Immaculate Conception School The Graduating Class of 2015
Immaculate Conception School The Graduating Class of 2015
Immaculate Conception School The Graduating Class of 2015 We Salute you! We Thank you! We wish you the choicest of God’s blessings Chloe Barbezat Sofia Nicola Gallegra Raphael Soriano Bartolome Matthew C. Gerety Sean Francis Beirne Melissa Megan Germano Katherine Nicole Bonarrigo John Carlos Costa Gomes Liam R. Byrne Giulian A. Lenz Juliana Rose Cacciola Dina Marie Leonard Kaitlyn Caravello Jeffrey G. Rivera Ryan Caravello Ryan Michael Rogers Ashley Anne Cavanaugh William Robert Rugai Alison Lee Collins Evelyn Rose Shanoff Floralyt Paulino DeJesus Steven Henry Thomas, Jr. Amanda Catherine Denning Amanda Marie Tiso Aurora Carmela DeSantis Pamela Martins Trevisan Mark Richard Dmytryshyn Jocelyn H. Wazolek Jack Thomas Gagan Gianna C. Woodin June 14, 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 14, 2015 - Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 33, No. 24 Immaculate Conception Church Saturday, June 13 Vigil: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 PM Armando Frusciante Sunday, June 14 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 AM Adriano Alves 9:00 AM Venditto & Battista Families 10:30 AMRobert Reisman 12:00 PMParishioners and Their Families 5:30 PM Mary Margaret Kelly Monday, June 15 Weekday 8:30 AM Monsignor Anthony Maltese 12:00 PMDomenico Troncone Tuesday, June 16 Weekday 8:30 AM Martin Enright 12:00 PMJohn Puz Wednesday, June 17 Weekday 8:30 AM John O’Connor 12:00 PMJohn O’Connor Thursday, June 18 Weekday 8:30 AM Angelina Riccio 12:00 PMMichele Sollecito Friday, June 19 St. Romuald 8:30 AM Marcelo & Carmen Cruz Elpidio & Sixta Luiz 12:00 PMRose, Mary & Deceased of Maltese Family Saturday, June 20 Weekday 8:30 AM Rosemary Albano Saturday, June 20 Vigil: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 PM Frank & Serafina Calabro Sunday, June 21 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 AM Alfred & Jennie Rizzo 9:00 AM Gino Battista 10:30 AMPasquale C. D’Onofrio 12:00 PMGiovanni & Domenica Bellantoni and Domenico Richichi 5:30 PM Parishioners and Their Families III Diego Herus & Jamie Wood Mem. II Christopher Burkhart & Mary McMahon Daniel Coyle & Jocelyn Ventura Mem. Mem. Collection for June 7 Church of the Immaculate Conception: $12,370 Church of the Assumption: $2,665 Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Please Remember to Pray for the Sick: Bill Celestino • Bernadette Gleason Culhane Maria Rose D’Onofrio • Rose De Benedictis • Elena DiLeo Maria Faber • Alfred Fenzel • Jacqueline Henwood Ana Herrera • Helen Leone • Danny MacMenamin Ian Manzares • William McQuade • Evelyn Michels Angelo Nurzia • Paula Piluso • William Ranieri • John Risi Margaret Scott • Lawrence Smith • Mary Patricia Spruck Lisa Vertullo • Frank Zeolla and for the Departed: Vito Luongo • Anna Porcelli Scripture Readings: June 15 - June 21 Mem. Mem. Mon: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10; Ps 98; Matthew 5:38-42 Tues: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9; Ps 146; Matthew 5:43-48 Wed: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11; Ps 112; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Thurs: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Ps 111; Matthew 6:7-15 Fri: 2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34; Matthew 6:19-23 Sat: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Ps 34; Matthew 6:24-34 Sun: Job 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; Mark 4:35-41 Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Mem. Make A Difference in the World! It’s Easy! Assumption Church Sat 6/13 7:30 PM Maria & Joseph Marcoccia Sun 6/14 8:30 AM Parishioners and Their Families 10:30 AM Vito, Loreto & Gerardo Mignardi 12:00 PM Margaret & Charles Gotsch Mon 6/15 7:30 AM An Increase in Vocations Tues 6/16 7:30 AM Michael & Rosaria Grasso Wed 6/17 7:30 AM Peace in the World Thurs 6/18 7:30 AM Donato T. Pinto Fri 6/19 7:30 AM Josephine Summo Sat 6/20 8:30 AM Giuseppe & Maria Marcoccia 7:30 PM Maria & Lorenzo Gizzo Sun 6/21 8:30 AM Antonino Lamberti 10:30 AM Felicia De Luca 12:00 PM Parishioners and Their Families Wedding Banns Pray that young men in Our Archdiocese will hear and answer God’s call to the priesthood. For more information, contact Fr. Luke Sweeney or Fr. Luis Saldaña at (914) 968-1340 or [email protected] or visit The Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are scheduled at 1:30 PM every Sunday at Immaculate Conception. Baptisms are scheduled by request at Assumption for parishioners. Call the rectory as soon as possible to make arrangements. Baptismal catechesis (instruction) is offered on one Thursday of each month. The Sacrament of Matrimony: Please make an appointment with a member of the clergy at least six months in advance, prior to any other plans for your expected wedding date. Communion Calls for the Home Bound: Weekly or monthly. Please call the rectory to arrange visitations. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Anytime day or night. Call 961-3643. Registration: New Parishioners may register by visiting one of the priests or by calling the rectory: 961-3643. -1- 422IC/A On the cover of the Bulletin are the names of our School’s Graduating Class of 2015. I congratulate them in receiving their diplomas, this past Friday Evening. I thank their parents and guardians for the many sacrifices they offered up so that their child could attend a Catholic School: well worth the sacrifice. We should all be proud of our school. Under the leadership of Ms. Harten, and with the dedication of our faculty and staff, our school leads the others in its technology, in its spirit and its Catholic Identity. Catholic education is imperative. And I thank all those who support our Catholic schools. Our school started in 1911 with one classroom in the old Church. In 1913, the Sisters of St. Francis were invited to staff the school and the Sisters of St. Francis had been in our school until 2010. Graduation day for all students is a great day. There is the pride only parents can feel for their children; there is also the pride of the teachers, as well as the pride on the part of the graduate in accomplishing the goal. There is also a bit of nervousness or even fear, about leaving school and venturing onto something new and unfamiliar. For many of our graduates, they have spent up to 9 or even 10 years in the same school, with the familiar faces of their teachers, classmates and staff. Now it is time for them to leave and go on to high school. Saying goodbye is never easy, but very necessary to grow and mature. Then there is the experience of the college grad going off into the “real world.” But of all the joys of graduation ceremonies, the Baccalaureate Mass, for me, is the most important. Receiving a diploma means one has accomplished something academic, one has passed all the tests and been duly instructed. Hopefully, the knowledge will become wisdom, which is the right use of the knowledge learned. Every Catholic school from elementary to university offers a Baccalaureate Mass before the academic convocation. At the Mass, the graduates gather to worship and thank God for their gifts and talents, their life, faith and family. At the Mass the important things are celebrated: God, values, purpose of life, family and friendships. It is only when we have a grateful heart to God, that the academic should be celebrated and understood. This past Friday, our school celebrated its 104th Graduation Class. Thirty students were graduated and twenty-eight of them are going off to a Catholic High School. We are very proud of the Class of 2015. The members of the Class of 2015 are very talented, bright, and just a bunch of good, happy kids. We are going to miss them around our school. I know they will do well in high school because of the influence of Catholic education. We can teach something that the public schools can’t; we can teach to the whole child: mind, body and especially the soul. I also want to congratulate all our parishioners of the Class of 2015: elementary, high school, college and graduate school. Enjoy your summer vacation; it is very important to relax during the summer, to have recreation, to have leisure, to have family time. And don’t forget to go to Mass! Congratulations all! It was on this day, three years ago, June 14, 2012, that we broke ground for our new gym. I will never forget that day with all the kids with their hard hats on, and shovels in their hands overturning the dirt. It would take 14 months to complete. And today stands a beautiful and new gym in testimony to your generosity and goodness. Father Raaser Schedule Saturday, June 13 St. Anthony Mass & Reception 7:30 PM Assumption & Hall