April 10 -2015 - First United Methodist Church


April 10 -2015 - First United Methodist Church
Volume 42, Issue 4
April 10, 2015
May Events
Reflections From John
Across the Church, May brings our annual celebration of Pentecost, which in one sense gave birth to
the Church of Jesus Christ. Jesus had promised to
not leave us as orphans, going on to promise the
gift of the Holy Spirit there at the Last Supper.
Today, Pentecost has become our commemoration
of that glorious moment in time when God made
good on the promise, giving birth to life-giving
power to all who are willing to believe and receive
the gift our God, alone, provides.
Across the nation, May brings our annual
“National Day of Prayer” along with Mothers Day
and Memorial Day. In His providential wisdom,
God designed our lives to be birthed by our mothers, and to a person we know that we didn’t get
here on our own. As a nation, we remember that
this gift of freedom, so easily taken for granted,
has come with a cost measured in blood, sweat,
and tears. And we do well to remember the One
who has made all of this possible, for we certainly
haven’t created this great nation on our own.
More than 2 centuries ago, George Washington
acknowledged in his Farewell Address, that any
attempt to build the necessary moral framework
for his country apart from our Lord would be an
exercise in vanity and a very real danger to our
people: “Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on the minds of peculiar
structure, reason, and experience, both forbid us
to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious
principle.” Obviously,
he detected even then
an attempt to base morality on something other than
a religious worldview. Striving to remove the roots of
moral strength, and expecting the fruits of such are
wrong-headed, not to mention flat out wrong, for
real life is sacred and the necessary ingredients will
disintegrate if the basis for such are removed.
One of Washington’s contemporaries, Edmund
Burke, observed, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” At a time that
we remember our mothers, we do well to remember
their children as well. Here at Plymouth First there
are several who have decided to do something (rather
than nothing) about one of the tragic expressions of
evil and immorality plaguing our world. Countless
lives are being debased and devalued as a result of
the rampant and sordid business of human trafficking. The vile use and abuse of human beings must be
met by a strong and courageous response, and God’s
people should be leading the way.
So I invite-yes, I implore you to support in the various ways you can (prayers, time and energy, and resources) the Pearls of Great Price Coalition, a
grass roots Christian coalition in Wayne and
Washtenaw counties, working together to combat
human trafficking, in addition to Lion’s Pride, intended to inspire men to take a moral stand to value
women and children and protect them against pornography and trafficking. Brochures and information about upcoming events shall be forthcoming
and at the very least, please, be in fervent prayer for
the fruitfulness of such efforts.
Thank you!
P a g e
Final NOTEworthy
for this season
Sunday, May 3, 4:00 pm
Plymouth Oratorio Society
with the Michigan Sinfonietta Orchestra
Free-will offering. Reception following.
Helpers are needed for set-up, serving and
clean-up. Contact Marcia Van Oyen
[email protected] or 734-453-5280 x115
Friday, May 15, 7:30 pm
Plymouth Community
Admission free
Children’s Choirs at PFUMC
One of the goals of our music ministry is to give children the opportunity to learn to share their musical gifts
in worship by singing, playing drums, playing bells, participating in dance and other creative opportunities.
Learning to share your talents in worship is a lifelong gift! We are currently working on plans for the
children’s music groups for next fall, and we would love
to hear from you. If you are interested in more information or would like your children to participate, please
contact me.
Marcia Van Oyen [email protected] or 734-453-5280
Music Ministry Positions Available – Accompanist/
Assistant Organist and Children’s Choir Director
If you are interested or know someone who is, please
help spread the word. For more info contact Marcia
Van Oyen
[email protected] or 734-453-5280
Pick a day
Won’t you accept the privilege to pick one day out of seven to be your day to especially
pray for all ministry at PFUMC? You are invited to join PFUMC’s prayer army the
third Thursday evening of the month to journey together seeking God’s heart and will.
Jesus has called PFUMC to be a House of Prayer for the nation, thus all of life and ministry here should be covered in
and flow out of prayer. Our next step of intentional pray growth is to make a personal commitment to devote one day a
week to pray. Each time PFUMC and its ministries come to mind would you please pray.
Be encouraged to pray in agreement and unity for God’s will to be accomplished in all our ministry.
National Day of Prayer ~ Thursday, May 7
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Join us for Summer Sunday School in Room 104/106 @ 9 am.
