, Matthew D.1, JOHNSON, Aaron W.1, DORALE, Jeffrey2, and MOTTALEB, M. Abdul3, (1) Natural Sciences, Northwest Missouri State University, 800 University Drive, Maryville, MO 64468, [email protected], (2) Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, 121 Trowbridge Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1379, (3) Natural Sciences, 800 University Drive, Maryville, MO 64468 River Bluff Cave in Greene County, Missouri contains numerous speleothems that have not been touched by humans. Speleothem ages range from 1.8 million years ago to the present, making it an ideal location in which to investigate recent climate variation. Speleothem samples were collected from two locations in the cave. Powdered carbonate samples were collected by dental drill from growth zoning visible in the cross section of the speleothems. Sample masses ranging from 11 to 27 mg were dissolved in aqua-regia and analyzed for Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sr, and Zn, using ICP-OES. Total metal concentrations were adjusted for dilution during dissolution and are reported here as micrograms metal per gram of sample (ppm). Trace metal concentrations varied widely. Barium, copper, and zinc were not found to occur at concentrations above the detection limit. Lead occurred only intermittently, ranging from 0 to 60 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 44.1 ppm. Other metals present include (in ppm): cobalt (0.3-113); iron (6.56-80.7); magnesium (93.5-151.5); manganese (0.17-1.99); and strontium (9.3-24.0). Studies indicate that variations in magnesium, iron, and strontium concentrations may be used to infer relative changes in the volume of water moving through the cave system. Since most cave water is meteoric in origin, these variations may indicate wetting or drying climates. The relationship to concentration is inverse for magnesium and strontium and direct for iron. Samples from River Bluff cave show an increase in Sr and corresponding decrease in Fe, indicating drying over the time period during which speleothem growth occurred. Mg concentrations do not exhibit a similar trend, likely due to thermal variation which changes the mg-calcite partitioning coefficient. In addition, samples exhibited spikes in Pb and Co concentrations. These spikes may be the result of high flows which tend to enrich metals that commonly are associated with colloids. Both Pb and Co may be adsorbed to the surfaces of clays or as amorphous metal oxides that can be mobilized during high water flow events. These data hint at an overall climate drying event punctuated by periods of increased moisture. The next step will be to link these data to geologic ages and to stable isotope compositions in an effort to account for the impact of temperature change on speloethem chemistry over time. 28-3 BTH 3 Kuhn, Ryan M. [218515] TRACE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION IN PRECIPITATES FORMED AT VARIOUS PH VALUES: GREEN VALLEY COAL MINE, INDIANA KUHN, Ryan M., SEANEY, Derek L., BRAKE, Sandra S., BURCH, Kyle R., and LATIMER, Jennifer C., Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, [email protected] This study evaluates the distribution of trace elements in precipitates formed from acid mine drainage (AMD) adjusted to various pH levels. AMD was collected from the Green Valley abandoned coal mine site in western Indiana from three locations (upper, mid-, and lower sections) in a constructed channel lined with carbonate rip-rap. Effluent pH at the sampling sites was 3.8, 3.5, and 3.4, respectively. The AMD was transported on ice to the laboratory and initially treated with hydrogen peroxide to oxidize ferrous Fe to ferric Fe. Sodium hydroxide was then titrated into the AMD solutions from each site to incrementally increase pH to induce precipitation. Samples were centrifuged to separate precipitates and aggregated into 1 pH increments. Dried, powered precipitate samples were analyzed using a hand-held X-ray florescence (XRF) analyzer. Elements detected above the analytical detection limit in order of abundance were S>Fe>Al>C a>Mg>Mn>Si>Cl>Zn>K>Cr>Ba>Cu>W>Ti>V>Te>Cs>Co>Sc>Nb>Sn>Bi>Sr>Ni>Cd>Mo>Sb> Zr>Rb>Pb>U. Data indicate that S, Al, Ca, Si, Cl, K, Cr, Cu, Ti, V, Sr, and Rb were detected in precipitates that formed over the entire tested pH range from 3 to 12. Iron, Ba, Te, Cs, Sn, Bi, and Sb showed peak co-precipitation/adsorption in precipitates forming at pH<4. Scandium, Nb, Cd, Mo, Zr, and Pb appeared in precipitates forming between pH 5 to 12, with higher concentrations occurring in precipitates forming at higher pH levels; whereas, Mn and Zn formed in precipitates over the same pH range but showed peak concentration at pH 8. Cobalt and Ni were detected in precipitates formed at pH 8; whereas, Mg and W were detected in precipitates forming at pH 12. Uranium was restricted to precipitates forming between pH 4 to 8. Analysis of these precipitates by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy for comparison with the XRF data is pending. 28-4 BTH 4 Nichols, Cody A. [218624] MINERALOGICAL COMPARISON OF METAMORPHOSED ROCKS FROM THE BALLANTRAE OPHIOLITE AND THE SLISHWOOD GAP SERPENTINITE, UK AND IRELAND NICHOLS, Cody A. and ROHS, C. Renee, Natural Sciences, Northwest Missouri State University, 800 University Dr, Maryville, MO 64468, [email protected] In the area of Scotland and Ireland we visited two sites with the intention, through the research of the minerals and textures found in each, to determine potential origins and whether those locations could share a common genesis prior to their metamorphism. In Ireland, the Slishwood Gap Serpentinite (SGS) is estimated at an age of 900 million years and is likely to be ultramafic in origin. The Ballantrae Ophiolite (BO), found in Scotland, is interpreted to have been accreted from an island arc and estimated to be 470-490 million years in age. During the spring 2012, samples were collected at both sites. Multiple samples were prepared for thin section analyses and X-Ray Diffraction. To prepare the samples for XRD, they were crushed and sieved to a size <63µm before analyzing with a Rigaku Miniflex ranging in 2θ from 5° to 70°. Analyses of thin sections from the SGS revealed antigorite as the most prevalent serpentine mineral in these samples, making up more than half of the mineral base (approx. 70%). A smaller but also noticeable presence of opaque minerals, mostly magnetite (5-10%), was observed. Other minerals frequently occurring included lizardite and crysotile, additional polymorphs of serpentine, as well as dolomite. There were a few larger pyroxene crystals found in some of the samples. Interpretation of diffraction patterns revealed the presence of serpentine polymorphs, antigorite, lizardite, and crysotile as well as dolomite. In contrast, thin sections of the BO revealed minerals including quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and K-feldspar. The textures were congruent with metasedimentary rocks as well as siltstone and greywacke textures. The preservation of sedimentary structures is consistent with low grade metamorphism along with some evidence of foliation. XRD shows the presence of quartz, albite, calcite, and clinochlore. Another sample taken from the BO is a conglomerate. It contains mostly well rounded pebbles of different lithologies. Rocks from the BO likely originated from a marine, sedimentary environment associated with an accretionary terrain. Based on the minerals found in each it can be said with reasonable certainty that they originated from very distinctly different parent rocks. The metamorphism that altered these rocks, while low grade in each, resulted in very different minerals and textures. 28-5 BTH 5 Jilek, Ellen [218646] NUMERICAL MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS OF LAVA FLOW COOLING JILEK, Ellen, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, 120 Upham Hall, 800 Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190, [email protected], BESSLER, Stephanie A., Physics, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, 151 Upham Hall, 800 Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190, EICHSTEDT-ANDERSON, Ethan M., Arts and Design/ Metals, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Whitewater, WI 53190, ARRIOLA, Leon M., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Whitewater, WI 53190, and BHATTACHARYYA, Prajukti, Geography and Geology, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, 120 Upham Hall, 800 Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190 Lava flows are both destructive and beautiful. It can move upwards of 60 miles per hour, and destroy anything and everything in its path. The 2002 eruption of the Nyiragongo Volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo is an example of the destructive potential of lava flows. The ultimate goal of our project is to determine possible ways to minimize the damage caused by lava flows by either stopping, or at minimum creating a barrier to divert them. In order to achieve our goal, we are using numerical modeling, as well as physical experimentations using a furnace for melting basaltic rocks to study how the physical properties of basaltic lava might be controlled by its cooling rates. We are studying different ways of cooling SESSION NO. 28 the leading edges of an artificial lava flow poured out from a furnace to create a solid barrier to contain and ultimately stop the flow. For our numerical modeling, we are using a modified Navier-Stokes equation to account for the non-uniform temperature profile throughout the lava flow, in combination with a simplified heat flow equation to determine how the physical properties of the flowing lava might be affected by varying the cooling rates. Those equations, however, use simplified assumptions such as radial flow of lava, uniform cooling rate, uniform flow rate, etc., which may not always hold true for reallife lava flows. We are testing those assumptions by changing the boundary conditions of our physical experiments, such as changing slope of the lava flow, using water or ice to induce nonuniform cooling rates, etc. We are also exploring how liquid rocks can be used as a medium for art. Despite the obvious beauty of natural lava flows, there are very few artists, notably the artists associated with the Syracuse University Lava Project, who are working with lava as a medium for sculpture. We are exploring the potential use of the molten rocks as an artistic material by letting molten rocks flow over other shaped materials. Our presentation will focus on the preliminary results of our numerical and physical models, and discuss potential ways to address lava flow hazards. We will also present lava in a new light as a sculptural medium to broaden the aesthetic vision of this powerful force. 28-6 BTH 6 Birren, Thomas H. [218109] GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE NICKEL LAKE MACRODIKE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CU-NI SULFIDE EXPLORATION BIRREN, Thomas H., Carleton College, 300 N. College St, Northfield, MN 55057, birrent@ carleton.edu, HAILEAB, Bereket, Geology, Carleton College, One North College Street, Northfield, MN 55057, and GIBBONS, Jack, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 1.1 billion years ago, the Nickel Lake Macrodike(NLM) intruded various Archean and Paleoproterozoic country rock units in association with failed Midcontinent Rift magmatism. The NLM is a member of the Layered Series of the Duluth Complex and was the conduit to the sulfidebearing South Kawishiwi Intrusion (SKI). The SKI and other related intrusions are currently the focus of fevered exploration and as the feeder dike to the SKI, the NLM is an area of important study. The NLM intruded in three main phases: a heterogeneous and locally sulfide-bearing troctolite phase, an oxide-gabbro phase, and a layered troctolite phase. The dike is roughly 1 km wide and extends northeast to southwest for 6 km through swamp and dense forest straddling the border of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota. Crustal contamination is the major source of sulfur in the sulfide deposits of the various intrusive suites in the Duluth Complex. The Paleoproterozoic Biwabik Iron Formation and the Virginia Formation (1.8 Ga) are incorporated as the main sources of sulfur. The goal of this study is to conceive a plausible model of country rock incorporation. Do trace element (specifically REE) values differ significantly between the three main phases of the Nickel Lake Macrodike? Assuming the parental magmas had the same initial values (North Shore Volcanic Group) can country rock incorporation be qualified? What are the consequences of these findings in aiding exploration for magmatic Ni-Cu ore deposits? Rock chemistry, particularly trace elements, indicates that the NLM became increasingly more evolved with each phase of intrusion. The heterogeneous troctolite exhibits greater crustal contamination than the earlier phases. Because this is the sulfide-bearing phase of the NLM, this indicates that REE analysis may be an effective tool in aiding exploration. 28-7 BTH 7 Targos, Courtney [218723] GEOCHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY OF THE UBEHEBE VOLCANIC FIELD, DEATH VALLEY TARGOS, Courtney1, HUYSKEN, Kristin T.2, and KNIPE, Dawn2, (1) Department of Geosciences, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Marram Hall, Room 243, Gary, IN 46408, [email protected], (2) Department of Geosciences, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Gary, IN 46408-1197 The Ubehebe Volcanic Field is located in northern Death Valley occupying an area of about 3 km2. The area contains at least twelve recognizable volcanic craters that formed through phreatomagmatic eruptions, some of which dissect previously formed cinder and spatter cones. Eruption of the youngest, largest crater (Ubehebe; 700-800 m wide, 235 m deep) blanketed the crater rim and surrounding area (15 km2) with at least 50 layers of basaltic scoria and ash. Recent research has put the timing of the eruptions between 0.8 and 5.1ka and relates them to the local groundwater table. However, while they have been classified as basalts, there has been very little work focused on the geochemical variation of the rocks that make up the volcanic field. Samples were collected from three craters in the southern cluster. Among our findings are mineralogical and textural differences from crater to crater, including disequilibrium features in orthopyroxene phenocrysts and quartz xenocrysts. Major and trace element analysis of 22 basalt samples is currently underway to determine the complete compositional range, and whether compositional differences exist among these three craters with the goal of understanding the nature of the magma and the geologic processes that operated when this volcanic field was produced. 28-8 BTH 8 Henderlong, Peter J. [218554] COMPARING THE CHEMISTRY OF THE ELZEVIR BATHOLITH TO THE WESLEMKOON AND NORTHBROOK BATHOLITHS, ONTARIO, CANADA HENDERLONG, Peter J., Dept. of Geosciences, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 W. Broadway, Gary, IN 46408, [email protected] and HUYSKEN, Kristin T., Department of Geosciences, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Gary, IN 46408-1197 The Elzevir Batholith is located about 200 km northeast of Toronto, ON, Canada. It is part of a suite of tonalitic batholiths that intruded approximately 1270 Ma as part of a magmatic arc. Similar ages and major element compositions have led studies to suggest that these batholiths may be petrogenetically related. The purpose of this study is to compare new data from the Elzevir to already published data from earlier works and to compare the composition of the Elzevir to the nearby tonalitic batholiths in the suite. Eleven samples were analyzed to find major oxide and 11 trace element concentrations using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Our major oxides lie on the same chemical trend as the published data, but have a narrower range (67.50 - 71.45 wt.% SiO2 compared with 64.76 - 75.70 wt.% SiO2 for published values). The Elzevir samples show the greatest similarity to the Weslemkoon batholith located directly north. When comparing the Elzevir and Weslemkoon Batholiths, the major oxides show chemical similarities. However, elements Zr, Zn and Ti present differences between the two batholiths. Our Elzevir samples occupy a compositional gap that exists in the Weslemkoon. Most of the published data matches a lower Zr compositional trend also found in the Weslemkoon samples. The Elzevir and Northbrook Batholiths have chemical similarities with respect to major oxides. However, Elzevir data have lower Sr concentrations relative to the Northbrook. Rb/Sr ratios also show a distinct division between the batholiths. Elzevir samples are currently being analyzed for 29 trace elements using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). These analyses will help further distinguish between the Elzevir and surrounding batholiths. The Weslemkoon and Northbrook batholiths can be distinguished from one another based on trace elements Sm, Y, Nb and Th. We anticipate our results will allow us to determine how the Elzevir compares. 28-9 BTH 9 Conner, Jeremy [218778] AMS AND IMAGE ANALYSIS DATA AT MULTIPLE SCALES SUPPORT A MULTIPLE SHEET EMPLACEMENT MODEL FOR THE MAIDEN CREEK SILL, HENRY MOUNTAINS, UTAH CONNER, Jeremy, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Central Michigan University, 314 Brooks Hall, Mount Pleasant, MI 48858, [email protected], MORGAN, Sven, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Central Michigan University, 314 Brooks Hall, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, STUDENT, James J., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Central Michigan Univ, 314 Brooks Hall, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, and HORSMAN, Eric, Dept. of Geological Sciences, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and image analysis data have been used to investigate possible contacts across magma sheets in the Maiden Creek Sill (MCS) from the Henry Mountains, Utah, USA. Thirty-one cores were drilled along an 8 m vertical traverse on the margin of the sill. The MCS is composed of at least two sheets which are locally divided by a thin sliver of sandstone. The AMS data illustrate there is an abrupt 10x change in magnetic susceptibility (K) across the sheet-on-sheet contact where the sandstone sliver is absent. This contact is also defined by a 1-2 cm thick solid-state shear zone. There are also several “drop offs” (~10x) in K possibly indicating several different sheets, or contacts at lower levels. The magnetic foliation changes from subvertical to subhorizontal at the sheet-on-sheet contact. To further investigate the Shape Preferred Orientation (SPO) of the minerals, and to determine the controls on the magnetic foliation, image analysis was done using the Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) and Intercepts method. We used the 3rd contour of the ACF image, which correlated with the finer grains, to calculate the SPO and we used cm-scale images to determine the SPO using intercepts. These SPO’s conflict with the AMS foliation data although we are continuing to collect more SPO data at different scales to determine which grain size carries the AMS foliation. The AMS foliation data are consistent with multiple sheets being emplaced and possibly reflects a bull-dozer track-like emplacement model. Further research on the AMS and image analysis is being conducted to test emplacement models. 28-10 BTH 10 Elson, Joshua D. [218746] EDMAP-SUPPORTED GEOLOGIC MAPPING OF THE JANE QUADRANGLE, MCDONALD COUNTY, MISSOURI ELSON, Joshua D., CAUTHON, Matthew J., and EVANS, Kevin R., Geography, Geology, Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897, jde419@ live.missouristate.edu The Jane quadrangle is located in south-central McDonald Co., Missouri, in the southwest corner of the Springfield Plateau. This project updates an earlier, incomplete geologic map published in 1959. Our map is based on more than 800 data points collected using a handheld GPS aided with the use of a stratigraphic column measured along US Hwy 71. The resulting geologic map provides new insights to the structure and stratigraphy of the area. The Lower Ordovician Cotter Dolomite is the lowest unit exposed in the area; only the uppermost 20m is exposed in the Jane quadrangle. A disconformity separates the Cotter from the overlying Upper Devonian Chattanooga shale which is approximately 15m thick. A disconformity separates the Chattanooga from the overlying Mississippian complex which forms the caprock for much of the Springfield Plateau. The first succession within the Mississippian is the Kinderhookian shelf sequence consisting of 12 cm of the Bachelor Formation, 2.5-7.5m of the Compton Formation, and 1-3m of the Northview Formation. The upper succession is the Osagean shelf sequence which is gradational and consists of 4-14m of the Pierson Formation, 22m of the Reeds Spring Formation, 50m of the Elsey Formation, and 3-10m of the Burlington-Keokuk limestone. Several faults were mapped in the area including two major faults: the Brush Creek Fault trends east-west across the quadrangle with the up-thrown side to the south displacing approximately 10-15m of strata, and the Pineville Fault trends southwest-northeast in the northwest corner of the quadrangle with the up-thrown side to the southeast displacing approximately 15-20m of strata. Soft sediment deformations, including slump mounds, are present in the Compton with major bed truncations in the Compton and Pierson. These structures reflect tectonism occurring on the passive margin of Southern Laurentia during the early to mid-Mississippian. 28-11 BTH 11 Larson, Mark O. [218649] HIGH RESOLUTION GRAVITY SURVEY TO DETERMINE LOCATION AND EXTENT OF FAULTS IN THE JANE 7.5-MINUTE QUADRANGLE, MISSOURI LARSON, Mark O., Geography, Geology, Planning, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected], MICKUS, Kevin, Geology, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, and EVANS, Kevin, Geography, Geology, and Planning Department, Missouri State University, 901 S. National Ave, Springfield, MO 65804-0089 Detailed geological and geophysical mapping of the Jane 7.5-minute quadrangle in SW MO was undertaken by a group at Missouri State University in 2012. The area is composed of Lower Ordovician and Early Mississippian limestone, dolostone, and shale. Numerous low amplitude structural features and faults were found by surficial geological mapping. In order to further investigate these structural features, a high resolution gravity survey, including a number of profiles at 0.1 mile spacing, was conducted to determine the extent and subsurface nature of the faults in the region. An initial Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows a a general low anomaly in the northern portion of the map, and higher gravity in the southern portion which is probably caused thinning of the Paleozoic sediments toward the south. A horizontal derivative map gravity anomaly map amplifies an anomaly that lines up with an extensive surficially mapped fault. Residual gravity anomaly maps constructed using wavelength filtering and horizontal derivatives and 2-D forward models constrained by surface mapping and density measurements will be constructed in order to better understand the geometry and location of identified and unidentified faults. 28-12 BTH 12 Cook, Tamara J. [218449] JAVASCRIPT TRAVEL TIME SIMULATOR COOK, Tamara J., Plant and Earth Science Department, University of Wisconsin - River Falls, 805 Juniper Dr, Somerset, WI 54025, [email protected] A seismogram may appear to be a chaotic record of noise, but amidst the noise there are unidentified earthquake onsets (UEOs). These UEOs are the wave phases before they are identified. Currently, to identify these, one would have to use the Jeffreys-Bullen tables to 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 61 SESSION NO. 28 manually look up and correct the travel time for each of these UEOs to determine which phase they belong to. With the use of JavaScript and HMTL, a website calculator was made to achieve these travel times in a more convenient way. The code uses the spherical law of cosines and bilinear interpolation to complete the task. The only thing necessary of the user, is to input the latitude and longitude of the observation site (seismic station) and the earthquake site, along with the focal depth of the earthquake. The program then outputs the travel times for all the possible wave phases. A once tedious task has now been made simple, allowing geologists to focus on the implications of these travel times for the phases, rather than using valuable time to manually calculate them. 28-13 BTH 13 DeWolf, Cris L. [218122] MIQUAKES: SHAKING UP EARTH SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, & PHYSICS EDUCATION IN MICHIGAN DEWOLF, Cris L., Chippewa Hills High School, 3226 Arthur Rd, Remus, MI 49340, [email protected], FUJITA, Kazuya, Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 488241115, SCHEPKE, Chuck, Roscommon Middle School, 299 West Sunset Drive, Roscommon, MI 48653, RUDDOCK, Judy, Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association, Flushing, MI 48433, SINCLAIR, Jay, Ida Middle School, 3145 Prairie Street, Ida, MI 48140, SVOBODA, Michele R., Mill Creek Middle School, 100 Betty Street, NE, Comstock Park, MI 49321, and WAITE, Greg, Gmes, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931 MIQuakes, a regional educational seismograph network, is part of the Seismographs in Schools (SIS) program of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). The Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association (MESTA) sponsors the network in cooperation with IRIS, Michigan State University and Michigan Technological University. MIQuakes follows the MESTA philosophy of “teachers helping teachers”. Experienced teachers help other teachers maintain instrumentation and provide professional development. The universities provide technical and content support. MESTA teachers in the IRIS SIS program developed MIQuakes in 2010. In 2011, recipients of 5 more seismometers were chosen based on geographic distribution, and cross-grade level and interdisciplinary teams. Today, MIQuakes includes 17 K-14 schools operating AS-1 and EAIS102 seismometers. One station shares “live” data on-line, while others upload data from specific events to the SIS website. Having instruments able to show students when and where earthquakes occur can stimulate interest and foster deeper exploration of Earth science topics. As not all teachers want to have a seismometer of their own, professional development features activities that allow teachers to use seismic data in many science disciplines. With AmaSeis, teachers view and work off-line with earthquake data from multiple sources, including MIQuakes. Plans exist to update to newer software as IRIS or other academic sources release it. Five teacher workshops were held in 2011-2013. A science presentation, teacher-led activity, and discussion of recent seismic events was a goal of each. Attendance has included teachers with seismometers as well as those interested in learning more about seismology. Developing, and/or adopting previously developed classroom activities relating mathematics, physics, and Earth Science continues. Adapting lessons to use data from MIQuakes stations is a goal. Development and vetting of activities prior to workshops is a challenge, especially as the group has grown. The experience and needs of participants has become more variable and providing meaningful content to the entire group has become more difficult. One solution may be to have workshops targeted at specific sub-groups depending on their desired level of involvement. 