Issue 35 - Black Business Initiative
Issue 35 - Black Business Initiative
The Periodical of the Black Business Initiative Bruce Johnson City Drug Store Also in this Issue • BBI Directory Launch • BBI Wins Award • Jam On Records • More Successful Entrepreneurs Winter 2007 u Number 35 “A dynamic and vibrant Black presence within the Nova Scotia Business Community.” Black to Business Message from the Board of Directors Message from the Board 1 essage from the M Chief Executive Officer 2 Cover Story 3 BI 10th Anniversary B Celebrations 4 Saint Mary’s Student 5 Mahoganey Marcial 6 City Drug Store Serving Customers since 1958 Awarded Rhodes Scholarship Events Specialists 7 Kicking out music left and right New Offering 8 CULTURE BEAT 9 Black Busines Community Investment Fund TroBiz Cleans Up At Awards Oil of Life 11 Phyllistein Gibson BBI Annual Business Awards 12 Nominations Open BBI’s Annual Directory Launch 13 RBC Financial Group 14 Trailblazers 15 Announcement Senior Executives – Leading the Way New Faces at the BBI 16 Business Forum-Groups RRSPs 17 Soaps, bath products & lingerie 18 ...a winning combination People & Businesses on the Move 19 New Economic Development Organization for HRM 21 Ask the BBI 22 BBI Stats BBI 2006 Training Schedule BBI Wins Award Community Calander 22 23 24 25 What is Blue Ocean Strategy? Regional Reports Business Development 8 Central 10 Northern 17 Business is Jammin’ 23 Mailed under Canada Post Publications Mail Sales Agreement no. 1599402 Cassandra Dorrington, Chair, Black Business Initiative ties for both levels of government, it is incumbent upon BBI to lay the foundation for ongoing sustainability of its operations to support and facilitate the growth of the Black business community. Paul Adams In this Issue Jam On Records Winter 2007 What is our sustainable strategy? Our sustainable strategy encourages a broader base of activity to support and facilitate the growth of a vibrant Black community. This strategy lays the foundation for BBI’s sustainability through the creation and utilization ith the advent of 2007, the of a number of autonomous business Black Business Initiative entities for the purposes of generat(BBI) is in its eleventh year ing revenue in support of ongoing BBI of operations. In our first 10 years operations. These entities encompass of business, BBI achieved much sucBIJ (Business Is Jammin’), BBC (Black cess amidst a great deal of work and Business Consulting), BBE (Black activities from an incredible group Business Enterprises) and BBCIF (Black or people, including board members, Business Community Investment staff and stakeholders. Whether we Fund) and were established last year. are looking at the number of new It is our goal this year to ensure they businesses started, the number of are fully functioning. people employed, or simply the growth of our client base, BBI can be To date, a number of activities have incredibly proud of the accomplishments to date. Given these statistics, been completed and BBI is well on the way towards implementing the stratthe evolving business environment egy. This transition can be evidenced and the potential of exciting things through a sampling of recent activito come, BBI has raised the bar for ties. BIJ has applied for and received a its future success. charitable number, hence, donations As 2007 unfolds, a primary focus for received by BIJ will lay the foundation BBI will be the successful implemen- for the roll-out of additional youthfocused programs. Under the auspices tation of our sustainable strategy. of BBC, a project management comBBI was funded for its first five years pany has been established for the under the Cooperation Agreement purpose of increasing the Black busibetween the Government of Canada nesses contributions in the construcand the Government of Nova Scotia tion sector. and continues to be funded by both the provincial and federal governBBCIF is in its fourth offering and for ments. As we look at our future of those interested in investing in the continued business growth, and given the many competing priori- W continued on page 10> Black to Business is the official periodical of The Black Business Initiative and is published quarterly spring, summer, fall, and winter. Its goal is to support the BBI as it fosters a dynamic and vibrant Black presence within the Nova Scotia Business Community. 1575 Brunswick Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2G1 Phone: 902-426-2224 Fax: 902-426-6530 Toll Free: 1-800-668-1010 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: For Advertising Information, Rates, Submitting Stories, Notices or Community Events, or for More Information, call: 902-426-2224 The Black Business Initiative Published by: the Black Business Initiative Editor in Chief: Rustum Southwell Design & Layout: Design North Production by: Mirabliss Media Productions Cover Photograph: contributed Black to Business Winter 2007 Message From The Chief Executive Officer Peter Marsman S. I. Rustum Southwell O n Sunday, November 12, 2006, I stood in line at the World Trade Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, waiting to register for the Global Microcredit Summit. I was completely immersed in the sense of excitement and purpose among the first delegates to register on a pleasant fall day. Between 2,000 and 3,000 delegates from 106 countries had registered to attend. The level of excitement and anticipation was heightened by the presence of Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate for 2006. It will be his first public appearance since the announcement of his Nobel Peace Prize. The Black Business Initiative (BBI) was proud to be part of the host committee among several others from Nova Scotia, and we were also pleased with the work of Sam Daley Harris and his team from Washington. Delegates at the conference included dignitaries and politicians from several countries and principalities, among them Queen Sofia of Spain. The microcredit practitioners gathered to support the poorest of the poor in the world and to compare notes on best practices and to set new goals in the alleviation of poverty worldwide. Wayn Hamilton of the Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs (ANSA) used the opportunity to organize and facilitate a round- table discussion to mark the occasion. The session was held in partnership with the Council of African Canadian Education (CACE) and BBI with invited Community Economic Development partners from around the province and several delegates from the Caribbean, West Africa and Samoa. ANSA also hosted stakeholders in two sessions – the first one on cultural tourism on behalf of the Valley Africa Nova Scotian Development Association (VANSDA) and the second with the African Nova Scotian Music Association (ANSMA). Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh is one of the larger examples of what is now called “Social Enterprises”. These enterprises create wealth and spend it in a responsible way. The movement is growing worldwide and, although not very prominent in the Atlantic Provinces, Western Canada led by British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario are seeing growth in such enterprises. Essentially a social enterprise uses the market economy to create profit and reinvest it back into its community or specific cause. In a way, co-operatives like the credit union movement would fit in this category. BBI by its mandate falls into the concept of social enterprises. Cassandra Dorrington will be leading the organization as the sustainable strategy is implemented. It is the BBI’s number one priority during 2007. After almost four years of design, development and planning, we are now ready to deliver on the strategy. The engine which will run this enterprise is in the final stages of implementation; it is a novel composite structure which allows us to use all available means to help Black Business succeed. The third quarter is generally when the BBI staff and Board go on their annual strategic retreats. For the first time, the Chair invited several guests to participate. Representatives of the Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs, Nova Scotia Business Incorporated, Blue Water Business Development Corporation, Greater Halifax Partnership, and Nova Scotia Association of Regional Development Authorities provided valuable input to our plans. When these Board priorities are translated into activities, the business plan for the staff makes for a very busy year. We congratulate all winners of the African Nova Scotian Music Association awards event held in October 2006. In particular special recognition goes to Yvonne Marshall and Jam-on records the winner of the BBI’s Development Award. On the topic of awards and rewards, Barbara Manning and IT Interactive was one of eight companies in Nova Scotia approved for funding under the Atlantic Innovation Fund. The project, with total estimated costs of approximately $3.2 million, will receive up to $2 million from the Atlantic Innovation Fund over two years. The objective of this project is to develop the necessary technologies to add the personalization feature to a current local search engine research project: Another award is the Acadia University President’s Entrepreneurial Award. The recipient is an entrepreneur and innovator who has enjoyed world-wide success. Dr. Abdullah Kirumira has incorporated concern for community and social benefits with the development of his groundbreaking rapid HIV test. He has worked to educate society about HIV while his biochemical companies have helped the local economy thrive. Dr. Kirumira is currently the President and CEO of Biomedica Diagnostic Systems in Windsor, Nova Scotia. continued on page 10> Black to Business City Drug Store Winter 2007 Carol Dobson “Serving Customers since 1952” “When you live in a small community, there’s lots of opportunities to become involved,” Bruce Johnson, of City Drug Store in Yarmouth, says. “There are more chances to do things you really like to do and, once you’ve become involved with a small organization, you find yourself involved for a long time. Johnson is finishing his final year as a member of the Black Business Initiative’s Board of Directors. He’s also active in the Community Business Development Association, the hospice association, the local literacy association and, oh, in the winter, he likes to shoot some hoops in a local basketball league. “One board just naturally leads to another,” he says. That’s in addition to his day job as the pharmacist/owner of the City Drug Store in downtown Yarmouth. The last few years have been challenging for small businesses in the town. The loss of the Scotia Prince ferry for the 2004 season – cutting off a longestablished link with Portland, Maine – meant that Yarmouth’s Main Street became a highway for cars landing at the dock and leaving town immediately or heading straight through town to make the ferry to Bar Harbour on time. As a result, hotels, restaurants, and retailers really felt the pinch. “There have been more tourists here than last year,” he says. “But, we’re not seeing the same state of affairs we had 10 or 15 years ago. There’s a big difference without the Scotia Prince. They used to bring people in who just came over for the weekend. They’d stay in town and patronize the local businesses. You’d see them shopping on Main