Each Sunday all ages gather
at 9 am to enjoy fellowship,
coffee, popcorn and treats.
We watch about 20 minutes
of the movie. We then break
into 3 groups (Children,
Youth & Adults) to spend time
understanding the movie
through the theme and scripture
All are welcome!
Breakfast on the Beach
The Great Commission
Easter and Beyond
Imagine No Malaria
John 20:31
Jesus is with me now and
Area 56 is a place for 5th & 6th Graders to experience
meaningful Bible Study, Life Changing Fellowship, Outrageous Games, Important Service Projects, & Wacky Snacks
May 17 th —5:30 pm
P a g e
Financial Update for
March 2015
Income = $ 85,118
Expenses = $ 78,999
YTD Income = $ 236,897
YTD Expenses = $ 231,166
9 am Sunday School
10:10 am Worship
11:30 am Fellowship
5:30 pm FUSION youth
9:30 am Monday Morning
Women Bible Study
Rewards earned for March
April - As a reminder the member of the congregation will need
to re-enroll to continue earning
in the Kroger Community
Rewards Program.
All participants must sign up
for the program in order to earn
funds for your group during May
2015—April 2016.
60+ Lunch
5 pm Methodist Children Home
11:30 am 60+ Lunch
4:00 pm Noteworthy
Concert POS
10 Mother’s Day
7 pm Vacation Bible school kick of
5:30 pm FUSION
Volunteer Lunch
5 :30pm FUSION
5:30 pm Area 56
Bless the Animals
Summer Soup Kitchen is here! We are in need of volunteers (high school age and
up) for serving lunch at Cass Community Social Services in Detroit on Saturday, June
27 and August 8th. We will meet in the PFUMC church lobby at 10:30 am and carpool
together. Willing to help? Please sign up in one of the following
ways: go to Signupgenius.com (search for the signup under
[email protected] or find the link on our church website), on the kiosk at church, e-mail Melissa at [email protected] or call Melissa at 734-455-4227.
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May 2015
Wednesday Thursday
6 am Prayer Breakfast
5:45 pm Jubilate Choir
6 pm Cherub Choir
6 pm Bible Study
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7:30 pm Festival Bells
6 pm Impact Band Practice
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
14 Church annual conf/
15 Church annual conf/
16 Church annual conf/ Adrian
7p Trustees
7:30 pm Plymouth
Community band
National Day of Prayer
2 pm Knit & Crochet
7—Christian Ed
7 pm Staff Parish
9:30 am—Faith Fellowship
6 pm Prayer Meeting
7 pm Church council
6 p Finance
I am collecting metal beverage and food can (i/e Campbell
soup, tuna fish, mixed fruit) tabs for the American Legion in Sault Ste. Marie,
to purchase medical equipment for children.
Also Coke plastic screw-on tops which will go to the middle
school for art supplies and sports equipment. There will be a box
near the donation station in the front entry. For more info, please
contact Suzanne Trinka at 734-591-0781.
Thank you for participating in this worthwhile project.
P a g e
All creatures great and small are invited
to join us for a special
service where we will offer thanks to God for
the beauty and wonder of His creation and
celebrate the animals in our midst.
All pets should be held, caged, or on leashes.
People with animals that don’t travel well or
do not get along with others animals are asked
to bring a photo of their pet. You may also
wish to recognize the death of a pet in this
We will be collecting large
rawhide bones to be donated to the Humane Society
of Huron Valley.
Join us in the outdoor
chapel in the woods at
the back of our
parking lot . . .
45201 N. Territorial Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: 734 453-5280
[email protected]
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Dear friends:
We have had the privilege of serving God through music and worship arts at First United Methodist Church for over 25 years, and it has been a great blessing to worship along-side
so many wonderful saints! So it is with deep emotion that we announce that we will be moving
to the San Jose area in California this summer. John has been offered a wonderful position to
use his experience and creativity at Tesla Motors. It’s an incredible opportunity, but it has
not been an easy decision to move so far from our dear friends and wonderful life in Michigan. John will be starting his new job after Easter, but Nancy will be staying through the beginning of June and will continue to serve in worship.
Thank you, dear friends, for years of fellowship and music-making. Thank
you for being such wonderful witnesses of faith for our children.
May you continue to be blessed and be blessings!
Nancy and John Whitecar
If you are graduating from either
high school or college we cordially
invite you to our Celebration
Breakfast honoring you! Following
the breakfast you will be recognized during the 10:10 am worship service of your choice
(Sanctuary/Impact). We encourage you to wear your graduation
gown (if available) during the service.