28-14 BTH 14 Fordyce, Samuel W. [218705] VISUALIZING EARLHAM COLLEGE’S MILLER FARM: A VISITOR’S MAP AND GUIDE FORDYCE, Samuel W. and FADEM, Cynthia M., Geology, Earlham College, 801 National Rd W, Campus Drawer #132, RIchmond, IN 47374, [email protected] Miller Farm is located on roughly 40 acres of land along the Whitewater river. A digital elevation model produced from differential GPS data will form the basis for an educational sign and map displayed the farm’s entrance, highlighting the farm and surrounding forest, marshes, streams, and historical ruins. This educational display, funded by Earlham College’s Student Action Research Grant Initiative, will raise awareness of the farm’s rich heritage and resources, and encourage community participation in the farm’s programs. We used a Magellan DGPS to collect elevation and location data, and processed them in ArcGIS. Our digital elevation model will be printed on a durable outdoor signboard, along with background information for and photographs of the features highlighted on the map. This project is an interdisciplinary effort of Earlham’s Miller Farm, Geology Department, and Center for Environmental Action, combining collection of field topographic data, processing in GIS, and exhibit design with the goal of encouraging and welcoming visitors to explore the farm. 28-15 BTH 15 Couts, Kimberly E. [218713] SEASONAL AND LONG-TERM (1996-2012) TRENDS IN THE CONCENTRATIONS AND RATIOS OF DISSOLVED SILICA AND DISSOLVED INORGANIC NITROGEN IN THE GREAT MIAMI RIVER AT MIAMISBURG, OHIO COUTS, Kimberly E.1, CRISP, Alexis A.1, GOODWIN, Grant M.1, HAGEN, Benjamin P.1, MOBLEY, Tilden J.1, WILSON, Elizabeth L.2, and FORTNER, Sarah K.3, (1) Geology, Wittenberg, P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 45501, [email protected], (2) Geology, Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH 45501, (3) Department of Geology, Wittenberg University, Springfield, 45501 Nutrient balance controls the health and survival of ecosystems. A low ratio (<1) of dissolved silica (DSi) to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) may limit diatom growth. Here we explore, DSI, DIN, and DSi:DIN long-term and seasonal behavior from April 1996 to September 2012 for the Great Miami River below Miamisburg, Ohio. We examined a high-resolution dataset from the National Center for Water Quality Research at Heidelberg University with over 7000 samples collected (8-hour to daily resolution). The Great Miami River below Miamisburg drains an area of 6954 km2 and is located within the Till Plains, underlain by limestone, dolomite, and shale. Land use is primarily agricultural (>80%), but includes several major urban areas. The ratio of DSi to DIN shows a significant decrease through time associated with a corresponding significant decrease in DIN concentrations. There was no significant trend in Si concentrations through the long-term record. Seasonally, the lowest mean monthly DSi:DIN (<0.70) occurred between MarchMay, corresponding with low mean DSi concentrations (<0.20 mM), and high mean monthly flow (>150 m3/s). The highest mean monthly DSi:DIN occurred in July (1.47) during summer low flow (<70 m3) when mean DIN concentrations drop by more than 30% from the previous month. Of note, is that only during summer months were DSi:DIN ratios above 1, suggesting that DIN loading has impaired the nutrient balance within the river. To improve our understanding of the controlling processes of the DSi:DIN ratio during its low period, we plan to compare with a late 62 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs winter-early spring diel study in Buck Creek (363 km2), a dominantly agricultural sub-watershed of the Great Miami River also influenced by urbanization. Our goal is to understand the controls of DSi:DIN for distinct scales of observation within the Ohio River Basin. 28-16 BTH 16 Gilliom, Alden Jane [218550] GROUNDWATER STORAGE IN WESTERN CHINA AND EASTERN TIBET OBSERVED FROM PRECIPITATION-DISCHARGE HYSTERESIS GILLIOM, Alden Jane, Geology, Oberlin College, 52 W Lorain St, 418 Carnegie Building, Oberlin, OH 44074, [email protected], HENCK SCHMIDT, Amanda, Geology, Oberlin College, 52 West Lorain Street, Oberlin, OH 44074-1044, ANDERMANN, Christoff, Oberlin, 44074, and ROTHENBERG, Miriam, Anthropology, Oberlin College, King Building 305, 10 N. Professor St, Oberlin, OH 44074-1019 The hydrological cycle is a crucial element of Earth’s surface processes. Unless we understand how Earth stores the water moving through it as part of the hydrological cycle we cannot determine the availability of this high demand resource. The purpose of this study is to determine the transitive processes of precipitation to river discharge in western China, on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. This transfer of water produces a dynamic lag ‘hysteresis’ between the input of precipitation and discharge. In this context, hysteresis refers to discharge that peaks after the peak precipitation; this is dependent on local conditions and the complicated transport processes inherent to groundwater movement. The relationship between precipitation-discharge hysteresis has important implications for potentially increasing demand for water, decreasing quality of water available, and decreasing availability of groundwater due to climate change. Andermann et al. (2012) analyzed precipitation and discharge data in the Nepali Himalayas, detected hysteresis, and concluded that groundwater storage in aquifers was the driving factor behind the hysteresis. They examined the contributions of precipitation, glacier melt, and snow fall to the annual water budget and found that there is a lag time of approximately 45 days, which suggests the existence of fractured basement aquifers. We applied their original study techniques to our study area in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau by plotting discharge as a function of precipitation for 25 years of daily discharge data collected by the Chinese Hydrology Bureau in two small (<1400 km2) watersheds. The data exhibited a well-defined hysteresis loop and allowed us to infer that precipitation is slowed due to groundwater storage before reemerging as discharge. Our ongoing analysis includes processing the 25 years of daily data, analyzing the results, and putting them into regional context. We are completing the quantitative analysis to accompany the hysteresis loops showing that groundwater storage occurs in the study area. Our next step will be to analyze and interpret the final results for quantitative confirmation of the hysteresis process. These results will help to better manage the water resources available now as well as plan for future strain on water resources. 28-17 BTH 17 Schmus, Matthew [218315] EFFECTS OF FRACTURES ON GROUNDWATER FLOW TODAY SCHMUS, Matthew, Geography and Geology, Univeristy Wisconsin-Whitewater, 4522 W Sumac Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53219, [email protected], BHATTACHARYYA, Prajukti, Geography and Geology, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, 120 Upham Hall, 800 Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190, and HART, David J., Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, University of Wisconsin-Extension, 3817 Mineral Point Rd, Madison, WI 53705 Joints and fracture planes within crystalline bedrock controls groundwater flow in most of Central Wisconsin. Prior work conducted on three bore holes in the area around Pittsville, WI, has shown that interconnected fractures might control groundwater flow in that region. The data collected from those bore holes include (a), major and minor open joints or fractures, (b), partially open joints or fractures, (c), filled fractures or joints, (d), bedding, banding, or foliation planes, and (e), induced fractures. We are using the borehole data for this project. The goals of this project are to identify parent and daughter fractures, if present, determine how the dominant fracture orientation patterns might change with depth, and, find any lines of intersection which might create pathways for groundwater flow. We are also investigating regional stress directions based on the fracture orientation data in the study area. We are analyzing fracture orientation data from the studied three bore holes using stereographic projections and gamma logs to investigate how the orientations of different types of fractures might have changed with depth, and also to determine whether the orientations of joints and fracture planes were influenced by pre-existing structures in any way. We are also using three-dimensional visualization tools within the ArcScene® software program to create a model of the fracture planes, and to identify existing fracture network patterns, if any. We are using the T-Tecto® software package to investigate regional stress directions. Preliminary data shows that dominant fracture orientation patterns change with depth in each of the three bore holes, and that the changes in fracture orientation can roughly be correlated with presence of spikes on the borehole gamma log, possibly indicating that lithologic changes might have played a role in controlling fracture formation. Each of the three bore holes show unique fracture orientation patterns, and little or no similarity in how those orientations change with depth. Some of the fractures show evidence of past fluid flow in the form of veins. Since some of the fractures are not filled, this might indicate multiple episodes of fracture formation. Here we present our data, and discuss the implications in terms of present day groundwater flow. 28-18 BTH 18 Richardson-Coy, Robin [218251] DIATOM IDENTIFICATION HANDBOOK FOR THE GLEN HELEN NATURE PRESERVE, YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO RICHARDSON-COY, Robin, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, 260 Brehm Labs, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435-0001, richardson-coy.2@ wright.edu and TEED, Rebecca, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, 260 Brehm Labs, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435 Diatoms are a class of phytoplankton with wide species diversity. These microscopic organisms play a significant role in aquatic ecosystems both chemically and biologically. They are an important component of aquatic food chains. Each species of diatom has a specific range of water chemistry conditions in which its populations will thrive. Diatoms are identified most commonly by their siliceous cell walls, which vary between species. The siliceous cell walls of diatoms also allow them to be preserved as fossils in sediments. It is possible to make inferences about historical water chemistry based on the species of diatoms preserved in sediment. Past water chemistry changes for a specific ecosystem can aid understanding of both natural and anthropogenic impacts as well as possible future problems such as eutrophication or ecosystem degradation. The Glen Helen Nature Preserve is a 1000-acre preserve under management of the Glen Helen Ecology Institute through Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The Glen is a valuable resource for both teaching and research from the university to the elementary school level. It is a recreational area with scenic trails, diverse flora/fauna, and two streams (Birch and Yellow Springs Creek). This education center is used for hands-on learning for environmental topics such SESSION NO. 28 as geology, ecology, biology, and resource conservation. With such a wide variety of educational opportunities, this ecosystem brings together students and researchers from many branches of science. This study was conducted as a service learning project to collect diatom samples from Glen Helen, to relate the diatom species to water chemistry data, and to provide teaching materials for the numerous education activities taking place in Glen Helen. Permanent slides will be made from samples collected from water, macrophytes, and sediments. Diatoms will be identified, sketched, and photographed to develop a teaching set of diatom identification for the Glen Helen area that will be published as a handbook for use in the Glen Helen educational activities. The diatoms will provide an additional layer of data to complement the ongoing water chemistry study being conducted by Wright State University and Antioch College students. 28-19 BTH 19 Brinkmann, Sarah [218522] DIATOM COMMUNITIES NEAR ACID MINE DRAINAGE AT GREEN VALLEY LAKE, WEST TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA BRINKMANN, Sarah, BRAKE, Sandra S., and STONE, Jeffery, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, sbrinkmann@ sycamores.indstate.edu Green Valley Lake is located in West Terre Haute, Indiana, near an abandoned coal mine. Acid mine drainage (AMD) leaching from the site of the abandoned mine has impacted this area for almost 55 years. Seasonally, the pH of effluent streams drops as low as 3 in some areas. Elevated levels of SO4, Fe, Al, and heavy metals occur in streams (and groundwater) that may contaminate Green Valley Lake. Diatoms are a golden-brown algae with a siliceous skeleton; they are an important primary producers that are abundant and typically well-preserved as fossils in most lake systems. To explore the environmental impact of AMD on this system, we sampled the lake plankton and sediments for fossil diatoms, which are known to be highly sensitive to acidity in lakes and streams. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution of diatoms in the lake and sediments. Samples were collected from the plankton and sediment from 11 locations around the lake. Our hypothesis is that diatom diversity should increase away from areas of riverine discharge into the lake. Results from this study will help determine how AMD has influenced the structure of the diatom community in the lake and provide a baseline measurement for the modern lake system so that the long-term resilience of these communities can be analyzed in future studies. 28-20 BTH 20 Smart, Saundra M. [218589] INFLUENCE OF DIATOM DIVERSITY IN AN INDIANA STREAM IMPACTED BY ACID MINE DRAINAGE SMART, Saundra M., STONE, Jeffery, and BRAKE, Sandra S., Department of Earth and Environmental Systems, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809, ssmart1@ sycamores.indstate.edu Acid mine drainage (AMD) associated with the abandoned Green Valley coal mine site in West Terre Haute, IN, discharges into West Little Sugar Creek (WLSC), a nearby natural stream. The area has been impacted by AMD for nearly 55 years, denoting WLSC as one of Indiana’s most contaminated water systems. Despite various remedial efforts, AMD still discharges into WLSC, where pH drops to as low as 3. The acidic effluent and stream water contains elevated concentrations of SO4, Fe, Al, and trace elements, many of which exceed state and federal surface water quality standards. Local aquatic life is adversely impacted by the high acidity and high concentrations of dissolved constituents. Downstream of the mines site, metal concentrations decrease and pH increases due to dilution from surface water runoff and groundwater discharge into the stream. To assess the environmental impact of AMD on the ecology of the WLSC stream system, this study evaluates changes in diatom species upstream and downstream of the discharge zone. Diatoms were selected because of their abundance in most water systems, high diversification, and siliceous frustules, the latter of which is often preserved in sediment. Diatoms are known to be highly sensitive to environmental changes, such as toxic metal concentrations and acidity. We hypothesize that the low pH and highly toxic conditions of WLSC will decrease species diversification downstream. Specifically, we examine changes in riverine diatom communities downstream from the discharge site to determine how far downstream the influence of acid mine drainage persists and to establish a baseline for seasonal fluctuations to help evaluate the resilience of these communities. 28-21 BTH 21 Burns, Anastasia Marie [218664] EVALUATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING NITRATE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER IN EAU CLAIRE COUNTY BURNS, Anastasia Marie, UW-Eau Claire, 1824 1/2 Brackett Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54701, [email protected] and GROTE, Katherine R., Geology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 105 Garfield Ave, Eau Claire, WI 54702 In Eau Claire County, about 6.4% of private wells have nitrate concentrations exceeding the Enforcement Standard (ES) of 10 mg/L. This project investigates whether high nitrate concentrations can be correlated to geologic and hydrologic parameters or to land management. If such correlations are found, they can be used to develop a risk assessment map for Eau Claire County that could be used to predict areas that are at an elevated risk for nitrate contamination. To aid in this study, the Eau Claire County Health Department provided nearly 6,000 nitrate concentrations from groundwater samples acquired in private wells over a period from 1999 to 2004 and again from 2005 to 2009. Using GIS, these data sets were joined to maps of depth to bedrock, depth to water table, soil texture, soil taxonomy, geomorphology, and land use. The resulting data sets enabled correlations to be made between these parameters and nitrate concentrations, and to observe how these correlations changed with time between the two data sets. The factors which appeared to have the most impact on nitrate concentrations were land use, depth to the water table, and depth to bedrock. Agricultural land typically had the highest nitrate values, although the nitrate concentrations in urban areas increased significantly with time. Areas with higher bedrock tended to have higher nitrate values, while areas with shallow water tables had lower average nitrate values. To better investigate the factors controlling nitrate contamination, combinations of factors that independently appeared to influence nitrate concentration were considered. These analyses helped to show which combinations of natural and anthropogenic conditions were most likely to result in high nitrate concentrations. Although analysis of different combinations of factors is ongoing, the areas which seem most likely to have high nitrate concentrations are rural areas with intermediate water tables (5-50 ft beneath the surface), highly developed (more urban) areas with shallow bedrock, and areas with both shallow bedrock and shallow water tables. 28-22 BTH 22 Peters, Carl E. [218462] GEOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METALS IN SEDIMENTS SURROUNDING THE BAUTSCH-GRAY MINE SUPERFUND SITE, JO DAVIESS COUNTY, ILLINOIS PETERS, Carl E., Geology Department, Augustana College, 639 38th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201, [email protected] Mining operations at the Bautsch-Gray lead mine site, located near Galena, IL, for the last eighty-six years have resulted in elevated levels of lead, zinc, and arsenic within the surface materials surrounding the mine property. Although remediation began in September of 2010 with the removal of 2600 m3 of contaminated soil from the mine site and neighboring residential properties, there has been continued migration of mine tailings. This has prompted a need to better understand the extent of contamination in the properties surrounding the mine tailings, at depth, and within particle sizes of mine tailings. A total of 29 surface soil samples, six depth samples, and two grain size analysis samples were taken from properties west, northeast, north, and south of the mine site. Samples were analyzed for heavy-metal contamination with an X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer (XRF). Of the 29 surface samples, three samples exceeded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory limits for heavy-metals in soils, and 24 samples exceeded background levels for heavy-metals. The highest concentrations of lead, zinc, and arsenic contamination were measured at 510ppm, 3024ppm, and 100ppm respectively. No migration of heavy-metals was seen to occur downward through the soil profile, suggesting that transportation of contaminants is occurring primarily due to runoff directly from the mine tailings. From this research it was determined that heavy-metals have continued to migrate into the properties west and north of the mine, with lead, zinc, and arsenic levels still exceeding EPA regulatory limits and background levels. 28-23 BTH 23 Krehel, Austin W. [218634] WIND STEERING AND SEDIMENT TRANSFER ASSOCIATED WITH STORMS IN A BLOWOUT DUNE AT SAUGATUCK HARBOR NATURAL AREA, MICHIGAN KREHEL, Austin W., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Hope College, Holland, MI 49423, [email protected], YURK, Brian, Department of Mathematics, Hope College, PO Box 9000, Holland, MI 49422-9000, and HANSEN, Edward C., Geological and Environmental Sciences, Hope College, 35 E 12th Street, Holland, MI 49423 The effects of 8 extratropical cyclones on wind directions, wind speeds, sand erosion, and sand deposition were studied in a blowout dune in the Saugatuck Harbor Natural Area on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan during Fall, 2010 and Spring and Fall, 2011. The blowout is on the limb of a parabolic dune isolated from the beach by an established foredune ridge. It is 53m long, 8 m high, SE trending and opens to the northwest with two notches on the western limb. Wind speeds and directions were measured with anemometers and wind vanes at 6 different localities within the dune while erosion and deposition were measured with an array of 211 pins. Regional wind directions at a high angle (E, NE, S, SSW) to the opening of the dune, led to bifurcated flow of relatively low velocity winds within the trough, which can sweep sand out of the trough and deposit it in the northwest notch. Regional winds at a lower angle to the dune opening (WSW, W, NW, N), were steered up the axis of the trough with the loss of wind energy increasing with increasing steering angle. These winds are associated with erosion along the trough axis and deposition on the southern outer slope. Winds with a strong westerly component are also funneled through the notches leading to scoring along the inner limbs of the dune and deposition within the trough and eastern outer limb. The exact response of a dune to a given storm is the result of a complex interplay between wind direction, which depends on cyclone track, and local topography. 28-24 BTH 24 Salzwedel, Mitchell [218651] THE EFFECT OF LONG-TERM LAND USE CHANGES ON SOIL ORGANIC CARBON IN SOUTHERN WISCONSIN SALZWEDEL, Mitchell and DOLLIVER, Holly A.S., Department of Plant and Earth Science, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 410 S. 3rd St, River Falls, WI 54022, mitchell.salzwedel@ my.uwrf.edu Transformation of undisturbed Wisconsin prairies to agricultural soils has resulted in a loss of soil carbon. Tillage of agricultural soils exposes soil organic matter (SOM) to oxygen, and the carbon in SOM will oxidize to the atmosphere. Soil carbon greatly improves the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. Equally as important, carbon locked in the soil does not impact carbon concentrations in the atmosphere, which contributes to global climate change. The objective of the study was to quantify the amount of organic carbon in undisturbed versus agricultural soils. A total of six paired sites were selected for this research. Undisturbed soils were classified as areas that have not been disturbed for 50+ years. In all cases disturbed and undisturbed areas were less than 100 meters apart and sampled at three depth intervals: 0-10 cm, 10-40 cm, 40-100 cm. Total organic carbon was on average 44.3% lower in agricultural versus undisturbed soils. Data from the depth intervals also shows that differences in carbon concentrations between undisturbed and agricultural soils were most significant in the 40-100 cm interval (57% higher in undisturbed) compared to the 0-10 cm interval (22% higher in undisturbed). This data supports that a tremendous amount of carbon has been lost to the atmosphere due to land use conversion. 28-25 BTH 25 Hein, Jordan A. [218760] QUANTIFYING BANK EROSION AND CHANNEL SEDIMENTATION ON THE TORCH, RAPID AND GRASS RIVERS IN NORTHERN LOWER MICHIGAN HEIN, Jordan A.1, KENDALL, Anthony D.2, and BUDD, Blaze M.2, (1) Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48823, [email protected], (2) Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Sciences Bldg, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 Rapid sedimentation and bank erosion have steadily reduced the navigability of the rivers in the Chain of Lakes watershed in Northern Lower Michigan during the last several decades. Historical documentation indicates that these rivers were once deep enough for steamboat travel, but now are all but impassable by even shallow draft watercraft. Beyond the navigational issues presented by sedimentation, bank erosion threatens property and water access. This study focuses on three rivers: the Torch, the Rapid, and the Grass. Each of these rivers have been affected by dramatic anthropogenic changes during the last 150 years, including extensive land cover change, channel modification, and base level changes via damming the terminal lake on the Chain. Here we present work that quantifies bank erosion over the last eight decades via aerial and satellite imagery analysis, along with the current channel bottom depths via bathymetric measurements. This work demonstrates that significant changes have occurred, and continue to occur, to bank positions. Sections of the river with the most bank change are also the shallowest, indicating that the channel continues to evolve toward a new dynamic equilibrium. We illustrate how sections with the least change are those that have had the most active management, and 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 63 SESSION NO. 28 suggest means by which further erosion and shallowing could be prevented, and potentially reversed. 