27-28 April 2012


27-28 April 2012
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
Dear the 3rd Communication Research Conference participants.
The turn of the second decade of the 21st Century has witness of major political
and social changes. Politically many regimes, thought as invincible before, suddenly
beckoned down to the pressure of people’s power. In some cases it was with huge
price to pay. Socially, we also see that almost no society today that has not been
touch by changes. In fact, changes is the only constant in a society’s history.
Within those changes, we bear witness that much of the changes were motored
by young generations just like the previous generations brought changes to their
predecessors. Therefore, we believe that it is only fitting that we took those events as
the main thought in selecting in this year’s conference topic: Youth, Media and Social
Since the the very first conference, we at STIKOM LSPR believes that this
conference should refer as a community forum. A forum where all walks of life that
concerned with Communication studies should sit down together and talk. Through
talks we can create understanding, and most importantly: knowledge.
Therefore it is the very best hope that for we will gain the best knowledge and sharing
through this conference. Thank you for participating. We are looking forward to see
you again next year.
Jakarta, April 27th, 2012.
Ari S. Widodo Poespodihardjo Ph.D
Conference Chairman.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 01
Perception of Domestic Tourists On The Official Website Of
Indonesia Tourism
Isabela Ratih Sekartaji
Martiningsih Agung Chandra
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
The digital era and web development nowadays have impacted on the online
media being used as part of daily activities of human life. The department of culture and
tourism in Indonesia/government in charge of tourism have used their official website
for promoting the country’s tourism to the international and domestic tourists/travelers.
This study aims only to explore how domestic tourists response or perception on
the official website of Indonesia tourism which has been revamped several times. The
research method used in this study is quantitative approach using 40 questionnaires
and supported by secondary data through media monitoring (newspapers, magazines
and online media/websites).
The results of this study showed that the domestic tourists have good responses
and perception about the official website, even though they still have doubt about the
contents and integrity of the website. In addition, the elements that need to be improved
in order to increase interest to travel within the country, among others are the accuracy
of information, clear description and updated information of the tourist attractions, and
the navigation system - an online booking service, as well as the additional links to
other useful destination websites, and response rate to the web user/visitor.
Keywords: Department of Culture and Tourism, Official Website, Domestic Tourists,
and Perception.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 03
Leissure Time, Social Media, and Youth Idendity
Finsensius Yuli Purnama
Sosial media telah menjadi salah satu media yang sangat digemari oleh
masyarakat Indonesia, terutama anak muda. Data www.checkfacebooker.com 27
januari 2012 menunjukkan Indonesia berada di peringkat 3 setelah US, dan India
dengan jumlah pengguna 43,060,360. Dengan demikian, asumsinya adalah bahwa
sebagaian waktu luang anak muda dihabiskan untuk mengkonsumsi sosial media.
Bagaimana anak muda menggunakan menggunakan facebook dalam mengisi waktu
luangnya dan konstruksi identitas yang terbentuk ketika seseorang mengkonsumsi
facebook akan dipaparkan dalam penelitian ini. Asumsinya adalah bahwa dalam dunia
maya, seseorang dapat memiliki identitas yang sesuai dengan yang dia inginkan
(bukan yang sebenarnya, atau yang seharusnya). Selain itu, seseorang juga dapat
memiliki lebih dari satu identitas dengan menggunakan akun facebook yang berbeda.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 04
Fenomena Twitter Dan Keterbukaan Diri Remaja (Studi Pada
Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UAI)
Ryanka D. Putra, Puspareti A. Nurul,
Lia Rizqiah
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta
Perkembangan media baru saat ini semakin pesat seiring dengan perkembangan
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Media baru melahirkan berbagai bentuk interaksi
gaya baru dan salah satu yang mendapat perhatian khalayak di Indonesia adalah
media sosial dalam bentuk microblog yaitu Twitter. Media ini merupakan jenis media
sosial yang bisa digunakan oleh siapa saja karena kemudahan dalam mengaksesnya.
Twitter yang menyajikan 140 karakter dalam penulisannya ini, banyak digunakan oleh
penikmat media sosial di Indonesia terutama oleh para remaja. Twitter hadir disaat
para remaja sedang aktif dalam menggunakan media sosial seperti Facebook dan
Blog. Karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana keterbukaan
remaja (khususnya remaja akhir 18-21 tahun) yang terjadi di microblog Twitter melalui
akun pribadi mereka dan menjelaskan apa yang membuat remaja menjadi lebih
terbuka mengenai dirinya sendiri terhadap umum dengan menggunakan metodologi
kualitatif deskriptif.
Berdasarkan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa hal-hal yang biasa dituliskan atau
dibuka oleh remaja di akun Twitter pribadi diantaranya adalah aspek sehari-hari,
hubungan percintaan, hubungan persahabatan dan pandangan terhadap lingkungan
sekitar. Hal yang mendorong remaja menjadi lebih terbuka mengenai dirinya sendiri
di Twitter biasanya pada saat keadaan dimana seseorang tidak tahu harus berbuat
apa, karena perasaan tertentu, kepuasan yang didapat, tanggapan pribadi terhadap
Twitter yang berpengaruh kepada cara penggunaannya dan penyesuaian karakter diri,
serta menunjukkan karakter diri. Beberapa hal baru yang ditemukan dalam penelitian
ini adalah bahwa dengan seringnya seseorang memposting mengenai dirinya dan
lingkungan sekitarnya yang berhubungan dengan dirinya, pada akhirnya dia sendiri
dan bahkan orang lain bisa mengetahui lebih banyak tentang siapa seseorang itu,
seperti apa dan lain-lain. Selain itu keterbukaan diri remaja saat ini sudah berbeda
dengan beberapa konsep keterbukaan diri yang ada, karena bisa saja seseorang
sedemikian terbuka bahkan dengan orang yang tidak dikenalnya.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 05
Love, Flings and Break-ups
Intimacy, Media, and Youth
Dian Arymami
Universitas Gajah Mada
Media development has taken a revolutionary leap. In this information era, the
inseparable role of communication technology in daily life has intertwined in creating
culture, way of life, and social interaction is unquestionable. Its function has inevitably
changing norms, human interaction, and relationships; none the less intimacy and
romantic relationship. Various studies has been conducted in contemporary romance
and courtship practices in adults (Hartup 1999), but surprisingly very little has been
focused on teens. Whilst approximately one-third of the world’s population is made up
of 2 billion young people under 18. In this contemporary age, new media has provided
a new venue for intimacy practices and renders these practices simultaneously more
public and more private, creating a potential new kinds or social norms and relationships.
Communication technology and media developments have made it possible
for teens in this matter to meet, flirt, date, and break up outside of the earshot and
eyesight of their parents and other adults while also doing these things in front of all
of their online friends. Mediated relational and emotional practices is central to being
a part of an offline social world need to be taken seriously as they are structuring
social and communicative practices can become a site of intergenerational tension,
misunderstanding, or simply a new social interaction form, a turn of a whole new
civilization of social interaction.
*Dian Arymami is research assistant in the communication department of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 06
How Facebook Influences University’s Brand Image
Bambang Sukma Wijaya & Dianingtyas M. Putri
Bakrie University
The social network media’s booming nowadays should give wider opportunity for
companies or institutions to communicate their brand, not only depending on traditional
media such as TV, Radio or Prints anymore. For educational institutions like a university,
social network media can be used as communication bridge between institution and
stakeholders so that impacts on building good image or perception.This research
intends to describe how the utilization of Facebook as one of social network media
can influence university’s brand image. The focus is on Bakrie University’s Facebook
account usage. Using survey method with explanative type research, data is collected
by giving out questionaires to samples that are taken randomly from Bakrie University’s
Facebook friend list. The result shows that, generally, activities on social network media
such as Participation, Openness, Conversation, Comunity, and Connectedness posess
a significant influence on establishing Bakrie University’s brand image especially those
related to Brand Identity, Brand Personality, Brand Associations, Brand Attitude, and
Brand Benefits. The strongest influence occurs on the relation between Openness,
Conversation, and Connectedness with Brand Personality and Brand Attitude. This
shows that openness of communication in social media is very effective in establishing
positive perception towards the brand of a university.
Keywords: Social Network Media, Facebook, Brand Image, Bakrie University
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 07
The Influence of Lecturer’s Mediated Self-Disclosure to its
Perceived Credibility (Experimental Study of Communication
Students, FISIP UI)
Gilang Reffi Hernanda
Universitas Indonesia
The lecturer-student communications has not been spotlighted in research
literatures in Indonesia. The Indonesian high internet penetration that is followed by
the rapid use of social media among Indonesian students and lecturers has shed the
light the idea of this study. This study attempted to reveal the relationship between
lecturer’s mediated self-disclosure through Facebook (by seeing the degree of
disclosure of personal information, personal photos, and status updates frequency)
and the influence to the lecturer’s student’s perceived credibility. Using cross sectional
experimental study method participated by 42 Communication students FISIP UI batch
2010. In addition, by utilizing the instrument firstly established by McCroskey and Teven
(1997) to measure the perceived credibility construct, this study resulted a significant
difference of perceived credibility amongst three experimental groups (low, medium,
and high mediated self-disclosure), particularly in the competence and trustworthiness
dimensions. This study has failed to disclose any significant difference in goodwill
dimension of perceived credibility. Hence, the study recommended betterment into the
measurement of goodwill dimension of perceived credibility.
Keywords: Communication Education, New Media, Facebook, Mediated SelfDisclosure, Perceived Credibility
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 08
Communication Research: Public Relations Performance
Dr. Elvinaro Ardianto, Drs. M.Si.
Padjadjaran University, Bandung
Title of paper is “the Communication Research: Public Relations Performance
Measurement.” Public Relations (PR) is part of Communication Science, and
Communication is backbone for pratical PR Programs. PR Research is part of
Communication Research, and Communication Research is very important for pratical
PR Programs. PR Performance Measurement is part of PR Research. In Indonesia,
PR Performance Measurement is new. Models of PR Performance Measurement: The
PII Model (1985) by Cutlip, Center dan Broom, The Macro Model of PR Evaluation
(1992) or The Pyramid Model of PR Research (1999) to develop by Jim Macnamara,
The PR “Effectiveness Yardstick” Model (1993) by Lindenmann, The Continuing Model
of Evaluation (1997) by Tom Watson. PR Performance Measurement: Corporate PR
Audit, Coprorate Communication Audit, and Corporate Social Audit. The PR Audit as
the names implies involves a comprehensive study of the public relations position of
an organization: how it stands in the opinion of its various publics. Kinds of PR Audit
are: Relevant Publics, The Organization’s Standing with Publics, Issues of Concern
to Publics, Power of Public, Communication Audit is making process analysis for
communications in company by internal or external consultant, and to purpose for
improving company efficiency. Methods of Communication Audit: Readership Survey,
Content Analysis, Readability Studies, Communication Climate Survey, Network
Analysis. Social Audit is survey for attitude and opinion to measure perception of varyin
publics about social repsons of a company.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 09
Augmented Interactivity: Reality on Social Media
Ayub Wahyudi
Paramadina University
Improvement of media communication has been walked together with technology
innovation. It helps media communication to minimize two basic challenge of
communication itself; space and time. Media communication, thanks to technology
innovation, not just offer compression of space, it offer a whole new unlimited space
thus we know as a virtual world that offer a virtual reality but latest innovation that
known as “Augmented Reality” was go beyond the virtual reality itself. It offers both
virtual and reality at same time. It offers new interactivity. As we know, innovation of
technology like two-sided coin, it has effects. We assume that this new interactivity is
different to interactivity that new media offer, such as social media. It could give new
character to social media.
Reality is represented world by media. McLuhan said that “medium is the
message”. Message is the what the media are. When reality is percieved, it percieved
with the media character within. In other word, new interactivity means new point of
view to the world and the result may a sosial change. This paper will give critical point
of view to the effect of these new-offered interactivity at social media using and also to
social change that will emerge that cause by.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Interactivity, Social Media.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 10
Communication Intensity and Relational Dialectics In
Long Distance Relationship
Tuti Widiastuti
Universitas Bakrie
The background of this study is the phenomenon of the number of students who
undergo long-distance relationship (LDR) with their partner. This research wants to know
the extent of influence on the level of intensity called dialectical relationship of couples
undergoing this LDR.In general, the theory used for this study is Relational Dialectics
Theory from Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery. Contention in a relationship at the
core of the concept of relational dialectics andopposition that became a key concept
in this theory refers to the reciprocal relationships that dynamically occur between
a united opposition. Conflicts are formed when there are two tendencies/coercions
which are interdependent/the principle of unity andyet mutually negate one another/
the principle of rejection.Research method used in is a case studywhich focuses on
one case in an individual, a group, an organization, etc. within its social context at one
point in time, even if that one time spans months or years, or a design with a long and
respected history.From the data analysis which implies that the intensity of the call and
the dialectic has a very weak. It proves that the higher the intensity of calls, the lower
level of the dialectic relationship is right or acceptable.
Keywords: communication intensity, relational dialectics, and long distance relationship
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 11
Internet Dependency Among Youth
Reza Safitri, Hasmah Zanuddin
University of Malaya, Malaysia
The emerging of information and communication technology (ICT) has changed
society significantly, in term of the way they communicate. This new technology,
particularly internet, enables someone to connect with anyone easily --in any parts
of the world-- as geographic boundaries have now becoming ‘borderless’ and the
space becoming more ‘narrow’, just like a global village, as predicted by McLuhan.
The amount of Internet users among youth is increasing every year. Does such uses
causes dependencies on the Internet? What kind of aspect youth depends on Internet?
The aim of this study is to explore internet dependency among youth. A survey of 431
students was conducted at 21 Senior High School in Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
Factor Analysis was used to categorize the dependency among youth. The data reveal
that the main usage of Internet are to getting news and entertainment, communication
and getting particular information. Data anaysis used is Factor Analysis to categorizing
the Internet dependency among youth.
Reza Safitri is a postgraduate student under Department of Media Studies, Faculty
of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. She is currently working on his
postgraduate thesis, title An Examination of Social Impact Factors on Internet Social
Networking Sites (SNSs) Users in Malang, East Java, Indonesia.
Hasmah Zanuddin is an Associate Professor at the Department of Media Studies,
University Malaya. Her research focus is media related issues, policy and public
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 12
Youth and Social Media: New Marketing Tools Among Youth in
Sanggar Kanto, Reza Safitri, and Maya Diah Nirwana
University of Brawijaya Malang
The objectives of this research is: (1) to identify youth’s behavior in their Facebook
or Twitter accounts. (2) Knowing the amount of time spent by the students in using
communication technology. (3) Observing whether there is significant differences on
behavior between male and female youth in using communication technology. The
method used is mix method. The respondents consist of 149 college students of
Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Year 2010. The
technique used is questionnaires applying Likert Scale. Meanwhile, data analysis is
using both descriptive analysis and exploratory factor analysis/EFA. Research results
show that: (1) The behavior of youth in Facebook and Twitter is mainly focuses on the
needs of private relations such as: posting on the wall, editing profile, writing message,
posting new photos, or tagging the photos. The interesting thing from their behavior
is that they also use Facebook and Twitter as business media, for the activities such
as selling or advertising something and purchasing something. Other usage pattern
of SNS is for the needs of entertainment, knowing friends activities and seeking new
friends. (2) Using Facebook and Twitter has been a routine activity for the youth, which
means that they access Facebook or Twitter everyday. They feel alienated when they
do not access Facebook or Twitter any time. They are also proud of being a part of
this virtual community. They access Facebook and Twitter for about 10 to 15 times
in a day. (3) The difference on behavior between male and female youth in using
Facebook and Twitter is obtained by using t-test with the results as below: (a) Female
students descriptively use SNSs for the needs of interpersonal relationship, business,
and making appointments. Meanwhile the male students’ pattern of usage shows that
SNSs are for entertainment, knowing friends’ activities, and communication. (b) There is
no significant difference between male and female in the usage Facebook and Twitter.
Keywords: Behavior of youth, Facebook, Media Diet
Sanggar Kanto is aProfessor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University
of Brawijaya. His research focus on sociology.