When: Sunday, May 31 from 99-10
am in the Parlor.
RSVP by May 27 to Amanda at
[email protected] or by calling the
church office at 734-453-5280 with
the following information:
Will you attend the breakfast?
How many family members will
be attending the breakfast?
(Grandparents are invited.)
What school/
college did you
graduate from?
Where will you be attending in the fall?
Which service will you attend (Sanctuary/
For college grads –what are your future
Counting Ministry
Due to retirements/relocations, the Counting Ministry is in
need of additional volunteers (regular counters and substitutes).
Counting is performed each Sunday immediately after the offering is
taken with completion into the Fellowship Hour.
The Counting Ministry has six rotating teams.
Please contact Gene Kornegay @ 734-455-5108 or
[email protected] if you are able to participate.
P a g e
60 + NEWS
1 0
Grant Took Plymouth
What a lovely spring day we had for our April
60+ luncheon. We were looking forward to the
Hon. Judge Ron Lowe to be our guest speaker
but unfortunately last minute duties prevented
his being able to join us. Imagine our surprise,
however, when Judge Lowe arranged for a most
venerable substitute in the person of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. What a striking figure he was, and
with his ever-present cigar in hand and gentle
voice he told us of his extraordinary life and battles with both humor and humility.
Did you know that his real name was Hiram
Ulysses Grant? Through an error, the congressman who recommended him for appointment to
West Point wrote in the wrong name, but Grant
then adopted that name by which history, you
and I, know him. After Grant’s stunning 1863
victory at Vicksburg, (when Northern victories
were sparse), in January of 1864 President Lincoln appointed him the Commanding General of
the U.S. Army and the fortunes of the war began
to turn in favor of the Union. “Grant took Richmond” and the rest is history. Elected the
M a y
5/2 Dale Good
Amber Newsome
Betty Tarpinian
Margaret Trinka
5/3 Jennifer Cotter
John Hanson
Chelsea Jeannette
Patty Kordick
Austin Stache
Joshua Stevens
5/5 Calvin Spieth
5/6 Ava Laney
Wilson Muse
Caroline Townley
Elsie Mae Trinka
Stephanie Zdrodowski
5/11 Laura Freeman
Kelly Weston
5/12 Kathleen
Roy Forsyth
Bradley Helinsk
5/13 Cindy Cox
Madeline Viergutz
James Wilbur
5/14 Emma Laney
Kerry Montgomery
Kevin Spala
5/15 Bradley Coyle
Audrey Freeman
5/16 Ashley Boebinger
Megan Brown
Andrew Paulus
Spencer Russell
Claudia Soltau
Virginia Vreeland
5/17 Dorothy Little
Sheila McClelland
5/18 Julie Brunzell
Linda Erickson
Emily Hanson
Thomas Viergutz
5/19 Corey LaBelle
5/20 Amy Johnson
Kimberlyn Benjamin
country’s 18th president in 1869 Grant served two terms
and while there is still considerable debate about his
presidency, under his administration the 15th Amendment to the Constitution regarding voting rights was
ratified and 1870 saw the establishment of the Department of Justice by which the civil rights laws could be
The country is fortunate that Gen. Grant was born into a
time when his service was greatly needed and we thank
him for coming to share his life with 60+.
In May we are looking forward with anticipation to
Detroit Historical Society Curator and historian Joel
Stone ~ always welcome and always interesting ~ we can
expect another super presentation. Mark your calendars
~ Monday, May 4, in Fellowship Hall, 11:30 am,
and only $6. You can make your reservation on the
sign-up sheet in the Great Hall, or call Mary (734-9277551) or Sandy (734-459-5471).
Beat the crowd, sign up early and bring a friend!