28-26 BTH 26 Freeman-Ballew, Elizabeth [218722] PRELIMINARY LOSS-ON-IGNITION DATA FROM CRYSTAL LAKE, OHIO FREEMAN-BALLEW, Elizabeth, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435-0001, [email protected], DEUTER, Leigh H., Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435, and TEED, Rebecca, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, 260 Brehm Labs, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435 Crystal Lake located in Medway, Ohio (39°N 53’, 84°W 01’), is an 11 meter deep kettle lake, formed during the Wisconsinan glacial event, close to the glacial ice boundary. Lake sediment cores extending from 1130 to 2000 cm below the lake surface were collected in 2008. Loss of ignition (LOI) is a method used to estimate the amount of organic matter and carbonate in the sediment. The results from an LOI analysis, of the upper levels of the core indicate a high frequency variation in the percentage of organic material in the sediment (1200-1550cm) of 4 to 18% with an average of five to six fluctuations per meter. Previous studies of gastropod and diatom species indicate lake level change; perhaps these lake level changes affected the percentage of organic material. The current investigation includes: 1) LOI analysis of the remaining sediment (1650-2000cm), to determine if the variations continue or change in older sediments 2) radiocarbon dating of a wood fragment found at 1302cm 3) collaboration with researchers who are trying to understand the modern trophic status and groundwater system of the lake. Continued research at this site will enrich the overall understanding of the sedimentary history of the lake, while also shedding light on the paleoclimate of southwestern Ohio during the last glaciation. 28-27 BTH 27 Morrison, Sean M. [218779] INCISION AND LATERAL MIGRATION ALONG TERRACES OF THE LOWER CHIPPEWA RIVER VALLEY, WI, USA: A GPR INVESTIGATION MORRISON, Sean M.1, STRUVE, Matthew W.1, ROEGLIN, Lauren E.2, JOL, Harry M.2, FAULKNER, Douglas J.3, and RUNNING, Garry Leonard IV4, (1) Departmet of Geography and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, morrissm@ uwec.edu, (2) Department of Geography and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, (3) Geography and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI 54701, (4) Geography and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702 The Lower Chippewa River Valley in west-central Wisconsin displays numerous terraces formed by episodes of incision and followed by lateral migration. Sediments deposited during the lateral migration of the river are primarily composed of sand while the underlying sediments consist of a mix of sand and gravel deposited by glaciofluvial process as the paleo-Chippewa River aggraded during the late Wisconsinan. Using high resolution ground penetrating radar (GPR) data, the depth to which the Chippewa River laterally migrated following each episode of incision was determined. GPR data was collected along numerous terraces using Sensors and Software PulseEkko 100 and 1000 GPR systems while laser leveling was used to determine topographic changes. High frequency antennae were used to attain the level of detail needed to determine the depth of deposits related to lateral migration. Step size varied from 0.1 m to 0.5 m, while antennae separation ranged from 0.5 m to 1.0 m. Common midpoint surveys (CMP) were conducted and resulted with a near surface velocity of 0.10-0.11 m/ns at most sites. The radar facies of the top most depositional layer were examined in order to better understand the nature of the river during times of lateral migration. The reflections show horizontal to sub-horizontal, semi-continuous reflections to a depth of three to four meters. The radar stratigraphic analysis suggests a well-defined episode of incision followed by lateral migration [braided river process] on all investigated terraces. 28-28 BTH 28 Warbritton, Matthew J. [218377] 3-D MODELING ON THE EFFECTS OF BASELEVEL CHANGE ON RIVER DELTAS WARBRITTON, Matthew J.1, NILGES, Tayloy P.1, and LONDOÑO, Ana C.2, (1) Earth and Atmospheric Science Department, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO 63103, mwarbrit@ slu.edu, (2) Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University, 205 O’Neil Hall, 3642 Lindell Blvd, Saint Louis, MO 63108 Climate change may impart changes to river deltas and surrounding areas that may have a detrimental effect on coastal cities. Three dimensional models can be used to observe and predict changes in delta structure by changing parameters thought to be affected by climate change. Using an Em-4 stream table we will investigate the effects of varying parameters on the delta. We will be recording delta measurements and images to construct 3-D models in order to better understand and visualize the changes occurring to the deltas. Being able to control baselevel, sediment grain size, discharge, and other variables will allow us to conduct experiments addressing several different scenarios. We expect to find a significant change in delta progradation, number of lobes, and water cover over the delta with changes in baselevel. This research will have implications for understanding how the rise in baselevel may affect surrounding land and population areas due to flooding, possible changes in delta and stream patterns, and potential delta migration. 28-29 BTH 29 Cullen, Patrick [218528] ASYMMETRY OF LATE PENNSYLVANIAN GLACIO-EUSTATIC FLUCTUATIONS IN THE NORTH AMERICAN MIDCONTINENT CULLEN, Patrick1, MILEWSKI, Stormy1, BAUMANN, Eric Jr2, ALGEO, Thomas J.3, MAYNARD, J. Barry4, HERRMANN, Achim D.5, and HECKEL, Philip H.6, (1) Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected], (2) Geology, University of Cincinnati, 5359 Little Turtle Dr, South Lebanon, OH 45065, (3) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, (4) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, 345 Clifton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45221, (5) Geology & Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, (6) Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 The growth and decay of continental icesheets are highly asymmetric processes. During the Pleistocene, growth proceeded slowly (for up to 100 kyr) as ice mass built up over large areas, whereas decay proceeded quickly (~8-12 kyr) in response to global warming and icesheet disintegration. Similar patterns have been inferred for icesheets during pre-Pleistocene ice ages, but the evidence for differential rates of growth and decay is mainly circumstantial, e.g., the greater thickness of regressive versus transgressive facies in Upper Pennsylvanian cyclothems of the North American Midcontinent region. In this study, we quantified relative rates of eustatic regression (= icesheet growth) and transgression (= icesheet decay) in Midcontinent 64 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs cyclothems on the basis of fine-scale (5-10-cm) cyclicity. Although the exact origin of this cyclicity is not known with certainty, it is unquestionably (quasi-)periodic and record the ~21-kyr orbital precession cycle. At any given locale on the Midcontinent Shelf, the onset and termination of black shale deposition marked, respectively, the transgression and regression of the chemocline. Relative rates of chemocline transgression and regression can be assessed based on the number of small-cycles below and above the maximum flooding surface of each cyclothem. We analyzed two Upper Pennsylvanian cyclothemic black shales, the Hushpuckney and Heebner, along transects from SW Iowa to central Oklahoma in order to reconstruct lateral changes in transgression-regression patterns. Although the number of cycles with each study unit varies somewhat as a function of position on the shelf, the transgressive and regressive portions of the black shale facies typically contain ~4±1 and ~8±2 cycles, respectively. On this basis, we infer that transgressions proceeded roughly twice as quickly as regressions. It should be noted that our conclusions are limited to only the late transgressive and early regressive stages of glacioeustatic cycles recorded by the black shale facies of cyclothems, and that rates of glacio-eustatic change during peak intervals of transgression and regression may have been different. Highresolution stratigraphic analysis of cyclothems, as undertaken in this study, has the potential to provide insights into contemporaneous icesheet dynamics. 28-30 BTH 30 Carnes, Jennifer L. [218367] CARBONATE LAKES ON BASALT FLOWS (MIOCENE KIRI KIRI FORMATION, LAKE TURKANA REGION, KENYA) CARNES, Jennifer L., Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, 316 Clippinger Labs, Athens, OH 45701-2979, [email protected], GIERLOWSKI-KORDESCH, Elizabeth, Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701-2979, TABOR, Neil J., Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences, Southern Methodist University, 3225 Daniel Ave, Dallas, TX 75275-0395, and RASMUSSEN, David Tab, Anthropology, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130 The formation of lakes directly upon basalt flows is a rare phenomenon because of the high porosity and permeability of these volcanic rocks. Accumulation of lake sediments can only occur where the regional groundwater table intersects the lava flow; in this case, carbonate sedimentation occurs because of the weathering of Ca-rich feldspars as groundwater flows through and on the basalt. A modern example in Kenya is present at the volcanic area at the southern end of Lake Turkana with a Miocene example preserved approximately 85 km to the west within the Kiri Kiri Formation. Round outcrops of limestone occur within basalt depressions in this formation over a several square kilometer area. Each circular to semi-circular depression filled with limestone ranges on a scale from one meter to tens of meters wide. The thickness of these carbonate pond and lake deposits ranges from decimeters to several meters. Four main facies are present with many vertebrate and invertebrate fossils. Vertebrate remains include a monkey skull, crocodile scutes or scales, turtle shell fragments, and related bones. Invertebrate remains include a diversity of gastropods. Carbonate facies, as determined from thin section petrography, include fossiliferous massive micrite, microbial mounds, rhizolith-rich micrite, and debris-rich limestone. Textures indicate mostly subaqueous conditions with only very rare mudcracked horizons. The high groundwater table maintained these lakes and ponds, establishing a complex ecosystem. 28-31 BTH 31 Baumann, Eric [218536] INTENSIFIED WEATHERING AT THE PERMIAN-TRIASSIC BOUNDARY IN THE BALATON REGION OF HUNGARY BAUMANN, Eric Jr1, CULLEN, Patrick2, MILEWSKI, Stormy2, and ALGEO, Thomas J.3, (1) Geology, University of Cincinnati, 5359 Little Turtle Dr, South Lebanon, OH 45065, [email protected], (2) Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, (3) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 The Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) mass extinction, the largest biocrisis in Earth history, has been intensively investigated in marine and terrestrial sections in many parts of the world. However, marginal marine deposits, representing the interface between the marine and terrestrial environments, have received relatively little attention. In this study, we analyzed samples from the Balaton region of southwestern Hungary, representing marginal-marine facies (mainly finegrained limestone and dolostone) of latest Permian-Early Triassic age and open-marine facies (mainly fossiliferous wackestones and packstones) of Middle-Late Triassic age. Redox conditions were uniformly oxic throughout the study interval, as indicated by uniformly low concentrations of pyrite S (<0.05%), trace-metals at or below PAAS levels, and Corg:P molar ratios between 5 and 50. Geochemical proxies such as TOC (avg 0.1±0.1%), P (0.03±0.03%), and excess Ba (~0 ppm) are consistent with generally low productivity in the Balaton region at that time. However, our sampling was not continuous, so short episodes of anoxia or increased productivity would not necessarily have been detected in this study. One proxy that shows significant secular variation in our dataset, however, is the CIA (chemical index of alteration). This is the ratio of Al oxides to Al plus alkali oxides in a sample, with low values (~0.5-0.6) indicative of fresh material and high values (1.0) indicative of strongly weathered and leached material. CIA values are 0.75-0.85 through most of the Late Permian to Late Triassic study interval, but we observed a short-term increase of CIA values to 0.85-0.95 in immediate proximity to the PTB. We interpret this increase to be indicative of a transient episode of strong chemical weathering in conjunction with the endPermian crisis. A similar pattern has been reported from other PTB sections (e.g., Algeo et al., 2012, GSA Bulletin, 124:1424-1448), although the CIA values documented here are significantly higher, possibly owing to the relative proximity of the study area to strongly weathered continental source rocks. Marginal marine areas such as that of the Balaton region have potential to provide significant new insights into the PTB crisis. 28-32 BTH 32 Woodford, Libby R. [218168] PALEOGEOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION OF THE LATE CAMBRIAN GROVELAND MINE STRATIGRAPHY, DICKINSON COUNTY, MICHIGAN WOODFORD, Libby R., Department of Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Northern Michigan Universtiy, 3009 Seaborg Science Complex, 1401 Presque Isle Ave, Marquette, MI 49855, [email protected] and REGIS, Robert S., Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences, Northern Michigan University, 3009 Seaborg Science Complex, 1401 Presque Isle Ave, Marquette, MI 49855 In 2010, fossilized phosphatic lingulid brachiopods were discovered in quartz arenite and shaley sandstone outcrops near the Groveland Mine, which is located near Felch, MI in Dickinson County. The sandstones are often correlated with the Cambrian Munising Formation, because their proximity to the type locality, and position within the Michigan Basin, though no formal studies have yet been conducted to correlate them. The Munising Formation is also largely unfossiliferous except for the Prosaukia Zone within the Late Cambrian Miner’s Castle Member. The assemblage within the Prosaukia Zone is typically sparse, and composed of whole or fragmented brachiopods and rare fragments of trilobites. At the Felch outcrop, the abundance of brachiopds present in strata is abruptly dense and then absent. Core samples and outcrops from the Groveland Mine contain a few trilobite fragments and a couple different (as yet) unidentified SESSION NO. 28 (orthoconic cephalopod-like) fossils, as well as the brachiopods. The fossil assemblage, sedimentology and stratigraphy here appear to represent an equatorial shallow marine, nearshore to transitional (deltaic) tidal-influenced environment. Paleogeographic models place this area of Michigan on the southern coast of Laurentia during the Sauk I transgression. The moderate relief of the Proterozoic basement rock in this area most likely led to shallow embayments as the Sauk Sea transgressed onto the land, accentuated by tidal ebb and flow. We attempt to paint a clearer picture of the paleogeography of this portion of Laurentia during the Late Cambrian. 28-33 BTH 33 Moore, Rebecca J. [218699] PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF CAMBRIAN SANDSTONE CEMENT IN WESTERN WISCONSIN: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE COMPOSITION AND QUALITY OF FRAC SAND MOORE, Rebecca J., Geology, University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, [email protected], RASMUSSEN, Amy K., Geology, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, MAHONEY, J. Brian, Department. of Geology, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, and SYVERSON, Kent M., Dept. of Geology, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI 54702 Industrial sand mining has been expanding rapidly in western Wisconsin as demand for frac sand has increased. Concerns have been expressed about the potential for dust from the mining process causing non-occupational silicosis. Because the sand grains are large and hard, most respirable dust is likely derived from the sandstone cement. The purpose of this study is to use petrographic analysis to determine the cement mineralogy for major sandstone units in western Wisconsin. Samples have been collected from the Mount Simon, Wonewoc, Jordan, and St. Peter Formations (Cambrian Period, listed from oldest to youngest) in western Wisconsin. Samples were cut, impregnated with epoxy, and made into polished thin sections. Thin sections were examined using a petrographic microscope. Standard point counting and photomicrograph techniques are used to determine the mineralogy and relative percentages of the grains, cement, and voids. Qualitative observations (11 thin sections thus far) for each formation reveal authigenic K-spar, hematite, and quartz cements. The most abundant cement is authigenic K-spar, and the majority of samples have high porosity and little cement. Mount Simon Fm. sandstone (the oldest unit) contains large amounts of hematite and authigenic K-spar cement, with or without sericite. Wonewoc Fm. cement compositions vary, but abundant hematite and authigenic K-spar are present throughout the formation. Jordan Fm. cements differ markedly. Some rocks are primarily cemented by calcite. One sample from the upper Jordan Fm. is completely cemented with quartz, which has eliminated primary porosity and makes the rock extremely difficult to disaggregate and process. St. Peter sandstone has polycrystalline quartz grains rimmed with minor amounts of hematite and authigenic K-spar. A more extensive suite of samples is currently being analyzed. Quantitative results will presented at the meeting. The relative abundance of K-spar and hematite cements should reduce the concentration of crystalline silica in the respirable dust fraction. Also, multiple generations of cement and the high porosity values suggest repetitive cycles of cementation and diagenesis. 28-34 BTH 34 Kunz, Stephen E. [218784] SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE TYLER FORMATION (LOWER PENNSYLVANIAN/ MORROWAN) IN THE WILLISTON BASIN, NORTH DAKOTA KUNZ, Stephen E.1, SANDS, Jonathan1, MARKS, Adam1, MCMULLEN, John1, and LEONARD, Karl W.2, (1) Anthropology and Earth Science, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1104 7th Avenue South, Moorhead, MN 56563, [email protected], (2) Anthropology and Earth Science, Minnesota State Univsity Moorhead, 1104 7th Avenue South, Moorhead, MN 56563 This research is being done because Carboniferous rocks in North America are commonly cyclical (repeating lithofacies) because of changing climate conditions resulting in sea level changes during an “Icehouse” world. The Tyler Formation (Upper Carboniferous: Morrowan) occurs in the Williston Basin of Western North Dakota. It contains meter-scale cycles of repeating lithofacies. A sequence stratigraphic analysis of this formation would improve temporal and spatial resolution of this interval, as well as provide environmental and climatic significance to the nature of the cycles. The examination of core samples and well logs of the Tyler Formation examined along multiple transects from the basin center to the edges has shown cyclical lithofacies patterns repeating throughout the formation. These cycles begin with calcareous mudstones overlying a brecciated carbonate, then show carbonaceous shales and interbedded mudstones and limestone, and are capped with a brecciated carbonate interval. Lower cycles contains fossils (inarticulate brachiopods, bivalves) that indicate more restricted or shallow marine conditions, whereas middle and upper part fossils (crinoids, brachiopods, bryozoans) indicate more open-marine conditions. The lower cycles indicate a transgressing sea, whereas the middle and upper cycles occur above a maximum flooding surface or horizon. It’s expected that the middle and upper Tyler cycles will show greater lateral basin extent than the lower cycles. An enhanced stratigraphic framework is expected from this analysis, which will aid in future studies of fossil distribution patterns of the Tyler, may provide more insight into the climatic conditions of the Carboniferous in the Williston Basin, and improve the economic development of this formation. 28-35 BTH 35 White, Nathan [218368] SIGNIFICANCE OF LATE TRIASSIC CHARCOAL, AND LATE TRIASSIC AND LATE JURASSIC WOOD PETRIFICATION PROCESSES AND MINERALOGY, SOUTH-CENTRAL UTAH WHITE, Nathan, Geology, Augustana College, 639 38th St, Rock Island, IL 61201, [email protected] The Late Triassic Chinle Formation and Late Jurassic Morrison Formation crop out extensively near the town of Hanksville, Utah, and contain an abundance of well-preserved petrified wood. Enclosing rock types include siltstones, sandstones, conglomeratic sandstones, and conglomerates. Petrified wood samples were collected and analyzed using thin section microscopy and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) in order to describe the petrification processes and mineralogy of the samples. Of particular interest is the presence of a nearly complete charcoal rind encasing one of the in-situ petrified logs. Triassic-aged charcoal is extremely rare, not only in Utah, but throughout the world. Due to the rarity of Triassic charcoal, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used in order to validate that the sample was indeed charcoal. SEM analysis revealed structures that are indicative of charcoal, even after being mineralized, without a significant amount of silica like the petrified log it encased. All petrified wood samples show a combination of replacement and impregnation, however, Triassic petrified wood shows mostly replacement of cell walls by silica and other accessory minerals probably due to high wood decay rates, whereas Jurassic petrified wood shows mostly cell impregnation by silica and other accessory minerals due to lack of wood decay. 28-36 BTH 36 Milewski, Stormy [218385] THE NORTH AMERICAN STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD OF LATE PENNSYLVANIAN GLACIOEUSTASY MILEWSKI, Stormy1, CULLEN, Patrick1, BAUMANN, Eric Jr2, ALGEO, Thomas J.3, MAYNARD, J. Barry4, HERRMANN, Achim D.5, and HECKEL, Philip H.6, (1) Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, [email protected], (2) Geology, University of Cincinnati, 5359 Little Turtle Dr, South Lebanon, OH 45065, (3) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013, (4) Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, PO Box 210013, Cincinnati, OH 45221, (5) Geology & Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, (6) Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 During the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA), the Southern Hemisphere continent of Gondwana was heavily glaciated. However, the number and size of continental icesheets then in existence has been a matter of debate. The Midcontinent region of North America provides a potentially detailed record of changes in continental ice volume during the LPIA in the form of glacio-eustatic fluctuations. The Midcontinent was extensively flooded during highstand intervals (= ice-volume minima) and largely subaerially exposed during lowstand intervals (= ice-volume maxima), indicative of regular changes in continental ice mass thought to have been driven mainly by the Earth’s ~400-kyr long-eccentricity orbital cycle (Heckel, 1986, Geology, 14:330-334). We analyzed compositional variation through the Edmonds drillcore from northeastern Kansas, which spans the ~6-Myr-long interval from the mid-Desmoinesian through early Virgilian. This core contains 15 to 20 major cyclothems that record regular fluctuations in continental ice mass, representing one climate mode. Additionally, the core contains two thick siliciclastic intervals, comprised mainly of the Tacket and Weston shales, that represent extended lowstand intervals coinciding with the Desmoinesian-Missourian and Missourian-Virgilian stage boundaries, respectively. Each of these lowstand intervals contains several lithologic cycles documenting the continued influence of the 400-kyr orbital period. On this basis, we calculate that each lowstand interval lasted ~1.2 to 1.6 Myr. These lowstand intervals represent a second climate mode characterized by a lesser volume of continental ice, presumably due to melting of one or more icesheets in the Southern Hemisphere, relative to the highstand intervals that comprise the majority of the study interval. An analysis of this type, if extended over a wider stratigraphic interval, has the potential to provide a highly detailed record of changes in continental ice volume during the LPIA. 28-37 BTH 37 Meidlinger-Chin, Vernon [218390] BRAINCASE AND ENDOCRANIAL ANATOMY OF CRYOLOPHOSAURUS ELLIOTI (DINOSAURIA: THEROPODA) FROM THE EARLY JURASSIC OF ANTARCTICA MEIDLINGER-CHIN, Vernon, Geology, Augustana College, 3401 6th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, [email protected] Cryolophosaurus ellioti, a theropod dinosaur discovered in 1991, represents both the most complete dinosaur skeleton from Antarctica and the largest theropod from the Early Jurassic. Previous studies of the anatomy of Cryolophosaurus have focused on the postcranial anatomy and the bony aspects of the skull (Smith et al., 2007). No research has hitherto been conducted on the soft tissue anatomy of the brain. The holotype skull contains a nearly complete and undistorted cranial cavity, roughly approximating the shape and size of the living brain. Through the use of noninvasive CT scanning methods, we have created a digital endocast, which forms the basis of this study. This research provides a detailed comparative anatomical description of the braincase and endocranial anatomy of Cryolophosaurus, including the position of the cranial nerves, the angles of the pontine and cephalic flexures, and relative position of the major lobes. These data allow us, for the first time, to estimate the intelligence of Cryolophosaurus through calculations of encephalization quotient. Additionally, the introduction of phylogenetically informative endocast features clarifies the position of Cryolophosaurus within the theropod evolutionary tree; the dissimilarity of the endocast of Cryolophosaurus to those of Allosauroids and Coelurosaurs suggests that Cryolophosaurus occupies the basal position in Theropoda hypothesized by Smith et al. (2007). Thus, this research reveals new behavioral, paleobiological, and phylogenetic insights of Cryolophosaurus, with implications for the rest of Theropoda. 