Maya DiahNirwana is a lecturer at the Communication Department, Faculty of Social
and Political Sciences, University of Brawijaya. Her research focus on Computer
Mediated Communication (CMC) and Public Relations.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 13
Holiganisme 2.0 : Anak Muda dan Perubahan Sosial dalam Konflik
Suporter Sepak bola melalui Media Sosial Internet
Fajar Junaedi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Holiganisme supporter sepak bola adalah persoalan pelik dalam ranah olah raga
paling popular di dunia ini. Holiganisme awalnya merujuk pada aksi yang mengarah
pada kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh suporter sepak bola di Eropa, terutama di Inggris.
Kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh suporter Liverpool terhadap suporter Juventus dalam
Piala Champion tahun 1985 yang menyebabkan puluhan suporter Juventus kehilangan
nyawa menjadi salah satu tragedi terkelam dalam holiganisme dalam sepak bola.
Pasca tragedy yang memilukan ini, holiganisme diperangi secara massif dan represif
oleh aparat keamanan di Eropa. Federasi sepak bola baik di tingkat nasional maupun
di tingkat nasional juga berusaha secara keras untuk menekan holiganisme. Namun,
usaha keras dari aparat Negara dan federasi sepak bola belum mampu mematikan
gejolak holiganisme. Di berbagai negara holiganisme bermanifestasi dalam berbagai
bentuk yang selalu ditandai dengan kekerasan baik di dalam maupun di luar stadion.
Holiganisme umumnya identik dengan anak muda. Di Eropa, anak muda
menjadi motor utama dari holiganisme yang masih tumbuh subur walau ditekan
secara massif dan represif. Dengan berbagai cara, anak muda suporter sepak bola
yang mengidentifikasi dirinya sebagai holigan, berusaha menumbuhkembangkan
holiganisme sebagai ideologi dan cara pandang mereka dalam menikmati sepak
bola. Media sosial internet berbasis teknologi web 2.0 menjadi media alternatif untuk
menyebarluaskan holiganisme. Ancaman pembunuhan terhadap pemain di Liga
Inggris serta rasisme terhadap pemain non kulit putih yang dilancarkan melalui media
sosial menjadi bukti tentang kiprah media sosial dalam holiganisme.
Apa yang terjadi di Eropa juga terjadi di Indonesia. Kelompok suporter sepak bola
yang bertikai menjadikan media sosial sebagai media untuk mengawali, menyuburkan
dan memelihara konflik dengan suporter lawan. Dengan media sosial, kelompok suporter
yang juga didominasi anak muda menyuarakan provokasinya terhadap suporter lain
yang dianggap sebagai lawan. Stereotype dan prasangka budaya menjadi fenomena
yang tumbuh subur dalam media sosial dari konflik suporter sepak bola. Dua hal ini
jika dibiarkan berlarut-larut tentu dapat memicu konflik yang lebih luas, bukan hanya
konflik di dunia maya. Media sosial telah membawa perubahan sosial dalam konflik
suporter sepak bola, dimana konflik semakin melebar bukan hanya di dalam maupun
di luar stadion, namun juga di media sosial.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 14
Media, Student, and Identity: Structuration Study On The PostReformation Era Student Movement
Adde Oriza Rio
Christian University of Indonesia
The objective of this research is to study the relation of media and identity in the
context of post reformation era student movement. Giddens structuration theory is
used to understand how student activists construct their identity and how media take
part in that process. Research strategy used in this research is critical ethnography
while the subject is National Student League for Democracy (Liga Mahasiswa Nasional
untuk Demokrasi-LMND). The result (ideographic) shows that the identity of student
movement that emerged is as victims of neoliberalism but also think of themselves
as leftist young intellectuals that have the duty to fight neoliberalism through political
struggles as political parties. This political identity arises because of an historical
condition in which the democratization is takes place on one side but impoverishment
is also taking places on the other side. Giddens explain that the structure is ‘rules’ which
is restraining on one side but also, at the same time, is ‘resources’ which is enabling
on the other side. Thus, in other words, as ‘rules’ the political economic structure of
Indonesia is restrained the student movement and the peoples economically. But, on
the other side, as ’resources’ enabling them politically so they are able to establish
their own political parties. The media created the system integration and became the
source of materials which student use in their reflexivity in the resistance process.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 15
The Effect Of Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction On Prulink
Insurance Word Of Mouth
Ananda Fortunisa
Bakrie University
The proliferation of Web 2.0 internet usage by user has become a word-of-mouth
media to promote products. A good quality of service is one of the reasons costumers
are willing to communicate through words of mouth. Quality of service evaluation is not
easy because costumers’ criteria in assessing the service are subjective. The service
quality indicators in this research are adopted form Greek Insurance Industry Quality
(GIQUAL) which is improved from Parasuraman concept. Word of mouth refers to a flow
of information about products, services, or companies from one customer to another.
This research is using a quantitative descriptive method with regression analysis. The
research shows that service quality has effect 63.4% significantly on word of mouth. To
gain PRUlink’s service quality so that the words of mouth are succeeding, Prudential is
has to improve its agents and company service.
Keywords: Insurance service quality, word of mouth
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 16
The Role of Celebrities Endorser in Twitter on Creating Brand
Awareness ( Case Study : Durex on Twitter)
Dhyah Ayu Retno W & Sarah R. Tambunan
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
The role of celebrities in creating brand awareness is still important in an ad
campaign. Various studies have shown the influence of celebrities on television
advertising is very powerful in attracting consumer attention. As the development of the
media, the use of celebrity endorsers change on advertising industry. Twitter, product
of social media becomes new alternative in the current marketing communications
activities. Twitter account that has many followers such celebrities accounts can be an
option. Celebritie’s twitter account not only used to self actualization, but the tactics
used in marketing the product. Durex take advantage of using celebrities twitter account
in its advertising campaign. Strength of the message that appears in the celebrity
accounts are used to influence followers . This paper will describe (1) How is the
role of celebrity endorser in twitter toward brand awareness (2) How is the role of
message in celebritie’s twitter account in influencing positive attitute toward the brand
Keywords: celebrity endorser, brand awareness, twitter
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 17
New Media Literacy: A Case Study in Alternative School Qaryah
Tayyibah Salatiga
Dewi Kartika Sari, S.Sos
Satya Wacana Christian University
Young people born in the mid-to late-1980s and the 1990s have been labelled the
“Internet Generation”: the first generation to grow up in a world where the Internet was
always present. Surveys show that this generation (sometimes also called the “NetGeneration, “the Net-Gen,” ”the Digital Generation,” or the “Millennials”) socializes
more online, downloads more entertainment media, and consults the Web for a wider
range of purposes than do present adults or young people of the previous generation.
As a result, members of the younger generation are often more Internet savvy than
their teachers, parents, grandparents, and even older siblings (Herring, 2008).
Today, because of the vast array of media available, young people make more
choices about what they will attend to based on their backgrounds, interests, peer
influences, and a number of other factors. So much information can be accessed by
them. Thus, it is important for young people to be able to filter information according
to their needs. By the case in an alternative school Qaryah Tayyibah Salatiga, new
media uses can be approached with Jenkin’s (2006) laissez faire approach, a set of
core social skills and a cultural competencies in order to students should acquire if they
are to be full, active, creative, and ethical participants in emerging participatory culture.
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 18
Tunas Bharata, A Youth Wayang Orang Group in Jakarta
Adilla Amelia
Binus International University
The paper is about Tunas Bharata, the youth group of Bharata, a wayang orang
performance company. The Javanese wayang orang groups perform Javanese traditional
theatre with stories taken from old Indian books: Ramayana and Mahabharata. The art
is popular for its representation of Javanese values, norms and traditions, especially
for the Javanese speaking people in Central and East Java. From its heyday in 1930’s,
the popularity of wayang orang slowly decreased, especially when it must compete
with modern entertainment like modern music, movies, and television. Currently there
are only a few wayang orang groups that still survive. Bharata is one of the few survival
wayang orang groups, and the group is special because unlike other groups that mainly
based in Central or East Java, Bharata is based in Jakarta. The capital of Indonesia is far
from Centres of Javanese culture like Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Semarang or Surabaya,
but it is the political and economic centre of the country, situating the group in a very
strategic position in the centralized social and cultural changes. When Bharata formed
another group called Tunas Bharata that mainly consists of teenagers, those who grew
up with modern technologies and popular culture, there are questions on the meaning
of tradition and its relation to modern media. The paper will elaborate the process,
reasons and consequences of the youth group establishment. At the end, the paper
discusses one of the most important questions in our contemporary-multi-mediated
life: in the time of electronic media, what do we need from tradition?
Tunas Bharata, Kelompok Wayang Orang Muda dari Jakarta
Makalah ini membahas Tunas Bharata, kelompok muda dari kelompok wayang
orang Bharata. Pementasan wayang orang Jawa adalah bentuk teater tradisional
yang mengangkat cerita-cerita yang diambil dari buku-buku India kuno: Ramayana
dan Mahabharata. Seni ini populer karena merepresentasikan norma-norma, nilai-nilai
dan tradisi Jawa, terutama bagi orang-orang berbicara bahasa Jawa di Jawa Tengah
dan Jawa Timur. Sejak masa kejayaannya di tahun 1930-an, popularitas wayang
orang perlahan menurun, terutama ketika harus bersaing dengan hiburan modern
seperti musik hidup, film, dan televisi. Saat ini hanya ada beberapa kelompok wayang
orang yang masih bertahan. Bharata adalah salah satu dari beberapa kelompok yang
masih hidup, dan kelompok ini spesial karena tidak berbasis di Tengah atau Jawa
Timur, namun di Jakarta. Ibukota Indonesia ini cukup jauh dari pusat kebudayaan
Jawa seperti Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Semarang atau Surabaya, tetapi merupakan
pusat politik dan ekonomi negara, menempatkan kelompok ini dalam posisi yang
sangat strategis dalam perubahan sosial dan budaya Indonesia yang terpusat. Ketika
Bharata membentuk kelompok lain disebut Tunas Bharata yang anggotanya terdiri dari
remaja, mereka yang dibesarkan dengan teknologi modern dan budaya populer, ada
pertanyaan tentang makna tradisi dan hubungannya dengan media modern. Makalah
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ini akan menguraikan proses, alasan dan konsekuensi dari pembentukan kelompok
pemuda ini. Pada akhirnya, makalah membahas salah satu pertanyaan yang paling
penting dalam kehidupan kontemporer kita yang ter-multi-mediasi: dalam era media
elektronik, apa yang kita butuhkan dari tradisi?
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No. 19
Social Media and Low Budget of Political Participation
(Youth Activists Perspectives)
Universitas Indonesia
Social media are media for social interaction, as a superset beyond social
communication. Enabled by ubiquitously accessible and scalable communication
techniques, social media substantially change the way of communication and
political participation. At the same time, Jan H. Kietzmann, Kristopher Hermkens,
Ian P. McCarthy, dan Bruno S. Silvestre develop the honeycomb framework of social
media which defines the social media service into seven building blocks : (1) identity,
(2) conversation, (3) sharing, (4) presence, (5) relationship, (6) reputation, and (7)
group. In addition, in terms of political participation among youth activists, new media
including social media give low budget for (1) informing, socializing, or campaigning;
(2) coordinating among participants; (3) recruiting and mobilizing participants, and
(4) developing online community and membership of political participant virtually. By
using qualitative approach especially indepth interview with intra and extra campus
activists in Universitas Indonesia, this study focuses to find and confirm the honeycomb
framework of social media and any kinds of activities as a part of low budget political
participation. The result of this study will be analyzed and discussed.
Keywords: social media, low budget, political participation, honeycomb framework.
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No. 20
Profiling Environmental Communication Through Text Presented in
Anna Agustina, M.Si
Universitas Pancasila
Environment as human main support in life, need to be taken care in support of
its sustainability for our next generation. Many aspect of environment already been
in study for years by the environmental science as we all see, aware, and familiar
with the program such as conservation. Communication as a science has a positive
contribution too in supporting environment sustainability in many ways. One of those, in
reality, is its role in socializing the concept of conservation to support and gather public
opinion in order to initiate social change. The connection in concept phase between
environment sustainability and communication is the contribution of each science in
supporting positive impact to environment. The connection between two science, now
it’s known as environmental communication.
Looking into the importance of communication in supporting positive impact to
environment, the article try to assess how media construct its writing/article in media,
considering accessibility of people to environmental issue is mostly through media.
Media has an authority to construct its text in media, by using its policy and perspective
or angle in writing the text. So, the reality presents in media is not the reality itself, but
the reality as seen by the individual perspective or in this case media policy perspective
(Littlejohn, et.all, 2009: 180). A qualitative perspective on mainstream media, specially
in print media, the text, that is appeared in media, will be the focused of the research
and framing analysis will be used as a tool in looking into the text presented by
the media . Frame analysis (Coverage, 2010: 11) refers to selection and salience,
depiction, emphasis, representation, inclusion, and exclusion of issues or events. More
on framing, (this is one part of the writer’s research writing for dissertation)
Understanding media text, presented by media and consumed by its target,
will support the understanding on how media constructs its environmental issue
and communicate it to its public. The assumption is, if media text construct issue as
a criminal text, the result will only be reactive action, not preventive and not using
sustainability concept as basic understanding. The result will explain the contribution
of media in communicating the environment issue through its text presented, and
relations between environmental communication and social change.
Keywords: Environmental Communication, Media, Framing analysis
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No. 21
Audience’s Reception toward Humanistic Culture in a Television
Program (Reception Studies of Audience in Jakarta toward
Humanistic Culture in Refleksi Program on DAAI TV)
Analia Tanuwidjaja
The London School of Public Relations - Jakarta
The objective of this research is to determine whether Refleksi program on DAAI
TV succeed to deliver the values of humanistic culture into its audiences. This research
also aims to learn the background of audience’s reception in Jakarta toward humanistic
culture in Refleksi program on DAAI TV.
The theory which was used is Reception Studies with its encodingdecoding
model. This research applied qualitative approach with descriptive method and critical
paradigm. In-depth interview was done toward five informants who are active audiences
of DAAI TV which were chosen with purposive sampling technique.
The research’s results showed that there are two types of reception formed by
audiences of DAAI TV, which are dominant position and negotiated position. Therefore,
researcher suggested the crew of DAAI Refleksi to learn the audience’s reception
which is formed these days to support the success of the upcoming documenter films.
Furthermore, it is expected that the audiences become more critical in consuming
media content, because the media’s reality is not always the social’s reality.
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No. 22
Kala Twitter Menjadi Sumber Informasi Bagi Jurnalis
Aryo Subarkah Eddyono
Universitas Bakrie
Siapa tak kenal Twitter? Micro blog dengan karakter tulisan pendek (140 kata) ini
telah mewabah dan digandrungi pengguna internet. Simpel dan menarik. Kiranya dua
kata tersebut yang bisa mewakili keberadaan Twitter. Siapa saja bisa saling “berkicau”
tentang topik apapun. Mau curhat, mau mencaci maki, bahkan bisa pula digunakan
untuk menyampaikan informasi yang bermanfaat buat orang lain. Pada soal terakhir
inilah penulis akan focus: Twitter si media penyampai informasi.
Informasi, dalam jurnalistik, belumlah bisa dijadikan sebuah berita. Seorang
jurnalis yang mendapatkan informasi mutlak mengkonfirmasinya terlebih dahulu.
Setelah melewati proses konfirmasi, bahkan triple check, barulah berita tersebut layak
tayang. Itupun setelah melewati proses editing oleh pejabat redaksi. Pola yang tak
bisa dibantah jika tak ingin disomasi. Informasi biasanya, pada masa dulu, diperoleh
dari sejumlah informan. Mereka bisa aparat hukum dan keamanan, masyarakat sipil,
orang yang merasa dirugikan, dan sebagainya yang disampaikan melalui media yang
konvensional dan lalu ditindaklanjuti. Ruang redaksi harus mendengarkan keras-keras
radio berita sejenis Elshinta yang masih dianggap tercepat dalam menyampaikan
informasi. Di sisi lain, mesin fax pembawa undangan konferensi pers dan event tak
boleh lupa dilirik, pesan singkat dari ponsel juga tak boleh diabaikan. TV dengan layar
lebar di depan mata yang menayangkan berbagai informasi tak boleh disia-sia.