Street.” He says the town is fighting back by trying to attract people from the area to come to Yarmouth. The town itself has a population of 8,000 but there are 70,000 within an hour’s drive. So, they’re holding special events on weekends ranging from shark derbies to ocean races. Like many other retailers in a downtown core, he’s also facing competition from the large national and international chains that have opened up along Starr’s Road. City Drug Store has been in business since 1952 and, as a result, is serving the children, grandchildren, and even greatgrandchildren of the original patrons. Johnson also has contracts to serve area nursing homes. Now that the baby boomers are starting to come of age, he’s seeing them coming in for their blood pressure medications and other age-related items. Service at City Drug Store has moved beyond filling prescriptions and selling everything from sunscreen and school supplies to walkers. A nurse holds clinics twice a week to check blood pressure and glucose levels along with foot care. People can also come to the store for injections of a wide variety of drugs including the hepatitis vaccine and Depo-Provera. “If someone is newly diagnosed as a diabetic, we like to work one on one with them to help them adjust. We’ll talk to them about their medication, diet and exercise routines – anything to get them back on the road to health again,” says Johnson. In the middle of everything, he took on store renovations. But, what does he do when he’s not serving customers or serving on a myriad of community boards? “Well, sometimes I like to get out and play a little golf.” Black to Business Winter 2007 BBI 10th Anniversary Celebrations Wolfville Celebrates Amherst Celebrates by: Julius Kanyamunyu by: Godfrey Frank, RBDM Robert Ffrench and Rustum Southwell Members from CANSA and BBI board and staff The Black Business Initiative (BBI) held one of its tenth Anniversary celebrations at the Old Orchard Inn in Wolfville on November 20, 2006. Close to 40 people attended, which included a reception, a presentation from the BBI staff, some speeches and an award presentation and a question and answer period. The Black Business Initiative (BBI) in partnership with the Cumberland African Nova Scotian Association (CANSA) held a reception at the Wandlyn Inn in Amherst on December 11, 2006, as part of the BBI’s 10th Anniversary celebrations in the regions. As the manager in charge of this region, I coordinated the event, while the presentations were made by two of the BBI’s Regional Business Development Managers: Evan Williams and Godfrey Frank. Rustum Southwell, BBI’s CEO was also on hand to talk about the progress the BBI has made over the last 10 years. He compared the BBI’s support model to a ladder. He said those who wanted to get to the top need only climb and how fast they did so, depended on them. Paul Walter, one of BBI’s first and lifetime board members talked about the growth of the organization as well. Robert Ffrench, the Executive Director of the Valley African Nova Scotian Development Association (VANSDA), spoke about the value of partnerships and how the BBI and VANSDA have been able to work together. He noted that the BBI continues to support the Black community in the business area, and supports and encourages young people through the Business is Jammin’ (BIJ) program. The night ended with an award presentation by Rustum Southwell to Robert Ffrench of VANSDA for outstanding partnership. The floor was then opened up to questions and comments from the audience. The presence of other lifetime board members, Geraldine Browning and Dr. Rudolph Ffrench was continued on page 24> About 60 people attended including the Hon. Murray Scott, Minister of Justice, Gerry Hallee, Mayor of Amherst, Deputy Mayor George Baker, and local and county councilors. The community was well represented by the Chairman Brian Martin and board members of CANSA, business owners, senior community members, and a representative from the Amherst Daily News. The BBI was represented by board members Jocelyn Dorrington and Shirley LeveringRobinson and staff members Julius Kanyamunyu, Evan Williams and Godfrey Frank. The room was well arranged and was decorated in keeping with the festive season. The evening took the format of a reception followed by the formal presentation session. Participants really enjoyed the reception and were able to mingle and meet with friends and new acquaintances, exchanging greetings of the season. The food and drink were delicious. We made the best effort in presenting a very professional presentation of high standard; Julius and Evan really did an excellent job in making the presentation on continued on page 24> Black to Business Winter 2007 Saint Mary’s Student YOUTH ON Paul Fitzgerald Awarded Rhodes Scholarship THE MOVE Story written and submitted by Public Affairs Department, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS. Photo Courtesy Saint Mary’s University Political Science and Economics and a minor in International Development Studies (IDS). “The Rhodes will allow me to focus entirely on my graduate studies in a fertile and world-renown learning environment. I can’t wait to begin,” he says. Jarda’s research interests he will pursue as a Rhodes Scholar will probe relations between developed and developing countries in terms of foreign policy and nation building. O livier Jarda, a student at Saint Mary’s University, is one of only two students from the Maritimes to be selected as a 2007 Rhodes Scholar. The Rhodes Trust Scholarship Selection Committee made the official announcement this morning that the 22 year-old native from Moncton, New Brunswick (NB) has received the prestigious award that will allow him to study for up to three years at Oxford University — one of the most widely esteemed academic institutions in the world. Rhodes Scholarships, created in 1902 by the will of British philanthropist Cecil Rhodes, provide recipients study at the graduate level at Oxford University in England. Recipients are selected on the basis of high academic achievement, personal integrity, leadership potential and physical vigor, among other attributes. “For me, being a Rhodes Scholar is an opportunity of a lifetime and I am grateful to have been selected,” says Jarda, who is a student completing his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree, with a double major in He is currently working on his Honours Thesis at Saint Mary’s, and this lengthy research paper will explore Canada’s foreign policy in Haiti. He has a 3.93 Grade Point Average (GPA) and has been extremely active as a student since coming to the University in the Fall of 2001. He currently serves as Editor-inChief of The Journal Newspaper at Saint Mary’s, one of Canada’s oldest student newspapers, and he is also member of the University’s Track and Field Varsity Team. This year, he was named a CIS AllCanadian. In 2005-2006, he was elected by the students to serve as the Vice-President of Academic for the Saint Mary’s University Students Association (SMUSA). He has also served as an Official Student Representative for the Board of Governors and the Academic Senate. Last year, he was instrumental in the Model United Nations Conference held in New York City, NY, USA. He also is the singer and bass player with a familiar Indie rock band in Canada, Turnstiles. “Saint Mary’s has given me so many wonderful opportunities, both in and outside the classroom,” he says. “As the University’s vision statement asserts of its students, I see myself as an aspiring citizen of the world. This chance to study abroad will allow me to gain a true international perspective.” He credits a number of people who were instrumental in aiding him through the Rhodes Scholarship process. These individuals include Dr. John Young, Chemistry Department, Dr. Marc Doucet, Political Science Department, and Dr. Leonard Preyra, Political Science Department and Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Nova Scotia for Halifax-Citadel. Dr. Terry Murphy, Vice-President (Academic and Research) at Saint Mary’s, has congratulated Jarda on behalf of the entire University community. “Olivier is a person who embodies the true global citizen,” says Dr. Murphy. “He is a promising scholar, and is an individual who believes in social justice and community building, and these attributes will serve Olivier well at Oxford University and beyond.” Jarda indicates that while he is humbled over being named a Rhodes Scholar, he is also pleased to now be joining the ranks of some people he truly admires like Rex Murphy, a commentator on The National (CBC) and columnist with The Globe and Mail, and Kris Kristofferson, a widely acclaimed international musician. Saint Mary’s University is known for its community outreach projects, both in Canada and around the world. Saint Mary’s, founded in 1802, is home to one of Canada’s leading business schools, a Science Faculty widely known for its cutting-edge research, a comprehensive and innovative Arts Faculty and a vibrant Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. B2B Editor’s note: Article appeared in SMU newsletter, Dec. 2006. Black to Business Winter 2007 Mahoganey Marcial Events Specialists Shauntay Grant Paul Adams going to be a doctor – that was my goal since I was younger.” Marcial grew up in Saint John, New Brunswick. She moved to Halifax seven years ago. And while studying kinesiology at Dalhousie University, she organized events on the side. Mahoganey Marcial “Thank you everybody for coming to the wedding – however, this is by invite only.” Event planner Mahoganey Marcial smiles remembering one of many demanding scenarios she’s had to deal with in her line of work. “If you did not receive an invitation please kindly take the door. Thank you for coming.” Two years ago Marcial started Mahoganey Marcial Events Specialists, a company that helps people source the things needed to run an effective event – finding the best venue, the best pricing, putting together a work plan, etc. But when it comes to event management, Marcial says you never really know what’s in store. “You watch clients break down in front of you,” says Marcial. “They cry, and they are stressed when they see the one or two things they have to do.” The resolution? “You do it for them – that’s my job,” she says. Managing weddings and corporate events hasn’t always been Marcial’s career goal. “I always thought I was “I’ve been doing events since I got out of high school in ’97,” says Marcial. “The first event I did was a fundraiser for the Saint John Regional Hospital – I was in charge of helping to tally the money, and bring in volunteers for the event. Then I started doing the university circuit – (organizing) events and information sessions, things like that. I just always thought that I had a cool job to pay for school. But I never thought you could actually plan events for a living.” But Marcial’s knack for event planning seemed to follow her at every turn. “I worked in disability management for the Public Service Commission my first year out of university, as a kinesioligist,” says Marcial. “The majority of my role was case management and developing a program. I developed a program for people to get back to work, and planned events for the government – I did their IWK campaign, African Heritage Month events, Ecology Action … and (during