CONTENTS Board of Trustees 02-03 Chairperson's Message 04-05 Director’s Message 06-07 Milestones 08-11 ITM Group of Institutions 12-13 Our Campus 14-15 Campus Life 16-19 Full Time Faculty 20-21 Events 2013-2014 22-23 PGDM COURSE Content 24-25 Statistics 26-27 Marketing Profiles 28-33 Finance Profiles 34-37 HR Profiles 38-40 List of Alumni of ITM Bangalore 41-41 Summer Internship Batch 2014 -16 42-43 Batch Final Placements 2012-14 44-45 Placements at ITM 46-47 Our Recruiters 48-48 Alumni Testimonials 49-50 02 Board of TRUSTEES The Management Team ITM Business School is managed by a dedicated team of professionals, who bring extensive academic and industry experience to spearhead the mission of launching professional managers. Management Team at ITM Business School, Chennai Dr. Sarita Iyer Director Prof. Srikumar .R Registrar supported by a group of highly committed team of Faculty, Staff and Research Associates. Dr. P.V. Ramana Founder & Chairperson Dr. P.V. Ramana served in senior executive positions as MD in TTK Group and as a Chief Executive in Grasim Group. He secured the Academic Collaboration of New Hampshire College to offer MBA and MS program in India leading to the establishment of the first ITM program in Mumbai in June 1991. The ITM Trust was founded in September 1993. He is also a highly reputed Management Consultant and has served as President of Bombay Management Association (1998-99). Mrs. P. Lalitha Ramana Managing Trustee & Vice Chairperson Mrs. Lalitha Ramana has had over 15 years of experience as an International Education consultant and has represented many of the worlds top international universities in India. She has had significant experience in student counseling and was instrumental in the establishment of key international academic collaborations for the ITM Group. 02 03 04 Chairperson's MESSAGE MISSION STATEMENT To provide industry relevant, competitive and professional Management and Information Technology education, training and consultancy, and add value. Inter alia to provide educational opportunities for the economically disadvantaged by providing financial assistance and free education to mould them into contributing citizens of this world. At ITM Business School, we have imbibed the philosophy of continuous growth, both in terms of the quality of educational inputs and the capabilities of our graduates. As educators, we want to enrich students with the skills and flexibility to thrive in any dynamic economy. We are essentially transforming ITM Business School to meet the changing demands of a global economy. Developing students’ entrepreneurial leadership continues to be the focus of our curriculum. Through two years of intensive training, practical exposure and research based teaching; ITM students are poised to embrace the realities and complexities of high performance business with ease. ITM has been a pioneer in launching the iConnect Core Program. The radically different part the iConnect Core is a 5-month industry internship in which the students are placed with companies to work on specific projects. This initiative embedded in our curriculum, equips our students to meet the market challenges of the competitive global economy. We are continually impressed and inspired by the positive contributions our alumni, students, and faculty are making in the region and beyond. Regularly, students have applied their learning to integrate the economic, social, and environmental improvements to communities across the globe. Our students have been successful in bringing opportunities to local and global communities through projects that address financial literacy, sustainability, market economics and many more. Best Wishes Dr. P.V. Ramana Chairperson ITM Group of Institutions 04 05 06 Director’s MESSAGE Dear Stakeholders, An Educational institution has a pivotal role to play in building the Core Competencies as well as the Foundation of the Student, strengthen the community around and the Country at large therefore it is a job of tremendous responsibility when the stakeholders of that Institution are slated to perform myriad roles as in case of a business school like ITM Bangalore. In a World where change is a buzzword and innovation and Sustainability is the basic necessity, ITM Bangalore teaches its students to ingrain innovativeness as a way of thinking that governs every aspect of their thought process thereby converting them into Managers Par Excellence. The Curriculum is crafted with an Eye to Detail under the guidance of leading Industry Giants and the Academic Gurus. The Institution enjoys Complete autonomy, both Strategic and Financial which enables us to be a step ahead of our Counterparts. Our Mission To reach among the top 25 Bschools in the country with Industry-relevant Pr o g r a m s w i t h e m p h a s i s o n traditional Indian values and Culture. To sensitise the young Managers to the problems of the Under-privileged and Environmental factors. To make them as responsible and committed citizens. In short, Our Mission is to make “every young Manager a good citizen and a successful manager”. At ITM Bangalore we recognize that latent talent can be sculpted only by the perfect blend of business awareness and corporate exposure. To foster the same we have constant interactions with various business leaders and global managers from the corporate world which makes the students Corporate Ready. The Life Skills that we impart and the Plethora of activities we undertake opens up vistas for creativity and innovation in our Students. ITM Bangalore Students are a combination of the Right Attitude, combined with the Requisite Skills and are equipped with Intensive Knowledge. The students are nurtured in a vibrant cosmopolitan culture in and it is this very competitive spirit and all round Development that gives them an edge over their Peer Group. We strongly inculcate and instill high level of Morals and a good Value System preparing them to be Ethical Leaders of tomorrow. We are moving towards attaining increased acclaim and credibility, and earning the Goodwill of top recruiters in the country. At ITM Bangalore “Dreams become a Reality” I proudly present to you a "B-School with a Soul.” Dr.Sarita Iyer Director MBA,MMM,MS,MPHIL,Ph.D 06 07 08 ITM Group of Institutes has crossed many milestones, emerged as a highly reputed, globally recognized Business School since its inception in1991. Our next milestone is to place ourselves among the world's leading management institutions by 2020. MILESTONES INSPIRING 22 YEARS 1991: Academic Association Agreement signed with New Hampshire College PGDBA program in Mumbai commences. MS(CIS) program in Mumbai commences. 1992: ITM Business School Bangalore is established with the launch of the PGDBA program. Part Time MBA Program is launched in Mumbai. 1993: ITM Business School Chennai is established with the launch of the PGDBA program and the Part-Time MBA Program. 1994: The ITM PGDBA program is formally recognized by AICTE. 1995: TM Business School Warangal is established as a fully residential Graduate School of Business 2 2 Y E A R S O N, LOOKING 22 YEARS AHEAD ITM Group of Institutes has crossed many milestones, emerged as a highly reputed, globally recognized Business School since its inception in1991. Our next milestone is to place ourselves among the world's leading management institutions by 2020 1996: ITM Business School becomes a citizen of Navi Mumbai, moving its Mumbai campus to a spacious new premises in Nerul. 