Kini, semenjak internet hadir mewarnai hidup umat manusia suasana ruang
redaksi menjadi sedikit berubah. Jurnalis harus setiap saat memantau pergerakan
berita di internet. Kehadiran Twitter memberikan dampak lain. Setiap jurnalis harus
terus meng-update informasi dan berlomba-lomba memperlebar jaringan alias
pertemanan di Twitter. Mengapa? Karena ternyata Twitter mampu menyampaikan
informasi lebih cepat dibanding media yang lain. Bahkan lebih cepat dari portal berita
berbasis internet sekaliber Kompas.com, Vivanews, atau Detik.com.
Tak sedikit contoh soal kehebatan Twitter dalam menyampaikan informasi. Salah
satunya adalah curhat Fajar Jasmin, penderita HIV, tentang anaknya yang ditolak
sekolah di SD Don Bosco Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. Kabar meluas di Twitter. Media
yang mencium informasi ini langsung bereaksi cepat memberitakan apa yang dialami
Fajar Jasmin. Media nyaris tertinggal, meski pada akhirnya mampu membuat kisah
Fajar Jasmin terangkat lebih luas lagi sehingga secara tidak langsung mengubah
pendirian SD Don Bosco.
Twitter tak sekedar penyambung kabar dari media massa, namun keberadaannya
juga mampu memberi kabar bagi media massa. Fenomena apakah ini, sehingga mampu
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mengubah pola kerja redaksi media massa? Bagaimana ruang redaksi mengatur
kebijakan redaksinya atas keberadaan Twitter? Bagaimana peluang selanjutnya?
Penulis akan menjawabnya. Dengan metodologi kualitatif, data primer akan diperoleh
penulis melalui mewawancara sejumlah pengambil kebijakan sekelas redaktur/editor/
produser di beberapa redaksi media massa, terutama media massa berbasis internet.
Sementara data sekunder akan didapat dari hasil riset kepustakaan dan dokumen.***
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No. 23
Media Change and New Marketing Communication Approach
Helpris Estaswara
Pancasila University
Media today has changed. Media are no longer a one-way communication. It
had shifted to interactive. The term “prime tim e” is no longer a dominance of the
television stations. A new idea than appear, “prime time is becoming my time”. Writing
and dissemination of news and information also no longer as journalists work. Another
new terminology comes, “citizenship journalism”. Information about products also not
only communicated through traditional media an sich. A new ways of informing the
product via social media is now widely practiced. No doubt if today is the era of media.
Fact, era of media is signed by the fragmentation of media, both in terms of its content
and characteristics. Then, the media fragmentation is impacting the fragmentation
of consumer lifestyles. It is finally changes consumer characteristics become more
critical and demanding. Consumer wants to be treated personally. All these conditions
have changed the marketing paradigm into “consumer-minded”. Various changes that
identified above finally requiring the shift of marketing communications approach.
This paper aims at describing the new marketing communications approach as the
response to the media changes in this information society era. Literature review was
applied as the basis of theoretical construction, while the primary data sources used
in this study are written documents, such as scientific journals and books relevance to
the topic.
Keywords: change, media, consumer, and marketing communication.
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No. 24
Dynamical Father and Son Relationship in Manga Lone Wolf and
Christina Magdalena Haryono
Rudi Sukandar Ph.D
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
This research attempted to uncover the dynamics of interpersonal communication
in a dysfunctional family as depicted by the main characters of the Japanese manga
The Lone Wolf and Cub: OgamiItto and, his son, OgamiDaigoro.This manga was set
in the historical era of the third Tokugawa shogunate centering on the feud between
the house of Ogami and that of Yagyu as the antagonists. This research employed
qualitative research method. The data were collected from graphics or images from 28
volumes of the manga, containing approximately 8,700 pages.
Data analyses show that despite their dysfunctionality, the interpersonal
communication between father and son still follows the common trait of interpersonal
communication in Japanese cultural framework bound by samurai ethics. Further
analysis shows that the father-son relationships were forged with the emphasis on
several aspects of interactionality: cooperation, discipline the father’s education and
training, love, trust, learning from examples, sense of survival, and independence.
Keywords: Manga, Interpersonal Communication
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No. 25
Tweets Amongst Youth: War Or Friendship?
Dhita Widya Putri
Artini Suparmo
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
The ‘tweet-war’ cases that oftenly occurs in social media has generated a social
phenomenon for its user. the most prominent thing is the language that created a new
communication climate, especially amongst young people, where they are the actual
user at this medium. Currently, Twitter has become a virtual realm of a person to seek
any sensations and form self-image, while others as followers will watch passively or
support them by contributing to disseminate the information by ‘retweets’.
With conversational analysis and netnography, the results showed that the tweetwar phenomenon that ‘decorate’ the twitter users’ timeline can create a new popular
vocabulary of especially for young people. Positive vocabulary could create new
trends. However, the negative one can damage the politeness of language. Thus, the
implications of this research is the awareness and politeness in terms of social media
anguage have to be noted.
Keywords: social media, awareness of language, vocabulary
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No. 26
Women Behavior in Stages of Decision Making Process of Buying a
Property (Case Study Arisan Ikatan Keluarga Vidatra)
Santy Krisnawatie
The London School Of Public Relations
Wanita ditinjau sebagai pasar, merupakan pasar yang besar dan unik. Hal ini
disebabkan karena hamper semua wanita mengelola ekonomi baik pendapatannya
sendiri juga keluarganya. Disisi lain pemilihan merek atas barang atau jasa yang
dikonsumsi oleh keluarga, sebagian besar merupakan keputusan pembelian wanita.
Melalui penelitian ini peneliti ingin mempelajari bagaimana perilaku wanita dalam
keputusan pembelian sebuah rumah.
Peneliti menggunakan teori utama Decision Making Process, dengan metode
kualitatif tipe studi kasus. Data didapatkan melalui observasi dengan mengikuti
kelompok arisan Ikatan Keluarga Vidatra, wawancara mendalam dengan pemimpin
serta tiga orang anggota arisan tersebut. Data sekunder didapatkan melalui analisis
dokumen. Untuk analisis data, peneliti menggunakan proses organisasi data, coding
dan categorizing, interpretasi data, dan evaluasi dari interpretasi.
Analisa yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa perilaku wanita dalam
kelompok arisan Ikatan Keluarga Vidatra menunjukkan beberapa persamaan dalam
pengambilan keputusan pembelian sebuah rumah. Seperti adanya pengaruh pada
awal process dan akhir proses pengambilan keputusan pembelian. Pada awal proses
pengaruh datang dari pemikiran mengenai konsep dasar rumah, yang merupakan
gambaran pengalaman narasumber. Dimana rumah tersebut yang harus terletak di
dalam komplek atau bersistem cluster. Sedangkan pengaruh yang bekerja diakhir
proses adalah pendapat dari keluarga, baik dari suami, orang tua maupun keluarga
dekat lainnya.
Temuan yang lain menunjukkan bahwa alur dalam proses menganalisa informasi
dari alternative rumah yang diinginkan, lebih bersifat spiral dibandingkan linier. Salah
satu sebabnya dikarenakan wanita mencari jawaban terbaik sebagai jawaban dari
Women Behavior in Stages of Decision-Making Process of Buying a
Property. (Case Study Arisan Ikatan Keluarga Vidatra).
The Women market is a huge and unique market as almost every woman manages
her own household finances, whether the income is from her own salary or that from
her husband. The decision on which brand of goods or services to purchase for the
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household are mainly made by women. Through this research, researcher had the
opportunity to learn, understand and appreciate the unique women behavior in the
various stages of decision making process when buying properties.
Researcher used the Decision Making Process as the main theory with qualitative
method, and supported by case studies. The research Primary data was gathered by
conducting in-depth interviews with the leader of Arisan and three (3) other members
from various occupation background, and also through observation by subscribing as
a member of the Arisan itself. Secondary data was gathered by document analysis. For
data analysis, researcher went through the process of organising, coding, categorizing,
and interpretation of data, and these are followed by an evaluation of the results.
Results from the analysis showed that women in the arisan ikatan keluarga
Vidatra have similarities in their behavior when making decisions in the process of
purchasing properties. First, there would be a strong influence from the beginning
until the end of the process. The criteria on property design at the start of the process
would be influenced by their childhood memories, such as the house should be located
in a housing community or having a cluster concept. Meanwhile the influence that
appeared at the end of the process would be the opinion from their family members
such as parents, husband and other close relatives.
Another interesting finding would be the flow of the process itself. Women decision
making process is not a linier process but follows a spiral path. Women tend to loop
back to the beginning of their decision making process if they could not find the perfect
answer to her problem.
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No. 27
The Role of Marketing Communication Between Seller and Buyer in
Influencing the decision to Shop Online (Study of Vogamoda Online
Putri Puspita Sari
The London School Of Public Relations
In business, communication plays an important role between a seller in attracting
buyers. Along with the many needs will shop, now the business is experiencing growth
with the advent of the online business shop. Online business shop has a pretty big
challenge is how to shop online business managers in attracting and influencing people
to buy products offered through the internet (indirect communication).
Qualitative research using the theory of marketing, marketing communications,
marketing mix communications, internet communications, e-Commerce, Word
of Mouth, consumer behavior, purchase decision and the main theory is that the
communication Computer Mediated Communication is done through the device in the
form of computer-mediated formats such as message IM, e-mail, chat rooms, as well
as in the form of text-based interactions, such as text messaging (Thurlow, 2004).
Marketing communication is a two-way exchange of information between the parties or
institutions involved in marketing so as to create a satisfying exchange relationships.
Data analysis methods used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach.
The result of this study is that the communication of marketing which was built by
Vogamoda has a very important role in influencing consumers shopping online. This
may imply that patterns of communication over the Internet, in this case the social
network Facebook is effective in increasing sales of products. As we can see, the
income per month is increasing, from 20-30 millions become 40-60 millions per month.
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No. 28
Korean Pop Phenomenon and the Emergence of Boy/Girlband of
Hallyu in Indonesia
Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, Yolanda Stellarosa, Martha Warta Silaban
The London School Of Public Relations
Media televisi di Indonesia seperti Indosiar, SCTV, O-Channel saat ini menyajikan
beberapa program Korean Pop. Fenomena serbuan Korean Wave (gelombang Korea)
atau disebut Hallyu ini berkembang sejak kemunculan drama Korea, Winter Sonata
(2002), Endless Love dan Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in the Palace) tahun 2005.
Menyusul kemunculan kelompok pemusik asal Korea yang dikenal dengan
boyband dan girlband Korea, seperti Super Junior (SuJu), Rain, SNSD, T-Ara,Wonder
Girls. Sedangkan di Indonesia, muncul kelompok band antara lain adalah Sm*sh, S9b,
Max 5, CherryBelle, HITZ, Princess.
Dalam perkembangannya, sejumlah program di televisi menampilkan ajang
pencarian bakat untuk girlband dan boyband ala Korea. Contohnya di Indosiar, acara
Galaxy Star yang memulai audisi pada 17 Januari 2012, peserta yang mendaftar
secara online mencapai 5000 orang (Kompas, 15 Januari 2012).
Penelitian yang berkaitan dengan Korean Pop antara lain ‘Korean Wave’ —
The Popular Culture, Comes as Both Cultural and Economic Imperialism in the East
Asia (Asian Social Science Journal Vol.5 no 8 August 2009. Adapun penelitian akan
dilakukan dianalisis berdasarkan teori imitation oleh Bandura dan teori daya tarik antar
pribadi (attractions theory). Ini didasarkan atas asumsi anggota dari grup band tertarik
dan meniru penampilan grup band Korea dari media televisi. Ketertarikan (attractions)
ini dilihat dari faktor: daya tarik, kedekatan, pengukuhan, kesamaan (Larry & Deborah).
Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan
mewawancarai tiga nara sumber grup band ala Korea yaitu grup band yang sudah
popular, grup band yang baru mengikuti ajang pencarian bakat, dan grup band yang
berubah aliran musiknya menjadi K Pop.
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No. 29
Budaya Siber Di Media Sosial Berdasarkan Karakteristik Media Baru
Rulli Nasrullah
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta
Dalam pendekatan kultural, internet merupakan media sekaligus tempat
berkembang kultur baru. Tidak hanya transformasi dari kultur di dunia nyata (offline),
melainkan juga menghasilkan kultur baru (online) atau kultur siber (cyberculture).
Fenomena kelahiran budaya siber tersebut bisa didekati melalui hadirnya social media
seperti Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, dan sebagainya. Melalui pendekatan budaya
dengan mengklasifikasi fenomena budaya virtual melalui pemilahan karakteristik
media baru, paper ini mencoba untuk mengupas bagaimana budaya siber itu berlaku.
Pada akhirnya, fenomena tersebut membawa pengguna pada sebuah kondisi bahwa
sesungguhnya apa yang dilakukan oleh mereka merupakan komodifikasi diri di ruang
virtual; menampilkan sebuah manajemen kesan melalui motif-motif tertentu termasuk
di dalamnya motif ekonomi-politik.
Kata kunci: sosial media, pengguna, media baru, facebook
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No. 30
Conflict of Interests in Freedom of Information (A Study on
Communication Dynamics in the Deliberation of Freedom of
Information Act)
Felix Jebarus
The London School Of Public Relations
The deliberation of the freedom of information act drew pros and cons or
communication conflicts between the government, House of Representatives (DPR),
and civil society groups. Its deliberation also lasted for almost nine years from 1999 to
2008 and involved three presidents: Abdurrachman Wahid, Megawati Soekarnoputri,
and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Although the law was submitted by DPR as one of its
constitutional mandates, the law was initiated by social society groups.
Issues raised for this research are: First, how had these communication conflicts
taken place between the government, DPR, and civil society groups during the drafting
and deliberation of the freedom of information act? Secondly, what were the referential
sources and vested interests that triggered those communication conflicts and how
were those disputes accommodated in the Law No. 14, 2008 on Freedom of Information
To explain those communication dynamics, the writer employs a conflict theory
as defined by Ralf Dahrendorf and Lewis Coser, both belong to non-Marxian conflict
theory tradition. Aside from rejecting theoretical assumptions of the functional theory
perspective, Dahrendorf also refuted Marx’s ideas on both class formation and class
conflict theories, which, according to him, are relevant in the early stage of capitalism
only. Danrendorf developed his own conflict theory by focusing on a wider social
structure. Conflict, according to Danrendorf, is related to power, interest, and social
change. Conflicts are bound to happen between power holders and the powerless due
to conflicting interests.
How should we deal with conflicts so they become productive or constructive?
The writer makes use of Coser’s functional conflict theory to support Danrendorf’s
thinking. Coser emphasizes that disputes or conflict of ideas have positive effect if
solved through resolutions or good communications.
The methodology used is qualitative research with minutes of DPR meetings from
Dec. 6, 2005 to Jan. 21, 2008 serving as primary sources. Using qualitative content
analysis, the writer uncovers crucial issues and scrutinizes points of contention between
the government, DPR, and civil society groups during the deliberation of the freedom
of information act.
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The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
Results of this research show that conflicts of communication that took place
during the deliberation of the freedom of information act were mainly due to differences
in views, interpretations, and interests on several issues such as (1). Freedom vs
Rights of Citizens, (2), Public Institutions, (3), Information Committee, (4), Government
Regulation, (5), State Secrets or Exceptions, and (6), Implementation Period of the Law.
However, conflicts over these strategic issues were resolved through compromises,
consensus, and accommodation. So, every word in the freedom of information act is
resolution of communication conflicts or conflicting interests during the deliberation
For a country with a fledging democracy like Indonesia, a seeming dichotomy
between the state and the public tends to oversimplify issues. Results of this research
also show the state relates or interacts with various social components such as the
political society, economic society, and civil society. Each component has a unique
role and contribution and interacts with each other even though they are autonomous.
During the deliberation of the freedom of information act, the role of the civil society
groups was very dominant in supporting, even in pressuring, DPR as the political
society component, making them more powerful against the government.
The freedom of information act provides legal certainty on the rights of the public
to obtain public information, underlines legal obligations of Public Institutions or Public
Officials to give public information; and most importantly it provides legal certainty on
information access mechanism, resolution mechanism for information access disputes
and sanctions for violations of freedom of information principles. The implementation of
this law is expected to help bring about good governance in running public institutions.
This dream will become a crucial question and is only answered through a follow-up
research based on this research.