that time) I also took a wedding consulting course to start planning weddings on the side. When it hit me that I don’t care about blood cell counts and what I learned in kinesiology, but that I was more interested in putting together the perfect presentation for your client, I realized that I was obviously looking at the wrong (career).” Marcial says planning weddings and corporate events is truly her calling. “When it comes to weddings, I’m one of only (a few) wedding consultants in the city that have actually trained to become wedding consultants. And as an event planner, I have a state of the art system that will help manage tasks and timelines. I also have a high level of registration software that’s not available everywhere – I can put your event online, help you generate tickets, and I also have the capabilities to generate e-mails to your potential guests and track who opens what, who checks what, who’s decided to look for more information, and who decides to register for your event.” A lot to keep track of. But Marcial says having excellent organizational skills and great patience are crucial to this line of work. “You have to have major patience, and great self-control. It doesn’t matter what goes wrong – you fix it, and keep things on schedule.” And the bonus for her clients – they can relax and enjoy their own event. “I like to say that they can be a guest at their own event,” says Marcial. “Let somebody else do the work and you get the credit for it.” Mahoganey Marcial Event Specialists P 902.404.3469 F 902.404.3468 Toll Free 877.404.3469 (outside HRM) [email protected] Black to Business Winter 2007 Jam On Records Peter Marsman Kicking out music left and right Chad Lucas Beginning.” The disc has already met with success, garnering Howe three African Nova Scotian Music Awards for artist of the year, best hip-hop artist and rising star. (See Culture Beat feature in this magazine) For some performers, moving behind the scenes to run a label might be a daunting task. But Marshall says it’s a comfortable role for her – though there’s always more to learn. Yvonne “Muzz” Marshall , Jam On Records P laying around in the summer of 2005 with some of her favourite musicians and collaborators, the ideas flying around the room, singer-songwriter Yvonne “Muzz” Marshall had a thought: It was time to be recording these songs, on their terms. “We were kicking out music left and right,” Marshall says. “We got into a lyrical frenzy – we were up for four days, sitting around, everybody just doing their thing. It was from there that I sat back and said, ‘We need to do something with this.’” Marshall secured a start-up fund from the Nova Scotia Department of Tourism and Culture. From there, Jam On Records was born. Marshall is the sole proprietor, but she describes Jam On as a partnership with many of the people she’s worked closely with over the years, including Coleman Howe, Sebastian “Sebby” Joseph, and hip-hop artist/ producer Tremayne “Trobiz” Howe. The independent label released its first recording last fall, Trobiz’s “The “I have the knowledge to do the business part, because of the nature of my day job,” says Marshall, who works in administration in the nursing department at Northwood Care Facility. “I’m very comfortable (with the business aspect). I know a lot about the music business; however, there’s always something to learn. You don’t know it all.” often more difficult for me in the business world. But I have to say the industry has been very accepting of us.” Marshall may be more focused on the business aspect of music now, but she isn’t leaving the microphone behind. She’ll perform with Trobiz at the East Coast Music Awards in Halifax in February and at Canadian Music Week in Toronto in March, and she has her own CD – “Soul Serious” – due out on the Jam On label sometime in 2007. She’s also gathering – and looking for – songs from local artists to release a compilation. It’s her ultimate goal with Jam On Records to introduce Nova Scotia’s finest talent to a national and international audience. “I would like to leave a mark saying, ‘She didn’t just sing,’” Marshall says. “The main goal is to get the music heard. As a musician and a vocalist it’s always about the music first, everything else is secondary.” Marshall brings a wealth of experience to Jam On Records. She has shared the stage with the likes of Martha Reeves, Mavis Staples and Sister Sledge. Last year, a song she co-wrote with Coleman Howe called “Never Too Late” placed second in the soul/R&B category of Billboard’s 13th annual world song competition. She says the combination of what she’s learned from the stage and the “nine-to-five” world gives her what it takes to run a record label. “I’m really pushy,” Marshall says, only half-joking. “People tend to like me and they don’t get offended by my pushiness, but I need to get things done. Being a woman, it’s Phone: (902) 431-2011 Cell: (902) 401-1636 [email protected] Black to Business BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT REPORT Winter 2007 New Offering Gordon Doe Black Busines Community Investment Fund Gordon Doe Happy new year to everyone, and may 2007 be a very prosperous year for you. It is always exciting to announce the launch of a new share offering in our Community Investment Fund. It is an opportunity for all to support a community-based initiative that has an excellent mandate and provides immediate and potential long-term benefits to Nova Scotians. Here is even more good news; the tax credit benefit has improved. Read more about the fund and recent changes in this issue of Black to Business or on our website at The CEDIF helped to fund the Bin Doctor and its bin liner products can now be purchased in Wal-Mart stores. This is a big achievement and we congratulate the Bin Doctor. Our research on the Black construction sector is in the final stages. Though the level of participation was not as much as we had hoped for, we believe the findings are representative of the sector and we are, currently formulating strategies to support the long-term growth of the industry. Our focus is two fold: first, to encourage skills development and certification, and second, to create a strategy that promotes job creation and proper financing. Again have a prosperous 2007, and call 902-426-6985 if you wish to take advantage of the Community Investment Fund. Once again the opportunity to increase your investment in the Black Business Community Investment Fund Ltd. (BBCIFL) is here, and I am happy to announce that the government’s tax credit support for this investment has increased. Let me take the opportunity to update you on this. Revised Equity Tax Credit Benefits to Shareholders The recent changes to the Equity Tax Act mean that shareholders will receive an additional 30 percent tax credit if they choose to hold the shares for another 10 years after the revised mandatory five-year holding period. The tax benefit timeline below illustrates the amount and timing of the up to 60% tax credit investors can expect. Visit for additional information. Other Changes •The holding period requirement for new investments has been increased to five years for new investments. Old investments still have a four-year holding period. •The 20 percent provincial guarantee for out-of-Metro investments has been eliminated. Current Offering Our ongoing objective is to grow the fund to such a level that it becomes self-sustaining and large enough to serve average-size Black-owned companies. So we invite you to take advantage of our current offering. Our target during this 2007 season (which ends on March 1) is to raise at least $100,000. The share price is $100 per share and the minimum investment is $500 for five shares. Again, remember that the core benefits of investing in the fund include: •You will receive up to 60 percent NS tax credit. •You can use funds already in your RRSP, and still receive up to a maximum 60 percent tax credit. •Your investment is eligible for inclusion in a self-directed RRSP. •Over the long term, you’ll receive a return based on the performance of the ventures the Fund invests in. •You are investing in your community’s future. Remember that we are available for one-on-one or group information sessions on this investment opportunity. So take advantage of the up to 60 percent provincial tax benefit by investing now. Tax Benefit Timeline Contact Gordon Doe at 902-426-6985 or by e-mail at [email protected] for information on how to invest and to host one of our home-based discussions. Black to Business Winter 2007 TroBiz Cleans Up At Awards Hip-hop artist takes home three trophies from Dean Lisk African Nova Scotian Music Awards Paul Adams the organization was founded to promote the music industry and award those involved in it. “We felt there was not a real opportunity for African Nova Scotian musicians,” he said. “A lot of them were not taking it seriously. They were playing in bars, TroBiz receives an award at the ANSMA Awards Show, but they were not October 28, 2006 recording or getting involved in the industry.” ip-hop artist TroBiz said H getting any kind of recognition, let alone the three awards he got at last night’s African Nova Scotian Music Awards, is enough for him. “I was really surprised, I was more focused on performing tonight,” said the 32-year-old, who received the rising star, artist of the year, and hip-hop artist awards. TroBiz, whose real name is Tremayne Howe, wasn’t even in Casino Nova Scotia’s Schooner Showroom when his first award was announced to the audience of more than 300. It included Lieutenant-Governor Mayann E. Francis. “Now, this is what happens when you try to be on time with an award show,” said gospel singer Charla Williams, who hosted the show with Cole Harbour High School vice-principal Robert Upshaw. Took awhile “Thank God for giving me the power to get up and do this everyday,” said TroBiz, when he did make it onstage for his second award. Last night was the ninth year the African Nova Scotian Music Association honoured musicians within its community. Association president Lou Gannon said He said the first award dinner was attended by 100 people. Over the years it blossomed into an award show held at Alderney Landing. Last night marked the first time the event was held at the Casino. Along with the awards show, the event included a series of performances by artists including Harvey Millar, Shoulder-to-Shoulder, Asia & Nu Gruv, and gospel group The Deep River Boys, who had the audience out of their seats and clapping along. The ceremony was also an opportunity to honour musicians from the community’s past, including Ink Spots member - and North Preston-born Roland Simmonds. He received the Music Heritage Award. “Thank each and every one of you,” said Simmonds before picking up his guitar and singing Kansas City. “From the bottom of my heart, many thanks go out to you; from the top of my heart, the same thing.” Grateful He took time to thank his family, who he noted rolled out the red carpet each time he came home to visit. “You didn’t have to do it, but thank you for it.” Reprinted by Permission / Copyright © 2007 The Halifax Daily News Also honoured last night was Carl (Sleepy) Thomas, who received the Music Pioneer Award for his long career as a jazz musician. “It is a special pleasure to have her here,” he said of the lieutenant governor, adding