Knit Tiara -


Knit Tiara -
*Knit Tiara*
Needle Size: use a slightly smaller size than the yarn calls for.
This tiara is knit with this knowledge in your pocket:
seed stitch k,p,k,p,etc - knit subsequent rows by purling the knits and knitting the purls,
yarn-overs (yo)
k2tog - Knit two together
k2tbl - knit two together through the Back loop (ssk may be substituted)
Casting-on and Binding-off
*I know, this could also be a crown, and it can be! However, I’m partial to cheerleaders and
princesses and the occasional queen, so, thusly, it is called a tiara.
Cast on and Yarn Info
Cast on 9 Stitches (light worsted) (7 for worsted/medium, 5 for bulky/large )
If you would like a grown-up size, knit with a larger count, and a thicker yarn...
The Knit Tiara as pictured, were knit with bulky yarn comparable to Reynolds Blizzard or Reynolds’
Bulky Lopi. The first example was completed with a 9 stitches band, the second with the same
yarn and a 5 stitch band.
1) Tiara Band
After casting on:
Knit in pattern below for approx 1/3 the diameter of his/her head.
*Seed row
Seed stitch to last 2 stitches, YO, K2tog
Seed row
Seed row, repeat from asterisk
2) Shallow point -increase sequence:
*seed stitch to next to last stitch in row, yo, k1
k1, yo, k2tog ...continue seed stitch to end of row. (repeat from * until you have 15 (13, 11))
stitches on needles)
3) Shallow point- decrease sequence
*k2tog tbl, yo, k2tog, seed stitch to end of row.
seed stitch until two stitches remain, yo, k2tog
Repeat from * until you have 9 (7, 5) stitches on your needles.
4) Large point - Increase sequence:
*seed stitch to next to last 2 stitches in row, yo, k1, yo, k1
k1, yo, k2tog ...continue seed stitch to end of row.
Repeat from * until you have 19 (17,15) stitches on needles
5) Large point decrease sequence:
*k2tog tbl, yo, k2tog, seed stitch to end of row.
seed stitch until four stitches remain, k2tog, yo, k2tog
Repeat from * until you have 9( 7, 5) stitches on your needles.
6) Repeat "Shallow point increase and decrease sequence" (step 2 and 3) once more.
7) Second half of Tiara Band – with 9 (5,7) stitches, continue to knit in Tiara Band pattern for
1/3rd the diameter of the head, stop at asterisk (*). Bind off and sew both ends of the bands
together to complete the crown. Weave in the remaining ends.
Block and Embellish Tiara:
Block the tiara lightly, to help assist in its shape. Embroider or crochet on beads, buttons,
ribbons (weave in the lacy eyelets) and other embellishments if the spirit moves you ---