B i r t h d a y s
Morgan Cusumano
Dan Dalton
Jillian Hakala
Allison Howlett
Barbara Levengood
Megan Rose
Patricia Whalen
Robin Wilder
5/22 Julia Jameson
Janet McKelvey
5/23 Katie Davis
Jeanne Martin
5/24 Jim Soltau
5/25 Matt Ammons
Bill Strobridge
5/26 Rob Zdrodowski
5/27 Amanda Bowren
Jeff McLaughlin
5/28 David Rymph
Arthur Single
5/29 Patricia Carne
Nancy Thomas
5/31 Kelly Erickson
Joe Ferrill
Janice Groat
John Herald
Leonard Little
Frances Loiselle
Ryan McMaster
Jessica White
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Prayer concerns
Ashley Boebinger
Andrew Brown
Glen Coker
Jean Curtiss
Rev. Roy Forsyth
Bev Forsythe
Janice Groat
Don Iler
Gary Krueger
Alex Magee
Vince Maiorana
Mike Paulsen
Fred Peckrul
Nancy Remick
Esther Richards
Earl Rickard
Kathleen Salla
Jean Scheppele
Peter Slazinski
Bob Smith
Garrett & Sarah Sutphin
Tammy Todd
Meredith VanValkenburgh
Justin Atkinson
Kevin Clafton
Linda Erickson
Danielle Gomrick
Nathan King
Austin McCall
Andrew D. Piggott
Evan Ray (Ramsay)
Dan & Ashley Schmitt
Marshall Gartner
Ian Gartner
Sanford Burr
Pat Carne
Calvin Gress
Joann Gress
Pharold Haist
Carol Meszaros
Joan McNally
Helen Sorensen
Ned Stirton
Carol Thomas
Paul Worley
Kris & Sarah Kappler
Johannesburg, South Africa
Do you like the convenience
of automatic donations instead
of writing weekly or monthly
Almost every bank and credit union
today offers online banking with a
FREE bill pay service. Simply enter the church as the “payee” in the
bill pay area. You can then set up
one time, or even recurring, payments to come right out of your
checking account. It’s that easy.
In addition, PFUMC offers the option of electronic donation through
our website at www.pfumc.org.
Click on the button marked contributions. This service utilizes Pay
Pal, it’s quick and easy.
Bertha Houk, sister of Lucy Shaw
Bob Burch, father of Angela Quinlan
Carol Carrier, Bob Ankrapp’s sister
Catie Gunning, daughter of Rev. Pat England
Chris Turk, friend of Jenny Boebinger
David Slazinski, brother of Pete Slazinski
Henry Tornga, brother of Jack Tornga
Jack Trotter, great nephew of G. Coker
Jane Spears, Sarah Sutphin’s mother
Joan Dupree, Amy Triebwasser’s mother
Nelson, Marcia Van Oyen’s brother in law
Pat, friend of Carol Meszaros
Jan Charron, friends of Jill Leeper
Ricky Gyde, son of George and Muriel Gyde
Romeo Ragudo, R. Fuertes’ father
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In case you haven’t noticed, there is a lot of painting going on around the
church, and there is more to come. At the present time, we are in the process of
sprucing up the classrooms on the third floor, with the bathrooms on that floor
to follow very soon. The women’s bathroom on the main level is currently in the
process of being updated as well. Please be patient with us as this process continues. The bathrooms in particular although started, will not be completed
until this summer, but will remain available to everyone.
I, as well as all of the trustees, would like to especially thank our group of volunteers for all or their efforts and many hours of hard work spent on this project. Natalie McLaughlin, Mike Bush, Bill and Ardelle Pickering, and John Cook
– without all of you, we would not be able to accomplish this project. Holly
Good has been a blessing when it came to picking out colors that would brighten
up the rooms, and still go with all of the color work that was done in them. I
would also like to thank Brian Good for all of his assistance, advice and patience
with me when I have needed his help. And I haven’t forgotten the night crew
that has prepped the rooms for us by taking things off of the wall, and in some
cases moved heavy furniture for us, thank you all!
Ruth Ann Cook
Thank you to all that participated in the baby shower for
the Methodist Children’s Home. It was an amazing turnout and people were so very generous!.
Thanks from Faith Fellowship.
Beacon & Calendar deadlines:
E-mail articles by 5 pm on the 10th
of the month to [email protected]
or [email protected]
Plymouth First
United Methodist Church
45201 N. Territorial Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170-6528
(734) 453-5280
Fax: (734) 453-0375
Dated Material—Please do not delay.
Periodical postage paid.
Postmaster please send address corrections.
USPS 34-050
Mailed: Once Monthly
Donations of 2 yard lengths of fleece needed by June 7th
Collection area is in the main church hallway
Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have
because God is pleased with these kinds of sacrifices.
Hebrews 13:16
Blankets will be assembled at the
Heartbeat of Plymouth
Kellogg Park
August 15th
See Renee’ McKarge for more info