Mail - Redwood Region
Transcription Mail - Redwood Region
Redwood Region Newsletter Newsletter Tuesday, May 11, 2010 5:05 PM From: "william walters" <[email protected]> To: [email protected] der Riesenbaum Redwood Region Newsletter Porsche Club of America Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa and Sonoma May 2010 Issue V, Volume IV; electronic newsletter Bill Walters, editor Kurt Fischer, assistant editor See us on the web at: Larry Adams' GT3 at Zone AX, Santa Rosa. Howard Thomas pic. R E D W O 0 D R E G I O N President's Message Bill Walters This issue of the May der Riesenbaum arrives a week later than usual, kind of on purpose. First, I decided to wait until after the Pt. Reyes Breakfast Run to publish in order to have appropriate content to read. Secondly, Kurt Fischer has worked his tail off helping manage the upcoming Marin Sonoma Concours and Drive, David Bunch doing same with back-to-back autocrosses and VP Greg Maissen sweeping the outskirts following media that will exhibit the graces of our Club. These three guys are instrumental to what you see published before you. I appreciate the emails I receive acknowledging the work "I" have done, but without them I would be floundering. It is still welcome, I enjoy it, but there is nothing like the support of fellow members. Please don't forget them in your Thank-Yous. Speaking of fellow members, YOU have made the first events of the year most memorable. Not record breaking in attendance, but record breaking in terms of showing compassion, fun and friendship. There has always been a little bit of wonder when a couple may not make it out for months at a time and you hope they are all right. I have to tell you, at the Pt. Reyes Run, I had most of that wonder erased. As you are probably getting tired of hearing by now, "You Are The Club!" It is not me, or my wife, or the Board and their wives, but you that come out to make our outings special. Lynn and I were discussing just that morning, thinking of the 20-odd couples (loosely used..) that were up so early in the morning primping themselves just to join us. It's a lot of work for a Saturday morning and you may not even get the chance to chat with friends you probably wanted to see. But it still works. And like Bob Hall said, neither BMW nor Ferrari Clubs have anything on us. So scroll on down and check out articles on our April and May autocrosses, Breakfast Run and much more. Keep it up folks. See you out there! Bill Kurt's Korner Kurt Fischer OK... it's crunch time for Marin -Sonoma Concours! This Saturday, May 15th I'll be leading 87 Porsches on the Porsche Drive part of the Concours off on a great 2 hour spirited drive to the Rockin H Ranch for our superb lunch. This is the largest gathering of Porsches in the Redwood Region since our "Escape to the Wine Country" back in 2005! Sunday, May 16th is the actual Concours at the Marin County Civic Center where we will have 187 cars on the field along with 8 wooden boats in the Lagoon. There will be food, wine sampling, 60 exhibitor booths and the Redwood Region Goodie store. We have about 60 Porsches in the special "Porsche" only corral area near the Field. Too late for any more Porsches to be added to the corral were given plenty of warning! If you want to come, please come by the corral or look for all the Redwood Region people scattered around the Field! All the information is here on the Marin -Sonoma Concours website! Hope to see a number of you at the Concours! I'll return to my normal Porsche tid bits next month! Again...THANKS for all your support for the Drive... the car corral...the Porsche Judges. I think the Redwood Region has made it's mark on the Marin Sonoma Concours committee as I was greeted with many thanks for our participation this year! If you have any questions, please let me know. You can reach me at: Kurt Fischer [email protected] Calendar of Events - Redwood Region Bill Walters This is an abbreviated calendar...for all the details on each event use our full calendar on the Redwood Region website! > < MAY 14th - Marin-Sonoma Concours d'Elegance. Marin County Fairgrounds. 