Keywords: conflicts, interests, freedom, information, openness, public
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 31
Blackberry Messenger sebagai Fenomena Hubungan Sosialita
Komunikasi Modern
Lucy Pujasari Supratman
Padjajaran University
Dalam kehidupan masyarakat dewasa ini, siapa yang tak kenal Blackberry
Messenger atau lebih dikenal dengan akronim BBM. Tak ayal hal tersebut menjadi
aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari, baik kalangan pelajar atau pekerja bahkan kalangan
teknokrat, alat komunikasi tersebut yang bermula hanya untuk kepentingan aktivitas
eksekutif dalam karirnya, saat ini dijadikan ajang gaul dan jejaring sosial melalu
BBM yang isi pesannyapun bukan hal yang berhubuangan dengan aktivitas kerja.
Dalam hal ini penulis akan menghubungkannya dengan Teori Ketergantungan Media
(Dependency Theory) yang dalam komunikasi massa menyatakan bahwa semakin
seseorang tergantung pada suatu media untuk memenuhi kebutuhan komunikasinya,
maka media tersebut semakin penting untuk orang itu.
Besarnya ketergantungan seseorang pada media ditentukan dari dua variabel.
Variabel pertama karena user lebih condong menggunakan BBM dibanding telpon atau
SMS dikarekan secara pembiayaan akan mendapatkan free of charge payment jika
kita berlangganan. Yang kedua, user mendapatkan efektivitas waktu dalam aktivitas
kesehariannya berkomunikasi sebab sudah didobraknya dinding ruang dan waktu
manusia berkomuniasi dengan millieu-nya. Namun secara etika, penggunaan BBM
juga menuai nilai negatif dalam kehidupan sosial user-nya. Semisal pada saat rapat
dikantor yang seharusnya tidak diperkenankan menggunakan Blackberry Messenger,
terkadang hal tersebut tetap diindahkan atas dasar Updating Status. ***
Kata Kunci: Blackberry Messenger, Psikologi Sosial, Dependency Theory,
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 32
Repertsentasi Masculine In Advertising
(Advertising Discourse Analysis Of L-Men)
Ratih Hasanah
IM Telkom, Bandung
The spread of the concept of masculinity in society is not independent of the
presence of media as disseminators of information and communication tool that
displays the stereotype,gender stereotypes in it, not least in the ad Advertising is a
common promotional tools starting from waking up to go to bedagain. The power of
advertising and advertising lure audiencescan form even though the ad is displayed by
a false consciousness.
Thomas Carlyle in Indiwan argues that masculinity is associated with independence,
strength and an action orientation. Heemphasizes masculinity as value that has
many dimensionsthat a measure of masculinity and of course in many cultures thisis
identical with the look of men in general. In line with Carlyle,Zanden also define
masculine as something that is the man that is hard, strong and independent. Of the
two opinions before it can be concluded that masculinity is essentially a value close to
thestereotypical male.
The theoretical framework used in this study are in the realm oftradition with
critical assessment of critical discourse analysisperspective of Foucault. The relation
symbol and symbolized isnot only referential but also productive and creative. The
resultingsymbol is between lian through language, morality, law and so forth, which not
only refers to anything but contribute to thebehavioral and ideological values.
That’s what this study aims to determine repersentasi masculinein television ads.
By using the perspective of Foucault’sdiscourse. False consciousness in the Marxist
tradition andmasculinity in a feminist view is also used as supportingconcepts. Elaboration
of the three traditions of critical reviewsare conducted to obtain comprehensive results
in answer to the problem and the purpose of this study. By using a criticalparadigm with
a qualitative approach.
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No. 33
Prilaku Pengguna Media Baru Dalam Interaksi Sehari-Hari
(Study kasus Blacberry Massanger)
Sekar Arum Mandalia
Institute Manajemen Telkom, Bandung
New media saat ini sudah dianggap telah membawa banyak perubahan bagi
masyrakat baik masyarakat perkotaan maupun masyarakat di plosok desa yang sama
sekali belum tersentuh internet. Masih terlalu dini untuk memprediksi bagaimana
perubahan ini akan berjalan, siap tidak siap masyarakat kita harus tau mengenai new
media dan sangatlah penting untuk melihat fenomena ini dari awal guna mengantisipasi
perubahan dan melihat implikasi yang ada. New media sebagai sebuah medium
komunikasi juga dianggap membawa nilai sosial yang mampu berinteraksi dengan
perkembangan dewasa ini.dan societi interest bahwa masyarakat akan tertarik
jika sudah di edukasi bahwa media baru ini memiliki nilai tambah bagi kehidupan
Pada makalah ini kesesuaian teori Dengan menggunakan Teori Uses
andGratification, teori yang dikemukakan oleh Blumler, Gurevitch dan Katz (Griffin,
2003) ini menyatakan bahwa pengguna media memainkan peran yang aktif dalam
memilih dan menggunakan media. Pengguna media menjadi bagian yang aktif dalam
proses komunikasi yang terjadi serta berorientasi pada tujuannya dalam media yang
digunakannya. Littlejohn menyatakan bahwa teori ini menekankan fokus pada individu
khalayak ketimbang pesan dari media itu sendiri:makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendapat
gambaran secara jelas mengenai dampak positif maupun negatif terhadap penggunaan
Blackberry Massanger . Dalam hal ini penulis memfokuskan pada pengguna Blacberry
Makalah ini lebih jauh akan memaparkan Prilaku pengguna media baru dalam
interaksi sehari-hari study kasus Blacberry Massanger dengan pendekatan Uses
and Gratification,Psikologi-sosial.Uses and Gratifikation merupakan teori bahwa
pengguna media memainkan peran yang aktif dalam memilih dan menggunakan media.
Pengguna media menjadi bagian yang aktif dalam proses komunikasi yang terjadi serta
berorientasi pada tujuannya dalam media yang digunakannya dan pendekatan psikologi
– sosial (Heide, Newcomb, McLeod) yang menjelaskan dinamisasi sumberinformasi
, komunikator dan penerima dalam suatusi tuasi komunikasi antar individu, kelompok
dan masyarakat melalui penggunaan new media.
Kata Kunci : Blackberry Massanger, Masyarakat pengguna, Teori Uses and
Gratification,Psikologi-sosial (Heide,Newcomb McLod)
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The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 34
Sikap Gamers Tentang Advertising Game Sebagai Medium
(Studi Deskriptif pada Advertising Game Pocari Sweat Explorion)
Athina Mutia Talsa & Nurul Robbi Sepang
Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
Setelah berhasil dengan Ionopolis, Pocari Sweat mengeluarkan kembali
advertising game, bernama Explorion. Explorion merupakan advertising game yang
interaktif, edukatif dan kreatif. Berbeda dari cerita di permainan sebelumnya Explorion
merupakan advertising game yang mengajak para pemain untuk berpetualang selama
delapan minggu menjelajah ke lebih dari tiga puluh negara di lima benua untuk
membantu Aelke mencari dan mengumpulkan sembilan komponen sepedanya yang
Advertising game merupakan sesuatu yang baru dikembangkan di Indonesia
sebagai bentuk promosi. Penulis melihat advertising game, Explorion dapat mengubah
sikap gamers setelah memainkan permainan tersebut, terbukti dengan puluhan ribu
orang yang bergabung dalam permainan ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan uuntuk mengetahui
sikap gamers tentang advertising game Explorion dilihat dari tiga dimensi, yaitu dimensi
kognitif, afektif dan konatif.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Metode
pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang diambil dengan tehnik
penarikan sampel acak (simple random sampling).
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar gamers merespon
positif terhadap advertising game Pocari Sweat Explorion, dalam arti sikap gamers
tentang advertising game sebagai medium pemasaran mendapatkan persetujuan dan
dukungan dari sebagian besar gamers Pocari Sweat Explorion.
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 35
Youth, Digital Media and Their Roles In Social Changes
Idola Perdini Putri
Telkom Institute of Management, Bandung
As media and content rapidly transform– and the way we interact online, along
with it, youth can access a wide variety of online goods and services to enhance their
personal priorities actualization and to explore multiple identities. Digital media allow
youth new ways to responses the present societal issues as a participant in social
setting. Before the present of digital media, youth participation in societal issues was
monitored by authority figures –educators, parents, coaches, and religious leaders.
Now days, digital media are arguably diminishing the impact of these gatekeepers.
This research intends to explore the question of how digital media can be used
as a tool of empowerment in building the capacity of youth to participate in social
changes. In this term, digital media define as digitized content (text, graphics, audio,
and video) that can be transmitted over internet or computer networks.
This research provides a descriptive study focuses on the intersection between
youth creativity in making video feature for social media as a type of digital media
and their roles in social changes.In particular, the research examines the fundamental
implications of a potential alignment or misalignment, between two entities: the youth
video feature on social media (youtube, twitter and facebook) and their roles in the
social changes. Also, why does it contain the biggest potential for changing the way
youth live their lives?
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No. 36
Facebook Impact: Self Disclosure Or Narcissistic?
Alila Pramiyanti and Rini Indriani G
Telkom Institute of Management, Bandung
The information age, also commonly known as the computer age or information
era, is an idea that the current age will be characterized by the ability of individuals
to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would
have been difficult or impossible to find previously. Internet is one result from this age.
The Internet has also accelerated new forms of human interactions through instant
messaging, internet forums, and social networking.
Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social
media would be a social instrument of communication. In Web 2.0 terms, this would
be a website that doesn’t just give us information, but interacts with us while giving us
the information. This interaction can be as simple as asking for our comments or letting
you vote on an article, or it can be complex.
The most popular social media today is Facebook, a social networking service and
website launched in February 2004. As of January 2012, Facebook has more than
600 million active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends,
add comment, upload photos & videos, and exchange messages, including automatic
notifications when they update their profile. Facebook has also change people activity
and social life in various ways.
This paper will discuss the impact of Facebook on self disclosure. Research
objective in this paper is to describe how Facebook users express themselves and
to analyze the tendency to narcissistic. Methodology of this research is qualitative
descriptive method.
Keywords: Facebook, Narcissistic, Self Disclosure
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No. 37
Analysis of Youth Website (Case Study Of persma.com Website)
Ira Dwi Mayangsari
Telkom Institute of Management, Bandung
[email protected]
Currently students in Indonesia are more interested in the world of hedonism.
But there is still a small group of students who take role as an agent of social change.
They use information and communications technology (ICT) in the form of a website
to deliver the message of development. Starting from the campus to national level.
Through a website addressed at media persma.com, students especially presscampus member disseminate the results of their thoughts in cyberspace through
several acitivites, such as sharing news, opinion, photos, comments and also giving
opinion toward other students’work. Employing decriptive approach, this study aims to
determine the effectiveness persma.com website by using several criterias as follow
functionality, design, content, originality, and professionalism. The result of this reseach
found that persma.com considered to have good effectiveness. However, there is a
need to have a strategic plan in order to up scale its coverage into national level. This
study proposes persma.com to use Porter Competition Strategy and SWOT Analysis
in developing its strategic plan.
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No. 38
The Use of Tablet Computer and Its Impact: A media ecological
Subekti W. Priyadharma
This research focuses on recent electronic product of computer which known as
tablet computer. The hype of utilization (and advertisement) of such product has given
the idea to find out how the presence and the use of tablet computer impact socially
and culturally to the society using it and the people around them. Theories of media
ecology such as from McLuhan and Postman will be used in the discussion about
social and cultural impact of tablet computer. Media ecology theories assume that all
technological change is ecological, not additive. Result shows that the use of tablet
computer has not only changed the pattern of interpersonal and group communication
of the informants involved in the research (when combining with the use of social
media), but also has impacted their information searching method. Meanwhile it is
believed that the ownership and use of computer tablet could enhance their social
status (prestige) in the community where they live and work. This change of social
status is seen as important because in that way they can psychologically enter a
social group emerged recently in the information society called ‘slide generation’. In
particular and rare cases, the use of tablet computer can improve the performance of
the informants in their work place. Nevertheless, tablet computer cannot replace both
PC/laptop or phone cell/smart phone. This research uses Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) as its data collection method.
Keywords: tablet computer, media ecology, social and cultural change, new media,
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No. 39
Fenomena Perubahan Gaya Hidup Melalui Media Sosial Online
Marcia Gurning
[email protected]
Beberapa waktu terakhir dapat dilihat bahwa telah terjadi perubahan sosial gaya
hidup. Masyarakat tampak begitu antusias untuk melakukan pertemuan di tempattempat yang sudah ternama sebagai bentuk identitas diri. Hal ini dapat dilihat sebagai
suatu fenomena yang begitu menggelitik. Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi ditandai
dengan hadirnya internet turut memdorong terjadinya perubahan sosial gaya hidup
yang seperti ini. Internet mengubah pola komunikasi tanpa dibatasi ruang waktu dan
tempat. Era Web 2.0 sebagai generasi baru internet yang memungkinkan pemakai
berkomunikasi, berpartisipasi, berinteraksi, berbagi, berkomunitas, atau berkolaborasi
satu sama lain. Proses komunikasi dalam jaringan sosial bisa berlaku secara word
of mouth, yaitu seseorang akan mencari informasi melalui teman, kerabat, sanak
keluarga untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi. Hal yang sama pun berlaku untuk proses
komunikasi yang terjadi melalui jaringan sosial yang bersifat online. Seseorang akan
merekomendasikan produk atau orang yang menurut persepsinya adalah positif
kepada orang lain.
Kata kunci : perubahan sosial gaya hidup, Web 2.0, word of mouth, jaringan sosial yang bersifat
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No. 40
“Kekuatan Generasi Muda Dalam Era Digital: Perubahan,
Pergerakan dan Revolusi Untuk Menciptakan dampak Sosial”
(Studi Kasus: Komunitas Young On Top Campus Ambassador
Jakarta, Indonesia)
Taufan Teguh Akbari & Daniari
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
Perkembangan dunia teknologi yang disertai maraknya pemanfaatan situs jejaring
sosial dan microbloging menjadi fenomena yang terus menarik dan memiliki nilai
tambah untuk diteliti. Derasnya arus informasi dan semakin mudahnya masyarakat
dalam mengakses informasi berdampak juga pada pola perilaku masyarakat.
Partisipasi masyarakat semakin terlihat nyata sejak adanya media jejaring sosial.
Penelitian ini berusaha mengkaji peran generasi muda dalam pemanfataan situs
media sosial untuk memprakarsai adanya gerakan kemasyarakatan yang mengusung
tema sosial. Pemuda merupakan sosok aktif, dinamis serta berpengaruh dalam
menciptakan perubahan melalui peran media sosial. Fungsi media sosial yang
semakin marak memiliki fungsi untuk membuat suatu kegiatan yang baik dan positif.
Pergerakan bersifat masive yang mengusung beragam tema sosial pun bermunculan
pada berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Generasi muda yang peduli akan isu sosial kini
dimudahkan dengan adanya media sosial. Kegiatan kemanusiaan dapat terlaksana
dengan lebih efektif dan efisien. Pemuda dapat lebih bebas untuk berekspresi melalui
teknologi jejaring media sosial seperti untuk meyuarakan aspirasi, pemikiran dan
kontribusi mereka. Platform Teknologi jejaring sosial seperti: Facebook, Twitter, Blog,
Tumblr, LinkedIn, Youtube, dan forum diskusi online lainnya berubah menjadi tren yang
begitu digandrungi oleh generasi muda. Oleh karenanya, momentum ini membuka
peluang bagi generasi muda yang peduli hingga berusaha melakukan kampanye
positif berupa transformasi sosial melalui beragam media tersebut
Penelitian ini akan membahas peran pemuda dalam memanfaatkan media sosial
yang tergabung dalam komunitas Young on Top. Pengunaan media sosial yang tepat
akan sangat membantu aktivis muda dalam menciptakan dampak sosial melalui
aktivitas yang positif. Tantangan Indonesia yang terdiri atas 17.000 pulau, berpenduduk
273 juta orang, adalah bagaimana mendistribusikan komunikasi dan informasi berupa
isu sosial ke seluruh daerah diIndonesia dengan dampak yang positif. Penelitian ini
akan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data primer pada penelitian ini didapatkan dari
hasil in depth interview dan observasi. Sedangkan, data sekunder didapatkan dari hasil
literature. Hasil penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan fenomena positif yang
mengkaitkan peran antara komunitas generasi muda dalam aktivitas kepemudaan,
pemanfaatan (new media) platform media jejaring sosial dalam menghasilkan kegiatan
atau gerakan berupa transformasi sosial bagi pemuda. Semua generasi muda bisa
melakukan kontribusi positif sekecil apapun melalui konsistensi, niat dan kesiapan
mereka dalam mewujudkan ide tersebut menjadi gerakan sosial positif yang nyata
bagi bangsa ini.