she helped inspire him to be a musician. He also apologized for not having a six-pack, like TroBiz - who prominently flashes his in promo pictures. “There is one there, under the pizzas and donairs,” said Thomas, rubbing his stomach. And the Winners are: Here are the winners of the ninth annual African Nova Scotian Music Awards, which were handed out at Casino Nova Scotia; Up and Coming Youth Award: P. Cain Galaxie Rising Star Award: TroBiz Artist/Group of the Year: TroBiz Best R & B Artist/Group: Asia & Nu Gruv Best Gospel Artist/Group: Marko Simmonds Best Album of the Year: Everything, by Shane C. Best Hip-Hop Artist/Group: TroBiz Best Live Performance: Asia & Nu Gruv Music Pioneer Award: Carl (Sleepy) Thomas Black Business Initiative Development Award: Jam On Records Music Heritage Award: Roland J Simmonds Black to Business 10 Message from the Board of Directors Message from the Chief Executive Officer continued from page 1 continued from page 2 growth of the Black business community, contact Gordon Doe or the BBI for additional information on how to make your dollars work for you. In BBCIF’s short history, they have made a mark on the business environment by taking equity positions in a select number of Black owned businesses. As we move through 2007, you can expect to see continued emergence of new Black businesses with a particular emphasis on those in non-traditional sectors. You can also expect to see continued success and exposure of our African Nova Scotian business leaders. Congratulations to IT Interactive Services for your recognition and funding from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s (ACOA) Innovative Fund. From an operational perspective, we have been delighted by both the talent and the commitment of our staff members. As BBI changes and evolves, we continue to see evidence of exciting new talent on staff. BBI wishes to welcome Bernard Elwin, Shawn Smith and Dorothy Fletcher and at the same time, we wish to thank Godfrey Frank and Beverley Parker for their many contributions to the organization and we wish them well. In closing, let me say, while it is hard to top the successes of the past, BBI is at a new stage in its sustainable strategy. There are new plateaus to reach and new challenges to conquer. Given the focus and talent of the BBI board, staff, client base and other stakeholders, I am confident of BBI’s bright future and look forward to another incredible year. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as BBI continues to fulfill its mandate to foster the growth of businesses owned by members of the Nova Scotia Black community. Cassandra Dorrington, Chair BBI and its partners congratulate these hidden gems in our business community. Let’s use their examples to build on past successes. And keep track of business potential in developments like the Commonwealth Games Bid Committee and the merger of the Halifax Regional Authority and Greater Halifax Partnership in our line of sight. We ended 2006 with the Christmas social and the release of 2007 Directory. It was special this year because we added a little extra celebration because of the 10 years of operations. Tenth anniversary events were also celebrated in Wolfville (in partnership with Valley African Nova Scotian Development Association) and Amherst (in partnership with Cumberland African Nova Scotian Association). Members of the community in these areas were given an update of results and services of the BBI. We thank those who attended and the Regional Managers for putting the events together. On the operations front, we say farewell to Beverley Parker, Godfrey Frank and Melanie Clark, who have completed contracts with us and we thank them for their service. And we welcome aboard new permanent staff members Shawn Smith, Bernard Elwin and Dorothy Fletcher. Once again, as we begin a new calendar year and end the final quarter of our business year, we wish you a prosperous and entrepreneurial 2007. I speak for the volunteer Board of Directors and the staff of the BBI when I say we are here to help anyone interested in going into business to succeed. S.I. Rustum Southwell, CEO Winter 2007 REGIONAL REPORT Central Evan Williams I want to congratulate Muzz Marshall, owner of Jam On Records for hosting two successful CD launch parties for signed artist Trobiz’s new album “The Beginning”. These events were well received in Liverpool and Halifax. To learn more about Jam on Records see their website at www.jamonrecords. com . You can also read the story in this issue of Black to Business. I was able to attend BBI’s 10th anniversary events in Wolfville and Amherst recently. I want to say thank you to all for your support and feedback. There will be events in Truro on February 8th and Sydney February 12th. This will be my last Northern Report. Bernard Elwin of Sydney will be the new Regional Business Development Manager for the northern region. All inquiries from Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough counties and Cape Breton should now go to Bernard at (902) 426-8688 or by e-mail at: [email protected] I will now be the regional manager for the central region. I want to thank everyone in the northern region for your support, guidance and cooperation. To book a central regional visit please contact me at: (902) 426-6692 or 1-800-668-1010 or by email @ [email protected]. Black to Business 11 Winter 2007 Oil of Life Phyllistein Gibson Carol Dobson contributed That led her on a journey to become certified in colonics and to start teaching the procedure to others. She’s travelled extensively to Texas, Utah, Florida, and Ontario, among other locations, obtaining training in a wide variety of alternative health care practices. Phyllistein Gibson U sing essential oils for healing purposes goes back into the mists of time. Think back to Biblical days, to the frankincense and myrrh brought by the Magi, to the oils used to anoint Christ’s feet, and to the spices which were brought to the tomb that first Easter morning. Phyllistein Gibson has been exploring the magic of essential oils for the past decade or so and uses them in her daily life as a health care practitioner. Since last April, she has operated a clinic in Kentville where she specializes in a number of alternative therapies including aromatherapy, reike, and colonics. She also offers courses in colonics, ‘Vita Flex/Reflexology and Aromatherapy’, and Rainbow Therapy featuring essential oils. Her quest for knowledge started when her mother became ill. “I happened to see something in the paper about colonics so I went to the local health food store and asked about it,” Gibson says. She uses Young Living Essential Oils in her practice for a number of things. “They’re beautiful oils,” she says. “They can be used for stress reduction, to help with cancer treatments, for colon and prostate problems. You can cook with them, use them in facials or auricular therapy.” “My mother was the guinea pig when I was learning. But, I believe that without these treatments she would be dead. So, that’s why I named my company Oil of Life.” “I’ve been very blessed health care plans covering some treatments, such as massage. Gibson sees its acceptance first hand from members of the medical profession. She’s trained a Registered Nurse from New Brunswick in colonics and has a physician as a regular client for either massage therapy or colonics. But, she admits there is more to be done. She’s doing her part by creating some awareness of her services through the media. Her clinic has been featured in articles in the local newspaper and on both Eastlink Cable and the CBC. Gibson likens her experiences over the past few years as a journey that has been guided by her spiritual beliefs. “I’ve been very blessed and, whenever I’ve needed something, the right people have fallen into my path.” and, whenever I’ve needed something, the right people have fallen into my path.” Currently, she has one clinic in Kentville, located next door to the regional hospital. She’s looking for a site in Halifax and is also considering opening in the new Wellness Centre near Annapolis Royal. To do this, however, she needs staff. As a result, she’s been talking to local authorities, investigating whether she might be able to offer retraining to some of those faced with layoffs when the poultry plant in nearby Canning shuts down. Alternative therapies are slowly coming into the mainstream, with Phyllistein Gibson 296 Lamont Road, Kentville, Nova Scotia [email protected] www. Black to Business Winter 2007 12 Nominations open for The Black Business Initiative A N N U A L B U S I N E S S AWA R D S The Hector Jacques Award of Business Excellence is awarded annually by the Board of Directors of the Black Business Initiative to recognize demonstrated business excellence by a company or individual within the Nova Scotia Black Business Community. The Black Business Initiative Society’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award is awarded annually by the Board of Directors of the Black Business Initiative to recognize demonstrated business excellence by a small company or individual within the Nova Scotia Black business community. Who is Hector Jacques? Who is eligible? Hector Jacques is co-founder of Jacques Whitford, one of North America’s largest firms of environmental engineers, scientists and consultants focused on solving environmental issues. He served as President and Chief Executive Officer from the firm’s inception through more than 30 years of exceptional growth until 2003 and is currently Chair of the Board of Directors. An immigrant to Canada from the former Portuguese colony of Goa, his remarkable career as a geotechnical engineer and entrepreneur has been an inspiration to people within and beyond the company he nurtured. Any established SMALL business with a minimum of three years in operation in Nova Scotia and with at least 30 per cent Black ownership that has demonstrated a strong business acumen and support for the community is eligible. The award may also be made to an individual business owner. Small business is defined as a business that has less than $1-million in sales annually. Among his numerous distinctions, Hector has been awarded the Engineering Award for Distinctive Achievement (Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia), the Beaubien Award for Distinctive Achievement in the Practice of Engineering (Association of Consulting Engineers), and the Canada 125 Anniversary Medal, to name only a few. He has served on numerous regional, national and international boards and was the first chair of the Board of Directors for BBI. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Engineering (Engineering) and the Technical University of Nova Scotia (M. Eng.). The Black Business Initiative’s vision is a dynamic and vibrant Black presence within the Nova Scotia business community. The Hector Jacques Award of Business Excellence serves to strengthen this goal by recognizing the best in our business community. Who is eligible? Any established business with a minimum of three years in operation in Nova Scotia and with at least 30 per cent Black ownership that has demonstrated a strong business acumen and support for the community is eligible. The award may also be made to an individual business owner. All submissions must be made by Friday, March 30th at 5pm in writing to: What are the criteria for consideration for both Awards? I. Product or service • • • • • • • Description of what makes your product or service outstanding. Awards, honors, and recognition received. What new approaches or technologies have been implemented? Customer service. Strategic direction/market position/industry impact. Is the company a provincial, national or global player? Made a noticeable impact in terms of job creation, leadership and community involvement. II. Financial performance • • Revenue growth over the past three years (as a percentage) Projected growth plan – long-term sustainability of the business III. Workplace excellence • • Leadership/management team Employment – jobs created, maintained, and internal promotions within your workforce, adjusting to the demands in the market place Black Business Initiative 1575 Brunswick Street Halifax, NS B3J 2G1 Email: [email protected] Fax: 426-8699 BBI’s Annual Directo by: Gordon Doe Photography: Peter Marsman F or the 10th year the BBI held its annual directory launch and holiday get together. More than 150 people attended, including government, business and community members. The event was held on November 30, 2006, in a new venue – The Cunard Center, Pier 23, Halifax. The evening started at 5:30, but the networking continued past the official 8:30 p.m. end time. Rick Cross and Starr Francis Paul Ryan, Jason Vaillencourt, and Jarrod Pettipas Patricia Gallagher and Andy Rice, Global The tenth anniversary milestone was a big reason for special celebrations this year. It was an evening of celebrations and well wishes. Representatives from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Nova Scotia’s Office of Economic Steve O’Regan, Minister Barry Barnet, Development, Service and Joe Parris Canada, and the Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs brought messages of congratulations and encouragement. The BBI also took the opportunity to acknowledge the support it has enjoyed from its stakeholders and presented each sponsor of the 2006 Business Summit with a plaque. The big and good news of the evening was when RBC announced its $30,000 three-year support to the Business is Jammin’ (BIJ) charity. The announcement was another vote of confidence in the BBI as RBC positions itself as a strategic partner of the BBI. This cheque was the first corporate donation BIJ has received since becoming a charity in 2006. The opportunity to see and interact with some clients who had displayed their products was evidence the work the BBI has been doing these 10 years. SLIC Laser, Bin Doctor, Ruby’s Sugar Shack, and Alysam Greeting Cards, to name a few, were among the businesses that displayed their wares. Shoulder to Shoulder’s music was so good, and to have Joe Parris, BBI’s vice chair, add his ‘sax’ to the mix made the sound even better. And no one will forget the efficient services of the caterers that evening. Jason Vaillencourt and Robert Loppie, The Bin Doctor All in all, it was a very beautiful and memorable evening. Congratulations to BBI and all organizers of the evening. Gordon Doe, BBI Director of Business Development ory Launch RBC Financial Group First to Support Charity Godfrey Frank Geraldine Browning and Ann Divine T he Business is Jammin’ (BIJ) program of the Black Business Initiative received a significant financial boost from the RoyJoe Parris, BBI Vice-Chair al Bank of Canada (RBC). Greg Browning, a BBI board member and an RBC employee, made the announcement. The BIJ program, a flagship program of the BBI, is intended to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship in young people so that they can appreciate entrepreneurship as an alternative form of employment for their skills and talent. BBI, as part of its sustainability strategy, has created a registered charity to assist in the raising of funds to finance its programs. Vivian Dixon, Funmi Joseph, Tracey Thomas, and Cynthia Dorrington Mel Coombs (ACOA), ANSA Minister Barry Barnet, BBI Vice-Chair Joe Parris Shoulder To Shoulder At the 2007 Directory Launch at Pier 23 on November 30, 2006, Greg announced that he was making the first contribution to the BIJ Charity Fund of $500, which represented a grant from the RBC to employees who have contributed a certain amount of time towards an organization that the bank can assist financially. The RBC Foundation made the second contribution. RBC strives to help successful, thriving communities and support programs that help kids grow, learn and prepare for their futures. Greg said that RBC is committed to helping kids stay in school because RBC feels it is an “investment with guaranteed returns.” He proudly said, “We look at programs that BBI and BIJ are offering and find that these programs provide fantastic opportunities which are in line with our focus of helping kids stay in school so they can realize their full potential…. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure, on behalf of RBC and as a BBI board member, to present the second and RBC’s donation of $10,000 to BBI and Business is Jammin’.” He also encouraged others to give generously to securing the future of our young people. The donation of $10,000 represents the first installment of a gift of $30,000 over three years from the RBC Foundation to the Business is Jammin’ Business Camps. Black to Business Winter 2007 15 Trailblazers 5 Senior Executives – Leading the Way in Excellence DR. JOHN MURDOCH Juanita Peters Paul Adams Chief of Surgery, Dartmouth Regional Hospital N o one knows the meaning of hard work better than Dr. John Murdoch. After 14 years of extensive training and many years in the field, the Dartmouth Regional Hospital has welcomed him as the Chief of Surgery. Born in Antigua, Murdoch came to Canada in 1976 and received a bachelor’s degree from Brandon University. He later entered Dalhousie Medical School in 1980 and graduated in 1984. It was here he met and married his wife, Sharon Davis-Murdoch who was working on an Arts Degree at Dalhousie at the time. Today she works for the Nova Scotia Department of Health, and the two have one 20-year-old son Christopher. Murdoch continued his studies for surgical training at Dalhousie from 1988-1993. Dr. Murdoch says it has been a long rewarding road. “It takes a long time to get where you are headed and you have to be committed at an early age. The interaction with patients is so rewarding. Much more than dispensing pills. That is why I decided to go into surgery. Having the chance to lay your hands on someone and change the outcome of their disease is the most rewarding feeling anyone could ever have.” Dr. John Murdoch currently has an office at 920 Cole Harbour Road, in Dartmouth. WAYN HAMILTON Paul Adams Chief Executive Officer, African Nova Scotian Affairs, Government of Nova Scotia W ayn Hamilton was born in Beechville in 1960. He attended Dalhousie University where he received a Bachelor of Arts in African Studies and a Bachelor of Education with a major in Language Arts. He also has a Masters in Planning and Development from Guelph University. Hamilton has spent 15 years working and living in Nigeria, Ghana and Sierra Leone, with CUSO and UNICEF, first as a teacher then in community development. When asked what his proudest moment would be, he replied, “When I got a hug from my mom as I was leaving for Nigeria in 1983. She was worried but was proud of me. Another would be when the people of Michika in Northern Nigeria hosted a special event to make me part of their community. They thought after six months I would leave, but I stayed for three years.” His commitment to connecting Black Nova Scotians to the African Diaspora is evident in his new role as Chief Executive Officer of African Nova Scotian Affairs. He says the office has made great strides. A satellite office will open in Cape Breton by the end of March with a full-time staff of three. “The growth strategy we are proposing is in the southwest and other parts of the province,” he said. Wayn Hamilton in married to his wife Rugi and together they have an 8 year old son named Khalifa. Black to Business Winter 2007 16 PATRICK KAKEMBO Director, African Canadian Services Division (ACSD) Nova Scotia Department of Education Paul Adams B orn in Uganda, Patrick Kakembo has lived in Canada since 1985. He has a B.A. and B.Ed. from Makerere University in Kampala and a Ph.D and MPA from Dalhousie University in Halifax. he says. “We hope to launch the English 12 African Heritage course in the fall of 2008 for all schools in Nova Scotia. Our other focus is to work with kids and educators so we can have better dialogue with parents. We are currently trying to design a program that can help parents get involved in a more positive way to achieve success.” A teacher by profession, it is no surprise that Patrick Kakembo has great plans in his role as Director of African Canadian Services for the Nova Scotia Department of Education. His team has been working hard to encourage the integration of materials reflective of diverse cultures in the Nova Scotia curriculum. “This will help reduce the anger that some feel from being asked to be part of someone else’s culture, while ignoring your own,” Kakembo worked for the Black Advisory Committee from 1992-1996 and says it was a very rewarding time. “The publication of the Blac Report during the period I think was a huge achievement because it became a blueprint for change in terms of African Canadian Education.” Patrick Kakembo is married to his wife Robinah, and they have three children, Sam, Simon and Mukisa. New Faces at the BBI P lease join us in welcoming two new employees to the BBI team; Bernard Elwin, Regional Business Development Manager for the northern region and Shawn Smith, Regional Business Development Manager for the southern region. Bernard Elwin Shawn Smith Bernard’s professional background is in Project Research and Development and Manufacturing. He has worked for a number of years in the areas of Development Banking and Electronics Manufacturing. He is originally from the island of St. Lucia. Shawn was born and raised in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. A graduate from Saint Mary’s University, he received a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in marketing. Shawn has gained valuable work experience with Service Canada and South West Shore Development Authority. Recently, Shawn was teaching English as a second language in South Korea. He is excited to begin his new position and is eager to use his knowledge and skills to increase the Black business presence in Nova Scotia. Black to Business e Business Forum 17 Groups RRSPs The benefits for your business and employees A retirement savings plan isn’t just for big companies, anymore. To attract and retain talented people today, it is increasingly necessary for small-business owners to offer a retirement savings-type of benefits plan to employees. One of the smartest, cost-efficient ways to do this is a Group RRSP. Convenience – Payroll deductions make saving for one’s retirement easy and painless. Most employees don’t even notice the difference in their pay cheques after a while, but love it at the end of the year when they see how much their savings have grown, sheltered from taxes. Simply put, a group registered retirement savings plan is a collection of individual RRSPs offered to employees by you, their