28-38 BTH 38 Fisher, Elizabeth A. [218454] CHARACTER ANALYSIS OF THEROPODA: A BRIEF STUDY CONFINED TO BRAINCASE CHARACTERS AND FOCUSING ON BASAL TAXA FISHER, Elizabeth A., Geology, Augustana College, 639 38th St, Rock Island, IL 61201, [email protected] Phylogenetic study of basal Theropoda has largely been ignored historically due to a paucity of specimens, but recent discoveries of many basal theropods and development of new technologies have encouraged a new interest in the study of these early theropods. Because paleontology is limited by the specimens available for study, the effort to collect more data often results in the attempt to find and use as many characters as possible in phylogenetic studies. This study arises from an interest in assisting researchers in the use of braincase characters for their analyses. Until recently, braincases where considered to be conservative and of not much use for phylogenetic studies. In this study, 51 braincase characters derived from 3 recent phylogenetic studies (Carrano, Benson, and Sampson 2012; Smith, et al. 2007; Turner, et al. 2007) were analyzed by tracing the character history in the phylogenetic program Mesquite against a tree constructed from the aforementioned papers. This analysis aims to identify characters falling into 1 of 3 groups: 1) characters which support this phylogeny, 2) characters which contradict the hypothesized relationships between taxa or suggest that the characters reflect environmental rather than genetic constraints, and 3) characters which require a more complete scoring to provide information on the type of pattern reflected by the character history. At least 16 characters are possible synapomorphies or generally support the tree and at least 5 characters seem to be contrary to the relationships hypothesized in the tree. 28-39 BTH 39 Yeider, Lindsey [218427] A NEW METHOD OF AGE DETERMINATION OF MAMMUTHUS COLUMBI YEIDER, Lindsey, Geology, Augustana College, 639 38th St, Rock Island, IL 61201, [email protected] Numerous hypotheses have been proposed as to the aging of ancient proboscideans, namely Mammuthus columbi, the Columbian mammoth. Of the proposed hypotheses, none has been proven in terms of accuracy. These methods leave a large margin of error resulting from application to a large range of species, in particular their use for fossil assemblages that may be missing specific anatomical features used for age determining methods. Richard Law’s (1966) work on African Elephant Age (AEY) and Sylvia Sikes’ (1966a) foramen mentale hypothesis employ measurements and visual comparisons to make rough estimates about the ages of Mammuthus columbi, but these methods may only be used when the lower mandible is present. My research introduces another technique that may prove to be more accurate and less destructive. It focuses on measurements of Columbian tusks in comparison with lower mandibular 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 65 SESSION NO. 28 ages (AEY) to create a trend for use with only isolate tusks when the rest of the anatomy is disarticulated or not associated. I expect more accurate age profiles of kill sites and natural death scenarios because this method would encompass a larger portion of the population that was not accounted for due to missing anatomical features. In addition, it would save specimens from destructive age dating techniques that may be utilized on the tusks otherwise. 28-40 BTH 40 Endicott, Robert E. [218757] CERAMIC PETROLOGY AND SOIL MICROMORPHOLOGY OF THE DANILO BITINJ AND POKROVNIK SITES, DALMATIA, CROATIA FADEM, Cynthia M. and ENDICOTT, Robert E., Geology, Earlham College, 801 National Rd W, Campus Drawer #132, Richmond, IN 47374, [email protected] Ongoing analysis of materials from the Danilo Bitinj and Pokrovnik sites is part of the Early Farming in Dalmatia Project, an interdisciplinary effort toward understanding the origins of European agriculture. These Neolithic sites host ceramic, faunal, and lithic artifacts. Danilo Bitinj is the type-site for the Danilo Phase of the Middle Neolithic. As such it has long been recognized for its archaeological significance and appreciated for its rich ceramic record. Earlier work on ceramic samples and thin sections yielded a typology based on paste and temper attributes. Spectroscopic and petrologic analyses focused on fabric type, mineral inclusion type and diversity, and inclusion size. Preliminary petrologic and x-ray diffraction analyses indicated ceramic raw materials may have been sourced on-site. Our current work expands this investigation to include a high-resolution soil XRD dataset and further soil micromorphology. We are also re-examining ceramic thin sections and using appearance in thin section and bulk mineralogy to compare natural and cultural materials. Petrologic analysis confirms mineralogical uniformity amongst soil and ceramic samples, the chief constituents being quartz and calcite. Comparative analysis allows better understanding of the relationship between Dalmatian Neolithic soil materials and ceramic artifacts. Confirmation of the ceramic typology also enables archaeological analysis of the pottery assemblages from these sites and provides a framework for analysis of Early and Middle Neolithic ceramic assemblages in the region. SESSION NO. 29, 1:30 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T5. Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes Region II: The Holocene, Part II Fetzer Center, Putney Auditorium 29-1 1:30 PM Van Dam, Remke L. 1:50 PM Fulton, Albert E. [218666] [218486] HOLOCENE PALEOZOOLOGICAL RECORDS OF THE ALLEGHENY WOODRAT (NEOTOMA MAGISTER) AT THE NORTHEASTERN PERIPHERY OF ITS FORMER RANGE: A BIOGEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS FULTON, Albert E. II, Department of Geography, Michigan State University, 673 Auditorium Road, East Lansing, MI 48824-1117, [email protected] Bones of the regionally-extirpated Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) have been recovered from zooarchaeological and paleontological contexts in Holocene-age deposits at twelve cave and rockshelter sites at the northeastern periphery of its former range in New York State and Connecticut. Analysis of the physical characteristics and geographic context of these sites indicates a species preference for areas with extensive rock outcrop and talus, particularly those containing carbonate, conglomerate, sandstone, and gneiss bedrock. Paleofaunas associated with woodrat fossils demonstrate an affinity with the historically dominant oakchestnut climax forest association, although some paleofaunas indicate the local presence of mixed conifer-northern hardwood forests. Radiocarbon age estimates of woodrat bones are at present unavailable, although indirect age estimates based on stratigraphic provenience indicate the presence of woodrats in the region since at least 8290±100 14C yrs B.P. Many Holocene paleozoological occurrences are either located beyond the species’ known historic distributional limits or are situated in areas of marginal habitat outside of known historic metapopulations. A geographic information systems (GIS) analysis of the study area using digitized soil survey data indicates soil map units containing extensive areas of rock outcrop – a critical limiting factor in Allegheny woodrat distribution – constitute potentially suitable woodrat habitat. By combining digitized soils data with historic woodrat records and paleozoological occurrences, four historic and two prehistoric metapopulations have been delineated that refine and expand the probable extent of the woodrat’s former Holocene range within the region. By the time of the woodrat’s extirpation in New York State in 1987, only two of the six metapopulations were still active. The 66 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs 29-3 2:10 PM Loope, Henry M. [218305] EARLY HOLOCENE EOLIAN ACTIVITY, HURON MOUNTAINS, UPPER MICHIGAN LOOPE, Henry M.1, LIESCH, Matthew E.2, LOOPE, Walter L.3, JOL, Harry M.4, GOBLE, Ronald J.5, ARNEVIK, Arik L.4, and LEGG, Robert J.6, (1) Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 550 N. Park St, 160 Science Hall, Madison, WI 53706, [email protected], (2) Department of Geography and Institute for Great Lakes Research, Central Michigan University, Dow Science Complex 284, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, (3) United States Geological Survey, N8391 Sand Point Road, P.O. Box 40, Munising, MI 49862, (4) Department of Geography and Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, (5) Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 214 Bessey Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588, (6) Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Department, Northern Michigan University, 3113 New Science Facility, 1401 Presque Isle Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855 Multiple lines of evidence document dry climatic conditions in the upper Great Lakes region during the early Holocene (ca. 9 ka), including hydrologic closure of lakes in the Michigan, Huron and Superior basins. The terrestrial response to early Holocene dry climate was recently investigated in eastern Upper Michigan through optical (OSL) dating of eolian sand. Ages from eastern Upper Michigan document dune activity and synchronous reduction in ground cover between 10 and 8 ka (Loope et al., 2012). This project, located within the Huron Mountains in west-central Upper Michigan, aims to extend the potential spatial distribution of terrestrial response to early Holocene dry climate. Data collection included: 1) surficial geological mapping through use of soil survey data and bucket augering, 2) nine ground penetrating radar (GPR) transects totaling three kilometers in length documenting subsurface stratigraphy, 3) highresolution topographic mapping of a large (10 m high) parabolic dune using a total station, 4) collection of six samples for optical dating of eolian sand from three sites, 5) particle size analysis of eolian and glaciolacustrine sediments. Results from augering, GPR, topographic surveying, and particle size analysis indicate eolian sand (from 0 to >6 m in thickness) overlies coarse-grained (medium sand to pebbles) and fine-grained (fine silt) glaciolacustrine sediment. We interpret the glaciolacustrine sediment as nearshore (coarse-grained) and offshore (finegrained) deposits of an unnamed glacial lake that stood at ca. 255 m asl in the study area. Based on its altitude and location north of the Yellow Dog Plains (presumed Marquette Stadial ice margin ca. 11,500 cal yr BP), the unnamed glacial lake existed sometime between 11,500 and 10,600 cal yr BP. Optical ages on eolian sand range between 9.6 and 8.6 ka (mean of 9.2 ka), indicating a gap between glacial lake drainage and eolian activity. Optical ages from the Huron Mountains are in alignment with those from eastern Upper Michigan, suggesting a westward extension of dune activity and terrestrial response to early Holocene dry climate. 29-4 DEPOSITIONAL HISTORY OF THE LAKE ST. CLAIR DELTA, MICHIGAN, USING GEOPHYSICS AND CORES VAN DAM, Remke L., Department of Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 206 Natural Science Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], STORMS, Joep E.A., Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, Delft, 2628 CN, Netherlands, and YANSA, Catherine H., Department of Geography, Michigan State University, 227 Geography Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1117 Lake St. Clair, located between Michigan and Ontario, is the smallest of the Great Lakes. The evolution of Lake St. Clair has been influenced by Late-Wisconsin ice re-advances, isostacy, and changes in outlet points of the Great Lakes system during deglaciation. A shift to the Port Huron outlet during the Nipissing-I highstand around 5500 years BP, prior to which Lake St. Clair was a separate basin, resulted in Lake Huron/Michigan draining through the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers to Lake Erie. Loss of stream competence at the inflow of Lake St. Clair led to the formation of a deltaic system, which currently has a surface area of approximately 230 km2. Compared to the other Great Lakes, the postglacial history of the lake and depositional history of the delta are poorly studied. We used coring, ground-penetrating radar, and electrical resistivity methods to characterize this deltaic system. Our results show four main depositional phases. The sequence starts with Wisconsin-age glacial till (Phase I), followed by late glacial (glacio-) lacustrine deposits (Phase II). Phase III is an Early Holocene swamp environment (Scirpus & Brassicaceae seeds were dated at 9620 +/- 50 years BP). Phase IV is a typical coarsening upward delta progradation sequence with lacustrine clays, silts and sands. A paleosol (Eleocharis & Scirpus seeds dated at 1630 +/- 50 years BP) in the upper part of the deltaic sequence indicates a possible lake-level low. 29-2 relationship between woodrat metapopulation expansion and contraction and palynological records of changes in regional forest composition during the Holocene is explored. 2:30 PM Brinks, Linden E. [218452] THE EFFECTS OF TWO FALL STORMS ON A LAKE MICHIGAN FOREDUNE BRINKS, Linden E., GERBER, Kathryn E., SIN, Jen-Li, SWINEFORD, Jacob T., and ZAPATA, Alek K., Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, 3201 Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, [email protected] Storms have an effect in shaping beach-dune systems but few studies describe specific effects of storms on a foredune environment. We studied changes that autumn storms made to a foredune located at P.J. Hoffmaster State Park on the east coast of Lake Michigan. We used a number of methods including on-site anemometers and a wind vane, erosion pins, GPS, photos, observations, and storm data from the National Weather Service. Two storms were observed during our study period with a week of lower wind speeds between them. The first storm, remnants of Hurricane Sandy, lasted several days with very strong winds and little precipitation. The second storm had more precipitation, was shorter in duration, and had higher maximum wind speeds. During the storms, high waves reduced the wind’s access to loose sand on the beach. Nevertheless, there were large amounts of sand transport from the backbeach to the foredune with deposition occurring on the windward slope of the dune. Both storms were responsible for a significant amount of dune change, whereas very little change took place in the week between the storms. 29-5 2:50 PM Fisher, Timothy G. [218613] TEMPORALLY CONSTRAINED AEOLIAN SAND SIGNALS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO CLIMATE, OXBOW LAKE, SAUGATUCK, MICHIGAN BACA, Kira J.1, FISHER, Timothy G.2, and GOTTGENS, Johan F.1, (1) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, 2801 West Bancroft Street MS604, Toledo, OH 43606, (2) Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo, MS #604, Toledo, OH 43606, [email protected] Interrelationships among late Holocene climate, the dynamics of coastal dunes and sedimentation in adjacent small lakes along coasts of the upper Great Lakes have been studied for over a decade. Nonetheless, many questions remain as to relationships between climate variability and dune activity. In this study wind, temperature, precipitation, drought, evaporation, and lake level are correlated individually with 210Pb/137Cs/7Be dated sand deposits from core samples taken in a small lake in the lee side of small dune ridges near Saugatuck, Michigan. Linear regressions were run to evaluate the strength of their relationship year-by-year, and at offsets of one to two years. Visual correlations were also attempted by evaluating the trends in the annual data sets. While year-by-year R2 values were not strong, or mixed results made them inconclusive, visually examined trends showed more promising correlations. The strongest correlations exist among sand percent by weight, winter drought, and lake level. While small discrepancies among trends occur, results show a relationship among rising or high lake levels, wet conditions, and strong eolian activity (based on increased presence of sand in lake sediment). The implications of this research are that dune activity is linked to periods of wet conditions and storminess. Results can be used as a modern analogue for coastal dune activity during times of high lake level. 29-6 3:30 PM Grote, Todd [218695] HOLOCENE FLOODPLAIN EVOLUTION IN NORTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA GROTE, Todd, Department of Geography and Geology, Eastern Michigan University, 205 Strong Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, [email protected] Multiple cutbank and back-hoe trench exposures throughout the French Creek watershed in northwestern Pennsylvania were used to reconstruct floodplain evolution during the Holocene. Two distinct stratigraphic units are recognized within the French Creek watershed; a prehistoric unit and a historic unit of post-settlement alluvium (PSA). Land conversion from forest to largely agricultural cover beginning in the late 1700s and peaking in the mid to late 1800s is largely responsible for the production and deposition of PSA as modern point bars and vertically accreted SESSION NO. 30 alluvium. Usually a distinctive dark, and sometimes over-thickened, buried A horizon developed in fine-grained vertical accretion deposits marks the contact between the prehistoric and historic units within vertical stratigraphic exposures. Thirteen 14C assays derived from the French Creek floodplain and two tributaries suggest the prehistoric alluvial fills are multi-aged, a phenomenon typical along laterally mobile, meandering streams. Numerous archaeological sites and pedological data suggest a relatively stable floodplain environment for the past several thousand years. The dark prehistoric soil that usually separates the historic and prehistoric stratigraphic units, or is at other times the surface soil, may be the product of Native American utilization of the floodplain environment. Although archaeological and pedological evidence indicates some patches of pre-late Holocene alluvium exist, a lack of widespread alluvium older than ~ 4-5 ka suggests that lateral migration has removed much of the earlier Holocene fill. The removal of alluvium from the alluvial valley has thus hindered a thorough understanding of geomorphic, paleoenvironmental and archaeological records. 29-7 3:50 PM Karsten, James W. [218698] SAND TRANSPORT AND VEGETATION ON TWO LAKE MICHIGAN COASTAL BLOWOUTS KARSTEN, James W., LEPAGE, Gabriel, MESSINA, Michael G., SHISLER, Daniel Jay, and SMITH, Jory, Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, 3201 Burton St, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, [email protected] Sand transport and vegetation are very important influences on blowout evolution, but not much research has been done on how these two elements affect Lake Michigan coastal blowouts. This study investigated the patterns of vegetation and sand transport on two large, saucer-type blowouts in Fall 2012. The study location was Kitchel-Lindquist Dunes Preserve in Ottawa County, Michigan, which is separated from Lake Michigan by a road and a row of houses. A variety of methods were used including erosion pins, sand traps, GPS mapping, and observation and classification of vegetation. The two blowouts are active, with significant sand movement over the rims from the southwest in the direction of the prevailing winds. There was no sand observed moving into the dune system from the west, so any sand transported was being reworked locally. The wind patterns and areas of erosion and deposition within the blowouts were variable. The floors of the blowouts were bare sand and the vegetation was concentrated on the rims and leeward slopes. The vegetation observed was mostly American Beach Grass (Ammophila brevilugata) and Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium). The plant communities suggest the blowouts are relatively young(less than 200 years old) and the area was stable before blowout development. The geomorphology of the Kitchel-Lindquist blowouts and others like them is dynamic, and more study is needed to better understand the processes at work in these coastal landforms. 29-8 4:10 PM Monaghan, G. William [218748] MILLENNIAL-SCALE CYCLES OF COASTAL DUNE FORMATION DURING THE LATE HOLOCENE, LAKE MICHIGAN MONAGHAN, G. William1, ARBOGAST, Alan F.2, LOVIS, William A.3, and KOWALSKI, Daniel2, (1) Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana Univ, 423 North Fess Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405, [email protected], (2) Geography, Michigan State University, 121 Geography Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, (3) Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University, 354 Baker Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824 Published OSL (n=107) and 14C (n=123) assays from the northern and eastern shores of Lake Michigan indicate that coastal dunes were constructed during six episodes that were identified through a Probability Density Distribution (PDD) of the OSL ages. PDD peaks mark times when dunes were more active. PDD lows represent intervals of dune stability. OSL PDD peaks are cyclical on millennial scale (5.5, 4.3, 3.3, 2, 1, and 0.3 ka). The 14C ages were collected from paleosols and archaeological sites stratified within dunes and mark intervals of dune stability. A PDD of 14C ages was also created. OSL PDD peaks mark times of relative dune stability and should be inversely associated with lows in 14C PDD if the coastal dune system is generally regionally consistent. Comparing both PDDs shows that 14C PDD peaks only occur after peaks (or within lows) of the OSL PDD, which indicates Lake Michigan coastal dunes are regionally consistent. The OSL and 14C PDDs were also compared to reconstructed middle and late Holocene lakelevel hydrographs and to a composite 7000-year-long continous record of El Niño events from coastal South America. These data provide clues about what drives the millennial-scaled cycles of coastal dunes along Lake Michigan. Three of the dune-building events are associated with significant rising lake level (transgressive) events (5.5, 3.3, and 2.3 ka) while others occurred during regressive (4.3 and 0.5 ka) or uncertain lake level events. Although likely important, the specific connection between water level change and coastal dune building is more complex than just “transgressive or regressive.” The link between El Niño events and dune activity is clearer. Comparison of OSL and 14C PDD with the El Niño record shows that dunes grew during intervals when El Nino events were uncommon (i.e., <5 events/century). If these correlate with more La Nina events, then increased storminess played a role in dune formation. Conversely, intervals of dune stability and soil formation occur during intervals when El Niño events are more common (i.e., >10-15 events/ century) and have greater oscillation. Collectively, these data suggest that dunes are built or stabilized when a complex set of climate, water-level, and sand-supply factors intersect within the coastal zones to create the proper conditions to construct dunes. SESSION NO. 30, 1:30 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T7. Cultural Geology: Heritage Stone, Buildings, Parks, and More (Heritage Stone Task Group of the IUGS) tandem with rich culture and history. They transcend boundaries of protected areas and operate as a partnership of people and land managers to promote earth heritage through education and sustainable tourism. Geoparks are numerous in Europe and Asia, but largely unknown in the USA. In Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula and Isle Royale, with geology defined by Middle Protoerozoic Rifting of Rodinia and Pleistocene to Anthropocene climate change, geology has influenced human settlement and history in profound ways which makes the place ideal for a Geopark. Geopark development in the USA addresses an under appreciation (and perhaps ignorance) of earth science which leaves America struggling to compete with the rest of the world in issues such as energy resources, sustainability and global warming. These shortcomings in earth science literacy have been addressed through an active NSF sponsored Math Science Partnership focused on earth science education. University faculty, graduate students, middle and high school teachers and students have made connections with national and state parks, municipalities and citizen groups to develop geologic interpretations in order to engage the public. These initial efforts include: 1. EarthCaches in our hometowns, 2. self-guided and android Geowalks sponsored by local municipalities, 3.internships for Earth Science teachers in Midwest national parks and 4. special recognition and educational applications for spots which capture “sense of place”. Each of these activities has built local commitment to geological education which resonates with communities where geology has historically driven and shaped culture. It is our hope that these grassroots efforts will build a strong foundation for America’s first geopark. http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~raman/Geopark http://mitep.mtu.edu/earthcache.php http://www.geo. mtu.edu/~raman/SilverI/HoughtonEC 30-2 1:50 PM Freeman, V. Rocky [218728] THE MATHER SURVEY COLLECTION AT MARIETTA COLLEGE: A RARE ASSEMBLAGE OF EARLY NINETEENTH-CENTURY GEOLOGIC SAMPLES AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN INTERPRETING NINETEENTH-CENTURY GEOLOGIC TERMINOLOGY FREEMAN, V. Rocky1, HANNIBAL, Joseph T.2, and BARTLETT, Wendy1, (1) Marietta College, Petroleum Engineering and Geology, 215 5th Street, Marietta, OH 45750, freemanv@ marietta.edu, (2) Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, OH 44106-1767 The first Ohio Geological Survey, known as the Mather Survey, produced two pioneering volumes on Ohio Geology, both published in 1838. Geologic terminology has changed since that time, however, resulting in some difficulty in determining exactly what these early Ohio geologists meant by their use of terms such as buhrstone (used for manufacture of millstones), hornstone, kidney and other types of iron ore, and hydraulic lime. Such items were of great economic importance at the time of the Survey and some of them continued to be important into the later nineteenth century. In February of 1842, a catalog of geological specimens collected by the Mather Survey was submitted to the Ohio Legislature. This catalog listed labeled suites of specimens, two of which were to be held in the State Cabinet, and the rest of which were to be distributed to colleges in Ohio. Only one of these collections, the one sent to Marietta College, is known to be extant. The Marietta College collection consists of 166 specimens from 16 counties in Ohio. The Pennsylvanian Series is especially well represented; specimens collected in Jackson, Tuscarawas, and Vinton counties account for close to half of the specimens. There are also specimens from other areas of Ohio, however, and two specimens are from Indiana. The specimens in the Marietta College collection provide objective evidence for early nineteenth-century geologic terminology and rock and ore identifications. The Mather catalog lists many additional specimens that may or may not still exist. Still, the catalog itself is important as it contains locality information that complements the locality information in the 1838 Mather Survey reports. Both the collection and the catalog are key elements in the interpretation of early nineteenth-century geologic reports. 