saint patrick parish
saint patrick parish
SAINT PATRICK PARISH 610 S. PORTLAND ST. BRYAN, OHIO PASTOR Rev. Jim Halleron PRINCIPAL Mrs. Lisa Cinadr Office 636-1044 636-3592 YOUTH MINISTER DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEACONS Dennis Jackson Ignacio Garza Tom Dominque 485-8796 636-5243 636-6691 CONSULTATIVE BODIES PASTORAL COUNCIL Brad Colon 636-2028 Katherine Ping 636-0795 Deb Pietrykowski 636-7130 Dennis Kimpel 633-0219 Kathy Russell 636-1211 Mark Siracusa 553-9552 Tom Dominique 636-6691 Therese Seaman 630-0580 SCHOOL COUNCIL Sandy Calabrese Peggy Watson Jason Stubblefield 466-8195 633-7526 682-9346 FINANCE COMMITTEE Tom Lingvai Mark Beaver Lori Smith Tom DeNoi Dan Grube 636-7445 636-8721 636-7788 636-2445 799-1845 SCHOOL ENDOWMENT FUND Mike Shaffer 636-6650 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC PARISH WEBSITE SCHOOL WEBSITE Mission Statement - St. Patrick Parish The mission of St. Patrick Parish is to build up the Church by worshipping the Father, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus, and, guided by the Spirit, loving and serving others as we share our gifts. MASSES Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 11:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 4:00 until finish. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Contact Parish Office for Baptismal Preparation and time for the baptism. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact should be made with the Pastor six months before the anticipated wedding date. PARISH OFFICE ~ 636-1044 Patricia Cox, Secretary Christina Brandt & Shelley Beckmann, Bookkeepers NEW PARISHIONERS Contact Parish Office. MAINTENANCE Denny Stemen 636-3592 MINISTRIES CHRISTOPHERS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. ANNE CIRCLE ST. FRANCIS CIRCLE ST. THERESE CIRCLE WED. PRE-SCHOOL R.C.I.A. PRAYER CHAIN PARISH NURSE Tom Dominique Chris Roberts Donna Bechtol Peg Glaser 636-6691 636-0145 636-3880 636-3391 Jayne Steffel Carol Breidenbach Martha Harris Pat Boynton 636-7122 337-1161 636-8784 636-1044 BULLETIN Announcements must be in by Monday at 2:00 p.m. ST. PATRICK PARISH BRYAN, OH GREETERS Saturday, October 11 5:00 p.m. Kyle & Ann Robinett, Mark & Beth Siracusa Sunday, October 12 10:15 a.m. Don & Herminia Stewart, Patrick & Jami Tusko MONDAY, October 06 Gal 1:6-12/Lk 10:25-37 NO MASS TUESDAY, October 07 Gal 1:13-24/Lk 10:38-42 7:00 p.m. Larry Ewers & Paula Luke WEDNESDAY, October 08 Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Lk 11:1-4 8:15 a.m. Shirley R. Delbecq 10:30 a.m. Mass at Montpelier THURSDAY, October 09 Gal 3:1-5/Lk 11:5-13 NO MASS FRIDAY, October 10 Gal 3:7-14/Lk 11:15-26 6:45 a.m. Peggy Scherting SATURDAY, October 11 Gal 3:22-29/Lk 11:27-28 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish SUNDAY, October 12 Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 9:00 a.m. Mass at Montpelier 10:15 a.m. Bill & Marie Loyd MONDAY - FRIDAY – Communion Service at 7:25 a.m. SERVERS Saturday, October 11 5:00 p.m. Jacob Stubblefield, Lauryn Cinadr, Maelinn DeLong Sunday, October 12 10:15 a.m. Norah Pool, Nathan & Isaac Lamore LECTORS Saturday, October 11 5:00 p.m. Melinda St. John Sunday, October 12 10:15 a.m. Roz Wendorf EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday, October 11 5:00 p.m. Tammy Kunesh, Steve Mabus, Donna Missler, Paul & Kathy Ottenweller, Jeanette Roberts, Judy Roy, Mark Siracusa, Cathy Sito Sunday, October 12 10:15 a.m. Mark & Kathy Beaver, Brad & Cathy Colon, Bob Eyre, Mike Feyes, Richard Goebel, Tom Herman, Dennis Jackson USHERS Saturday, October 11 5:00 p.m. Vince Stark, Mike Tusko, Ed Clinker, Nelson Carder Sunday, October 12 10:15 a.m. Kevin Herman, Bill Martin, Mike Nowakowski, Mark Presnar CHRISTOPHERS Sunday, October 12 - Team #7 - Donna Missler, Tami Kunesh, Mike Kurivial, Jeanette Roberts, Jim Tucker, Mark Siracusa, Jane & Annika Shaffer COLLECTION COUNTERS Sunday, October 12 Donna Missler and Aurelia Meyers PARISH SUPPORT 28 September 2014 NEEDED: ......................................................................