report - Centre Wellington


report - Centre Wellington
Grand River Raceway, Elora
Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment
Township of Centre Wellington
May 2016
Prepared for:
Grand River Agricultural Society
Prepared by:
MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC)
200-540 Bingemans Centre Drive
Kitchener, ON N2B 3X9
T: 519 576 3650
F: 519 576 0121
Our File ‘Y032 C’
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Planning Justification Report
Grand River Raceway, Elora
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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Proposed amendments ...................................................................................................................................................................1
Location, site description and surrounding land uses .................................................................... 2
Planning context ................................................................................................................................... 5
County of Wellington Official Plan ............................................................................................................................................5
Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan ......................................................................................................................5
Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law................................................................................................................6
Provincial gaming context................................................................................................................... 8
OLG gaming reform ...........................................................................................................................................................................8
Relationship to Grand River Raceway ......................................................................................................................................9
Economic benefit of Grand River Raceway and Grand River Agricultural Society.................................... 10
Benefits to horse industry and agricultural community ........................................................................................... 12
Description of proposal..................................................................................................................... 13
Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments ........................................................................................ 13
Planning analysis ............................................................................................................................... 14
Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Settlement areas .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Economic development.................................................................................................................................................... 14
PPS summary............................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe ............................................................................................................ 15
Growth Plan summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
County of Wellington Official Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 16
County of Wellington Official Plan summary ....................................................................................................... 16
Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan ................................................................................................................... 17
Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law............................................................................................................. 18
Official Plan summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Zoning By-law summary ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 19
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List of Figures
Figure 1
Site Context ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2
Approved site plan ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3
Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan excerpt ..................................................................... 5
Figure 4
Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law excerpt............................................................... 7
Figure 5
Excerpt from Southwestern Ontario Gaming Zone map ............................................................. 9
Figure 6
Chart showing philanthropic contributions ....................................................................................... 11
List of Appendices
Appendix A – Draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment
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Planning Justification Report
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MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC Planning) has been retained by the
Grand River Agricultural Society to provide planning advice and undertake a Planning Justification Report
in support of the proposed broadening of the planning permissions related to the property containing the
Grand River Raceway, in the Township of Centre Wellington (“subject lands”). The proposal involves an
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment in order to provide for a greater range of
activities to occur within the gaming facility at the site. As such, an amendment to the Township of Centre
Wellington Official Plan and Zoning By-law is required.
This Planning Justification Report has been prepared for submission to the Township of Centre Wellington
and includes the following:
An introduction and general description of the subject lands, surrounding uses and existing
planning context to provide an understanding of the subject site context;
A description of the proposal and requested revisions to the current planning policies;
A review of the rationale for proceeding with the proposal in relation to the Ontario Lottery and
Gaming Corporation (OLG) mandate;
A review of the benefits to the community associated with expanded gaming facilities onsite;
A description of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment requests;
A review of the existing planning policy framework in relation to the proposal and an assessment
of consistency and conformity with Provincial Policy, the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
As part of this planning analysis the following planning documents were reviewed: the Provincial Policy
Statement (2014); the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; the County of Wellington Official
Plan; the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan, and the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning Bylaw. Research was also undertaken regarding the changes the Province is making to gaming facilities in
Ontario in order to provide context for the request being made on behalf of the Grand River Agricultural
Proposed amendments
The current development permissions in place for the subject lands permit the Grand River Raceway
facility as well as the OLG Slots at Grand River Raceway. The size of the gaming component at the current
facility is limited to a maximum of 450 slot machines by the current Zoning By-law regulations, although
the current size of the gaming facility onsite is 252 slot machines.
It is proposed that the current planning policies and regulations be revised to permit expanded gaming
facilities, such as table games to be located on the subject lands. As discussed later in this report, the
Province is in the midst of modernizing gaming in Ontario. Having additional permissions in place would
position the Grand River Raceway to be considered as a host site for such an expanded facility.
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Location, site description and surrounding
land uses
The Grand River Raceway is located within the former Township of Pilkington, in the Township of Centre
Wellington (within the County of Wellington). The subject lands are located within the southwestern
portion of the Village, near the intersection of County Road #21 and County Road #7 (Figure 1). The
subject lands are described as Part Lot 1, Concession 1 EOGR, and are municipally known as 7445
Wellington Road #21. The subject lands have an area of 23.2 ha (57.3 ac), and are generally square in
Figure 1 – Site context (source: Google)
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The Grand River Raceway (‘Raceway’) has been in operation at this location since 2003. The Raceway
facility consists of a gaming site (for slots as well as off-track betting), a ½-mile track for standardbred horse
harness racing, barn, outbuildings and grandstands with a seating capacity of 1,500 people. Other
accessory uses at the site include restaurants, meeting rooms, gift shop, and the head office of the Grand
River Agricultural Society.
The horse racing facility is quite active during the summer months, hosting approximately 48 racing events
on average per year. Races are typically held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with a start time of
6:30 PM.