30-3 2:10 PM Saja, David B. [218636] WELLINGTON DIMENSION STONE COLLECTION AT THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: A RARE EXAMPLE OF A WELL-DOCUMENTED COLLECTION OF 20TH CENTURY DIMENSION STONES SAJA, David B., Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, OH 44106-1767, [email protected] The Department of Mineralogy at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History houses the Wellington Dimension Stone Collection that contains just over 1,200 slabs of granite, diabase, gabbro, slate, phyllite, marble, limestone, serpentine, travertine, and schists. There are 533 different slabs, some with multiple samples that show different polished, honed and flame-etched surfaces, and a range of available colors and patterns. Robert E. Wellington was an engineer and sales representative of the Alberene Stone Company. A year after his death in 1987, the Museum acquired his entire collection of papers and 1,137 sales samples. He was involved in the construction of over a thousand buildings spanning a two decade period between 1967 and 1987. He sold products from several stone companies including Georgia Marble, Green Mountain Marble, Tennessee Marble, Alabama Limestone, Carthage Marble Corp., Georgia Granite Co., Vermont Structural Slate Co., The Structural Slate Co., and Natural Slate Blackboard Co. His accounts covered hundreds of orders from personal residences to Corporate Headquarters (e.g. Goodyear Tire, Procter & Gamble), as well as churches, museums, hospitals, fire stations, city halls, universities, high schools, restaurants, and cemeteries. Most of these buildings are located across Ohio, but include others in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, Kentucky, Delaware, and Texas. This collection is a significant resource for Historical Preservation, in addition to Economic Geology, because it also contains the bills of sale and stone installation diagrams for nearly every building for which he sold material. These sheets list dates of installation, dimension stone names, number of panels, and even notes on their installation. The collection is also unique in that it is one of only a few surviving major collections available for research in the United States. Already scanned in high resolution on a flatbed scanner, we are preparing to put these images online as a searchable internet database with images and both trade names and geologic names. Eventually we will have digital copies of the building data and a thin section made to accompany each sample. The collection is available at the Museum for viewing by researchers (academic and industry alike) who wish to use it. Fetzer Center, Room 2040 30-4 30-1 1:30 PM Rose, William I. [218567] BUILDING GRASSROOTS FOR A KEWEENAW GEOPARK ROSE, William I.1, GOCHIS, Emily E.2, KLAWITER, Mark F.2, and VYE, Erika C.2, (1) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected], (2) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931 Geoparks are nationally or globally significant geologic areas which have identities similar to national heritage areas. They are defined by spectacular geologic features and processes in 2:30 PM Hannibal, Joseph T. [217675] QUANTIFYING TRENDS IN STONE USED FOR BUILDINGS, STATUARY, AND OTHER USES OVER TIME WITH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERIATION CURVES HANNIBAL, Joseph T., Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, OH 44106-1767, [email protected] Many publications have discussed trends in stone use over time, but such discussions have been, for the most part, qualitative. Such trends can be shown in a quantitative manner using seriation curves, a methodology commonly used by archaeologists and anthropologists, but underused by geologists. The technique was originally developed for use in plotting changes in cultural items 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 67 SESSION NO. 31 such as pottery types over time, graphically representing time series. Such graphs have also been used by a number of authors to show changes in stone used for gravestones over time. Building on use for gravestone analysis, seriation curves can also be used to illustrate changes in stone and other material used for sculptures, buildings, and other aspects of geological material culture. Seriation curves can be used to plot already existing data gleaned (data-mined) from publications and websites as well as from newly collected data. What is needed in either case is a stone type and a date of completion, construction, or dedication. Larger data sets are better, but even smaller data sets can result in illustrative seriation curves. Seriation curves were constructed for building stone used for the exterior of houses of worship in northeastern Ohio (based on Hannibal, 1999) and for stone types (marble, granite, sandstone) and bronze (and other metal) used for Civil War statuary monuments (based on a Cincinnati History Library and Archives website on Civil War Monuments in Ohio). Curves for churches show early dominance of sandstone with subsequent but episodic dominance of limestone and dolomite. Curves plotting Civil War statuary monuments indicate an early post-war preference for marble versus granite, but a subsequent preference for granite in the post-war decades. Bronze and other metal statuary, however, came to dominate stone in the 1920s. The seriation curves for these and other cultural items made of stone offer interesting similarities and differences that are related to availability, transport, weathering characteristics and other stone properties, and cultural preferences. SESSION NO. 31, 1:30 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T8. Addressing Environmental Aspects of Geology: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Policy Fetzer Center, Room 1040/1050 31-1 1:30 PM Sack, Dorothy [218356] HUMAN IMPACTS ON THE DUNES NEAR LYNNDYL, UTAH SACK, Dorothy, Department of Geography, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701, [email protected] Most studies of the impact of off-road vehicles (ORVs) on American deserts have been conducted on nondunal desert landscapes or have emphasized ORV effects on dune wildlife only. Previous researchers have suggested that documented adverse consequences to desert plains and alluvial fans should be avoided by restricting ORV use to active sand dunes. The assumption that ORVs have no significant physical effect on active desert sand dunes, however, has not been adequately investigated. The research reported on here was undertaken to determine if selected dune variables differ significantly between dunes used and dunes not used by ORVs. The Lynndyl dune field, located in west-central Utah about 200 km southwest of Salt Lake City, provides an excellent opportunity to study the effects of off-road vehicles on active desert sand dunes. About 40% of the 575 sq km dune field is administered by the Bureau of Land Management as a recreation area. Most of the recreation area is open to ORV use, which is seasonally intensive, but ORVs are prohibited from a designated natural region that covers about 17% of the total recreation area. The adjacent used and unused portions of the dune field have the same dune types, sand source, and climate. Data on vegetation cover, water content, sediment compaction, and grain size distribution parameters were collected from multiple barchanoid dunes distributed between the used and unused portions of the dune field. Results show that the used dunes are significantly more compacted than the unused dunes, including when controlling for grain size differences between the two samples. In addition, variations in dune form and migration rates are explored with sequential aerial photographs. 31-2 1:50 PM Bleeker, Tyler [218382] EFFICACY OF SAND FENCES IN STABILIZING A STEEP ACTIVE DUNE BLOWOUT BLEEKER, Tyler, MICELI, Cassandra, NIEUWSMA, Josh, and PRATHER, Eleighna, Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, 3201 Burton Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, [email protected] Sand fences are a common management technique used to mitigate wind erosion and stabilize sand dunes. This project investigates the efficacy of sand fences in stabilizing an active dune blowout on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. Research was conducted on a 50-meter high active dune at the Castle Park Preserve south of Holland, Michigan. In the spring of 2012, two sand fences were placed on the steep windward face of the dune in an attempt to stabilize the dune surface. In the fall of 2011 and 2012, erosion pins were used to measure rates of sand erosion and deposition along the axis of the dune. In the fall of 2012, Leatherman sand traps and grids of erosion pins were used to assess sand movement in proximity to the new sand fences. Along the axis of the dune, rates of sand erosion and deposition showed a decrease from 2011 to 2012, although there was little visual evidence of sand accumulation around the sand fences. Sand trap measurements demonstrated greater aeolian sand movement on the windward side of sand fences than the leeward side. However, rates of erosion and deposition near the sand fences were variable, showing areas of both erosion and deposition. Visual observations noted the tendency of deposited sand to slide down the steep face of the blowout. This study demonstrates that sand fences appear to be effective at reducing aeolian sand movement at this site, but they appear to be having a more limited effect on reducing the overall movement of sand on the active blowout face. When stabilizing steep slopes, dune managers should consider using sand fences in conjunction with another technique that reduces the downslope mass movements of sand. 31-3 2:10 PM Arevalo, Joseph M. [218683] EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AT MT. PISGAH AREVALO, Joseph M., EMMONS, Taylor A., HAREFA, Sarah C., VAN WYK, Ashley L., and ZONDAG, Jacob A., Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, [email protected] Although many Great Lakes coastal dunes possess some level of management, few studies examine whether or not the techniques employed are successful. This project evaluates the effectiveness of management techniques implemented on a highly popular dune on Lake Michigan. Mt. Pisgah is a large parabolic dune in Holland, Michigan that locals suspected was being degraded by overuse, prompting the application of management techniques such as planted vegetation, sand fences, stairs, and viewing platforms. This study’s methods included using sand traps and erosion pins to measure sand transport, mapping management techniques 68 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs and human impacts, and distributing a questionnaire on visitors’ perceptions of management. Despite the remnant of Hurricane Sandy occurring during the study, little sand movement was measured. Mapping showed that planted vegetation has significantly decreased the amount of bare sand. The presence of litter and a network of unmanaged trails indicate that people are still going places they are not allowed. Nonetheless, questionnaire results showed a positive public reaction to dune management and a willingness to cooperate with guidelines posted on the dune. In general, the management techniques have lowered the possibility of unwanted erosion, increased control over access to the dune, and preserved many natural habitats and features. However, there is room for improvement in the control of litter and unmanaged trails. 31-4 2:30 PM Parkin, Ann [218686] UNMANAGED TRAILS AND MANAGEMENT ON A GREAT LAKES DUNE PARKIN, Ann, KURTZ, Alexander, PERRY, Krystal, SCHULTZ, Veronika, and WILLIAMS, Matthew, Department of Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, [email protected] While there have been many studies of Michigan coastal dunes, few studies have focused on the interactions between dune management and human impacts. This project investigates how management actions affect the unmanaged trails on the North Beach Dune, a large parabolic dune in Ottawa County, MI. In 2004, the dune was advancing towards an important access road at 0.67 m/year; subsequently the managers implemented a combination of stabilization strategies including installing sand fences, extending the elevated boardwalk, planting vegetation, and constructing signs limiting access to the dune. In Fall 2012, we examined the characteristics of the unmanaged trails to evaluate whether the management efforts were successful, leading to a more stabilized dune. We mapped all of the unmanaged trails on the dune using GPS. We also measured the width of the unmanaged trails and the density of vegetation near the trails. We compared photographs from 2007, 2009, and 2011 to look for changes. Our results showed an increase in the number of unmanaged trails, but a decrease in trail widths. This stabilization of the unmanaged trails contributes to the stabilization of the entire dune. The highest trail density occurred in the area of the dune where the pre-2007 boardwalk ended; this suggests that visitors climbed over the railing at the end of the boardwalk. We conclude that the severity of the unmanaged trails has lessened since the management efforts have been implemented on the dune. Our study shows that management can successfully reduce human impacts in the form of unmanaged trails on a coastal dune. 31-5 2:50 PM Griffey, Denisha [218765] THE EFFECTS OF ROAD SALT DEICERS ON REDOX STRATIFICATION AND SALINIZATION OF EUTROPHIC LAKES IN SOUTHWEST MI, USA GRIFFEY, Denisha, Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] and KORETSKY, Carla M., Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241 Eutrophication in lakes can be caused by agricultural and residential runoff, due to an excess of nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen. Previous studies suggest that seasonal applications of the road salt deicers result in the increase of chloride concentrations which may impact lake aquatic ecosystems and geochemistry. The goal of this study is to examine the effects that road salt deicers have on the geochemistry of Woods and Wintergreen Lake, two kettle lakes located in Southwest MI, USA. Woods Lake is located in urban Kalamazoo, MI it has a surface area of ~ 9.7 ha and a max depth ~ 14m. Wintergreen Lake is located in rural Augusta, MI, has a surface area of ~16.4 ha and a max depth of ~ 7.9 m. Water column samples were collected during May, June, September, November, and December at 1 m intervals, using a van Dorn sampler. The water samples were filtered with two samples from each depth acidified and two un-acidified, and analyzed colorimetrically for Fe2+, Mn2+, total alkalinity, ΣNH4+, and ΣPO43-, by IC for anions (Cl-, Br-, NO3-, SO42-, F-, PO43-), and by ICP-OES for major ions and trace metals (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Co, Cd, Zn, Ni, Al). Using an YSI 650MDS/600QS probe, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity were measured in situ at 0.5 m intervals. Nutrient and redoxsensitive species profiles demonstrate that both Woods and Wintergreen Lake are eutrophic, in agreement with results reported in prior studies. In Woods Lake, DO drops from >100% sat in the epilimnion to < 2% in the hypolimnion. In fall, as DO decreases, dissolved Fe2+, Mn2+, ΣNH4+, and ΣPO43- increase below 8 to 12 m depth, reaching ~230, ~50, ~950, and ~65 µM, respectively. Conductivity increases from 475 µS/cm at the surface to >1000 µS/cm which suggests salinity is contributed from road salt inputs. DO similarly decreases from >100% sat at the surface to ~4% in the bottom waters of Wintergreen Lake during the summer. In contrast, in fall, it is ~86% at 6 m. In summer, dissolved Mn2+ and ΣNH4+ are present at Wintergreen Lake, but smaller concentrations (16 and ~25µM, respectively, at 5 m) compared to Woods Lake. Conductivity is much lower than at Woods Lake, increasing slightly from ~237 µS/cm in the epilimnion to ~392 µS/cm at 6 m. Continued sampling will be used to assess seasonal changes in lake stratification and to determine whether these two lakes are dimictic. 31-6 3:10 PM Ransohoff, Rebecca Weiss [218619] CARBON STORAGE AND NITROUS OXIDE AND METHANE EMISSIONS IN MANAGED AND UNMANAGED URBAN LAWNS AND FORESTS RANSOHOFF, Rebecca Weiss, Earlham College, Department of Geology, Richmond, IN 47374, [email protected], SODERLUND, Lily, Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221, and TOWNSEND-SMALL, Amy, Department of Geology and Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, 605 Geology-Physics Building, Cincinnati, OH 45221 Urban lawns may be beneficial for the uptake of organic carbon (OC) to mitigate excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, lawn maintenance may also contribute to atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. This study looks at OC stocks and GHG flux rates from urban forest soils and both managed and unmanaged urban lawns in Cincinnati, OH to evaluate and quantify the amount of carbon that is being sequestered over time, and to measure the emission and uptake of GHG in the different kinds of soils in relation to overall emissions of GHG. OC stocks were measured by collecting transects from lawns of varying ages to develop a chronosequence to determine the amount that the soils can store over time. Both forest soils and lawns can sequester CO2, but it appears that unmanaged and forest soils have higher carbon stocks than managed lawns, and the ability of a managed lawn to sequester OC has a cap between 20 to 30 years. Flux data was collected following USDA-ARS chamber-based protocols, using static chambers placed randomly at sites. It was hypothesized that the urban lawns, both managed and unmanaged, would have a lessened ability to uptake GHG relative to the urban forest soil. Although preliminary data upholds this hypothesis, further data are needed to study the relationship between lawn maintenance and the inherent capacity of a lawn to uptake GHG. SESSION NO. 32 31-7 3:50 PM Wagner, Zachary C. [218764] THE REDUCTION OF RIVERINE SILICA TRANSPORT DUE TO INVASIVE RIPARIAN VEGETATION WAGNER, Zachary C., Geology, Gustavus Adolphus College, 800 W College Ave, Saint Peter, MN 56082, [email protected], TRIPLETT, Laura D., Department of Geology and Environmental Studies Program, Gustavus Adolphus College, 800 W College Ave, St Peter, MN 56082, and KETTENRING, Karin M., College of Natural Resources, Utah State University, 5210 Old Main Hill, NR 210, Logan, UT 84322 The plant Phragmites australis subs. australis, also known as the common reed, has spread widely across the United States after its introduction on the eastern coast. On the Platte River in central Nebraska, one effect of Phragmites invasion is that previously unvegetated or lightly vegetated banks and islands have become stabilized by the vegetation. This has allowed sediment to accumulate where it might otherwise have been transported downstream. Phragmites may additionally reduce the amount of dissolved silica in rivers with riparian zones dominated by it due to the production of silica phytoliths by the plant. Also, the dense growth habit of Phragmites may locally slow river velocity and cause deposition of the river’s suspended load, which contains some biogenic silica like diatoms, freshwater sponge spicules and phytoliths that have been washed into the river. The combination of the biological and physical effects could significantly decrease the total load of silica flowing down the river. This study explored the differences in biogenic silica concentration in Platte River sediments occupied by live Phragmites, recently killed Phragmites, native Salix (willow), and unvegetated tracts. A sodium hydroxide digestion was used to dissolve biogenic silica in sediment, the silica was then quantified using a molybdate colormetric test UV visualization and also inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study showed that biogenic silica concentrations are higher in places dominated by live Phragmites, indicating a loss of bioavailable silica in the river system. Biogenic silica concentrations in sediments underlying killed Phragmites are lower, suggesting that when the vegetation has died the silica is re-released back to the river system on a relatively short time scale. 31-8 4:10 PM Wilch, T.I. [218694] MONITORING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF THE UPPER KALAMAZOO WATERSHED, MI: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN A LOCAL NATURAL LABORATORY WILCH, T.I. and LINCOLN, T.N., Geological Sciences, Albion College, 611 East Porter St, Albion, MI 49224, [email protected] For more than 10 years, Albion College students and faculty have been engaged in monitoring and research of the Upper Kalamazoo Watershed in Calhoun and Jackson Counties, MI. Our initial studies were a response to citizen concerns about piping of effluent from a local village’s sewage lagoons directly into Rice Creek, a tributary of the upper Kalamazoo River. The research evolved into a multi-faceted watershed monitoring project supported in part by an EPA section 319 grant through the local conservation district. More recent studies have focused on diel cycling of multiple water quality parameters and the interaction between the stream system and groundwater systems in riparian zone wetlands. Detailed studies have largely been facultymentored, student-centered projects and have included individualized directed studies during the academic year and college-sponsored, 10-week summer research experiences. The Upper Kalamazoo Watershed provides an ideal natural laboratory for undergraduate research. Stream reaches include 5th to 1st order tributaries of the Kalamazoo River, draining an 1163 km2, mostly rural watershed. The watershed includes reaches that appear “natural” and others that have been intensely altered by dredging and straightening, as well as multiple in-stream dams that have altered the gradient. Some of the basic findings of our research are novel and important in terms of watershed processes and management. Students discovered and carefully documented diel turbidity cycles and hypothesized that the turbidity cycles were driven by a biological wetlands pump that intercepted groundwater for plant use during daytime hours. Much student work continues to focus on testing this hypothesis. Other students’ work suggests that nitrate levels in the river result primarily from a series of springs with quite high nitrate levels, while the bulk of the river water derives from distributed base flow with much lower nitrate concentrations. Future work includes building a foundational GIS database for the Upper Kalamazoo Watershed which will put in place a much needed overarching structure for the local watershed research. 31-9 4:30 PM Syverson, Kent M. [218689] WATER RESOURCE IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SAND-MINING BOOM IN WESTERN WISCONSIN: A COMPARISON BETWEEN AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND SAND PROCESSING SYVERSON, Kent M., Dept. of Geology, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI 54702, [email protected] The sand-mining industry has been booming in western Wisconsin to meet the demand for frac sand. New sand facilities are located outside of the recently glaciated area where the upper Cambrian Mt. Simon, Wonewoc, and Jordan formations are exposed. These units are quartz-rich (commonly >95%) and have large tonnages of the strong, well-rounded 20/50- and 40/70-mesh sand grains prized in the oil and gas industry. The rapid increase in sand mining has led to concerns about truck traffic, reclamation, generation of respirable dust, and water resources. Water quantity and quality issues rarely are compared to familiar agricultural activities. Dairy cattle drink between 20 and 50 gallons of water per day. A 1000-head industrial dairy operation requires 20,000 to 50,000 gal/day for drinking water alone. A center-pivot irrigation system can pump 1000 gal/minute from the ground. An irrigation system watering a corn field for 24 hours extracts 1.4 million gallons of water. Industrial sand must be washed before it is shipped to users. EOG runs ~2 million gal/day through its sand plant in Chippewa Falls, WI. Most of this water is recycled, so the plant requires ~18,000 gal/day of “make-up water.” Flocculants quickly remove clay particles from the water, permit effective water recycling, and greatly reduce the water demands for sand processing. Polyacrylamide, the most common flocculant, is safe and used in most municipal wastewater treatment facilities. However, polyacrylamide commonly has trace amounts of acrylamide -- a neurotoxin. If acrylamide gets into the ground water, is it likely to cause health problems? Acrylamide degrades to carbon dioxide and ammonia rather quickly in the environment (US EPA, 1985). In oxygen-rich soils, 74-94% of the acrylamide breaks down within 14 days. In oxygen-poor soils, 64-89% of the acrylamide breaks down in 14 days. In river water, 10-20 ppm levels of acrylamide degrade completely in 12 days. Because horizontal ground-water flow velocities are typically on the order of centimeters/day, acrylamide will not persist long within the ground water. This reduces, but does not eliminate, the chances for adverse health impacts. Other activities such as applications of manure, nitrate fertilizers, and pesticides also must be monitored carefully to protect water resources. 