16th Contact is Kurt Fischer. 415-819-2210 or [email protected] 21st- American Le Mans Series, Monterey. Details on website. 23rd JUNE 5th- Sonoma Historic Motorsports Festival - Infineon Raceway 6th See website for details. 12th Breakfast Run to Dillon Beach. Contact is Greg Maissen. [email protected] 19th Redwood Region Autocross - Sonoma County Airport. Contact is David Bunch. david.bunch 26th Nickel & Nickel Winery Tour, Oakville Contact is Greg Maissen. [email protected] Zone 7 Autocross - Sonoma Co. Airport - April 17-18th Bill Walters & David Bunch Lisa Thomas has the confidence. Ron Breeze Photography. Our first Zone 7 Autocross brought out 44 drivers and 41 cars on Saturday ready to duke it out for wines provided by our own Pierre Ehret. This was to be our first autocross on the freshly repaired and sealed pavement that met with marked approval on a cool, mild day in the high 60's. The morning began brightly with an array of gondola balloons, colorful Porsches and Gary Bayless' Flatbed Ford Woodie festooned with the Spirit of Ecstasy radiator mascot complete with a surfboard bonnet and a collection of period motor head stickers pasted over the quarter windows. GGR boasted notables Past Zone Rep Larry Sharp, Terry Zaccone, short course expert (see his article in the April issue of Pano.), Zone 7 Rep Sharon Neidel, Joe Lee, GGR AX Co-Chair and Zone 7 AX Chair Larry Adams in his new GT -3. In addition, Redwood Region assembled past presidents David Bunch, Kurt Fischer & James Heisey. Henry Watts of Loma Prieta region who authored Secrets of Solo Racing also made a showing before fuel pump problems shortened his day. SVR's Autocross Director Bob Peake & Lisa Thomas returned to defend their TTOD's from last year's Zone AX. We even had Craig & Mary Lou Kugler from Sierra Nevada region make the trip. Ladies of Autocross. J. Jackson pic. David had us sign up with Mac & Becky Cranford and Alycia Strobel into three groups; white, yellow or blue. We would make six runs apiece in the morning. Linda Adams took lunch orders for sandwiches and soft drinks from Kals Kaffee that David had pre-arranged. He and Sharon also brought items out from the Goodie Store! Sharon Neidel created a fast course for our runs beginning with a chicane stretching from the start all the way back to station 4 at the rear of the course then around and through the go-cart and final chicane to the timer. Average lap times would be around 47 seconds. DNF's were rare. Following the morning runs, we settled for lunch at 12:45 and resumed the afternoon runs at 1:30pm. Larry Sharp driving his 1993 RS America came up with TTOD on one of his final runs turning in a 43.830 just .355 faster than Jim Winston in his 1971 Datsun 240Z. GGR and RR were pretty much even through the top 20 positions. Fastest lady was SVR's Lisa Thomas in her 1990 964 C4 turning in a 46.676. Larry Sharp pondering his decision. H. Thomas pic. Larry in more familiar surroundings. B. McCrory pic. After Larry did his best run, he convinced Ted French to let him make a "fun run" in Ted's 2 liter 1966 912 and unfortunately Larry made a slight error and ended up putting Ted's 912 out into the mud where he got stuck!!! David in his Porsche Support vehicle had to pull Larry out. In the middle of the pack, Tom Strobel, David Bunch, Vern Thomas, Mac Cranford and Greg Maissen all from Redwood, were all within ¾ of a second from each other. After a fun filled day with 12 runs, many of the attendees met at Kals for dinner on their covered patio area. The "Top Time of Day" winners were given their bottles of Knights Valley Cabernet from Pierre's Ehret Winery which Pierre had signed. Raffle tickets were sold for door prizes with the $73 in proceeds