Mass and Confessions Schedule
Mass and Confessions Schedule
San Pablo Catholic Church 550 122nd Street - Ocean, Marathon, FL 33050 Mile Marker 53.5 Telephone: (305) 289-0636 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December 27, 2015 Photo by: Larry Benvenuti Mass and Confessions Schedule Weekend Masses: Winter Schedule Saturday 4:00 PM 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM ,11:00 AM & 1:30 PM (SP) Confessions: Saturdays at 3:00 –4:00 PM Daily Mass: Monday through Friday At 8:00 AM Call the Office for: Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Communion to the Sick, Anointing and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Pastor: Rev. Luis R. Rivera Deacon: Rev. Mr. John T. Kirk Plant Manager: Paul Navara Office Staff: Sis & Deacon John Kirk Office Hours: 9:00 - 3:00 PM (M-F) Telephone: (305) 289-0636 Fax: (305) 743-8192 Religious Education Director: Terry Walters Telephone (305) 393-1407 Music Director: Ray Myslakowski Website: E mail: [email protected] Emergency Number: 305-587-4383 Please remember San Pablo Parish in your will Page 2 December 27, 2015 Altar Flowers are dedicated to and in memory of the living and deceased members of the Pinder and Pezzi Families MASS INTENTIONS Each Mass is offered for the intentions of everyone present. Please join us in praying for: +deceased L living MONDAY, December 28 (Feast of the Holy Innocents) 8:00AM + Ray La Greca by Virginia Dillon + Jeffery Todd Fannin By J. Michael & Lindsay Leonard TUESDAY, December 29 8:00 AM + Eileen Mc Entegart by Honey Karl L Mary Burgess by Honey Karl WEDNESDAY, December 30 8:00 AM + Nadya Kozhanova By Family + Margaret Salvati by Stephen & Sue Melvin THURSDAY, December 31 8:00 AM + Sylvia Zellich By Family 5:30PM (Vigil Mass) + Larry Karl by Honey Karl + Rev. Herbert F. Smith S.J. by Family FRIDAY, January 1st (Mary the Mother of God) Holy Day 8:00 AM L&D Pinder and Pezzi Family L Jim and Jeannie Platt by San Pablo Parish 11:00 AM L Pat and Bob Becker by Joe Supp L Nancy and Lee Arrowsmith by San Pablo Parish 1:30 PM People of the Parish SATURDAY, January 2 (St. Basil & St. Gregory, doctors) 4:00 PM + Joseph B. Kirk , Jr. by Family 5:30 PM L Bob and Sandy Kroschel by San Pablo Parish SUNDAY, January 3 (The Epiphany of the Lord) 8:00 AM L&D Pinder & Pezzi Families + Simone Hebert by Marie Fl ood 11:00 AM + Dr. David Moss + Frank & Anthony Fasching by San Pablo Parish 1:30 PM People of the Parish Collections December 20, 2015 The bulletin was sent to the printer before the collections were donated. December 21, 2014 1st-$8046 2nd-$1089 Thanks to all of our generous parishioners and visitors for your support of San Pablo. Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph The family is the privileged setting where every person learns to give and receive love. The family is an intermediate institution between individuals and society, and nothing can completely take its place. The family is a necessary good for peoples, and indispensable foundation for society and a great and life long treasure for couples. It is a unique good for children, who are meant to be the fruit of their love, the total and generous self-giving of their parents. The family is the school which enables men and women to grow to the full measure of their humanity. “O God, who in the Holy Family left us a perfect model of family life lived in faith and obedience to your will, help us to be examples of faith and love for your commandments. Pope Benedict XVI ****************************************************************************************************************** De Su Pastor: Continuará……… Del Arzobispo Wenski Lo que significa el amor verdadero……… El Papa Emerito Benedicto XVI sefial6 en su enciclica "Deus Caritas Est" que la palabra "amor" es usada y abusada con frecuencia. Mas comunrnente, representa lo que los griegos antiguos llamaban "eros"; es decir, el arnor er6tico entre un hombre y una mujer. Mas la Iglesia, desde sus principios, propuso una nueva vision del amor abnegado y oblativo expresado en la palabra "agape". El amor humano naturalentre un hombre y una mujer ( eros) es algo hermoso y sagrado pero necesita disciplina y madurez, necesita "agape" para que no pierda su dignidad y prop6sito verdaderos. Nuestra sociedad moderna ciertamente ha exaltado el "eros", pero al mismo tiempo ha degradado el cuerpo humano, y