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The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 41
“The influence of Organizational Communication Climate and
Attitude towards’ Online Performance Appraisal on Employee
Performance: Study at Gedung Kantor Perusahaan PT Telkom
Aang Koswara
Padjadjaran University
This research was aimed to analyze the influence of organizational communication
climate and attitude toward’s online performance appraisal on employee performance.
Throughout this study, it would explore the ​ dimensions of communication climate
within an organization that was developed by Denis (1975) in relation with the
attitude towards online performance appraisal on work performance. It would be also
investigated how the influence of the organizational communication climate gives
impacts on employee performance. The objectives of the study are: (1) the influence of
organizational communication climate on the employee performance, (2) the influence
of attitude toward’s online performance appraisal on employee performance, (3)
the correlation between organizational communication climate and attitude toward’s
online performance appraisal, and (4) the simultaneous effect of organizational
communication climate and attitude towards online performance appraisal on employee
performance. This study used an Explanatory Survey Method which describes the
causal relationship between variables through hypothesis testing which were applying
path-analysis technique with the assistance of SPSS 17.0 software in order to examine
the relationship and influence of independent variables such as organizational
communication climate and attitude towards online performance appraisal on employee
performance as the dependent variable. The results show that 1) there was a direct
impact of organizational communication climate on employee performance (pX3X1 =
0,666), 2) attitude towards’ online performance appraisal directly impact on employee
performance (pX3X2 = 0,244), 3) there was significant relation between organizational
communication climate and attitude towards’ online performance appraisal (r = 0,834),
4) organizational communication climate and attitude towards online performance
appraisal simultaneously impact on employee performance (R = 0,774). Based on this
research it could be seen that the organizational communication climate and attitude
towards’ online performance appraisal significantly affected employee performance,
especially the organizational communication climate variable that has the highest
effect on the employee performance.
Keywords: Organizational Communication Climate, Online Performance Appraisal,
Employee Performance
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 42
New media, Digital Magazine
Reni Nuraeni
Institut Manajemen Telkom – Bandung
The use of digital media (new media) in the form of the internet even easier for
humans to interact and socialize with each other. Today many advanced information
communication devices on the market, in addition to functioning as a means of
communication ease of use of communication devices is also a major aspect of
the producers. Mass media that once only dominated by radio, television and print
media, after the presence of the Internet makes people more choices in obtaining
information. Convergence of communication technologies is one of many national
newspapers shift to the internet. development of the digital magazine is outstanding
and almost all major print media chose to use digital media to publish their writing
Not only national newspaper that many turn to the Internet, bulletin students at
some campuses are turning on even the most media newsletter today many
students are turning from newspapers, magazines become digital campus
magazine. digital magazine is a new trend with the presence of tablet and mobile.
This paper discusses the use of case studies of digital media newsletter magazine as
the campus by using the theory of Diffusion of Innovations.
Keywords: Convergence, New Media
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No. 43
The Contribution of Convenience Store to Youth’s Social Behaviour
(Case Study: The change in high school students’ social behaviour
since the existence of 7-Eleven Tebet)
Devie Cynthiawati
Martiningsih Agung Chandra
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
The growing number of retail and convenience stores around Jakarta has contributed
to the ever-changing lifestyle of the urban people’s lives. The flourishing outlets of
convenience store, namely 7-Eleven, have now added colours to many Jakarta’s street
corners. Convenience store itself has the purpose of giving convenience to the buyers,
specifically opens from very early to very late at night, or even 24 hours. With the
emergence of these outlets, the surrounding neighborhoods wherein the outlets are
located are likely to experience changes. This study aims to study the change of social
and communication behavior among high school students, the consumers of these
outlets, since the appearance of these outlets.
The researcher will use the Structuration Theory as the main theory and the
research will utilise the qualitative method research. The primary data for this data will
be gathered by first conducting preliminary observation in the Tebet 7-Eleven outlet.
This particular 7-Eleven outlet is selected due to its strategic location which is located
in a busy intersection. Residential houses, schools and businesses occupy the area
making this outlet’s consumers to be diverse. The preliminary observation will give
brief idea of the activities of consumers inside the outlet.
This study will use purposive sampling method. The researcher will conduct
several focus group discussions on site and also ethnography study on several
resource people. The resource people will be focused on high school students aged
between 13-17 years old whom the researcher have noticed to be the biggest age
group populating the outlet. Secondary data will be gathered through document
analysis. For data analysis, the researcher will first organise the gathered data, code
and categorize them in order to ease the next step of data interpretation and will be
followed by evaluation of results.
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No. 44
Information Seeking And Relationship Development Among
Graduate Students
Suharyanti &Tuti Widiastuti
Universitas Bakrie
This research objective is to explain the process of information seeking in the
first stage of relationship development among graduate students. The one factor that
person is looking for, when he or she try to make friends is information seeking,
in order to find out if there are similarities among them. This research is elaborating
the effect of information seeking through communication technology in friendship. The
application of uncertainty reduction theory is to explain how individual communicates
to reduce the hesitation about strangers. We used qualitative method analysis for this
research, and depth interview was taken for data collecting. We interviewed students of
Bakrie University, majoring in Communication Studies. The result from this research
found that information seeking was not directly influence the formation of friendship,
otherwise it would supported relationship, when both parties found similarities since
the first meeting.
Keywords: information seeking, relationship development, uncertainty reduction
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 45
Peran Etika (Moral) Pada Perilaku Mahasiswa Setelah Menonton
Tayang Program TV
(Study Deskriptif Pada Tayang Program “Bila Aku Menjadi” Trans
Chrisdina W. & Veronika Soepomo
The London School of Public Relations
Mahasiswa adalah tergolong remaja akhir. Mahasiswa merupakan harapan
keluarga dan bangsa pada umumnya. Ketika mahasiswa berperilaku baik atau buruk
hal ini akan mencerminkan bagaimana mahasiswa tersebut menerapkan etika (moral
)yang diperlihatkan kepada masyarakat. Perilaku mahasiswa selalu didasari sebuah
pencetus keadaan sekitarnya. Saat ini tetelvi banyak menanyangkan acara yang
tergolong reality show, salah satu program dari Trans TV bertajuk “Bila Aku Menjadi”.
Berisikan mahasiswa yang diajak menjalani kehidupan yang sangat berbeda dari segi
ekonomi dengan kehidupan mereka. Pembelajaran langsung yang dirasakan dan
ditonton oleh teman sebaya dapat menjadi salah satu pencetus seorang mahasiswa
untuk menyikapi hidup dan menerapkan etika (moral) yang sudah dipelajari oleh sang
pelaku dalam program tersebut. Frekuensi meononton akan menjadikan seorang
mahasiswa mendapatkan pembelajaran positif dari tonton reality show melalui media
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perilaku mahasiswa
menerapkan etika moral setelah menonton beberapa kali program tayangan “Bila
AKu Menjadi” di stasiun televisi Trans TV. Teori Utama yang terkait dalam penelitian
ini adalah Komunikasi Massa, Etika (moral), Ciri mahasiswa, Sosial learning teori
dan perilaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode: Kualitatif dengan pendekatan
deskriptif. Dengan narasumber 3 s/d 5 mahasiswa yang telah menonton tayangan,
psikolog sosial. Penelitian ini diharapkan bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran bagi
mahasiswa, pendidik dan orang tua dalam menerapkan etika moral dalam masyarakat
The Role of Ethics (Moral) On The Behavior Of Students After
Watching TV Program Broadcast
(Descriptive Study On Broadcast “Bila Aku Menjadi” Trans TV)
Students are considered adolescence. Students are family expectations and the
nation at large. When students behave well or badly this will reflect how the student
will apply ethical (moral) that is shown to the public. Student behavior is always based
on an originator of the surrounding circumstances. Currently television shown many
events classified as reality shows, one of Trans TV program titled “Bila Aku Menjadi”.
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
The participants are students who invited to undergo a very different life from an
economic point with their lives.
Direct learning is perceived and viewed by peers may be one trigger a student
applying for life and addressing the ethical (moral) that have been learned by the
actors in the program. Frequency of watched will make a student a positive learning
from watching reality shows on television.
This study aims to determine how to implement student behavior moral ethics
after watching a few impressions program “From the Heart” at the television station
Trans TV.
Major theories are related in this study is Mass Communication, Ethics (moral),
Student Characteristics, Social learning theory and behavior. This research method:
Qualitative descriptive approach. With guest speaker 3 s / d 5 students who have been
watching the show, the social psychologist.
This study is expected to be used for learning for students, educators and parents
in applying moral ethics in society.
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 46
Why Chinese Mobile Phones Sells Their Products in Indonesia
R.A. Aryanti W. Puspokusumo
Binus University
Entitled “Analysis on China Mobile Phone Manufactured Company”, this paper
will mainly discuss about strategy of China mobile phone manufacturer. Based
from the interview with the manufacturer’s representative, we tried to comprehend
the strategy behind the China mobile phone raid in Indonesia. As people know that
mobile phone industry keeps on growing day by day, especially by the invention of the
Android operating system, an open source OS with integrated capability. By having
a free licensed OS, mobile phone manufacturer can focus mainly on their hardware
development. Mobile phone industry is getting crowded by the appearance of new
players from China. The manufacturer are growing because of their innovations and
idea to create a new product with competitive price, usage of right media for promotion,
and persistence in penetrating the Indonesian market. It is also through this paper
that we hoped to invite young entrepreneur to join the manufacturing industry, as it is
a fast growing industry that will surely developed with by the fresh ideas of the young
generation of Indonesia.
Keywords: China mobile phone, Android, mobile phone manufacturer
This International Communication Conference is open for senior and junior researchers as well as industry
representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 47
Orangtua, Teman Sebaya, dan Media Massa: Sebuah Model Sistem
Ekologi dalam Pembentukan Orientasi Kerja Pemuda di Pedesaan
Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo & Yogaprasta Adinugraha
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Dewasa ini perkembangan media massa termasuk new media telah banyak
memberikan efek kepada para pemuda, khususnya di masyarakat perkotaan. Di satu
sisi media massa memberikan efek positif dan di sisi lain memberikan efek negatif dalam
pembentukan identitas pemuda. Dari sudut agen sosialisasi, pemuda juga mendapat
pengaruh yang kuat dari teman sebaya dalam proses pembentukan identitasnya,
serta masih dalam pengasuhan orangtua. Sebagai bagian proses pembentukan
identitas, pada tahap perkembangan ini pemuda juga diharapkan mengorientasikan
diri pada dunia kerja. Yang menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana efek media massa dalam
pembentukan identitas diri pemuda di pedesaan? Bagaimana pertarungan kekuatan
pengaruh di antara agen sosialisasi (media massa, teman sebaya dan orangtua)?
Apakah media massa memiliki efek yang lebih kuat dibandingkan agen sosialisasi
yang lain? Dalam hal apa media massa berpengaruh? Dalam hal mana orangtua atau
teman sebaya berpengaruh? Untuk menjawab perumusan masalah tersebut penulis
menggunakan Model Ekologi Manusia (Brofenbrenner, 1981). Tulisan ini menunjukkan
media massa merupakan salah satu pihak yang berperan dalam pembentukan identitas
diri (pemilihan bidang pekerjaan) pemuda di pedesaan, walaupun pengaruhnya
tidak sekuat pengaruh orangtua. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga menunjukkan hubungan
kelompok umur dengan perilaku penggunaan media massa oleh pemuda tani, dan
efek media massa dalam pemilihan pekerjaan.
Kata kunci: pemuda, orientasi pekerjaan, pedesaan, efek komunikasi massa,
pembentukan identitas diri
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 48
Fenomena Courtesy of Youtube
Fizzy Andriani
Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama)
Tingginya persaingan membuat masyarakat seperti sudah melupakan pentingnya
arti sebuah proses belajar untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan. Agar tidak
tertinggal dengan yang lain, orang cenderung memilih cara instan untuk mendapatkan
apa yang diinginkannya. Budaya instan seperti sebuah virus yang sedang menggerogoti
masyarakat Indonesia. Budaya ini masuk hampir disetiap sektor kehidupan masyarakat.
Keinginan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu secara cepat dan mudah dan (mungkin) tanpa
perlu repot repot berpikir. Tidak peduli hal yang dilakukan itu merugikan orang lain.
Hal ini terjadi juga dihampir semua stasiun televisi kita. Banyaknya tayangan
yang isinya hanya menayangkan video-video pendek dengan caption “courtesy of
youtube”. Tayangan ini umumnya berisi tentang kejadian dan fenomena unik yang ada
di youtube.
Indikasi apakah ini? Sedemikian rendahkan kreatifitas pekerja televisi kita sampai
sampai mereka hanya membuat ‘kliping’ video video unik tersebut? Youtube sebenarnya
tidak memiliki hak penuh terhadap video yang diunggah. Setiap video dalam youtube
memiliki hak cipta dan hak tayangnya sendiri. Youtube hanya berhak menayangkan,
namun pemiliknya berhak untuk mencabut kembali video yang diunggahnya.
Kalau pun Youtube sudah memberi izin, bagaimana dengan pengunggahnya?
Apakah stasiun televisi tersebut telah mendapatkan izin dari si pengunggah video
tersebut? Tidakkah ini berkaitan dengan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual?
Atau justru memang pekerja tv tersebut sudah begitu malasnya untuk berkarya?
Dalam salah satu episode Top 5 RCTI menampilkan tema “5 pebulutangkis Indonesia
terpopuler” dan video video tersebut masih menggunakan caption Courtesy of Youtube.
Malaskah mereka untuk mencari dokumentasi asli yang mereka miliki sendiri? Karena
banyak dari tayangan tersebut juga ada dalam dokumentasi stasiun televisi tersebut.
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 49
Teens Using New Media:
The Need of New Kind of Media Literacy
B. Guntarto
Yayasan Pengembangan Media Anak
In many countries, teenagers are the largest group of Internet user. As digital
native, they are learn everything on the Internet easily and quickly with a strong
enthusiasm. On the other side, as a member of the community who are in the process
of reaching their maturity, teenagers is a period of turmoil that many experience both
in dealing with parents and teachers, with peers, with other people and new people, as
well as with themself. Great curiosity, the urge to try and experiment, openness to new
things, is a great learning opportunity but at the same time also risky for teenagers.
Sonia Livingstone (2011) underlines the importance of digital issues safety skills
to anticipate the risks of using social networking sites in children and adolescents. One
of the most important issue is privacy. This is similar to research results done by the
Children Media Development Foundation (YPMA, 2011) in junior high and high school
students in Depok West Java. One of the finding is that nearly 60% of students familiar
with the Internet since grade 4-5 elementary school (9-10 year old).
Social media, for example, is an Internet facility which very popular that can bring
both positives and negatives impact for them, depends on their ability to use it properly.
‘Using the media properly’ is a core competence of media literacy.
This paper is intended to discuss the needs of new media literacy among
Indonesian teens, and how it can be taught. The new media literacy is essentially aims
to allow users to have an understanding and competence in using new media in order
to navigate the jungle of the Internet with a safe and fun.
Keywords: new media, teens, new media literacy.
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 50
Pengaruh Jejaring Sosial Twitter Terhadap Kesadaran Politik
Fransisca Diana Slamet Tjitrosampurno
Andi Shabrina
Gusti Deska Yunita
Moestopo University
Perkembangan ilmu teknologi dan komunikasi memberikan dampak besar bagi
perkembangan media komunikasi, salah satunya dengan kemunculan media baru.