$9,500.00 ACTUAL: ......................................................................$6,147.00 NEEDED TO DATE: ................................................$124,000.00 ACTUAL TO DATE: ................................................$116,564.14 OVER/UNDER: .......................................................... ($7,435.86) THIS WEEK Sunday, October 05 9:15 am Shout Program/ Gr. 1-5 9:15 am Young Adults Program 3:00 pm Jump Program/Gr. 6-8 5:00 pm Jump Program/Gr. 9-12 7:00 pm R.C.I.A. Monday, October 06 Ready, Set, Relax School Scrip Order Due Tuesday, October 07 9:30 am Bible Study 7:00 pm St. Anne Circle Mtg. Thursday, October 09 6:30-7:00 pm School Market Day Pick-up Saturday, October 11 12:00-2:00 pm Rosary at St. Patrick Statue FESTIVAL ~ Please note that Sunday Mass will be at 10:15 am. PARISH FESTIVAL The 2014 Parish Festival is Sunday October 12th following mass. The dinner will be held in the cafeteria and games in the gymnasium until 3:00. A silent auction will take place that weekend beginning Friday at the PTO chili cook-off and ending Sunday afternoon. Volunteers are needed to help with the dinner, games, auction items, set up, and clean up. There are volunteer envelopes in the pews or you can contact Amy Francisco directly at 419.553.9910. Thank you for your support!! BINGO Sunday, October 12 - Team #4 - Mike Kurivial, Mike McInerney, Mike Worthington, Katie DeLong TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.' They seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?" - Mt 21:38-40 ALATAR FLOWERS ~ The altar flowers for this week are in memory of Bonnie Carder from her family. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE ~ Every family is visited by difficult times which can unite or divide. These hardships, which we would quickly reject, hold the potential to be the unifying “cornerstone” where we drop our pettiness and defenses and pull together, linked by a common bond and love for one another. PUBLIC SQUARE ROSARY ~ Please come join us as we pray the rosary for our Nation on Saturday, October 11, 12:00-2:00 pm at the St. Patrick Statue on the corner of Center & Portland Streets. For more information, please call Irene Castillo at 6365534. PARISH NURSING NEWS Healing Mass: The annual Mass of Healing will be Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at 7pm in the Church. Everyone is invited to attend. Healing will be the theme of the liturgy and music, and anointing with holy oils will be available at your seat. A short reception in the Gathering Space will follow the Mass. Plan to join us for this special evening. Rainbow of Wellness, the annual health care conference for mature adults and caregivers, will be held at the Veterans Memorial Building in Montpelier, Thursday, October 16, from 8:45am to 1pm. After a complimentary brunch, those attending will hear about good charities, avoiding scams, and cooking for one or two on a budget. The Williams County Sheriff will have a drop box for the disposal of old and outdated