1997: ITM Hyderabad is established as an Executive Education Centre. ITM Business School Bangalore moves to a new fully residential campus. 1998: Business Today Magazine ranks ITM Business School at 37 among all the Business Schools in India and at 15 on the basis of Admissions and Placements. The Foundation Stone is laid to commence construction on ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai’s flagship campus at Kharghar. 1999 Business Today Magazine rates ITM as the 2nd best B-School for Marketing Majors. ITM Business School becomes a member of the elite group of Institutes who participate in the IIM CAT based Admissions System. 2000 Business India magazine rates ITM as an “A” grade Business School, putting us in the elite company of the nation’s top B-Schools. Student & Faculty Exchange Agreement with ESSCA, a Leading 08 Business School in France & Hungary. 2001 Outlook Magazine rates ITM Business School at # 26 overall and at #10 among all institutes started since 1990. ITM Business School, Navi Mumbai inaugurates its Flagship campus in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai with the blessings of His Holiness Sri Sri Jayendra Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Kanchi Peetham. ITM Centre, Hyderabad launches the MBA (Pharma & Healthcare Management) program. 2002 Business Today Magazine rates ITM Business School at #26 among Indian B-schools and at #12 for Placement and Market Performance. Rename ITM Center for Development of Leadership and Human Potential to the ITM Global Leadership Center. The ITM Center for Development of Leadership & Human Potential (CDLHP) commences its groundbreaking Master of International Business program in collaboration with the ESSCA Business School, Hungary. & EDHEC Business School, France. The Center also launched the ITM – BITS Pilani Joint Ph.D program and a specialized MBA in Human Resource Management. The ITM Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (ITM-IHMCT) was launched with much fanfare, and commenced its Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technologies and a one-of-a-kind Bachelors Degree in International Hospitality Management, collaborating with Queen Margaret University College, Scotland. ITM Chennai commences construction of its new campus in the SIPCOT IT Park in Siruseri, Chennai. 2003 Despite sour economic conditions, ITM Business School Mumbai had its best placement season ever, with 100% placement and starting packages ranging from a median of Rs. 3.5 lacs/pa to a high of Rs. 7 lacs/pa! This puts ITM in the same league as the top 10 B-schools in India. A landmark agreement was forged between ITM and Tongji University, China. ITM Bangalore acquires a sprawling campus property, through the grace of the Karnataka State Finance Corporation. 2004 ITM Institute of Financial Markets, Navi Mumbai, proudly launched India’s first ever MBA in Financial Markets, an advanced program that trains candidates in the complex fields of Securities, Forex, Commodities and Derivates trading. A Live Securities Dealing Room, called the ITM Business Simulation Lab, the first of its kind in India, was setup to support this program. ITM Navi Mumbai is now a proud Extension Center of the National Center for Quality management (NCQM). 2005 ITM Business School ranks as the 5 Best Business School among MBA aspirants, by Business Today Magazine th ITM CEO School, an advanced training school in Financial Management, Global Business and executive development is launched with a new campus in Vashi, Navi Mumbai 2006 The International Institute of Insurance and Finance (IIIF) joins the ITM Group of Institutions. Masters programs in Actuarial Sciences, Insurance and Risk Management are added to ITM’s portfolio. ITM enters into collaboration with Georgia State University’s Risk Management Institute. 2007 ITM Executive Education Centre expands its operations across the city of Mumbai, opening centers in Malad, Churchgate and Matunga. ITM IFM moves to its new home- a purpose built campus for training in financial markets. ITM Business School has been Ranked A++ by Business India Sept' 07 issue, ranked 25th by Outlook Sept' 07 issue and ranked 24th by CSR Nov'07 issue. 2008 ITM Global Leadership Center gets AICTE approval. ITM launches the Asia Graduate School of Business in Hyderabad. Queen Margret University, Edinburgh has conferred upon Honorary Doctorate of Education upon Prof. P.V. Ramana, Chairman, ITM Group of Institutes for his contribution to Higher Education in India. 2009 ITM Global Leadership Center looks South and now offers its International Business PGDM in Chennai too. Some of India’s finest engineers graduate from ITM’s newest acquisition, Coastal Institute of Technology & Management in Vishakhapatnam ITM Executive Education Centre gets the working professionals in the cities of Hyderabad, Chennai & Kolkata back to classrooms through its Flexible Executive Masters Programs The demand for health workers globally is recognized by ITM, ITM Institute of Health Sciences boosts their training in Mumbai. ITM’s Institute of Hotel Management ties up with Niagara-on-the-lake 09 Culinary School in Canada to groom worldclass Master Chef’s. ITM Institute of Financial Markets is granted an AICTE approval in Mumbai. 2010 ITM Business School, Hyderabad was established at a brand new campus in Hyderabad. ITM-SIA Business School, Mumbai was established in a new campus located in Dombivali, Mumbai. ITM Business School Bangalore opens its second campus. ITM College of Engineering, Nagpur was launched at a newly built campus under the aegis of DTE, AICTE and RTM Nagpur University ITM Institute of Hotel Management expanded its footprint with a new campus at Oshiwara, Mumbai ITM Institute of Fashion Design & Technology, Mumbai was launched in collaboration with Nottingham Trent Univ., MS University Pondicherry and First Media Design School, Singapore ITM Institute of Health Sciences moved to a new, state-of-the-art campus in New Panvel 2011 ITM Partners with Hypercity to launch PGP Retail Management. ITM signs MOU with Deakin University for a Twinning program in MBA. ITM Business School, Chennai launched its SIP Program with East Asia Institute of Management, Singapore. 2012 ITM Launches its university in Raipur ITM receives NBA accreditation 2013 ITM Skills Academy Letter of Intent received for ÏTM University” Mumbai. 10 12 ITM Group of Institutions Other Institutes within the ITM Group are: • ITM Global Leadership Center • ITM Institute of Financial Markets • ITM Institute of Hotel Management and Hospitality • ITM Executive Education Centers in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad. • Asian School of Business, Hyderabad • ITM School of Health Sciences, Mumbai ITM Business School, Bangalore is a part of the ITM Group of Institutes. Founded in 1991 by Dr. P.V. Ramana, ITM is a not-forprofit, charitable trust. ITM Business School has grown from a single B-School in Mumbai to a network of 5 B-Schools located in Bangalore, Chennai, Navi Mumbai, Warangal and Hyderabad. ITM Business Schools and our flag-ship ITM PGDM program are approved by the AICTE, Ministry of HRD and ITM Business School, Bangalore ranked among the Top 25 Business Schools in India. Each ITM Business School campus is a convergence of academic excellence, technology and learning innovation, set in a spacious, learning focused habitat. Our programs are delivered by dedicated groups of highly qualified core faculty, with extensive industry experience. 