going to CASA, Redwood's charity. Door prizes included a bottle of Pierre's wine, a bottle of wine donated by Deven & Dana Wailes from Hi-Tec Automotive and a couple of hats from the Redwood Region Goodie Store. Terry Zaccone Joe Lee and 912. Barbara McCrory pic. Sunday morning saw many different faces coming though the gate to autocross on day two of the Zone 7 autocross. David planned Sunday's course running the reverse of Saturday's with a long offset slalom taking the drivers all the way to the far end, then into the "Jellybean" section, then back toward the finish thru a series of gates and a box chicane before the finish. The morning session gave everyone 5 runs on this course and after lunch everyone had 5 more trys to get their times lower. Sunday's mens TTOD belonged to Andrew Blyholder of GGR in his 1971 914 with a time of 46.397, almost two full seconds faster than GGR's Chris Hamilton also driving Andrew's 914. Lisa Thomas again took ladies TTOD with a 51.129 with Zone 7 Rep Sharon Neidel a close second with a 51.366. Average time for this course was around 53 seconds. Thanks to all the people who came early to help with setup, registration and tech, and those who stayed until the end to tear-down and put everything away. Events like these could not happen without everyone pitching in. Larry Sharp, Sharon Neidel & Lisa Thomas, Sharon Neidel & Larry Adams. David Bunch pics. Andrew Blyholder May Calendar Pic. Bill Walters E ach month this year will bring a new pic. relating to major accomplishments or milestones for Porsche. May celebrates a 1st Place win for Porsche at the famed Nurburgring on May 31st 1970. The World Championship of Makes was Porsches for the taking in 1970. Following the birth of the 917 in 1969 and perfecting of the car in the off -season, Porsche also put its reliable 908/02 on a diet creating the 908/03 for that year. Porsche did win the Makes Championship outright winning 9 of the 10 scheduled races, Sebring being the lone loss. Mario Andretti's Ferrari 512S overtook Steve McQueen's 908-02 on the last lap and won by 27 seconds, spoiling a perfect record. The 908-03 was a machine solely conceived to win the short, twisty road courses of the Targa Florio and the Nurburgring. The 917s would master the faster, broader, long distance races. The 908/03's won both races as expected as well as second place finishes. Our May 31st race at Nurburg was won by Vic Elford and Kurt Ahrens; Hans Herrmann and Richard Attwood took second place separated by only 5 seconds. The 908/03 advanced the 908/02 by lighter engineering and greater balance design, hence better handling. An aluminum alloy space frame lost weight yet maintained a greater rigidity, The 8-cylinder engine mated with a five speed gearbox amidships with the final drive and gearbox at the rear, transferred weight to the center of the car for stability. This moved the driver position practically between the front wheels with foot controls at the very front of the car body. The 3 litre flat -8 twin spark engine could produce 360 HP at 8400 RPM . At a weight of less than 1400 lbs, this made for an incredible power to weight ratio and for one fierce track competitor. Thirteen 908/03s were manufactured and as of yet, all are accounted for. If not for the more publicized wins of the 917 in the other 7 races that year, especiallyLeMans, the 908 was a bit overshadowed in its successes. Despite this "big brother" syndrome, the 908/03 was a more complete package and easier to drive. Ed Breakfast Run to Pt. Reyes Station House. May 8th. Bill Walters Half-way point photo-op stop. Ron Breeze Photography. It sure was a pretty day, perhaps on the nippy side, but you couldn't complain. Saturday, May 8 th turned out to be one of our best weather days and 38 of you figured that out early to come join us for one of our favorite runs, to Pt. Reyes Station. Arriving early in the parking lot of the