medications. Door prizes will be offered, and lunch will be served. The entertainment will be Jim Barron, an illusionist. Plan now to attend. For transportation or if you have questions, call your local senior center. NEVER LET GO MINISTRIES’ 4th annual Cruise-In will join Edgerton’s Fall Fest, in downtown Edgerton, Sat. Oct. 11th from 10:00-2:00 pm. Raffle tickets on a 42” flat screen TV are available now and throughout the cruise-in at $1 each or 6 for $5.00. There will be a silent auction, raffle, 50/50, and door prizes. Anyone interested in making a donation or buying tickets can contact Victor or Mary Juarez at 298-2618, or Sharon Sechler at 298-2002. DO YOU LOVE OUR COUNTRY? At St Mary Church, Defiance, the patriotic rosary will be prayed at 4:30 pm every Monday starting October 6. This is a beautiful world where we can ask for divine protection and mercy for our nation. We pray each Hail Mary for each state and also pray for our president, supreme court, senate, house of representatives, and governors. Traditional patriotic songs are sung. Now more than ever we need to pray for our nation. 5 OCTOBER 2014 CHURCH CLEANING TEAM The week of October 05 ~ Katie Burns and Rose Lirot ATHELETIC NEWS Visit our website at to stay up to date on all Irish athletics! We are in need of a cheerleading coach for this winter! If you are interested, please let Chris Malanga know ASAP (419-819-0089 or [email protected]). We would like to thank Jerry Elder, our golf instructor, for his many years of service to the parish athletic program. Jerry has decided to take a well-deserved retirement following this fall season and we are now looking for a golf coach. Please contact Chris Malanga for details. Be sure and visit the athletics bake sale as part of the parish festival next weekend. All proceeds will go toward new uniforms. THIS WEEK’S CONTEST SCHEDULE: Tuesday, October 7th, Volleyball vs. Monclova, 5:00 PM - Junior High, 6:00 PM - Elementary. Thursday, October 9th, Volleyball vs. Harlan Christian, 5:00 PM - Junior High, 6:00 PM - Elementary. SCHOOL NEWS DID YOU KNOW? WE TEACH LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION! We are committed to creating learning environments rooted in the values taught by Jesus Christ. Along with Lifelong Guidelines: personal best, no put downs, active listening, be trustworthy, and be truthful, we teach, practice and reinforce Life Skills as part of every school day. The Life Skills are: integrity, initiative, perseverance, organization, sense of humor, effort, common sense, problem solving, responsibility, patience, friendship, curiosity, cooperation, caring, courage, pride. The goal? Living as disciples of Jesus Christ and sending forth graduates who live those values through service, justice, peace, love and stewardship in their communities and the world. Our Third Grade students presented entertainment at our September Spirit Assembly reminding us that “all things are possible through Jesus.”. We are Different by Design. CONGRATULATIONS LIFE SKILL RECOGNITION RECIPIENTS FOR SEPTEMBER! PRESCHOOL/4: Ethan Bowman CLOVERGARTEN: Breanna Richmond KINDERGARTEN: Landen Reitzel, Carter Thiel GRADE ONE: Teagan Grimes, Jack Kennedy, Nora Kunsman GRADE TWO: Julia Brightman, Kenzie Wirth, Macy Xie GRADE THREE: Addison Egler, Dylan Koenig, Kailee Thiel GRADE FOUR: Caroline Brightman, Reese Grothaus, Ava Hurtt, Ashton Kimpel, Sarah Knight, Paige Kunsman, Molly McGuire, Emma Rettig, Montesa Vollmar, Joey Watson, Rachel Woenker GRADE FIVE: Brianna Buchanan, Aquilina Cordic, Cameron