12 14 Our Campus Vision To provide innovative management education comparable to International standards at affordable cost, keeping Indian culture and ethos in mind. Mission To reach among the top 25 BSchools in the country with Industry-relevant Programs with emphasis on traditional Indian values and Culture. To sensitise the young Managers to the problems of the Under-privileged and Environmental factors. To make them as responsible and committed citizens. In short, Our Mission is to make “every young Manager a good citizen and a successful manager”. • A 24X7 Institution imparting high quality and industry relevant management education based on Indian culture and ethos with discipline, hard work and integrity on core values. • Continuous interaction with industry professionals through Guest lectures, Seminars, Workshops and Guest dinner lectures to prepare the students for the high and exacting standards of corporate career. • Training a new breed of managers who are sensitive and caring to the environment and people’s problem-highly committed and motivated. • To expose the students to young and successful diaspora to build up self confidence and a feeling of ‘I TOO CAN DO IT” • High speed brandboard connectivity in a Wi-Fi enabled work environment with 24 hour access. • Exposing the students to internationally known management experts b organizing special seminars and workshops. 14 The Pedagogy ITM-B believes in developing an individual with strong fundamental and conceptual skills and capability, combined with a deep sense of ethical values and social responsibility. We emphasize that individuals should experience the simulated environment of the corporate world of decision making. Accordingly, the learning process involves extensive classroom instructions, case analysis, individual and group projects. The curriculum and the depth of coverage are at par with that of the top B-Schools in the country. The curriculum is supplemented through active interaction and participation of students, corporate guest lecture every week end and industrial visits. Apart from this, the recent developments in each of the specific areas are discussed, using articles from reputed, national and international journals. At ITM, we strongly emphasize on project work which involves extensive and in depth study of a specific topic involving research or field work. Periodic presentations by individual student and groups are conducted to enhance presentation and communication skills. To bridge gap between theory and practice relevant and contemporary case studies are extensively used to expose students to the corporate culture and practices in a complex setting to make appropriate decisions. Continuous evaluation is being done through assignments, quizzes and class tests along with soft skills training to fine tune the students. 15 16 Campus LIFE Library The Library continues to offer a ‘hybrid library’ service, combining paper and electronic resources as appropriate in each subject area. The Library meets the challenge of providing an integrated infrastructure for research, by expanding the digital library and at the same time safeguarding the print collections that still underpin research in many subjects. It is well stocked with 23127 books, both general and specialized, around 100 national and international journals, 80 video titles 250 compact discs, the library represent the facial point of all intellectual activities in the B school. Computer lab and internet State of the art development lab, ERP lab, application lab & the internet lab with Pentium 4 and multimedia capacity nodes and high-end servers on a LAN for imparting education. It is compulsory for all students at ITM to own a laptop individually as part of the curriculum. The internet is fast emerging as an essential tool in modern business education. ITM Business School Bangalore has made no compromises, asserting this belief that internet is more a knowledge base than a mere communication tool. The class rooms and reading rooms are networked to enable the effective use of laptops. Apart from this the entire functional areas are Wireless networked with high speed 4 Mbps leased line in the ratio of 1:1. Campus A perfect blend of fun and learning is what defines life @ ITM in a single sentence. The academic block boasts of auditorium, seminar halls and spacious classrooms accommodating 60 students at one time and is access orized with the latest Technology viz, LCD Projectors, Wireless Internet. Spread over 3.5 acres of lush green campus along with well furnished hostels and administrative building ITM-Bangalore provides the apt homely ambience for high intellectual pursuit. Software A stock of genuine application software, support software and system software, ERP packages ,Application tools, Multimedia kit and CBTs provide a cutting edge for knowledge enrichment. Facilitation - ITM-Business School ,Bangalore is a new generation business school that…(same as last year) Silicon…(can be kept same as last year ) Entrepreneurship Cell : INNOVISION, an initiative by ITM Business School-Bangalore, is a platform for young minds planning for an Entrepreneurial venture. Clubs & Activities Apart from a conducive academic environment for the intellectual development, the various conduits and committees for a myriad of activities ensures a streamlined process which contributes towards augmenting the all round personality of Itmites, the various clubs are. Finance Club (Finwiz) This is not just a club but the “Cradle of Finance” at ITM, bustling with activities throughout the year. The cell strives to facilitate the understanding of global finance and business issues to assist in the development of future business leaders. The club also provide students, networking opportunities with faculty, alumni, and business leaders, providing a multitude of leadership opportunities. 16 Marketing Club (Markz) Its not just a marketing club its one of the most happening cells of the college with activities all round the year. The cell works with the prime objective of developing and nurturing the required skills and talent of the budding managers to understand the nitty- gritty of marketing. Some of the activities conducted by the cell are seminars, panel discussions, workshops, ad-designing, business plan presentation, product launch etc. The cell does not restrict itself to pure marketing events but focus on activities pertaining to live situations being faced by the industry. Other activities involves entrepreneur cell which strives for creating not only entrepreneurs but future business leaders, it also conducts seminar and guest lectures by established business leaders and entrepreneurs. Conducting business quiz, debate, panel discussion and case study presentation are other rigorous activities which are religiously followed in ITM. Industrial visit, corporate dinner also form a part of our ITM life which gives us a true taste and grooming to venture the corporate world. Sports “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”- Sir Winston Churchill and this enthusiasm is inculcated through various sports activities like football, cricket, volleyball and badminton held