Church Life - First United Methodist Church
Church Life - First United Methodist Church
Church Life 2015 Church Life is published monthly Royal Oak First United Methodist Church 320 West Seventh Street Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Phone (248)541-4100 Fax (248)541-0192 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Webmaster: Katrina Davis [email protected] Webmaster: Tom Allen Proofers: Virginia Borts, Kay LaCombe News Reports: The Congregation July 12 for August Issue Issue 7 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MINISTRY GOES TO THE LAITY The story goes that one day in the year 1741, John Wesley, who was supposed to be in Bristol, stepped into the parsonage room in the Foundry (the name of the Methodist Chapel in London), in which is mother was resting, and blurted out, “Thomas Maxfield has turned preacher!” He was solidly against this. Thomas Maxfield had been FIRST one of the first and most promising of Wesley’s Bristol converts. He THOUGHTS had been given some responsibility in the ministry at the London chapel, to pray with those who asked for prayers, and to expound the Bible in band meetings (small groups). Now, Maxfield took it upon himself, a layperson, to actually preach! Susanna Wesley, John’s mother, listened to his outburst and then offered her final service to the shaping of Methodism. She said, “...take care what you do with respect to that young man, for he is truly called of God to preach as you are. Examine what have been the fruits of his preaching and hear him also yourself.” So Wesley examined and heard Maxfield’s “lay preaching” and concluded, “It is of the Lord; let him do what seemeth him good.” So, lay preaching became a vital characteristic and a driving force of the Methodist movement. It was lay preachers who were sent by Wesley to America that initiated and led the Methodist movement on this side of the Atlantic. As Methodism served the spiritual needs of a growing nation, it was usually lay preachers and class leaders on the frontier who established the first Methodist classes and Societies in a new settlement, only later calling on the Bishop to appoint a pastor to come tend to the new church. Circuit-riding clergy appeared infrequently at the early frontier churches (a church on the Detroit Circuit in Michigan saw its pastor on one Sunday for every three months in their earliest years); so it was the lay leadership operating under the direction of the pastor that cared for the congregation most of the time. There is no doubt that ROFUM’s lay leadership is the driving force of life and ministry in the church. Time and again, the notion that our laity drive the church is confirmed. Our ministry is really of the laity and resourced by our clergy. There’s a role for each of us! And God has a mission for each Christ-follower who calls our church “home”. We Continued on page 2) Baptism Dates.......................................... 6 Birthdays .................................................. 8 Calendar .................................................. 7 Homebound Members ............................. 6 Sponsors ................................................. 5 Missions ............................................... 3-4 Worship Schedule ................................. 12 PAGE 2 FIRST THOUGHTS CHURCH LIFE JUNE 2015 (continued from page 1) need you. God needs you. And I am convinced of it. In the tradition of Thomas Maxfield, it is you empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, who are the light, the life and the voice of the church. Carpe diem (Seize the day)! Rev. John H. Hice Pastor 2015 CONFIRMANDS 11TH COMMANDMENT During the 17th century, an archbishop traveling through Scotland met theologian Samuel Rutherford but kept his identity secret. Rutherford invited the man to stay with him. When Mrs. Rutherford gathered the servants on Saturday to prepare for worship the next day, the guest joined in and was asked a basic question: “How many commandments are there?” When the guest replied “11,” Mrs. Rutherford said, “What a shame it is for you, a man with gray hairs, in a Christian country, not to know how many commandments there are!” The next morning, Rev. Rutherford went out in the woods to pray and heard his guest doing likewise. When he discovered the archbishop’s identity, Rutherford invited him to preach that