Media baru yang saat ini banyak digunakan adalah jejaring sosial “Twitter”. Saat ini
Twitter menjadi tempat pertemuan semu untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain, untuk
mengekspresikan diri, dan untuk memperoleh informasi terkini karena lebih mudah
diakses, serta untuk berbagi pandangan secara luas. Hal ini dapat dikatakan sebagai
bentuk dari determinasi teknologi, dimana keberadaan media komunikasi massa dilihat
sebagai fenomena yang dibentuk untuk perkembangan masyarakat dari masyarakat
agraris menjadi masyarakat informatif. Banyaknya pengguna Twitter dilihat sebagai
lahan basah bagi berbagai pihak, baik untuk kepentingan berbisnis, maupun kepentingan
politik. Terdapat banyak account twitter yang secara aktif menyampaikan isu politik
terkini. Hal ini dapat menstimulus para pengguna twitter atau followers dari account
tersebut unutuk memberikan respon. Setidaknya dapat menyentuh aspek kognitif dari
followers tersebut, yang dapat diamati dari “Retweet” atau “Mention” terhadap tweet
terkait. Peneliti beranggapan bahwa tweet mengenai isu politik dapat mempengaruhi
tingkat kesadaran masyarakat terhadap politik, terutama remaja. Objek penelitian
ini difokuskan pada remaja, karena remaja merupakan generasi penerus bangsa
yang perlu memiliki kesadaran dan kepekaan politik Negara. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan adalah observasi dan survey khalayak, dengan melakukan Focus Group
Discussion, penyebaran kuisioner, dan indepth interview dengan menggunakan teori
Computer Mediated Communication dan teori Media Baru. Dengan metode tersebut,
diharapkan dapat diketahui apakah keberadaan jejaring social twitter berpengaruh
pada tingkat kesadaran remaja terhadap politik.
Keywords: remaja, jejaring sosial, kesadaran politik
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 51
Menduniakan Musik Indie Indonesia Melalui Jejaring Sosial
Fransisca Diana Slamet Tjitrosampurno
Andi Shabrina
Gusti Deska Yunita
Moestopo University
Indonesia memiliki generasi muda yang memiliki peran dalam membawa dan
mempertahankan nama Indonesia di kancah internasional. Pemuda menjadi tumpuan,
sebagai pemegang tongkat estafet bangsa. Salah satu karya anak bangsa yang
patut dibanggakan adalah dalam bidang musik. Mereka memanfaatkan kemajuan
teknologi dalam bidang komunikasi sehingga karya musik tersebut dapat dinikmati
oleh masyarakat dunia. Karena kemajuan teknologi tersebut memudahkan suatu
kelompok atau perorangan untuk dapat dikenal oleh khalayak. Salah satu media yang
digunakan untuk promosi adalah jejaring sosial. Bahkan terdapat jejaring sosial khusus
musik, yang dipergunakan untuk meng-upload karya musik mereka yaitu MySpace.
Berdasarkan pada pengamatan tersebut, maka rumusan penelitian yang diambil
adalah “Bagaimana efektifitas penggunaan jejaring sosial bagi industri musik indie
di Indonesia?”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan
menggunakan teori Computer Mediated Communication dan teori Media Baru. Band
indie yang dipilih adalah The S.I.G.I.T. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan keberadaan
jejaring sosial dapat diaplikasikan dalam perkembangan musik yang diusung pemuda
Indonesia melalui jalur indie.
Kata kunci: Jejaring sosial, prestasi musik pemuda Indonesia
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 52
Adele Dan Komunikasi Kebertubuhan (Sebuah Telaah Filsafat
Komunikasi Kebertubuhan Maurice Merleau-Ponty)
Nurul Robbi Sepang & Sari Monik Agustin
Universitas Al Azhar
Inti dari pemikiran Merleau-ponty dalam komunikasi kebertubuhan dalam tulisan
ini adalah bahwa manusia, melalui tubuhnya, bersatu dengan dunia “luar tubuh”. Tubuh
menjadi pusat eksistensi manusia. Manusia menjadi Ada karena kehadiran tubuhnya.
Dalam pemikiran Merleau-Ponty, tubuh manusia selalu berada dalam dua
suasana, yaitu suasana “Ada” – etre dan suasana “Memiliki” – avoir.Pemikiran MerleauPonty bersumber pada tubuh yang ambiguitas. Tubuh memiliki dwi arti, yaitu tubuh
sebagai mesin, dan tubuh sebagai subyek. Artinya Merleau-Ponty menerima bahwa
memang tubuh dapat bersifat seperti mesin (dalam suasana memiliki), namun tubuh
juga bersifat sebagai subyek (dalam suasana ada).
Adele adalah seorang diva baru dalam dunia tarik suara. Di usianya yang baru
menginjak 21 tahun, Adele telah meraih berbagai penghargaan. Di bulan Februari
2012, Adele berhasil meraih 6 penghargaan di ajang Grammy Award ke-54 yang
diselenggarakan di Los Angeles Amerika Serikat. Ini membuktikan bahwa Adele dapat
dikatakan adalah ikon bagi kaum muda pada masa ini.
Namun demikian, keberhasilan Adele di panggung musik dunia ternyata tidak
menghentikan komentar miring atas dirinya. Salah satunya adalah komentar dari
perancang rumah mode Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld. Lagerfeld mengecam bentuk tubuh
Adele di berbagai media. Komentarnya mengenai tubuh Adele yang dinilai terlalu
gemuk menuai banyak pro dan kontra.
Tulisan ini melihat bagaimana fenomena ini dalam telaah filsafat komunikasi
kebertubuhan Maurice Merleau-Ponty, terutama dikaitkan dengan pemikirannya
mengenai ambiguitas tubuh.Pada akhirnya, berdasarkan pemikiran Merleau-Ponty,
fenomena perbedaan pendapat atas perspektif dalam melihat tubuh memang selalu
akan terjadi karena dalam komunikasi kebertubuhan Merleau-Ponty, tubuh dapat
dilihat sebagai mesin, namun tubuh juga dapat dilihat sebagai subyek.
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 53
Perubahan Pola Konsumsi Media Informasi di Kalangan Remaja
Hadi Purnama
Telkom Institute of Management, Bandung
Saat ini tengah terjadi pergeseran dominasi media dari mainstream media baik media cetak maupun media elektronik - ke media alternatif, khususnya media
sosial yang perkembangannya menjadi fenomena menarik dalam lima tahun terakhir.
Kehadiran media social seperti Facebook, Twitter, Blog, dan YouTube, dianggap telah
merevolusi cara pengguna media dalam mengakses informasi.
Fenomena global ini terjadi seiring dengan hadirnya media sosial sebagai salah
satu lokomotif perubahan dalam industri media dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir.
Perubahan ini juga kemudian berimbas ke tanah air, khususnya di kalangan remaja
urban, yang memanfaatkan social media sebagai media sebagai sumber informasi
primer mereka.
Uniknya perubahan ini justru berdampak paling signifikan pada pola konsumsi
media di kalangan remaja urban.Remaja urban – yang kerap disebut generasi digital
native – memiliki media habit yang relatif berbeda dibandingkan mereka yang termasuk
digital immigrant. Terang saja fenomena ini cukup berdampak pada perkembangan
industri mainstream media, yang berbasis pada media cetak dan elektronik.
Ada berbagai alasan yang melatarbelakangi telaah mengenai pemanfaatan
media social yang berbasis Internet maupun yang menggunakan platform mobile
sebagai sumber informasi oleh remaja urban. Melalui makalah ini akan dielaborasi
motif remaja urban dalam memanfaatkan media sosial; karakteristik yang dimiliki
media sosial sebagai sumber informasi; bagaimana pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai
media informasi di kalangan remaja urban; informasi apa saja yang dicari dari media
sosial; serta strategi yang digunakan oleh media sosial untuk menjaring pengguna
dari kalangan remaja.
Telaah ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi bukan hanya bagi media sosial,
melainkan juga bagi mainstream media, karena perubahan sosial ini menjadi sesuatu
yang tidak terelakkan, Sehingga setiap media akan mampu menyikapinya secara
proporsional di tengah perubahan zaman.
Kata kunci: media sosial,remaja urban, pola konsumsi media, digital natives, digital
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 54
Media Sosial dan Tumbuhnya Viral Marketing di Kalangan Young
Hadi Purnama
Telkom Institute of Management, Bandung
Media sosial menjadi fenomena sosial yang layak dicermati. Kehadirannya
bukan saja dijadikan sebagai media komunikasi alternatif yang telah mengubah
pola komunikasi, juga telah membawa angin segar bagi tumbuh kembangnya
entrepreneurship di kalangan muda di Indonesia.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir media sosial seperti facebook, twitter, youtube
dan blog telah dimanfaatkan sebagai media promosi alternatif bagi entrepreneur muda.
Beragam produk ditawarkan melalui media sosial yang dianggap memiliki sejumlah
kelebihan sebagai media pemasaran alternatif, karena memiliki karakteristik yang tidak
dimiliki oleh media pemasaran konvensional. Para entrepreneur muda menggunakan
media sosial dengan pertimbangan sifat interaktivitasnya, daya jangkaunya, efisiensi,
serta dapat dikustomisasi.
Pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai media promosi oleh entrepreneur muda
telah membuahkan banyak kisah sukses (success story). Salah satunya yang paling
fenomenal adalah pemasaran keripik pedas Mak Icih yang menggunakan media
sosial sebagai media pemasarannya. Di luar itu masih ada ribuan entrepreneur muda
yang telah memanfaatkan media sosial untuk memasarkan produknya di jagat maya.
Salah satu fenomena unik yang menyertai pemasaran melalui media sosial adalah
viral marketing. Sebuah terminologi yang mirip dengan konsep Word of Mouth dalam
konsep pemasaran konvensional, hanya saja dibedakan dari pemanfataan media
sosial dengan berbagai karakteristik unik yang yang dimilikinya.
Melalui telaah ini diharapkan dapat dielaborasi pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai
media pemasaran, sekaligus dapat mendorong bangkitnya generasi entrepreneur
muda baru di era 3.0.
Kata kunci: media sosial, viral marketing, young entrepreneur
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representatives who are interested to a friendly and supportive environment to share idea
The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 55
Identitas Diri Remaja Alay (Studi Etnografi Komunikasi pada
Kelompok Pertemanan Remaja Alay Ekstras Komunitas ST Setia)
Dini Wahdiyati
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
Pertemanan merupakan suatu hal yang paling penting bagi remaja, tak terkecuali
remaja alay Ekstras Komunitas ST Setia, yakni para penggemar grup musik ST 12,
yang ada di Jakarta. Melalui komunikasi dengan sebayanya inilah identitas diri mereka
terbentuk. Identitas diri tersebut meliputi aspek perasaan (afektif), aspek pemikiran
(kognitif), dan aspek behavioral.
Tulisan ini mengkaji bagaimana identitas diri remaja alay Ekstras Komunitas ST
Setia terbentuk. Peneliti mencoba mengindentifikasi permasalahan penelitian sebagai
berikut: Bagaimana komunikasi verbal Kelompok Pertemanan Remaja Alay Ekstras
Komunitas ST Setia? Bagaimana Komunikasi nonverbal Kelompok Pertemanan
Remaja Alay Ekstras Komunitas ST Setia? Bagaimana Kelompok Pertemanan Remaja
Alay Ekstras Komunitas ST Setia mengomunikasikan Identitas Diri mereka?
Dengan menggunakan teori interaksi simbolik dan konvergensi simbolik, didukung
dengan konsep-konsep komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal, etnografi komunikasi,
komunikasi dan identitas, psikologi perkembangan remaja, penulis mencoba menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian di atas.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi
komunikasi. Etnografi komunikasi menfokuskan pada bagaimana bahasa dan perilaku
komunikatif masyarakat budaya dibahas dan dikupas tuntas.
Kata kunci: identitas diri, remaja alay, etnografi komunikasi
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The 3rd International Communication Research Conference
Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 56
Pola Konsumsi Media Pada Remaja Pantura, Cirebon
Ida Ri’aeni
Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon.
Remaja ditengarai sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Dengan memahami
perilaku komunikasi para remaja, sedianya peneliti dapat memetakan orientasi
kekinian para pemuda yang akan bermanfaat bagi tujuan masa mendatang. Kemajuan
teknologi dewasa ini membawa banyak perubahan terhadap cara berkomunikasi.
Saat ini mulai terjadi pergeseran pola konsumsi media yang juga mempengaruhi
sikap masyarakat. Berubahnya pola konsumsi media ditandai dengan diversifikasi
penggunaan media pada kalangan tertentu, termasuk juga remaja. Dahulu biasanya
remaja mencari informasi dengan menonton TV atau membaca koran, sekarang
banyak sumber lain seperti facebook dan Twitter. Loyalitas pada satu media pun kini
mulai bergeser. Remaja bukan lagi loyal ke surat kabar atau majalah tertentu tapi ke
Para remaja di daerah pantai utara Jawa, tak luput dari paparan perubahan pola
konsumsi media tersebut. Riset dilakukan pada remaja yang berada di Kecamatan
Kapetakan, Kabupaten Cirebon dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Teknik
yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, studi kepustakaan, dan
FGD. Sebagai masyarakat dengan rata-rata tingkat ekonomi menengah ke bawah dan
pendidikan SD-SMP, subjek penelitian banyak menggunakan televisi sebagai media
acuan. Selain itu, pola konsumsi remaja juga masih mengarah pada penggunaan radio
lokal yang kental dengan nuansa budaya daerah, interaktif, bersahabat dan bersifat
personal. Selanjutnya, program Internet Masuk Desa dan layanan internet hemat
pada telepon selular, menjadi pilihan. Dalam hal ini, situs jejaring sosial yaitu facebook
adalah yang paling diminati untuk bertukar informasi.
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 57
Analisis Pemaknaan Terhadap Aktivitas Like di Facebook terhadap
Komunitas Jempolers Jogjakarta
Amanda Kusuma Wardhani
Diaz Bela Yustisia
Rizma Kristiana
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keberadaan media baru saat ini memang telah menjadi fenomena tersendiri bagi
masyarakat, terutama mengenai model komunikasi manusia. Kepopuleran media baru
sendiri telah menjadi bagian kebudayaan masyarakat. Penggunaan media baru ini
bukan hanya tuntutan dunia global saja, tetapi juga telah menjadi sebuah gaya hidup.
Media baru rupanya telah menjembatani kebutuhan pokok manusia sebagai makhluk
sosial untuk berinteraksi dengan lebih cepat dan tanpa batasan ruang dan waktu.
Melalui media baru, model komunikasi interpersonal tradisional telah berubah.
Penerapan peran komunikan dan komunikator dalam bentuk fisik yang memungkinkan
terjadinya komunikasi interpersonal pun menjadi tabu karena kini baik komunikan dan
komunikator dapat mengubah fisik mereka dalam sebuah identitas online melalui
media baru. Identitas secara fisik tidak lagi dibutuhkan disini, dan sebagai gantinya
identitas tersebut tergantikan dengan gambar (foto diri atau avatar) dan personal
statement yang ditulis.
Facebook adalah salah satu situs pertemanan sosial yang cukup populer di
Indonesia. Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua pengguna facebook terbanyak
di dunia dengan lebih dari 35 juta pengguna dengan rata-rata usia pemakainnya
23 tahun, disusul Inggris di peringkat ketiga dengan hampir 29 juta pengguna, dan
Amerika Serikat tetap menduduki posisi pertama dengan jumlah pengguna diatas 152
juta dengan rata-rata pemakainnya berusia 32 tahun. (www.tekno.kompas.com).
Banyaknya aplikasi yang bisa digunakan dalam Facebook membuat penggunanya
nyaman berlama-lama mengakses situs jejaring sosial ini. Dengan memiliki akun
Facebook, pengguna dapat mengunggah foto, menyebarkan tautan, memperbarui
status, bercengkrama dengan sesama pengguna lain, hingga sekedar memberikan
like. Like, adalah salah satu aplikasi dalam Facebook yang dapat menggambarkan
kesukaan seseorang terhadap apa yang ter-posting. Like di simbolkan dengan gambar
jempol beserta nama akun dan angka yang menunjukan jumlah orang yang menyukai
postingan tersebut.
Untuk beberapa orang, mungkin like tak lebih dari sekedar aplikasi dalam Facebook
yang dapat mewakili perasaan suka terhadap sesuatu yang di-posting. Namun, bagi
sebagian lagi, like adalah cara wajib untuk meningkatkan eksistensi sebagai salah
satu jalan untuk berinteraksi antar sesama pengguna facebook. Eksistensi tersebut
diperlukan untuk menyokong identitas online yang mereka miliki.
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No. 58
Identity as Becoming: Studi tentang Pengaruh K-POP terhadap
Identitas Budaya Remaja Perempuan di Indonesia
Universitas Paramadina
K-POP atau Korean Pop Culture saat ini telah menjadi fenomena tersendiri di
berbagai negara di dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. K-POP tidak hanya menjadi
sebuah genre musik, namun juga sebuah fenomena kultural tersendiri bagi banyak
orang. Dalam perkembangannya, K-POP bahkan mampu mempengaruhi identitas
budaya para penggemarnya.