in the campus. Sport and games provide a refreshing break from the hectic schedule and rigors of academia. Competition is intense and the levels of enthusiasm are high. Senior-Junior Interaction This is based on the mentor-mentee concept the PGDM Batch 2 acts like a friend and guide to the newly incepted curious PGDM- Batch. It starts with various activities like talent hunt, debate, business quiz, extempore, presentation, signature campaign and ends with the long waited fresher party. Alumni ITM is mini India in the truest sense of the term. It has students coming from almost all the states of India, and few also from foreign countries. Its mix of nationalities, cultural backgrounds, academic and professional experiences makes ITM one of the most exciting and enriching business schools in the country. This nineteen year old institute has a very strong alumni base which provides the much needed industry interaction for the students. The alumni also form the core of placement activities, both for Final and Summer placements. Industry Internship Project For most students an industry internship project is their first window to the corporate world. It is mandatory for all postgraduate students to do at least one 5 Months Industry internship project as part of their two year full time PGDM program. A good corporate environment ensures an appropriate motivation for students and acts as a springboard for successful careers. The list of organization that have accepted our students for their projects include many of the leading companies across the country. Events and Fests at ITM Bangalore • • • • • • • • • "Innovision" our In house Entrepreneurship development cell was Inaugurated on December 14, 2014. NHRD Student connect immersion hosted by ITM Business School Bangalore on November 29th, 2013. "Brand Moksha" an Inter college Marketing fest organised on November 16, 2013 First HR Event ” Prayas” organized on September 14, 2013. ITM Chanakya – The Business Quiz organized on September 10th, 2013. Fin fiesta 2013 organized on August 24, 2013. Orientation Week for Batch 2013 – 15 conducted between June 17th – 21st 2013. 19th Convocation for Batch 2011 -13 organized on June 8th 2013. Finomena 2012 organized on September 8th 2012. 17 Honor and Accolades (Achivements) Students of 2013-15 batch participated in a inter college fest conducted at Ramaiah Institute of Management and won many accolades. Swarnava Mukherjee & Soundarya Teja Winners in Marketing event. Aditya Madan Runner up in Best Manager event. Students of 2013-15 batch participated in 'USHUS' an inter college event held annually at Christ college and won many accolades. • Aditya Madan & Sudhamshu - Runners up in Marketing event Finance and Marketing students presented Business Articles and were awarded by B S Academy which hosted the Business Article Presentation Competition on July 31st 2013. Extracurricular Activities • • • • • • • • • • Founders day celebrated on October 8th, 2013. Onam Festival celebrated at ITM Bangalore campus on September 16th, 2013. Teachers Day Celebrations organized by students on September 5, 2013. Volley Ball Match between Batch 2012 – 14 Seniors and Batch 2013–15 Juniors held on July 26th 2013. Fresher’s Day for Batch 2013 – 14 organized on July 20 th 2013. Interaction day with Senior Batch 2012 – 14 on June 28th 2013. Batch 2013 – 15 students trip to Mysore on June 22th 2013. “Secret” the Movie was shown to Batch 2013 – 15 on June 19th 2013. Alumni Meet – Reconnect organized on December 1, 2012. Cricket Match between Batch 2011 – 13 Seniors and Batch 2012 – 14 Juniors was held on September 15, 2012. Student Participation • Senior HR Students attended NHRD - Amity Student Connect at Amity Global Business School, Koramangala on September 27, 2013. • Senior HR Students attended the NHRD Meet at Hotel Chancery on September 26, 2013. • Senior HR Students attended HR Conclave at Welingkar Institute of Management on the topic HR: 2013 and Beyond on September 21st, 2013. 18 20 DIRECTOR Dr. Sarita Iyer MBA, MMM, MS, M.Phil, Ph.D Full Time Faculty ITM Bengaluru has a strong faculty team with vast experience and expertise. Prof. BK Kumar MBA(IIM-A) Prof. Amlan Bhattacharya M.Com, MBA, PGDTM REGISTRAR Prof. Srikumar .R B.E., MBA., M.Phil. Prof. Bal Krishan B.A,PGDM,IIFT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Prof. Debadatta Ghosh B.Sc., MBA, CA,(Ph.D) Prof. Avinash C.G BBM, PGDBM Dr. T.N Ravi M.Com, Ph.D Prof Vijay Rego BBM, MBA Prof. A.K. Jagannathan B.Sc, M.Sc (Physics), CAIIB, PGDBM Prof.SharmilaSelvakumar BCS,MBA Prof. Hema D MBA,, M.Phil. Prof. Avichal Sinha B.E, MBA Prof. Vijaya V M.Com, MPhil, MBA, MA,(Ph.D) DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE: Prof. Lakshmi Raman B.Sc., PGDM, MBA Prof. B.N Pattabhi B.Com, M.Com, CA Prof. Mahidhara Davangere V. MBA,MFC,MSc,DAT(UK) Prof. Suresh R B.A, LLB, MBA, PGDIR&PM, PGDLL Prof. Vidhya Thakkar MBA (HRM), M.Phil. DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING: Dr. Sarita Iyer MBA, MMM, MS, M.Phil, Ph.D Prof. Sadhna Dash Bsc., PGDBM Dr Soundararajan B.E,AICWA,ACS,MBA,M.Phil,PGDCA,Ph.D Prof. Aruna Kulkarni, MBA, M.Phil Prof. Sharath R BE, PGDBM, MPA Prof. Preethi Hegde BBM, MBA, M.E., DPR Prof. Priyanka Shrivastava B.E, PGDM, (Phd) Prof. Aporajita Jain B.A, M.A, PGDBM, MLL&LW 20 21 Events 2013-2014 Ms. Indu Kapoor, Sr. Assistant Vice President & Head of F&A and Logistics vertical at EXL gave the inspirational address for the 19th Convocation on June 8th, 2013. Dr. Winston Jacob, National President- Global University for Life Long Learning UK, delivered a inspirational speech for the Orientation Program of Batch 2013 - 15 on June 17th, 2013. Mr. Raja G, Financial Controller Dell gave the Inaugural address for Orientation Program of Batch 2013 - 15 on June 17th, 2013. Prof. Shiv Kumar, Director Dayanand Sagar Junior Business School handled a session on Business Quiz and NLP on June 17th, 2013. Prof. Braj Kishore Gupta Motivational Guru spoke on Winning Attitude on June 18th, 2013. Prof. N. K Sudaram, Soft skills Trainer spoke on Types and Importance of Managerial Skills on June 18th, 2013. Dr. Ali Khwaja, Founder Banjara Academy gave a Motivational Talk on June 18th, 2013. Mr. Joshua Rozario, Dynamic & pioneering Personal Brand Strategist & Consultant, Marketer, Speaker and Entrepreneur spoke on Personal Branding to Accelerate Career Growth on June 19th, 2013. Mr. Anil Kumar Kottani, Marketing Manager addressed students on Leveraging your MBA as a Career on June 19th, 2013 Ms. Shweta Jadav, NLP Trainer, Shinota Consulting on Team Dynamics and Social Skills on June 20th, 2013 Ms. Liji Thomas, Founder and Director at Nouvo Image Consultancy on Communication and Personality on June 20th, 2013. Mr. Sampatkumar, Vice President- Human Resources, Lapp India Pvt. Ltd. spoke on Attitude and Leadership on June 21st, 2013 Mr. Shams Tabrez, Learning and Development - Sr. Manager, TeamLease Services Pvt. Ltd. Spoke on Motivation and Finding your place in society on June 21st, 2013. Mr. Abhiroop Rishi, Alumni ITM Mumbai and Co-Founder & Managing Partner Spark Wealth Advisors Pvt. ltd. Addressed students on Current Market Scenario on July 13,2013. Ms. Nisha Dhanuka, Co founder & CEO of Catalyst 2 xcelerate addressed students on What Corporate Expects on July 23rd 2013. Ms. Nisha Dhanuka, Co founder & CEO of Catalyst 2 xcelerate addressed students on What Corporate Expects on July 23rd 2013. Ms. Nisha Dhanuka, Co founder & CEO of Catalyst 2 xcelerate addressed students on What Corporate Expects on July 23rd 2013. Mr. Khalid, Senior Manager Oracle spoke on ‘Who is a good Manager?’ on July 29th 2013. Ms. Priya Rao, Associate Director Technical Services Spastatics Society of Karnataka spoke about the NGO and a particular eye disease which is affecting younger generations on July 31st, 2013. Mr. Rajendra Rao, Soft skills trainer spoke on Professional Presentation Skills on August 2nd, 2013. Students of Batch 2013 – 15 Industrial visit to Coco Cola on August 2nd, 2013. Ms. Liji Thomas & Ms. Anjali, Founder and Director at Nouvo Image Consultancy trained students on Communication Skills & Interview Skills on August 7th, 2013. Mr. Amod Malviaya, VP Engineering Flipkart E-commerce spoke on E Commerce and Digital Marketing on August 17, 2013. Ms. Shilpi Khandelwal, Director, Tour De Force - Soft Skills and Behavioral Training Company mentored students for Interview Skills on August 21, 2013. Mr. Kiran Lingaraj, Soft skills trainer gave practical inputs that’s a pre –requisite for a GD on August 21, 2013. Mr. Sanjeev Nair, DGM HR Kirloskar Electric Co. Ltd. Gave students inputs on PI Skills on August 21, 2013. Prof. Nitin Putcha, VP Operations ITM Group addressed students on August 22, 2013 22 Mr. Mahidhara, Financial Actuary was the moderated for the Panel Discussion on Rupee Depreciation August 24, 2013. Mr. Ramesh Subramanian, Chief Finacial Controller HUL was one of the panelists on Rupee Depreciation August 24, 2013. Mr. Nawaz Gafoor, Soft skills trainer handled sessions on Aptitude Skills on September 4th, 2013. Prof. Pattabhi, Practicing CA was one of the panelists on Rupee Depreciation August 24, 2013. Dr. T. N. Ravi, Prof. in Finance (MSOB) was one of the panelists on Rupee Depreciation August 24, 2013. Prof. Satish Duryodhan, Faculty ITM Kharghar handled sessions on Strategic Negotiation Skills and Strategic Presentation Skills from August 26 – 30, 2013. Prof. Ramachandra Rao, Advisor ITM Group Addressed Seniors Batch 2012 – 14 on September 10, 2013. Ms. Seema Sali Head HR William Penns gave Inaugural Address for HR Event Prayas on Sep 14, 2013. Mr. T. V. Krishnamurthi, Group Manager Titan Company Limited gave Inspirational Address for HR Event Prayas on September 14, 2013. Ms. Mita Ganguly and Prof. Kulbhushan Gaur Assistant Director Fashion Designing and Lecturer Fashion Designing delivered a lecture on Grooming Essentials on September 24, 2013. Mr. Rohit Jain, Manager National Institute for Securities Market which is part of SEBI delivered on Career Opportunities in Securities Markets on September 20, 2013. Mr. Darshan Thakkar, Investment Advisor - ICICI Lombard delivered a lecture on Mutual fund market and its current scenario. Mr. Aditya Prasad, an Alumni of ITM Bangalore delivered a lecture on 'career post PGDM' as part of our Alumni interaction program on October 19, 2013. Mr. Suraj Nair - Sr Vice President Thomas Cook, Ms. Gunjan Saraswat - Sales Head Apple, Mr.Pramod Sudhindra - Senior Manager Accenture( ITM B ALUMNI), Mr. Bharath Chopra CEO - ERWEIS Software Solutions and Mr. K Thakur - COO GreyCaps Pvt LTD. were all part of a Panel discussion on the theme “BRAND INDIA” on November 16, 2013. Mr. Gaurav Sharma an ITM Khargar 2010 batch Alumni and currently Assistant Manager at American Express conducted a very creative and interactive session on 'Personality Development' for the students on Nov 21, 2013. Ms Priyadarshini Prabhu, Head - Talent Management & Learning practice at Novo Nordisk and Mr Hirendra, VP - Employee Relations (APAC) at Northern Operating Services were part of a Panel Discussion on the topic of 'Jack of All, Master of None - HR Generalist Myth or Truth?' as part of the NHRD student connect immersion hosted by ITM Business School Bangalore on 29 Nov, 2013. Mr. Sourjya B Mohanty an ITM Bangalore Alumni of 2005 batch had an interaction session with the students and shared his experience about applying management concepts in corporate life. The session was held on Nov 30, 2013. Mr. Mathew Jose, Vice President - Business Operations, ODigMa who was the Guest of Honour at the Inauguration Ceremony Of PGDM 2014-16 Batch on 30th June 2014 shared his experience of working with Post graduates of ITM Business School. Alumni Guest Lecture by Mr. Avinash Badkar, Co-Founder, TieDot on 1st July 2014. Alumni Guest Lecture by Mr. Soumyajit Dey, Head-Digital Strategy, Social Audience on 2nd July 2014. Alumni Guest Lecture by Mr. Nagaraj Kambalimath, Product Manager, Infosys on 3rd July 2014. Alumni Guest Lecture by Mr. Mr. Rakesh Goidani, Co-Founder, Entrust Advisors Pvt. Ltd. on 4th July 2014. Alumni Guest Lecture by Mr. Vivek Shaurya, Project Manager, Infosys on 5th July 2014. 23 24 PGDM COURSE Content PGDM - iConnect Finance PGDM iConnect Corporate Finance. Financial Markets & Services. Financial Modeling. Investment Banking. Security Analysis & Portfolio Management. Banking & Bank Management. Corporate Restructuring & Valuation. Treasury & Forex Management. International Finance. Risk Management. Tax Planning. Strategic Management. Marketing & Digital Media Digital & Social Media Marketing (Our USP) E-mail Marketing, Mobile Marketing E-commerce, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media & Online PR, Digital Data & Analytics. Consumer Behavior. Sales Management. Corporate Finance. Brand & Product Management. Integrated Marketing Communication. Research Applications in Marketing. Marketing Strategy. Rural Marketing. Strategic Management. Retail & Channel Management. Supply Chain Management. Services Marketing. 24 Human Resource Management: Other Common Subjects: Organizational Behavior. HR Lab. IR & Labour Law. Compensation & Benefit Management &Tax Planning. Learning and Development. Performance Management System. Strategic and International HRM. Organizational Development Interventions. Corporate Governance & Business Ethics. Competency Mapping & Assessment Centre. HR Planning, Audit & Metrics. Management and HR Consulting. Management of Change. Human Resource Management ERP & HRIS Financial Accounting & Analysis. Marketing Management. Managerial Economics. Managing People & Organization Decision Sciences. MIS & Business Intelligence Business Communication. Cost & Management Accounting. Macro Economics & Legal Aspects of Business. Operations Management. Advance Excel & VBA. Research Methodology Entrepreneurship. 