The slot facility is operated by OLG and features 242 slots, as noted above. The slot facility is open 24 hours
per day, 7 days a week. The site is closed part of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day each year.
A number of other community uses are present at the facility, including ‘Industry Day’, ‘Business Open
House’, tractor pulls, Township meetings / events, community events such as ‘Grand Taste’, and a variety of
agricultural-related activities (such as the ‘NEIGHbourhood’ children’s education program, Grade 3
educational program and the ‘Mounted Games’). These events are able to take advantage of the Grand
River Raceway’s various meeting facilities and grounds.
Site infrastructure includes landscaping, parking for 900 vehicles (with provision for future expansion), a
stormwater management pond, municipal water services, and a pumping station to service the lands. The
current site plan is included on the following page for information.
Surrounding the subject lands to the north is the Township of Centre Wellington Public Works yard,
County of Wellington Road Department yard, and the Elora Gorge Conservation Area. To the west is a rural
farm residence and agricultural land. To the south is additional agricultural land and a small industrial /
business park development. To the east of the subject lands is a commercial plaza and additional vacant
commercial lands.
The subject lands are well-located relative to the main local transportation routes, being located near the
intersection of two County Roads. Required turn lanes and road widenings have already been constructed
on County Road 21 to accommodate the existing Raceway facility.
In summary, the subject lands are located within a semi-rural area on the edge of an urban centre, with
predominantly industrial and highway commercial uses surrounding the lands. The subject lands are also
well-connected to the existing arterial road network, and existing services / infrastructure are in place to
accommodate the use.
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Figure 2 – Approved site plan (source: MHBC)
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Planning context
County of Wellington Official Plan
The subject lands are located within the Elora / Salem Urban Centre as identified in the County of
Wellington Official Plan. The Urban Centre designation permits a wide range of land uses that would
typically be found within an urban area. Section 7.5 of the Official Plan provides policies related to Urban
Centres and notes that a full range of land use opportunities are expected to be provided, including
commercial and recreational uses. The County Official Plan defers to the more detailed policies of the local
Official Plans to provide additional land use detail.
It should be noted that the County of Wellington Official Plan initially contained a site-specific policy to
“allow for the establishment of a racing facility for horses, a slot gaming facility and related accessory uses”.
However, this site-specific policy was removed from the Official Plan during the most recent Official Plan
review, as it was determined to no longer be needed since the same policy is reflected in the local Official
Plan. The Township of Centre Wellington site-specific designation for the subject lands essentially mirrors
what was in the County of Wellington Official Plan.
Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan
The subject lands are designated Industrial within the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan. In
addition, there are specific policies contained within the Official Plan that pertain specifically to the subject
lands (PA 1-6). Below is an excerpt from the applicable Official Plan schedule.
Figure 3 – Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan excerpt (Schedule A-1).
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Section D.6 of the Official Plan contains policies related to the Industrial designation. The Official Plan
notes that it is important that adequate supplies of serviced industrial lots are available to prospective
businesses, and recognizes that an industrial base is essential to the future prosperity and vitality of the
Township. Permitted uses within the Industrial designation include (but are not limited to) manufacturing,
processing, fabricating, assembly, warehousing and repair establishments, public and private services and
utilities, transport facilities and storage yards. Section D.6.3 also notes that certain commercial uses
requiring large sites or which may not be suitable in a commercial area due to their nature may also
located within Industrial areas.
Section D.10.2 of the Official Plan contains special policy areas, including site-specific policies for the Grand
River Raceway. Subsection PA1-6 specifically permits a racing facility for horses including off-track betting
lounges, offices or headquarters for Agricultural Societies, and a slot machine gaming facility located and
developed only in conjunction with a racing facility for horses. The policy permits related accessory uses, and
specifies that accessory uses permitted through the Zoning By-law may include (but are not limited to)
recreation uses, a place of entertainment or recreation, offices and restaurants. The section notes that the
Zoning By-law may prohibit a casino or charity casino.
Subsection PA1-6 goes on to note that full municipal services shall be required for the development of the
subject lands, and notes that uses consistent with the provisions of the Official Plan may be permitted. It is
further noted that site plan control will apply to the development of the subject lands.
A complete analysis of the proposed Official Plan amendment is included in Section 6 of this report.
Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law
The subject lands are zoned Service Industrial (M1.46.1) in the Township of Centre Wellington Zoning Bylaw (#2009-045). An excerpt from the applicable Zoning By-law map is found on the following page.
The site-specific zone permits the following uses:
a) A racing facility for horses including off-track betting lounges.
b) A slot machine gaming facility containing no more than 450 slot machines to be located and
developed only in conjunction with a racing facility for horses, and not including a casino or a
charity casino.
c) Offices or headquarters for Agricultural Societies to be located and developed only in conjunction
with a racing facility for horses.
d) Uses accessory to the foregoing permitted uses including offices, recreational uses, restaurants, a
place of entertainment or recreation and a retail gift shop to be located and developed only in
conjunction with a racing facility for horses.
e) Accessory uses, buildings and structures such as storage, the ship-in and temporary stabling of
horses and livestock normally associated with the conduct of race meets and/or agricultural
exhibits and displays but not including the raising or rearing of livestock.