so-called “plan sponsor.” Smarter Investing Strategies – By offering employees a way to invest in small amounts all year round, you are helping them take advantage of a key investment tenet, dollar-cost-averaging, not to mention the additional benefits of compounding interest over the year versus one ill-thoughtout lump-sum payment in the rush of RRSP season. “One of the benefits of implementing a group RRSP is the plans are relatively easy to administer - a plus for the busy small-business owner,” says Sylvia Mannette, RBC’s Manager of Group Financial Services for Atlantic Canada. As a group RRSP plan sponsor (with a minimum of 8 employee), you arrange for employees to make contributions through payroll deductions.” Enrolling employees is relatively easy: an individual completes a form and decides how much he or she wishes to contribute through their payroll deductions which are automatically deposited into a designated RRSP account using pre-tax pay. Flexibility Another benefit to employers is the group RRSP is flexible, so the plan can grow alongside your company. Down the road, it’s easy to expand the plan to offer to match employee contributions in whole or in part, it’s up to you. Similarly, the employee-match can be used to reward performance and foster employee loyalty. Employees tend to really appreciate the group RRSP plan for several reasons including the following: Control – Because the group RRSP payments are deposited directly into your employees’ accounts, they have complete control over their investment decisions and long-term strategies. “There may also opportunities to further assist your employees through educational seminars on a variety of investment topics, another benefit greatly appreciated by workers of all walks of life,” says Sylvia. “Educational seminars on a variety of topics are also often available through a relationship you may already have with your financial institution, just ask.” More information about handling change for small business can be found in RBC Royal Bank’s Definitive Guide on Managing for Growth, part of a series of publications made available by RBC Royal Bank for our business clients. Winter 2007 REGIONAL REPORT NORTHERN Bernard Elwin It is indeed a pleasure to be part of the BBI team. Over the last three months I have had the opportunity to interact with many of the BBI’s client base in my assigned area. I have also been tremendously fortunate to meet with representatives of many of our institutional partners. I wish to thank Regional Business Development Manager, Evan Williams for assisting in the transition process. As the former Manager for the Northern Region, Evan has been instrumental in assisting a number of clients, in addition to facilitating our ever widening network of contacts and regional partners. I have worked on a number of projects including Fashan Jewellery and the African Canadian Art Initiative (ACAI). I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Cory Fashan on the launch of his new business and to wish him all the best for the future. I also worked on the development and implementation of our Performance Management System; a truly rewarding experience. Effective entrepreneurial development, education, training and the building of strong partnerships are important tenets of BBI’s operation. As a member of BBI’s team I will endeavour to adhere unwaveringly to these guiding principles. For more information or to book a regional visit please contact me @ (902) 426-8688 or 1-800-668-1010 or by email @ [email protected] Please be advised that during the winter months, my regional travel will be contingent upon weather and scheduled meetings. Black to Business Winter 2007 18 Soaps, bath products & lingerie Paul Adams ...a winning combination Carol Dobson with natural products and essential oils. “I started out in the house making a bit of this and a bit of that,” she says. “Now I have a space that I rent in Burnside.” Belinda States Bezanson , Bezan V alentine’s Day is coming up and Belinda States Bezanson, the owner of Bezan, is getting ready to host a ‘Diva’ party a few days before the big night. She’s inviting a select group of customers to her shop for an evening that includes a fashion show featuring the latest in lingerie, makeup applications, chair massages, and refreshments. At the end of the evening, each guest will go home with a goody bag filled with heart-shaped soaps and bath bombs. When she opened the retail store, she decided that mixing fine soaps and bath products with lingerie was a winning combination. Her stock comes from Canadian, American, and European suppliers and includes a nice selection for hard-to-find sizes, not to mention silicone derrieres for those who think they might need some enhancing in that department. The bras and nighties for larger-figured women are just as feminine and flirty as the smaller sized ones. She’s not forgotten men either as she carries a few Canadian lines of men’s underwear by Snob and Body Tech, including thongs. tle less embarrassing for the men.” She’s a person who always likes to keep moving so her latest venture has been to start wholesaling her products. They’re now available at Tatum’s in Windsor and at Ocean Spirit in Canning. “Tatum’s carries our heart-shaped soaps – they fit in with their bridal department and are great as bridesmaid’s gifts. Ocean Spirit is carrying our seaweed products because they fit in with the store’s theme.” Word of her products has spread far and wide, to the extent that she has one customer who comes from Africa twice a year to purchase her “Black Magic” lotion that is renowned for its painkilling properties. Bezanson is always scanning the horizon for the next product she wants to develop. But, in the meantime there’s a party to plan, the first of many special events she wants to host in her store. “I started out in the house She’s feeling good at the end of the store’s first year. Bezan has been selected for the next round of the Black Business Initiative’s television commercials and she’s getting ready for it to be filmed. making a bit of this and Bezanson admits she’s always had an entrepreneurial bent. For 15 years, she ran a catering business in the Kentville-Coldbrook area. Then she operated the Coffee Barrel Restaurant in Windsor. She started Bezan three years ago in her kitchen making soap using a traditional cold process. Her soaps are all considered “food grade” and are made that I rent in Burnside.” a bit of that,” she says. “Now I have a space “I had the men’s underwear almost hidden when I first opened but someone came in and suggested that I make it more prominent,” she says. “I did and it’s been selling very well. I think having it easier to see makes shopping for underwear a lit- Belinda States Bezanson 1594 Queen Street Halifax, NS T: 405-3593 [email protected] Black to Business 19 Winter 2007 People & Businesses on the Move YaNRo DRUM has been on tour in the U.S. for the past few months. It’s been presented in a number of states including Oklahoma, Arizona, Nevada, Wyomihg, Colorado and Florida. When the World Microcredit conference was held in Halifax, Thelma Borden, the owner of Big Mama’s Cook’n and Triple S Variety in Monastery, Antigonish Co. was featured in the Halifax Daily News as an example of a business which has grown through microcredit. Emmanuel Baptist Church in Hammonds Plains has begun a new entertainment series showcasing local artists on the first Saturday of every month. So far, the series has featured Gary Beals and Marko Simmonds. Proceeds raised through this series will go towards the church’s new youth facility. Mike Duck was one of the speakers at the Canadian Association of Business Incubation conference held in Halifax in October. The event was sponsored by INNOVACorp. The Society of North Line American Hockey Historians And Researchers (“Sonahhr”) has named Nova Scotia native Craig Marshall Smith as President of the Black Hockey And Sports Hall Of Fame. Smith, who is a Corporal with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is one of the founding members of the first Black Hockey and Sports Hall of Fame Conference held in Dartmouth this past summer. His mandate includes working with a Board of Directors from the Black Hockey And Sports Hall Of Fame to establish a permanent Black Hockey And Sports Hall Of Fame facility in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Smith is also the author of “You’d Better Be White By Six A.M.”. a book chronicling African Canadians in the R.C.M.P. This book was launched last fall. Charles R. Saunders was named Vice President of Sonahhr Boxing by The Society of North American Hockey Historians And Researchers. Saunders is one of the leading authorities on boxing in the country and is also an author of a number of books including Africville: The Spirit That Lives On and Sweat and Soul: The Saga of Black Boxers in the Maritimes from the Halifax Forum to Caesars Palace. The Association of Black Social Workers held a “Night of Recognition” honouring Frances Mills-Clements, Maxene PrevostSheppard and Althea Tolliver, three of the association’s founders at the Citadel Inn in Halifax. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation shot a documentary highlighting Julian Colley, Courtney Williams and Brandon Tolliver’s sail from Halifax to Portland, Maine on board the Freedom Schooner Amistad. Reverend Dr. Lawrence Edward Carter Sr. was in Halifax in November to open an exhibit that pays tribute to three world peace activists. He officiated at the ribboncutting ceremony of the Gandhi King Ikeda: A Legacy of Building Peace exhibit, which was held at St. Andrew’s United Church. In addition, he delivered a public lecture at Saint Mary’s University. Dr. Carter was also the special guest speaker as the Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia marked its 23rd anniversary with a gala dinner at the Park Place Ramada Inn in Dartmouth. The theme for this year’s celebration was “Humanity At Heart: A Recognition of Peace”. St. Patrick’s-Alexandra School held a Professional Development Day dedicated to Africentric concepts in October. The theme for the 2006 seminar was “Celebrating Women in Social Sciences and Fine Arts”. The guest speakers were actress Anne Marie Woods and Nancy Sparks from the Halifax Regional School Board. Triple African Nova Scotia Music Award winning musician TroBiz launched his new CD “The Beginning” at Halifax’s Seahorse Black to Business Winter 2007 20 People & Businesses on the Move continued... Tavern on December 9. He was also one of the musicians featured in the 2006 edition of Music Nova Scotia Week in Liverpool. In the wake of the disastrous fire last March, the Black Loyalist Heritage Society has been holding an “Adopt a Book Campaign” to rebuild its reference library. The Society has a wish list of books it requires and donations are being handled through the Whirligig Book Shop in Shelburne. The Society has a new president – Richard Gallion assumed the presidency at its last annual meeting. The African-Canadian Women’s Association marked its 10th anniversary on November 10 with a gala dinner and dance at Mount Saint Vincent University’s Rosaria Centre. Congratulations to Mason Foote. He attended the Royal Canadian Legion National Track & Field Championships in Burnaby, BC last fall, winning gold in the Juvenile Mens 100m