25 Batch of 48 students. Work Experience Gender Ratio 42 6 32 (687%) 16 (32%) PGDM Major Specialization 24 Marketing 15 Finance 9 Human Resource Batch Profile 2014 - 2015 STATISTICS Graduation Streams BA 4 BHM 1 BBA 12 B.Sc 5 B.Com 13 BE / B.Tech 13 26 Freshers 42 Work Exp 6 27 MARKETING Electives Batch 2013 -15 YEAR 2 Semester III Marketing Strategy Rural Marketing Strategic Management Corporate Governance & Business Ethics Retail & Channel Management Supply Chain Management Entrepreneurship Services Marketing Career Management &Training Digital & Social Media Marketing – II Semester IV Capstone Project 28 INSPIRING YEARS Qualification: B.B.A Internship: Thomas Cook Summer Project: A Study on way to improve working process of thomas cook insurance. NGO Project: Organizational Study at "Makkala Jagriti" Qualification: B.Sc Internship: DDB Mudra Group (22Feet Tribal Worldwide) Summer Project: Study on how Digital Marketing Campaigns affects Brands and their Activation NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Make A WISH Foundation” Abhishek Kumar Dubey Aditya Ajay Madan 23 Years 22 Years Qualification: B.B.A(H) Internship: Mercedes Benz Summer Project: A Study on consumer behaviour and marketing strategies NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SCEAD Foundation India” Qualification: B.Sc Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: Exploratory study of marketing strategies of odigma NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "READ Centre” Adrija Ghosh Ameya Vijay Diwekar 22 Years 25 Years Qualification: B.E Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: Influence of social media marketing on contemporary youth NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SCEAD Foundation India” Qualification: Work Experience: 8 Months The Artist (Creative Solutions) Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: A study on off line and online strategies at odigma NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "DIYA Foundation” Ankur Shukla Anuj Kumar Saini 24 Years 22 Years 29 MARKETING PROFILES Qualification: B.Sc Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: A study on B2B Marketing Strategies for Accounting certification courses NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SAMARTHANAM” Qualification: Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: A Study to create marketing mix for courses targetting towards syudents pursuing career in architecture. NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SMILE Foundation” Anuj Mishra Ashok Kumar Kora 25 Years 23 Years Qualification: B.E Work Experience: 23 Months, IBM India Pvt Ltd Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: A market survey on the pramlab excel workshops and strategies to expand the market NGO Project: Organizational Study at "VIDYA” Qualification: B.Tech Internship: Mercedes Benz Summer Project: A Study on consumer behaviour and marketing strategies NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SCEAD Centre” Jishnu Krishnakumar Kritika Yudhish 25 Years 23 Years Qualification: B.Tech Internship: Thomas Cook Summer Project: A study on the customer satisfication towards thomas cook insurance plans NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Makkala Jagriti” Qualification: B.B.A Internship: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Summer Project: To design a business model under Beyond LPG for RGGLV NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Vidya Integrated Development for Adults and Youths” Kuntal Nayek Nandita Kar Purkayastha 26 Years 25 Years 30 INSPIRING YEARS Qualification: B.A Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: Website Attributes to meet customer satisfaction : A study of Ecommerce sustenance at OdigMa NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Make A WISH Foundation” Qualification: B.B.A Internship: Thomas Cook Summer Project: A study of the travel patterns of SME's and the factors affecting the choice of a travel service provider NGO Project: Organizational Study at "Makkala Jagriti” Pooja Prasann Deshmukh Rohit Chauhan 23 Years 22 Years Qualification: B.Sc Internship: Thomas Cook Summer Project: study on defrrent marketing strategies of thoams cook NGO Project: Organizational Study at "Makkala Jagriti” Qualification: B.Tech Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: A Study on the "Need of language training classes in MBA colleges” NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SMILE Foundation” Shrikant Dhananjay Shukla Sowndarya Teja Duddumpudi 22 Years 23 Years Qualification: B.B.A Internship: Thomas Cook Summer Project: Consumer Behaviour and Purchase Decision NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Makkala Jagriti” Qualification: B.E Work Experience: 12 Months, Brandblitz Event Management PVT LTD. 6 Months, Apco. Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: An exploratory study on digital marketing strategies by odigma NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Samarthanam Trust for Disabled” Sreela Bhattacharjee Sudhaam Shu M 22 Years 25 Years 31 MARKETING PROFILES Qualification: B.A Internship: CavinKare Private Limited Summer Project: A study on the market potential of CavinKare products cavins, Indica and Spinz NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SAMARTHANAM” Qualification: Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: A study on the influence of e-commerce on the online bus booking services in madhya pradesh and chhattisgarh NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SAMARTHANAM” Sudipta Roy Sunny Singh 23 Years 24 Years Qualification: B.Com Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: A Descriptive Study Of The Influence Of Infographics In the Present Indian Market NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Vidya Integrated Development for Adults and Youths” Qualification: B.Tech Internship: Infibeam (Odigma) Summer Project: Impact Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies for StartUps: An Observatory Study at ODigMa NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SMILE Foundation” Swarnava Mukherjee Vijay Mandeep 22 Years 23 Years Qualification: BHM Work Experience: 18 Months, Mahindra holidays. 6 Months, Internship: Thomas Cook Summer Project: How can online source be feasible to target new client NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Make A WISH Foundation” Qualification: B.Tech Internship: Dhamam Infra Projects Pvt limited Summer Project: A study on developing marketing strategies and customer preferences towards promotional activities in Health & Wellness sector NGO Project: Process Planning and Improvement at NGO - "VIDYA” Vishak Hak Yashwanth Reddy Yarkareddy 25 Years 22 Years 32 FINANCE Electives Batch 2013 -15 YEAR 2 SEMESTER III Corporate Restructuring & Valuation Treasury & Forex Management International Finance Risk Management Tax Planning Strategic Management Corporate Governance & Business Ethics Career Management & Training Entrepreneurship SEMESTER IV Capstone Project 34 INSPIRING YEARS Qualification: B.Com Internship: Way 2 Wealth Summer Project: MUTUAL FUND NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SCEAD Foundation India” Qualification: B.Com Internship: Way 2 Wealth Summer Project: A study on top 5 Mutual funds NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SAMPARK” Arvind Kumar Sastya Ayush Kapoor 22 Years 24 Years Qualification: B.B.A Work Experience: 12 Months, Wipro. 