morning. The archbishop’s topic? The 11th commandment, based on Jesus’ words in John 13:34 — “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another” (ESV). ELEANOR GILBERT DREW KOSNIK MAYA LONGE BEN MUTZ HANNA TRIPOLI FRANKLIN WAHL ELI YARMY Have you experienced our As We Gather Service yet? If not, you are invited, and welcomed. Our seventh mid-week chapel service of the year will be held on Thursday, July 30th at 11:00am. Each month our numbers have been growing, and we are pleased that many of our bag lunch guests, fellow members, and the local community have found some spiritual refreshment with powerful testimony, hymn singing, scripture, and fellowship. If you missed April’s, May’s or June’s service you can find them on You Tube. Just go to and search for the As We Gather Service—ROFUM. PAGE 3 CHURCH LIFE I want to thank all of you for your JUNE 2015 EDUCATIUS INTERNATIONAL prayers, cards, love, and sympathy at the passing of my dad. Love, Athena and Merrill Thank you everyone for your prayers, visits and the love shown to me through my stay in the Hospital, Rehab Center and now at home. Church Family is such a comfort. God Bless all of you. Florence Martin SACK LUNCH TOTE BAGS Recently I donated to Sack Lunch 22 tote bags I made from empty pet food/cat litter/bird seed bags (the plastic bags, not paper bags). They were well received, so I plan to make more, but...I need more bags! If you buy items in this type of bag (remember, I need plastic, not paper) and would like to make them useful (rather than filling up the landfill) please contact me. Also ask your neighbors and friends if they have any. And if you’d like to make your own, I can show you how; they are very easy and take only 1/2 hour to sew. Sharon Cross The Missions Committee received a request from Educatius International, a company working with Oakland Schools Student Foreign Exchange Program to provide host homes for foreign exchange students at participating Oakland County schools. Educatius International is in need of families to host international high school students for the coming school year. From their website, “All types of families are encouraged to apply; there is no “typical” host family. Families can have small or teenage children at home, be empty nesters with adult children, couples with no children, single adults and single parents. Families shouldn’t worry about being too busy. The more opportunity the student has to experience your life, the better”. Briefly, students are between 14-18 years old on arrival, 9th-12th grade. They have demonstrated a commitment to academic motivation, shown maturity to succeed on the program, and possess solid grades. English levels vary, but they have studied English and passed an English Proficiency test. They are in good general health and meet the medical criteria. They are also fully insured and have their own spending money. Much, much more info can be found on their website (listed below) under Be A Host Family, FAQ. If you’ve ever thought about doing this, (or know someone else who’s thought about it), please contact Debi Wilkelis, International Coordinator, Educatius International, 586-381-5174, [email protected], by July 10. Sharon Cross Mission Committee PAGE 4 CHURCH LIFE SCRAP METAL DRIVE The next Scrap Metal collection will take place on Saturday, September 5, 2015 from 9:00am-Noon. JUNE 2015 News for All from the United Methodist Women: The next meeting for UMW will take place in September. ROFUM SHAWL MINISTRY We are continuing our ninth year together as we knit, crochet, and serve the community. We meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month in the Parlor from 1-3pm. Please join us! BETHLEHEM MARKETPLACE REMEMBRANCE Shalom my friends. The Journey to Bethlehem has begun. Recruiting for participant roles in the Marketplace has already begun. For those of you that have signed on, thank you and welcome to an exciting day of sharing our faith story and church with our community. There is still room at the Inn, and we will be available during coffee hours for you to join us this July & August in Fellowship Hall after the 11:00am service. We look forward to strengthening our fellowship with you as we prepare our gift of love to our community for Sunday, December 6, 2015. God’s blessings be with you. Bob Demyanovich Bethlehem Marketplace Remembrance Co-Chair