February 2-3 2013 Bulletin - St Francis Xavier Cathedral
February 2-3 2013 Bulletin - St Francis Xavier Cathedral
FEBRUARY 3, 2013 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH OFFICE 139 S. Madison, Green Bay, WI 54301 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-4:00 pm Phone: (920) 432-4348 Fax: (920) 435-5068 Email: [email protected] Prayer Network: (920) 437-4218 __________________________ Website www.sfxcathedralgb.org __________________________ BISHOP OF GREEN BAY The Most Reverend David L. Ricken RECTOR AND PASTOR Fr. John W. Girotti e-mail: [email protected] Deacon: Mr. Thomas J. Mahoney Director of Administration: Rosemary M. Anshus Pastoral Associate: Ann M. Vorpahl Director of Music: Jody L. Strnad Event & Volunteer Coordinator / Administrative Assistant: Sonia D. Hitt Sacristan: Dawn E. Shaw Bookkeeper: Vicki L. Matuszak Faith Formation Coordinator: Connie A. DeMeuse Maintenance Manager: Jim G. VanRemortel Cathedral Trustees: Kenneth C. Reigh, Secretary Charles L. Johnson, Treasurer Parish Council President: Andrew H. Opicka Finance Council President: Kenneth C. Reigh Mass Intentions Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am Saint Francis xavier Cathedral Parish 139 South Madison Green Bay, WI 534301-4501 920-432-4348 Monday 8:30 am Tuesday 8:300 am Wednesday 8:30 am February 2 † Loren Cismoski February 3 † Living & Deceased Members of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral; St. John the Evangelist Parish, Green Bay; St. Rose Parish, Clintonville; St. Mary Parish, Bear Creek February 4 † Debra Blaser Schultz February 5 † Cecilia Grutzmacher (Anniversary of Death) February 6 † Frank Scasny (Anniversary of Death) Thursday 8:30 am † Concetta Scasny Friday 8:30 am † Joanne Beno Monday - Friday ............................................................ 8:30 am Saturday 4:00 pm † Joseph O’Neil Devotions Sunday 9:00 am † Fr. Tony Dolski Weekend Masses Saturday ......................................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday ........................................................................... 9:00 am Weekday Masses Mondays-Fridays before Mass …………………………Rosary Tuesdays & Thursdays after Mass …..Chaplet of Divine Mercy Tuesdays ………………………………Perpetual Help Novena Fridays ...................................................... Sacred Heart Novena Holy Days of Obligation Vigil .............................................................................. 5:15 pm Holy Day ....................................................................... 8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays ................................................ 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Confessions Saturdays ...................................................... 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm Wednesdays .................................................. 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Baptism Call to arrange a date & time. A preparation session is required. Marriage Call the parish office at least 9 months in advance of your desired wedding date. Museum Tours by appointment. ......................................... 920-432-4348 St. Thomas More School 650 S. Irwin Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301 Principal, Mrs. Mary McCabe February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 NO OLD PALMS, PLEASE We no longer burn palms here at the Cathedral for Ash Wednesday so we kindly ask that you no longer return your palms here. Since the palms have been blessed, you may either burn or bury them yourselves. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be at the Cathedral, Sundays, February 17, March 3, 10, 17 & 24 at 11 am. Due to the diocesan Mass for Health Care Providers at 11 am on Sunday, February 24, there will be NO Stations. Readings for the Week of January 27, 2013 Sunday:………Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 ……………………………………….or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30 Monday:……………………...Heb 11:32-40/Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday:………………………..Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday:…………...Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday:…….…...Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Friday:………….………………..Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday:………..Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday:…………..Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/1 Cor 15:1-11 ……………………………………..or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11 LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. Catholics who have celebrated their 14th birthday are to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays in Lent and Good Friday. 2. In addition to abstaining from meat, Catholics who have celebrated their 18th birthday, until they celebrate their 59th birthday, are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Those who are bound to this regulation may only eat one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. 