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Figure 4 – Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law excerpt (Map 50)
A complete analysis of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is included in Section 6 of this report.
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Provincial gaming context
The OLG is a Crown Corporation responsible for conducting and managing lotteries and gaming across
the Province of Ontario. The Slots at the Grand River Raceway operates under an agreement with the
Province and the Township of Centre Wellington, and the various facets of the operation are conducted
and managed by the OLG.
OLG gaming reform
In July 2010, the Government of Ontario directed OLG to modernize commercial and charitable gaming in
the Province. An important component of the review was a commitment to socially responsible
gambling. This initiative was to occur through the following:
an expansion of charitable gaming to allow bingo halls to deliver electronic games;
a complete internet gaming platform including peer-to-peer games, selling lottery tickets and a
process for private sector vendors to deliver internet gaming, with appropriate oversight;
a comprehensive strategic review of the lottery distribution network and land-based gaming.
Following a comprehensive consultation process, the Province released a Strategic Business Review
outlining a strategy for modernizing lottery and gaming in Ontario. A number of recommendations are
included in this document. One of the most pertinent recommendations is that gaming facilities will only
be located where there is consumer interest, thereby removing the requirement for the location to be
shared with a horse racing facility. In addition, new or expanded facilities will only be permitted where a
municipality has explicitly approved them.
As part of the reform to gaming, the Province is bringing in a consistent funding strategy across all
municipalities, with the flexibility to add in table games. The most recent agreement signed by the
Township of Centre Wellington (and all municipalities) provides a mechanism for the Township to be
rewarded for hosting table games, in addition to slot revenue.
The OLG has identified distinct gaming zones across the Province where existing or new gaming sites
could be permitted. These zones were defined such that impacts of one gaming site on another are
reduced. The various zones include:
Central Ontario (7 sub-zones);
Southwestern Ontario (12 sub-zones); [Grand River Raceway is located within this zone]
Eastern Ontario (4 sub-zones);
Northern Ontario (5 sub- zones).
In order to gauge interest in new gaming facilities, the Province is opening up a procurement process
whereby interested parties would submit proposals to operate a site within a defined area. This process is
currently underway for various areas in the Province.
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Relationship to Grand River Raceway
As noted above, the Province has been divided up into various gaming zones by the OLG. The Grand River
Raceway is located within ‘Zone SW1’, which includes parts of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo
(Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge, Woolwich Township, Wilmot Township), and part of Wellington County
(Township of Centre Wellington). A map depicting the SW1 zone in the context of Southwestern Ontario
is included below.
Figure 5 – Excerpt from Southwestern Ontario Gaming Zone map (source: OLG)
As part of the ongoing gaming reform, the Province is examining opportunities to expand gaming across
Ontario through the addition of new sites or the expansion of existing sites. It is noted that a service
provider can propose adding table games to a facility that currently does not have any, but that this can
only occur where there is municipal consent and a viable business case put forth by a service provider.
Further, any proposal is subject to final approval from the Ontario government.
The documentation available from the Province indicates that the maximum number of facilities permitted
is 1 within the SW1 zone. A maximum of 1,200 slot machines are indicated, however any facility would be
sized according to the market area. The ultimate number of slot machines and table games will be
determined by the gaming site operator, as approved by OLG. A new gaming facility is currently being
constructed in Belleville, which is a similar market to the Township of Centre Wellington. For comparison,
that facility is sized to include approximately 400 slot machines and 20-22 gaming tables.
As an existing facility, the Slots at Grand River Raceway is well-positioned to take advantage of the
Province’s willingness to expand gaming facilities across the Province, having been an integral part of the
Township of Centre Wellington for more than a decade. Township Council previously confirmed support
for being a host site for a gaming facility in June 2012, adopting the following resolution:
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“WHEREAS the Township of Centre Wellington has an existing slot gaming site and horse track
AND WHEREAS the Grand River Raceway contributes significantly to the local agri-business
economy in Centre Wellington as an important tourism partner, employs many Centre
Wellington residents, provides financial viability to local horse breeders, equipment and feed
suppliers, veterinarians and farms whose very existence is dependent on the race facility, as well
as contributing to the spill-over economy that is generated by the Grand River Raceway.
a) The Township of Centre Wellington confirms its support as a host municipality for the
Grand River Raceway and Gaming Site, and
b) The Township of Centre Wellington requests the Government of Ontario to continue to
work with the gaming and raceway combined facilities at Grand River Raceway to look
at new formulas to keep this facility sustainable to the benefit of our community, and
c) This resolution be circulated to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario, the Ontario Horse Racing Industry Association, Rural Ontario
Municipalities of Ontario and the Ontario Harness Horse Association.”