31-10 4:50 PM Vye, Erika C. [218678] OPENING A CLEAR AND EQUITABLE DIALOGUE ON THE ISSUE OF MINING IN MICHIGAN’S KEWEENAW PENINSULA VYE, Erika C., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, [email protected], ROSE, William I., Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological Univ, 1400 Townsend Dr, Houghton, MI 49931, and MACLENNAN, Carol A., Social Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49930 The long mining history in Michigan’s Keweenaw leaves a shadow of environmental issues which are threatening to some residents; others see mining as a hope for needed jobs. With approximately 200 million tons of copper in the Keweenaw, recent exploration by Highland Copper Company Inc. has triggered urgent public interest. As Earth scientists we recognize that mining is a necessity, as is the need to do so in an environmentally responsible manner. The general public needs to know more about Earth science in order to make informed decisions for a sustainable and high quality future. How can universities better communicate geoscience information? We wish to gain insight into what the general public knows about mining (environmental concerns, mining practices, economic benefits) and what their attitudes are toward mining in this region (do people want this? why or why not?). Methodologies include a survey administered to the general public by random sample that addresses what the public knows about mining; this will be followed by semi-structured interviews with select respondents in order to deepen understanding of attitudes toward mining and the way place attachment may affect peoples’ position and decisions on land use issues. Additional data will be generated from an open discussion at a public meeting organized specifically to discuss concerns and misconceptions identified throughout this process. We wish to use this data to open a clear, genuine and equitable dialogue to discuss the issue of mining in our community. Understanding misconceptions, concerns, and attitudes toward mining among all stakeholders involved is critical in order to guide and develop open channels of communication within the Keweenaw community. 31-11 5:10 PM Phillips, Michael A. [218466] PROVIDING GEOLOGIC EXPERTISE TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES FACING ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS PHILLIPS, Michael A., Natural Sciences, Illinois Valley Community College, 815 N. Orlando Smith Ave, Oglesby, IL 61348-9692, [email protected] Tens of thousands of sites where environmentally hazardous substances have been released into the environment or where industrial or mining operations are being proposed can be found in communities across the North America. These sites are investigated by professionals under the oversight of state and local environmental protection agencies. The oversight agencies have programs to keep impacted people informed. Unfortunately, these efforts may not succeed because local citizens and elected officials lack the technical expertise to understand what is being done and why. The lack of understanding combined with investigations that can take years can lead to resentment and mistrust. Offering geologic expertise to a community working through an environmental investigation can be both rewarding and educational. Environmental reports include a variety of basic geologic information including stratigraphy, well logs, maps of surficial and bedrock deposits, and cross sections. The reports may contain more detailed geologic material such as hydrogeologic analyses, river discharge forecasts, estimates of minable reserves, and coastal erosion projections. Communities impacted by these reports may lack the resources to hire their own consultant and welcome input from academic professionals and students. The resulting effort can provide benefits to all participants. The community benefits from having an objective review and someone on their side. Students benefit from working with real-world data; seeing how that data is collected, analyzed, and presented by professionals; and by preparing summaries and critiques that are accurate and easily understood. Academic professionals benefit from access to data they may utilize in teaching or further research, helping local communities understand their environment, and by working with other geologists to develop solutions to environmental issues. This talk will conclude with several examples of community outreach including an analysis of a mine proposal, a long-term consultation with a community advisory group seeking remediation of a Superfund site, and the examination of a groundwater contamination concern. Effective outreach can result in long-term professional relationships and access to additional opportunities to provide assistance. SESSION NO. 32, 1:30 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T12. Research in Earth Science Education Fetzer Center, Room 2020 32-1 1:30 PM Gilchrist, Ann M. [217999] STUDENT SURVEYS: USEFUL TOOLS TO ENGAGE NON-SCIENCE MAJORS IN LAB ACTIVITY REVISIONS GILCHRIST, Ann M., Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected] Like most universities, WMU offers an introductory-level geology course for general-education students (non-majors). In early 2012, declining enrollment, poor student evaluations and negative teaching assistant feedback drove the formation of a committee to revise this course. The issues were: a lab that was not coordinated with lecture, a computer tutorial that was not engaging, and a focus on memorization. The committee selected the Earth Science Literacy Initiative (ESLI) “Big Ideas” as a guide for reform. New course goals were to help students develop an understanding of how earth works, how it influences them and how their choices influence it. A revised course developed in spring and summer was implemented in fall. To ensure that the original issues were rectified, student surveys were developed and completed for each lab session. These consisted of modified Likert ratings for overall lab quality, 6-9 Likert items such as was lab connected with lecture, did it have a clear purpose and improve understanding, and concluded with open-ended questions on what was most helpful, least enjoyable and recommendations for improvement. As a member of the committee, the lab coordinator compiled data and reported the results. Highest overall rated labs were stream tables, Michigan fossils, earth hazards and pit mining. Comments indicated these were popular since most of the period was hands-on exercises and student teams were larger. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 69 SESSION NO. 32 Survey feedback requested a brief introduction to each subject, so videos from the American Geosciences Institute on the ESLI Big Ideas became the opening for labs. Surveys also indicated students did not like getting dirty; plastic gloves are now available in labs. Though it is too early to tell if enrollment will increase, it is evident that survey data permitted swift modifications for course improvement. Content learning with pre-test and post-test allow educators to ascertain retention, but does not provide data for making adjustments during instruction. Data-driven course reform using surveys provides rapid, easy to interpret feedback and the opportunity to make adjustments during the instruction period. 32-2 1:50 PM Barney, Jeffrey A. [218790] DO OUR GRADING PRACTICES SEND THE RIGHT MESSAGE? BARNEY, Jeffrey A., Mallinson Institutute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 6575 N 44th St, Augusta, MI 49012, [email protected], PETCOVIC, Heather, Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1187 Rood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, FYNEWEVER, Herb, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Calvin College, 3201 Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, HENDERSON, Charles, Physics Department, Western Michigan University, 1903 West Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, and MUTAMBUKI, Jacinta M., The Mallinson IOnstitute for Science Education, Western Michigan UNiversity, 3225 Wood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Grading practices can send a powerful message to students about what is expected. Research in physics education has identified a misalignment between the goals of faculty instructors and their actual scoring of student solutions: instructors encourage students to show their work when solving numerical problems, yet sometimes grade student work in a way that can discourage them from showing their work. This previous research identified three values that guide faculty when making grading decisions: (1) a desire to see students’ reasoning, (2) a reluctance to deduct points from solutions that might be correct, and (3) a tendency to assume correct reasoning. When these values are in conflict, the conflict is resolved by placing the burden of proof on either the instructor or the student. When the burden of proof is placed on the instructor, points are not deducted for student work unless the instructor can find evidence of mistakes or incorrect student reasoning. When the burden of proof is placed on the student, points are not awarded unless the student shows evidence of correct reasoning. In this study, we verified that this gap exists among earth science faculty and that the same three values are present. We interviewed nine Earth Science instructors from two Midwest research universities about their grading practices. Overall, we found that only 33% of earth science instructors placed the burden of proof on students, requiring the students to demonstrate correct reasoning in order to earn points. Similar to the physics study, we found that although all of the instructors stated that they valued seeing student reasoning, over 50% of them placed the burden of proof on themselves, and graded work in such a way that could actually discourage students from showing their reasoning. This work may contribute toward a better alignment between values and practice in grading student work, and promote learning environments that are more likely to encourage students to show their work when solving numerical problems. 32-3 2:10 PM Petcovic, Heather L. [218647] GEOSCIENTISTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE VALUE OF FIELDWORK PETCOVIC, Heather L., Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 490085241, [email protected], STOKES, Alison, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University, Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, United Kingdom, and CAULKINS, Joshua L., RITES Project, University of Rhode Island, 9 East Alumni Avenue, 116 Woodward Hall, Kingston, RI 02881 A perception exists that fieldwork, either in the form of course trips, multi-day excursions, residential camps, or research, is essential to gaining expertise in the geosciences. Given the financial, logistical, and liability challenges of extended field-based instruction, we ask: why does the geoscience community view fieldwork as such an essential experience? And what particular types of fieldwork are considered most valuable? To address these questions, we developed a mixed open- and closed-response survey asking about perceptions of fieldwork (including field camps and courses). Data were collected anonymously at the 2010 and 2011 Geological Society of America national meetings where participants (n=172; 46% female, 88% Caucasian, 89% working in the USA) completed surveys in a booth in the exhibit hall. Survey participants responded to questions as a member of one of three groups; 50% self-identified as learners (about half undergraduate and half graduate students), 36% as instructors (dominantly holding academic positions), and 14% as industry professionals (dominantly working in government or industry). Over 90% of all respondents indicated that fieldwork should be an integral and required part of undergraduate education. However, while 80% agreed that a residential field camp should be required, only 35% supported the inclusion of bedrock mapping. Thematic coding of the openended items suggests that fieldwork is valued across all groups in promoting cognitive gains, affective responses, and preparation for further study and/or work in the geosciences. When rating the importance of possible fieldwork learning outcomes, all groups highly valued developing a better understanding of geologic concepts, improving problem-solving skills, and increasing confidence in problem-solving skills. Instructors also highly valued integrating knowledge from different disciplines, whereas industry professionals placed high value in developing a better understanding of how geologists think. This work will help the geoscience community identify long-term goals and outcomes of educational fieldwork experiences. 32-4 2:30 PM Rowbotham, Katherine L. [218708] GENERATING CONTENT KNOWLEDGE GAINS THAT STICK: CRACKING THE CODE IN A FIELD-BASED WATER QUALITY COURSE ROWBOTHAM, Katherine L., Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5444, [email protected], PETCOVIC, Heather L., Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241, and KORETSKY, Carla M., Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241 In order to help students develop a holistic understanding of complex aquatic systems, biogeochemical cycling, and the process of eutrophication, we created an upper level, field- and lab-based course for undergraduates. Geoscience and Environmental Studies majors enrolled in the course conduct an authentic, collaborative assessment of water quality, investigating urban lakes with a history of eutrophication in Kalamazoo, MI. 70 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Primary data collection during the first two offerings of the course (Fall 2009 and Fall 2010) included experience, attitude, and knowledge instruments and a series of four semi-structured interviews with approximately 25% of enrolled students. The multiple-choice knowledge instrument functioned as a pre-/post-test, assessing students’ knowledge of lake systems and relevant biogeochemistry. As measured by this instrument, students enrolled during the first two offerings of the course demonstrated substantial content knowledge gains – a 57% mean gain in 2009 and a 43.5% mean gain in 2010. As we considered these content knowledge gains, several research questions emerged: (1) Which aspects of the course might be responsible for promoting these knowledge gains? (2) Might student engagement be connected to knowledge gained in some way? (3) Are these gains durable? These questions generated several changes in the data collection procedure for the third and fourth offerings of course (Fall 2011 and Fall 2012). The attitude survey was eliminated and an engagement survey (deployed five times over the course of the semester) was added. Further, semi-structured interviews included both content- and engagement-related questions/probes. In addition to deploying the content knowledge instrument pre- and postcourse, we deployed it again approximately four months after the conclusion of the course (along with an abbreviated experience survey). After completing these two instruments, students participated in a final semi-structured interview. Here, we will focus on content knowledge gained and retained by students in the third and fourth offerings of the course and the specific aspects of the course that students report affect their engagement with the course and its content. 32-5 2:50 PM Callahan, Caitlin N. [218731] HOW A GEOLOGIST CAN GET LEAD ASTRAY: A VIDEO LOG STUDY EXAMINING HOW ERRORS IN OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS YIELD ERRORS IN GEOLOGIC MAPS CALLAHAN, Caitlin N., The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 3225 Wood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, [email protected], PETCOVIC, Heather L., Department of Geosciences and The Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5241, and BAKER, Kathleen M., Department of Geography, Western Michigan University, 3238 Wood Hall, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 In this study, we integrate data capturing the physical actions, spoken thoughts, and navigation paths of geologists as they make a geologic map. Eight geologists, from novice (undergraduate) to expert (professional), wore a head-mounted video camera with an attached microphone to record their visible actions and their spoken thoughts, creating “video logs” while in the field. Two of the eight geologists, one novice and one expert, made similar errors on their final maps. Here we focus on their two video logs as sources of insight into the origin and evolution of those errors; we also contrast their spoken thoughts and actions with those recorded in two other video logs by participants (also one novice and one expert) who produced more accurate maps. The participants mapped a field area for which there exists a consensus understanding of the underlying geology (i.e., an “answer key”). In addition to a head-mounted camera, participants also wore a GPS unit to record their position throughout the day. Both the GPS data and video logs are time-stamped, enabling the data sets to be synchronized. The videos were coded both for instances of visible actions (e.g., measuring strike and dip, breaking a rock sample for a fresh surface, or testing a rock sample with HCl) and for themes in spoken thoughts (e.g., procedural and declarative knowledge, reasoning, or metacognition). From analyses of the video logs, we find that for the two novices, data collection drives model development. The differences in the accuracy of their maps are determined more by their interpretations of the data. Both experts use an aerial photograph of the field area to propose an initial interpretation of the underlying geology; their initial interpretations guide later data collection and model refinement. The difference in the accuracy of their maps reflects the differences in their initial interpretations and subsequent model development. 32-6 3:10 PM Steffke, Christy [218737] CONVEYING INFORMATION WITH MAPS: A FUNCTION OF SYMBOLOGY STEFFKE, Christy, Geocognition Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences, 206 Natural Sciences, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected] and LIBARKIN, Julie, Geocognition Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences, 288 Farm Lane, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824 Spatial data models are often represented using common cartographic schemes which may not be the most effective for conveying information. For instance, map viewer experience and understanding may be influenced by the way continuous-value data within a map is symbolized. The impact of cartographic design characteristics has long been considered in disciplines specific to map design or cartography, but much is left to be desired for map and image design across the natural and spatial sciences as a whole. Effective symbology is pertinent for conveying continuous-value data, but there also exists a need to balance efficacy with map aesthetics in order to effectively communicate across various audiences. Similarly, Edward Tufte emphasized the importance of symbolizing data using operative color schemes: “…avoiding catastrophe becomes the first principle in bringing color to information: Above all, do no harm” (Envisioning Information by Edward Tufte, 1990). Geoscience educators, for example, often use illustrated depictions for conveying information to their students, but can neglect cartographic design principles which may limit image efficacy or worse yet, distract the image viewer. In this paired study, we used eye tracking and Amazon Mechanical Turk to illuminate participant ability to estimate map values from a continuous-value dataset as a function of color ramp used to symbolize the data. In Part 1 of this study, we carried out an eye tracking experiment in which we quantified differences in apparent visual attention of experts and novices across images symbolized using varying common color palettes. Eye tracking data from these free gaze sessions indicated that participants interact differently when viewing continuous-value datasets symbolized using different ramps. In Part 2 of this study, we used the Amazon Mechanical Turk internet crowdsourcing tool to examine participants’ ability to estimate map values based on the color ramp used to symbolize continuous-value map data. Amazon Mechanical Turk results indicated that participant estimation of map values is strongly related to the color ramp used to symbolize the data. As a product of this study, we hope to better guide symbology selection so as to produce more effective maps for conveying information. SESSION NO. 33 32-7 3:30 PM Martin, Nicholas [218658] UNINTENDED CUING IN TEST DESIGN: COLLEGE STUDENT DATA AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF EYE TRACKING MARTIN, Nicholas, Geological Sciences, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, [email protected], LIBARKIN, Julie, Geocognition Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences, 288 Farm Lane, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, GERAGHTY WARD, Emily M., Department of Geology, Rocky Mountain College, 1511 Poly Drive, Billings, MT 59102, and JARDELEZA, Sarah, Geocognition Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences, 354 Farm Lane, 100 North Kedzie Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824 The design of a test itself may be just as important for performance as a student’s knowledge of the material being tested. In this study, a set of multiple choice questions containing common test designer idiosyncrasies was created to evaluate the extent to which design influences performance. Common idiosyncrasies included: longer answers, answers containing technical language, and answers that correspond to language in the stem of the question. Results from roughly 700 incoming college freshmen indicate that long or technical answers are chosen much more often than other answers. Eye tracking data from 15 students indicate that attention is unequal across all answer options; for example, participants spend much less time gazing at response option “d” than at other options. Differences in attention to salient features of long or technical answers provide evidence for mechanisms underlying the test taking observed in college freshmen. These results suggest that some students are using underlying signals to improve test performance. As a consequence, test scores are likely to be reflective of not only the student’s knowledge of the material, but their ability to pick up on cues in the questions themselves. SESSION NO. 33, 1:30 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T19. Hydrogeologic Investigations for Improved Assessment of Water Availability and Use in the Glaciated United States Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium 33-1 1:30 PM Reeves, Howard W. [218617] USGS GLACIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM GROUNDWATER AVAILABILITY STUDY REEVES, Howard W., USGS Michigan Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 6520 Mercantile Way, Suite 5, Lansing, MI 48911-5991, [email protected] USGS Groundwater Resources Program is coordinating regional groundwater availability studies for principal aquifer systems across the nation. These studies focus on assessment of the status of groundwater resources and quantification of the response of these systems to development and climate change. Each study provides groundwater resource information in a regional context that is designed to help support local decisions. When completed, these studies will provide insight on the major groundwater resources of the nation. The glacial aquifer system study is challenged by the large spatial extent of the system, extreme spatial heterogeneity, climatic range from semi-arid to humid, and the potential for strong hydraulic connection of shallow glacial aquifers to surface-water features. In meeting these challenges, the study aims to provide analysis for characterizing limitations on groundwater availability in regions within the glacial aquifer system arising from climatic setting, hydrogeologic conditions, water quality issues, constraints imposed by the desire to maintain environmental flows, or other features of the system. 33-2 1:50 PM Bayless, E. Randall [218125] A STANDARDIZED DATABASE OF WELL-DRILLERS’ RECORDS FOR THE GLACIATED UNITED STATES BAYLESS, E. Randall, U.S. Geological Survey, [email protected] A standardized database of well-drillers’ records in the glaciated United States and adjacent portions of Canada is being compiled as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) WaterSMART program. The glacial aquifer system is the single largest aquifer system in the United States and is present in parts of 25 states, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coasts and along the International Boundary between the United States and Canada. For this effort, about 11.5 million well-driller’s records have been acquired from State-managed databases and from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database. The number of well-drillers’ records per state retrieved by this effort ranges from a few hundred in Maine to a few million in Minnesota. The standardization of the well-driller’s database utilizes several computer programs that reduce the compilation to well-drillers’ records that meet standards for completeness, accuracy, and contain consistent terminology. Most importantly, the driller’s descriptions are translated into standardized lithologic terms used in the NWIS Ground Water Site Inventory system. In addition to lithologic descriptions, the database includes well-construction, pump-test, and water-use information that is applicable to a wide variety of hydrogeologic studies. Maps will be generated for each state that portray relative horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity, measured horizontal hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, thickness of unconsolidated deposits, and bedrock elevation, the total thickness of sand and gravel. The project plans to make the information in the standardized database publically accessible through a web portal. 