Chevy's at the Vintage Oaks Shopping Center, we met many friends anticipating a warm breakfast. Following our 9:30 drivers meeting, Bob Hall who planned our run and reservations, led us out Marin Drive to Pt. Reyes Petaluma Road and northward on Hicks Valley Road, a Porsche favorite. I have been back on these roads in various models of Porsches for 10 years now and this drive was one of the clearest, sharpest drives I've seen. If you like the contrasts of the various trees from firs, cypress, oaks and Manzanita's against each other flavored over the grasses of the hills, it was spectacular. Canvas that with the baby blue of the sky with a smattering of cotton ball clouds and you had a day to remind every mother of her newborn. There are some stretches of Hiwy 1 just north of Pt. Reyes where you can pick up some vistas and you can see the Porsches far ahead picking up glimmers of sunshine on their colorful paintjobs winding through the hills beyond. It really is quite a sight and a reward for taking up the rear position as "sweeper". The Station House Café somehow managed to seat us all comfortably into one room and serve us in good order. The wonderful aroma of hearty breakfasts always seems to welcome the chatter of you folks. So. I'm going to keep it brief here, but I continue to enjoy the personalities and camaraderie displayed within our outings and the friendship you all bring. It's good to see you out enjoying our Club and I hope to continue seeing you; tell a friend! See you for the Dillon Run, June 12th! Redwood Region Autocross #2 - May 1st James Heisey in 928. John Jackson pic. Howard Thomas at speed. John Jackson pic. Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name Craig Lamothe Guy Southern Jim Winston Loren Burgess Craig Kralka Jason Sims Grady Carter Ramiro Macias Tosh Yumae Region ESCA ESCA ESCA/RR GGR ESCA ESCA GGR/RR ESCA GGR Car Stalker Corvette Stalker Mit. Evo Honda CRX Si Honda S2000 986 S Subaru Sti 993 Year 2010 1999 2010 2006 1991 2003 2002 2005 1997 Class Fun GTA-R Fun Fun GTC-S BS/ST AX11 GTB-S AX11 Best Time 48.243 TTOD-M 49.640 50.488 50.971 51.052 51.116 51.351 52.295 52.372 10 Mac Cranford REDWOOD 986 S 2000 Fun 52.510 11 Howard Thomas REDWOOD 986 2002 AX12 52.729 12 Sharon Neidel RR/GGR 964 C2 1991 SS02-L 53.068 13 Arie Francis ESCA BMW 335i 2007 GTA-S 53.271 14 Chris Ha ESCA Toyota MR2 1987 GTB-S 53.322 15 David Bunch REDWOOD 964 C2 1991 SS02 53.485 16 Larry Burgess GGR Mit. Evo 2006 Fun 53.636 TTOD-L 17 Mark Savarese SVR 986 1997 AX12 53.824 18 Jeff Walkup ESCA Acura RSX 2002 GTC-S 53.925 19 Greg Matsumoto REDWOOD 993 1997 AX11 54.484 20 Bob Schoenherr RR/SVR 986 1999 AX13 54.517 21 Jacob Grise ESCA Subaru WRX 2008 GTS-S 54.529 22 Alex Maier ESCA/SFR Honda S2000 2003 BS/ST-L 54.770 23 Steve Bellen ESCA Crossfire SRT 2005 GTA-S 55.062 24 Eduardo Ferrel ESCA BMW 325 is 1988 GTB-S 55.164 25 Drew Powers REDWOOD Subaru WRX 2002 Fun 55.268 26 James Heisey REDWOOD 928 1982 Fun 55.731 27 Dylan Rinaldi ESCA BMW 335 2009 Fun 55.862 28 Jim Newport GGR 914 1973 AX14 56.192 29 Alycia Strobel REDWOOD 911SC Targa 1978 Fun-L 56.224 30 Ronald Breeze REDWOOD 986 1999 AX13 56.247 31 Jiro Tulley ESCA Miata 1991 GTB-S 56.406 32 Oliver Charles ESCA Acura 2005 Fun 56.613 33 Craig Steele REDWOOD 996 1999 Fun 56.658 34 Bob Blick ESCA Miata 1997 GTC-S 56.921 35 Michael Hinton REDWOOD 911 1987 AX14 57.238 36 Andrew Mai ESCA Audi A4 2006 GTB-S 57.350 37 Andrew Snyder REDWOOD 911 SC Targa 1978 Fun 57.512 38 Silas Boden ESCA El Camino 1987 GTA-S 57.868 39 Sarah Porkka REDWOOD 986 1998 FUN 59.373 40 Larry Powers REDWOOD 356 1964 Fun 60.572 41 Kim Powers REDWOOD 356 1964 Fun 61.886 42 Penny Bair REDWOOD 986 1999 Fun 63.425 43 Tom Strobel REDWOOD 911SC 1978 Fun DNR Membership Report Bret Boutet New members: 2 Xfer in: 1 Xfer out: 0 Renewal: 18 Non-renewal: 5 Expired: 17 Dual members: 12 Official members: 496 New Members FIRST NAME Nikolai David LAST NAME