Monday, June 15 Exposition 12:30 - 7:00 PM Immaculate Conception Bereavement Support 7:00 PM Meeting House Knights of Columbus 7:45 PM Fr. Fata Hall Tuesday, June 16 Dinner Served to the HOPE Community Retreats Reunion Luncheon 12:30 PM Choir 7:30 PM Immaculate Conception Legion of Mary 7:30 PM Meeting House Cenacles of Life 6:00 PM Immaculate Conception Bible Study 7:30 PM Lower Rectory Wednesday, June 17 Sunday, June 21 Father’s Day Breakfast after Mass Assumption Monday, June 22 Exposition Burrata’s Restaurant Altar Rosary Society -2- 12:30 - 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Immaculate Conception Fr. Fata Hall 422IC/A 18th Annual Father’s Day Breakfast During the month of May, we welcomed into our On June 21st, after the morning Masses, all fathers, grandfathers, godfathers and men of the parish will be honored with a breakfast in Father Fata Memorial Hall. A group of women from the Assumption Altar Rosary Society will prepare and serve the food. All are welcome! B Parish Family the newly baptized: A Zachary Aaron Alfano, P Joseph Anthony Falco, T Annaleigh Tamar Flowers, Armani King Francis, Connor Martin Geagan, Philip Esten Jakeway, V, Grace Jean La Manna, S Michael Alfredo Martins, Eamon Joseph O’Reilly, M Julia Pia Pellettieri, Catherine Annalisa Piccirillo, S Griffin Joseph Schepis,Isabelle Victoria Walters I Travelling? If you will be travelling in the United States and want to find the nearest Roman Catholic Church and its Mass schedule, you can visit the Mass Times site on the Internet: http:// (you may want to sort the results by distances) or call Mass Times at 1-410-676-6000. Many foreign cities are also included. Dealing with Grief - Monday, June 15 The Bereavement Support Group offers a safe environment, enriched by our faith, where we share our sorrow. As you relate your story to others who are grieving, you learn strategies for coping and discover you are not alone. Find comfort in our community and experience the presence of Jesus as you move from sadness to consolation. Our meetings are at 7:00 PM in the Meeting House on Winter Hill Road. For a complete schedule of meetings, to register, or to speak to a grief counselor, call 793-7267. All are welcome. ICS News ICS has two more trophies for their (soon to be) trophy case. In the May 17 Cross County Track Meet, the ICS Girls came in Third Place in the CYO County Championships and the ICS Boys Team came in First Place. To see a list of our winners, visit the ICS web site: Use the ICS Programs menu; select Team Crusaders Sports. The Knights of Columbus - June 15 The Reverend John Keogh Council meets on the third Monday of every month at 7:45 PM at the Chambers on the lower floor of Father Fata Hall. All members are urged to attend. For more information on the Keogh Council, visit the web site at: HOPE Soup Kitchen - June 16 Due to the increased number of people in need of meals at the HOPE soup kitchen, we are reaching beyond our dedicated group of “Volunteer Angels” who cook and donate food once a month to anyone able to help whenever possible. The next scheduled day for our Parish is Tuesday, June 16. The menu consists of cold chicken (legs and thighs), 2 dozen hard-boiled eggs (stored in carton), and 2 large bags of mixed salad greens and a bottle of Italian dressing (donations of any of the above are appreciated). Aluminum pans or plastic bags will be available on the back porch of the rectory for the cooked entree (enough for 10-15 people). Food should be brought to the Immaculate Conception rectory back porch by 2:30 PM on the designated days. For information, call Kathy Doscher: 337-3356 or visit: Pregnant? Need Help? 914-235-0505 or 1-800-640-0767. Absolutely Confidential - Total Services Free. Consider ICS Immaculate Conception School is a Pre-K through grade 8 school where Gospel truths, values, and attitudes are primary to the work of education. In addition to having an excellent academic program, there are Before- and After-Care options and a wide variety of extracurricular activities. ICS is accredited by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. Applications for the 2015-2016 academic year are available at the school office. Phone: 961-3785, or email: Mrs. Elisabeth Ranallo, Admissions: [email protected] or Ms. Maureen Harten, Principal: mjharten@ Parish School of Religion Our office is open until Thursday, June 25th for