Charlene Faunt Bethlehem Marketplace Remembrance Co-Chair WHATA FELLOWSHIP The next meeting for WHATA Fellowship will take place in September. ROFUM SUMMER CHOIR Do you love to sing but can’t commit to choir rehearsal on a regular basis? Here is your chance to sing with a great group. We will have a Men’s Chorus and a Women’s Chorus, open to everyone at ROFUM. High school singers, retirees, and in-between are invited to lift praise to God this summer. These ensembles will meet to rehearse at 7:30pm on July 9 in the choir room. Both choirs want a strong sound. Our performance will be at the 11:00am service on July 12. If interested in the Women’s Chorus, please let Alayna know. If interested in the Men’s Chorus, please contact Neal Harris. You can get the music early if you want to practice ahead of time. PAGE 5 CHURCH LIFE JUNE 2015 Thank you to our Church Life Sponsors Dr. Nancy E. Hartrick - Family Dentistry, Kinsey-Garrett Funeral Home, Paul Kremer – Garage Doors Sponsorships: Single Issue $15.00 Quarterly (3 issues) $45.00 Yearly (12 issues) $180.00 Prices are based on a business card size space. Individual Messages: Birthdays, Anniversaries, Greetings, etc. $5.00/issue New sponsors are always welcome! Contact the church office (248/541-4100) to learn how you or your organization can become a Church Life sponsor. PAGE 6 CHURCH LIFE JUNE 2015 Out of the Area Christina Smith Please mail to home: Gertrude Penney Keith Leenhouts Olive Mae Glenn Phone numbers & addresses will be removed from the on-line version of Church Life for security reasons Peggy Smullen Amole Koscien Dorthella Kreger Yvonne Quinn Mary Lou Forester Zenovia Courtney Mary Tata Jody Holton - Army (Washington D.C) Thomas Morales - Navy (Italy) Bobby Huneycutt - (California) Mason Smith –ROTC: WMU/Army Nat’l Guard (MI) Andrew Kostrzewa - Navy (California) Avery Gardner - Navy Son of Polly & John, grandson of Ben & Ruth Forsythe Newphew of Anna Cline Son of Ben Smith Grandson of Marion LeBeau Granddaughter of Joe Gardner Dan Lewis - Army (Stateside) Nephew of Kris Simms Aaron Mingle - Navy (Afghanistan) Nephew of Jane Walbridge’s Husband Upcoming Baptism Schedule We will celebrate the sacrament of baptism on the following dates: Jul 26 Aug 16 Nephew of Anna Cline Sept 20 Oct 18 If you would like to schedule a baptism, please contact the church office at 248-541-4100, ext. 1224, Monday through Thursday between 9am and 3pm. Monday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3 INDEPENDENCE DAY Communion 4 5:30p Sat Night Worship 9 10 11 5:30p Sat Night Worship 16 17 18 5:30p Sat Night Worship 19 20 21 22 23 9:15a Arise! Worship 9:30a Crafty Ladies 10:00a Weight Loss Jny 10:00a Program Staff Mtg 1:00p Shawl Ministry 11:00a Worship & CS/Bapt 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 11:00a Church Life Vols 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga 5:30p AA 7:00p Debtors Anon 12:00p AA 12:00p Full Staff Mtg 8:00p Al-Anon 1:00p Church Life Vols 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 8:00p Ala-Teen 24 Noisy Bucket 25 5:30p Sat Night Worship 5 12 9:15a Arise! Worship 11:00a Worship & CS 7:00p Debtors Anon 13 10:00a 10:30a 12:00p 7:00p Program Staff Mtg Mom/Tot Yoga Full Staff Mtg Soul Stretch Yoga 7 5:30p AA 8:00p Al-Anon 8:00p Ala-Teen 8 14 1:00p Shawl Ministry 5:30p AA 8:00p Al-Anon 8:00p Ala-Teen 15 Vacation Bible School 9:00am-12:00pm 9:30a Crafty Ladies 10:00a Weight Loss Jny 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 12:00p AA 26 Noisy Bucket 9:15a Arise! Worship 11:00a Worship & CS 7:00p Debtors Anon 6 9:30a Crafty Ladies 10:00a Weight Loss Jny 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 12:00p AA 1 Program Staff Mtg Mom/Tot Yoga Full Staff Mtg Soul Stretch Yoga Saturday 2 Communion 9:15a Arise! Worship 11:00a Worship & CS 7:00p Debtors Anon 10:00a 10:30a 12:00p 7:00p Friday 10:00a Program Staff Mtg 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga 12:00p Full Staff Mtg 6:00p Backyard Blast 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 5:30p AA 8:00p Al-Anon 8:00p Ala-Teen 27 28 29 30 9:30a Crafty Ladies 10:00a Weight Loss Jny 10:00a Program Staff Mtg 11:00a Sack Lunch 10:30a Sack Lunch 12:00p AA 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga Chapel Service Clothing Day 12:00p Full Staff Mtg 5:30p AA 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 