33-3 2:10 PM Unterreiner, Gerald [218140] NEW LIDAR-BASED INDIANA DNR POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAPS UNTERREINER, Gerald, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, 402 W Washington St, Rm W264, Indianapolis, IN 46204, [email protected] The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Water (DOW) began a new county-based potentiometric surface mapping project in 2011. A DOW customer survey conducted in 2010 showed that potentiometric surface maps were rated the most important future water resource product. The potentiometric surface project was begun upon completion of the county-based statewide aquifer systems mapping. As with groundwater availability mapping, the potentiometric surface mapping project relies heavily on the DOW water well database, which is freely available online and contains over 400,000 water well records. All of the DOW groundwater assessment maps and publications are posted on the Internet and are free for viewing, printing, and downloading from the DOW main page at http://www.in.gov/dnr/water. The new potentiometric surface mapping project utilizes airborne obtained LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data for surficial high-resolution digital elevation maps (DEMs). The LIDAR obtained point elevations are assigned to located water wells within a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program. The static water well level obtained from the water well record is subtracted from the surface elevation to obtain the potentiometric surface elevation. Geocoding was used in conjunction with county parcels and address points to increase the number of located water well records available for mapping. The products for the new potentiometric surface map series include: maps and digital coverage of unconsolidated and/or bedrock potentiometric surface lines; text describing potentiometric surface mapping; a spreadsheet of water well data used for potentiometric surface mapping, with a separate lithology tab; GIS shapefiles of pertinent geographic and hydrologic features displayed on the maps; and a potentiometric surface line Keyhole Markup Language compressed (KMZ) file. 33-4 2:30 PM Naylor, Shawn [218497] QUANTIFYING HYDROLOGIC BUDGET COMPONENTS IN INDIANA USING A NETWORK OF METEOROLOGICAL AND VADOSE-ZONE INSTRUMENT ARRAYS NAYLOR, Shawn, Center for Geospatial Data Analysis, Indiana Geological Survey, 611 North Walnut Grove Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, [email protected], GUSTIN, Andrew R., Center for Geospatial Data Analysis, Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405, LETSINGER, Sally L., Center for Geospatial Data Analysis, Indiana University, Indiana Geological Survey, 611 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-2208, ELLETT, Kevin, Indiana Geological Survey, 611 Walnut Grove Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405, and OLYPHANT, Greg A., Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Center for Geospatial Data Analysis, 1001 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 Weather stations in the United States that collect reliable, long-term meteorological data sets are now widely distributed owing to advances in both instrumentation and remote data-server technology. However, with the exception of Illinois, sites collecting soil-moisture and soiltemperature data remain sparse in the Midwest, and fewer locations exist where complete meteorological data are collected along with vadose-zone data. Coupled monitoring networks are important for establishing reliable land surface water and energy budgets and estimating deep drainage in the soil profile. They also provide essential data for expanding our understanding of soil moisture-climate coupling. Accordingly, a network of 11 monitoring stations has been developed in Indiana. Nine of the stations are located in glaciated environments including: ground moraine, moraine crest, outwash terrace, and alluvial terrace settings with the remaining two sites situated in reclaimed-mine and unglaciated highland settings. Each instrument array employs standard meteorological sensors, including pyranometers used to measure incoming shortwave solar radiation at seven of the sites and net radiometers at four of the sites. The resulting data are used to calculate potential evapotranspiration (PET) using standard methods by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Vadose-zone instrumentation is installed at six of the glaciated sites and includes time-domain reflectometry soil-moisture and temperature sensors at 0.3-m depth intervals down to a depth of 1.8 m, in addition to matric-potential sensors at 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 m. Shallow water-table aquifers are present at three of the sites, and piezometers are used to measure water-table fluctuations. Beyond providing PET estimates using the FAO guidelines, the data will be used to determine groundwater recharge using the soil-water-balance approach. The significance of quantifying these hydrosphere components is especially important with more frequent drought conditions creating increasing stresses on groundwater resources and agriculture in Indiana. Future landbased modeling efforts aimed at improving our understanding of soil-moisture and recharge distribution will also benefit from having an established empirical data network. 33-5 2:50 PM Lingle, Derrick [218282] ORIGIN OF HIGH LEVELS OF AMMONIUM IN GROUNDWATER, OTTAWA COUNTY, MI LINGLE, Derrick, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, derrick.a.lingle@ wmich.edu and KEHEW, A.E., Geosciences Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Wells located in and around Hemlock Crossing Park in Ottawa County, MI have elevated levels of ammonium (NH4+) in the groundwater. Ammonium can interfere with drinking water disinfection processes and lead to the eutrophication of surface water bodies. Elevated NH4+ concentrations generally originate from anthropogenic sources. Agricultural activity is common around Hemlock Crossing Park. Manure, spread on fields for fertilizer purposes, could be leaching into the subsurface and providing a source for the NH4+. Another possible source of the NH4+ is from the decay of buried organic matter that was deposited during the ice-free mid-Wisconsin glacial episode. To determine if organic matter is present in the subsurface below Hemlock Crossing Park, a complete core was recovered during the installation of a monitoring well using Rotasonic drilling. The well boring tagged the Coldwater Shale bedrock, with the intent of acquiring a complete record of glacial sediment in the area. Initial grain size analysis reveals that the local glacial stratigraphy includes sediment from Glacial Lake Chicago, the Saugatuck till, possible Ganges till, and Glenn Shores till. Of interest in the core was a layer of compacted peat. Organic matter in the peat layer was dated at ~41,000 yr before present (B.P.) using radiocarbon analysis. The peat layer is bounded by two sandy confined aquifers; both of which park and residential wells draw water from. Results from water samples collected from park wells confirm that both aquifers have elevated concentrations of Fe2+ and NH4+. This is indicative of a favorable environment for anaerobic microbes, which can break down buried organic material into ammonium. Future work will involve sampling from park and nearby residential wells and running analysis for major ions and redox parameters. This will give a better understanding of factors that are influencing the water quality. A through isotopic investigation, involving 3H and 14C dating as well as δ18O-δ2H and δ15N-NH4+ signatures, will be used to determine if the elevated NH4+ originates from manure applied to fields or from the decay of the buried peat layer. Results will be beneficial to formerly glaciated regions with similar hydrological conditions where significant amounts of buried organic matter and NH4+ may be present. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 71 SESSION NO. 34 SESSION NO. 34, 3:30 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T20. Applied Geology: Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical and Hydrogeology (Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists) 34-4 Fetzer Center, Kirsch Auditorium 34-1 3:30 PM West, Terry R. [218203] RECENT STUDIES IN APPLIED GEOLOGY, A CONTINUING STORY, TIPPECANOE COUNTY, NORTHWEST INDIANA WEST, Terry R., Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, 550 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907, [email protected] Tippecanoe County, Indiana, home of Purdue University, is a convenient location for field studies in applied geology for students and faculty. Undergraduate research projects of a short duration, master’s studies and continuing field investigations by faculty members are facilitated by the close vicinity of the field sites. Over the years, the author has had numerous opportunities to be involved in this work. Studies have included ground water supply problems where shallow siltstone bedrock prevails, the ancestral Wabash River channel location, wetlands associated with agricultural farming, fields with drainage tiles versus those in undrained areas, environmental concerns along the Wabash River floodway, siting of a new sanitary landfill and environmental concerns for existing ones, gravel deposits in glacial terrain , soil erosion from residential construction yielding sediment transport and deposition, consideration of the Lafayette dam and reservoir proposed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, right of way concerns for highway relocation, expansion of university ownership into a former gravel pit property, eminent domain issues with local government and Purdue University, evaluation of the geology and terrain at the Battle of Tippecanoe, November 1811 and age dating of gravel deposits in the Wea Outwash Plain. A brief summary of these projects will be presented with emphasis on the influence of geology and topography of Tippecanoe County. 34-2 3:50 PM Alfaifi, Hussain J. [218648] COMPARING SLUG TEST RESULTS IN UNCONFINED AQUIFERS ANALYZED USING DIFFERENT METHODS ALFAIFI, Hussain J., Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 4129 Chelten Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49006, [email protected] and HAMPTON, Duane R., Dept. of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, MS 5241, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Slug test methods are used to determine aquifer hydraulic conductivity (K) in situ more quickly and economically than with a pump test. This study compares slug test methods for unconfined aquifers, including Bouwer and Rice (1976), Kansas Geological Survey (1994), Hvorslev (1951) and Dagan (1978). Slug test data from several wells in two separate unconfined aquifers is analyzed to examine the effects of having well screens either entirely submerged or crossing the water table. This study attempts to answer questions such as: Does the Bouwer and Rice method work? Does a big slug yield better results than a small slug? Does the option of assuming a well skin make a significant difference in the slug test results? To address these questions, experiments were conducted in a 7-foot diameter culvert installed vertically in a 7.5-foot deep hole and then backfilled with uniform sand. Six monitoring wells were installed in this uniform man-made unconfined aquifer, and two sizes of slug rods were used in testing these wells. One rod was five feet long and 1 inch in diameter. The larger rod was almost 7 feet long and 1.5 inches in diameter, with an embayment in the bottom and a slot in one side to make room for a pressure transducer and its cable. Tests also were conducted on five closelyspaced wells installed in a natural unconfined aquifer with different screen lengths and depths relative to the water table. All wells tested at both sites were two inches in diameter. Hydraulic conductivity (K) values calculated from tests in the culvert and the natural aquifer show that the Bouwer and Rice method results are closer to the KGS results than to the Hvorslev values. Bouwer and Rice K’s are noticeably smaller than KGS or Hvorslev K’s; the difference is statistically significant. Bouwer and Rice K values have a smaller standard deviation than the KGS or Hvorslev values. Hydraulic conductivity values obtained from tests using the big slug rod are significantly bigger than K’s obtained using a smaller slug rod, regardless of analysis method chosen. Since slug test K’s are invariably smaller than pump test K’s, the larger K’s obtained using the big slug are believed to be more accurate. This means that better results are obtained when slug size is maximized. 34-3 4:10 PM Salim, Rachel [218691] LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF CAPILLARY RISE IN SANDS AND SILTS SALIM, Rachel, Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave MS 5241, Kalamazoo, MI 49009, [email protected] and HAMPTON, Duane R., Dept. of Geosciences, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, MS 5241, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Literature values for the height of capillary rise in fine sands, silts, and clays are contradictory. The late C.W. Fetter (Applied Hydrogeology, 3rd ed., 1994) claimed that the height of capillary rise varies from 1.5 cm in fine gravel to 100 cm in “very fine sand” up to 750 cm in “fine silt”. We found these numbers for finer materials unbelievable. Our research goal is to measure capillary rise in sands and silts, and use our data to identify believable equations and values in the literature for sands, silts and clays. Uniform sand grains 0.4-0.7 mm in diameter were carefully packed into two-inch diameter glass columns. These were placed into clear tanks with water level held constant. The average height of capillary rise observed above the constant water level was 13.5 cm, similar to Fetter’s 15 cm for a similar size sand. The sand was also treated with a water-repellent spray to test capillary rise in a hydrophobic porous medium. This was done to show the effects that wettability has on capillary rise. The capillary fringe was observed to be below the free water level in the tank. In four hydrophobic sand columns, the average depression of the saturated zone was 5.75 cm. Capillary rise in a finer uniform 0.3-0.6 mm sand is currently being measured. Capillary rise in silt with average grain size below 40 microns was also measured after the silt was mixed with equal volumes of the 0.4-0.7 sand to make the column packing work better. The columns are up to 264 cm high. In several silt column experiments, the silt cracked. All of the tests above were repeated using kerosene instead of water; in two silt columns, the capillary rise of kerosene 72 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs was 134 cm and there was no cracking. This value for kerosene scales to a water capillary rise of 228 cm. We hope to identify equations for calculating capillary rise that come close to data values we believe. We are focusing on the equation Fetter used as well as the Polubarinova-Kochina (1952) (P-K) equation which is: hc = 0.45 ((1 – n) / n)/ d10 , with n = porosity, hc = capillary rise and d10 = effective grain diameter (hc and d10 in cm). Our tests with water in sand averaged hc = 13.5 cm for 5 tests; the P-K value is 14.8 cm. The capillary rise in silt calculated using P-K was 181 cm; Fetter’s value would be 188 cm. We hope to add water to a 25% silt, 75% sand column without cracking to measure capillary rise and compare with these values. 4:30 PM Jha, Rajan [218794] ESTABLISHMENT OF UNIVERSAL REGRESSION MODELS FOR PREDICTION OF STREAM MORPHOLOGY BASED ON RELIEF, CLIMATE & WATERSHED VARIABLES JHA, Rajan, Environmental & Water Resource Engineering, Virginia Tech, 800 newport terrace, Blacksburg, VA 24060, [email protected] Are stream properties decoupled from watershed characteristics? Or else do watershed characteristics dictate the channel morphology? If they dictate then can we predict the values of stream properties (Bankfull discharge, Width, Depth, Channel slope, Sinuosity and Meander wavelength) based on the value of its watershed variables (namely: Rainfall/Runoff intensity, Relief, Drainage area , Valley slope , Sediment supply , Watershed elevation , Forest cover, Urban cover, Grass Cover , type of vegetation, Bank material, Soil type, Tectonic events)? The answer to these questions can be very critical in establishing universal relationships that could help us predict the values of hydraulic geometry for any stream across the globe. This research is exactly based on finding answers to these questions and quantitatively figuring out the degree of dependency of the watershed inputs to the stream variables. In “Part I” we do a qualitative study of the watershed characteristics and reason how perturbations in any one of the characteristic can lead to change in one or all of the stream properties. We try figuring the threshold values of change of each stream property (width, depth, channel gradient and others) and thereby determining how a stream accomplishes its objective of maintaining a “Quasi-Equilibrium state.”In “Part II” we do an empirical study of formulating dimensionless regression equations in order to predict bankfull hydraulic geometry. The results from Part II can be very helpful in deciding which dimensionless watershed variable has the most dominant affect on each dimensionless channel property. Based on a large data set of 600 data points, a cumulative universal regression model is developed. Later the data set is segregated into state/region wise and equations are developed separately for streams of 20 different states mainly belonging to USA, Canada, UK & New Zealand. The regression results clearly indicate “annual average rainfall with distribution, drainage area and mean basin elevation” as the most important and significant parameters which when combined integrate the effects of other watershed variables namely: urban cover, forest cover, sediment supply, etc. 34-5 4:50 PM Byer, Gregory [218354] DISCOVERY OF CONCEALED SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES AND CONTAMINATION AT HISTORIC INDUSTRIAL SITES THROUGH INTEGRATION OF GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION INTO THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS BYER, Gregory, ARCADIS U.S., Inc, 132 East Washington Street, Suite 600, Indianapolis, IN 46204, [email protected] Performance of environmental investigations on properties containing historic industrial operations is a common occurrence. Guided by historic documents, the investigator must endeavor to align past features with current site characteristics that often differ from one another. In some situations, subsurface geophysical exploration helps the environmental geoscientist make informed decisions about the placement of soil borings, wells, or test pits, and provides a visceral image of the site. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate to geoscience professional some of the circumstances for which there may be tangible benefit from the use of geophysical techniques. Most often, the geophysical survey is performed as a series of regularly spaced measurements within a defined area of interest - measurements of electrical conductivity, magnetic field, and metal content are the most widely used reconnaissance mapping techniques. Ground penetrating radar is also frequently employed to provide 2D or 3D imaging of features discovered by reconnaissance mapping. In some cases resistivity or seismic imaging are selected as a means of adding geologic details, particularly when shallow bedrock is present. The geophysical objectives often include the need for discovery of buried fuel, process chemical, or waste containment vessels. Associated infrastructure often includes pipes for conveyance of fluids to dispensing or treatment areas. Sumps, dry wells, and septic tanks are often the target of interest due to liquid waste disposal into drain systems. Sewers and other utilities often provide mobile contaminants a pathway for spreading away from the source area and entering aquifers or streams. Knowledge of buried foundations provides confirmation of the location of above or below ground storage, processing or treatment facilities from which contamination originated. The examples provided illustrate a variety of geologic settings, types of historical facilities, contaminants, and site-specific characteristics and objectives. Tangible benefits resulted in each situation shown. Whether to guide additional sampling activities or estimation of remediation costs, the inclusion of geophysical exploration in site investigation activities may be well advised for historic industrial facilities. 34-6 5:10 PM Mickelson, David [218388] USING LIDAR TO MAP STABLE SLOPE SETBACKS ON LAKE SUPERIOR SHORE BLUFFS IN IRON AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES, WISCONSIN MICKELSON, David, Geology and Geophysics, U. of Wisconsin - Madison, 1215 W. Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706-1692, [email protected] and LAUMANN, Jason, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 1400 South River St, Spooner, WI 54801 Primarily because of its proximity to the Minneapolis-St. Paul population center, there is increasing development pressure on this part of the Lake Superior shoreline. Much of the shoreline of Iron and Douglas counties has bluffs from about 30 to almost 100 feet (10-30m) high. Our setback line is based on stable slope angle, rate of past recession, and a facility setback. The bluffs consist almost entirely of clayey till, sandy, stony till or sand and gravel. The geology of the bluff has been described in two earlier studies, and we use that vertical distribution of sediment, modified by field observations in 2011, as the basis for interpretation of sediment type. Stable slope angles for each sediment were established by measuring natural slopes in the area and determining what angle appears to separate stable from unstable slopes. The stable slope component of setback is the horizontal distance from the base of the bluff to where the stable slope angle intersects the bluff top. This is calculated in a GIS. Most past shoreline recession rates range from almost zero to about 6 feet (2 m) per year. Past annual recession rates, determined in a separate study by comparison of orthophotos taken at least two different times SESSION NO. 35 in the past, are multiplied by 50 years. These are added to the stable slope setback and a 75 foot facility setback to produce a total setback line. SESSION NO. 35, 3:00 PM Friday, 3 May 2013 T21. Field Trips, Guidebooks, and Apps: Exploring the Present, Past and Future of Geological Field Trips and Field Trip Guidebooks Fetzer Center, Room 2040 35-1 3:00 PM Evans, Kevin R. [217195] MEMOIRS OF AN UNREPENTANT GEOLOGIC FIELD TRIP LEADER EVANS, Kevin R., Geography, Geology, & Planning Dept, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO 65897, [email protected] Geologic field trips fall into three categories: student, professional, and recreational. Geoscience teachers generally agree that student field trips offer some of the best opportunities for student learning. This is perhaps attributable to the novelty for students and the immersive aspects that enhance engagement. They clearly provide an opportunity for development of experiential skill sets from observation, interpretation, and feedback through the Socratic method. Professional and recreational field trips share many of the same attributes but tend to address more controversial content or require greater physical exertion. So how does one learn to plan and lead geologic field trips? Budgeting and liability advice are available in the Geological Society of America Section Handbook, which is available online (http://www.geosociety.org/sectionmanual/toc.htm#ft), but there are few other resources and checklists for field trip leaders. Experience is not always the best teacher, but anecdotes can give insight into the variety of mishaps that can befall a trip. This talk provides personal and secondhand examples of inclement weather, poor road conditions, bad navigation, vehicle breakdowns, medical risks, natural hazards, and potential liabilities. All-in-all, there are few field trips where negative extrinsic factors have not served to make them memorable — if not treasured — in hindsight. 35-2 3:20 PM Savina, Mary E. [218743] FIELD TRIPS: A “SIGNATURE PEDAGOGY” FOR GEOSCIENCE’S “TANGLED BANKS” SAVINA, Mary E., Geology, Carleton College, 1 N. College St, Northfield, MN 55057, [email protected] According to Lee Shulman, each profession has a “signature pedagogy,” a type of assignment or experience that sets that discipline apart. In geology, one of the signature pedagogies is the field trip. As all of us know, outcrops, modern geologic environments and, in fact, other data sources used by geoscientists are complex: much is missing, some things are overrepresented, etc. The challenge of sorting it all out is what enticed many of us to geoscience in the first place. We don’t have to search beyond our local exposures for the kind of messy, real-life problems that make for excellent instructional material, both for geoscience students and others taking our classes. At Carleton College, we base our undergraduate teaching on multiple field experiences: starting early, happening often, and set up as inquiries. Because professional geoscientists use the “field trip” signature pedagogy too, not only with their students, but with each other, writing a field trip guidebook is something we can ask our students to do, along with writing in other professional formats such as literature reviews, grant proposals and research results. Doing the research and writing ahead of the trip gives students more ownership when the trip happens. Moreover, the students responsible for the guidebook entries can then lead the problem-solving and discussion at the field trip sites. 35-3 3:40 PM Rawling, J. Elmo [218641] DEVIL’S LAKE FIELDTRIPS REBOOTED: MIXING TRADITION AND TECHNOLOGY RAWLING, J. Elmo III1, ROWLEY, Rex1, GULTCH, Ben1, MCCARTNEY, M. Carol2, and ATTIG, John W.3, (1) Geography/Geology, University of Wisconsin Platteville, 1 University Plaza, Platteville, WI 53818, [email protected], (2) Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, University of Wisconsin - Extension, 3817 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705, (3) Department of Environmental Sciences, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 3817 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705 A field trip to Devil’s Lake State Park is an important legacy in Wisconsin’s earth science tradition. By 1872, T.C. Chamberlain was leading educational field trips to the park while he was faculty at the Whitewater Normal School (now UW-Whitewater). The combination of Precambrian and Quaternary geology in the park results in a physical geography unique in the upper-Midwest including steep bluffs with talus, moraines, folded rock, and an unconformity, all in close proximity. Today more than 100 colleges and universities lead earth science field trips to Devil’s Lake State Park and more than a million people visit the park each year for recreation. A field trip there has been conducted as a part of the Geoscience curriculum at UW-Platteville since at least the 1930’s. The trips are included in courses ranging from general education to advanced undergraduate courses. Most of the general education students are non-science majors, and this is one of the few science experiences they will have as an undergraduate. Therefore, this field trip is a crucial link for STEM recruitment and successful student exposure to science content and skills. However, every year several students are not able to meet the physical demands of the trip due to a variety of reasons (disabilities, sports injuries, physical fitness, etc.). To address this, we used mobile GIS to develop an interactive set of maps to allow these students to experience Devil’s Lake virtually along with their classmates. Building on this work, we are creating an interactive map-based mobile app and website for self-guided geology tours of the park, intended for the broader audience of smart-phone and tablet users that visit the park for recreation. As many as 31% of adults own tablets and 45% own smart-phones and they often use their mobile devices for “just-in-time” information. The app and mobile website will provide that real-time information about the geology of the park and it will expand access to science content and skills to recreational park users. 