3. These minimal penitential practices should not be lightly excused. WHO IS IT? IS IT YOU? Whenever we recruit Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, people understand the necessity, but tend to think “I couldn’t do that; someone else should.” In fact those who believe themselves unworthy are usually the people with the right disposition and sense of humility. A practicing Catholic in good standing with Church, who has a pious reverence for the Eucharist is exactly who we need. Right now our numbers are critically low. We need to add ten Sunday volunteers in order to continue offering you both the Body and the Precious Blood. If you fit the above criteria, will you come forward? Will you take this step to expand your participation in the Liturgy? The rewards will amaze you! Who will help? Is it YOU? Call Sacristan Dawn Shaw at 737-7342. AED/CPR TRAINING Any parishioners who would like to be certified in basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and using the AED (defibrillator) are invited to attend a training session on Tuesday, February 5 at 6:30 pm in the BWC Hall. Please call the parish office to make reservations: 432-4348 ESTO VIR Join Esto Vir Men’s Conference, Saturday, March 2 at St. Pius X Parish Appleton. Registration begins at 7:00 am, conference at 8:00 am concluding with Mass at 4:00 pm. For more information or to register go to www.estovir.com or call 920-347-2950. January 26th and 27th, 2013 Sacrificial Giving…………………………………..$ 7321.00 Offertory Collection………………………………..$ 431.40 St. Vincent de Paul…………………………………$ 573.00 Building and Maintenance…………………………$ 25.00 Total………………………………………………..$ 8350.40 We need an average of $8000.00 from the weekly collection to meet our budget. YEAR OF FAITH Family Resources for the Year of Faith Handing on the faith is a privileged and joyful task of parents, but it can seem daunting at times. That’s why the Year of Faith is such a blessing. During this time the whole Church focuses on nurturing the gift of faith we received at baptism. Dioceses and parishes have planned special activities, many designed for families. But there’s much that families can do, right in the home, to help members deepen their relationship with Christ. Below are a few suggestions to get started. Resources can be accessed online at http://www.usccb.org/beliefs and-teachings/how-we-teach/newevangelization/year -of-faith/year -of-faithfamily-resources.cfm) Tips for keeping Sunday holy and family-oriented: Dies Domini: John Paul II, On Keeping the Lord's Day Holy Jesus' Eager Desire: Our Participation in the Sunday Mass: Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap., Pastoral Letter, November 2011 Celebrating the sacramental life of the Church as a family: How to go to Confession: helpful information for each family member on the Sacrament of Penance How to take small children to Mass Suggestions on how to pray as a married couple Prayers and Devotionals to learn and pray as a family: The Family Prayer for the Year of Faith The Rosary Prayers for special themes/occasions (e.g., Thanksgiving, Advent, etc.) Eucharistic Adoration - make a Holy Hour as a family, or offer up intentions for your family members in Adoration Additional ideas and resources for strengthening faith in the family: Ideas for building the family as "the domestic Church" Short excerpts from Church teaching for families during the Year of Faith The relics for veneration this week are: St. Blaise, feast day is February 3 St. Dorothy, feast day is February 6 From Our Pastor My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The New Age Movement – continued from last week… Common New Age Beliefs: Let us now examine 10 of the most common New Age beliefs so that we can better understand this movement and how it differs from Christianity. Angels: The recent popularity of angels in our culture is directly related to the New Age Movement. For the most part, this popularity has nothing to do with Christianity. Indeed angels are part of Christian belief, however, the NAM takes angels in another direction. Angels for those in the NAM are spiritual guides that are nothing more than energies that lead us to discovering ourselves. Channeling: Psychics or mediums claim to act as channelers of information from other beings, usually dead or living. This is nothing more that conjuring or spiritism – a séance. Crystals: These are believed to vibrate at significant frequencies and are useful for personal transformation. These are used as lucky charms or in various NAM therapies. Enneagram: This a diagram composed of a circle with nine points on its circumference, connected within the circle by a triangle and a hexangle. Originally used for pagan divination, now it is used by some to determine psychological personality. Feng-Sui: This is an occult Chinese practice of finding the energy present in a room. Each room must be arranged in such a way to maximize its energy and to prevent harmful imbalances. Karma: This is from the Hindu religion and it is believed to be the universal law of cause and effect. A good act causes a good effect for the person doing the action. A bad act does likewise. For the NAM movement, karma has nothing to do with salvation but rather with maintaining the balance of the moral universe. Positive Thinking: This is the conviction that people can change physical reality or external circumstances by changing their mental attitude. Positive thinkers are promised health and wholeness with wealth and even immortality. The NAM has embraced this practice. Reincarnation: This NAM belief is borrowed from Hinduism and other Eastern religions. It is the belief that the soul is reborn into another being until it reaches perfection. For the NAM, it is not an issue of sin that cause such rebirth but rather the pursuit of spiritual awareness. Shamanism: This NAM practice is a communication with the spirits of nature or the spirits of the dead through ritualized possession of a shaman. The