The above Council resolution, combined with formal municipal support for the planning applications
associated with this request, will satisfy one of the key determining factors of whether a facility will be
considered for expanded gaming opportunities. Municipal support for gaming facilities as outlined by
OLG in their modernization process would also be a key factor for any gaming site operator in determining
whether to expand an existing facility or construct a new facility elsewhere within the SW1 zone.
Economic benefit of Grand River Raceway and Grand River
Agricultural Society
The Grand River Raceway facility has two important and related components: the raceway itself (operated
by the Grand River Agricultural Society), and the slot gaming facility. These two components each
contribute in a substantial way to the local economy.
The OLG periodically publishes Community Benefits Summaries that highlight pertinent financial facts
about each of the various gaming facilities across the Province. The most recent version published for the
Slots at Grand River Raceway is from the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The following table summarizes the various
community benefits of the Slots at Grand River Raceway:
Fiscal 2014-15
Host municipality’s share of slot machine revenue
$2.0 million
$22.5 million
Wages and benefits for gaming employees
$7.1 million
$73.5 million
Purchases from local and regional vendors
$5.6 million
Value of OLG’s sponsorship of festivals and events
in the local and surrounding areas
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The Slots at Grand River Raceway has been a significant contributor to the local economy for the Township
of Centre Wellington for more than a decade, providing approximately $2.0 million per year to the
Township’s operating budget. Recent changes to the Province’s funding formula have assisted in ensuring
a strong contribution from the Raceway, and provide for potential table game revenue sharing in the
future. The Township`s overall budget (operating and capital) was $21.6 million for the 2015 fiscal year, so
the Grand River Raceway provides nearly 10% of the Township`s budget for any given year. It is expected
that this level of contribution will continue, and has the potential to increase substantially depending on
the level of gaming activity that is ultimately supported within the Township.
In terms of direct wages, the OLG slot facility contributes approximately $7.1 million in wages in benefits
per year, and the Grand River Agricultural Society contributes approximately $2.0 million in wages in
benefits for employees. Cumulatively since the Grand River Raceway was constructed in 2003, the OLG
and Grand River Agricultural Society have contributed approximately $95.3 million in wages and benefits,
providing significant economic benefits to the surrounding areas. Cumulatively, the OLG slot facility and
the Grand River Agricultural Society have also contributed $25.7 million in purchases from local and
regional vendors since the Raceway opened.
In addition to the revenue to the Township of Centre Wellington from the slot gaming facility at the Grand
River Raceway and the direct wages associated with the raceway and gaming facilities, the Grand River
Agricultural Society significantly supports local organizations and agricultural groups. In the past 10 years,
the total philanthropic contributions made by the Agricultural Society have totaled nearly $1 million.
Supported groups include: Equine Guelph, the University of Guelph, other agricultural societies,
community clubs (Lions, Rotary, 4-H), women’s institutes, Rural Ontario Institute, International Plowing
Match, and scholarships. The chart on the following table shows the various categories that the Grand
River Agricultural Society’s philanthropic contributions fall in.
Figure 6 – Chart showing philanthropic contributions from 2006 to present (source: Grand River Agricultural Society)
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Benefits to horse industry and agricultural community
Aside from the economic benefits of the Grand River Raceway to the Township of Centre Wellington
municipal budget in the way of direct contributions, there are significant benefits to the local horse
industry and agricultural community as well. These benefits will continue and could increase with a
potentially expanded gaming facility located at the Grand River Raceway.
The Ontario Horse Racing Industry Association commissioned a study in 2010 to examine the economic
impacts of horse racing in Ontario1. The study found that the Ontario Horse Racing Industry spends
approximately $2 billion dollars per year on goods and services relating to their trade, and that 80% of that
money ($1.6 billion) is spent primarily in rural, agricultural communities. The study also found that 31,441
full time job equivalents exist in Ontario directly because of the Horse Racing Industry, and that the
number expands to a total of 60,000 people when both part time and casual labour are included. Finally,
the study concluded that the direct and indirect investment stimulates local economies with demand for
products and services in rural Ontario provided by veterinarians, blacksmiths, hay and grain suppliers,
transportation workers and harness and saddle makers.
In addition, research was conducted in 2012 by Dr. Bob Wright regarding the equine industry in
Wellington County2. He found that horse owners racing at Grand River Raceway spend approximately $33
million annually in the rural economy, which includes matters such as board, employment, veterinary,
stallion, training, and feed. He also found that horse owners racing at the Grand River Raceway represent
an investment of $330 million in fixed assets in the rural community, which includes buildings / land,
horses, vehicles, farm equipment, and tack / other equipment.
Combined, the horse racing and related agricultural activities contribute significantly to the rural economy
within the Township of Centre Wellington and nearby areas. The intent of the Grand River Agricultural
Society is that horse racing and gaming will continue to be linked together at the Grand River Raceway, so
that the facility can continue to contribute significantly to the local economy. Should the range of gaming
uses be expanded at the Raceway in the future, this will reinforce the significant contribution the Raceway
has on the local agri-business economy and the tourism within the area.