Media massa dalam hal ini merupakan instrumen penting dalam diseminasi
budaya K-POP kepada masyarakat global. Di Indonesia, K-POP masuk melalui hampir
semua jalur media. K-POP mendapat dukungan baik dari media mainstream maupun
media baru dalam menyalurkan produk-produk budayanya kepada masyarakat global,
tak terkecuali masyarakat Indonesia.
Di Indonesia, fenomena tersebut sudah mulai terasa. Remaja sebagaimana
sasaran dalam invasi budaya ini sudah banyak dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai budaya
tersebut. Tidak adanya kontrol terhadap Korean Wave ini membuat K-POP semakin
leluasa mempengaruhi nilainilai dan identitas budaya para penggemarnya. Hal tersebut
sudah dapat kita lihat secara kasat mata melalui media massa maupun remaja-remaja
di lingkungan sekitar.
Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa sejauh mana pengaruh K-POP terhadap
identitas budaya remaja, khususnya remaja perempuan di Indonesia. Untuk
menganalisis hal tersebut, penelitian ini akan melakukan wawancara mendalam
kepada para penggemar K-POP. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan
landasan teori Identitas Budaya dari Stuart Hall.
Penelitian ini dirasa penting untuk dilakukan sebagai salah satu langkah persiapan
dalam membentengi budaya-budaya luar yang dapat merusak tatanan budaya lokal
di Indonesia. Jangan sampai budaya luar yang terlampau bebas dikonsumsi malah
membuat budaya lokal tidak lagi mendapat perhatian dari remaja-remaja di Indonesia.
Kata Kunci: K-POP, identitas budaya, korean wave, budaya populer.
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 59
Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan dan Perilaku Pencarian
Informasi Kaum Muda di Kota Serang dan Cilegon
Deviani Setyorini, Andin Nesia, and Yearry Panji
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Banten
Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi baru telah membawa banyak perubahan atau
cara-cara baru untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari, seperti kegiatan berinteraksi atau
berkomunikasi dan mencari informasi. Cara-cara baru tersebut tentunya diharapkan
menghasilkan kemudahan, keterbaruan, dan kenyamanan dalam segi biaya dan daya
yang dibutuhkan. Akan tetapi, untuk sebagian individu di daerah tertentu terutama
di daerah terpencil yang memiliki keterbatasan ekonomi dan tingkat pendidikan,
kesenjangan digital (akses) merupakan permasalahan yang dihasilkan oleh teknologi
baru tersebut. Oleh karenanya pemerintah berusaha menjembatani kesenjangan
tadi dengan memberikan alternatif solusi berupa program Pusat Layanan Internet
Kecamatan (PLIK) di seluruh Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
bagaimana perilaku pencarian informasi kaum muda di Kota Serang dan Cilegon
dengan adanya program PLIK. Kota Serang dan Cilegon menjadi fokus penelitian ini
karena kondisi geografisnya yang notabene berdekatan dengan pusat (Jakarta) tetapi
masih memiliki banyak daerah yang tertinggal. Kedua kota ini selain kota Tangerang
memiliki kekhasan berupa karakter penduduk yang lebih modern dibandingkan kotakota lain di Banten. Ada 8 kecamatan di kota Cilegon dan 6 kecamatan di kota Serang
yang menjadi objek penelitian ini. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
Uses and Gratification Theory yang menjelaskan bagaimana individu menggunakan
media komunikasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya dalam mencari informasi dan motifmotif apa yang melatarbelakangi pemilihan media komunikasi tersebut. Hasil penelitian
ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi evaluasi program pemerintah Indonesia berupa
program PLIK di tiap kecamatan di seluruh Indonesia yang merupakan implementasi
dari kewajiban pelayanan universal (Universal Service Obligation).
Kata kunci: internet, perilaku pencarian informasi, kaum muda
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 60
Twitter Usage Pattern And Teenager Self Disclosure
Dianingtyas Putri & Tuti Widiastuti
Bakrie University
Internet as new media has developed rapidly. Nowadays, internet acts not only
as a tool or communication media but it has already become a lifestyle support for
community. One of many phenomena which occurred in the internet is the emergence of
social media, such as Twitter. Through Twitter, one could express themselves in written
text. The thin boundary in virtual world such as Twitter has made it a communication
media in many fields including interpersonal communication. We feel free to disclose
our thoughts and feelings either personal or impersonal through Twitter. Based on
that phenomenon, author is interested to observe how Twitter usage affects one’s self
disclosure. In this case, teenagers as active audience are the object of research. This
research uses qualitative effect. Data collection method is using in-depth interview.
Self Disclosure Theory and Computer Mediated Communication Theory is used for
this research. The result shows that there is no direct connection between the intensity
of twitter usage pattern with teenager’s self disclosure. It can be concluded from this
research that active audience who uses Twitter does not always perform self disclosure.
Keywords: self disclosure, computer mediated communication, social media.
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No. 61
Journalistic Ethics in the Cyber Era is at Stake
Pupung Arifin
University of Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta
The regulation on Cyber Media News (Pedoman Pemberitaan Media Siber: Ind.)
has been endorsed by the Press Council along with the Press Community on Friday
(February 3rd, 2012). It is still in the form of a regulation, has not been in the Press
Council Law. Yet, by the endorsement of this regulation, it can serve as a response
from the Press Council in facing the development of information technology and mass
media in Indonesia. Besides some conventional media, printed as well as television
that have long been shifted to online gateway market, there are also other news
gateways that have focused their business on online or cyber mass media since their
The endorsement of this regulation can also be perceived as a preliminary
measure before the existence of a new law concerning the content of digital cyber
media which come into their existence in different kinds and format and that can be
produced by wider array of publishers, not limited to professional journalists only. Due
to those varied publishers, journalism concept in the news content means very widely.
Blog community or an owner of social media account can easily compose an article,
and directly upload in their private site or the one of their community. In so doing, the
principle of journalism work in composing an article is surely questionable.
The enactment of this regulation is also interesting if it is linked to the process
of the deliberation for Media Convergence Bill (RUU) that is still being discussed by
the government, media practitioners and academics experts. The Media convergence
Bill which is basically the replacement of broadcasting Law, Telecommunication Law
and Press-Film Law will be comprehensive if they take the regulation on Cyber Media
News into account. The Convergence Concept, can not surely be separated from the
cyber world as its medium.
The main objective of enacting this media regulation is to return the journalistic
nature to the content of cyber mass media. The media practitioners have, so far been
worried with the trend of the simplified non-standard writing and the wide array of cyber
media portal. In that case the character and the standard of journalistic writing are
more and more seriously ignored by a wider society, including the media practitioners
We must admit that the regulation on Cyber Media News can not be said as
perfect, as we can witness on the regulation on other mass media, this regulation is
limited to regulate the standard of operating procedure of cyber media industry. This
regulation still ignores the society’s interest. This society is the last end consumers of
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
mass media product.
A very important question due to this presentation is that: Is the journalism
ethics which was made since the euphoria of conventional media (printed media) still
important and relevant in the era of cyber media, whose definition is frequently vague.
Ward (2009) noted that media convergence changed present mass media culture into
the layered journalism. The printed media is forced to shift the trend of the technology
advancement by establishing news portal such as done by Kompas, Media Indonesia,
Tempo, Jawa Pos and others. To go with the trend, the pioneers of online news portal
in Indonesia, detik.com has again innovated e-newspaper and e-magazine, to go along
with the popularity of tablet pc in the society.
Related to the first question, who, then is called the journalist? At present,
anybody can be the producer of the news. Anyone can upload an article in a blog, their
account in the social media, or sharing video in a site. Mass media at present, has
not been an exclusive right of the journalists. Anyone can produce the news, whether
it is an accurate and based on the fact or a questionable news whose reliability is
The third question, what is journalism? Must a journalism process be done by a
journalist? May society’s journalism not comply with the aspect of journalistic ethics?
What will happen then when this society’s journalism can win the heart the society of
the internet users? What will happen then if the workers in journalistic industry quote
the sources of their articles from the posting done by the society in common in their
private blog or social media account?
Then, what solution can be offered by the Indonesian journalism community to
face this challenge, including what strategic measure that can be taken by the Press
Council in order to protect the society as the last end consumer of the cyber media
product which flood massively to their personal territory: smart phone, tablet pc and
other sophisticated gadgets in 7/24 of their life.
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No. 62
Cartoon, Humour and Building Democracy In Indonesia
Ari S. Widodo Poespodihardjo & Elisabeth Paramita.
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
Despite major development in social and political areas since the end of New
order, issues of conflict and intercultural sensitivity is still a major issue in Indonesia.
From the ashes of New Order era there are many things we can learnt. One of it is how
a political cartoon can successfully raised and voiced the people’s voice for more than
32 till today and was never got the fate like any other activist at that time – it was never
disbanded. The name of the cartoon is Panji Koming and published every sunday at
KOMPAS newspaper.
As a political cartoon, Panji Koming has successfully educated, informed and
voiced things that were thought impossible even during the most repressive era in
Indonesia. Using satire and carefully hidden messages, it was able to critized, often
in direct manner, the behaviour of Indonesian government creating a kind of public
sphere for those who are longing for changes. The main reason for its success is
the usage of combination between highly complex communication skill combined with
traditional humour. As such it was able to goes beyond race and ethnical boundaries,
something that desperately needed in Indonesia today.
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No. 63
‘Retweet” dan “Like” Anak Muda: Sebuah Prediksi konformitas
anak muda dalam social movement
Rini Setianingsih
University of Indonesia
Social movement adalah upaya mengubah keadaan menjadi lebih baik. Banyak
ide yang dapat dilakukan namun banyak yang tidak berjalan efektif. Salah satunya
karena sedikitnya masa yang terlibat, entah karena konten yang tidak sesuai atau
cara penyampaian yang kurang membumi. Social media menjadi alternatif sosialisi
pergerakan yang efektif. Social media membuat pengguna, khususnya anak muda
untuk lebih ikut serta akan isu yang dibawa, meskipun anak muda tersebut bukanlah
penggagas utama. Tingkat konformitas anak muda ketika menggunakan social media
bisa dikatakan ­­­
meningkat dengan aplikasi “retweet” pada twitter atau “like” pada
facebook. Yang menarik untuk diteliti adalah apakah yang membuat anak muda bisa
benar-benar conform saat menggunakan social media, apakah ada faktor akun dari
social media yang diikuti atau karena teman-teman sekitar ut yang sebelumnya telah
melakukan perilaku “retweet” atau “like”. Penelitian ini penting untuk memprediksi
apakah anak muda bisa benar-benar conform secara nyata (bertindak konkret) atau
hanya sekedar conform di social media.
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No. 64
Cendol among Kaskusers: The Reproduction of Meaning and the
Ismayanti & Reni Oktari
Paramadina University
Cendol is one of popular beverages in Indonesia. It is specially known for its
sweet and icy taste. Everybody in Indonesia had the same reference about Cendol,
it was always about the green lumps which can be served as dessert or appetizer.
Nowadays, Cendol has a different meaning, especially for the Kaskusers (the users
of www.kaskus.us). Cendol among Kaskusers refers to good reputation (if) they have.
According to semiotics approach, Cendol’s meaning has been reproduced from its
denotation to connotation, from beverage to good reputation. Cendol as reputation is
an extremely interesting phenomenon. This phenomenon shows us about something
unique from new media Kaskus. In Kaskus, something intangible like reputation can be
countable in bar. Yet, it also can be traded as commodity that has social consequences.
This so-called trading activity can be explained by commodification theory of political
economy approach.
Keywords: Reproduction of Meaning, Commodification, Semiotics, Political Economy,
New Media
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No. 65
Memanfaatkan Facebook Sebagai Pembelajaran Jurnalisme Warga
Bagi Remaja
Sri Mustika
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
Jurnalisme warga merupakan istilah yang sedang menjadi buah bibir di
kalangan masyarakat. Dalam jurnalisme warga praktik pencarian, pengolahan, dan
pendistribusian informasi dapat dilakukan oleh warga biasa yang tidak berprofesi
sebagai wartawan. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi Internet, maka jurnalisme
warga ikut berkembang. Melalui Internet orang lebih mudah mengakses informasi atau
sebaliknya mengunggah informasi yang mungkin dianggap kurang atau tidak menarik
bagi media konvensional, namun sesungguhnya sangat dekat dengan kehidupan
sehari-hari warga.
Untuk belajar menjadi jurnalis warga orang dapat melakukannya di mana saja dan
tidak harus di bangku kuliah. Dengan hadirnya media sosial, seperti facebook orang,
termasuk kawula muda, dapat belajar mengenai jurnalisme warga. Melalui forum di
facebook, misalnya Citizen Journalism Indonesia (CJI.com) atau Citizen Journalism
PWI Jaya, setiap orang yang ingin menjadi jurnalis warga dapat berpartisipasi dan
meningkatkan pengetahuannya mengenai berbagai bidang.
Tulisan ini mencoba mengetengahkan peluang kawula muda untuk berpartisipasi
dalam masyarakat melalui jurnalisme warga.
Keywords: Jurnalisme warga, media sosial, facebook
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No. 66
Pemuda Kembali kepada Kearifan Lokal (Back to Our Culture)
UIN Jakarta
Pemuda dan pemudi yang melek media tidak hanya mampu mengakses media,
ia juga mampu memilih media dalam mengembangkan potensinya. Ia memiliki
kesadaran, pengetahuan selak-beluk media, dan melakukan analisis media yang
dikonsumsinya. Setelah ia mengakses media sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, melakukan
refleksi, dan bertindak. Seorang siswa mengakses internet dan memanfaatkan
computer karena ia juga cinta lingkungan. Kesadaran cinta lingkungan seseorang
merupakan hasil terpaannya atas berbagai media. Siswa tersebut sudah mengalami
siklus pemberdayaan Thoman yang mencakup empat tahapan; kesadaran, analisis,
refleksi, dan tindakan. Kasus-kasus kakak dan adik yang menemukan antivirus dan
siswa menciptakan jaringan sosial Saling Sapa adalah kekuatan komunikasi di dalam
diri, berani mencoba. Proses pemberdayaan tersebut membutuhkan the Power of
Intrapersonal Communication. Sebaliknya pemuda dan pemudi kurang mencoba dan
kurang cerdas memanfaatkan media. Mereka lemah dalam menegakkan the Power of
Intrapersonal Communication. Perubahan pemuda yang tidak jelas arahnya, mereka
mengalami krisis diri, krisis identitas, krisis nilai agama, krisis nilai kebangsaan, dan
krisis nilai universal. Kondisi ini telah diungkap oleh pepatah dan falsafah Minangkabau.
Bagaikan pohon, manusia tersebut, ke atas tidak berpucuk, ke bawah tidak berakar, dan
di tengah-tengah dipatuk kumbang. Melatih diri, keluarga, dan komunitas menghargai
budaya di setiap tingkat komunikasi, konteks komunikasi, dan saluran komunikasi. The
power of intrapersonal communication merupakan fondasi rumah Indonesia dalam
pendekatan dimensi komunikasi antarbudaya (KAB). Manajemen krisis sumberdaya
manusia melalui kearifan local.
Kata Kunci: Empowerment, crisis manangement,and the power of intrapersonal
communication, intercultural communication approach.
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No. 67
Potensi Infrastruktur Komunikasi di Wilayah Perbatasan
Suparman I.A, Fiona Suwana, Sherly Haristya
The London School of Public Relations
Wilayah perbatasan yang berada dalam yurisdiksi Republik Indonesia terdiri dari
kurang lebih 25 kabupaten/kota yang tersebar mulai dari Aceh, Riau, Kalimantan,
Nusa Tenggara, hingga Irian Jaya. Daerah perbatasan ini pada umumnya cenderung
berorientasi ke negara tetangga, gaya sentrifugal lebih besar daripada gaya sentripetal.
Suatu negara rentan terhadap pengaruh dari tata kehidupan dan budaya negara
tetangga. Berdasarkan data potensi desa pada tahun 2005, dapat dilihat bahwa
fasilitas televisi, transportasi, dan telekomunikasi di daerah perbatasan relatif lebih
rendah dibanding daerah lainnya di Pulau Jawa dan daerah tetangga.