Korhummelstone Paoli CITY Inverness, CA San Rafael, CA Affiliate/FM CAR 90 911 02 911 Transfers In LAST NAME CITY Affiliate/FM CAR FIRST NAME Dirk Kruidenier Vallejo, CA 09 C4S Anniversaries (5 years and over) YEARS NAME LOCATION ANN DATE 50 John Kerby -Miller Kentfield, CA 5/1/1960 38 Walter Chalton Fortuna, CA 5/1/1972 33 Martin Steger Petaluma, CA 5/1/1977 32 Peter Young Napa, CA 5/1/1978 25 Mike Beavers Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/1985 22 Tom Whitaker Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/1988 19 Peter Bohns Greenbrae, CA 5/1/1991 17 Lloyd Murphey Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/1993 14 David Johnson Petaluma, CA 5/1/1996 12 Gary Altenbach Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/1998 11 Claude Boulware Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/1999 10 John Burns Napa, CA 5/1/2000 10 Stanley Carley Windsor, CA 5/1/2000 10 Randolph Leathers Belvedere Tiburon, CA 5/1/2000 9 John Bennett Eureka, CA 5/1/2001 9 Scott Peterson Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/2001 7 Chris Barriscale Mill Valley, CA 5/1/2003 7 Edward Boracchia Petaluma, CA 5/1/2003 7 James Meyer Sausalito, CA 5/1/2003 7 Bruce Rocco Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/2003 6 Charles Alegria Napa, CA 5/1/2004 6 Adrian Papajohn Glen Ellen, CA 5/1/2004 6 Trekkor Wills Napa, CA 5/1/2004 5 Paul Fuerst Sebastopol, CA 5/1/2005 5 Robert Ginis Corte Madera, CA 5/1/2005 5 Mitchell Nichter Novato, CA 5/1/2005 5 Daniel Waugh Santa Rosa, CA 5/1/2005 Bret Boutet Membership Chair Redwood Region, PCA Xfer From DIA [email protected] . Board Meeting Minutes Jerry Gladstone April 27, 2010, Chevy's Restaurant, Novato. President Bill Walters called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. Attendees: President and Newsletter Editor Bill Walters, Vice President Greg Maisson, Treasurer Lynn Walters, Secretary Jerry Gladstone, Goodie Store Director and Autocross Director David Bunch, Social Chair Mary Neidel, Webmistress Barbara McCrory, members Rob Neidel, Mac Cranford, Vern Rogers, and guest Dixon Delzell, (912 Registry). Minutes: The minutes of previous meetings will be emailed to Bd. Members in the future as there is not time to review the previous minutes before the next meeting(s). President's Report: Increase in National membership fee for new office/property was discussed again. The consensus was we need more information and time; we expect more information from Manny through Sharon. We received a $220 subsidy from National for our booth at the Marin/Sonoma Concours. Improving relationship with Sonnen. We can have a tech sessions there and also use their lot as a meeting place for events. PCA members will get a 10% discount on parts and service. Will place customized mini -der Riesenbaums there. The Pt. Reyes Breakfast Run is May 8th, the Nickle & Nickle Tour on June 26th, see the website calendar for all upcoming events. The Autocross with the 912 Registry will be August 7th. The next Autocross is May 1st. Driven Raceways will become an advertiser; and we may have an event there. Vice President's Report: So far there are 15 sign-ups for the Pt. Reyes Breakfast Run on May 8th. Treasurer's Report: Net income for March was $326.60, income year to date = $519.12. Total assets (cash, prepayments and equipment) stand at $21,249.58. The repaving repair at the Autocross site was a big expense item. Had to pay for no -shows at the Rancho Nicasio Breakfast Run as they were guaranteed a headcount. Need a process to make sure this is qualified. Secretary's Report: The revision of the Bylaws has been delayed, but will be completed soon. der Riesenbaum Editor's Report: Will be published on the 10th of May after the Breakfast Run so that there is a bit more content. Customized, mini -der Riesenbaums will be produced to be left at dealer, sponsors, etc. Advertising Director's Report: Hi-Tec and S-car-go