dash, bronze in the Juvenile Mens 200m dash, and bronze in the Juvenile Mens 4x100m relay. Dr. Abi Kirumira, a former professor at Acadia University and one of Nova Scotia’s leading biotechnology entrepreneurs was awarded the 2006 President’s Award for Entrepreneurship by the university. This year’s presentation of “Share the Dream” was highlighted by a reunion of the A Cappella musical group “Four the Moment” - Delvina Bernard, Anne Marie Woods, Kim Bernard-Morris and Andrea Currie. The popularity of this annual event has meant that it moved from last year’s venue at Alderney Landing to the larger Rebecca Cohn. The Dalhousie Black Law Students Society has created the Judge Corinne Sparks Award in Law honouring “Judge Sparks’ spirit of leadership and community service. The purpose of the Award is to celebrate those students who are committed to using their legal education as a tool for change in their community.” A fundraising luncheon, featuring Her Honour Mayann Francis, was held on February 9. Alderney Landing Theatre on Eastlink on December 17. The African Canadian Transition Program, which is being run at the Nova Scotia Community College, held an open house/information session on December 12. This program is designed to “provide a culturally-enriched and supportive educational experience that is based on Africentric philosophy. The learners will be exposed to African Canadian role models and mentors and will learn about postsecondary educational options and available resources as they gain credits toward their Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma for Adults.” Darlene Strong, of Amherst, is one of the nominees for this year’s Portia White Prize. Strong is an artist and educator working to preserve and promote the provinces African heritage especially in Cumberland County. The community of North Preston was in the media spotlight on Saturday, January 13, when members of the community and friends from around the province gathered for a successful Peace March. Students in Cumberland County’s Cornerstone Academy are participating in an ArtsSmart program during African Heritage Month. Their studies will focus on the Underground Railway and they will be creating an exhibit called “Connections 2007”. A conference, “Architects For Social Justice” - Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights sponsored by the Nova Scotia Educational Leadership Consortium will be held at the Holiday Inn Harbourview in Dartmouth from May 9-11. In Memoriam The Community Health and Wellness Centre in North Preston was the subject of a special report by Sherri Borden Colley in the Chronicle Herald on November 6. The BBI would like to extend its sympathy to the friends and family of: 2006 marked the 75th anniversary of the Nova Scotia Home for Coloured Children’s annual Christmas appeal. This year’s version was broadcast from the Marshall Downey, who died Dec. 2, 2006 and Adeline Simmonds, 68, of North Preston, who passed away on January 19, 2007 Black to Business Winter 2007 21 New economic development Judge organization for HRM Corrine Sparks Neville Gilfoy & Charles Savary Award in Law In October 2005, Halifax Regional Council unanimously approved the Halifax Region Economic Development Strategy and looked to the Greater Halifax Partnership (GHP), the Halifax Regional Development Agency (HRDA) and to Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) staff to determine how to execute the strategy and what it might cost. he Judge Corrine Sparks Award in Law was introduced February 9, 2007 at the University Club on the Dalhousie University campus in Halifax. The first recipient of the award was also revealed. By May the Boards of Directors of the GHP and the HRDA had instructed their Chairs and Vice Chairs to form a transition team (Interim Board) to work with HRM Council representatives and staff to create a new organization from the two existing ones. The process was challenging but with everyone’s focus clearly on the big prize – a more prosperous, better educated, safer and vibrant Halifax – vested interests were left at the door and the new organization was able to come to life. While a new name has yet to be determined (the existing brands will be tested and a name and brand will be determined by the new board and staff), there is a very specific set of objectives. There are many worthy goals for the new organization but its primary function will be to ensure economic and community growth are taking place throughout the entire municipality. We can only be a great city if everyone is participating and no one is left out. T Peter Marsman By March 2006, it was apparent that to really accomplish all the strategy’s objectives, a new organization was required – an organization with an expanded mandate, a broader base of stakeholders, a new vision, greater resources and a larger network. •To encourage all residents to pursue education, training and life-long learning. There is a new board which has members from the community, from HRM Council and from companies and organizations which provide private sector investment to aid in the growth of the region. Stephen Dempsey has been appointed President and CEO. Staffs from both GHP and HRDA have been working together for many weeks and have been instrumental in making the two organizations one. They are motivated, professional, respectful and very patient. Their futures were on hold during this entire process and they should be congratulated for stepping up to make this new organization a reality. This merger signals a new era of cooperation, vision, commitment, hope and confidence for Halifax, for Nova Scotia and, indeed, for all Atlantica. The new organization needs and deserves your full support. Offer it up generously. Some highlights include: •Position the entire municipality Neville Gilfoy and Charles Savary of Halifax as a superior place are the former Board Chairs of the to do business, to locate Greater Halifax Partnership and business, to visit, live and work; Halifax RDA, respectively and led the •To anticipate and respond to Transition Board that created the new training and provision of skilled economic development organization labour; and, for HRM. Judge Corrine Sparks and Lyle Howe The purpose of the award is to celebrate those students who are committed to using their legal education as a tool for change in their community. The Halifax native and Dalhousie University’s graduate was the first African-Nova Scotian appointed to the province’s family court in 1987 and the first AfricanCanadian woman to serve on the judiciary in Canada. 22-year-old first-year law student Lyle Howe is this year’s recipient. The award this year is in the amount of $500, with another $500 going to a charity of the winner’s choice. The reception was organized by the Dalhousie Black Law Students Association. Black to Business Winter 2007 22 Ask the BBI Featured Expert: Bernard Elwin, RBDM - Northern What is Blue Ocean Strategy? S ince the beginning of the Industrial Age businesses have searched for profitable and sustained growth. They have done so primarily through direct competition with each other. Their main objective was to achieve some competitive advantage over other businesses in their area of operation. They strived for increased market share and increased differentiation. Some experts have indicated that these markers of competitive strategy are not the way to create profitable and sustained growth in the future. Conducting a study of 150 strategic moves spanning 120 years and 30 industries, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, renowned professors at INSEAD business school and authors of Blue Ocean Strategy’ outlined what they call “blue” and “red” ocean business strategies. According to Kim and Mauborgne, the business universe comprises two distinct spaces – red and blue oceans. In red oceans, industry boundaries are defined and accepted. The competitive rules are well understood. Here, companies try to outperform their rivals in order to grab a greater share of the existing demand. As the number of competitors increase, the chance for growth and profit diminishes. The water L in which these competitors swim becomes tainted red with blood as the businesses battle for dominance in an increasingly reduced market space. The blue ocean metaphor effectively outlines the vision of an expanding competitor-free market that innovative companies can navigate. Blue oceans represent untapped market space and the opportunity for highly profitable growth. They refer to all industries that are not in existence today. In blue oceans, demand is created rather than fought over. There is ample opportunity for profitable and sustained growth. Competition is irrelevant as the rules of competition are not yet established. The concept of blue ocean strategy represents a paradigm shift in the way businesses have operated. Many businesses across the world are beginning to embrace the concept and have already begun to reap benefits. The basic tenets of blue ocean strategy are: 1.Do not compete in the existing market space. Instead you should create uncontested market space. 2.Do not seek to defeat the competition. Instead you should make the competition irrelevant. 3.Do not exploit existing demand. Instead you should create and capture new demand. 4.Do not make the value/cost trade-off. Instead you should break the value/cost trade-off. 5.Do not align the whole system of a company’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. Instead you should align the whole system of a company’s activities in pur suit of both differentiation and low cost. Source: “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, Harvard Business School Press, 2005. BBI Stats The BBI has been involved with approximately 1,384 clients. • Approved Loans 203 • Approved Equity Loans 11 • Approved Development Funds 49 • Withdrawals 32 Black to Business Winter 2007 23 Black Business Initiative 2007 Training Schedule for Metro Courses Date Time Web Sites that Sell - Web Page Design for Your Business March 27, Ap. 3, 10, & 17 6-9pm Creating a Winning Business Plan May 1, 8, 15, & 22 Bookkeeping Level 1 – The Basics and Beyond Aug 7, 14, 21, & 28 6-9pm Bookkeeping Level 2 - Understanding your Business Finances Oct 9, 16, 23, & 30 6-9pm Simply Accounting – The Essentials of Computerized Bookkeeping Nov 13, 20, 27, & Dec 4 6-9pm Course Fees: BBI Client - $20.00 Non-Client - $40.00 Workshops Date Time Labour Relations March 7 6-9pm Entrepreneurship 101 – Is Entrepreneurship Right For You? March 21 6-9pm Making Exceptional Customer Service Y our Finest Asset April 11 6pm Canada’s Paper Money-Security Features & Detecting Counterfeit Bills May 9 6-9pm Entrepreneurship 101 – Is Entrepreneurship Right For You? May 23 in East Preston 6-9pm Entrepreneurship 101 – Is Entrepreneurship Right For You? July 25 in Lucasville 6-9pm Entrepreneurship 101 – Is Entrepreneurship Right For You? March 8 in LUHP 6-9pm Understanding, Keeping and Retaining Credit Sept 12 6-9pm Submitting to Revenue Canada Sept 26 6-9pm The Inns and Outs of Import/Export Oct 10 6-9pm Human Resources Management Oct 31 6-9pm Closing the Deal…The Art of Negotiations Nov 7 6-9pm Intellectual Properties…Is your Business Protected Nov 21 6-9pm Basic Business Communications Dec 5 6-9pm in North Preston Workshop Fees: $5.00 Registration is open