The Economic Impacts of Horse Racing and Breeding in Ontario (2010), prepared by Econometric Research Limited for the
Ontario Horse Racing Industry Association, November 2011.
Economic Impact of the Ontario Equine Industry in Wellington County, Dr. Bob Wright – Equine Industry and Disease
Prevention Consultant, March 2012 presentation.
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Description of proposal
As noted earlier in this report, the purpose of the proposal is to broaden the permitted uses for the subject
lands in order to provide for a greater range of activities to occur within the gaming facility at the site. This
will allow the Grand River Raceway to compete competitively within the Provincial gaming market, and
position the site to be selected to host a wider range of gaming facilities. According to Provincial rules
governing expanded gaming facilities, explicit municipal support is required in order to permit a site to be
considered for expanded facilities. As such, these Planning Act applications are being filed in order to
formalize the previous municipal support for the Grand River Raceway and to set in place the proper
planning permissions for this future consideration, and align the site with the current Provincial mandate.
It is important to note that specific site design considerations, such as traffic, parking and site layout are
not part of this proposal. These matters will be addressed through a future site plan application, once the
specifics of the future development are known, and the planning permissions for the use are in place.
Based on the pre-submission consultation meeting with Township of Centre Wellington staff, an
amendment to the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan and Township of Centre Wellington
Zoning By-law are required.
Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments
The proposed Official Plan amendment would clarify that the permitted uses on the subject lands would
allow for expanded gaming facilities (including table games) to be established. The current site-specific
policy, PA1-6, indicates that a ‘slot machine gaming facility’ developed in conjunction with a racing facility
for horses shall be permitted. The site-specific policy goes on to state that the Zoning By-law may also
prohibit a casino or charity casino.
Similarly, the proposed Zoning By-law amendment would clarify that the permitted uses on the subject
lands would allow for expanded gaming facilities (including table games) to be established. The current
site-specific M1.46.1 limits the facility to slot machines, and notes that it does not include a casino or
charity casino.
Specifically, it is proposed that both the Official Plan and Zoning By-law include broader definition of a
gaming establishment, that would permit a broader range of activities beyond limiting the site to slot
machine gaming. The site-specific policies would permit such a use, and provide for limits on the number
of slot machines and table games in accordance with the limits approved by OLG as per current practice.
This will ensure that the proposed uses on the site are consistent with the Province’s current
modernization and gaming reform.
In summary, the proposed amendments will implement planning policies and regulations that would
permit a broader range of uses to be occupied onsite that are consistent with the Province’s current
gaming modernization and reform strategy. It will position the Grand River Raceway and Grand River
Agricultural Society to continue to be an important component of the Township of Centre Wellington’s
local economy. Horse racing will remain an integral component of this facility and will occur in conjunction
with the gaming facility, as outlined in the current policy framework.
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Planning analysis
The application for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment must be assessed in terms of
applicable policies set out by the Province, the County of Wellington and the Township of Centre
Wellington. The following sections outline how the proposal addresses the relevant policies of the
Provincial Policy Statement, 2014, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the County of
Wellington Official Plan, and the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan.
Provincial Policy Statement, 2014
The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (“PPS”) was issued by the Province of Ontario in accordance with
Section 3 of the Planning Act and applies to all decisions in respect of the exercise of any planning
authority that affects a planning matter made on or after April 30, 2014. All decisions must be “consistent
with” the PPS.
The PPS provides a vision for land use planning in Ontario that encourages the efficient use of land,
resources and public investment in infrastructure and public service facilities. A mix of land uses is
encouraged to provide choice and diversity. A variety of transportation modes are proposed to facilitate
pedestrian movement and less reliance on the automobile, and public transit is encouraged as a means of
creating more sustainable and healthy communities. The PPS encourages development that will provide
long term prosperity, environmental health and social well-being.
6.1.1 Settlement areas
One of the key themes of the PPS is building strong, healthy communities and achieving efficient and
resilient development patterns. Section 1.1.1 of the PPS provides that healthy, liveable and safe
communities are sustained by: promoting efficient development and land use patterns; accommodating
an appropriate range and mix of uses; avoiding development which may cause environmental or public
health and safety concerns; avoiding development and land use patterns that would prevent the efficient
expansion of settlement areas; and, promoting cost effective development patterns to minimize land
consumption and servicing costs.
The proposed development of an expanded gaming facility represents further usage of an established site
located within an existing settlement area. The proposed development would make more efficient use of
the subject lands and will optimize the use of existing infrastructure.
6.1.2 Economic development
Section 1.3 of the PPS pertains to employment and economic development, and includes a number of
ways in which planning authorities shall promote economic development and competitiveness. These
include matters such as providing an appropriate mix and range of employment uses, and providing
opportunities for a diversified economic base. Section 1.3.2 specifically addresses employment areas and
offers protection for employment areas as employment uses.