Sebagian besar penduduk wilayah perbatasan tersebut berinteraksi baik dari
aspek ekonomi, sosial dan budaya dengan penduduk negara tetangga. Proses
interaksi antara penduduk perbatasan dengan penduduk negara tetangga berada
dalam kondisi tidak seimbang khususnya di bidang ekonomi. Ketidakseimbangan itu
memiliki implikasi terjadi pergeseran nilai, norma, dan idealisme dari penduduk daerah
perbatasan tersebut.
Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan analisis bagaimana keterkaitan potensi
infrastruktur komunikasi, ekonomi, sosial, dan lainnya melalui model SEM. Data
yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data potensi desa yang surveinya telah
dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik. Analisis menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan yang
Kata Kunci: Wilayah perbatasan, komunikasi, data potensi desa, SEM.
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No. 68
Why do I Love My Blackberry? An Analysis of Youth Phenomenon
in Media with Political Economics Approach
Adhi Fitri Dinastiar & Sari Riantika Damayanti
University of Paramadina
In this information era, media has a significant role in our daily life especially for
youth. They are not only occupy a central place in young people’s social and culture
lives, but also been crucial in shaping our concepts of youth as a distinct generational
category. The presence of smartphone called Blackberry makes variation itself to the
media industry and people lifestyle. In Indonesia, this smartphone has been increased
until 400 percents in 2009 since they firstly appeared in 2004. At the first, Blackberry is
created to facilitate the communication among businessmen. But today they become
a common phenomenon as a youth lifestyle. Because this communication device
offers an exclusivity which doesn’t offered by another communication devices -such as
integrating of access of media social (facebook, twitter, blog, tumblr, etc), interpersonal
communication media (email, sms, telephone, etc) and another interesting tools such
as camera, video recorder, music, storage device, reading and typing device, etc. In
this case, the capitalist seems like an opportunist to exploit profit from consumer. They
transformed this smartphone become a main commodity as a complementary of youth
social intercourse through advertisement or developing their features closer to youth
in order to increase the dependence to them. Eventually, this pattern can create the
social gap especially in youth generation. Thus by this mechanism, youth identity can
be shaped and identified.
Keywords: Youth, BlackBerry, Commodification of Lifestyle, Social Gap, Social Identity
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 69
Symbolic Domination in the Social Media
Gita Aprinta EB
Pusat Konsultasi Nasional, Semarang
Social Media brings the new ways in way of communication and to reach audiences.
Ideally, social media should become a place that its free from domination, but in fact
social media isn’t free from dominaton when there is a dominating information other
information because social media is being used simply as another communication tool
rather than being understood for the unique ways in which it can impact the audience.
This paper attempts to disclose the symbolic domination discourse through the series
of Twitter texts using semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes. The data also viewed from
the Pierre’s Bourdeau’s perspective of language and symbolic power. From this paper,
we found that: the twitter’s texts produced symbolic domination in order to againts the
minorstream opinions.
Keywords: Social Media, Semiotics, Twitter and Symbolic Domination
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 70
Why Shop On Facebook? A Study On Factors That Drives The
Change Of Youth’s Shopping Behavior
Albert & Hersinta
The London School of Public Relations
Youth are usually act as the agent of change, who are much exposed the
development of technology such as social media like Facebook and Twitter. In
Indonesia, Facebook has become the largest social media, being the second place in
user number, comparing to other countries. As a result, shopping through social media
has become a trend, with the increasing number of online shops growing rapidly.
This paper focuses on interpreting factors which affect young people to do online
shopping in Facebook, from online characteristic factors which include cultural, social,
personal and psychological factors. In this research, digital native users as consumers
from various online shop in Facebook were interviewed and observed as informants.
From interviews and observations, there are two main factors that drive consumers
to do online shopping in Facebook, first is convenience and the second is customer
service such as completeness, safetyness and competitive price, compared to the
traditional (offline) shops and also other online shops such as webstore and community
Keywords: Youth, Buying Behavior, Social Media
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 71
Partisipasi Masyarakat Informasi melalui Media Online di Indonesia
Fiona Suwana
The London School of Public Relations
Setiap manusia selalu butuh informasi untuk kehidupan mereka, baik dalam
mendapatkan atau memberikannya. Dalam masyarakat jaringan global, perkembangan
arus informasi menjadi lebih cepat karena adanya kemajuan teknologi informasi dan
komunikasi. Teknologi informasi termasuk media massa seperti radio, situs televisi,
dan yang terakhir internet semakin membuka ruang untuk kebebasan informasi.
Kemajuan dalam dunia teknologi informasi jadi membuat dunia ini seperti ruang tanpa
batas. Masyarakat bisa langsung mengetahui berbagai informasi baik nasional dan
internasional dengan mudah dan cepat.
Perkembangan pesat akan teknologi informasi internet juga terjadi di Indonesia,
dapat terlihat dari hasil penelitian Citizens in @ction, Yanuar Nugroho (2011) yang
telah memetakan aktivisme masyarakat sipil Indonesia melalui media sosial semakin
bisa menunjukkan perkembangan negara Indonesia sangat dinamis baik sebagai
ruang maya (online) maupun pasar yang aktif, tumbuh, dan besar. Walaupun sebagian
masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan media sosial dan internet untuk bersosialisasi,
namun bermunculan juga penggunaan untuk menggalang solidaritas, dan gerakan
Ketika gerakan warga semakin bermunculan dalam media online di Indonesia
diharapkan masyarakat tidak hanya menerima informasi, tetapi seharusnya juga
dapat melanjutkan informasi kepada sekitarnya. Namun, apakah perkembangan
tersebut juga semakin sejalan dengan penyerapannya para pengguna media sosial
dan internet ketika mereka sudah semakin dimudahkan penerimaan informasinya.
Ketika sudah menerima, apakah mereka bisa menggunakan, memberikan, bahkan
menyebarkan informasi tersebut kepada sekitarnya sehingga bisa berdampak secara
positif. Ini menunjukkan bahwa proses penyerapan menjadi penting daripada sekadar
memberikan informasi yang selanjutnya tidak dapat digunakan. Permasalahan ini
akan menarik diteliti, mengingat berbagai faktor yang bisa dilihat baik secara internal
(kemampuan, kapabilitas, keinginan) maupun eksternal (akses, aturan, fasilitas) dari
para aktivitis dan penerima informasi media sosial dan internet di Indonesia.
Kata kunci: media online, perubahan sosial, penyerapan informasi, masyarakat
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 72
Influence Degre of Believe Student Through Information Content
in Social Media – Internet to Oral communication (Word of Mouth)
Ilham Prisgunanto
The London School of Public Relations
This research want to measure that student level of reliability in the social network
affected by oral communications style they in everyday-life. The purpose of this
research want to know both of it correlation concordance and measure the student
level of reliability to social network, especially internet.
Theory used in this research is Word of Mouth Ian Safko’s model which mentions
that communications Word of Mouth so affected by of information spreading which
there in usage internet (Wiley, 2010). Known that so previous socioeconomic strata
and experience positive induction at netter.
Research uses quantitative model by using 3 variables, namely; Word of Mouth,
(Degre of believe) Tingkat Kepercayaan and Perilaku mengakses (access behaviour
netter). The used scale is semantic differential by using linear regression data
processing. Population of this research any campus in Jakarta, about 400 student,
and sample use simple random sampling abut 80 student. Reliability test result of this
research is known by value of reliability is 0,8 so researches can be continued.
Research finding indicate that level of student to social network of internet in run
of the mill category, does not fully believe. Confirmation to conventional media (TV,
radio and newspaper) still high. of regression test is known that value which is gotten
by r = 0,140 with p value 0,02. So clear seen, it is true that there is influence but its
value is very small only 0,14, for information of internet (social network). Formula which
can be used to see value of increase is y = 8,595 +0,391Xs
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 73
Social Media Discussions: Issues And Trends On Social Networks
Sites (SNS) In “Korean Times”
(Content Analysis Of Newspaper Articles “KOREAN TIMES” 201112)
Valeriya Alimzhanova
Korea is one of the countries where social networks are not only well established
and developed, but also they attract close attention of governmental, social and
cultural institutions. This fact is reflected in numbers of articles regularly appearing in
printed media. ”Korean Times” is one of the countries most influential English speaking
newspapers that continually traces issues and trends emerging in social media. The
varieties of viewpoints and real life study cases give reach material for scholar studies
and discussions on social media phenomena.
This research focuses on newspaper articles in English speaking newspaper
“Korean Times” in period 2011-2012, dedicated to social media. The method of research
is content analysis.
The aim of research is to identify articles dedicated to social media sites, to
analyze their content, to evaluate their numbers, general and specific views expressed
in articles and summarize main trends and approaches on viewing social media and
its role in society.
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 74
ICT as a Career for Young Women
Prof. Jude William Genilo
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
The paper explores the reasons behind why women in developed and developing
countries are not interested to have careers in the Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Sector. In spite of the expansion of ICT professions, few women get
vocational training and enter academic programs leading to ICT professions. Many
authors point to the Socialization Theory to explain the phenomenon –the learning of
gender roles from infancy dictate future career choice.
Moreover, scholars have mentioned the following factors that discourage women
to enter the profession – macho culture, image of ICT as nerdy, feeling of isolation,
extreme work pressure, glass ceiling phenomenon and ageism. The paper ends with
a presentation of policy frameworks devised in some countries that deal with women
under-representation in the ICT sector. The endeavors of some corporations to attract
women to the field are likewise discussed.
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 75
Media Massa Dapat Menjadi “Mesin” Kekuasaan Dan Konglomerasi
Bisnis (Perspektif Ekonomi Politik Media)
Dr. Emrus
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Perubahan dari rejim otoriter ke era reformasi membawa dampak sangat signifikan
pada aktivitas media massa (MM) di Indonesia. Era reformasi, MM memiliki kebebasan
yang luar biasa. MM memiliki otonomi yang sangat luas sebagai agen perubahan
yang mampu membentuk opini, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat. Bahkan MM mampu
mengarahkan publik melakukan suatu tindakan sosial tertentu pada saat tertentu.
Tindakan sosial sebagai produk interaksi, salah satu melalui MM. Sesungguhnya
tindakan sosial itu menunjukkan keberadaan manusia dalam suatu sistem sosial.
Sebab, MM dapat mengkonstruksi cara berpikir, bersikap dan berperilaku manusia
dalam suatu lingkungan sosial tertentu, misalnya negara.
Kemampuan luar biasa tersebut mendorong dan sekaligus menjadi peluang
bagipara konglomerat di Indonesia memiliki (berbagai) MM. Bagimereka, kenyataan
menunjukkan, MM menjadi “mesin” politik kekuasaan, usaha profit dan sekaligus
memperkuat basis konglomerasi bisnis lain (di luar MM). Bahkan saat ini di Indonesia
sedang terjadi konglomerasi media, sejumlah media dimiliki oleh seorang atau
sekelompok pemodal,sebagai produk kapitalisasi global. Oleh karena itu, kapitalisasi
yang terjadi pada MM membuat institusi media tidak mampu lagi berkata ‘apaadanya’
kepada publik, namun lebih cenderung berkata ‘ada apa’ di balik setiap produk si
pesan yang disampaikan melalui MM.
Kata Kunci: Media Massa, Kekuasaan Politik, Kapitalisasi Media
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No. 76
Pers sebagai “Watchdog” dan Pilar Keempat Demokrasi
Victor Silaen
Universitas Pelita Harapan
In the post-Soeharto era, Indonesia has experienced radical change in its political
system. As we know, Indonesian political system has changed from authoritarian to
democracy. Such rapid change has been followed by political and cultural change in
the press system: to be very free and bolder press. In the other side, press also more
Then as a consequence, Indonesian press today can be classified as the fourth
estate of democracy. These changes would have to be supported by the press that
more and more professional, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Certainly it is not
easy, that is why everyone should support it, both in funding and development of
human resources. Press Indonesia also have to increase its role as “watchdog” constantly, who
always barking for any deviations that occur in state institutions and in society.
Keywords: the Indonesian political system, democracy, press, the role of the press.
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 77
Strategy of Internet Radio Program In Competition Conventional
Radio (Studies on Berisikradio.Com)
Dian Kusuma Sartika and Lestari Nurhajati
University of Al Azhar
The development of the radio world today has been progressing very rapidly.
Radio can also be heard via the internet, many of which resemble radio programs
are unique. Berisikradio.Com is one of the internet radio show programs are uniquely
packaged. Program strategies that are used are not much different from other radio
but the application was doing right in accordance with the segmentation of the radio
itself as an internet radio that plays music indie. This study aims to determine the type
of program that uses strategies so that this radio can still continue to compete and
provide programs that are attractive to a wide audience.
This study used descriptive qualitative method for this study the author gives
an explanation of how the strategies undertaken in order to compete with existing
conventional radio at this time, by conducting interviews with informan and observation.
From the results of research conducted through interviews and observations of
what strategy to use internet radio Berisikradio.Com has adopted the right strategies
with quality programs and with a significant number of listeners and the radio is no less
intense with other internet radio, as well as conventional radio stations that exist.
Keywords: Internet Radio, Program Strategies
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Youth, Media, and Social Change
No. 78
Media Planning Strategies in Increasing Sales of Ring Back Tone
(Study On Legna Band)
Raditya Pramana and Lestari Nurhajati
University of Al Azhar
This research titled Strategic Media Planning in Increasing Sales of Ring Back
Tone in Legna Band Studies. The background of this research problem is how the media
strategy planning in increasing sales of Ring Back Tone is where today’s increasingly
rampant piracy music album.
Formulation of the problem is how the band’s media strategy planning of Ring
Back Tone in increasing sales through advertising media. This study aims to determine
the media strategy planning Legna band in increasing sales of Ring Back Tone.
Theory used in this study is the theory that media planning in which there are the
concepts of planning media strategies, such as the determination of the media, media
buying and the cost incurred. And steps in increasing product sales.
The research method used in this study is qualitative research methods. Informants
who used amounted to three persons, where every informant is that knowing and
understanding of media planning as well as measures to increase sales of products
that is, people who work in Legna band management.
The results obtained from the research that has been done indicates that the
informant has provided an understanding of media strategy planning such as
determination of the media, media buying and cost already incurred and steps taken
to increase the sales of Ring Back Tone. From sales that have been sold, the results
can be said to be more profitable to management and providers because they are not
distributed tp the respective Legna Band.
Keywords: Media Planning Strategies, Increasing Sales, Ring Back Tone
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Paper No. 79
Social Media, Political Communication, and Social Change: A Case
Study in Indonesian Executive Branch
Rendro Dhani
The London School of Public Relations
Though the uses and the benefits of social media in political communication have
been proven widely in different countries, the executive branch in Indonesia apparently
has yet to maximize it in political process. This qualitative study aims to demonstrate how
social media actually has important roles for the presidency, both in running the day-today administration, improving public trust, and bring social change. By using content
analysis and critical thinking analysis, it found that the executive branch in Indonesia
uses social media infrequently on political communication. Despite of not realizing its
benefits, there are many possible-contributing factors why the executive branch does
not make use of ICT in the political communication intensively. The significant of this
research is therefore to give input to the central and local government throughout
Indonesia to maximize the use of social media in their political communication.
Keywords: Social Media, Political Communication, Social Change, Executive Branch
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Paper No. 80
Ebrahim Mohammed Al-Akwaa
Che Su Mustaffa
Hassan Abu Bakar
Communication Programme
College of Arts and Sciences
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Jitra, Kedah
[email protected]
This paper is designed to investigate the role of public relations in crisis
management with regard to organizations in Yemen. Public relations (PR) are a
management function that determines the general policies of an organization.
The PR department helps to reduce negative effects of these policies between
the organization and the public. During crises, public relations help the return to
normal and minimize losses as a result of crises. PR also plays an important role in
managing and sustaining positive organizational image. Public relations bring about
the preparedness needed in dealing with crises. This paper uses a survey method
to collect data from 200 public relations managers in public and private sectors in
Yemen. The method of analysis is primarily quantitative in nature. The study reveals a
significant relationship between the roles of public relations and crisis management.
Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that organizations in Yemen
pay attention to this role of public relations and focus on having strategies for dealing
with crises.
Keywords: Public relations; public relations roles; crisis management; public sectors;
private sectors; quantitative; Arabic countries.
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