al hacerlo, ha empobrecido el eras. Eros, reducido solamente al "sexo", se ha convertido enuna mercancia - una simple "cosa" que se compra y se vende. La falta de modestia y la tolerancia de la "pornografia ligera" que han invadido nuestra cultura popular no son signos de que nuestra sociedad se "siente satisfecha" con respecto al cuerpo - en contraste con la supuesta tension mojigata de la generacion anterior. Continuará……… Page 3 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Sylvia Puto, Pat Miola, Cathy Mc Koy, Michael Lavallatto, Mary Weinstein, Barbara Arena, Daniel Cuartas, George Bratton, Fran Newman, Dorothy Pawlus, Sara Joseph-Rager, Jack Kelley, Mike Doll, Diane Boubanis, Stephen Schmitt, Shawna Johannes, Mary Burgess, Anneri Laureano, Mary Aucremanne, Roland Rochleau, Rosa Maria Santos, Ann Kennedy, Sue Palguta, Abe Kurtz, Fr. Paul Plante, George Pratt, Carl Cormier, Jerry Mayette, Louise Peters, Helen Gessell, Debbie Mac Innes, Patrick Kelley, Carol Fay, Camille Westerman, Halley Feaster, Andre Alvarez, Marie Valentine, Morgan Leary, Richard Conn, Monica Haffey, Faith Palguta, Annie Marill & Girls, Elisa Martinez, Pat Raynal, Peter Pittman, Dallas Xavier Jimenez, Katherine Harmon, Ellen Monahan Andary, John Taschler, Nancy Magro, Shirley Seroka, Jeannie Brock, Huffman Family and Richard April: May they all be touched by the healing hand of God. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Each year our parish’s Christmas gift to the community is the beautiful lights and decorations of our Church and Gardens. The Gardens located between the Church and the Parish Hall will be lit nightly from December 6th until January 6th from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. We hope you enjoy our tribute to “Christ the Light of the World.” Please invite your family, friends and neighbors to share in the beauty of our Church and Gardens throughout this Christmas Season. December 27, 2015 JOB OPENING We are now looking for a part-time employee to manage and work the Gift Shop. The hours of operation are on Saturday from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM and on Sunday from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Must be a people person. All applicants must go through the Archdiocese of Miami hiring process. Salary is $10 per hour. Please speak to Fr. Rivera or call 305-289-0636. VOLUNTEER NEEDED We are in need of an energetic individual to organize and operate the parish bingo. This is a seasonal event held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Please call the parish office @305-289-0636 if your are interested. Ongoing Activities We welcome anyone new to the area and invite you to register at the office. Registration forms are also available in the pamphlet rack in the church. While at San Pablo, please take a walk through our beautiful prayer gardens. The entrance is located between the church and parish hall. Religious Education Program meets in the Parish Hall. Families with children 1st grade and up meet on Sunday at 12:00 PM. Confirmation class meets at 6:00 PM on Wednesday. Please call Terry Walters at 305393-1407 or [email protected] The Women’s Club meets on the 2nd Monday of the month in the Parish Hall from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. For more information about activities or meetings, call Joyce Hazuka at 289-8351. San Pablo’s Hidden Heaven Gift Shop & Bookstore has many beautiful religious items for sale. The shop is located in the parish hall and is open after the Masses on Sunday. The Rosary Group meets First Saturday in the Rosary Garden @12:00 Noon and every morning M-F @ 7:30 am before daily Mass. It’s a wonderful way to start the day. NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31ST 5:30 PM-VIGIL MASS FRIDAY, JANUARY 1ST MASSES @ 8:00 AM-11:00 AM & 1:30 PM (SPANISH) The parish office will close at NOON on Thursday, 12/31 And will be closed on New Year’s Day, Friday 1/1/2016 The Arts & Crafts Ladies meet on Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm in the parish hall. Habitat for Humanity of the Middle Keys meets monthly at San Pablo Parish Hall. Volunteers are needed. Call Chris @305-743-9828 AL-ANON @ 305-295-8886 or if your life has been affected by someone’s drinking. Alcoholics [email protected] or call 888-672-4442. Electronic Giving @ ParishPay. Call 866-727-4741 or go to