The Grand River Raceway is a significant local employer (with approximately 170 OLG employees and 95
full and part-time raceway employees), an important contributor to the local agri-business and tourism
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economy, and is appropriately located on lands identified for employment uses. The potential expansion
of the facility will further strengthen the contribution to the local economy.
6.1.3 PPS summary
The proposed amendments are consistent with the PPS. The proposed amendments will provide for
intensification within a settlement area, which optimizes existing infrastructure, public service facilities and
transportation networks. The proposed amendments will provide for additional employment uses within
lands that are identified for this purpose, and makes efficient use of the subject lands.
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
Pursuant to the Places to Grow Act, 2005, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (the “Growth
Plan”) was approved and came into effect on June 16th, 2006. Amendment 1 took effect on January 19th,
2012 and Amendment 2 took effect on June 17th, 2013. The Growth Plan applies to the Greater Golden
Horseshoe, which includes the County of Wellington and the constituent lower-tier municipalities,
including the Township of Centre Wellington. The Growth Plan establishes a vision for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe based on the principles of: building compact, vibrant and complete communities; economic
competitiveness; protecting natural heritage resources and employment areas; wisely using land and
resources; optimizing infrastructure and transit and directing growth to and intensifying existing Built-up
Areas. Decisions affecting planning matters shall conform to the Growth Plan.
Section 2.2.2 of the Growth Plan directs that population and employment growth will be accommodated
by: directing a significant portion of new growth to the Built-up Areas of the community through
intensification; focusing intensification in intensification areas; reducing dependence on the automobile
through the development of mixed-use, transit-supportive, pedestrian-friendly urban environments;
providing convenient access to intra- and inter-city transit; encouraging the development of complete
communities with a diverse mix of land uses, a range and mix of housing types, high quality public open
space and easy access to local stores and services; and, directing development to settlement areas; among
Section 2.2.6 of the Growth Plan addresses employment lands, and notes that an adequate supply of lands
providing employment uses will be maintained. In addition, municipalities are directed to promote
economic development and competitiveness by providing an appropriate mix of employment uses,
providing opportunities for a diversified economic base, protecting and preserving employment areas for
current and future uses.
6.2.1 Growth Plan summary
The subject lands are located within the built boundary of Elora, and within lands that are identified for
employment uses. The proposal will assist in ensuring the retention of significant employment uses from
this strategic location within the Township, and will put in place the planning permissions for the future
expansion of employment uses at this location.
Based on the foregoing, the proposed amendments conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
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Planning Justification Report
Grand River Raceway, Elora
Page 16
County of Wellington Official Plan
The County of Wellington Official Plan was adopted by County Council in September 1998 and later
approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in April 1999. The Official Plan came into effect
on May 6th, 1999. The County of Wellington has undertaken updates to the Official Plan since the
document was first approved, with the most recent update being completed in late 2014.
Section 1.1 of the Official Plan contains the purpose of the document, which contains direction related to
residents having access to an adequate supply and variety of jobs, shopping, services, and leisure activities.
Section 2 of the Official Plan contains the overall planning vision for Wellington County. A variety of topics
are addressed, including directing growth to urban areas, providing opportunities for jobs, commerce and
services, ensuring that County residents have convenient access to commercial uses and services, and
broadening recreational and leisure activities.
It is noted in Section 2.7 that the County’s Official Plan attempts to provide a consistent set of policies
across Wellington, at a level of detail that is sufficient to provide appropriate Official Plan coverage for the
entire County. It is further noted that local municipalities have the option of developing their own more
detailed policies for all or parts of their community, and that local municipalities will continue to manage
the development control process.
Section 4 of the Official Plan includes general policies applicable within Wellington County, and Section 4.2
addresses Economic Development. The section speaks to ensuring that sufficient land is designated and
available to accommodate an appropriate range and mix of employment opportunities to meet the
projected growth forecast, and notes that the County will encourage and support decisions which ensure
that an adequate supply of employment lands is available. Section 4.2.4 specifically notes that urban areas
provide the greatest opportunity for employment, and encourages commercial, industrial and recreation
uses to locate in settlements, in particularly those with full municipal services.
Section 7 of the Official Plan addresses the Urban System, which includes the larger urban centres of
Wellington, which are expected to accommodate the majority of growth over the planning period. As
noted earlier in this report, the subject lands are located within the Elora / Salem Urban Centre as identified
on Schedule A-1 of the Official Plan. Section 7.5 of the Official Plan provides policies related to Urban
Centres and notes that they are expected to provide a full range of land use opportunities.
It should be noted that the County of Wellington is currently working on an update to their Official Plan
(OPA #99), which incorporates the most recent population projections from the Growth Plan for the
Greater Golden Horseshoe. This amendment expands growth projections to 2036 and 2041, including
residential and employment growth. Slightly more than half of the population and employment growth
for Wellington County is projected to occur within Centre Wellington, with the vast majority of that
projected growth occurring within Elora-Salem and Fergus.