Davies, Lily Dixon GRADE SIX: JJ Devlin, Maci Tinkel GRADE SEVEN: Tom deKleyne, Max Kimpel, Paola Resendiz, Brianna Yager GRADE EIGHT: Kate Farrell, Anna Graham, Kate Grothaus, Crystal Xie OTHERS: Entire Second Grade, Entire Third Grade, Entire Eighth Grade. MARKET DAY™ and SCRIP GIFT CARDS ~ Go to to browse and order your family’s favorites or try new tasty products. Use our account number: 28426. October Market Day order pick up is Thursday, October 9, from 6:30-7:00 p.m. in the Gathering Space. Have a favorite to share? Let us tell our customers! Contact Mrs. Becky McGuire at 630-6833 for more information. Buy and use SCRIP™ gift cards like cash. Purchase the cards at their face value – the school receives a percentage of the sale. The next SCRIP™ order date is Monday, October 6. For more information, contact Stephanie Lamore at 636-7346. Dorsten Insurance B, O ST. JOHNS TIRE INC. 419-630-0622 STEVE ST. JOHN !"#"$%&$'()*$+$,-./0 “The Car Wash With The Tender Touch” BRYAN WASH & FILL 1114 SOUTH MAIN Monday-Saturday 8-8 Sun 9-6 Bryan Sherwood Hamilton 419-636-3139 636-5392 Michael A. Shaffer, Attorney Newcomer, Shaffer, Spangler & Breininger 419-636-3196 'Make a New Will 'Update your Old Will 'Consider a Trust 'Remember your Church 411 W. MAIN MONTPELIER REAL ESTATE ADVANTAGE 485-5588 419-553-6733 or 1-800-272-5588 NANCY BARNES ~ Andrea Roerig ~ West Unity STOCKMAN LAWN SERVICE 636-6572 NORTHWEST OHIO VISION CENTER BECOME A KNIGHT Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Eye Disease Bryan Knights of Columbus Council # 1915 NORTHWEST OHIO EYECARE Keith A. Woodard, O.D. Robert L. Hill, O.D. Tara L. Richmond, O.D. Doctors of Optometry HALL RENTAL 636-3968 8)JHI#SZBOr ASE Master Certified Imports and Domestics MATT WIELAND, Owner (419) 636-5000 XXXXJFMBOETBVUPDPN NJIIM6#6'6'TGH&10X g jHEMkJGJgGEKG 5+'$%10u$4+)*6T0'6 HEMgJGJgINKE Discover the Distinctive Difference Knowledgeable, Professional, more available options Find us at or visit us on Facebook FULL AUTO AND LIGHT TRUCK REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY. Have You Remembered? Is there a bequest in your will for your parish? EENH'5.';8'T4;#0X For Advertising Information call Terry Sweeney today! 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6323 [email protected] :HOFRPHWR RPHWR Country Cookin’ Good Times & Good Friends Ney, Ohio 419-658-2779 4PVUI6OJPO4Ut#SZBO0) 419-636-1053 A Program Center for Adults with Developmental Disabilities CHRYSLER - DODGE - JEEP - RAM !"#$%&'()*%+,-./0,%&)12%340*5'67 RENT FOR YOUR NEXT EVENT 3570 St. Rte. 576, Bryan, OH MPSSPUNOVTLVYN WICKS’ 1031 W. High St., Bryan 419.636.2618 “HOME OF THE ICEE” !"#$!!%$&%'()*)+,--)./00)"$122$!!%$(%'()))))333450//6708/9:;<4:,= 4QFDJBMJ[JOHJO %FTJHO#VJME 1SPKFDUT $PNNFSDJBM *OEVTUSJBM 3FTJEFOUJBM 216 S. Union St. Bryan, OH 419-630-0112 BUY ONE PIZZA AT FULL PRICE, GET SECOND (SAME SIZE) PIZZA AT 1/2 PRICE 313 Washington St., P.O. Box 225, Blakeslee SBZ!UIJFMDPOTUSVDUJPODPN ~ PARISHIONERS ONLY ~ RUSS DAVIES, BETH POOL, KEVIN MORTON HAVE A NICE DAY 5VY[O3`UU:[)Y`HU6/ 5VY[O+LÄHUJL:[(YJOIVSK6/ 5VY[O:OVVW(]L:[L>H\ZLVU6/ 5VY[O4PJOPNHU(]L,KNLY[VU6/ THE TANTOCO’S 800-636-0983 419-658-2720 Ney, Oh. 1107 E. High Farmers & Merchants State Bank Have you thought to remember the church in your will? What a beautiful way to give thanks back to God for all God’s gifts to you! &BTU)JHI4USFFUt#SZBO0) 419-636-9011 BOE4PVUI.BJO 419-636-6104 3-D-5-2 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-521-4486 ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0023