6 Months, Limtex Infotech Internship: ICICI Securities Summer Project: Benefits and Importance of ULIPS NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Anekal Rehabilitation Education and Development (READ) Centre” Qualification: B.Com Internship: Way 2 Wealth Summer Project: Investment valuation & analysis NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Makkala Jagriti” Debasmita Dhar Harsh Pratap Singh 23 Years 22 Years Qualification: B.Com Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: Business simulation software NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SAMPARK” Qualification: B.A Work Experience: 12 Months, The Estate Makers Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: VALUATION ON M&A NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SAMARTHANAM Trust” Laxmi Sahu Mohit Goel 21 Years 22 Years 35 FINANCE PROFILES Qualification: B.Com Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: A study on risk management techniques followed and problems faced by Angel Investors and Venture Capitalist NGO Project: Organizational Study at "VIDYA” Qualification: B.B.A Internship: Bajaj Capital Summer Project: A Study on tax saving schemes in mutual fund NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Samarthanam Trust for Disabled” Nidhin Lal NP Ruchi Sagar 23 Years 22 Years Qualification: B.E Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: A study on financial challenges faced by entreprenure and innovative dsolution practiced by start-ups NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SAMARTHANAM” Qualification: B.Com Internship: Way 2 Wealth Summer Project: MUTUAL FUND Vs other investment options NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Samarthanam Trust for Disabled” Sagar Kishor Gadbail Satish Kumar Balla 23 Years 24 Years Qualification: B.Com Internship: ONGC Summer Project: Treasury Management at ONGC NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "SAMPARK” Qualification: B.Com Internship: Pramartha Summer Project: Brand valuation techniques using financial modeling NGO Project: Organizational Study at "SAMARTHANAM” Shivangi Mathur Sonika Sharma 23 Years 22 Years 36 INSPIRING YEARS Qualification: B.Sc Internship: Corporate Bridge Summer Project: Equity Research for Dabur NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Samarthanam Trust for Disabled” Sourav Chatterjee 25 Years Qualification: B.Com Internship: Tata Advanced Systems Limited Summer Project: Strategic Sourcing in aerospace industry NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "READ Centre” Surendra Saud 23 Years Qualification: B.Com Internship: Corporate Bridge Summer Project: Mergers and acquisition NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Makkala Jagriti” Vineet Nair 22 Years 37 HUMAN RESOURCE Electives Batch 2013 -15 YEAR 2 SEMESTER III Organisational Development Interventions Corporate Governance & Business Ethics Competency Mapping & Assessment Centre HR Planning, Audit & Metrics Management and HR Consulting Management of Change Entrepreneurship Career Management & Training ERP & HRIS SEMESTER IV Capstone Project 38 INSPIRING YEARS Qualification: B.B.A Internship: ACC Limited Summer Project: A study on employee's welfare activities and safety measures NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "DIYA Foundation” Qualification: B.E Work Experience: 21 Months, Bosch Ltd, Bangalore Internship: Laureate Global Summer Project: study & design of training programs NGO Project: Process Planning and Improvement at NGO - "VIDYA” Akshay Shrivastava Imran Basha S 21 Years 26 Years Qualification: B.E Internship: Laureate Global Summer Project: Role of placement consultancies in recruitment NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Makkala Jagriti” Qualification: B.B.A Internship: STRIDES ARCOLAB LTD. Summer Project: A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMEMT AT STRIDES. NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Rehabilitation Education and Development Education” Mohammed Asif I Oshin Sharma 22 Years 21 Years Qualification: B.Com Internship: JW Marriott Summer Project: A study on Performance Management of JW Marriott Bengaluru NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Make A WISH Foundation” Qualification: B.A Internship: ITM Bangalore Summer Project: payroll management system NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "Makkala Jagriti” Priya Chaturvedi Rangita Kumari Gupta 23 Years 21 Years 39 HUMAN RESOURCE PROFILES Qualification: B.B.A(IT) Internship: Strides Arco Lab Summer Project: Recruitment and Selection NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO - "VIDYA” Salonee Dixit 23 Years Qualification: B.B.A(H) Internship: Tata Teleservices Limited Summer Project: A study on recruitment process of tata teleservices limited NGO Project: Organization Study on " Akshara Foundation " Trapa Bose 24 Years Qualification: B.B.A Work Experience: Internship: ACC Limited Summer Project: A study on employees job satisfaction NGO Project: Organizational Study at NGO "DIYA Foundation” Varun Singh Baghel 22 Years 40 LIST OF ALUMNI OF ITM BANGALORE S.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NAME Rocky gosain Simran gosain shivkumar gupta Sandeep Aparna sarma Naeem khan Viresh nayak Kalyani menon Raja saha Rakesh.V ch.Srinivas patro Mukesh Mandhyam Utkarsh Saraph Srinivas bhat Chandan salunke Nishant gupta Prabhakar lotulkar Sanjya .B.Mohanty Raghavendra.P Somsuvra Chatterjee Abhishek roy Sousthav chakrahorty Midhun .K.Menon Manu Bajpai Amar Agrawal Kowshik Komandur Syed Saadir Ahmed SPECIALIZATION Marketing Finance Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Finance Finance Marketing Marketing IT Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing Finance Finance Marketing Marketing COMPANY Reach india Reach india IISE GE HDFC keane HP Tulip Telecom Tata capital Tulip Telecom Thomson reuters i-GATE Genpact Religare Securities HSBC Bank ING Vysya bank AXIS BANK Coffee Day V5 Global services TCS RYI Godrej Thomson reuters Kotak Mahindra Bank On Mobile Panacea Biotec 28 29 30 Deeptha Venkatarama Justin George Koottala Nishanth Singh Finance Marketing Marketing J M Financial DHL IIFL 41 DESIGNATION MD Director Director Strategic Acc. Manager DM Project manager Product Specialist Brand consultant BDE Sr.Manager BDE Business analyst Senior Executive Business analyst Deputy Manager Relationship manager RH-Trades State head Area Manager Sales ISR Market research Analyst MD Regional Execetive-south Market Analyst Associate Vice President Marketing Specialist Head International Vaccine Business(ROW) Assistant Vice President Territory Manager Associate Vice President Summer Internship Program Profiles of Batch 2014 -16 Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Name SHAARANG SHARMA MASUD RANA SMRITI SINGH MALLULA PUJITHA ARINDAM SARKHEL SOUPTIKA PRIYA SHIVANGI SACHIN KUMAR GANGWAR NARENDRA SINGH SHEKHAWAT SAMEER PRADEEP BHOIR AKASH KUNIKULLAYA G HARI VISHNU VIJETHA REDDY KUNCHALA GURUVINDAPALLI VIDHEY BABU KUMARI GAUREE PRABHAKAR PRASAD BELAL HUSSAIN SIDDIQUE SUNNY SHROTE GAUTAM MEHRA SAGAR SAHU SHAIK KHASIM ZAHA YARAVA BHARATH REDDY ABHISHEK KUMAR TIWARI BIJAY PAUL KODALI SANDEEP SUMAN ROY SUPRIYO MUKHERJEE ADITYA CHAKRABORTY RANJAN DAS RAKESH RANJAN MARGANI VINAY GOWTHAM KUMAR BATTU MOHD MOHINUDDIN CHOUDHARY UMESH LAKHMANI ARCHANA SHAW BIKALP GURUNG SEGU HARISH KUMAR ASISH PANDA SK MATAHER HOSSAIN Qualification B.B.A B. Sc B.Com B.Tech B.Tech B.Com B.Com B.Tech B.B.A B.Com B.E B.E B.E B.Tech B. C. A B.Com B.Com B.Sc B.Com (Hons) B.B.A B.Com B.Com Bca B.B.A B.Tech B.Tech B.B.A B.B.A B.B.A B.H.M B.Com B.Tech B. Sc B.Com (Hons) B.Com B. A B.Com BBA B.Tech Company/ Duration(Months) Designation L.H.Sugar Factory (13 Months) whirlpool (17 Months) Trainee Engineer Sales Distributor Samcys Technology (14 Months) Jr. HR. Executive Institute of language Management (8 Months)Profesional Trainer 42 Thread IT solutions (15 Months) Prog Analyst ADEPTECH SYSTEMS (12 Months) Junior Software Developer Ample Technologies (7 Months) Sales Executive School Teacher (31 Months) Teacher Student Name Abhay Gupta Abhinav Khatri Abhishek Kaushal Akash Sharma Akshay Kumar