6.3.1 County of Wellington Official Plan summary
The proposal conforms to the direction within the County of Wellington Official Plan related to the
location of growth and development within the Urban Centres of the County. The proposal would allow
for the further development of the site at the Grand River Raceway, furthering the direction of the Official
Plan to provide for an adequate supply of jobs and a range of leisure and commercial opportunities. The
use is properly located within an industrial area of Elora.
May 2016
Planning Justification Report
Grand River Raceway, Elora
Page 17
Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan
The Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan was adopted by Township Council in November 2003,
and approved by County of Wellington Council on May 31st, 2005. The Official Plan is the first Official Plan
for the amalgamated municipality that contains the Town of Fergus, the Village of Elora and parts of the
Townships of Eramosa, Nichol, Pilkington and West Garafraxa.
Section A of the Official Plan sets out the purpose and intent of the Plan. It is noted that the purpose of the
plan includes (among other things) to provide the basis for future zoning by-law regulations and
standards, to indicate leadership in bringing positive change to the community, and to maintain Centre
Wellington’s position as s desirable place in which to live, work, play and learn. The policies indicate that
the Official Plan services as a ‘road map’ in providing direction for the Township’s planning decisions.
Section A also addresses the relationship between the Township Official Plan and the County Official Plan,
and notes that the County of Wellington Official Plan provides a consistent set of planning policies for the
entire County. It is also recognized that the Township is able to rely on the County’s planning policies or
develop their own more detailed policies for all or parts of their community. The Plan states that the
Township has chosen to prepare its own local municipal plan, however it relies on the County Official Plan
pertaining to the Greenlands and Rural systems.
Section B of the Official Plan contains general direction regarding the community values, vision statement,
and goals. The section covers a broad range of topic areas, and touches on various aspects of the
economy, recreation, rural preservation, infrastructure, employment, and transportation.
As described earlier in this report, the subject lands are designated Industrial, and also contain special
provisions specific to the onsite race track and gaming facility. The Official Plan specifically permits “a
racing facility for horses including off-track betting lounges, offices or headquarters for Agricultural Societies, and
a slot machine gaming facility located and developed only in conjunction with a racing facility for horses shall be
permitted. Related accessory uses are also permitted. Other accessory uses which may be permitted and which
may be incorporated into the Zoning By-law include but are not limited to recreation uses, a place of
entertainment or recreation, offices and restaurants”. The Official Plan provides for the consideration of a
casino or charity casino, and provides direction to regulate such uses in the Zoning By-law.
6.4.1 Official Plan summary
The subject lands are designated Industrial by the Official Plan and are located within an area planned for
employment uses. The proposal broadens the uses permitted through the existing site-specific Official
Plan designation in order to provide for a fuller range of gaming activities to occur onsite, consistent with
the Province’s modernization and gaming reform. The proposed amendments continue to ensure that
gaming onsite occurs in conjunction with a horse racing facility. The proposed amendments build on the
spirit of the current designation applicable to the subject lands, and positions the Township to continue to
ensure that the Grand River Raceway continues to be an important local destination, employer and
significant contributor to the Township’s operating budget.
Based on the foregoing, the proposed amendments conform to the Provincial Policy Statement and
County of Wellington Official Plan, and meet the intent of the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan.
May 2016
Planning Justification Report
Grand River Raceway, Elora
Page 18
Township of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law
The Township of Centre Wellington Comprehensive Zoning By-law was initially approved by the Township
in 2009, and the most recent consolidation is dated September 4th, 2013.
As noted earlier in this report, the subject lands are zoned with a site-specific Service Industrial zone
(M1.46.1). The current zoning for the site does not permit a casino or charity casino.
The current facility on the subject lands conforms to the existing zoning regulations applicable to the
subject lands. While the details of an expanded facility are not yet known, once the specifics of the site
design are determined, conformity with the Zoning By-law regulations would need to be adhered to.
6.5.1 Zoning By-law summary
The proposed addition of expanded gaming facilities onsite would broaden the uses onsite, but still result
in a well-designed gaming and horse racing facility. Based on the foregoing, the proposed Zoning By-law
Amendment would conform to the Provincial Policy Statement, County of Wellington Official Plan, and
meet the intent of the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan.
May 2016
Planning Justification Report
Grand River Raceway, Elora
Page 19
In summary, the proposed amendments to the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan and Township
of Centre Wellington Zoning By-law are reflective of sound land use practices and are appropriate for the
subject lands. The proposed amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and
conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the County of Wellington Official Plan and
the Township of Centre Wellington Official Plan for the following reasons:
The proposed amendments will allow for the possible expansion of uses on the lands and will
provide for an efficient use of land and existing available infrastructure and services;
The proposed amendments would allow for a possible expansion of uses that will be compatible
with the existing context;
The proposed amendments will provide for the possible future expansion of an established land
use and important employer to the Township of Centre Wellington that helps to contribute to the
local agricultural and tourism economy;
The proposal will position the Township of Centre Wellington to continue to benefit from cohosting a gaming establishment;
The proposal will continue to support the existing gaming and horse racing facility onsite, as the
horse racing operation and associated facilities will remain an integral component of this use;
The proposal will assist in providing a range of commercial, leisure and recreational opportunities
for the residents of the Township of Centre Wellington and surrounding areas;
The proposal will result in additional employment uses from a key location within Centre
Wellington, and assists in meeting employment targets as set out in the Growth Plan and local
Official Plans.