to everyone. To register for any session, please call 426-8683 Note: Courses, times and dates are subject to change. Training & Business is Jammin’ Report Julius Kanyamunyu Business is Jammin’ (BIJ) had a lot to celebrate at the Black Business Initiative’s Directory Launch and Christmas Social this past Christmas. The Royal Bank (RBC) announced it would contribute $30,000 to the BIJ Charity over the next three years. I’d like to take this opportunity to say how appreciative we are of the RBC for their support and vote of confidence in the BIJ programs. I encourage you all to come out and contribute to the BIJ’s programs through the charity. You will be able to get a tax receipt. The Training Department continues to offer courses in a variety of disciplines and/or interests. Some of the recent more popular courses were Bookkeeping Level 2 and Simply Accounting. Others offered this past year included The Ins and Outs of Import/Export , Closing the Deal, and Intellectual Property. Those visiting the Training Centre on Gottingen Street in Halifax will be greeted by a new face. I am pleased to introduce our new Administrative Assistant, Dorothy Fletcher. Dorothy has taken over from Beverley Parker. We are grateful for the support Beverley has given us and wish her well in her future endeavours. Godfrey Frank, who had been with us temporarily as one of our regional business development managers, will also be leaving us soon. We appreciate his contributions as well and wish him all the best. I encourage those of you interested in good quality courses to keep an eye out for our training schedule and frequent notices. We are always happy to work with those outside the Metro area to assist in organizing courses. The course schedule for those in the Metro area is available on our website and is always included in the Black to Business magazine. If you have any suggestions for training courses to be delivered either in metro or in the regions, please contact me at (902) 426-8685, toll free at 1-800-6681010 or by email at [email protected] Black to Business BBI Wins Award T he Black Business Initiative (BBI) continues to be recognized for its efforts to create a dynamic and vibrant Black business presence in Nova Scotia and its contribution to the provincial economy as a whole. Better Business Bureau of the Maritime Provinces The 2nd Annual Maritime Business Ethics Awards recognizes businesses with high ethical and professional standards, companies and non-profit organizations with exemplary practices in ethics and social responsibility, The award gala was held on November 15, 2006, at The Westin Hotel, Halifax. The BBI was a finalist for the BBB Maritimes, Business Ethics Award in the Non-Profit Category. To be considered for this award, nominees had to exhibit at least four criteria from the following: •Have a sustained record of providing exceptional service in the community. •Be operating for at least two years. •Be a leader in providing ethical guidance in the community or have a presence of ethical leadership in the Maritime Provinces. BBI 10th Anniversary Celebrations- Wolfville continued from page 4 noted and appreciated, as was that of Rose Davidson, a Board Resource member from Service Canada. Credit should be given to •Be recognized for enhancing Geraldine Browning and Lisa Diggs of VANSDA, who got the word out public awareness of social/ about the event. ecological responsibility or serving as respected advocate. •Have faced a recent ethical dilemma and shown integrity and ethical leadership in dealing with that particular challenge. The BBB is a non- profit, independent organization devoted to helping businesses serve their customers. It exists to promote mutually beneficial relationships between buyer and seller based on responsible business practices and serves as a resource for consumer topics and issues antifraud warnings.. Winter 2007 24 For details visit: Planet Africa The name Planet Africa was established to reflect the best of people of African heritage in the whole world, regardless of where they live. It links the Diaspora to the continent, with the aim of ensuring harmony and prosperity of African people as well as communities where they live. A project of Silvertrust Communications, the network has various components. These include Planet Africa Television, Planet Africa Magazine, Planet Africa Awards, Planet Africa Development Forum and Planet Africa Directory. The Planet Africa Awards gala was held Saturday, October 21st, 2006, at the Renaissance Airport Hotel in Toronto. The evening celebrated leadership, excellence and professionalism regarding people of African heritage. The 2006 Planet Africa Community Development Award went to the Black Business Initiative, established to foster the growth of businesses owned by members of the African Canadian community in Nova Scotia. BBI Board Chair, Cassandra Dorrington accepted the award. For details visit Planet Africa @ BBI 10th Anniversary Celebrations- Amherst continued from page 4 the BBI and its activities. The presentation carried the question and answer and information sharing session. I served as MC and moderated the evening’s proceedings. Elizabeth Cooke-Sumbu, Executive Director of (CANSA) made a brief presentation on the relationship between CANSA and the BBI highlighting the fact that BBI has been integrally involved in supporting a number of CANSA programs over the years, most notably, the “Weaving the Story” program. She also pointed out that CANSA has been a very good partner to the BBI by supporting and hosting three “Business is Jammin’” sessions. Board member Shirley Levering-Robinson, in reply, thanked CANSA for their continued support of BBI activities in the region. In recognition of the BBI’s appreciation for CANSA’s support in its regional activities, Shirley presented a plaque to CANSA Chairman Brian Martin. During the question, answer and information sharing session, a community member expressed sincere appreciation for the presence of the Justice Minister, Mayor and Councilors and said it spoke positively to the interest of government and local officials in the work of BBI and CANSA in the community. COMMUNITY Community Calendar African Heritage Month CALENDAR Harlem Globetrotters February 1 – 28, 2007 Many events taking place during the month including dance, film, drumming, and more Various locations in Dartmouth, Halifax, etc. Details in the Halifax Public Libraries LIBRARY GUIDE To get a copy: (902) 490-5753 Thursday, April 5, 2007 7:00pm Halifax Metro Centre Tickets are $80, $43, $30 or $24 depending on seating. For info: Provincial Baptist Youth Fellowship Movie & Sports Night Provincial Baptist Youth Fellowship Annual Youth Advancement Weekend Saturday, February 17, 2007 East Preston Recreation Centre Movie & sports night for youth. Sports and games from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and movie from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. For info: Paula Williams at [email protected] or call 902-449-5905 Rev. Dr. W.P. Oliver Wall of Honour Saturday, March 3, 2007 6:30pm Black Cultural Centre for NS, (#7 Hwy at Cherry Brook Road) 1149 Main Street, Dartmouth For info: Dr. Henry Bishop at 434-6223 Employment Equity Conference – Organized by W.A.D.E. Thursday, March 22 & Friday, March 23, 2007 Dartmouth Sportsplex Theme: Connecting Youth to Work - Employers, Job Ops, Networking, Etc For info: 435-4648 NSBI “Geared for Growth” Business Conference Thursday, March 29, 2007 WTCC, 1800 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS 8:00am – 8:30pm Geared for Growth offers insightful panel sessions, top-notch keynote speakers, and plenty of networking opportunities. Four sessions facilitated by top business leaders plus lunch and dinner. For info: Friday, April 13 – Sunday, April 15, 2007 Wandlyn Inn, 50 North Street, Bridgewater, NS For info: Paula Williams at [email protected] or call 902-449-5905; Charnelle Colley at 434-7559 Halifax Chamber of Commerce Spring Dinner 2007 Wednesday, April 25, 2007 WTCC, 1800 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS 5:00pm – 10:00pm For info: Melissa Hawkes at [email protected] 23rd Annual Nova Scotia Export Achievement Awards (EAA) Thursday, May 10, 2007 WTCC, 1800 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS 5:15pm – 9:15pm Showcasing the successes of Nova Scotia’s talented export companies and recognizing exceptional achievement. For more info: ; Candace Sweet at 424-6814 E-mail: [email protected] Black Business Initiative Annual General Meeting Friday, June 22, 2007 Location and Time to Be Announced Halifax Chamber of Commerce B2B Expo 2007 Thursday, October 18, 2007 WTCC, 1800 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS Metro’s largest business-to-business networking event. The day includes a Seminar Series and the B2B Café Showcase. Info: Melissa Hawkes at [email protected] To submit items for the Community Calendar contact Dorothy Fletcher at (902) 426-8683 Congratulations to the Black Business Initiative on your 10th Anniversary, from all of us at Stewart McKelvey. Barristers, Solicitors and Trademark Agents SMSS.COM CHARLOTTETOWN FREDERICTON HALIFAX MONCTON SAINT JOHN ST. JOHN’S Scenarios Return and Risk Profile for a $5,000 investment (50 shares)* Investor A Investor B Investor C Tax Bracket 30.20% 38.67% 43.50% Average Annual Income 29,590 59,180 93,000 RRSP Deferral 1,510 1,934 2,175 Equity Tax Credit for: 5 years 1,500 1,500 1,500 10 years 2,500 2,500 2,500 15 years 3,000 3,000 3,000 5 years 1,990 1,567 1,325 10 years 990 567 325 15 years 490 67 0 Capital at risk for: *We assume a minimum investment of $5,000 for RRSP holdings due to service fees Thank you for investing in us. For information on how the Fund works and to become an investor, call Gordon Doe at (902) 426-6985 Lynn Jones “Finally, I can contribute to a meaningful investment vehicle that allows me to help Black Business and our African Nova Scotian Community grow and prosper. The 30% immediate tax incentive affords me the opportunity to personally gain too!” Tom Boyd “This is my fourth year investing in the Black Business Community Investment Fund Limited (BBCIFL). It increases the level of economic activity and prosperity within Black-owned Businesses. And a 30% tax credit is a considerable reduction in payable taxes. All Nova Scotians should consider seriously investing in the fund.” Caution to Investor – This advertisement is not to be construed as an exempt offering to the public in Nova Scotia unless a simplified offering document relating thereto has been filed with and its use has not been objected to by the Nova Scotia Securities Commission. The offering is made by the simplified offering document only and copies thereof may be obtained from such sales agents and promoters as may lawfully offer these securities in Nova Scotia. If undeliverable return to: The Black Business Initiative 1575 Brunswick Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2G1 Publications Mail Agreement No. 1599402 Poste-publications numéro de convention 1599402
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Issue 41 - Black Business Initiative
judicious in ensuring ongoing fiscal
responsibility across the organization.
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The Black Business Initiative
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