Kiran Alok Kumar Amrita S Angshuman Gogoi Anoop Sharma Anshuman Pradhan Antarip Chatterjee Anupam Das Aseem Verma Ashish Jain Ashish Tiwari Baidehi Sharan Rai Fasihuddin Ahmad G.Sunil Chowdary Gaurav Jindal Harshita Srivastava Irwin Pereira Khoisnam Hemchandra Singh Lalit Mohan Llewellyn Michael Nyss M K Pradeep Mangesh Kurrewar Mohini Singh Nikhar Jain Nitish Gupta Palakshi Sarkar Pankaj Kumar Parul priya Piyush Mishra Pragya Mishra Specialization Finance Finance Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Finance Marketing Finance Marketing HR Finance Finance Finance Marketing Marketing Marketing Finance Finance Finance Marketing Finance Finance Marketing Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Finance HR Finance Finance Marketing Finance 44 Company State Street Global Advisors XL Dynamics American Express Blue Dart India Sourcing Ernst & Young Ffingo ( Collabera ICICI Securities E-XL Northern Trust Bank Northern Trust Bank Ernst & Young Snowman Logistics IndusInd Bank 99 acre Perfios Perfios Thomson Reuters Perfios Ernst & Young Magnasoft Flourish Pure foods Procter & Gamble HSBC Reckitt Benckiser Axis Bank TESCO Northern Trust bank ICICI Securities ICICI Securities Ocwen Financial Solutions Student Name Prateek Singh Tuteja Pratik Alreja Priyanka Moorarka Priyanka Nere Priyanki Das Puja Singh Puneet Malhotra Rahul Raman Rajinder Rawat Rashmita Paul Rishabh Sachan Ruchika Tripathi Sanil Srivastava Sanjay Vadwala Sanjib Saikia Satish Yadav Shalya Tomar Shekhar Shukla Shivani Mishra Shradhashree Mohanty Shripad Shirodkar Snehal Jawarkar Sreedhu Balachandran Sukrity Mishra Swarup Kumar Sahu Syed Mazhar Hasan Jafri Tanweer Al Qamar Utpal Kumar Venkata Nisanth Punnam Vikram Kumar Vikramaditya Sharma Vinayak Agarwal Vineeth Pansari Vivansh Jha Zenith M Jain Specialization Marketing Finance Marketing Marketing HR Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Finance Finance Marketing Marketing Marketing finance HR HR Marketing Marketing Finance Marketing Marketing HR Finance Marketing Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Marketing Finance 45 Company India Sourcing direct Citi Bank Barclays Bank ING Vysya Bank India Sourcing Direct IndusInd Bank American Express IndusInd Bank Ernst & Young Capital First Capital First IndusInd Bank Oracle Laureate global Accenture Capital First American Express KPMG Orange County Collabera Thomson Reuters South Indian Bank KPMG KPMG Raina Engineers Attra Infotech IndusInd Bank KPMG Placement at ITM The Journey to “Success” begins at ITM Bangalore, Where Students not only get their dream companies but also best Compensation in the Industry, The Final Placement at ITM Bschool Bangalore begins in the month of November 2014. The placement process typically involves a Pre-Placement Talk followed by the visit by the companies in order to recruit students. Institute works on the fundamental principles of converting students to work- ready professionals. Institute facilitates rigorous Pre-Placement Training Programmes compulsorily to be attended in soft skills like personality development, Resume writing, communication skills, aptitude tests, Interview technique to all students and due to change in their holistic personality development they receive at the Institute, are of significant value creators for the organizations. The institute places special emphasis on inculcating corporate values and skills required for complex decisionmaking besides developing superior expertise on functional domains and develop skills in various stages required by Industries. Sarvar Khan Asst.Manager Corporate Relations ITM Business School Bangalore. Call @ 09844170588 Land line@ 08026580776 Student Placement Team Marketing Sreela Bhattacharjee Jishnu Krishnakumar Finance Ayush Kapoor Vineet Nair HR Salonee Dixit Priya Chaturvedi es 46 47 Our 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Recruiters Northern Trust Matrix Future First Ma Advertising Ocwen Finance Cyber Technology Altisource Business Solutions Anand Rathi India Mart American Express JBA Infotech HDFC Bank Ogilvy & Mather Flip India Genpact Birla Sun Life Insurance Aircel Berger Paints Café Coffee Day Chola –Mandalam DBS Finance Ltd. Citi Bank Citi Financial Conzerv System Pvt. Ltd. Deutsche Bank Dyansys India Pvt. Ltd. E Clerk Ernst and Young Goldman Sachs HSBC 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 48 ICICI Bank ICICI LOMBARD ICICI Prudential JP Morgan Kotak Bank Kotak Securities Leela Palace Hotel Motilal Oswal Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. Pacsoft Reckitt Benkiser Reliance General Insurance Standard Chartered Bank Tata AIG TCS Thompson & Reuters Tulip IT Alumni Testimonials Pramod Sudhindra Batch – 2000 – 2002 Specialization – IT , best student of the year in IT Company – Accenture Designation – Director, Accenture Digital – Interactive “ITM gave me the right mix of structure and autonomy for me to experiment with objective of MBA – learning the business fundamentals and applying them In real lives. The brand didn’t open all the doors automatically, which forced us to prove our point even more further, which is what the real corporate life is all about. The Institute has lots to offer in terms of the right mix of academics and staying practical to the needs of what the industry is looking from business graduates, as leaders of tomorrow. “ Priya Vivek Batch – 2001 -2003 Specialization: Sales and Marketing Company – HT media Designation: Manager South – Digital sales. ITM gave me a deep understanding of the new disciplines of business management preparing me to walk into any business and add value. The program ensured that I had the real opportunity to test my skills with industry partners. It helped me understand other key functions within my business such as HR, IT, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years where I not only gained knowledge but also friendships I have made that I will cherish throughout my life. 49 Alumni Testimonials Deepak Justin Specialisation: Marketing Current Organization: Inner Circle Designation: CEO It was the first day at ITM. Apprehensive as others I asked a senior, about the college. She said something that changed my life. "Your MBA begins the day you go to work. The rest is dress rehearsal". My MBA then began with moderate success in the corporate world, but to say today that I am heralded in some circles as one the best Corporate Trainers in the country, to be at the helm of two organizations, to be a Mentor for three start ups, to have a Toastmasters Club named after me, shows that my dress rehearsals at ITM were really fruitful. So today I can proudly say that I have lived the corporate credo of ITM, "Where dreams are a reality" because so many of my dreams have come true. Aditya Prasad PGDM Batch: 2000-2002 Specialisation: Marketing Current Organization: Perfios Designation: Chief Evangelist, Software Solutions. PGDM at ITM gave me all that a student could ask for in a management program, be it in academics or business acumen. Frankly, I had a lot of fun during my 2 years at ITM. Be it studying before the exams (which used to happen way too often) or attending all the classes. More than anything the opportunity to do a lot of public speaking and role plays made me who I am today. It was the good times, wish I could relive again and again. 50
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