35-4 4:00 PM Huysken, Kristin T. [218665] PAIRED PROJECT-BASED FIELD TRIPS TO THE STARVED ROCK AREA, MATTHEISSEN AND BUFFALO ROCK STATE PARKS, AND THE ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL STATE TRAIL – ILLINOIS HUYSKEN, Kristin T., ARGYILAN, Erin P., and VOTAW, Robert, Department of Geosciences, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Gary, IN 46408-1197, [email protected] As pedagogies in undergraduate education shift toward an emphasis on discovery- and projectbased learning, incorporating field-based exercises into field trips and field trip guidebooks can enhance the application of project-centered instruction. By nature, field investigations require simultaneous application of multiple geological concepts and pedagogies (e.g., hypothesis development, data collection, application of content knowledge, interpretation, graphical/spatial analyses), and demonstrate the relevance of geo-scientific concepts in local and regional contexts. We have developed a pair of field-based projects that make use of State Parks and Natural Areas in the Starved Rock area near LaSalle, IL, including excellent exposures in Mattheissen State Park, Buffalo Rock State Park, and the Illinois & Michigan Canal State Trail. Our intent is to give students level-appropriate experience in approaching real field problems and themes. We have used these field-based projects for all levels of geology students, and pre- and in-service teachers – sometimes revisiting or adding to previous projects to support student learning at a variety of levels. The projects are independently scalable in the sense that the breadth and length can be modified to accommodate different learning levels, student populations, and time allotments. They can also be paired - providing opportunities for scaffolding of geologic concepts from basic observation in two dimensions at the local scale to interpretations in three-dimensional space at the regional scale, and provide a reflective component where intellectual advancement can be demonstrated. Proximity of many Midwestern institutions to the Starved Rock area makes it an ideal location around which to develop this project. 35-5 4:20 PM Kay, Suzanne Mahlburg [218102] DIGITAL AND ON-SITE FIELD TRIP GUIDES TO THE CENTRAL ANDEAN PUNA PLATEAU KAY, Suzanne Mahlburg, EAS, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, [email protected] and COIRA, Beatriz, Conicet, Universidad de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina Leading field trips to remote localities with difficult logistics is a challenging aspect of viewing some of the world’s most spectacular geology. The increase in digital technology including the ability to download and modify PDF images, use satellite imagery including that freely available on Google and other websites and low cost on-line annotated color images has greatly enhanced opportunities for digital field trips that provide an alternative to print field guides. A challenge is to produce versatile field guides that allow access to these areas through digital technology in parallel with print guides to use on site where access to digital technology can be limited or expensive. A challenge in producing digital guides is adapting to constantly changing technology that make those based on free web sites hard to sustain in comparison with print guides that last for decades. In 2008, we attempted such a 7 day guide to the central Andean Puna plateau; which was published along with four others from the 2006 Meeting of the Americas in Argentina in Geological Society of America Field Guide 13. The guide contains a disclaimer that support for vehicles is absent in most of the region, fuel may be unavailable, there are hazards in a high altitude desert at elevations of 3500-4500meters and 4-wheel vehicles with experienced drivers are needed. A road log is not provided; field sites are identified on maps with WSGS84 geographic coordinates. While in a remote region, the trip features some of the world’s largest ignimbrites on the Earth’s second highest and most important volcanic plateau, mafic cinder cones, andesitic to dacitic volcanic centers including the world’s highest active center, internally drained salar and sedimentary basins, well exposed normal, thrust and strike faults, incredible alluvial fans and erosional features on the plateau margins, a complexly deformed pre-Cenozoic basement and breath taking scenery. Enough time has passed to view the guide with hindsight. We don’t know if anyone has attempted the entire trip since the guide was published, but know that parts of the guide have been used. The supporting Google site has changed with improvements in higher resolution images in some areas and deterioration of the larger view in the free version as local images have been added. 35-6 4:50 PM Saja, David B. [218644] GOLD PANNING: A MUSEUM FIELD TRIP, EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE, AND RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY SAJA, David B., Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, OH 44106-1767, [email protected] “Gold! Gold! Gold!!!” announced the first gold panning fieldtrip run by the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in the summer of 1986. Run nearly every year since, it was originally led by two museum educators (Robert Bartolotta and JoAnn Coburn), and is now led by Bartolotta and by the Museum’s Curator of Mineralogy. Originally, the trip visited local parks just to look and not collect, but now it is run in collaboration with the Buckeye Chapter of the Gold Panning Association of America (GPAA), and travels to the Swank Claim in Richland County, a private claim registered with the state. Rivers in northern Ohio are influenced by glacially carved valleys and till deposits. Their sediment is dominated by various types and ages of glacial material from clay beds to a wide variety of erratics brought from Canada. Mining at the Swank deposit is limited to just the stream bed, which erodes an outwash valley deposit of possible pre-Wisconsinan till. During the drive from Cleveland to the claim, glacial geology, the glacial history of Ohio, and the physical geography of the glacial-outwash valley that cradles the prospect are discussed. Past human exploitation of the deposit and how it is now maintained and regulated by the state EPA and GPAA is also covered. At the claim, members of the GPAA demonstrate the technique of panning for gold (acquire gravel from the river bottom and classify it by size and density to obtain concentrated heavy sand) first with a simple plastic gold pan, and then with a small dredge. A field microscope setup on the river bank allows participants to view their finds and learn the mineralogy of sand using identified prepared slides. They are surprised to learn that sand is a size classification and that its composition varies to include minerals like diamond, garnet, and rutile. Each year unique glacial cobbles and a few kilograms of concentrate, discarded after panning, are collected for research and museum specimens. The heavy black sands hold clues to the origin of these glacial sediments. From composition, sphericity, and angularity one can discern an original glacial-sand and two recent sand populations derived from the decomposition of the glacial cobbles and from local sandstones. Despite advertising “do not expect to find nuggets”, this trip remains very popular, especially in today’s economy with gold at $1,670 tr. oz. 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 73 SESSION NO. 35 35-7 5:10 PM Hannibal, Joseph T. [217200] GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESSFUL INFORMAL GEOLOGIC WALKING TOURS AND FIELD TRIPS HANNIBAL, Joseph T., Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, OH 44106-1767, [email protected] The best informal geologic walking tours and field trips for members of the general public combine aspects of formal (professional/for fellow geologists) and student geologic field trips with aspects of commercial walking tours and trips. As with formal geologic trips and commercial tours, it is important that the leader is authoritative and knows the topics covered inside out. It is even better if the leader is an expert on the geology of the site or sites visited. Expertise, however, is not enough. A good trip leader must also be engaging, entertaining, and prepared (as are good commercial guides). Use of personal anecdotes and humorous stories help create rapport with attendees. Optimal group sizes are between ~7 and 25 people (critical mass is necessary to develop group synergy, but it is difficult to maintain a personal touch with a group >25). A leader must also be attentive, making sure that she or he is heard and seen by all attendees as much as possible. A simple megaphone is helpful. Pacing (not too much time at any one spot) is important to keep the audience engaged. Props, including samples (minerals, fossils, rocks), poster-sized illustrations (e.g., a cityscape with buildings and their stone types labeled), large maps, simple sections, etc., help explain items seen, and are as important for informal tours and trips as they are for formal trips. Handouts covering salient aspects of a trip are appreciated by attendees. Some interactivity (not to the extent of student trips) should be included; this could be posing simple questions or providing opportunities for the audience to make their own observations. As with any good formal geologic field trip, it is important to add some kind of cultural aspect to informal walking tours and field trips. Informal walking tours and field trips must be publicized to be successful. Targeted audiences work well (museum newsletters and websites, cemetery newsletters for cemetery geology trips, brochures, handouts) but a feature article in a major media outlet is even better. Good tours and trips also generate word-of-mouth advertising. With adequate promotion, the same tour or trip can be offered year after year. Publication of guidebooks and articles covering these tours and trips do not seem to diminish the audience for expert-led informal trips and can be used in whole or part as trip handouts. Index of Authors How to use the indexing system: The first number (preceding the dash) represents the session number in which the paper will be presented. The second number (following the dash) indicates the presentation order of the paper within its session. Example: Barone, Steven ….. 7-4* Find Session #7 in either the Abstracts volume or the Technical Session portion of the Program, and look at the fourth paper in the session. Page numbers are not listed in this index. Refer to session number and order of presentation to locate the author you are searching for. *denotes presenter A B Abbey, Daron 23-8 Abbott, Mark B. 10-2, 13-6 Abongwa, Pride 25-6 Aden, Douglas J. 14-2* Ahmed, Mohamed 6-6*, 22-4 Al Harbi, Talal 6-4 Alfaifi, Hussain J. 34-2* Algeo, Thomas J. 12-7, 28-29, 28-31, 28-36 Alharbi, Talal 6-6, 22-4* Alshahrani, Saeed S. 12-1* Andermann, Christoff 28-16 Anderson, Brad 3-2 Anderson, Charles W. 15-4 Anderson, Kari 4-1 Anderson, Mary P. 23-2 Arbogast, Alan F. 29-8 Arevalo, Joseph M. 31-3* Argyilan, Erin P. 24-7, 35-4 Armstrong, Felicia P. 4-9, 25-9 Arnaud, Emmanuelle 23-8 Arnevik, Arik L. 29-3 Arriola, Leon M. 28-5 Artz, Joe Alan 13-8* Atekwana, Eliot 25-6* Attig, John W. 3-4, 3-5, 14-3, 35-3 Aucoin, Christopher D. 8-6*, 12-4, 16-5* Aylsworth, Robert L. 18-1 Babcock, Loren E. 27-3*, 27-5 Baca, Kira J. 29-5 Baedke, Steve J. 24-7 Bajc, A.F. 14-8* Bajc, Andy F. 23-7 Baker, Kathleen M. 32-5 Baker, Richard G. 13-5 Baratta, Vanessa M. 21-3* Barnes, David A. 1-2, 1-3, 9-5 Barney, Jeffrey A. 7-3*, 32-2* Barone, Steven 7-4* Bartels, William S. 8-12, 8-13 Bartlett, Wendy 30-2 Bassett, Damon J. 2-2 Basso, Bruno 20-4 Baumann, Eric Jr. 8-14*, 28-29, 28-31*, 28-36 Bayless, E. Randall 33-2* Beaulieu, Jake 1-7 Becker, Richard 6-1, 6-4, 22-5 Becker, Richard H. 6-2, 6-7, 6-8*, 22-6 Bessler, Stephanie A. 28-5 Best, James L. 3-10 Bettis, E. Arthur III 13-5, 13-7, 21-3 Bhattacharyya, Prajukti 28-5, 28-17 Bird, Brian 14-10 Bird, Broxton W. 10-1, 10-2, 13-6 Birren, Thomas H. 28-6* 74 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Blahnik, Caitlin 8-11* Bleeker, Tyler 31-2* Blockland, Joseph 3-2 Bluth, Gregg J.S. 4-1 Bornhorst, Theodore J. 5-1 Bouali, El Hachemi Y. 6-2*, 21-1* Bourbonnierre, Rick 21-6 Bradley, P.W. 25-7 Brake, Sandra S. 28-3, 28-19, 28-20 Brandt, Danita S. 27-3, 27-4* Brett, C.E. 27-2 Brett, Carlton E. 8-6, 8-15, 9-1, 12-4 Brinkmann, Sarah 28-19* Brinks, Linden E. 29-4* Brothers, Candice E. 18-2 Brown, Diana 25-3* Brown, Lewis M. 15-8 Brown, Steven E. 14-1*, 23-6 Bruegger, Alison 11-6* Bryant-Kuiphoff, Yonee’ E. 4-7 Bryk, Alexander B. 3-10 Budd, Blaze M. 28-25 Bull, Nicholas 1-3* Bunda, Jacob 20-3* Burch, Kyle R. 28-3 Burns, Anastasia Marie 28-21* Burt, Abigail K. 14-7* Butler, James J. Jr. 23-9 Byer, Gregory 34-5* C Callahan, Caitlin N. 32-5* Camaret, B.N 9-6* Carnes, Jennifer L. 28-30* Caron, Olivier 3-10 Carrillo-Chavez, Alejandro 17-3 Carson, Eric C. 3-4*, 14-3* Cassidy, Daniel 21-5 Caulkins, Joshua L. 32-3 Cauthon, Matthew J. 28-10 Chase, Ronald B. 21-1 Chiasera, Brandon 22-7* Chiba, Kentaro 16-8 Chouinard, Kyle 22-5 Chouinard, Kyle J. 6-2, 6-4 Ciampaglio, C.N. 16-1 Cicimurri, David J. 16-1 Cioppa, M.T. 18-7 Claes, Christopher 8-13* Coenen, Jason 27-8 Coira, Beatriz 35-5 Colgan, Patrick M. 3-8* Compton, John G. 5-5 Conner, Jeremy 28-9* Conway, Maura C. 25-9* Cook, Alex 7-2 Cook, Tamara J. 28-12* Cooperrider, Leah 26-4, 26-5* Couts, Kimberly E. 28-15* Crane, Renee 21-5* Crisp, Alexis A. 28-15 Crossey, Laura J. 25-4 Crowley, Brooke 8-14, 17-3 Cullen, Patrick 28-29*, 28-31, 28-36 Cummings, Don I. 23-1 Cupples, William B. 12-10* Currie, Philip J. 16-4 Curry, B. Brandon 3-9*, 11-6 D Darby, Dennis A. 13-6 Dasgupta, Rajarshi 17-3* Dattilo, Benjamin 9-3, 27-2* Day, Jed 8-2*, 8-7 Deuter, Leigh H. 16-1*, 28-26 Devera, Joseph 27-6* DeWolf, Cris L. 28-13* Dildar, Nadia 24-1 Disbennett, Douglas 21-6* Dogan, Mine 23-9* Dolliver, Holly A.S. 28-24 Donoghue, Kellie 9-2* Dorale, Jeffrey 28-2 Doucette, Ikumi D. 10-3* Doughty, Travis M. 19-2* Drumheller, Stephanie K. 27-7*, 27-9 Ducey, Patrick W. 11-1*, 14-9 Dunkle, Kallina M. 23-2* E Eichstedt-Anderson, Ethan M. 28-5 El Kadiri, Racha 6-4* El-Sherif, Noran 27-1* Ellett, Kevin 33-4 Elson, Joshua D. 9-4*, 28-10* Emmons, Taylor A. 31-3 Endicott, Robert E. 28-40* Engelmann, Carol A. 4-3 Erich, Kyla J. 21-4* Eriksson, Kenneth A. 12-8 Ernstes, Angela L. 4-8 Ernstes, Joshua D. 4-8* Esch, John M. 3-6* Escobar, Jaime H. 10-1 Estifanos, Biniam Haileab 18-9* Ethington, Raymond L. 2-2 Evans, David C. 16-8 Evans, James E. 12-2, 12-3, 12-5 Evans, James, E. 12-1 Evans, Kevin 9-3, 17-4, 28-11 Evans, Kevin R. 2-2*, 28-10, 35-1* Evans, Scott D. 8-2 Eyles, Carolyn H. 23-3, 23-7 F Fadem, Cynthia M. 10-3, 10-4, 28-14, 28-40 Farlow, James O. 16-4* Faulkner, Douglas J. 28-27 Feig, Anthony D. 26-4*, 26-5 Fenerty, B.S. 14-9 Fisher, Elizabeth A. 28-38* Fisher, Timothy G. 3-1, 3-2*, 22-8, 29-5* Fleming, Anthony H. 14-4* Fluegeman, Richard H. 17-6 Fontana, Thomas M. 8-12* Fordyce, R. Ewan 16-2 Fordyce, Samuel W. 28-14* Forman, Steven L. 3-5, 24-7 Fortner, Sarah K. 28-15 Fowler, J.K. 9-7* Frahm, Andrew L. 23-4 Fraley, Kendle 5-2 Francek, Mark 26-3*, 26-5 Frank, Mark R. 5-2*, 5-5 Franko, Kelsey M. 17-2 Freeman, Rebecca L. 27-2 Freeman, V. Rocky 30-2* Freeman-Ballew, Elizabeth 28-26* Fugate, Joseph M. 18-2 Fujita, Kazuya 28-13 Fulton, Albert E. II 29-2* Fynewever, Herb 32-2 Gemperline, Johanna 11-7 Geraghty Ward, Emily M. 32-7 Gerber, Kathryn E. 29-4 Gerke, Tammie L. 27-2 Gerson, Laura M. 18-10* Gibbons, Jack 28-6 Gierlowski-Kordesch, Elizabeth 28-30 Giesy, John P. 25-7 Gilchrist, Ann M. 32-1* Gilliom, Alden Jane 28-16* Goble, Ronald J. 3-2, 29-3 Gochis, Emily 4-4 Gochis, Emily E. 4-3, 4-5*, 30-1 Goodwin, Grant M. 28-15 Gottfried, Michael D. 16-2* Gottgens, Johan F. 29-5 Gouzie, Douglas 18-10 Gouzie, Douglas R. 1-4 Grabemeyer, Nick C. 4-7* Grant, Kathryn F. 17-2 Green, Douglas H. 2-4 Green, Jeremy L. 8-4* Griffey, Denisha 31-5* Griffith, Elizabeth M. 13-6 Grigsby, Jeffry D. 17-6 Grimley, David A. 11-6, 13-9* Grote, Katherine R. 17-2, 28-21 Grote, Todd 29-6* Guensburg, Thomas E. 8-5* Guenther, Merrilee F. 16-7* Gultch, Ben 35-3 Gustafson, Alan J. 17-2 Gustin, Andrew R. 33-4 H Hacker, David B. 13-6 Hagen, Benjamin P. 28-15 Hagni, Richard D. 5-4* Haileab, Bereket 28-6 Hampton, Duane R. 1-3, 34-2, 34-3 Hanger, Rex 8-1, 8-11 Hanger, Rex A. 8-8 Hannibal, Joseph T. 30-2, 30-4*, 35-7* Hannigan, Robyn 12-7 Hansen, Edward C. 5-1, 28-23 Hanson, Paul R. 13-2, 24-6* Haque, Md. Aminul 17-1*, 25-2* Harefa, Sarah C. 31-3 Harrison, Jeffrey M. 13-6* Hart, David J. 23-2, 28-17 Hart, J. 18-7* Hasan, M. Aziz 25-2 Hasan, Maggie 5-5 Hasbargen, Leslie 16-5 Hasenmueller, Nancy R. 8-2 Hayden, Travis G. 12-9* Healy, Scott M. 17-4 Heckel, Philip H. 28-29, 28-36 Hein, Jordan A. 28-25* Helwig, Zane 27-10 Henck Schmidt, Amanda 28-16 Henderlong, Peter J. 28-8* Henderson, Charles 32-2 Herrmann, Achim D. 28-29, 28-36 Herrmann, Edward W. 13-10* Hess, Rachel 9-3* Higley, Melinda 3-2 Hilverda, Elaine 19-1 Hladyniuk, Ryan 24-1* Hobbs, Trevor 13-3, 14-5* Honeycutt, Christina Ebey 26-2* Hooyer, Thomas S. 11-2 Horsman, Eric 28-9 Huck, Scott W. 12-5* Hungwe, Kedmon 4-5 Huntoon, Jacqueline E. 4-3 Huysken, Kristin T. 28-7, 28-8, 35-4* Hyndman, Dave 20-4 Hyndman, David W. 20-5, 22-2, 23-9 I Iqbal, Mohammad 17-1 Ismail, Ahmed 11-7, 14-9 Ives, Brandon T. 9-4 G J Gant, Michael T. 17-4* Gebrehiwet, Tsigabu 25-5* Gehrman, Rachael C. 10-2* Jackson, Susan 15-4 Jagoda, Susan Kaschner 15-2* Jaques, Charlie A. 15-3 Jardeleza, Sarah 32-7 Jasinski, Briana L. 22-2* Jeffery, David L. 16-3* Jenkins, Julia H. 4-7 Jenschke, Matthew Clay 12-2* Jha, Rajan 34-4* Jilek, Ellen 28-5* Johns, Elizabeth K. 1-4* Johnson, Aaron W. 19-2, 28-2 Johnson, Daryl 8-1*, 8-8 Johnston, John W. 24-5, 24-7* Jol, Harry M. 18-3*, 28-27, 29-3 Joshi, Siddharth Dilip 18-8* K Kahler, Dawn 4-8 Kannan, K. 25-7 Karaffa, Marni D. 14-4 Karlstrom, Karl E. 25-4 Karsten, James W. 29-7* Kaunda, Rennie B. 21-1 Kay, Katherine E. 4-8 Kay, Suzanne Mahlburg 35-5* Keefer, Donald A. 23-6* Keen, Kerry L. 15-7* Kehew, A.E. 25-4, 33-5 Kehew, Alan E. 21-1 Keith, Brian D. 12-6 Kelly, Bridget B. 17-2 Kelso, Paul 15-8 Kendall, Anthony D. 20-4, 20-5, 22-2, 28-25 Kerr, Phillip J. 13-5* Kettenring, Karin M. 31-7 Kincare, Kevin A. 14-6* King, Lorin 27-9 Klawiter, Mark F. 4-2, 4-3*, 4-4, 4-5, 30-1 Knipe, Dawn 28-7 Kominz, Michelle A. 9-5, 12-9 Koretsky, Carla M. 20-1, 31-5, 32-4 Koroleski, Kraig K. 22-7 Kowalewski, Michal 12-8 Kowalski, Daniel 29-8 Koy, Karen A. 27-10* Kozlowski, Andrew L. 14-10* Krantz, David E. 18-2 Krawczyk, Malgorzata 6-4 Krehel, Austin W. 28-23* Krishnamurthy, R.V. 25-4, 25-5, 25-5 Krossman, K.E. 9-6 Kuban, Glen J. 16-4 Kuhl, Alexandria 18-5* Kuhn, Ryan M. 28-3* Kumler, Lori 4-9 Kunz, Stephen E. 28-34* Kurtz, Alexander 31-4 L Lane, Joe 7-1* Larson, Mark 2-1*, 18-4* Larson, Mark O. 9-4, 28-11* Larson, Timothy 11-7 Latimer, Jennifer C. 28-3 Laumann, Jason 34-6 Lee, Charlotte I. 20-5* Lee, Daphne 16-2 Legg, Robert J. 29-3 Legge, Evan A. 19-1 Lemke, Lawrence D. 23-4*, 23-5 Leonard, Andrea M. 8-2 Leonard, Karl W. 28-34 LePage, Gabriel 29-7 Lepper, Kenneth 3-1*, 3-2, 22-8, 24-5, 24-7 Letsinger, Sally L. 14-9, 33-4 Lewandowski, Katherine J. 15-3* Li, Shu-Guang 25-3 Libarkin, Julie 32-6, 32-7 Liesch, Matthew E. 29-3 Lightfoot, Randall E. 21-2* Lincoln, T.N. 31-8 Lingle, Derrick 33-5* Lis, Jill 22-6 List, Daniel A. 9-1 Liu, Xiaodong 13-2 Liu, Xiuju 18-2, 22-8* Londoño, Ana C. 28-28 Long, D. 25-8 Long, David T. 25-1, 25-3, 25-7 Longstaffe, Fred J. 24-1 Loope, Henry M. 29-3* Loope, Walter L. 24-2*, 29-3 Lotimer, Leslea 20-2* Lovis, William A. 29-8 Lowell, Thomas V. 3-1, 3-3*, 3-7, 22-8 Ludwig, Matthew A. 26-6* M Ma, Yuteng 18-6* MacKay, Ross 21-6 MacLennan, Carol A. 31-10 Mahoney, J. Brian 28-33 Maike, Christopher 18-2* Main, Derek J. 27-9 Malcuit, Robert J. 2-5* Maldonado, Patricia 15-4 Malgieri, Thomas J. 8-6, 12-4* Manche, Cameron 22-5* Manger, Walter L. 2-2 Markham, Laura 15-4 Markle, Bradley 28-1 Marks, Adam 28-34 Marsey, C.W. 9-7 Martin, Dean R. 11-3 Martin, Nicholas 32-7* Martin, Sherry L. 20-5, 22-2 Mason, Joseph A. 13-2 Mason, Milam 27-2 Masters, Simon 16-6* Mateas, Douglas J. 5-3* Mathai, Rani V. 26-1* Mattheus, C.R. 9-6, 9-7, 19-3, 22-1* Mattox, Stephen 4-4*, 4-6, 4-7, 4-8, 15-5* Mattox, Stephen R. 4-3, 4-5 Matzke, Jeffrey A. 13-7* Mayle, Emme 1-5* Maynard, J. Barry 28-29, 28-36 McAfee, Robert K. 8-4, 16-9* McCarthy, Stephanie M. 16-7 McCartney, M. Carol 35-3 McClenaghan, M.B. 11-4 McKee, Kathleen F. 4-3 McLaughlin, Patrick I. 27-2 McLean, Colleen 9-6 McLean, Colleen E. 4-9*, 25-9 McMullen, John 28-34 McRivette, Michael W. 8-13 Meidlinger-Chin, Vernon 28-37* Menzies, John 11-4 Messina, Michael G. 29-7 Meyer, David L. 27-2 Meyer, Jessica R. 23-8 Miao, Xiaodong 11-5*, 13-2* Miceli, Cassandra 31-2 Mickelson, David 34-6* Mickus, Kevin 2-1, 18-10, 28-11 Mickus, Kevin L. 2-2, 18-4 Milewski, Stormy 28-29, 28-31, 28-36* Miller, Ashley E. 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6* Miller, James F. 2-2, 17-4 Miller, Kurtz K. 7-2* Misterovich, Gregory 14-11* Mobley, Tilden J. 28-15 Mode, William N. 11-2 Mogren, Saad 18-12* Mohamed, Lamees 6-3*, 6-5* Mohammed, Abdelmawgoud 25-4* Molitor, Timothy H. 17-2* Monaghan, G. William 29-8* Mooi, Rich 8-5 Moore, Rebecca J. 28-33* Morgan, Sven 28-9 Morrison, Sean M. 28-27* Morse, Aaron 27-2 Mottaleb, M. Abdul 28-2 Mukhopadhyay, Manoj 18-12 Mulcahy, Connor 5-1* Mulligan, R.P.M. 14-8 Mulligan, Riley P.M. 23-7* Musch, Steven C. 19-1* Mutambuki, Jacinta M. 32-2 N Nagel, Linda M. 13-3 Nagelkirk, Ryan L. 20-4* Nandi, Sourav K. 17-4 Naylor, Shawn 33-4* Nembhard, Nicole S. 10-4* Nesbitt, Sterling 27-7 Nichols, Cody A. 28-4* Nicholson, Kirsten N. 17-6 Niessen, Frank 12-9 2013 GSA North-Central Section Meeting 75 Nieuwsma, Josh 31-2 Nilges, Tayloy P. 28-28 Norton, M.S. 19-3* Noto, Christopher 27-9* O O’Malley, Christina E. 15-3 Oches, Eric A. 13-9 Olyphant, Greg A. 33-4 Ortiz, Joseph D. 13-6 Osman, Matthew 28-1* Over, D. Jeffrey 8-2 P Pappas, Lena K. 23-4, 23-5* Parker, Beth L. 23-8 Parkin, Ann 31-4* Paulen, Roger C. 11-4 Pavey, Richard R. 11-3* Pekalska, Aneta 22-6 Pennington, Wayne D. 2-3* Perry, Krystal 31-4 Petcovic, Heather 4-4, 4-5, 4-7, 4-8, 7-4, 32-2 Petcovic, Heather L. 4-3, 15-6, 32-3*, 32-4, 32-5 Peters, Carl E. 28-22* Peterson, Joseph E. 27-8* Peteya, Jennifer A. 27-5* Pethe, Swardhuni 17-6* Phillips, Andrew C. 3-10*, 11-7* Phillips, Michael A. 31-11* Piispa, Elisa J. 4-1 Plymate, Thomas 1-1 Pollard, Alexander KH Sr. 15-8 Prather, Eleighna 31-2 Prentice, Michael L. 11-1, 14-9* Prokocki, Eric W. 3-10 Putnam, Aaron E. 3-7 R Ransohoff, Rebecca Weiss 31-6* Raslich, Frank 22-7 Rasmussen, Amy K. 28-33 Rasmussen, David Tab 28-30 Rawling, J. Elmo III 24-3, 35-3* Rawling, J.E. III 24-6 Reed, Mark S. 4-7 Reeves, Howard W. 33-1* Regis, Robert S. 28-32 Reinhardt, Jason 13-3* Rhede, D. 5-1 Rice, Jane 15-4* Rice, Jessey Murray 11-4* Richardson-Coy, Robin 28-18* Rivera, Alexei A. 8-9*, 8-10* Robert, Joe 10-1* Robinson, Amanda 25-7*, 25-8 Rocheford, M. Kathryn 13-11* Rodbell, Donald T. 10-2 Roeglin, Lauren E. 28-27 Rohs, C. Renee 28-4 Rooney, Tyrone O. 22-7 Rose, William I. 4-3, 4-5, 4-7, 4-8, 30-1*, 31-10 Rothenberg, Miriam 28-16 Rovey, Charles W. II 1-5, 1-6, 13-4* Rowbotham, Katherine L. 32-4* Rowley, Rex 35-3 Ruddock, Judy 28-13 Rudge, David W. 15-6* Running, Garry Leonard IV 28-27 Russell, Hazen A.J. 23-1* Rustem, Stephanie 15-4 Ryan, Michael J. 16-8 S Sack, Dorothy 31-1* Saja, David B. 30-3*, 35-6* Salim, Rachel 34-3* Salmons, Charles R. 15-1* Salzwedel, Mitchell 28-24* Samson, Josh B. 9-5 Sandau, Stephen 16-6 Sanderfoot, Benjamin 11-2* Sanders, Jonathon D. 22-6* Sands, Jonathan 28-34 Santistevan, Fred 12-7* Sargent, Steve 14-9 Sauck, William A. 18-11 Savina, Mary E. 35-2* Schaetzl, Randall 3-5* Schepke, Chuck 4-1*, 28-13 Schieber, Juergen 9-2 Schmus, Matthew 28-17* Schramm, Thomas J. 27-2 Schroeder, Lauren A. 25-9 Schultz, Veronika 31-4 Scott, Evan E. 16-8* Scott, Henry P. 5-5* Seaney, Derek L. 28-3 Sears, Lindsey 18-2 Selner, Maria D. 4-8 Sereres, Clayton 18-8 Shah, Mihir 12-3* Shahpurwala, Aiman 22-7 Sharpe, David 23-1 Shields, Stephen A. 1-1* Shikaze, Steven 23-8 Shisler, Daniel Jay 29-7 Siemer, Kyle W. 6-1* Sigler, Von 22-6 Sin, Jen-Li 29-4 Sinclair, Jay 28-13 Sipola, Maija E. 13-1* Slomka, Jessica M. 23-3* 76 2013 GSA Abstracts with Programs Smart, Saundra M. 28-20* Smirnov, Aleksey V. 4-1 Smith, Jory 29-7 Smith, Matthew D. 28-2* Smolenski, Rebecca Lynn 1-7* Smrecak, Trisha A. 8-3* Sobel, Elizabeth 18-4 Soderlund, Lily 31-6 Sonnenburg, Elizabeth 24-4* Sosulski, John H. 1-2* Sprinkle, James 8-5 Stansell, Nathan D. 10-2 Steffke, Christy 32-6* Steinman, Byron A. 10-2 Stierman, Donald 18-2 Stierman, Donald J. 18-9 Stocker, Michelle R. 27-7 Stohr, Christopher 11-5 Stokes, Alison 32-3 Stone, Jeffery 28-19, 28-20 Storms, Joep E.A. 29-1 Stowe, M.S. 22-1 Stratton, Stephanie L. 1-6* Struve, Matthew W. 28-27 Strydhorst, Natasha A. 19-1 Student, James J. 28-9 Sultan, Mohamed 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 22-4, 22-5, 25-4 Svoboda, Michele R. 28-13 Swineford, Jacob T. 29-4 Syverson, Kent M. 28-33, 31-9* T Tabor, Neil J. 28-30 Talarico, Joe M. 9-4 Tamr, Radwan 18-8 Tangtong, Chaiyanun 25-1* Targos, Courtney 28-7* Tatum, Stephen 17-5* Teed, Rebecca 28-18, 28-26 Thomason, Jason F. 11-5, 23-6 Thomka, James R. 8-6, 8-15*, 9-1*, 12-4 Thompson, Todd A. 12-6*, 24-5*, 24-7 Tinigin, Laura 22-5 Townsend Small, Amy 21-6 Townsend-Small, Amy 1-7, 31-6 Triplett, Laura D. 31-7 Tupper, M. Tobias 2-4* U Unterreiner, Gerald 33-3* V Van Arsdale, Roy B. 12-10 Van Dam, Remke 18-6 Van Dam, Remke L. 18-1*, 18-5, 23-9, 29-1* Van Wyk, Ashley L. 31-3 VanderBilt, Lucas E. 19-1 Vannier, Ryan 25-7, 25-8* Varelas, Maria 26-2 Vogelgesang, Jason 13-7 Voice, Peter J. 12-8* Voice, Thomas C. 25-1, 25-3, 25-7 Votaw, Robert 35-4 Vye, Erika C. 4-3, 30-1, 31-10* W Wagenvelt, Kirk A. 9-5* Wagner, Kaleb 22-3* Wagner, Zachary C. 31-7* Waite, Greg 28-13 Waite, Gregory P. 2-3 Walters, Kent A. 3-7* Wang, Hong 13-2 Warbritton, Matthew J. 28-28* Ward, Adam S. 21-3 Weaver, Laura K. 23-8* Weirich, Frank 13-7, 21-3 Weiss Ransohoff, Rebecca 21-6 West, Terry R. 34-1* White, Nathan 28-35* Wilch, T.I. 31-8* Wilcox, Douglas A. 24-7 Williams, Jeremy C. 12-7 Williams, Matthew 31-4 Wilson, Elizabeth L. 28-15 Woodford, Libby R. 28-32* Wosik, Mateusz 16-7 Wulf, Shane 8-1, 8-8* Wyman, Davina A. 20-1* Y Yang, Jianwen 18-7, 18-8 Yansa, Catherine H. 24-3*, 29-1 Yaqoob, Muthanna Yousif 18-11* Yeider, Lindsey 28-39* Young, Julie L. 4-7 Yurk, Brian 28-23 Z Zaki, Abotalib 6-3, 6-5 Zambito, James J. IV 8-7* Zapata, Alek K. 29-4 Zimmerman, Alexander N. Jr. 15-8* Zmijewski, Kirk A. 6-7* Zolynsky, Debra L. 4-2* Zondag, Jacob A. 31-3