8:00p Al-Anon 8:00p Ala-Teen Choir Camp 31 CS – Church School UMW – United Methodist Women PAGE 8 Please note: If you don’t see your name on our birthday list, please let us know! We may not have your birthday in our data base. CHURCH LIFE 7-1 Tom Allen 7-3 William Leenhouts Theodore Kempf Rita VanBrandeghen Sara LaPrise Jack Hughes Marcia Smith 7-15 Marcella Courtney Jimmy Skelton Alexis Petty 7-16 Betty Locke Nicholas Krstich Anthony Saunders Charlotte Litfin 7-4 Patricia Loftin Nicholas Kuznia 7-18 Janice Martin 7-5 Judith Friedman Joan Johnson 7-19 William Schuman Stephanie Doud 7-7 Robert Isrow 7-8 Sue Hilgendorf Robert Hall Peter Wurdock Yvonne Bashur 7-20 Cynthia Cline Salem Nahhat Jessica LaRose 7-9 7-21 Danielle Moody Marc Avery Ada Gibson Raymond Lawson 7-22 Charles White Liesl Eckhardt 7-10 Kyle Smith Polly Tan Rosabelle Moody Nathan Ubbelohde 7-23 Jane Walbridge Natalie Smallwood Riley Ecker Declan Hemmingsen 7-11 Patricia Lambert 7-24 Dennis Allen Kyle Fall John Hughes Sue Whitney 7-12 Lynn Johnson Mark Sleeman Donna Wood 7-13 Tracey Thomas 7-25 James Walbridge Ethan Heckman Juliet Hardin Audine Tuscany January 13, 1916 — May 25, 2015 Tom Wurdock April 3, 1931 — May 31, 2015 Rhea Embry December 3, 1922 — June 4, 2015 JUNE 2015 7-26 Seth Burgess Robin Mazur Emily Paswater Sage MacNeill 7-27 Jennifer Tripoli 7-28 Kim Gaska John Safran John Slowik 7-29 Dorthella Kreger John Dorsey Courtney Baker Jacqueline Crowe 7-30 Tim Barber 7-31 Stephanie Smallwood Jill Puckett Andrew Showers Eric Paswater Caitlin Dombrowski PAGE 9 CHURCH LIFE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Enjoy a fun filled week where children preschool through 5th grade experience being special agents on a mission from God. July 13-17, 9am-noon. Registration forms are available on our website or in the church office. Contact Heather Nowak for more information. JUNE 2015 SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS We will continue to offer Sunday School for the rest of the summer, but Kindergarten through Fifth grades will be taught in a one room setting in the small dining room on the first level. We will also offer nursery and preschool care during the summer months. Both the nursery and preschool rooms are air conditioned. We will resume our traditional format in the fall. CHOIR TOUR Choir Tour is back this year as a one day event. We will be traveling to Chelsea Retirement Community on Thursday, August 6. Youth 6th grade and up are welcome to attend. More details to follow. Contact Jennifer Semivan or Heather Nowak with any questions. YOUTH BACKYARD BLAST! July 15 at Jennifer Semivan’s house. 6-9pm Bring a dish to pass, bathing suit, and towel. Choir Camp is Almost Here! July 26-August 1 Saturday, July 25 Mandatory Health Screening 9:00 am - noon Sunday, July 26 9:15am Service—Commissioning of Camp Leaders 11:00am Service—Blessing of Campers Camp Ohiyesa Check-in 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Last name N-Z 3:00-4:00 pm Last name A-M 4:00-5:00 pm Saturday, August 1 10:00 am Camp Ends Sunday, August 2 11:00am Service—Camp Sunday Worship Please be present. Bring Family & Friends! Questions? Call Jennifer Tripoli, Camp Dean Invite a friend! YOUTH CHOIR NEWS July is here, and ROFUM Choir Camp is approaching quickly! This is the event that kicks off our youth choir’s preparation for participating in worship in the coming year. And of course we swim, dance, laugh, eat, sleep (a little) as well as sing. Don’t miss Camp Sunday when our youth lead worship and give a preview of the music they have learned and will share in future worship services. In August our Middle and High School Youth will visit Chelsea Retirement Community and share their music with the residents there. Summer is a busy time at ROFUM for our youth! Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Royal Oak, MI Permit No. 330 320 W. Seventh Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 Return Service Requested Dated Material - Please Deliver Promptly Mailed June 16, 2015 Worship Schedule Saturday Sunday 5:30 pm - Casual Worship in our Parlor 9:15am - Arise! Worship & Nursery Care, 9:15am - ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00am - Traditional Worship SUNDAY SCHOOL Nursery / Preschool - Level 1 Room #112 Grades K-5 - Level 3 Room #304 Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.