will pay the advertising fee for the year. Whitman and ProShop are undecided. Waiting for confirmation from Tillmans and TRG. Seeking some others. Parts Heaven is a no. Goodie Store: $140 in receipts from Rancho Nicasio Breakfast Run and $40 from the Zone 7 Autocross. We committed to 20 Zone 7 badges, will pay for them when they arrive. Bracket plates to hold car badges will be available soon. Autocross Director's Report: The Zone 7 Autocross had 43 drivers on Saturday and 47 on Sunday. Saturday dinner was at Kal's with 4 donated door prizes raffled ($78 raised for CASA). Box lunch was ordered from Kal's -- good and plentiful food. Had a $5 per person drive around with an instructor -- "A Taste of Autocross". Tech was held on the grid. The repaired blacktop was reported to be "smoother". Procedure and timing were discussed. The 912 Registry will run an Autocross with Redwood Region on August 7 for PCA and 912 Registry only. Membership Report: Bret Boutet (not present) is stepping down and looking at transferring responsibilities to new member Rand Wintermute. Webmaster's Report: 2700 "hits" so far this month on the website. Concours Chairman's Report: No report, not present. Social Chairman's Report: Exploring tour to Fioli Gardens, but working out timing has been challenging. Sept 4 th is penciled in. CASA: Involved with Human Race May 8 th . New Business: None. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 25 at 7:00 pm at the Seafood Peddler insane Rafael. President Bill Walters adjourned the meeting at 9:07 pm. Classifieds Send or e-mail your Porsche related ad to the Editor, Bill Walters; [email protected] before the 20th of the month to be included in the next issue. Ads will run for one month as space permits. Please notify me if you wish to re-run your ad in the next issue. If you e-mail me and I don't respond, call me please at 415-412-2219, 24-7. Porsche 911Carrera Factory Service Manuals, Vols. 1-5. $225 Bently Service Manual 911 84-89. $65 101 Projects for your Porsche 911. $10 Haynes 911. $10 Ken Sarver, 707-793-9713 '83 Targa 911SC, 2nd owner,bought in 2003, all service records. 141K miles, rebuilt gearbox, tensioners installed (20K), new tires, reconditioned wheels front end torsion bar, re-skinned top and carpets. $15,000. Contact Roy Cox at [email protected] 925-260-3901. Four OEM 996TT wheels with crests.Ft. 8x18, rear 11x18. Two have curb rash. Price $700.00. Contact Don Jurgensen 707-995-0621or [email protected] '76 912E. OK, OK , so it's not an old 356 sitting in some farmers barn. It's a Silver 1976 Porsche 912e with a black interior stored in a hanger at a Sonoma, Ca airport. Been in storage for the last several years. Excellent Shape. 160,000 Miles, Rebuilt Engine, $16,000. For Sale by original owner. 707.996.7295 or [email protected] Porsche PANORAMA MagazinesI have held onto most of the Panorama magazines since the '70s, and would like to "dispose" of them to any interested buyer(s). Complete year sets are $10, and individual magazines prior to 2000 are $5 each; 2000 and later are $2 each. Please contact Jon Shanser at 415-383-8811or email me at [email protected] '96 CARRERA CABRIOLET 49000 ORIGINAL MILES MIDNIGHT BLUE GREY LEATHER FULL POWER AIR COND{blows cold] SOUND PACKAGE AERO KIT C D CHANGER WELL MAINTAINED AT HI-TEC IN SAN RAFAEL RUNS GREAT NEVER WRECKED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY GOOD HONEST CAR SECOND OWNER CALL BILL YOUNG 707 939-8173 or E-MAIL [email protected] NEW PRICE $28,000. CAR IS IN SONOMA 996 Porsche wheels. 2-8x18x50 (F) 2-11x18x45(R) ------$ 800.00 for the set Charlie Jones 650-281-5694--cell-or e-mail at [email protected] '87 PORSCHE 928-S4 5-SPD $9,850.00 REDUCED! Here is an excellent example of a clean well maintained automobile. Off warranty service records. White with black and tan interior, rear A/C, folding rear wing, drilled front rotors, stainless Borla exhaust. Recent full service: all belts including timing belt, water pump, thermostat, motor mounts, CV boots, new rear tires. 