re-registrations and new registrations. We are hoping to have as many students as possible registered for the upcoming school year before the summer break. Office hours are Monday - Thursday, 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Call 961-1076 for information or if a special appointment is necessary. New to the Parish? Register Online: -3- 422IC/A Vacation Bible Camp Returns! Register by June 21 Bible Camp will take place August 17-21, 8:45 -11:45 AM in the lower church. This year’s theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Come join us for a week filled with faith, fun and friends! Bible Camp is for children entering grades 1-6 and the cost is $75 per child. Our Teen Bible camp is for pre-teens & teens entering grades 7-12; the cost is $25 per teen. Register ASAP! Spaces fill up fast and registrations are due by June 21. Download your registration form at Status Report As of June 5, 2015 Goal Pledged Collected Number of Donors Family Day has been postponed The Archdiocesan Family Day, originally scheduled for June 27, has been postponed. We will keep you advised of new developments. Parish Blood Drive - Sunday, June 28 Assumption Immaculate Conception $19,500 $125,000 $13,705 $118,147 $11,872 $107,533 74 320 Adult Faith Formation Retreats Reunion Lunch - Tuesday, June 16 Our parish blood drive will be held in the Lower Church on Sunday, June 28, from 8:30 AM to 1:45 PM. Our last appointment will be at 1:30 PM. Anyone in good health between 17 and 75 years of age can be a donor, as long as your last blood donation was made before May 3 (56 days prior to our drive). There is an acute shortage of blood. Please try to donate. You could save a life. Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus Keogh Council #2108. We are having a luncheon at Burrata’s Wood Fired Pizza at 12:30 PM on Tuesday, June 16, for all participants of the 33 Days to Morning Glory and the Come and See Do It Yourself at Home Retreat members as well as anyone interested in either retreat. Choose from three different kinds of pizza! Add either a salad or soup! Total cost, including tip: lunch and beverage other than water: $15.00; $12.00 for lunch and water as a beverage. RSVP Sr. Cora. Payment collected at the luncheon. Hospitality Sunday – July 5 RSVP Sr. Cora for Adult Faith Formation Hospitality at Assumption will be after the morning Masses in Fr. Fata Hall. The Hospitality Committee will be in Fr. Fata Hall starting at 7:00 AM to accept baked or bought goodies. Assumption Raffle Cancelled for 2015 E-mail: [email protected] • Call: 961-3643 Visit: Community Notes History Camp - July 13-17 There will be no Assumption raffle this year. However, there The Eastchester Historical Society is holding a History Camp will be a celebration of the Feast of the Assumption after the from July 13-17 from 9:30-12:45 for students entering 5th -8th 7:30 PM Mass on Saturday, August 15 in Fr. Fata Hall. grades. Donation is $100. Additional information and the Registration form can be found at Summer Mass Schedule During July and August, there will be no 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays at Immaculate ConcepCamp Veritas 2015 tion. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Sunday Masses at Immaculate Concep- Camp Veritas is a one-week play-and-pray sleep away sumtion this summer will be at 7:45 and 10:00 AM, mer camp for teens going into 7th through 12th grades. It Noon, and 5:30 PM. will be held at three USA locations in 2015. July 19-25 at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY, July 26 - AuDid You Miss Anything? gust 1 at Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg, MD, and AuOccasionally, there is time-sensitive information or reminders that we would like to get to our parishioners. We would gust 16-22 at Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, NY. Enrollment is like to be able to send e-mail notices when this happens (not now open. The cost for each week is $400 per camper. More on a regular basis - but occasionally). If you would like to details can be found at be included in these e-mail blasts, please send an e-mail to Pregnant? Need Help? 914-235-0505 or 1-800-640-0767. [email protected]. And unblock us if necAbsolutely Confidential - Total Services Free. essary. You can opt off the list at any time. -4- 422IC/A
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