The proposed amendments and expansion of gaming uses at the Raceway is consistent with the
Province’s current modernization and gaming reform.
The proposed amendments are consistent with the previous Council resolution, which confirmed
the Township’s support as a host municipality for a gaming site at the Grand River Raceway.
The proposed amendments will help facilitate the sustainability of the Grand River Raceway to the
benefit of the community.
Accordingly, it is concluded that the proposed amendments are appropriate and represent good planning.
Respectfully submitted,
Pierre Chauvin, MA, MCIP, RPP
Nicholas P. Bogaert, BES, MCIP, RPP, CAHP
Senior Planner
May 2016
Appendix A:
Proposed amendments
BY-LAW NO. 2016-xx
A by-law to amend Township of Centre
Wellington Official Plan as
amended, to change the policies of
Section D.10.2 (PA1-6)
WHEREAS the Township of Centre Wellington deems it desirable to amend Township of
Centre Wellington Official Plan, as amended, pursuant to Section 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.
THAT Section D.10.2 (PA 1-6) is hereby amended as follows:
Notwithstanding any provisions in this Plan to the contrary, the following policies apply to
the lands identified as PA1-6 on Schedule “A".
The 27.5-hectare property identified as PA-12 by this Plan is designated Highway
Commercial, in part, and Industrial, in part. In addition to the permitted uses of the
applicable land use designations, and notwithstanding anything else in this Plan to the
contrary, a racing facility for horses including off-track betting lounges, offices or
headquarters for Agricultural Societies, and a slot machine gaming facility, as approved
by the Province, conducted and managed by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming
Corporation, and located and developed only in conjunction with a racing facility for
horses shall be permitted. Related accessory uses are also permitted. Other accessory
uses which may be permitted and which may be incorporated into the Zoning By-law
include but are not limited to recreation uses, a place of entertainment or recreation,
offices and restaurants
The development of the property shall occur with full municipal services. The zoning bylaw may permit industrial and highway commercial uses within the applicable designated
areas provided such uses are consistent with the provisions of this Plan.
Holding zone provisions shall be used to ensure that the development of any portions of
the property not used for the raceway and related uses are the subject of a
comprehensive development plan addressing site design, access, traffic, and storm
water management issues prior to any highway commercial or industrial development
occurring on the lands.
Site plan control pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act shall also apply to any
development occurring on these lands.
The Zoning By-law may also include specific provisions including but not limited to:
maximum floor area of buildings or structures, or of individual use areas within buildings
or structures including the slot gaming facility, the number of slot machines, the lot
coverage, the number of parking spaces, the minimum required landscaped open space
area, fencing and other measures to ensure adequate buffering and landscaping. The
zoning by-law may also prohibit a casino or a charity casino.
This by-law shall come into effect on the date of final enactment pursuant to Section 22
of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990.
BY-LAW NO. 2016-xx
A by-law to amend Township of Centre
Wellington Zoning By-law 2009-045 as
amended, to change the regulations of the
M1.46.1 zone
WHEREAS the Township of Centre Wellington deems it desirable to amend Township of
Centre Wellington By-law No. 2009-045, as amended, pursuant to Section 34 of the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990;
Section 15-Exceptions, is hereby further amended by revising subsection 15.46.1 as
Additional Permitted Uses
a) A racing facility for horses including off-track betting lounges.
b) A slot machine gaming facility, as approved by the Province, conducted and
managed by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, and containing no more
than 450 slot machines to be located and developed only in conjunction with a racing
facility for horses, and not including a casino or a charity casino.
c) Offices or headquarters for Agricultural Societies to be located and developed only in
conjunction with a racing facility for horses.
d) Uses accessory to the foregoing permitted uses including offices, recreational uses,
restaurants, a place of entertainment or recreation and a retail gift shop to be located
and developed only in conjunction with a racing facility for horses.
e) Accessory uses, buildings and structures such as storage, the ship-in and temporary
stabling of horses and livestock normally associated with the conduct of race meets
and/or agricultural exhibits and displays but not including the raising or rearing of
For the purposes of this Zone, “slot machine gaming facility” means the same as set out
by Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation in the Criminal Code of Canada
All other applicable provisions of By-law No. 2009-045, as amended, shall henceforth
apply to the lands affected by this by-law.
This by-law shall come into effect on the date of final enactment pursuant to Section 34
of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990.
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200-540 BINGEMANS CENTRE DRIVE / KITCHENER / ONTARIO / N2B 3X9 / T: 519-576-3650 / F: 519-576-0121 /