10K on new clutch kit. I am the third owner, too many toys; this is the first to go. Call Tom at (415) 898-2890 Novato. 4 Winter tires/wheels 4 Blizzak LM-25V high speed snow/ice tires mounted on wheels 2 - 205/50 17 and 2 255/40 17 V rated. These tires have 1 season on them. Wheels have light curb rash. I had these tires on my carrera 4 and was amazed by the grip on snow. $600. Call Derek at 415-265-4443 or [email protected] San Rafael. '87 Porsche 928 S4.Excellent condition inside and out, 125,000 Mi., Marine Blue/Silver Gray leather. 5 Speed Limited slip diff, New steering rack, Devek radiator, Adj. Konis, Sport & Reg. Control Arms at 121K, Exhaust, K&N Filter, Sony XR-c6120/Alpine 41312 Pwr Amp (3553) 8 Speaker stereo system. Clutch/Flywheel at 90K, Alt/Reg at 96K, Timing Belt/Tensioner at 100K, Belts at 123K. Heated sports seats, HD A/C, Extra set of chrome wheels, Custom car cover, Always garaged. All maint. Records since new. Original window sticker & owners manual, etc. $10,500, OBO Contact Marvin Goss at 707 839-3310. McKinleyville. Pair of 6"X16" Fuchs. With snow tires. Call or eMail John Reed in Sausalito, 415-332-3490, [email protected] '02 Porsche 996 C2 Cab Vin: WPOCA29932S650102. Color: Silver/Navy Mileage: 48,5XX Trans: 6spd manual 320hp, leather, 6 cd changer. Excellent condition throughout. Maintained by Rector and Hi-Tec Porsche (San Rafael). Mechanically perfect. We're getting a company car and will have one too many vehicles. Asking $31,900. Please email or call with questions, 415-927-7617. Thanks. '01 Porsche 911 Cabriolet. 41,000 miles, one owner, K40 radar dlr. installed, Technic pkg, heated seats, power seats, colored crest wheel caps, rainforest green metallic, am/fm cassette, cd, 18" sport design wheel, Porsche crest in headrests and floor mats, hard top with roller stand, new top, new tires, new ignition, all records since new, serviced at Carl's Place in Las Vegas, always garaged, cleaned and waxed. Perfect condition. $30,000. June Anderson. Windsor, CA. [email protected]; 707 837 1794. '83 911SC Convertable Low miles- less than 95,000. 3.0 liter, 5 speed, with factory short shift kit. Turbo lower valve covers, pop -off valve, hydraulic chain tensioner upgrade, clutch upgrade. 16 X 7"-8" BBS wheels with Toyo 888 tires, still have 1/2 tread. Porsche turbo tea tray tail, 935 style front valance. IO Port roll bar, Corbeau racing seats and 5 point harnesses. Strut bar, TRG front and rear adjustable sway bars, Bilstein rear shocks and Bilstein front inserts. Monoball cartridges on front struts, bump-steer kit. Turbo- tie rods. Adjustable rear spring plates, polyurethane bushings on spring plates and front A-arms. 22mm front torsion bars, 28mm rear torsion bars. Stock rebuilt brake calipers, cross drilled rotors, front brakes have custom carbon fiber brake cooling ducts. Bursch muffler and stainless test pipe. Power windows, Power locks, AM/FM/CD player, Cruise control, Power Mirrors. Air conditioning removed (never worked anyway). All upgrades have been done in the last 5 years/15,000 miles. Always garaged. Extras included. Asking 19,500 or nearest offer. I can be reached at (707) 718-0678, ask for Don, or email me at [email protected] '06 Cayman S Speed Yellow/Black with Speed Yellow Seat Belts6 speed, PASM, Sport Chrono Plus, Power heated seats, Nav, Remote 6 CD player, Bose premium, biXenon, Rear wiper, ODO 20100 Miles with 2700 mi on new ContiSportContact tires, 19" Carrera S wheels. California car, always garaged. Clean, no dings, paint scratches. Warranty until Oct '10 Purchased at Sonnen, maintained at Tillmans. Car is in Mendocino. Asking $39,900 (New Sticker Price $73K) Contact Arlene at 707-937-4828 or [email protected] '88 Carrera Convertible. Engine runs very smooth, has 90,280 miles driven and about 10,000 miles ago, a