shaman is an individual who serves as a medium for the ritual. Wholeness: The word “wholeness” is often used by the New Age Movement. Humanity is seen as fitting into the universe as part of a single living organism, a harmonious network of dynamic relationships. When one understands one’s place in nature and in the cosmos, one finds wholeness and peace. Wicca: This is an Old English term for witches. Wicca was reinvented in England in 1939 and is seen by its followers as a revival of medieval witchcraft. Called “the Craft” it is growing rapidly in the United States where it has often been blended with women’s spirituality. The NAM movement is involved in popularizing Wicca with the rise in popularity of Halloween, witch novels for young girls, and television shows about witches. In encountering any of these activities or beliefs, Christians must be extremely cautious. These activities will not bring a person closer to Jesus Christ. To be continued next week… Fr. Girotti FROM CATHEDRAL STAFF Dear Cathedral Parishioners, My name is Jody Strnad and I am the Director of Music. On January 7 – 14, 2013, I made a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy with the CRCCM, Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians and was reminded of the power of music. I would like to share one of the powerful experiences I had in Rome. While we were in the church of Saint Ignatius checking out the organ as we did in many of the churches, there was a group of French high school students studying the many artistic illusions of the church, including the illusion of a dome even though it is painted on a flat ceiling. It is said that Galileo was involved in creating this. At some point the French students finished their study and hearing the organ playing were drawn to the organ console. I am not sure how the organist, a member of CRCCM and those French students communicated since I assumed they spoke French and the organist did not, but maybe through a few words were able to communicate. All of a sudden we hear the French National Anthem “La Marseillaise” being played and the students singing. Immediately, their teacher was also drawn to the music and seeing her come away with a huge smile on her face made my day. The organist had dared the students that he would play that song if they sang. It was through the music that they were able to communicate and not only touched the hearts of those students, but of everyone who was there in that church that day. This may not have been a liturgical piece of music but at the moment, in my humble opinion, it was. And again, I thank God for the gift of music! Jody Strnad, Director of Music for Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral A NOTE FROM FR. GIROTTI We are exploring the possibility of new kneelers in our church. This investment will certainly help our sore knees, but also be easier to lift, provide for desperately needed room in our tight pews, and, most important, cut down on the ...CRASHES! Like everything, this is an expensive project that we are discussing and discerning in the parish councils and committees. Now for the fun part: two sample kneelers have been installed somewhere in our church. Can you find where they are and try them out? Let me know your thoughts... and kneelings! Calendar of Events Week of February 4………………...Small Groups Begin Tuesday………………………………………..February 5 6:30 pm………...AED/CPR Training - BWC, all are invited Saturday…………………………………….…February 9 6:30 am…………Esto Vir Mass at 7 am , meeting to follow Monday……………………………………….February 11 6:00 pm…………..Natural Family Planning Session - BWC Wednesday…………………………………...February 13 8:30 am & 5:15 pm ……………….Ash Wednesday Masses 7:00 pm……………Fr. Girotti’s “Explanation of the Mass” Sunday………………………………………..February 17 11:00 am……………………………...Stations of the Cross Sunday………………………………………..February 24 NO coffee & rolls & NO Stations of the Cross SAME-SEX ATTRACTION AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Courage: Catholic Faith in Action is a spiritual support group helping persons with same-sex attraction to foster friendships, to live chastely and to deepen their faith. The Diocese of Green Bay chapter is affiliated with the international Courage Ministry. Membership in the support group, its discussions and the meeting times and places are kept strictly confidential. Members pledge to maintain confidentiality to foster a community of trust, respect and love. For information, contact Father John Doerfler: 920272-8180 (office) or 920-432-4348, ext. 211 (residence). EnCourage: Catholic Faith in Action is a spiritual support group dedicated to the needs of parents, siblings, children and other relatives and friends of persons who have samesex attraction. The members support one another and their loved ones through discussion, prayer and fellowship. The members strive to extend the love of Christ to persons with same-sex attraction, and help them to live chaste lives through their apostolate of prayer. Membership in the support group and the discussions are kept strictly confidential. Contact Father John Doerfler: 920-272-8180 (office) or 920-432-4348, ext. 211 (residence). MAKE THIS YOUR BEST LENT EVER! The beautiful season of Lent is just around the corner. Have you thought of what you will do in your effort to draw closer to our dear Lord during this holy time? Make a commitment today that can change your life: plan to spend some time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament where He waits for you in Exposition on the altar here at the Cathedral every Wednesday. He waits for your visit…come and spend quiet time with Him in prayer and contemplation. Make this Lent your best ever with your close encounter with Christ. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to say “yes” to the Lord. Each one of us is called and encouraged to put Christ first in our life and Lent is a great time to take stock and assess our priorities. It is a privileged time for us to reflect on our eternal destiny and everything the Lord has done and continues to do for us. Sign up this weekend for an hour, or even a half hour, that can change your life if you are willing to open your heart, your mind and your soul to Him. On the night before he died for us, Jesus asked his disciples, “Could you not watch one hour with me?” As we read the Scriptures these days, we see that He asks the same question of us today! Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR CONSECRATRED LIFE This Sunday, February 3, is set aside as World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life, a special day of prayer for those sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who are part of our lives. The Diocese of Green Bay is blessed with many women and men in religious life. Please pray for them today in a special way! Pray also that many young men and women will continue to be inspired to respond to the call to religious life. St. John the Evangelist Parish 413 Saint John Street, Green Bay, WI 54301 920-436-6380 Ash Wednesday Mass February 13, 5:30 pm Faithfest Faithfest is February 6 starting at 5 pm with supper in the hall then a meeting in the church at 6 pm. All are welcome. Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, & 23 at 2:30 pm. CREDO FAITH FORMATION EXPLANATION OF THE MASS Fr. Girotti’s "Explanation of the Mass" talk will be Ash Wednesday, February 13 at 7:00 pm in church. All parishioners, family, and friends, are invited to this informative presentation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. TOTUS TUUS SUMMER CATECHETICAL YOUTH MISSION RETURNING…JUNE 16-21, 2013! Totus Tuus (“totally yours”) Summer Youth Mission will be held in our parish the week of June 16-21. Totus Tuus is a week-long “parish youth mission” whereby seminarians and college students proclaim the Gospel through catechetical instruction, Mass, the Sacraments, skits, games and more! The mission is open to children and teens in grades 1-12. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! More information will be forthcoming! FROM OUR CATECHISTS My name is Greg Rotherham and I am a Catechist, teaching grades 10 – 12. This is my first year and it’s been a very rewarding experience for me. I am incredibly impressed with the kids - their knowledge and interest in growing in their faith as young Catholics is awesome. The goal of the Credo (Latin for “I believe”) program is Eternal Life – to bring souls to Christ and assist parents in “making Saints”! Clearly this group of young people has gotten excellent reinforcement at home. We utilize the Didache Series Book “Understanding the Scriptures.” The textbook systematically presents the story of salvation history as it is revealed in Sacred Scripture. It investigates the various books of the Bible and demonstrates how they confirm our Catholic Faith. We also demonstrate the complementary nature of the teaching authority of the Catholic Church – the Magisterium, as well as oral and written traditions. We use various techniques to learn together including reading from Scripture and the Catechism, large group discussion, written exercises, DVD’s (Fr. Barron’s Catholicism series along with many other Catholic sources and individual presentations). We begin each class by praying Vespers – evening prayer and end each evening with the Liturgy of the Hours and Eucharistic Adoration. We always have a current Catholic event, Saint of the Day or special item. For example, in fall we spent time on the non-negotiables for Catholics at the voting booth. We’ve had guest speakers including Seminarian, Greg Parent, during vocations week, who challenged the students to answer God’s call to holiness, by learning to listen to Him through the noise of busy teenage lives. Fr. Girotti is especially committed to CREDO and makes himself available Wednesday evenings, in case there are any questions or concerns that need answers. The kids enjoy when he pops in and visits with them, which he does often. Teaching Credo has been such an uplifting experience. I feel confident that these young people will not only reach the fullness of their own faith but are becoming better equipped as a member of the “Church Militant” to charitably defend their Faith as adults living in a secular world, intent on attacking the Catholic Church. Please pray for them and all the students in the CREDO program – they’re praying for you too! St. Catherine Book and Gift Shop For the Year of Faith, St. Catherine Book Shop is starting a new chapter with a new name! Cathedral Book & Gift Helping people to know and love Jesus through their Catholic faith! 131 S. Madison Street Green Bay, WI 920-432-0078 Like us on Facebook Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 am – 5:00 pm, Sat 10 am – 4 pm February Prayer Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI: Apostleship of Prayer Migrant Families. That migrant families, especially the mothers, may be supported and accompanied in their difficulties. Peace. That the peoples at war and in conflict may lead the way in building a peaceful future.