new clutch, hydraulic cylinders, new alternator and a new starter were installed. Asking $18,500. Call Simone, 415-299-7563 or [email protected] Car is located in Tucson, AZ '87 RARE MERCEDES-BENZ 190E 2.3 16 VALVE DOHC COSWORTH SPORT WITH RARE FACTORY COSWORTH ENGINE. SPECIAL SUSPENSION AND DRIVELINE, FACTORY SPOILER AND GROUND EFFECTS, RARE "BLACK PEARL" PAINT, SUNROOF, FACTORY 5 SPEED, ALL ORIGINAL WITH EUROPEAN HEADLIGHTS, RALLY CLOCK, 284MM VENTED FRONT ROTORS, 16-INCH ALLOYS (205/55-16) AND BLACK LEATHER. THIS CAR IS OWNED AND PAMPERED BY LONG TIME PCA MEMBER, ALWAYS SERVICED PROPERLY WITH JUST OVER 83,000 ORIGINAL MILES. NEVER DAMAGED OR IN AN ACCIDENT. NO DOOR DINGS & NO WEIRD NOISES. ALL DASH LIGHTS WORK PROPERLY, EXCELLENT BRAKES, A WONDERFUL AND VERY RELIABLE "DRIVER'S CAR" SUITABLE FOR THE TRACK OR HIGH SPEED DRIVING..... THIS IS A HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER COLLECTOR CAR THAT IN 1983, ON THE WALLS OF NARDO, MERCEDES SOUGHT TO PROVE THE CAR'S METTLE. AFTER 201 HOURS, 39 MINUTES AND 43 SECONDS, AND AGAINST THE BMW M3's WHICH BLEW THEIR ENGINES IN THE GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIP RACE, TWO MB 190E COSWORTHS LIKE THIS ONE, HAD CLOCKED 50,000 KILOMETERS WITH AN AVERAGE SPEED OF 247 KM/H, LEAVING THE 190E 16-VALVE WITH 3 WORLD RECORDS AND NINE INTERNATIONAL CLASS RECORDS, LEAVING THE BMW'S IN THE DUST, LITERALLY....THESE MB 16VALVE COSWORTHS WERE DRIVEN BY MOSS, LAUDA, PROST, AND HILL BUT WERE ALL BEATEN BY A YOUNG DRIVER NAMED AYRTON SENNA (future Ferrari Champion !) DRIVING THIS NEW MERCEDES HOT ROD. THIS CAR HAS THE SPECIAL MB FEATURES OF THE GETRAG 5 SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION AND HYDROPNEUMATIC REAR SUSPENSION. IT COMES WITH THE FACTORY FRONT SPOILER, WHEEL ARCHES, SIDE SKIRTS, REAR VALANCE AND REAR WING. IT ALSO HAS ABS BRAKE COOLING DUCTS AND RECARO SPORTS SEATS. THE FACTORY STOPWATCH, VOLTMETER AND OIL TEMP WERE PERFECTLY. IT HAS A FACTORY SUNROOF, POWER SEATS WITH DUAL MEMORY, POWER MIRRORS, AM/FM FACTORY CD, ELECTRIC ANTENNA, AND AC SYSTEM THAT WORKS PERFECTLY. EVERYTHING WORKS AS IT SHOULD. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL HANDLING CAR MUCH LIKE A 911 PORSCHE ONLY WITH A REAR BACK SEAT. I HAVE MOST RECORDS and am selling it for only $ 11,500. IT HAS USED MOBIL 1 SYNTHETIC ALL ITS LIFE. NO DAMAGE HISTORY, PERFECT PAINT, NO ROCK CHIPS, NO DOOR DINGS, AND PERFECT DOOR GAPS. IT COMES WITH ALL MANUALS, ALL ORIGINAL TOOLS/TOOL ROLL. IT IS A PERFECT CAR TO DRIVE AND ENJOY. TRULY A MAGNIFICENT CAR WITH ALOT OF TORQUE AND IT IS VERY FAST ! YOU MAY REACH ME AT 415-420-1898 OR AT [email protected] End Classifieds. Our Board, Directors and Chairs President: Bill Walters, 415-412-2219, [email protected] Vice President: Greg Maissen, 415-897-3983, [email protected] Treasurer: Lynn Walters, 415-516-8159, [email protected] Secretary: Jerry Gladstone, 707-525-8632, [email protected] Membership Director: Bret Boutet, 707-863-9104, [email protected] Webmaster: Barbara McCrory, 916-747-1447 [email protected] Social Chair: Mary Neidel, 707-763-2210, [email protected] Autocross Director: David Bunch, 707-766-8839 [email protected] Goodie Store: David Bunch, 707-766-8839, [email protected] Advertising Director: Bob Hall, 415-492-0382, [email protected] Concours Chair: James Heisey, 707-478-7962, [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Bill Walters, 415-412-2219, [email protected] Safety Director: Bill Newton, 707-526-5117, [email protected] Technical Advisor: Deven Wailes, 415-258-9619 Northern Reps: Jim Giampaolo, 707-442-6617, [email protected] Scott Downie, 707 725-6110, [email protected] Zone 7 Rep: Sharon Neidel [email protected] Past President: Kurt Fischer, 415-819-2210 [email protected] Forward email Email Marketing by This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected]. 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